Minneapolis Protesters Raise Somali Flag

On December 30, a 23-year-old man named Dolal Idd, who was wanted on felony charges, fired on Minneapolis police officers, who returned fire and killed him. Despite the fact that what happened is clear and there is no actual question of excessive force by the police, hundreds of people protested Sunday, claiming that Idd had been treated unjustly. In the course of the protests, some of the participants replaced an American flag that was flying over a South Minneapolis gas station with a Somali flag. It was a telling indication of what mass immigration without assimilation has already done to this country, and what it is likely to do in the future.
Joe Biden is set to reopen the mass migration floodgates, and so it is virtually certain that before too long, numerous Somalis will enter the United States and further increase the Somali population in Minneapolis and elsewhere. Will any attempt whatsoever be made to ensure that the people entering the United States will become loyal citizens, or at very least loyal residents, and that they will accept American values including? Will any attempt whatsoever be made to ensure that none of those immigrants who are coming in are Islamic jihadis?
Those who took down the American flag and raised the Somali flag in Minneapolis may not be jihadis, but they certainly don’t seem to be interested in expressing any gratitude to the country that welcomed them, or in maintaining any loyalty to it. Meanwhile, other migrants from Somalia have indeed been jihadis: a Somali Muslim migrant named Mohammad Barry in February 2016 stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian; Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, in October 2016 stabbed mall shoppers in St. Cloud, Minnesota (not too far from where the protesters raised the Somali flag) while screaming “Allahu akbar”; and Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, in November 2016 injured nine people with car and knife attacks at Ohio State University.
What’s more, Fox News reported in February 2019 that “more men and boys from a Somali American community in Minneapolis have joined – or attempted to join – a foreign terrorist organization over the last 12 years than any other jurisdiction in the country. FBI stats show 45 Somalis left to join the ranks of either the Somalia-based Islamic insurgency al-Shabab, or the Iraq- and Syria-based ISIS combined. And as of 2018, a dozen more had been arrested with the intention of leaving to support ISIS. Both numbers are far higher than those of alleged terrorist wannabes who left or attempted to leave the country from other areas in the country where Muslim refugees have been resettled.”
Hassan Sheikh Ali, a lecturer on international relations at Somali National University, hailed Biden’s vow to repeal Trump’s travel bans on entry from jihadi hotspots. “Many Somali families,” he explained, “who were in the process of uniting with their relatives in America have been affected. Their life has been put on hold by that decision. There are many Somalis in Somalia and America who want to see Trump out of office because of that.”
That tugs at the heartstrings, but forgotten amid the lovefest is the president’s responsibility to protect the citizens of the United States and America as a free society. Nothing is more certain than the fact that Joe Biden will do nothing whatsoever to ensure that those coming in from Somalia won’t put their loyalty to Somalia over their loyalty to the United States, like the protesters who raised the Somali flag in South Minneapolis. Just as absolutely certain is the fact that no efforts whatsoever will be made to ensure that none of the Somalis entering will be jihadis. Instead, any and all such concerns will be brushed aside as “racism,” and the doors will be flung open wide.
A modest proposal: all “lawmakers” who henceforth support measures allowing for unrestricted, unvetted mass immigration should be held legally liable for any crimes committed by those who enter as a result. But of course there is no chance of such a proposal being adopted: now more than ever, those who rule over us will be insulated from the consequences of their actions, and the American people will have no recourse.
House passes resolution calling on President to ‘make the repeal of blasphemy, heresy, and apostasy laws a priority’
France: Over 40% of teachers say they self-censor to avoid offending their Muslim students
UK: Muslim who murdered three while screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ had avoided deportation because Libya was unstable
American Muslims for Palestine top dog: Hamas wants to destroy Israel completely, but can’t say that openly
Iran’s Supreme National Security Council: Iran Done with Tolerating Israel, Punishment Awaiting Netanyahu Now
Saudis end embargo with Qatar, pledge unity to confront ‘regional challenges’ and Iran
Erdogan vows to ’employ his country’s military to secure Turkey’s place in a rebalanced new world order’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Introduction to Political Islam with Al Fadi, a former Muslim

I have done many interviews about the foundations of Political Islam, but I find this interview to be one of the best. We begin with my personal history that led to learning about Islam, and then discuss various topics such as:

  • Why you don’t want to start out learning about Islam by reading the Koran
  • Knowing the life of Mohammed, the Sira, is the easiest way to learn about Islam and the most efficient use of your time
  • There is a law of saturation for Islam. After Islam enters a nation, in a matter of time, the nation becomes completely Islamic

This is the first of several interviews with Al Fadi about Political Islam. More will follow.

©Bill Warner. All rights reserved. Please subscribe to my newsletter at https://www.politicalislam.com/.

VIRGINIA: Muslim professing love for Allah murders two, county attorney says we ‘may never know’ his motive

Ivan Maertens Aramayo is Ayanna Maertens Griffin’s father. In this Washington Post report, consistent with the establishment media’s never-ending mission to exonerate Islam from all crimes done in its name and in accord with its teachings, he offers two quotations from the Qur’an, apparently in order to establish that what Mohamed Aly did was completely inconsistent with his “professed love for Allah.”
The first one (“And do not kill one another…”) is Qur’an 4:29. The full verse is: “O you who believe, do not squander your wealth among yourselves in vanity, except in a trade by mutual consent, and do not kill yourselves [or one another]. Indeed, Allah is always merciful to you.” It is thus clearly addressed to “you who believe,” and does not override the Qur’an’s thrice-repeated imperative to kill unbelievers (2:191, 4:89, 9:5).
The other quote is Qur’an 5:32, which is one of the most oft-quoted verses of the Qur’an, the one that Western non-Muslim leaders refer to frequently in order to establish that Islam is a religion of peace. There is, however, less to it than Western leaders and Islamic apologists claim. It is not a general prohibition of killing: there are big exceptions to the prohibition on killing, for “manslaughter or corruption on the earth.” Also, this prohibition is not a general command, but is specifically directed at the children of Israel. After it was given, “many of them committed excesses on earth,” so all this passage is really saying is that Allah gave a command to the children of Israel and they transgressed against it. Some Islamic authorities interpret this passage in a supremacist manner, as applying only to Muslims. The eighth-century Muslim jurist Sa’id bin Jubayr is said to have explained: “He who allows himself to shed the blood of a Muslim, is like he who allows shedding the blood of all people. He who forbids shedding the blood of one Muslim, is like he who forbids shedding the blood of all people.” Then 5:33 continues from 5:32 and makes clear the dire punishments that are prescribed for the corruption and transgressions of the children of Israel, and a warning to the Jews to stop their bad behavior. Seen in its light, this celebrated passage, Qur’an 5:32, is explaining what must be done with Jews who reject the messenger and commit the vague sin of spreading corruption on earth. Contrary to popular belief in the West, the passage is not dictating lofty moral principles.
Meanwhile, is anyone even looking into the possibility that Mohamed Aly’s murders of Ayanna Maertens Griffin and Ntombo Joel Bianda may be tied to his “love for Allah”? Or has such an investigation been dismissed out of hand as “Islamophobic”?
“Nearly a year after a young couple were killed, a guilty plea provides few answers,” by Rachel Weiner, Washington Post, January 4, 2021 (thanks to Darcy):

…Ayanna Maertens Griffin, 18, and her boyfriend, Ntombo Joel Bianda, 21, were shot to death in southern Halifax County nearly a year ago. An 18-year-old student at Alexandria’s T.C. Williams High School was quickly arrested and confessed. Mohamed Aly pleaded guilty in December to first-degree murder counts and sentenced to four life terms, but his reasons for killing two acquaintances remain a mystery.
“One of the most painful aspects of this case is that the family may never know Aly’s motive to murder their loved ones. We are all left asking, why?” Halifax Commonwealth’s Attorney Tracy Quackenbush Martin said in a statement. “We may never have an answer to that question.”…
After the arrest, Maertens Aramayo had looked at Aly’s social media pages and saw that the teenager professed love for Allah. A Roman Catholic himself, he studied theology, and what he knew about Islam gave him an opening. He offered two quotes from the Koran:
“And do not kill one another, for God is indeed merciful unto you” and “Whoever kills an innocent life, it is as if he has killed all of humanity.”

