VIDEO: The COVID Con is the ’76 Swine Flu Fiasco on Steroids thumbnail

VIDEO: The COVID Con is the ’76 Swine Flu Fiasco on Steroids

By Selwyn Duke

In a social media feed Monday, I came across a 1979 60 Minutes segment on the propaganda surrounding the 1976 swine flu panic. Many of us had already heard about how the event was reminiscent of today’s COVID-1984 con, but actually watching the segment drives home how striking the parallels between the two disease scares are. Exaggerations of the bugs’ severity, media propaganda and fear-mongering, an effort to vaccinate the whole nation, serious vaccine-coincident side-effects, and an apparent government cover-up of the latter were all elements of the ’76 fiasco just as they epitomize what’s occurring today.

The segment opened with late 60 Minutes host Mike Wallace saying:

The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide outbreak, a pandemic.

Well, 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims — two thirds of them — are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered by the flu shot.

(Transcript hat tip:

Eerily reminiscent of today, one vaccine-induced problem was Guillain-Barre Syndrome, which also has apparently been induced by the coronavirus genetic-therapy agents (GTAs, a.k.a. “vaccines”). Wallace spoke to a woman thus afflicted; he also mentioned vaccine-coincident deaths. The video is below and well worth watching.

Yet there also were a number of differences between then and now, with a notable one being the 60 Minutes report itself. While Wallace was a liberal, the media was not so much in the Establishment tank that it wouldn’t expose its day’s “COVID” con. Thus did Wallace talk about the “U.S. government’s publicity machine,” reveal lies told by officials and grill ex-CDC head Dr. David Sencer, who devised and pushed the swine flu program and who looked in his interview a bit like a kid who got caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

(This said, that the swine flu fraud occurred during the tenure of President Gerald Ford, a Republican, certainly must have made the story more appealing to the EneMedia.)

Could you imagine Dr. Mouth (Anthony Fauci — “fauci” means “mouth” in Italian) being likewise grilled by the mainstream media today? Imagining it is a nice fantasy for anyone who’d like to see the imperious Dr. Mouth take one on the chin, but it’s a fanciful fantasy. Only the mainstream media have access to the man, and they’re busy deifying our prevaricating pooh-bah of pandemic prescriptions, who just recently went unchallenged in an interview after saying “I represent science.” (Narcissistic much?)

Another difference between 1976 and today is that because we weren’t as far down the Big Brother rabbit hole and Americans were more faith- and freedom-oriented — and because we weren’t facing a scary “novel” virus — lockdowns and other restrictions never materialized. In fact, I was a child at the time and don’t remember the disease being a factor in our lives at all. Along with a car trip from Jacksonville to Key West, Florida with my mother, most memorable to me about that year is that it was the Bicentennial, and quarters bearing a colonial drummer image; and red, white and blue themes, were everywhere.

We could use the spirit of ’76 — the real ’76 — today. But speaking volumes about our time is that even the spirit of 1976 now seems, relatively speaking, almost quaint and boldly and unapologetically American.

Contact Selwyn Duke; follow him on GabMeWe, or Parler; or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Is it Ximicron or Omicron? Whatever you call it, the argument for boosters sounds like mumbo-jumbo thumbnail

Is it Ximicron or Omicron? Whatever you call it, the argument for boosters sounds like mumbo-jumbo

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

Politicians are just grasping at straws. That’s not science.

Insanity is famously doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. Like writing columns about Covid-19. Or attributing lines to Einstein we have no reason to suppose he really said. In the wise words of Abraham Lincoln, “Don’t believe everything you read on the Internet just because there’s a picture with a quote next to it.” Or everything the government tells you including about how well it’s dealing with a pandemic.

My excuse for writing about Covid-19 again is that it is the biggest, or at least most obsessive, news story I’ve seen in a long, long time in this business. And very revealing, too, about how governments think and how we do.

We have yet another variant, called “Omicron” because they didn’t think “Xi” was funny in Beijing, and what isn’t funny in Beijing isn’t funny to the World Health Organization. And funnily enough there’s this thing called evolution which the materialists were so keen on they put “Darwin” fish with legs on their cars until it turned out diseases get to do it too. Nature is ingenious but not squeamish.

We on the other hand are very squeamish. We don’t want to get sick. Illness is medieval. Back then people had bad teeth and died of stuff. Whereas we moderns have philosopher William Barrett’s “illusion of technique” where there’s meant to be a scientific, mathematics-based solution to any and every problem including the human condition.

Thus when a plague comes along the authorities cannot throw up their hands and go “Bummer, a disease, try not to die.” They must fix it. So they threw us all into massive lockdowns with a firmly fatuous “Two weeks to flatten the curve”.

It has since become a rather poorly-kept secret that their real concern wasn’t our health but that of the government medical system. But for all the lurching about and disingenuous rhetoric, there was a shared assumption between the state and citizens that it was their duty and our right to have the disease banished by technique.

So when lockdowns didn’t do it, they said vaccines would. And when some vaccines came along governments had to say they were totally great and there was this huge supporting conformist hysteria to “get the jab” and if you asked questions you were shamed or worse. Including about why the vaccines didn’t work very well or last.

Here I strike an unaccustomed pose of moderation. I got my shots on the prudent grounds that they posed an even lower risk to me than the virus… and the countermeasures. I didn’t buy the extreme position on either side. But I really wanted the nagging and lockdowns to stop. So I did my part. Now I am routinely asked for proof of vaccination, and when I ask “against what?” people laugh nervously.

Don’t think I’m an anti-vaxxer. On the contrary, I’m vaccinated against many diseases you really don’t want to come calling, like smallpox, pertussis and “hib”. (Google it. Yuck.) I got those shots decades ago. And I’m still immune. Yay vaccines.

Now I hear that because of Omicron “It’s time to start aggressively rolling out boosters to Canadians who received their second dose 6 months or more ago.” And “Wear a good mask. Get vaccinated. Don’t be a jerk.” And “Omicron is already everywhere…. Time for widespread boosters.” All tweeted or retweeted by just one friend who’s a keen, nay obsessive, observer of public affairs.

There are thousands just like him. There’s that conformity again. And the twisted logic, because if the vaccines worked properly we wouldn’t need boosters, whereas if they don’t boosters won’t help. It’s an extension of the argument that everyone must get vaccinated because otherwise the unvaccinated will infect the vaccinated and vice versa, whose reliance on vaccines both working and not working violates the “excluded middle” recognized as fundamental to logical thought since Aristotle’s day. But not in our enlightened times.

Since Ximicron is a new variant we don’t even know whether current vaccines would protect us against it with or without boosters. Or if it’s very virulent. But we’re dealing with mumbo-jumbo with social benefits not medicine, just as politicians going we’re totally ready one day and everybody under the bed it’s safe there the next is reassurance not information.

There was a time when new medical treatments had to undergo prolonged, even excessive, testing with none of that “her body her choice” nonsense about experimental options. Now they’re pumping us full of novel spike proteins over and over in a panic and calling us jerks if we worry that it might not be entirely safe or sensible.

Why? Because a technique must work, and this one’s all we have, so it must be the ticket.

Somebody has lost their mind. And it wasn’t Einstein.


John Robson

John Robson is a documentary film-maker, columnist with the National Post, Executive Director of the Climate Discussion Nexus and a professor at Augustine College. He holds a PhD in American history from… More by John Robson


Hello world, Omicron hasn’t made Africa more dangerous!

If you want assisted suicide in Germany, first you must get vaxxed

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Mini-Mengele: Fauci Declares “I AM SCIENCE!” thumbnail

Mini-Mengele: Fauci Declares “I AM SCIENCE!”

By Pamela Geller

He’s a madman. Mad with power. Unelected, unpopular with immense power.

.@TuckerCarlson mocks Fauci’s response to criticisms following damning revelations in unearthed emails:

“I am science, says the Sun King, Tony Fauci— our own Louis XIV.”

— Benny (@bennyjohnson) June 10, 2021

Fauci saying, “I represent science” is like Louis XIV saying, “I am the state!”

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 30, 2021

Anthony Fauci Unleashes the Fury of Conservative America

By Darragh Roche, November 30, 2021:

Fauci Fires Back At Rand Paul After He Tells Him To Resign: ‘He Is Egregiously Incorrect’

Dr. Anthony Fauci’s recent interview with CBS’s Face the Nation has been met with anger and strong criticism by several figures in conservative circles after he said he represents science.

Fauci, who is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), offered his own criticism of Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) during his Sunday interview, laughing off Cruz’s call for him to be prosecuted for lying to Congress.

The Republican senator responded to Fauci’s remarks on Fox News on Monday and he was not alone in his harsh assessment of the infectious diseases expert’s comments.

Cruz told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that Fauci was “the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country.”

He said Fauci had talked “about hurting science but I don’t think anyone has hurt science, has hurt the credibility of the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention], has hurt the credibility of doctors more than Dr. Fauci because throughout this pandemic, he’s been dishonest, he’s been political, he’s been partisan.”

Cruz went on to reiterate his accusation that Fauci had lied to Congress over National Institutes of Health (NIH) funding for gain-of-function research in a lab in Wuhan, China and cited U.S. law under which those who lie to Congress can be prosecuted.

According to the Department of Health and Human Services, gain-of-function research is “research that improves the ability of a pathogen to cause disease.” It is generally intended to better study or understand certain diseases.

Fauci has denied lying to Congress and laughed off the idea he could face prosecution on Sunday. He has also denied that the NIH funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan. Coronavirus is thought to have originated from the Chinese city, and some have said that it may have leaked from a lab in the vicinity.

“I have to laugh at that. I should be prosecuted? What happened on January 6 senator?” Fauci said, responding to a question about Cruz’s push for prosecution.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY), who has frequently clashed with Fauci, shared a clip of the CBS interview on Twitter on Sunday where the NIAID director said “I represent science” while responding to his critics.

“The absolute hubris of someone claiming THEY represent science,” Paul said. “It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity.”

Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) accused Fauci of being partisan during an interview with Fox News’ The Ingraham Angle on Monday.

“It’s just another example of the incompetence of the Biden administration. They think Tony Fauci remains a credible and impartial messenger about the Wuhan coronavirus,” Cotton said.

The absolute hubris of someone claiming THEY represent science. It’s astounding and alarming that a public health bureaucrat would even think to claim such a thing, especially one who has worked so hard to ignore the science of natural immunity.

— Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) November 28, 2021

RELATED ARTICLE: Rand Paul: Fauci Science Declaration ‘Conjures Up Images of the Medieval Church’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Omicron Crackpots thumbnail

Omicron Crackpots

By Save America Foundation

I wish I could say I trust my government, but I don’t, not when they’re so obviously full of phony-baloney about COVID and trying to get me to believe the stupidest things.

When the medical trials first launched it was one shot, then two. Then passports/segregation. Now 3 shots, with Israel on their 4th and booster interval shortened to 3 months. It could also be a two dose Omicron booster.

Informed consent was never on the table.

Pure insanity…

— Kris Eriksen 🇨🇦 (@KrisEriksen77) December 1, 2021

Joe Biden said yesterday people should get vaccinations and booster shots to ward off the Omicron variant.  What he didn’t tell you is that people infected with the Omicron variant in Africa and Australia were fully vaccinated.  He also didn’t tell you Moderna’s chief executive is out there saying the current vaccines most likely won’t protect you against the Omicron variant and new vaccines are needed.

