Predictive Analysis and The Theory of Consequence! thumbnail

Predictive Analysis and The Theory of Consequence!

By Save America Foundation

In very few instances have I promoted a project, product, book or merchandise. I have never earned a cent from this blog and consider it a work of love and importance. Many of you fine readers will remember when I helped promote a great chocolate company in Knoxville, Tennessee that was run by a true conservative patriot and friend. It had been severely damaged by the insidious, draconian and irrational China Virus rules and mandates which irrationally closed him down. The company is “ZenEvo” and they make an amazing, tasty, high quality and healthy chocolate product. I consider myself an aficionado of this major food group (chocolate) and his is some of the best I have ever eaten! Links to contact and to buy his chocolate is at the bottom of this blog!

Anyway, a friend of mine in the United Kingdom, a 30+ year veteran firefighter from Surrey in the beautiful south of England, has written a great book, the first of three in the series of fighting Covid. It is titled Predictive analysis and the theory of consequence!

The authors name is ‘Andy Allwood.’ He is a true Brit, loves the Royal Family and also counts Nelson Mandela as a hero! ( By the way, that is the only bone of contention I have with his views as I think Mandela was a cold stone Commie Terrorist while his wife, Minnie, was twice as bad.) Anyway….like people used to be here, Andy and I can differ in our opinions without one of us getting, as the Brits say, “our knickers in a knot!” Neither of us are thin skinned or delicate let alone have sensitive feelings!! OK. That was a statement of understatement!

Anyway. One good thing here is that Andy has a deep love and understanding of America and he loved President Trump. That makes the whole ‘Mandela’ thing almost better!

This book is not too thick. It is written with really great British humor and verbiage many Americans love but sometimes miss the subtle nuances involved. However, Andy has written a book that is about as subtle as a sledgehammer swing full force to the forehead! It is probably best read in a few sessions as opposed to all in one go! Great to take on flights and business trips etc.!

The next two books in the series will be published soon and the next one will be titled “Attackers Defenders & Cannon Fodder.”

Many different subjects are covered in this first book. Some in depth and some fleetingly to be further written about in the next two books in the trilogy. Some examples of subjects covered are Covid, Banking, British politicians from the Conservatives and leftist Labor Party, the Royal Family, Princess Diana, President Trump, the Nanny State, the Bank of England and the evilness of politicians of all ilks! All seen through this mans at times ‘crazy’ eyes and language!! By the way there is some bad language scattered liberally throughout but somehow it just fits as that is how so many Brits and Americans speak today.

Andy’s book can be purchased through Amazon – surprise surprise – and shipped from England via Books etc. Ltd of Aldershot. Just put the title in the search bar:- Predictive analysis and the theory of consequence! Mine arrived pretty fast and in great condition. I see on Amazon there is a kindle version. I do not have one of those as I love paper books. I love the feel of them. The smell of them. I have heaving book shelves of them! Electronic books just bore me!!

So, in closing fo yourselves a favor and get yourself a copy. $13.44 is the price so even that is reasonable. You can also go directly to :- and his publishers details are there along with this fine blog!! They have the book in stock so the lead time is quicker. Now remember – this is a quirky book, probably like none other you have read but I have to say I enjoyed it. You may too!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Disney+ To Release Separate Fauci Documentary For Each Time He’s Changed His Mind thumbnail

Disney+ To Release Separate Fauci Documentary For Each Time He’s Changed His Mind

By The Babylon Bee

U.S.—Get ready Disney+ users, because there’s another reason to use the service besides just rewatching all The Simpsons episodes from season two until the show abruptly ended and went out in a blaze of glory in season ten.

Disney is giving the audience what they want with a Fauci documentary! Just what we asked for. But even better, Disney has confirmed that there will be a separate documentary for each different narrative that Fauci has pushed. The move will reportedly flood Disney with over 500 separate versions of the Fauci doc.

“You can now enjoy this documentary of America’s most important public health servant,” said a Disney representative. “Well, any one of 500 different documentaries and counting. We’ll keep releasing new ones as he tells a different version of his story or changes his mind again. So, yeah. We’re gonna be pretty busy for some time.”

Even better, according to Disney+ spokespeople, the Fauci movies will all be edited in real-time to keep up with his ever-changing story. “It’s pretty much a choose-your-own-adventure documentary at this point.”

At publishing time, Disney had reminded everyone that watching Fauci is mandatory, and anyone who does not watch will be added to the FBI’s domestic terrorism watchlist.


What Is Your Oppressed Intersectional Identity? Use This Handy Chart To Find Out!

Heroic FBI Agent Tackles Parent Expressing Concern For Student’s Education

Biden Follows Congresswomen Into Bathroom To Negotiate Infrastructure Bill

Democrats Put Out ‘Help Wanted’ Ad For Submissive, Obedient Woman To Replace Sinema

Target Introduces Progressive New ‘Clump Of Cells’ Registry

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Tweets Child Sexual Abuse – You can hold them accountable! thumbnail

Twitter Tweets Child Sexual Abuse – You can hold them accountable!

By National Center on Sexual Exploitation

One of the world’s most powerful companies has crossed the line.

It’s shocking …

The influential social network Twitter allows users to share videos of child sexual abuse and then, with a straight face, claims it has no knowledge of how its platform is being used to degrade and destroy?

It’s absolutely true. And today I’m urging you to give now to stop them.

After calling on Twitter multiple times to stop knowingly distributing and profiting from illegal child sexual abuse material — and getting nowhere — the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has filed a federal lawsuit on behalf of two of the many victims.

Twitter is so cynical that in a response to our lawsuit, the company responded with this: “… the law does not punish a defendant [Twitter] for participation in a lawful venture with sex traffickers, or knowingly but passively receiving the financial benefits of sex trafficking.”

Richard, have you ever heard such nonsense?

Twitter actually further claims that, because it is not technically a “publisher,” it is immune from prosecution. But the law is clear: online interactive services such as Twitter can claim immunity only if they act in good faith to remove the obscene material.

Twitter, of course, did not — and has not — acted in good faith.

It would take pages to explain the case, the background, and the status of our suit. But what we want you to know is that NCOSE is going hard at Twitter. We’re doing everything we can to force the company to do what’s right AND what’s required by law: a much better job of policing their network and protecting vulnerable children.

Today we’re asking you to join us in holding Twitter and ALL social networks accountable. Your gift will help ensure this never happens again … ensure Twitter is brought to account … ensure other social platforms are put on notice that they cannot profit from the misery of vulnerable people and then claim protection in the name of “free speech.”

Please give now to battle Twitter’s shameful profiting from child sexual exploitation.

EDITORS NOTE: This NCOSE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Aides Quickly Drag President Away As He Tries To Join In ‘F*** Joe Biden’ Chant

WASHINGTON, D.C.—President Biden took a much-needed break from his 4-hour workdays and late-night Matlock binges to attend the Congressional Baseball Game this past weekend, but things quickly went south when he attempted to join the crowd in a rowdy “F*** Joe Biden” chant.

“Yeah, that Biden guy is the worst!” said Biden. “F*** Joe Biden! F*** Joe Biden! Hehe, nothing like a rowdy chant at the old ball game, eh folks?”

Panicked aides quickly grabbed him by the arms and dragged him out of sight to administer some additional meds.

According to witnesses, Biden later returned to the game and looked out on the crowd with his classic medication-induced serene Biden smile.

The FBI has confirmed they will be dedicating 1,328 agents to investigate who started the insurrectionist chant so they can be arrested.


‘Working In Fast Food Would Be Humiliating,’ Says Man Living On Government Handouts In Parents’ Basement

‘I’m A Little Worried About What My Son Is Learning In School,’ Says Dangerous Domestic Terrorist

Top Ten Revelations From The Facebook Whistleblower

Infrastructure Bill Includes Capitol Building Expansion To Hold All The Pfizer Lobbyists

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Dear New York Times Executive Editor, Dean Baquet RE: Capitol Hill Stalemate

Good day Deano,

I hope today finds you well today over at The New York Times, as their executive editor.  Well, it has been a busy couple of weeks over there on Capitol Hill.  Our elected officials are trying to iron out details of the $3,500,000,000,000 reconciliation bill.  This of course is tied to (held hostage) to the much needed $1,000,000,000,000 infrastructure bill.  This latter bill actually has 20% of the money dedicated to actual infrastructure, which seems very reasonable…… some people, that is.   I’m not too sure about the other 80%.  Like Old Nancy says, “just pass it and we can read it later.” Always the consummate, honest, unbiased politician… Deano, old sport.


It seems also, that we have some infighting in our own Democratic Party.  Crazy right? We usually only see this from the radical right, not the party of the people, Democrats. Let’s take a look at some of the key players and their stances and then examine what Democrats and Republicans are saying.  Of course, we will also look at Joey’s input in all of this.


First, we have Senators Manchin and Sinema.  These two are fast becoming enemies of the liberal left, and rightly so!  These two are asking for the cradle to grave entitlements, Socialist/Communist bill to be scaled down considerably……sorry, I mean reconciliation bill, I keep doing that.  Senator Manchin says his cap is $1,500,000,000,000, while Senator Sinema has given no dollar figure.  Both are being hounded relentlessly for their stances.  Senator Sinema was actually accosted in a woman’s bathroom. Yep, chased right into a stall by someone who claimed to be an illegal alien. Joey even commented on the attack saying “it’s part of the process.”   Very Presidential like, unless it was say………Maxine Waters for instance, then it would be blatantly racist. Ah, Joey’s America, when an illegal alien can verbally assault and harass a sitting Senator with no repercussions.  Word is Joey called the Senator a racist because, she cut the illegal alien in line for the stall.  A protest march is being prepared as we speak. Well done Joey, we’ll done!  President Trump is a racist!


On the other side we have the part time bartender/Congresswoman AOC, and the rest of the squad.  I mean, what a great country we have.  Where can you go from working lady’s night or organizing a beer pong tournament at the local tavern, to being a key figure in how TRILLIONS of dollars are allocated to this once great country? Yes indeed, what a country we now have.

