The Woke Lose

On Tuesday night, the American people spoke. They spoke with millions upon millions of voices to produce the greatest presidential election voter turnout in over a century. And they sent a variety of messages, most of them quite positive.
Voters rejected the prevailing narratives of a media determined to make the election a pure referendum on Donald Trump’s character. Even if Joe Biden prevails eventually, he will likely be faced with a Republican Senate majority and a 2022 contest that will put the House of Representatives squarely in Republican sights.
Voters rejected the pollsters’ overconfident modeling: Pollsters were dramatically wrong in their national numbers and just as wrong in their Senate estimates. Voters apparently aren’t all that interested in registering their opinions with elite firms who see them as social science subjects rather than as individuals.
Voters stuck to their guns in red states; they stuck to their guns in blue states; they stuck to their guns in purple states. America is divided, and it is not growing less divided just out of the elitists’ overwrought and hysterical mewling about Trump. This is still a country that is one-third conservative, one-third liberal, and one-third in the middle.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

But one message resonated above all others: the outright rejection of the ongoing quest by Democrats and the media to paint Americans into racial categories and then declare demographics destiny.
Trump bucked four long years of Democrats and media members labeling both him and his supporters white supremacists, bigots, and homophobes. He refused to be cowed by a media determined to paint him as a racist for refusing the faulty premise that America is institutionally bigoted. And he won an increased share of black and Hispanic voters.
According to Edison exit polling, as of election night, Trump had gained two points with white women; four points with black men and four points with black women; three points with Latino men and three points with Latino women; and five points in the “other” category.
In Florida, according to NBC News exit polling, Trump’s coalition included a 55% share of the Cuban American vote, a 30% share of the Puerto Rican vote, and 48% of “other Latinos.”
Trump substantially elevated the national share of Latino and black voters for Republicans—and did so without pandering on illegal immigration or buying into the trite and ugly lies of the Black Lives Matter movement.
It wasn’t just Trump. In California, a majority-minority state, voters refused to greenlight the racist Proposition 16, which would have repealed a state constitutional provision banning racial discrimination, paving the way for reparations and affirmative action. They did so by a margin of over 10 points and despite the fact that Prop 16 advocates spent 12 times the money their opponents did.
All of this has sent woke thinkers into spasms of apoplexy. The execrable Nikole Hannah-Jones, creator of the pseudo-historical 1619 Project, tweeted out that Latinos can no longer be considered a racial category, since some Cubans are “white.” Charles Blow of The New York Times tweeted, “We are surrounded by racists.”
Actually, Hannah-Jones and Blow aren’t surrounded by racists. They’re surrounded by people who reject racism and reject the implicitly racist belief that ethnicity ought to dictate voting pattern.
All of this is excellent news. Americans spoke Tuesday night. They spoke as Americans, as individuals, not as members of contrived interest groups. And that is certainly worth celebrating.

Ben Shapiro is host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, and lives with his wife and two children in Los Angeles. Twitter: .
GOP Lawmakers Call on Pennsylvania Secretary of State to Resign Over Election Guidance
Colorado Joins States Pledging to Surrender Electoral Votes to Winner of Popular Vote
The Pollsters Got It Wrong Again

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Did a ‘computer glitch’ flip 2,392,722 Trump votes to Biden?

computer glitch is the failure of a system, usually containing a computing device, to complete its functions or to perform them properly.

“The presidency is chosen by electors from all 50 states, not news organizations riven with bias.” – Greg Jarrett
“If you count the LEGAL votes, I easily win the Election. If you count the ILLEGAL and LATE votes, the Radical Left can steal this Election from us.” – President Donald J. Trump

We first learned about what was called a “computer glitch” that flipped Trump votes into Biden votes in the state of Michigan. Watch:

But it’s much, much worse!

In one county in Michigan Joe Biden was well ahead, but the tally didn’t match with the past voting patterns. In the last 135 years the voters of Antrim County voted Republican in 32 of 34 elections. It turned out the software used in the voting machines had flipped as many as 6,000 votes. After the error was fixed, Donald Trump was 2,000 votes ahead of Biden.
Another computer glitch in Oakland County Michigan caused a similar flip. What are the odds? Strangely, it didn’t flip votes up for Trump, only down. Not so much a bug perhaps as a design feature?
The philanthropy group that worked with Dominion from 2014 – 2017  to provide “access to Voting Technology” for “emerging democracies”? The Clinton Foundation.
This voting technology may now be the largest automated system to steal an election in U.S. history.
Because of this the Republicans have asked for another 47 Michigan counties (of 83 counties) to recount their votes, but it’s worse than that.  Dominion Software is used in 30 other states across the USA, including every single “key” swinging state. Some of their machines were also reportedly faulty on the day of the election and voting hours were extended for those counties to try to help those who couldn’t vote due to the breakdown.
Watch: Gen. McInerney, Sydney Powell, Steve Bannon Project Hammer & Scorecard.

Townhall’s Beth Baumann in an article titled Paper Warned About the Software Company at Center of Ballot Glitches in Swing States; UPDATE: MI SOS Responds reported:

Spalding County Board of Elections Supervisor Marcia Ridley told POLITICO Dominion Voting Systems performed an update on machines. KnowInk, which makes electronic poll books to sign voters, also created an update. Both are something that is out of the norm, Ridley said.
“That is something that they don’t ever do. I’ve never seen them update anything the day before the election,” Ridley explained, saying she had no idea what was in the update.

What Our Research Found

Even though Dominion Software is used in 30 states across the USA we focused on just 10 of those states in our investigation.
Let’s look at the following 10 states that use this same software to understand the potential number of votes flipped in each state using the number of votes for Biden but taking away 3% of the votes cast:

  1. Michigan – 2,790,648 x 3% = 83,719 votes.
  2. Illinois – 3,056,219 x 3% = 91,685  votes.
  3. New York – 3,694,996 x 3% = 110,849 votes.
  4. New Jersey – 2,029,493 x 3% = 60,884 votes.
  5. Georgia – 2,463,889 x 3% = 73,911 votes. Biden leads in Georgia by 9,160 votes.
  6. Colorado – 1,753,416 x 3% = 52,602 votes.
  7. New Mexico – 496,826 x 3% = 14,904 votes.
  8. Utah – 489,469 x 3% = 14,684 votes.
  9. Nevada – 647,474 x 3% = 19,424 votes. Biden leads in Nevada by 27,550 votes.
  10. California – 9,163,752 x 3% = 274,912 votes.


These 797,574 votes, times 3 for 30 states, equals an estimated 2,392,722 “flipped votes” from Trump to Biden!

NOTE: We have sent an email to Dominion Voting to reply to these findings. When they reply we will update this column.

More Causes of the Chaos

But this isn’t all that is causing chaos in the 2020 election. Add to this the mail-in-vote fraud in multiple states, the ballots arriving after the polls have closed in multiple, including swing states, exclusively in favor of Biden.
Trump Campaign Pennsylvania News Conference
Shortly after the Associated Press called the 2020 presidential race for Democrat Joe BidenPresident Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani held a news conference in Philadelphia to cast doubt on the results of the election, focusing on the count in Pennsylvania. “Philadelphia is a professional place for voter fraud because you have a decrepit Democrat machine that you have had in power for 60 years,” claimed the former Republican mayor of New York City. Campaign adviser Corey Lewandowski and a couple of Philadelphia residents also spoke, alleging they were not given adequate access to observe ballot counting. Mr. Giuliani said “networks don’t get to decide elections” and vowed legal challenges to the vote count.

The media is desperately trying to cover up the #FlippedtheVote scandal. They are so desperate that Associated Press followed by CNN, ABC, NBC et. al. called the election for Biden on the morning of November 7th with other social media sites immediately chiming in.
The Trump campaign put out a statement [see below video] after the media frenzy to falsely install Biden as president saying that without a single one of the 50 states certifying their electoral votes, the winner of the 2020 Presidential election is, without a doubt, unknown.
Watch: The Trump campaign statement on falsely calling the election for Biden:

This election is not over by a long shot.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
CrossRoads: Pennsylvania voting curve does not add up


Michigan Republican Given Rightful Victory After Computer Glitch Fixed
The Hammer and Scorecard smoking gun: 150,000 Michigan presidential ‘voters’ didn’t vote for Senate.
Trump Campaign to Challenge Mail-In Ballots Counted in Absence of GOP Observers
Trump doesn’t accept Biden’s win, contesting media putsch
Team Trump Legal Team Says They’re Armed to Teeth With “Incontrovertible Evidence”
Republican-Led Michigan Legislature to Hold Hearings on Election Fraud Claims
Georgia Counties Using Same Software as Michigan Counties Also Encounter ‘Glitch’ That Flipped Trump Ballots for Biden

Interview with the author of “The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with Kindness”

Joan Swirsky Interviews author Linda Goudsmit on her recently published opus, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’.