This whole vaccine thing is out of whack to begin with.  The emphasis has always been on vaccines, while the idea of effective treatment for COVID, strangely, has never gotten much attention.  Hydroxychloroquine was dismissed early on, despite the fact a survey of 6,000 doctors worldwide found it was the best treatment based on their clinical experience.  Ivermectin also got short shrift, even though it’s been endorsed by the Tokyo Medical Association and basically fixed India’s COVID problem.   Now comes the nail in the coffin for our government’s phony narratives about hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin:  There are now 67 studies showing Ivermectin and 298 studies showing hydroxychloroquine are effective in treating COVID-19.  But you have to sue your doctor and your pharmacist if you want to be treated for COVID with Ivermectin.  Why is that?  Do you want to follow the science or follow the government pied pipers who, themselves, might just be following the money?

Speaking of science, there are a hundred studies showing masks are not materially effective in reducing COVID transmission and are actually harmful to wear.

So much for the mask narrative, but the wheels are coming off other government narratives about COVID, too.  ‘The vaccines are effective’ – no, breakthrough cases are on the rise as vaccine efficacy drops below 50 percent.  They said close the schools even though the risk to kids was miniscule and closing schools didn’t lower the child mortality rate.   They ignored natural immunity and kept pushing the vaccines even though almost 150 million Americans have natural immunity from having been exposed to coronavirus.

Recently, Fauci claimed to be the science and above criticism – the same guy who first said masks are meaningless and ended up telling you to wear two of them.  If it’s true he is now the science, how do you explain this? – Fauci said in the 1980s that kids could get AIDS from routine nonsexual contact.  Not true.  He also said heterosexual AIDS would become 10 percent of all AIDS cases.  It’s never even been close to that.  Flash forward to COVID and we see Fauci initially saying it’s nothing to worry about, it’s just a bad flu, and you can’t rely on models to make predictions, but then he went on to rely on models to make predictions.  Fauci also claimed hydroxychloroquine was actually dangerous, but he was already in possession of information showing it was effective.  Sorry Fauci lovers, but something’s not right with that guy.

To sum up, everything government officials are telling you about COVID is wrong and there is no reason for you to believe them.

Germany reports highest COVID death toll in 9 months.

If only they’d had mandatory mask rules and vaccine passports.

Oh, they did.

— Paul Joseph Watson (@PrisonPlanet) December 1, 2021

Some people are speculating about motive, saying public health officials are deliberately lying, in cahoots with the vaccine manufacturers, and deliberately killing people.  I’ll leave the speculation to others.  it’s enough for me to know I can’t rely on the government, that it’s up to me to seek out the correct information, and I’m ultimately responsible for the choices I make.  That may sound novel to you, but it’s the way it’s supposed to be in a self-governing Republic composed of what are supposed to be self-governing individuals.

Sorry if I’ve shattered your faith in government, but you never should have had that much in the first place.

Visit The Daily Skirmish

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


“I have been stunned at the response – and especially from Britain. Nothing I have seen about this new variant warrants the extreme action the UK government has taken in response to it.”

– Dr Angelique Coetzee, who alerted the world to the Omicron variant

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) December 1, 2021


Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

 Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

COVID Vaccines: The Dog Is Chasing Its Tail.

Dr. Marik: Medical Tyranny Continues thumbnail

Dr. Marik: Medical Tyranny Continues

By Save America Foundation

“There are far, far better things ahead than anything we leave behind.” – C. S. Lewis.

The judge in Dr. Marik’s Virginia case denied an order to preliminarily stop the Norfolk hospital from interfering with Dr. Marik’s administration of Ivermectin and other proven Covid treatments to his in-hospital patients.

However, the court granted a future trial on the merits. It’s mindboggling why the judge didn’t see an urgency to immediately stop the hospital from killing its patients. There is nothing humane or normal when it comes to genocide.

Also note the hospital lied by omission in the preliminary hearing that no retaliation against the doctor would or had occurred when the administrator was doing just that by taking action to suspend the doctor’s in-hospital privileges.

This case is a big deal and the arrogant hospital administrator has now damaged his credibility before the judge by lying to the court in the preliminary hearing. Let’s hope there is a speedy trial in the case. I’m sure Dr. Marik will not have difficulty coming up with a host of renowned medical doctors in support of his case.

The world has gone mad when doctors and their consenting patients have to get court orders to practice medicine that will save a patient’s life.

Here is the full story:- A little long but a must read and share. Fred B.

Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving Covid Treatments.

A top critical care physician who filed a lawsuit against Sentara Norfolk General Hospital over its ban on administering life-saving drugs to treat COVID patients, has had his hospital privileges suspended.

Dr. Paul Marik, chief of pulmonary and critical care medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School and director of the ICU at Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, learned about the 14-day suspension when he arrived to work on Saturday and found a letter on his desk.

The letter was dated Nov. 18 — the same day Marik appeared before a judge in Norfolk Circuit Court requesting a temporary injunction to lift the ban, Marik’s attorney said.

Judge David Lannetti did not grant the temporary injunction, but did determine Marik had standing to bring his lawsuit, allowing the case to move forward which will give Marik the opportunity to “establish his right to administer life-saving treatments that patients have been prohibited access to by Sentara,” the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) said in a statement.

Sentara’s attorneys didn’t tell Marik about the suspension during Thursday’s hearing, nor did they mention it to the judge, said Marik’s attorney, Fred Taylor, a partner at the Virginia law firm Bush & Taylor.

In a Nov. 22 letter to the judge, Marik’s attorney accused Sentara of making a material misrepresentation during the hearing by failing to disclose the letter and telling the court the hospital would not retaliate against Marik for filing the lawsuit.

“Evidently Sentara chose, for reasons of its own, not to disclose this suspension either to the court or the plaintiff during the hearing,” Marik’s attorney told the judge.

In his letter, Taylor told the judge:

“The letter [from Sentara to Marik] gives no explanation whatsoever for the ‘coincidence’ of Sentara’s choosing to suspend Dr. Marik at this particular moment, leaving only one realistic conclusion. Sentara has engaged in a blatant act of retaliation against Dr. Marik for filing this suit and for exposing to the public Sentara’s unlawful unjustified denial of safe, potentially life-saving medicines to its COVID patients in violation of Virginia statutory law and public policy.”

In Sentara’s letter to Marik, hospital officials summoned Marik to a proceeding scheduled for Dec. 2 during which, the hospital said, “no lawyer representing Dr. Marik will be permitted and no recording/video or transcript … will be made.”

Sentara said its suspension of Marik was based in part on an allegation that he informed COVID patients that his “hands were tied” and there was nothing more he could do for them.

Taylor’s letter to the judge stated:

“At the just-concluded hearing on November 18, 2021, Sentara expressly represented to this Court that it would not discipline Dr. Marik in any way for informing his COVID patients that Sentara was preventing him from giving them alternative treatments that are, in his medical judgment (and based on unrefuted evidence) safe, and potentially life-saving and medically appropriate for them.

“Yet, Sentara has now done exactly that. Indeed it had apparently already done exactly that when it was representing to the Court that it would not do so. International or not, this was a materially false representation made to the court, and Plaintiff respectfully requests that Sentara be held to account for it.”

During the Nov. 18 hearing, Sentara’s attorney, Jason Davis, raised the issue of whether Marik has standing in the case. To have standing in a lawsuit, Marik needed to show he had a stake in its outcome or suffered an injury.

Sentara said Marik did not have standing to bring his case because he hadn’t been harmed.

“Obviously, patients who are dying in the ICU can’t come to court,” Marik told The Defender. “Sentara hospital lied continuously and incessantly but at this type of hearing, I was not in a position where I could challenge the falsities.”

Taylor accused Sentara of attempting to deprive Marik of standing through a “retaliatory, pretextual suspension that Sentara kept secret from the Court, perhaps hoping Dr. Marik would respond to Sentara by offering to drop his suit if Sentara would withdraw its suspension.”

In his letter to the judge, Marik’s legal team called for a supplemental hearing to redress the new facts previously hidden from the court by Sentara.

Sentara ban on certain COVID therapies violates U.S., Virginia medical laws, lawsuit alleges

Marik filed his lawsuit against Sentara Healthcare on Nov. 9, arguing the organization is endangering the lives of its COVID patients by preventing him from using his treatment protocol, which he says has reduced mortality rates in the ICU from approximately between 40% and 60% to less than 20%.

The lawsuit alleges Sentara’s ban on the use of certain therapies against COVID violates U.S. and Virginia medical laws and the concept of informed consent — whereby “patients have the right to receive information and ask questions about recommended treatments so that they can make well-considered decisions about care.”

Marik called Sentera’s ban on administering certain medicines for COVID patients “unprecedented” and “cruel” during his Nov. 18 testimony requesting a preliminary injunction to lift the ban.

In his motion, Marik said patients are dying “unnecessarily and unlawfully” because Sentara Healthcare is “preventing terminally ill COVID patients from exercising their right to choose and to receive safe, potentially life-saving treatment determined to be appropriate for them by their attending physician.”

In an interview with The Defender, Marik said the hospital is prohibiting the use of a COVID protocol called “Math +.” The protocol includes treating COVID patients with many drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which has determined the drugs are safe and effective.

Instead, according to the lawsuit, Sentara recommends doctors use “toxic drugs” like Remdesivir — an expensive medication associated with severe side effects — because the hospital receives a bonus each time doctors prescribe it.

In a press release, Marik said:

“This case is about doctors having the ability to honor their Hippocratic Oath, to follow evidence-based medicine, and to treat our patients the best we know how. Corporations and faceless bureaucrats should not be allowed to interfere with doctor-patient decisions, especially when it can result in harm or death.”

“Our COVID-19 protocol is based on the best scientific data available, yet Sentara claimed the medications I used were toxic and harmful, which is an absolute lie,” Marik told The Defender. “It is so outrageous.”

Marik explained:

“What happened was I was using MATH+ and I was using these medications, which I think are effective. All drugs we use are FDA- approved and very safe and they’ve been proven to be very effective for COVID, but I was banned from using them because they were dangerous, toxic and there was supposedly no data to support their use. It’s a big lie.

“What they [the hospital] want me to use is Remdesivir. We know Remdesivir increases death by 3%, increases the risk of hospital stay and increases the risk of kidney and liver failure. It does not improve patient outcomes. It is toxic. But the hospital gets a bonus if Remdesivir is prescribed. They profit from the expensive drug but not the cheap drug that people can afford.”

Marik, a highly published physician with 35 years of experience, said Sentara also tried to criticize his character, even though they appointed him as the director of ICU.

Marik said he could no longer stand by while patients died unnecessarily without proper treatment, so he had no choice but to file a lawsuit allowing him and his colleagues to administer a combination of FDA-approved drugs and other therapies that have saved thousands of critically ill COVID patients in the last 18 months.

Until September, doctors had been allowed to use ivermectin and the other medicines — ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) IV, bicalutamide, dutasteride, finasteride and fluvoxamine — to treat COVID patients.

But after the FDA, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and National Institutes of Health (NIH) warned against using ivermectin and other medicines for COVID patients, Sentara officials created new guidelines ordering doctors not to use the drugs.

​​Marik argued Sentara’s COVID Comprehensive Treatment Guidelines are “preventing terminally ill COVID patients from exercising their right to choose and receive safe, potentially life-saving treatment.”

Math+ protocol used around the world to safely treat COVID

According to an FLCCC press release, the MATH+ protocol, used by Marik and physicians around the world to treat COVID, is saving lives. However, since the prohibition went into place, there has seen a sharp rise in inpatient mortality.

Marik said he and his colleagues started using the Math+ to treat COVID in March 2020, because the national and international bodies provided no guidance. “So we put together guidelines and started using the protocol on March 24, and it has evolved over time as science has evolved,” he said.

The MATH+ protocol, designed for hospitalized patients, counters the body’s overwhelming inflammatory response to the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The protocol is based on numerous medical journal publications and decades of research — and is founded upon the belief that hyper-inflammation, not the virus itself, damages the lungs and other organs and leads to death.

