PREDICTION: Donald J. Trump wins in 2024—Ron Desantis wins in 2028 and 2032 thumbnail

PREDICTION: Donald J. Trump wins in 2024—Ron Desantis wins in 2028 and 2032

By Dr. Rich Swier

“My prayer is that Trumps runs in 2024 and wins, serving the second term that was stolen from him and then, let DeSantis run in 2028 and 2032 — giving the republicans the White House for an amazing 12 years!” — Willy Guardiola, Christian on a Mission, Pro-Lifers 4 Trump and Diehard DeSantis Deplorable. 

After Florida’s massive red wave the question is: Will Governor Ron DeSantis run for president of the United States of America?

Our answer is yes!

The second question is when will Governor DeSantis run?

Our answer is in 2028 and for reelection in 2032.

Watch and listen carefully to what Glen Beck has to say about President Donald J. Trump and Governor Ron DeSantis.

President Donald J. Trump 45 & 47

President Donald J. Trump is scheduled to make a major announcement on November 15th, 2022. We predict that he will announce that he is running for reelection as the 47th president.

Why is this important. As Glen Beck said America is at a tipping point. Only Trump can bring the nation back to it rightful place as the shining city on the hill and restore power back to the states and the people.

In a November 10th, 2022 The National Pulse article  reported,

Trump’s 93% Endorsement Success Rate.

Not only did President Trump win 219 of his 235 endorsed [2022 midterm election] races (that’s a 93 percent success rate at last count), but the Democrats just guaranteed themselves Joe Biden as their nominee for 2024.

[ … ]

Perception is Reality.

For example, the establishment GOP in Pennsylvania was dead set against Colonel Doug Mastriano, and they worked hand-in-hand with Democrats to defeat him. When your gubernatorial candidate is being attacked from all sides, including your own, your Senate candidate will also be dragged down, along with congressional candidates on the ballot.

If the GOP had actually rallied around the top of the ticket – Mastriano and Oz – they could have won together and delivered a down-ticket boost. But not only did the GOP establishment in that state lose the governor and the U.S. Senate race, they lost congressional races that should have been pickups. The blame lies with them, and they know it. Hence their projection – as always – onto Trump.

Donald J. Trump at the top of the GOP ticket will do what he did during the 2022 midterm elections, have an over 90% down the ticket success rate with candidates at the local, state and national levels.

Think about that for a moment.

MAGA is Trump and Trump is MAGA!

This is what must happen to save America from the subhuman ‘abort them all’ Democrats!

Want to Save America—Elect Donald J. Trump!

We believe that Trump, regardless of how hard Democrats lie, cheat and steal, will win. A Trump win sets up a win for Ron DeSantis

President Ron DeSantis 48 & 49

After Donald J. Trump drains the swamp it will then be time for a man like DeSantis to turn America red as he did Florida.

Deep blue counties like Palm Beach and Miami-Dade went red for the first time in a very long time. But that isn’t all.

Governor Ron DeSantis also has a high rate of success for those he endorsed. DeSantis focused on electing conservative school board candidates and did extremely well. DeSantis needs to do the same to insure President Trump is reelected in 2024.

In our column Governors who care about freedom must adopt the ‘DeSantis Model’ before 2024 we wrote,

After the 2022 midterm elections is has become clear that there is a winning model for elections at the state level. This model is based upon understanding what people really want and then giving it to them. What people want the most is freedom. Freedom to make their personal decisions when it comes to healthcare, education, the economy, careers, investments and who represents them.

The who represents them is key in that it demands that elections from the school house to the White House be both free and fair.

QUESTION: How do we get there?

ANSWER: The DeSantis Model!

We call this back to the future model the “DeSantis Model” because it fully implements the Tenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

The Tenth Amendment states:

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

Ron DeSantis must complete his full term as governor which ends in 2026. Governor DeSantis then can insure his successor has his values and morals. Then Governor DeSantis must become candidate for the President of these United States and win the GOP nomination in 2028 and also win the White House.

This will ensure eight years of a new and different president, who like Donald J. Trump, is focused on faith, family and freedom.

This is our prediction and we hope you will join us in praying that, with God’s help, it comes to be.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


This is one of those headlines you have to read a few times bc it doesn’t seem possible and yet here we are

Maricopa election officials launched PAC in 2021 to stop MAGA candidates

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 14, 2022

It’s now U.S. Patriots vs Them—The ‘them’ being subhuman ‘abort them all’ Democrats! thumbnail

It’s now U.S. Patriots vs Them—The ‘them’ being subhuman ‘abort them all’ Democrats!

By Dr. Rich Swier

“There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots.” — General Ulysses S. Grant

“If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever.” — the character O’Brien in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984

recently wrote,

Today’s Woke Left are the new Puritans. They do not seek to liberate our minds from habit, or challenge us to innovation, but to enslave us in new doctrines far more rigid than anything earlier generations of Americans could conceive, from redefining biological sex to re-engineering freedom itself.

They have already held dress rehearsals of their Salem Witch Trials: the Mueller hoax, two impeachment fantasies, and the phantasmagoric January 6 inquisition. Now they want to put all of us on trial.

Democrats have set themselves up as the defenders of “Democracy” in a nation that was founded and remains a Constitutional Republic. They continue on their quest to fundamentally transform America from a free society into a society based upon dependency.

James Woods put it best in this tweet,

There was a time when economic malfeasance was a death knell for politicians at election time. As our nation now veers toward total socialism, people no longer vote to protect wealth they once worked for.

When you suckle at the government teat, you simply vote for more milk.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 13, 2022

In 2022 we had people, GenXrs, who voted for more milk. In order to get more milk, especially providing free healthcare and voting for illegal aliens, Democrats, the “they”, are willing to lie, cheat and steal.

This strategy has been shown the light of day in the growing exposé of FTX. FTX was created as a Ponzi scheme to launder American taxpayer money through the Ukraine in order to fund the campaigns of Democrat politicians. FTX’s CEO became the second largest donor to Democrats and the Democrat Party.

Democrats are now using taxpayer dollars to push their subhuman “abort them all” cultural, scientific and political agendas, a.k.a. diversity, inclusion, equity and intersectionality.

The Us v Them mentality of the Dems, the “them” being subhuman “abort them all”!

According to the president of the United States:

“The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They’re a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace, embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy.”

So-called ‘presidential historian’ Michael Beschloss went even further: “We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system.”

If Republicans win on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022, Beschloss said, “our children will be sentenced to death and put in prison.”


It’s too easy to say that Biden and the others have lost their minds. They believe every word of it. Even a red tsunami on Tuesday will not cure them of their conviction that they alone stand up for truth, and that their opponents are the embodiment of evil.

Because they are convinced they have definitively won the battle for the soul of America, the Woke Left is now treating their political enemies as a vanquished population — to be slowly starved, silenced, and banned from social intercourse.

They are telling this to their supporters every day: they are evil, they are corrupt, they want to destroy America, destroy democracy. 

The Woke Left sees us as players in the Hunger Games. 

Today they, the Democrat Party, sound eerily like INGSOC the political party in Orwell’s’ 1984. The INGSOC slogans are:

  • Big Brother is Watching You, e.g. FBI using social media, including Facebook, to track Biden’s political opponents.
  • War is Peace, e.g. Ukraine, tensions between China and Taiwan, Iran and their internal cultural revolution and the abandoning of Afghanistan leaving behind billions in U.S. military equipment now being used by the Taliban.
  • Freedom is Slavery, e.g. Making American Great requires individual freedom and liberty, which is evil.
  • Ignorance is Strength, e.g. the dumbing down academically of our public schools, colleges and universities to implement the Democrat agenda of diversity, inclusion and equity.
  • Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past, e.g. Critical Race Theory, the renaming of anything and everything connected to our Founding Fathers and the Civil War in order to reshape history.

The Bottom Line

 Connor Vasile wrote,

If you look up “capitalism fights racism” in Google, the top search results will show articles like: “Is Capitalism Racist,” “Capitalism without Racism: Science or Fantasy,” and, “The Rise of Capitalism and the Emergence of Racism.”

Reading those titles, it would seem as if the most triumphant economic model the world has ever seen is rooted in a racist, hegemonic structure meant to benefit society’s overlords. It’s a good thing we have Google to open our eyes to this inhuman system.

Facetiousness aside, (post)modern Western society views capitalism as the very ugly elephant in the room; it doesn’t want to admit that it’s a crucial cog that keeps civilization functioning, and would rather oggle pipe dreams like socialism through heavily rose-tinted glasses.

We are led to believe that the free market is the force responsible for so much of the injustice, racism, and inequality seen in the modern world. But is this true?

Connor Vasile concludes,

The legacies of Madam Walker, Philip Payton, and many other 20th Century black entrepreneurs live on to this day. With multi-millionaires and billionaires like Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West, Drake, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Jay Z, Michael Jordan, it’s clear that capitalism is a socioeconomic force that empowers people to innovate to better themselves and their communities, as opposed to being the purveyor of modern racism and injustice, as Google would lead you to believe.

Watch this video:

The fundamental transformation of our Constitutional Republic into a Democracy has nearly been achieved. As we all look forward to the presidential elections in 2024 we must understand that if the Democrats, them, win then there may be no turning back.

The only person who has the potential of stopping them transforming American into Democracy and then into a Dictatorship is President Donald J. Trump

That is why Democrats hate him so much.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Target Liberty: The Dangerous Stalinism of the “Woke” Hard-Left

State Department stonewalls investigation into how it spent $1,100,000,000 in Afghanistan since Taliban took over

Using Military Wokeness to Justify Affirmative Action

What Happens When You Google ‘Capitalism Fights Racism’ thumbnail

What Happens When You Google ‘Capitalism Fights Racism’

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

We are led to believe that the free market is the force responsible for so much of the injustice, racism, and inequality seen in the modern world. But is this true?

If you look up “capitalism fights racism” in Google, the top search results will show articles like: “Is Capitalism Racist,” “Capitalism without Racism: Science or Fantasy,” and, “The Rise of Capitalism and the Emergence of Racism.”

Reading those titles, it would seem as if the most triumphant economic model the world has ever seen is rooted in a racist, hegemonic structure meant to benefit society’s overlords. It’s a good thing we have Google to open our eyes to this inhuman system.

Facetiousness aside, (post)modern Western society views capitalism as the very ugly elephant in the room; it doesn’t want to admit that it’s a crucial cog that keeps civilization functioning, and would rather oggle pipe dreams like socialism through heavily rose-tinted glasses.

We are led to believe that the free market is the force responsible for so much of the injustice, racism, and inequality seen in the modern world. But is this true?

The fact of the matter is, capitalism as a system has always been a force for good, and this includes the tumultuous history of the United States. Even during the eras of Reconstruction and Jim Crow, periods that saw rampant civil rights abuses perpetrated on black communities, capitalism was the saving grace, helping people rise above their situation, the adversity they faced, and a culture still reeling from the effects of civil war.

As Milton Friedman stated in his book Capitalism and Freedom:

“It is a striking historical fact that the development of capitalism has been accompanied by a major reduction in the extent to which particular religious, racial, or social groups have operated under special handicaps in respect of their economic activities; have, as the saying goes, been discriminated against.”

