Lockdowns Haven’t Brought down Covid Mortality. But They Have Killed Millions of Jobs.

During the early onset of covid-19 in the spring, government officials across the political spectrum widely agreed that government intervention and forced closure of many businesses was necessary to protect public health. This approach has clearly failed in the United States as it led to widespread economic devastation, including millions of jobs lost, bankruptcies, and extremely severe losses in profitability. Nor have states with strict lockdowns succeeded in bringing about fewer covid deaths per million than states that were less strict.

Consequently, a few months into the pandemic, some governors weighed the competing economic costs with covid-19 containment and slowly reopened their economies. Of course, these governors did not mandate businesses reopen; however, they provided businesses the option to reopen.

Hysteria ensued as many viewed easing restrictions as akin to mass murder. The Atlantic famously dubbed  Georgia Governor Brian Kemp’s easing of restrictions as “human sacrifice” and referred to Georgians as being in a “case study in pandemic exceptionalism.” Instead, we should view the lockdowns as a case study in the failure of heavy-handed approaches in containing a highly infectious virus.

Now that we are nine months into this pandemic, there is a clearer picture of how state government approaches varied widely. It is clear that “reopened” economies are faring much better overall than less “reopened” economies. “Fueled by broader, faster economic reopenings following the initial coronavirus rash, conservative-leaning red states are by and large far outpacing liberal-leaning blue states in terms of putting people back to work,” writes Carrie Sheffield. This follows logically especially when considering that human beings learn to adapt very quickly. Now, we have learned much more about treating this virus and about who is most at risk from infection.

Not Everyone Can #StayHome

Even so, many proponents of lockdowns still contend that every covid infection is a failure of public policy. But this position is largely a luxury of white-collar workers who can afford to work from home. Lockdowns have been described as “the worst assault on the working class in half a century.” Martin Kulldorff, a biostatistician, says, “the blue-collar class is ‘out there working, including high-risk people in their 60s.” Kulldorff’s colleague Jay Bhattacharya notes that one reason “minority populations have had higher mortality in the U.S. from the epidemic is because they don’t often have the option…to stay at home.” In effect, top-down lockdown policies are “regressive” and reflect a “monomania,” says Dr. Bhattacharya. With this in mind, it is easy to see why more affluent Americans tend to view restrictive measures as the appropriate response.

For many Americans, prolonged periods of time without gainful employment, income, or social interaction are not only impossible but potentially deadly. Martin Kulldorff notes that covid-19 restrictions do not consider broader public health issues and create collateral damage; among the collateral damage is a “worsening incidence of cardiovascular disease and cancer and an alarming decline in immunization.” Dr. Bhattacharya correctly notes that society will be “counting the health harms from these lockdowns for a very long time.”

Mixed Messages

Bhattacharya emphasized the politicization of these restrictions: “When Black Lives Matter protests broke out in the spring, ‘1,300 epidemiologists signed a letter saying that the gatherings were consistent with good public health practice,’” while those same epidemiologists argued that “we should essentially quarantine in place.” Such a contradiction defies logic and undercuts arguments about the lethality of this virus. If this novel virus truly were as devastating to the broader public as advertised, then political leaders supporting mass protests and riots during a pandemic seem to be ill founded. This contradiction has been cited in countless lawsuits challenging the validity and constitutionality of covid-19 restrictions.

Separately, these often heavy-handed restrictions have targeted constitutionally protected rights like the freedom of religion. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito criticized the Nevada governor’s restrictions saying, “that Nevada would discriminate in favor of the powerful gaming industry and its employees may not come as a surprise…We have a duty to defend the Constitution, and even a public health emergency does not absolve us of that responsibility.” This scathing criticism, however, did not gain the support of the Supreme Court as a 5–4 majority deferred to the governor’s “responsibility to protect the public in a pandemic.”

The Worst State and Local Offenders

Such deference may be politically beneficial for the Supreme Court, but it presents a much more significant problem for basic freedoms. For one, many of these covid restrictions have been issued by state governors or administrative agencies rather than through democratic means. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has been targeted for her continued sidestepping of democratic channels and for her top-down approach.

These covid restrictions are somewhat meaningless without ample enforcement and resources, so many major American cities have created task forces for enforcing these covid restrictions. For example, Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti has threatened to shut off public utilities for those who host massive house parties. Garcetti wants to treat private gatherings similarly to the bars and nightclubs he has forced closed. Not only is this ridiculous, but it is also authoritarian; there have been few checks on his ability to weaponize public utilities this way. The New York City Sheriff’s Office recently “busted a party of more than 200 people who were flouting coronavirus restrictions.” Their crime? Deputies found around two hundred maskless individuals “dancing, drinking and smoking hookah inside.” In typical government fashion, the owner of the venue was “slapped with five summonses…for violation of emergency orders, unlicensed sale of alcohol and unlicensed warehousing of alcohol.” What would we do without the government?

California governor Gavin Newsom has long been a part of this effort to restrict freedoms under the guise of public health. Governor Newsom and the California Department of Public Health released new “safety” guidelines for all private gatherings during the Thanksgiving holiday. According to Newsweek, “all gatherings must include no more than three households, including hosts and guests, and must be held outdoors, lasting for two hours or less.” Given Newsom’s interventionist tendencies, it is likely that these restrictions will be enforced. How will the government determine how many households are at a Thanksgiving meal and who will enforce the two-hour window? These are questions that journalists should ask.

Meanwhile, the varying levels of economic recovery between red states and blue states demonstrate how top-down policy can be a failure. Strict lockdowns have devastated millions of families’ incomes while failing to bring success in suppressing covid mortality. This failed experiment must be brought to an end.

Mitchell Nemeth is a Risk Management and Compliance professional in Atlanta, Georgia. He holds a Master in the Study of Law from the University of Georgia Law School, and he has a BBA in Finance from the University of Georgia. His work has been featured at the Foundation for Economic Education, RealClearMarkets, Merion West, and Medium.

This column, published 11/12/20, from Mises Wire (at Mises Institute) is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. The opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the views of The Prickly Pear or of the sponsors.

VIDEO: Justice Alito Warns LGBT Movement Stifles Speech

CatholicVote posted the following video on YouTube.

©CatholicVote. All rights reserved.
Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice
Was born in Trenton, New Jersey, April 1, 1950. He married Martha-Ann Bomgardner in 1985, and has two children – Philip and Laura. He served as a law clerk for Leonard I. Garth of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit from 1976–1977. He was Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of New Jersey, 1977–1981, Assistant to the Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice, 1981–1985, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, 1985–1987, and U.S. Attorney, District of New Jersey, 1987–1990. He was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1990. President George W. Bush nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat January 31, 2006.
To inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truths of our faith in public life. We are CatholicVote.