The MATH+ protocol is well-tolerated with no reports of adverse medical events, FLCCC said in a press release.

According to Dr. Joseph Varon, a renowned critical care specialist recently recognized by the United Nations for his life-saving work, the MATH+ COVID treatment protocol has achieved at least a 50% reduction in deaths from the virus in the hospitals where he serves as chief of staff.

“We take an oath as doctors to do no harm,” said Dr. Pierre Kory, president and chief medical officer of FLCCC. “I can’t think of a way of doing more harm to a patient than to not administer a treatment that you know can help them. No doctor should be forced to watch their patient die knowing that more could have been done to save them, and that is exactly what Sentara is doing.”

Medications are safe and FDA-approved, but hospital wants to use ‘toxic’ drugs

Marik said until Oct. 5, he was able to use most of the medications on the MATH+ protocol except for ivermectin, which was banned in May or June.

“They’re turning this into an ivermectin thing and it’s a very safe drug — more people have died from aspirin or Tylenol,” Marik said. “It is one of the safest drugs on the planet and the data is irrefutable, but somehow with COVID it has become a toxic medication.”

Marik explained:

“What do you have to lose when a patient is dying? When a patient is dying we do everything we can to save their lives and this system and many others are prohibiting them from getting every possible medication they can. That’s how we practice medicine, we do what we can to save the person.”

Marik said it is important for people to understand that 40% of drugs in the ICU are used off-label. “That’s the standard of care,” Marik said. “Pre-COVID, the FDA encouraged use of off-label drugs and you didn’t need informed consent to use them.”

Marik said 30% of drugs prescribed in the hospital settings are used off-label and 90% of people are discharged with prescriptions for drugs being used off-label.

For example, Marik said aspirin is recommended for atrial fibrillation — an irregular heartbeat — but that’s an off-label use. With MATH+, Marik said he can talk to families to see if they want to do it, but he can’t prescribe it. Their only option is to take a toxic therapy or transfer to another hospital potentially hundreds of miles away to utilize an alternative protocol.

Marik said:

“I try to emphasize these patients are dying. That’s why they’re there. It’s an absurd proposition to propose that I get consent from the family — or tell the families they have alternatives, but I can’t use them here, and then I have to transfer them to another hospital, which is very time-dependent.

“The longer I wait, the worse the outcome and it’s a major undertaking. To transfer an ICU patient hundreds of miles away to another hospital is impracticable.”

Marik said the hospital thinks they can do whatever they want because they control the media and they control the press, and he was put in a position where we had no option but to bring the suit.

Sentara pressured scientific journal to retract paper on COVID treatments co-authored by Marik

According to MedPage Today, the same day Marik filed his lawsuit, the Journal of Intensive Care Medicine (JICM) retracted an article, co-authored by Marik, on the MATH+ protocol, which includes the use of ivermectin.

Marik said the hospital pressured the journal to retract the article because it supported the use of alternative protocols, and showed a reduction in ICU mortality.

The retraction notice cited a communication it received from Sentara Norfolk General Hospital, “raising concerns about the accuracy of COVID-19 hospital mortality data reported in the article pertaining to Sentara.”

In an email to MedPage Today, Sentara wrote:

“Sentara Healthcare felt obligated to reach out to JICM with our concerns about Sentara Norfolk General Hospital data that the authors used to make conclusions, and provide accurate data to the journal. After a thorough review by JICM’s editorial board, the article was retracted. The journal followed their retraction guidelines and procedures.”

Taylor told MedPage Today in an email, the lawsuit is not about a journal article.

“This case is about whether a hospital administration can legally prohibit critically ill COVID patients from receiving information — and treatment, if they so decide it is medically appropriate for them — about safe, FDA-approved, and potentially life-saving medicines as determined by their attending physician,” Taylor said.

A Sentara spokesperson said in a statement to MedPage Today:

“Sentara generates treatment guidelines by engaging multi-disciplinary groups of clinicians to review literature, care standards and provide expert advice. In most situations, physicians are able to deviate from guidelines to individualize care for patients. However, in some scenarios, treatments that may potentially harm patients or that are widely considered to be outside the standard of care may be limited.”

The spokesperson said the CDC, NIH and FDA “currently do not recommend the use of ivermectin as a treatment for COVID-19 due to a lack of evidence regarding its safety and efficacy.”

Marik said when he and his colleagues published their paper on MATH+, they published statistics from Sentara.

“The hospital has their own protocol and they weren’t happy the director of the ICU was using his protocol and not their protocol,” Marik said. “It was a review paper and in it we quoted mortality statistics from Sentara. The chief of the hospital gave me the data on the mortality statistics, and we had approval from the Institutional Review Board to collect data and publish it.”

After it was published, Marik said they accused them of providing false and misleading data.

“The data is accurate but obviously, with time there are some additional patients that are going to die, and that’s inevitable with any paper,” Marik said. “On follow-up, mortality went from 6.6% to 10%. They complained to the medical school, and the medical school agreed with me.”

Marik said he updated the journal article to include a note, but Sentara pressured the journal to retract the article, claiming the data was false, and then used the fact the journal article was retracted against him.

Marik said he did not bring this lawsuit because he has something to gain, it’s because he has a responsibility to his patients and physicians across the country and the world.

“I think what they need to know is that the hospital is interfering with the physician and patient relationship. The physician decides what is in the best interests of the patient, and what they’re doing is unprecedented,” Marik said. “The hospital is telling me how to treat my patients, and it goes against basic Hippocraticic principles.”

Marik said he refuses to watch another patient die from COVID knowing he was not allowed to give them proven treatments that could have saved their life.

“This case is a test case that will have implications for physicians and patients across the country,” he said.

© 2021 Children’s Health Defense, Inc. This work is reproduced and distributed with the permission of Children’s Health Defense, Inc. Want to learn more from Children’s Health Defense? Sign up for free news and updates from Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and the Children’s Health Defense. Your donation will help to support us in our efforts.


Megan Redshaw

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Maskless Joe Biden Caught Violating Mandates (Again)

OSHA’s Big ‘Oops’

By Carmel Richardson

The bureaucracy’s reversal on the vaccine mandate for businesses is a win for state sovereignty, not to mention the American people

After delaying two months before producing a rule pursuant to the White House’s September announcement that businesses with 100 employees or more would have to require the Covid-19 vaccine, the Department of Labor has now suspended enforcement of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private businesses.

The rule was initially challenged by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, along with the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, who filed a lawsuit requesting a preliminary and permanent injunctive relief to stop the mandate from being enforced. A total of 12 states are suing to block the federal vaccine mandate for employers. After the federal appeals court temporarily halted the order, the Department of Justice requested the halt to be lifted, but the appeals court upheld the stay.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals said in its ruling that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) should “take no steps to implement or enforce the mandate until further court order,” writing that the administration’s vaccine and testing mandate was “fatally flawed.” The court ordered OSHA not to enforce the requirement “pending adequate judicial review” of a motion for a permanent injunction. The court’s decision prompted OSHA to suspend the rule.

The court’s shutdown confirms what many suspected when OSHA delayed for weeks before publishing the rule: The legal grounds for enforcing a federal vaccine mandate on private businesses seems to be shaky at best. And yet, does it matter? Plenty of private businesses have already required their employees to take the shot, and are unlikely to roll that back, even in the wake of OSHA’s reversal. The Biden administration, too, is still pushing ahead, urging businesses to continue to implement an employee mandate, even if the state lacks the power to enforce it. Besides, how many people, besides those who are paid to read the news, are paying close enough attention to know the difference?

Once again, what matters seems less and less to be the actual tenets of law, and more and more to be who holds the reigns of power. Like with the eviction moratorium extension, the Biden administration has effectively said “maybe it’s illegal, but we’re going to try anyway.” Except this time, a few states rattled the cage.

The key silver lining here, thus, is a glimmer of state sovereignty. The pressure of a handful of states saying no, thank you, we’ll decide if we want to mandate a vaccine in our state, is significant, whether it weighed directly or indirectly on the decision. This was a win for localism, and it can and should be the model for governors and state legislatures going forward. Appeals to constitutionalism may fall on deaf ears, but four states—or 12—can keep the bureaucratic arm of the federal government out of local affairs if they have the courage to take serious action.


This article was published on November 18, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The American Conservative.

OSHA’s Big “Oops!”

By Carmel Richardson

The bureaucracy’s reversal on the vaccine mandate for businesses is a win for state sovereignty, not to mention the American people

After delaying two months before producing a rule pursuant to the White House’s September announcement that businesses with 100 employees or more would have to require the Covid-19 vaccine, the Department of Labor has now suspended enforcement of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for private businesses.

The rule was initially challenged by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, along with the states of Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina, who filed a lawsuit requesting a preliminary and permanent injunctive relief to stop the mandate from being enforced. A total of 12 states are suing to block the federal vaccine mandate for employers. After the federal appeals court temporarily halted the order, the Department of Justice requested the halt to be lifted, but the appeals court upheld the stay.

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals said in its ruling that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) should “take no steps to implement or enforce the mandate until further court order,” writing that the administration’s vaccine and testing mandate was “fatally flawed.” The court ordered OSHA not to enforce the requirement “pending adequate judicial review” of a motion for a permanent injunction. The court’s decision prompted OSHA to suspend the rule.

The court’s shutdown confirms what many suspected when OSHA delayed for weeks before publishing the rule: The legal grounds for enforcing a federal vaccine mandate on private businesses seems to be shaky at best. And yet, does it matter? Plenty of private businesses have already required their employees to take the shot, and are unlikely to roll that back, even in the wake of OSHA’s reversal. The Biden administration, too, is still pushing ahead, urging businesses to continue to implement an employee mandate, even if the state lacks the power to enforce it. Besides, how many people, besides those who are paid to read the news, are paying close enough attention to know the difference?

Once again, what matters seems less and less to be the actual tenets of law, and more and more to be who holds the reigns of power. Like with the eviction moratorium extension, the Biden administration has effectively said “maybe it’s illegal, but we’re going to try anyway.” Except this time, a few states rattled the cage.

The key silver lining here, thus, is a glimmer of state sovereignty. The pressure of a handful of states saying no, thank you, we’ll decide if we want to mandate a vaccine in our state, is significant, whether it weighed directly or indirectly on the decision. This was a win for localism, and it can and should be the model for governors and state legislatures going forward. Appeals to constitutionalism may fall on deaf ears, but four states—or 12—can keep the bureaucratic arm of the federal government out of local affairs if they have the courage to take serious action.


This article was published on November 18, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The American Conservative.

Phoenix City Council Could Shoot Down COVID Vaccination Mandate thumbnail

Phoenix City Council Could Shoot Down COVID Vaccination Mandate

By Cole Lauterbach

Members of the Phoenix City Council are demanding a vote on a previous decision to adhere to President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 vaccination mandate.

In response to City Manager Jeff Barton’s decision the city is considered a federal contractor and must adhere to Biden’s mandate, Councilwoman Ann O’Brien wrote Mayor Kate Gallego to demand the council has a say on the matter.

The mayor agreed with O’Brien and added the issue for consideration at a future meeting.

“I am not anti-vaccine; I am anti-mandates,” O’Brien said in her Nov. 24 announcement. “I am pro-personal choice and I believe that Phoenix employees will do the right thing and make decisions that are right for them and their families.”

A discussion will be held Dec. 7 by the city’s policy workgroup.

Barton used the significant amount of federal dollars the city received to justify the decision to implement the Jan. 18 vaccination deadline.

