The Magical World of “Climate Change”

Hadley Arkes: “Climate change” gives the Left a “moral” code, a kind of pseudo religion, without the reasoning that animates true religion.

The state of our public discourse may not be at one of its heights, but it should be a telling sign that we haven’t heard anyone say that we have a remarkable “consensus” on the Pythagorean theorem.  There is no citation to credentialed people to assure us that it’s “accepted” among those who should know that the square of the hypotenuse in the right triangle is equal to the sum of the squares on the two adjacent sides.
When we are dealing with an axiomatic, or necessary truth, it would be a vulgar move to suggest that this is a matter that may hinge on the “opinions” or the consensus among eminent people.   And yet we persistently hear from the Left in our politics that there is an “overwhelming consensus” among scientists that we are facing a grave crisis over “climate change,” a crisis that will require stringent controls on the way we light and heat our houses, power our cars, and live our ordinary lives.
The passion that animates the partisans in this cause has approached a level of unblinking certitude that runs beyond the conviction of the religious. For the religious, anchored in the world, seeing as it as, may find good reasons for doubt, and rely on the confirmation of their faith.
The partisans in this cause have often rejected, with contempt, the possibility of knowing “moral truths.”  My own sense is that they cling to the orthodoxy of climate change precisely to take the place of those anchoring moral truths that firmed up conviction, and offered consolation, to an earlier generation.
The people sounding the alarm over climate change invoke “science” as their new religion, and yet they have been compelled to speak only of a “consensus” among the credentialed people who come together under this banner.  And yet, for people ostensibly tutored in the hard sciences and mathematics, they don’t seem to realize what they give away in their claims when they are forced to appeal, at most, to a “consensus” of “opinion” among people with academic degrees.
The appeal to “consensus” is a veiled admission that the “truths” they appeal to have fallen notably short of the truths that the Laws of nature can reveal to us.  The people who have denied them their “consensus,” and forced them to use that word, are people like the estimable Will Happer and the distinguished colleagues who have joined him in their dubieties about the theories and ideology of “climate change.”
Will Happer was born in India just before what people of my years call “the War.”  His father was a Scotch physician in the Indian army, his mother a medical missionary from North Carolina.  With that absorption in science and faith, he was drawn back to his mother’s country, where he did a Ph.D. in Physics at Princeton and returned there to teach.  He rose to become Cyrus Fogg Brackett Chair of Physics and the chair of the University Research Board, a committee to provide guidance and oversight in the grants sought in the sciences.
Along the way, he did stints in the Administrations of two Bushes and one Trump.  Under the first President Bush, he became the Director of Energy Research in the Department of Energy.  There he oversaw a budget in the billions covering research in high energy, nuclear physics, and environmental science.  He would go on to co-found a company dealing with “magnetic imaging technologies” – and secure a few patents of his own.
His criticism of the cause for “climate change” did not spring then from the musings of one merely “passionate about the environment.”  He would be joined by a small army of physicists and meteorologists who would add their own searing critiques.  And one of the striking points in the argument has been that, instead of being a danger, carbon dioxide actually helps plants to flourish.
The response of course of the partisans over climate change has mainly been to ignore the evidence and reasoning brought forth by these other, accomplished men of science.  It is far easier to preserve a new orthodoxy if one simply pretends that it draws no serious critique.
But I leave the science here to the scientists.  Let us assume that the heralds of climate change and doom are correct.  What would be the source of the moral conviction that there is an urgent problem here, that it would be morally wrong for anyone to deny the problem and resist the remedies?
I take it that the moral force comes from a concern for the human lives that may be destroyed as the oceans rise, and catastrophes unfold.  But then the obvious question arises in response:  How could one justify massive controls out of a speculative concern for the human lives that might be begotten and destroyed in the future – while attaching no concern at all for the 800,000+ killings performed every year in abortion of nascent babies, not at all speculative, but palpably with us and known to us?
Of course, there is nothing novel here, even with intellectuals in advanced societies, simply drawing a veil over a class of human beings who will not “count,” whose injuries will simply not matter.  They could be slaves in America, Jews in Nazi Germany, or Catholics – at various times – in all places.
The Left came to its position on abortion in the momentum of sexual liberation.  They would reject all moral truths as they would reject any ground of moral judgment on the way that people practice their sexual lives.  But the moral functions of commending and condemning are simply built into our nature.
The Left may reject moral truth, but they want something to feel righteous about, and they do want to ring condemnation for their adversaries.   “Climate change” has given them a “moral” world nicely detached from those vexing moral truths, and a kind of pseudo-religion, bereft of the weave of reasoning that runs through the religion we have come to know.

Hadley Arkes

Hadley Arkes is the Ney Professor of Jurisprudence Emeritus at Amherst College and the Founder/Director of the James Wilson Institute on Natural Rights & the American Founding. His most recent book is Constitutional Illusions & Anchoring Truths: The Touchstone of the Natural Law. Volume II of his audio lectures from The Modern Scholar, First Principles and Natural Law is now available for download.
EDITORS NOTE: This Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2020 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

PODCAST: A Huge Civics Lesson

These are historical times, and if you are not paying attention, you are going to miss something. Of course, I’m talking about the 2020 presidential election, and the ensuing investigation for fraudulent voting. This will be discussed by historians for the next several decades and perhaps beyond. This easily overshadows the 1960 election between Kennedy and Nixon, as well as the 2000 election between Bush and Gore. All of this was preceded by the “Summer of Hate,” which was much more intense than the 1960’s.
The only beneficial byproduct of 2020 is that it is forcing Americans to finally learn civics. This is why I consider 2020 a huge civics lesson for America, something they should have understood all along, but took our electoral process for granted. People are only now starting to figure out the genius of the Electoral College, such as how it is used to represent all the people, not just those living in the major urban areas.
People are also starting to comprehend the need for “checks and balances” between the three branches of government, and the role of the 12th Amendment should no candidate get more than the minimum 270 electoral votes. And they are most definitely learning of the dangers resulting from voter fraud.
I recently talked with three naturalized citizens about their impressions of the helter-skelter of the 2020 elections. One was from the Ukraine, one from Albania, and another from Greece. I found their take on the subject interesting. All three left their countries to realize the “American Dream” and had gone through the process of becoming American citizens. They were excited to naturalize as they perceived America as the source of opportunity, liberty and fair play. However, the 2020 elections caused them to change their perspectives.
The Ukrainian said the elections made those in her native land look good, and you have to remember, hers was a country notorious for corruption, but is now cleaning up its act.
The Albanian said he was not allowed to vote in his own country, as everything was prearranged in advance by the regime, not by the people. To be able to vote in a fair and transparent process appealed to him greatly. Because of the hubbub over the 2020 election though, he is losing confidence in America’s ability to conduct an election. He also has a problem with the news media who, he believes, is twisting and turning the truth to suit political needs. Like many Americans, he no longer trusts the press.
The Greek claimed the elections in his native country are worse than the American version, but not by much. He considers the Greek elections corrupt and believes the Americans are going down the same path, causing him to lose confidence in the country.
All three understand the basic principles of American government, something they learned from their naturalization process, but all are disappointed in the madness of the 2020 election. From their perspective, America’s reputation is being tarnished by the election, the two warring political parties, and the news media. They have trouble understanding why the greatest country on Earth is acting like a bunch of boobs. To them, it’s embarrassing.
It should also be embarrassing to all Americans, but it is not. This is an ideological clash so severe, one cannot figure out how we will survive without some form of bloodshed. Like I said, this is something for the historians to figure out years from now. In the meantime, learn your civics!
Keep the Faith!
P.S. – For a listing of my books, click HERE. These make great holiday gifts!
EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Renowned Epidemiologist Aids St. Michael Academy’s Challenge of Michigan’s Lockdown

St. Michael Academy, a small private independent Catholic high school located in Petoskey, Michigan has a total of 30 high school students.  St. Michael is challenging Michigan’s current MDHHS order which has shut down in-person instruction at high schools across the state on the bogus claim that it is “following the science.”  Citing to the recent Roman Catholic Diocese opinion by the U.S. Supreme Court that observes, “even in a pandemic the Constitution cannot be put away and forgotten,” the Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”), a nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, filed a lawsuit on behalf of St. Michael late Friday in the federal district court for the Western District of Michigan.
In an astonishing turn of events, St. Michael was able to enlist the support of a world-renowned epidemiologist and expert on the spread of COVID-19, Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University. Dr. Bhattacharya is an author of 136 articles in peer-reviewed journals and has provided testimony relating to COVID-19 to both federal and state governmental bodies. He is assisting St. Michael Academy without charge, as is the Law Center.
Dr. Bhattacharya has already filed an affidavit in the case. He points out that MDHHS’s orders shutting down schools to in-person instruction are inconsistent with the best scientific evidence regarding the safety of students and the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases, supports the WHO guidelines.
Moreover, Dr. Bhattacharya, citing to July guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control, warns that prohibiting in-person instruction potentially causes tremendous damage to students, including: severe learning loss, widening disparities in educational outcomes, hampered development of social and emotional skills, potential harm to mental health, exposure to heightened risk of maltreatment and abuse at home, nutritional deprivation of poor children, and a sharp reduction in regular physical activity.
Dr. Richard A. Brake, the Headmaster of St. Michael Academy, is not only in charge of the academic and spiritual development of St. Michael students but also of the development and implementation of the Academy’s plans to keep its students safe from the COVID-19 virus. He and his staff kept up in-person instruction this school year, until the November 15, 2020 shutdown order was issued by the state. Thus far, St. Michael has not experienced any cases of COVID-19 among its students, faculty, or staff.
Dr. Brake believes that banning in-person instruction precludes the Academy from exercising its religious freedom to inculcate in its students the sense of awe and wonder about all of God’s creation, encouraging them to look beyond the temporal and mundane towards the eternal and transcendent. Education and formation at St. Michael Academy involve prayer, worship, devotional practices and the Socratic method. These are not effective when done remotely, with students looking at computer screens.
Richard Thompson, TMLC’s President, observed, “No one denies that slowing the COVID‑19 pandemic is a compelling state interest. But the U.S. Supreme Court’s November 25, 2020 decision in Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn v Cuomo held that, even so, where a state’s COVID-19 mitigation law burdens religious exercise and is not neutral, as in our case, states must narrowly tailor their edicts to meet the state interest in the least restrictive manner. The State of Michigan cannot suspend a fundamental right of the people to the free exercise of religion protected by the First Amendment.”
Thompson added, “And based on the scientific evidence that very few children under the age of 19 suffer or die as a result of COVID-19 infection, and rarely transmit the virus to other children or adults, weighed against all the negative ramifications of keeping children home, the state cannot meet the ‘strict scrutiny’ test which demands that it address its interests by the least restrictive means. Experts like the CDC Director are now saying that one of the safest places for students during this pandemic is in school.”