Equal Justice Under Law? Not if You’re Conservative

How far does the Left want to go to cancel opposing viewpoints? Far enough to deprive citizens of their constitutional right to legal representation, apparently. Recently, a $500,000 negative ad campaign has been launched against law firms that are representing President Trump in his claims of voting irregularities and possible fraud in the various swing states.
Dr. John Eastman, Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law and Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence at Claremont Institute, joined “Washington Watch” to discuss the Left’s growing intolerance and marginalization of anyone who does not accept the latest, constantly evolving progressive worldview, particularly in the area of legal representation.
“This is not new,” Dr. Eastman said. “The Left has been trying to cancel legal representation for positions they disagree with for near[ly] 20 years.” He pointed to just a few examples of this disturbing trend: “I remember when I tried to file a brief in support of the Boy Scouts way back in 1999 at a fairly conservative-leaning law firm, I was told ‘we’re not allowed to do that.’ And yet there were hundreds of briefs coming in from major law firms on the other side. The same thing went on in the David Daleiden exposé of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. No major law firm would allow their lawyers to work on his behalf, so he’s got a small little non-profit helping him with scores of lawyers on the other side with some of the most prominent law firms in the country. This is an attempt to deprive people of valid representation.”
What’s truly alarming about trend is that it strikes at the very heart of the rule of law in our free republic by denying people access to justice. “You cannot have a legal system that succumbs to that kind of extortionist tactic,” Dr. Eastman observed. “Because then one side in the fight is not going to get adequate representation, and the results of the litigation are not going to be in pursuit of justice and truth, as we expect the adversarial system to lead to. When you’ve got 100 lawyers at the top firms with all of their resources against two or three lawyers on the other side with little or no resources, it’s just not a fair fight, and yet that’s the playing field they’re trying to establish.”
So how do we push back against this cancel culture that now wants to deny people due process in court? Dr. Eastman suggested that one strategy is to be very selective about the products we buy and the companies we support, because corporations have a huge sway over the legal system due to their financial stake in the top law firms they hire. “If Coca-Cola is pushing this, then we need to go to Pepsi,” he said. “We need to use our power in the market if they are going to use their power in the market to counteract it.”

Dan Hart

Managing Editor

Dan Hart is the Managing Editor for Publications at Family Research Council. His writing has appeared in such outlets as National ReviewThe FederalistFirst ThingsThe StreamThe Christian Post, the National Catholic Register, and others. Before joining FRC, he served with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he worked to promote vocations to the clergy and religious life. His previous endeavors included serving as Associate Editor of iPhone Life Magazine and also in conference implementation at the Food and Drug Law Institute. Dan received a B.A. in English from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons, freelance writing about music and culture, reading, golf, and playing guitar.
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Radical ’Heroes Act’ Is a Leftist Wish-List

By FRC’s Ruth Moreno
On November 12, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held a joint press conference calling for the passage of the Heroes Act. The Senate, House, and White House have been dealing with this far-left bill for months, but Schumer claims that the results from the 2020 election prove the necessity of passing the Heroes Act as a “starting point” on a new round of coronavirus relief legislation. Yesterday on “Washington Watch,” FRC President Tony Perkins spoke with House minority whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) to discuss the Heroes Act and the Democrats’ latest attempt to push it through Congress.
Though formally titled the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act,” the $2-$3 trillion Heroes Act is much more than a relief package. It bails out mismanaged Democrat-led cities and states on the taxpayer’s dime, making Americans pay for the incompetence and overreach of Democratic leadership.
Worse, the Heroes Act applies “nondiscrimination” provisions which redefine the term “sex” to include “sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions.” In service of the Left’s radical social agenda, this redefinition undermines both pro-life values and broader pro-family values. It also precludes the exemption of religious organizations and private schools from qualifying for the relief the bill provides.
This, as Whip Scalise pointed out, comes in the midst of a time when many public schools are refusing to even teach students in the classroom.
“If somebody is going to take your money but not educate your child safely in person when other school systems are willing to, then parents ought to be able to go to those places that will safely educate their child while taking the money,” Scalise said.
As he observed, the Heroes Act would also release “untold thousands” of criminals from prison. The number of criminals that would be released is truly unknown, because the bill does not explain exactly to whom it would apply.
Also woven into the Heroes Act is the full text of the Safe Banking Act, which grants the marijuana industry direct access to banking services. Under the Controlled Substances Act, this is currently prohibited.
One must wonder, as Tony asked Whip Scalise, what any of this has to do with the coronavirus.
“There are bills that would get huge bipartisan votes that would just renew paycheck protection program loans for small businesses,” Scalise said, adding that “There are millions of families that don’t want to be unemployed and their businesses are about to go under. You could save those jobs. That’s where our focus ought to be.”
Instead, Democrats are pushing partisan legislation under the guise that it’s what the American people want. Despite what Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi may say, the still-disputed 2020 elections were not a “mandate” for the passage of the Heroes Act.
According to exit polls reported by the New York Times, 35 percent of American voters said their top political priority was the economy. Twenty percent of voters said it was racial inequality, followed by the coronavirus pandemic at 17 percent.
Seventeen percent is not a mandate. Americans want coronavirus legislation and relief, but it should not come at the expense of other important issues. And though the presidential race and certain Senate races are still lacking a clear winner, Republicans’ 10-seat gain in the House of Representatives proves that Americans are certainly not onboard with the Democrat’s radical agenda being pushed by Pelosi. Democrats spent enormous sums of money trying to flip House seats blue, but in states like Florida and Texas, the electorate came out in defense of common sense and traditional American values. Adding to this, Republicans will most likely hold on to the Senate, and even picked up gains in state legislatures around the country. When races are examined around the country, at all levels, the voters actually delivered a mandate for a conservative agenda — not the Heroes Act!
The 1,800-page long Heroes Act stands against just about every traditional American value imaginable. In addition to legislating bailouts, freed criminals, marijuana banking, and a complete redefinition of the family, the Heroes Act also includes Planned Parenthood loans, taxpayer-funded abortion, cash for illegal immigrants, and even election-altering provisions (the Heroes Act guts voter ID laws and other state measures which protect the integrity of elections). The bill also includes anti-free speech “hate crimes” provisions.
Indeed, after the 2020 elections, Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi should know better than to force upon Americans something as radical as the Heroes Act.
 EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AUDIT THE ELECTIONS! Joe Biden is not ‘president-elect’ [Video]

