Unity is back! Positivity is back! Patriotism is back! President Trump is back! thumbnail

Unity is back! Positivity is back! Patriotism is back! President Trump is back!

By Dr. Rich Swier

Tuesday, November 15th, 2022 will be remembered as the great American comeback. That was the date that Donald J. Trump announced his run to become POTUS #47.

The title of this column was taken from a tweet by Brigitte Gabriel, a Christian Lebanese American who legally immigrated to the United States and founded ACT for America. ACT’s mission is to, “…mobilize citizens to ensure the safety and security of Americans against all threats foreign and domestic while preserving civil liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution.”

Unity is back!

Positivity is back!

Patriotism is back!

President Trump is back!

— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) November 16, 2022

The Choices

The choices in 2024 are now crystal clear:

  • No inflation, or rampant inflation under Democrats.
  • Secure borders, or open borders under Democrats.
  • Growth and prosperity, or dependence and poverty under Democrats.
  • A nation in Ascent, or a nation in Decline under Democrats.
  • Energy independence, or energy poor under Democrats.
  • Peace, or constant war under Democrats.
  • Law and order, or rampant crime under Democrats.
  • Low taxes, or more taxes under Democrats.
  • Less federal spending, or more federal spending under Democrats.
  • Pro-parent, or parents as domestic terrorists under Democrats.
  • Less federal debt, or unending federal debt under Democrats.
  • Fewer regulations, or more regulations under Democrats.
  • America first, or America last under Democrats.
  • Defend the police, or defund the police under Democrats.
  • American families first, or American families last under Democrats.
  • Alpha males and females, or beta males and females under Democrats.
  • Honesty and openness, versus corruption under Democrats.
  • Protecting innocent girls and boys, or rampant human trafficking by Democrats.
  • Drug free American, or drug addicted America under Democrats.
  • Peace in the Middle East, the Abraham Accords, or violence and war in the Middle East.
  • Freedom, or slavery under Democrats.
  • Pro-life, or pro-death of the unborn under Democrats.
  • Economic security, or economic dependency on other under Democrats.
  • Military strength, or military weakness under Democrats.
  • Marriage between one man and one women, or marriage defined as anything and everything under Democrats.
  • Happiness, or human pain and suffering under Democrats.
  • Conservationism, or radical environmentalism under Democrats.
  • Faith, family and liberty, or godlessness, destruction of the traditional family and tyranny under the Democrats
  • A Constitutional Republic, or Communism under Democrats.
  • Free and fair elections, or cheating and stealing under Democrats
  • God loving, or God and Godliness under attack by the Democrats.

“Can Trump save us? He absolutely can. His policies are proven, thoughtful, and put America first.” pic.twitter.com/Tnf0bBUB2u

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) November 17, 2022

Choose wisely when you cast your vote on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024.

Donald J. Trump stands with and for America

We need to go back in order to secure the future of our American Republic.

As Donald J. Trump said during his announcement to run in 2024,

“Together we will be taking on the most corrupt forces and entrenched interests imaginable. Our country is in a horrible state. We’re in grave trouble.”

Auberon Edward William Molyneux Herbert, British writer, theorist, philosopher, and 19th century individualist wrote, “The highest art in the world cannot guild socialism. It is impossible to make beautiful, the denial of liberty.”

MAGA, the movement, stands for liberty and against Marxism in all of its forms. America is now in a new Civil War. A civil war of we the people against Washington, D.C. bureaucrats.

Ulysses S. Grant in a letter to his father wrote,

There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.

MAGA and Donald J. Trump will go down in history as being the party of U.S. Patriots.

It is important to remember what Donald J. Trump said at his inaugural address,

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government, while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered, but the jobs left and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs, and while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land. That all changes, starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment — it belongs to you. It belongs to everyone gathered here today, and everyone watching, all across America. This is your day. This is your celebration, and this, the United States of America, is your country.

[ … ]

You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before. At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction, that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families, and good jobs for themselves. These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public, but for too many of our citizens a different reality exists. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories, scattered like tombstones across the across the landscape of our nation, an education system flush with cash, but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge, and the crime, and the gangs, and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

This says it all. Power to the people.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


Reinstate former President Trump

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 19, 2022

Education as a Battleground thumbnail

Education as a Battleground

By Imprimis Digest

The following is adapted from remarks delivered on November 3, 2022, at a Hillsdale College reception in Santa Clara, California.

If you want to see the problem with American education, look at a chart illustrating the comparative growth in the number of students, teachers, and district administrators in our public schools in the period between 2000 and 2019. (See the chart here.) The number of district administrators grew by a whopping 87.6 percent during these years, far outstripping the growth in the number of students (7.6 percent) and teachers (8.7 percent).

In illustrating the difference in these rates of growth, the chart also illustrates a fundamental change that has come over our nation as a whole during this period—a change in how we govern ourselves and how we live. To say a change is fundamental means that it concerns the foundation of things. If the foundation changes, then the things built on it are changed. Education is fundamental, and it has changed radically. This has changed everything else.

One way of describing the change in education today is that it provides a different answer than we have ever known to the question: who owns American children? Of course, no one actually owns the children. They are human beings, and insofar as they are owned, they own themselves. But by nature, they require a long time to grow up—much longer than most creatures—and someone must act on their behalf until they mature. Who is to do that?

Not many people raise this question explicitly, but implicitly it is everywhere. For example, it is contained in the question: who gets to decide what children learn? It is contained more catastrophically in the question: who decides what we tell children about sex? 

Are these decisions the province of professional educators, who claim to be experts? Or are they the province of parents, who rely on common sense and love to guide them? In other words, is the title to govern children established by expertise or by nature as exhibited in parenthood? The first is available to a professionally educated few. The second is available to any human being who will take the trouble.

The natural answer to this question is contained in the way human beings come to be. Prior to recent scientific “advances,” every child has been the result of a natural process to which people have a natural attraction. “Natural” here does not mean what every single person wants or does—it means the way things work unless we humans intervene. 

In its essence, “nature” means the process of begetting and growth by which a mature, living thing comes to be. Not quite every human being is attracted to the natural process of human reproduction, but nearly all are—and when the process works to produce a baby, it works that way and no other way. 

This process of human reproduction and growth works for two reasons. The first is that human beings, when mature, are capable of so much more than other creatures. Almost from birth we learn to talk, a rational function that indicates decisive differences from other creatures. Because of reason and speech we are moral beings, capable of distinguishing among kinds of things and therefore of knowing and doing right and wrong. Also because of them we are social beings, able to understand and explain things to one another that other creatures do not understand and cannot discuss. This draws us closer together than even herd or swarm animals. 

We are unique in possessing these capacities, and it is in this specific respect that our nation’s founders declared that “all men are created equal.” This equality has nothing to do with the color of anyone. Its source is the unique, immaterial, rational soul of the human being. One of my teachers used to respond to the claims of animal rights advocates that one must not be cruel to any creature, but that only those who can talk are entitled to vote. 

The second reason in nature that makes human reproduction unique is our especially long period of maturation. For months, human babies are simply helpless; without constant attention they will starve. For years afterwards they must develop the skills and knowledge that are uniquely available to the human being. Both the skills and the knowledge are natural, meaning all human beings can obtain them, but both take time. Each child does the work of obtaining them, but each child needs help. Modern educators often mistake the work of helping them to learn for actually doing the learning for them. The second is impossible.

The skills of reading, writing, and arithmetic are direct exercises of the rational faculty. They are in principle the same thing as talking, and in principle every child will learn much of them unassisted. Just watch a child grow up to the age of two. He or she begins very early to respond to things with comprehension. Words soon follow. Children copy adults for the use of words, but they are doing all the work of learning. Little wonder that human beings take a long time to mature: they have so much to learn. 

Raising a child has always been difficult and expensive. With rare exceptions, it has always been true that the parents who conceive the child raise him the best. And throughout American history, it has been thought that the family is the cradle of good citizenship and therefore of free and just politics. Public education is as old as our nation—but only lately has it adopted the purpose of supplanting the family and controlling parents. 

[ *** ]

The political successes of Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida, Governor Glenn Youngkin in Virginia, and many other politicians in other states have largely been won on this battleground of education. One can look in history or in literature to see the danger of where the idea of supplanting the family might lead. Study the education practices that existed in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany and that exist today in Communist China. Or read the terrifying account in Orwell’s 1984. They tell us that children, by distorting their natural desire to grow up and end their dependence, can be recruited to the purposes of despotic regimes, even to the extent of denouncing their parents to the state.

We do not yet have this in America. But we do have children being turned against their country by being indoctrinated to look on its past—of which all parents, of course, are in some way a part—as a shameful time of irredeemable injustice. We also increasingly have children being encouraged to speak of their sexual proclivities at an age when they can hardly think of them. 

To cite just one example, Christopher Rufo has discovered, on the website of the Michigan Department of Education, detailed instructions for how teachers should open the question with students of their sexual orientation—or maybe I should say sexual direction, since “orientation” implies something constant, whereas children are now being taught that sexuality is “fluid” and can take them anywhere. 

Also on the website are detailed instructions on how to keep this activity from the parents. And as we learned last year, when parents get angry and complain of things like this, the FBI is likely to become interested.

Who “owns” the child, then? The choice is between the parents, who have taken the trouble to have and raise the child—and who, in almost all cases, will give their lives to support the child for as long as it takes and longer—or the educational bureaucracy, which is more likely than a parent to look upon the child as an asset in a social engineering project to rearrange government and society. 

[ *** ]

The revolutionary force behind this social engineering project is a set of ideas installed in just about every university today. Its smiting arm is the administrative state, an element of America’s ruling class. The administrative state has something over 20 million employees, many of them at the federal but most at the state level. Directly and indirectly, they make rules about half the economy, which means they affect all of it. 

Most of the bureaucrats who staff the administrative state have permanent jobs. The idea behind this was that if they do not fear dismissal and have excellent pay and benefits that can’t be reduced, then they will be politically neutral. Today, of course, the public employee unions that represent this administrative state are the largest contributors in politics and give overwhelmingly to one side. They are the very definition of partisanship.

The fiction is that these bureaucrats are highly trained, dispassionate, nonpartisan, and professional, and that therefore they can do a better job, of almost anything, than somebody outside the system can do. They proceed by rules that over time have become ever more hopelessly complex. Only they can read these rules—and, for the most part, they read them as they please. 

Judges have up to now, for the most part, given deference to the bureaucrats’ reading of their own rules. It is a rare happy fact that this judicial practice is under challenge in the courts. If it should ever become settled doctrine that the bureaucracy is constrained by the strict letter of the laws made by elected legislators and enforced by elected executives, that will exercise some restraint upon the administrative state. That explains why, after decades of defending judicial supremacy, progressives are beginning to question the authority of the courts and speak openly about packing the Supreme Court.

[ *** ]

Public education is an important component of the prevailing administrative system. The roots of the system are in Washington, D.C., and the tendrils reach into every town and hamlet that has a public school. These tendrils retain some measure of freedom, especially in red states where legislatures do not go along automatically. In some red states, the growth of administrators has been somewhat slower than average. But this growth has been rapid and large everywhere. In every state, the result has been to remove authority and money away from the schools where the students learn. In every state, the authority and money drained from the schools have flowed toward the bureaucracy. 

The political battle over this issue is fraught with dishonesty. Any criticism of public education is immediately styled as a criticism of teachers. But as the numbers show, the public education system works to the detriment of teachers and for the benefit of bureaucrats. The teachers unions themselves, some of the largest of the public employee unions, claim to be defending teachers and children. That cannot be more than half true, given that they are defending an administrative system that has grown by leaps and bounds while the number of teachers has grown very little.

Worse even than this is the tendency the system sets in all of us. Bureaucracy is a set of processes, a series of prescribed steps not unlike instructions for assembling a toy. First this happens, then that happens, and then the next thing. The processes proceed according to rules. It is a profession unto itself to gain competence in navigating these rules, but nobody is really competent. Today we tend too much to think that this kind of process is the only thing that can give legitimacy to something. A history curriculum is adopted, not because it gives a true account of the unchangeable things that have already happened, but because it has survived a process. The process is dominated by “stakeholders”—mostly people who have a financial or political interest in what is taught. They are mostly not teachers or scholars but advocates. And so we adopt our textbooks, our lesson plans, and our state standardized tests with a view to future political outcomes once the kids grow up. 

I have said and written many times that the political contest between parents and people who make an independent living, on the one hand, and the administrative state and all its mighty forces on the other, is the key political contest of our time. Today that seems truer than ever. The lines are clearly formed.

[ *** ]

As long as our representative institutions work in response to the public will, there is thankfully no need for violence. As the Declaration of Independence says, “Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes.”

The Declaration guides us in our peaceful pursuits, too. In naming the causes of the American Revolution, it gives a guide to maintaining free and responsible government. The long middle section of the Declaration accuses the King of interfering with representative government, violating the separation of powers, undermining the independence of the judiciary, and failing to suppress violence. 

And in an apposite phrase, it says of the King: “He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance.”

So it is today. And so it is our duty to defend our American way of life.


Larry P. Arnn

President, Hillsdale College

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Mid-terms and the American ‘Recessional’ thumbnail

Mid-terms and the American ‘Recessional’

By Wallace Bruschweiler

The mid-term elections show, once again, that no Republican is going to be elected to high office unless or until the Republicans master ballot harvesting or control enough State legislatures to stop this ongoing crime against representative government.