Click here to read St. Michael’s filed Complaint

Click here to read Dr. Bhattacharya’s 20-page Affidavit
Please support the Thomas More Law Center’s mission by clicking here.
©Thomas More Law Center. All rights reserved.

#RetailMadeMe Tik Tok Trend Blames Capitalism For Waste. It Should Blame The Government

Companies have all kinds of incentives to be charitable. Unfortunately, retailers often face regulations that force them to destroy their merchandise instead of donating it.

Kids say the darndest things, and these days they say them on TikTok, the popular video social media platform with 850 million active monthly users.
A new trend called #RetailMadeMe took off on the platform this month after one popular account asked users to reply with a time their employer forced them to destroy perfectly usable merchandise.
The trend seems to have struck a nerve as hundreds of videos sharing personal accounts began to pour in. Many of the users expressed anger, guilt, and feelings of frustration as they described their own experiences.
Commenters directed their disdain at corporations for such wasteful, selfish, and environmentally negligent practices. Some told of having to destroy clothing that merely needed a good wash or a button sewn on, and pointed out that these items could have been donated to women’s shelters instead of being cut up and wasted.

Many of the replies focused on retail specifically, but another category quickly took off with other users recounting their experience in the food industry. They discussed policies that forced them to throw good food away, even when they themselves were experiencing food insecurity or knew it could be given to those in need.

Notably, many of the responders included additional hashtags with their videos that expressed their scorn for capitalism, which they clearly seem to blame for these egregious practices.
These stories would be upsetting in the best of times. But as lockdowns continue to ravage our economy, and as millions of Americans are struggling to make ends meet as a result, it is unsurprising that these anecdotes have ignited a social media wildfire.
But, while the anger behind these videos is understandable, and while it is right to be critical of careless waste, it seems the majority of the social media users in this case haven’t done their homework.
It has become fashionable to blame capitalism for bad behavior and corruption as of late, at least among some demographics. But dig beneath the surface for even five minutes and you will typically find that the source of the problem is actually some government regulation.
Such is largely the case with companies destroying their products instead of choosing to donate them, especially when it comes to food.
“A mix of federal, state and local laws,” wrote Harvard Law professor Jacob Gersen in a 2016 article for Time, “make it almost impossible to get food that would otherwise be wasted to those who could use it. If you donate food to someone and they get sick or even die, then you could be legally liable for their injury. That risk, however small, means that when choosing between giving away and throwing away food, the least risky choice is to toss it.”
Some lawmakers have recognized this problem and passed provisions that limit the liability companies face, but only if they go through a third party charitable organization first. That makes the donation process costly and time-consuming for busy business owners.
Furthermore, a 2014 report by the National Coalition for the Homeless found that 21 cities implemented additional regulations that block food-sharing with the homeless explicitly. One health department even went so far as to dump bleach on perfectly good barbeque (in 2016) when contestants of The American Royal’s World Series of Barbeque attempted to donate excess food from the event.
On top of all of that are other laws, like occupational licensing, that prohibit everyday Americans from sharing excess food they may prepare or possess. Local health laws ban the direct donation of food items, especially if they are prepared in an unlicensed kitchen.
Regulators and government bureaucrats will attempt to say that all of this is done in the name of public safety. But that argument doesn’t wash. In fact, restaurants—which are stringently regulated—are twice as likely to give someone food poisoning compared to meals cooked at home.
Other retailers face similar government regulations that force them to destroy their merchandise instead of donating it.
CVS, which has garnered the particular attention of the #RetailMadeMe trend, responded to the criticism with a statement that expressed as much:

“We work with numerous nonprofit organizations to arrange for damaged or near-expired goods from our stores to be donated to people in need … Our product disposal guidelines and procedures comply with applicable state and federal regulations, and they are consistent with that of the retail industry.”

To be fair, there are other reasons companies choose to destroy goods, and for some of these they deserve criticism. Sometimes the policies are in place so that employees do not have an incentive to damage products (in order to get a reduced price or obtain them for free). And some companies, especially luxury brands like Burberry, destroy their leftover products so as to not decrease the value of their brand on the gray market.
In this regard, pushback from consumers works marvelously and applies pressure on these companies to adopt more sustainable practices. Such is the case with the latter where in response to condemnation, high-end brands like Gucci and Balenciaga have joined initiatives that convert raw materials into yarn for other fabrics and garments.
But more often than not, it is bad government policy that leads to waste—not the free market.
Companies have all kinds of incentives to be charitable. It buys them good (and often free) publicity, builds their brand, and buys them good will. It increases the morale of their employees, and they can usually write off the donations on their taxes.
So contrary to the assertions on Tik Tok, free market capitalism actually provides ample reasons for companies to be philanthropic. It’s time to stop blaming an economic system you don’t understand when the government is actually at fault.

Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is a libertarian-conservative writer, commentator, and activist. She’s a Newsmax Insider and a Contributor to The Washington Examiner.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Supreme Court Betrays the American People, but State Legislatures Have a Higher Authority

“No wise man ever thought a traitor should be trusted.” –  Marcus Tullius Cicero
“I have learned to hate all traitors, and there is no disease that I spit on more than treachery.” – Aeschylus
“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.” –  Marcus Tullius Cicero
“Theft of a presidential election violates the Constitution.” –  Attorney John Milkovich, Author of Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order

Liberals denounced Senator Joseph McCarthy because they were afraid of getting caught, so they fought back like a clan of hyenas to hide their own collaboration with the evil regime they so loved.  We now know from a variety of sources, including Soviet archives, since the end of the Cold War in the early 1990s, that McCarthy’s charges were, in numerous cases, neither false nor hysterical, but correct.
The communist infiltration of America’s politicians and federal government has escalated exponentially since McCarthy’s efforts in the 1950s to expose the murderously evil nature and the massive espionage penetration of the U.S. government.
The socialist democrats and their comrades in mainstream and social media have executed the same kind of war against President Trump throughout his campaigns and his first term in office as they waged against McCarthy. The left hates President Trump because he has never belonged to their globalist establishment cabal, and he knows a communist when he sees one. Media’s propaganda, outright lies and censorship of the truth is a hallmark of communism. And it was our own Supreme Court who helped them.
The 1964 Supreme Court case, New York Times v. Sullivan, in a 9-0 decision by the liberal Warren court, gave media the right to lie with impunity about public figures unless actual malice could be proven.  And media has used this decision to destroy every vestige of liberty, freedom and truth.
These evil and destructive entities have permeated every front, environmentally, economically, agriculturally, socially, mentally and spiritually.  And both foreign and domestic traitors are throughout the upper echelons of our federal and state governments.
Pennsylvania and Texas
Everyone with half an ounce of brain matter knows that President Trump won the 2020 election in a landslide, except of course the overweight bagpipe playing Deep State impresario who runs the Department of Justice.  Just one statistic would show any fool who doubts the theft of this election that Trump won.  The five states who stopped counting late on November 3rd, all had the same percentage of Biden votes come in during the alleged “shutdown” hours.  This is a mathematical impossibility.
First the supreme court denied the Pennsylvania case brought by Congressman Mike Kelly et al. v. Pennsylvania et al.  The case was presented to the court by Justice Alito, but the court denied the request by Pennsylvania Republicans to block certification of the commonwealth’s election results, delivering a blow to the GOP’s bid to invalidate the alleged Biden win.  The theft was openly planned in advance and brazenly executed, which is why Biden calmly stayed in his basement while our President took on an extensive campaign schedule to be with the American people he so loves.
Senator Ted Cruz argued that the Pennsylvania case was not as good as the Texas case wherein 18 states joined the suit, but the Supremes denied the Texas effort that would have essentially nullified the presidential elections in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin.  Legal experts claimed the case was flawed in several areas and likely to fail. Ironically the three judges placed on the Supreme Court by the President were missing in action and joined the far-left judges in throwing out the Texas case.
The crux of the Texas case was the argument that the four states it is suing, all four of which swung for President-elect Joe Biden, unconstitutionally changed their election statutes in their judiciaries or executive branches, when only the legislature is allowed to make election law. The reply brief from December 11th says that the four states failed to adequately dispute their point that this makes their entire elections invalid.  The justices could have agreed to hear the case and promptly dismissed it or ruled in favor of Texas, or they could have requested oral arguments before ruling. They declined to hear it outright.  Far too many judges rule by party rather than by law.
Only two justices said they would hear the case. Link  Justice Samuel Alito filed a dissenting statement, joined by Justice Clarence Thomas.
In 2017, we heard that the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society were putting together a list of conservative judges for President Trump. Neither of these organizations are truly constitutional conservatives…both are “controlled opposition.”
Heritage Foundation
The idea of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) originated with Heritage Fellow Richard Allen and has long been advocated by Heritage policy analysts. American manufacturing and jobs went south to Mexico.
Assuring Affordable Health Care for All Americans was the Heritage Foundation plan, written by Republicans and endorsed by the so-called conservative right. Stuart M. Butler wrote the Heritage monograph. Butler is a Brit who is a senior fellow at the liberal Brookings Institute, the same Institute promoting the privatization of education. Pay particular attention to Item #2 on page six of this document wherein it states, “Mandate all households to obtain adequate insurance.”  President Trump eliminated this unconstitutional mandate.
Heritage has a strong Rockefeller and United Nations connection. They have received grants from Amoco, General Motors, Chase Manhattan Bank and right-wing foundations like Olin and Bradley.  Heritage was/is funded by former board member Richard Mellon Scaife to the tune of $30 million, and Scaife was a devout supporter of Planned Parenthood even taking out a full page ad in the WSJ promoting taxpayer funding of same.  Kathryn and Shelby Cullom gave over $26 million to Heritage; Kathryn was a member of the CFR as well as the League of Women Voters.
Federalist Society
Kellyanne Conway and her husband George are members of the Federalist Society, so it would seem logical that as counselor to the president, she recommended them.  The Conways give $50 to $100K to the society every year.  Conway has stated she’d be interested in working for the Biden/Harris administration.
Although the society started out with ultra-conservative and stellar members, it has devolved from its inception.  Members now include pro-constitutional convention Professor Randy Barnett of Georgetown University; Former Energy Secretary, David Schizer who clerked for Ruth Bader Ginsberg; board member Edwin Meese who in 1967, when Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, urged Reagan to sign an abortion bill.  State legislators introduced a therapeutic abortion bill which allowed abortion when it would impair the mental or physical health of the mother.  Reagan signed it.  Meese was also instrumental in the theft of Promis software from Bill Hamilton’s company, Inslaw.
Spencer Abraham is also a member who worked for George W. Bush and was given an award by the National Council of LaRaza.
Another member is David McIntosh, head of Club for Growth, who launched a $1 million smear campaign against Trump in Iowa on Trump in 2016.  As a Congressman from Indiana, he was in trouble with the Ethics Committee.
Donors to the Federalist Society have included GoogleChevronCharles G. and David H. Koch; the family foundation of Richard Mellon Scaife; and the Mercer family By 2017, the Federalist Society had $20 million in annual revenue.
The society holds a national lawyers convention each year in Washington, D.C. It is one of the highest profile conservative legal events of the year. Link  Speakers have included former ACLU head Nadine Strossen, business executive and 2016 Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina, former BB&T chairman John Allison, former Attorney General Michael Mukasey, U.S. Senator Mike Lee, and White House Counsel under President Barack Obama Neil Eggleston. The Federalist Society invites to its events “capable liberal advocates to try to rebut conservative perspectives.”
Trump Appointees
Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Barrett were in absentia regarding the Texas case.  All three had helped George W. Bush in his 2000 election case.  I had hoped they’d join with the two constitutional originalists on the court, but once again, they sided with the enemies of freedom.  Gorsuch and Kavanaugh have flip-flopped over and over on cases where they should have sided with Justices Thomas and Alito.
When Gorsuch was nominated, I wrote a number of articles about him.  He and his family belonged to an Episcopal Church with a female priest who attended the pussy hat march and loved it.  She supports abortion and has married same sex partners.  Gorsuch also clings to stare decisis and bad precedent and was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations.
Kavanaugh was put through a miserable ordeal via Diane Feinstein and nemesis Christine Blasey Ford’s absurd and invalid attempts to derail the nominee.  Ultimately, he was confirmed, and later I felt the entire ordeal was theatre for us dumbed down masses.  Much the same had been done in 1991 to Justice Thomas.
Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.  Many preferred Justice Barbara Lagoa, who would have been the first Hispanic nominee with stellar conservative credentials.  Amy belongs to a small offshoot of Roman Catholicism called People of Praise.  I’m not worried about her religious affiliation; I’m worried about the fact that she doesn’t seem concerned that our election was fraudulent, treasonous and stolen.
State Legislatures
Yes, there is a higher court and authority than SCOTUS…and I’m speaking of two entities, the Lord God Almighty and in this instance, the state legislatures who have higher and final authority.  But will they go against their state’s electors.  We don’t know.  Republicans have consistently and notoriously been weak; they never fight like the Socialist Democrats.  State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory.
And time is of the essence…
Yes, President Trump won in a landslide.  Demonic and treasonous entities colluded to steal the election from the American people, including the Deep State Socialist Democrats, China, Iran and Serbia…all who worked together via Dominion Voting Systems, their Smartmatic software and programmed algorithms.
We know this…and yet the DOJ, the judiciary and the media are silent.  Treason is swept under the rug never to be mentioned.
I fully believe that the Lord God Almighty put President Trump in power to show us exactly what justice, righteousness and a love of liberty means.  He has been a president like no other.  He is a man loved and adored by every freedom loving American.  The Lord may still see to it that President Trump remains in our White House for another four years, but if He does not, then that means He has another plan for our nation.
Throughout history, when God’s people turn their backs on Him, they lose His blessing and evil thrives.  We never seem to learn.  It’s time for America’s people to realize that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and His Son, Messiah Jesus Christ is our salvation and glory.  Without Him, we are lost.
As a final note, write the legislatures of these battleground states…tell them to stand up for righteousness, truth and one person, one vote.  And pray for our beloved Republic which stands at the threshold of the abyss.
©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

