AOC Unveils Custom ‘Tax The Rich’ Tesla

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez took the fight to tax the wealthy to the streets today with the unveiling of her custom-made, $100,000 “Tax the Rich” Tesla.

The limited-edition, high-end electric car sports a custom “Tax the Rich” decal designed by a wealthy millionaire socialist. Ocasio-Cortez says she hopes it will make a “powerful statement” about wealth inequality in our society while she’s driving around town or illegally parked in front of Whole Foods picking up $8 kombuchas. Only 500 of them will be released, as it’s “very exclusive” and “only for people who are very, like, serious about taxing the rich and who can afford it. We don’t want riffraff promoting this message, you know.”

“We need to like, tax the rich, and, like, make sure they pay their fair share,” AOC said to reporters as she unveiled the custom car in front of her posh D.C. apartment, complete with leather couches, expensive rugs, and even a garbage disposal. “When I’m driving through D.C. to my appointments with rich lobbyists and stuff, I’m totally going to just massively own the rich with this thing. They’ll be like, ‘Oh man, she’s right! We should be taxed!’ as I fly by them in the express lane.”

After her team-up with Tesla to release the custom model, Ocasio-Cortez says she is working on a custom “Tax the Rich” Bentley, a “Tax the Rich” Gulfstream, and a private island terraformed to read “Tax the Rich.”

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Joey’s Beach Getaway

Good day Deano,

I hope today finds you well, over there as the Executive Editor at the NYTimes. Well it has been another banner week or so for the Harris/Biden administration. The hits just keep on coming for what is being called, possibly, the greatest installed Presidency in history. I ask, is there anything this guy Joey touches—that doesn’t turn to gold? Today we will examine the radical right perspective as they try and drag down Joey’s stellar job performance.


So, after tackling crisis after crisis, Joey headed over to his beach house in Delaware for a well deserved long weekend. After all, it has been a good week or so since his last long weekend. It was such a joy to see Joey out biking with the radiant “Dr” Jill Biden, aka Hunter’s babysitter. It was a nice job by the press corps to zoom in on Joey, this way you couldn’t see the training wheels on his bike. They say by next summer these may come off. Bravo Joey, bravo, well done. Afterwards, I understand Joey glued some sea shells to some oak tag and the “Dr” hung it on the beach estates refrigerator. Meanwhile………..


This much deserved getaway, not to be confused with the previous weeks getaway was the result of all the pressure from all his military blunders, sorry I mean decisions.
Well nobody tells Joey what to do, I think we all know that by now, so he made some command decisions. Joey’s had the military conduct a drone air strike on a known ISIS-K operative….a direct hit with pinpoint accuracy. This of course was in retaliation (diversionary tactic ) for the loss of our 13 heroic troops killed as a result of Joey’s concise, expert, decision making…or grossly, grossly inept decision making, depending on who you’re talking to. General Woke Milley declared this a “Righteous strike,” as well as General (shoot first, ask questions later) McKenzie claiming it a “success.” News outlets such as your always apolitical NY Times we’re singing it’s praises, as retaliation for our sacrificed service members.

Here’s the rub though Deano, the drone killed 10 innocent civilians, including 7 children. It seems General Woke Milley is now calling this, “a horrible tragedy of war, it is heart wrenching.” General Kenny McKenzie, calling it a “tragic mistake.” Even Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin chimed in saying also, “it was a tragic mistake.” Old Lloyd was supposed to appear before the Senate a couple of weeks ago with that other superstar of the Harris administration Secretary of State Tony “I don’t recall” Blinkin. It seems old Lloyd had a scheduling conflict and couldn’t make it that week…..these things happen during Congressional hearings, I guess. Sources say he was immersed in one of Hunter’s art shows and was doing some heavy bidding and couldn’t get away. Democratic Senator Menendez exclaimed that he would have Lloyd subpoenaed! But alas, that never materialized, perhaps the Senator got a call from the big guy, or maybe he got involved in a bidding war with Old Lloyd over one of Hunter’s masterpieces. President Trump is a racist!


You know Deano, I can’t tell you the sense of pride I feel watching Joey Talibiden up at the mic wooing the general assembly. Him calling for the “relentless diplomacy,” was simply awe-inspiring. What a long way he has come since former Prime Minister Tony Blair branded Joey an imbecile. There was no mention of France or allies deserted in Afghanistan though. He also said America is back to the negotiating table…he forgot to mention that he is negotiating with the Taliban. As Jen Goebbels Psaki has stated, “the Taliban (extreme terrorist organization) is working in a very professional manner……” you know, like trying to get our U.S. citizens home, before they start to hunt them down, which is very nice of them. Maybe he should take a page out of Barack Hussein’s playbook and start sending plane loads of money over there, like old Barack did with Iran. I tried to reach out to Barack, but he is busy planning his next birthday party at the vineyard, (no mask required.)


Well, Joe sat down with Boris Johnson of the UK for a bit to take questions from reporters, after their stimulating exchange of ideals. After speaking, Boris asked if they could take a couple of questions to which Joey replied, “good luck.” I mean is he installed Presidential material, or what? He is just so professional and diplomatic! Boris chuckled, and then took a series of questions. Here is the confusing part Deano, it seems Joey didn’t take any questions at all, which is so very unlike him. When Boris was wrapping up his last question, Joey’s handlers started SCREAMING, “it’s over, everybody out.” Boris seemed a bit confused to this new protocol for the newly installed puppet, sorry I mean President. Little Red Lying Hood Psaki said, Boris sabotaged Joey by taking questions, as he wasn’t prepared with a list of questions and prepared answers. Silly Boris, wasn’t he briefed by Joey’s handlers, I mean staff.

May I suggest, that they start playing heavy metal music at full volume, as soon as reporters start to ask questions. You know, so there is no chance Joey will start to answer any questions what so ever. Then Joey could just pop up and run to the back door, then someone could announce Joey has left the building, just like Elvis. Maybe he could start doing his scripted remarks in sequin suits and a cape, like the King…to show his youth and virility.

I figured he was covered with the cue cards provided to him when he sat down, you know telling him who the Prime Minister was and to say hello to him, to say excuse me, if he coughed, etc, etc. I also know, someone is at the kill switch, because his feed has been cut off mid sentence numerous times lately. I stand corrected, that is when he is conducting virtual meetings………with a mask on? Ya can’t be too careful, especially if you’re on camera trying to push a narrative to instill control. Couldn’t they fly in George Stephanopoulos to ask Joey his favorite ice cream flavor or color perhaps, you know to show his competence, and put us all at ease. He used to run up airplane stairs to prove his physical agility, but that didn’t go well, resulting in him crawling up the stairs on all fours.


Even with all the great accomplishments of the Harris/Talibiden administration, the radical right is beside themselves. They are saying the United States has become the laughing stock to the entire world starting with the mentally addled, installed, puppet, masquerading as the President. This includes his equally inept, missing in action VP, Kalamity Harris, whose major contribution during all of these crises is performing a coin toss at a college footbal game……what an asset! Word is her pants suit and pumps were magnificent though. Or his cabinet of incompetents, and partners in utter mayhem, Schumer, Pelosi, Pocahontas Warren, Millionaire Sanders, Et al. They also mention the propaganda machines such as your NEW YORK TIMES, Deano, as well as WAPO,MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, who rarely mention a bad word about this train wreck of an administration. Too busy (wink, wink), working on Russian collusion hoaxes or tax returns, to pay any attention to the humanitarian disasters in Afghanistan or the Southern border, or rampant shooting in all major cities. Remember Deano, ignore, deflect, or when in doubt, blame President Trump. You know the drill buddy!

Conservatives cannot decide if it is possible to absolutely be this incompetent, or is it just a nefarious plan to bring down the once greatest country in the world, with of course , your help there Deano. Beijing Biden was touted as a moderate Democrat. I don’t know Deano, do his policies and decision making seem to be moderate?Conservatives are calling this Barack Hussein 3.0 on steroids, and then some more steroids, very Squad like. Speaking of the Squad I just love the bartender AOC, don’t you Deano? She recently proposed to empty out prisoners from Rikers Island, no questions asked, just release them. I mean what could wrong, simply brilliant. I see a future White House candidate there.