Pointing fingers and recriminations, no matter how well deserved, serve no useful purpose.

To paraphrase Democrat strategist, James Carville, “It’s the corrupted system, stupid.”

Or, in a twist of a grisly Vietnam War saying, “We have to destroy American democracy in order to save the Deep State.”

Meanwhile, a stanza from Rudyard Kipling’s poem “Recessional” comes to mind:

Far-called, our navies melt away;

On dune and headland sinks the fire:

Lo, all our pomp of yesterday

Is one with Nineveh and Tyre!

Kipling wrote the poem in 1897, toward the end of the festivities celebrating 60 years of the reign of Queen Victoria. The intent of the poem was twofold:

One, to remind the Brits to give credit to the God who allowed the British Empire to achieve great dominion over other lands.

Secondly, to warn that overconfidence could cause the British Empire “to be one with Nineveh and Tyre,” referring to how Nineveh of ancient Mesopotamia and Tyre of ancient Lebanon had lowered their defenses and were defeated.

“Far called, our navies melt away, on dune and headland sinks the fire,” suggests the Royal Navy was already too small and its naval gunfire was sinking harmlessly into the ground.

And, “Lo, all our pomp of yesterday,” might remind us of how well America was doing before Covid hit, back when our economy was booming, when we were energy independent, crime was not so rampant, there was no inflation, and our southern border was on its way to operating as the border of a great nation should.

Is “Recessional” relevant to today?

Yes. We may be on the road to becoming like Nineveh and Tyre. Moreover, our Navy is too small and too “woke” to impress the ChiComs with regard to Taiwan, although, if the U.S. has the will to do so, our silent, deadly submarines deployed in the Strait of Taiwan and what is left of our aging airpower might deter the Chicoms from attempting an amphibious invasion across the 97-mile-wide Strait of Taiwan. Recall, when Hitler could not gain air superiority over the 22 miles of English Channel, even Hitler realized his troop ships could be decimated by the Royal Air Force and Navy.

The Chicoms, like the Russians, know full well our military capabilities. What ChiCom Chairman Xi cannot be sure of is whether the U.S. has the will to win in the Strait of Taiwan or not. While no one should make sport of the mental and physical infirmities that come with old age, Chairman Xi, President Putin, Kim Jong-un, the Mullahs, and others who would do the U.S. harm would have to be totally incompetent not to take into account the mental condition of our current Commander-in-Chief; and, for that matter, the mental ability of his second-in-command. The incompetent conduct of the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan must make them smile, even laugh.

Yes, “Judge of the nations spare us yet, lest we forget — lest we forget…”

Suggested reading: “Recessional,” by Rudyard Kipling, 1897.

©2022. William Hamilton.


4.4 milllion more people voted to send Republicans to Congress than Democrats. The people are with us. The machinery is not. Welcome to the new arena.

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 18, 2022

What is The Frankfurt School? thumbnail

What is The Frankfurt School?

By P. Brooks

NOTE: Posted by

If you have read the essays on “Cultural Marxism at the US Naval Academy” you should be quite concerned that our future naval officers are being subjected to psychological intimidation and indoctrination by behavioral psychologists and clinicians whose methods descend from Wilhelm Wundt [1]. The facilitators and civilian professors in the “Leadership and Ethics Program” at the Academy are ‘Wundtians’ all. Cultural Marxism (CM) has invaded our military academies and other military institutions and is pervasive. As a result, future US naval officers will not understand the essence of what they are chosen to protect – the American Civilization that is the most precious and vital descendent of Western Civilization [2].

So who in America today is at work destroying our traditions, our family bonds, our religious beginnings, our reinforcing institutions – indeed our entire culture? What is changing our American civilization?

As reasonable people we may ask whether all changes to traditional American culture are simply random events pursued by independent persons – disconnected from central premise or guidance. Are cultural changes in a free democratic society the chance workings of human intellect in pursuit of what is possible vice what is appropriate?

Observations in the “Cultural Marxism at the US Naval Academy” series suggest not. They consistently demonstrate a design – a concept with a way of thinking and a process for bringing it about. Now suppose we can identify a cadre of people as the designers. Wouldn’t we be interested in learning about this group? Wouldn’t we want to know who they were, what they thought and how they conjured a process for bringing their designs into action? For Americans the answer is a resounding yes!

Such a core group did exist. History identifies a small cadre of German intellectuals who devised concepts, processes and plans conforming closely to what Americans presently observe in their society today. In the Naval Academy essays, events are directly connected to activities of this group. These intellectuals were members of “The Frankfurt School” founded in Germany in 1923. They were the forebears of what is called Cultural Marxism – a radical social movement that has transformed American culture. Today it is more commonly known as Political Correctness (PC).

The Institute of Social Research Frankfurt University

Cultural Marxism and its Critical Theory were developed coincident to the 1923 founding of the Institute of Social Research at Frankfurt University. The Institute was modeled after the Marx Engels Institute in Moscow and became known as The Frankfurt School [3]. In 1933, when Nazis came to power in Germany, members of this Frankfurt School fled to the United States. They migrated to major universities including Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis and California at Berkeley. These intellectual Marxists included Herbert Marcuse, who coined the phrase ‘Make Love, Not War’ during Vietnam War demonstrations.

By promoting a dialectic of ‘Negative Criticism’ – that is, pointing out rational contradictions in society’s belief system – the Frankfurt School ‘Revolutionaries’ dreamed of constructing a Utopia where their rules governed [4]. Their Critical Theory used this strongly imaginative, utopian strain to purposefully transcend limits of reality. Thus, its tenets would never be subject to experimental evidence. The pure logic of their thoughts would be incontrovertible.     A precursor to today’s ‘postmodernism’ in intellectual academic circles, “…it recognized that disinterested scientific research was impossible in a society in which men were themselves not yet autonomous…the researcher was always part of the social object he was attempting to study” [5]. This concept led to the current fetish for rewriting history and the vogue for deconstruction of our universities’ Law, English Literature and Humanities disciplines.

Critical Theory rejected the ideal of Western Civilization in an age of modern science, that the verification of theory proceeds from experimental evidence [6]. Only the superior mind was able to fashion ‘truth’ from observation. There would be no need to test hypotheses against everyday experience.

The Frankfurt School studied ‘authoritarian personality’ – which became synonymous with the male as the patriarchal head of the American Family. These idealistic intellectuals would construct a modern utopia by ‘turning Western civilization upside down’. Again, their utopia would be a product of their imagination, not susceptible to criticism based on evidence.

Their revolution would be accomplished by fomenting a very subtle, slow spread of Cultural Marxism, bolstered by modern psychological concepts of Sigmund Freud. Thus, CM became a marriage of Marx and Freud aimed at producing a ‘quiet revolution’ in the US.

This quiet revolution occurred in America over the past eight (8) decades. While America slept!

Cultural Marxism (CM)

Just what is CM? Should it even be bothered about when the world’s vast experiment with Marx’s economic theory went down to defeat in the disintegration of Soviet Communism? Didn’t America win the Cold War against it?

The answer is ‘yes…but’. Yes, we won the 45 year Cold War, but we failed to recognize an intellectual elite has meanwhile subtly, systematically diffused the economic theory of Marx into mainstream culture in American society. And they did it while our eyes were on the Cold War abroad.

The cauldron of witch’s brew which introduced CM to America was the idealistic Baby Boomer elite -young middle class and well to do college students who became vanguard of America’s counter culture revolution in the mid-1960’s – in other words, the draft dodging, pot smoking hippies who demonstrated against the Vietnam War and fomented the destructive to women ‘Women’s Liberation Movement’. These New Totalitarians now hold power – come of age to control every public institution of our nation [7].

But that is getting ahead of the story.

In the boundless idealism of youth the ‘Boomer Generation’ became foot soldiers for their original Frankfurt School gurus – Herbert Marcuse, Eric Fromm, Theodor Adorno, Max Horkheimer, Wilhelm Reich and others [8, 9] – whose influence is now felt in nearly every institution of the United States. Now in America, elite Boomers are throwbacks to an idealistic American Transcendental Generation of the mid-1800’s and fashion themselves ‘Agents of Change’.

William S. Lind describes CM is an ideology traced back to the 1920’s – with deep roots in the writing of Italian Communist Antonio Gramsci [10, 11]. Gramsci’s influence spread to Herbert Marcuse.

Herbert Marcuse was the most prominent Frankfurt School promoter of Critical Theory’s social revolution among university students in the 1960’s. His words are revealing:

One can rightfully speak of a cultural revolution, since the protest is directed toward the whole cultural establishment, including the morality of existing society…there is one thing we can say with complete assurance. The traditional idea of revolution and the traditional strategy of revolution have ended. These ideas are old-fashioned…what we must undertake is a type of diffuse and dispersed disintegration of the system.

This sentiment was first expressed by Gramsci.

Before dying in 1937 in a Mussolini prison at age 46, Gramsci conjured the notion of a ‘quiet revolution’ which might be diffused through a culture over time – destroying it from within. He was the first to suggest quietly applying psychology to break the traditions, beliefs, morals and will of a people while forestalling possibility of resistance. He deduced “the civilized world had been thoroughly saturated with Christianity for 2,000 years…” and a culture based on this religion could only be captured from within.

Gramsci insisted alliances with non-Communist Leftist groups would be essential to Communist victory. In our time, such groups would include radical feminist groups, extremist environmental organizations, so called civil rights movements, anti-police associations, internationalist minded groups, liberal church denominations, piggybacking Islamists and others. Working together these groups could create a united front for the destructive transformation of the time honored Judeo-Christian culture of the West.

By winning ‘cultural hegemony’ Gramsci concluded Communists could control the deepest wellsprings of human thought – through the medium of mass psychology. Indeed, men could be made to ‘love their servitude’. In the gospel of the Frankfurt School, resistance to CM could be completely negated by placing resisters in a psychic ‘iron cage’. The tools of mass psychology could be applied to produce this result.

The essence of Antonio Gramsci’s revolutionary strategy is reflected in American Boomer author Charles A. Reich’s 1990’s book “The Greening of America” [12]. Reich pronounces:

There is a revolution coming. It will not be like revolutions of the past. It will originate with the individual and the culture and it will change the political structure as its final act. It will not require violence to succeed, and it cannot be successfully resisted by violence. This is the revolution of the New Generation.

Of course this New Generation is Reich’s elite Boomer pals. The mantra for these New Age foot soldiers of Frankfurt School prophets is “have the courage to change” [13].

American Emasculation

The Frankfurt School theorizes the ‘authoritarian personality’ is product of a patriarchal family.

This idea directly connects to Frederich Engels’ “The Origins of the Family, Private Property and the State” which promotes matriarchy. Karl Marx himself wrote about the radical notion of a ‘community of women’ in the Communist Manifesto. Further, Marx wrote disparagingly about family as the basic unit of society for ‘German Ideology’ in 1845.

The authoritarian personality purported by the Frankfurt School in the 1940’s and 1950’s in America, prepared way for subsequent warfare against masculinity as promoted by Herbert Marcuse and his band of social revolutionaries under the guise of ‘Women’s Liberation’ and the New Left Movement of the 1960’s. The evidence that psychological techniques for changing personality are intended to emasculate American males is provided by Abraham Maslow – founder of Third Force Humanist Psychology and a promoter of the psychotherapeutic classroom. Maslow wrote:

The next step in personal evolution is a transcendence of both masculinity and femininity to general humanness.

These Marxist revolutionaries knew what they wanted to do and how to do it. They have accomplished much of their agenda.

Postmodernism The Death of Truth

But how can we claim the breakdowns in our schools, universities and institutions – indeed in the fibers of our culture – are products of a tiny cadre of intellectuals immigrating from Germany in 1933? Given all the special interests involved in these circumstances, how can we trace cause to the Frankfurt School?

Look at some evidence.

Postmodern reconstruction of the history of Western Civilization (now prevalent in universities) has its roots in the Critical Theory of the Frankfurt School. Rewriting history by postmodern scholars in America has only recently come under attack. Keith Windschuttle in his book, “Killing of History” strongly criticizes the rush to ‘relativism’ by historiographers. Truly astonishing however, is that ‘relativism’ has largely supplanted pursuit of truth [14]. George G. Iggers’ recently published book, “Historiography in the Twentieth Century: From Scientific Objectivity to the Postmodern Challenge” reminds us of the infamous statement by postmodernist Hayden White:

Historical narratives…are verbal fictions, the contents of which are more invented than found.

Herbert London refutes White’s noxious proposition observing, ...if history is largely invention, who can say with authority that the American Revolution came before the French Revolution?” London observes evidence has taken a back seat to invention – cutting right to the chase. The inventions of postmodernism -which severe generations of Americans from their proud culture, history and traditions – evolved directly from the Cultural Marxist cranks of the Frankfurt School.

George Iggers quotes other postmodernists, mostly non-historians, who ...reinforce the proposition that truth and reality are primarily authoritarian weapons of our times” [15]. Again, we now recognize the source of this postmodern assault – the Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School who criticized the ‘authoritarian personality’ in American culture.

How did this situation arise in American universities? Gertrude Himmelfarb says it slipped past traditional academics unobserved until it was too late [16].

