Facebook has ‘Unpublished’ Me. I’m now on Parler!

The Facebook purge continues. I have been “unpublished.” But take note there is light at the end of the freedom of speech tunnel. I am now on Parler.
My crimes against Facebook?

  1. Making your content seem more popular than it is.
  2. Commenting or sharing too much.
  3. Sharing accounts between multiple people.

My posts were deemed by Faceless Facebook as unsafe and un-welcoming!


I received the following notices today when trying to access my FB page:
First notice:

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We may unpublish, restrict or reduce the distribution of your Page if it goes against these or any of our other Community Standards. They’re in place to help keep Facebook safe and welcoming for everyone.

Second notice:

Hi Richard,
We found that The United West didn’t follow our Community Standards. It’s against our standards to mislead people or Facebook by things like:

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We may unpublish, restrict or reduce the distribution of your Page if it goes against these or any of our other Community Standards again. These standards are in place to help keep Facebook safe for everyone.
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And finally, this notice:

Hi Richard,
We found that News Times Journal didn’t follow our Community Standards. It’s against our standards to mislead people or Facebook by things like:

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Both of these websites are run by Christians that tell the truth.
Facebook no longer hides its intent to unpublish those whose views it finds “against our standards to mislead people or Facebook.”
Facebook’s standards are not Constitutional Standards. The First Amendment states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Facebook is abridging the freedom of speech and the press.
Any questions?
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
RELATED ARTICLE: Top 131 Conservative Websites: The Best Right Wing Sites In 2020

PODCAST: The After Effect of the 2020 Election

The gymnastics involving the recent counting of the election ballots have been disconcerting to say the least. It has caused high anxiety among Republicans, to the point of making many physically sick. Ordinarily, an American presidential election should be simple, transparent and easy to implement. Despite our technology though it has only become more complicated and prone to error and corruption. This is particularly disturbing in the age of the Internet and pocket computing. I have personally been voting since 1972 and in that short period of time, I have seen it only get worse, not better. As an old systems man, this is another area where I fail to see how computers have improved productivity.
Nonetheless, America has become the laughing stock of the free world simply by its inability to conduct a fair and transparent election. We are now faced with a scandal the likes of which we have never seen. It is bigger than the 1960 election, and bigger than the Kennedy assassination as it represents the attempted murder of a country, not just an individual, which will haunt us for years to come. Now we are embroiled in a justified legal battle which should not be taken lightly and may very well lead to a surprise ending, something we haven’t experienced in a very long time. More on this shortly.
Interestingly, I believe there are three areas affected by this nightmare of ballot counting:

1. REPUBLICANS – the outrage over the counting has united the party like I have never seen before. True, millions love their President, but the chaos ensuing from the balloting has incensed Republican voters by insulting their sense of fair play. Republicans always suspected Democrats of voting improprieties, but this latest round will not be left unchecked. This has opened the eyes of Republicans to the next two items…

2. DEMOCRATS – in the eyes of the GOP, the Democrats have gone way beyond the label of the “loyal opposition,” to the party of immoral/illegal behavior. Republicans now understand the Democrats mantra that “all is fair in love and politics,” that they will do anything, be it lie, cheat or defraud in order to win at all costs. They have seen it in the Congress, mayhem in the streets, and on the campaign trail. In the minds of Republicans, the Democrats can no longer be trusted to do anything honorable; that they represent nothing less than evil.

Even former VP Joe Biden who claims he wants to be a “unifier,” is already drawing up plans should he become president to rescind President Trump’s executive orders, such as overturning the removal of business regulations, halting the construction of the southern wall and opening the borders, rejoining the Paris Climate Treaty and World Health Organization, killing the Trump tax cuts, re-establishing Iran recognition, and appointing a commission to expand the Supreme Court. So much for “unification.”
The only agenda the former VP is interested in is the Democrats’, not America’s.

3. NEWS MEDIA – Only now are Republicans starting to understand the real power of the press. Prior to this, they thought it was only conservative extremists claiming “the sky is falling, the sky is falling.” Now they know the truth of how untrustworthy the media is, that it is all about money and serving the Democrats.

The news media calls President Trump’s charges of fraud “baseless,” even in spite of the many sworn affidavits the president’s team has produced. These media people are the same ones who fought for Al Gore’s voting rights in the 2000 election, yet balk at supporting the president’s rights. Remarkably, they see no inconsistencies in this and continue to push for Biden’s election and attack the president’s attempts to seek the truth, claiming it is nothing more than “sour grapes.”
Even Fox News has fallen from grace with Republicans who feel betrayed when the network referred to Mr. Biden as “President-Elect.” It is not up to the media to “call” the election, that is what the Electoral College is designed to do. In other words, they exceeded their authority. There is now a massive migration underway to Newsmax and OAN (One American News Network). This is significant and will hurt Fox, who is now viewed in the same vein as CNN and MSNBC. Don’t be surprised when you hear Republicans chant, “Fox sucks, Fox sucks, …” The decision by Fox to rush to “call” the election for Biden, is one of the biggest bonehead moves made by someone in the media and will cost them dearly.
Republicans are also outraged by the behavior of social-media giants Facebook and Twitter who have regularly censored Republican postings, claiming it violates fact-checkers. This is also causing an exodus from these services with people gravitating to MeWeParlerLinkedIn, and CODIAS (specifically intended for conservatives).

The stumbling by Fox, Facebook, and Twitter represents a golden opportunity for others who must be careful not to replicate the mistakes of their predecessors. For example, Fox let liberal commentators slip in the back door, and Facebook and Twitter censored postings. These big guns may laugh at the new guys as inconsequential, but over 70 million people voted for President Trump, are mad as hell, and are ready to move elsewhere. Such an exodus could possibly have a crippling effect on these media giants. Should the new kids on the block not learn from these mistakes, they will likely suffer the same consequences.

So, where is all this heading?
Professor Shane Vaughn, a teacher at the First Harvest Church & Biblical Foundations Institute of Waveland, Mississippi, produced a video recently which asks, “What Happens If President Trump Does NOT Concede?” In it, he reminds us of an important civics lesson involving some history and Amendment 12 of the Constitution detailing what would happen if none of the candidates garner enough votes to win the Electoral College. I have researched this and could find no flaw in his argument.
Until such time as the states can certify their voting, the Electoral College cannot declare a victor. This is why the president’s team is pushing for recounts, particularly from the swing states. The lawsuits may very well reveal voter fraud which could change the outcome in the states. Nonetheless, the investigations can take considerable time, going beyond the date Congress assigns to collect votes from the Electoral College (normally the Monday after the second Wednesday in December – December 14th). If neither candidate has sufficient electoral votes, the vote is turned over to the House of Representatives to decide.
True, the House is currently in the hands of the Democrats, but this is a STATE vote only (50 plus DC). The President would likely win under such a scenario.
This is not without precedence as it happened in 1800 (John Adams vs. Thomas Jefferson), 1824 (John Q. Adams vs. Andrew Jackson), and 1876 (Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden).
Conceding defeat represents a surrender in the eyes of the Electoral College and any hopes of a recount or checking voter fraud is negated. This explains why Hillary Clinton adamantly warned former VP Biden NOT to concede defeat under any circumstance, as she was well aware of this scenario. It also explains why President Trump will not concede defeat, in spite of the urging of the news media (who is also well aware of it, and not the general public).
This election is far from over, but to make it to a House vote, the President’s team has to effectively demonstrate voter fraud occurred and articulate why recounts are necessary. Trump supporters can help in this regard by organizing demonstrations demanding a clean and transparent election.
This election is also a recognition of the ruthlessness of a determined enemy, the Swamp (Democrats, the News Media, Lobbyists, Bureaucrats, and RINOs). As an outsider, President Trump has disrupted their plans and fortunes. Bottom-line, this is the reason they want to eliminate him.
All of this means the Democrats are trapped. They can either acknowledge voter fraud, and suffer electoral losses, or take their chances in the House which they will likely lose. Either way, President Trump wins. When this happens, the Democrats will unleash hell in protest, claiming this is an unfair process (even though it is in the constitution and has been tested).

Fortunately, President Trump has no intention of going gently into that good night. He will certainly not concede the election and see it to the legal end. Thank God for having a president who is not intimidated by the Swamp.

Keep the Faith!
EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

When Democrats Tell You They’re Going to Establish Truth and Reconciliation Commissions, Believe Them!

