AMERICA LAST: Biden Makes the Announcement, will Raise Refugee Ceiling to 125,000 in Coming Year

And he did that as we learned that the refugees we admitted in recent years are suffering due to joblessness, evictions, and hunger.

America Last!

Frankly, it is insanity as so many Americans are suffering due to the China virus lockdown that we are going to bring in a number of refugees not seen in nearly 30 years.

My RRW posts of the last few days could just as easily have been posted here at Frauds and Crooks.

Biden Says He Will Raise Refugee Ceiling “Back Up” to 125,000 as Americans Suffer Joblessness from Chinese Virus Lockdown

And, just yesterday as well: Refugee gang-raped in slum neighborhood in Columbus, Ohio.

Columbus, Ohio: Refugee Gang-Raped in Low-Income Neighborhood

And, this ten days ago:

Refugees Struggling in America, Yet Biden Promised 125,000 New Refugees in 2021

Visit RRW from time to time.  I will be busy there.

You also might want to check out my Refugee Resettlement Facebook page which reached over 100,000 in the last month. Lots of commenting going on there so I am not ready to dump Facebook.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Revelations From Time Magazine

Normally, we would not send you rushing to read TIME MAGAZINE, a publication that has long since lost its reputation for honesty in reporting. But we urge all readers to absorb The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election” by Molly Ball.

The piece goes some distance in explaining the strange events of the past year.

Early on, in this lengthy piece, the author writes:

“In a way, Trump was right. There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans.”

Curtailed the protests?  Do you mean people were being murdered and burnt out of their businesses as part of a political tactic? Apparently so, and she continues at length without once reflecting on her own words.

The article is slanted and the words loaded as you would expect from  Time Magazine.  Enemies of Trump are “for democracy” and all Trumpians are “autocratic.”  Trump supporters are “henchman” and all pro-Trump lawsuits are “dubious.”

But in a way, the article is refreshing, as she gushes candidly about the powerful interests that worked together behind the scenes for the good of us all. It is both revelatory and frightening at the same time.

Molly Ball clearly despises Trump and celebrates the alliance of Big Business, Big Labor, Big Media, and Big Social Media, the Democrat Party, and a considerable number of Republicans. She preens,  That’s why the participants want the secret history of the 2020 election told, though it sounds like a paranoid fever dream – a well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.”

What do you call a cabal of well-funded people working together in secret?  Democracy, of course, you stupid peasant!  And, resistance to this secret cabal of ultra-wealthy elites, is “undemocratic.” Once you get this orientation correct in your head, you are qualified to read her entire article.

As you read the whole piece, remember that if you supported the Republican candidate, you are a dolt.  More than a dolt, you are a positive menace to society. Those who know better than you and understood the threat of Make America Great Again, needed to get together to conspire to change the results. And they did so in secret, to save democracy itself.  They did it after all, for you, who just did not understand. Their personal interests played no role in their actions. And, there is a tooth fairy.

Molly, the reason it sounds to you like “a paranoid fever dream” is because it was. How else can you describe a group of people, working together in secret, to achieve a goal, using nefarious means?

Thank goodness we have Peggy Noonan from the Wall Street Journal to advise us all. In today’s paper, she calmed my fears over breakfast with this incredible insight: “But the Republican Party still has a lot of work to do to counter radicalism and conspiracy theories.”

Anyway, back to Molly: “They were not rigging the election: they were fortifying it. And they believe the public needs to understand the system’s fragility in order to ensure that democracy in America endures.”

Dear Molly is so lacking in self-awareness that she comes very close to the famous quote from a military officer during the Vietnam war to the effect that, “we had to destroy the village in order to save it.”

To save democracy, we must rig the results.

Also confusing, is her assessment that this cabal got together after the riots last year by Black Lives Matter and Antifa, both Marxist oriented organizations, and therefore Conservative political forces must be defeated. Do you get that logic?