With forces in social media, legacy networks, and the government working towards undermining the idea that capitalism is a force to promote individual liberty and agency, it’s important to revisit a few stories of how the free market lifted people out of poverty and combated racism.

Philip A. Payton (1876-1917) was a 20th Century black real estate entrepreneur from Harlem, New York. De facto segregation was still present in American cities at the time. Manhattan was no exception. With his acquisition of brownstone units after a number of white families moved out, Payton acted to provide more housing to black renters in the Upper West Side. Considering the racial tension of the time period, it’s safe to say the landlords weren’t too happy about this.

Hudson Realty Company aimed to resegregate the area by buying out the black-owned units and evicting the tenants. Payton returned the favor to white-owned units, and offered them to previously evicted black renters. Payton prevailed in the end as Hudson Reality gave up its goal of resegregation. Later attempts were made by real estate associations that used race qualifications to prevent black families renting, but were also soundly beaten by Payton and other black entrepreneurs who were inspired by his example.

Payton’s Afro-American Realty Company grew to $1 million in assets and helped numerous black families move to areas they wanted to live in—not just where the city relegated them to. He used the free market and the demand for better housing to provide a service to his community. Despite the racial obstacles, Payton prevailed because, at the end of the day, he understood that discriminaton is no match for the will of the people. As he once advertised: “The very prejudice that has heretofore worked against us can be turned and used to our profit.”

Sarah Breedlove was born in Louisiana, just four years after the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by President Abraham Lincoln. Having been orphaned at the age of seven and forced into domestic servitude to survive, Breedlove had a very grim outlook early on for her life. She would later recall how she, “…had little or no opportunity when I started out…having been left an orphan and being without mother or father…”

Despite this, Breedlove would go on to work hard and eventually develop her own hair care line. As the African American market was largely neglected at the time, Breedlove seized the opportunity to cater to a growing demographic, and began to sell her own hair products.

She would later be (famously) known as ‘Madam C.J. Walker’ after marrying Charles Walker in 1906. Much like freshly tapped oil, her business expanded rapidly, finding traction in black communities throughout the country. A small-time operation grew to include a factory, a beauty school, and a hair salon. C.J. Walker was known to hire women for top management and staffing positions, something unfathomable at the time. At the height of the company, it’s noted that several thousand women were employed as sales agents, and countless more trained in hair care.

Madam Walker’s company would have been worth around $10 million in today’s currency. She is the first recorded self-made woman millionaire in American history—an incredible feat on its own merit, but even more amazing once you factor in that she lived during a time when blacks were still seen as second-class citizens. Walker took the adversity she experienced and built a business literally from the ground up. Without the underlying culture of entrepreneurship and the free market system, who’s to say if her company would even have been formed at all.

The march to liberty which culminated in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 conjures up images of marches, sit-ins, and MLK’s famous speech at the National Mall. A lesser-known aspect was the rise of alternative markets that helped push back against racist economic policies, which ultimately sought to constrain, not promote, markets. Under Jim Crow, black communities were restricted in their public purchasing decisions. They were prevented from going to certain stores, restaurants, and communal places. If they did manage to buy goods from a white-owned store, they were met with racist remarks, condescending tones, and even predatory pricing.

Sears revolutionized the buyer’s experience with the use of catalogs, allowing consumers to mail-order goods to their homes. This put the company at an enormous advantage by expanding their market, serving many thousands more customers than a typical brick-and-mortar shop could. Taken for granted today, the idea of ordering and receiving your product without leaving your house was a novel—and potentially life saving—invention for 20th Century families.

This innovation allowed southern Blacks to order items otherwise unavailable at their segregated stores. With mail-order, black customers also didn’t have to experience the racism and inhumanity they experienced during some public outings; they could order what they wanted when they wanted, just like the average white at the time. Capitalist innovation not only worked to benefit the companies involved, but also served to bring value to diverse communities; in this case, it acted as an escape for so many black consumers constrained by Jim Crow.

These are only a few stories of how free market capitalism helped push people above the racism they often lived under. The legacies of Madam Walker, Philip Payton, and many other 20th Century black entrepreneurs live on to this day. With multi-millionaires and billionaires like Rihanna, Beyonce, Kanye West, Drake, Oprah Winfrey, Tyler Perry, Jay Z, Michael Jordan, it’s clear that capitalism is a socioeconomic force that empowers people to innovate to better themselves and their communities, as opposed to being the purveyor of modern racism and injustice, as Google would lead you to believe.


Connor Vasile

Connor Vasile is a first-generation American and writer who wishes to raise awareness about classical liberal ideas which empower every individual, no matter their background or experience, to live their best lives and fulfill their goals.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Elon Musk Connects the Dots on the FTX Ponzi Scheme thumbnail

Elon Musk Connects the Dots on the FTX Ponzi Scheme

By Dr. Rich Swier

FTX was created as a Ponzi scheme to launder American taxpayer money through the Ukraine in order to fund the campaigns of Democrat politicians. FTX CEO became the second largest donor to Democrats and the Democrat Party.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 13, 2022

FTX, having served its political purpose, is now bankrupt and “under investigation.”

Well, Elon Musk began tweeting about the links between Sam Bankman-Fried, CEO and founder of FTX, Gary Gensler the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, and a former MIT professor, Glen Ellison a Professor of Economics and the former boss of Gary Gensler at MIT and Caroline Ellison the CEO of Alameda Research the trading arm of FTX, who is the daughter of Glen Ellison and dated Bankman-Fried.


— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 13, 2022

Here is a video and tweet with information about Caroline Ellison the CEO of Alameda Research thru which FTX laundered money from the Ukraine.

CEO of FTX is Daughter of SEC Head’s Former Boss

(Catalyst for government regulation of crypto)

— Grant Taylor (@grantltaylor) November 13, 2022

The tweet below, in reply to Elon’s tweet, gives readers an understanding of the timeline of the creation of FTX. It also shows links between Sam Bankman-Fried and his mother Barbara Fried who happens to head two Democrat Party political fundraising organizations: the left-wing super PAC Mind the Gap and the non-profit Center for Voter Information.


— Sir Doge of the Coin ⚔️ (@dogeofficialceo) November 13, 2022

Here is another tweet in response to Elon’s tweet,

FTX was a scam prepared for this moment …

They knew the economical disruption that is coming

— Francisco de MirandaⓂ️ 🇺🇸🇪🇸🇵🇦🇻🇪 (@Ernestonewage) November 13, 2022

Influence Watch’s review of Mind the Gap reported,

In 2018, the PAC created a statistical model which attempted to score the impact each dollar donated would have on Democrats winning back control of the House of Representatives. The group ultimately raised more than 20 million dollars in its successful attempt to win back control of the House for Democrats.

MTG is known for its secretive operations where it attempts to quickly gather and coordinate donations over a short time to prevent Republicans from mobilizing donors in response. The PAC is managed by Stanford Law professors Barbara FriedPaul Brest, and researcher Graham Gottlieb. Of the three, only Gottlieb has political experience, having served former President Barack Obama as a staffer during his 2012 re-election campaign and in the White House.

Read more about Mind the Gap.

Influence Watch has this on the Center for Voter Information (CVI)

The Center for Voter Information (CVI) is a left-of-center voter registration and outreach group that is permitted to take positions on candidates that works alongside its nominally nonpartisan and charitable “sister,” the Voter Participation Center (VPC). While both organizations run general get-out-the-vote campaigns, the CVI runs targeted voter outreach campaigns for candidates. Both organizations are left-of-center, and the VPC’s political spending exclusively goes to supporting Democratic candidates or opposing Republicans. CVI shares its 501(c)(4) tax status with another voter registration activist group, Women’s Voices Women Vote Action Fund (WVWVAF), which the organizations treat as separate groups but are a single entity.

As of September 2020, CVI and VPC have generated 939,000 registration applications and 2 million vote-by-mail applications for the 2020 election. [1] These applications are generally targeted towards demographic groups which tend to support the Democratic Party, and have been extensively criticized by state-level officials.

All three organizations share a common founder, liberal activist Page Gardner.

[ … ]

As of October 23, 2020, CVI had committed to sending 340 million pieces of mail leading up to the 2020 general election. This included sending ballot applications as well as voter registration forms. The initiative focused on over 20 battleground states. Critics argued that some of the forms contain errors or prefilled information, preventing individuals from successfully registering and influencing votes. Additionally, the mail was not always understood to be from a non-government organization and confused voters. [3]

Read more.

This is an evolving story with many, many dots to connect.

Stay tuned for more information as we seek the truth about the 2022 midterm elections and how Democrats used FTX to launder money which ended up in the political coffers of Democrat campaigns.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



Biden funded Ukraine.

Ukraine funded FTX.

FTX funded Democrats with millions.

This is known as “money laundering 101.”

— James Bradley (@JamesBradleyCA) November 14, 2022

REPORT: FTX CEO detained by authorities in Bahamas

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 13, 2022

Political Ponzi Scheme: Biden to Ukraine—Ukraine to FTX—FTX To Fund Democrat Candidates thumbnail

Political Ponzi Scheme: Biden to Ukraine—Ukraine to FTX—FTX To Fund Democrat Candidates

By Dr. Rich Swier

FTX appears to be a “Political Ponzi Scheme” in which American military aid dollars to Ukraine were funneled by the Ukrainian government to FTX and then by FTX to Democrat Politicians. 

The Gateway Pundit’s Joe Hoft reported,

Did you ever wonder where all those billions of dollars were going in Ukraine?  Did you ever wonder why anyone was trusting the elites in US politics like the Bidens with billions in funds going to Ukraine?

Today it turns out that these were excellent questions.

We have information that the tens of billions of dollars going to Ukraine were actually laundered back to the US to corrupt Democrats and elites using FTX cryptocurrency.  Now the money is gone and FTX is bankrupt.

Earlier today we reported that the FTX cryptocurrency appeared to be used in a ponzi scheme involving the Democrats and Ukraine.

As reported earlier, the FTX crypto company gave at least $40 million to Democrat candidates and causes in the midterms.

Sam Bankman-Fried [CEO of FTX] is Biden’s second biggest donor. 

Read more.