It came so ‘quietly’ that when they ‘looked up’ postmodernism was upon them with a vengeance. “They were surrounded by a tidal wave of faddish multicultural subjects such as radical feminism, deconstructed relativism as history and other courses” which undermined perpetuation of Western Civilization. Indeed this cultural wave slipped by just as Antonio Gramsci and the Frankfurts envisioned – quietly. A revolution that could not be resisted by force.

Note that ‘sensitivity training’ techniques used in our public schools over the past 50 years and which are now employed by the US military to educate troops about ‘sexual harassment’ were developed during World War II and after, by Kurt Lewin and his protégés [17]. One of them, Abraham Maslow, was a Frankfurter and the author of “The Art of Facilitation” which is a manual used during ‘sensitivity training’ [18].             Teachers are indoctrinated not to teach, but to ‘facilitate’.             The manual describes techniques developed by Kurt Lewin and others to change a person’s worldview via participation in small group encounter sessions. Teachers were to become amateur group therapists. The classroom became a center of self examination in therapeutic circles where children (and later on military personnel) talked about their subjective feelings [19]. This technique was designed to convince children they were the sole authority in their own lives – undermining family & transmission of parental wisdom to their children.

In the end, it is vital to acknowledge CM exists, to understand where it comes from and what its ultimate objective is:

The slow, complete destruction – from the inside out – of Western Civilization in America.

CM in America New Vernacular for New Totalitarians

By the end of World War II almost all the original Frankfurt Schoolers had become American citizens. This meant inevitable broadening of a new English speaking audience for them. Now the focus became more squarely centered on American forms of authoritarianism. With the shift, came a subtle change in the Institute’s work.

In America, authoritarianism had come to appear in different forms than in Europe. Terror and coercion had long been supplanted by more gentle, cultural forms of enforced conformism. According to Martin Jay, “Perhaps the most effective of these were to be found in the cultural field. American mass culture thus became one of the central concerns of the Frankfurt School in the 1940’s.” [20]

Subtle changes appeared in the Frankfurters’ description of their work. For example, the opposite of the authoritarian was no longer the revolutionary – as it had been in studies aimed at Europeans. In America, the authoritarian was now opposed by the ‘democratic’. So their Marxist language shifted to match more closely the liberal ‘New Deal’ vernacular [21].

Education for tolerance – rather than praxis for revolutionary change – became the ostensible goal of their research. They cleverly merged their language with mainstream liberal left thought, while maintaining their CM objectives.

Toleration had never been an end in itself for the Frankfurt School, yet the non-authoritarian (utopian) personality came to be described as a person with a non-dogmatic tolerance for diversity [22]. This thought is centrally dominant in today’s power elite Boomer generation – the New Totalitarians.

Matriarchal America

One of the basic tenets of their Critical Theory was the necessity to break down the contemporary family.

The 1960’s ‘Generation Gap’ and the 1990’s ‘Gender Gap’ are two aspects of an attempt by elite Boomers (using a page from the CM playbook) to transform American culture into Marxist utopia where the normal unit of societal structure – the family – withers under the controlling reach of the Collective.

Institute mavens preached:

Even a partial breakdown of parental authority in the family might tend to increase the readiness of a coming generation to accept social change. [23]

The transformation of American culture envisioned by Cultural Marxists is based on matriarchal theory.

That is, they propose transforming American culture into one dominated by the female.

This is direct lineage to Wilhelm Reich, a Frankfurt Schooler who considered matriarchal theory in psychoanalytic terms. In 1933, he wrote in “The Mass Psychology of Fascism” that matriarchy was the only genuine family type of ‘natural society’.

Eric Fromm, another charter member of the Institute, was also one of the most active in matriarchal theory. Fromm was especially taken with the idea that all love and altruistic feeling were ultimately derived from maternal love, necessitated by the extended period of human pregnancy and postnatal care:

Love was thus not dependent on sexuality, as Freud had supposed. In fact, sex was more often tied to hatred and destruction. Masculinity and femininity were not reflections of ‘essential’ sexual differences, as the romantics had thought [24]. They were derived instead from differences in life functions, which were in part socially determined.

This deluded dogma was precedent for today’s radical feminist pronouncements appearing in nearly every major newspaper and TV program, including television newscasts. For present day CM radicals, male and female roles result from cultural indoctrination in America – carried out by male patriarchy to the detriment of women. Nature plays no role in this matter.

To facilitate the destruction and disintegration of American society, the Critical Theory of CM ‘change agents’ and other emboldened social revolutionaries, has led them to open declaration of an intention to restructure America. As they proclaim, their activities are directed toward disintegration of the traditional, nominally white male power structure. Anyone with eyes to view present day television and motion pictures can confirm, this has been largely achieved. Critical Theory, as applied mass psychology, has achieved a quiet psychological revolution which facilitated an actual physical revolution visible everywhere in America.

Destructive criticism of primary elements of American culture informed the 1960’s counter culture revolution. As that phrase implies, this false awakening by idealist Boomers while coming of age, was the intended transformation of prevailing American culture into an inverted opposite – a necessary precursor to complete political revolution.  Now that elite Boomers hold power in the United States, they are consummating their work of destroying every American institution built up over 240 years of American history. Their aim is to erase any vestige of an Anglo-American path taken by Western Civilization to forming the greatest, most liberal society of any age in human history [25].

Most Americans do not yet realize they are being led by social revolutionaries who think first of the destruction of the existing social order, to create a new one in this world. These revolutionaries are the New Age elite Boomers, the New Totalitarians [26]. They now control every public institution in the United States of America. Their ‘quiet’ revolution, beginning with a counter culture revolution in their youth, is nearly complete. It was based on the intellectual foundation of Cultural Marxists of the Frankfurt School. Its completion depends upon keeping the American male in his psychic ‘iron cage.’

Now the confluence of radical feminism and Cultural Marxism within a single generation of Baby Boomers (the most dangerous generation in American history) – has imposed this yoke on the American male [27]. It remains to be seen whether he will continue voluntary submission to a future of slavery in a new American matriarchy – a precursor to societal fracture, vulnerability and ultimate demise.

Should we allow subversion of American values and interests to continue, we surely lose all our Forebears suffered and died for. At the core, history shows we are near losing that rare ephemeral thing which, once gone, can never be easily recovered – our Liberty.

We are forewarned.


Dr. Gerald L. Atkinson, CDR USN (Ret.)

Dr. Raymond Vincent Raehn, 92, passed away peacefully on October 25, 2016. He held an M.A. degree in International Affairs from the George Washington University and a graduate of the U.S. Naval War College. He enlisted in the Navy at the start of World War II. He flew Navy fighter planes during World War II and became the Commander of a fighter squadron. After serving on the staff of the Chief of Naval Operation, he retired to head a real estate development company. In 1981, he founded the United States Global Strategy Council and served as its president as an advocate of a comprehensive U.S. National Security Strategy which became law in 1986.

©NewTotalitairians.com. Copyright 1 August 1999

6 Footnotes

1) Lionni, Paolo. “Leipzig Connection” Heron Books, 1993. In the 1870’s, Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt advanced the then radical notion of man as an ‘animal’ not accountable for his conduct,

which was said to be caused entirely by forces beyond his control. According to Wundt’s thinking, in a human being there is nothing to begin with but body, brain and a nervous system.

Therefore teachers must try to educate a person by inducing sensations in that nervous system. Through these experiences, the individual will learn to respond to any stimulus with the ‘correct’ response. Thus a child’s actions are thought to be preconditioned and beyond his control, because he is simply a stimulus-response mechanism.

2) Vazsonyi, Balint. America’s 30 Years War: Who is Winning?”. Regnery, 1998.

3) Raehn, Raymond V. “The Historical Roots of Political Correctness”. Free Congress Foundation, Number 44, June 1997.

4) Jay, Martin. The Dialectical Imagination: A History of the Frankfurt School and

the Institute of Social Research, 1923-1950,” p. 77. University of California Press, 1973.

5) Ibid, p. 81. 6) Ibid, p. 82.

7) Atkinson, Gerald L. “The New Totalitarians: Bosnia as a Mirror of America’s Future”. Atkinson Associates Press, 1996.

8) Ibid, Jay, Martin.

9) Wiggershaus, Rolf. “The Frankfurt School: Its History, Theories and Political Significance”. The MIT Press, 1994.

10) Lind, William S. What is Political Correctness?”. Essays on our Times, Free Congress Foundation, Number 43, March 1997.

11) Ibid.

12) Reich, Charles A. “The Greening of America”. Crown Trade Paperbacks, 1995. 13) A phrase commonly heard during the 1992 Presidential campaign.

14) London, Herbert. “Discipline of History Under Assault”. The Washington Times, 26 October 1997. 15) Ibid.

16) Himmelfarb, Gertrude. Panel on “Academic Reform: Internal Sources”. National Association of Scholars, NAS Sixth General Conference, 3-5 May 1996.

17) Marrow, Alfred Jay. “The Practical Theorist: The Life and Work of Kurt Lewin”.

Teachers College Press, New York, 1977. Kurt Lewin was a primary figure in wartime research that later translated into techniques used in ‘sensitivity training’ today.

18) Raehn, Raymond V. Critical Theory: A Special Research Report”. 1 April 1996.

19) Editorial, “The Crying of the Admirals”. The Washington Times, 3 November 1995. The US Naval Academy has added female ‘role models’ to the faculty. In August 1994, the Academy placed a new emphasis on conflict resolution and consciousness raising.

As a song entitled ‘Lean On Me’ started playing, Master Chief Liz Johns gave the Plebes final orders: Stand in a circle, sway to the music, sing along and hug. From the circle came the sniffle of sobs. The future admirals of America were crying.

20) Ibid, Jay, Martin, p. 172. 21) Ibid, Jay, Martin, p. 227. 22) Ibid, Jay, Martin, p. 248. 23) Ibid, Jay, Martin, p. 135. 24) Ibid, Jay, Martin, p. 95. 25) Ibid, Vazsonyi, Balint. 26) Ibid, Atkinson, Gerald L.

27) Strauss, William and Howe, Neil. Generations: The History of America’s Future – 1584 to 2069” p. 382, William Morrow & Company, 1991. “We can foresee a full range of possible outcomes, from stirring achievement to apocalyptic tragedy…Boomers can best serve civilization by restraining themselves (or by letting themselves be restrained by others) until their twilight years, when their spiritual energy would find expression not in midlife leadership [for which they are not equipped], but in elder stewardship.”

Waters: ‘You Cannot Object’ to FTX Donations if They’re Legal thumbnail

Waters: ‘You Cannot Object’ to FTX Donations if They’re Legal

By Discover The Networks

Thursday on CNBC’s Closing Bell, House Financial Services Committee Chair and anti-Trump hysteric Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) denied that there was a failure to provide oversight and regulation of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and FTX because of his campaign donations and said that “those contributions may have been done in an attempt to influence” but if people follow laws governing campaign donations, “then you cannot object to the fact that they give contributions.”

The host asked, “What do you say to the cynics that are looking at all those campaign contributions that he made, including many to Democrats, 40 million in the midterms, which made it the Democrats’ second-largest donor, and wonder if there wasn’t oversight and regulation of him and his firm because he was such an important donor to your party?”

Waters replied, “No. What we understand about the election systems in this country is there are rules to giving donations, and when one follows those rules, then you cannot object to the fact that they give contributions and they followed the law in the way that they give them. But, as I understand it, without the investigation having gone on, that there were contributions made to Democrats and Republicans, and certainly, those contributions may have been done in an attempt to influence. But of course, we have to deal with that as regulators and as members of Congress with the responsibility for oversight. And so, we will be a part of what is going on with these hearings and investigations and we will do everything that we can to expose any violations that were obviously made.”

Translation: We will overlook any violations involving contributions given to Democrats.


FTX funneled $27 million to these Democrat candidates before it imploded

Political Ponzi Scheme: Biden to Ukraine—Ukraine to FTX—FTX To Fund Democrat Candidates

Elon Musk Connects the Dots on the FTX Ponzi Scheme

FTX CEO Who Stole Billions in Crypto Ponzi Scheme Is DEMOCRATS’ Second Largest Donor After Soros


NOW – Republicans announce an investigation into Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/qEaVgHwMI9

— Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) November 17, 2022

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Cicilline Tries to Permanently Bar Trump from Office Over Jan. 6 thumbnail

Cicilline Tries to Permanently Bar Trump from Office Over Jan. 6

By Discover The Networks

In a letter circulated on Tuesday, Rep. David Cicilline (D-RI) sought to round up support to permanently bar former President Trump from reelection.

Falsely accusing Trump of citing an insurrection, the anti-Trump hysteric Cicilline cited the Fourteenth Amendment in the Constitution as the basis for preventing Trump from ever governing again.

“This language in our Constitution clearly intended to bar insurrectionists from holding high office in the United States,” the letter reads. “Given the proof — demonstrated through the January 6th Committee Hearings, the 2021 impeachment trials, and other reporting — that Donald Trump engaged in insurrection on January 6th with the intention of overturning the lawful 2020 election results, I have drafted legislation that would prevent Donald Trump from holding public office again under the Fourteen Amendment.”

Cicilline’s letter did not mention that Trump was acquitted in the 2021 Senate impeachment trial. It also failed to mention that the January 6 Committee has not even alleged that Trump committed insurrection. Indeed, Trump asked protestors on January 6 to march “peacefully and patriotically” to the Capitol. Cicilline’s letter ignored this also.

Nevertheless, Cicilline claimed his proposed legislation “details testimony and evidence demonstrating how Donald Trump engaged in insurrection against the United States.”