Changing vote counts after Election Day raises significant legal and constitutional concerns, and President Trump should use every legal and constitutional remedy to ensure that the American people can trust the results.
Meanwhile, the media, including social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, are inaccurately labeling Biden as president-elect. No official sources have called the election. Federal law and the Constitution limit official sources to state officials, the Electoral College, and, ultimately, Congress. Thankfully, the Constitution does not give the media the ability to declare the winner of a presidential election.
We have long warned of the chaos and increased risk of fraud from recklessly mailing 100 million ballots and ballot applications. Our most recent research, in September, revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study collected the most recent registration data posted online by the states themselves. This data was then compared to the Census Bureau’s most recent five-year population estimates, gathered by the American Community Survey (ACS) from 2014 through 2018. ACS surveys are sent to 3.5 million addresses each month, and its five-year estimates are considered to be the most reliable estimates outside of the decennial census.
It is not normal for multiple states to be counting presidential votes for days after Election Day. And it raises significant concerns about the validity of post-election counts. Federal law seems clear that the presidential contest is supposed to be decided by Election Day. For example, 3 U.S. Code § 1 states:
The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President
On Election Day, President Trump had the votes to win the presidency. These vote totals were changed because of unprecedented and extraordinary counting after Election Day.
The state legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona have independent constitutional authority to resolve presidential election disputes. And Congress has the ultimate authority to accept or reject electors.
As you know, we are a national leader for cleaner elections.
In 2018 the Supreme Court upheld a voter-roll cleanup program that resulted from our settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California settled a federal lawsuit with us and last year began the process of removing up to 1.6 million inactive names from Los Angeles County’s voter rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of hundreds of thousands of old registrations last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another of our lawsuits.
And in 2020, we sued North CarolinaPennsylvania, and Colorado for failing to clean their voter rolls, and sue Illinois for refusing to disclose voter roll data in violation of federal law.
You can learn more about our election efforts here.
I provide additional details in my latest bookA Republic Under Assault: The Left’s Ongoing Attack on American Freedom.
EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Never bet against me’: President Trump makes first post-election comments.

Trust Trump.

‘Never bet against me’: Trump makes first post-election comments, lays out path to victory

“It’s probably two weeks, three weeks” to know outcome, President says
By Joseph Cur, Just the News, November 13, 2020 – 12:30pm
That’s what President Trump told Washington Examiner reporter Byron York on Thursday, in his first post-election comments on the state of the 2020 presidential race.
Trump was optimistic, laying out a scenario in which he pulls out wins in key battleground states and gets to the magic number of 270 votes in the Electoral College.
“We’re going to win Wisconsin,” the president said in the exclusive phone interview. “Arizona – it’ll be down to 8,000 votes, and if we can do an audit of the millions of votes, we’ll find 8,000 votes easy. If we can do an audit, we’ll be in good shape there.”
“Georgia, we’re going to win, because now, we’re down to about 10,000, 11,000 votes, and we have hand-counting,” he said, referring to a call by Georgia’s secretary of state do perform a full audit on the election. “Hand-counting is the best. To do a spin of the machine doesn’t mean anything. You pick up 10 votes. But when you hand-count – I think we’re going to win Georgia.”
Trump also presented a rosy view on North Carolina, where he leads by more than 70,000 votes. He predicts a win there unless, he said jokingly, “they happen to find a lot of votes. I said, ‘When are they going to put in the new votes in North Carolina? When are they going to find a batch from Charlotte?’ ”
That leaves Pennsylvania (where Trump trails 60,000 votes) and Michigan (where he’s behind by more than 145,000 votes).
The two big states,” Trump said, adding, “They’re all sort of big.”
Trump then complained about the process in Pennsylvania.
“They wouldn’t let our poll watchers and observers watch or observe,” he said. “That’s a big thing. They should throw those votes out that went through during those periods of time when [Trump observers] weren’t there. We went to court, and the judge ordered [the observers] back, but that was after two days, and millions of votes could have gone through. Millions. And we’re down 50,000,” he said.
The president told York he has contemplated losing. “I’m a guy who realizes – five days ago, I thought, ‘Maybe,’” he said. “But, now I see evidence, and we have hundreds of affidavits,” referring to the testimony included in lawsuits by his campaign.
“When I asked him how quickly he might turn things around,” York wrote, “he said, ‘I don’t know. It’s probably two weeks, three weeks.’”
“He knows the situation. He has heard many people tell him it’s over and time to concede. But at the very least, it is important for his most devoted supporters to see him fighting to stay in office. And he closed with a good-natured warning for everyone who has told him there is no hope: ‘Never bet against me,’” York wrote.

RELATED VIDEO: Will Trump Still Win the Presidency?

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Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and SECURITY Eric Coomer Admitted in 2016 Vendors and Election Officials Have Access to Manipulate the Vote
At the flip of a switch, results can be change on an industrial scale. Why would anyone with such control at his fingertips ever relinquish power?
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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

US Army seizes Dominion servers in Germany, Trump lawyer vows, ‘I’m going to release the Kraken’

The evidence for massive voter fraud continues to pile up, and these two new developments could break the whole thing wide open. The Dominion servers may reveal just how extensive the fraud was — they could be the gamechanger. And Trump lawyer Sidney Powell says it’s “irrefutable” that Trump won in a landslide. The media’s desperate attempts to discredit all claims of fraud, dismissing them with hasty and shoddy rationalizations, and to shut down all discussion of the matter shows how close the Trump team is to exposing the entire massive enterprise. Freedom, and the future of the nation itself, hang in the balance.

“‘I’m Going to Release the Kraken.’ Trump Attorney Declares War on Voter Fraud,” Todd Starnes, November 13, 2020:

This is a must-watch interview between Lou Dobbs and Sidney Powell, a member of the Trump legal team.
The allegations of voter fraud in the presidential election are staggering, folks.
“President Trump won this election in a landslide,” Powell said. “It’s irrefutable.”
There needs to be a massive criminal investigation and it’s going to affect millions of voters, she said.
“I’m going to release the Kraken,” she declared. “It is indeed a very foul mess. It is farther and wider and deeper than we ever thought. But we are going to after it and I am going to expose every one of them.”…


Trump Supporters Unleash Massive “Call to Action” Against GA Governor, Accuse Him of Running a “Fake Audit”
Detroit contracted poll workers from firm owned by key figure in imprisoned ex-mayor’s corruption case
Georgia DEMOCRAT Senate Candidate Jon Ossoff Quietly Discloses Financial Ties to Pro-Communist Chinese Party Hong Kong Media Company
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Dominion Voting Systems Officer of Strategy and SECURITY Eric Coomer Admitted in 2016 Vendors and Election Officials Have Access to Manipulate the Vote
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Calls for ‘Unity’ Really Calls for Capitulation