Here are the key points in Joe Hoft’s article,

  1. Sam Bankman-Fried, prolific Democratic donor and ex-CEO of now-bankrupt cryptocurrency exchange FTX, funded the campaigns of members of Congress overseeing the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), one of the key bodies tasked with regulating the crypto industry and the subject of Bankman-Fried’s aggressive lobbying.
  2. Bankman-Fried’s FTX is currently under investigation by the CFTC and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) after Bankman-Fried allegedly moved $10 billion in client assets from his crypto exchange to his trading firm Alameda Research, and a liquidity crisis at his  exchange which prompted the company to file for bankruptcy. However, prior to the agency’s probe, Bankman-Fried aggressively courted the CFTC – and funded several key lawmakers charged with overseeing the agency, pouring cash into their campaign coffers.
  3. The Ukrainian government has gathered more than $42 million in cryptocurrency donations since Saturday, plus digital artwork including a limited edition worth roughly $200,000, according to blockchain analytics firm Elliptic. The challenge is how the country cashes in on these assets to fund its war needs.
  4. Amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the CEO of FTX, Sam Bankman Fried has come forward to help a crypto donation project. He humbly announced that FTX will be supporting the Ukrainian Ministry of Finance and other communities in collecting crypto donations for the country. The Ukrainian government has received over $60 million in crypto donations from all over the world.
  5. FTX Appears to Be a Political Ponzi Scheme Running Dollars to Politicians and Through Ukraine.
  6. The FTX collapse is just another day in the life of Democrat and RINO corruption in the US.  This scandal involves Ukraine as well.  As mentioned previously, the FTX crypto company gave at least $40 million to Democrat candidates and causes in the midterms. Bankruptcy Court Should Immediately Clawback $40 Million in Recent Donations to … Continue reading

— SARAH CONNOR (@LibertyBelleNws) November 12, 2022

In a November 12th, 2022 Reuters article titled Exclusive: At least $1 billion of client funds missing at FTX reported,

New York, Nov 11 (Reuters) – At least $1 billion of customer funds have vanished from collapsed crypto exchange FTX, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The exchange’s founder Sam Bankman-Fried secretly transferred $10 billion of customer funds from FTX to Bankman-Fried’s trading company Alameda Research, the people told Reuters.

A large portion of that total has since disappeared, they said. One source put the missing amount at about $1.7 billion. The other said the gap was between $1 billion and $2 billion.

As Joe Hoft wrote, “Of course, the Democrats are sending billions to themselves.  They steal elections, why wouldn’t they steal money?”

This Democrat Political Ponzi Scheme is a bigger story than Watergate. Stay tuned as more and more information is reveled.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Unreal. FTX/Alameda were running a Ponzi scheme.

— Dylan LeClair 🟠 (@DylanLeClair_) November 9, 2022

Final thought on the elections:

One side elected a dead guy, a brain damaged guy, and has engineered the worst economy and border catastrophe in a century. Its leader can’t read a teleprompter nor answer a question coherently.

Yet the other side still lost.

The End.

— James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 13, 2022

RELATED VIDEO: FTX Has Collapsed, Over $1 Billion in Customer Funds Lost


Billions of US Dollars Were Transferred to Ukraine and then Using FTX Crypto Currency the Funds Were Laundered Back to Democrats in US

FTX’s crypto empire was reportedly run by a bunch of roommates in the Bahamas who dated each other, according to the news site that helped trigger the company’s sudden collapse

FTX CEO Who Stole Billions in Crypto Ponzi Scheme Is DEMOCRATS’ Second Largest Donor After Soros thumbnail

FTX CEO Who Stole Billions in Crypto Ponzi Scheme Is DEMOCRATS’ Second Largest Donor After Soros

By The Geller Report

CEO of cratering crypto firm FTX is Dems second largest donor after Soros. The Democrats are the world’s largest criminal racket. At least a billion of customer funds have vanished from failed crypto firm FTX.


Sam Bankman-Fried made donations to the Dems that totaled $39.8 million, putting him just behind George Soros and his $128 million in donations.

By: The Post Millenial,

According to Fortune, “30-year-old Bankman-Fried has been a major force in Democratic politics, ranking as the party’s second-biggest individual donor in the 2021–2022 election cycle.”

Bankman-Fried made donations to the Dems that totaled $39.8 million, putting him just behind George Soros and his $128 million in donations.

He had even promised to spend more money on Dems in the future, saying he could go “north of $100 million” with a “soft ceiling” of $1 billion for the 2024 elections.

Bankman-Fried was a significant donor to Biden in 2020. He’s the largest financial contributor to the Protect Our Future PAC, “the political action committee which endorsed Democratic candidates such as Peter Welch, who this week won his bid to become Vermont’s next senator, and Robert J. Menendez of New Jersey, who secured a House seat.”

As Bloomberg reports, Bankman-Fried had his net worth go from $15.6 billion to $1 billion in “the biggest one-day collapse it had ever seen among billionaires.”

It is expected that Bankman-Fried will go bankrupt in the face of a liquidity crunch and the abrupt change in financial status.

Reuters reports that FTX lost at least $1 billion of customer funds and that the money “vanished” casing federal regulators to look into the company. The investigation is to determine the extent of harm to clients and what laws FTX may have broken.

Jordan Schachtel tweeted, “Sam Bankman-Fried attempted to monopolize an entire industry and deploy it into the hands of the ruling class. His Ponzi blew up spectacularly after a successfully executed speculative attack. The demise of FTX should be a cause for celebration.”

Read more.

Sam Bankman-Fried attempted to monopolize an entire industry and deploy it into the hands of the ruling class.

His Ponzi blew up spectacularly after a successfully executed speculative attack.

The demise of FTX should be a cause for celebration.

— Jordan Schachtel @ (@JordanSchachtel) November 11, 2022

New York, Nov 11 (Reuters) – At least $1 billion of customer funds have vanished from collapsed crypto exchange FTX, according to two people familiar with the matter.

The exchange’s founder Sam Bankman-Fried secretly transferred $10 billion of customer funds from FTX to Bankman-Fried’s trading company Alameda Research, the people told Reuters.

A large portion of that total has since disappeared, they said. One source put the missing amount at about $1.7 billion. The other said the gap was between $1 billion and $2 billion.

First, read this whole thread:

1. FTX did not have a board of directors.

— Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA (@GRDecter) November 12, 2022

1/ Fun fact 1: A 30-year-old named Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) owned a huge cryptocurrency broker called FTX.

Fun fact 2: FTX just went under, and billions of dollars in customer deposits seem to be missing.

Fun fact 3: SBF gave over $50 million (!) to Democrats in 2020 and 2022…

— Alex Berenson (@AlexBerenson) November 12, 2022

LOL. The same people saying our elections are secure took millions in campaign cash from one of the largest ponzi schemes in history.

— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) November 12, 2022

Democrats funded their candidates with a ponzi scheme and the media is going to completely ignore this element of the jaw-dropping crime.

— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) November 12, 2022

8. FTX is a World Economic Forum “partner”

— Genevieve Roch-Decter, CFA (@GRDecter) November 12, 2022


WEF endorses FTX

The faster you realize all leftist virtue signaling scams are simply marxism Pyramid Schemes meant to hurt you the faster you will wake up.

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) November 12, 2022

The media coverage of the FTX ponzi scheme would be a lot different if the donations were to Republicans.

— thebradfordfile (@thebradfordfile) November 12, 2022


Pamela Geller


Tens of Billions of US Dollars Were Transferred to Ukraine and then Using FTX Crypto Currency the Funds Were Laundered Back to Democrats in US

REVEALED: CEO of cratering crypto firm FTX is Dems’ second largest donor, behind Soros

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOP Majewski: I Am a Republican Who Lost on Tuesday. It Wasn’t Trump’s Fault. It Was the Cowards in D.C.’s ‘McLeadership’ thumbnail

GOP Majewski: I Am a Republican Who Lost on Tuesday. It Wasn’t Trump’s Fault. It Was the Cowards in D.C.’s ‘McLeadership’

By The Geller Report

Nothing will change unless the Republican leadership who hate the Republican voter changes.

The narrative that has emerged from the McConnell’s mid-term failure that is Trump who is responsible is the most foul of treacheries. Trump crossed the country, campaigned for fighters and rallied in the driving rain to help our best cross the finish line. McConnell with the full weight and resources of the GOP worked furiously to defeat them.  He is the problem.

The anti-Trump blame game is just the GOP projecting its own failures onto the former president. Believe me – they did it to me, too.

By J.R. Majewsk, The National Pulse, November 11, 2022

The corporate media is working overtime to hide the Republican establishment’s failures in the 2022 midterm elections –perpetuating a myth that Donald J. Trump dragged his endorsed candidates down. This is a complete lie, told in order to embolden GOP leaders in Washington D.C., and ignores the fact that in so many instances, this same “McLeadership” set MAGA candidates up for failure.

In my situation, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) – led by Chairman Tom Emmer – backed one of my opponents in the primary. She finished in third place, with less than 30 percent of the total Republican vote. Now Tom Emmer wants a promotion.

During my primary, the local, establishment GOP shunned me. In fact, the Erie County GOP apparatus even went so far as to write a letter to the local liberal media giving them their endorsement, violating their own charter. Right before the primary, establishment operatives from the Lucas County Young Republican Club posted false images on Twitter claiming I sent messages calling Trump an idiot in an effort to sway him from endorsing me. It worked, in part, thwarting an early endorsement. But Trump still graciously gave me a shout out at the rally in Gallion, Ohio, boosting my standing, which led to my primary win.

Right after that, Trump gave me his full endorsement and made a contribution to my campaign. We also had several telephone calls, wherein he offered me his complete support. The NRCC, on the other hand, offered nothing but passive support, dragging their feet behind the scenes. They delayed implementing me into their Young Guns program, which cost our campaign a significant amount of donor exposure.


Once I finally did become part of that program, I was given a commitment of $970,000, to be contributed to my campaign, in pre-bought media. I was assigned a field director who was extremely invasive. They demanded involvement in creating and reviewing my campaign budget.

Little did I know, this intervention would leave me desperately dependent on them for all television and radio advertising. And despite my attempts at better judgment, they intervened on fundraising efforts, and in many cases prohibited me from raising money from Washington, D.C.


This involvement also stretched into communications. Their representatives expressed frustration after I took part in interviews and pledged support for President Trump, despite the fact that Trump carried the district during previous election cycles. They simply did not want me talking about him. My staff would tell me the NRCC was angry, and that I needed to tighten it up on their messaging, or lose campaign funds. They hung this threat over our necks like the sword of Damocles.

Then – when the Associated Press put out a hit piece on me – I was instructed how to respond, with NRCC staff actually writing the reply. A reply that I didn’t even totally agree with. But again, I was told to put it out, or I would risk losing their support. I was placed under a gag and told not to speak to media until told otherwise – a strategy which had me sitting around for two days while the story caught wind. Finally, I had enough and spoke out on Facebook, angering the NRCC, and eventually causing them to pull out of the race entirely.

Here’s the kicker: I disproved that hit piece on me, and the Associated Press made multiple corrections. The story didn’t have much impact locally, but it did nationally. What made the most impact was the fact that the NRCC left the campaign to die. Tom Emmer’s team gave my Democrat opponent the chance to tell constituents that the Republican Party had abandoned me. With limited funding, I could not effectively fight back. Meanwhile, my opponent capitalized.

‘It Was a Mistake’.

NRCC leadership continued to call me, apologizing profusely, admitting that it was a mistake for them to pull out. After all that, they still claimed to privately have my back, and told me that I could still win. They claimed their actions were a function of their Political Action Committee (PAC), and that they had no actual control. In hindsight, I realize it all of this was just an effort to keep tabs on me.

MUST READ: DR. GINA: The Uniparty NEEDS You To Believe There Was No Trump-Led Red Wave. It’s a Lie. And Here’s Why (And How) They’re Doing It…

A few weeks later they had me conduct a poll with Fabrizio. I was told if I was within margin, their support would return. So much for all the establishment GOP claims that it is Trump who only backs people when he is sure they can win. That’s actually what the GOP – not Trump – does!