MAJOR LEAK: ‘Lifts the Lid’ on the Chinese Communist Party, leak shows ‘Massive Infiltration’ in Firms and Government Offices

This from Sky News. You won’t get it from the ChiCom-Democrat-Media.

Major leak ‘exposes’ members and ‘lifts the lid’ on the Chinese Communist Party

A major leak containing a register with the details of nearly two million CCP members has occurred – exposing members who are now working all over the world, while also lifting the lid on how the party operates under Xi Jinping, says Sharri Markson.

Sky News,  December 12, 2020:

Ms. Markson said the leak is a register with the details of Communist Party members, including their names, party position, birthday, national ID number and ethnicity. “It is believed to be the first leak of its kind in the world,” the Sky News host said. “What’s amazing about this database is not just that it exposes people who are members of the communist party, and who are now living and working all over the world, from Australia to the US to the UK,” Ms Markson said. “But it’s amazing because it lifts the lid on how the party operates under President and Chairman Xi Jinping”. Ms. Markson said the leak demonstrates party branches are embedded in some of the world’s biggest companies and even inside government agencies. “Communist party branches have been set up inside western companies, allowing the infiltration of those companies by CCP members – who, if called on, are answerable directly to the communist party, to the Chairman, the president himself,” she said.

“Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies”. Ms. Markson said the leak is a significant security breach likely to embarrass Xi Jinping. “It is also going to embarrass some global companies who appear to have no plan in place to protect their intellectual property from theft. From economic espionage,” she said. Ms. Markson said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes. “It was then leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bi-partisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China- and that group is made up of 150 legislators around the world. “It was then provided to an international consortium of four media organizations, The Australian, The Sunday Mail in the UK, De Standaard in Belgium and a Swedish editor, to analyze over the past two months, and that’s what we’ve done”. Ms. Markson said it, “is worth noting that there’s no suggestion that these members have committed espionage – but the concern is over whether Australia or these companies knew of the CCP members and if so have any steps been taken to protect their data and people.”

“Along with the personal identifying details of 1.95 million communist party members, mostly from Shanghai, there are also the details of 79,000 communist party branches, many of them inside companies”. Ms. Markson said the leak is a significant security breach likely to embarrass Xi Jinping. “It is also going to embarrass some global companies who appear to have no plan in place to protect their intellectual property from theft. From economic espionage,” she said. Ms. Markson said the data was extracted from a Shanghai server by Chinese dissidents, whistleblowers, in April 2016, who have been using it for counter-intelligence purposes. “It was then leaked in mid-September to the newly-formed international bi-partisan group, the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China- and that group is made up of 150 legislators around the world. “It was then provided to an international consortium of four media organizations, The Australian, The Sunday Mail in the UK, De Standaard in Belgium and a Swedish editor, to analyze over the past two months, and that’s what we’ve done”.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’

The criminal Democrats have awakened the sleeping tiger –> America.

President Trump Claims He Will ‘Declassify Everything’ Over Democrat ‘Lying’ And ‘Treason’

President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that he intends to “declassify everything,” over his own apparent concern that the Department of Justice and Attorney General William Barr withheld information about an ongoing DOJ investigation into Hunter Biden, the son of Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.
By: Daily Wire, December 12, 2020:
Hunter Biden acknowledged this week that he is under investigation over questions about his tax returns and possible unreported income from Ukrainian oil and gas firm, Burisma. As The Daily Wire noted late last week, further information seems to have emerged creating questions about Hunter Biden’s foreign dealings, including a possible entanglement in China.
“In addition to Delaware, the securities fraud unit in the Southern District of New York also scrutinized Hunter Biden’s finances, according to the person with direct knowledge of the investigation,” Politico reported. “The person said that, as of early last year, investigators in Delaware and Washington were also probing potential money laundering and Hunter Biden’s foreign ties.”
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported, tensions bubbled over in the White House, following news that Trump’s Attorney General William Barr knew of the investigation into Hunter Biden’s business dealings before the presidential election but did not make it public — a decision, the president felt, cost him support and may have cost him the election.
“Mr. Trump, in a meeting Friday, fumed about a Wall Street Journal report that Mr. Barr knew of an existing federal investigation into Hunter Biden before the election but worked to keep it from being publicly disclosed, a person familiar with the conversation said. In the meeting, Mr. Trump contemplated firing Mr. Barr, people familiar with the conversation said, adding that it is not clear whether Mr. Trump intends to follow through,” WSJ noted.
Saturday night, the president suggested that he may seek retribution against Hunter Biden — and possibly Barr — in a tweetstorm where he pledged to “declassify everything.”
“I have been doing this. I agree!” the president tweeted in response to a post from conservative analyst Todd Starnes, suggesting that, “At this point @realDonaldTrump should declassify everything. Everything.”
“IF Biden gets in, nothing will happen to Hunter or Joe,” Trump fumed. “Barr will do nothing, and the new group of partisan killers coming in will quickly kill it all.”
“Same thing with Durham. We caught them cold, spying, treason & more (the hard part), but ‘Justice’ took too long. Will be DOA!” he said, referring to concerns that U.S. Attorney John Durham will not be able to conclude his investigation into whether the Obama administration kickstarted a probe into connections between the Trump 2016 presidential campaign and Russian officials as a form of political retribution before Joe Biden moves into the White House.
Although it’s not clear what Trump is planning to “declassify,” The Wall Street Journal reported Saturday that the president is considering several special counsel investigations: one into Hunter Biden’s business dealings and alleged tax issues, one into claims of widespread vote fraud in the 2020 presidential election, and even a probe of Barr, himself, stemming from Barr’s comments last week that the DOJ does not suspect a national effort to upend the November elections.
If Trump appoints a special counsel, it will likely be a heavily limited investigation. The Electoral College is expected to vote to make Joe Biden president on Monday, and Congress is expected to certify that vote the first week of January after it returns from its holiday recess.

Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots
THE PATH TO VICTORY: The President’s Constitutional Plan
WATCH Dramatic Scene As President Trump Flies Over DC Trump Ralliers in Marine One
WATCH: DNI Ratcliff says he briefed Congress on China’s efforts to ‘blackmail’ our lawmakers
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The teachings and practices of Islam that Biden doesn’t want you to know about

During the recent presidential election campaign, Democratic nominee Joe Biden expressed his desire that Islam be taught in American schools so that students would learn about this “religion of peace.”
On another occasion, he even cited a Hadith of Muhammad in which the Prophet of Islam explicitly promoted acts of violence against anything or anyone who would oppose his teachings.
Nevertheless, Biden should not be held accountable for this, because ignorance for him is bliss. But such statements towards the Islamic groups that stand behind him, and from whom he has been receiving advice and talking points.
Among these organizations is the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), which is known for its links to the Muslim Brotherhood (a group that is banned or restricted in many countries in the Arab world) and support for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.
It is worth noting that both Muslim congresswomen, Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar, have been relentlessly working to influence public opinion regarding the image of Islam, and to camouflage it with a modern civilized appearance. One of their main objectives has been to counter the narrative regarding certain negative Islamic practices, notably the poor treatment of Muslim women, who are deprived of their basic rights and freedom.
The fact that two Muslim women act so independently, at least while campaigning in public, gives a positive impression that contrasts with the image of women in Islamic societies, who are oppressed and their rights violated as a result of the teachings of Islam.
Watch this video on the Million Muslims Vote campaign:

Another influential group is the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), which created, during the Democratic party primaries, the “2020 Muslim Voter Guide to help Muslims “cast an informed and principled vote in the presidential primaries.”
It also provided detailed information about the number of Muslim advisors for the major candidates and the positions they held within the campaign.
MPAC is also known for its attempts to sway policies affecting Muslims worldwide and to provide Islamic perspectives on many topics inside the United States.
It is known to be heavily involved in trying to change the narrative about Muslim people in this country. It has also been known also for its attempts to reach out to media personnel to explain its vision of Islam and Muslims. It has over the last few years shifted its focus from media efforts to advance its agenda by defending Islamic viewpoints on political and social issues to work inside political lobbies in the Democratic party.
To preserve American values in the face of this campaign that seeks to penetrate communities and dictate teachings and terms, it is the duty of all to speak out rather than to remain silent and thus become complicit in this charade. The reality of Islam should be exposed, including its bloody and immoral teachings.
This video discusses how sexual intercourse with a dead body (necrophilia) is allowed in Islam, adding that it was practiced by the Islamic prophet Muhammad himself. This is mentioned in many of the Hadiths, which are documented in books of Islam.

The right for the husband to have sex with his deceased wife was reportedly discussed in the Egyptian Parliament, which according to some reports discussed a law that would allow a husband to have sex with his deceased wife within the first six hours of her death. Some denied this bill ever existed, but here is proof that it did:

Luckily, the bill did not pass, which also sparked discussions about the people who find themselves walking away from Islam due to these grotesque and savage teachings.
If Biden’s goal is to teach the students about Islam in the schools so that they do not fall victim to these immoral teachings, the federal government should help states’ educational departments add Islam as an elective class to make students aware of these evil teachings.
But instead, those who stand behind Biden on this topic hope to impose an Islamic indoctrination based on the teachings of the Muslim Brotherhood. By any possible means, they seek to enlist the aid of Islamic apologists and weaken the voices of those who can properly debate Islam and speak about its teachings accurately.
Their strategy to cover up for Islam is to pass laws at the UN and other arenas to prohibit the criticism of Islam and silence those who can truthfully debate Islam. The use of the false notion of “Islamophobia” while simultaneously unleashing voices that propagate Islam as a religion of peace is essential to putting that plan in motion.
Biden does not know that some of his Muslim allies yearn to convert public platforms into minarets that praise Islam as a religion of tolerance, while incriminating and silencing anyone who tries to reveal its bloody and immoral nature.
These relentless efforts by Muslim groups in America are part of their efforts to dictate how the discussion about Islam in the U.S. should be conducted, in line with the old proverb, “The one who speaks alone is always right.”

Samir A. Zedan is a former Senior Counter-Terrorism Analyst at the US Department of State, and a former Development Outreach and Communication Specialist at USAID/Iraq. He has contributed to hundreds of articles published in major media outlets with assignments in the Palestinian Areas, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, and Europe.
Cruz Reintroduces Bill to Designate Muslim Brotherhood A Terrorist Group
Hamas-linked CAIR holding Georgia Senate Runoff Vote-a-Thon featuring Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, Linda Sarsour
EU: Facebook and YouTube must remove terrorist content within an hour or risk massive fines
France: Seven priests receive letters that say only ‘Allahu akbar’
France: ‘Perfectly integrated’ Muslim migrant student calls for killing cops and Macron, won’t be deported
Iran: Adviser to Khamenei says Israel-Morocco accord is ‘betrayal of Islam,’ threatens ‘popular uprisings’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ENGLAND: Police charge 32 Muslims with more than 150 child sex offences against eight teenage girls as young as 13

Twenty years later… this has been going on for decades, Muslim gangs sex trafficking upwards of a million non-Muslims British tweens and teens.
Passed around like meat”
“I lost count of how many men I was forced to have sex with.”
Close to a million British non-Muslim tweens and tweens were treated with the same callous scorn and inhumanity in the cause of sharia and “islamophobia sensitivity”.
UK: Muslim Child Rape Sex Trafficking Gangs

Police charge 32 men from West Yorkshire with more than 150 child sex offences against eight teenage girls as young as 13

  • The defendants all largely from the Kirklees area of West Yorkshire, police said
  • Offences allegedly took place between 1999 and 2012 against girls aged 13-16
  • Some victims were also subjected to offences when they were young adults

By Tom Pyman for Mail Online, TOM PYMAN FOR MAILONLINE, 10 December 2020
Police have charged 32 men in West Yorkshire with more than 150 child sex offences against eight teenage girls.
The allegations against the defendants, all largely from the Kirklees area, are from 1999 to 2012 and involve offences allegedly committed against the female victims, who were aged between 13 and 16 years old at the time.
Police have charged 32 men in West Yorkshire with more than 150 child sex offences against eight teenage girls. Pictured: The force HQ
The men are due appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court on December 11 and 14.
Those charged are:
Asif Ali (50) of Batley charged with rape offences (x12), inciting sexual activity with a child (x2), supply class B drugs (X1), trafficking (X1), aiding and abetting rape (x1) assisting in the commission of an indictable offence (x1) making an indecent photo of a child (x2), possession of extreme pornographic images (x1). He has been bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2pm on 11/12/20.
Amer Ali Hussain (42) of Batley charged with rape (x2) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2pm on 11/12/20.
Sarfraz Miraf – (45) of Dewsbury charged with rape offences (x1). He has been bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3pm on 11/12/20
Nazam Hussain – (43) of Dewsbury, charged with rape offences (x4) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3pm on 11/12/20 and 3pm on 14/12/20.
Mohammed Nazam Nasser (35) of Batley, charged with rape offences (x3). Bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3pm on 11/12/20.
Moshin Nadat (35) from Batley, served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x2) to appear at Kirklees magistrates Court at 2pm on 11/12/20.
Michael Birkenshaw (34) from Wakefield served with a postal requisition for rape (x1) and he is due to appear at court at 12pm on 11/12/20.
Zafar Qayum (41) from Dewsbury charged with rape offences ( x17), gross indecency ( x4), indecent assault ( x9) assault ( X1) sexual activity with a child (x1) sexual assault (x1) theft (x1) and aiding and abetting rape (x2). He was bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2pm on 14/12/20
Jabbar Qayum (39) from Dewsbury, charged with rape offences (x6) and aiding and abetting rape (x2). Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2pm on 14/12/20
Ansar Mahmood Qayum (43) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences (x13), attempted indecent assault (x2), aiding and abetting rape (x2). Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 2pm on 14/12/20.
Mohammed Tauseef Hanif (36) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences ( x4) Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 3pm on 14/12/20
Ali Hussain Shah (35) from Dewsbury. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x2) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates on 11/12/20 at 2pm.
Saleem Mohammed Nasir (44) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences (x3) and conspiracy to rape (x1). Bailed to Kirklees magistrates Court appearing at 10am on 11/12/20
Amran Mehrban (37) from Batley. Charged with rape offences (x2), false imprisonment (x1) and sexual assault (x1) and bailed to Kirklees magistrates Court 10am on 11/12/20
Ebrahim Pandor (41) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences (x1) and trafficking (x2) and bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court 12pm on 11/12/20
Shakil Daji (41) from Batley. Charged with rape offences (x2) and trafficking (x1) and bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court 12pm on 11/12/20.
Mohammed Imran Zada (41) from Batley. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x6), indecent assault ( x2) and sexual activity with a child (x1) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 10am on 11/12/20.
Sarkaut Yasen (35) from Dewsbury. Charged with trafficking (x1) and aiding and abetting rape (x2). Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court 11am on 11/12/20
The men are due appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court on December 11 and 14
Amjad Hussain (41) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences ( x2). Bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court 10am on 11/12/20
Asuk Hussain (50) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape (x2) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 10am on 14/12/20
Zafar Iqbal (35) from Batley. Charged with rape offences (x7) trafficking (x2) and supplying a Class B drug (x1) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 12pm on 14/12/20
Nasar Iqbal (35) from Batley. Charged with rape offences (x7) and trafficking (x2) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 12pm on 14/12/20
Bilal Mahmood Patel (38) from Leicester. Charged with rape offences (x2) and bailed to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 12pm on 14/12/20.
Khurum Raziq (38) from Heckmondwike. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x8) and due to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 10am on 14/12/20
Irfan Khan (34) from Batley. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x4) threats to kill (x1) false imprisonment (x1) and harassment (x1) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 11am on 11/12/20
Omar Farooq Hussain (36) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences (x8) supplying class A drugs (x1) and bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 11am on 14/12/20
Sarfraz Hussain Riaz (37) from Liversedge. Charged with rape offences (x2) and attempted rape ( x1) and bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 11am on 14/12/20.
Rameez Cheema (33) from Batley. Charged with rape offences (x1) and bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 11am on 14/12/20
Nasar Hussain (42) from Dewsbury. Charged with rape offences (x6) and bailed to Kirklees Magistrates Court at 10am on 14/12/20.
Mohammed Chothia (41) from Batley. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x8) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 12pm on 14/12/20
Sajad Hussain (37) from Batley. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x1), false imprisonment (x1) trafficking (x1), aiding and abetting rape (x1) and supplying Class C drugs (x1) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at 11am on 11/12/20
Yasser Ali (31) from Dewsbury. Served with a postal requisition for rape offences (x2) to appear at Kirklees Magistrates Court at Kirklees Magistrates Court on 14/12/20 at 11am.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GAG Order Failed | Forensic Results of Dominion Machines Stealing Votes Leaked