“Due to the number of federal contracts held by the city of Phoenix, we are considered a federal contractor,” a letter from Barton read. “As such, all city employees are subject to the provisions outlined in the Executive Order, which requires all employees, regardless of telework status or if you previously tested positive for COVID-19, to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 by January 18, 2022, except in limited circumstances where an employee is legally entitled to an accommodation.”

In reaction to Barton’s edict, the Phoenix Law Enforcement Association (PLEA) and the United Phoenix Firefighters Association Local 493 (UPFA) joined Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich’s lawsuit against Biden’s vaccination mandate. The addition of the unions expanded the legal challenge to include federal contractors.

Unless the federal contractors or employees prevail in their legal challenge to Biden’s mandate, vaccination holdouts among the city’s 13,000 workers – including police and firefighters – who do not receive an exemption face suspension and eventual termination. 

In a Nov. 22 letter to Barton, Councilman Sal DiCiccio warned the mandate would lead to a severe worker shortage that could put residents in danger.

“The decision will compromise vital city-wide services to our residents, including public safety, which this Council has been aware of the alarming crime data and how the city is struggling to hire and retain personnel,” DiCiccio wrote.


This article was published on November 29, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The Center Square.

Taking the Booster thumbnail

Taking the Booster

By Paul Gottfried

I dutifully took the Moderna COVID vaccine booster on Nov. 5 at the advice of my younger brother, who practices medicine. Two hours after this ordeal, I began to feel chills and suffer from a very upset stomach. These symptoms vanished two days later, and I resumed my normal routine, which includes jogging.

However, a week ago the unpleasant symptoms that I thought I was rid of returned, and I have been dealing with them ever since.

Some family members insist that it’s all in my imagination and I am not really feeling sick. If I am, the symptoms are from a low-grade flu that I picked up somewhere—perhaps while walking out of the pharmacy where I received the booster shot. There is no way, I have been assured, that the booster could have occasioned this degree of discomfort because that’s not supposed to happen. If I listened to National Public Radio, I would know that the booster has only minor side effects and that dwelling on them is characteristic of right-wing extremists, who are probably fascists and support the Jan. 6 “insurrection.” But of course, a million illegals crossing our Southern borders, Black Lives Matter protests in densely populated urban centers, and planeloads of unidentified Afghan “refugees” can do nothing to raise our infection totals because President Biden is okay with these developments.

I can no longer abide by the craziness unleashed by the nonstop politicization of the COVID epidemic. On one side I receive messages from agitated correspondents who tell me that the vaccine is being used to exterminate white people since blacks are mostly reluctant to receive the jab. I’m also told that the vaccine is causing the rapid spread of COVID, and so we should daily gorge ourselves on towering heaps of vitamins to protect ourselves from the disease-bearing recipients of the vaccines, who are making everyone else sick before dropping dead.

On the other side we have the leftist true believers who sound equally insane. From the moment the present salvific administration took over in Washington, taking the vaccine became a sacrament, like having a late-term abortion, teaching Critical Race Theory, or undergoing sex-change treatment. Although Joe and Kamala were vaccine-skeptics until they took office, the entire world must now be vaccinated, even those who have already had COVID and consequently built-up natural immunity.

I have heard leftist true believers insist that those who have not received the Biden—no longer Trump—vaccine should not be treated if these miscreants take sick. They should be allowed to waste away in the hovels inhabited by Deplorables, although those who rail against them would not have demanded this course of action when Biden and Harris were wary of the vaccine last year.

Allow me to make my own position on this matter unmistakably clear. Despite all the unpleasantness that came out of my decision to take the booster, I would do it again because of the limited degree of immunity that it affords senior citizens like me. I ascribe the after affects entirely to the jab and find ample confirmation daily for my assumption. I know of many others who are complaining about the same symptoms after having received the booster, and those who have communicated this information to me are entirely reliable sources, not anti-vaccine zealots.

That said, I am utterly exasperated by those who push the leftist party line about the vaccine. They blithely go on denying that a procedure Joe, Kamala, the media magnates, and CDC Director Rochelle Walensky stand behind cannot have the unpleasant consequences from which I am obviously suffering. I am supposed to believe that there is no causal relation between two temporally contiguous happenings that I have experienced, receiving the booster, and then coming down with symptoms that I’m still trying to shake. It is insisted that the two are not related, because if they are, then that would contradict an ideologically determined narrative.

Meanwhile, I continue to receive messages from the other extreme, suggesting that I have taken a catastrophic step by being injected with a fake vaccine serum that could kill me. But I may have a chance of surviving if I start swallowing loads of dietary supplements. Is there any way to make both hysterical sides disappear?


This article was published on November 17, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from Chronicles.

Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain. thumbnail

Problems with Covid Shots harder to deny! Plus the Insane hype from the left on new SA Covid strain.

By Save America Foundation

Foreword by Fred Brownbill. Today is one of those rare days you guys get two for one. The 2nd part shows the stupidity of those on the media and governments world wide. Please read both as neither is long. There are two links at the bottom. The second is about the minor symptoms etc. of the new variant. If you are under thought this will go for ever rethink it! Share. Share. Share.


Problems with COVID Vaccines Getting Harder to Deny

Two weeks ago, I told you I would be filing a Freedom of Information Act request to find out whether or not the government has decided to do follow-up safety studies on COVID vaccines given the now nearly 2 million adverse reaction reports filed in the U.S. and Europe.  This unprecedented flood of adverse events a serious problem and the alarm bells are ringing ever-louder.

According to the latest official federal government numbers, 894,143 COVID vaccine adverse reaction reports have been filed, including 18,853 reported deaths shortly following vaccination.  That’s just in the U.S.  The latest numbers from Europe show over a million additional adverse reactions including over 30,000 deaths.  These numbers far exceed all the adverse reaction reports filed on all other vaccines in 30 years of vaccine injury reporting.

Yes, these numbers alone do not prove causation or constitute scientific proof that COVID vaccines are injuring and killing people.  However, the VAERS disclaimer goes on to say the purpose of the reporting system in the U.S. is to provide an early warning and to prompt the government to conduct further studies when a safety problem with a vaccine becomes apparent.  I defy anyone to tell me almost two million adverse reaction reports in the U.S. and Europe including almost 50,000 deaths linked to the vaccines are insufficient to trigger follow-up studies.

Yet, we have no public indication the government has conducted such studies or has any interest in doing so.  That’s why I filed a Freedom of Information Act request, to find out what the government has decided about such studies, and why.  The government has responded by saying it’s a complex request involving numerous parties and they will need extra time to process it.  I will follow up after the first of the year and take the case to court, if necessary.

Meanwhile, evidence of a safety problem with COVID vaccines continues to pile up.

Experts have linked 200 more symptoms to the vaccines which are not covered in the informed consent form given to patients.

Vaccinated people under 60 are dying at a higher rate than the unvaccinated in Britain.

Ten thousand Australians are expected to file COVID injury claims for harms or loss of income due to adverse reactions to being vaccinated.

It was finally revealed that hospitals receive extra federal bonus payments for every COVID vaccination they administer.

Finally, the Left does not accept anecdotes as evidence unless they serve its purposes.  The Left is forever parading victim stories to sway public opinion.  Well, here are some anecdotes and victim stories for you:   A California man suffered weeks of horrible pain and finally died after receiving the Moderna vaccine.  His message to the public: “I wished I would have never gotten vaccinated. If you are not vaccinated, don’t do it unless you are ready to suffer and die.”  Schools in Saginaw were forced to close after a number of teachers suffered adverse reactions from mandatory COVID booster shots.  Speaking of mandatory, 2,000 airline workers have sued their employer for forcing them to get vaccinated.  The lead plaintiff, a flight attendant, suffered an adverse reaction from the Johnson & Johnson vaccine and nearly died.

Don’t tell me there are no problems with these vaccines. Don’t tell me further studies are not warranted. The government will eventually have to give me the information I want, and I will tell everyone the truth about these vaccines and the harms associated with them. Then the question will become who in the government made the decision to sweep all this under the rug in order to push the phony ‘the vaccines are safe and effective’ narrative. Heads should roll and I will not stop until they do. Somebody needs to take this on. Think about the next time and, if they get away with it this time, how many millions of vaccine injuries and deaths they will be tempted to sweep under the rug in a future pandemic. This callous disregard for the safety of humanity in the name of generating wealth and power for a tiny elite needs to stop right here, right now.

Thank you Christopher Wright.

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Doctor Who Discovered Omicron Slams ‘Hype,’ Travel Bans.

National Chair of the South African Medical Association, Dr. Angelique Coetzee, who made an early discovery of the Omicron variant amongst patients, says “the hype” that’s been created surrounding the variant is unwarranted.

According to Reuters, “the variant was detected and announced by South Africa’s National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD) on Nov. 25 from samples taken from a laboratory from Nov. 14 to Nov. 16.”

Coetzee told Reuters that in one of the “biggest hospitals” in her “area” and country of South Africa, there is only one patient who is COVID-positive on ventilation, and there has been no confirmation, as of Sunday, that Omicron is the cause.

“The hype,” Coetzee says, “that’s been created currently out there in the media and worldwide doesn’t correlate with the clinical picture. And it doesn’t warrant to just cut us off from any traveling, and bans South Africa as if we are the villains in the whole process — should not be like that.”

Coetzee, who is also on the Ministerial Advisory Committee on Vaccines, says, “looking at the mildness of the symptoms we are seeing currently, there’s no reason for panicking as we don’t see severely ill patients.”

“I also checked with the hospital, some of the hospitals in my area, and one of the biggest hospitals they only have one patient currently that’s COVID-positive on a ventilator, and they don’t even know whether it’s COVID — you know it’s Delta- or whether it is Omicron-related.”

Reports of the new variant have since resulted in several European countries, such as the United Kingdom, issuing travel bans on southern African countries, a ban that South Africa has strongly contested. Since Friday, the United States and some Asian nations have also banned travel from South Africa.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Health Officials Warn Against Jumping to Conclusions on Omicron Variant

A Different Perspective: How Threat-Free Are Americans from Covid-19? thumbnail

A Different Perspective: How Threat-Free Are Americans from Covid-19?

By Jon Sanders

At present, based on the most recent government data, only about three Americans in a thousand could conceivably transmit Covid-19 to someone. In other words, nearly 99.7 percent of people in the United States are currently no threat to anyone of spreading the virus. And despite the large case count, 24 out of every 25 cases are recovered, meaning not only that those people are no longer threats, but also that they now have the strongest form of immunity against Covid-19.

Those numbers may sound counterintuitive — or at least counter to the usual presentation of official Covid numbers. From the outset, media reports on Covid-19 have been calculated to stoke fear. Whether out of sensationalism for clicks, desire to shape political outcomes or panic in the pressrooms, media have offered an unrelenting diet of terror about the pandemic with little to no context. Experts spoke with impressive unanimity; anyone who dissented, regardless of impressive credentials, was quickly canceled. Economists who could discuss tradeoffs in policy choices were made especially scarce. For the 24-hour, round-the-clock news consumer (an incredibly self-defeating habit for anyone concerned about health), it would be impossible to escape the conclusion that death stalked us at every corner, let alone every restaurant table and school desk.

Adding to the panic is the problem of big numbers. Very big numbers sound daunting, but at some point, numbers get so big that people can no longer conceptualize them. For example, we are upset at now having to pay twice as much for a gallon of gasoline, and we worry the price could triple. But it’s difficult to wrap our heads around how many trillions of dollars are involved in congressional debates for President Joe Biden’s hazy plans.

Early on, international number-crunching outfits gobsmacked us all with enormous numbers of projected deaths. In turn, public health officials everywhere laid it on thick with talk of field hospitals soon to be set up everywhere, bandying about huge projections of people who would need hospitalization and warning that, at the very least, we would run out of ventilators and have to choose which of our neighbors deserved saving. Fear compounded upon fear as we consented to lockdowns and tried to figure out which Hollywood pandemic movie we were in for.