The polls showed I was down, but also concluded I was only down because of my inability to fight back against the Democrat narrative. Thanks again, NRCC!

It also showed there were still enough undecided voters, and that all I needed was to get on TV. This still wasn’t good enough for the D.C. Republican clique. They continued to watch my campaign bleed in an R3 winnable race.

Before I was set to speak at a recent rally, I received a call telling me that I was winning, and that “the cavalry was coming”. I assumed this meant they would be buying media. It didn’t happen. They just wanted me to believe they were supporting, in case I won, and in case I had a one-on-one conversation with Donald Trump.

As for President Trump himself, he held a number of rallies in the state and invited me to every one of them. Not only did he recognize me at the rallies, he offered me a chance to speak. He held a telephone town hall that garnered 15,000 attendees from my district. In conclusion to that call a poll question was asked “can President Trump count on you to vote for J.R. Majewski on November 8?”. There was a 99 percent response rate with 86 percent saying yes, four percent saying no, and 9 percent undecided.

Donald Trump’s record speaks for itself. And so does the McLeadership’s.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Globalists Eat Gourmet Meats at Climate Summit while Pushing Public to Eat Bugs to Save the Environment thumbnail

Globalists Eat Gourmet Meats at Climate Summit while Pushing Public to Eat Bugs to Save the Environment

By Jihad Watch

Globalist elites are dining on a “gourmet selection of meats, fish, and dairy at the United Nations COP27 climate change conference in Egypt, as they push supposedly more sustainable foods like bugs.” Yet the public keeps voting them in. Consider also the fact that the West is in severe decline, with bad economies and energy shortages, which globalists have caused, while also facilitating open-door illegal migration.

The globalist plan is international socialism, but to attain this utopian vision, globalists have determined to crush the people psychologically, financially, and in other ways, including a loss of freedom that makes for a massive power differential between the rulers and the populace. Historically, socialism has never worked, yet the globalists still present it as a solution for the poor. The reality is that it creates a deep divide between the totalitarian ruling class and the poor, with the degradation of the humanity of the latter.

Globalist leaders who travelled by private plane and who are now dining on fabulous gourmet meals used, in total, 118 private jets to go to the COP26 Climate Summit last year. They and burned over a 1,000 tons of CO2. This year’s COP27 Summit is no different.

COP27: Globalist Leaders Munch on Meat as They Push Bugs for ‘Proles’

by Kurt Zindulka, Breitbart, November 9, 2022:

Globalist elites will be dining on a gourmet selection of meats, fish, and dairy at the United Nations COP27 climate change conference in Egypt, as they push supposedly more sustainable foods like bugs.

Beef medallion with mushrooms sauce, chicken breast with orange gravy, and salmon with creamy sauce and chives are some of the menu options that world leaders, diplomats, bureaucrats, and industry bigwigs will be chomping down on at the COP27 meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt this week.

The COP Gourmet service also offers an hour and a half of bottomless cocktails for £110 ($125). Attendees are also offered delivery service for items such as paper cups, plastic water bottles and wooden coffee stirrers.

The menu flies in the face of the stated goals of the United Nations, with a 2018 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report saying: “Meat analogues such as imitation meat (from plant products), cultured meat, and insects may help in the transition to more healthy and sustainable diets.”

The World Economic Forum, which has partnered with the UN at COP27 has also been at the forefront of the meat-free future movement, arguing that people should opt for more “climate beneficial foods” such as algae, seaweed and cacti….

Scottish author and political commentator Neil Oliver said: “They’ve come to lecture us about eating less meat while they sit down to menus featuring beef, chicken, salmon, and sea bass and cream sauces. This is not leadership that we are seeing now, it’s desperation, it’s trolling us proles on a galactic scale.

“The policies that they are preaching are condemning hundreds of millions of the world’s poorest to poverty, starvation, death on a global scale and at the same time, in their cynicism, they are ensuring that the populations of their own countries are plunged into fuel and food poverty for the first time in generations.”

Read more.




Biden Threatens ‘Transformational’ Change at UN Summit

Biden climate speech in Egypt reveals bad science, massive spending and regulation

UK: Rishi Sunak doubles down on globalist green agenda at climate change summit in Egypt

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The New Puritans: The Woke Left wants to put all of us on trial thumbnail

The New Puritans: The Woke Left wants to put all of us on trial

By Kenneth R. Timmerman

When was the last time you watched MSNBC or CNN – or any of the broadcast networks? I am not suggesting that one should do this often; but like taking cod’s liver oil or boiled spinach, watching the opposition is an essential ingredient to building character.

Because no matter which of the smug Woke left hosts you happen upon, they are all preaching the same sermon, over and over, so often in fact you would think they would tire of it: we are the virtuous ones, the vigils of Democracy. We are the ones who command history, art, culture. We are America. And themThey are the enemies of democracy.

This is what we have come to. We are no longer a nation divided, but two separate and distinct nations, each with its own culture, its own history, its heroes and villains, its own aspirations, its fears. Even its own language. (Here is Joy Reid telling us that Republicans “taught people the word ‘inflation.’”)

Some have suggested we are witnessing a repeat of the 1960s. But the drug-laden counter-culture of the Strawberry Statement and Abbe Hoffman and the Chicago Seven was quite distinct from today in significant ways. The sixties were about an awakening – an awakening of the mind and a liberation of the body from the shackles of generations of predominantly Anglo-Saxon Puritanism.

Today’s Woke Left are the new Puritans. They do not seek to liberate our minds from habit, or challenge us to innovation, but to enslave us in new doctrines far more rigid than anything earlier generations of Americans could conceive, from redefining biological sex to re-engineering freedom itself.

They have already held dress rehearsals of their Salem Witch Trials: the Mueller hoax, two impeachment fantasies, and the phantasmagoric January 6 inquisition. Now they want to put all of us on trial.

In the 1960s – as today – the media played a key role as a vector of change. Then, it was television bringing the horrors of war out of the shadows and into the living rooms of a nation of women. Before television, twentieth century war was something fought over there, whose gruesome evil was anaesthetized into newsreels and magazine articles that focused on big picture battles, with rare but sanitized glimpses of individual heroes. When the Greatest Generation returned from Europe and the Pacific, they largely nursed their wounds quietly, among themselves.

Vietnam changed all that; indeed, it made war dirty and present and dangerously real. The natural reaction of all but the martial spirits among us to televised war was revulsion – revulsion at our capacity for evil, and fear that we might be called upon to engage in it. Vietnam made cowards of many.

Today it is social media that acts as the enforcer of the new Alinsky-ite norms of behavior, shaming those who dare to defy the Woke Left.

This is why we must pay attention to what they are saying, because they no longer disguise their intentions. They believe they have won the battle for the soul and direction of America, and all that remains is to clean up the bodies left on the field.

According to the president of the United States:

“The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They’re a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace, embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy.”

So-called ‘presidential historian’ Michael Beschloss went even further: “We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system.” If Republicans win on Tuesday, “our children will be sentenced to death and put in prison.”

It’s too easy to say that Biden and the others have lost their minds. They believe every word of it. Even a red tsunami on Tuesday will not cure them of their conviction that they alone stand up for truth, and that their opponents are the embodiment of evil.

Because they are convinced they have definitively won the battle for the soul of America, the Woke Left is now treating their political enemies as a vanquished population — to be slowly starved, silenced, and banned from social intercourse.

They are telling this to their supporters every day: they are evil, they are corrupt, they want to destroy America, destroy democracy. 

The Woke Left sees us as players in the Hunger Games. But I believe this over-reach will be their downfall.

I predict they will soon discover that we have our own District 12, our sanctuary cities and free states where the dream of America’s better angels still thrives and Justice still wears her blindfold as she holds the scales. They might not admit to it, but they will know it. They will fear it.

You may even see the truth dawn on them during their election night coverage, as we saw in 2016 once it became clear Donald Trump was going to become president.

Even in defeat, they will not give up. But watch them, listen to them; know them for who they truly are.

They have been waging a (not-so) civil war on the American center-right for decades, and we have rarely fought back.

Now it’s time to take our victories at the ballot box and use them judiciously, cutting off the Woke Left from the levers of power – not just in Congress, but in our culture. And it starts by declaring their project for a socialist America illegitimate, un-American, throwing it out of our schools – and most importantly, defunding it.

©Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Target Liberty: The Dangerous Stalinism of the “Woke” Hard-Left

EXCLUSIVE: Judge Approves Restraining Order Against Lincoln Project Co-Founder Steve Schmidt thumbnail

EXCLUSIVE: Judge Approves Restraining Order Against Lincoln Project Co-Founder Steve Schmidt

By The Daily Caller

The soon-to-be ex-wife of Lincoln Project co-founder Steve Schmidt was granted a temporary restraining order against the political operative, court records obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller show.

Angela Schmidt filed for the restraining order on Aug. 15 in a Summit, Utah, state court, according to a case history of the Schmidts’ divorce. It was modified and granted on Oct. 16, according to the case history, obtained by the Daily Caller. Since the restraining order was granted, Schmidt has repeatedly accused Republican media figures and candidates of acting inappropriately towards women.

Details of the underlying behavior that led to the court issuance of the restraining order are not publicly available. However, under Utah state law, individuals going through divorce and child custody proceedings may request a restraining order with the court. The orders are only granted when the individual taking out the order will face “irreparable harm unless the court issues an order.” Judges are allowed to grant the orders at their own discretion and are not required to alert the subject of the order.

View the case history here:

Schmidt TRO Information-1 by Michael Ginsberg on Scribd

Angela Schmidt did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment on the matter.

The TRO is the latest accusation of Schmidt behaving inappropriately with women. Several news outlets have reported that the longtime operative has berated reporters and campaign staffers. Schmidt drew a rebuke from the Coalition for Women in Journalism in March after he published messages with New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman. Schmidt compared Haberman to former Times reporter and Soviet Union propagandist Walter Duranty, and Haberman accused Schmidt of “menacing” and “harassing” her “on Twitter and on text.”

“The Coalition For Women In Journalism condemns the incident and demands that Steve Schmidt offers an apology, not just for his unprofessional opinion but also for his latest attempt to bully Maggie Haberman on social media. CFWIJ has routinely reported on how quickly social media and digital space can be weaponized against women journalists, and Schmidt’s decision to release private correspondence in order to expose some ‘rot’ appears to be an attempt to do just that,” the organization said in a statement.

Schmidt’s organization, The Lincoln Project, was also a hotbed of harassment and misconduct, according to a report from The 19th. Schmidt reportedly believed that the campaign ad shop was a way to generate “inter-generational wealth,” but the group devolved amid infighting and allegations that cofounder John Weaver sexually harassed young men. Employees frequently referred to women as “girls,” and their enemies as “pussies,” “cocksuckers,” or “faggots,” the report adds.

Schmidt resigned from the board of the Lincoln Project in February 2021.

Steve Schmidt could not be reached for comment at phone numbers publicly listed under his name.

Schmidt turned on the late Republican Arizona Sen. John McCain, whose 2008 presidential campaign he ran. The operative told Politico in May that he did not vote for McCain, believing him “unfit” for office. He called the senator’s daughter, conservative commentator Meghan McCain, “rotten, entitled, spoiled, cruel, mean and bullying,” and favorably contrasted his interactions with her to those between Trump White House officials John Kelly, James Mattis, and HR McMaster and the children of the 45th president.