Fact check: there was no attempted insurrection on January 6, 2020.

David Cicilline

17 Known Connections

On September 18, 2019, the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Middle East, North Africa, and International Terrorism joined the Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism to hold a hearing about the threat that white nationalism allegedly posed to the United States. Citing President Trump’s recent reference to migrant caravan “invasions” at America’s southern border, and his assertion that Baltimore was a “rodent-infested” city, Cicilline, portraying these comments as racist, blamed Trump for fomenting white nationalism. “Hate groups are on a record high, white nationalist groups increasing by 50 percent,” said the congressman. He then attributed this trend partly to Trump: “[I]t’s obviously not helpful when we have political or civic leaders in the country that are using language that dehumanizes refugees or immigrants and speak about invasions and infestations and all of that kind of stuff.”

To learn more about David Cicilline, click here.


Nancy Pelosi Finally Steps Down as Democrat House Leader

Election Denier Jeffries is Front-Runner for Pelosi’s Job

Castro: ‘Imperative’ to Ram DACA Amnesty Through Congress Now

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

2020 Election Fraud and National Security Breach Case No. 22-380 now on the the U.S. Supreme Court docket thumbnail

2020 Election Fraud and National Security Breach Case No. 22-380 now on the the U.S. Supreme Court docket

By Dr. Rich Swier

The American Media Group’s Medeea Greere in a November 17th, 2022 article titled Uh, Guys… A Supreme Court Case Regarding The 2020 Election Just Hit The Docket reports,

A Supreme Court Case Regarding The 2020 Election Just Hit The Docket

> It involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress.

> This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”)

> Also, it is about the congress ignoring over one hundred claimants, on J6, that the election was rigged. They did not investigate the claim, as they should have, and installed Biden. Under the constitution this is treasonous, as they were aiding the enemy.

When the allegations of a rigged election came forward the Respondents had a duty under law to investigate it or be removed from office. [Emphasis added]

Click here to read RALAND J BRUNSON, Petitioner, v. ALMA S. ADAMS, et, al., Respondents.

Trevor Winchell reported,

Supreme Court case No. 22-380 regarding the 2020 election just hit the docket… (Response due November 23, 2022)

It involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States, along with members of the United States Congress.

This action is against 388 federal officers in their official capacities which include President Joseph Robinette Biden Jr, Vice President Kamala Harris, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and former Vice President Michael Richard Pence (“Respondents”).

Check the document for the full list. Also, it is about the congress ignoring over one hundred claimants, on J6, that the election was rigged. They did not investigate the claim, as they should have, and installed Biden. Under the constitution, this is treasonous, as they were aiding the enemy.

When the allegations of a rigged election came forward, the respondents had a duty under law to investigate it or be removed from office.


A serious conflict exists between decisions rendered from this Court and lower appeal courts, along with constitutional provisions and statutes, in deciding whether or not the trial court has jurisdiction to try the merits of this case.

This case uncovers a serious national security breach that is unique and is of first impression, and due to the serious nature of this case it involves the possible removal of a sitting President and Vice President of the United States along with members of the United States Congress, while deeming them unfit from ever holding office under Federal, State, County or local Governments found within the United States of America, and at the same time the trial court also has the authority, to be validated by this Court, to authorize the swearing in of the legal and rightful heirs for President and Vice President of the United States. In addition there are two doctrines that conflict with each other found in this case affecting every court in this country. These doctrines are known as the doctrine of equitable maxim and the doctrine of the object principle of justice. Equitable maxim created by this court, which the lower court used to dismiss this case, sets in direct violation of the object principle of justice also partially created by this Court and supported by other appeal courts and constitutional provisions.

These conflicts call for the supervisory power of this Court to resolve these conflicts, which has not, but should be, settled by this Court without delay.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Hold on, We’re Moving at Lightning Speed Into Transhumanism thumbnail

Hold on, We’re Moving at Lightning Speed Into Transhumanism

By MERCOLA Take Control of Your Health

In the video above, Glenn Beck interviews investigative journalist Whitney Webb about her book, “One Nation Under Blackmail: The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime That Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein,” Parts 1 and 2.

These books provide the necessary framework to understand not just Jeffrey Epstein’s geopolitical role and function, but also, more broadly, the deep connections between the U.S. intelligence community and organized crime.

The political corruption we see today grew out of this unholy alliance, which has led to blackmail and bribery being two key strategies by which the wealthy self-described “elites” maintain power and influence from behind the scenes.

As noted by Beck, Webb “is a massive threat to powerful people. If people will listen and … explore what she’s saying, the game is up.” I agree. People need to understand how the system we thought we knew actually works, how it’s been used against us, and what the end game is.

Organized Crime at the Highest Levels

Epstein’s pedophilia and sexual blackmail enterprise was a central cog in this network of corruption for decades. He was also involved in many other questionable and/or criminal enterprises, including financial crimes, but he wasn’t necessarily at the top level in any of them. Webb describes him more as a middle-management-type of character, carrying out orders from higher-ups, including U.S. intelligence.

Overall, these “higher-ups” are people who favor globalism and global governance, and who don’t want the United States to have a monopoly on power. This is part of why the power of the U.S. is now being dismantled before our eyes, but the undermining and infiltration have been going on for decades.

As noted by Beck and Webb, our government is basically being run by organized crime, and this organized crime ring is setting into place a technocratic form of feudalism, a digital slavery system.

The reason Epstein’s financial crimes matter is because they’re like a microcosm of what has been going on in the U.S. for decades. According to Catherine Austin Fitz and Mark Skidmore, an estimated $21 trillion of U.S. taxpayer money have already been looted, stolen and siphoned out. Where did all that money go? Who took it?

Against that background of having already been looted, we’re now facing a radical degradation of our standard of living, with rising inflation and manufactured energy and food crises piled on top of each other.

All of these things, Webb says, are part of a plan to coerce us into accepting the unacceptable. Making sure people are cold, hungry, destitute and desperate is a surefire way to get people to cooperate with the globalist takeover, which includes a radical transition into transhumanism.

Transhumanism Is Eugenics Rebranded

In the interview, Webb reviews the history of transhumanism, the roots of which go back to Julian Huxley, brother of the famous author Aldous Huxley. Julian was president of the British Eugenics Society.

When the United Nations was created after World War II, he was put in charge of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the stated aim of which is to promote world peace and security through international cooperation in education, arts, sciences and culture.

But in writing about his vision for UNESCO, Julian said about eugenics, “We need to make the unthinkable thinkable again.” Ten years later, in 1957, he coined the term “transhumanism,” and described it as eugenics through the merging of man with machine.

So, transhumanism is eugenics rebranded. This is also corroborated by the fact that the same people, families and organizations that in the past supported eugenics now support transhumanism. Likewise, the merger of Silicon Valley companies with Big Pharma is nothing other than eugenics framed as health care. And COVID has now shown us that this rebranded form of eugenics can be forced on us.

Transhumanism Is Not for Betterment of the Average Person

As noted by Webb, while transhumanism is sold to us as a way for all people to obtain health and longevity — health equity for all! — the reality will be far from equitable.

She points out that science fiction writer H.G Wells once described the transhumanist future as one in which there is a physically and intellectually augmented elite class, and squat, dwarf-like, slave underclass that eats bugs and doesn’t even have the cognitive capacity to rebel.

Sound familiar? The World Economic Forum and their allied networks are pushing for a transition from real meat to insects. One of the primary side effects of the bioweapon referred to as the “COVID-19 vaccine,” aside from early death, is neurological dysfunction, and the masking, lockdowns and shuttering of schools have resulted in children who are nonverbal, cognitively impaired and/or years behind on core reading and math skills.

The Transhumanist Plan Is Being Fast-Tracked

As detailed in “The Plan to Turn You Into a Genetically Edited Human Cyborg,” a 2021 report by the U.K. Ministry of Defense and the German Bundeswehr Office for Defense Planning offers shocking insights into the dystopian cybernetics future that global technocrats are pushing us toward.

The report, “Human Augmentation — The Dawn of a New Paradigm, a Strategic Implications Project,”1 reviews the scientific goals of the U.K. and German defense ministries, and they are precisely what the title suggests. Human augmentation is stressed as being a key area of development.

It’s worth noting that anything released to the public is a decade or more behind current capabilities, so everything in this report can be considered dated news, even though it reads like pure science fiction.

Importantly, the report notes that “Human augmentation has the potential to … change the meaning of what it means to be a human.” This is precisely what Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum (WEF), has stated is the goal of The Fourth Industrial Revolution.2

Schwab has stated that “the Fourth Industrial Revolution will lead to a fusion of our physical, our digital and our biological identities.”3 Beyond your own “enhanced” 5G cloud-connected self, the WEF foresees a near future in which everyone’s digital identity is connected to each other through an “Internet of Bodies” (IoB).4,5

The fact that we’re moving at lightning speed into the transhumanist future envisioned by the WEF and militaries around the world is also evidenced by President Biden’s September 2022 Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology, which places development of genetic engineering techniques “to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology” on the fast-track.

US Defense Department Is Also Working on Human Cyborgs

In a September 14, 2022, Substack article,6 Dr. Robert Malone also reviewed the U.S. DoD’s plans for an army of human cyborgs. Certain report titles alone tell the story, such as the Biotechnologies for Health and Human Performance Council’s report7 “Cyborg Soldier 2050: Human/Machine Fusion and the Implications for the Future of the DOD.” According to the assessment abstract:

“The primary objective of this effort was to forecast and evaluate the military implications of machines that are physically integrated with the human body to augment and enhance human performance over the next 30 years.

This report summarizes this assessment and findings; identifies four potential military-use cases for new technologies in this area; and assesses their impact upon the DOD organizational structure, warfighter doctrine and tactics, and interoperability with U.S. allies and civil society.”

Human augmentation technologies deemed technically feasible by 2050 at the latest include ocular enhancements to improve sight and situational awareness, optogenetic bodysuit to restore or improve muscular strength and control, auditory enhancements, and neural enhancement of the brain for two-way data transfers and brain-to-brain communication.

With H.G. Wells’ description of our transhumanist future in mind (the two-tiered society of augmented super humans and bug-eating devolved slaves), it’s worth noting that both the DoD’s “Cyborg Soldier” report and the British/German “Human Augmentation” report address the fact that human augmentation will inevitably widen already existing disparities, inequalities and inequities — not close them! — and therefore, “efforts should be undertaken to reverse negative cultural narratives of enhancement technologies.”8

In other words, don’t let people come to the conclusion that human “borgs” are a bad idea, because at worst that might prevent their development, and at best, it’ll pitch regular people against the augmented elite, making their efforts to rule more difficult. Combating negative narratives about the borgification of mankind is also necessary in order to maintain the lie that transhumanism is about leveling the playing field and allowing everyone to live longer and have lifelong health.

Final Thoughts

I don’t know what it will take to prevent the dystopian post-human world envisioned by technocratic transhumanist elitists, but I suspect education would be a cornerstone of such an endeavor. In order for there to be a resistance, enough people need to be aware of what the plan is, and where we’re actually being led with all these novel therapies and inventions.

In the shorter term, it’s crucial to realize that the fast-tracking of “genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers” means they’re going to cut corners. Loads of them.

Testing is basically going to be done on the population at large, just as they’ve done with the COVID jabs. The results of such experimentation are relatively predictable. People will be seriously injured and many will die.

We also still don’t know what the legal standing of people whose genetics are altered by RNA might be, now or in the future, since that has yet to be established.

So please, think long and hard before you agree to take any of these forthcoming gene therapies, be they COVID boosters or any other “vaccines.” They’re not vaccines. They’re gene transfer technologies that alter your DNA.9,10 They’re part of the transhumanist agenda, the Fourth Industrial Revolution — and remember, transhumanism is a eugenics agenda. Same agenda, just new tools.

How to Cheat in the Next Election thumbnail

How to Cheat in the Next Election

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

It’s amazing how many ways Democrats have come up with to cheat in elections.

Ballot harvesters were caught on video stuffing drop boxes with stacks of ballots in Arizona, where ballot harvesting is illegal.  It’s legal in Pennsylvania where Democrat election officials voted to allow harvesting of a hundred votes at a time in nursing homes.  It may be legal, but I still call it cheating because Democrats have a long history of committing voter fraud in nursing homes where many residents are no longer compos mentis.

One reason ballot harvesting is a bad idea is that it allows cheaters to pay people for their votes.  A Texas man admitted a Democrat nominee paid him $200 for every fraudulent absentee ballot he could deliver in the 2016 election.

A Democrat poll worker in Indiana told voters how to vote and even pressed “straight Democrat” on a machine for one of them.

A group of unidentified men in black threw an independent poll challenger out of the big voting center in Detroit in the August primary for asking why a voting machine was apparently connected to the Internet.  A court subsequently ruled the Secretary of State did not have authority to issue rules to allow poll challengers to be thrown out for asking too many questions.

Elections officials in St. Louis told volunteer poll workers not to enforce the state’s new photo ID law.

So excuse me for not taking Democrat election ‘reforms’ – so-called – at face value.  The only reason Democrats want mail-in voting and refuse to clean the voter rolls is so they can cheat.

Voting by mail is a mess.  Some ballots end up on the ground, others are sent to vacant lots.  The number returned as undeliverable can run into the tens of thousands in any given county.