Of course, we have the major players.  The always even-keeled, Bernie Sanders (multimillionaire/owner of multiple homes).  The very approachable skilled negotiator, (self proclaimed, devout Catholic) Nancy Pelosi. The always crucial presence of Kamala “Heels” Harris, always a key player, in regards to decision making. They put old heels Harris on a plane to California, possibly thinking, “out of sight, out of mind at crunch time,” on the big vote day (which didn’t happen for the 3rd time Pelosi had promised it) And of course, the installed POTUS, negotiator, orator, unifier extraordinaire ……Joey Talibiden!

Of course, the right is screaming about this pork-filled entitlement farce of a bill. They’re saying Joey, Nancy and Jen Goebbels Psaki are delusional, claiming this $3,500,000,000,000 will cost ZERO dollars, yep, ZERO DOLLARS.  Is this the new math that they talk about?  They want to know if Joey’s severe cognitive decline is actually contagious?  They wanted to get specifics from Joey, but there was no time to get the teleprompter set up, and the guy who normally cuts the feed to Joey’s microphone and screen when he starts to babble, wasn’t available.  Besides it was getting close to the Bugs Bunny/ Roadrunner hour, which Joey never misses, I’m told.

Of course, it was beautiful seeing Joey show up to try and broker a deal, which did………..absolutely nothing.  Then to see him walking holding Nancy’s hand as he strolled the hall of the Capitol.  “Dr” Jill said this usually has a calming effect on Joey, this is what his health aides usually do.  By the way, the right is questioning when the “Dr” will be arrested for elder abuse?  Well, they asked Joey for comment and he said, “we’re going to work like hell to get this thing passed.”  Then he IMMEDIATELY headed over to the beach house in Delaware, for a much deserved break.  I mean it had been 4 days since his last jaunt to the compound.  It’s not like there is a lot going on right now anyway.  I mean ease up radical right , the man is not a machine.  President Trump is a racist!


Well Deano, I think I have a plan to pass Joey’s fantastic Build Back Communism Bill. Why not have the esteemed “Dr” Fauci (plandemic expert), do a press conference, declaring a brand new deadly virus variant…….let’s call it, The Pelosi Debacle Variant!


Seeing as how it appears that Nancy has lost her once ironclad authority over the house, we need to go to plan B, immediately.  Why not say, this PDV (Pelosi Debacle Variant) forbids the members from coming to Capitol Hill.   Then Old Fauci can say the only way this bill can be safely passed……..would be through mail in voting.  If not done this way,  Fauci can say the alternative would result in almost certain death.  Are you starting to follow me now Deano?

Ok, then they can start to tally the votes and it can be neck and neck into the night. News coverage could have us on the edge of our seats, simply riveting!  Then somehow, almost miraculously, when the voting is finished in the early morning hours……..the Democrats can garner 99% of the votes!  I mean, somehow the vote ended up 530 to 5, between both chambers of Congress; a miracle, right? Almost mathematically impossible…..well, then again, it actually is impossible.


I can hear Senator Paul screaming from the roof tops that someone cast his vote fraudulently, preventing him from voting. (Sound familiar?)  Then, he points out that one of the mail in votes he saw was from Teddy Kennedy (1932-2009), the infamous “Liberal Lion.” A man of impeccable integrity, just not too good a driver or reporter of drowning victims. But a hell of a swimmer, he can swim a large body of water after a suspicious car wreck, before exhaustion sets in. That’s when he had to sleep for 12 hours (then afterwards speaking to lawyers and confidants), before reporting this drowning victim to police, minor detail..……what a liberal icon.  But let’s not waste time on these pesky details. Viola, problem solved, in regards to this annoying voting issue, what do you think Deano?   Maybe you should run it by your boss AG Sulzberger.  Let me know what Ole Slushy thinks about this, buddy.

Then of course, the radical right can start screaming bloody murder, drama queens that they are.  But it then it falls on deaf ears with the DOJ, KGB, sorry, I mean FBI and also the news and media outlets, even your pristine outlet Deano, Pravda….. I mean the NY Times. Possibly, the FBI will be busy with the Clinton Russian collusion conspiracy sham which backfired, or they may be possibly shredding documents in regards to our Olympic women athletes sexual coverup coup by them….they must be busy.  Maybe, they could reach out to bipartisan level headed  Alyssa Milano to show her outrage, in regards to these poor athletes, who the FBI tried to silence.  They must have available agents though, we know there has never been any man power dedicated to voter fraud.


It seems Joey is now hitting the road to push his Build Back Communism Bill. I understand he is putting in backbreaking 2 hour work days.  I also understand teleprompters are being set up at a feverish pace nationwide.  With the exception of course, of anywhere near the Southern  border debacle.  Not to worry though VP Kalamity Harris (Border Czar Expert), has that territory.  She has to squeeze it into her demanding schedule, between bakery sampling’s, interviews on the View, Ellen, CNN and the always important college football game coin tosses.  I understand these sports venues have their own chant for the installed POTUS, “ – – – –  Joe Biden,” also know as FJB.  I believe he is the first installed POTUS to have his own personal chant, very impressive.  That’s Joey, always breaking down barriers.

My major concern with Joey crisscrossing this once great country is of course climate change.  I mean, I am weeping , inconsolable actually, as I type this just thinking of the “carbon footprint”, destroying the world.  Between this and Heels Harris jaunting off to Viet Nam to accomplish………….well, President Trump is a racist.  Or Heels jetting out to California for a one nighter, all while Joey was walking the halls of the Capitol, looking for Barack Hussein.  No word if she flew out to her affluent hamlet of Brentwood California, where she may have left a light on, or possibly looking up old friends like Willie Brown.  Climate change, carbon footprint darn it!!  Wait a minute, wait a minute my mistake, this is not the time to use this narrative Deano, my bad, sorry.  I’ll just wait till a Conservative gets on a plane, then we can rip them a new one buddy.  Whew, that was close. I can put the tissues away now.


Well it seems we are finally addressing the most important issue to date, domestic terrorists.  We have finally nailed down the biggest threat to National security.  It’s the parents of our children voicing their concern about what schools are indoctrinating children with, namely CRT.  That and arbitrary mask mandates, like the one the very credible Gavin Newsom has implemented.  You know, where K-12 graders must be inoculated as the vaccine is approved for their age groups………but teachers don’t have to be.  Seems very reasonable and fair Deano, what are these radical right wingers so upset about.

Well Joey isn’t standing for it!  He has ordered the DOJ to investigate these terrorists, and provide protection to these poor apolitical administrators.


Many on the right are outraged.  Claiming this Installed POTUS is a kowtowing disgrace.  This is what Conservatives say among his numerous gaffes, his most egregious acts are….

  • surrendering to the Taliban and leaving Americans and our allies to fend for themselves, on conditions dictated by these terrorists.
  • surrendering our Southern border to the tune of 200,000 illegal aliens a month, while vilifying the heroes of the border patrol that are doing an insurmountable job.  All while he spends long weekends in Delaware cowardly hiding and shirking responsibility to protect Americans and our borders.  All the while he has these illegal aliens transported in the dead of night throughout this once great nation.
  • surrendering major cities to escalating violent crimes, putting the onus on the problem being police officers, not the criminals and ridiculous revolving justice door. Empowering lackey Governors and Mayors in Democratic run cities…..De Boobio, Newsom, Lightfoot, etc .
  • trying to surrender our economy to absurd Progressive/Communist wish list to the tune of 3,500,000,000,000, which, in actuality, is closer to 5,000,000,000,000. All orchestrated by looney Bernie Sanders, the Squad and those who fear the Squad, namely Nancy Pelosi and Chuckie Schumer, and assorted other players. Talibiden has no clue, they claim, he just parrots what they feed in on the teleprompter and then runs away from reporters and their questions.
  • surrendering our children to indoctrination theories, and covid narratives that suit their agendas, that has parents (domestic terrorists) across the nation up in arms against them.

And much, much more.  Conservatives ask, name one positive thing this installed puppet has done for America so far, just one?  I mean really Deano are these right wing zealots kidding me? I mean Joey has done plenty, like……………………..well, President Trump is a racist.


The radicals want to know if anyone, they mean anyone, can stop the pathological lying in this abysmal administration?  It is spreading worse than the Delta variant, Conservatives say.  From the king of liars the star Joey Talibiden, we have “Dr” Jill,  Blinken, Austin, (Daddy Warbucks) Mayorkas, Pelosi, Schumer, Sanders, AOC, Milley, Mackenzie, Harris, (she really doesn’t count, she hasn’t been seen in weeks).  But the one that makes my blood boil is them calling Peppermint Propaganda Patty a liar.  I, as you Deano,  know, that Little Red Lying Hood is pure and honest as the driven snow, the audacity of these ghouls, have they no shame. They also point to esteemed reporting agencies like your New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC  for peddling this ridiculous, biased, laughable tripe.

One last question for you Deano.  Is it true all of Joey’s lies and cheating all started way back in 1st grade.  Sources say, he was caught cheating on a Phonics test and when the teacher questioned him he said, it’s Trumps Fault!

Keep up the fantastic, apolitical, unbiased and professional work over there at the Old Gray Lady.  I’m sure Joey is very proud.  Give my regards to Slushy and the gang, we’ll talk soon.


Chris Cirino

©Chris Cirino. All rights reserved.

An Important Church and State Battle in Seattle

We have all seen the horrible violence in Seattle in the last year or so. But now there’s a new battle, virtually under the radar.

In 1932, the Union Gospel Mission began serving the poor and downtrodden in Seattle. But now this ministry which has been serving millions of meals through the years and providing many other services may have to shut its doors because of a decision by the Washington Supreme Court.

The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is defending the mission. They write:

“A Washington Supreme Court decision forces a religious nonprofit, Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, to hire employees who do not share the organization’s religious beliefs.”

The mission chose not to hire a potential candidate to work for them, who by his own profession does not share their beliefs. He is not a Christian. So he sued. Yet, Christianity is at the core of what they do.

Scott Chin, the president of the mission, told Virginia Allen of Heritage Foundation’s Daily Signal (9/27/21):

“We are 89 years old and [at] Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, we exist to love and serve and share the Gospel with our homeless neighbors. We do that by providing food and shelter, addiction recovery services, job placement services, and legal services.”

For example, their website explains one aspect of their mission:

“11,751 of our neighbors in the greater Seattle area are homeless. Every night, Search + Rescue vans drive to the darkest places in the greater Seattle area to hand out life-saving supplies and care to men and women.” Who knows how many homeless they might have spared from freezing to death?