We were conditioned for the worst, and when the projections proved to be buncombe, our relief never progressed into righteous anger at having been played. Anyone who pointed out the massive disparity between the projections and reality was absurdly accused of not taking the virus seriously and trying to get people killed. In the meantime, the steady doom-drums of daily updated, ever-rising case and death counts constantly reinforced the perception of imminent threat.

The idea that nearly everyone recovers from this virus, as from other illnesses, rarely entered the news stories, let alone the minds of the terrified populace. As the total case numbers rose, quietly so did the number of those who had recovered and now were immune. Case numbers were also never placed in the context of an even much larger number: the population.

In short, people were vastly overexaggerating the number of their fellow citizens who had the virus as well as their own risk of contracting it and dying. People’s faces showed this terror when they ventured out, from wearing masks alone in their cars, dodging and staring at each other at grocery stores, even avoiding family and friends and forbidding their children from play. I’ll never forget the mountain hikers hastily pulling up masks whenever another human bounded into view, as if the old expression “fresh mountain air” had lost all meaning.

This over inflamed fear is itself unhealthy. People need a dispassionate assessment of risk in order to weigh their choices correctly. To listen to media and public-health bureaucrats, one would think that the threat of death and severe life impacts from Covid-19 is the only threat worth avoiding, but that was never true. Nevertheless, we have seen — and too many people have allowed — unprecedented government interventions aimed at managing the Covid threat to the exclusion of all others.

Those other threats had expanded, meanwhile, to include the deadly unintended consequences of lockdowns and other extreme government orders. They also included withheld but necessary medical treatments, either from non-Covid treatments being suspended or people being too afraid to seek treatment, which has been especially bad for heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, but also bad for Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, high blood pressure, and stroke. These other threats, furthermore, included increases in substance abuse, anxiety, depression, suicidal thoughts, and deaths of despair. Job loss, as well as school closings and isolation of young children, contributed to them, and all these carry long-term health implications, too.

For all those reasons, back in the summer of 2020 I started producing contextualized looks at Covid case numbers in my home state that I later started calling the “NC Threat-Free Index.” The idea was simply to offer context to the big, raw numbers and tamp down people’s fears to a healthy, warranted respect for the virus rather than unhealthy, unwarranted abject terror. Normally such a service would have been performed by media and government officials trying to stave off a panic.

Here I offer a threat-free index for the nation as a whole. There are several components, all easily derived from official government data. They include:

Presumed recovered: the number of convalescent people who have had a lab-confirmed case of Covid-19 and are no longer sick and infectious. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considers recovery to be generally 10 days post infection. For my index I have been rounding that to two weeks (14 days). The number of presumed recovered is generated, then, by taking the total number of cases from two weeks prior and subtracting out all deaths from or with Covid-19.

Active cases: the number of people currently with lab-confirmed cases of Covid-19. These are the people who could conceivably transmit the virus to others. The number of active cases is generated by taking the total number of cases and subtracting out presumed recoveries and deaths.

Deaths: the number of people who have died either from or with Covid-19.

Population: the daily U.S. population estimate provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. The index states the above numbers also as proportions of the U.S. population.

Here are the threat-free index estimates as of November 15:

  • Presumed recovered: 45,265,569
  • Active cases: 1,118,866
  • Percent of total cases presumed recovered: 96.0%
  • Percent of total cases that are active: 2.4%
  • Percent of the total U.S. population with active cases of Covid: over 0.3%
  • Percent of the U.S. population to have died with or from Covid-19: over 0.2%
  • Percent of the U.S. population posing no threat of passing along COVID-19: nearly 99.7%
  • These are estimates, of course, and the data are incomplete. Also, the estimates will vary regionally, though not by much. Nevertheless, they give a close approximation of the current risk to a hypothetical person going out in public somewhere in the United States of encountering someone with a transmissible Covid infection.

    It’s a risk decidedly lower than what people have been made to believe. This belief, unhealthy in and of itself, has given way to tolerating dangerous government edicts while forestalling a grounded approach to individual risk assessment and management.

    Media-fed mass hysterias should remain the province of Orson Welles, which is to say, history.


    This article was published on November 26, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from AIER, American Institute for Economic Research.

    Fatal Drug Overdoses Are on the Rise in Arizona

    By Samual Stebbins

    More Americans are dying from drug overdoses than ever before, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. There were an estimated 100,306 fatal overdoses over the 12 months through April 2021 — the most ever reported in a 12-month period and double the annual number of car accidents and firearm deaths combined.

    The record number of deadly overdoses marks a 29% increase from the same period a year earlier and is more than double the number reported as recently as 2014. Public health experts attribute the surge to the proliferation of fentanyl — a synthetic opioid reported to be 50 to 100 times more potent than morphine — as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic has isolated many Americans struggling with addiction while reducing their treatment options and care resources.

    In Arizona, drug overdose deaths are on the rise at close to the same pace as the national average. There were an estimated 2,768 fatal overdoses in Arizona over the 12 months ending in April 2021, compared to 2,154 over the same period the year prior. The 28.5% increase ranks as the 22nd smallest of all 46 states that reported an increase in deadly overdoses.

    Of all drug classifications identified by the CDC, including synthetic and semi-synthetic opioids, cocaine, heroin, psychostimulants like methamphetamine, and methadone (a drug used to treat heroin and opioid addiction), synthetic opioids had the largest increase in fatalities in the state, up 59.8% from a year earlier.

    The fatal drug overdose rate in Arizona now stands at 38.7 deaths for every 100,000 people, the 12th highest among all states. Nationwide, the per capita fatality rate stands at 30.3 per 100,000.

    All overdose data used in this story are from the National Center for Health Statistics, a division of the CDC. To account for pending investigations and incomplete counts, the numbers reported are estimates calculated by the NCHS. Population-adjusted fatality rates were calculated using population estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Decennial Census.

    Rank State 1-yr change in fatal overdoses Drug OD deaths, 12 mos. ending April 2021 Deaths per 100,000 people, 2021 Drug OD deaths, 12 mos. ending April 2020 Deaths per 100,000 people 2020
    1 Vermont 69.9% 209 32.5 123 19.1
    2 West Virginia 62.2% 1,607 89.6 991 55.2
    3 Kentucky 54.5% 2,319 51.5 1,501 33.3
    4 Louisiana 51.6% 2,218 47.6 1,463 31.4
    5 Tennessee 50.1% 3,581 51.8 2,385 34.5
    6 Mississippi 49.9% 637 21.5 425 14.4
    7 California 47.8% 10,585 26.8 7,162 18.1
    8 Alaska 46.7% 176 24.0 120 16.4
    9 Kansas 45.7% 558 19.0 383 13.0
    10 South Carolina 45.4% 1,907 37.3 1,312 25.6
    11 Oregon 45.1% 940 22.2 648 15.3
    12 Minnesota 38.5% 1,188 20.8 858 15.0
    13 New Mexico 37.0% 893 42.2 652 30.8
    14 North Carolina 36.9% 3,526 33.8 2,576 24.7
    15 Texas 36.4% 4,687 16.1 3,437 11.8
    16 Georgia 36.3% 2,086 19.5 1,530 14.3
    17 Washington 35.7% 1,892 24.6 1,394 18.1
    18 Nevada 35.7% 992 32.0 731 23.5
    19 Virginia 35.5% 2,262 26.2 1,669 19.3
    20 Colorado 34.6% 1,655 28.7 1,230 21.3
    21 Arkansas 33.0% 536 17.8 403 13.4
    22 Indiana 32.4% 2,487 36.7 1,878 27.7
    23 Alabama 31.4% 1,110 22.1 845 16.8
    24 New York 29.3% 5,496 27.2 4,252 21.0
    25 Arizona 28.5% 2,768 38.7 2,154 30.1
    26 Nebraska 27.9% 211 10.8 165 8.4
    27 Ohio 26.6% 5,585 47.3 4,410 37.4
    28 Florida 26.2% 7,892 36.6 6,256 29.0
    29 Maine 24.2% 528 38.8 425 31.2
    30 Wisconsin 21.8% 1,599 27.1 1,313 22.3
    31 Maryland 21.0% 2,876 46.6 2,376 38.5
    32 Oklahoma 20.2% 798 20.2 664 16.8
    33 Michigan 19.3% 2,952 29.3 2,474 24.6
    34 Idaho 18.8% 297 16.1 250 13.6
    35 Utah 18.5% 674 20.6 569 17.4
    36 Rhode Island 17.5% 409 37.3 348 31.7
    37 Wyoming 16.9% 97 16.8 83 14.4
    38 Missouri 14.6% 2,004 32.6 1,749 28.4
    39 Pennsylvania 13.1% 5,410 41.6 4,784 36.8
    40 Illinois 12.6% 3,601 28.1 3,197 25.0
    41 North Dakota 11.9% 122 15.7 109 14.0
    42 Iowa 9.5% 426 13.4 389 12.2
    43 Montana 6.6% 161 14.8 151 13.9
    44 Hawaii 6.3% 268 18.4 252 17.3
    45 Massachusetts 5.8% 2,419 34.4 2,286 32.5
    46 Connecticut 4.4% 1,409 39.1 1,350 37.4
    47 New Jersey -1.0% 2,918 31.4 2,948 31.7
    48 Delaware -1.7% 459 46.4 467 47.2
    49 New Hampshire -7.2% 372 27.0 401 29.1
    50 South Dakota -19.8% 77 8.7 96 10.8


    Parents Upset As Schools Force Kids Nationwide To Undergo Mandatory Quarantines After Nearly Two Years Of COVID Precautions thumbnail

    Parents Upset As Schools Force Kids Nationwide To Undergo Mandatory Quarantines After Nearly Two Years Of COVID Precautions

    By The Daily Caller

    Some parents from Michigan, Arizona, and Pennsylvania told the Daily Caller that their children are forced to undergo mandatory quarantines with no virtual learning options, despite evidence that schools pose few transmission risks. Many parents expressed fatigue over the nearly two years of COVID-19 precautions in schools.

    Brighton Area Schools, a district in suburban Detroit, is requiring students under the age of 12 to quarantine for 14 days if they are exposed to a COVID-positive student, according to a letter from the district’s superintendent obtained by the Daily Caller. Jennifer Smith, a mother with three children in the district, told the Daily Caller that there are no virtual learning options for children placed in mandatory quarantine.

    On Nov. 1, Brighton Area Schools announced that they waived mandatory quarantines for most middle and high school students, though not for students in sixth grade or below. According to the district’s correspondence, deciding whether to waive quarantines for younger students will be contingent on “the availability of vaccines for the 5-11 year old population.”

    Brighton Area Schools allow parents to choose whether their child wears a face mask or not, according to district policy, though mandatory quarantines for healthy children are still in place.

    Smith told the Daily Caller that her nine-year-old child began a 28-day “healthy child quarantine” on Oct. 19. She received an email on Nov. 9 from Hornung Elementary School informing parents that all classes would go virtual on Nov. 10 due to “an unexplained rise in COVID-19 cases among students” following Halloween. The closure was suggested by the Livingston County Health Department.

    CLICK HERE FOR: Screenshot/Email from Brighton Area Schools

    According to a testimony from a Livingston County Health Department official, school districts make their own rules regarding quarantine, testing, and masking policies, though the county health department offers data and advice.

    The Michigan mother said that her son went from Oct. 19 to Nov. 10 with no virtual school option, and was only offered virtual classes when the entire elementary school shut down. Smith said that she is “extremely upset” as she had “no choice” but to take off work and “go without pay.”