Because Democrats refuse to clean the voter rolls in many areas, ballots are sent to dead voters, people are sent duplicate ballots, and ballots are mailed to people who have moved away.  Pennsylvania sent 240,000 ballots to voters for the 2022 election without verifying their identity.  Michigan had 26,000 dead voters on the rolls last year.  Minnesota had over 500 duplicates.

Why does it matter?  Because you have to have dirty voter rolls to cheat.  First, you have to grab a bunch of ballots floating around from mail-in voting, for example.  But then you have to match up your fraudulently cast ballots with records of voters still on the rolls who are not going to vote this time, like dead people.  You can’t do that very easily if the voter rolls are cleaned up.

Among other efforts to clean up voter rolls, there is a team working to identify phantom names and incorrect addresses on the rolls in Wisconsin and about 20 other states.  This team is using fractal programming technology which starts with small batches but can be scaled up to millions of records quickly and inexpensively.  The team will eventually be working in all 50 states.

It’s citizen-led efforts like this that will make cheating much harder and restore confidence in our elections, once again.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Watchdog Group Releases Footage of Maricopa County Ballot Mules Stuffing Ballots in a Drop Box – VIDEO

Pennsylvania: Democrat Political Consultant Arrested For Massive Ballot Fraud

Maricopa County Election Judge: Voting Machines Were Programmed to Reject Ballots on Election Day

“This Wasn’t an Election”

Berlin to Redo Their Fraudulent Elections Following Long Lines, No Ballots, Voter Suppression – Berlin High Court Throws out Results

Kari Lake Calls For Election Do-Over After 70 Voting Machines Failed in Maricopa Count thumbnail

Kari Lake Calls For Election Do-Over After 70 Voting Machines Failed in Maricopa Count

By The Geller Report

Arizona elections were conducted like something out of Woody Allen’s banana republic spoof, “Bananas”. But this is real world America and the implications of the Democrat corruption of our elections are catastrophic.


Article two, section twenty one of the Arizona Constitution states, “All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or military, shall at any time interfere to prevent the free exercise of the right of suffrage.” It is a fact that over seventy voting locations in Maricopa County had issues with ballot tabulator machines not being able to read voters ballots.

In addition, there were also reports of printers having configuration issues, and even ink settings being improperly set rendering ballots unreadable. All of these issues, whether purposeful or not violate Article two, Section twenty one’s first sentence which states, “all elections shall be free and equal.” Having over seventy locations, which is roughly thirty percent of all of Maricopa Counties voting centers compromised, not working, or inoperable violates the Arizona Constitution. This election was not “fair or equal” in access to voting rights and these damages were indeed outcome determinative.

What happened on Election Day in Maricopa County was a violation of voters Equal Protection rights, their First Amendment rights, and their voting rights.

Moreover, Maricopa County Election Officials lied to voters when they instructed them to “check out” and “check back in” at another polling location to vote. Nowhere in the Arizona Elections manual does it say this is an option or a solution. In fact, once someone “checks in” whether they voted or not they can’t leave and go to another polling location because it would be considered “double voting” as there is no way to determine if the voter didn’t vote at two different polling locations. For this reason alone, this Election should be annulled and redone.

If this was not bad enough, it has been revealed that the Chairman of the Board of Supervisors Bill Gates, along with the Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer started a Political Action Committee (PAC) on November seventeenth of 2021 called “The Pro Democracy Republicans of Arizona” which was designed specifically to recruit, train, and run candidates that do not question the validity of the previous election in 2020. This is a huge conflict of interest at the least and shows a clear bias against all candidates that hold an opposing view. Imagine that, those tasked with conducting free and fair non biased elections were overseeing the election of candidates whom they publicly disapproved of and active sought to defeat?

So how do we fix this and get a new election?

When it comes to election cases, most judges shy away from them because they don’t want to be seen as meddlesome or subject themselves to being the person who decides elections. This is why they rarely get involved in these types of cases. Typically judges will refuse to take the case or dismissed it on the grounds that those filing the case do not have “legal standing” to do so. Even when there is ample amounts of evidence of malfeasance or fraud, as was the case in many of the lawsuits filed in 2020, most judges just simply refused to even see the evidence. If these campaigns decide to file lawsuits, which they most certainly should do, they need to get past the “standing” objection that President Trump and his legal team in 2020 had difficulty doing. Hopefully these campaigns have learned the lessons of 2020 but if not here is EXACTLY how to do it.

The key to post election litigation must be argued based on violation of laws, violation of rights, and violation of equal protections under those laws. The way to do this is through signed affidavits from at least 30,000 voters in Maricopa County. The amount of signed affidavits (under penalty of perjury) must exceed the unofficial margin of victory in each race contested. Without these affidavits from the voters who had their rights violated, judges will not be able to see the full impact of what occurred on Election Day. These affidavits must be filled out immediately and must be complete with full descriptions of what voters experienced, coupled with screen shots, images, videos, witnesses, etc. Time is of the essence here and we only get one crack at this so we better make it count. If you are a voter in Maricopa County and you experienced difficulty voting, we NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NOW. Don’t wait or hesitate because it could be too late. Please go to www.saveaznow.com and file your affidavit today!!!

Please note, all affidavits must also be notarized so that are official and will hold up in a court of law.

Kari Lake calls for a do-over election after 70 voting machines failed in Maricopa Count

BY: American Military News, TPG, November 17, 2022:

Republican candidate Kari Lake is calling for a partial do-over in Arizona’s governor election. It’s the most high-profile dispute yet to emerge in a midterm cycle that handed defeats to Lake and other candidates endorsed by former President Donald Trump.

Lake’s race was called in favor of her Democratic opponent Katie Hobbs on Monday. Hobbs’ victory was narrow: with 98 percent of votes counted on Thursday, she leads Lake by only 17,200 votes, according to NBC News.

While no formal challenge to the election has been made yet, the Lake campaign has pointed to tabulation machines that malfunctioned on Election Day across Maricopa County – where most of Arizona’s population lives – as evidence that Republican voters were disenfranchised.

“Imagine if the tabulators had worked in primarily red districts!” Lake’s campaign tweeted Wednesday, adding that the election had been “irreparably compromised.” “The appropriate thing to do would be to let Maricopa County cast their votes again.”

While no one is watching, @KariLake is now just .6 and 17k votes behind Hobbs, with 98.5% reporting. If she gets to .5, then a recount occurs

— AtlantaStu 1776 (@AtlantaStu) November 16, 2022

The problem stemmed from too-light printer ink and affected 70 of 223 polling places in the county, with no particular bias against Republican-leaning precincts, according to a Washington Post analysis. But the problem took voters’ time and drew suspicion, as they were asked to leave their unreadable ballots so they could be counted elsewhere.

The campaign has continued questioning the election results, retweeting videos that appear to show glitching tabulation machines and comments alleging political interference.

This same scene played out tens of thousands of times all across Maricopa County. How many voters were disenfranchised or simply ran out of time? If the majority of ED voters were Democrats, this would be the number 1 news story in America still today. Total joke pic.twitter.com/noY1RRQv0Q

— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 14, 2022

Read more.


Pamela Geller


Maricopa County Election Judge: Voting Machines Were Programmed to Reject Ballots on Election Day

Watchdog Group Releases Footage of Maricopa County Ballot Mules Stuffing Ballots in a Drop Box – VIDEO

Arizona Announces Election Results Delayed AGAIN ….. Until Next Week, Maricopa Officials Say

20 PERCENT (!) of Arizona Maricopa County’s Polling Places Are Experiencing Problems with Machines Tabulating Votes

Arizona Maricopa County: Machines “Not Working” and Ballots Being“Misread”

Berlin to Redo Their Fraudulent Elections Following Long Lines, No Ballots, Voter Suppression – Berlin High Court Throws out Results

Arizona’s Election Must Be Redone: Here Are At Least Three Provable Constitutional Violations That Render the Results Uncertifiable

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Climate Reparations? When nature strikes—you pay! Climate ‘loss and damage’ hits the UN thumbnail

Climate Reparations? When nature strikes—you pay! Climate ‘loss and damage’ hits the UN

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Are you ready to pay climate reparations totaling more than all the money in the world for disasters nature caused?

For years CFACT has warned of plans to add “loss and damage” to the UN climate regime, making wealthy nations liable to compensate developing countries when extreme weather strikes.

This week 130 nations placed a draft loss and damage funding plan formally on the agenda for the first time at a UN climate conference.  Will the Biden Administration give in to this?  Who else?

Read the official UN COP 27 loss and damage proposal for yourself at CFACT.org.

China is masterfully outplaying Biden and the rest of the free world by both pushing loss and damage forward and exempting itself from paying.  This advances China’s strategy to supplant U.S. influence in the developing world.

This is incredibly dangerous, not to mention ruinously expensive.

David Wojick underlines the danger perfectly at CFACT.org with his coverage of a report the new left-wing government of Colombia submitted to COP 27 estimating its climate “loss and damage” at a mind-blowing $800 billion per year.

That’s just for one small South American country!

Wojick explains that:

Colombia is a relatively small country with a GDP of around $300 billion a year, about the 40th largest in the world and just 0.4% of the global total. Its “loss and damage” claim is roughly 2.5 times its GDP, so let’s assume that ratio globally.

World GDP is about $81 trillion, which multiplied by 2.5 equals just over $200 trillion a year…

Before the “loss and damage” talks proceed we should ask “What kind of money are we talking about?” Because there is no point in talking about paying the developing countries hundreds of trillions of dollars. It cannot happen.

The UN draft demands a loss and damage funding mechanism be in place and operating within two years, before the start of COP 29 in 2024.

The COP 27 draft calls for loss and damage reparations funds that are:

a) Urgent and immediate

b) New, additional, predictable and adequate so as to assist developing countries in meeting the costs of addressing loss and damage;

c) Additional to adaptation and mitigation funding;

d) Additional;

e) Predictable;

f) Public in origin;

g) Multilateral in origin;

h) Taking a whole-of-institution/organization approach;

i) Timely and through a simple and fast process, without the need for lengthy bureaucratic procedures;

j) Disbursed quickly;

What “loss and damage” scheme will Biden and the West agree to at the UN climate summit in Egypt?

You are not responsible for the weather in Colombia or anywhere else.  America has always been prepared to generously aid a neighbor in distress and should continue to do so.  That is entirely different than accepting legal liability.

Any loss and damage “compromise” in Egypt represents the thin end of a perilous wedge.

America must declare an unequivocal “no” to climate reparations at the COP 27 climate talks.

Anything is too much.


Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FBI top dog refuses to answer whether bureau had sources dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6 thumbnail

FBI top dog refuses to answer whether bureau had sources dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6

By Jihad Watch

The desperately corrupt FBI should be disbanded, but nothing is much less likely.


FBI Director Refuses To Answer Whether Agency Had Sources ‘Dressed As Trump Supporters’ In J6 Riots

by Trevor Schakohl, Daily Caller, November 15, 2022:

FBI Director Christopher Wray refused to answer multiple questions Tuesday from a Republican congressman concerning whether FBI sources were embedded among Jan. 6 protesters during a House Homeland Security Committee hearing on Worldwide Threats to the Homeland.

Republican Louisiana Rep. Clay Higgins asked Wray at the hearing if the FBI had “confidential human sources embedded within the Jan. 6 protesters” that day. Wray said he had to “be very careful about when we do and do not and where we have and have not used” such sources, “categorically” denying that bureau sources or employees “instigated or orchestrated Jan. 6.”…

“Did you have confidential human sources dressed as Trump supporters inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 prior to the doors being opened?” Higgins subsequently questioned. Wray began to repeat that he needed to be “very careful,” but the congressman loudly insisted, “It should be a no! Can you not tell the American people no?”

The FBI director urged Higgins not to “read anything into” his choice not to divulge information about informants, with committee Chairman Bennie Thompson cutting off the exchange for time.




I’VE ALWAYS CARED!!!🇺🇸 pic.twitter.com/4gh7URukXB

— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) November 16, 2022


Biden Administration Sends FBI After Incoming Netanyahu Government

Bankrupt Crypto king’s family has deep connections to Democrat machine. Here’s what we know.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Republicans Announce Investigation Into Joe Biden, Allege He Was Directly ‘Involved’ With Hunter’s Dealings thumbnail

Republicans Announce Investigation Into Joe Biden, Allege He Was Directly ‘Involved’ With Hunter’s Dealings

By The Daily Caller

House Republicans announced they were launching an investigation into President Joe Biden at a press conference Thursday, alleging that the elder Biden was “involved” in his son Hunter’s overseas business dealings.

Republican Reps. James Comer of Kentucky and Jim Jordan of Ohio, citing unnamed whistleblowers, alleged that Joe Biden was the “chairman of the board” of the Biden family empire and oversaw Hunter’s business activity, claiming to find evidence of conspiracy to defraud the United States and money laundering. Hunter Biden currently holds a minority stake in a Chinese private equity firm responsible for investing in a previously sanctioned technology company that committed human rights violations against Uyghurs, and the new accusations point to involvement in the energy industry.

“This is an investigation of Joe Biden,” Comer said. “I think we’ve laid out the evidence as to why we feel it’s important, and we’re going to move forward with that.”

The lawmakers allege that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden participated in “waste, fraud, and abuse” relating to business dealings and plan to release a report Thursday to outline their claims.