Cyber teams which examined Dominion Voting Systems machines in Antrim County, Michigan last weekend have found concrete proof of massive cyber election fraud, according to CDMedia.
The forensic audit of 22 Dominion Voting Systems machines had been authorized on December 4th by an Antrim County judge after it was found that the Dominion machines had flipped 6,000 votes in the historically Republican county from Trump to Biden.
On December 12th, another judge allowed Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson to block the results of this forensic audit. However, some of the team’s findings were leaked to CDMedia, who published it yesterday.
It was found that the voting machines had been connected to the Internet (which is illegal in the United States) and that fake ballots were sent in batches for “adjudication” in either Germany or Spain. “Adjudication” is a Dominion override function that is meant for a marginal number of ballots – not for 106,000 ballots, as was the case in Fulton County, Georgia.
CDMedia’s source, who took “great risk” in getting out this information said, “The evidence of fraud was not where we were looking. It was cleverly hidden in the error rate.”
The error rate for ballot verification was set to 1000s of times the legal rate and then massive amounts of fake ballots were sent to Europe, where they were “approved” and tabulated.
In this video, Salty Cracker – who’s called “salty” for a reason, as you’ll soon see – reports that, “Now, this information is in the hands of Gen Flynn and his team…
“These BLM people [working at the polls], they scanned the votes into the machine and the machine was like, ‘Error! Error! Error!’ and so they said, ‘OK,’ set it off to the side for adjudication, all of these errored ballots, which were dumped into these places.
“These errored ballots went over to Spain, went over to Germany, probably through our CIA and they worked out the math. They needed to make sure that there were enough stolen ballots…that wouldn’t be too easy to catch – but we broke the algorithm.
“So they panicked and they adjudicated hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of thousands of these bullshit ballots into the system for Joe Biden. And now, it’s all breaking! We got the f***ing machines! We audited 22 of these machines, we’ve got the receipts! It’s all breaking out!
“This is why they put a gag order on us, this is why they silenced us!..This is why the censorship is skyrocketing up! This video can’t even be on YouTube, even if I wasn’t banned on YouTube right now. There’s no way this video would be allowed on YouTube. You’re not going to be able to talk about this on Twitter, you aren’t going to be able to talk about this on Facebook.
“FFS, yesterday, Donald Trump put a tweet out – they banned the likes and the comments section for his tweet!…
“The ‘Safe Harbor’ deadline [YouTube’s justification for removing all videos that refer to election fraud] don’t mean sh**. The Electoral College on the 14th – that don’t mean sh**! The 20th – the Inauguration, at this point – I don’t think that means sh**!
“If Donald Trump declares war on China and identifies Joe Biden, Dominion, the DNC, all of these poll workers…as enemy combatants, you’re not gonna get a f***ing Inauguaration on the 20th! None of these deadlines matter when you’re in f***ing war!
“What was it? The Election of 1860 wasn’t settled until 1865? We might be in that situation, right now! We might get 12 more years of Trump, because it might take a while to work all this sh** out of the system.
“But there you have it. We have these people dead-to-rights. This is why none of the courts want to hear the information that we have…they don’t want to be blown up. We’ll take it to the military courts, to dudes that are used to being blown up! Who want to make sure that this country isn’t overthrown by these ChiComs.
“There’s a bunch of people that would rather fight China in a military tribunal…than on a military battlefield. And we’ll take it to those people – we’ve got the receipts!
“Again, the f***ing receipts have now been leaked. It’s over, Joe!…You better concede or we’re going to throw your ass in prison!”
On September 12, 2018, President Trump issued an Executive Order to impose sanctions for interference in our elections by foreign powers. It calls for the Director of National Intelligence, who is currently John Ratcliffe to issue a report no later than 45 days after the election, on December 18th, which is next Friday.
If Ratcliffe admits this evidence, the EO calls for the blocking of all property held in the US by the perpetrators.

Contributed by 

Dominion Voting Machines Have the Ability to Create Ballots
Nevada DMV Records Suggest 3,987 Non-Citizens Voted in 2020 Election
EDITORS NOTE: This Forbidden Knowledge TV column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Planned Parenthood’s Racism Is Showing. It’s Time We Stopped Enabling Them

The Charlie Kirk Show – The Biblical Defense for the Defenseless

Planned Parenthood, America’s largest abortion provider, likes to bill itself as concerned with racial equality, despite its origins in racist eugenics. But the recent firing of their Pennsylvania Chapter Executive Director over racial discrimination suggests that racism is alive and well within Planned Parenthood.
On a closer look, it becomes clear that despite the image Planned Parenthood strives to project, racism, ethical issues, and downright illegal activities have been endemic in the organization since its founding. More and more disturbing evidence shows how Planned Parenthood has for years covered up the illegal sale of baby parts, facilitated medical fraud, and neglected to report abuse of minors — sometimes multiple instances of abuse which led to underage girls receiving abortion services.
And Planned Parenthood’s recent debacle with racism in the Pennsylvania Chapter is only one in a series of controversies relating to discrimination. In another recent controversy, Lauren McQuade, the head of Planned Parenthood Great Plains — a Planned Parenthood affiliate group — parted ways with the company after she “created a culture of fear and intimidation,” and limited “upward mobility for Black staff”.
But the bottom line is that this racist, unethical, and illegal behavior is easily hushed up by throwing money at the problem. While Planned Parenthood certainly does whatever it can to extort taxpayer funding, much of their $1.5 billion budget comes from corporate donors. It’s unconscionable that companies who claim to work for the public good would pour so much money into an organization which promotes the murder of babies, covers up sex abuse, and has such close ties with racism. If corporations want to keep their reputation untarnished, if they want us to continue giving them our 2ndVote dollars, they must withdraw their funding from Planned Parenthood and give it to organizations which value every life, no matter the stage or skin color.
EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Exposé on the Fraud Rev. Raphael Warnock, Democrat’s Senate Candidate in Georgia

In a National Review article titled “Raphael Warnock’s Lifelong Education in Black Liberation Theology and Radical Politics wrote:

A trained preacher and the senior pastor at the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta – Martin Luther King Jr.’s church – Warnock had likely presided over hundreds of funerals by that point in his career. But this funeral, on a Monday in early May 2018, was different. It was the funeral for his mentor, James Hal Cone, the founding father of “black liberation theology” who had personally requested that Warnock deliver his eulogy.
Warnock praised Cone for his scholarship, for his passion, and for his fire. While most academics write and speak, “Dr. Cone roared.” Cone, he said, was “the best classroom teacher I ever had.”
[ … ]
As evidence of Warnock’s radicalism, critics have pointed to sermons and statements in which he has defended socialism as simply “things we have in common,” called gun-rights legislation dumb, declared that “nobody can serve God and the military,” likened Israeli tactics to those used by “apartheid South Africa,” and compared police officers to gangsters, thugs, and bullies.
Read more.

WATCH: Is Raphael Warnock Really a Radical?

©BuzzSaw Media. All rights reserved.

Oracle moving from California to Texas, joins Tesla, Hewlett Packard

Tech companies are leaving the once Golden State in droves for Texas. Meanwhile Goldman Sachs will likely be bailing on New York for Florida in the coming months as well. Dreadful and radical governance has serious consequences. Like turning once prosperous states into economic wastelands.

Oracle moving from California to Texas, joins Tesla, Hewlett Packard

By Fox News, December 11, 2020
The smart money may be sticking together and sticking it to California.
Oracle is joining Tesla and Hewlett Packard in relocating to Texas, detailing the move in a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission late Friday.
“Oracle is implementing a more flexible employee work location policy and has changed its Corporate Headquarters from redwood City, California to Austin, Texas. We believe these moves best position Oracle for growth and provide our personnel with more flexibility about where and how they work. Depending on their role, this means that many of our employees can choose their office location as well as continue to work from home part time or all of the time. In addition, we will continue to support major hubs for Oracle around the world, including those in the United States such as redwood City, Austin, Santa Monica, Seattle, Denver, Orlando and Burlington, among others, and we expect to add other locations over time. By implementing a more modern approach to work, we expect to further improve our employees’ quality of life and quality of output” the SEC filing noted.
While the move signals working remotely is here to stay, it also signals more corporations could be becoming disillusioned with California.
Oracle CEO Larry Ellison is the second-largest individual shareholder in Tesla behind CEO Elon Musk and sits on the electric-vehicle makers board. Last summer, Tesla chose Austin for its new factory, after considering other cities including Tusla, Oklahoma.
Earlier this week Musk blasted California for driving a corporate exodus, likening the state to a sports team that is used to winning and has grown complacent.
California, like a winning sports team that “has been winning for a long time,” has taken innovators for granted, Musk said, adding, “Yo
u have a forest of redwoods and the little trees can’t grow.”
Musk made the comments in an interview with the Wall Street Journal published on Tuesday. In the interview, Musk revealed that he personally had moved to Texas after growing frustrated with the Golden State.
Earlier this month, Hewlett Packard also announced it was moving its headquarters to Houston.
“HPE has made the decision to relocate its headquarters from San Jose, California, to Houston, Texas. HPE’s largest U.S. employment hub, Houston is an attractive market to recruit and retain future diverse talent, and is where the company is currently constructing a state-of-the-art new campus. The Bay Area will continue to be a strategic hub for HPE innovation, and the company will consolidate a number of sites in the Bay Area to its San Jose campus. No layoffs are associated with this move.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Rudy Giuliani: President Trump Bringing More Lawsuits Today

We are fighting for the greatest nation in the history of humankind.
Never give up.
Never give in.
Never surrender.

Giuliani Says Trump Bringing More Lawsuits Today

By The Wiz • December 12, 2020 |
Rudy Giuliani joined Steve Bannon’s War Room on Saturday morning to discuss President Trump’s strategy for moving forward.
Bannon asked Giuliani where the President goes after the Supreme Court dismissed the Texas election lawsuit. Giuliani said the Trump team is switching to “Plan B.” Giuliani told Bannon that last night, President Trump authorized his legal team to bring re-tooled Texas-style election challenges in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.
Giuliani said the suits are imminent and could be brought as soon as today.