Leftists are saying they want you brainwashed or destroyed, and you should pay attention. They are impossibly mired in lies and hatred, but they have at times been oddly forthright about their plans, such as when Nancy Pelosi declared that Trump would lead at the end of election night but would not win, and when the New York Times claimed that the media would declare the winner of the presidential election, just as it is doing now. So when so many prominent Leftists are calling for the reeducation of Trump supporters or else their total ostracism from society, no one would be wise to dismiss these calls as empty threats.
As PJ Media noted on October 21, Bill Clinton’s Labor Secretary Robert B. “Third” Reich got the ball rolling when he tweeted:

“When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. It would erase Trump’s lies, comfort those who have been harmed by his hatefulness, and name every official, politician, executive, and media mogul whose greed and cowardice enabled this catastrophe.”

It quickly became clear that this wasn’t just Reich’s individual lust for Maoism, as numerous others quickly echoed him. Recalling Stalin’s practice of putting his political opponents in mental hospitals, MSNBC’s Chris Hayes couched his call in humanitarian terms:

“The most humane and reasonable way to deal with all these people, if we survive this, is some kind of truth and reconciliation commission.”

Neocon Never-Trumper William Kristol, out for blood, then exposed the vengeful core of all this when he responded to Hayes with,

“How about truth and no reconciliation?”

Sarah Taylor, a professor at Cal East Bay, was likewise in no mood for forgiveness:

“What we need is more along the lines of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Empathy at this point would be completely counterproductive – it would exacerbate the harms that have already been done.”

As is typical of the Left, these hate-filled ideologues projected their hatred onto their prospective victims. Wajahat Ali, an op-ed writer for the New York Times, offered the media-anointed president-elect some unsolicited advice:

“Biden/Harris needs to establish a war room just for media and messaging. You have treat [sic] the Republican Party and right wing media as the increasingly extremist group that they are. Biden has to heal the nation, court the voters, but the right wing movement is hostile.”

Yes, as Antifa and Black Lives Matter burn down cities, it’s the “right wing movement” that is “hostile.”
Meanwhile, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Lubyanka Prison) predicted what would be the fate of the “hostile” — professional and personal ruin:

“Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future? I foresee decent probability of many deleted Tweets, writings, photos in the future.”

Michael Simon, a former Obama administration staffer, was ready to help. He tweeted in response (and later deleted the tweet):

“Yes, we are. Every administration staffer, campaign staffer, bundler, lawyer who represented them – everyone.”

He linked to “The Trump Accountability Project,” a website that proclaims ominously: “Remember what they did.” Remember it, apparently, in order to hound these people out of public life and into poverty or worse.
Emily Abrams, a Pete Buttigieg campaign worker, tweeted (and then made her account private):

“We’re launching the Trump Accountability Project to make sure anyone who took a paycheck to help Trump undermine America is held responsible for what they did.”

Chief among those who must be held accountable is, of course, Trump himself. Philip Michaels, senior group editor for the tech publication Tom’s Guide, tweeted:

“Well. Announce the truth and reconciliation commissions and impeach him once more, for old time’s sake.”

But it would be by no means limited to Trump, as the Washington Post’s allegedly conservative Jennifer Rubin made clear:

“Any R now promoting rejection of an election or calling to not to follow the will of voters or making baseless allegations of fraud should never serve in office, join a corporate board, find a faculty position or be accepted into ‘polite’ society. We have a list.”

Elizabeth Warren supporter Max Berger of the Justice Democrats added:

“The only unity we should seek with Trump Republicans is a Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Trump should be prosecuted for his crimes to the full extent of the law. Congress should investigate the vast corruption and carelessness of his administration that led to 10000s of needless deaths. Collaborators shouldn’t be able to re-enter society without a mea culpa.”

Beyond the people responsible for the scourge of Trump, Trumpist ideas (presumably including the idea that an American president should put America first and stand for the First and Second Amendments) must be rooted out. The godfather of fake news himself, Dan Rather, chimed in:

“There is no healing without a reckoning on injustice.”

Joe Lockhart of CNN tweeted:

“Truth and reconciliation requires both things. We need to examine what went so wrong in America over the last four years so we don’t ever repeat this dark time. Truth and reconciliation requires both things.”

Sherrilyn Ifill of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund agreed:

“With respect, this not the time for healing. We have not properly diagnosed the sickness or cleaned the wound. We have not begun to investigate why the illness was allowed to fester so long or identified those who withheld early treatment.”

And these were being pushed by Leftist “entertainers” as well. Actress Lesley-Ann Brandt stated: “America needs a truth and reconciliation commission.” Her fellow thespian Quinn Cummings brought in “racism” and “Russia,” neither of which is far from any Leftist’s political discussion:

“Again, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission would be highly useful. Russia is at war with us and cohort of Americans thinks that isn’t true because their skin is white.”

Writer Shay Stewart Bouley thought that writing Trump’s wrongs would involve some remuneration of his supposed victims:

“By the way, we can’t heal from Trump, when we haven’t healed from, or made amends for this country’s history. Reparations? Truth and reconciliation across the board? That’s how healing starts.”

Amid all this, the winner of the prize for the most hysterical tweet about rounding up conservatives was novelist D. C. Petterson:

“Oh, the crimes of the Trump Reich must be punished. We need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, or a series of Nuremberg Trials, or an extradition treaty with The Hague. That’s a necessary first step.”

Quixotic 2016 presidential candidate Evan McMullin agreed:

“As I’ve done for years, I’m proud to stand with anyone who repudiates Trumpism including his supporters or even most who worked in his administration. But his core cronies in Congress, the White House and elsewhere who enable his attacks on the republic must be held accountable.”

All this makes it clear: the support for personal and professional retribution against Trump supporters is broad and deep on the Left today. If Biden does indeed become president , expect these little Stalinists to be emboldened, and to go as far as they possibly can to achieve their goals.
The showdown for the defense of free society is coming.

Outgoing US envoy to Syria admits to lying to Trump in order to prevent withdrawal of US troops from Syria
IAEA: Iran Violating the ‘Iran Deal’ That Biden Wants to Rejoin
Saudi Arabia: Muslim injures three with bomb at French remembrance service in ‘Non-Muslim Cemetery’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Trump Loss and the Role of Libertarians

As the after-action reports filter in for the most recent Presidential election, for those who lost (which at this writing is still undetermined), high on the list must be the treachery of the mainstream media, the big tech companies and voter fraud.

Not getting sufficient attention yet is the role played by the Libertarian Party and its associated think tanks and publications.

Although final numbers are not yet available in all key swing states, it would appear that the Libertarians have delivered to the nation, the most pro-socialist, big government group of Democrats, ever to walk the earth. It would appear that Trump lost PA, GA, WI, and perhaps AZ because of the Libertarian vote.

Critically, it also likely forced the run-off race for the Senate in Georgia (the Purdue race.) It is the U.S. Senate that must prevent the loudly declared leftist agenda of the Democrats with a Biden Presidency.

It stretches the word irony that a small party that proclaims its dedication to liberty and limited government would willingly deliver such a result. It should cause these merry mischief makers to reflect carefully on what they have done.

And who was the Libertarian candidate? Can you name her? Did you know it was a her? Was she even on your political radar?

Libertarians are supposedly socially liberal and fiscal conservatives. They are supposed to believe in liberty and advance its prospects. But they have been drifting to the left for some time. Libertarians of recent vintage believe in open borders, drug legalization, personal sexual liberty and generally are agnostic or atheists as it relates to the function and role of religion. We say “recent vintage” because many earlier Libertarians endorsed more traditional, religious based morality. If not, they tended to be followers of Ayn Rand, who developed a fairly strong morality based on reason. Neither type of earlier Libertarian endorsed situational ethics.

To have a limited government, people must largely control themselves via some internalized moral system. They must be responsible for their own lives and their own support, except in the gravest failures. And even then, private charity and local support should come before federal intervention and largess. Thus, the attack on morality and the family must necessarily make big government more likely. Do Libertarians understand that?

In theory, open borders promoting the free flow of capital and people, would be ideal. However, when you have that coupled with the welfare state and identity politics which destroys the functioning of the “melting pot”, it falls dangerously short of ideal in terms of sustaining and protecting liberty.

But most Libertarians oppose constant foreign wars, excessive paper money creation, judges that legislate from the bench and the Administrative State. They favor school choice, believe in religious liberty, oppose national healthcare, believe in capitalism usually to an extreme and oppose identity politics because they believe in treating people as individuals as opposed to racial categories. The also strongly support the Second Amendment and federalism with its dispersion of power so important to the American founding. In most ways, they share common ground with Conservatives.