Joan (JS): Linda…when did you have the blazing insight that what you were witnessing in the politics of American leftists were not sincere efforts to improve the system, but rather elaborate hoaxes designed to destroy our country?  
Linda (LG): From 2017 to 2019––I wrote a number of articles in response to current events. At about the third article, I realized that there was a consistent pattern of leftist political policies that were presented as altruistic, but in  reality were deceitful, tactical, political strategies deliberately designed to collapse––to destroy––America from within.
JS: Indeed, your book spells out the quite astounding number of 50 Humanitarian Hoaxes! And quite courageously, you identify the culprits you believe are responsible for this malevolent con job on America. I must add here that readers can also access your articles at: and
LG: Yes, there are many perpetrators of this stealth attack––and malevolence describes its destructiveness. But the Huckster-in-Chief is Barack Hussein Obama who, from his first appearance on the national and international stage, proclaimed his intention to ”fundamentally transform America.” Of course, most Americans had no idea that Obama’s goal was to replace our constitutional republic with socialism. We are witnessing the extraordinary success of his seditious plan today.

As I explain in my book, it takes ideology and money to fundamentally transform America. Obama’s anti-American, pro-Muslim, Marxist ideology is taught through Common Core in schools across America. The Black Lives Matter and Antifa so-called protestors who are rampaging through our country today, toppling historical statues and proclaiming their goal to destroy our Constitutional Republic, are actually graduates of our own public school system. They are acting with the incitement of Obama’s resistance group, Organizing for Action (OFA), as well as with the collusion of the globalist media, the collaboration of the RINOs and corrupt radical leftist Democrats in Congress, and the cooperation of Democrat mayors and governors––all of them financed courtesy of their globalist handlers.
JS: And you elaborate in your book what their end game is.
LG: Yes, for these Marxists, the end game of socialism is communism. But for the globalists who finance their mayhem, the end game of socialism is the new world order––a one-world government ruled by the globalist elite themselves, of course! BLM and Antifa are simply useful idiots. Their supporters are low-information individuals who have no clue that the globalists bankrolling this global anarchy and social chaos fully intend to impose a one-world government through the auspices of the United Nations.
JS: In your book, you also describe how both corporate sponsors and businesses support radical groups like BLM and Antifa. 
LG: Yes––follow the money. It’s always about following the money. The corporate sponsors of BLM and Antifa, et al, know exactly what the plan is. The 279 globalist companies currently supporting BLM, for instance, manufacture their goods with cheap labor in China. President Trump put the hurt on China with his devastating tariffs and it is a financial nightmare for these globalist companies. They want to get rid of Trump and go back to business as usual with a guy like Biden—a corrupt Democrat tool of the globalists and communist Chinese.
JS: The whole notion of a hoax is something that fools both the American and the international public. What ingredients do you believe went into fooling such a massive number of people when it came to electing an inexperienced community organizer to the presidency of the U.S.?
LG: After WWII it was obvious to the entire world that America could not be defeated militarily. But our enemies did not go quietly into the night. They regrouped and revised their tactical attack plan as an insidious Culture War designed to collapse America from within. They targeted the three supporting pillars of American society––Family, Faith, and Flag. They pitted American capitalism vs socialism, American individualism vs socialist collectivism, American freedom vs cradle-to-grave dependency on government. And then they groomed the perfect candidate, Barack Obama, to do their bidding.
JS: You’ve written in depth about the two main weapons in the Culture War.
LG: Yes. They are: (1) psychological regression and (2) disinformation. Radical leftist Democrats routinely engage in political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism, all basic operating principles of the disinformation campaign. Children do not question what they are told––and neither do psychologically regressed, propagandized leftist liberals, who happen to be chronological adults. They really are Regressives, not Progressives. You can see this every day when perfectly normal-looking people embody the Humanitarian Hoax behaviors described in my book. They are emotional children disguised as adults.
JS: Which of the 50 humanitarian hoaxes you’ve written about is most relevant in today’s society?
LG: The Humanitarian Hoax of Eternal Childhood. It explains in explicit detail the crippling effect of pressuring a society toward regression and dependence rather than emotional maturity and independence. Again, we see this today in the young people, who have been dumbed down in America’s public schools, willingly taking money to “protest” a system they are ignorant of. Watch them being interviewed—it’s a national embarrassment!
JS: To tantalize our readers, please explain briefly the following Humanitarian Hoaxes (HH):
LG:Diversity is presented as leftist tolerance, inclusiveness, and compassion. In reality, there is NO diversity of opinion tolerated by the Left. Leftist diversity is presented as altruism but designed to eliminate freedom of thought and freedom of speech.
Man-made Climate Change is presented as the most serious challenge facing humanity. The leftist narrative claims all efforts must be directed at saving the planet from global warming or we will all perish in 12 years. In reality, climate-change hysteria is the United Nations’ political scheme to transfer the wealth of productive industrialized nations (especially the U.S.) to non-industrialized, non-productive nations. It is globalized socialism.
Gun Control is presented as an effort to reduce gun violence in society. In reality, gun control is the effort to eliminate the Second Amendment and disarm the public, something our Founding Fathers were determined to avoid.
Community Organizing is presented as the altruistic effort to end poverty. In reality, community organizing is the Cloward-Piven strategy to overload the welfare system and collapse the U.S. economy.
The Muslim Brotherhood presents itself as a civil rights organization advocating peace and tolerance. In reality, the Brotherhood’s mission is to subjugate host populations in North America and replace host religions and cultures with Islam and Sharia law.
Planned Parenthood presents itself as the ultimate healthcare provider to an underserved population and a provider of sex-education to schools. In reality, Planned Parenthood is an active participant in the Culture War on America, attempting to promote gender confusion, promiscuous sex, and unrestricted abortion-on-demand.
JS: The readers you’ve inspired over the past several years want to know what’s next?
LG: Of course I will continue to write political analysis for adults. My focus, however, is on America’s children. It is essential that American children are taught critical-thinking skills again. My personal contribution to that effort is my children’s picture-book series, Mimi’s Strategies. Nationally, the Department of Education must be completely overhauled in both form and content. If one more generation of American children is indoctrinated with anti-American propaganda touting the wonders of collectivism, when these mal-informed kids turn 18 and vote for socialism we will lose the country––a revolution without bullets!
JS: In less than three months, we will vote in perhaps the most consequential presidential election in American history. In terms of today’s tumultuous politics––a president dealing with an unprecedented pandemic and severely injured economy, his rival clearly dealing with clinical cognitive impairment, a radical leftist media not even pretending to be objective, and a push for mail-in voting which is notorious for massive voter fraud––what is your gut instinct about the upcoming presidential election on November 3, 2020?
LG: I remain optimistic, Joan. I wrote The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes in advance of the 2020 presidential election to make sure voters know WHAT they are voting for, not just WHO they are voting for. This is no small thing. This election is between Trump’s Americanism and Biden’s globalism.
The radical leftist Democrat Party has an anti-American, socialist agenda that seeks to weaken America. They have ignored WHAT President Trump has accomplished to strengthen America and, instead, engaged in four-years of character assassination and false accusations to destroy Trump and his America-first agenda.
President Donald Trump is the existential enemy of globalism. His proud and unapologetic America-first policies are the intractable obstacle to Obama’s insidious plan to transform America into socialism—the stepping stone to globalism’s one-world government. The Democrats have shown they will lie, cheat, and try to steal the election to defeat Trump and bury the serious and indictable crimes the Obama regime has committed.
However, I just don’t think Americans are buying what the Democrats are selling. I believe Trump will be reelected in a landslide.
©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

THE STORM: America is at a tipping point!

Article 1, Section 4 U.S. Constitution:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

I have been reading the many articles, Tweets, Facebook posts, media broadcasts and press releases from both political parties. I asked my Amazon Alexia to show me “articles about voter fraud” it quoted Nevada’s Attorney General saying that there is no voter fraud dismissing the Trump campaign’s lawsuit against Nevada. Try it!  I come away believing that in 2020 America is at a dangerous tipping point.
If this election does anything it will go down in history as the most contentious and disputed of any in my lifetime. 
The reason for this is that one political party is willing to win at all costs using every means available including voter fraud. The other political party is trying to save our time honored tradition of one person one legal vote. It comes down to this simple idea that only legal votes should be applied when electing anyone to office in America, from the President of these United States to the local school board member.
We are seeing on a daily basis the dismantling of our election system by the election system in particular states like Wisconson, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Arizona, California.
We are seeing our election system dismantled by our news media.
We are seeing our election system dismantled by the big tech social media, who are hiding the truth about the fraud and abuses of our election system.
We are seeing half of Americans so enraged that they don’t care if our election system is destroyed and replaced by a system of un-free and un-fair elections.
We are living in times where those who count the ballots, not those who vote, are determining who wins an election.
Finally, we are seeing the sovereignty of the individual, a bedrock of Western civilization, being dismantled at the ballot box.
We are seeing a great storm over Lady Liberty. A storm that will do one of two things:

  1. Expose and condemn the loss of our free and fair election system or…
  2. Embrace and condone an un-fair election system that takes away our individual right to choose our elected leaders, at every level.