Iran’s Rouhani on Trump: ‘In a Few Days, the Life of This Criminal Will End’
Muslim Former US Professor and Leftist Media Darling Renews Call for Israel’s Destruction
Islamic State jihadi bought sex slaves with welfare money he got from France
Emboldened Iran’s parliament approves mandate ‘to destroy the usurping Zionist regime’
UK: Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ murders 3, court trying to determine if he had religious motive
Baghdad: Iran-backed militia breaks coronavirus restrictions to hold ‘million person march’ honoring Soleimani
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Some of the expectations and challenges confronting the Middle East in the wake of the upcoming Biden administration

In Iran, which has been eagerly looking forward to the return of a nuclear agreement reached with the Obama administration, the excitement is evident after it was announced that Biden would be the new occupant of the White House in under two weeks.
However, the Islamic Republic, known for its shenanigans to maintain its grip on the Persian Gulf area, now faces a new reality: namely, a rapidly growing Israeli-Arab alliance (mainly with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain) to counter Iranian challenges.
No wonder, Israel’s warm relationship with the United Arab Emirates surpasses any peace agreement it signed either with Egypt or Jordan. The following Emirati song (Take me to Tel Aviv!) offers a good example of the deep level of cooperation and passion between the UAE and Israel. It also indicates the UAE and Bahrain’s accelerated efforts to normalize ties with Israel at a rapid pace.

Observing carefully the recent statements by some Iranian officials about Iran’s nuclear program, they might try to use them as a pressure card so Biden will rush to return to the status quo that existed under Obama’s nuclear deal reached in 2015.
In this video, Ali-Akbar Salehi, head of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) talked about the scope of the Iranian nuclear project and its future mission to become one of the most important ambitions.  He also claimed that the Iranian president had ordered the allocation of financial resources to support these ambitious plans. This may well mean that Iran’s hope for lifting economic sanctions has become realistic.

According to the Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister in the video below, Iran is not withdrawing from the nuclear deal by turning up nuclear enrichment to 20%, but rather to pressure the United States and the European co-signatories to “correct their own ways and their own violations”. This step is yet further evidence to pressure the United States for an unconditional resume of the nuclear deal and the lifting of economic sanctions.

It is not surprising to see that the Trump administration continues to impose sanctions on the Islamic State in order to cripple “the regime’s destabilizing activities around the world”. “The United States will continue to aggressively implement sanctions with respect to the Iranian regime, those who evade sanctions, and others who enable the regime to fund and carry out its malign agenda of repression and terror”. The latest statement released by the spokesperson of Secretary of State Pompeo concluded.
With these ongoing sanctions, It is also obvious that the Trump administration seeks to make it harder for the incoming Biden administration to unconditionally lift them. It can also cause embarrassment and be exposed as a sign of weakness as well.
On the other hand, Saudi Arabia, which expects some clashes with the Biden administration because of its human rights record, may find itself deepening its relationship with Israel to confront Iran. In his speech at the GCC summit, the Saudi Crown prince Muhammad Bin Salman reaffirmed his calls for unity among the Gulf states against Iran’s threats.
The Saudis resumed pursuing closer ties with Turkey despite the dispute caused by the murder of a Saudi journalist inside the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and Turkey’s support for Qatar in its contention with Saudi Arabia.
Needless to add, the recent Gulf Cooperation Council summit, which took place in Saudi Arabia, witnessed the beginning of a reconciliation project with Qatar in response to the new political developments, such as the Biden administration.
While the United Arab Emirates was initially not enthusiastic about the rapprochement with Qatar, it supported the path of reconciliation supported by the United States in order to put an end to thorny issues such as Qatar’s relationship with Iran and Turkish presence in the Gulf.  Nevertheless, The main target remains to face Iran’s menace to the region.
The Trump administration’s strenuous efforts to isolate Iran in the region may ultimately fall to waste if the Biden administration decides to reverse that policy and return unconditionally to the infamous nuclear deal.
Iran’s ballistic missile program is no less dangerous than its nuclear programs since Iran wishes to make itself a striking power beyond the Gulf states and Israel.
It is clear that Israel, reputed for its intelligence capabilities which succeeded, not long ago, in eliminating the Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizdeh near the Iranian capital Tehran, is facing continued looming threats. Hezbollah, Iran’s military arm in Lebanon, as well as the increasing military capabilities of Hamas in Gaza make the Jewish state more vigilant than ever before.
The Islamic Jihad leader in Gaza, in the video below, made it very clear that Iran wants to continue to pose a major security threat to Israel. He added that Iran gave Hamas the ability to strike Tel Aviv by building a missile network, “which is one of the most significant accomplishments of the late Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani.” No wonder Israel celebrated his death which came as a result of a US strike at Baghdad airport last year.

How will the Biden administration deal with Iran’s unrelenting hegemonic ambitions? Perhaps liberal voices in the United States have the answer to this question.
The most important question is how Israel will react to an unconditional return to Iran’s nuclear deal.
Will Israel and its new Arab allies take action against the Iranian nuclear program or will they accept to be pawns in such a scenario where the nuclear deal is inviolable?
©Samir A. Zedan. All rights reserved.

Justice Department Says It’s Been HACKED By Russia

BREAKING: amid chaos unfolding on Capitol Hill @BretBaier reports Justice Department says it has been hacked by Russia

— Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) January 6, 2021

DOJ says 3% of its email accounts compromised in Russian hack

By Eric Tucker, January 6, 2020:
WASHINGTON – The Justice Department said Wednesday that about 3% of its email accounts could be compromised as part of a massive breach of federal government agencies that U.S. officials have linked to Russia.
No classified systems are believed to have been affected, according to a statement from Justice Department spokesman Marc Raimondi. It did not identify to whom who the potentially compromised email accounts may belong.

And what’s China doing?
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Photos, Reports Show ANTIFA Infiltrators Stormed the Capitol Building

Subject: Antifa posing as Trump supporters – MUST SEE 2 mins 37 secs.

Early indications show Antifa behind the Capitol break in. This was deliberate. This was sabotage. This was an orchestrated  distraction to undermine the millions of Americans opposing the greatest election theft in human history.



RELATED ARTICLE: FALSE FLAG CONFIRMED: “Viking” who stormed the Capitol Building previously photographed at BLM rally wearing the same outfit
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

“Scumbags” Swarm Senator Josh Hawley’s DC Area Home; Terrorize his Wife who is home alone

Hawley’s wife was home alone with a new baby.
This is what the goons on the Left are so good at—terrorizing—and I expect this is why there are so many weak Republicans, and for that matter weak Judges and Justices (e.g. John Roberts).
The story is at Gateway Pundit, a website you should follow as the Hoft brothers are on top of all of the latest news involving the Great Election Steal of 2020.
When I saw Jim Hoft’s post. I immediately thought about Leo Hohmann’s post yesterday !

VIOLENT LEFTIST MOB Swarms and Attacks Senator Hawley’s DC Home — Pounding on Door, Screaming Threats — Terrorizing His Wife and Newborn Baby

The Senator was back in Missouri at the time.

But Senator Hawley’s wife Erin and their newborn baby were at home at the time!
This is the modern-day Democrat Party.
Their fake news media will, no doubt, ignore this latest attack on a mother and her baby!

The Senator, who was in Missouri when the attack occurred, tweeted this:

The Gateway Pundit blog goes on to report that Shutdown DC put out a notice claiming credit for terrorizing women and children.
told you about Shutdown in October (many work for the federal government).
A “vigil”?
Meanwhile a different sort of thug—Fox News anchors—bully Senator Hawley who stands up to Bret Baier’s snark. 
I hope all of you have now dumped Fox News!
Look around and see that Leftwing media sites are thrilled with not only Baier, but are overjoyed to see Steve Doocy and Brian Kilmeade say Trump has no proof of election fraud. At Mediaite.

Hawley is the first of twelve US Senators to question the 2020 presidential election results.  Georgia’s Kelly Loeffler says she will join the twelve, but I don’t know how that works since today’s Georgia special election results will surely not be available by tomorrow.
EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TRUMP PEACE: UAE Stops Iranian Terror Attack Against Israelis

Anyone who follows, reports, or studies the region understands how unprecedented this is.