Personally, I like Libertarians. They often produce stimulating arguments and challenging views that make one think and reflect on first principles, like non-aggression, peaceful commerce and social harmony. But when if comes to practical politics, Libertarians are unrealistic and naïve to the point of foolishness. Also, they tend to see little connection between cultural trends and those of politics (it is often said that “politics is downstream from culture”.)

It is hard to see why a Libertarian could vote for a Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

You might say, they did not and they might believe that. But in a close election, not voting for the Republican means Democrat victory. Get it?

Some might argue it is a sophisticated way of creating divided government. We doubt such careful calculation is in the equation. More likely, it is their own sense of self-importance and their joy in teasing the major parties that pay insufficient attention to them. But the record of Libertarians often electing Democrats is pretty clear. Besides divided government is paralyzed government, which does not work well in crisis. If you want the government to shrink, would you not want to elect or influence the party mostly likely to shrink it?

Likewise, dealing with the Chinese threat to liberty requires greater unification of the parties.

It would seem electing Libertarian leaning candidates within an existing party would be time better spent than sabotaging the party pushing for a smaller, less intrusive government.  The Republican party is often a leaking vessel carrying the ideas of liberty. Isn’t that good enough reason for Libertarians to be within the Republican party, fighting to hold the party of less government accountable for failing the cause rather than helping elect the party of massive government and decreased liberty?

Instead, Libertarians may be responsible for costing Trump the election and put the forces of limited government in a position where recovery could be difficult if not impossible. Trump after all, was NOT an establishment Republican.

While Trump no doubt rankled them for his positions on immigration, abortion, his personality quirks and lack of fiscal conservatism, he was the candidate that started to deregulate, nominated strict constructionist judges, defended the Second Amendment, the First Amendment, promoted school choice, opposed national healthcare, attempted to scale down our endless foreign wars and protected religious liberty. He also endorsed prison reform, enterprise zones, cut tremendous amounts of regulation and cut taxes. He even attempted to appoint Judy Shelton, a pro-gold standard economist to the Federal Reserve.

He was moving his party in a more limited government direction, not perfectly, but substantially.

Whatever his failings, he clearly was better than the weak and confused Biden who already is being besieged by left-wing elements demanding payback for their loyalty.

Trump himself, is the victim of “deep state” machinations that should be opposed by all friends of limited government. Do Libertarians really like the CIA and FBI interfering in elections?

Do Libertarians think the Democrats will deliver fiscal conservatism and sound money?

On some key Libertarian social issues, Trump was largely silent on pot. He largely respected federalism through the Covid pandemic and let the states do their thing, giving us at least a range of public policy choices valuable to future research for what works.

But is pot legalization really more important than the Bill of Rights?  Even if one supports legalization, the priorities are all wrong.

In terms of sexual issues, Trump moved to decriminalize homosexual behavior in foreign countries.

On abortion, Trump is pro-life. Libertarians themselves differ on abortion but all would agree it should not be subsidized by the state. If Roe is overturned, the states will determine abortion policy which should not be offensive to Libertarians.

Neither candidate ran on fiscal conservatism, but the Democrats have openly embraced socialism, free college education, the Green New Deal, racial reparations, Modern Monetary Theory, climate change regulation, harsh Covid lockdown – all of which would make Trump the relative fiscal conservative.

So, if our calculations are right, Trump supported due process for males on college campus, opposed the violence of Antifa and Black Lives Matter, opposed the teaching of critical race theory, reduced foreign wars, reduced our dependence on international organizations, reduced the regulatory state, defended the Bill of Rights. And Libertarians voted against him because of WHAT?  Immigration policy? Marijuana legalization? Failure to balance the budget? His tweets?

With a huge expensive state, how can you balance the budget?  Smaller government means smaller budgets. By defeating Trump, now what are the chances of balancing the budget?

If our analysis of Libertarians is correct, they will rightfully go down as one of the most foolish political movements ever to pretend they support liberty.

In politics, you never get all that you want. The choices are basically who on balance moves the country in the direction you seek. Perfection is not part of the political equation and, frankly, is not part of the human condition. This advice is applicable to Conservatives as well, who often find the Republican Party just as frustrating.

If Libertarians felt their “independence” of either major party signals their moral purity on key issues, they have succeeded in putting in power the least likely party to advance liberty.

That, my friends, is a poor calculation. It is virtue signaling of the worst kind. It is making a moral statement that not just has little meaning. Rather, it actually succeeds in getting the opposite of what your supposed virtue supports.

It goes beyond being childish and ventures into the self-destructive. Pay attention to me, it seems to say, or I will burn down the house.

What is the solution?

Perhaps serious self-examination by Libertarians is in order. As far as Republicans are concerned, the GOP needs to reach out to fellow liberty lovers and make them feel more welcome within the party.


VIDEO: Justice Alito Warns LGBT Movement Stifles Speech

CatholicVote posted the following video on YouTube.

©CatholicVote. All rights reserved.
Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice
Was born in Trenton, New Jersey, April 1, 1950. He married Martha-Ann Bomgardner in 1985, and has two children – Philip and Laura. He served as a law clerk for Leonard I. Garth of the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit from 1976–1977. He was Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of New Jersey, 1977–1981, Assistant to the Solicitor General, U.S. Department of Justice, 1981–1985, Deputy Assistant Attorney General, U.S. Department of Justice, 1985–1987, and U.S. Attorney, District of New Jersey, 1987–1990. He was appointed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in 1990. President George W. Bush nominated him as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, and he took his seat January 31, 2006.
To inspire every Catholic in America to live out the truths of our faith in public life. We are CatholicVote.

Equal Justice Under Law? Not if You’re Conservative

How far does the Left want to go to cancel opposing viewpoints? Far enough to deprive citizens of their constitutional right to legal representation, apparently. Recently, a $500,000 negative ad campaign has been launched against law firms that are representing President Trump in his claims of voting irregularities and possible fraud in the various swing states.
Dr. John Eastman, Henry Salvatori Professor of Law & Community Service at Chapman University’s Fowler School of Law and Senior Fellow and Director of the Center for Constitutional Jurisprudence at Claremont Institute, joined “Washington Watch” to discuss the Left’s growing intolerance and marginalization of anyone who does not accept the latest, constantly evolving progressive worldview, particularly in the area of legal representation.
“This is not new,” Dr. Eastman said. “The Left has been trying to cancel legal representation for positions they disagree with for near[ly] 20 years.” He pointed to just a few examples of this disturbing trend: “I remember when I tried to file a brief in support of the Boy Scouts way back in 1999 at a fairly conservative-leaning law firm, I was told ‘we’re not allowed to do that.’ And yet there were hundreds of briefs coming in from major law firms on the other side. The same thing went on in the David Daleiden exposé of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts. No major law firm would allow their lawyers to work on his behalf, so he’s got a small little non-profit helping him with scores of lawyers on the other side with some of the most prominent law firms in the country. This is an attempt to deprive people of valid representation.”
What’s truly alarming about trend is that it strikes at the very heart of the rule of law in our free republic by denying people access to justice. “You cannot have a legal system that succumbs to that kind of extortionist tactic,” Dr. Eastman observed. “Because then one side in the fight is not going to get adequate representation, and the results of the litigation are not going to be in pursuit of justice and truth, as we expect the adversarial system to lead to. When you’ve got 100 lawyers at the top firms with all of their resources against two or three lawyers on the other side with little or no resources, it’s just not a fair fight, and yet that’s the playing field they’re trying to establish.”
So how do we push back against this cancel culture that now wants to deny people due process in court? Dr. Eastman suggested that one strategy is to be very selective about the products we buy and the companies we support, because corporations have a huge sway over the legal system due to their financial stake in the top law firms they hire. “If Coca-Cola is pushing this, then we need to go to Pepsi,” he said. “We need to use our power in the market if they are going to use their power in the market to counteract it.”