Political unity is an ugly, authoritarian idea. No free place has domestic political unity, nor should it aspire to it.
What “unity” really means, of course, is capitulation. America is once again being subjected to the inane brand of pseudo-patriotic sloganeering we saw during President Barack Obama’s tenure.
Now, as then, the media will pretend that the moral fabric of the nation must be mended after Republican rule. It’s pretty transparent. When Democrats win the presidency, we are treated to solemn calls for national restoration and political harmony, and to the expectation that, for the good of the nation, the opposition will embrace decorum and pass legislation they oppose.
When Republicans win elections, grown women put on knitted hats depicting their reproductive organs and stomp around Washington protesting, all to a hero’s welcome.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Time magazine, the same publication that helped erode trust in our electoral system with conspiratorial covers of the White House morphing into the Kremlin, now offers a commemorative cover featuring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with the words, “A time to heal.”
Unlike some of our progressive friends, I don’t believe in enemies lists or censorship, so my healing process is simple: It involves playing whatever small part I can in extinguishing the political fortunes of those who want to weaken the Constitution.
I’m not at all interested in finding accord with those who want to overturn the Hyde Amendment, thereby making late-term abortion a state-funded practice, or with anyone who wants to “reengage” without any genuine preconditions with Holocaust-denying terror regimes such as Iran, or with anyone who wants to further socialize our health care system by adding a “public option.” Like many others, I find disunity quite therapeutic.
I suspect that, in a few weeks, “political polarization” will once again become an existential crisis of American governance. My favorite postelection headline came from the social scientists at Pew Research Center, who informed us that the “2020 election reveals two broad voting coalitions fundamentally at odds.” Two broad coalitions, you say? Fundamentally at odds? What are the chances?
Michelle Obama says we can overcome our divisions, but that Democrats must first remember “that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.” She suggests that there is “a lot of work to do to reach out to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us.”
It’s somewhat difficult to process this level of obnoxious sanctimony. Here is a list of demands you divisive Republicans must embrace for the country to “unite.” Get on with it.
Anyhow, I reject this false choice in the name of patriotic disunity. Not one of those 72 million agents of chaos lied to millions of Americans to strip us of our health care insurance plans. Not one of those voters has attempted to force nuns to buy contraception—or sued them when they refused.
One day, I hope Michelle Obama will stop defending the lies, hate, and division that her husband inflicted on this great nation. Until then, though, we’ll have to agree to disagree.
We do that sort of thing in Washington. The liberal pivot from “resistance” to “unity” is as swift as it is dishonest. After four years of treating every unexceptional conservative policy victory as one of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse, Washington Post columnists are already dusting off their columns about “obstructionism” and “minority rule.” After years of blanket opposition to Trump, we are being told that Biden has a national “mandate.”
He does not. God willing, Washington is headed for more “gridlock”—a completely healthy, organic reflection of the geographical, ideological, and theological differences of real people in contemporary America.
Congress makes laws, and right now that institution is narrowly divided and unlikely to be able to come together on any of the big-ticket items Biden promised. This is why federalism exists.
Unity is found in comity with your neighbors, in your churches, and schools, in your everyday interactions with your community. Politics is not a place for unity. It is a place for airing grievances. And we’ve got plenty.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .

No Longer the Democratic Party of JFK
Here’s Who Progressives Want to See in Biden’s Cabinet
Media Didn’t Earn a Vote of Confidence With 2020 Coverage

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Now We Know Why the New York Times Said the Media Declared the Election Winner

If anything has come clear in this strange year, it is that the Left is not stupid, it’s evil. And so, when the New York Times tweeted that it was the media’s job to declare the winner of the presidential election, people laughed at the ignorance of the miseducated millennials who run the propaganda leader’s Facebook page. But instead of laughing, they should have been asking themselves what the Times’ agenda was in publishing such a patently false statement. Now the answer is clear: the Times, along with the rest of the establishment media, is doing everything it can to establish the inevitability of a Biden/Harris presidency before the president’s court challenges reach the Supreme Court, so as to make the Court as hesitant to buck the prevailing winds as it was when it approved of Obamacare.
The Times tweeted on Election Day: “The role of declaring the winner of a presidential election in the U.S. falls to the news media. The broadcast networks and cable news outlets have vowed to be prudent. Here’s how it will work.” After a tidal wave of ridicule from those who couldn’t find the constitutional provision for journalists deciding who won the election, the Times deleted its tweet and posted a weaselly correction: “We’ve deleted an earlier tweet that referred imprecisely to the role of the news media in the U.S. presidential election.”
“Imprecisely.” Yeah, that’s it.
In reality, the Times’ initial tweet was quite precise in revealing still more of the Democrats’ game plan. Millions of people saw it before it was deleted, including the Times’ core constituency—the miseducated and propagandized hard Left that knows no better and was thus primed to accept the media’s verdict on the election. The first tweet was yet another example of how the Left has been oddly transparent about their strategy throughout this election season. One notable example was Nancy Pelosi declaring that Trump would lead at the end of election night but would not win. Another was when articles began appearing that discussed what would happen if the president-elect died before Inauguration Day.
It is clear to any alert observer now that the Times anointed the media with the role of declaring the winner of the presidential election because it knew how this was going work. Biden would win amid strong evidence of massive voter fraud. Trump would challenge the results in court, but that would take a while. In the meantime, the Times and the rest of the establishment media could try to stampede the courts by anointing Biden as “president-elect” and declaring the election over, thereby making Trump’s legal challenges appear like the desperate Hail-Mary pass of an arrogant yet pathetic man who refused to accept when he was defeated, and giving the whole scam enough legitimacy as to bring on even more, by inducing world leaders to offer their congratulations to this spurious “president-elect.” After all, AP and the New York Times and CNN wouldn’t lie to the entire world, would they?
Sure they would. But now the Times has moved on to the next stage of the plan, which is to appear to discredit specific allegations of voter fraud and make any challenge to the vote totals out to be right-wing conspiracy-mongering that must be quashed before it leads to violence by those “right-wing extremists” that the media keeps warning us about while antifa and Black Lives Matter burn down cities.
By the time all this gets to the Supreme Court, everyone, including the nine (for now) justices, will (the Times hopes) be so used to the idea of “president-elect Biden” that it will look like the worst sort of judicial activism (that thing Trump and his supporters are supposed to be against!) to overturn the victory of the candidate that the media insists has won. And if the Supreme Court goes ahead anyway and finds that there was significant voter fraud and that Trump actually did win the election, antifa and Black Lives Matter are poised to burn down more cities, while the Times and its colleagues insist that the Republicans have stolen the election in the courts.
It’s a diabolically clever plan. Yet one principal obstacle that the Times and the rest of the establishment media face today in trying to get away with it is that the 2020 election has been the red pill of all red pills. Millions of Americans are now onto them. They won’t find it so easy to fool the public as it has been for them in the past.
A Biden Presidency and the American Gulag
Muslims in US want Biden to change refugee limits to allow more migrants into the country
Europol’s European Counter Terrorism Centre raids 97 locations in nine countries, detaining people for ‘hate speech’
Sweden: Muslim migrant circumcises nine boys with a soldering gun, gets probation, community service, $6,380 fine
Leftist privilege: Ilhan Omar has paid husband’s political consulting firm nearly $2,800,000
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Massive Pro-Trump Convoy headed to Washington, D.C.

MAGA March for Trump will be happening on Saturday, November 14, 2020. There are already convoys of trucks headed to the nations capitol [see video below] to support President Donald J. Trump. Here’s the details:


WASHINGTON, D.C. | November 14 @ 12:00pm
Democrats are scheming to disenfranchise and nullify Republican votes. It’s up to the American people to stop it.
Along with President Trump, we will NOT back down to ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation. This is a coalition/team effort. We need boots on the ground to protect the integrity of the vote.

Their presence is to insure that an audit of every vote is taken before the Electoral College meets in December. The goal is for a free and fair election where only legal votes are counted.