She apparently has been living in a cardboard box in the river bottom the last few years to have missed the Obama/Biden administration turning loose the intelligence and law enforcement agency of the United States against a political opponent, all on false charges that they themselves paid to develop. They did this when Donald J. Trump was a private citizen and, incredibly, when he was an elected President.

This abuse of power is more than petty, it was criminal, but she thinks all of this started after the riots.  At any rate, she claims that the abuse of democracy you see really is to support democracy.

Molly Ball – you must understand that the Left was planning massive riots if Trump won. That would have destabilized our society. So, she reasons, what was needed was an outcome that would not offend the Left, even if the outcome is different than it otherwise would have been.

The calculation was the following. There are 400 Leftist organizations getting ready to riot if Trump wins. Remember all the news reports of businesses boarding up their establishments? For the sake of stability and good business, this must be stopped because if the Conservatives lose, they won’t tear the place apart.

They were correct in that assessment, of course. The election passed and Republicans complained and used the process as best they could. The Capitol riot may have been the exception although evidence now shows it too was coordinated and some left-wing elements were involved. In the end, the idiot rioters could not have given the Left a more effective weapon.

Therefore, if the democratic processes elected Trump, it would be dangerous. So, it is far less dangerous to rig the results of the democratic process in order to save the democratic process.

Thank heaven, we have smart people in this country, who can conspire in secret and corrupt the election process, to save democracy for another day. And be thankful so many Republicans worked behind the scenes with the cabal.

Molly is there to report their exploits.

Now that we have you alerted, read her entire article.  It really will be worth your time.

Biden’s Meetings With Iran Serve No Useful Purpose

Assertions by the new Biden-Harris administration about their intention to negotiate with the mullahs and re-join the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) do not seem to be having a positive effect on Tehran’s leadership.

And at the same time, the Biden team’s outreach to the Iranian regime is stirring grave concerns in Israel.

Even before the inauguration on Jan. 20, 2021, officials expected to be named to the Biden administration were holding secret talks with Iran about a return to the 2015 nuclear agreement, according to Israeli media reporting.

Without adding any details, Israel Channel 12 reported on Jan. 16, 2021 that Israel had been updated on those conversations.

Israeli concerns about how far the Biden team may be willing to go in granting concessions to Iran are evident in the assembly by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of a senior-level team, including representatives from the Foreign Ministry, Defense Ministry, Mossad, and the Atomic Energy Commission, to strategize for discussions with the new American administration.

Defense Minister Benny Gantz went even further, issuing a statement saying that “Israel needs to have a military option on the table.”

With many of the new Biden appointees having served previously in the Obama-Biden administrations (2008-2016), there is good reason for concern.

Figures like William Burns (slated for the CIA), Jake Sullivan as National Security Advisor, Anthony Blinken and Wendy Sherman at State Department, and possibly Robert Malley to serve as Special Envoy to Iran, were all closely involved in negotiating the first Iran deal.

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s prescient warning in his speech to the U.S. Congress in 2015 that the agreement “paves Iran’s path to the bomb” is now borne out by Iran’s brazen and serial violations of the JCPOA. No wonder there is trepidation in Israel about where round two might go.

To be sure, the revelations about the extent of Iran’s nuclear weapons program after the Mossad’s daring 2016 heist of Tehran’s nuclear archives were not known in 2015, but there’s scant evidence the naive U.S. team has matured significantly since then.

Nevertheless, Biden’s negotiating team will now have to deal with all the JCPOA provisions regarding limits on amounts of enriched uranium, levels of enrichment, heavy water stockpiles, and limits on installation of advanced centrifuges, all of which Iran has long since blown past as Peter Schweizer put in a recent article.

Schweizer went on to note that it is hardly likely that the Iranian regime would be willing to recommit to provisions violated with so little international resistance — and especially as it would entail disposing of uranium stockpiles, now being enriched to 20% by advanced centrifuges at sites like Fordow, where they never were supposed to be in the first place.

Is the world to believe the Islamic Republic’s word this time will be any more credible than the first time?