Dan Hart

Managing Editor

Dan Hart is the Managing Editor for Publications at Family Research Council. His writing has appeared in such outlets as National ReviewThe FederalistFirst ThingsThe StreamThe Christian Post, the National Catholic Register, and others. Before joining FRC, he served with the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, where he worked to promote vocations to the clergy and religious life. His previous endeavors included serving as Associate Editor of iPhone Life Magazine and also in conference implementation at the Food and Drug Law Institute. Dan received a B.A. in English from Franciscan University of Steubenville. He enjoys spending time with his wife and two sons, freelance writing about music and culture, reading, golf, and playing guitar.
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Radical ’Heroes Act’ Is a Leftist Wish-List

By FRC’s Ruth Moreno
On November 12, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) held a joint press conference calling for the passage of the Heroes Act. The Senate, House, and White House have been dealing with this far-left bill for months, but Schumer claims that the results from the 2020 election prove the necessity of passing the Heroes Act as a “starting point” on a new round of coronavirus relief legislation. Yesterday on “Washington Watch,” FRC President Tony Perkins spoke with House minority whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) to discuss the Heroes Act and the Democrats’ latest attempt to push it through Congress.
Though formally titled the “Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions Act,” the $2-$3 trillion Heroes Act is much more than a relief package. It bails out mismanaged Democrat-led cities and states on the taxpayer’s dime, making Americans pay for the incompetence and overreach of Democratic leadership.
Worse, the Heroes Act applies “nondiscrimination” provisions which redefine the term “sex” to include “sexual orientation, gender identity, pregnancy, childbirth, and related medical conditions.” In service of the Left’s radical social agenda, this redefinition undermines both pro-life values and broader pro-family values. It also precludes the exemption of religious organizations and private schools from qualifying for the relief the bill provides.
This, as Whip Scalise pointed out, comes in the midst of a time when many public schools are refusing to even teach students in the classroom.
“If somebody is going to take your money but not educate your child safely in person when other school systems are willing to, then parents ought to be able to go to those places that will safely educate their child while taking the money,” Scalise said.
As he observed, the Heroes Act would also release “untold thousands” of criminals from prison. The number of criminals that would be released is truly unknown, because the bill does not explain exactly to whom it would apply.
Also woven into the Heroes Act is the full text of the Safe Banking Act, which grants the marijuana industry direct access to banking services. Under the Controlled Substances Act, this is currently prohibited.
One must wonder, as Tony asked Whip Scalise, what any of this has to do with the coronavirus.
“There are bills that would get huge bipartisan votes that would just renew paycheck protection program loans for small businesses,” Scalise said, adding that “There are millions of families that don’t want to be unemployed and their businesses are about to go under. You could save those jobs. That’s where our focus ought to be.”
Instead, Democrats are pushing partisan legislation under the guise that it’s what the American people want. Despite what Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi may say, the still-disputed 2020 elections were not a “mandate” for the passage of the Heroes Act.
According to exit polls reported by the New York Times, 35 percent of American voters said their top political priority was the economy. Twenty percent of voters said it was racial inequality, followed by the coronavirus pandemic at 17 percent.
Seventeen percent is not a mandate. Americans want coronavirus legislation and relief, but it should not come at the expense of other important issues. And though the presidential race and certain Senate races are still lacking a clear winner, Republicans’ 10-seat gain in the House of Representatives proves that Americans are certainly not onboard with the Democrat’s radical agenda being pushed by Pelosi. Democrats spent enormous sums of money trying to flip House seats blue, but in states like Florida and Texas, the electorate came out in defense of common sense and traditional American values. Adding to this, Republicans will most likely hold on to the Senate, and even picked up gains in state legislatures around the country. When races are examined around the country, at all levels, the voters actually delivered a mandate for a conservative agenda — not the Heroes Act!
The 1,800-page long Heroes Act stands against just about every traditional American value imaginable. In addition to legislating bailouts, freed criminals, marijuana banking, and a complete redefinition of the family, the Heroes Act also includes Planned Parenthood loans, taxpayer-funded abortion, cash for illegal immigrants, and even election-altering provisions (the Heroes Act guts voter ID laws and other state measures which protect the integrity of elections). The bill also includes anti-free speech “hate crimes” provisions.
Indeed, after the 2020 elections, Sen. Schumer and Speaker Pelosi should know better than to force upon Americans something as radical as the Heroes Act.
 EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AUDIT THE ELECTIONS! Joe Biden is not ‘president-elect’ [Video]

Changing vote counts after Election Day raises significant legal and constitutional concerns, and President Trump should use every legal and constitutional remedy to ensure that the American people can trust the results.
Meanwhile, the media, including social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook, are inaccurately labeling Biden as president-elect. No official sources have called the election. Federal law and the Constitution limit official sources to state officials, the Electoral College, and, ultimately, Congress. Thankfully, the Constitution does not give the media the ability to declare the winner of a presidential election.
We have long warned of the chaos and increased risk of fraud from recklessly mailing 100 million ballots and ballot applications. Our most recent research, in September, revealed that 353 U.S. counties had 1.8 million more registered voters than eligible voting-age citizens. In other words, the registration rates of those counties exceeded 100% of eligible voters. The study collected the most recent registration data posted online by the states themselves. This data was then compared to the Census Bureau’s most recent five-year population estimates, gathered by the American Community Survey (ACS) from 2014 through 2018. ACS surveys are sent to 3.5 million addresses each month, and its five-year estimates are considered to be the most reliable estimates outside of the decennial census.
It is not normal for multiple states to be counting presidential votes for days after Election Day. And it raises significant concerns about the validity of post-election counts. Federal law seems clear that the presidential contest is supposed to be decided by Election Day. For example, 3 U.S. Code § 1 states:
The electors of President and Vice President shall be appointed, in each State, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in every fourth year succeeding every election of a President and Vice President
On Election Day, President Trump had the votes to win the presidency. These vote totals were changed because of unprecedented and extraordinary counting after Election Day.
The state legislatures of Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Arizona have independent constitutional authority to resolve presidential election disputes. And Congress has the ultimate authority to accept or reject electors.
As you know, we are a national leader for cleaner elections.
In 2018 the Supreme Court upheld a voter-roll cleanup program that resulted from our settlement of a federal lawsuit with Ohio. California settled a federal lawsuit with us and last year began the process of removing up to 1.6 million inactive names from Los Angeles County’s voter rolls. Kentucky also began a cleanup of hundreds of thousands of old registrations last year after it entered into a consent decree to end another of our lawsuits.
And in 2020, we sued North CarolinaPennsylvania, and Colorado for failing to clean their voter rolls, and sue Illinois for refusing to disclose voter roll data in violation of federal law.
You can learn more about our election efforts here.
I provide additional details in my latest bookA Republic Under Assault: The Left’s Ongoing Attack on American Freedom.
EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Calls for ‘Unity’ Really Calls for Capitulation

Political unity is an ugly, authoritarian idea. No free place has domestic political unity, nor should it aspire to it.
What “unity” really means, of course, is capitulation. America is once again being subjected to the inane brand of pseudo-patriotic sloganeering we saw during President Barack Obama’s tenure.
Now, as then, the media will pretend that the moral fabric of the nation must be mended after Republican rule. It’s pretty transparent. When Democrats win the presidency, we are treated to solemn calls for national restoration and political harmony, and to the expectation that, for the good of the nation, the opposition will embrace decorum and pass legislation they oppose.
When Republicans win elections, grown women put on knitted hats depicting their reproductive organs and stomp around Washington protesting, all to a hero’s welcome.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Time magazine, the same publication that helped erode trust in our electoral system with conspiratorial covers of the White House morphing into the Kremlin, now offers a commemorative cover featuring Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with the words, “A time to heal.”
Unlike some of our progressive friends, I don’t believe in enemies lists or censorship, so my healing process is simple: It involves playing whatever small part I can in extinguishing the political fortunes of those who want to weaken the Constitution.
I’m not at all interested in finding accord with those who want to overturn the Hyde Amendment, thereby making late-term abortion a state-funded practice, or with anyone who wants to “reengage” without any genuine preconditions with Holocaust-denying terror regimes such as Iran, or with anyone who wants to further socialize our health care system by adding a “public option.” Like many others, I find disunity quite therapeutic.
I suspect that, in a few weeks, “political polarization” will once again become an existential crisis of American governance. My favorite postelection headline came from the social scientists at Pew Research Center, who informed us that the “2020 election reveals two broad voting coalitions fundamentally at odds.” Two broad coalitions, you say? Fundamentally at odds? What are the chances?
Michelle Obama says we can overcome our divisions, but that Democrats must first remember “that tens of millions of people voted for the status quo, even when it meant supporting lies, hate, chaos, and division.” She suggests that there is “a lot of work to do to reach out to these folks in the years ahead and connect with them on what unites us.”
It’s somewhat difficult to process this level of obnoxious sanctimony. Here is a list of demands you divisive Republicans must embrace for the country to “unite.” Get on with it.
Anyhow, I reject this false choice in the name of patriotic disunity. Not one of those 72 million agents of chaos lied to millions of Americans to strip us of our health care insurance plans. Not one of those voters has attempted to force nuns to buy contraception—or sued them when they refused.
One day, I hope Michelle Obama will stop defending the lies, hate, and division that her husband inflicted on this great nation. Until then, though, we’ll have to agree to disagree.
We do that sort of thing in Washington. The liberal pivot from “resistance” to “unity” is as swift as it is dishonest. After four years of treating every unexceptional conservative policy victory as one of the Seven Seals of the Apocalypse, Washington Post columnists are already dusting off their columns about “obstructionism” and “minority rule.” After years of blanket opposition to Trump, we are being told that Biden has a national “mandate.”
He does not. God willing, Washington is headed for more “gridlock”—a completely healthy, organic reflection of the geographical, ideological, and theological differences of real people in contemporary America.
Congress makes laws, and right now that institution is narrowly divided and unlikely to be able to come together on any of the big-ticket items Biden promised. This is why federalism exists.
Unity is found in comity with your neighbors, in your churches, and schools, in your everyday interactions with your community. Politics is not a place for unity. It is a place for airing grievances. And we’ve got plenty.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .

No Longer the Democratic Party of JFK
Here’s Who Progressives Want to See in Biden’s Cabinet
Media Didn’t Earn a Vote of Confidence With 2020 Coverage

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Is Joe Biden an Abomination to God?

Proverbs 6:1619 NKJV.
These six things the Lord hates, Yes, seven are an abomination to Him: A proud look, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift in running to evil, a false witness who speaks lies, and one who sows discord among brethren.

I have recently been made aware at a men’s fellowship group of a Bible quote in Proverbs by my good friend Bob Armstrong. Joe Biden says he is a Catholic. I am a Catholic.
Because I am a Catholic I unequivocally believe in the sanctity of life, the sanctity of marriage as between one man and one woman and in the God given right to practice my religion freely in these United States of America.
As I read these words in Proverbs I wondered if Joe Biden is an abomination to God?
Joe Biden, as the head of the Democrat Party, believes in abortion, gay marriage and members of his party have suppressed freedom of religion using Covid as a useful excuse.
Let’s look at the six things that God hates and you decide if Joe Biden is an abomination to God.

  1. A proud look. A proud look speaks of a person who would want his or her will above the will of God and the will of others. It speaks of people who are arrogant and full of themselves. Does Joe Biden care more about enriching himself than feeding the poor?
  2. A lying tongue. Satan is identified as “the father of lies” (John 8:44 NLT). It’s as clear as day: God is truth, and Satan is the father of lies. Therefore when we lie, we are behaving more like the children of the devil than the children of God. Does Joe Biden lie?
  3. Hands that shed innocent blood. The most innocent of blood is that of the unborn in the womb.
  4. A heart that devises wicked plans. Look at the 2020 election and you be the judge.
  5. Feet that are swift in running to evil. Does Joe Biden denounce evil (e.g. the riots that have destroyed cities across America) or does he embrace evil?
  6. A false witness who speaks lies. Joe Biden has declared himself the president elect of the United States before the legal votes of all states have been counted and certified.
  7. One who sows discord among brethren. Does Joe Biden hate those who did not vote for him as the leader of the Democrat Party?

One may say that all of us violate each of these things that the Lord hates. This is so. None of us is without sin.
However, it is only those of us who understand that we are sinners and do everything we can to repent, only then will we be looked at with favor by God.
Many are quick to blame politicians for many of our woes. Perhaps we should blame ourselves for electing un-Godly men and women? For American was created by and for a moral people.
As President John Adams stated:

Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.

Yes, politicians are sinners. Some more than others. Is Joe Biden a moral man? Is Joe Biden a religious man?
The question remains: Is Joe Biden an Abomination to God?
Please add your thoughts for or against in the comments section below.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Campaign 2020 — Post-Election Special — Massive Fraud

This is about to explode.

New questions surrounding voting machines, faulty counts and disenfranchisement.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Liars always Cheat and Cheaters Always Lie!

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.

A friend sent me a meme that shows a mother scolding her child saying, “If you don’t stop lying you’ll grow up to be a factchecker for Facebook!”
The meme was intended as political satire but, sadly, has turned into political reality.
We are seeing lying and cheating at unprecedented levels before, during and now after the 2020 presidential election.
Lying and cheating are two lanes on the road to perdition. Lying and cheating go with one another like hate goes with fear. The intent of lying is to fool people. The goal of cheating is to steal from people. In the case of the 2020 election cycle we have witnessed both at levels never seen before.
I find it most interesting and revealing that Democrats, the media, the tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Google, are spreading lies while doing everything in their power to cover up the massive election cheating. They are stealing the truth from the American people.
This is the greatest forced “thought crime” in my lifetime.
I have witnessed this level of lying and cheating in the former Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran, Syria, and Russia, to name a few. I never thought I would ever see it here in America.

Liars Cheat and Cheaters Lie

Bill Little is doing a series of videos titled The Stolen Election – American Pravda. Watch the first in his series that analyses just one interview between ABC’s George Stephanopoulos and the Governor of South Dakota Kristi Noem.

If anyone was listening to the entire interview then watched Bill Little’s analysis they would clearly come away with the truth, that they have been lied to and cheated on before, during and after the 2020 election. I can hardly wait for Bill’s next episode.
Here are some examples of how this election was stolen:

  1. The pollsters and media were lying before the election in favor of Biden over Trump.
  2. The exit pollsters, media and social media were lying as people were stealing votes on November 3rd.
  3. The media, social media, Democrats, Biden, Harris lied that Biden won and Trump lost.
  4. Finally, the media, social media, Democrats, Biden and Harris suppressed the truth of massive election fraud by lying.

The recounts, and subsequent lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign, have proven that massive cheating and theft, destruction of Trump votes in multiple swing states, dead people voting, mail-in-ballot fraud have happened and are real.


As Shannon L. Alder wrote, “Lies don’t end relationships the truth does.”
Democrats have ended their relationship with those who believe in transparent, free and fair elections. The truth always prevails. The truth sets one free from the bondage of the liars and cheaters of the world. Just ask any citizen of the former Soviet Union.
When you lie and then cheat,  and get caught at it, you lose the respect and trust of the American people.
When President Trump labeled the media as “the enemies of the people” he understood the core problem. Lying and cheating. Trump understands, perhaps better than anyone that there are liars and cheaters in the U.S. Congress, in both the Republican and Democrat parties and most certainly at the polling places in cities such as Detroit, Las Vegas, Atlanta, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York City and on and on.
Justice demands that liars and cheaters be punished both in this life and in the next. Not to punish lying and cheating only leads to more lying and cheating.
America cannot be a nation, nor remain a nation, if it is controlled by liars and cheaters.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Where Does the GOP go from Here?

For Republicans, it’s time to get to work. The next presidential election is just four short years away and there is already plenty of things to be done before then. As Republicans, we were very lucky to have had President Trump as our candidate. His fire and energy on the campaign trail was like nothing we had ever seen. However, by 2024 we will have to find a new candidate and whoever becomes the front runner will likely not have the same energy. In other words, it will require more work by the candidate’s supporters than this year.
The far-left’s agenda will undoubtedly raise its ugly head again in another attempt to turn the country to socialism and immoral behavior. The next question obviously becomes, “What can we do about it?”
To win the next round, it will take more than just waving some flags, displaying signs, and calling people on the phone. Instead of a reactive mode of operation, which is typical of Republicans, how about a pro-active approach instead?
As I see it, we have four objectives to succeed:

  1. Promote morality and education, thereby pushing back the lunatic left.
  2. Implement legislation to prevent tampering with our electoral process.
  3. Select a suitable candidate.
  4. Reorganize Republican groups to make us more effective.