Robert Spencer wrote:

The possibility that the Democrats could get away with this grand theft and install Joe Biden’s handlers in the Oval Office reminds me of an old joke: a man dies and goes to hell. Satan greets him at the gates and says, “You know, we get such bad media coverage. Hell really isn’t as bad as you’ve probably heard. In fact, you get to choose the eternal torment you prefer.” The miscreant was taken aback, and said, “All right, show me what you’ve got.” Satan showed him a room in which people were being tortured in fire, and another where they were encased in ice, and a third where they were sitting at tables drinking coffee and chatting pleasantly, although knee-deep in excrement. “This room doesn’t seem as bad as the others,” the man tells Satan. “I’ll take this room.” But as soon as the man enters, sits down, and orders his coffee, he hears: “Coffee break’s over. Back on your heads.”
That’s Joe Biden’s presidency in a nutshell.

Once Americans go over this tipping point it will be a long time before we get our freedoms back.
A government mandated hell will fall upon all of us. History tells us so.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Link to Active Michigan Voter Jason Lemoyne Daniel who was born in 1850
Breaking: “Operation Scorecard” CIA-Run Vote Theft Software Was Running In EVERY Swing State…“Glitches” Switched Votes from Trump to Biden!
Lawsuit Alleges 21,000 Dead People Still on Voter Rolls in Pennsylvania
SCOTUS Orders Pennsylvania to Separate Ballots Arriving After Election Day
Is Voter Fraud Afoot? A Look at 7 Claims
RELATED VIDEO: Confronting the Dems’ Election Steal. What the battle plan has to be.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Living in a Dream World. Time to wake up.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.
As we stand here today, we still don’t know how things are going to play out in the White House race as well as in the U.S. Senate, but in the current circumstances, you’d rather be in Joe Biden’s shoes than the president’s.
Church Militant is working aggressively behind the scenes on all the issues surrounding these races and bringing you the latest (as well as most trustworthy) information and analysis available.
In the meantime, we need to deal with the reality we are in. Even if a few million votes have been included in the counts that are fraudulent — and that’s still a big if, that number — America still shifted toward embracing socialism.
Remember, it doesn’t take millions and millions of illegal or fraudulent votes to swing an election. It only takes 10,000 or so, here or there (more than that in a handful of big states like Pennsylvania), to swing an election.
But still, given that, even if you take away a couple million votes from the national count, a majority (nationally) of voters checked the box for Biden.
Currently, the numbers are:

  • Biden — 50.4% with 72,297,195 votes
  • Trump — 48% with 68,797,809 votes

You’d have to take away almost 4 million votes from Biden nationally to get to a tie.
Of course, national numbers are not distributed evenly across the country: Some places are decidedly more socialist-embracing than other places that are more American-oriented.
In fact, 13 pro-life Republican women won election to Nancy Pelosi’s Marxist-loving house — a good number of them ousting child-killing Marxists.
This is certainly something to be celebrated and good for those women, a small little red wave of women who will give Nancy or her replacement headaches next year, not to mention egg on her face.
But overall, the national embrace of socialism is certainly trending. What’s behind it? Well, a number of factors, but in this particular election, there is the big elephant in the room: Donald Trump.
According to every exit poll, a majority of voters who voted for Biden voted not for Joe, but against Trump. But why?
What is it that would create such animus for a president who had restored America’s economic might, bolstered U.S. influence around the world, been the first president to not have us involved in a foreign war in many administrations, created historically low unemployment levels across the board (especially for minority groups), delivered the largest tax cut in American history and overall raised the country to heights unseen for decades?
The answer all boils down to his personality and how he is portrayed. The American culture, greatly assisted by the U.S. hierarchy, has become massively emasculated — taught over the past decades to care more about feelings than the truth.
The educational institution was seized control of decades ago, as was the media, and in a combined effort, they embarked on a campaign to switch out the national intellect for a panoply of emotions.
Truth and justice were dropped along the wayside and replaced with emotions. Emotions have become the standard by which everything is measured, and in 2020 especially, Trump’s tone is what has motivated an avalanche of hatred against him.
It’s a classic example of “You can’t handle the truth” writ large. Trump speaks plainly. He speaks directly. But in a culture that has become terrified of truth, because of the consequences of the truth, that is anathema.
And this is where so-called conservatives need to be held up to be shamed. Too many “conservatives” have done next to nothing to prevent this tsunami of evil from engulfing the country.
Life for many conservatives — and in this group, we include Mass-going Catholics — is way too comfortable. They have grown accustomed to watching and wanting other people do something while they themselves just tweet, sign online petitions, belly-ache with friends and then think (having vented) they have actually done something.
The truth is, they have done and accomplished nothing. They sat by while their gay priests manipulated Church teaching, thinking it wouldn’t be cricket to scold him after Mass.
They would not go out, physically get up off their couches, and protest crooked bishops persecuting good and holy priests — priests who are saying the truth and trying to lead their parishioners to Heaven.
For the most part, they clutched their pearls during the scandalous McCarrick revelations, but then most moved on, pretty quickly forgetting all about it.
Too many Catholic men have swallowed the poison of toxic femininity, taking the easy way out whenever possible, betraying their innate masculine virtues of self-sacrifice on behalf of the defenseless and innocent.
The “women’s lib” movement of the 1960s has created a dual enemy of Western civilization: Toxic women and pathetic men. And if you need any proof of that, look no further than the Marxist party ticket of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Biden is living proof of the degradation of the masculine in the past half-century — a man who has the blood of tens of millions of children on his hands (as opposed to defending them in accord with his natural traits).
And Kamala Harris is the perfect Marxist woman — a woman who sold her soul early in her career through adultery to gain power and ascend to where she is now. Where were the conservative men, Catholic and otherwise, in the political arena, as the scheming and conniving Marxists were engineering their coup?
Why, when republicans had control, did they not pursue an aggressive policy of purging voter rolls over the years or lining up honest citizens to watch and monitor polls in thousands of races where the Marxists kept inching closer to power?
In the Church, where were all the men challenging the hierarchy and its evil, despicable deeds? Even today, why is James Martin allowed to roam freely around the nation’s dioceses, only seldom meeting any resistance from men who, online, present themselves as faithful?
The point of all this is simple: What is playing out before us is the final act in a play begun long ago that was ignored by those who have the intelligence to understand what’s going on but are severely lacking in the will to actually do something about it.
And then, suddenly, when the reality of the consequences of their inaction hits them square in the face, they start issuing calls for prayers.
Why? Because we’ve reached the end — or at least appear to have. Why should our Heavenly Father answer the prayers of a people that did nothing — or next to nothing — for decades as they idly watched a culture falling apart or their Church being overrun Sunday by Sunday?
Why should He answer those prayers if there is no firm purpose of amending our ways? The Catholic Church has been allowed to sink into a sea of disgrace, and it’s because over a half-century ago, Catholic men were happy to make a bargain with the bishops.
They would ignore the evil in the hierarchy in exchange for silence on contraception. And that bargain is still in effect, with no end in sight. A huge majority of Catholics and their bishops have been happy to accept a world of gray, have refused or failed to see the world straight on as it is, in terms of black and white.
They live in a dream world. Donald Trump speaks in those terms, and that is what has upset so many people. The president is direct. At the end of the day, it’s not just the tone; it’s the message.
The entire universe is ordered in terms of black and white, including (most importantly) salvation. Anyone who lives outside of this truth is not likely to be saved. That’s why the evil that spews from the mouth of Bp. Barron is so poisonous: The garbage that “We have a reasonable hope that all men are saved” is pernicious.
But evil always shows its true face eventually, and Barron came out cheering for James Martin’s latest book on “spirituality.” Get real, bishop. Another example — among many — of a failed man rising to power in the Church.
Faithful Catholics, political conservatives cannot coexist with these Marxists in the Church and the culture. They must be exposed, battled against and defeated.
And when you look at big-name conservative cultural icons, be careful.  Even though they say something (even many things) that is spot on, they are only talking about the symptoms of the cultural rot.
As long as they fail to recognize that contraception and the worldview that supports it is what has brought us to this point, ultimately, they provide nothing but historical footnotes. They present the symptoms — sometimes very well — but they entirely miss the diagnosis. That scenario will never arrive at a cure, if a cure is even possible anymore, before it all ends fatally.
We are witnessing a euthanizing of Western civilization and can do nothing about it because the “hospital” was long ago taken over by killers while we were allowing ourselves to be put to sleep.
Whether the final call is a Trump come-from-behind victory or a Biden descent-into-even-more-evil, unless men, especially Catholic men, commit to reversing this in whatever circumstances present themselves, expect nothing to change.
Men, are you going to finally throw off the shackles of half a century of toxic femininity, or are you going to be content to watch the lights go out?
As a program note, Church Militant will be live at 6:30 p.m. ET Friday with a post-election update.
EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Against All Frauds, Trump Fights on