But all of their good works for Christ might grind to a screeching halt because the Washington Supreme Court is ignoring the true meaning of the First Amendment.

On June 12, 1788, James Madison, a key architect of the Constitution, declared:

“There is not a shadow of right in the general government to intermeddle with religion.”

The founders did not intend for the state to run the church, nor did they intend for the church per se to run the state—however, that’s a far cry from saying the church would have no influence in the state.

A month after he was sworn in as our first president, George Washington wrote a group of Baptists: “If I could have entertained the slightest apprehension that the Constitution framed in the Convention, where I had the honor to preside, might possibly endanger the religious rights of any ecclesiastical society, certainly I would never have placed my signature to it.”

In short, if you believe that the Constitution allows for government to interfere with religious organizations, you’ll find no support from the father of our country.

The legal battle is an important one, says Chin: “And so we’ve asked the U.S. Supreme Court to weigh in on this critical issue, ‘Does the government have the power to punish religious organizations for living and operating consistently with their faith in this way?’”

Appealing to the U. S. Supreme Court is always a long shot. But the irony is that the Supreme Court has even spoken on this type of issue.

Imagine a Supreme Court decision in which both the late Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the late Antonin Scalia agreed upon. Ginsburg was as far left as they get, and Scalia was far right. But they both agreed on this: A religious organization has the autonomy under the Constitution to hire according to its religious beliefs.

This was a 2012 case out of Missouri involving a Lutheran school, Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church & School v. EEOC.

In the unanimous decision (9-0), Chief Justice Roberts wrote:

“The interest of society in the enforcement of employment discrimination statutes is undoubtedly important. But so too is the interest of religious groups in choosing who will preach their beliefs, teach their faith, and carry out their mission. When a minister who has been fired sues her church alleging that her termination was discriminatory, the First Amendment has struck the balance for us. The church must be free to choose those who will guide it on its way.”

Jeremy Dys—Special Counsel for First Liberty Institute, which fights for religious liberty—told me:

“No one should be surprised when a religious organization acts religiously. It is only surprising—and unconstitutional—when the state insists a religious institution shed its faith commitments or be punished.”

If the mission loses this case, imagine the potential impact on the hungry and downtrodden of Seattle. But for the Left, this isn’t about suffering people. Despite First Amendment protections and clear Supreme Court rulings, these dedicated secularists are wholly devoted to undermining the influence of religion and religious organizations in America—and we see the results as our society comes unglued around us.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Worldview is Central to Determining Views on Abortion

The month of October kicks off “Respect Life Month” in the Catholic Church, and with the U.S. Supreme Court scheduled to hear the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization case on December 1, Christians across the country have begun praying in earnest for the case that could overturn Roev. Wade. How will Americans react to the possibility of the Court altering the long-standing Roe ruling concerning abortion?

Many Americans wonder why abortion remains such a high-profile issue after all these years. The explanation is simple. Almost 50 years ago, seven appointed—not elected—justices decided that killing unborn babies should be a constitutionally-protected act. Since that time, more than 62 million unborn babies have been killed in our nation.

Rest assured, that fact has not gone unnoticed by the God who knitted together those babies in the wombs of their mothers.

Recent worldview research provides helpful insight into Americans’ views about abortion. The annual American Worldview Inventory undertaken by the Cultural Research Center at Arizona Christian University shows that after a half-century of energetic public debate about abortion, the abortion perspectives of millions of Americans remain surprisingly tenuous and pliable.

Keep in mind that very few adults are capable of applying a biblical worldview to this (or any other) issue. Although 51 percent of Americans think they have a biblical worldview (according to a Center for Biblical Worldview survey), the American Worldview Inventory reveals that only six percent of Americans actually have one. Since most Americans (88 percent) are driven by a Syncretistic worldview—an inconsistent, unpredictable combination of elements originating in various competing worldviews—the nation’s thinking about the morality and permissibility of abortion is more likely to be based on current emotions and popular thought, not on biblical principles related to life.

Indeed, the American Worldview Inventory underscores the morally wayward thinking of Americans. Not quite four out of 10 adults (39 percent) believe that life is sacred. An equal proportion of Americans argue that life is what we make it or that there is no absolute value associated with human life. The remaining two out of 10 adults possess a variety of other views about life, including outright uncertainty as to whether or not life has any intrinsic value.

Views about life are closely related to worldview and faith commitments. For instance, more than nine out of every 10 adults (93 percent) who have a biblical worldview believe that human life is sacred. Eight out of every 10 (81 percent) SAGE Cons (i.e., the Spiritually Active, Governance Engaged Conservative Christians) possess that view as well. Surprisingly, only six out of 10 theologically-determined born-again Christians (60 percent) say that human life is sacred. Those proportions dwarf those among people associated with non-Christian faiths (25 percent) or those who are spiritual skeptics (15 percent).

Many people are surprised to discover that Millennials are not a pro-life generation. Less than one-quarter of them (22 percent) believes that human life is sacred. Meanwhile, twice as many in Gen X and a slight majority of Boomers and their elders contend that human life is sacred.

Americans’ views about abortion continue to shock many observers. For instance, two out of three adults (64 percent) either say that the Bible is ambiguous in its views about abortion or that they don’t know what those views are. For a nation where roughly seven out of 10 adults call themselves “Christian,” that represents a mindboggling degree of biblical ignorance concerning one of the most high-profile social issues of the past half-century.

Not everyone falls into that vacuum of wisdom, though. More than nine out of 10 people who have a biblical worldview—a group known as Integrated Disciples—reject the notion that the Bible contains ambiguous ideas about abortion. Similarly, eight out of 10 SAGE Cons reject that position as well.

But the idea that the Bible is ambiguous about abortion is held by a variety of population segments. More than 70 percent of people who draw heavily from non-biblical worldviews—specifically, Marxism, Secular Humanism, Modern Mysticism, Postmodernism, and even Moralistic Therapeutic Deism—believe the Bible can be interpreted multiple ways regarding abortion. At least seven out of 10 adults aligned with a non-Christian faith or spiritual skeptics also embrace that point of view. And two-thirds of adults under the age of 50 harbor that misconception as well.

Given these perspectives, then, it should not shock us to find that nearly six out of 10 adults (57 percent) believe that a woman who chooses to have an abortion because her partner has left and she believes she cannot reasonably take care of the child is making a morally acceptable decision. Again, the survey shows that such a decision is a direct reflection of one’s worldview. Just two percent of the Integrated Disciples support abortion under such circumstances. In contrast, more than eight out of 10 who are adherents of other worldviews support that decision. That includes 89 percent of those who often draw their worldview from Postmodernism; 88 percent who often rely upon Secular Humanism; 82 percent who draw frequently from Modern Mysticism; and 81 percent who lean heavily upon Marxist philosophy.

Previous research by the Cultural Research Center also revealed that national opinion is roughly equally divided as to whether the Supreme Court should overturn its disastrous Roe v. Wade decision of 1973. The subgroup numbers line up similarly to the segmentation patterns related to the responses to the other abortion-related questions described earlier. In general, those most desirous of the Court overturning the 1973 ruling are led by Integrated Disciples (67 percent consider a reversal of Roe to be a priority) and by SAGE Cons (74 percent). Those who want the Court to affirm Roe are led by groups that are not favorable to Christianity.

The Court’s ultimate decision, whatever it may be, will not satisfy everyone—or, perhaps, even a majority of Americans. But for biblically informed Christians, the abortion issue is not about pleasing a majority of the public or persuading a majority of jurists; it is a matter of understanding and obeying God’s principles and standing for His truth.


George Barna

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll: Majority Say Biden Doing a ‘Poor Job’ Uniting the Country

In news that will come as a surprise to no sentient being in the entire world, a Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday found that the majority of Americans believe catastrophically incompetent President Joe Biden, who had made “unity” a central theme of his election, has done a “poor” job of uniting the country.

Fifty-three percent said he has done a “poor” job,” while 15 percent said “fair.” Another 20 percent said he is doing a “good” job, and 10 delusional percent said “excellent.” Notably, 79 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of independents said Biden is doing a “poor” job at uniting the country. Democrats remain divided: 52 percent say he is doing either a good or excellent job, while 45 percent say poor or fair.

An overwhelming majority of voters, 64 percent, said the country has become “more divided” since the last election, while 23 percent said it has remained “about the same.” Another 11 percent in denial of reality said it has been “more united.” Three percent answered, “not sure.”

Uniting the country has never been Biden’s aim. The aim of his party is not to bring Americans on opposite sides of the political fence together, but to eradicate political opposition.

Joe Biden

112 Known Connections

In Midst of Border Crisis, Biden Calls for Massive Numbers of New Immigrants

The number of youths illegally crossing the border into the southern U.S. had reached staggering proportions since 2012, when President Obama had announced that his administration would no longer deport minors who were in the country illegally, so long as they met certain basic requirements. Whereas in 2011 about 6,000 young people were apprehended by border personnel, government officials now estimated that the corresponding totals would exceed 90,000 by the end of 2014, and 140,000 in 2015 — not including the many tens of thousands more who would avoid capture.

Notwithstanding this crisis — and the fact that the open southern border left the U.S. vulnerable to infiltration by Islamic terrorists who had long been known to be working with Mexican drug cartels — Biden, speaking at a National Association of Manufacturers’ meeting, called for a “constant, unrelenting stream” of new immigrants — “not dribbling [but] significant flows” that could bolster the national economy. “We need it badly from a purely — purely economic point of view,’ said Biden. The vice president later tweeted: “The final thing we need to do together is pass immigration reform … We need it badly.”

To learn more about Joe Biden, click here.


RELATED ARTICLE: Whitmer Vetoes Voter Integrity Bills That ‘Perpetuate the Big Lie’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

RACE: A Four-Letter Word Guaranteed to Offend Everyone

Every day brings horror stories of racial discrimination and racial preferences.

Told a couple of folks I was going to write about race. “Don’t go there,” said one. “Leave it alone,” said the other. ‘Nuff said. I couldn’t resist.