More specifically, consider the following ideas:
ACADEMIA – push local school boards for more education in terms of Civics, American History and socio-economics, e.g., teaching the differences between capitalism and socialism. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has started a program to teach the U.S. Constitution to high school students, but more is needed. It has become painfully obvious high school students do not understand the basics of our government or our duties as citizens, such as serving on a jury, understanding state sovereignty, and the need for the electoral college. If we want them to become responsible citizens, it is time to teach these basics again. We certainly do not need any more sheep.
NEWS MEDIA – it was bad enough President Trump had to compete against the Democrats, but he also had to take on the news media which has proven to be unreliable in terms of telling the truth to the American public. It is time to take them down and establish new venues with a journalistic code of conduct that promotes morality. The press has been at war with Republicans for far too long; it is now time to take the fight to them, such as picketing offices and demanding the resignation of people engaged in irresponsible reporting. This also includes “Fake Polling.”
MORALITY – politics is very much concerned with moral values. It ultimately represents our sense of right and wrong. I have been discussing morality for several years now and followed studies revealing its steady decline in our country. It is time to express our commitment to morality and applaud those who exhibit exemplary behavior. We should also support religious institutions any way we can, perhaps forming a group to visit local places of worship as guests.
LAW ENFORCEMENT – morality also includes respect for the rule of law. Following the “Summer of Hate,” where cities were burned, stores looted, people harmed, and police departments de-funded, it is time to fight back. There is a lot that can be done in this area, such as arranging tours for youths to law enforcement facilities, honoring local deputies and officials, a visit to the courts and prosecutor’s office, etc. All of this is educational for youth as well as adults.
MILITARY – as with law enforcement, respect begins with education, such as visiting a military base or pertinent museum.
GOP CLUBS – organize more committees and staff them with qualified people. Something to stress: it is no longer sufficient to just be a member of a group; now is the time to stress the concept of “membership requires participation.” It could be a large or small task, but the days of apathy are over, people must become pro-active. We are dealing with a determined opponent who doesn’t play fair and will change our world for the worse. If you want to sit on the sidelines, that is fine, but we need people who believe in the cause and will assume responsibility.
LEGISLATION – obviously, it is time to push for a new approach to voting which prohibits fraud, as well as enacting stiffer penalties for fraud, otherwise it will continue unabated thereby setting a bad example for future generations. We can no longer afford to waste time and money on fallacious voting results. Other legislation worth pursuing includes: shortening the campaign cycle and limiting campaign financing (thereby stunting the growth of the corrupt media), and enacting Congressional term limits.
CANDIDATES – Select and support the best candidates for office. We need moral people who support the Constitution, and offer skills conducive for leadership and proper American values. A litmus test of some kind would be useful to determine qualifications for a position. We certainly do not need more career politicians.
As mentioned, politics is morality in action. Over the years, we have dropped our guard and allowed our opponents to walk all over us and, as a result, we are paying a high price for it today. Now is the time for pro-active leadership, participation, and determination. As my old football coach was fond of saying, it’s time for a little “STUG” (that’s “Guts” spelled backwards).
The next presidential election may be four years away but we also must be cognizant of the midterm elections in 2022, that’s just two years from now. Let’s get started.
Keep the Faith!
EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

After the Election, the Left Demands Purges

Joe Biden is calling for unity following the 2020 presidential election, but it’s clear that many of the former vice president’s supporters view postelection unity as something to create by force and intimidation.
That sort of unity is enforced by ruthless institutional pressure and cancel culture. It’s a tactic that the left already uses through its power in America’s elite institutions, but is looking to redouble if it indeed captures the presidency and the executive branch.
Numerous liberals and left-wingers have demanded punishment of anyone who has worked for, allied with, or generally supported President Donald Trump.
Some want to destroy the Republican Party.
The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>
“You can’t heal or reform the GOP who are now an extremist party,” Wajahat Ali, a contributing writer for The New York Times, said on Twitter. “They have to be broken, burned down and rebuilt. When Biden is in power treat them like the active threats to democracy they are. If those who committed crimes aren’t punished then they will be more emboldened.”
Clearly, a two-party system is just too much for some to bear.
It was no surprise to see openly socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., sound exactly like other socialists in history when they’ve amassed power.
In other words, the nice-sounding “democratic” part of socialism gets dropped for the purer variety.

That is the true face of socialism, at its core. Socialism is not just about higher taxes, redistribution of wealth, and a generous welfare state. To fulfill its true aims, it requires an enforced equality that defies human nature.
No wonder so many Venezuelan immigrants, many of whom escaped the brutal socialist regimes of Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro, voted for Trump.
But it isn’t just fringe radicals calling for purges. It’s “moderates” and mainstream liberals too.
Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin, who used to call herself a “conservative,” has demanded a “list” of all those who think election fraud may have had a significant impact on the presidential election.

One wonders if it ever crossed Rubin’s mind what it would mean, if we apply this standard consistently, for those in the media who pursued the debunked Russia collusion accusation from 2016 for the past four years?

In that case, Rubin would very much be on the list.
Perhaps most disturbing of all is the newly created Trump Accountability Project, which aims to catalog every person who ever worked for the Trump administration, even in the smallest and most indirect ways.
Various Democratic staffers and Twitter blue check marks touted this project.
The Trump Accountability Project website, which since has been privatized but may be found in archives, explains that the Trump administration was so monstrous that any of those associated with it must be prevented from “profiting from their experience,” an ambiguous but ominous phrase in context.
So, who made the Trump Accountability Project’s list?
Jordan Davidson at The Federalist spells out the categories of people compiled on one of the website’s documents:

Tabs on the document separate those listed into categories such as ‘Campaign Staff,’  ‘Administration,’ ‘Appointees,’ ‘Donors,’ ‘Law Firms,’ ‘Endorsers’ and ‘Denouncers.’ The ‘Administration’ tab contained names of senior advisors in the White House all the way down to ‘Chief Calligrapher.’ Under ‘Denouncers,’ the project listed Miles Taylor, the low-level bureaucrat [and] anonymous source published and promoted by the New York Times as a ‘senior administration official.’

Even those who turned on Trump are to be deemed complicit.
Regardless of how the presidential contest turns out, this sort of rhetoric and action literally days after Election Day demonstrates how important it is not to give the left every lever of governmental power.
The message they are sending Americans who don’t agree with them is “Join us, or else.”
It shouldn’t be a surprise to see such a movement appear. Unpersoning political “enemies” is entirely in line with the ideology of a militant left that  increasingly is becoming mainstream and normalized.
And liberal institutions, one after another, are buckling and relenting to the demands of the far left for conformity and enforced solidarity.
Predictably, the mob no longer is just interested in the statues of long dead figures of America’s past. They are coming for you, and a generous slice of the American “elite” apparently is happy to relent and give them their way.

Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” Twitter: .

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Meet 5 of the Newly Elected Republican House Members

Conservatives won House races on Election Day and many of these new members are expected to bring fresh perspectives to Capitol Hill as they represent millennials, minorities, the disabled, and immigrants, among others.
Here are five of the House’s incoming freshman Republicans.

1. Kat Cammack, 3rd District of Florida

Kat Cammack defeated Democrat Adam Christensen to win Florida’s 3rd Congressional District with 57.2% of the vote.
Cammack, 32, is a former aide to Rep. Ted Yoho, R-Fla., having served as his chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, and campaign manager. She now will succeed Yoho, who is retiring after four terms.
The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>
Born in Denver into a family of cattle ranchers, Cammack is a strong Second Amendment advocate and committed to supporting farmers and ranchers.
The congresswoman-elect completed her bachelor’s degree at Metropolitan State University in Denver before earning a master’s of science degree in national defense and strategic studies at the Naval War College.
Cammack says she became active in politics in 2011 after her family lost their ranch, which she blamed on the Obama administration’s Home Affordable Modification Program, a program intended to help homeowners refinance underwater mortgages.
During her time working for Yoho, she established four new Veterans Affairs clinics in Florida; crafted Project Putnam, intended to “improve the economic, social, educational, and overall development of Putnam County”; and oversaw Yoho’s North Central Florida Human Trafficking Task Force.
Matt Harrison, Cammack’s husband, is a firefighter and paramedic. Together they founded the Grit Foundation, a nonprofit supporting veterans, first responders, and local law enforcement.

2. Madison Cawthorn, 11th District of North Carolina

Madison Cawthorn, 25, will become the youngest member of Congress in modern history when he is sworn in in January.
Cawthorn defeated Democratic candidate Morris Davis to win North Carolina’s 11th Congressional District with 54.5% of the vote.
Born and raised in the 11th District, which encompases much of the westernmost part of the state, Cawthorn hoped to join the Navy and attend the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, to which Mark Meadows, former North Carolina congressman and current White House chief of staff, had nominated him.
Cawthorn was forced to change his life plans when he sustained serious injuries in a car accident in the spring of 2014 that put him in the intensive care unit of a hospital for five weeks.
Cawthorn’s extensive injuries left him partially paralyzed and in a wheelchair. The young congressman-elect says he can relate to people who feel they “have been dealt a bad hand.”
Before running for Congress, he worked as a staff assistant in Meadows’ district office and attended Patrick Henry College in Purcellville, Virginia, for a time. In 2019, he started his own small real estate investment business.
In a campaign video, Cawthorn said that, as a millennial, he plans to bring a fresh perspective to Congress and is committed to saying “no to high taxes [and] no to socialism.”