    Brighton Area School District did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

    Parents nationwide told the Daily Caller that they are concerned about learning losses, and some are concerned about the effects learning loss will have on students of color or lower socio-economic status.

    Data from 2020 bear out the points that schools are not driving infections and school closures or learning losses are disproportionately hurting minority students. A study of 4.4 million students found that test scores of black, Hispanic, and poor children took the biggest hit when students were not in school. A large study from Oct. 2020 found that schools aren’t large vectors of infection.

    Mandatory quarantines — and their effects — are not specific to Michigan. Mother Nicole Eidson told the Daily Caller that quarantines are also taking place in the Chandler Unified School District (CUSD) in Arizona.

    According to CUSD’s COVID policy, quarantining students is “required by the Maricopa County Department of Public Health” when a student comes in “close contact” with a student who is COVID-positive. The district’s website states that quarantined students receive “Google classroom assignments and/or activities,” though Eidson noted that children do not receive any teacher instruction during quarantine.

    “There may be schools or teachers that are still teaching the quarantined kids, but there are some that are not as well,” Eidson said.

    Chandler Unified School District did not respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment.

    Guidelines for K-12 quarantines in some states specifically target those who are unvaccinated. Washington State’s Department of Health guidelines for K-12 schools states that quarantines are only for those who are unvaccinated. This includes 5-11 year olds who are now eligible for a vaccine under the FDA’s emergency use authorization.

    Florida, under guidance from Gov. Ron DeSantis, took a different approach. Students are no longer required to quarantine if they’re exposed to COVID-19 and are asymptomatic, according to NPR.

    Some school districts are moving towards “Test to Stay” programs, wherein students who come in close contact with a COVID-positive peer can get consecutively tested to remain in school. Souderton Area School District in Pennsylvania is set to implement the program on Nov. 29, according to a local news outlet.

    Superintendent Frank Gallagher said he is hopeful that the “Test to Stay” program will allow “exposed students to stay in school instead of quarantining at home.”

    The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is considering promoting similar “Test to Stay” programs, according to U.S. News.




    RELATED ARTICLE: Arizona School Board, Police Coordinated To Spy On, Arrest Concerned Parents

    EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

    NIH Director Suggests Law Enforcement ‘Track Down’ Spreaders of Online ‘Disinformation’ on Vaccines thumbnail

    NIH Director Suggests Law Enforcement ‘Track Down’ Spreaders of Online ‘Disinformation’ on Vaccines

    By Ailan Evans

    Editors’ Note: Whether the Left disagrees with the celebration of Thanksgiving, the right of self-defense, school curricula, or the debate about governmental policies relative to Covid, it is clear what all Leftists share is a disdain for individual opinions and actions. More than just a viewpoint, almost always they want law enforcement to go after those with whom they disagree. It is truly a totalitarian response. One can disagree, without having to shut down, cancel, or prosecute those with whom one might disagree. They wish to be the authority on all that is factual and true and enforce sanctions on those that disagree with them. To them, we are either all idiots that must be protected by them, or we are all insurrectionists that must be punished. We are sure Dr. Collins is likely a nice fellow, but his disdain for anyone that sees the world differently than he, is plainly evident here. He is likely not even aware of how totalitarian are his own instincts. Because he wears a white jacket in no way empowers him to rule over us without our consent. Maybe some modest circumspection is due on his part. If the government had not been so contradictory in many of the things it has said in the name of science, if the rules they have imposed made common sense, if the rules respected our liberties; perhaps there would not be so much resistance to governmental diktat. Some years ago, we were warned about letting the government fund our healthcare. People were attracted by the idea of “free stuff”, not realizing that which the Federal Government subsidizes, it will control. And control it does, even as to our thoughts about medicine.

    National Institutes of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins stressed the dangers of incorrect claims regarding the COVID-19 vaccines and suggested tracking down spreaders of vaccine misinformation in an interview with NPR on Sunday.

    “The thing that worries me most is the way in which misinformation and, frankly, disinformation has become so prominent in the face of a public health crisis,” Collins told NPR. “And it has been manipulated in some situations for political reasons in a fashion that is turning our culture wars into something really serious.”

    When asked whether misinformation is “the deadliest disease,” Collins responded affirmatively, encouraging repercussions for those who intentionally spread false claims about the vaccines.

    “I really think they are the ones that we ought to be trying to track down and figure out, why are you doing this?” Collins said. “And isn’t there some kind of justice for this kind of action?”

    Collins went on to suggest that vaccine disinformation should be viewed as a threat to public safety and implied support for taking legal action to prevent it.

    “Isn’t this like yelling ‘fire’ in a crowded theater?” Collins asked. “Are you really allowed to do that without some consequences?”

    The NIH did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment regarding whether Collins’ remarks represent the agency’s position.

    Collins’ comments echo remarks made by other health officials, including Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, who called for tech companies to crack down on vaccine misinformation.

    President Joe Biden said Facebook was “killing people” for not adequately removing vaccine misinformation from its platform, while press secretary Jen Psaki said the White House was flagging posts for social media companies to remove.


    This article was published on November 22, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The Daily Signal.

    ‘The Mouse Didn’t Roar’: DeSantis Praised For Getting Disney To Kill Vaccine Mandate In Florida thumbnail

    ‘The Mouse Didn’t Roar’: DeSantis Praised For Getting Disney To Kill Vaccine Mandate In Florida

    By Pamela Geller

    Awesome governor. Perhaps the best we have ever seen. The people of Florida should be thankful for Governor DeSantis. Governor DeSantis will be an extraordinary POTUS. Either beginning in 2025 or 2029.

    This is why I am here – our opportunity to protect Florida, the Constitution and our American values is now more critical than ever.

    Our Founding Fathers gave us a lot to be grateful for, and it is our duty to protect it.

    — Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) November 24, 2021

    ‘The Mouse Didn’t Roar’: DeSantis Praised For Getting Disney To Kill Vaccine Mandate In Florida

    By Daily Wire, November 24, 2021

    After Florida GOP governor Ron DeSantis signed a law prohibiting private companies from imposing vaccine mandates on their employees, which triggered Disney to back down from imposing a vaccine mandate on the employees at Disney World, DeSantis was lauded for his courage in standing up to corporations infected by woke perspectives, with former GOP South Carolina senator Jim DeMint, a staunch conservative, writing in an opinion piece, “DeSantis called Disney’s bluff. And sure enough, the mouse didn’t roar.”

    In the piece, titled, “Courage Is Contagious,” DeMint began by asserting that members of the GOP “duck hard fights” because “the Left today seems like a three-headed monster. It’s not just Democratic politicians that conservatives have to battle, but the biased news media and woke corporations, too.”

    DeMint ripped the Democrats pushing vaccine mandates:

    On one side of this debate were Joe Biden, Anthony Fauci and other public health performance artists who have misled the American people for almost two years. They want vaccine mandates and vaccine passports. They want to lord future shutdowns over us. … On the other side are American workers, who have struggled under the elite’s triple burdens of the pandemic, Biden’s inflation and the public health community’s gross incompetence.

    DeMint praised DeSantis for his record and contrasted him with former New York Democratic governor Andrew Cuomo:

    To his credit, Gov. DeSantis has stood with the people and their constitutional freedoms from the beginning. While liberal pundits smeared him and Florida’s non-hysterical COVID response throughout the pandemic—even as they hailed a corrupt sexual predator personally responsible for the deaths of thousands of seniors in New York nursing homes—DeSantis stuck to his principles and the actual science of COVID-19.

    DeMint wrote of DeSantis not only refusing to impose a statewide vaccine mandate but going further by signing the  law prohibiting private companies from imposing mandates on their own workers. He noted the significance of DeSantis’ move:

    In doing so, DeSantis took on not only leftists in Washington, Tallahassee and Twitter. He took on the real source of progressive power today—corporate boardrooms, where without passing any laws or winning any elections woke millionaires and billionaires leverage their economic power to tell everyone else what to do.

    DeMint turned to Disney:

    In Florida, of course, that means Disney—one of the richest, most influential corporations on earth. It is the economic engine of the Orlando area, and one of the biggest employers in the state. It is also increasingly “woke.” Like all good progressive plutocrats, Disney executives had already ordered their employees to get the jab or be fired.

    By pushing his new law, DeSantis called Disney’s bluff. And sure enough, the mouse didn’t roar. Instead, it fell into line with the law, the public, the science and behind a conservative governor. The Left expected a vaccine showdown in the Sunshine State, but Disney surrendered without a peep.

    DeMint concluded:

    If the governor of Florida, with the national political media scrutinizing his every move, can take on Disney and win, other Republican governors have no excuse to shy away from fights of their own. Nothing in the Constitution allows vaccine mandates. GOP governors and state legislators—including Republicans in Congress—should lean into this fight relentlessly, defiantly and publicly.

    The Left’s three-headed monster of politicians, journalists and corporations may seem daunting. But with the law, the facts, and the people on our side, conservatives—like DeSantis and Trump—should relish the fight, lead and win.

    RELATED ARTICLE: DeSantis Slams Biden For Removing Marxist Terrorists From Terror List: ‘Will Embolden Terrorist Groups’

    EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

    Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

    Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

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    British “WOKISM” Reaches New Low thumbnail

    British “WOKISM” Reaches New Low

    By Save America Foundation

    Two stories out of the United Kingdom today!! Both sent to me by a relative who understands what is happening. The first is about the British Legion, an organization supposedly representing military past and present. They have become “woke!!”

    Read on and hopefully you are as disgusted as I was. I worked for this organization when I lived over there. Trust me – this thinking was not around then.

    Fred, Wondered whether you saw the “Two Minute Silence” advert from Royal British Legion.

    I did not think it portrayed the remembrance of those who lost their lives in the world wars or more recent conflicts. They did not fight for ‘a better future’, they fought and died for freedom from a cruel and oppressive tyranny!

    It looks like the new £55k Diversity Manager has begun the transformation of poppy day into something completely different. More of our history being rewritten and money which would be more appropriately spent on our struggling veterans is being used for what looks like political propaganda. Portraying a large coloured family sitting at the table with what looks like a white ‘waiter’ standing over them ready to serve a roast dinner – how does that representative our fallen? Can you imagine it the other way round?! ( note from Fred: I am not trying to belittle black peoples role in the British military but in WWI and WWII we saw very few blacks in Britains military, the few there were coming from the colonies and not all in combat positions. Even today, decades after the Second World War, we find that in Britain’s woke military blacks make up less than 12% of all positions. The British Legion was primarily to support military personnel from the Great Wars. )

    I am completely baffled by the words ‘Those who serve on testing sites! Testing sites meaning Covid testing sites for Gods sake. Nothing like a real bloody battle field.

    Anyway, I’ve written to them and await their response….

    Here is the reply she received from them:

    It seems they want all her personal information- for what nefarious reason? Plus they end saying the query is closed!! ( Note from Fred:- intimidation, I am sure, is the reason for their asking for all her personal details. )

    You recently requested personal assistance from our on-line Support Centre. Below is a summary of your request and our response. If this issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, you may reopen it within the next 28 days. Thank you for allowing us to be of service to you.

    To access your question from our support site, Click here


    Two Minutes Silence Advert

    Response By E-mail (Elinor) (12/11/2021 12.04 PM)Dear Anne M,

    Ref: 211111-000529

    Thank you for your recent enquiry Anne.

    To allow me to forward this to the relevant department could you please provide the following information and confirm you are happy for this to be stored and shared on your behalf?

    Full Name:


    Post code:

    Telephone number:

    If you require any further assistance you can contact us directly on 0808 802 8080, we are open from Monday to Sunday 0800 – 2000.