UAE nabs Iranian terror squad plotting to attack Israelis

Israelis have been warned about visiting Dubai. The discovery of Iranian terror squad underscores the danger.
By David Isaac, World Israel News
An Iranian terror squad was broken up by UAE intelligence in the capital of Abu Dhabi and its most populous city, Dubai, media reports.
Israelis have visited the UAE in the thousands since the signing of the Abraham Accords on the White House Lawn on Sept. 15, 2020. From Iran’s point-of-view, they make a soft target and one easily reached.
Tensions have been particularly high in recent weeks as Israel went on high alert due to the approaching anniversary of the killing of Islamic Revolutionary Guards Commander, Gen. Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated by a U.S. drone strike on Jan. 3, 2020. Iran has repeatedly vowed revenge against both the U.S. and Israel, although the latter has not taken credit for being involved in the attack.
Israel’s National Security Council had also warned in late November of security threats to Israeli tourists in Dubai. But Israelis have largely ignored the warnings.
Dubai has been a prime location for carrying out kidnappings.
In 2000, a reserve colonel in the IDF, Elhanan Tannenbaum, was kidnapped in Dubai and and held for more than three years by Hezbollah in Lebanon. Although Tannenbaum was a shady character who had gone to Dubai to complete a drug deal, the IDF decided to do what it could to get him back given that he was privy to IDF information as part of his reserve service. He was returned as part of a prisoner swap in Jan. 2004.
In July 2020, Iran kidnapped a California man for being part of an Iranian dissident group. Jamshid Sharmahd was staying in Dubai.
“We’re seeking support from any democratic country, any free country,” his son Shayan Sharmahd told the AP. “It is a violation of human rights. You can’t just pick someone up in a third country and drag them into your country.”
Even the man portrayed in the 2004 film “Hotel Rwanda,” Paul Rusesabagina, was seized in Dubai in Sept. 2020. It appears he was nabbed on an arrest warrant by the Rwandan government. His daughter described it as a kidnapping.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What Does China Want? Xi Jing’s “China Dream”

In his first speech after taking office as the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2012, Xi Jinping employed a phrase not used in public by previous Chinese leaders – qiang zhongguo meng, or “strong nation dream” (1). Since then, Xi and other Chinese leaders have repeatedly referred to the “dream” of “resurrecting” or “rejuvenating” China as a great power. Many observers have characterized the “China Dream” as Chinese leaders’ natural desire to recoup China’s position as the universally recognized “Great State” in Asia following the “century of humiliation” that began with the Sino-British Opium Wars (1839-1860) and culminated with the Japanese invasion and occupation of China (1937-1945), a period during which China was subjugated and carved up by foreign powers. In this view, the goal of the “China Dream” is to make China so wealthy and powerful that it will never again be subject to such treatment (2). Proponents of this view of the “China Dream” tend to argue that a “rejuvenated” China will take its rightful place as a responsible great power in the current rule-based international system.

Other analysts have taken a less benign view of the “China Dream” and what it means for the rest of the world. In China’s Vision of Victory, Jonathan T. Ward characterized the “China Dream” as the vision lying at the core of a global grand strategy intended to assert China’s central position in the world (3). Michael Pillsbury, in The Hundred Year Marathon, argued that the “China Dream” in fact represents China’s intent to create a new China-centric world order, an ambition he traced back to Mao Zedong.

Ideology is Still Central

Much of the discourse on the “China Dream” has been based on the unfounded assumption (or wishful thinking) that China’s economic growth would somehow result in both economic liberalization and democratization. This assumption fundamentally disregards the nature of the Chinese state. The People’s Republic of China is an enduring communist party-state in which the “Chinese nation” and its interests are synonymous with those of the CCP (4). Under Xi, the “core navigator and helmsman” who is likely to remain in power for at least the next 10 years (5), China’s communist identity has been reinforced and the CCP remains resolutely Marxist, Stalinist, Leninist, and Maoist. According to Alice Ekman, Senior Analyst of Asian Issues at the European Union Institute for Security Studies, all political and social activities in China are controlled by the CCP according to a rigid Leninist and Stalinist model which, if anything, has been reinforced by Xi both in theory and in practice. At the same time, the role of the CCP in the Chinese economy has increased substantially. Marxism, Ekman concludes, is at the core of Xi’s China (6).

In Xi’s view “coexistence” between capitalist and Communist societies is…unavoidable, for a while, perhaps for decades. But Western democratic and capitalist countries are fundamental enemies of Communism, hence of China. While the economical confrontation may go through different stages, the ideological confrontation is perpetual and can only end with the victory of one side, i.e., of Communism, since Marx’s predictions are regarded by Xi Jinping as infallible (7).

Ekman’s analysis is important because it lays aside the “China is no longer communist” rhetoric for a much more realist – and more historically accurate – view of a centralized party-state whose rulers remain ideologically and practically committed to the global victory of communism. This would mark not only the final victory of Marxism, of which Xi is apparently convinced, but also the ascension of a China with a “strong desire for redress, if not vengeance, for past national humiliations” (8) to a position of global dominance.

The “China Dream” as Grand Strategy

In its widest sense, strategy refers to the coordinated use of instruments of national power – diplomatic, military, economic, and informational – to achieve national objectives. A nation’s grand strategy reflects the vision a nation has for itself and seeks to systematically leverage available instruments of national power to shape the international environment in ways that reflect the values of the state and serve its national interests (9). In matters of international relations, a state’s true intentions may be unknown or subject to change, while its capabilities and behaviors are generally visible. Granted that the PRC has not published a detailed description of what realization of the “China Dream” actually entails, China’s capabilities, actions, and their likely impacts are readily discernible.

The 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States characterized China as a “revisionist power” engaged in long-term strategic competition with the United States. “It is increasingly clear that China [wants] to shape a world consistent with [its] authoritarian model – gaining veto authority over other nations’ economic, diplomatic, and security decisions.” While China’s near-term goal is to seek regional hegemony in the Indo-Pacific region, its long-term goal is to seek “displacement of the United States to achieve global preeminence in the future.” China, the Strategy noted, pursues a long-term, all-of-nation strategy to assert power through a combination of military modernization initiatives, predatory and coercive economic measures, and influence operations (10).

In 2019, the U.S. – China Economic and Security Review Commission found that Beijing [has] stepped up its efforts to promote itself as a global political and economic leader, offering the clearest evidence yet of its ambition to reshape the international order so it benefits Chinese interests and makes the world safe for the [Chinse Communist Party]….[As part of this effort] China [has] continued its efforts to coerce or interfere in the domestic affairs of countries acting in ways contrary to its interests, detaining foreign media, and the Chinese diaspora (11).

Finally, in 2020, a group of researchers at the U.S. Army War College found that China “does not seek to participate as an equal in the existing [international] order. Instead, it seeks to lead a China-centric order where China’s interests come first, and other countries are left to fight for what little is left” (12). That’s what China wants – that’s what the “China Dream” really means.