Currently employed by Democratic Ohio Rep. Tim Ryan’s failed Senate campaign, Schmidt repeatedly accused Republican opponent JD Vance of supporting domestic abuse. Vance said during a speech to a southern California high school that increased levels of divorce stemming from the sexual revolution negatively impact kids.

“This is one of the great tricks that I think the sexual revolution pulled on the American populace, which is the idea that like, ‘well, OK, these marriages were fundamentally, you know, they were maybe even violent, but certainly they were unhappy. And so getting rid of them and making it easier for people to shift spouses like they change their underwear, that’s going to make people happier in the long term,’” Vance said, according to Vice News.

Schmidt frequently referenced the reported remarks on Twitter, including after his ex-wife took out the restraining order.

I really think most normal people don’t think women who are beaten should stay married to the men who beat, shoot, stab, burn and torture them. JD Vance  proves this theory. He wants the beaten women to stick around for the next beating. It’s extreme and sick. It’s disqualifyin[g],” Schmidt tweeted on Nov. 4.

I really think most normal people don’t think women who are beaten should stay married to the men who beat, shoot, stab, burn and torture them. @JDVance1 proves this theory.

He wants the beaten women to stick around for the next beating. It’s extreme and sick. It’s disqualifyin

— Steve Schmidt (@SteveSchmidtSES) November 5, 2022

Schmidt also referenced sexual harassment allegations levied against the late Fox News CEO Roger Ailes and other Republicans.

I used to be smuggled into Fox News for secret meetings with Ailes. Same elevator he abused the women out of,” he claimed on Nov. 2.

Violence against women is a very specific type of crime. It is almost always perpetrated by men, usually a family member,” Schmidt said in a tweet thread about Missouri GOP Senate candidate Eric Greitens.



Congressional correspondent.


MSNBC Did Not Ask Lincoln Project Founders About John Weaver Despite Booking Them 17 Times After The Story First Broke

Lincoln Project Takes Responsibility For Tiki Torch Hoax At Youngkin Rally

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden climate speech in Egypt reveals bad science, massive spending and regulation thumbnail

Biden climate speech in Egypt reveals bad science, massive spending and regulation

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

President Biden, seeking to “greenwash” his failing energy policy, delivered a speech at COP 27, the big UN climate conference in Egypt.

The President falsely attributed a host of natural weather events to climate change and then went on to detail a massive laundry list of wasteful climate spending and destructive regulation.

The President said that:

In the United States, we’re seeing historic drought and wildfires in the West, devastating hurricanes and storms in the East.

Here in Africa — here in Africa, home to many nations considered most vulnerable to climate change, food insecurity [and] hunger follows four years of intense drought in the Horn of Africa.

Meanwhile, the Niger River in West Africa, swollen — swollen because of more intense rainfall, is wreaking havoc on fishing and farming communities.

In Nigeria, flooding has recently killed 600 people; 1.3 million more are displaced.

Seasonal livestock migration routes have been used for hundreds of years are being altered, increasing the risk of conflict between herders and local farming communities.

President Biden is wrong.

All of this is natural weather.  Government policy can help people suffering the impacts of extreme weather, but nothing on this list was meaningfully caused by our use of energy.

Floods, droughts, fires, storms, even African “livestock migration” are historically normal and not your fault.

Watch President Biden’s full COP 27 remarks at and read the full transcript and judge for yourself.

President Biden’s media office, joined by Climate Envoy John Kerry, released a lengthy U.S. climate “fact sheet” that summarizes Biden’s climate spending and regulation since he took office and their plans for the future.

Here’s a sample:

  • Double U.S. contributions to the UN “Adaptation Fund” from $50 to $100 million this year.
  • $150 million for “climate resilience in Africa.”
  • $20 million for small island states
  • $5 million to the Migration Multi-Partner Trust Fund to support “climate-affected vulnerable migrants.”
  • Launching a “Climate Gender Equity Fund”
  • $250 million for power generation in Egypt
  • Severe clampdown on methane emissions by American energy producers with $20 billion in spending
  • Close to $4 billion on “Green Shipping” initiatives
  • Require federal contractors to publicly disclose their greenhouse gas emissions and comply with government mandated emissions reductions
  • Commit U.S. national government operations to be “net zero” no later than 2050
  • Quadruple U.S. climate finance to over $11 billion a year
  • More than $65 billion in climate finance through the U.S. Trade and Development Agency and U.S. Export-Import Bank

Read the President Biden’s full climate “fact sheet” at

In addition to Biden, Friday saw a presentation at COP 27 by the Republican “Climate Caucus,” who many see as “useful idiots” playing into the hands of the climate-Left.

As CFACT’s Adam House posted to “by participating in this ‘Decarbonization Day,’ these Republican lawmakers have legitimized the UN’s message of collectivism, massive taxes and government spending, corrupt and alarmist science, and centralized power. In their attempt to be part of the conversation, they have only eroded the conservative message.”

President Biden’s climate and energy agenda is based on unsound science, would lead to massive erosion of national sovereignty, individual liberty, and prosperity that will weaken the free world and empower its adversaries.

This cannot stand.

Yet what lies in store for those of us with the courage to marshal the facts and correct the record on climate?

Take a look at this photo Marc Morano posted of a climate radical calling for the “death penalty” for “climate deniers” to CFACT’s Climate Depot.

If world leaders go on shamelessly egging them on, could climate radicals go from attacking great works of art to attacking people?


Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch: CFACT Protesters ‘Glue’ Themselves to Egyptian Museum thumbnail

Watch: CFACT Protesters ‘Glue’ Themselves to Egyptian Museum

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Left-wing climate protesters have been going nuts (more than usual) throwing soup on precious works of art and gluing themselves to things.

Not to be outdone, Marc Morano and I “glued” ourselves (well, watch the video) to a display case in the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization.

“No Net Zero! No Green Energy Mandates!” was the call of CFACT’s activists before we were (jokingly) escorted out by security.


The wave of lawlessness, trespass, and vandalism left-wing radicals have unleashed has become surreal.  Imagine throwing canned soup on Van Gogh paintings in London and Rome (as if poor Vincent didn’t torture himself enough).

When protesters identifying themselves as “scientists” recently glued themselves to the floor of a Volkswagen factory in Germany, they were shocked when workers turned off the lights and heat and denied them a bowl to use for a toilet.  Nothing “settled” about these idiots’ “science.”

Over the years CFACT has made quite a name for ourselves, not only for the outstanding scholarship and sound science the Left has come to fear, but for poking more than a little creative fun at clueless radicals who so richly deserve it.

“The human race has only one really effective weapon,” Mark Twain said, “and that is laughter.”

What better way to thwart our would-be leftist overlords than to laugh them off the stage?

For nature and people too!

P.S. President Biden is hoping his appearance at the UN climate summit in Egypt will somehow justify his disastrous policies that are blocking American energy production and transportation.  Thank you to everyone who had given so generously to make it possible for CFACT to blow the whistle on the destructive plans being unveiled in Sharm El Sheikh.  Please make the most generous gift you can right now and together let’s defeat the climate-Left with cold hard facts and then laugh them off the stage.  Thank you!

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America Desperately Needs Donald J. Trump Back in the White House thumbnail

America Desperately Needs Donald J. Trump Back in the White House

By Dr. Rich Swier

The 2024 Presidential election has now officially started. Americans must choose who will lead this nation.

General Ulysses S. Grant said,

“There are but two parties now, traitors and patriots.”

His words ring true today.

Two Americas

Americans tend to see our nation divided into red states and blue states. They see political parties like: Democrat, Libertarian, Independent, No-Party Affiliation and Republican. This has fundamentally changed since January 20th, 2021.

Those with vision and wisdom see America divided into two distinctly different political parties, one is made up of traitors, the other of patriots.

The traitors hate America, the patriots love America, it’s as simple as that.

One party believes the U.S. Constitution is racist and was written by white supremacists. The other party is dedicated to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic.

One identifies with Antifa and BLM. The second with MAGA.

Actions of the Traitor’s Party

Here is a list of actions taken by the Traitor Party members at every level:

  • Replace God with government.
  • Kneel when the National Anthem is played.
  • Stomp on, desecrate or burn the American flag.
  • Tear down historical monuments.
  • Rewrite history.
  • Put selfishness above selflessness. Better to give than to receive.
  • Seek power and control.
  • Demand compliance.
  • Use force and violence.
  • Loot, burn, ransack and create havoc in communities.
  • Bully others to achieve their goals.
  • Label, name call and defame their political opponents.
  • Produce propaganda.
  • Judge people by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character.
  • Tell the Big Lies and repeat them over and over again.
  • Deny that they lie.
  • Create myths.
  • Cheat and steal.
  • Create the conditions that lead to public discord.
  • Use all means available to denigrate the many into submission.
  • Use pejoratives like: racist, homophobic, Islamophobic, white supremacist, semi-fascist, fascist, etc.
  • Use the law against their enemies.
  • Use disorder in their communities.
  • Divide rather than unite.
  • Hate all things American.

Actions of the Patriot’s Party

Here is a list of actions taken by the Patriot Party members at every level:

  • Place God above government.
  • Stand, put their hand over their heart and, if a veteran, salute when the National Anthem is played.
  • Display, embrace or wave the American flag proudly.
  • Build and restore historical monuments.
  • Study history and philosophy.
  • Put selflessness above oneself.
  • Seek love and affection.
  • Embrace individual freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
  • Use passion and compassion with others.
  • Build, restore, expand and create loving communities.
  • Honestly debate others to achieve mutual understanding.
  • Embrace political opponents as part of this nation but agree to disagree.
  • Tell the truth in all things.
  • Judge people by the content of their character not by the color of their skin.
  • Tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and repeat it over and over again.
  • Never lie, cheat or steal.
  • Embrace reality and scientific truth.
  • Create the conditions that lead to prosperity for all.
  • Use all means available to love one another in order to move forward.
  • Use words like: God, life, love, truth, chastity, equal justice under the law and one nation under God.
  • Use the law against the criminal elements.
  • Create order in their communities.
  • Unite rather than divide.
  • Love all things American.

To answer the question: Is America on the verge of a second Civil War? For the Traitor Party the answer is yes, they are at war with the patriots. The Traitor Party pulled out all stops during the 2022 midterm elections. As we write this on November 12th, 2022 there are still votes being counted in states like Arizona and Nevada. There is a run off election in Georgia to determine who has a majority in the U.S. Senate.

The objectives of the Traitor Party are clear as stated in this tweet:

Congratulations to President Biden? His raid on Trump’s home, the arrest of pro-lifers, his illegal intimidation campaign against the Supreme Court, his censorship of opponents, and threats to jail and harassment of anyone who questioned his election helped stave off “Red Wave”!

— Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) November 11, 2022

Why MAGA and Donald J. Trump?

In a November 10th, 2022 The National Pulse article reported,

The Make America Great Again movement needs a long line of successors to Trump. DeSantis could absolutely be one if he can just be patient. But to try and crown him king of the GOP one day after several of his endorsed candidates lost (and where Trump won 219 out of 235 endorsements) doesn’t really work in America First’s favor.