“We find evidence that Hunter Biden and Joe Biden were involved in a scheme to try to get China to buy liquified natural gas. People are in outrage over China buying farmland in the Dakotas. What about China starting to buy into our American energy industry?” Comer added.

Comer was referring to documents found on Hunter Biden’s laptop that showed he was engaged in business talks with Chinese companies to sell American natural gas.

“Was Joe Biden directly involved with Hunter Biden’s business deals and is he compromised? That’s our investigation,” Comer said. The Representatives hope to find “why [Biden] lied to the American people about his knowledge and participation in his family’s international business schemes”

Hunter has been under federal investigation since 2018, after he allegedly failed to pay taxes and lied on a firearm application. U.S. Attorney David Weiss has conducted the investigation and would be the person who levies the charges.

In September, over 30 Senate Republicans called for U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland to grant special counsel protections and authorities to Weiss as he continued to investigate Hunter Biden. The request stemmed from a letter that claims Hunter Biden has a growing amount of evidence against him relating to federal crimes, including, but not limited to, tax fraud, money laundering and foreign-lobbying violations.

The request for counsel follows a September claim by one of Hunter Biden’s former business associates, Tony Bobulinski, that former FBI agent Timothy Thibault worked to conceal relevant information about the Biden family, particularly his relationship with the Bidens. Legislators alleged that Thibault attempted to halt the FBI’s investigation into Hunter Biden.

In October, Republican Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley called on law enforcement to release records detailing “potential criminal conduct” committed by Biden’s sons after leaked emails pointed to a Biden owned real estate company receiving a $40 million investment from a Russian oligarch.





Hunter Biden’s Ex-Business Partner Has Concerns FBI Agent Hid Info In Investigation: REPORT

Biden Administration Sends FBI After Incoming Netanyahu Government

U.S. rabbis blast Biden’s handlers for funding ‘Palestinian’ jihad terrorism

FBI top dog refuses to answer whether bureau had sources dressed as Trump supporters on Jan. 6

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Is Big Tech Censoring Child Trafficking? thumbnail

Is Big Tech Censoring Child Trafficking?

By Veterans 4 Child Rescue

It would seem that one of the most uniting causes in the world would be to protect children. Specifically: children who are being trafficked, exploited, and abused sexually, physically, mentally, and emotionally.

A recent increase in awareness about the prevalence of child trafficking has led to a concerning counter-movement by large, public platforms. There seems to be a concerted effort to squash the voices of organizations and individuals who are speaking out against child exploitation and sex trafficking.

If children are being trafficked in any significant quantities in our country, shouldn’t the public be made aware? Shouldn’t action be taken, policies changed, and justice served?

Or, what motive would there be to censor people who are raising awareness and demanding action?

Should Big Tech companies have the power to control what information or opinions citizens are allowed to speak about on public platforms?

Is this an intentional effort to suppress or censor this information from being shared with the public? Or are these large platforms simply guarding their users from misleading information?

Let’s discuss the facts.

What Is Child Sex Trafficking?

According to the United States Department of Justice:

“Child sex trafficking refers to the recruitment, harboring, transportation, provision, obtaining, patronizing, or soliciting of a minor for the purpose of a commercial sex act.”

According to the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC):

“While any child can be targeted by a trafficker, research, data and survivor lived experience and expertise have revealed traffickers and buyers often target youth who lack strong support networks, have experienced violence in the past, are experiencing homelessness, or are marginalized by society.  Traffickers are masters of manipulation and prey upon vulnerabilities using psychological pressure and intimidation to control and sexually exploit the child for their benefit.

The issue of child sex trafficking is complex. Understanding the various forms of child sex trafficking and indicators can create opportunities for prevention, identification and response. Most importantly NCMEC embraces and encourages all efforts on this issue to be survivor-informed, child-centered, and trauma-informed.

Below are some examples of child sex trafficking:

 Pimp-Controlled Trafficking

Child is trafficked by an unrelated individual, male or female, who often develops an intentional relationship with the child which is later used as leverage in the exploitation.

 Familial Trafficking

Child is trafficked by a relative or a person who is perceived by the child to be a family member such as individuals referred to as “auntie” or “uncle” but are not directly related to the child.

 Gang-Controlled Trafficking

Child is trafficked by a member of a gang or trafficked by the gang.  Gangs leverage their organizational structure, violence, and local, national and international networks to instill fear and loyalty in the child victim.

 Buyer-Perpetrated Trafficking

Child is being trafficked but does not have an identified trafficker.  Instead, the buyer is directly exploiting the child’s vulnerabilities by offering money, food, and/or shelter in exchange for the sexual exploitation.

Child sex trafficking can have devastating immediate and long-term consequences, including health impacts, psychological and physical trauma and even death.”

How Many Children Are Trafficked Every Year in the USA?

No one knows the real numbers of trafficked children, because most of it is not reported.

Child trafficking can happen to any child, regardless of race, gender, education, citizenship, and socio-economic status. Most people think of child trafficking as children bound and beaten in hidden bunkers in 3rd world countries. While that is a reality for many children around the world, most people don’t realize that child trafficking is rampant in the USA and that the victims and perpetrators may be right in front of them.

The USA is one of the main destinations and sources of child trafficking.

It’s estimated that hundreds of thousands of children go missing in the USA every year.

Child Trafficking is estimated to be a $38-50 BILLION dollar a year criminal enterprise in the USA alone.

Why is Child Trafficking Censored on Social Media?

Despite surmounting evidence of child trafficking in all 50 states and every major city, large social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and TikTok seem to suppress, censor, and/or remove posts on the topic.

In 2020, hashtags such as #SaveTheChildren and #SaveOurChildren were banned or censored on most big social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. This seemed to be in response to the influx of people who were made aware about the massive scale of child trafficking in America and the amount of posts, questions, and concerns that ensued.

While some theories about certain public figures being involved with child trafficking have yet to be proven, the evidence and prevalence of child trafficking in the USA are undeniable.

The viral impact of these awareness campaigns arms the public with the information they need to safeguard children and help prevent this gruesome crime from thriving in their communities. It even resulted in hundreds of organized rallies and marches all over the USA, from Washington, to Tennessee, to Michigan to California. Increased public awareness also funds the nonprofit organizations who are taking action to protect and rescue children.

Why would anyone want to sabotage efforts to raise awareness about child trafficking?

As of the writing of this article, the following hashtags are censored – meaning, banned – on Instagram.

  1. #ChildTraffickingAwareness
  2. #ChildTrafficking
  3. #ChildSexTrafficking
  4. #EndChildTrafficking
  5. #ProtectChildren
  6. #ProtectOurChildren
  7. #ProtectTheChildren
  8. #SaveChildren
  9. #SaveOurChildren
  10. #SaveOurChildrenFromPedophiles
  11. #SaveTheChildren
  12. #StopChildTrafficking
  13. #StopChildAbuse

What’s even stranger is: hashtags about human trafficking, such as #HumanTrafficking / #EndHumanTrafficking / #StopHumanTrafficking hashtags are NOT censored.

#ChildAbuse and #ChildAbuseMaterial are not banned. #StopChildAbuse is.

It’s almost as if it’s an intentional effort to ignore, suppress, or deny this industrial scale harm to children!?

Why The Censorship? Who Does It Benefit, and Who Is It Hurting?

Big social platforms are known to remove or censor posts and hashtags, shadowban accounts, or even delete or permanently ban accounts who post about child trafficking. When the account creators appeal the platform’s decision, it often leads down an endless maze of unclear responses, such as “We removed this post because it violates our community guidelines.” More often than not, even if the post is factual and does not violate their posted community guidelines, the platform will still refuse to reinstate the content or accounts.

As of the writing of this article, Veterans For Child Rescue and the founder, Craig “Sawman” Sawyer have been banned or deleted multiple times from the following platforms:

  1. Instagram
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Twitter
  4. GoFundMe
  5. YouCaring

Below are some examples of the recent Account Warnings and censorship on TikTok, as well as the responses to our appeals to restore the content.


Why Do Some Think Child Trafficking is a Conspiracy Theory?

Some reasons may include:

  •  High level customers in elite positions of power actively work to enable this criminal industry and keep their behaviors a secret.

We’re all familiar with the Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell case. Why hasn’t the client list been released? Why have none of their clients been brought to trial? Why is there no justice for the countless victims?

  •  As the fastest growing and 2nd most profitable criminal enterprise in the world, there is big money protecting the secrecy of it.
  •  Most large online platforms suppress information about child trafficking awareness. They also suppress and censor the messaging and reach of organizations like Veterans For Child Rescue who are dedicated to countering child trafficking and making the USA a safe place for children.
  •  Some political and religious groups mixed some truth with some un-factual stories or exaggerations that resulted in misinformation. This has unfortunately caused some to categorize child trafficking as a theory or political talking point.
  •  There is a massive lack of public awareness and education on this matter. Most people don’t know what to look for or how to help, and therefore, many victims and situations are overlooked.
  •  The reality of this evil is simply too harsh for people to face. If they accept its existence, they’re left with 2 choices: do something, or do nothing. Unfortunately, many people choose to pretend it doesn’t exist so they do not feel responsible to take action.
  •  Survivors are often threatened, coerced, slandered, or shamed into silence. Child abuse and trafficking is difficult to prove, and even more difficult to prosecute. Many antagonists will use gaslighting tactics, call the victims liars, and cause them unwanted attention and negative press. This can cause a domino effect of traumatizing experiences and even put the victim in danger.
  •  Most child abusers and traffickers are not convicted. Despite solid evidence, many abusers go unpunished, or only serve light sentences.

What Can We Do to End Child Trafficking?

1. Raise Awareness

Awareness reduces the predator’s ability to operate. 



  •  CONTRALAND: a shocking documentary exposing child trafficking and predators in the USA

2.     Get Involved in Your Community

  •  Attend local events, school board meetings, elections, and get to know who is running your town.
  •  Write your elected officials and demand harsher punishments for predators, laws to protect children, and support for victims and survivors.
  •  Volunteer at shelters, after school programs, and community events.

3.     Refer

  •  Connect Veterans For Child Rescue with donors, District Attorneys, elected officials, media, and any businesses, groups, or entities willing to stand with us.

4.     Shop & Support

  •  Purchase V4CR merchandise – guaranteed conversation starters! 100% of the proceeds support our mission.
  •  Shop on Smile.Amazon.com and choose “Veterans For Child Rescue” as your charity. Amazon will donate a percentage of your purchase to our cause.⁣⁣
Taxpayer-funded Middle East Studies Centers at U.S. Universities Promote Anti-U.S. Propaganda and ‘Islamophobia’ Myths thumbnail

Taxpayer-funded Middle East Studies Centers at U.S. Universities Promote Anti-U.S. Propaganda and ‘Islamophobia’ Myths

By Jihad Watch

It’s good to see the National Association of Scholars acknowledging this and documenting it in detail. Jihad Watch has been warning about and documenting it for years, and as a result has been one of the targets of the scurrilous pro-jihad, pro-Sharia propaganda mills that operate out of these compromised universities today. A whole generation has now been propagandized with the “Islamophobia” myth and much more.

U.S. gives $2.9m to Universities that promote anti-West ideologies

Open The Books, November 14, 2022:

While there are more than 50 Middle East Studies Centers at American universities, training students in the culture and languages of the region, 11 are designated National Resource Centers, which provides federal funds.

According to a new report by the National Association of Scholars, the 11 centers each get $260,000 in Title VI funding through the Department of Education to the tune of $2.9 million a year.

They are at Columbia University, George Washington University, Georgetown University, Indiana University, New York University, University of Arizona, UCLA, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, University of Michigan, UNC/Duke University partnership.

The report, Hijacked: The Capture of America’s Middle East Studies Centers, says the centers have veered far afield their purpose, now pushing overtly anti-West ideologies focusing on social issues such as Islamophobia and immigration at the university level, and even push critical race theory to K–12 educators….

Yale University courses are frequently rife with progressive dogmas, including requiring students to read such as, “Islam Today: Jihad and Fundamentalism,” which attempts to reframe the most dangerous aspects of Islam as a “reactive force to Western colonialism,” according to the report.

“By only presenting students with books that advance a pro-immigration agenda, educators sidestep meaningful debate on the issue and bias students toward their own progressive views,” Arnold wrote in the report. “The bias of these centers has been documented for years. It’s time for taxpayers to be taken off the hook for these activist centers.”…




Afghanistan: Supreme leader orders full implementation of Sharia, including public executions, stonings, amputations

Austria: Muslim migrant forces his wife to wear hijab, stabs her 11 times, says ‘I just wanted to scare her’

Australia: Teen converts to Islam, plots jihad massacre at home, opts instead to blow himself up in Iraq

Italy: Muslim arrested for torture and abuse of two people, including a teenager, who refused to fight for ISIS

Morocco: Muslims chase and brutally beat LGBT person

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Republicans Win Control Of The House thumbnail

Republicans Win Control Of The House

By The Daily Caller

Republicans gained control of the United State House of Representatives, edging out a narrow victory in the tightly-contested midterm elections.

The GOP currently holds 218 seats after mail-in ballots caused over a week of delays in results, The Associated Press reported, though that number may grow as the last few remaining races wrap up. The elections were far closer than pre-midterm projections, with most pollsters predicting Republicans would take between 225 and 255 seats. 