(1) Michael Pillsbury, The Hundred-Year Marathon: China’s Secret Strategy to Replace America as the Global Superpower (New York, NY: Henry Holt, 2015), 27.
(2) Timothy Brook, Great State: China and the World (London, UK: Profile Books, 2019); Brendan Taylor and Richard Rigby, “Meridians of Influence in a Nervous World,” in China Story Yearbook 2019: China Dreams, ed. Jane Golley, Linda Jaivan, Ben Hollman, and Shawn Strange (Acton, Australia: Australian National University Press, 2020), 95; Yearbook 2019: China Dreams – The China Story, accessed December 30, 2020.
(3) Jonathan T. Ward, China’s Vision of Victory (Atlas Publishing and Media Company, 2019).
(4) Gloria Davies, “A Dream of Perpetual Rule,” in China Story Yearbook 2019, 31.
(5) This title was conferred on Xi at the Fifth Plenary Session of the CCP in October 2020. Willy Wo-Lap Lam, “Helmsman Xi Jinping Primed to Rule at Least Until the Early 2030s,” Jamestown Foundation China Brief 20, Issue 20 (November 13, 2020), 8; Read-the-11-13-2020-CB-Issue.pdf (jamestown.org), accessed December 30, 2020.
(6) Massimo Introvigne, “China is Communist. Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, and Maoist,” Bitter Winter: A Magazine on Religious Liberty and Human Rights, April 24, 2020; “China is Communist. Marxist, Leninist, Stalinist, and Maoist” (bitterwinter.org), accessed December 30, 2020.
(7) Ibid.
(8) Gerry Groot, “Making the World Safe (For China),” in China Story Yearbook 2016: Control, ed. Jane Golley, Linda Jaivin, and Luigi Tomba (Acton, Australia: Australian National University Press, 2017), 281; Yearbook 2016: Control – The China Story, accessed December 30, 2020.
(9) Joint Chiefs of Staff, Doctrine for the Armed Forces of the United States, Joint Publication 1, Washington, DC: 25 March 2013, Incorporating Change 1, 12 July 2017, I-1; I-7;  accessed December 30 2020; Nadège Rolland, “The Belt and Road Initiative: China’s Grand Strategy,” in Angela Stanzel, Nadège Rolland, Jabin Jacob, and Melanie Hart, Grand Designs: Does China Have a ‘Grand Strategy’? (Berlin, GE: European Council on Foreign Relations, 2017), 5 accessed December 30, 2020.
(10) Office of the Secretary of Defense, Summary of the 2018 National Defense Strategy of the United States of America: Sharpening the American Military’s Competitive Edge (Washington, DC: 2018), 2
(11) U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, 2019 Report to Congress: Executive Summary and Recommendations (Washington, DC: November 2019), 7;  accessed December 30, 2020.
(12) Lieutenant Colonel John Schaus, Brian Evans, and Colonel Elizabeth Martin, A Changing Indo-Pacific Region: Growing Complexity for the Six Anchor Nations, Indo-Pacific Theater Design Working Paper 2 (Carlisle Barracks, PA: U.S. Army War College, September 2020), 3-4; A Changing Indo-Pacific Region: The Anchor Partners (armywarcollege.edu), accessed December 30, 2020.


The author is a retired U.S. Army officer and a retired civilian employee of the U.S. Department of Defense. He holds an MS in Strategic Intelligence from the Joint Military Intelligence College (now National Intelligence University), and an MA in National Security and Strategic Studies from the U.S. Naval War College. His published work has appeared in The Journal of Strategic Studies, Israel Affairs, Parameters, The International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, and the International Bulletin of Political Psychology.

How an ISIS Member Got Past Immigration and Became a U.S. Citizen

Over a thousand Iraqi refugees have been resettled in Portland.
The year that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Trump administration’s Islamic terror state travel ban, an Iraqi member of ISIS applied for American citizenship.
Hawazen Sameer Mothafar didn’t have much to worry about. Not only was he already living in the United States, but under political pressure, Iraq had been taken off the travel ban list.
And no one would have suspected Mothafar of being an ISIS terrorist. He was in a wheelchair.
When Mothafar was asked at his immigration interview this year whether he was involved with a terrorist organization, he must have thought it was a formality. But three months later, Mothafar was under arrest, charged with lying to a government agency, and aiding ISIS.
Mothafar not only managed to get through an immigration interview while denying any terrorist ties, but he spoke in court through an Arabic translator, suggesting a poor grasp of English.
Not only did our immigration system make an alleged ISIS member a citizen, but took an immigrant with nothing to offer this country, who doesn’t even speak the language, and who, according to his lawyer, has to be cared for by his family, and welcomed him in.
Over a thousand Iraqi refugees have been resettled in Portland, Oregon. The small city of Troutdale near Portland, once an all-American locale perfect for picture postcards, has absorbed some of the spillover. And there was nothing all-American about Mothafar.
Mothafar hadn’t come to Troutdale for the annual summerfest parade (cancelled this year because of the pandemic) or hiking past waterfalls. When he came into town under the great ‘Gateway to the Gorge’ arch that’s Troutdale’s claim to fame, he was coming for Jihad.
While Mothafar is disabled, he could still use a computer. And that’s what he did.
A senior ISIS official said that when the Islamic terrorist group needed new email and social media accounts, it was Mothafar’s job to get “new accounts when we needed new accounts as soon as possible.”
But Mothafar was allegedly doing a lot more than just providing tech support for the Jihad.
Mothafar claimed that he had been an ISIS supporter since 2014 when the Islamic terror group first gained worldwide attention. Last year, he made the ba’yat pledge, an oath of allegiance to the Caliph of ISIS, who would be caught hiding out and killed by the Trump administration later that same year, binding him to full unquestioning obedience to ISIS and to its leader. Such oaths are often taken before its members make some larger commitment to the terror group.
Earlier that year, Mothafar had ambiguously told an ISIS supporter that he wouldn’t use his real name because, “if published for the foundation, it could mean 4 terror.”
But in 2015, Mothafar had already been working on the ISIS media operation. He initially ran ISIS chat rooms and channels, but he later began working on Al-Anfal’s Jihadist propaganda.
Al-Anfal is an ISIS online media outlet, but literally means the spoils of war. That chapter of the Koran has been used as code for campaigns of extermination against non-Muslims and different Islamic sects and populations. ISIS, many of whose members and leaders had come out of the ranks of Saddam Hussein’s Baath Party, embraced Al-Anfal as a promise that its Jihad would echo the brutal Al-Anfal of Mohammed and of Saddam Hussein in his Anfal massacres.
The Koranic chapter of Al-Anfal contains some of the most brutal verses in the Koran, including its call for beheading,
“I will cast dread into the hearts of the unbelievers. Strike off their heads,” one verse declares.
When Al-Anfal launched in the fall of 2017, Mothafar “edited, produced, published, and disseminated” the Jihadist publication with its call for the mass murder of non-Muslims.
That included Americans.
The first issue featured a chart of the best places to stab victims in the “sensitive areas of the body”. “Effective Stabbing Techniques,” like the other Al-Anfal Jihadist propaganda, was coming through a publishing process that took it, not through Baghdad, but through Oregon.
The December issue featured an article titled, “How Does a Detonator Work”, and a picture of a burning Statue of Liberty with the caption, “Soon in the Heart of Your Lands.”
Next year, Mothafar was assembling pictures of explosives and western cities, messaging, “the images of destroyed infidel cities will be useful.” Propaganda like this played a crucial role in the alarmed responses to sophisticated ISIS posters threatening attacks on America.
Some of these posters warned that the ISIS terrorists were among us. What they did not mention was that one of these terrorists was in a wheelchair and living near Portland.
And was waiting to apply for American citizenship.
Right after the hearing, Mothafar was set free on the condition that he doesn’t “disseminate any information in support of any designated terrorist organization”, or leave Oregon.
And so the same system that allowed Mothafar to spread his hate set him loose again.
Removing Iraq from the list of travel ban countries was made for political reasons to avoid offending its government. Iraq is the epicenter of ISIS and of Islamic terrorism. The countries with the most Muslim refugees are also generally the ones with the worst terrorist problems.
Mothafar’s immigration paperwork, mentioned in the indictment, meant filling out a form that asks prospective citizens whether they’ve ever been associated with the Communist Party (to my knowledge, no one has recently been indicted for lying about this), any “totalitarian party” (a dubious category), or a “terrorist organization”.
There are repeated mentions of Nazi Germany: a laudable if belated move that began long after most of the Nazi war criminals were already living here, and one that is no longer relevant because few Nazi war criminals are likely to be moving to America at this late date.
There is still no mention of ISIS or any Islamic terrorist group. The immigration paperwork hardly required Mothafar to lie because its questions are dated, some to the 40s or 50s, others with their obsession with guerrillas and paramilitary units to the Latin America of the 80s.
A generation that has made Islamic terrorism into the scourge of the free world is hardly reflected in our immigration system which is still screening for Communists, Nazis, and Latin American guerrilas and paramilitary units. It’s a failure that sums up our failed response to 9/11.
There is only one single mention of terrorism in the form and it doesn’t reference Islam.
The only reason Mothafar got nailed for, among other things, making false statements in his immigration form and his citizenship interview, is that the authorities were already watching him. And based on the use of FISA surveillance in his case, it’s likely that he was accidentally swept up while the United States was monitoring ISIS members operating in Iraq and Syria.
Our immigration system hasn’t adapted to dealing with Islamic terrorism. And it’s not acting in the best interests of Americans. If it were, Mothafar, in a wheelchair, cared for by his parents, would never have been a candidate for immigration or citizenship in the United States.
Americans felt sorry for Mothafar. And, as usual, they paid the price.
Now, after, no doubt, spending a small fortune on caring for Mothafar over the years, the taxpayers will spend an even larger fortune on his trial, and then, probably, on his imprisonment, at which point he’ll become a full-time burden on the taxpayers, and then on his life after prison.
None of this would have been necessary if the United States would stop taking in Muslim refugees from terror states and then putting them through an immigration process that hardly even recognizes that we’ve spent a generation fighting Islamic terrorism from abroad.
“This defendant is a legal permanent resident of the United States who abandoned the country that took him in and instead pledged allegiance to ISIS and repeatedly and diligently promoted its violent objectives” US Attorney Billy Williams declared.
Were we really expecting anything else?
In the previous decade, Samir Khan, a Pakistani, had been churning out Jihadist propaganda for Al Qaeda’s Inspire magazine from Queens, New York, and then Charlotte, North Carolina. Inspire’s fare included, “Make a Bomb in the Kitchen of Your Mom”, which may have been used by the Boston Marathon bombers.
One of his articles was titled, “I Am Proud to Be a Traitor to America.”
When he was taken out alongside Al Qaeda leader Anwar Al-Awlaki, the Obama administration offered a condolence call to the Khan family, and, along with Al-Awlaki, Khan became a cause celebre for lefties and libertarians, and his family who accused the United States of “assassinating” him. The Mothafar case shows how little we’ve learned since then.
They can’t take pride in being traitors to America if we don’t let them in.