©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Another Pennsylvania USPS Insider Steps Forward with Story of Political Bias

Project Veritas released a new video today of another Brave USPS Insider who says that pro-Trump and pro-Republican mail is being ordered to be discarded while pro-Biden mail is “to be treated as first-class.”
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “The only political mail that will be delivered from now on will be that of the ‘winner,’ in this case, Joe Biden. Other political mail from other sources and senders would be put into the undeliverable bulk business mail bin.”
  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “All political mail for Biden was to be continued to be treated as first-class and delivered the day it was received.”
  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “I think that we’re a delivery service and that [playing politics] is not really our place.”
  • Elkins Park, Pa., USPS whistleblower: “The only thing that’s going to prevent a fraudulent election is people having the courage to come forward. I wouldn’t want to say that I had the opportunity to do that and didn’t do it.”
  • Whistleblower says Elkins Park, Pa., USPS Supervisor of Customer Services Walter Lee gave the order to 30 postal workers

You can watch the full video here:

What is going on with the USPS? Since when do they decide what political mail goes out or gets discarded?
This is the third Pennsylvania USPS Insider to blow the whistle on election malfeasance in the last week. There is something going on with USPS and we must get to the bottom of it immediately.
The truth must and will prevail.
RELATED VIDEO: Newsmax video on Georgia recount.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas investigative report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: ‘Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election’

It all falls into place now.

Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election – TRUTH”

By Jim Hoft, November 12, 2020:
Prominent Attorney L. Lin Wood, who successfully represented teen Nicholas Sandmann in defamation suits against The Washington Post and CNN, joined the president’s efforts to win back the 2020 election late last week. L. Lin Wood grew concerned after Trump’s apparent historic landslide was nullified by criminal actions the days following the election.
L. Lin Wood has always been outspoken.
On Monday and Tuesday The Gateway Pundit was first to report on election software “glitches” that resulted in votes stolen from President Trump and extra votes given to Joe Biden in numerous swing states.
On Wednesday and Thursday President Trump teased in a tweet that the Dominion systems were used to steal the election.


Attorney Lin Wood followed up on President Trump’s tweets on Thursday morning pointing to Chinese theft of the US elections using Dominion voting systems.
Lin Wood 1: LOCK THEM UP. Biden, Obama, & Hillary & Bill Clinton, et al.
There will be no more corruption in The White House.


They have been caught.
Lin Wood 2Soon, no objective, fair-minded person will be able to deny massive fraud perpetrated in planned, coordinated scheme to steal our Presidency.


CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, NY Times, Washington Post, Atlantic, Mother Jones, etc. are co-conspirators.
Lin Wood 3: Goal of groups & individuals who tried to steal our election is to overthrow our Constitution. They think we are Venezuela. They are wrong.


BE VERY WARY of online disinformation campaign, i.e., videos of staged attacks aimed at inciting Patriots.

Lin Wood 4: The American Dream will NEVER be destroyed by the Chinese Communist Party.


Our country is at war with Communist China. They attacked us with COVID & DOMINION.
Lin Wood 5:  Stay strong, Patriots. Help is on the way. Communist China will never take our freedoms for us.


Lin Wood 6: China attacked us with Covid – a biological weapon.


Covid was excuse to control our lifestyles.
Dominion was Communist voting system used to control our election.
Lin Wood 7: In 2020, Communist China materially interfered with our election. When investigated, that statement will be found to be the TRUTH.

#FightBack for TRUTH
Listen: Federal Agents Try to Intimidate, Coerce USPS Whistleblower Into Recanting Election Fraud Claim
Look At What These Secretaries of States In Charge of Recounts Are Saying About “Neo Nazi” Trump Supporters
HUGE: Judge Orders Pennsylvania Segregated Ballots Should *NOT* Be Counted
SHOCKING: Nevada Whistleblower Describes Biden Van Vote Factory in Signed Affidavit
Maricopa County Republican Party Chair Resigns after Failing to Attend Pre-Election Voting Ballot Tabulation Machines.
Black Lives Matter Pens Demands Letter To Joe Biden And Kamala Harris: ‘We Want Something For Our Vote’
VIDEO: Michigan Voter Fraud Witness Barry Doherty Describes Wi-Fi Networks, Boxes of Empty Ballots, Networked Voting Machines

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

When ‘Unity’ Means ‘Shut the Hell Up’

On Saturday evening, presidential front-runner Joe Biden—who doesn’t actually become president-elect until vote counts are certified—gave a preliminary victory address.
In that address, he spoke of his mandate to govern: a mandate, he said, that extended to marshalling the “forces of decency … fairness … science … hope.” Which is a pretty vague mandate, as it turns out.
But there was another overarching mandate Biden expressed: a mandate to come together, to unify as Americans. “To make progress, we must stop treating our opponents as our enemy,” Biden said. “We are not enemies. We are Americans.”
All of that is nice. Who wouldn’t like a country in which we could enjoy cultural events together without being lectured about the alleged evils of the country, in which we could attend family events without being castigated as bigots, in which we could disagree and still enjoy one another?

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Who wouldn’t like an America in which our neighbors no longer see us as cancel-culture targets, in which we no longer have to fear our compatriots rioting and looting over supposed systemic injustices, in which our social interactions are not limited by our voter registration?
Americans are right to have some rather serious trust issues with calls for unity in our polarized time. After all, former President Barack Obama pledged American reunification right up until he began treating tea partyers as unspeakable threats and political opponents as crypto-racists. Everything was hopey and changey right up until the time … it wasn’t.
So, in order to earn our trust, Biden would have to call his own side out for raising the temperature. And he has steadfastly refused to do so.
He hasn’t called out Black Lives Matter for the suggestion that America is systemically racist; he has cheered it on. He hasn’t condemned Antifa; he has deemed it a philosophy rather than a dangerous movement. And he certainly hasn’t said a word about the continuing attacks on Trump supporters.
We will wait in vain for Biden to chide former first lady Michelle Obama for declaring that 70 million Americans “voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.” Our bones will likely bleach before Biden tells Hillary Clinton that Trump supporters aren’t deplorables.
No, “unity” in the Biden formulation isn’t a recognition of what we have in common; it’s a demand that we silence ourselves in order to mirror Biden’s priorities.
Unity, you see, can be achieved one of two ways: through recognition of the other, through a determination to understand those who think differently than we do; or through ideological domination. It’s rather obvious which pathway Democrats will choose. After all, social ostracization is one of their most powerful tools. Why disarm now?
Americans can only come together when we share a common philosophy, history, and culture. Democrats have spent years attempting to tear away those commonalities in favor of coalitional interest-group politics.
They’ve declared American philosophy racist from inception; they’ve declared American history a litany of brutalities; they’ve declared American culture bigotry embodied. Now they want unity—the unity of absolute victory.
Ironically, it’s that very desire—the desire for monolithic control—that will be their undoing.
Unless Biden is serious about unity—unless he’s willing to cross the aisle and recognize the humanity of those with whom he disagrees, and to call out those on his own side who won’t—Biden’s term is likely to be contentious, polarizing, and ultimately unsuccessful.