They say waiting is the hardest part. But they were wrong. Waiting is much worse when the messaging is controlled by a radical media with no interest in a fair outcome. For 48 hours, Americans have been glued to their televisions anxiously hoping for accurate updates on this nail-biter of a presidential race. What they’ve gotten instead is a torrent of commentary about the ridiculousness of President Trump questioning the results or laying claim to contested ballots. Worse, some outlets — like the AP — are calling anyone who draws attention to the irregularities liars. If you believe in transparency, you’re a “conspiracy theorist.” If you think there are anomalies to investigate, you’re in denial. And yet the media — who’s gotten everything dead wrong for five years — still thinks we should trust their judgment? No thank you.
Our country is swimming in a sea of unknowns right now — and maybe by the end of it, Joe Biden will lay claim to our highest office. But we’re a long way from knowing that with certainty — and certainty is what Americans, with so much at stake, deserve. As Ken Blackwell reminded everyone on “Washington Watch” today, “One of the brilliant aspects of our two-party system and our constitutional republic is that elections work best and have the confidence of the people when there is transparency and bipartisan oversight. When there is a lack of transparency, and partisanship in the administration of an election — not bipartisanship, but partisanship — you undercut not only the authenticity of the result, you undercut the buy-in to the result by those who are governed.” In other words, it’s to the benefit of everyone — including Joe Biden and his supporters — that these questions are answered, and that voters are reassured that this election was done by the book. Maybe some of us won’t like the outcome, but we need to be able to trust the outcome.
Instead, the media — who’s spent the last five years doing everything they can to undermine and vilify Donald Trump, whether it was Russian collusion or Ukraine — wants to give fuel to another false narrative that there’s nothing in this election to dispute! Of course, they have plenty of selfish reasons for doing so. Not only does it help take the attention away from the “smoking ruins of their credibility” in predicting this election, but it also helps to accomplish their longtime extremist agenda. They’re so invested in the far-Left, they’ll do anything to stop Trump’s reelection — even if it means sowing seeds on any legitimate claim to the presidency.
To be clear, I’m not suggesting that the results we’re seeing are fraudulent. Do I think there’s cause for suspicion in certain areas? Yes, and that’s where I think both sides have an interest in reassuring Americans that the outcome is accurate, and the process is impartial. In states like North Carolina and Georgia, liberal leaders aren’t helping that cause by postponing the counting or refusing to certify Trump votes. That not only keeps the country in limbo, it leads to more uncertainty and mistrust about what state officials are up to. It also gives the media more time to pound home this narrative that Joe Biden won, and Donald Trump is trying to steal the election. And frankly, that’s reckless and flat-out dangerous. The angry mobs have already put the country on notice that cities will pay if officials take the time to get this right.
Donald Trump doesn’t just want every vote to be counted, he wants every vote to be verified, an important distinction made by John Nolte. And frankly, what does he have to lose? Nothing. What does America have to lose? Everything. If he’s criticized for fighting his country and taking a deeper look into the “workings of these Big Democrat Machines in cities like Detroit, Atlanta, Milwaukee, and Philadelphia,” so be it. Maybe that’s what the Left and their megaphones in the press are worried about. The longer this goes on, the greater likelihood more inconsistencies will be exposed. Even now, as Joy Pullman spells out in the Federalist, a lot of this just doesn’t add up. “We’re supposed to believe the GOP had a great night except for the president?”

“It would be mystifying if Republicans won more seats in the House, retained the Senate, and picked up state legislative seats, all while the same voters voted against Trump. Trump has solidified his support among Republican voters and enjoys a massive approval rating from them he didn’t have in 2016 and expanded his coalition to more working-class and minority voters this year…
Yet we are supposed to believe the same media-Democrat complex that fed us wildly erroneous polls all year, and runs false information operations on us about coronavirus, the Russia hoax, and everything else they can use to steal power, that this blue wave’s evaporation did not at all affect the top of the ticket?”

No one can blame conservatives for being cynical. That’s what years of marginalization, fabrication, and deprecation from the media have wrought. “Show me an American who trusts politicians, polls, news organizations, and social media [moguls] who fancy themselves our new masters, and I’ll show you a fool,” Michael Goodwin insisted.
At the end of the day, our call is not for upending the process. Our call is for integrity in the process. And if the shoe were on the other foot, I guarantee: we wouldn’t be the only ones making that call.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


The GOP Spoils the Dem’s House Party

Praying for the Peace That Only Christ Can Give

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hey pollsters, maybe it’s time for a career change

‘The polling industry is a wreck, and should be blown up,’ says one pundit.

It’s everyone’s nightmare scenario: an electoral stalemate; two men all but claiming the presidency; and a likely legal battle that may extend into December.
So much is yet uncertain as the final ballots are counted, and as some jurisdictions prepare to pause counting while the courts have their say. Through the frustrating murkiness, however, there are already a number of major headline stories to take out of the 2020 US election. One of the biggest is surely the abject failure of the polling industry. Again.
“The polling industry is a wreck, and should be blown up,” writes Politico.
“To all the pollsters out there: you have no idea what you’re doing,” declared Republican Senator Lindsay Graham.
Graham fended off South Carolina challenger Jamie Harrison, who in some polls edged in front of Graham and spent US$109m on the race that polls told him he could win. Instead, Harrison ended up losing by 11 points.
Graham wasn’t the only Republican Senator to enjoy an unforeseen landslide. There wasn’t a single major poll that tipped Susan Collins to win a Senate seat in Maine. Her Democrat challenger Sarah Gideon raised $70m for the upset, but lost the race by 9 points.
By most measures, the Democrats were heavy favourites to flip the Senate. Instead, Republicans are now better placed to lead the Senate than before Tuesday’s race.
The Democrat party was likewise expected to pick up anywhere from five to 15 seats in the House. In fact, the Republicans outperformed them there too, stealing a handful of seats to put themselves in an extremely powerful minority, regardless of the eventual White House result.
The award-winning FiveThirtyEight is regarded by many as the best authority on American political contests because of its polling aggregation methods. Going into Tuesday, FiveThirtyEight gave the Democrats a 72 percent chance of sweeping both houses of Congress and the presidency in a great “blue wave”. They tipped Joe Biden as the 90 percent favourite. How could they get it so wrong?
The site was just as dismal on state races. They gave Trump only the narrowest of leads in both Texas and Ohio, states that Trump won by a convincing 6 and 8 percentage points respectively. Biden was the clear favourite in Florida, but lost the perennial swing state by 3.5 points. Wisconsin—which now faces a recount after a razor-thin count—was supposed to be a thumping Biden win: 95 percent likely, according to FiveThirtyEight. A full 17 points according to the Washington Post.
I have a confession to make. In the weeks leading up to the election, there were only two polling outlets that I paid any attention to: Rasmussen and Trafalgar. I had a straightforward reason for this. While most pollsters missed Trump’s 2016 victory, they were impressively close in their predictions.
The reason for this is that they were aware of the “shy Trump voter” phenomenon, and had devised methods to account for this. Trafalgar accurately foresaw a 2016 Trump win in the swing states of Pennsylvania, Florida and Michigan. Rasmussen came to within one point of predicting the popular vote, performing better than any other outlet according to RealClearPolitics.
And sure enough, both predicted a neck-and-neck race this year. Rasmussen correctly picked up on a growing Black and Latino vote for Trump, and Presidential approval ratings in the high 40s and low 50s during the final weeks of the campaign. Trafalgar tipped Trump to win the White House with an electoral college total in the high 270s to low 280s.
Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight fame dismissed both polling outlets as “crazy”—though he’s probably eating his words now.
As early as 2015, The New York Times drew attention to what they called a “crisis” in the polling industry. They cited several reasons; among them the growth of cellphones, a decline in the willingness of people to answer surveys, and the difficulty of identifying likely voters as opposed to registered voters.
As recently highlighted by Michael Cook, when The New York Times wildly missed the Trump victory in 2016, they searched their hearts and promised to “report America and the world honestly, without fear or favor, striving always to understand and reflect all political perspectives and life experiences in the stories that we bring to you.” Of course, that didn’t last too long: all 15 of their opinion columnists decried Trump in unison over the weekend.
While the Times was doubtless correct about the social challenges facing pollsters, they missed the bigger picture. Just like the polling outlets, they were blinkered—only able to see what they wanted to see, and dismissing all else. Cognitive bias is a powerful phenomenon, and we’re all subject to it.
For four years, the liberal coastal elites—whether in statistics or journalism—have told themselves the same, tired “Orange Man Bad” story, unable to fathom that other Americans felt differently and had long ago tuned out.
As long as they are living in their own world, they will miss what half the country really thinks. And that’s to everyone’s detriment.

This content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International license.
Kurt Mahlburg
Kurt Mahlburg is a teacher, freelance writer, and the Features Editor of the Canberra Declaration. He contributes regularly at the Spectator Australia, Caldron Pool and The Good Sauce. He hosts his own… 
America survived 1824. It can survive 2020
A radically polarized nation is a broken nation
The Divided States of America
Why does everyone at the ‘New York Times’ have to sing from the same hymnal?
EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Biden Has Singlehandedly Destroyed our Free and Fair Election System

“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how.” – Joseph Stalin, from The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary by Boris Bazhanov, published in 2002.
“There is no compromise when it comes to corruption. You have to fight it.” – A.K. Antony

Joe Biden we have put together “the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization” in the history of American politics.