In potential 2024 presidential polling, DeSantis polls at just 10 percent compared to Trump’s 70+ percent.

[ … ]

Trump’s 93% Endorsement Success Rate.

Not only did President Trump win 219 of his 235 endorsed races (that’s a 93 percent success rate at last count), but the Democrats just guaranteed themselves Joe Biden as their nominee for 2024.

[ … ]

Perception is Reality.

For example, the establishment GOP in Pennsylvania was dead set against Colonel Doug Mastriano, and they worked hand-in-hand with Democrats to defeat him. When your gubernatorial candidate is being attacked from all sides, including your own, your Senate candidate will also be dragged down, along with congressional candidates on the ballot.

If the GOP had actually rallied around the top of the ticket – Mastriano and Oz – they could have won together and delivered a down-ticket boost. But not only did the GOP establishment in that state lose the governor and the U.S. Senate race, they lost congressional races that should have been pickups. The blame lies with them, and they know it. Hence their projection – as always – onto Trump.

Read the full article here.

Many are asking is America on the verge of a second Civil War?

For the Traitor Party the answer is yes, they are at war with the patriots. For the patriots the answer is no, the patriots just want to live in peace, raise their families, do well in their chosen profession and job and keep America great!

The 2022 midterm elections proved that America wants MAGA back.

The midterm results show that America is hungry for President Trump to return.

There is literally no other rational way to interpret these results.

We need Trump back!

— Nick Adams (Alpha Male) (@NickAdamsinUSA) November 11, 2022

Acclaimed life, business and corporate coach Rasheed Ogunlaru said,

“In leadership, life and all things it’s far wiser to judge people by their deeds than their speech – their track record rather than their talk.”

MATT GAETZ: America Needs Trump Back In The White House

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 11, 2022

Elise Stefanik endorses Trump for 2024 presidential run

— Jack Posobiec 🇺🇸 (@JackPosobiec) November 11, 2022

It is time for Donald J. Trump to take back the reigns of power in Washington, D.C. in order to release the reigns of power back to the people and the states.

The Traitor Party lies, cheats and steals. The Patriot Party wants free and fair elections.

Gird your loins, we the people are in for a rough ride indeed.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


DR. GINA: The Uniparty NEEDS You To Believe There Was No Trump-Led Red Wave. It’s a Lie. And Here’s Why (And How) They’re Doing It…

Here We Go Again… Suspicious Ballots Arrive Way After Legal Deadline in Detroit

Update: Election Irregularities, Censorship Continue to Plague Midterms on Day 3 of Vote Count

You Can’t Have a Red Wave with a Blue Dam

Dem Megadonor Under Federal Investigation Bankrolled Lawmakers Overseeing The Agency He Was Lobbying

Taliban Uses U.S. Military Equipment, IG Withholds Records of Afghan Security Forces Collapse thumbnail

Taliban Uses U.S. Military Equipment, IG Withholds Records of Afghan Security Forces Collapse

By Judicial Watch

The Taliban is training and operating with U.S. military equipment including rifles, trucks, and helmets with night vision mounts since the Biden administration withdrew American troops from Afghanistan last year. Taliban forces even held a military parade with dozens of U.S.-provided armored vehicles and Mi-17 helicopters flying overhead, according to a federal audit documenting the collapse of the American-funded Afghan National Defense and Security Forces (ANDSF). For two decades the U.S. government spent a mind-boggling $90 billion to help the ANDSF develop into a self-sustaining force capable of combatting terrorist groups like the Taliban. It never happened.

When the Biden administration withdrew U.S. troops in August 2021 the ANDSF crumbled and the Taliban took over, generating images and videos of soldiers wearing U.S.-provided clothing and brandishing U.S.-provided rifles. “Taliban units now patrol in pickup trucks and armored vehicles likely procured by the U.S. and provided to the ANDSF,” reads the report published by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR), which was created by Congress to provide independent and objective oversight of Afghanistan reconstruction projects and activities. “Taliban special operations troops, known as Badri 313 units, wear helmets with night vision mounts likely provided by the United States, and carry U.S.-provided M4 rifles equipped with advanced gunsights.” The report continues. “Khalil Haqqani, a senior Taliban leader, carried a U.S.-provided rifle as he attended prayers at a mosque in Kabul following the collapse.” The examples show that the terrorist group is now equipped with material that was supplied by the U.S. to defeat it, the watchdog writes.

The 43-page report, which has 17 pages of endnotes, was released to the public earlier this year and determined that the single most important factor in the ANDSF’s collapse was the U.S. decision to withdraw military forces and contractors from Afghanistan. Since 2002, the United States deployed military and civilian personnel to train, advise, and mentor Afghan soldiers, police, and ministry officials, the report reveals, adding that Uncle Sam provided the ANDSF over 600,000 weapons, 300 aircraft, 80,000 vehicles, communication equipment, and other advanced material, such as night vision goggles and biometric systems. As part of its probe SIGAR reviewed hundreds of government and academic reports related to the development of Afghan forces and its subsequent collapse. Investigators also conducted more than 40 interviews with former Afghan government officials, former ANDSF members, and current and former U.S. government officials, including commanders of U.S. forces and the Combined Security Transition Command-Afghanistan (CSTC-A), the unit responsible for the ANDSF’s development. Ambassadors and advisors were also interviewed.

Though quite lengthy, the report leaves a lot of unanswered questions so Judicial Watched filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request for records that could shed light on the SIGAR probe and provide answers for the American taxpayers that financed the 20-year boondoggle. In its request Judicial Watch asked for emails, interviews, memoranda, reports, and briefings with former Afghan government officials, former ANDSF members, and current and former U.S. government officials, including former commanders of U.S. forces, CSTC-A commanders, ambassadors, and advisors responsible for the development of the Afghan army, air force, special forces, and police, as they relate to the report. A few weeks later Judicial Watch received a letter acknowledging receipt of the FOIA request and several weeks later SIGAR followed up with a letter rejecting the public record request. The watchdog claims only 27 records responsive to Judicial Watch’s request were located but they are exempt from disclosure under measures that protect attorney-client privilege, personal privacy and information compiled for law enforcement that could reasonably be expected to constitute an invasion of personal privacy. The exemptions have official government codes that were cited in the rejection letter.

SIGAR’s refusal to provide the records means the public will never know the entire truth behind the U.S.’s massive failure in Afghanistan and the abrupt demise of the American-funded ANDSF. In the name of transparency the watchdog should provide the information. Ironically, SIGAR recently blasted the State Department for withholding records necessary to investigate how billions of dollars in Afghanistan reconstruction money is being spent. The watchdog condemned the stonewalling in a letter to Congress and the Secretary of State that explains “American taxpayers deserve to know why the Afghan government collapsed after all that assistance, where the money went, and how taxpayer money is now being spent in Afghanistan.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

‘Finally Backing Down’: Border Patrol Lifts Vaccine Mandate For Personnel thumbnail

‘Finally Backing Down’: Border Patrol Lifts Vaccine Mandate For Personnel

By The Daily Caller

  • U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has lifted its vaccine mandate, according to a memorandum exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • “CBP is halting the COVID-19 screening program, and employees may choose to withdraw their pending reasonable accommodation requests for screening exemption,” an internal CBP memorandum stated.
  • Several agents who fought for vaccine exemptions are both happy and frustrated over the new decision, they told the DCNF.
  • “Management is finally backing down because this is a fight that they’re not going to win. I think this is a huge win for people that didn’t get the vaccine. It’s almost like a relief,” one Border Patrol agent said.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has ended the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for its personnel, according to a memorandum exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“CBP is halting the COVID-19 screening program, and employees may choose to withdraw their pending reasonable accommodation requests for screening exemption,” an internal CBP memorandum stated. National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd confirmed to the DCNF that both the vaccine mandate and testing requirements have been lifted.

President Joe Biden issued the mandate for all federal employees via a Sept. 9 executive order. Border agents who didn’t get vaccinated and didn’t have approved exemptions faced possible termination, two active agents and a union official previously told the DCNF.

Due to a court order, CBP paused the vaccine requirement in January in favor of Texas’ push to block the mandate.

But the latest move makes some unvaccinated agents feel like their battles against the mandate, the ostracization from their fellow agents and fears that they’d lose their jobs were all for naught, four of them, all from different sectors of the southern border, told the DCNF on the condition of anonymity out of fear of retribution.

“It frustrates me,” one Border Patrol agent fighting the mandate with a pending appeal for a religious exemption told the DCNF.

“It boggles my mind that the agency was ready to lose maybe about half of its workforce during this crisis that we’re having right now at the border. I just didn’t understand that they were willing  to reprimand these guys or even dismiss them or fire them going through this crisis at the border,” the agent added.

CBP leadership has realized it was fighting a losing battle, a second Border Patrol agent, who requested a religious exemption, told the DCNF.

“Management is finally backing down because this is a fight that they’re not going to win. I think this is a huge win for people that didn’t get the vaccine. It’s almost like a relief,” the agent said.

“It’s a joke because we’re so worried about COVID that we’re letting in all these aliens unvaccinated, untested, we’re not doing anything for them, right? We’re not testing them when they come across. We’re not giving them the vaccine when they come across, but COVID is such a big deal,” they added.

The record surge in illegal migration in fiscal year 2022, when CBP encountered roughly 2.3 million migrants, has only made matters worse for the workforce, especially those threatened for not getting the jab.

“It doesn’t even feel like we’re the sworn agents that we were developed and made out to be … we’re the guys that are protecting the border. It’s like they don’t even care. We’re not even like people to them. At this point. It’s just a statistic,” a third agent requesting a religious accommodation said.

“It does very much feel like we’re being tossed around and like our lives don’t matter. We’re talking about people with families, with medical issues, prior medical issues, monetary issues, there are some people that live check to check, and the patrol is going to burden them with termination. That was insane. You got to be kidding. We’re at this point now.”

A fourth agent, who fought against the vaccine mandate on both religious and medical grounds, said other than one superior, they’ve not faced too much scrutiny over the fight for an exemption.

“The rest of them, they understand it’s bullshit,” the agent said.

CBP didn’t respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: CBP Chief Tries To Reassure The Rank-And-File As Agency Levels Charges Against ‘Whipgate’ Agents

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Musk’s New Blue Check System Costs Eli Lilly Billions After Fake ‘Free Insulin’ Tweet thumbnail

Musk’s New Blue Check System Costs Eli Lilly Billions After Fake ‘Free Insulin’ Tweet

By The Daily Caller

Elon Musk’s new blue-check system for Twitter apparently cost at least one multinational corporation billions of dollars in value this week.

Eli Lilly, one of America’s foremost pharmaceutical brands, saw its stock price fall more than 2% Thursday after a fake tweet went viral earlier in the day promising “free insulin.” The account responsible for the fake tweet impersonated the official Eli Lilly account and had purchased a verification checkmark under Musk’s new “Twitter Blue” system.

Did Twitter Blue tweet just cost Eli Lilly $LLY billions?