They point to the treasonous behavior of “General” Milley and his phone calls behind a sitting Presidents back to China. You know to give them a heads up if and when the POTUS planned to use military action. I mean with that thinking, Eisenhower should have called Hitler before D-Day or perhaps MacArthur giving the heads up to the Emperor of Japan before the Iwo Jima invasion. Resign, hell they say they should conduct a court martial, for committing treason. But hey, he has Joey’s full endorsement, even if old Joe does keep calling him General Patton. But look at the bright side, he has West Point teaching CRT……….priorities Deano, priorities.


On a positive note Joey and “Dr” Jill received an early Christmas card from the Taliban. You know for the gift of over $85,000,000,000 worth of military equipment. I hope they pass that $3,500,000,000,000 “infrastructure” Build Back Better Reconciliation Plan….c’mon man we have to outfit more terrorist organizations and countries that hate us. Let’s go Conservatives, get with the program.
As a side note, Nancy may fly in on her broom for the Christmas holidays to the Biden estate or possibly beach compound. She’ll bring the gourmet ice cream, no doubt. No masks required obviously, unless of course cameras are around. Joey said he hopes the Easter bunny shows up for Christmas, and brings him a chocolate bunny.


They point out Joey’s Federal mandate (diversionary tactic for botched drone strike), that companies with 100 employee’s or more must be vaccinated. Funny though, members of Congress, their staff, Federal judges and of all people, the USPS are exempt. I mean the Post Office comes into contact with people everyday, Deano old sport. Word is he may rescind that order for postal workers on 11/9/22. Odd date but that is just Joey being Joey, always transparent and striving for unity. President Trump is a racist!


Well, as usual, I can’t thank you enough Dean Baquet for your journalistic professionalism for printing all the news that is fit to print in The NY Times. Even if Conservatives call it a propaganda machine that acts as a political arm for this Socialist administration. They have compared you many, many times to the Communist publication Pravda! They also point out that comparison is somewhat unfair, as Pravda has much more integrity than the NYTimes. Good news is you are closing in on the National Inquirer for journalistic integrity. Keep up the good work, your family must be so proud. I think the owner of the Times, A.G. Slushyberger owes you a raise for all your unbiased, apolitical oversight on your reporters. Yep, a real shining example to our children on how to conduct yourself professionally with the utmost integrity.


On a side note, maybe we can talk next week about Hunter’s laptop which is back in the News. It seems liberal outlets (thankfully, not yours Deano) are NOW saying this is legitimate and needs to be investigated. It is no longer being called Russian disinformation ( I love that catch phrase). I guess it must be getting close to having Cackling Kamala installed. I just hope she doesn’t have a coin toss or in depth interview on The View planned for the installation date.


Chris Cirino

©Christopher Cirino. All rights reserved.

You Want Positive? Try This!

“Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” -William Penn

You know America, it is so easy to be depressed, angry, sad, frustrated, sick to your stomachs and just plain aggravated when it comes to watching what is happening in our beloved constitutional republic today. When you look at how the world sees us under this usurper of a president, how little they think of us. How disrespected we are. How our treasonous, idiotic and mentally challenged so called leader is the constant butt of jokes. How even the UK is wondering and publicly questioning why Biden is not allowed to take press questions – even from a tame media.

When you watch the continual Democrat led destruction of our military, the destruction and almost annihilation of our border security, the destruction of our economy, the destruction of the constitution, hyper inflation aligning with higher fuel costs, the destruction of good race relations and the destruction of our educational system, it is easy to feel all of the above feelings.

However, what you have to remember, is that first and foremost we are Americans.

What does that mean?

It means that we are part of the greatest nation this world has ever seen. We are made of sterner stuff. We are citizens with knowledge of freedom. We love our country. We love our military.

I believe approximately 70% of this nation is crying in their souls for change. I believe that at least 70% of this nation does not like, does not want, or agrees with what is happening under the Biden administration. I do not believe the majority of good Americans can be happy at all the destruction, hypocrisy and criminality that we are witnessing under this hugely corrupt and evil administration. If you live in the southern border states you have to be afraid. Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, have invaded and are unchecked for Covid. A lot of the time we do not even know where they’re coming from, what their political ideology is or even who they are! We know a certain number do not have good intentions towards America or it’s citizens.

So, here is the positive information. I know that there are many groups of real patriots all over this beloved country of mine, that are working hard, every single day, to beat the red peril that has invaded our country.

How do I know?

I know because I am in contact with them, am and have membership with them. They are raising huge funds, meeting up and getting the word out to a lot of the right people who can make a difference at this most dangerous time in our history. They are filing law suites everywhere. They will not give up. They will not surrender.

When it comes to election fraud I believe enough information is known and will come out soon ( see Maricopa county) and it will make it almost impossible for the Democrats to be able to steal another election as easily as the 2020 election. Ideally it would be great to be able to replace this administration with the one that legally won the 2020 election but that isn’t possible at this time. We will be in a much better position to carefully watch the election as it unfolds in 2022 and 2024. We will be better guardians of our electoral system. We will make this domestic enemy within, the Democrats, a lame duck administration unable to easily do any more harm to our nation.

I also believe that over half of those that voted legally in the 2020 election for a change from a man rather than a system, are at this very moment in time reconsidering and regretting that vote. How could they not? Even the White House Press Corp, huge Biden liars and propaganda exponents, have filed a formal complaint against Sleepy Joe Biden following Tuesday’s press conference with the British Prime Minister who took questions from the British media while the WH press corps were hurried out of the room!

Then there is the new Harvard CAPS/Harris Poll survey of registered voters which shows former President Trump’s favorability ratings eclipsing that of Joe Biden, with the latter being underwater in popularity! I know. Polls are not always accurate. I understand. But this poll is not alone in slamming Biden. It appears that recent disgusting Biden led agenda events like Afghanistan, the border etc. seem to be giving Americans a fresh appreciation for the former president and truthfully the man who won the 2020 presidential election – President Donald J Trump – my president.

Believe me when I say that the majority of Americans are not extremists, either left or right. They are centrist but right now are unable to compromise as that ability has been removed by the sharp left turn the Democrats have taken.

I believe that the majority of Americans will do the right thing in 2022 and we will send the Democrats scurrying back to the dark, vile, filthy halls of hell where they belong. Back to Satan.

I believe there will eventually be a reckoning of all those that have committed treasonous acts against the constitutional republic that I call home and that will include military leaders such as General Millie and those many politicians from both parties that have broken their sworn Oaths of office. I hope the political prisoners from January 6th are exonerated. I further believe there’s a lot of information that we have that will become public and there will be a day of reckoning as we, the people, will demand it. Revenge against these enemies of the state will be sweet and well deserved. There shall be no pity.

Historically and traditionally Americans have never stood quietly in the face of injustice or inhumane acts. Americans will see the injustice being committed right now and inhumane acts that have been committed with forced vaccinations masking, social distancing and curtailing our freedom of speech and other rights and liberties like our ability to move freely around our country, to support our families or our ability to practice our religion of choice.

I further believe good Americans will see the hypocrisy in the chant of “my body, my choice” when it comes to abortion but not to apply it to what is being forced into our body with vaccinations that are dangerous and truthfully untested.

I further believe that soon Americans will unite and boycott the main stream media and the so-called “WOKE” corporations and social media conglomerates that are ruining this country and running it into the ground.

Now for some more great news!!!

For those of you who refuse to take the China Virus vaccinations there is a new job company that you will like. It offers jobs to freedom lovers. It is called Red Balloon. Here is what they say on their site:- “We connect employers who value freedom with employees who value it too. We envision a world beyond cancel culture, where employees are free to work… without fear that they will find themselves on the wrong side of their employer’s politics. That’s it. No agendas, politics, or drama. Just work. Interested? Let’s create that world together. We’d love to hear from you!