America is obsessed with race. That is just how we live. Social justice warriors and woke media – that’s just about all US media – keep the subject in front of us 24/7. You can’t escape it. Identity politics is race-based. Every day brings horror stories of racial discrimination, racial preferences, Black Lives Matter, White privilege, racial reparations, cancelling and confrontations in the streets, courts, universities and elsewhere over matters having to do with race.

The racial angle is everywhere.

  • The Washington Post Sports section tells us that “‘Race-norming’ kept former NFL players from dementia diagnoses. Their families want answers.
  • The National Institutes of Health reports on “Racial Differences in Perceived Food Swamp and Food Desert Exposure and Disparities in Self-Reported Dietary Habits”
  • The Associated Press notes that “People of colour more exposed to heat islands, study finds.”
  • Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben, beloved figures on American supermarket shelves, were cancelled, their smiling faces having suddenly been deemed racist.
  • The professional football team in our nation’s capital is no longer the Washington Redskins, that term after nearly a century having been discovered to be racist.

Some of the same people who blow a cork about race tell us that race really doesn’t exist, arguing that it is merely a “social construct.” Yet they track racial statistics obsessively.

Here are a few such US race-related stats. In the 1960 Census, America was 88.6 percent White, and almost all the rest were Black.  The brand new state of Hawaii provided a few Asians.

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 changed everything. It abolished the National Origins Formula with immigration based on the composition of the existing population and opened immigration to the world.  Why was this done? The old system was deemed racially discriminatory. The real reason? Cheap labour.

Thus the 2020 Census is quite different. It has the US at 61.5 percent White, 18.7 percent Hispanic or Latino, 13.4 percent Black, 7.0 percent Asian, 2.0 percent American Indian or Alaska Native, 1.4 percent Some Other Race, and 0.4 percent Pacific Islander.  Yes, this adds up to more than 100 percent, but that is because some Hispanic/Latino folks also identify as White, and numerous others also claim dual identities.

The big media takeaway from all this is about what is going on with White folks. One news outlet after another pointed out that in the 2020 Census, for the first time in history, the US White population declined.

According to demographer William Frey of the Brookings Institution, the outright decline in America’s White population has come eight years sooner than projected.He wrote, “Twenty years ago if you told people this was going to be the case, they wouldn’t have believed you… The country is changing dramatically.”

Dramatically and fast.

The White Non-Hispanic category of the US population is now below 60 percent. White population declined in 26 states. The age-18-and-under cohort declined in 31 states and is now majority non-White. 2011 was the first year that non-White births outnumbered White ones. Dr Frey calls this a “cultural generation gap.”

While Census analysts tell us that the US will be majority non-White – aka “majority-minority” – by 2045, that point is likely to be reached much earlier, possibly even by 2030. All US population growth in the last decade has been non-White.

Hispanics comprised 50 percent of US population growth in the last Census. In the last thirty years America’s Hispanic and Asian populations have doubled, and Blacks held steady at around 12.5 percent.

In the last decade the US had the slowest population growth since the first national census in 1790, with the exception of the Great Depression.

As expected, in woke America whenever the subject of race comes up, bigotry rears its ugly head: Here’s a tweet from Michael Moore, American film maker and uber-left superstar:

If the word “White” had been replaced with “Black,” “Asian,” “Hispanic” or “Native American,” Moore would have been banished forthwith to his palatial pad in rural Michigan. Looks like Mr Moore, a White guy, has a problem with White folks. Weird.

The absence of media outrage at Mr Moore and other White-bashers reflects a worrisome double standard. The culture war on Whites (which is being waged by  many Whites themselves) gathers steam by the day. Leftist Critical Race Theory is taught in schools. We hear day-in-and-day-out about racism, which the media would have us believe is an attitude exclusive to Whites. In woke America it is more socially acceptable to have an axe murderer in the family than a racist.

But when somebody bashes White folks, woke moralizers fall silent. Perhaps the fact that the White vote leans solidly Republican has something to do with it. Were it not for White voters, conservatism in the US would be running on fumes.

This profoundly discordant state of affairs spells trouble ahead. Since 1965, too many people from too many places have come too fast to the West. Identity politics meant that assimilation was never an option. Consequently, America is now thoroughly balkanized. There is no longer an American nation. Social cohesion is kaput. Today’s multicultural America is more diabolically divided than ever, at least since the Civil War (1861-1865).

The Austro-Hungarian Empire had so much diversity that interpreters were needed on the floor of parliament. It did not survive the shock of World War I.

What will become of the USA?


Louis T. March

Louis T. March has a background in government, business and philanthropy. A former talk show host, author and public speaker, he is a dedicated student of history and genealogy. Louis lives with his family… More by Louis T. March.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hackers Warn That If Demands Aren’t Met They Will Reactivate Facebook

WORLD—With Facebook down, and the world basking in the warm glow of a post-Facebook utopia, the hackers responsible for the attack are now warning that if their demands are not met, they will reactivate Facebook once again.

“We know the world is celebrating the peace and unity brought about by us deleting Facebook from the internet,” said a cryptic message broadcast from an unknown location. “But if you don’t comply with our demand for $700 billion dollars by 8 pm tonight, we will restore Facebook and unleash its evils upon the world once again.”

“NOOOOOOOO!” screamed everyone in horror at the thought of being doomed to once again scroll through Facebook’s clinically addictive interface, depressing newsfeed, and angry arguments with Aunt Guthrie. “Please! PLEASE! Make Facebook stay gone! Don’t let it come back!”

“8 pm tonight. $700 billion,” responded the hackers with a maniacal laugh. “Don’t disappoint us.”

According to sources, local woman Aunt Guthrie is still sitting at her desk clicking “refresh” over and over.


In Major Disaster For Humanity, Facebook Comes Back Online

Dems Announce Joe Manchin Has Information That Will Lead To Arrest Of Hillary Clinton

Dr. Fauci Appears On Cover Of Playboy

Tragedy: Mom Experiences Sweet Picturesque Moment With Kids But Can’t Post It Since Instagram Is Down

Anti-Capitalist Cooking Show Teaches Authentic Soviet Union Recipe!

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Truth Will Set Us Free from Vaccine Mandates

In new footage released by Project Veritas, three Pfizer scientists admit that natural immunity to the coronavirus likely offers better protection than the vaccine. Yet the CDC refuses to even address the possibility of natural immunity, and various vaccine mandates America’s tyrants are considering allow no exemption for natural immunity.

Natural immunity is not some magic code, nor does it suggest genetic superiority. The term simply refers to someone who has contracted COVID-19, and whose immune system developed the tools to successfully fight off the virus. Those immune defenses remain in the person’s bloodstream even after the virus has been eliminated. After 18 months of data, the administration’s utter silence on natural immunity, an obvious, viable alternative to vaccination, has grown deafening.

Nick Karl, who works directly on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine, said natural immunity probably produced “more antibodies,” leading to a stronger immune response against a second infection. Karl also said persons who contracted the virus will produce “antibodies against multiple pieces of the virus,” retaining immunity even to mutated strains.

If that’s true, why isn’t the company saying so publicly? Pfizer scientist Rahul Khandke explained that Pfizer forces employees into “hours and hours” of seminars where they are told, “you cannot talk about this in public.” Chris Croce, Senior Associate Scientist for Pfizer, said the corporation had pushed aside successful monoclonal antibody treatments to focus on vaccines because of money. “Our organization is run on COVID money now,” added Croce. Croce said he feels “like I work for an evil corporation because it comes down to profits, in the end.” Pfizer hit the mother lode in the first quarter of 2021 with $3.5 billion in revenue from its COVID-19 vaccine, as part of a total revenue income increase of 45 percent over the first quarter of 2020.

Aside from Croce’s oddly anti-business sentiments (after all, corporations exist precisely for “profits, in the end”), if Pfizer executives are deliberately withholding vital information from the public for their company’s bottom line, it is one of the most despicable con games ever played on the American public.

Even worse, public officials seem to be parroting the talking points developed by the pharmaceutical corporations who stand to profit. “I’m at a loss to understand the actions of the CDC,” Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, professor of medicine at Stanford University, said on “Washington Watch.” The CDC guidelines instruct people “to make all these changes in our life in order to do an impossible goal.”

He explained that zero COVID cases nationwide is not a feasible end goal. As Australia has discovered, no amount of government control can eradicate it — not lockdowns, not vaccines. “We have no technology to … eradicate the disease,” he said. “This disease will circulate forever.”

Bhattacharya isn’t preaching doom and gloom. Instead, “we need to tell people to stop being so scared about it,” he insisted. COVID vaccines and natural immunity both provide defense against severe infections that could lead to hospitalization or death. “[The] right sort of sequence is: get vaccinated, and then don’t worry so much about being infected,” he said. The CDC “should be telling people how to manage the risk around the disease” instead of “vaccine mandates, which are essentially ripping society apart.”

Because we are better equipped with vaccines, effective treatments, and hospital protocols, COVID-19 “is no longer the kind of disease it was last year,” said Bhattacharya. “Let’s tell the population.”


Manchin Walks the (Red) Line to Courageously Defend Hyde

A Tribute to Todd Akin

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action video and column are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Record? Twitter Has Had Me “Under Suspension” for SIX MONTHS

Maybe they want to see who’ll blink first. But I’ve heard of Twitter suspending people’s accounts (e.g., Nicki Minaj) and banning users (e.g., President Trump), along with the games they routinely play, such as shadow-banning tweets. I’ve never heard, however, of someone being in Twitter limbo for more than six months while the Twitter twits “review” his appeal.

But that’s me.

September 17, 12:29 p.m. marked the six month anniversary of my first and only “suspension” from Twitter. Oh, it was a long time in coming. I mean, I’d posted so much politically incorrect material that I was wondering when I’d be suspended and, frankly, had been feeling a bit neglected, as if I wasn’t persecution-worthy. In particular, I’d sent a multitude of “un-woke” tweets (a.k.a. the Truth) about the MUSS (Made-up Sexual Status or “transgender”) agenda, which the Twitter twits are often intensely sensitive about. (I guess they can sympathize with aspiring shape-shifters, having long ago transitioned from a social media platform to an anti-social propaganda outfit.)