— Rafael Shimunov is on Mastodon (@rafaelshimunov) November 11, 2022

The account, which used the username @EliLillyAndCo and the official Eli Lilly logo, tweeted Thursday afternoon, “We are excited to announce insulin is free now.” The tweet quickly gained hundreds of retweets and thousands of likes, precipitating the drop in stock value that cost the real company roughly $20 billion in market cap.

The blue check was removed from the account and its tweets were made private later Thursday, but the damage had been done. Eli Lilly issued a statement clarifying that insulin would not be free under its real twitter username, @LillyPad, and apologized for the misleading statement being disseminated.

Musk promised to begin charging $20 per month to users who were verified on Twitter after he purchased the platform last month, a plan that quickly evolved into charging $8 per month for “Twitter Blue,” which would give users the same blue check mark as those who are verified along with some other perks.

Within days of the service launching, misinformation began to run rampant across the platform as accounts impersonating celebrities and politicians now had blue checks to grant them a veneer of credibility. An account impersonating Lebron James requested a trade from the Los Angeles Lakers. Another pretending to be the Pittsburgh Steelers announced the death of starting quarterback Kenny Pickett. A fake George Bush and fake Tony Blair shared memories of “killing Iraqis.”

NEW: Twitter has suspended the launch of Twitter Blue and is actively trying to stop people from subscribing “to help address impersonation issues,” per an internal note. 1/

— Zoë Schiffer (@ZoeSchiffer) November 11, 2022

Twitter reportedly circulated an internal memo Friday claiming it is suspending the launch of Twitter Blue and actively discouraging people from signing up while it addresses “impersonation issues.”



Chief foreign affairs correspondent. Follow Dylan on Twitter

RELATED ARTICLR: Musk Tells Twitter Staff ‘Bankruptcy Isn’t Out Of The Question’ As Executives Jump Ship Over Privacy Concerns

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

5 Counterintuitive Things I Learned Reading Ayn Rand’s ‘The Fountainhead’ thumbnail

5 Counterintuitive Things I Learned Reading Ayn Rand’s ‘The Fountainhead’

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Rand makes some radical claims in the book, but when you think about it, they make a lot of sense.

I recently picked up Ayn Rand’s 1943 novel The Fountainhead, and I must say I quite enjoyed it. For those who haven’t read it, The Fountainhead is a story about a young architect named Howard Roark. Roark is a non-conformist who finds himself at odds with the rest of his profession because of his refusal to compromise his artistic expression for the sake of tradition. It goes deeper than that, however. Roark’s self-described worldview is “egotism,” and it’s this selfish, individualistic attitude that the rest of the world can’t seem to stand, save a few of his close friends.

Rand unapologetically uses the story to advance her life philosophy, called Objectivism. Roark is the prototypical hero in this philosophy, though if you read some of the things Roark does, you may bristle at the thought of holding him up as an example to be emulated.

Thinking back on the book, I enjoyed the narrative, but the dialogues are really what made it stand out. They were incredibly clever and sharp, and they really help the reader get to know the characters and their worldviews.

The book also challenged me to rethink a lot of “common sense” ideas people often take for granted. Throughout the story, Rand makes many counterintuitive points that push back against the mainstream view on various topics.

Here’s a selection of some counterintuitive ideas that stood out to me.

1) Our Culture Is Not as Individualistic as We Think

Most people would say we live in a fairly individualistic culture in the West, but Rand would disagree. According to Rand, our society is full of “second-handers,” people who live for and through others.

This theme is introduced early in the book in a dialogue between Roark and Peter Keating, a fellow architect. Keating knows Roark is good at architecture, so he goes to Roark for advice. Roark’s response is illuminating.

“If you want my advice, Peter, you’ve made a mistake already. By asking me. By asking anyone. Never ask people. Not about your work. Don’t you know what you want? How can you stand it, not to know?”

As we learn through the rest of the story, asking for advice may seem benign, but it often reveals that you don’t have any opinions of your own—you can only live through the opinions of others. And it’s not like these others have their own opinions either. They too are second-handers, reflecting the opinions of everyone around them. It’s “like the senseless infinity you get from two mirrors facing each other across a narrow passage,” Rand writes, “…reflections of reflections and echoes of echoes. No beginning and no end. No center and no purpose.”

The point is that we live in a culture where people are afraid to be original and to have their own ideas. We strive so much to please others, to be the person others want us to be, that in the process we lose our very selves.

Truly being yourself—genuine individualism—is difficult. Because it inevitably means being unpopular, unliked, and constantly criticized. And when you’re criticized, you need to have enough integrity to say, “I disagree with your criticism and refuse to incorporate it. I refuse to be the person others want me to be simply to appease them.” Integrity in this sense is loyalty to your self—to you. Betraying your self to the whims of others is the telltale sin of the second-hander.

Rand expands on the second-hander idea in a later section of the book. “That, precisely, is the deadliness of second-handers,” she writes. “They have no concern for facts, ideas, work. They’re concerned only with people. They don’t ask: ‘Is this true?’ They ask: ‘Is this what others think is true?’ Not to judge, but to repeat. Not to do, but to give the impression of doing. Not creation, but show. Not ability, but friendship. Not merit, but pull.”

People often say two heads are better than one, and there are times when that’s certainly the case. But according to Rand, the “teamwork” mentality is applied far too broadly in our culture, with mediocrity being the predictable result.

There’s a story in The Fountainhead that’s intended to illustrate this point, and it revolves around an architectural project called The March of the Centuries, which is part of an exhibition for the World’s Fair. Eight of the best architects in America were chosen to design the building—collaboratively. It was intended to demonstrate how much better working with others is compared to working alone. Peter Keating was one of the eight collaborators.

The project, however, was a “ghastly flop.” And as usual, every reason except the most obvious one was given for its failure.

A few chapters later, Roark is talking with Peter Keating, trying to make him understand the individualist ethos. In an offhand comment, Roark brings up The March of the Centuries. “Peter, every single one of you on that committee has done better work alone than the eight of you produced collectively. Ask yourself why, sometime.”

I asked myself “why” when I read that, and the answer was self-evident, as Rand intended it to be. The reason the project was a flop is because creation and production are best pursued as individualistic enterprises. One person with a grand vision—someone who can control every detail—is usually the key to achieving excellence. When you lead by committee no one is really in charge; you have to compromise and incorporate everyone’s input. The result is a hodgepodge of half-baked ideas. No single, comprehensive vision can come to fruition. But it is precisely single, comprehensive visions that make a product great.

There’s a reason almost all great art is created by individuals rather than teams.

3) The Imbecile Always Smiles

“Have you noticed that the imbecile always smiles? Man’s first frown is the first touch of God on his forehead. The touch of thought.”

That line instantly clicked the moment I first read it. Many people—“imbeciles” in particular—seem to have a certain unseriousness about them. They spend all their time in bars, at parties, and watching laugh-track TV shows, chasing what basically amounts to cheap thrills. It’s a kind of hedonism, a cavalier approach to life that is frankly rather shallow and trite.

The thing these people all have in common is that smile. That naive, whimsical, childish smile.

What sets apart the mature—in my view and in Rand’s—is the frown of thought and determination. It’s not a renunciation of joy. It’s learning to find a deeper joy, perhaps in applying yourself on a difficult project, or in learning something new, or in appreciating genuinely good art.

Jordan Peterson highlights this dichotomy in his analysis of The Lion King. In the beginning of the movie, Simba is young and immature, and you can see it in his face. But by the end, he has grown into adulthood, he has shouldered responsibility. You can see the change especially in the eyebrows, which point firmly down when someone is concentrating.

4) When It Comes to People, You Often Can Judge a Book by Its Cover

It’s common knowledge that you’re not supposed to judge others by first impressions. You’ve just met them, after all. It’s almost unfair to jump to conclusions about their character and personality when you hardly know them.

Or is it? In one section of the book, Rand makes an interesting point about intuition that challenges this notion that we can’t possibly judge people just by looking at them.

“‘There’s nothing as significant as a human face. Nor as eloquent. We can never really know another person, except by our first glance at him. Because, in that glance, we know everything. Even though we’re not always wise enough to unravel the knowledge. Have you ever thought about the style of a soul, Kiki?’

‘The … what?’

‘The style of a soul. Do you remember the famous philosopher who spoke of the style of a civilization? He called it ‘style.’ He said it was the nearest word he could find for it. He said that every civilization has its one basic principle, one single, supreme, determining conception, and every endeavor of men within that civilization is true, unconsciously and irrevocably, to that one principle. … I think, Kiki, that every human soul has a style of its own, also. Its one basic theme. You’ll see it reflected in every thought, every act, every wish of that person. The one absolute, the one imperative in that living creature. Years of studying a man won’t show it to you. His face will. You’d have to write volumes to describe a person. Think of his face. You need nothing else.’”

In recent years this philosophical speculation has been backed up by some pretty cool scientific research. For instance, in a 2016 paper titled Perceptions of Sexual Orientation From Minimal Cues, psychologist Nicholas Rule summarizes the literature on “gaydar,” the colloquial term for being able to intuit someone’s sexual orientation. “The bulk of scientific evidence suggests that people are sensitive to differences in sexual orientation and can reliably perceive it based on minimal nonverbal cues,” Rule writes.

Many other characteristics can also be reliably predicted from subtle cues, according to a 2013 paper by Rule and coauthor Konstantin Tskhay. “The majority of groups to which we may belong (e.g., professions, religious groups, political parties) are ambiguous, yet research has nonetheless shown that many of these distinctions are perceptible,” they write.

This isn’t to say we should always rush to judgment, of course. We should be open to new information and be willing to revise our initial assessments of people should they prove erroneous. But as Rand, Rule, and Tskhay point out, we often know far more than we think, even if we can’t “unravel the knowledge.” It’s subconscious. I can’t tell you how I know what you’re like. I just know. You betray far more than you realize when you show your face to the world.

5) Man’s Ego is the Fountainhead of Human Progress

The summary of The Fountainhead that appeared on the first edition in 1943 begins with the following line: “An excitingly dramatic novel, this book is based on a challenging belief in the importance of selfishness, on the provocative idea that man’s ego is the fountainhead of human progress.”

In his afterword, Rand’s protégé Leonard Peikoff sheds some more light on the title, which is never directly explained in the book itself. “Ayn Rand’s working title for the novel was Second-Hand Lives,” he explains. “The final title, chosen after the manuscript was completed, changes the emphasis: like the book, it gives primacy not to the villains, but to the creative hero, the man who uses his mind first-handedly and becomes thereby the fountainhead of all achievement.”

The idea that man’s ego is the fountainhead of progress and achievement is the central claim of the book, and perhaps the most radical. But Rand’s explanation of this idea—both through dialogue and narrative—is compelling.

“Before you can do things for people,” Roark says, “you must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the secondary consequences. The work, not the people. Your own action, not any possible object of your charity. I’ll be glad if people who need it find a better manner of living in a house I designed. But that’s not the motive of my work. Nor my reason. Nor my reward.”

Rand’s point is that productivity and creative achievement only really come from individuals acting in their own self-interest. Paradoxically, the best way to help others is to be, in a sense, selfish.

That probably sounds uncouth, but Rand challenges us to at least wrestle with the idea. Ask yourself, who is the more effective benefactor of the downtrodden? The one who professes love for them but is impotent to help, or the one who acts out of sheer self-interest but—as a result of that self-interest—is actually able to produce something of value?