Ben Shapiro

Ben Shapiro is host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of DailyWire.com. He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, and lives with his wife and two children in Los Angeles. Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Media Should Not Have ‘Called’ This Election

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

David Wood Video: YouTube Sides With Jihadis In Free Speech Controversy

YouTube took down two of David Wood’s videos recently because he said that the Quran contains hateful verses. As far as YouTube is concerned, that is “hate speech.”
So here is a new video from David, which he kindly gave me to post at the Jihad Watch channel, explaining the controversy and its implications.
Watch it soon; it might not be up long.

Muslim Brotherhood gleeful at the prospect of a Biden presidency
Spain: Jihad murderer taunts non-Muslims, ‘Allah has chosen us to make you cry some blood’
Germany: Muslim YouTuber with 998,000 subscribers leads ‘Macron the dog’ on leash as crowd screams ‘Allahu akbar’
Germany: 11-year-old Muslim threatens teacher with beheading
London Mayor Sadiq Khan: ‘Being a Muslim ain’t easy. It’s never been harder to be a Muslim than the last four years’
Germany: Muslim migrant tells job center that he would rather fight for jihadis
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Voter Fraud in Presidential Elections Has Been Going on for at Least 60 Years. It’s Time to Call a Halt.

While the Left is acting as if it is unthinkable – absolutely inconceivable! – that a presidential election can be stolen, and that to suspect otherwise is to venture deep into tinfoil-hat territory, in reality, this kind of thing has happened before, and it’s high time it all came out and safeguards were implemented. In Stephen King’s novel 11/22/63 (spoiler alert!), the main character, Jake, travels back in time to try to stop Lee Harvey Oswald from shooting John F. Kennedy. Even though King drops Jake off in 1958, giving him five years in the Good Old Days, the great novelist never thinks to offer him the easiest way to ensure that Kennedy survives: rather than stopping Oswald, he could have had Jake stop JFK from stealing the 1960 presidential election from Richard Nixon.
As Rating America’s Presidents notes, the 1960 campaign is famous not for voter fraud, but for the televised debates between Nixon and Kennedy, the first debates between the presidential candidates of each major party. The effect of television may have decided the election. A majority of those who listened to the first debate on the radio thought Nixon had won, but on television, he had unwisely eschewed makeup and sweated profusely under the hot lights, making him look nervous and shifty. Most TV viewers thought Kennedy had won.
Nevertheless, the election itself was extremely close, with Kennedy winning only 112,000 more popular votes than Nixon, out of over 68 million cast; in the Congressional Quarterly’s count, Nixon won the popular vote.
Illinois and Texas decided the contest. Both were quite close themselves: if Nixon had won forty-seven thousand more votes in Texas (the home state of Democratic vice-presidential candidate Lyndon B. Johnson) and ten thousand in Illinois (where Democratic machine boss Richard Daley, the mayor of Chicago, held sway), he would have become president.
There was significant evidence that the Kennedy machine had committed voter fraud in both states. In Illinois, Daley’s Chicago machine made it easy: five days before the election, a Chicago group called the Committee on Honest Elections issued a report documenting its contention that fully ten percent of the people on Chicago voter rolls were listed as living in bars, barbershops, vacant lots and the like. Many had moved; many others were dead. The Committee also found unregistered voters having cast votes, including some who were apparently altogether fictional.
This report didn’t stop the fraud in Chicago. In the election, several Chicago districts recorded many more votes than they had registered voters, and Kennedy won big.
In Texas, meanwhile, Republicans charged that Democratic vice presidential candidate Lyndon Johnson, whose past recourse to voter fraud was legendary, had been up to his old tricks. In his 1948 Senate race, voters helpfully voted in alphabetical order to put Johnson over the top. Twelve years later, the Republicans contended, Johnson had made sure that tens of thousands of fraudulent votes were cast for Kennedy, while tens of thousands of other ballots, marked for Nixon, were invalidated, generally on the thinnest of pretexts.
Texas and Illinois would have given Nixon 270 electoral votes and the presidency. Despite massive evidence that he had been the victim of a grand theft, however, the Republican candidate declined to contest the election, saying that he did not wish to plunge the country into a crisis with the Cold War raging.
That was a noble sacrifice for Richard Nixon to make in 1960, and belies his post-Watergate reputation as a cynical, self-serving, crooked trickster. However, it is long past time for the victims of voter fraud, particularly in the presidential arena, to stop being noble. The problem with Kennedy’s successful theft of the 1960 election was that it paved the way for what we are seeing today, emboldening those forces who believed that they could carry out this larceny in public view of everyone without suffering any significant consequences.
If it was noble of Nixon to bow out in 1960 and not contest the theft, it is far more noble of President Trump in 2020 to contest this election, to gather all the available evidence and take it to the Supreme Court for judgment. Anything short of that will only embolden and enable the fraudsters all the more, to the degree that it may be impossible in the United States after this to have a free and fair presidential election.
As a result, it is not hyperbole to say that our future as a free republic hangs in the balance. The immense pressure on Trump to concede is only testimony to how deeply he has shaken the political and media elites. If they succeed in destroying him, they will be able to impose their will without fear of serious opposition. It’s time to break their hegemony now.
Muslim Brotherhood gleeful at the prospect of a Biden presidency
Spain: Jihad murderer taunts non-Muslims, ‘Allah has chosen us to make you cry some blood’
Germany: Muslim YouTuber with 998,000 subscribers leads ‘Macron the dog’ on leash as crowd screams ‘Allahu akbar’
Germany: 11-year-old Muslim threatens teacher with beheading
London Mayor Sadiq Khan: ‘Being a Muslim ain’t easy. It’s never been harder to be a Muslim than the last four years’
Germany: Muslim migrant tells job center that he would rather fight for jihadis
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Domestic Violence More Than Doubled Under Lockdowns, New Study Finds

New research shows that domestic violence surged during quarantine.

The unintended consequences of the COVID-19 lockdowns have been severe: mass unemployment, increased drug overdoses and suicides, and widespread social unrest are but a few of them.
On Monday, the National Bureau of Economic Research released a paper detailing another: increased domestic violence.
Analyzing government-mandated lockdowns in India, researchers Saravana Ravindran and Manisha Shah found evidence of a 131 percent increase in complaints of domestic violence in May 2020 in “red zone districts,” or districts that experienced the strictest lockdown measures, relative to districts that had less strict measures (“green zones”).
The researchers, who used a difference-in-differences empirical strategy, found the increase in domestic violence complaints was consistent with a surge in Google search activity for terms related to domestic violence over the same period.
The authors’ findings “contribute to a growing literature on the impacts of lockdowns and stay-at-home policies on violence against women during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The findings, which also found a decline in reported sexual assaults because of decreased mobility, are similar to those from research that found lockdowns led to a 100 percent increase in intimate partner violence calls in Mexico City. A study analyzing data from police departments in four US cities showed smaller increases in domestic violence, 10-27 percent, during lockdown periods.
Globally about one-third of women experience “intimate partner violence” (IPV), which negatively impacts female earnings, labor participation, earnings, mental health, and household consumption.