But I finally attracted their attention when I responded to rapper Cardi B after the March dust-up she had with commentator Candace Owens. Owens had criticized the “singer’s” depraved 2021 Grammy Awards performance featuring her testimonial to America’s descent into idiocracy — her song “WAP” — and, in response, Cardi B had posted an old, suggestive photo of Melania Trump to justify her actions and asked why Owens had a problem with her. I then tweeted:

@iamcardib Maybe because you’re acting like a greedy slut who’s corrupting the young? Just a thought. Here’s a pro tip: You don’t justify bad behavior by citing other bad behavior. Children do that.

There are two ironies here. First, in saner times, pre-Sexual Devolution, Cardi B’s cultural effluent wouldn’t have been produced by any major label, let alone aired.

Now it’s criticism of such that mayn’t be aired.

Second, my Twitter cancelation befell me while I was crafting a magazine essay on cancel culture. So as I put it, sort “of like a researcher in the midst of a set of experiments who then finds out he’s going to be one of the test subjects, Twitter gave me some timely and personal material a day before my article deadline.”

What’s more, the Twitter twits explained my suspension thus:

“You may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease.”

Of course, I didn’t actually call Cardi B a “slut,” but said she was acting like one. But help me out: Into which of the above categories does “slut” fall? Maybe it’s a “disability,” I don’t know. Or perhaps it’s a race from an alternate universe where vice is the norm (oh, wait, that’s what we’re becoming!) and the women are all like Bill Clinton without the self-restraint.

By the way, I won’t explicitly relate what “WAP” is an acronym for, but the first word is “Wet,” the second is a three-letter term for derrière, and the third is both a name for a cat and a vulgar noun describing an intimate female body part.

But, no matter, Cardi B, worth $30 million dollars, needs GoogTwitFace (Big Tech) protection from those of modest means who’d dare question her probity. So for the last six months, when logging into my Twitter account, a page appears on which the Twitter twits “thank” me for my appeal and then write:

Please note that while we review your appeal, you won’t be able to access your Twitter account. We’ll take a look and will respond as soon as possible.

If you’d rather just delete the content, you can cancel your appeal.

I’d sent the Twitter twits a link to my first article, in which I also called them Twitter twits, which probably didn’t exactly endear them to me. I also wrote in reference to my possibly deleting the tweet that this will never, ever happen. The Twitter twits might have taken this as a bit of a challenge and perhaps want to see me go back on my word — see me blink first, as I said.

Yes, well, Twitter twits, I really do miss being shadow-banned and having a grand total of seven followers actually see my tweets. What exposure I’m missing!

But I’ll manage and, along with many others, will use alternative social media platforms. This will further divide the country and clarify the battle lines. I won’t say “It’s all good,” but it is all now necessary — and a heck of a lot better than the alternative.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on GabMeWe, or Parler  or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Thief Assures Victim Robbery Will Cost $0 Since Victim Is Paying For It

COLUMBUS, OH—According to sources, local college student Tom Smith was robbed at gunpoint yesterday in the early morning hours as he was getting in his car. In a statement to police, he revealed that the gunman assured him the robbery would cost $0 since it would be paid for by the money being stolen.

“It all happened so fast,” said Smith. “He came out of nowhere, pointed a gun at me, and said, ‘Hands up! This is a socialism, see? Pay yer fair share, see?’, and then he proceeded to explain to me that I shouldn’t be upset because this robbery was totally paid for and would cost zero dollars.”

When Smith inquired to the armed thug as to how the robbery would be paid for, the thief responded saying: “It will be funded by you, since I am taking all your money and your car, which makes this robbery deficit-neutral, and therefore totally free! I don’t see what you’re so upset about!”

The thief then clubbed the victim on the head free of charge, and drove off with all Smith’s earthly possessions, to redistribute them to himself free of charge. Authorities have announced a manhunt for the thief. Latest reports indicate the car has been spotted in Washington D.C.

RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: McDonald’s Introduces Limited Run Of Finely Aged 1992 Vintage McRibs

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Babylon Mom: Don’t Judge Me By My Rude, Misbehaving Kids, But By My Fall Family Photos

Hey everyone, sorry it’s been a while since I’ve updated this blog. It’s just been crazy around here!

Fall is here, and ladies we all know what that means: cooler weather, Friday night football, and popping Xanax before your annual family photoshoot.

You know how it goes: you spend countless hours, sacrificing quality family time and even missing your second child’s birthday party, to piece together the most enviable fall wardrobe for your family photos. You know, for once in my life, I would just like to hear my 5-year-old say, “Thanks, Mom!  Thanks for these $200 riding boots and tiny tailored blazer that make me look like a mini equestrian from a much richer family!” But, no. These kids are ungrateful, and honestly, not even that cute without my keen eye for styling, fresh haircuts, and heavily edited photography.

What’s more, is that my kids are too dense to realize that I’m doing all this for them!  It’s like they don’t even realize that being a whiny, shrill, virus-multiplying creature is really not a good look on anyone. Which is why, on this one day, I must capture them in the perfect combination of warm tones, solids, plaids, infinity scarves, and Sherpa accents. All those school suspensions will be white noise behind the canvas on our wall that everyone will judge us by.

Sure, under all that flannel, there is a little tension by the time we arrive for the photoshoot. Perhaps threatening to smash my tween’s Nintendo with a hammer and slipping our toddler Benadryl was a bit extreme, but it’s only because I want people to be able to see the real them! I want people to see my children as I see them – or at least how I see them when I’m drunk on a couple’s getaway and feeling strangely nostalgic. Then, after months of preparation and several thousand dollars, in thirty minutes it’s all over. All those phone calls from the fire department about my kid shooting rockets off the nursing home roof are in the rearview. A new reality has arrived, framed forever in gorgeous mahogany.

Honest truth, if you can’t see past my children’s pathological behavior to their freshly pressed Boden and Dior attire, then I’m not sure I can help you. I admit, these kids of mine have left me questioning so many life decisions and maybe even prevented a small handful of our friends from becoming parents, but I think the number of views on my Insta is clearly redeeming. So do this mom a solid, and take a look at these remarkable family photos that we will be paying off for the next 12 months. I need this in my life. Look at them. LOOK AT THEM!

Toss your capitalist cookbooks aside, this anti-capitalist cooking show walks you through the grueling experience of cooking… the socialist way.

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Infographic: How To Tell A Prison From A Public School

‘Trust Us To Make Health Decisions For You,’ Says Government Health Agency That Can’t Define What A Woman Is

Fast News Facts, All The News You Need

Terrifying New Horror Movie For Liberal Audiences Shows Politicians Leaving Them Alone, Letting Them Make Own Decisions

Crazed Nutjob Hellbent On Destroying Country With His Psychotic Moderate Policies

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by Babylon Mom on The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Poll: Majority of Trump Voters Want Red States to Secede from Blue States

Count me among them. It would avert a. bloody civil war.

It’s free states versus slave states ….. again.

Poll: Majority of Trump Voters Want Red States to Secede from Blue States

By: Breitbart News, October 3, 2021:

When the survey asked voters who supported then-candidate Joe Biden in 2020, 41 percent agreed with the same statement, and 18 percent strongly agreed with the statement.

“The divide between Trump and Biden voters is deep, wide, and dangerous. The scope is unprecedented, and it will not be easily fixed,” UVA Center for Politics Director Larry J. Sabato said.

The majority of both sets of voters agreed that someone voting for a candidate from the opposing party is disloyal to the people they care about: 54 percent for Trump voters and 52 percent for Biden voters.

The poll also revealed that over 40 percent of voters in both parties favor abolishing the checks and balances built into the federal government and giving the president greater control: 44 percent for Trump voters and 46 percent for Biden voters.

However, over 75 percent of both parties also agreed with the statement that Americans who support the opposite party present a “clear and present danger to the American way of life.”

“In order to figure out ways to bridge these divides, we need to understand not just the divides themselves, but also understand the ways in which we can, together, move forward to reach common ground. This project helps us do both,” Larry Schack of Project Home Fire said.

The poll was taken from July 22 to August 4 with the help of InnovateMR — an industry-leading marketing research data collection firm — to collect data from a series of questions.

There were 2,002 2020 voters who were asked questions. They were divided equally between 1,001 Trump voters from 2020 and 1,001 Biden voters from 2020. There is a margin of error from this survey of +/- 2.2 percent.

RELATED VIDEO: Sen. Johnson – You can’t believe anything this administration tells you!


Biden Parades Huge Tax Hikes After Dodging Paying His ‘Fair Share’ For Years

41% of Biden Voters Think It’s Time for Red and Blue States to Secede

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Shot to be Heard Across the Nation is Not Far Off.

Below is a poignant poem written by a fellow Rhodesian, ( now Zimbabwean ) Michelle Frost. Read it and understand that what happened in Rhodesia in 1980 is exactly what is happening here in America.

If you are white you are going to be discriminated against. White privileged people are to be shamed. White privileged people who have got what they have through sheer hard work, grit and determination, will be expected to surrender more and more to a progressive ‘woke’ society who will continue running our beloved nation into the ground until it is turned inside out and destroyed. Black and white Christian people will be discriminated against and mocked – made to feel ashamed of their honest and fervently held beliefs. Just like Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Canada who has been arrested and abused multiple times and constantly harassed and treated as a common criminal by so called cops and border agents. These cops have and continue to act like Nazis.

America. They are coming for them in Canada, in Australia and trust me, there is nothing more these insane leftists would like to see than anti vaxxers arrested. For conservatives to be arrested. For Trump supporters to be arrested. For freedom loving and anti big government believers to be arrested. For capitalists to be arrested. Et al.

The increasing speed with which this evil Devil spawn administration is sinking our Constitutional Republic is scary. The amount of Americans who have lost their minds and their American spirit seems to be growing. The extremist comments coming out of the mouths of these ignoramuses and evil personified individuals seems to get more extreme daily.

These libtard fools are domestic terrorists. They are the domestic and now also illegal enemies within. If they are not destroyed they will destroy what was the greatest, most powerful nation ever established.

All those Americans who have taken an Oath as a law enforcement officer, Federal Agent or military member etc. need to understand, retired or active, that the Oath they took does not expire. An Oath is a solemn promise. Often to God.

Here is an example:- I (state your name), do solemnly swear (or affirm), that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the Constitution and laws of the State of ( ? ) , that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same, and defend them against enemies, foreign and domestic, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge, the duties of a peace officer, to the best of my ability, so help me God.