A Novel for Our Time

Though it was written many decades ago, The Fountainhead has enduring appeal because it speaks to issues that are as relevant today as they were when the novel was first published. The battle between individualism and collectivism in particular rages on, and it shows no signs of slowing down.

This book will challenge many assumptions about morality and what a life well-lived looks like. But the challenge doesn’t come in the form of an argument. It comes in the form of a story, one that has the potential to transform how you see the world.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COVID Amnesty? How About Unconditional Surrender? thumbnail

COVID Amnesty? How About Unconditional Surrender?

By Selwyn Duke

Brown University professor Emily Oster has created quite a stir with her recent article asking for a “pandemic amnesty.” In it, she calls for “both sides” in the COVID debate to forgive each other so we can focus on solving current problems. If Oster wanted exposure, she certainly got it, with commentators far and wide responding to her plea. If she wanted to heal wounds and close chasms, however, she failed miserably. Many have told her to go pound sand.

Genuine calls for forgiveness are noble, but, Professor Oster, you (and your critics) miss a significant point here: Forgiveness does not obviate punishment. Were it otherwise, following Jesus’s “70×7” prescription would mean emptying the prisons and hurting our beloved children by never holding them accountable for misbehavior.

So I’ll do my best to forgive, Professor Oster, but forgetting? No! I speak for many in saying that your plea is rejected — and offensive. And for there to be even the beginning of a rapprochement, there are two requirements (I’ll speak in this piece of “two sides” even though, of course, there’s much variation within each):

  1. You must hand over your “leaders” for judgment and justice.
  2. You must issue a genuine mea culpa and demonstrate that you’ve learned from your mistakes.

This matters immensely. Many on my side are angry, but I’ll nonetheless do what I and others did during the pandemic — not what you did, professor. I’ll react based on reason and not emotion and say that I’m not seeking retribution, viscerally pleasurable though it may be. And reason’s application informs that, as Herbert Spencer put it, “The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools.” Thus must the foolish and often fiendish pandemic puppeteers be in the dock — and thus must their erstwhile puppets demonstrate that they’ve learned from the past.

Unfortunately, though, professor, you appear to have learned virtually nothing. You speak as if the COVID battles were some kind of mutual misunderstanding that degenerated into an ugly rift. This is yet another slap in the face. There was nothing mutual about it, not in terms of misunderstandings or malevolence or power or persecution.

Though many of us counseled against COVIDian madness, my side was content to let you and your fellow travelers wear a mask, or three masks; take a genetic-therapy agent (GTA) shot, or five; social distance by six feet, or 60; shut down your businesses and lock yourselves indoors for one month, or six; and generally behave like mysophobic Chicken Littles. But that wasn’t good enough.

Not only did you impose your mask empire and distancing fancies on us, but you shut down our businesses as part of a COVID regulation regime; destroyed livelihoods; impoverished people; caused untold numbers of lockdown-induced, secondary-effect deaths; and tried coercing us into taking the GTAs under pain of career destruction, firing tens of thousands of Americans who resisted your will. Why, CNN medical analyst Dr. Leana Wen, cheered on by millions of you and speaking for many more, actually said that people such as me, GTA realists, should be prohibited from participating in society and banished to our homes. You also censored us when we dared explain our dissent, said we were killing people and impugned our character and patriotism.

By the way, Wen more recently renounced much COVIDian theology and wrote an article about how she no longer believes in masking children because her young son suffered mask-induced developmental problems. Yet as with you, professor, she issues no apology for her ill-informed, life-rending prescriptions.

Speaking of which, Professor Oster, you wrote of our correct prescriptions that in “the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing.” “We didn’t know,” you protested. Well, speak for yourself, professor.

Of course, some did oppose COVID regulations based purely on a desire for liberty or relied on instinct. Yet a twist on a famous saying comes to mind here: The more I research, the “luckier” I get.

Was it luck, professor, when I cited Dr. Knut Wittkowski — former longtime head of the Department of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at the Rockefeller University in New York City — as warning in an April 1st and 2nd, 2020 interview that lockdowns were counterproductive? He also provided sage but unheeded prescriptions for managing the disease.

Was it luck, professor, when I cited experts as saying in February 2020 that the vast majority of us will contract the coronavirus, that most cases are mild and that “vaccines” wouldn’t save us? This information, by the by, was printed in the liberal Atlantic, the very magazine that published your piece! Did you miss it?

Was it luck, professor, when I cited early data out of Italy showing that the COVID mortality victims were aged 79.5 on average and more than 99 percent had comorbidities, again indicating that it wasn’t a disease imperiling the majority? Was it luck when I, presenting research, warned in 2020-’21 of masks’ lack of efficacy and the perils they pose, especially to the young? I could mention additional data, studies and experts I and others drew upon, but the point is this:

You could have known, professor. But you didn’t show due diligence. You had your head buried in establishment media and wouldn’t pay any mind to those who dared contradict it. Hey, only Ivy League input need apply, right, professor?

This matters because the problem isn’t that you fell victim to COVID propaganda; it’s that you’re the kind of person who could fall victim to COVID propaganda. And unless this changes — unless you learn from past mistakes — you’ll just make similar ones again during a future crisis. In fact, we see the same phenomena even now with climate change.

You also say, professor, that we should be willing to move on because most of those adopting bad policy had good intentions. Yet even if this were true, it’s irrelevant. A doctor can have the absolute best intentions but still be sued into oblivion for malpractice.

What of your claim, however? Does it reflect good intentions

  • when politicians, such as Governor Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), imposed onerous COVID restrictions on us but then arrogantly violated those rules themselves?
  • when officials said we knew little about a “novel” virus but then made continual cocksure pronouncements and, colluding with Big Tech, censored anyone contradicting them (including the aforementioned Dr. Wittkowski)?
  • when an effort was launched to turn COVID “heretics” into second-class citizens?
  • when even today some schools have GTA mandates for young people, despite the well-known health risks?
  • when Dr. Anthony Fauci and other officials continually lied to America while accusing dissenters of peddling “misinformation”?

Of course, it’s true that man is complex and people rationalize — aka, lie to themselves — perhaps more than they lie to others. But if the above is the result of good intentions, professor, who needs bad ones?

The point, however, is that these COVIDian “leaders,” such as Fauci and Governor Gretchen Whitmer (D-Mich.), must be held to account and not survive, in power, to tyrannize another day. Yet our pseudo-elites instead continue to fail upwards, with your support, professor. But, then, you enjoy the same benefits, don’t you? Why, you say you’re now actually co-teaching a college class on COVID. Talk about an idiocracy!

In conclusion, Professor Oster, you opened your article mentioning that in “April 2020, with nothing else to do, my family took an enormous number of hikes.” This brings us to my response to your amnesty proposal: You can go take another one.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe, Gettr or Parler, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: No chance of pandemic amnesty for enforcers of false COVID narrative

Scalise Announces Bid for House Majority Leader thumbnail

Scalise Announces Bid for House Majority Leader

By The Geller Report

This needs t happen. GOP ‘leadership’ needs an overhaul.

The current Republican Party leadership of Mitchell McConnell and Kevin McCarthy are the problem. They need to be replaced, or the Republican Party will have many  more disappointing election nights. McConnell and McCarthy represent the Trump-hating establishment who alienate the Trump voters. They always play defense, even when they are in charge. They run lousy elections, and they are consistently outmaneuvered by the Democrats. This can’t continue if the Republican Party is to remain a national party.

Scalise Announces Bid for House Majority Leader

By Newsmax, Nov 9, 2022

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise is launching a bid to become the House majority leader as the GOP appears likely to regain control of the lower chamber.

The Louisiana Republican, who easily won reelection Tuesday night, announced his bid Wednesday, according to The Hill. California Republican Kevin McCarthy, the current House minority leader, is expected to be elected speaker in the next Congress should the GOP wrest control from Democrats.

Read more.


Geller Report Staff


The Republican Party Needs an Overhaul Before 2024

27 Illinois Counties Have Voted to Split the State

Ballots vs. Votes

ELECTION FRAUD: Nevada Finds 60K Ballots in Drop Boxes, Delays Will Stretch into Next Week

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Biden’s Student Loan Handout Struck Down By Federal Judge thumbnail

Biden’s Student Loan Handout Struck Down By Federal Judge

By The Geller Report

It hardly matters now. The Biden regime got what it wanted — the imbecilic, privileged Gez Z voter, rendered incapable of critical thought by the very college education they expected the working class to pay for.

One thing I know already.

If not for voters under 30 … tonight WOULD have been a Red Wave.

CNN National House Exit Poll

R+ 13 65+

R+ 11 45-64

D +2 30-44

D +28 18-29#GenZ did their job.

— John Della Volpe (@dellavolpe) November 9, 2022

A new survey of Biden student loan bailout recipients found…

➡️52% say they’ll use their extra $ to buy clothes

➡️46% say they’ll go on vacation or out to eat more

➡️28% say they’ll buy drugs or alcohol

➡️27% say they’ll gamble more

We will pay $500B more in taxes for this.

— Brad Polumbo 🇺🇸⚽️🏳️‍🌈 (@brad_polumbo) November 10, 2022

Biden’s student loan handout struck down by federal judge in Texas

By: Fox News, November 10, 2022:

Appeals court temporarily halts President Biden’s student loan handout

Texas Rep. Beth Van Duyne discusses GOP members attempting to block President Biden’s student loan plan on ‘The Evening Edit.’

A federal judge in Texas struck down President Biden’s student loan handout in a Thursday night ruling.

Biden’s plan, which aims to cancel up to $20,000 in student loan debt for Pell Grant recipients in college and up to $10,000 for others who borrowed using federal student loans.

“Whether the Program constitutes good public policy is not the role of this Court to determine. Still, no one can plausibly deny that it is either one of the largest delegations of legislative power to the executive branch, or one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the

United States,” United States District Judge Mark Pittman wrote.

“In this country, we are not ruled by an all-powerful executive with a pen and a phone. Instead, we are ruled by a Constitution that provides for three distinct and independent branches of government…The Court is not blind to the current political division in our country. But it is fundamental to the survival of our Republic that the separation of powers as outlined in our Constitution be preserved. And having interpreted the HEROES Act, the Court holds that it does not provide ‘clear congressional authorization’ for the Program proposed by the Secretary,”

Elaine Parker, President of Job Creators Network Foundation, which brought the lawsuit, reacted to the ruling on Thursday.

“The court has correctly ruled in favor of our motion and deemed the Biden student loan program illegal. The judge criticized the Biden Administration program, calling it ‘one of the largest exercises of legislative power without congressional authority in the history of the United States.’ This ruling protects the rule of law which requires all Americans to have their voices heard by their federal government,” Parker said.

“This attempted illegal student loan bailout would have done nothing to address the root cause of unaffordable tuition: greedy and bloated colleges that raise tuition far more than inflation year after year while sitting on $700 billion in endowments. We hope that the court’s decision today will lay the groundwork for real solutions to the student loan crisis.”

Read more.


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: Pennsylvania Elects Dead Democrat

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.