    Alternately, you can follow the link below which will direct you to the knowledgebase and live chat facility.

    Yours sincerely,

    The Royal British Legion Advice and Information Line

    Customer By CSS E-mail (Anne Matthews)(11/11/2021 03.55 PM)

    [Caution] This email originated from outside of our organisation. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.

    Question Reference # 211111-000529

    Date Created: 11/11/2021 03.55 PM

    Date Last Updated: 12/11/2021 12.04 PM

    Status: Solved

    Here is the link to the second story:

    Remembrance Sunday – they died for the freedoms being stripped from us – The Conservative Woman

    ON this Remembrance Sunday, I cannot help but muse on the blatant hypocrisy we shall see today. Remembrance Sunday is about those who gave their lives in two world wars so that we could all live in

    ©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

    Black Identity Extremists are the real ‘Supremacists’ and Here’s Why [+Videos] thumbnail

    Black Identity Extremists are the real ‘Supremacists’ and Here’s Why [+Videos]

    By Dr. Rich Swier

    “Black crime and violence against whites, gays, women, seniors, young people and lots of others is astronomically out of proportion.” – Colin Flaherty, from Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and How We Enable It.

    I keep hearing the Biden administration, politicians, the media and social media pushing the idea that the real domestic terrorists threat is “white supremacy.” So where is it?

    What about the domestic terrorist threat of “black supremacy?” Where is it?

    The August 2014 shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, was the catalyst for widespread anger, violence, looting and rioting. Why?

    Here’s the key reason and a clear example of why we have lawlessness in black communities. On November 23, 2021 Luke Gentile  from the Washington Examiner  in a column titled “‘Looting’ deemed racist term, California experiencing ‘organized robbery’” reported:

    What happened in California this weekend when over $1 million in luxury goods were stolen was not “looting,” authorities said.

    Calling it “looting” might be racist, they said.

    Instead, what happened was “organized robbery,” according to a spokesperson for the San Diego Police Department.

    San Diego officials are not alone in this sentiment.

    Guess who was doing the “organized robbery” (a.k.a. looting) in San Diego? Watch and see just who these organized robbers were at La Mesa Springs Shopping Center in San Diego:

    Should anyone get a pass on stealing? Is looting a racist term or not? Looting is stealing and is wrong.

    Over my lifetime I have seen great damage done to black families. Today there is the cancer called single motherhood, especially in black families.

    The Kids Count Data Center reported that in 2019 there were 5,988,000 black/African American single mother homes or 64% of all black/African American families. Compare this to 24% for Non-Hispanic white single parent families.

    CLICK HERE FOR THE: Children in single-parent families by race in the United States data.

    Do you see the real root cause of the problems in the black community now? Sadly, there is no father in the majority of black homes in America to instill the character, morality and discipline in black children. But you say public schools can help! But it’s public schools that teach Critical Race Theory which teaches black children to hate others and creates the next generation of extremists.

    Black Lives Matter/Black Identity Extremists (BLM/BIE)

    Let’s go from what happened in San Diego, California on the weekend of November 20-21, 2021 to a report published by the Federal Bureau of Investigation on August 3rd, 2017.

    In their August 3rd, 2017 the FBI report titled “Black Identity Extremists [BIE] Likely Motivated to Target Law Enforcement Officers” warned,

    “The FBI assesses it is very likely that BIEs’ perceptions of unjust treatment of African Americans and the perceived unchallenged illegitimate actions of law enforcement will inspire premeditated attacks against law enforcement over the next year. This may also lead to an increase in BIE group memberships, collaboration among BIE groups, or the appearance of additional violent lone offenders motivated by BIE rhetoric. The FBI further assesses it is very likely additional controversial police shootings of African Americans and the associated legal proceedings will continue to serve as drivers for violence against law enforcement. The FBI assesses it is likely police officers of minority groups are also targeted by BIEs because they are also representative of a perceived oppressive law enforcement system.”

    It was Black Lives Matter (BLM) that has pushed the idea of defunding the police to create anarchy and the opportunity to organize robberies without consequences.

    Blacks are no longer the oppressed they are now the supremacists

    Watch the sights and sounds from the protest in downtown San Diego on Sunday, May 31. They are shouting George Floyd.

    The message is that if you are black you can say and do anything without consequences. You get a race card good for looting, rioting, murder, mayhem and civil unrest.

    For Black Identity Extremists the ends justify the means.

    Bottom Line

    On March 12th, 2015 wrote a column titled “Remembering Selma, But Ignoring Black Violence.” Alan wrote:

    The pat answer for black complaints about events these days is “white racism.” One rarely, if ever, reads or hears anything about black racism, but if you ask, many blacks will acknowledge it.

    Alan noted:

    In 2013, Colin Flaherty published “White Girl Bleed a Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.” His new book, “Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The Hoax of Black Victimization and How We Enable It,” was published in February. It picks up from where the first book left off, filled with hundreds of stories of black-on-white violence that, as often as not, did not receive much attention.

    By contrast, when a black youth is killed as in the cases of Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown, the media ignored the violence that led to it. The Department of Justice (DOJ) and local investigations found that both killings were self-defense. Even questions of whether the youth’s civil rights were abused found that they were not.

    In early March an 86-page DOJ report about the shooting of Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, confirmed that Darren Wilson, a white police officer, acted in self-defense. Also in February, a DOJ report exonerated George Zimmerman, a white man, for shooting Martin. When a case was brought against him in Florida in July 2013, the jury acquitted him.

    #FERGUSON: Protest nr police station, at least 2 officers shot, 1 in face – reports

    — RT (@RT_com) March 12, 2015

    The most recent case is the shooting on Saturday, March 7, of Tony Robinson in Madison, Wisconsin. The 19-year-old black youth was shot as the result of an altercation with a white police officer. News reports stressed Robinson was “unarmed”, but downplayed the fact that the veteran officer had been struck in the head and knocked down. Also largely unreported was that Robinson had pled guilty last year to armed robbery and was serving a three-year probation term.

    At what point do we begin to ask why black youths are behaving in this fashion toward police officers? Theirs is a culture in serious trouble.

    Race has played a role in American history from the day when the first indentured African was brought here in 1654, up to and after the Civil War that was fought to end the slave trade, and through to current times when, based on all the laws that have been passed to protect everyone’s civil rights, one might think that the problems associated with race would have been resolved.

    The problems haven’t been resolved because too much animosity exists and, too frequently, as Flaherty documents, it is black animosity toward whites.

    Most people, white and black, wish this would end.

    ©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


    Black Lives Don’t Matter to the Teachers Unions

    George Floyd’s Brother Says “Not Just Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter”

    Enough with the Black Lives Matter Nonsense

    EDITORS NOTE: To read more columns on black violence in America click here.

    Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age thumbnail

    Vaccinated English Adults Under 60 are Dying at Twice the Rate of Unvaccinated People the Same Age

    By Pamela Geller

    The suppression of the truth concerning vaccines is terrifying.

    Vaccinated English adults under 60 are dying at twice the rate of unvaccinated people the same age

    And have been for six months. This chart may seem unbelievable or impossible, but it’s correct, based on weekly data from the British government.

    By: Alex Berenson

    The brown line represents weekly deaths from all causes of vaccinated people aged 10-59, per 100,000 people.

    The blue line represents weekly deaths from all causes of unvaccinated people per 100,000 in the same age range.


    I have checked the underlying dataset myself and this graph is correct. Vaccinated people under 60 are twice as likely to die as unvaccinated people. And overall deaths in Britain are running well above normal.

    I don’t know how to explain this other than vaccine-caused mortality.

    The basic data is available here, download the Excel file and see table 4:

    Deaths by vaccination status, England


    Click here to read more about the effects of getting jabbed.

    CΟVID Extremist Proposes Sanctions for Children at Thanksgiving Dinner

    Delingpole: Australian Army Bussing Covid 19 ‘Close Contacts’ Into Camps

    Concentration Camps Down Under – Australian Military Moving People to “Quarantine Camps”

    EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

    Quick note: Tech giants are shutting us down. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense, Pinterest permanently banned us. Facebook, Google search et al have shadow-banned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. We will not waver. We will not tire. We will not falter, and we will not fail. Freedom will prevail.

    Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW when informed decision making and opinion is essential to America’s survival. Share our posts on your social channels and with your email contacts. Fight the great fight.

    Follow me on Gettr. I am there. It’s open and free.

    Remember, YOU make the work possible. If you can, please contribute to Geller Report.

    Why There is a Civic and Moral Duty to Oppose Tyrannical Bureaucracies thumbnail

    Why There is a Civic and Moral Duty to Oppose Tyrannical Bureaucracies

    By Barry Brownstein

    The searing Russian novel Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman is one of the greatest examinations of totalitarianism ever written. Based on his experiences under Stalin, Grossman depicts how humanity withers under tyranny. Grossman’s book is not a dystopian novel, yet few books better teach how force is used to control a population by not only restricting liberty but also exploiting weaknesses in human nature.

    Along a flank of the Stalingrad front, two colonels talk about the terrible impact of bureaucrats and bureaucracy. One colonel tells this story:

    There was an infantry detachment that had been surrounded. The men had nothing to eat. A squadron was ordered to drop them some food by parachute. And then the quartermaster refused to issue the food. He said he needed a signature on the delivery slip and how could the men down below sign for what had been dropped by parachute? And he wouldn’t budge. Finally he received an order from above.

    The other colonel says, “Bureaucracy can be much more terrifying than that.” He then shares this story:

    Remember the order: ‘Not one step back’? There was one place where the Germans were mowing our men down by the hundred. All we needed to do was withdraw over the brow of the hill. Strategically, it would have made no difference – and we’d have saved our men and equipment. But the orders were “Not one step back.” And so the men perished and their equipment was destroyed.

    The conversation continues, and then Grossman has one colonel deliver the punchline: “What’s really terrifying is when you realize that bureaucracy isn’t simply a growth on the body of the State. If it were only that, it could be cut off. No, bureaucracy is the very essence of the State.”

    The forces making bureaucracy arbitrary, capricious, and impervious to reason—”the very essence of the State”—are the same in America as they were in Grossman’s Soviet Union. We all have our stories of bureaucratic indifference; and now during Covid, indifference has become cruel. Just ask the relatives of former Governor Cuomo’s nursing home victims or the former “health angels” who gained natural immunity and now face termination for refusing the vaccine mandate.

    In his book Bureaucracy, Ludwig von Mises explains, “The ultimate basis of an all-around bureaucratic system is violence.” As for the bureaucrats making the rules, Mises observes, “He who is unfit to serve his fellow citizens wants to rule them.”

    Today, has Grossman’s World War II “not one step back” become “if it saves one life?”

    Egyppius is a pseudonymous critic of Covid policies. He recently explored how the “not one step back” mindset has shaped Covid policy:

    All containment policies, since March 2020, flow from two fundamental premises, that together form a Pandemic Doctrine: 1) All pandemic infections are regrettable and to be prevented. 2) It is possible to control pandemics via social or medical technology.” “Before 2020, nobody anywhere believed either of these things—not despite, but because of long experience with semi-regular pandemic influenza outbreaks.

    Egyppius explores the motives of the “autonomous undirected actions of a million nameless, faceless bureaucrats, which nobody can any longer control:”

    Everything since then, has been the autonomous force of the Pandemic Doctrine and its terrible demands. As containment policies have failed, one after the other, they have left a vortex of disconfirmed expectancy in their wake, turning early political and bureaucratic advocates of containment into truly deranged zealots. The policies themselves, though they are articles of faith, have little or no real-world effect, and this has had curious consequences. It became important for all countries to do as many useless things as possible, and more or less the same useless things as everyone else. Bureaucracies that rejected a specific measure risked being blamed for whatever happened next. And without controls, the failure of containment could be rewritten always and forever as success: ‘Imagine how many more deaths we would have had, if we never locked down.