This is all in addition to such issues as American hostages, ballistic missiles, and support for Islamic terror groups like HamasHezbollahYemeni Houthis, and Iraq’s Shi’ite militias that weren’t even mentioned in the initial nuclear deal.

And, although it was hardly a major revelation having been detailed in the 2011 Havlish, et al. v. bin Laden, et al. legal case — and the Lopez-Tefft affidavit — when Secretary of State Mike Pompeo first spoke about the Iran-Al-Qa’eda alliance in mid-January 2021, it may have seemed to be.

Naturally, none of all this was mentioned during the original Iran nuclear negotiations either — but it certainly should be this time.

The Trump policy of maximum pressure bought the world some time.

Knowing full well the demands, tactics, and strategies the Iranians used in 2015, the Biden team (as well as our European partners) would do well to make maximum use of the respite Trump’s aggressive stance bought for us.

If there are to be new talks, we must commit to ensuring that whatever terms are discussed ensure that Iran is banned from further work on advanced centrifuges, uranium enrichment, creating uranium metal for the hemispheres of nuclear warheads, and the ballistic missiles to carry them.

American hostages held by the regime must also be front and center in any such talks, along with a demand for an end to Tehran’s support for terrorism.

Absent such provisions and the means to verify them, no sanctions, whether nuclear or terrorism related, should be lifted, especially not as a pre-condition to merely opening talks again.

No more billions for the mullahs’ coffers.

Nor can simply talking for the sake of talking be a substitute for exerting the leverage the U.S. now has over the debilitated Iranian economy.

Finally, the U.S. team must not go wobbly in the face of predictable Iranian threats about there being only a “very limited” window for new JCPOA talks.

Instead, let us urge the new Biden-Harris team to approach the Iranian regime with the commitment, skill, and determination it will take to emerge with American, regional, and global security objectives intact.

©Clare Lopez. All rights reserved. Receive the latest by email: subscribe to Clare M. Lopez’s free mailing list.

How Not to Address Our Domestic Terrorism Problem

We should reject calls by elites who have conducted a largely inept campaign of international counterterrorism to now use those tools on their domestic opponents.

VIDEO: Mike Lindell’s Documentary ‘Absolute Proof’ on the Great Election Steal of 2020 Released

I watched at The New American (apparently Youtube quickly removed it).

You can also see it at Lindell’s own website.

From The New American:

WATCH: My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell Releases Documentary on Election Steal

Unstoppable. Irrepressible. On-fire. Passionate. Mike Lindell is on a mission and he’s not going to let the cancel culture censors at Big Tech, Big Media, or Big Business — or even his “friends” at Newsmax and Fox — stop him. Today, Friday, February 5, he has released his three-hour documentary, “Absolute Proof,” which he says shows “100 percent” the theft of our election by China and other countries.

More here and to see the documentary.

“Unstoppable. Irrepressible!”  That is what you have to be now as well! Imagine the pressure Lindell is getting and all you have to do is to not shut up!

Talk to everyone you know. Keep spreading the word. That is your job!

Changing the subject….

While you are watching videos, check out this interview by The New American’s Alex Newman while it lasts at Youtube. It is about weaponizing the China virus ….

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Surrenders to Iran’s ‘Death to America’ Jihadis in Yemen Who Attacked USS Mason

Not exactly a surprise.

The Biden foreign policy team is crawling with Obama’s pro-Iranian echo chamber foreign policy trolls and the Iran Lobby was among his biggest bundlers.

Iran’s expansion into Yemen via the Houthis, a Jihadist group whose motto is “Death to America, Death to Israel,  A Curse the Jews, Victory to Islam”, has been backed by the media and the foreign policy establishment which falsely kept blaming the Saudi campaign against the Houthis for the famine when in fact it was the Houthis who had caused the famine by stealing humanitarian aid. This didn’t stop Islamists and the media from keeping the famine lie going anyway.

Or the Biden campaign from adopting it as a talking point.