For labor legal questions email:
For general questions email:

This is the link you will need.

If all the above does not come to fruition there is an alternative. Not a good one but a viable alternative. You all know what it is and I am reminded of that great statement: The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is it’s natural manure. Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, November 13, 1787.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: The America Psychosis

As I talk to friends and contacts around the country, I sense a general malaise in the land, and, No, I do not believe the weather has anything to do with it. It’s been building for some time now, rivaling the level of angst in last year’s “Summer of Hate.” According to recent polls, Americans have lost faith in their government and other institutions (click HERE), such as schools, organized religion, and the media. Rasmussen reports Americans believe the country is heading in the wrong direction (click HERE), and President Biden’s approval ratings continue to plummet (click HERE). Americans feel beaten down and are becoming apathetic. When the people become despondent, and nobody is watching, this is when things start slipping in the back door, such as socialism.

It is difficult to point at anything with pride these days: the federal government keeps spreading fear and defiance in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic; our borders are not secured, illegals are crossing over in record numbers; taxes and inflation are rising; the economy can be described as “sluggish” at best; we’re no longer energy independent; there is also the recent black eye of the Afghanistan debacle; inner cities like Chicago are still battle zones; even the tragic death of Gabby Petito makes us question our moral fiber. All of this adds to a lack of confidence in how we are operating.

I first took notice of this phenomenon five years ago (click HERE) as we approached the 2016 election. At the time, I pointed the finger at the news media for the doom and gloom they reported. Today though, I believe it has gone beyond the main stream media and reflects the changing morality of the country.

As I said in 2016, “The news we hear is unsettling to our sensibilities. We are easily disturbed when our sense of right and wrong is tested, be it through an act of our government officials, corruption, or some other indiscretion. It simply offends us that such an act could occur.”

Whereas, years ago we read daily newspapers and watched the evening news around dinner time, today we live in a 24/7 news cycle. Unfortunately, this has a tendency to disrupt our concentration at work and even sleeping patterns. With all of the bad news being fed to us around the clock, is it any wonder we find ourselves in the doldrums? As I wrote, “Thanks to technology, the news acts like a drug we are addicted to. Even though we are alarmed by what we hear, we cannot seem to change the channel, and want to know more. This is what the news media is counting on in order to fill their coffers. This explains why on a slow news day, they manage to find a small scrap of news and blow it out of proportion to unsettle us.”

We can no longer ignore the events of the day, which is why we’re in a purple funk. We feel helpless to do anything about it. As I see it, we either start taking tons of anti-depressants or get off our ass and change the country, starting with cleaning out the government (through elections), and slamming the door on Fake News. Americans have to learn reactionary politics put the country in this dilemma. If we have any hopes of surviving this depression, we have to become pro-active. Our mindset has to change if we have any hope of enduring this period. As President Kennedy said in his inauguration, “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country.” In other words, let’s challenge Americans to contribute to the public good, not its destruction. Frankly, it is time to move forward as opposed to backwards. Only then will we rise up from this depressing psychosis we are embroiled in.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

New York Restaurant Adds Voting Booth So They Can Allow People In Without ID

NEW YORK, NY—In an effort to circumvent the city’s vaccine passport regulations, a midtown eatery has installed a voting booth and designated itself as a polling place so it can allow in anyone without any ID at all.

Mikey’s Eats did a brisk business on the day, as the front of the restaurant was crowded by protestors for/against vaccines, for/against vaccine mandates, and for/against vote fraud. The protestors frequently lost track of who they wanted to yell at, changed sides, and dejectedly walked into the restaurant to console themselves with the chef’s special avocado burger.

A lawyer for the ACLU was also present. He spent the day alternating between threatening the restaurant with lawsuits, congratulating them for their commitment to democracy, and openly weeping.

Owner Mikey DeCarlo said, “A guy from [Mayor] de Blasio’s office came by and said he was going to shut us down, except for the voting booth part which he said he would defend to the death. Then he asked if he could get an avocado burger in the voting booth. He was crying a lot.”


Medical Schools Update Hippocratic Oath To Exclude The Unvaccinated

Border Patrol Loses Horse Privileges, Must Now Bang Two Empty Halves Of Coconuts Together

Trudeau Re-Elected Sultan Of Canada

New iPhone 13 Will Require Vaccination To Unlock Screen

Dr. Fauci Uninvited From Board Game Night As He Keeps Changing The Rules As He Goes

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Be the Free Guy: Social-Proof Conformity Crumbles with Simple Action by One Person

A famous conformity experiment developed by Solomon Asch in the 1950s, provides stunning evidence of our willingness to follow the crowd — despite the evidence of our own eyes. Social proof, a powerful force in molding behavior, has become a political tool, amplified by social media, mainstream media and academia. But there’s a simple remedy also revealed in the Asch conformity experiments that requires action by only one person — you.

©Bill Whittle. All rights reserved. Moving Back to America with Bill Whittle comes to you free twice weekly, thanks to the contributions of our Members. Meet them when you become a Member. (Just click the big green button above.)

The Squad Brings Islam to America

Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, and other squad members have been voted into representational positions, but they are not whom they profess to be.  Ungrateful for the opportunities, they are not here to Americanize, but to Islamize America, beginning with sowing the seeds of hate and discord.  Such is the purpose of the jihada.

Saturday, September 11, 2021, was a time to reflect on the terrible tragedy that befell our country twenty years before.  As the never-ending grief resurfaces, we see that the qualities of sanctuary and personal freedoms that made America great have also attracted those who come with malice and villainy.  I am deeply troubled for those who fled from around the world with hopes for a better life, for they are finding here precisely what they escaped.

Our homegrown communists and the new ingrates openly express their hostility.  Why stay, if this doesn’t suit you?  The ungracious people in the US Congress, particularly, have risen to positions that should be occupied by others more deserving.  One such is Ilhan Omar, who callously said of 9/11, “some people did something,” making light of the more than 3,000 Americans who died that day and later – the first responders, the cleaning crews, and the everyday Americans who ran through the streets, the debris underfoot and inhaling the ashes, hoping they might be of some help to another soul.

Omar trivialized the attacks to erase the murderers’ Muslim identity, for they are her brethren.  She offered not a word of compassion and sorrow from the Muslim community to America.  She also wasted no time expressing her support of the anti-Semitic boycott-divestment-sanctions (BDS) movement and continues her numerous empty accusations against Israel, despite being called out for it on the Senate floor.

Her disinformation campaign is given voice and validation; true or not, the damage is done.  Our school systems weaponize our own children; the textbooks elevate Islam over Judaism and Christianity, a Seattle high school canceled the 9/11 tribute so as not to offend – whom?  The indoctrination is pervasive.   Despite the Muslim terrorists’ martyrdom letters, our country aids in veiling their guilt.  Projection will eventually lay blame elsewhere.  The violence will continue on our streets, here and abroad, and they will topple the event as they did the buildings and much of our historic statuary.

Rashida Tlaib and her squad use their positions to target charities that support the Jewish people.  They roll the truth on its head, artfully making themselves the victims, the protected class, inflating crimes against themselves, providing false statistics, and claiming they are denied basic rights.  The narrative is bogus, but effective.  Driving home their incessant suffering has resulted in more outspoken radicalized youth, increased voter and political participation, donations and volunteers.

Tlaib squawked her earliest tirades when she entered the political scene.  She uttered undignified vulgarities in front of her son and America’s news viewers, yet asked to be treated with dignity.  The irony is lost on her.  She spews insults and animosity towards others, including then-President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, and cries out for death to Israel and the Jews.

To her phony dismay, she was born in America, but to “Palestinian” parents, Muslims dedicated to viewing the world as Dar Al Islam (House of Peace) and Dar al Harb (House of War).  She lives in the latter, hoping to bring America to Dar al Islam.  Tlaib would rather be Palestinian, except that there is no Palestine;  the name lacks validity.  Palestine did not exist in the past and does not exist now.  She knows that the term is meaningless, and she is bitter.