3. Byron Donalds, 19th District of Florida

Byron Donalds defeated his Democratic opponent, Cindy Banyai, in a landslide, capturing 61.3% of the vote in Florida’s 19th Congressional District.
On his website, Donalds, 42, claims to be “everything the fake news media [say] doesn’t exist: a Trump-supporting, liberty-loving, pro-life, pro-2nd Amendment black man.”
Donalds was raised by a single mother in Brooklyn, New York, and credits her for instilling in him a passion to “leave future generations better than the current [one].”
He settled in Florida after graduating from Florida State University in 2002 with degrees in finance and marketing. He worked in insurance, banking, and finance for a number of years in southwestern Florida and became politically involved in 2016 when he was elected to serve in the state House of Representatives.
In 2017, he was named a “Champion of Economic Freedom” by the nonprofit Americans for Prosperity, and in 2018, the American Conservative Union Foundation honored him with its Award for Conservative Excellence.
Donalds is chairman of the Insurance and Banking Subcommittee of the Florida House of Representatives. Criminal justice reform, education, and elder affairs are three of the issues he has focused on during his time in the state House.
The father of three sons, Donalds and wife Erika live in Naples, Florida. He has served as a youth leader in his church and serves as a volunteer coach for local youth basketball and football leagues.
Donalds has received a 100% rating from Florida Right to Life.

4. Yvette Herrell, 2nd District of New Mexico

New Mexico native and small business champion Yvette Herrell won the election in New Mexico’s 2nd Congressional District with 53.9% of the vote, with 95% of the vote reported.
This was Herrell’s second congressional bid. In 2018, she was defeated by Democrat Xochitl Torres Small by a narrow margin of 3,800 votes out of more than 199,000 cast, according to Ballotpedia.org. In their rematch, Herrell won the seat despite being outspent 3 to 1.
Herrell, 56, has committed to “take New Mexico’s values to Congress and work across party lines,” noting endorsements on her website from both former Democratic Rep. Harry Teague and former Republican Rep. Steve Pearce.
Herrell, a Heritage Action for America sentinel, served in New Mexico’s House of Representatives from 2011 to 2019. As a member of the Cherokee Nation, she will be the third Native American woman to serve in Congress, according to the Las Cruces Sun-News.
As an entrepreneur, real estate agent, and former small businesses owner, Herrell says she is prepared to fight against big government overreach. In 2018, the Rio Grande Foundation’s Freedom Index ranked her in first place for upholding principles of economic freedom among more than 100 political leaders in the state.
Herrell doesn’t shy away from a discussion of the border wall and says she is committed to completing it and to standing with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Border Patrol agents. She also advocates for the growth of America’s military and says New Mexico would be an “ideal location” for the military to develop its new Space Force branch.

5. Maria Elvira Salazar, 27th District of Florida 

Congresswoman-elect Maria Elvira Salazar was born to immigrant parents who fled Cuba and came to America to escape Fidel Castro’s dictatorship. Salazar, who turned 59 two days before the election, grew up in Miami and Puerto Rico, where her parents instilled in her the value of freedom.
She defeated Democratic freshman Rep. Donna Shalala in a rematch of their 2018 contest to win Florida’s 27th Congressional District, capturing 51% of the vote, according to Miami’s Channel 4, a CBS affiliate. Shalala served as secretary of health and human services for eight years in the administration of then-President Bill Clinton from 1993 to 2001.
Salazar has lived the American dream, attending the University of Miami before going on to Harvard University to earn a master’s degree in public administration. She has had a successful career as a journalist, becoming a prominent anchor for CNN Español and later covering the Persian Gulf War and El Salvador’s civil war, the latter for Univision.
Salazar served as a Pentagon and White House correspondent for Univision for a number of years before becoming the bureau chief for its Central America division.
As the senior political correspondent for Telemundo in Cuba, Salazar interviewed Castro at the Cuban mission to the United Nations in 1995.
The winner of five broadcasting Emmy Awards, Salazar has been praised for her “passion for freedom and uncovering oppressive, communist, and socialist regimes in Latin America, especially in Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua,” as noted on her website.
Salazar, who has two daughters and lives in Miami with her husband, is a staunch anti-socialist, writing on her website: “Socialism isn’t a romantic ideal as those on the left want us to believe.” She promises to “fight so everyone can pursue the American dream.”

Virginia Allen

Virginia Allen is a news producer for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: @Virginia_Allen5.

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Stolen Election – American Pravda

Bill Whittle writes:

We begin this multi-part series by stepping way back, because the scale of the corruption is so vast and so extensive that your vote might have been stolen years before the election.

Click this link to support the spread of messages like this by becoming a Member or with a one-time donation: https://BillWhittle.com.
©Bill Whittle. All rights reserved.


VIDEO: THE LIE — It will be proven false.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.
All the cheats and liars are issuing calls for unity and peace now that they appear to have the upper hand.
On the political scene, it was fake-Catholic Joe Biden’s primary point in his speech to the nation on Saturday night. Meanwhile, those who do and will control him — like Occasional Cortex as just one example — are saying things like lists need to be created of Trump supporters so they can be shut out of society once the Marxists assume power.
And yes, that’s exactly what she said: Keep a database of Trump supporters to ensure they don’t get hired later on. She also took to Twitter saying, “Is anyone archiving these Trump sycophants for when they try to downplay or deny their complicity in the future?”
And if that’s not enough, the blacklist is being pushed by an ex-Obama sportsperson as well. But some stalwarts on the right like the chairman of the American Conservative Union, Matt Schlapp, took to Twitter and said this about the fake calls for getting along: “For Democrats calling for unity, you may want to actually stop counting illegal votes in Nevada first.”
And he could have continued on much more extensively from there — illegal votes and counting are occurring in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Georgia and Arizona.
On this matter, according to a survey released this morning by Rasmussen, two weeks before the election, only 6% of voters thought their votes would be counted correctly. Today, that number has more than quadrupled to a whopping 28%. More than a quarter of the U.S. population has serious doubts that their vote was treated fairly.
Add to that that findings from Monday show 70% of Republicans believe the election was neither fair nor free. These are gigantic numbers, and they reflect the reality that if Biden is sworn in, a large number of Americans will regard his presidency as illegitimate — because he and the Marxist Democratic machine (which has control of nearly all the states in question) simply cheated and cheated on a grand scale.
For more than four years, Americans were dragged through the daily bombardment of a pack of lies about Trump and anything they could pin on him — Russia, Ukraine, COVID, racism, rioting, the economy. If it could stick, they threw it at him.
The Democrats traffic in lies and so too do a number of Republicans who are in league with them in the swamp. And speaking of the swamp, the U.S. bishops as a body have been just as despicable, actually more so.
And the release yesterday of the long-awaited McCarrick Report drives that point home even further. Pope Francis is completely exonerated from any guilt or complicity in resurrecting McCarrick. So too are the closest associates of McCarrick, who are believed unquestioningly when they claim they were “shocked” to learn of this for the “first time” in the Summer of Shame.
It was all the fault of a canonized saint, the report concludes — and a handful of dead guys and Abp. Vigano. The report goes on for huge portions about the details of McCarrick’s foul deeds, like we all didn’t know that already, salacious details aside.
But when it comes to revealing certain things like the network that protected him, cooperated with him, personally profited by protecting him with their silence, it falls completely silent, except of course for naming the dead guys. And Vigano.
The report is, as long suspected, a giant whitewash, admitting mostly what was already known and reported by outfits like Church Militant (as well as many in the secular media).
For example, it speaks of McCarrick being well known for his cash payments — the “envelope culture” it’s called — detailing that he used to hand out envelopes full of large cash payments, but it steers very clear of saying whom he gave those to.
McCarrick handed out cash payments — large sums of money — for decades, especially to many in Rome. He used to carry that cash in his diplomatic pouch while traveling. But it’s certainly strange that the report confesses that again (since it is already well known) but deliberately fails to say who got the cash.
Likewise, the most well-known victim of “Uncle Ted,” a man who endured almost two decades of reprehensible abuse, James Grein, is never mentioned by name. His entire life is reduced to a mere footnote near the end of the report, and only then in reference to John Paul.
To have assembled a report on McCarrick with no reference to Grein whatsoever would be like issuing a study on the Scriptures without writing one syllable about the Holy Spirit. Unless you are a person fascinated with details about something you already have a working knowledge of, this report is a waste of time.
The very information so urgently sought of Pope Francis simply is not there. It can’t be. His inner circle, those who owe their careers to McCarrick, are the very ones advising and counseling the Pope — and Pope Francis knows that.
So what’s the relationship between the lies coming from the political Left and the deception coming from Rome? They are both pretending to want unity, but they despoil the word. Faithful Catholics and conservative Americans have simply lost trust in the respective institutions and those who run them.
Giant tech, Joe Biden, news media, higher education, you name it: They are no longer to be trusted. Likewise with Rome, a cesspool of deceit and cover-up. And neither camp is ever held to account — in this life, that is.
They want a phony unity, built on the lie. And what is the lie? The lie is that what matters is this world and this world alone, with no reference to God. The political Marxists out and out deny God and instrumentalize the good of the earth.
The theological Left doesn’t out and out deny God, but they instrumentalize the things of God. But each group is serving the Devil. Period. There is no such thing as unity built on a lie. Unity can only be had when it is built on truth.
The Vatican as well as Washington, D.C. have placed themselves in the service of the lie — both politically and theologically. This must be resisted with every fiber of your being. You must fight this evil — even if you have to die in the fight. But surrender is not an option.
Compromise with the Devil (in politics and especially morality) is how a person’s earthly life and, most especially, eternal life are doomed.
©Church Militant. All rights reserved.