As I woke up on November 4th, 2020 and began reading about how votes were magically appearing and magically disappearing in Democrat controlled cities and states across America! I was shocked. I had never seen something this wide spread and organized in my lifetime.
From Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconson to Georgia, Arizona and Nevada. Ballots were showing up after the polls closed by the tens of thousands.
As I watched news network after news network call a state for one presidential candidate over another presidential candidate before all the votes were counted I was bewildered.
The term “fake news” took on a new meaning. An ominous meaning.
When I went to Google, Twitter and Facebook to learn about what was happening with ballots and voter fraud I saw these posts completely disappear from Facebook and Twitter and shadow banned by Google. In many cases Twitter would post on a tweet about voter fraud this:

“Some or all of the content shared in this Tweet is disputed and might be misleading about an election or other civic process.”

Or this:

This Tweet is from a suspended account.

As I saw the vote counts stop and then suddenly start again followed by the counting of hundreds of thousands votes for one candidate for president to the exclusion of all the other candidates,  I thought to my self – will 2020 go down in American history as the first un-free and un-fair election?
Voter fraud has now become the primary  “weapon of choice” of one political party.
Since the 2016 Presidential election the Democrats have taken the following public positions on voting in America:

  1. End the Electoral College.
  2. Implement a national popular vote system.
  3. Implement a national vote-by-mail system.
  4. Control the voting process by any and all means necessary.
  5. Control how the votes are counted.
  6. Create phony ballots to offset legal ballots as we are learning in 2020.
  7. Refuse to purge voter rolls of the dead, non-citizens and those who no longer live in the state. For example, a lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation found that in Detroit, Michigan there are: 4,788 duplicate registrations, 32,519 more registered voters than eligible voters, 2,503 dead people registered and one voter born in 1823.
  8. Reject any form of voter ID laws, labeling them as voter suppression, thus allowing multiple cases of fraud.
  9. Over look voters who vote more than one time, i.e. those who are residents of two states and vote in each state illegally.
  10. Give voter IDs to anyone and everyone.
  11. Target Republican voters and cancel out their ballots.
  12. Emphatically say there is no such thing as voter fraud! While at the same time conducting voter fraud by all means available.

The final outcome of these Democrat Party policy positions is to enforce a popular voting system and then control that system at the ballot box.
The idea of one man/woman one vote is passé. The ideal of a free and fair election is a thing of the past. The process of counting all the votes on election day is dead, thanks to the United States Supreme Court.
The only thing important today, as Stalin said, is “who will count the votes, and how.”
Is 2020 the death of our Constitutional Republic?
Is it the final nail in our free and fair elections’ coffin? Are we entering a socialist state where the ballot box is totally controlled the state, and how the people vote be damned.
The sentiment “The people who cast the votes decide nothing; the people who count the votes decide everything” that originated with Stalin has now been perfected by Joe Biden as the leader of the Democrat Party in 2020.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
RELATED VIDEO: CrazyTown – Extended Joe Biden Edition.

RELATED ARTICLE: Arizona Voters File Suit to Restore Their Ballots Cancelled Over Sharpies

Hope Suppressed by Facebook

Most Americans — Democrats and Republicans — know that social media engages in political censorship. And you would have to be naïve not to see that conservative viewpoints are the chief victims — as documented daily at (although some still try to deny it).
Some of the complaints involve subtle discrimination — what shows up in someone’s news feed for example. But this week, one Christian organization has suffered the Facebook equivalent of capital punishment, by having all of their content removed. Try to access the Facebook page for Restored Hope Network (RHN), and all you will see is the ominous message, “This Page Isn’t Available. The link may be broken, or the page may have been removed.”
Facebook’s ax came down on RHN with no advance notice, and no explanation. Restored Hope Network (their website, fortunately, is still up) is the world’s leading network of Christian ministries serving those with unwanted same-sex attractions. They believe that through a combination of psychological insight and spiritual transformation, it is possible to see a reduction in such attractions, and many have testified to experiencing such change. In addition, they hold that any believer in Christ has a right to seek the help of others in living a life that conforms to the moral teachings of Scripture.
LGBT activists, however, have dubbed such sexual orientation change efforts (SOCE) as “conversion therapy” (a term never used by those in the field), and are waging war upon it. Facebook is obviously responding to pressure from such activists, who claim (falsely) that there is no evidence such counseling is effective and abundant evidence that it is harmful. A Facebook official in Europe announced in July a policy to bar content promoting so-called “conversion therapy.” A few days later, the left-wing media watchdog Media Matters gave its own recommendation of some groups it thought Facebook should censor — including Restored Hope Network.
They included three examples of RHN Facebook posts — none of which support the idea that allowing people to seek change is a form of “hate speech.” One features a quote from Dr. Linda Seiler, who formerly identified as transgender, who states, “Regular science shows you’re not hardwired, born this way.” Recent research debunking the theory of a “gay gene” shows Seiler is right. Another advertises a video by Joe Dallas, a long-time ex-gay leader, “Why Am I Gay? Why Can’t I Change?” and says that “women and men in our congregations are asking that very question.” This is clearly directed at the church, and censoring it is blatant anti-Christian bigotry. Finally, a promo for an RHN conference features Anne Paulk, a former lesbian who is the Executive Director of Restored Hope Network, saying, “Homosexuality is a relational deficit that needs a relational solution.” While some may take offense at the word “deficit,” this was a statement about the origins of same-sex attractions, and the “solution” for people who voluntarily seek to overcome them.
This focus on the causes of same-sex attraction is squarely within the realm of mainstream scientific debate. Even the American Psychological Association, though critical of SOCE, has said:

“[M]uch research has examined the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social and cultural influences on sexual orientation… Many think that nature and nurture both play complex roles…”

When grilled about “the cancel culture mob” at a congressional hearing in July, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said, “I believe strongly in free expression. Giving people a voice is an important part of what our services do, and I’m very worried about some of the forces of illiberalism that I see in this country that are pushing against free expression.” If Zuckerberg meant what he said, he should un-cancel Restored Hope Network immediately.

Peter Sprigg

Senior Fellow for Policy Studies

Peter S. Sprigg is Senior Fellow for Policy Studies at the Family Research Council in Washington, D.C. Mr. Sprigg joined FRC in 2001, and his research and writing have addressed issues of marriage and family, human sexuality, the arts and entertainment, and religion in public life.
Mr. Sprigg has been quoted as a spokesman for FRC in many major newspapers, and he has been interviewed or participated in debates on all of the national television networks. He is the author of the book Outrage: How Gay Activists and Liberal Judges Are Trashing Democracy to Redefine Marriage (Regnery, 2004), and he was co-editor of another FRC book on homosexuality. Mr. Sprigg also edited FRCs agenda-setting booklet, 25 Pro-Family Policy Goals for the Nation.
Mr. Sprigg is an ordained Baptist minister. Before coming to FRC, he served as pastor of Clifton Park Center Baptist Church in Clifton Park, N.Y. Mr. Sprigg previously served for ten years as a professional actor and unit leader in Covenant Players, an international Christian drama ministry. Prior to his career in ministry, Mr. Sprigg worked in the government and non-profit sectors, including service as economic development assistant to the late Congressman Robert F. Drinan (D-Mass.).
Mr. Sprigg received the Master of Divinity degree cum laude from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Mass.). He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree summa cum laude from Drew University (N.J.), with a double major in political science and economics. Mr. Sprigg lives in the Washington, D.C. metro area with his wife and son.
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Power Versus Empowerment

On the ballot this election season are two different visions for America: government power vs. empowerment of people. The choice is ultimately between politicians who seek to confiscate and redistribute wealth (creating a perpetual underclass that’s dependent on government) on the one hand, or those who empower the individual, on the other hand, enabling us each to work towards our God-given destiny.
Jesus wants us to help the poor and the underclass. Nothing helps them more than to help them become empowered themselves, living out their gifts and talents. In His classic parable of the talents, Jesus commends those who work hard and smart with the talents He has entrusted to them, and He condemns the one who buried His talent in the ground. We should seek to help others to fulfill their calling. “A hand out” may be necessary in emergency situations, but “a hand up” is much better in the long run.
This power versus empowerment dichotomy can be seen in tax cuts. Tax cuts put money back in your pocket, instead of that of the government bureaucrat. Tax cuts empower we the people. But the political elitist class loses power through tax cuts. So they oppose them—even though liberal icon JFK, a proponent of tax cuts, said in reference to them that a rising tide lifts all boats.
A conservative believes that you are best qualified to take care of yourself and your family. A liberal believes that the government is best qualified to take care of you and your family. That’s the difference, plain and simple.
Dr. Ben Carson is a renowned neurosurgeon and currently serves as the head of the Department of Housing and Urban Department for President Trump.
He and his brother grew up in grinding poverty, in a housing development in Detroit with their single-parent mom.
But to help them break free from a life of dependence upon government, their mother insisted that each of them read a book a week in order to expand their lives (to empower them). She even forced them to write book reports on each of them for her perusal. Dr. Carson realized later she probably was not even literate enough to read those book reports, but they still produced them. Both brothers became well-educated and made something of their lives, because of her faith in the Lord and in them and by becoming well read.
Because of the COVID-19 pandemic, our schools were shut down. Some have reopened. But in Los Angeles, the teachers’ union made a series of demands if the schools were to be reopened. Included in their mandates was that there be a moratorium on building new charter schools. Nothing like trying to squash your competitors.
Generally children thrive in alternative forms of schooling, such as private schools, charter schools, and home schools.
Parents in poor neighborhoods especially want to have school choice because it can empower their children to make something of their lives. But the teachers’ union sought to protect the power of its own members—rather than empower children and families.
College would seem to be a great place to become empowered—to learn things with which to make something of one’s life. But much of college education today is just politically correct indoctrination.
Victor Davis Hanson writes (7/23/20):

“1960s student radicals graduated without much debt and for all their hipness could enter a booming economy with marketable skills. Today’s angry graduates owe a collective $1.6 trillion in student loan debt—much of it borrowed for mediocre, therapeutic, and politicized training that does not impress employers….In other words, today’s radical is far more desperate and angry that his college gambit never paid off.”