So as you see. A solemn, binding, without end Oath.

To all of us that have taken that Oath, what more evidence of malfeasance and treason do you need to see? Our present illegal federal administration, headed by a completely mentally incompetent, criminal and traitor, but organized by other evil beings, ( Obama etc.) is committing treason and stamping their dirt ridden China made boots all over our Constitution as well as on those that have given their all to protect and defend America. They are destroying the military, law enforcement, the judiciary, the economy, the middle class, Americans of all creeds, colors and religions. They are destroying the morals and ethics of our families. They are destroying the traditional family units. They are destroying well and long held religious beliefs. They are making the murder of our future generations acceptable with their evil beliefs in abortion up to birth. They are trying to make sexual perversions and abnormalities seem normal and if you don’t see it that way you are homophobic. They are taking all our rights and privileges away including our control of our own bodies and what we put in them. They are trying to remove parental authority over your kids saying it takes a village to raise them. Wrong. It takes a mother and father. I could go on but you get the picture.

What spark will it take to begin the revolt that will take back our Constitutional Republic? How much more crap will we allow? How much more destruction of the American way of life will we allow? How many more unconstitutional dictator style orders and mandates will we allow? How much longer will we abide by or put up with dictatorial monarch type government?

What and where is the breaking point? I submit not far away.

Think long and hard. Read the poem below and contemplate. Get on your knees and pray for divine guidance. Get right with your God. If you need help with that seek out the true religious and Bible believing church. One that is not scared of losing its tax exempt status. A church and pastor like mine. A teacher of the Bible as written and not subverted.

Things to do:- Join a militia. Join an organization like Oathkeepers or a local III% er group. They are not a right wing extremist racist organization. That is just what the media and libtards want you to think. Find like minded people in your community. Train. Purchase firearms and ammunition. Gold and silver. Emergency food. Survivalist equipment. Ballistic vests. Take a survival course. Take an advanced driving class. Learn basic security measures. Ensure your home is secure. Get cameras and alarms. Train your family in all the above. Pray daily. Read your Bible daily.

If there is to be an armed conflict God will be on the side of right. He will never support any of the leftists and socialists. The bums or those that are ignorant. The haters, the intolerant, the racists, the sexually bankrupt, the immoral or deviant society. Pedophiles, rapists, sex traffickers, drug dealers, thieves and criminals etc.

Please enjoy the poem below but try understand my reason for publishing it.

Homeland, by Michelle Frost:

Within my soul, within my mind,
There lies a place I cannot find.
Home of my heart. Land of my birth. Smoke-coloured stone and flame-coloured earth. Electric skies. Shivering heat. Blood-red clay beneath my feet.

At night when finally alone,
I close my eyes – and I am home.
I kneel and touch the blood-warm sand And feel the pulse beneath my hand Of an ancient life too old to name,
In an ancient land too wild to tame.

How can I show you what I feel? How can I make this essence real?
I search for words in dumb frustration To try and form some explanation, But how can heart and soul be caught In one-dimensional written thought?

If love and longing are a “fire” And man “consumed” by his desire, Then this love is no simple flame. That mortal thought can hold or tame. As deep within the earth’s own core The love of home burns evermore.

But what is home? I hear them say, This never was yours anyway. You have no birthright to this place, Descendant from another race. An immigrant? A pioneer?
You are no longer welcome here.

Whoever said that love made sense? “I love” is an “imperfect” tense. To love in vain has been man’s fate From history to present date.
I have no grounds for dispensation, I know I have no home or nation.

For just one moment in the night
I am complete, my soul takes flight. For just one moment …. then it’s gone and I am once again undone. Never complete. Never whole. White Skin and an African soul.

©John Brownbill. All rights reserved.

A BAND OF BROTHERS: The 1st Battalion (Airborne) 321st Field Artillery Reunion at Fort Benning, GA

My wife and I drove to Fort Benning, Georgia to attend a reunion of those whom I proudly served with in the 1st Battalion (Airborne) 321st Field Artillery, 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam from December 1967 to December 1968.

The 101st Airborne Division made history twice, first by conducting the largest air lift of a combat unit into a warzone and secondly by our exemplary conduct during combat operations against the Communist North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and Viet Cong (VC)  during the Tet Offensive of 1968.

Our unit crest consists of a pair lions claws and the Latin phrase Noli Me Tangere, which translates to “Don’t Tread On Me.”

We were the last field artillerymen to serve in the 101st Airborne Division when it was still a fully U.S. Army airborne division. The division went from airborne to airmobile while we were in Vietnam and is now an air assault division.

We rekindled our friendships and made new friends as the wives, daughters and our fellow combat veterans joined together to remember and reminisce.

Perhaps the greatest honor bestowed upon us was allowing our band of brothers, with their wives and loved ones, to attend an airborne school graduation ceremony at Fort Benning. The ceremony began with a high altitude parachute jump.

Please watch the video above as four paratroopers (three men and one woman) make a high altitude parachute jump onto the parade field and land perfectly on the marker.

These wonderful young men and women who successfully completed three weeks of rigorous training received their coveted airborne wings. During the ceremony we were allowed to pin the wings on some of these young airborne soldiers, sailors and Marines.

Watch these proud new airborne soldiers march onto the field to received their jump wings:

Our battalion commander Colonel Bill Malouche, U.S. Army (Ret.) was on the reviewing stand during the ceremony. A great honor to him and his soldiers.

On March 23rd, 2014 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma the 321st Artillery Regiment was honored at a dedication ceremony with Colonel Malouche in attendance. Lawton, Oklahoma’s ABC 7 News reported:

A special room dedication on Fort Sill today, as World War II veteran George Wilson and other Vietnam veterans were honored. The 321st Field Artillery Regiment has had an incredible past, and now they have a place in Snow Hall to showcase all their history.

These veterans of the 321st Field Artillery Regiment were quite surprised to see the special room now dedicated in their honor.  Retired Colonel Bill Malouche said, “I expected a little bitty room with some stuff in it . This is a great room for a great unit from World War I all the way through, in combat forever. There are wonderful people here.”

Here is a video of these wonderful patriotic airborne soldiers singing the Army Song (formerly the Field Artillery’s song):

We thank our great friend and brother Major Jim Taylor, U.S. Army (Ret.), President of the 1st Battalion, 321st Field Artillery Association, and his fellow board members for doing such a great job on this reunion. To say that it was awe inspiring would not do it justice. Thanks Jim!

We thank the leadership of the U.S. Army’s Basic Airborne Course for their hospitality. We thank the citizens of Columbus, Georgia for welcoming us, especially the Chattahoochee River Club for hosting our farewell dinner. Their chef and staff did a fantastic job.

Airborne! All the way!

THE TET OFFENSIVE 1968: Those Who Forgot History Have Repeated It 53 Years Later in Afghanistan

I served in the 101st Airborne Division during Tet of 1968.

In late January, 1968, during the lunar new year (or “Tet”) holiday, North Vietnamese and Communist Viet Cong forces launched a coordinated attack against a number of targets in South Vietnam.

The Tet Offensive played an important role in weakening U.S. public support for the war in Vietnam because Walter Cronkite and the legacy media began telling the public that the Vietnam War was lost.

WATCH: 53 years ago Walter Cronkite calls for the U.S. to get out of Vietnam.

The reality on the ground was that Tet 1968 was a total and complete military disaster for the North Vietnamese Army (NVA) and the Viet Cong (VC). Once the Tet Offensive began it became clear that U.S. and allied forces, using their military advantage in capabilities and their air supremacy, killed or captured tens of thousands of enemy Communist forces.

Those of us who were on the ground during Tet 1968 saw us winning and winning big. said this about the Tet Offensive:

As far as traditional military thought goes, the North Vietnamese were soundly beaten. Almost overnight, the tide turned against the communists. American and ARVN forces pushed them out of most major cities and towns. Within two weeks, an estimated 32,000 NVA troops had been killed. No South Vietnamese uprising ever came, and the Americans and South Vietnam suffered only around 1,500 and 2,700 casualties, respectively.

I was at that time a Field Artillery Forward Observer (FO) with A Company, 2nd Battalion (Airborne) 501st Infantry Regiment. When Tet began I and my band of brothers were near the city of Hue in Vietnam. My battalion was tasked with retaking the Western wall of the city of Hue.

Beginning on January  30th, 1968, Hue became the site of one of the longest, bloodiest battles the Americans would fight against the North Vietnamese Army, or NVA, and its Viet Cong guerrillas living in South Vietnam.

My infantry company was part of that bloody battle to drive the NVA and VC out of Hue and eventually out of South Vietnam. We accomplished both missions with minimum casualties on our side but massive casualties on their side.

Cronkite was wrong. His assessment was fake news

53 Years Later Afghanistan Looks Like Vietnam

Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in his biography wrote that in 1975 President Gerald Ford had tried to convince a number of senators to help Vietnamese refugees fleeing persecution and claimed Biden, along with other Democrats, “dissented.”

Fast forward to Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan.

As I watched the disaster in Afghanistan I had a feeling of déjà vu. Biden abandoned the South Vietnamese and now has abandoned American citizens in Afghanistan.


Of course we left South Vietnam in March of 1973. We, the military, did our job. We won the war on the battlefield but lost the war in the streets of Washington, D.C. Because of the anti-war protests Congress in June of 1973 mandated the ended of all aid to South Vietnam.

Just two years later, in March of 1975 Communist units launched a massive invasion of South Vietnam against a weakened South Vietnamese army that literally ran out of ammunition because Congress defunded them.

Finally, in April of 1975 Saigon fell.

To this day I lament that fact that we abandoned those brave South Vietnamese we fought shoulder to shoulder with against the Communists and how the United States Congress totally abandoned the brave people of South Vietnam.

Just like we have now totally abandoned those who fought with us in Afghanistan.

I believe that the United States should always enter a war with one purpose in mind – win at all costs. We must demand the unconditional surrender of our enemies, just as we did in World War II.

Airborne, all the way.

©Lieutenant Colonel Richard M. Swier, U.S. Army (Retired)

Washington, D.C.: Judge Asks Prosecutors Why Jan 6 Protestors Treated Worse Than BLM Rioters

The answer is clear to me and that is we no longer have a fair system of Justice in USA – their is one tier for leftists criminals including members of the Obama 3 Administration; Congress and other Democrat officials who control our larger cities and another for those who don’t support their Marxist agenda.