US taxpayer money went to al-Qaeda-linked jihad group during Obama administration

The Obama third term is about to start, so the money is likely once again to flow freely to those who wish to destroy America.

“US Taxpayer Money Went to Al-Qaeda Affiliate During Obama Administration: Senate Reports.”

by Li Hai, Epoch Times, December 30, 2020:
At least $150,000 in U.S. taxpayer money went to an Islamic organization with ties to terrorism through a humanitarian organization from 2014 to 2015, a large amount of which was approved by the then-Obama administration despite being informed the Islamic organization was a sanctioned entity, a Senate report shows.
On Dec. 23, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) released a report of an investigation conducted by his staff into the relationship between World Vision, a non-profit humanitarian organization, and the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA), an organization that has funded terrorist activities.
World Vision is a non-profit organization founded in 1950 to provide humanitarian aid to impoverished peoples in vulnerable areas across the world.
ISRA is headquartered in Sudan and has been sanctioned by the United States since 2004 “after they had funneled approximately $5 million to Maktab Al-Khidamat, the predecessor to Al-Qaeda controlled by Osama Bin Laden,” the report stated.
According to a timeline of events from the report:

  • On Jan. 21, 2014, World Vision submitted a grant application to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) to provide humanitarian services to some conflict-affected areas in Sudan. World Vision was subsequently awarded a grant of $723,405 to carry out the program.
  • On Feb. 1, 2014, World Vision entered into an agreement with the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) whereby ISRA would provide humanitarian services to certain parts of the Blue Nile Region in Sudan on behalf of World Vision. Prior to this, World Vision had worked with ISRA on several projects from 2013 through 2014.
  • In late September 2014, World Vision’s legal department was notified of ISRA’s potential status as a sanctioned entity. World Vision then ceased all payments to ISRA and began investigating whether ISRA was indeed a sanctioned entity.
  • On Jan. 23, 2015, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) responded to World Vision’s inquiry that ISRA is indeed a sanctioned entity. OFAC denied World Vision’s request for a license to transact with ISRA in the same letter.
  • On Feb. 19, 2015, World Vision again requested a license to transact with ISRA in order to pay them $125,000 for services rendered. In its request, World Vision stressed that it could face severe legal consequences and even expulsion from Sudan if it did not pay ISRA the monies owed.
  • On May 4, 2015, the Obama Administration’s State Department recommended OFAC grant World Vision’s request for a license to pay ISRA $125,000 in monies owed. The following day, OFAC granted World Vision a specific license to pay ISRA $125,000 only for services rendered.

The report shows $125,000 was paid on May 7, 2015, from which $111,982 was from a United States Government (USG) grant and $9,062 was from Irish government aid….

CIA officer: Betrayal by Muslim agent led to jihad suicide bombing in which seven were killed
Khamenei: ‘When Islam Dominated Non-Muslim Regions, Followers of Other Religions Were Grateful’
Pakistan: Muslims screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ set Hindu temple on fire
Spain: On Christmas Day, knife-wielding Muslim migrant screams ‘Allahu akbar, I’m going to kill you’ at passersby
Turkey: Last of the Byzantine Greeks facing extinction under Islamic hardliner Erdogan
Yemen: Iran-backed Houthis blamed as 22 killed in attack on new unity government
Iranian paper: ‘Neo-Ottoman’ Turkey hopes to ‘divide Iran and annex Azerbaijan to form the Greater Turkistan’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

For NBC News, War Is Peace, and Trump’s Historic Peace Deals Are War

Other presidents throughout American history have endured harsh criticism from the press. None of them, however, have faced anything like the relentless, organized hit job that is the establishment media’s coverage of President Trump, featuring not just criticism, but distortion, half-truths and outright lies, all designed to make the American people not just vote against him, but disrespect, despise, and even hate him. In pursuit of this goal, consistency goes out the window, and fairness is but a dim memory. Trump is excoriated for anything and everything he does, even when any remotely fair-minded person would see it as positive. NBC News showed this anew on Tuesday in a “Hot Take” it published about the Israel-Morocco peace agreement.
NBC’s “military writer” Sébastien Roblin tells us solemnly that “the U.S. ruptured decades of foreign policy in North Africa to forge the agreement, setting the stage for violence that could destabilize the region.”
Given conditions all across North Africa, with Libya still in the state of chaos and ruin that Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton brought upon it, Egypt oppressing its Christians (as always), and Algeria and Morocco both upholding Sharia blasphemy laws that outrage the freedom of conscience, it seems strange to lament the passing of the status quo ante, but Roblin makes his agenda clear when he writes that “as is so often the case with Trump, his characterization bears little relationship with reality.”
This and more in his article makes it obvious that the “military writer” is not engaged in actual foreign policy analysis, but is just out to tar Trump in any way he can. For it is absolutely true that the Israel-Morocco peace agreement and U.S. recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara may indeed turn out to have ill effects, but NBC News readers, not known for being the sharpest knives in the drawer, may not realize that such speculation can be carried out in virtually any context, but during the Obama years, seldom (if ever) was.
For example, if Sébastien Roblin had been so inclined, he could have written about how the “Arab Spring” uprisings that the Obama administration supported so enthusiastically were really just Muslim Brotherhood initiatives designed to impose Sharia in various North African states, but back when that “Spring” was in full flower, NBC News and all its establishment colleagues were busy popping open the champagne and hailing the far-sightedness of their Nobel laureate president.
Even Fox, which was years away from switching sides back then, hailed the coming of “democracy” to Egypt and other North African states, and never once considered the possibility that the Great Leader Obama might have made a world-historical misstep that would take decades (or longer) to clear up. Nor was there any chorus of disapproval or dark warnings of negative consequences when Obama and Hillary Clinton destabilized Libya and offered up our consular staff in Benghazi in their efforts to save face.
But Trump makes a move for peace, and NBC hastens to tell us it will mean war. Sébastien Roblin is here carrying water for the failed foreign policy establishment that is licking its chops at the prospect of Obama’s dotty old puppet entering the Oval Office and getting the chance to implement its failed policies yet again. Trump, the non-politician, the genuine outsider, has shown them all up by concluding these peace deals. He has shown their analyses to be false and their recommendations to be wrongheaded.
And so he must be destroyed – not just turned out of office by hook or by crook (with a heavy emphasis on crook), but completely and utterly discredited. This endeavor is a cornerstone of the political elites’ effort to make sure that an uprising such as the one Trump represented will never happen and can never happen again. Not only was he stupid and corrupt, we are told, but even his successes were failures, and only the establishment’s failures are really successes. Understood properly by the self-anointed experts, Trump’s peace meant war, and only their multiply-failed proposals can set things right.
And so for Sébastien Roblin, war is peace and peace is war, George Orwell is reconfirmed as a prophet, and soon Trump’s successes will be consigned to the memory hole. Then everything will be all right. The powerful will have restored and further secured their power. As the world explodes with bloody new conflicts, they can sip their champagne and congratulate themselves over how they removed that warmonger Trump and restored peace to the world.
I Was Fired for Opposing Islamic Terrorism
Canada: Imam openly calls Jews, Christians, atheists and free-speech advocates ‘filthy’ and ‘evil’
Israel: For the second time in a week, Muslims set Christmas tree ablaze in Sakhnin
Saudi Arabia: Another women’s rights activist jailed for ‘terrorism’
UK: Johnson government signs a multi-billion-dollar trade deal with Turkey amid Trump sanctions
Iran’s Rouhani: ‘Trump’s fate will be no better than Saddam’s fate,’ as Saddam ended up ‘hanging from the gallows’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CAIR’s 2021 Agenda Seeks to Undermine U.S. National Security at All Levels.