Those who become reliant on permanent government handouts ultimately develop a sense of entitlement—as if this money is owed them. How much better to train, to teach, to educate, to inspire, to motivate, than it is to keep people in perpetual reliance on the government, in exchange for their votes.
Steve Moore, the FreedomWorks economist, who worked for the Reagan administration and who has advised President Trump’s campaign, recorded a recent PragerU video (10/7/20). He points out: “Red state America is prospering. Blue state America is in meltdown. So where do you want to live?” For the most part, Red state America is engaged in trying to empower its citizens. The leaders in Blue state America are trying to cling to power—even using it to shut down churches and schools in the name of fighting the pandemic.
Here’s the kicker. While many on the left essentially want a perpetual underclass as their power base, everyone will one day die and give an account to our Maker as to what we did with our lives.
In Election 2020, there is a hidden issue on the ballot. That issue is which vision we choose to pursue: power for power’s sake or empowering as many citizens as want to be empowered for a better future.
©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: It ain’t over yet. Trust in Trump!


Roger Stone is a seasoned political operative, speaker, pundit, and New York Times Bestselling Author featured in the Netflix documentary “Get me Roger Stone”. A veteran of ten national presidential campaigns, he served as a senior campaign aide to three Republican presidents: Nixon, Reagan and, to his regret, Bush. Stone gives insights on behind-the-scenes political agendas and is a very proud supporter of President Donald Trump.
Phillip D. Kline is a Associate Professor of Law at Liberty University. Prior to teaching at the law school, he served in Kansas as the Johnson County District Attorney where he managed over 8,500 criminal cases each year. Kline’s pro-life leadership, as written by columnist Bob Novak, opened a new front on the abortion wars and placed Kansas in the epicenter of the current battle over the sanctity of human life. A successful lawyer in private practice, Kline has represented states and state agencies in large, complex civil litigation and large international interests in construction mediation, arbitration, and litigation.
TOPIC: Were Ballot Drop Boxes Properly Monitored?
Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr Rich now publishes the the “ report”. A daily review of news, issues and commentary!
TOPIC: It ain’t over yet. Trust in Trump!

Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County

Arizona AG opens probe into voter SHARPIE complaints in Maricopa County
By: Sara Carter, November 4, 2020:

Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is investigating claims that hundreds of ballots were tossed or rejected by the use of sharpies being passed out by people at voter locations in Maricopa County, as well as other polling stations in the state.
“We’ve received hundreds of voter complaints regarding Sharpies at polling locations”
Brnovich tweeted out a letter sent by Arizona Deputy Solicitor General Michael Catlett demanding Maricopa County Director of Election Day and Emergency Voting Scott Jenson answer questions regarding complaints lodged by hundreds of voters who may have been disenfranchised because they were given Sharpies to fill out their ballots.
Maricopa County has a significantly higher Republican base and concern that ballots were tossed or not counted began Tuesday with voters complaining on social media platforms, as well as complaints being lodged with the Emergency Voting Office, according to reports.
“We have received hundreds of voter complaints regarding Sharpies at polling locations,” said Brnovich. “Accordingly, we sent this letter to Maricopa County election officials. Let’s get some answers.”
In the letter, Catlett said the election board must answer his questions by Nov. 5. He wants to know which voting centers provided the sharpies and where they are located. More importantly, he wants to know how many ballots at those centers were rejected because of over-votes – mainly the ink from the sharpie leaked onto the backside of the ballot.
“Were the ballot tabulation machines utilized at voting centers on Election Day programmed to reject over-voted ballots,” he asked. He also asked the Maricopa County Election board what the process is for cancelling a voters ballot? If a ballot is reflected as “cancelled” on the Secretary of State’s website, what does that mean for the voter?

WATCH: Biden Bragged That Democrats Had “The Most Extensive Voter Fraud Organization In The History of American Politics”
STEALING THE VOTE: North Carolina won’t update its total vote count until Nov. 12!
WATCH: Woman at Detroit Counting Facility Says She Found One Box of Ballots From People Who Were NOT ON VOTER ROLLS
Detroit’s Absentee Ballot Counting Center COVERS UP WINDOWS So Observers CAN’T SEE What They’re Doing
WATCH: Detroit Election Workers CHEER Every Time a GOP Attorney is Thrown Out of Ballot Center
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved

Biden or Blood?

Will Joe Biden and the Democrats succeed in stealing the election? It’s early yet, but there are disquieting signs already. Pennsylvania’s wildly partisan attorney general Josh Shapiro tweeted Saturday, before a single vote was counted: “If all the votes are added up in PA, Trump is going to lose.” In Shapiro’s Philadelphia on Tuesday morning, the Philadelphia Republican Party charged that certified Republican poll watchers were being denied access. In Georgia, all the voting machines in Spalding County, which voted 60% for Trump in 2016, went down. Scott Adams noted: “The Fake News will try to install Biden as president, no matter the vote count, if the election outcome is even slightly questionable. And it will be.”
If the efforts to install Biden in the White House, no matter what the vote count really is, fail, then there will be riots. The numerous boarded-up businesses in major cities testify to their likelihood. For all too many on the Left, it seems as if the choice America faces today is Biden or Blood.
That recalls another presidential election in our nation’s distant past, when the Republican governor of Ohio, Rutherford B. Hayes, ran against the Democratic Governor of New York, Samuel J. Tilden. As Rating America’s Presidents notes, Tilden was the Democrats’ third straight candidate from New York (and General George B. McClellan, their 1864 standard bearer, was from New Jersey). With the South largely in their camp even during Reconstruction, the Democrats knew that it was the North they had to win to regain the White House. And while the Republicans “waved the bloody shirt,” as they had in 1868 and 1872—that is, accused the Democrats of responsibility for the Civil War—the Democrats had an effective comeback as the party of clean government fighting against what they characterized as the party of corruption.
It almost worked; actually, it may really have worked. Tilden won the popular vote by 250,000 votes over Hayes. He also seemed to have won the electoral vote, and hence the presidency. However, in three Southern states, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida, the Democrats and Republicans produced two separate popular vote tabulations, both claiming victory in each state. There was also a dispute about one elector in Oregon, where the Democratic governor had appointed a Democrat after a Republican elector resigned and the Republicans cried foul. At stake were twenty electoral votes. The undisputed tally had Tilden with 184 and Hayes with 165, so if Hayes were awarded all twenty of the disputed votes, he would win the presidency by one vote.
The dispute roiled the nation. No one was sure what to do, as the Constitution hadn’t provided for such a contingency, and while the Republicans may have been engaged in voter fraud, the Democrats had almost certainly practiced voter suppression, preventing freedmen, who voted for the party that freed the slaves, from voting, or throwing out their votes uncounted. In 1878, a congressional investigation found evidence of Democratic attempts to bribe election officials. But it is unlikely that the Republicans weren’t cheating as well.
Enraged Democrats charged that the Republicans were trying to steal the election. Some, crying “Tilden or Blood!” even threatened a new civil war if their candidate was not declared the victor. Finally, Congress appointed a commission of seven Democrats, seven Republicans, and one independent to determine which votes to accept and which to reject. The independent, however, Supreme Court Justice David Davis, resigned to take a seat in the Senate; his replacement was a Republican, and the die was cast. On an 8–7 party-line vote, the Republican vote totals were accepted. Hayes was named “the duly elected president of the United States” on March 3, 1877, the day before the inauguration.
The Democrats accepted this, although they derided Hayes as “Rutherfraud” throughout his presidency. Tilden took the news resignedly, saying: “I prefer four years of Hayes’ administration to four years of civil war.” He withdrew from the field while maintaining the rightness of his cause: “I can retire to private life with the consciousness that I shall receive from posterity the credit of having been elected to the highest position in the gift of the people, without any of the cares and responsibilities of the office.”
One reason why the Democrats did not draw out the dispute or refuse to accept the commission’s decision that Hayes had won was that they had driven a hard bargain: as a condition of their accepting Hayes’s election, they demanded, and received, the withdrawal of federal troops from the South. Reconstruction was over, and with it died any semblance of equality of rights for black Americans. Republican “carpetbaggers” packed up their carpetbags and returned to the North; the South became a one-party state that replicated antebellum society, with blacks denied voting rights and discriminated against in numerous other ways.
Was the reinforcement of second-class status for the freed slaves and the end of any chance to make America a society in which all people truly enjoyed equality of rights worth it, so that the country could experience the presidency of Rutherford B. Hayes? No.
And here we may be again. But today, the Left has created an atmosphere so overheated that even a deal like that of 1876, as flawed as it was, may not be possible. Will Democrats accept the will of the people if their man loses? Or will it be Biden or Blood?
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Sam Harris Declares ‘Osama bin Laden is Far Less Reprehensible than Trump’
Bangladesh: Muslim mob burns homes of Hindus over Facebook post about Muhammad cartoons
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump Will ‘Immediately’ Request A Recount In Wisconsin, Campaign Manager Bill Stepien Announces

President Donald Trump will “immediately” request a recount of votes in Wisconsin, campaign manager Bill Stepien announced in a statement Wednesday.
“Despite ridiculous public polling used as a voter suppression tactic, Wisconsin has been a razor thin race as we always knew that it would be,” Stepien wrote. “There have been reports of irregularities in several Wisconsin counties which raise serious doubts about the validity of the results. The President is well within the threshold to request a recount and we will immediately do so.”
The campaign’s statement came just one hour after Wisconsin election officials announced that former Vice President Joe Biden held a roughly 20,000-vote lead over Trump after “all of the ballots” had been counted.