Judge asks prosecutors why Jan 6 protesters are being treated worse than BLM rioters

A federal judge appointed to his post in 2017 by then-President Donald Trump reportedly dropped a stunning truth bomb about the Jan. 6th rioters during a sentencing hearing Friday for convicted Jan. 6th rioter Danielle Doyle.

U.S. District Judge Trevor McFadden noted that prosecutors have been treating the Jan. 6th rioters who’d rioted for a single day significantly harsher than the Black Lives Matter and Antifa rioters who’d rioted for an entire summer and longer.

The judge specifically “questioned why federal prosecutors had not brought more cases against those accused in 2020 summertime protests, reading out statistics on riot cases in the nation’s capital that were not prosecuted,” according to the Associated Press.

He also accused the D.C. prosecutors who were present in his courtroom that day of having fallen prey to the same inconsistency.

“I think the U.S. attorney would have more credibility if it was even-handed in its concern about riots and mobs in this city,” McFadden said.

Read more.

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A.R.T. for All & Sundry: Sterile Social Progress and Sexless Equality

This article is translated from the original French by the author. The article is a response to the debate in France on legislation that will extend access to PMA, Procréation Médicalement Assistée (or ART, Assisted Reproduction Technology) to lesbian couples and single women in France.

Isn’t it heartless to block the flow of such tender desires? Where is the “why” strong enough to answer the “why not?”

Society is about to assume divine powers to compensate for the stinginess of a God who’s lost His glory. Enthusiasts only count the positive side of the calculation: the 1 + 1 = 2 love of the same-sex couple + their love for the wanted child cancels the minus-one of the father. And the absent mother of the child born by gestation pour autrui, known as GPA (inevitable authorization of surrogate motherhood) will be compensated by the sweet tale of the sperm-donator and the womb-lender, venerated like the mythical genitors of an ancient people.

How should we calculate the deliberate deprivation for the child born of these equations, of splendid male/female dynamics? Militants of the cause write it off as a sustainable loss. The father or mother of a “conventional” couple can disappear by accident or by choice, n’est-ce pas? So, it’s doable. No room for old-fashioned sexual differentiation hang-ups. Move over, buddy!

Transgenderism helps erase the father + mother = child formula by positing a range of possibilities that denies the essential difference between a man and a woman. An ill-defined aberration—dysphoria—becomes a sort of state of mind that will be soothed by “medical treatment” (that has nothing to do with healthcare), boosted by a proselyte ideology that seeps into society as a whole.

In one of the more grotesque variations on the theme, we have the “man” that claims to be the father and/ or mother of the child carried in the uterus she kept, at least temporarily, during the male-to-female transition.

A man has a miscarriage in a Boston hospital. He comes to the emergency room complaining of stomach pain, identifies himself as a trans, is left waiting for two hours, and gives birth to a dead child. Guardian journalist Freddy McConnell comes out better, and uses his communication skills to celebrate the happy ending in text and video, exploiting to the hilt his appearance as a man dressed as a man proud to be a man about to give birth. But that’s not all. He is now fighting a legal battle to be recognized as the father of the child born of his womb.

The Washington Post publishes an interminable love—comics-style— account of the materpaternal adventure of Braiden Schirtzinger who fulfilled two cherished dreams: to be a man, to be a mother. We learn that they (that’s the fabulous Braiden’s preferred pronoun) got together with an old boyfriend to conceive the child. Unfortunately, they (still Braiden) couldn’t breastfeed but they are relieved to be able to resume the testosterone injections and antidepressants. The author of the saga proudly remarks that The Washington Post began, 15 years ago, to use the pronoun “they” for non-binaries on the male-to-female continuum.

As for ART for single women who didn’t want or couldn’t find a partner, why should society be responsible for artificially satisfying the maternal desire without addressing the sequence encounter / love / fertility / survival of the species as in the old days, since the first days, everywhere and always? Is it less progressive or more outlandish than the illusory gender transition? Hah! They’ll laugh in your face if you say government agencies should find husbands for the hundreds of thousands of women yearning to be loved.

In fact, the “bioethical” progress about to be imposed on us relates to a tiny minority of the population: lesbians or single women seeking maternity plus a minute contingent of transgenders. Whereas hoping to be beautiful, handsome, seductive, agile in love, attractive, satisfied, fulfilled, fertile and stable is shared by the vast majority of our fellow women. What medical treatment, what legislation will bring them miracle solutions like those offered to dysphorics by the wizards of transition?

Erasing the name of the father

Fortunately, ramshackle social engineering by politicians under the influence won’t wipe out the family. But private life is also influenced by religious, sociological, literary and commercial fads & fashions. We’re told “it’s no skin off your back” when, in fact, “rights” granted to a very small minority entail a radical change in the narrative of love / marriage / procreation / filiation. We get aberrations like “parent 1, parent 2” [on official documents]. So as not to discriminate against the 1%, the 99% are deprived of the terms father and mother. It doesn’t make sense, especially when homocouples call each other husband and wife, and their children innocently recite, “I have two mothers” or “I have two fathers.” Unfair, illogical, but effective on the symbolic level.

If the female-male union absolutely necessary for procreation is deemed optional for ongoing family life, sexual identity also becomes free-wheeling. According to this ideology, being born a girl or a boy is just a hypothesis, to approve or reject. The twisted identity of a small minority is glorified by a marketing spiel that rebounds in the public mind. Transgenderism, still marginal in France, has assumed catastrophic proportions in the United States, comparable to the crises of collective hysteria that gripped adolescents in the old days.

The better to defend ART, surrogate pregnancy, or transgenderism, complex realities are reduced to simplistic caricature. The wish for sex change (now called “gender-affirming” surgery) is accepted as a healthy clear cut decision deserving of a high-tech solution. Fortunately, it’s possible … because that’s what they say: a bit of hormonal, surgical, and aesthetic touching up turns a man into a woman, a woman into a man; as if the Botox, silicone, plastic surgery cocktail ever turned an old woman into a young one. It’s sham. The human body won’t bend to such arrogance. A transitioned man is still a man, a woman doped up on testosterone will always be a woman. What’s the good of botching up a human being, mutilating her, giving in to his tragic intention? Her confused will? His misleading decision?

What corresponding desire will meet the transformed transgender? A “heterosexual” man that will choose a woman transformed from a man? A homosexual male who will finally get a real female/male, an improvement over an effeminate simpering parody? What becomes of the notion of homosexuality in this confusion, if same-sex partners, too, are seeking alterity? But not the real difference. The fake. Without delving into intimate details, without digging up statistics on all possible variations on the male-female theme, one might speak of perversion. But that is forbidden!

Gestation tabula rasa

In the brave new world of interchangeable genders, the airbnb / deliveroo womb is a means of bringing children to couples that are by definition sterile. Can the devotion of the “surrogate mother” compensate the shock of the infant that comes into the world as an orphan and refugee? To honor the generosity of the transport child-bearer, the intense, complete, sustained and infinitely rich complicity between the mother and the child in her womb is reduced to zero. Not to mention the intimate presence of the father—lover and genitor. The womb is nothing more than a handy container to deliver the baby to the purchaser. The contract signed on the dotted line is all that’s needed to deal with the issue of rupture between the woman and the baby she carried in her womb for nine months of deep intimacy. And, miraculously, children acquired that way always do well. Advocacy doctors, psychiatrists and journalists say so, so you have to believe them. I don’t. The newborn brutally torn from the body of his birthing mother is enlisted in a war against the truths of procreation. And, again, “it’s no skin off your back” in the service of tiny minority is an assault on carnal intelligence. The experience of gestation is reduced to zero. Tabula rasa.

A child when I want, if I want

Is it really a question of generosity? Inclusion? Bountiful medicine extending fertility to women (and soon to men) who want to be like everyone else while demanding respect for their difference? Is it the pride of our advanced society to alleviate a deficiency that afflicts a very small minority? To invent, out of the goodness of our hearts, a crypto-medical condition— “sterility due to a choice of sexual orientation?”

Militant feminism of the 60s came along with virtually 100% reliable hormonal contraception and abortion on demand. A world of professional and romantic possibilities opened to women liberated from biological fatality. Free to make love without getting pregnant, a woman can enjoy the promiscuity formerly reserved for men and tramps. Without the fear of unwanted pregnancy, a woman can study, train, and devote herself to a rewarding career. The results are there and all women, militants or not, have been able to take advantage of this extraordinary opportunity. The difference is stunning! Women, too often confined to a narrow circumference, are able to flourish, become financially and intellectually independent, broaden their skills and master their emotions … there’s no question of backsliding to any “good old days.”

But we can ask how the slogan—a child when I want if I want—came to nest on the bosom of marriage and children for all. By a strange twist, maternity and feminine charm—vetoed by feminist leaders that were often closet lesbians—have been adopted by men and now carried all the way to the impossible transformation into women. You have to be blind to the infinite subtleties of a woman’s body, work of art and inspiration for artists, to believe it.

Why would a woman liberated from biological fatality and conventional practices, openly choosing a female spouse, want at all cost to have children? If the answer is that the maternal fiber is stronger than the choice of a partner incapable of satisfying it, then we can ask why militant feminism was able to stifle it where it was so strong … and often worked against our will.

On the individual level, on the level of intimacy, things are too complex to be encompassed by militant, journalistic, or common-sense rhetoric. But public policy can’t be based on individual cases. This male-male couple marvelously raises, we are told, children obtained by GPA, whereas we know of male-female parents that mistreat their 100% biological children. A woman married to a man might choose abortion to end a pregnancy that interferes with her professional ambitions while another, with no partner, would do anything to be a mother …

Society more or less smoothly manages universal impulses, defining normality and aberrations. Today in an overdose of generosity, it leans toward idolizing aberrations. The ravishing Valentina Sampaio, featured on the cover of Vogue France, is the first Victoria’s Secret transwoman model, chosen less than a year after Chief Marketing Officer Ed Razek dared to say that a trans wouldn’t appeal to the brand’s customers. Razek apologized profusely, the charming Brazilian took her rightful place and got her cover story. And yet, the photo of la Valentina in bikini reveals terribly masculine hips and thighs.