Another resentment she bears is that the glory days of Islam are gone, overshadowed by the successes of the western world.   If the Golden Age was due to Islamic wisdom, why is there no Golden Age now?  We know that Islam’s glory consisted of great tolerance, expression of opinion, critical thinking, questioning all things, and harmony between all people. Then why does it no longer exist?  Al-Razi of Rhazes (Muhammad ibn Zakariyā Rāzī), 865 – 925, clarified that their splendor existed in spite of Islam not because of Islam.  It existed because of the scholars, scientists, physicians, inventors and navigators they captured from other cultures.  Judeo-Christian values are the antithesis of Islam.

On the day of her swearing-in ceremony, Congresswoman Tlaib took her oath to serve our country and observe the Constitution – on the Quran.  Her binding vow was to Allah.  She was dressed not as an American, but in the garment of her heritage, revealing her allegiance to her Bedouin tradition, her descendance from the nomadic Arab tribes that inhabit the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, the Levant, and North Africa.  These itinerants, divided into tribes or clans, had neither the ability nor desire to set down roots; their culture was camel or goat herding.  They never establish permanency and have no government, language, monetary system, or literature unique to themselves.  To this day, the Bedouins journey with their herds into Israel, attempting a temporary settlement on land that Israel may have partitioned for agriculture, national  parks or wildlife sanctuary, but lacking infrastructure, is not zoned for residency.  They protest that they cannot do as they choose, and they attract lawyers who are eager to engage in lawfare – the misuse of the legal system to delegitimize Israel.

Above all, Rashida Tlaib was raised as the traditional 330 million Muslims who believe in violence against Mohammed’s sworn enemies, the Jews and the Christians.  Their major source of unity is their hatred; the male child is trained from toddlerhood to dedicate his life to terrorism because of Quranic dictates and their social reality.  The jihadi’s world is chaotic, filled with anxiety.  His life is dark, devoid of love and the joy of creativity, his hatred so fueling that he is made eager to fight alongside others to the death – for martyrdom and the promise of untold sexual gratification in heaven.

The boy is raised without individuality, a faceless, covered, and unidentified gang member, adept in using deadly weapons and prepared to become a human bomb himself.  Tlaib is the female counterpart, the jihada, who seeks to be elevated from her lowly rank to command respect.  In an average family, a mother generally uses an exaggerated intonation and rhythm when speaking to her baby, but in Islam, it is psychotic babble that prevails among the desperate in the shame-honor environment.  The mother’s frightening world consists of female genital mutilation (FGM), honor killings, weaponized children, and a marriage that has been described as a series of rapes interrupted by childbirth, and the baby reacts in confusion and chaos. The radicalized female devalues her own gender because she has internalized her position in an Islamic family.  What resentment might Rashida have borne as surrogate mother to 13 siblings?  She must demand respect because it was never freely given or earned.

Some jihadas do gain status by planning killing operations or encouraging their own brothers and sons to martyrdom.  Some are more vulnerable because of recent widowhood or rape.  Tlaib is no suicide bomber, but she embraces the Palestinian narrative – to regain their “Palestine” from Israel at all costs.  Once that’s accomplished, everything else promises to fall into place.  It is only through scapegoating Israel that she may rise to gain nobility.

As a jihada, she joined the Democrat Socialists of America (SDA).  She hosted a pro-Hezbollah activism group not long after her installation, and began posting her desires to destroy Israel and fundraise for families of Palestinian martyrs who already receive hundreds of millions of dollars from the Palestinian Authority’s “pay to slay” program.  Openly hostile, she and the squad press for a crippling, global financial campaign against Israel, but remain mute about the Palestinians’ deadly activities (incendiary weapons, knifings, rocket attacks) against Israel and Jews worldwide.  In what other culture might one spew hatred and death to others while still expecting to be treated with dignity?

Life for Palestinians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria is difficult, but she fails to discern the reason.  It is the warring diktats of the Quran, the terror of armed Al-Aqsa Martyr Brigades and other PLO terrorist groups in the “Palestinian cities,” and the children who have learned nothing but terrorism. The misery is self-inflicted.

The truth is that Hamas – not Israel – controls these people.  This criminal gang will continue to lead the Palestinians into chaos, explains Palestinian Bassam Eid.  Hamas incites the Palestinians that Israel will destroy their mosques, make their water unsafe to drink, cause their power to go out, and block their cement shipments.  All of this is untrue.  Israel does not sabotage their water or power, and it is Hamas that steals the cement shipments to construct terror tunnels into Israel.  Hamas also steals the humanitarian aid shipments from Israel and sells them on the black market.  Eid revealed that 15% of all rockets launched by Hamas hurts the Gazans, but Israel is blamed.  He added that Palestinians residing in four buildings in Sheikh Jarrah will be evicted because the titles were sold by Hamas – another of their betrayals.  Palestinians are mistreated only by their own leadership, including their clergy.

The Palestinians and all observant Muslims have one guiding light – their religious duty to rule the world under Islam.  Their deeds, their lies, their activities, everything they do is for Islam and no amount of appeasement, signed documents, or transactions will ever change this until their Quran is changed and accepted by all of Islam.  This is why the clerics must keep the focus on Israel, for without Israel as their whipping boy, their people would come to identify their real enemy – their worthless heritage, religion and culture, and the violence that keeps them enraged.  It is far easier to coerce the rest of the world to share in their misery — and this is precisely what Tlaib wants for America.

©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

Pfizer Assures That Vaccine Is Almost As Safe For Kids As COVID

NEW YORK, NY—After conducting several trials, Pfizer has announced that their vaccine is now almost as safe for kids as getting COVID is.

“We are very proud of this achievement,” said a Pfizer spokesperson. “We can now confidently say that there is only a very small chance your child will suffer life-altering complications or death from the vaccine. Chances are still a bit higher than the chances of your kid dying from COVID, but hey! Give us some credit here! Not bad, huh?”

Experts confirmed that even though there is a statistically 0% chance of kids dying from COVID, parents should still require kids to get the vaccine immediately, to make up for Pfizer’s financial loss from the FDA not approving booster shots right away.

“Besides,” said one expert, “kids are puny and can’t even fight back with their skinny little arms and legs. Just get them vaccinated—to protect yourself—since your safety is the highest priority here.”

Pfizer is hoping they can get kids fully vaccinated before their Q3 sales numbers come out.


The Babylon Bee Guide To Surviving After Your Money Becomes Worthless

Schoolboy Who Hasn’t Seen A Human Face In Weeks Just Glad Celebrities Had A Good Time Last Night

Coaches Struggle With Using Pronouns

7 Easy Ways To Spot A Fed

Dems Call For Infrastructure Spending To Build More Bridges For Haitian Migrants To Live Under

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

REPORT: Ivermectin obliterated 97% of Covid cases in Delhi, India

On June 1, the Desert Review News reported that Ivermectin had obliterated 97 percent of Covid infections in India’s capitol territory, Delhi (pop. 30 million).

The chart below shows that Delhi was experiencing more than 20,000 new cases daily in early May. By the end of the month, new cases had dropped precipitously, to a 7-day average of less than 1,500 new cases daily.

On Sept. 18, the Indian Express reported that Delhi hadonly 33 new Covid cases and only one new death in the previous 24 hours.

What reportedly happened in Delhi is anecdotal evidence that Ivermectin can play an important role in mitigating Covid. Anecdotal, yes, but quite impressive results if the reports are accurate.

The FDA has not approved Ivermectin for treating or preventing COVID-19 in humans. Democrats ridicule Ivermectin as a “horse de-worming” medication. In fact, there are two forms of Ivermectin, one of which is used to de-worm horses. The other, which received a Nobel Prize for Medicine in 2015, is a repurposed formula used to disrupt transmission of malaria among humans. It is this latter form that reportedly has had significant results in the fight against Covid.