It should be noted that though his margin of victory in 2016 was small enough to trigger a recount in the state, a Trump-supporting super PAC filed a suit blocking recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.
Based on the results tabulated Tuesday and Wednesday morning, Trump would need to win two of the aforementioned states, plus Georgia and North Carolina, to secure reelection.
The president spent much of Wednesday questioning the yet to be finalized results in Wisconsin and five other battleground states.
“Last night I was leading, often solidly, in many key States, in almost all instances Democrat run & controlled,” he wrote in a message Twitter eventually marked as misleading. “Then, one by one, they started to magically disappear as surprise ballot dumps were counted. VERY STRANGE, and the “pollsters” got it completely & historically wrong!”
This is a developing story and will be updated with more information as it becomes available.


Senior White House correspondent.
We Spent Election Night Inside Trump’s White House Extravaganza — Here’s What It Was Like
Here’s What The Election Looks Like, As Battleground States Remain Undecided
EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Marxist Momentum and They’re Coming for You.

Hello!  Just before we get into today’s Vortex, we have a brief programming note.
The Vortex you are about to see was shot a day ago  —  before the announcement that President Trump was going to hold his own town hall on NBC tomorrow night, countering the Biden town hall on ABC.
Church Militant was going to air our own LIVE Campaign 2020 Overview at 8 p.m. ET. Now, we are going to pull that special ahead one hour to 7 p.m. ET.
So when you hear and see in this Vortex episode “8 p.m.,” know that has been changed to 7 p.m. ET — again LIVE.
Thank you.
So we are now just 20 days away and no one in the temporal order knows what the outcome is going to be. But Catholics need to really understand all that is at stake here.
And unlike the bishops who will not tell you that abortion is the single most important matter, we realize there is not only abortion but much more at stake here for Catholics. In fact, it’s so important that we are airing a live campaign special this Thursday, tomorrow night, at 8 p.m. for one hour.
Again: Thursday, 8 p.m. ET, Oct. 15.
Since the previously scheduled presidential debate was called off by the Commission on Presidential Debates because the president refused to participate in Zoom conference, Church Militant is using the moment to hit pause and do a campaign overview, giving you loads of information about everything that will happen if the Marxist Democrats win.
Please tune in live to Church Militant tomorrow night at 8 p.m. ET.
Again, while abortion is hands down the preeminent issue, there are many things that are at stake in this election — there will be a massive fallout for Catholics if it goes the wrong way.
We could see:

  • Religious liberty rollbacks — something Kamala Harris introduced into the Senate last year with the GOP still in control (her bill failed then, but it won’t with them in charge)
  • Religious “litmus tests” for federal positions — this has already been done a number of times, but couldn’t get anywhere because Democrats weren’t in charge (it will if they win)
  • “Hate” groups being defined as part of federal law — this is the perfect weapon to bring in on any political conservative to shut them down and even imprison them (and other Western countries already do this)
  • Weaponization of the Department of Justice against faithful Catholics (just like Obama’s attorney general, Eric Holder, did) and now with a promise to name New York governor Andrew Cuomo as the new attorney general, it will be a disaster (Cuomo said publicly that political conservatives and pro-lifers are not the kind of people the state of New York wants; imagine that as the guiding philosophy at the DOJ)
  • Groups being “audited” by the IRS (Obama already did this in 2009–2012)
  • An increasing Vatican-D.C. alliance for globalism (it’s already well-established, with McCarrick shuffling what’s been reported as up to a million dollars to the Hillary campaign in 2016)
  • Church shutdowns for “health” reasons — enough said
  • Increased funding to U.S. bishops for immigration — again, enough said
  • Catholic businesses forced to pay for contraception — just ask the Little Sisters of the Poor
  • Homeschooling heavily regulated or ended (the state of California is already pursuing this kind of legislation)
  • A foreign policy tying aid to anti-Catholic positions (well established under Obama)
  • Not only the impossibility of Roe v. Wade ever being overturned, we could also have to face further issues like the codifying of Roe into federal law (already promised by Pelosi), taxpayer funding for all abortion (already promised by Biden), and the reversing of the “Mexico City” policy (already promised by Biden)

We have much much more to talk about. This may be the most comprehensive and important hour of information for Catholics in this entire campaign. Please make it a point to schedule it now. Tell your friends. Tell them to tune in. America is at the tipping point of becoming Marxist, and this is no joke.
Tomorrow night, tune in at 8 p.m. ET, right here at This is what the U.S. hierarchy is wanting you to not think about.
EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BOOK REVIEW: ‘Thought Criminal’ by Dr. Michael Rectenwald

Dr. Rectenwald was a Trotskyite Marxist just a few short years ago. His previous works, Springtime for Snowflakes, Google Archipelago and Beyond Woke (all from New English Review Press) explain the new “woke left” from the inside out. Just as no one could explain the communist movement of the twentieth century like ex-communists (see The God Who Failed, Witness, etc.), Professor Rectenwald has spent the last several years explaining the new woke, corporate left with precision and insight.
Now, he returns with a novel, which, though set in an undefined future, explains out current dilemma perfectly. Hailed as “the 1984 of the Covid era,” Thought Criminal ingeniously describes where we are and where we are going in an entertaining, roller-coaster ride of a novel.
A distinguished Professor of AI-neuroscience and Theory of Mind, Cayce Varin has dissident thoughts. He differs from acceptable opinion on matters of grave importance to respectable Human Biologicals and the Federation of Pandemos, the global state. Upon confessing his divergent theories to a Graduate Student Assistant, his life is never the same. He is labeled a Thought Deviationist, among other damning designations. He is arrested by a Robot Police Agent and soon released but remains a covert Thought Deviationist living under the constant fear of future arrest, the treachery of friends, and the loss of his identity.
For Varin and a small cadre of Thought Deviationists, the ultimate threat is posed by Collective Mind—the vast centralized database and processing complex with apparent knowledge of everything, possibly even one’s innermost thoughts. Varin and fellow Thought Deviationists believe that the Federation deliberately propagates a virus to keep Human Biologicals connected to Collective Mind. Submission to the virus spells the obliteration of the self. Resistance to the virus, made possible by taking the addictive drug Eraserall, means living as a fugitive from the law and being forever hunted by Robot Police Agents to be taken in for “treatment.”
Finally, it appears that the only solution is to infiltrate Essential Data, Collective Mind’s main data and processing center. The risks are great, and the gambit may be impossible. But Varin’s future, the future of Thought Deviationists, and the future of the individual itself, depend on the mission’s success.
Advance Praise:
Kenneth R. Timmerman, NY Times best-selling author of The Election Heist and other books:

Michael Rectenwald has written a thought experiment for our time, the 1984 of the COVID era, where we can step back and view today’s America for what it is: a society infected not by a virus but by collective hysteria. Thought Criminal explores the meaning of individualism in an increasingly collectivist society, where our thoughts are not our thoughts but those infused in us by the media and the Collective Mind, and the very notion of free will becomes a distant memory. This is fiction that makes us think and makes us dream.

Janice Fiamengo, retired Professor of English, University of Ottawa:

Both an allegory for our present collectivist times and a vision of the future, Thought Criminal draws you in irresistibly from the first pages, immersing you in a thrilling and disturbing adventure.