The global increase in domestic violence during the lockdown period has received relatively little attention, though CNN recently reported on the increase south of the US border.
In Mexico, federal lawmakers shut down most of its economy on March 23, urging people to stay indoors. Activists told the network the action spurred “an onslaught of domestic violence,” and data show 911 calls for domestic violence are up 44 percent from the same time the previous year.
“The lockdowns triggered violence in so many ways,” Perla Acosta Galindo, Director of Más Sueños A.C., a women’s community center, told CNN. “People can’t work, there’s alcoholism, overcrowding; it’s a lot.”

To some degree, the COVID pandemic has been portrayed as a morality play. Some would have you believe those who care about people support lockdowns; those who don’t care about people oppose them. We’re presented with false choices: we can support the economy or protect American lives.
These types of arguments only serve to divide. They can also obscure a basic truth: there are human costs to lockdowns, besides the economic ones, that can ravage lives just as badly as any disease.
The Washington Post, for example, recently reported on ”a hidden epidemic within the coronavirus pandemic”: drug overdoses. One Ohio coroner said he can’t process the bodies fast enough.
“We’ve literally run out of wheeled carts to put them on,” Anahi Ortiz told the paper.
Statistics suggest the trend is national in scope. Data from the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program show that overdoses were up 18 percent in March, 29 percent in April, and 42 percent in May from the same periods the previous year.
These statistics should come as no surprise. Social scientists have been writing about the deadly consequences of social isolation for years.
It’s not just higher stress levels, disrupted sleep patterns, and altered immune systems. One 2015 study determined that social isolation substantially increased the risk of stroke (32 percent) and heart disease (29 percent).
Social isolation is also linked to suicide. While there is no comprehensive 2020 data on suicides, anecdotal evidence suggests many are struggling to cope with quarantine life. In May, during the peak of the lockdowns, one California doctor told local media his hospital has seen “a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks.”

As the French economist Frédéric Bastiat stressed, every policy, “produces not only one effect, but a series of effects.” The immediate and intended effects are what he calls “the seen,” while the indirect, unintended consequences are “the unseen.” “The seen” usually gets all the attention, while “the unseen” often goes neglected.
In this case, “the seen” are the victims of the virus and those who hopefully avoid spreading or catching the disease because of the lockdowns. They are, without a doubt, worthy of our care and attention.
But we also must not ignore “the unseen”: the millions of human beings who, as a result of the lockdowns, have become victims of domestic violence, drug overdoses, depression, suicide, and more.
As Antony Davies and James Harrigan wrote, “The uncomfortable truth is that no policy can save lives; it can only trade lives.” It may one day be determined that the lockdowns saved more lives than they destroyed, although recent evidence suggests the correlation between lockdown severity and COVID-19 deaths is weak. But let’s not underestimate the devastating human toll of this policy.
The lives ruined or snuffed out by the lockdowns deserve better than that. They deserve to be seen.

Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.
4 Life-Threatening Unintended Consequences of the Lockdowns
The Lockdowns Crushed Minority-Owned Businesses the Most
Another Deadly Cost of COVID-19 Lockdowns: “A Hidden Epidemic” of Drug Overdoses
CDC: A Quarter of Young Adults Say They Contemplated Suicide This Summer During Pandemic
Social Isolation Is Damaging an Entire Generation of Kids
Four Newborns Die After Being Denied Heart Surgery because of COVID Travel Restrictions
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Where Does the GOP go from Here?

For Republicans, it’s time to get to work. The next presidential election is just four short years away and there is already plenty of things to be done before then. As Republicans, we were very lucky to have had President Trump as our candidate. His fire and energy on the campaign trail was like nothing we had ever seen. However, by 2024 we will have to find a new candidate and whoever becomes the front runner will likely not have the same energy. In other words, it will require more work by the candidate’s supporters than this year.
The far-left’s agenda will undoubtedly raise its ugly head again in another attempt to turn the country to socialism and immoral behavior. The next question obviously becomes, “What can we do about it?”
To win the next round, it will take more than just waving some flags, displaying signs, and calling people on the phone. Instead of a reactive mode of operation, which is typical of Republicans, how about a pro-active approach instead?
As I see it, we have four objectives to succeed:

  1. Promote morality and education, thereby pushing back the lunatic left.
  2. Implement legislation to prevent tampering with our electoral process.
  3. Select a suitable candidate.
  4. Reorganize Republican groups to make us more effective.

More specifically, consider the following ideas:
ACADEMIA – push local school boards for more education in terms of Civics, American History and socio-economics, e.g., teaching the differences between capitalism and socialism. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has started a program to teach the U.S. Constitution to high school students, but more is needed. It has become painfully obvious high school students do not understand the basics of our government or our duties as citizens, such as serving on a jury, understanding state sovereignty, and the need for the electoral college. If we want them to become responsible citizens, it is time to teach these basics again. We certainly do not need any more sheep.
NEWS MEDIA – it was bad enough President Trump had to compete against the Democrats, but he also had to take on the news media which has proven to be unreliable in terms of telling the truth to the American public. It is time to take them down and establish new venues with a journalistic code of conduct that promotes morality. The press has been at war with Republicans for far too long; it is now time to take the fight to them, such as picketing offices and demanding the resignation of people engaged in irresponsible reporting. This also includes “Fake Polling.”
MORALITY – politics is very much concerned with moral values. It ultimately represents our sense of right and wrong. I have been discussing morality for several years now and followed studies revealing its steady decline in our country. It is time to express our commitment to morality and applaud those who exhibit exemplary behavior. We should also support religious institutions any way we can, perhaps forming a group to visit local places of worship as guests.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – morality also includes respect for the rule of law. Following the “Summer of Hate,” where cities were burned, stores looted, people harmed, and police departments de-funded, it is time to fight back. There is a lot that can be done in this area, such as arranging tours for youths to law enforcement facilities, honoring local deputies and officials, a visit to the courts and prosecutor’s office, etc. All of this is educational for youth as well as adults.
MILITARY – as with law enforcement, respect begins with education, such as visiting a military base or pertinent museum.
GOP CLUBS – organize more committees and staff them with qualified people. Something to stress: it is no longer sufficient to just be a member of a group; now is the time to stress the concept of “membership requires participation.” It could be a large or small task, but the days of apathy are over, people must become pro-active. We are dealing with a determined opponent who doesn’t play fair and will change our world for the worse. If you want to sit on the sidelines, that is fine, but we need people who believe in the cause and will assume responsibility.
LEGISLATION – obviously, it is time to push for a new approach to voting which prohibits fraud, as well as enacting stiffer penalties for fraud, otherwise it will continue unabated thereby setting a bad example for future generations. We can no longer afford to waste time and money on fallacious voting results. Other legislation worth pursuing includes: shortening the campaign cycle and limiting campaign financing (thereby stunting the growth of the corrupt media), and enacting Congressional term limits.
CANDIDATES – Select and support the best candidates for office. We need moral people who support the Constitution, and offer skills conducive for leadership and proper American values. A litmus test of some kind would be useful to determine qualifications for a position. We certainly do not need more career politicians.
As mentioned, politics is morality in action. Over the years, we have dropped our guard and allowed our opponents to walk all over us and, as a result, we are paying a high price for it today. Now is the time for pro-active leadership, participation, and determination. As my old football coach was fond of saying, it’s time for a little “STUG” (that’s “Guts” spelled backwards).
The next presidential election may be four years away but we also must be cognizant of the midterm elections in 2022, that’s just two years from now. Let’s get started.
Keep the Faith!
EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

ROUND TWO: Trump vs Benson, The Stench in Detroit.