The following selection taken from the Council on American-Islamic Relation’s 2021 promotional literature illustrates why Florida Family Association vigorously counters the organization’s Islamist crusade.
The Council on American-Islamic Relation’s December 22, 2020 news release states the following:

CAIR welcomes the incoming Biden-Harris administration’s pledge to end the Muslim Ban on day one, include Muslims at  every  level of his administration and address issues of racial and religious discrimination. CAIR plans to join other American Muslim leaders and organizations in ensuring that the new administration fulfills these promises.

In addition to these pledges, CAIR is calling on the new administration to implement — in its first 100 days — a progressive civil rights agenda that starts with the repeal of the Muslim Ban and then pushes forward to authorize and begin the process of carrying out the following civil rights reforms:


1. Fundamentally  reform the federal government’s unconstitutional Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), commonly referred to as the “terrorism watchlist.”

2. Dismantle   the   TSA’s  secretive   Quiet  Skies passenger  tracking   program,   its   international counterpart Silent Partner and other rules-based lists, that operate without Congressional oversight to single out   law-abiding   Muslim   travelers   for   official harassment and extrajudicial consequences without due process.

3. Oppose  and  defund  the U.S. Department of

Homeland Security’s (“DHS”) 2020 “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (“TVTP”) grant program, the successor  of  DHS’s  previous   Countering   Violent Extremism (“CVE”) grant program.

4. End the FBI’s use of informants to spy on American Muslim communities.

5. Reject any new domestic terrorism statutes.

6. Close the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba  and  ensure  those  detainees  already  cleared for release are repatriated, and those that remain in U.S. custody are provided due process and a day in court.


7. Fulfill commitment to revoke the Muslim and Africa travel ban executive orders and related proclamations on day-one in office.

8. Work with Congress to adopt the NO BAN Act.

9. Repair the damage done by the Trump administration to the U.S. immigration system by reversing restrictions on the ability to travel and immigrate to the United States.

10. Work  with  Congress  to repeal the Visa Waiver Program (VWP)  Improvement  and Terrorist Travel Prevention  Act  of 2015,  re-evaluate  all   countries currently designated by the federal government under the VWP, and end all other discriminatory anti-Muslim “extreme vetting programs.”

11. Restore and enhance protections for asylum seekers and refugees, halt the detention of asylum seekers and other abusive practices, invest in refugee resettlement programs, and invest in humane alternatives to detention of asylum seekers and refugees.

CAIR’s 2021 agenda clearly threatens our national security and the Judeo-Christian liberties that millions of Americans cherish.
Florida Family Association will continue to counter CAIR’s Islamist crusade.
We hope that you will help Florida Family Association to be strong in countering CAIR by making a confidential donation.  To make your donation by credit card, debit card, checking account or Zelle please click here or mail your gift to Florida Family Association (FFA), PO Box 46547, Tampa, FL 33646-0105.
©Florida Family Association. All rights reserved.

Arizona Gov. Ducey to China: ‘Lots of opportunities’ to exploit ‘our defense industry, mining and ores’

The video is shocking. As Americans only begin to wake up to the reality of just how severely compromised their political leaders are by a communist superpower, Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey’s alarmingly frank language resounds like thunderclaps.

“We just had a great meeting with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce just now. And, very exciting, lots of opportunities, including public-private partnerships. I’ve mentioned semiconducters, electronics, aerospace, our defense industry, mining and ores that we do…. So I think from the franchise business to the aerospace and defense business, we would like to do more business with China, with Chinese business people.”

That is Ducey speaking directly to the Chinese state-run media organ China Daily in July 2017. There is no nice way to spin this. An American governor is captured on video offering up this country’s sensitive military technology and natural resources to a communist foreign nation.

China Daily posted the astonishing interview clip onto YouTube titled “Arizona Governor Discusses Chinese Investments.” The interview was conducted at a China General Chamber of Commerce Welcome Luncheon Forum held during the 2017 National Governors Association meetings in Providence, Rhode Island.

Ducey drew the ire of President Donald Trump when he certified his state’s fraud-riddled election results on Nov. 30. The governor may be no friend of the president, but he is most assuredly considered a pal by China. Ducey has been listed as a “friendly” in a Chinese think tank’s ranking of all 50 governors’ attitudes toward China.

In a Feb. 8 speech, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo warned that China is actively seeking to cultivate U.S. governors and other local officials for the benefit of the regime. He specifically mentioned the National Governors Association by name:

“Last year, I received an invitation to an event that promised to be, quote, ‘an occasion for exclusive deal-making.’ It said, quote, ‘the opportunities for mutually beneficial economic development between China and our individual states [are] tremendous,’ end of quote.

“Deal-making sounds like it might have come from President Trump, but the invitation was actually from a former governor.

“I was being invited to the U.S.-China Governors’ Collaboration Summit.

“It was an event co-hosted by the National Governors Association and something called the Chinese People’s Association For Friendship and Foreign Countries. Sounds pretty harmless.

“What the invitation did not say is that the group – the group I just mentioned – is the public face of the Chinese Communist Party’s official foreign influence agency, the United Front Work Department.”

The China Daily clip reveals that Pompeo might as well have been calling Ducey out personally.

Read more at World Tribune

2+ Weeks Later, NY Times Still Not Reporting on Swalwell Spy Saga

Nearly three weeks after the scandal came to light, the New York Times has refused to report on ties between failed presidential nominee candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell and suspected Chinese Communist regime spy Christine Fang.
On December 8, Axios reported that Swalwell had been one of several American politicians to whom Fang developed extensive ties as part of a spying operation in the U.S. between 2011 and 2015. She was even a campaign bundler for Swalwell and placed at least one intern in his congressional offices. The FBI was reportedly so concerned about Fang — who had engaged in romantic relationships with at least two midwestern mayors — that they briefed Swalwell about her in 2015.
Swalwell, who sits on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, has refused to answer questions about their relationship and whether it was romantic. Instead, he has attempted to blame the scandal on retaliation for criticizing the Trump administration.
The New York Times, a leftist propaganda outlet that would be all over this story if a Republican Congressman were as deeply involved as Swalwell, has not once reported on the issue.
On Fox News Channel’s Ingraham Angle on December 8, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy asked, “Did Nancy Pelosi know this had transpired when she put him on the committee? We have our Sen., Dianne Feinstein, for two decades, the personal assistant, that hear all the private phone calls in the car and others, a Chinese spy. Why did the Democrats pull out of the bipartisan China task force I had set up? Why have they denied certain bills that would hold China accountable, that have passed the Senate, not come to the floor? Why do they focus on Silicon Valley members of Congress? Why is he still on the intel Committee? Why is he still a member of Congress? Did Adam Schiff know, as chairman of that committee, that he had this problem?”
The New York Times apparently isn’t interested in raising those questions.