The beef against Ivermectin may ultimately be nothing more than (1) its cheap price, which prevents Big Pharma from making billions on less effective and more highly priced alternatives, and (2) its apparent effectiveness undercuts the Biden administration’s transparent attempt to keep voters in a heightened state of Covid fear through the 2022 elections.


According to WorldOMeter, as of Sept. 19, China has had 95,689 coronavirus cases and 4,636 deaths since early 2020, while the U.S., with a population one-fourth as large as China’s, has recorded 42,869,445 cases and 691,562 deaths.

The following chart shows that since mid-April of 2020, China’s active cases have been in a virtual flatline of less than 1,000 per day…


The chart below shows that since early May of 2020, daily active cases in the U.S. have remained in the millions:


China has been known to put out misleading information about Covid, as has the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the Biden administration. Assuming the statistics above are reasonably accurate, the coronavirus has had a far more devastating impact on America than on the much more populous country where it is believed to have originated.

What can possibly explain such a wide disparity? Perhaps the Gatestone Institute article “Biden Letting China Get Away with the Crime of the Century” provides a possible clue in this excerpt:

“China’s military is working on the next generation of pathogens. Its National Defense University, in the 2017 edition of the authoritative Science of Military Strategy, mentioned a new kind of biological warfare of “specific ethnic genetic attacks.” China’s military researchers and analysts for a half decade have been writing about pathogens of this sort, and American officials are in fact concerned that Chinese scientists have been experimenting with, in the words of Bill Gertz of the Washington Times, “germ weapons capable of attacking ethnic groups.” Beijing’s determined campaign to collect genetic profiles of foreigners … is another indication that the Chinese military, in violation of its obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention, is building ethnic-specific bioweapons.”

Was Covid-19 an ethnic-specific bioweapon? I have no idea and am not saying it was, only wondering why Biden seems so reluctant to demand a serious investigation into its origin.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.


After Learning Texas Republicans Are Just Like The Taliban, Biden Immediately Surrenders To Them

WASHINGTON, D.C.—After hearing from his advisors that the Texas Republicans are exactly like the Taliban, President Biden immediately offered an unconditional surrender to them.

“Oh man, they’re exactly like the Taliban? I surrender!” a frightened Biden said after one of his cabinet members quipped that the “backward” Republicans in Texas are “just like the Taliban.” “I will give them whatever they want. Weapons? They’re theirs. Military vehicles and vessels? You got it, Jack. Pallets of cash? Whatever!”

“Whatever their demands are, fine. The country is now under the control of the Republicans of Texas. May God have mercy on us all.”

Biden then held a somber press conference where he let the nation know that we have lost yet another war on his watch and that he wanted to be the first to welcome “our new Republican overlords.”

Unfortunately, all the Texas Republicans really wanted was to be left alone and for Biden to stop killing babies, and that was one thing he wasn’t willing to give up.


FBI Rally In D.C. Ends Without Incident

General Milley Is Releasing A Revised Version Of ‘The Art Of War’ — And We’ve Got Exclusive Excerpts

White House: ‘We Must Continue Admitting Unvaccinated Immigrants To Replace All The Workers Who Got Fired For Being Unvaccinated’

Biden: ‘The Vaccine Won’t Protect You But Get It Or Lose Your Job And Also The Vaccinated Can Spread The Virus But This Is All The Fault Of The Unvaccinated And Oh Man What Was I Saying Again?’

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Devin Nunes: To Defeat Marxist Democrats, GOP Must Join Free Speech Tech Platforms

Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-District 22) delivers keynote address at the Iowa Faith and Freedom Townhall, September 18, 2021.

About Devin Nunes

Devin Nunes (born October 1, 1973) has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 2003. He currently represents California’s 22nd congressional district, which is located in the San Joaquin Valley and includes portions of Tulare and Fresno Counties. He and his wife have three daughters.

Nunes is Ranking Member of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and a member of the Ways and Means Committee, currently Ranking Member of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health, having previously served as Chairman of the Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade. He is the author of the book Restoring the Republic, which was published in September 2010.

©All rights reserved.

Florida’s Lieutenant Governor Nuñez: Biden reducing Florida’s monoclonal supply is ‘Politics at its worst, disgusting’ [Video]

Florida’s Lieutenant Governor Nuñez says it’s wrong that the Biden administration is limiting the supply of monoclonal antibodies to the state of Florida. One America’s Stefan Kleinhenz has more.

About Lieutenant Governor Nuñez

Jeanette M. Nuñez was born and raised in Miami, Florida. She was elected as Florida’s First Hispanic Female Lieutenant Governor of Florida in 2018. She previously served as a State Representative of the Florida House of Representatives from 2010 to 2018 and was named Speaker Pro Tempore from 2016 to 2018. 

In November 2016, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez was named Speaker Pro Tempore of the Florida House of Representatives. She served as the Vice Chair of the Appropriations Committee and served on the Rules and Policy Committee. She was appointed Chair of the Select Committee on Hurricane Response and Preparedness. In the past, she chaired the Health Quality Subcommittee, Government Operations and Technology Appropriations Subcommittee, and Higher Education and Workforce Subcommittee. 

She began her healthcare career working at Jackson Health System in 2004 as the State Director for Government Relations and handled all aspects of the organization’s state affairs. In 2006, she was promoted to Vice President of Government Relations and was responsible for overseeing the advocacy efforts at the local, state and federal level. In addition to her duties, she served on numerous boards and healthcare organizations, including the National Association of Public Hospitals Fellowship Program. In 2010, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez joined Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) as their Vice President of Community Affairs for both Kendall Regional Medical Center and Aventura Hospital and Medical Center. She oversaw their community outreach for 3 and half years and was responsible for a number of marketing and business development initiatives. 

In late 2013, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez began her own consulting firm, OnPoint Strategies. She has been working with Jackson Health System, providing them with strategic advice on service line and business development. She has also been tasked to work with the Managed Care Department and Population Health. 

 Over the years, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez has demonstrated her ongoing commitment to the South Florida community through her active involvement in various local organizations and professional groups. She has been involved with the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Miami, WHEN, and Women in Government. In 2007, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez was named Hispanic Woman of Distinction. From 2007 – 2015, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez served on the Board of Kristi House, an organization dedicated to children who are victims of sexual abuse. Additionally, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez served as a member of the Statewide Council of Human Trafficking. The 15-member Council, chaired by State Attorney General Pam Bondi, was created to support victims of human trafficking by enhancing the available care options. Recently, Lieutenant Governor Nuñez was appointed to the National Assessment Governing Board which sets policy for the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also known as The Nation’s Report Card. She was also appointed to the Constitution Revision Commission which examined the Florida Constitution, identified issues, performed research and possible recommendations to amend the Florida Constitution. 

Lieutenant Governor Nuñez is a proud graduate of Florida International University (FIU) and a lifetime member of the FIU Alumni Association. She earned her Bachelor of Arts in International Relations and Political Science, her Master of Public Administration from FIU, and a Six Sigma Certificate from the University of Miami. Lieutenant Governor Nuñez has served in the past as an adjunct professor at Florida International University.  She is also a graduate from Leadership Miami. Lieutenant Governor Nuñez attends Christ Fellowship West Kendall Campus. Lieutenant Governor Nuñez is married to her husband of 23 years, Adrian Nuñez, and together they are the proud parents of three children – Megan age 20; Justin, age 17; and Jason, age 12. 

©One American News Network. All rights reserved.

Chasing the China Virus Dragon!

Again I use a guest writer or two for you. The foreword by a very good friend and extremely knowledgeable former Federal Agency official. A true patriot. The second a link to a story from Israel on the ineffectiveness of the China Virus booster vaccinations. It makes interesting reading. Enjoy and share widely please using this blog. As always credits and links at bottom of this article.