From intimidation tactics to physical interference with the ability to observe the ballot tabulation process, to the improper duplication of ballots, and the counting of ineligible ballots, Detroit’s voting process paints a picture of everything an election should not be.  Thus says a complaint, filed in the Western District of Michigan by the Trump campaign.
In a mostly-affidavit-supported, 31-page complaint with nearly 200 pages of enclosures, the Trump campaign charged that Wayne County officials did not follow Michigan’s Election Code.  Specifically, they did not provide a “meaningful opportunity to observe the conduct of elections.”  According to the complaint, there are over one hundred affidavits from “credentialed election challengers” attesting that Trump poll and process watchers were not given the opportunity to validate the legitimacy of absentee voter ballots, nor were they allowed to observe ballot counting. Some Republicans were not allowed to enter the TCF Center in Detroit where the ballot tabulations were taking place while others were not allowed to return if they stepped out.  Meanwhile, Democratic challengers were allowed to freely enter the premises.  The Republicans were also maintained further away from observation locations from their Democratic counterparts using techniques such as physically pushing them.  When removed, they were taunted and harassed, and even when allowed to remain, their lines of site were often intentionally obstructed.
Amazingly, “Challenger Kathleen Daavettila observed that Democratic challengers distributed a packet of information among themselves entitled, ‘Tactics to Distract GOP Challengers.’ Id. (Daavettila aff., p. 2). An election official told challenger Ulrike Sherer that the election authority had a police SWAT team waiting outside if Republican challengers argued too much. Id. (Sherer aff. ¶24). An election worker told challenger Jazmine Early that since “English was not [her] first language…[she] should not be taking part in this process.” Id. (Early aff. ¶11).”  At least one witness, who happened to be an attorney, described how poll workers were instructed to change the date on the ballots received after 8 pm on November 3 so as to make it appear that they were received on an earlier date.
Additionally, the Michigan complaint describes software irregularities encountered in that state including those caused by the now-infamous Dominion Voting Systems software, which is mentioned by name.
To remedy these issues, the plaintiffs pray that the court prohibit certification of ballots that were tabulated in violation of the Michigan Election Code. Based on the number of affidavits, and the estimated scope of computerized glitches, that number could amount to over one hundred thousand votes.
It remains to be seen whether the court will take up this action and how it may rule on the matter.  However, a few things are clear.   Detroit now joins Philadelphia as beautiful illustrations of how elections can never be conducted.  Second, if these votes are allowed to stand, a plethora of legal voters will be disenfranchised through dilution.  And third, the scope and magnitude of this operation suggests interstate coordination by an overarching planner, funder, and coordinator.  Clearly, the stench in Detroit has spread to such a point that it will taint the actions of the judiciary, no matter what it does, and threatens to further tarnish our already tattered Constitution.
EDITORS NOTE: This The Federalist Pages column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

After the Election, the Left Demands Purges

Joe Biden is calling for unity following the 2020 presidential election, but it’s clear that many of the former vice president’s supporters view postelection unity as something to create by force and intimidation.
That sort of unity is enforced by ruthless institutional pressure and cancel culture. It’s a tactic that the left already uses through its power in America’s elite institutions, but is looking to redouble if it indeed captures the presidency and the executive branch.
Numerous liberals and left-wingers have demanded punishment of anyone who has worked for, allied with, or generally supported President Donald Trump.
Some want to destroy the Republican Party.
The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>
“You can’t heal or reform the GOP who are now an extremist party,” Wajahat Ali, a contributing writer for The New York Times, said on Twitter. “They have to be broken, burned down and rebuilt. When Biden is in power treat them like the active threats to democracy they are. If those who committed crimes aren’t punished then they will be more emboldened.”
Clearly, a two-party system is just too much for some to bear.
It was no surprise to see openly socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., sound exactly like other socialists in history when they’ve amassed power.
In other words, the nice-sounding “democratic” part of socialism gets dropped for the purer variety.

That is the true face of socialism, at its core. Socialism is not just about higher taxes, redistribution of wealth, and a generous welfare state. To fulfill its true aims, it requires an enforced equality that defies human nature.
No wonder so many Venezuelan immigrants, many of whom escaped the brutal socialist regimes of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, voted for Trump.
But it isn’t just fringe radicals calling for purges. It’s “moderates” and mainstream liberals too.
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who used to call herself a “conservative,” has demanded a “list” of all those who think election fraud may have had a significant impact on the presidential election.

One wonders if it ever crossed Rubin’s mind what it would mean, if we apply this standard consistently, for those in the media who pursued the debunked Russia collusion accusation from 2016 for the past four years?

In that case, Rubin would very much be on the list.
Perhaps most disturbing of all is the newly created Trump Accountability Project, which aims to catalog every person who ever worked for the Trump administration, even in the smallest and most indirect ways.
Various Democratic staffers and Twitter blue check marks touted this project.
The Trump Accountability Project website, which since has been privatized but may be found in archives, explains that the Trump administration was so monstrous that any of those associated with it must be prevented from “profiting from their experience,” an ambiguous but ominous phrase in context.
So, who made the Trump Accountability Project’s list?
Jordan Davidson at The Federalist spells out the categories of people compiled on one of the website’s documents:

Tabs on the document separate those listed into categories such as ‘Campaign Staff,’  ‘Administration,’ ‘Appointees,’ ‘Donors,’ ‘Law Firms,’ ‘Endorsers’ and ‘Denouncers.’ The ‘Administration’ tab contained names of senior advisors in the White House all the way down to ‘Chief Calligrapher.’ Under ‘Denouncers,’ the project listed Miles Taylor, the low-level bureaucrat [and] anonymous source published and promoted by the New York Times as a ‘senior administration official.’

Even those who turned on Trump are to be deemed complicit.
Regardless of how the presidential contest turns out, this sort of rhetoric and action literally days after Election Day demonstrates how important it is not to give the left every lever of governmental power.
The message they are sending Americans who don’t agree with them is “Join us, or else.”
It shouldn’t be a surprise to see such a movement appear. Unpersoning political “enemies” is entirely in line with the ideology of a militant left that  increasingly is becoming mainstream and normalized.
And liberal institutions, one after another, are buckling and relenting to the demands of the far left for conformity and enforced solidarity.
Predictably, the mob no longer is just interested in the statues of long dead figures of America’s past. They are coming for you, and a generous slice of the American “elite” apparently is happy to relent and give them their way.

Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.