New York Times (NYT)

88 Known Connections

NYT Editor Bari Weiss Resigns & Condemns The Times for Its Intellectual and Ideological Smallness

In July 2020, Times editor Bari Weiss resigned from her position at the paper and posted a resignation letter to Times publisher A. G. Sulzberger on her own website. Her letter about the breathtakingly irresponsible and dishonest direction that the Times‘s reporting had taken in recent years, created a firestorm in the media. Below are excerpts from the letter:

Dear A.G.,
It is with sadness that I write to tell you that I am resigning from The New York Times
[A] new consensus has emerged in the press, but perhaps especially at this paper: that truth isn’t a process of collective discovery, but an orthodoxy already known to an enlightened few whose job is to inform everyone else…
[T]he truth is that intellectual curiosity—let alone risk-taking—is now a liability at The Times. Why edit something challenging to our readers, or write something bold only to go through the numbing process of making it ideologically kosher, when we can assure ourselves of job security (and clicks) by publishing our 4000th op-ed arguing that Donald Trump is a unique danger to the country and the world? And so self-censorship has become the norm.What rules that remain at The Times are applied with extreme selectivity. If a person’s ideology is in keeping with the new orthodoxy, they and their work remain unscrutinized. Everyone else lives in fear of the digital thunderdome. Online venom is excused so long as it is directed at the proper targets.
Op-eds that would have easily been published just two years ago would now get an editor or a writer in serious trouble, if not fired. If a piece is perceived as likely to inspire backlash internally or on social media, the editor or writer avoids pitching it. If she feels strongly enough to suggest it, she is quickly steered to safer ground. And if, every now and then, she succeeds in getting a piece published that does not explicitly promote progressive causes, it happens only after every line is carefully massaged, negotiated and caveated….
The paper of record is, more and more, the record of those living in a distant galaxy, one whose concerns are profoundly removed from the lives of most people. This is a galaxy in which, to choose just a few recent examples, the Soviet space program is lauded for its “diversity”; the doxxing of teenagers in the name of justice is condoned; and the worst caste systems in human history includes the United States alongside Nazi Germany.

To learn more about the New York Times, click on the profile click here.
EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to Spy Agency ISI

By G-d, it gets worse and worse. We are counting on decent, patriotic Americans and congress people to right this horrible wrong.

Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to ISI

By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, December 28, 2020:
Catherine Engelbrecht is the Founder and President of True The Vote the nation’s largest voters’ rights group.
The organization for over ten years now has been on the front lines of election fraud prevention by building action-oriented election integrity movements in key states, counties, and precincts. ‘True the Vote’ does not advocate for particular parties or candidates only for fair elections at all levels.
In November True the Vote wrote the Nevada Secretary of State for the eligible voter list report.
When the Secretary of State responded True the Vote was shocked to see that waqas@kavtech.net was cc’ed.
Breitbart.com wrote about this earlier in the month.
According to Creative Destruction Media:
Kavtech is a private Pakistani-based business intelligence firm with close ties to the Pakistani intelligence service, the ISI.
The Co-Founder Waqas Butt is cc’d on emails containing personally identifiable voter information from the Nevada Secretary of State.
True the Vote later wrote the Assistant Attorney General for National Security John C. Demers about the date breach. The letter obtained exclusively by Breitbart News that when the email arrived, “I was shocked to see the inclusion of another email address in the CC line.”
At least one employee at Kavtech is a strong supporter of the Pakistani ISI intelligence.
Patrick Byrne tweeted this out earlier today.


We reached out to True the Vote this morning and they told us their attorneys are advising them not to comment on this incident at this time.
The DOJ has this information.

Jihadi Who BEHEADED Wall Street Journal Reporter Daniel Pearl Killer Released In Pakistan
Federal Court Blocks Governor Killer Cuomo’s Restrictions on Churches
Pence Sued by GOP Legislators to Overturn Biden’s Victory
22,685 Trump Votes MISSING In Cambria County, PA
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas-Linked CAIR Demands Biden Dismantle Counterterror Operations

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) worked hard to get His Fraudulency President-select Joe Biden into the White House, and now it’s time for payback. On Tuesday, the sinister organization that the establishment media routinely presents as a benign human rights group released what it called “a detailed agenda detailing policy changes that the Biden-Harris administration should pursue within its first 100 days in office to restore the rights of Americans Muslims and advance justice for all.” “Restore the rights of American Muslims”? What rights have they been denied? If you said “none,” you’re correct, but CAIR’s wishlist emanates from the bizarro world of the group’s relentless efforts to secure coveted victimhood status for Muslims in the U.S.
The report is impressively detailed, identifying “33 new initiatives and policy reforms designed to protect and respect the rights of all U.S. citizens and residents, including Muslims, that the new administration can start to implement the first day in office.”
This is so much eyewash, as there is nothing among these 33 demands that is designed to protect and respect the rights of anyone but Muslims, but this sort of thing plays well with the media, and so it’s always worth throwing in. For example, one of the demands is “Support the free speech of all Americans and the right to boycott without government interference.” Another demands an “end the U.S. Department of Education’s attempts to suppress free speech on college campuses, including attempts to target Middle Eastern studies courses and punishing Palestinian student activists.”
These are not calls for the support of the freedom of speech as such. CAIR’s support for the freedom of speech here is stated only in connection to protesting Israel. When it comes to criticism of Islam, CAIR’s commitment to the freedom of speech suddenly weakens. It also demands the removal of “alt-right and Islamophobic online resources” from “existing vetting practices,” which is essentially a call for the removal of material that speaks honestly about the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism. All such material was removed years ago, so it’s unclear what CAIR spokesman Ibrahim “Honest Ibe” Hooper is in a lather about here. But free speech? Not really high on CAIR’s agenda at all.
“CAIR’s agenda,” CAIR notes proudly, “is being endorsed by the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations, the largest coalition of several leading national, regional, and local Muslim organizations and institutions harnessing the collective strength of American Muslims for the greater good of all.” That makes it all the more disquieting that the list of demands includes these:

1. Fundamentally reform the federal government’s unconstitutional Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), commonly referred to as the “terrorism watchlist.”
2. Dismantle the TSA’s secretive Quiet Skies passenger tracking program, its international counterpart Silent Partner and other rules-based lists, that operate without Congressional oversight to single out law-abiding Muslim travelers for official harassment and extrajudicial consequences without due process.
3. Oppose and defund the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s (“DHS”) 2020 “Targeted Violence and Terrorism Prevention” (“TVTP”) grant program, the successor of DHS’s previous Countering Violent Extremism (“CVE”) grant program.
4. End the FBI’s use of informants to spy on American Muslim communities.
5. Reject any new domestic terrorism statutes.

Consider all these demands in light of the fact that CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. CAIR officials have repeatedly refused to denounce Hamas and Hizballah as terrorist groups. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman, Omar Ahmad, as well as Hooper, have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.)
Even worse, CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement. CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates. CAIR’s Hussam Ayloush in 2017 called for the overthrow of the U.S. government. CAIR’s national outreach manager is an open supporter of Hamas.
This list of demands also features some of CAIR’s usual victimhood mongering: “Ensure American Muslims and other minorities, like all other Americans, have equal access to the COVID-19 vaccine and federal and state aid available to those impacted by the COVID-19 crisis.” Of course, there is no need for such a demand, as no one anywhere is contemplating denying Muslims or anyone else equal access to the vaccine.
The next demand makes the remedy for this alleged discrimination clear: “provide more funding to American Muslim clinics.” Ah yes, no problem is so big that a little cash won’t solve it.
Pakistan: Hundreds of Christian families flee after Muslims threaten to set fire to their neighborhood
Grand Mufti of Jerusalem: Women not allowed to travel alone, must be accompanied by male relative
Islamic State jihad massacres foiled in Russia and Kuwait
A dance party in the West Bank becomes the latest episode of Muslim oppression of Christians
France: Five Muslims beat up another Muslim for Christmas dinner: ‘Celebrating Christmas is not Muslim’
UK: BBC mocks Christmas, but would it have dared to spoof anything Islamic?
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship

Thousands of internal directives and reports expose how Chinese officials stage-managed what appeared online in the early days of the outbreak.
Called “The Wuhan Files,” the report reveals evidence of mishandling and purported destroying of evidence, based on a 117-page document marked “internal document, please keep confidential.”
The documents reveal that China’s censorship on information about the outbreak began in early January, before coronavirus had even been decisively identified.
China deliberately misled the world in the early stages of Wuhan’s Covid-19 outbreak, suppressed evidence, and mishandled the pandemic, stated a report published by CNN.