“There was a widespread anticipation that [election night] was going to be a bad night for Democrats. But, you know, the question is like, How bad would it be? It was very likely that the House would flip, and by definition, that’s a bad night by any standard, but it’s a lot less bad for Democrats than I think we thought,” Charlie Cook of the Cook Political Report told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Though final results were below initial predictions, Republicans picked up key seats in Florida, taking 21 of 28 House districts, according to the Associated Press. In New York, Republicans flipped four traditionally blue Democrat seats, taking 10 of the 26 seats.

In Virginia, Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger was reelected, leading Democrats to take one more seat than Republicans, 6 to 5, according to the Associated Press. In Rhode Island, Democrat Seth Magaziner won his seat, despite pre-election predictions that the seats would turn red, according to The Washington Post.

🚨BREAKING🚨 Republicans are now projected to win control of the United State House of Representatives, after gaining 7 seats, 2 more than they needed to win control of the chamber. pic.twitter.com/yFZ9lz1riP

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 14, 2022

In Georgia, where Republican Herschel Walker and Democrat Sen. Raphael Warnock are heading to a runoff, Republicans took 9 seats and Democrats took 5, according to the Associated Press.

“Here’s what we do know: While the press and the pundits are predicting a giant red wave, it didn’t happen,” Biden said in a news conference following the Nov. 8 midterm elections, according to The Washington Post. “[Voters] sent a clear, unmistakable message that they want to preserve our democracy and protect the right to choose in this country.”





GOP Hopes Dashed On The Rocks

Chris Wray is Smacked Down for Dodging Question on ‘FBI Informants Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on January 6

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

False Hysteria Over Israeli Democracy thumbnail

False Hysteria Over Israeli Democracy

By Matthew Hausman, J.D.

Progressive critics, take note: the U.S. system at its core is not a pure democracy at all, but a constitutional republic.

Before the dust settled and all votes were counted, the American liberal establishment began lamenting the death of Israeli democracy as Benyamin Netanyahu was poised to form the next government with a commanding number of Knesset seats and a potentially stable coalition.

The last time I checked, that’s how the Israeli electoral system works. But political progressives have conflated the term “democracy” with its antithesis – an agenda promoting censorship, thought control, viewpoint discrimination, woke intolerance, and hatred of Israel and the west. What they are peddling is not democratic at all, but a dictatorial stew that degrades personal rights and discourages dissent. And in so doing they are abetted by a mainstream media that engages in political activism and preys on its audience’s ignorance of constitutional and democratic values.

Now they are applying this skewed worldview to the latest Israeli election to delegitimize a result they don’t like. Regardless of how one feels about Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, or Smotrich, their election was democratic. And despite what liberal pundits are saying, the results don’t represent an aberrant shift in Israeli electoral preferences. Indeed, conservative parties were on the ascendancy over the last few elections, though the formation of a coalition was prevented by those on the right who wouldn’t accept Netanyahu as PM.

Given that Israel’s electoral system seems to work, we need to understand what’s really going on.

Progressive criticism of Israeli politics is not motivated by genuine concern over democratic values – Israeli or otherwise. It arises from the desire to delegitimize the Jewish State. This malevolent compulsion is, after all, the raison d’etre for the BDS movement and international efforts to cast Israel as a pariah nation. That is the crux of progressive opposition to Netanyahu’s re-ascendancy, and this becomes painfully clear when their false concern for democracy is deconstructed.

The most obvious red herring is the assertion that Netanyahu’s return to power offends American democratic sensibilities. This claim is patently ridiculous because (a) Netanyahu’s bloc won in a free and fair election and (b) American democracy is distinct from systems of government found in Israel and elsewhere.

To the extent the US sets the standard used to measure other political systems, however, it would be fair to question exactly what constitutes American democracy and whether today’s political reality reflects the intent of its founding fathers.

And there’s the rub – the US system at its core is not a pure democracy at all, but a constitutional republic.

America’s founders were extremely wary of democracywhich they (like Plato, Socrates, and Aristotle before them) believed to be the most corruptible form of government. Instead, they envisioned a constitutional republic with democratic elections. This intent was clearly articulated in Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution, which states: “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of Government.” Though the distinctions are blurred today, there are fundamental differences between republican and democratic forms of government.

Modern republics are founded on constitutional principles, whether written or unwritten, which assure certain rights and liberties and which delineate and delegate authority among various branches of government. This differs from pure democracy, wherein citizens directly influence governmental decision-making and individual rights yield to majority rule. It also differs from representative democracy in which constituents choose leaders to govern according to their interests.

America’s founders envisioned a system where individual rights would be sacrosanct, state authority respected, and federal powers limited. They feared pure democracy – in which personal freedoms could be abrogated by a dictatorial majority and community standards decreed by mob rule. This distrust was articulated by Benjamin Franklin who, when asked what kind of government the Constitution established, replied: “A republic, if you can keep it.”

Consistent with this sentiment, James Madison in the “Federalist Papers” expressed the following critical view of democracy: “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. Theoretic politicians, who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would at the same time be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions.”

Accordingly, the US is a democratic republic that guarantees fundamental rights and liberties and features an electoral system combining direct elections for legislators and indirect voting (through an electoral college) for president. Ideally, elected officials are supposed to represent the interests of their constituents; however, they often fail to do so and instead impose partisan agendas that ignore the will of the voters.

Given that the US is a republic with democratic elections, it’s not always clear whether its advocates understand how it compares to other forms of government. Is it the guarantee of inalienable rights (a hallmark of the republicanism) or the right to select leaders and legislators through free elections? And if by democracy they actually mean constitutionalism, are they really advocating democratic ideals at all?

These questions come into sharper focus when analyzing governments of other nations. The United Kingdom, for example, has a constitutional monarchy that has democratic elections and differs markedly from the United States. Among other differences, the UK’s constitution is unwritten, deriving from a mélange of laws, traditions, and historical documents – including the Magna Carta, which presumes the British monarchy exists by divine agency. Such bases seem inherently inconsistent with non-monarchical democracies or republics.

Moreover, although the UK has a legislative system, its Parliament’s historical foundations are not entirely democratic. Whereas the House of Commons is an elected body, the House of Lords is hereditary, though its authority to originate legislation has been curtailed over the years. Great Britain has no written constitution, boasts a monarchy with supposedly divine license, and is awash in nonegalitarian traditions; yet, its government is rarely delegitimized, and certainly never with the same vehemence reserved for Israel.

And what about constitutional democracy in the Islamic world? Muslim countries like Malaysia are hailed as paradigms because they have constitutions and legislative bodies. However, certain rights and freedoms are subservient to Islamic law as applied by Sharia courts, and there is no separation between religion and state (which is seen as a purely western contrivance). Although Malaysia’s national constitution ostensibly guarantees religious freedom, it also enshrines Islam as the national faith; and citizens must be Muslim to be considered ethnic Malaysians.

Israel’s critics say it cannot be both Jewish and democratic, so in evaluating whether Jewish beliefs and national aspirations are compatible with “democracy,” one must determine which political ideals provide the yardstick for measurement. Clearly, pure democracy provides no standard because it does not assure individual freedoms and almost always leads to the suppression of minority rights by dictatorial majorities. Though considered a constitutional democracy, the US defines itself by the rights afforded under its Constitution; and if civil liberties constitute the benchmark of American government, then Israel measures up well.

Israel has an open electoral system in which Arabs and Jews vote without interference, run for office, and participate in government; and in some ways, Israel assures even broader freedoms. Indeed, some Arab MKs have voiced anti-Israel and antisemitic rhetoric, sympathized with terrorists, and engaged in speech that might be considered seditious in the US. It is difficult to imagine members of Congress using their positions to advocate against their country, particularly considering they are required to take an oath of office swearing allegiance to the Constitution. Absurdly, however, such conduct seems to occur in Israel with little practical consequence.

In addition, Israeli Arabs and Jews live where they want and benefit from the same government programs regarding public health, welfare, and infrastructure. There is likewise no dispute that Israel guarantees freedom of speech, religion, and gender equality, despite the existential threats facilitated by an open society. It would be easier to limit the exercise of rights that compromise national security as other countries have done, including the US, where free speech and assembly have been restricted and citizens detained during times of national emergency – and where speech is under constant attack by the political left today.

Regardless of its form of government, though, Israel’s existence is inherently justified by its status as a sovereign Jewish nation in the ancient Jewish homeland. But whether a democracy, republic, or hybrid of the two, Israel undeniably provides greater rights and freedoms than most other nations, despite the safety and security risks posed by many of those who benefit from its openness.

Can other countries say the same?

©Matthew Hausman, J.D. All rights reserved.

TSA Director Accused of Fraud, Waste for Unlawfully Deploying Assets to Mexican Border thumbnail

TSA Director Accused of Fraud, Waste for Unlawfully Deploying Assets to Mexican Border

By Judicial Watch

The head of the federal agency created after 9/11 to protect the nation’s transportation system is accused of fraud, waste, and abuse of authority for unlawfully deploying assets to the Mexican border to perform duties unrelated to transportation, according to a report filed with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Inspector General. In the formal complaint to the DHS watchdog, the Air Marshal National Council, which represents thousands of Federal Air Marshals (FAM) nationwide, accuses Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Administrator David Pekoske and FAM Director Tirrell Stevenson of violating federal law and overstepping their authority for assigning the highly trained aviation security specialists to assist the U.S. Border Patrol with the illegal immigration crisis. FAM operates under TSA and both function under DHS.

“The TSA personnel are being sent to El Paso TX, San Diego CA, Laredo TX, McAllen TX, Tucson AZ, and Yuma AZ,” the complaint states, adding that internal agency documents reveal the “highly skilled FAMs” are being sent to the southwest border to perform “Hospital Watch, Transportation, Law Enforcement Searches, Welfare Checks, and Entry Control.” The duties have no relation to TSA’s core mission of transportation security, the filing says, and instead the air marshals will assist migrants who have crossed the border into the United States. TSA was created after 2001 to help prevent another terrorist attack, though the agency is famous for its lapses, including a big one just days ago when a man was allowed to board a plane in Cincinnati with two box cutters. FAM is charged with protecting commercial passenger flights by deterring and countering the risk of terrorist activity. At the very least it seems like a waste to send the highly trained law enforcement agents to the border to babysit illegal immigrants.

“The statute does not give the Administrator any authority to deploy TSA or FAM employees to the southern border to perform non transportation security related matters,” the complaint to the DHS IG states. “Further, under section (g) the statute describes what the Administrators authority is if an emergency, as defined by the Secretary of Homeland Security, is declared.” The act makes clear that the legislative intent is to only allow TSA to exercise authority and deploy its assets for transportation security, the report to the DHS watchdog confirms. “To date Mr. Pekoske nor Mr. Stevenson have declared the deployments to be related to transportation security,” according to the complaint. Furthermore, the duties, “Hospital Watch, Entry Control, Law Enforcement searches, and Transportation,” could not be interpreted to have any nexus to the TSA core mission of transportation security. Additionally, the document notes that Congress has not appropriated any funds in the TSA budget for border security, making any money expended for the cause a violation of the Antideficiency Act which prohibits federal employees from obligating funds unless Congress has approved the amount and purpose of the spending.

A few weeks ago Judicial Watch obtained the DHS memorandum to the nation’s air marshal force announcing that officers would soon be sent to the southern border to help deal with “a surge in irregular migration.” The notice states that “the unprecedented volume of Noncitizen Migrants (NCMs) currently apprehended mandates immediate further action to protect the life and safety of federal personnel and noncitizens in CBP [Customs and Border Protection] custody.” It is the first acknowledgment, albeit leaked involuntarily, by the Biden administration that there is indeed a crisis along the nation’s famously porous southern border. “To support its mission, CBP is seeking federal employees from DHS Components and other federal agencies to be placed on reimbursable TDY assignments to assist in critical support functions,” the widely circulated mandate reads, adding that “LE/FAMS has been directed by DHS to support this request.” Air marshals interviewed by Judicial Watch expressed outrage that they are being pulled from their critical inflight security duties to assist with the mayhem created by the Biden administration’s failed immigration policies.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Schumer Blasted For Claim That Illegals Will Solve U.S. Birth Rate thumbnail

Schumer Blasted For Claim That Illegals Will Solve U.S. Birth Rate

By Discover The Networks

Speaking to the press outside the Capitol on Wednesday, Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) declared that the solution to America’s declining birth rate was to grant citizenship to the 11+ million illegals in the country, after which he was blasted mercilessly on Twitter.

Schumer declared, “Now more than ever, we’re short of workers, we have a population that is not reproducing on its own with the same level that it used to. The only way we’re going to have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace immigrants, the DREAMers and – all of them. Cause our ultimate goal is to help the DREAMers but get a path to citizenship for all 11 million, or however many undocumented immigrants.”

NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham pointed out the obvious irony of Schumer making these claims, tweeting, “You’re funding Planned Parenthood to keep the native-born population smaller.”

Conservative political strategist Greg Price commented, “They say that it’s empowering to stay single forever and never start a family, claim having kids destroys the environment, promote abortion as a moral good, and their solution when they realize people aren’t having enough kids is to import the third world to replace them.”

He then laid into Schumer directly, adding, “Chuck Schumer has also been in government since the 1980s and helped create the economy of today that makes it virtually impossible for people my age to build wealth and start a family. The man has literally done nothing but preside over America’s decline.”

Sports talk radio host Tony Bruno advised alternative solutions for Schumer, tweeting, “Maybe we stop ABORTING babies at record levels and do something to stop the record black on black murders in big Dem run cities?”