Perversion, sterility, and totalitarian thought

Setting aside the benefits promised to those directly concerned by ART-for-all and related forms of social engineering, we can recognize the obsessional nature of a trend that feeds on the distress of human beings faced with vital dilemmas of sexuality, love, family. A shift in focus from individuals to advocacy groups turns up some strange bedfellows. For example, this laundry list on a t-shirt sold online by the United States Campaign for Palestinian Rights: RESIST/ RACISM SEXISM ZIONISM HOMOPHOBIA TRANSPHOBIA ISLAMOPHOBIA ANTISEMITISM ABLEISM COLONIALISM. How about SPECIESISM? Not to worry, the UN’s GIEC preaches the no-meat orthodoxy that follows from its end of days ecologism.

Resist both Zionism and transphobia … under the auspices of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights? Believe in transgenderism and defend the rights of Palestinians … and homosexuals? Protect the planet, Palestinians, cattle, and the handicapped! Intersectionality is really bopping! You can proclaim yourself anti-Zionist and anti-antisemite on the same t-shirt. Advocacy gets an early start on the USCPR site, with newborn-size jumpsuits sporting the credo I Support Palestinian Human Rights.

What explains the articulation between ART for all and a totalitarian, antisemitic ideology? How are they related?

Two for one

 The social engineering measures vaunted today would seem to favor love, fulfillment, and fertility. In fact, the impact on the birth rate is worse than negligible because these measures are the end results of policies that weaken the family. We have to go back to the early days of ideological feminism to understand how this came about.

 Isn’t it about time to revisit and revise the liberated-woman kit, its excesses, unintended consequences, outdated methods, and conflicting career plans? In the 21st century, when artificial intelligence is developing in so many fields, we are still using a Stone Age club for birth control: hormonal pill and patch, IUD, abortion. The side effects of hormonal methods are minimized: harmful intrusion in physiological functions, problems of recovering fertility, effect on society of masculinized women, impact on children and their sexual identity. The IUD gently mistreats the reproductive apparatus month after month. Abortion is heartbreaking. Decreased fertility and long-delayed pregnancy all too often require medical assistance. More hormones, suffering and, too often, the famous two for one. The rate of twins in developed countries has doubled since 1970. Bearing twins, extremely difficult at any age, is particularly hard for a woman at the limit of the age of procreation.

 It is easier to nourish the ambitions of a female truck driver than to reorganize professional life to allow a woman to pursue a high-level career while interrupting it for childrearing at the propitious age. It’s more convenient to make them think that the biological clock adapts to fashion and the business world than to tell young women that there is a disconnect between the surface, miraculously intact, and the reproductive system, antique and eternal. The face is still smooth and luminous, the eggs grow old.

 Not to worry! (Performance enhancing) hormones prohibited for athletes, poured profusely into the veins of the trans in transition, are handed out like candy to women barely out of childhood and all the way to menopause, when the contraceptive formula is replaced by the eternal youth version. Rightfully wary of hormone-fed beef, we accept without a whimper hormone-fed women.

Deprived of the benefits of the lovely surprise, the modern couple has to squeeze the “have a child” rendez-vous into two overbooked agendas. How many of our compatriots in the 45-65 age group were, on the contrary, conceived by accident? Slamming the door in the face of those that would follow, these upstarts hand us a demographic crisis. Royally neglected. Or surreptitiously compensated by immigration. What’s to be done? Out of the question to go back to imposed maternity, agreed, but it’s not the ART that will keep us from shrinking.

Israel is the only developed country with an elevated fertility rate: 3.1. (Average fertility rate in OCDE countries: 1.7. Impossible to ignore the generous acceptance, in Israel, of the forms and reforms discussed here—LGBTQ+, ARTGPA, transgender … Israel has the highest per capita rate of vegans. How should we understand the progressivism of at least part of the Israeli population, in the light of the arguments above? Could this be a Trojan horse?)

Religion, nationalism, return of the repressed

Pedestrian crossings at the Gay intersection in the Marais, at the corner of rue des Archives and rue Ste-Croix-de-la-Bretonnerie, are painted rainbow. The colors of the Gay nation adorn cafés where, on Gay national holidays, the flag flies and parasols dance. A huge billboard invites men to discover the Gay version of airbnb. Nationalism, communautarisme, clannishness, decried elsewhere, are coddled here. Trendy neighborhood restaurants offer vegan cuisine here, gluten-free, lactose-free meals there. The no-meat religion makes its way, hand in hand with climate change millenarians. These true believers who might make fun of a Jew who keeps kosher, these proud Gays who absolutely had to penetrate the orifices of Jerusalem, preach their fundamentalism as the sole path to salvation.

 Meat-eating will destroy the planet if toxic masculinity allied with white privilege doesn’t poison it first. The masculine, like beef, is rejected in its natural form: the New Man is a woman. The brain doesn’t need animal fats, a child doesn’t need a father, demographic survival doesn’t need fertile heterosexuality, civilization doesn’t need ancient values … and the Jews don’t need a sovereign nation. How strange to find these scattered elements combined in an armored configuration. Totalitarian.

At a recent Green Weekend in Paris, the director of a Greenpeace think tank recommended demographic chastity to the young adults gathered around him in a circle of admiration. Reproduction adds to the pollution of a dying planet. These are the same activists that aid and abet illegal—primarily African—immigration. Fertility rates for sub-Saharan Africa? 4.7.

Transgression/ antisemitism

Infanticide disguised as birth control—partial birth abortion, full-term abortion, authorized in at least seven American states—is defended tooth and nail by militants that consider the slightest restriction as an all-out attack against abortion rights. Heads, they kill the living, tails they make a business of assisted reproduction derivatives: an “Amazon catalogue” for ordering gametes, uterus-rental, expensive transgender mutilation of adolescents … or children. And the confusion spreads to pronoun madness, transgender public bathrooms, vegan orthodoxy … all wrapped up in the RESIST t-shirt.

If reproductive LGBTQ + militantism is largely imported from the United States, where it develops more rapidly and more radically than in France, the antisemitism that plagues us here since the turn of the 21st century is now spreading in the United States. The assault comes from all sides: academics, Islamists, Leftists, neo-Nazis, militant Blacks, antizionist Jews, and unaffiliated thugs.

This is happening in a context of crisis of American democracy, where bipartisan politics has given way to brutal, uncompromising tribal clashes. The president—Obama, Trump—is idolized by his supporters. Debate is stifled by political correctness, rational thinking is shaky, public discourse is degraded under the combined effect of an abiding anti-intellectualism and idiotic social networks.

We should understand that the misnamed antisemitism is not racism, not discrimination against the Other, not scapegoating; it is linked to the madness of transgression in a society in the grips of an existential crisis. Without examining here the deep and ancient roots of genocidal Jew hatred, we can recognize in today’s antisemitism the need to sideline or eliminate Judaism so as to revel, unfettered, in the demolition of civilization. Blur sexual identity, deny the male-female alterity essential to reproduction, concoct false filiations, weaken the taboo against incest, demean the fleshly reality of gestation, manipulate the language to make it say all that is normal … why? What the devil is going on? Tampering with language and reality just to “give” children to a few thousand people? Growing babies in heterosexual fish farms and offering them to adults who freely chose biological sterility?

What if this semi-divine generosity is just a pretext? Because we can’t understand it without looking at the antecedents of this artificial fertility—that is, the authentic sterility encouraged, almost imposed on the liberated woman. Unlike “primitive” forms of birth control—condom, diaphragm, rhythm—the IUD and hormones make a woman, temporarily, sterile. And, coincidentally, veganism decreases fertility and provokes precocious menopause. And apocalyptic ecologism adds its own pro-sterility arguments.

Compromising natural fertility only to fabricate artificial fertility… is perversion. To deny biological filiation and invent fictional filiation—e.g. “mother by intention” —is perverse. When we create confusion about corporal gender only to slop up our language with gender overkill—écriture inclusive, refusal of the masculine neuter, feminization of professions and trades—isn’t that perversion? AuteureEcrivaineFéminicide! [authoress, writeress, femicide,] Why not êtresses humaines! And what about the gender of common nouns that has nothing to do with their sexuality and, by the way, trips up foreigners like myself?

Can we look at the full picture?

Antizionism: geopolitical perversion

The womb is the keystone of our survival. Judaism is the foundation of our democracy. And Israel stands on the front lines of defense of the free world. Instead of anchoring progress to the foundations of civilization, our societies are adrift. The sirens of antisemitism sing at large and the soldiers of antizionism seduce idealistic youths, proud academics, true believing progressives, and tikun olamist Jews.

The genocidal violence that now strikes Jews in the United States comes as a surprise to many that thought the outburst of antisemitism in the early 2000s was the replay of a particularly European evil: The Shoah. But the origins are global. This time around it is happening in nations bent under the thrust of a multipronged jihad assault. Yes, as always, constructive and destructive domestic forces are at play, individuals and the collectivity are torn between tyranny and freedom, but these ongoing conflicts are exacerbated by a well-advanced project of Islamic conquest. “Terrorist” attacks, target immigration, infiltration, seduction, proselytism, deceit … Whether it’s a Parisian banlieue, the US House of Representatives, or Gaza in the Middle East, jihad strikes the Jews, Islamic conquest burns with Koranic Jew-hatred and genocidal fury against the Jewish state. Jews and their Judaism stick in the throat of Islamic conquest. The sovereign state that protects Jews everywhere in the world must be destroyed, support for this state has to be undermined in the free world, in the Diaspora. The Jewish obstacle must not block the path to conquest. Allahu akhbar.

 This is the nexus of a frightful diversion; a free world that can’t defend itself against jihad conquest is preoccupied by reforms on the fringes of the fringe, obsessed with unrealistic unrealizable desires, pushing transgression to the hilt, cherishing it, embracing it, favoring it to the point of erasing the bare biological minimum that ensures the survival of the species, mothballing the terms “father” and “mother,” meddling with filiation … all the while passively awaiting the eventual imposition of sharia law?

        To put it starkly: are we going to play children’s games, let it all hang out, faint in ecstasy at the feet of the beautiful transgender … until the whistle blows to announce the transition to Iranian style moral policing?

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©Nidra Poller. All rights reserved.