The Times reported that the documents include more than 3,200 directives and 1,800 other files from the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC), the country’s Internet regulator located in the eastern city of Hangzhou. Also included were files and code from Urun Big Data Services, a Chinese company that produces software used by the government to track online discussions and oversee troops of online commenters.

And the Democrat media cabal and their tech giant handmaidens were only to happy to submit to the Chicoms. It’s bloody treason.

Leaked documents reveal extent of China’s attempts to control coronavirus message

By: i24NEWS, December 20, 2020:
Chinese censorship on information about outbreak began in early January, before decisive identification
China’s attempts to influence opinion regarding the coronavirus pandemic have been brought to light through secrete government directives and “reclaiming the narrative” after The New York Times and ProPublica reviewed hacked documents.
A hacker group known as CCP (Chinese Communist Party) Unmasked shared the documents, which reveal the Herculean efforts that the actual CCP invested in maintaining control of the Internet. “The Times and ProPublica verified the legitimacy of many of the documents, some of which had been acquired independently by China Digital Times, a website that follows Chinese Internet controls,” according to The Jerusalem Post/.
The documents show as early as January – before the coronavirus had been decisively identified – Chinese authorities clamped down on information to make the virus look less severe, and the government more capable.
This was particularly true when Li Wenliang, the doctor who had initially sounded the alarm about the new viral outbreak died of COVID-19 on February 7, sending Chinese sensors into overdrive.
“They ordered news sites not to issue push alerts about his death, and told social platforms to gradually remove his name from trending topics pages and activated legions of fake online commenters to flood social sites with distracting chatter,” reported The New York Times.
Beijing was caught off-guard at the outpouring of emotion and became deeply concerned about creating a “butterfly effect,” in turn causing officials to get to work suppressing inconvenient news.
The Times also maintained that propaganda workers produced reports that ensured people saw nothing other than the calming message from the Communist Party, i.e. that the government had everything under control.
In addition to employing hundreds of thousands of people part-time to promote information that parrots the CCP’s ideology, WeChat, China’s version of WhatsApp also censored data at the beginning of the pandemic, according to The Post.
Wired reported that by March, WeChat blocked mentions of international groups, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Red Cross, in addition to censoring references to outbreaks in other countries.”

RELATED ARTICLE: You Can Kill Covid With a Flick of a Light Switch, Study Shows
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ISIS Calls for Christmas Jihad: ‘Coldly Kill Them With Hate And Rage’

And so it was no surprise when International Christian Concern reported Wednesday that “security forces in Pakistan reportedly stopped a major terror attack planned to take place on Christmas Day in Peshawar. In a raid on a house in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Khyber district, four terrorists, including the leader of a banned militant outfit, were arrested.” Among those arrested was Zakir Afridi, the commander of the jihad terror group Lashkar-e-Islam.
“Along with the terrorists,” International Christian Concern reported, “security forces seized three suicide jackets and six improvised explosive devices.”
If this plot wasn’t inspired by a call from the Islamic State to murder Christians on Christmas Day, it certainly had the same goal in mind. The Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported that “on December 12, 2020, online supporters of the Islamic State (ISIS) distributed an audio clip of a new nasheed (Islamic religious chant) titled ‘Coldly Kill Them With Hate And Rage.’” The jolly folks who “released the song on Telegram included a poster featuring a Christmas tree with a bomb attached to it, and the caption: ‘Just Terror 2020. Here are their holidays at your doorsteps, and we are here too! And we are about to enter them with you!’ The post also includes the hashtag #MerryChristmas, suggesting it be used on social media to disseminate the song.”

The charming ditty includes these lyrics: “They fought Islam day and night/Killed many Muslims all in one time/Vengeance fill the hearts and minds/Coldly kill them with hate and rage/Stab them, shoot them or a blast/Make their media cry and broadcast/The khilafah [caliphate].” Well, it ain’t exactly “The First Noel,” but at least they tried.
Meanwhile, OpIndia reported Monday that an old video from the renowned Islamic apologist Zakir Naik has gone viral this year. In it, Naik, who has been accused of ties to jihad terror activity, answers a young man’s question about whether or not it is permissible for Muslims to wish Christians a merry Christmas: “To reach your goals, you cannot use wrong means, brother. What is Haram [forbidden] to them is also Haram to you. When you are wishing Merry Christmas to them, you are agreeing that he is the son of God and that is Shirk [the grave sin of associating partners with Allah in worship]. Because they believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God. Irrespective of whether they are practising Christians or not, they celebrate the day because of His birthday…Is saying Merry Christmas wrong? I am telling you it is wrong. It is 100% wrong according to me….If you don’t know what Christmas stands for and happen to wish someone, Allah may forgive you. If you drink alcohol, mistaking it for Pepsi, Allah may forgive you. But if you are doing it to build a relationship after knowing what Christmas stands for, you are building your place in Jahannam (Hell). Therefore, for reaching good means, you never have to follow bad means. You have to follow the guidance of the Quran and the Sunnah (literature based on life and deeds of Prophet Muhammad).”
In a similar vein, the German-language site Philosophia Perennis reported Saturday that another old video has gone viral there, featuring a Muslim preacher, Abu Maher, declaring: “Christmas is an insult to Allah!” The video was published by the Deutschsprachige Muslimische Gemeinschaft e.V. (“German-speaking Muslim Community, DMG) which describes itself as “an association in Braunschweig that has existed for many years” and states that “we represent Islam according to the understanding of the first three generations after the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and want to convey Islam – based on the Qurân and Sunna (path of the Prophet) and its pure message – to our fellow human beings and society. It is important to us to enable all interested parties to get to know the values ​​and norms that Islam imposes on people.” The DMG adds: “As a Muslim community, we represent a part of the local society. We respect the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, but at the same time insist on our basic rights, such as freedom of religion and freedom of expression, and want like every citizen and let every citizen live and live in peace and mutual tolerance.”
In light, however, of its denunciation of Christmas, its call for peace and tolerance appears to be in reality a call for peace and tolerance on the basis of the submission of non-Muslims to Muslims.
None of this is new, or surprising, particularly ISIS’ call for violence. It’s just another Christmas in the age of jihad.
Khamenei: ‘When Islam dominated non-Muslim regions, the followers of other religions were grateful to Muslims’
Somalia: Muslim teens attack and hospitalize seven-year-old boy because his father left Islam for Christianity
India: Muslims including women and children pelt Hindus with stones, ten people seriously injured
Sweden: Interpreter tells migrant not to ‘tarnish Islam’
Somalia: Jihad terror group al-Shabaab collects $15 million a month in taxes, more than the Somali government
Sweden gives ISIS leader who returned from Syria a protected identity and welfare benefits
UK: Court orders gay asylum seeker who fled to Britain after family threatened to kill him to return to Algeria
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column  is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PERFIDY: DIRTY GOP ‘Leaders’ Oppose Tuberville Objecting to Biden’s Electoral Fraud

Contact your Senators and especially contact that spineless opportunist McConnell and make as much noise as you can. Call, write, go down to their office with a picket sign. FIGHT! Public servants serve we the people.



GOP leaders oppose Tuberville objecting to Biden’s electoral count

By The Wiz on December 25, 2020 •
Senate Republicans say Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) will reach out to Sen.-elect Tommy Tuberville (Ala.) in an attempt to avoid a nasty fight next month over certifying the results of the Electoral College, the Hill reports.
Senate Republican Whip John Thune (S.D.) told the Hill that GOP leaders will tell Tuberville that voting to suspend the tally of the Electoral College vote next month is pointless and politically damaging.
“Ultimately every senator will have to make their own decision about that but I think there will be people, yeah, reaching out to him just to kind of find out” what he’s going to do, Thune said of Tuberville’s intentions about the Electoral College tally on Jan. 6.
Earlier this month, Tuberville strongly hinted at plans to objected to Biden’s electoral count on Jan. 6.


RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Urges GOP Senators to ‘Step Up and Fight for the Presidency’
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.