Michael Rectenwald is a recently retired Professor of Liberal Studies at New York University, where he taught cultural and social history as well as academic writing since 2008. He is the author of ten books, including Beyond Woke (New English Review Press, 2020), Google Archipelago: The Digital Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom (New English Review Press, 2019), Springtime for Snowflakes: ‘Social Justice’ and Its Postmodern Parentage (New English Review Press, 2018), Nineteenth-Century British Secularism: Science, Religion and Literature (Palgrave Macmillan, 2016), Academic Writing, Real World Topics (Broadview Press, 2015), and Global Secularisms in a Post-Secular Age (De Gruyter, 2015). Rectenwald is a prominent spokesperson for academic freedom and free speech and an expert on the history and character of the ‘social justice’ movement. He has published articles and essays on these topics in several periodicals and news outlets and has appeared regularly on national television networks, as well as on numerous podcasts and radio shows.
©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Why I Wear My Mask | Welcome to the Masquerade

Video by WhatsHerFace:

I love my mask. It’s a simple and effective way to display my righteousness. Am I concerned that two children in China died because they were forced to wear a mask in gym class? NOPE! I concerned that I’m contributing to an impending socialist technocracy that will enslave the global population? NO!
Am I concerned that my mask is symbolic of my compliance to the social conditioning that will eventually lead to the forced vaccination of every man, woman, and child on planet earth? Not a chance!
Why am I not concerned you ask?
Because I decided a long time ago that shallow insignificant gestures are a much easier way to showcase my morality than actually being moral.
Because in order to be a really good person, I need to stand up to a really bad person, and I don’t like standing up to or for anything. It’s much easier to trick my mind into thinking compliance is a virtue instead of what it really is, cowardice.
©WhatsHerFace. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: French schoolteacher beheaded by Chechen Refugee — Interview with Nidra Poller

French schoolteacher beheaded by Chechen refugee – interview with Nidra Poller by Jerry Gordon, Israel News Talk Radio – Beyond the Matrix

Interior Minister Gérard Darminin declares: “They launched a fatwa against him.”
The father of a schoolgirl and his accomplice—a notorious antizionist agitator, head of the Cheikh Yassin association—fomented revolt against the teacher, Samuel Paty, who showed Mohamed cartoons in a lesson on freedom of speech. Investigators have discovered that they communicated by phone with the 18 year-old refugee that beheaded the teacher in Conflans Ste. Honorine.

©Jerry Gordon. All rights reserved.

Bloomberg and Rosenwald: Compare & Contrast

Michael Bloomberg, a Jewish billionaire who built his fortune on a computerized data base and computer terminal used by Wall Street firms, put in $100 million in Florida to try to swing the election for Democrats.

Numerous other billionaire tech moguls, are pumping millions of dollars into Black Lives Matter, a Marxist organization dividing America.

No doubt both think their actions will help black people.  Or perhaps they think they can buy off the mob by aiding those that want to destroy the free enterprise system that made these moguls wealthy. It is hard to know.

Contrast this tendency among today’s ultra-rich with the story of Julius Rosenwald.

In the 1870s through the 1890s, the revolution in retailing was the mail order business. Montgomery Ward became the Amazon of the era, servicing customers in the underserved rural market with low prices, variety and quality.

Around the turn of the 20th century, a new competitor was launched by two watch salesmen, Alvah Roebuck and Richard Sears.  The firm they founded expanded rapidly under the leadership of a Jewish clothing salesman, Julius Rosenwald.

The firm did very well but as demographics shifted from farm to city, Sears Roebuck kept its mail order business but also pivoted with a major emphasis on retail stores in urban areas.  The company did even better.

The firm sold just about anything, including kits for the construction of homes.  A good collection of these can be found still occupied in Bisbee, Arizona.

Rosenwald pumped his own money into the firm to support it during the Great Depression.

While running this very successful company, Rosenwald developed a deep concern about the plight of blacks in the Democrat ruled South. Democrats had imposed a series of legal restrictions based on race, that parade under the name of Jim Crow laws.  Educational funding for blacks was minimal.

After meeting with Booker T. Washington, the outstanding black leader of the Tuskegee Institute (later the source of courageous black fighter pilots known as the ‘Red Tails’), Rosenwald began building schools for poor blacks in rural areas.

Eventually, he built over 5,300 schools that educated about 36% of the southern black population.

The schools were simple and successful.  Many studies suggest these schools helped black income climb over a third in relation to white incomes at the time, raised scores for military entry, increased both the odds and success of migration out of the South, and even raised IQ scores. They functioned until the 1954 school desegregation decision.

Contrast this program with what we see today, millions of dollars poured into Marxist oriented organizations that have been involved in promoting racism with reverse discrimination and civil disturbance.

Millions more are poured into the Democratic Party, that has blacks trapped in horrible inner-city schools in cities like Baltimore where students can graduate barely knowing how to read.  In 2019, only 13% of Baltimore 4th graders could read at their grade level.  Another study showed that of city of 700,000, about 200,000 people in Baltimore are functionally illiterate.

Many of these cities have been dominated by the Democratic Party and its largest contributor, the teacher’s union, for a half century or more.  The platform of the Democratic Party has come out foursquare against school choice. They will not tolerate competition for the educational establishment.

Today’s billionaires apparently either want to double down on failure or to double down on cowardice.

Rosenwald always treated blacks with respect. He required parents to have a stake in the game by contributing something towards their children’s education, even if it was labor to construct a school. Rosenwald took a different direction in philanthropy wherein he made large grants to various causes on the condition that recipients also raise funds to “cure the things that seem to be wrong.”

He did not give grants for political lobbying. He did not give grants without self-help. He did not give money to buy off violent protestors. He did not give money for racial isolation. White groups were often required to “buy in” to get a project done.

Rosenwald put his money where his mouth is out of religious conviction while today’s billionaires put their money where their political interest is.

Questions for Starbucks About Its New Diversity Policy

Starbucks recently announced that it is tying pay to the accomplishment of diversity goals. Specifically, its goals are to have at least 30% of its U.S. corporate employees and 40% of its U.S. retail and manufacturing employees to be people of color defined as black people, other people of color and indigenous people. It will track them across 14 job levels.

The company reported that its workforce is currently 53.5% white, 10.5% Hispanic/Latino, 8% black, 5.5% Asian, 4.7% multiracial, and 1.3% other.

Starbucks is following the corporate herd. Other big corporations have announced similar goals, and some have even gone so far as to pledge that 40% of their management positions will be filled by selected races/ethnicities. In some cases, companies have used the catchall term “minorities” in stating their diversity goals.

Although I don’t patronize Starbucks, I have no doubt that the chain knows more about the coffee business than I do. But I doubt that it knows as much as I do about equal opportunity, affirmative action, diversity, and racial sensitivity training. Over my career I was at the leading edge of such initiatives and also had expertise in federal and state anti-discrimination laws and in designing compensation programs. I’ve also had a lifetime interest in the history of race in America and the reasons why there are socioeconomic differences between races and ethnic groups.

Based on that experience, I have the following questions for Starbucks and the rest of the herd:

  1. How do you define white, black, Hispanic/Latino, and Asian?  Do you define them based on physical traits, surnames, ancestral country, or something else?
  2. In what category do you put Egyptians? Palestinians? Turks? Persians? Arabs? Sicilians? Afghans? Pakistanis? Mongolians?
  3. Do you believe that all Asians think alike, see the world the same way, and have identical cultures, whether they’re Japanese, Korean, Han Chinese, Vietnamese, Filipino, Cambodians, Thais, Indonesians, or Malays?  If not, why do you lump them together in the name of diversity?  Do you see the contradiction in this?
  4. Do you have a similar belief about the 100 or so ethnicities/nationalities on the European continent and the Middle East? Do you believe that all of these peoples think alike, see the world the same way, have the same culture, and come from privilege?
  5. How do you determine whether someone is a person of color? Since my Italian skin is darker than the skin of many Hispanics and certainly darker than my Swedish/Scots-Irish wife, am I a person of color? What about the offspring of a Greek and a Korean?  Is that individual a person of color or an Asian or both?
  6. What is your definition of “minority?” Does it include Iranian Americans, who comprise less than one percent of the population?
  7. If you define minority in terms of people lacking in political and economic power, do you consider East Indians to be minorities? How about the fact that most emigrants from India are from an upper caste, or the fact that the Patel clan is the largest owner of independent motels and hotels in America, or the fact that a disproportionate percent of Indians hold high-paid jobs in Silicon Valley, or the fact that 70% of Indian immigrants have college degrees (versus about 7% of Mexican immigrants)?
  8. Does it cross your mind – your mind of pigeon-holes – that it might be demotivating for an employee of yours who is a poor Scots-Irish descendant of coal miners in West Virginia to be told that his opportunities are now limited because of being in the wrong pigeonhole? And do you understand how divisive this is corporately and nationally?
  9. If your objective relative to African Americans is to make up for past injustices and address the horrible problems in many black communities, do you realize how complex those problems are, what the root causes of the problems are, and how little the problems will improve by what you are doing?
  10. Why are you not sued for brazenly violating Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which forbids making hiring and promotion decisions based on race and ethnicity, among other provisions?  Are you aware that courts and the EEOC have determined that affirmative action is legal in terms of reaching out to historically overlooked communities and increasing the applicant pool; but that it is not legal to set numerical targets for favoring some races/ethnicities and discriminating against others in hiring and promotions?

In closing, you might be interested to know why this Italian doesn’t patronize Starbucks.

First, Starbucks’ founder got the idea for the business on a visit to Italy and watching Italians stop for a quick shot of expresso on their way to work but the high-calorie milkshakes masquerading as coffee at Starbucks are unlike what is consumed in Italy.

Second, being the son of a tile setter and the grandson of an Italian immigrant who worked as a coal miner, I learned that the way to make it to the middle-class was to save money, live below one’s means, and invest in one’s future.  By making coffee at home and not buying a coffee and pastry at Starbucks, I’ve saved at least five dollars a day. If invested, that comes to about $145,000 in 30 years.