Watch: Crowd Goes WILD As President Trump Arrives at Army-Navy game
Attorney: Michigan Vote Flip Happened Due to Computer Program, Not Human ‘Error’
President Trump Approves Filing Re-Tooled Texas Style Lawsuit to SCOTUS
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Seriously? As Trump Announces Another Mideast Peace Deal, Biden Named Person of the Year

Time magazine has named Joe Biden and Kamala Harris “Person of the Year,” in a tacit acknowledgment that they are, for all their individual differences, essentially a single cog in the socialist internationalist machine that is poised to roll all over us. And there is no doubt that driving the American republic to the point of near-death with election chicanery on a breathtaking scale is indeed a significant achievement, but amid all the excitement, it was barely noticed that President Trump had delivered yet another rebuke to the massively failed foreign policy establishment that is poised to get back in the saddle and start failing some more, by engineering peace between Israel and another Arab state, Morocco.
Trump tweeted Thursday: “Another HISTORIC breakthrough today! Our two GREAT friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!” The Morocco deal, like the previous one between Israel and Sudan, seems to be a straightforward bargain. Trump also tweeted Friday: “Today, I signed a proclamation recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara. Morocco’s serious, credible, and realistic autonomy proposal is the ONLY basis for a just and lasting solution for enduring peace and prosperity!” So Morocco gets recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara, and the world gets another step toward peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors.
That makes four agreements between Israel and Arab nations, something John Kerry confidently stated was not even remotely possible. Isn’t it great that Kerry is about to go back to work for the Person of the Year (what pronouns does that beast with two backs use?) and start showing us how it’s done again?
No one thought it could be done, except, of course, Donald Trump. Back in September, when Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates signed their deals with Israel, Trump stated: “We’re here this afternoon to change the course of history. After decades of division and conflict we mark the dawn of a new Middle East.” This was accurate. These “Abraham Accords” have already changed the entire landscape of the Middle East as, for the first time in decades, pragmatic considerations are taking precedence over the fixed ideas that have guided the foreign policy stances of all the Muslim and Arab countries regarding Israel.
Although this aspect of the conflict has been little noted and is still routinely ignored by foreign policy analysts, the Muslim world’s opposition to Israel has not been based upon conflicting claims for land or anything else, but upon core principles of the Islamic religion. As The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process shows, the Qur’an commands Muslims to “drive them out from where they drove you out” (2:191). Even though it is a historical fiction that Israel actually drove Muslim Arabs out, this claim is a staple of pro-Palestinian propaganda, and hence it is a divine imperative, no more negotiable than the Ten Commandments are for Jews and Christians, that Muslims must destroy Israel and “drive out” the Israelis.
That means that as long as pious, believing, knowledgeable Muslims are in charge in Muslim countries, which is by no means always the case, no negotiated settlement will ever establish Israel securely and end the jihad against it. That in turn is why analysts ignore Islam when considering the conflict: people don’t like bad news, or problems that cannot be solved. Nonetheless, this is the reality of the situation, and no good can ever come from ignoring reality.
Why, then, did Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Sudan, and now Morocco normalize relations with Israel? Because it was in their interests to do so. Sudan was taken off the terror list in exchange for normalization. The Islamic Republic of Iran has for years claimed Bahrain as Iran’s nineteenth province, and the UAE likewise feels the heat of being in close proximity to one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terror. In a certain sense, these deals with Israel are a byproduct of Barack Obama’s decision to send billions to the mullahs’ tottering regime: a newly secure and empowered mullahcracy threatens Bahrain and the UAE, and so it was in their best interests to look for assistance from a country that Iran also menaces.
Now, with the mullahs expecting The Person of the Year and their minions to prop them up again, there are numerous indications that many in the Islamic world have had quite enough of the Palestinians’ jihadist intransigence and resistance to all peace accords, and are willing to proceed on a pragmatic basis, quite aside from what Islamic doctrine and law say, in order to secure their own countries against the threat from Iran.
And so maybe Old Joe deserves the credit for Middle East peace that the establishment media is certain to give him no matter what: if he hadn’t publicly stated his intention to empower and enable the Islamic Republic, Sunni Arab states wouldn’t see the need to make accords with Israel to protect themselves from the mullahs. Make that man, uh, those people, Person of the Year!
Meanwhile, it’s too bad that there is no unbiased, trustworthy organization giving out prizes for efforts toward world peace. If there were, Trump would be a shoo-in. But that would require a sane world.

France: Former top general says he fears civil war due to ‘Islamist radicals’
France unveils new law to fight ‘those that distort religion to challenge the values of the Republic’
UK: Manchester jihad bomber’s brother says he supports violent jihad and imposition of Sharia through violence
Osama bin Laden associate is back on UK streets after being freed from US prison for being too fat
Iran Violates 2015 Agreement Again, and Even the Europeans are Alarmed
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Will the President of these United States be Chosen by Congress?

On Friday, December 11th, the U.S. Supreme Court kicked the ball back to the state legislatures to resolve their election issues by refusing to hear the Texas case. In its Order In Pending Case the SCOTUS  stated:

The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution.
Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.

QUESTION: What happens now?

Right now, according to President Trump leads Joe Biden by 18 electoral college votes. There are seven states where lawsuits, recounts, forensic audits and legislative actions are still pending. These states are: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin.
Some of these states may add votes to the Trump column. There is still a slim chance that the U.S. Supreme Court may get a second bite at the 2020 Election apple from one or more of the pending lawsuits from these states, like Georgia.
In addition, The Amistad Project has filed litigation in several key swing states arguing that illegal conduct by state and local officials led to more than 1.2 million potentially fraudulent ballots, including illegal votes that were counted and legal votes that were not counted. In each state, the number of potentially fraudulent ballots far exceeds the margin separating the leading presidential candidate.

The Bottom Line

The Amistad Project issued a research paper on the deadlines set for the electoral college titled “Set In Stone? — A Historical, Constitutional, and Legal examination of Electoral College Deadlines and their implications for the 2020 Presidential Election.”
The authoritative Amistad Project research paper breaks down the history of Electoral College deadlines and makes clear that this election’s December 8 and December 14 deadlines for the selection of Electors, the assembly of the Electoral College, and the tallying of its votes, respectively, are not only elements of of a 72-year old federal statute with zero Constitutional basis, but are also actively preventing the states from fulfilling their constitutional — and ethical — obligation to hold free and fair elections. Experts believe that the primary basis for these dates was to provide enough time to affect the presidential transition of power, a concern which is fully obsolete in the age of internet and air travel.
The white paper also shows that the December 8 “safe harbor” deadline for appointing presidential Electors does not apply to states where flagrant violations of state election laws affected the outcome of the popular vote.
In fact, the only Constitutionally-set date in the election process is the assumption of office by the President on January 20.

The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

If either Trump or Biden achieve the magic 270 number of electoral  college votes then that man becomes the president.
However, if neither Trump or Biden get to the 270 electoral college votes then the determination of the election goes to Congress for a vote. The 12th Amendment of Constitution of United States of America 1789 (rev. 1992) states:

The person having the greatest Number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors appointed; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Representatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice.

There is a possibility given the number of lawsuits, recounts and legislative actions that are pending that neither candidate gets to the magic 270 majority of the “whole number of Electors appointed” or the Electoral College is not convened to cast their votes by January 19th, 2021.


In simple terms here are the only four possible outcomes:

    1. Joseph Robinette (Joe) Biden Jr. gets 270 electoral college votes and becomes president.
    2. Donald J. Trump gets 270 electoral college votes and becomes president for a second term.
    3. Neither candidate gets a majority of electoral college votes.
    4. If #3 occurs then the U.S. Congress will meet and vote on who would become president.

This would be a historic moment. This would be a moment when, given all of the turmoil, the final decision on electing the president would end up in the United States Congress.
Every American, on both sides of the political aisle, is waiting with bated breath to see what the final outcome is.
Stay tuned.
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
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ESCAPE FROM L.A.: Amid Lockdown, New Criminal-loving D.A. Could Be Last Nail in City’s Coffin

Some demons are about to be unleashed on the City of Angels’ streets, courtesy of a George Soros-bought district attorney who appears to believe his role is to pander to and not prosecute criminals.
George Gascón was sworn in Monday as Los Angeles’s new D.A., and he wasted no time sending the message that his jurisdiction would become a new Wild West. He “announced a sweeping range of reforms … including no longer seeking the death penalty and not using gang enhancements for sentencing,” reports ABC 7.
“In addition, he has issued a memo to prosecutors in his office seeking to change how they deal with a range of low-level crimes,” ABC also informs.
“The memo spells out misdemeanors which should be declined or dismissed before arraignment, with a number of exceptions at the discretion of the prosecutor,” the outlet continues. “Among them: Trespassing, disturbing the peace, driving with no license or a suspended license, making criminal threats, drug possession, drinking in public, loitering to commit prostitution and resisting arrest, among others.”  Gascón will also end the practice of trying juveniles (e.g., violent teen gangsters) as adults.
Yet of “all the policy changes Gascón laid out, the end to cash bail, which is set to go into effect Jan. 1, is perhaps the most seismic,” adds the Los Angeles Times. “Instead of seeking to hold criminal defendants in custody unless they can afford to post an amount of cash determined by a judge, prosecutors will be directed to ask judges to release them, except when someone is charged in a homicide or other violent felony.”
Crime has risen is much of the country — in N.Y.C., for instance — due to leftist policies such as Gascón’s. Many realize, too, that this doesn’t bode well for L.A.
“‘His policies are a slap in the face to crime victims — both past victims and the ones to come. His blanket policies do not take into account that we are the only people standing between truly dangerous criminals and the general public,’ said a veteran prosecutor, who requested not to be named because a fear of retaliation for speaking out against Gascón,” the Times also informs. “‘I am already getting concerned emails from concerned victims. What am I supposed to say to them?’”
There’s certainly much that could be said to Gascón, but it would undoubtedly fall on deaf ears given his penchant for repeating mistakes. To wit: You “should know that Gascón is best known for destroying the city of San Francisco,” reported Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson Tuesday evening. “He was the district attorney there for eight years, from 2011 to 2019. Under his tenure, San Francisco led the state of California in property crimes and violent crimes but ranked near the bottom in arrests.”
So how does such an incompetent “move up and become D.A. in Los Angeles, or anywhere?” asks Carlson rhetorically. The “answer, of course, is that he had powerful help,” the pundit continued. “Gascón’s campaign received millions of dollars from George Soros and other left-wing donors, people who don’t live anywhere near the communities he plans to destroy” (video below).