The Twitter account for pro-life outlet LifeNews.com remarked, “Maybe quit promoting abortion.”

Conservative influencer and Café Gratis CEO Steve Oatley echoed Girdusky’s criticism, tweeting, “Weird, I thought all the dems were saying the great replacement theory was a conspiracy…”

Charles Schumer

41 Known Connections

Schumer Demonizes Trump Supporters Who Voted for a “Despicable,” “Racist,” and “Vile” Man

At a July 2021 event with Roosevelt Island and Upper East Side community leaders in New York, Schumer said: “How could 74 million people vote for such a despicable human being as Donald Trump? I don’t care if you’re a liberal or a conservative, Democrat or Republican, he is a vile man. He is dishonest, divisive. That’s what he loves to do. Just divide and have people fighting with each other. He’s a racist. And he always appeals to the dark side of human nature, which he’s very good at, unfortunately. How did they vote for him?”

To learn more about Chuck Schumer, click here.


Governor Abbot publicly declares invasion

Chris Wray is Smacked Down for Dodging Question on ‘FBI Informants Dressed as Trump Supporters’ on January 6

Cicilline Tries to Permanently Bar Trump from Office Over Jan. 6

Raskin: Running for Office Won’t Protect Trump From Prosecution

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Drag Queens And The ‘Queering’ Of The Church thumbnail

Drag Queens And The ‘Queering’ Of The Church

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

If you would have told me a few years ago that the church at-large would accept the diabolical scheme of allowing Drag Queens to teach or in any way influence 5-8 year old’s, I would have been in disbelief. To tell me that long-standing Christians would remain silent if such was proposed, or if someone serving with them in a ministry leadership would also be silent, not object firmly, I would have doubly been in disbelief. Both scenarios are happening, and I am additionally learning that raising concerns makes Christians uneasy.

May the below article shed light onto the weakness within the church at-large, and as to why the Lord is, and has already, brought a sword to separate His Remnant. A house divided cannot stand—this includes churches, ministries, and families.

Drag queens and the queering of the Church

By M. D. Perkins

It’s Sunday morning at a progressive church. The pastor introduces himself, states his preferred pronouns, welcomes the congregants, and then announces the arrival of the guest preacher—the drag queen performing under the name of “Ms. Penny Cost.” It is explained that Isaac Simmons (the man in drag) is a first-year seminary student and candidate for ordination in the United Methodist Church. Simmons will explain why he “gets dolled up” during the children’s sermon, before delivering a message to the whole congregation denouncing capitalism.

This is not the beginning of some pretentious short story from freshman English class. It is, in fact, a real event with real people taking place in a real United Methodist church. And things like this will continue to happen in the days, weeks, and years ahead.

Drag queens in public life

Once an obscure part of the gay subculture, men dressing up as drag queens have now become a common feature of pop culture. They are, of course, featured prominently in Pride parades and other LGBTQ+ celebrations. There are a number of current TV shows focused on drag, like RuPaul’s Drag Race (VH1), We’re Here (HBO), Call Me Mother (OutTV in Canada), Queen of the Universe (Paramount+), and Legendary (HBO Max). Drag queens have also found their way into elementary education, with book readings and other “family-friendly” drag events offering ways that children can interact with these performers. With this comes the inevitable controversy and backlash, fueling news stories across the media landscape.

Since drag queens have been mainstreamed, is it any surprise that there would be churches wanting to feature them in worship services? Is it any surprise that a seminary student would want to dress up in drag to present his screeds against capitalism and “queerphobia” to the church? Certainly not. “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions” (Jude 1:18).

What may be surprising for Christians, is that this is not accidental. The normalization of homosexuality leads to greater degrees of decadence and debauchery—not simply by laws of entropy but by concerted efforts on the part of activists to attack the image of God in man. The rise of drag queens in public life is a defiant attempt to queer our children and the church of Jesus Christ.

What is queering?

Some readers may remember a time when the word queer simply meant odd or strange. Most may still remember when queer was considered a pejorative slur for a homosexual. However, nowadays, queer has become an identity label as well as a point of pride and celebration. Hence the Q in the LGBTQ+ acronym. Queer can be a collective label for anything within the LGBTQ+ spectrum—that is, any person or thing that falls outside heterosexual or stereotypical gender norms.

As academic scholars began using the word queer to define their radical social theories, the word gained additional power. These theories were aimed at elevating non-traditional sexuality and fighting ways that heterosexuality is normalized or considered good in society. One way of combating what these scholars labeled heteronormativity was by a specific disruptive process of queering. Through this use, queer had become a verb, an action.

Queering is intended to complicate and disrupt what is perceived to be normal. As an action, it is the use of words, actions, or representatives to directly challenge heterosexuality, traditional gender roles, or the male/female binary. What is normal is sometimes described as binary—such as identifying as a man or a woman or even presenting yourself as a man or woman.

Here is how queering is defined in the Encyclopedia of Diversity and Social Justice (Rowman & Littlefield, 2015):

Queering is one strategy for queer activists who want to unsettle or complicate normative practices, spaces, or discourses. Introducing queer bodies into normative spaces, for instance, changes the dynamics of that space by unsettling the taken-for-granted characteristics of that space. Drag queens might “take over” a “straight bar” in order to queer the space, or complicate what that space means to the people inhabiting it.

The purpose is to disrupt foundational assumptions about sex and gender and, thereby, transform social norms by offering new possibilities. These possibilities do not have to be the new normal in themselves, but they work to move people’s sensibility toward accepting queerness as normal by offering a counterpoint to it. This can even be seen in the rise of the terms nonbinary and genderqueer, used to express a person’s inner feeling of gender identity. Whether discussing gender or sexuality, the binary is rejected in favor of a spectrum. Queering is intended to help people see the various colors of this spectrum.

This may sound very abstract, so an illustration is in order.

Drag performance as an act of queering

Drag performance itself is an act of queering because of its attempt to complicate and unsettle binary depictions of sex and gender. This can be seen even with the complicated use of pronouns which dismantles order and clarity. As in the case of Isaac Simmons/”Ms. Penny Cost,” Isaac has one set of pronouns (they/them) and a different set when dressed in drag (she/her). The drag persona is singular while the real person underneath is plural. The fact that the pronoun protocol is outlined at the beginning of each presentation only adds to the chaos.

But the queering goes deeper. Consider the way Drag Queen Story Hours have become a feature of education in recent years. These are events where a drag performer reads storybooks to young children in a school, library, or bookstore setting. The Drag Queen Story Hour website proudly declares that through these events “kids are able to see people who defy rigid gender restrictions and imagine a world where everyone can be their authentic selves!” The purpose is to stretch a child’s imagination to include drag queens as normal. Where a child may think it wrong or strange for a man to dress as a woman, the drag performer gives a visible (and potentially fun) counterpoint to that latent assumption.

According to the theory that undergirds these efforts, the act of having drag queens read in a library or school has effectively queered the space. As the theory stresses, this is supposed to help the child become more accepting of all LGBTQ+ expressions—including those the child may develop later. Not all drag performances are brazenly sexualized but the very act of drag—especially where the maleness of the female impersonator is particularly recognizable—is intended to pervert. That’s the point. This doesn’t even mention the frequently sexualized performances that have been documented—which is why many conservatives have labeled the practice “grooming.”

This same theory was earlier employed at the college level by sociology professor Steven P. Schacht. Before his death, Schacht took over 300 students to drag performances in order to challenge their traditional views. He reported that it was a highly effective method of giving his students an “experiential appreciation” of gender performance, with an ultimate political goal in mind: “Equality will not be realized until non-dichotomous, truly new ways of relating to others are envisioned and acted upon.” In other words, drag helps us envision a new world.

This is the heart of queering.

Queering the Church

The appearance of “Ms. Penny Cost” at Allendale United Methodist Church is evidence that the practice of queering is now entering some church settings as well. In one sense, this is to be expected. After all, embracing gay-affirming theology will eventually require further participation in activism in order to prove one’s commitment to the LGBTQ+ cause. As one author said, “Queer Christians deserve a queer theology that is not just inclusive but takes into account their distinct experiences.” How can these “distinct experiences” be shown without bold attempts to feature public expressions of queerness by those who identify as queer?

But in another sense, it is surprising to hear of a drag queen leading a church service because it is so obviously antithetical to sound doctrine and reverent worship of the God described in Scripture. But this is exactly the point of queering: it is meant to disrupt, surprise, and shock those who adhere to biblical orthodoxy. It is defiant, abrasive, and transgressive—by design. As queer theologian Robert Shore-Goss triumphantly declares in Jesus Acted Up: A Gay and Lesbian Manifesto:

Fundamentalist and literalist Christians traffic in the production and commerce of certain truths, but doubts, ambiguities, pluralities, and complexities will bring their fragile discursive edifice of fundamentalist truth to an end in the area of public discourse and curtail its harmful effect to those who are sexually different.

This act of queering the church may take many different forms. One form is through the use and promotion of queer theology. Queer theology presents shocking takes on theological ideas that are intended to elevate LGBTQ+ experience. One example is when Brian G. Murphy (of QueerTheology.com) declares that sexual promiscuity is a reflection of God’s love and Christian hospitality—where a person is “welcoming the stranger—into your home, or the backseat of your car, or even your body.” The purpose here is not simply to justify promiscuity but also to attack the traditional way Christians think.

Another form of queering the church is through the process of queer readings, whereby a work of Christian literature is read through a queer lens in order to pull new possibilities from the text. This can be seen in Keegan Osinski’s recent book Queering Wesley, Queering the Church (Cascade Books, 2021) where the sermons of John Wesley are queered in order to show that the queer perspective is “consistent with the broader thrust of Wesleyan theology and practice.” This includes a redefinition of holiness, where queerness itself becomes “not only compatible with holiness freshly understood, but also a truly fruitful and beneficial piece of a broader picture of what holiness can be.”

Queering the church can also take the form of a drag performance in the middle of Sunday morning service. The presence of the performer is intended to complicate the expectations of who can or should lead a worship service and who is given an opportunity to speak in church. Isaac Simmons (the name of the man who plays “Ms. Penny Cost”) said as much in his message:

We are here to learn and to grow and to deconstruct and to reimagine what church can be, who church can be for, and how church can feel together. It can be a place unafraid to denounce queerphobia, a place unafraid to name the sin of racism and to call for the end of white supremacy. A place where all have equal and equitable access, not just to the pulpit itself, to the sanctuary, but to God themself—and all that it represents within the community.


Understand that queering is wicked and is intentionally designed to blur the lines of right and wrong, natural and unnatural, male and female, objective truth and subjective experience, and beyond. It is meant to make people more accepting of LGBTQ+ at an emotional level. It is a spiritual attack made manifest in the flesh—with makeup, heels, and wigs. Christians are completely right to oppose it.

One drag queen, who goes by the name “Kitty Demure,” scolded foolish and naïve parents for promoting Drag Queen Story Hour events:

Would you want a stripper or a porn star to influence your child? It makes no sense at all. A drag queen performs in a nightclub for adults. There is a lot of filth that goes on. A lot of sexual stuff that goes on. And backstage there’s a lot of nudity, sex, and drugs. Okay? So I don’t think this is an avenue you would want your child to explore.

This comment exposes the darkness underneath it all—and the deep personal brokenness that even brings about a desire to perform and parade around in this way. It is worthy of pity and prayer. Pray for repentance! Pray for revival! Pray that the Lord would be merciful and show Himself mighty to save to the uttermost! Yet, there are souls at stake. There is Christ’s honor at stake. These things must be fought against—with vigor and courage.

Yet many Christians have been ashamed to speak up and there are some evangelical leaders who—even now, with the debauchery before their eyes—insist that Christians just need to quiet down, hold their peace, and love their neighbors. This kind of false dichotomy between loving our neighbors and standing for righteousness needs to stop. Whatever is ultimately true is ultimately good and to want our neighbors to be spared the onslaught of sexual confusion and decadence is certainly a very loving—and righteous—response. Many Christians need to repent of rejecting the truth through dozens of tiny accommodations and nuances.

Whether it be drag performances in a church, bookstore, public school, or civic event—the normalization of drag is grievous and the Lord will not be mocked, even as femininity is mocked by these performers. The wrath of God is coming. And woe to those churches who call what is evil, good—who parade it as righteousness before a lost and dying world. “Ms. Penny Cost” is a clear illustration of why many United Methodist Churches and ministers are choosing to disaffiliate from the rapidly eroding mainline denomination. Free from the restraint that the righteous men and women of that denomination have brought thus far, we will soon see what happens when the biblical witness is completely removed.

The American church in 2022 would do well to remember the fuller statement of the apostle Jude:

But you must remember, beloved, the predictions of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ. They said to you, “In the last time there will be scoffers, following their own ungodly passions.” It is these who cause divisions, worldly people, devoid of the Spirit. But you, beloved, building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life. And have mercy on those who doubt; save others by snatching them out of the fire; to others show mercy with fear, hating even the garment stained by the flesh. (Jude 1:17–23)

May the church of Christ stand boldly against the godlessness of a society bent on bringing God’s judgment. Come quickly, Lord Jesus.


M. D. Perkins

M.D. Perkins is research fellow of church and culture for American Family Association. He is author of “Dangerous Affirmation: The Threat of ‘Gay Christianity’” and producer of the award-winning documentary “In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality.”

©Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.