1st Writer Pete A. Perhaps, it is because I come from a 15-year world of federal drug enforcement that I fall back on a truism that affects the drug junkie. It is called ‘chasing the dragon.’ Once the victim is ‘hooked’ on heroin, most never escape until they are stone-cold dead. Their addiction is a treadmill they can not get off – a race to attain that ever-greater high until they kill themselves. This is what I see going on, as described in the below article, with the great Covid injection genocide.
Isreal is the forerunner, leading the pack on this treadmill and there will be no getting off until the vaxed have taken their final fix. I have come to believe their bodies are now pumping out spike protein every time their immune system is challenged, which then actually infects them with the spike protein. Most importantly, the public has yet to fully understand that the injections have destroyed the vaxed innate immune systems and the ‘fix’ can do nothing more than forestall the inevitable.
There is hope for those who got the shot. It is now clear that this genocidal experiment was not uniformly administered across all populations. That is, not everyone was injected with the same concoction. The batches were numbered and controlled with different potions being administered across the populace. Therefore, there is a reason for hope, hope that if you received an injection it may have been inert or at least not of the life-threatening kind. What you need to take away as you enter the fall and winter flu season is to at least arm yourself with the commonly recognized therapeutics as if you were unvaccinated or not naturally immune from having had the Covid.

Israeli Researchers Can Confirm Only 12 Days of Protection From COVID-19 Virus with Booster Shot – by Shane Trejo.

Israeli researchers have only been able to demonstrate that the COVID-19 booster shot provides a proven 12 days of protection from the virus after being administered to people aged 60 or above.

However, the vaxx pushers and their captive propagandists in the media are spinning these findings as proof of vaccine efficacy.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the third Pfizer vaccine provides a ten-times boost of the immunity within individuals against individuals who have received only two vaccine shots. These findings, of course, presume that there was any real immunity boost given from the vaccines to begin with.

Thus far, nearly three million Israelis have received the third booster shot. Israel has emerged as the world leader in vaccine compliance, and their COVID-19 case totals keep shattering recordsas more Israelis line up to comply.

The authors claim that the study makes it “evident that booster vaccination is very effective at reducing the rate of both confirmed infection and severe illness.” Perhaps they came to these dubious conclusions after making considerations about preserving their budgets and maintaining their prestigious jobs.

Big League Politics has reportedabout how cases are surging in countries that have boasted the most compliance with the vaccine:

Many countries listed as a high travel risk by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have enforced vaccine compliance the best according to data from the Johns Hopkins University (JHU) School of Medicine.

The nations of Malta, the United Arab Emirates, Seychelles, Uruguay, Chile, Bahrain, Mongolia, Israel and Ireland are on the CDC’s list of Level 4 countries for COVID-19 risk. This is despite all of these countries vaccinating well over 50 percent of their population, with countries listed reaching as high as 78.8 percent compliance.

The data compiled by JHU omits Gibraltar, which also appears as a Level 4 country by the CDC. Gibraltar has boasted 99 percent rates of vaccine compliance, the highest of any country in the world, which has corresponded with a recent case spike and a renewal of crippling lockdown policies.

The CDC advises Americans to “avoid travel to these destinations,” adding that “if you must travel to these destinations, make sure you are fully vaccinated before travel.” Of course, there is no guarantee that a fully-vaccinated traveler would be protected any more than the individuals in those countries where vaccination levels are high but cases continue to spike.

As the vaccines fail to contain the spread of the virus, pharmaceutical corporations that have already cashed out mightily due to the crisis get ready for their next fear-induced pay day.”

Despite the Big Pharma-owned public health establishment’s spin to the contrary, the vaccine is failing on all the metrics that the public was sold upon. The public must resist because this is only the beginning of a cruel technocracy that will feature unending invasive and nonsensical mandates.

<blockquote class=”wp-embedded-content”><a href=””>Israeli Researchers Can Confirm Only 12 Days of Protection From COVID-19 Virus with Booster Shot</a></blockquote>

Israeli Researchers Can Confirm Only 12 Days of Protection From COVID-19 Virus with Booster Shot

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Clinton Lawyer Indicted for Fabricating Conspiracy about President Trump

Indict! What the hell is going on?


By The Conservative Treehouse, September 18, 2021

U.S. Special Counsel John Durham has released an indictment [pdf here] of Perkins Coie lawyer Michael Sussmann for lying to federal investigators in 2016 about the people and motives behind his FBI contact. He failed to tell them his intent was to spread a false Alfa Bank conspiracy theory on behalf of the Clinton campaign.

Working for the Perkins Coie law firm, while under contract with Hillary Clinton’s campaign, partner Michael Sussmann contacted FBI Legal Counsel James Baker to pitch evidence that a Russian bank was in digital communications with servers in Trump Tower.  The Alfa Bank allegation was one of the key components for the ridiculous Trump-Russia narrative put together by the Hillary Clinton campaign.  Sussmann wanted the FBI to investigate Donald Trump, so that Hillary Clinton could push a political fabrication about Donald Trump working with Russians to steal the presidential election.

According to the indictment, Sussmann failed to tell the FBI that he was giving them this information on behalf of the Clinton campaign.  The FBI investigated the claims and found nothing; however, it was the appearance of the investigation that Clinton needed in order to leak/push the Trump-Russia story to the media and stir up the controversy…

With the indictment now public, The New York Times also now admits Michael Sussmann was their source for stories they wrote about Alfa bank…

(read more)

(Indictment pdf Source)

Perkins Coie is “law firm-1”.  Mark Elias is “campaign lawyer 1”.   The “US Investigative Firm” is Fusion GPS.   “Tech Executive-1” is likely Shawn Henry of Crowdstrike…

In March 2016, Fusion GPS approached Perkins Coie to discuss potential engagement in the development of opposition research on Donald Trump…

In April 2016, Perkins Coie retained Fusion GPS on behalf of the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. Towards the end of the month, on April 29, Perkins Coie partner Michael Sussmann contacted Shawn Henry of CrowdStrike Services…

Before June 14, 2016, Sussmann, CrowdStrike Services and the Democratic National Committee carefully crafted a damage control story with regards to the hacking of the Democratic National Committee, which Dmitri Alperovitch and Shawn Henry released to Ellen Nakashima at The Washington Post.

On June 14, 2016, Nakashima…published the article “Russian government hackers penetrated DNC, stole opposition research on Trump” in The Washington Post

In…July 2016, a member of the…organisation, known by the alias “Tea Leaves”, discovered potential malware moving from the Alfa Bank server to the Trump Organization server. The information…was then circulated among his colleagues…

October 31, 2016, Franklin Foer published the article, “Was a Trump Server Communicating With Russia?”, in Slate. This article was then retweeted by Hillary Clinton in a tweet which read: “It’s time for Trump to answer serious questions about his ties to Russia.”…

Fusion GPS then passed Steele’s reports to Marc Elias at Perkins Coie.

The rest, as they say, is history….

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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COVID Vaccines: The Dog Is Chasing Its Tail.

Today’s blog comes from a friend Chris Wright and I found it interesting, as well as relevant and I wanted to share it with you – my readers! It is well written and you may see more of his writing as the time goes on. There are many links that are worth your time hitting as you read. As always please share from here and share far and wide!! In liberty. Fred B!

The Story of Ivermectin:

Hi all,

I have questioned the integrity of public health officials concerning their pronouncements on COVID many times in previous commentaries.  I have asserted the whole subject has become completely politicized and we’re not getting the straight story.  I’ve given you story after story about how the number of COVID cases is being overstated.  I’ve questioned why authorities continue to push masks when masks have not been shown to be of much use.  I’ve talked about the now over 14,000 deaths in the U.S. from adverse reactions to COVID vaccines.  With respect to the latter, I’ve been accused of misusing the data and spreading misinformation, but I wrote a rebuttal to my accusers [Daily Skirmish – 9/1/21] and nobody on a health policy listserv or my other accusers answered.  As of this moment, my rebuttal stands unrebutted.