So it’s no wonder Carlson said that our “second-largest city is on the verge of collapse tonight…. People will flee Los Angeles.” Its mayor, Eric Garcetti, just imposed another onerous lockdown on the city, one banning even “walking, driving, [and] travel on public transport, bikes, motorcycles and scooters,” reports Fortune — unless you’re “undertaking essential activities.”
And if you do now dare go out, the consequence may be that you’re waylaid by one of Gascón’s released pet criminals.
Gascón certainly has his rationale, though. His complaint is that “we criminalize behavior largely associated with poverty,” as he put it. Now a little stale, it’s the “victims of their environment” thesis used decades ago already to justify slap-on-the-wrist policies that led to crime’s proliferation.
Yet if Gascón “looked at the science,” he might realize that his theory was called into question long ago. For example, research indicates that crime rates actually dropped markedly during the Great Depression.
Of course, along with many other things, poverty can be an “exacerbating” factor in social ills. But this doesn’t mean it damns people to immorality. Believing it does is Marxist thinking, the idea that man is merely an economic being; therefore, his overall state will reflect his economic state.
But man does not live on bread alone. He has moral and spiritual dimensions as well. Besides, the proverbs “Busy hands are happy hands,” “Work ennobles man,” and “An idle mind is the Devil’s playground” all warn of the perils that can attend wealth. It’s no cure-all.
Obviously, Gascón’s policies will cause an L.A crime spike. For they ignore the “broken windows” policing principle, which states what’s just common sense: “that visible signs of disorder and misbehavior in an environment encourage further disorder and misbehavior, leading to serious crimes,” as Psychology Today puts it.
In other words, “Take care of the little things, and the big things take care of themselves.” This principle’s application was a major factor in the steep drop in N.Y.C. crime under then-mayor Rudolph Giuliani.
So how could Gascón not know this? He likely doesn’t really care. His is surely a mind constrained by misbegotten ideology, and man does have a great capacity for rationalization. But related to this is another factor.
Devout leftists maintain that the “real” causes of crime are unaddressed deeper issues such as “systemic racism” and “white supremacy,” which can supposedly cause the poverty of which Gascón complains. And many of these social engineers perhaps are thinking on some level, “You won’t take our sage counsel and implement our progressive prescriptions? Then you’re going to have to endure these problems until you eliminate them our way.”
It also may be a pleasing type of retribution for them. Remember that no one likes having his plans thwarted, and leftists believe it’s the “deplorable” resistance throwing a monkey wrench into theirs. Intensely angry about this, the attitude likely is, “If you won’t listen, you’ll just have to suffer till you toe the line!”
This would also explain why leftists try to disarm good citizens and prosecute them for self-defense. Allowing such would give you an “escape hatch” from their policies’ consequences and would, in this way of thinking, reduce your incentive to comply with their agenda.
Bottom line: These leftists are stone-cold ideologues who’ll die with their boots on. Or, at least, you’ll die with their boots on — they tend to live in posh, privately secured neighborhoods.
©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Hunter Biden raked in $6M in 9 months from Communist Chinese dealings – not including the 2.8 carat-diamond he got as a ‘gift’

Media and political parties aiding and abetting Communist China’s war on America should be indicted and outlawed.

Revealed: Hunter Biden raked in $6M in just nine months from Chinese business dealings – and that doesn’t include the 2.8 carat-diamond he got as a gift

  • Hunter Biden raked in $6m over nine months from his Chinese business dealings according to a timeline of his affairs which goes into unprecedented detail
  • Joe Biden’s son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for ‘potential financial criminal activity’, a Senate report has revealed
  • The payments began days after Hunter sent his infamous email to one associate in 2017 talking about money for ‘the big guy’ and deals for ‘me and my family’
  • The money included a $5m payment from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist party
  • He also made $1m for work with an associate who was later jailed for bribery
  • The report concludes that Hunter’s business associates were ‘linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army’
  • The Senate report focuses on Hunter’s work for Chinese company CEFC China Energy to invest in US energy projects
  • CEFC’s founder and former chairman Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 2.8-carat diamond after a business meeting in Miami, CNN has reported

By Daniel Bates For, 10 December 2020
Hunter Biden raked in $6m over nine months from his Chinese business dealings according to a timeline of his affairs which goes into unprecedented detail.
Joe Biden’s son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for ‘potential financial criminal activity’, a Senate report has revealed.
The money included a $5m payment from a Chinese energy company with ties to the Communist party and $1m for work with an associate who was later jailed for bribery.
The payments began days after Hunter sent his infamous email to one associate in 2017 talking about money for ‘the big guy’ and deals for ‘me and my family’.
The report concludes that Hunter’s business associates were ‘linked to the Communist government and the People’s Liberation Army’.
It states: ‘Those associations resulted in millions of dollars in cash flow’.
The report prepared by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee, which was first reported by Fox News, comes as Hunter revealed that authorities in Delaware are investigating his tax affairs.
Hunter Biden raked in $6m over nine months from his Chinese business dealings according to a timeline of his affairs which goes into unprecedented detail
Joe Biden’s son was involved with a series of transactions which were flagged for ‘potential financial criminal activity’, a Senate report has revealed
He said that he was convinced he acted ‘legally’ but the inquiry is one of many legal investigations into his affairs.
According to Politico, federal prosecutors in Washington and New York are also looking into possible securities fraud and money laundering by the troubled 50-year-old, who has battled drug and alcohol addiction.
The Senate report focuses on Hunter’s work for Chinese company CEFC China Energy to invest in US energy projects.
CEFC’s founder and former chairman Ye Jianming gave Hunter a 2.8-carat diamond after a business meeting in Miami, CNN has reported.
2015: The start of Hunter and CEFC’s relationship
The Senate report timeline starts in 2015 when Hunter’s relationship with Ye and associate Gongwen Dong began – while his father was still Vice President
The report states: ‘Ye’s connections to the Communist government are extensive and … Ye was also financially connected to Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden.
‘Thus, there exists a vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese nationals’.
CEFC’s founder and former chairman Ye Jianming (pictured) gave Hunter a 2.8-carat diamond after a business meeting in Miami, CNN has reported
The Senate report timeline starts in 2015 when Hunter’s relationship with Ye and associate Gongwen Dong began – while his father was still Vice President The report states: ‘Ye’s connections to the Communist government are extensive and … Ye was also financially connected to Vice President Biden’s brother, James Biden. ‘Thus, there exists a vast web of corporate connections and financial transactions between and among the Biden family and Chinese nationals’
April 2016: Hunter sets up a new business
Hunter incorporated his business Hudson West III which would prove to be the main route for payments from China.
At some point later the ownership was divided between Hunter’s law firm Owasco PC and Coldharbour Capital LLC, each with a 50% stake.
The ownership of Coldharbour was split between two individuals, Mervyn Yan and Tian Zhang, but it has a business address identified as the address of Gongwen, suggesting closer ties than would appear.
Gongwen was a signer on one of Hunter West III’s checking accounts, which suggests at one point he was ‘associated with Hudson West III’s bank accounts and finances’.
The Biden-Harris transition team put out a statement Wednesday from Hunter Biden and President-elect Joe Biden, in which Hunter Biden revealed he was under federal investigation for his taxes
The Biden-Harris transition team put out a statement Wednesday from Hunter Biden and President-elect Joe Biden, in which Hunter Biden revealed he was under federal investigation for his taxes
May 2017: Emails show Hunter arranging a deal
Previous reports in the New York Post based on emails found on Hunter’s laptop have identified this period as crucial in his negotiations for a deal with CEFC.
One report stated that on May 13 2017 James Gilliar of the international consulting firm J2cR sent Hunter an email which identified the President-elect’s son as ‘Chair / Vice Chair depending on agreement with CEFC’.
The email was titled ‘expectations’ and appeared to be agreeing terms to compensate Hunter.
The deal listed ’10 Jim’ and ’10 held by H for the big guy?’ – neither party was identified but Hunter’s critics have speculated it was his father.
An August 2nd 2017 email chain involving Biden worked out further terms.
Biden wrote: ‘The chairman (Ye) changed that deal after we me[t] in MIAMI TO A MUCH MORE LASTING AND LUCRATIVE ARRANGEMENT to create a holding company 50% percent (sic]) owned by ME and 50% owned by him.
‘Consulting fees is one piece of our income stream but the reason this proposal by the chairman was so much more interesting to me and my family is that we would also be partners inn (sic) the equity and profits of the JV’s (joint venture’s) investments’.
August 2017: The money begins to flow
On August 4th, CEFC Infrastructure Investment (US) LLC, a subsidiary of Ye’s company, sent $100,000 to Owasco, Hunter’s law company.
On August 8th the same subsidiary sent $5m to Hudson West III.
The report stated: ‘These funds may have originated from a loan issued from the account of a company called Northern International Capital Holdings, a Hong Kong-based investment company identified at one time as a ‘substantial shareholder’ in CEFC International Limited along with Ye. It is unclear whether Hunter Biden was half-owner of Hudson West III at that time’.
The same day Hudson West III began sending ‘frequent payments’ to Owasco, his law firm.
The payments continued for more than a year and were described as ‘consulting fees’, the report said, and totalled $4,790,375.25.
Target: Hunter Biden said Wednesday that he was the subject of a federal investigation into his taxes. The probe was started in 2018 but paused for the election
September 8 2017: Credit cards issued – and spending spree begins
CEFC announced a $9.1bn deal to buy a stake in Russian state-owned energy company Rosneft.
That same day Hunter opened a line of credit with Gongwen under the name of his business, Hudson West III.
Hunter Biden, his uncle James Biden and James Biden’s wife, Sara Biden were approved as ‘authorized users of credit cards associated with the account’.
That same day they spent more than $100,000 on airline tickets, technology products and hotel rooms, transactions that were flagged for ‘potential financial criminal activity’, the report said.
Hunter moves money to his uncle James Biden
The report says that during this period there were large sums of money moved between Hunter and James Biden.
From August 14th 2017 to August 3rd 2018, $1.4m was moved from Owasco to James Biden’s Lion Hall Group consulting firm.
March 22 2018: Hunter gets another $1m
The next important date for Hunter was March 22nd 2018 when he was paid $1m for work related to Patrick Ho Chi Ping.
He ran an organization backed by CEFC and was sentenced to three years in prison in 2018 for paying millions of dollars in bribes to officials in Chad and Uganda.
The $1m was transferred from Hudson West to Owasco with the memo line: ‘Dr Patrick Ho Chi Ping Representation’.
The report states: ‘These transactions illustrate the financial connections between Gongwen Dong’s Hudson West III, Ye Jianming’s CEFC, and Hunter Biden’s Owasco’.
It states: ‘Sara Biden told the bank that she would not provide any supporting documentation, and she also refused to provide additional information to more clearly explain the activity.
‘Consequently, the bank submitted the account for closure’.
January to October 2018: Vast sums for office expenses for James Biden
Another finding by the report was that Hudson West III sent more than $76,000 directly to James Biden’s company from January to October 2018.
The significant sums were labeled ‘office expense and reimbursement’.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Israel-Morocco Accord: Trump Gives the Nobel Peace Prize Committee Another Reason to Honor Him

Donald Trump has just given the Nobel Peace Prize Committee another reason for awarding him that prize. After the U.A.E., Bahrain, and Sudan, a fourth Arab state – Morocco – has now announced it has agreed to normalize ties with Israel. “Morocco, Israel normalize ties as US recognizes Western Sahara,” by Omri Nahmias, Lahav Harkov, and Greer Fay Cashman, Jerusalem Post, December 11, 2020:

Israel and Morocco have agreed to establish diplomatic relations, US President Donald Trump announced on Thursday, Dec. 10.
Morocco became the fourth Arab country to normalize ties with Israel in four months, following the Abraham Accords with United Arab Emirates, Bahrain and Sudan.
“Another historic breakthrough today!” Trump tweeted. “Our two great friends Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco have agreed to full diplomatic relations – a massive breakthrough for peace in the Middle East!”
Israel and Morocco plan to reopen economic liaison offices, which were closed in 2002, and work quickly to exchange ambassadors and begin direct flights, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said.
In addition, Trump announced that he signed a proclamation recognizing Moroccan sovereignty over the Western Sahara, a disputed territory. “Morocco’s serious, credible, and realistic autonomy proposal is the ONLY basis for a just and lasting solution for enduring peace and prosperity!” he tweeted.
Morocco recognized the United States in 1777. It is thus fitting we recognize their sovereignty over the Western Sahara,” Trump added. No other UN member states recognize Western Sahara as part of Morocco.