    San Francisco bureaucrats demand that 5-year-old children be vaccinated in order to be admitted to indoor places. Will parents of tall 4-year-old children have to carry birth certificates to prove that their child isn’t five? School bureaucrats demand special needs children with breathing issues be placed in plexiglass cubicles.

    On a Federal level, OSHA bureaucrats issue rules that contain a new cadre of inspectors empowered to level $13,600 per worker fines for those firms violating vaccine mandates; mandates that do nothing to control the spread of Covid.

    As essential services continue to deteriorate and shelves continue to empty, will bureaucrats change their guidelines? Egyppius predicts the Covid totalitarian toothpaste “will never go back in the tube.”

    Faced with this illiberal onslaught from politicians and bureaucrats, it seems there is little we can do but weep in despair. After all, you might reason, what can one person do? Mises is clear: such a defeatist mindset forfeits your civic duties.

    Bureaucracy was written in 1944, and of course, Mises had nothing to say about the Covid bureaucracy. However, his advice on opposing the socialist bureaucracy is applicable today.

    Lesson 1: Oppose bureaucrats with vigor but avoid name-calling.

    Mises explored the “propaganda trick” of those promoting socialism in Western countries. Promoters of socialism “extol the blessings which socialism has in store for mankind… [but] they have never attempted to prove their fallacious dogmas or still less to refute the objections raised by the economists.” Instead, they “call their adversaries names and… cast suspicion upon their motives.”

    Today, politicians and bureaucrats use the same strategy to besmirch opponents of failed Covid policies. Has anything changed since Mises observed, “The average citizen cannot see through these stratagems?”

    If you are swayed by propaganda that encourages us vs them name-calling, you are being manipulated to turn towards the darkest corners of your mind.

    Lesson 2: Encourage others to broaden their reading and listening beyond the orthodoxy.

    To combat socialism, Mises recommended economic studies as a civic duty. One does not have to become an economist to see through propaganda. Mises explains,

    Only a man conversant with the main problems of economics is in a position to form an independent opinion on the problems involved. All the others are merely repeating what they have picked up by the way. They are an easy prey to demagogic swindlers and idiotic quacks. Their gullibility is the most serious menace to the preservation of democracy and to Western civilization.

    Mises clarified, “The aim of the popularization of economic studies is not to make every man an economist. The idea is to equip the citizen for his civic functions in community life.” “It is hopeless,” Mises warned, “to stop the trend toward bureaucratization by the mere expression of indignation and by a nostalgic glorification of the good old times.”

    Applying this lesson today, you don’t have to be a physician or epidemiologist to become conversant with basic Covid issues. Official propaganda might claim this is a pandemic of the unvaccinated, that natural immunity doesn’t exist, and your 5-year-old child urgently needs a Covid vaccination, but you can look at the evidence for yourself.

    Lesson 3: Oppose all censorship

    Propaganda, Mises alerts us, “is one of the worst evils of bureaucracy.” Propaganda is full of “lies, fallacies, and superstitions.” Mises adds these prescient words: “The liars must be afraid of truth and are therefore driven to suppress its pronouncement… Lenin and Hitler knew very well why they abolished freedom of thought, speech, and the press, and why they closed the frontiers of their countries to any import of ideas from abroad.”

    No matter where you stand on a Covid issue, freedom and scientific progress depend on your opposition to the censorship of opposing views. Censors in America are not driven by better motivations than Stalin, Hitler, or Mao. Censors want to abolish critical thinking and pave the way for the imposition, without opposition, of any program they deem necessary.

    Lesson 4: Oppose rule by elites

    If Covid bureaucrats have run wild, “gullible citizenry” is to blame: “The plain citizens are mistaken in complaining that the bureaucrats have arrogated powers; they themselves and their mandatories have abandoned their sovereignty. Their ignorance of fundamental problems of economics has made the professional specialists supreme.” Mises warned against rule by elite “experts:”

    But democracy becomes impracticable if the eminent citizens, the intellectual leaders of the community, are not in a position to form their own opinion on the basic social, economic, and political principles of policies. If the citizens are under the intellectual hegemony of the bureaucratic professionals, society breaks up into two castes: the ruling professionals, the Brahmins, and the gullible citizenry. Then despotism emerges, whatever the wording of constitutions and laws may be.

    Mises ends his book with this instruction:

    How can people determine their own affairs if they are too indifferent to gain through their own thinking an independent judgment on fundamental political and economic problems? Democracy is not a good that people can enjoy without trouble. It is, on the contrary, a treasure that must be daily defended and conquered anew by strenuous effort.

    Watching CNN or Fox and then repeating “They say…” is not the strenuous effort Mises suggested. Mises would warn against dismissing brave voices diligently questioning the orthodoxy. Entrepreneur Steve Kirsch is just one example of a courageous voice who some would dismiss as not being a trained health professional. You can come to a different conclusion.

    If we have a civic duty to learn about immunity, pandemics, and health, we also have an equally important moral duty.

    Lesson 5: We have a moral duty to see the humanity in others

    Recently I was speaking to a physician friend whose politics are progressive but who sees himself as holding liberal values. I mentioned how disturbed I was about the ongoing demonization by bureaucrats and politicians of those who have chosen not to be vaccinated. The physician said this is indeed regrettable, but he chastised me: “I must understand the context, those doing the demonization are trying to save lives.” Although this doctor himself had suffered a significant vaccine injury from the 2009 H1N1 vaccine, he then recited the bureaucratic propaganda for current vaccine policies. To keep his standing in the medical community, he carefully weighs the dangers to his career of stepping too far away from the official narrative. He cares about patients, yet the ties of his medical tribe compromise his judgment.

    If you say I must feed my family, I cannot oppose mandates; no one will fault you. If you say, I have no time to study the issue and make my own judgment, you can still take a moral stand against coercing and demonizing others. You can stand for the humanity in each person and eschew tribal hatreds. There is no need to harass others by cooperating with petty bureaucrats.

    In his best-known work, I and Thou, the Vienna-born philosopher Martin Buber observed two fundamental ways of seeing the world: “I-Thou” or “I-It.” Through the “I-It” lens, others are seen as less than us, either as objects who help us or obstacles that get in our way. Tribalism, at its core, looks at the world through “I-It” eyes.

    In the great Russian novel, The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoevsky tells of Fyodor Pavlovitch, who desires to “revenge himself on everyone for his own unseemliness.” Pavlovitch remembers being asked, “Why do you hate so and so, so much?” Pavlovitch had responded, “I’ll tell you. He has done me no harm. But I played him a dirty trick, and ever since I have hated him.”

    Today, those we once called angels, health care professionals, airline employees, first responders, grocery store cashiers who served us while others worked at home over Zoom are having “dirty tricks” played against them. If they refuse mandates, they are fired.

    It is human nature to experience dissonance when we behave poorly. Notice a moment when you catch yourself seeing the world through “I-It” eyes, when you have failed to see the humanity in another. In the next moment, you may notice there is an itch you need to scratch. The itch is a felt need to justify your “I-It” thinking. You may relieve the itch by cheering at a propagandistic pronouncement portraying the unvaccinated as a threat to you. Phew, you may think, I’m not really a bad person; I’m just defending myself against those who would harm me. In justifying “I-It” thinking, moral duty is abandoned.

    We are now at a crossroads. How will we resolve our dissonance when we fail to see the humanity in others? One path is to scratch the need to feel innocent and virtuous. As Dostoevsky explained, we tend to become outraged at those we have harmed.

    The other path is to resolve our dissonance by looking at our actions without justifying our actions. In that space, clarity and moral courage arise. Our civic and moral duty requires us to resist all inhumane demonizers professing that there is only one true way and that they are the keepers of that way.

    In his seminal work, Human Action, Mises wrote, “A man who chooses between drinking a glass of milk and a glass of a solution of potassium cyanide does not choose between two beverages; he chooses between life and death. A society that chooses between capitalism and socialism does not choose between two social systems; it chooses between social cooperation and the disintegration of society.”

    In the spirit of Mises, I offer this: A society that embraces coerced medical choices has chosen a path away from social cooperation and towards the disintegration of society.


    This article was published on November 20, 2021, and is reproduced with permission from The American Institute for Economic Research.

    Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum Might Have Committed Suicide-by-Rittenhouse thumbnail

    Unsaid: Joseph Rosenbaum Might Have Committed Suicide-by-Rittenhouse

    By Selwyn Duke

    Why would you chase and lunge at, or otherwise attack, a young man who’s carrying a semi-automatic rifle? This is what happened last August 25th in the Kyle Rittenhouse affair, and it’s crazy behavior. Yet with respect to at least one of the three men shot in self-defense by Rittenhouse, Joseph Rosenbaum, there may be a logical explanation for such craziness:

    Rosenbaum really was, clinically speaking, crazy.

    We’ve heard much about the criminal records of the three Rittenhouse assailants’ who were shot (and a bit about the checkered past of the fourth attacker, who wasn’t shot), and rightly so. But underemphasized in Rosenbaum’s case is that he actually was what we today call “mentally ill,” having been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Why is this relevant? It not only helps explain his irrational behavior, but there’s also this:

    It’s not unusual for mentally ill people to attempt suicide — and to sometimes conscript others into their self-destructive endeavors.

    Note that Rosenbaum “was on antidepressants and medication to treat his bipolar disorder,” NPR reported his fiancée, Kariann Swart, as having testified at the Rittenhouse trial. “He had been in a hospital following a suicide attempt” (emphasis added) and was released the very day he was shot.

    Point two: A witness in the trial said Rosenbaum “was acting aggressively and repeatedly challenged a group of armed men to shoot him,” (emphasis added) Reuters informed November 5 — as if he wanted to die.

    Point three: The suicide risk for bipolar individuals is 17 times that of the general population; in fact, an estimated “20-60% of patients with bipolar disorder attempt suicide at least once in their lifetime,” writes UTHealth.

    Point four: When I mentioned Rosenbaum possibly having committed suicide-by-Rittenhouse to someone close to me who has great experience with bipolar disorder, she said, “Usually it’s suicide by cop [with such people].” She knows whereof she speaks, too. As The American Journal of Psychiatry tells us, suicide by cop “is reported to be more prevalent in males with psychiatric disorders (i.e., chronic depression, bipolar disorders….)” (emphasis added).

    Rosenbaum didn’t have cops at his disposal, being as the feckless Wisconsin authorities restrained the police and let Kenosha burn. But Rittenhouse was available. As with the Vigilance Committee in San Francisco in 1851 — which was instituted to quell lawlessness — he was doing the job the government wouldn’t do.

    Unfortunately for Rittenhouse, this might have included dealing with a mentally deranged, early-middle-age man who was looking to have someone do a job on him that he wouldn’t (or couldn’t) do. This, again, isn’t unheard of.

    Know that bipolar disorder, whatever its cause (and I entertain a non-mainstream theory on this), constitutes genuine insanity. Sufferers often find living with their cross intolerable and fancy death a welcome escape. I personally know of a man thus afflicted who recruited someone, a person clearly disturbed in his own way, who was willing to perform a Dr. Kevorkian on him (thankfully, the plan was thwarted).

    Why does any of this matter with respect to Rosenbaum? It certainly doesn’t change what the man did when attacking Rittenhouse or the justness of the latter’s response. Yet speaking for myself, I always find truth interesting, and my theory is tenable. What’s more, it underlines further what Rittenhouse might have been facing last August 25th. It may mean that within all the insanity, he might have been facing actual insanity in the form of a man who perhaps had nothing to lose except what he wanted to — his life.

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