And so it is I have concluded we’re not getting the straight story about the vaccines, either.  In the first place, there are recent reports immunity from vaccines can wear off after six months.  When they said ‘get vaccinated and you can go back to a normal life’, they didn’t say, ‘and, oh by the way, it’s just for six months,’ did they?  Secondly, a published medical doctor is sounding the alarm about “vaccine chasing”, the idea that mass vaccination causes new variants to emerge, just like the overuse of antibiotics causes antibiotic-resistant strains to emerge.

Dr. Richard Fleming writes there is “no statistically significant difference in the number of people who died who were un-vaccinated compared with those who received the vaccines.”  Then, in discussing breakthrough cases after vaccination, “there was no statistical difference in the number of people who were diagnosed with COVID independent of whether they were vaccinated or not.”  This is true for Pfizer and Moderna.  Johnson & Johnson did a little better, but the comparatively good results shown at 14 days disappeared by 28 days after vaccination.

For all that trouble, in 33 countries – notably Israel and the U.K. – Delta and other new variants emerged after mass vaccination.  As a result, the overall number of cases did not decrease in any of those countries despite mass vaccination  So, mass vaccination is basically a failure.  Not only that, Fleming writes, there are concerns the vaccines are causing vascular disease and neurological symptoms.  Then comes the kicker:   “There is of course also the mounting number of deaths associated with the use of these Drug Vaccine Biologics,” Fleming writes, referring to the same government data for which my detractors came after me.

Fleming sums it up this way:  “As we continue the Mass Vaccination program of using these Drug Vaccine Biologics, that according to the EUA data itself fail to show a statistical reduction in COVID-19 cases or death, with an increasing number of adverse events including death; we are simultaneously producing a Pressure Selection of Variants that will produce what appears to be a never ending cycle of Pressure Selection-Vaccination.”

A never-ending cycle, like a dog chasing its tail.  The more we vaccinate, the more variants we get.  The more variants we get, the more vaccines we need.  Meanwhile, the people pushing the party line on vaccines are getting rich, careers are being made, and public health authorities get to feel oh, so important.

And now you want to tie me down, stick a needle in my arm, and tell me I can’t work or travel out of state if I don’t comply?  Stop this train, I want to get off.

Dr. Fleming discussed his work further on Secure Freedom Radio on 9/16/21.

Visit The Daily Skirmish

Best wishes,

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Tipping Point – Daniel Horowitz on Vaccine Mandates [Video]

Rumble — Daniel Horowitz on Vaccine Mandates.

©OANN – Tipping Point. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: RNC ad shows Fauci flip-flopping on vaccine mandates.

Did Trump make a mistake endorsing Luna?!

Today’s blog is not something I saw myself ever writing or posting. During the last election cycle I supported Anna Paulina Luna. Financially and other ways. She was a stated veteran and true conservative I thought. I attended some of her rallies, had her yard signs, spoke with her several times. Promoted her candidacy.

I read the story I am posting here and it seemed like dejavue all over again. Was this yet another swamp creature raising its head? Was it all lies? Did I really misjudge her so badly? Maybe….You judge. You tell me. I mean – look at her campaign photo from a magazine cover!

You read this story and understand that it is because we are too trusting in people’s claims that we do not do due diligence before supporting and voting for candidates whose ethics and story may not be what we understood them to be.

This article is by Roger Stone, a friend and confidante of President Trump for over 40 years. His research seems accurate from what I have looked into. Read this now and understand why we need to do due diligence every time we vote. Our Constitutional Republic depends on it. Become informed voters.

Opinion Roger Stone: Trump Endorsement Of Luna Questionable.

I noticed this morning ( September 15th ) that former President Donald Trump, a friend and client of mine for some 40 years, has endorsed Anna Paulina Luna for Congress for the seat vacated by former Governor Charlie Crist so he can run for Governor.

It’s an odd choice particularly since ‘Luna” as she now calls herself did not run a particularly strong race, losing badly by 30,000 votes, running 5 points behind Trump who only lost the district by 1% while Luna lost by 6%.

As someone who has great loyalty and affection for the President and both knows and understands him and also has a keen understanding of the dynamics surrounding the process in which these endorsement decisions are made,

I can now confidently predict that the President will ultimately withdraw his endorsement long before the Republican Congressional Primary next year. I really doubt that the President has any understanding of Anna Meyerhoffer, the California Democrat who supported Barrack Obama while living in California (where she listed ethnicity on her driver’s license as ‘Caucasian” rather than Hispanic.

There is surely no way President Trump, my friend of 40 years, is aware of her abuse of the Judicial System and her (Luna) habitual filing of restraining orders against her political opponents or anyone who gets in her ambitious way. She filed a restraining order against a member of her own family when he had the audacity to come forward and point out that her entire biography is a fraud.

Luna also filed a restraining order against a woman in Fort Walton Beach which just happens to be in the Matt Gaetz district -when Luna was working at a Gentleman’s club as a dancer. Luna’s denial that she was a dancer and her insistence she was a cocktail waitress is debunked in sworn affidavits from the club owner and two employees. Dancer. Stripper. Read ” Stone’s Rules. No amount of cash to Peter Scorsch Is going to change the facts.

Let me state up front that I have no professional involvement in this congressional race; Matt Tito, a US Marine combat veteran who is going to make a bid for the congressional nomination, is a friend of mine. Unlike Luna who was never deployed outside the country during her time in the Air Force and never saw combat. Matt Tito is a genuine American hero. Matt came to my attention when he made a valiant bid for a Florida State House in an overwhelmingly Democrat district and ran 18% ahead of the President in 2020.

When I was in Tampa, Tito posted a picture of us together on INSTAGRAM. Suddenly my e-mail box blew up with anonymous e-mails attacking Matt Tito, accusing him of a host of unsubstantiated crimes and misdeeds – none of which were accurate or true. Only weeks later an Editor at El American asked me if I would write an OP-ED for July 4th.

When my piece was posted I learned that “Luna”, who has some affiliation with El American, demanded the editors take my piece down because I “tried to poison her.”

I have never met this woman but her nutty claim forced me to dig into who she really is. By the way, I have two sworn affidavits from people working for El American as to this exact course of events because I now know “Luna’s” pattern when confronted with her unhinged unbalanced behavior; she lies and plays the victim.

The statement by the President calling Matt Tito a RINO just adds to the mountain of lies that Luna has told, many of them under oath particularly in the recent contrived publicity stunt in which she accused Matt Tito and her other opponents of plotting together to murder her. In fact, the released Presidential Statement came on the exact day Luna and one of her henchwomen perjured themselves repeatedly as Luna’s ‘Murder Plot PR stunt” began to unravel in a court-ordered deposition.

I can’t imagine who might have urged the President to endorse such a person and wonder if he knows what happens when someone hasn’t told the President the whole truth leading to an action- where he might get embarrassed for not knowing all the facts.

What will the President do when he learns that Anna Paulina Luna is not even her real name and that she has not an iota of Hispanic heritage? What happens when he learns that she used campaign photos of herself in fatigues holding military-grade weapons to imply that she has served her country in combat when she was never deployed; such a claim is stolen valor and illegal in the state of Florida.

What happens when the president learns that Luna, who was a registered Democrat who supported Obama when she lived in California and where she listed her ethnicity as non-Hispanic in her voting records? Or when he learns “Luna” used “LUNA- TRUMP” on her yard signs in the Republican primary but distancing herself from the President switching to ‘LUNA- INDEPENDENT LEADERSHIP yard signs for her dismal general election campaign.

What happens when the President learns that Luna’s campaign operatives illegally recorded telephone conversations with political opponents; a felony for which individuals are regularly prosecuted in Florida and for which Luna’s henchwoman will ultimately be prosecuted herself?

Then there is the police report filed with the Saint Petersburg police in which Luna accused her opponents of “plotting her murder.

By law a police complaint must be cosigned by two witnesses. In this case, Anna  Paulina Luna’s complaint was cosigned by her husband “Brian Luna.” There is no such person. Filing a police complaint under a false name is a felony. Oh, what a tangled web we weave.