That was the quid pro quo that Morocco required: recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara. Just as the U.A.E. wanted, in exchange for agreeing to normalize relations with Israel, an American promise to sell the Emirates the Stealth fighter jet, the F-35 (and from Israel, it wanted, and received, a promise to suspend extension of Israeli sovereignty to parts of the West Bank), so King Mohammad VI wanted the U.S. to recognize Morocco’s claim to the Western Sahara. This was not only to satisfy the government in Rabat, but also could be held up to the Moroccan people as a diplomatic coup, so that they would be less inclined to resent the new ties to Israel.

The Trump administration viewed finalizing establishment of ties between the two countries as a prime goal in the past few weeks.
White House Senior Adviser Jared Kushner said normalization “comes on the heels of four years of very, very hard work and very intense diplomacy.”
The move is the culmination of a successful year of upgrading Israel’s relations with Arab and Muslim countries, beginning with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visiting Chad and meeting Sudan’s leader in Uganda, the Abraham Accords, as well as the warming relations and cooperation with Saudi Arabia, in addition to a number of other Arab states.
Israel proposed a scenario similar to what has since unfolded, by which normalization with Morocco would come in conjunction with American recognition of the Western Sahara, to the White House in the beginning of this year, as reported in multiple Israeli media sources.
French media reported that Morocco purchased three drones from Israel for $48 million in January.

This is evidence of ties already warming up long before the announcement on Dec. 10. Israel does not sell weapons to states with which it has less than friendly ties.

Like the Gulf states, Morocco views Iran as a threat. Rabat cut ties with Tehran in 2018, because Iran funded Western Sahara separatist movement Polisario via Hezbollah.
Long before that, Morocco had a relationship with Israeli intelligence agencies. Moroccan King Hassan II gave Israel recordings of an Arab League meeting [in 1965] that helped Israel prepare for the Six Day War, according to former IDF intelligence chief Shlomo Gazit and former intelligence officer and cabinet minister Rafi Eitan. That same year, the Mossad helped Morocco abduct a dissident from France.

King Hassan II provided Israel with a secret recording he had made of an Arab League meeting held in Casablanca in 1965, that revealed both the disunity among the Arabs and the parlous state of their military – especially that of Egypt. The tale of that Moroccan tip-off to Israeli military, that helped Israel win the Six-Day War, can be found here.
And Israel, in turn, helped Morocco. Mossad helped persuade a Moroccan dissident, Mehdi Ben Barka, to come to a rendezvous in Paris, where he was then kidnapped outside a famous restaurant, the Brasserie Lipp, by two French policemen working for the Moroccans; Ben Barka was never seen again.

Netanyahu, however, focused on the many Israelis of Moroccan origin and not security matters in his remarks on normalization, which he called a “great light of peace” in honor of Hanukkah.
Everyone knows the warm ties of the kings of Morocco and the Moroccan people to the Jewish community there,” Netanyahu said. “Hundreds of thousands of Jews moved to Israel from Morocco and they form a living bridge between the people of Morocco and Israel. This solid base is the foundation on which we build this peace.”
Trump’s proclamation said the US “affirms, as stated by previous Administrations, its support for Morocco’s autonomy proposal as the only basis for a just and lasting solution to the dispute over the Western Sahara territory…An independent Sahrawi State is not a realistic option for resolving the conflict and that genuine autonomy under Moroccan sovereignty is the only feasible solution.”
“Therefore, as of today, the United States recognizes Moroccan sovereignty over the entire Western Sahara territory.”
The White House also urged the sides in the Western Sahara conflict to return to the negotiating table under the framework of Morocco’s plan for autonomy for the Sahrawi people of Western Sahara.
Morocco’s sovereignty over the Western Sahara has been recognized by the U.S., but it is expected that the Sahrawi people will enjoy a large degree of autonomy. We will see if that promise by Morocco is borne out. And we still don’t know if that “autonomy” will give the Sahrawis a fair share of the revenues from the huge deposits of phosphates in the Western Sahara.
The US plans to open a consulate in Dakhla, in Western Sahara, which the Moroccan Foreign Ministry said would have “a primarily economic vocation.”
Kushner said recognizing Moroccan sovereignty in the Western Sahara was “something that seemed inevitable at this point; is something that we think advances the region and helps bring more clarity to where things are going.”
Following the announcement, President Trump spoke with King Mohammed VI of Morocco. According to a readout provided by the White House, “the leaders discussed cooperation in the fight against the coronavirus, ways to minimize its economic impact, and common interests in critical regional issues.”
During the conversation the King agreed to resume diplomatic relations between Morocco and Israel and expand economic and cultural cooperation to advance regional stability,” the White House said in a statement.
King Mohammed told Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in a phone call on Thursday that Rabat stands by a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, a royal court statement said.

Like the U.A.E. and Bahrain, Morocco has reaffirmed the boilerplate commitment to a “two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.” And like them, it has no plans to help the Palestinians beyond that recital; it has decided to promote its own national interests – its claim to the Western Sahara – over the demands of the Palestinians, who have been “betrayed” and “stabbed in the back” yet again, this time by Rabat’s willingness to normalize ties with the Jewish state.

The king added that negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians are the only way to reach a final, lasting and comprehensive solution to the conflict.
King Mohammed also highlighted his commitment to a two-state solution, as well as the importance of freedom of worship in Jerusalem, during his conversation with Trump.

Of course, there is now total “freedom of worship” in Jerusalem, as there was not during the 19 years of the Jordanian occupation. The only worshippers who may feel they don’t have “freedom of worship” are the Muslims from countries that have normalized ties with Israel, who have been cursed and threatened at Al-Aqsa mosque by angry Palestinians.

The White House, not Netanyahu, informed Foreign Minister Gabi Ashkenazi and Defense Minister Benny Gantz of the developments with Morocco several weeks before they were made public, contrary to the UAE, Bahrain and Sudan deals in which they were told at the last minute.
Ashkenazi said that “today is another great day for Israeli diplomacy, a day of light befitting the holiday of Hanukkah.

And Ashkenazi should have mentioned that it’s also “another great day for American diplomacy,” but since he didn’t, we’ll do it for him.

“Renewing relations between Israel and the Kingdom of Morocco is an important part of the Abraham Accords that reflects the deep and longstanding friendship between the nations. I call on more nations to join the Abraham Accords’ circle,” he stated….

It isn’t true that there has been a “deep and longstanding friendship between the nations” (of Israel and Morocco), but I suppose it’s a useful fiction. Ashkenazi might have said that “we all hope that this historic agreement will lead to a deep and longstanding friendship between our nations.” That would have been dignified, hopeful, and true.
Approximately one million Israelis are wholly or partly descended from Moroccan Jews, the second largest group in Israel after the Jews from Russia. They are well disposed to their original home and to the present King Mohammed VI, who like his father, King Hassan II, is known for his sympathetic interest and affection for the Jews in the Kingdom.
Furthermore, King Mohammed VI’s senior advisor is Andre Azoulay, a Moroccan Jew who previously advised Mohammed’s father, King Hassan II.
The Moroccan king’s philosemitism, beside his interest in Moroccan Jews, is expressed in the distinct absence of any animus toward Israel, a view which he surely inherited from his father. His father hosted two Israeli prime ministers, Rabin and Peres, in Morocco, and remained friendly with Rabin until the end of the Israeli’s life, and with Peres until the end of his own, even when Israel and the Palestinians in Gaza were engaged in war. King Hassan II’s father, King Mohammed V, blocked efforts by Vichy officials to impose anti-Jewish measures on Morocco and deport the country’s 250,000 Jews to their deaths in Europe, and is revered for that by Morocco’s Jews and their descendants in Israel.
King Hassan has been celebrating Morocco’s Jewish heritage in recent years, and bringing other Moroccans along with him. “Judaism is part of Moroccan identity,” said Zhor Rehihil, Muslim conservator at the Museum of Moroccan Judaism in Casablanca, the first of its kind in the Arab world. “We still have a Jewish memory, even though the Jews left.” No other Arab state has devoted so much attention to its former Jewish population.
This normalization of relations with a fourth Arab state has gone off without a hitch. The sky has not fallen. The Palestinian Authority, still smarting from its treatment by the Arab League (that refused to denounce the U.A.E. and Bahrain), has been quiet. Morocco’s decision to normalize relations is likely to increase the pressure on other Arab and Muslim states to follow suit. Each additional Arab state that normalizes relations with Israel increases the gravitational pull on the others that have not. They’ve all taken note of the granting of national wishes – the F-35 sale for the U.A.E., the recognition of its sovereignty over the Western Sahara for Morocco, the removal of economic sanctions for the Sudan – by the American government. What would it take to get Oman to follow suit? Or Mauritania? Or Tunisia? And what of Saudi Arabia, whose King Salman thinks one way about normalization of ties with Israel (which he insists can only happen after a Palestinian state in the “pre-1967 lines” is created), and his son the Crown Prince, who doesn’t give a damn about the Palestinians, quite another?
Another coup for President Trump, in achieving yet another astonishment, but will the Biden transition team be willing to recognize this feat of diplomatic finesse? I have my doubts.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.