Election Integrity vs Election Theft

This is not a banana republic. This is the United States of America.
Here we are on the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower Compact (November 11, 1620)—the document that initiated American democracy that culminated in the Constitution and our freedoms.
And yet election integrity is at risk. How this is resolved may well determine what kind of a country we become and what kind of a legacy we leave for our children and posterity.
As one man put it, “The importance of getting it right outweighs the importance of rushing to judgment.” Who was this? Some rube with the Trump campaign? No, actually, that was former Clinton cabinet member Warren Christopher on November 11, 2000, speaking on behalf of the Gore campaign during the hotly contested Bush-Gore election.
The media, including Fox News, have already called this race for Joe Biden. Many are calling him “president elect.” Is it not more honest to call him, at best, the “projected president elect”? Besides, who died and gave the media the authority to decide who is president?
There’s always cheating in elections, I suppose. It seems that conservatives always have to get a percentage or more of extra votes to counteract the cheating. Hmmmm. If the left is so great, why do they so often have to cheat to win?
There are serious and credible allegations of voter fraud in some of the key swing states. The swing states include Pennsylvania, Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin.
Here are some examples:

  • Citizen Free Press reports: “Giuliani tells Maria Bartiromo [Fox News] this morning [11/8/20] that as many as 900,000 invalid ballots were cast in Pennsylvania, and that the Trump campaign will reveal the full slate of evidence in court.”
  • Trump attorney Sidney Powell added that they’ve identified 450,000 ballots in PA that only had Biden on them (not any vote for candidates of other offices on the ballot).
  • In Pennsylvania, supposedly 840 voters were 101 or older; 39 lived through the Civil War; 45 were born in the 1800s. These are among the 21,000+ dead people in Pennsylvania that are reported to have voted. As some wag noted, “I see dead people voting.”
  • Despite court orders, poll counters in Philadelphia and Detroit reportedly have prevented Republican vote counting monitors from seeing the ballot counting. Furthermore, in some instances, workers have boarded up windows, eliminating any pretense of transparency.
  • A software “glitch” in Michigan has caused thousands of votes for Trump to be applied as votes for Biden. Ian Miles Cheong tweets (11/6/20): “The software used to tabulate the votes in one county sent at least 6,000 Trump votes to Biden. 47 counties used the software. Other states may have, too. Was it a glitch or a ‘feature’?”

Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan said,

“This is the first time in American history, where you have a party systematically set out to win an election after the election. That’s what they’re doing, and it has to be stopped.” [Emphasis added]

Perhaps love of abortion is a key motivator in all this. As Gary Bauer of American Values noted that if someone has no problem with killing babies up to the moment of birth (and even after, in some cases), why would they have a problem with cheating in an election?
Judge Darrell White is a conservative Christian and the founder/director of Retired Judges of America. I once interviewed him for Christian television in reference to America’s Christian heritage.
He told me, “Our founders were not atheists.  They pledged their lives, their fortunes, their sacred honor on behalf of themselves, but also, on behalf of posterity. That’s us and our grandchildren, and we hold the truths of the Constitution and the sacred guarantees that are ours as Americans. We hold them not as owners, but in trust. We are trustees for the next generation.” [Emphasis added]
As trustees, it is up to us to make sure that we preserve our national heritage and genuine trust at the polls. White adds that “our founders clearly had a biblical worldview”—a major component of which is a belief in the “notion of the depravity of man.”
The division of powers by the founders was based on their knowledge that man is sinful. James Madison, a key architect of the Constitution, put it succinctly: “All men having power ought to be distrusted.” That’s not cynical. It is because of that view we enjoy the freedoms we enjoy.
The day could come when we lose that freedom because of a monopoly of power by the Ruling Class, by big tech (which has systematically censored conservative and Christian content), and by big media.
Since there are still many serious, credible allegations of voter fraud, every American, including those on the other side of the aisle, should welcome this inquiry to make sure it was an honest election.
Love him or hate him, Trump is fighting for our nation’s election integrity.
©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Marine Veteran, and USPS Whistleblower, Richard Hopkins Stands by his Original Account

UPDATE RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents.

Project Veritas released a new video today debunking Mainstream Media claims that Brave USPS Insider Richard Hopkins recanted his claim that his supervisors were backdating ballots in Pennsylvania.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “I don’t care who wins this election–I really don’t…the end goal is that it’s a fair and correctly done election.”
  • Richard Hopkins: I stand by my account.
  • Richard Hopkins: “I honestly made an oath when I joined the Marine Corps…military guys say, it’s a blank check. We never give up that check. We’re going to protect our country and our Constitution until the day we die.”
  • Post Office Inspector General Agent Russell Strasser: “The reason they called me in is to try to harness that storm, try to reel it back in before it gets really crazy.”

You can watch the full video here:

It’s a disgrace what USPS investigator Russell Strasser did to Marine combat veteran Richard Hopkins.
Hopkins is an American hero and he stands by the truth. There is no level of intimidation from Strasser that can change that.
I hope the Mainstream Media is paying close attention and correct themselves after lying about Hopkins on this matter.
EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EveryLegalVote.com has the Actual Electoral Vote Count by State

There is a web site called “EveryLegalVote.com.” We tried four search engines before we found this website.  The internet tech giants, the media and those wanting to keep you in the dark make this website hard to find.
The EveryLegalVote.com website states:

Millions of honest Americans voted in 2020’s elections. But their voice is in danger of being denied by criminals committing election fraud. Just as troubling, this anti-democratic crisis is being ignored by mainstream and social media. As a result, the American people are losing faith in our election system – and our future. This is wrong but, together, we can make it stop!
EveryLegalVote.com has just been launched to help secure free, fair, and honest elections. It empowers us to expose, investigate, and eliminate election fraud. And it provides heat maps, news stories, videos, and testimonials so we can fight fraud like never before. Please join us! Click the Take Action Now button to help make every legal vote count.
And please visit us at https://everylegalvote.com to learn more. Thank you!

Here are the ACTUAL vote counts as of January 3, 2021!

Donald Trump


Joe Biden


270 to Win


9 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
55 Electoral Votes
9 Electoral Votes
7 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
District of Columbia
3 Electoral Votes
29 Electoral Votes
16 Electoral Votes
4 Electoral Votes
4 Electoral Votes
20 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
8 Electoral Votes
8 Electoral Votes
4 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
16 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
5 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
New Hampshire
4 Electoral Votes
New Jersey
14 Electoral Votes
New Mexico
5 Electoral Votes
New York
29 Electoral Votes
North Carolina
15 Electoral Votes
North Dakota
3 Electoral Votes
18 Electoral Votes
7 Electoral Votes
7 Electoral Votes
20 Electoral Votes
Rhode Island
4 Electoral Votes
South Carolina
9 Electoral Votes
South Dakota
3 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
38 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
13 Electoral Votes
12 Electoral Votes
West Virginia
5 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes

Note: In some cases the latest voting data may be delayed, and as more fraud is reported and analysed the fraud numbers may continue to increase. We have a significant amount of voting data and suspected fraud examples that we have received and have yet to process, so expect regular updates. This site is not able to legally certify specific allegations of fraud, but will share the information received with those who can.

©EveryLegalVote.com. All rights reserved.