Entries by DrRichSwier.com

Do Democrats Suffer From A Deadly Case Of Confirmation Bias?

By Dr. Rich Swier “Confirmation bias, the tendency to process information by looking for, or interpreting, information that is consistent with one’s existing beliefs.” – Britannica “Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.” ― George Orwell, 1984 Confirmation bias, a phrase coined by English psychologist Peter Wason, […]

CARTELVILLE USA: Mexican Drug Cartels Take Over Small Town California

By The Daily Caller A Daily Caller undercover investigation has revealed Mexican drug cartels buying up land on the outskirts of Los Angeles to run illegal grow operations and training camps. Join the Daily Caller’s Jorge Ventura as he ventures behind enemy lines in an American small town that’s become ground-zero for the new war […]

VIDEO: Are Globalists Sabotaging Fertilizer Factories and Transport to Set Stage for a Crop Collapse in 2022?

By Dr. Rich Swier Are globalists and environmentalists working to cause a collapse of our precious food chain? By harming the food chain they cause food prices to go up but even worse cause people to die of starvation. Is this the goal of the globalists and their environmentalist partners, population control? We have seen […]

It’s the culture war, stupid!

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities “If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—for ever.” ― George Orwell, 1984 Elections that follow a Presidential race routinely trend against the party in the White House, so Republicans were expected to do well in the assorted votes that took place around […]

MSNBC’s Joy Reid: Education ‘Is Code for White Parents Don’t Like the Idea of Teaching about Race’

By Discover The Networks During MSNBC’s Virginia election coverage on Tuesday, racist propagandist Joy Reid argued that education “is code for white parents who don’t like the idea of teaching about race.” “[T]he exit polls showed that — which was interesting — that the coronavirus, or that the virus was a very — was not important to […]

VIDEO: Virginia Parents Champion Victory Of ‘Family Values,’ ‘Parental Rights’ After Democrats Routed In State-Wide Elections

By Pamela Geller It is America’s parents who will save this country from the intolerant Left. G-d bless them. Virginia Parents Champion Victory Of ‘Family Values,’ ‘Parental Rights’ After Democrats Routed In State-Wide Elections By Daily Wire, November 3, 2021 Virginia parents are claiming victory for “family values” and “parental rights” after Republicans swept statewide […]

Hit the Courts and Fight Hard! Without Vote Fraud, Ciatarelli Wins New Jersey HANDS DOWN

By Selwyn Duke It won’t be news to many that New Jersey is as crooked as a dog’s hind leg. This extends, of course, to its electoral system. Thus can it be said assuredly that without vote fraud, the remarkably corrupt and fairly stupid Garden State governor, Goldman Sachs guy Phil Murphy, would have lost […]

Reconstructing American Manhood—One NDAA at a Time

By Family Research Council In September, a startling report was published by the National Student Clearinghouse regarding college enrollment. It found that almost 60 percent of college students were women, while only 40 percent were men. In the last five years, the percentage of male college students has decreased by an astonishing 71 percent. While there are certainly […]

ILLEGAL CONDUCT: New Jersey Election Worker Offers Ballot to Non-Citizen

By Project Veritas Project Veritas released a new video today exposing malfeasance that took place in New Jersey’s gubernatorial election, where an election worker was willing to provide a ballot to a Veritas journalist disguised as a non-citizen and non-registered voter. Here are some of the highlights from today’s video: NJ Election Worker, Essex County: “Remember, […]

U.S. Risks Border Security by Granting High-Risk Foreign Truck Drivers Expedited Crossing

By Judicial Watch The Homeland Security agency charged with safeguarding America’s borders clears high-risk foreign truck drivers for expedited crossing under a free-trade agreement created to facilitate commercial traffic between Canada, Mexico, and the U.S., according to a federal probe that concludes the failure is “increasing border security risk.” The troubling details are outlined in a 34-page report, […]

The Pilgrims Learned of Socialism’s Worthlessness: Why Can’t We?

By Jerry Newcombe Socialism, one of history’s worst ideas, has been disproved repeatedly and without exception. Yet it keeps rearing its ugly head—constantly being rebranded as a good idea. Socialism only benefits the ruling class who implement this form of government theft. Amazingly, early America had an experiment in socialism. The Pilgrim settlers tried socialism […]

GOP SWEEP! Governor Elect Youngkin, Republicans Win Virginia Attorney General, Lt. Governor & the House Of Delegates

By Pamela Geller Bet you wish you could take that one back… “What happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on.” pic.twitter.com/yD4WkYDL15 — Eric Trump (@EricTrump) November 3, 2021 A Red wave in Blue Virginia. The people of Virginia completely rebuked the radicalism of the Left. The Democrats […]