I have no doubt that the rigors of a primary campaign will demonstrate that Anna Paulina Luna is mentally unbalanced and a congenital liar whose entire background is essentially falsified. My next move? I am taking out a restraining order to ensure that certified, nut job Diva, Anna Paulina Meyerhoffer, and the camp followers she surrounds herself with stay away from me.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Californians Desperate To Escape Cling To Landing Gear Of Last Jet Leaving LAX

LOS ANGELES, CA—One day after Governor Newsom fended off recall and secured the continuation of his reign, swarms of Californians descended upon Los Angeles International Airport desperate to escape. As planes filled and people began getting turned away, mothers attempted to pass their babies over the fence of the tarmac, and others clung to the landing gear of the last departing planes.

Timothy Sawchuck of Pomona, who released his grip on the landing gear just before it became too late, said, “Grabbing the landing gear is what you do when you’re fleeing an authoritarian regime, right?  I’m pretty sure I saw that on TV recently.” When asked why he felt such urgency to get out of California, he explained: “Newsom has been playing it cool during the recall, but now all bets are off. There’s going to be lockdowns, water rationing, power outages—all that third-world stuff California has become famous for.”

Rebecca Anderson of Encino agreed: “Fire season is coming. From what I’ve seen, Newsom spent all his time preparing for that by calling Larry Elder a white supremacist and claiming that he was running against Donald Trump. Not sure how that’s going to thin out the dead trees and brush. I have to get out of here before the rest of the state goes up in flames!”

Those lucky enough to make it out are being transported to military bases around the country to await relocation to one of the remaining states that have not been completely run into the ground.


CDC Cautions Against Taking The Red Pill

General Milley: ‘I Had To Commit Treason To Prevent Trump From Committing Treason’

Nation’s Productivity Down 97% As Everyone Binge-Watching Norm Macdonald Clips All Day

Sirens Blaring At Democratic Headquarters As Black Woman Expresses Unapproved Opinion

‘Jeopardy!’ To Be Hosted By Whoever Is Found Worthy To Wield Mjölnir

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden Isn’t Joe-King with Mandate

Attorneys general in 24 states sent a letter to President Biden yesterday, threatening legal action if he follows through on his threat to mandate private companies with more than 100 employees to require their employees either take the coronavirus vaccine, submit to weekly testing, or be fired. One of those attorneys general, Dave Yost of Ohio, explained further on “Washington Watch.”

“What the president said he wanted to do,” said Yost, “seems clearly beyond his authority.” President Biden plans to define coronavirus as an occupational safety hazard to be enforced by the Department of Labor, a step clearly outside the intended purpose of the law, the letter argued.

“Congress writes the laws, not the president. He doesn’t get to govern by dictate,” said Yost. “The difference between a democracy and a monarchy or a dictatorship is that in a democracy laws have to be written by a representative body, a congress or a parliament. In a monarchy or a dictatorship, one executive decides what the rules are and they enforce them. That is just fundamentally opposite our constitutional order.”

Not only is President Biden circumventing Congress’ authority to write laws, said Yost, but he is interfering with health issues which are properly considered “part of the police power that belongs to the states.” (Thus, to date, the CDC has issued only recommended guidelines, which state health departments have adopted, modified, or rejected. Mask mandates and lockdowns were widely issued by state governors, but the federal government only issued a mask mandate covering areas of federal jurisdiction, like federal property and air travel.)

Everyone, even the Biden administration, understands the president lacks the authority for such a mandate. “They know they don’t have the legal authority,” Yost explained, “but they do it knowing it’ll be in the courts forever.” President Biden’s strategy seems strikingly similar to one he employed only weeks ago, when he unilaterally extended an illegal moratorium on evictions, in direct violation of a Supreme Court ruling. Then, Biden admitted his action was illegal, but he was simply buying time for his policies. He said he sought the “ability to, if we have to appeal, to keep this going for a month at least. I hope longer.”

In striking down Biden’s eviction moratorium, the Supreme Court stated clearly that the Constitution “does not permit agencies to act unlawfully even in pursuit of desirable ends.” They added, “we expect Congress to speak clearly when authorizing an agency to exercise powers of ‘vast economic and political significance.'” It seems President Biden is simply calculating he can force many businesses to comply with his diktat before the Supreme Court obliterates it.

Yost said the attorneys general would likely ask for a temporary restraining order — when the administration actually produces a regulation. “Right now, it’s not in effect.” (Some private companies have begun requiring vaccination as a condition of employment, but that is their own decision.)

The silver lining of President Biden’s brazen lawlessness is that it serves to highlight the checks and balances of America’s federal system. When you don’t live in a monarchy ruled by King Joseph the First. When 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue overreaches, it triggers a reaction across town at the Supreme Court. But it also triggers a larger wave of resistance from those governments outside the Washington beltway that actually listen to the American people.


Joshua Arnold

Media Coordinator. As media coordinator, Joshua serves under the Vice President of Communications in a number of ways, including coordinating interview requests, editing op-eds and press releases, and assisting in various capacities with the Washington Watch radio show.

Joshua hails from Clemson, South Carolina, where he was homeschooled with his five siblings. He graduated from Patrick Henry College with a B.A. in Government and a special emphasis in American Politics and Policy. He later attended the Pepperdine University School of Public Policy and graduated as valedictorian with a Master’s in Public Policy, emphasizing Economics and American Policy. Before joining Family Research Council, Joshua also worked for the National Pro-Life Alliance and, as well as interning in the White House Office of Speechwriting.

Joshua is passionate about policy research and analysis, specifically about developing innovative solutions to the day’s greatest policy challenges from a biblical perspective. He enjoys participating in the life of his local church and exploring a variety of nerdy hobbies ranging from strategy board games to sci-fi television and book series.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action video and column are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Gen. Milley: BLM Riots Causing $1 Billion in Damage Were Trivial

Traitorous Gen. Mark Milley reportedly suggested the 2020 Black Lives Matter (BLM) riots, which caused an estimated one billion dollars in damage, were trivial, according to authors Bob Woodward and Robert Costa in the book Peril.

“Mr. President, they are not burning it down,” Milley told former President Trump about the riots sparked by George Floyd’s death. “We’re a country of 330 million people. You’ve got these penny packet protests,” Milley reportedly said, using a phrase for something trivial. “They used spray paint, Mr. President, that’s not an insurrection.”

One billion dollars of damage, not to mention the dozens of lives lost, including law enforcement officers, is not a “penny packet protest.” It is revolution.

According to the New York Post, Milley reportedly told Trump the U.S. military should not be involved in the 2020 riots because the “protests were understandable given systemic racism,” which he claimed was “pent up in communities that have been experiencing what they perceive to be police brutality.”

Milley, you may recall, is the same general who told the House Armed Services Committee, “I want to understand White rage. And I’m White. I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding… the country which we are here to defend?”

Milley is not here to defend this country. He is here to subvert it.

Black Lives Matter (BLM)

130 Known Connections

Founder of BLM Utah Chapter Says American Flag Is “Symbol of Hatred”

In a July 4, 2021 Facebook post, Lex Scott, the founder of Utah’s Black Lives Matter chapter, wrote:

“When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around. When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do. When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you. It is a symbol of hatred.”

Ms. Scott subsequently told Fox News:

“Ever since we put up the post, our page has been flooded with hatred from people who fly the flag. And we want to thank those people for proving our point.” When asked how she would respond to people who say the American flag represents all Americans, Scott replied: “I would ask those people if they ever showed outrage when the Ku Klux Klan marched down the street holding that flag, if they ever showed outrage last week when Patriot Front, a White supremacist group, was marching through Philadelphia holding that flag, if they feel outraged that the Three Percenters have co-opted their flag, that the Proud Boys have co-opted their flag. If they have never shown outrage when hate groups use their symbol for hatred, then they need to not come to us – they need to go directly to those groups. When you allow a hate group to fly that flag in the name of hatred, and you say nothing, and you do nothing, you send a message to us that you agree with their messaging. You agree with that hate, and you condone it.”

To learn more about Black Lives Matter, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.