The Houthis had meanwhile fired on the USS Mason (“Death to America” is right in their motto) and were ethnically cleansing Yemen’s Jewish population.

Despite all that, the Biden administration is now very predictably dropping support for the Saudi campaign against the Houthis, calling for a diplomatic solution, and dispatching a special emissary.

In other words, they’re surrendering to Iran and the Houthis.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, had pushed a terrorist designation for the Houthis on the way out the door, leading to outrage from the Democrats, their media, and even some Republicans. The Biden team is going the other way by rolling over for the, “Death to America” Jihadis leading to another of Obama’s “Victories for Islam”.

The Yemen mess spilled over due to Obama’s Arab Spring. Just wait for the Biden Islamist Winter.



Biden’s New Asst Sec of State Worked for Islamic Terror State That Funds Hamas

Nigeria: Sharia police arrested barber for giving haircuts that offend Islam

‘Don’t let her escape. Beat her. Why did you speak of our religion? Rub your nose on the ground. Repent from Allah.’

Former Iranian diplomat: ‘If Americans and Zionists act in a dangerous manner,’ anti-nuke fatwa ‘might be changed’

Spain: 23,000 migrants arrive in Canary Islands in a year, Morocco may be deliberately loosening migration controls

Pakistan: Supreme Court orders Muslim convicted of beheading Daniel Pearl to be moved to government ‘safe house’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Beijing ☭ Biden’s Defense Secretary Tells Hundreds of Pentagon Advisors Appointed by President Trump to RESIGN

Imagine if President Trump ever did such a thing. IMPEACH!

Austin asks hundreds of Pentagon policy advisers to resign ahead of review

By Christen McCurdy, UPI, February 3, 2021:

Feb. 2 (UPI) — Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has called for the resignation of hundreds of volunteer advisers to the Pentagon appointed by former President Donald Trump in the final months of his presidency, as well as a review of the committees they serve on.

The Pentagon announced the “zero-based review” of all of its advisory committees on Tuesday, following a memo issued by Austin last weekend outlining the review, specifying the committees and setting deadlines for adviser resignations.

Austin gave the advisers until Feb. 16 to resign or be terminated, and said the work of 42 committees will be reviewed and changes recommended by June 1, in the memo, which was first reported by The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and Politico.

Defense department officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, have said Austin became concerned about the unprecedented pace of appointments Trump made toward the end of his term…….


TERROR: Hamas supporter placed in charge of Israel-Palestinian desk at State Department

Kamala Fund Bailed Out Serial Felon Twice, Now He Faces Three More Felony Charges

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

The Real Virus is not Covid, it’s Communism

“The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil constitution, are worth defending against all hazards: And it is our duty to defend them against all attacks.” – Samuel Adams

“Freedom is not a gift bestowed upon us by other men, but a right that belongs to us by the laws of God and nature.”  – Benjamin Franklin

“The policy of American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.” – Thomas Jefferson

“Why are those who are notoriously undisciplined and unmoral also most contemptuous of religion and morality? They are trying to solace their own unhappy lives by pulling the happy down to their own abysmal depths.”  – Bishop Fulton Sheen

Those of us who are constitutional conservatives and believe the words of the Holy Bible and America’s founders, who sought freedom and liberty for mankind, fear a dystopian society that imposes a harmful, oppressive, and miserable existence upon its citizens. The communists now in control of our federal government believe they are creating a “utopian” society promoted by Marx and Engels, but their utopia ultimately ends in starvation and death.  We’ve watched for multiple decades as decay has set in at the very core of our liberty loving nation and America has been torn from her freedom loving roots.

Freedom loving Americans have become the pariahs who must be terminated for the good of the Marxist utopian society.  Socialism makes you a slave to the government and that’s what has happened to our brainwashed public.

Covid-19 was used for many reasons against America by both China and Democratic Socialists, but the continued efforts by both parties to control the citizenry showed their true totalitarian natures. Lockdowns, masks and vaccines are far more dangerous to our health than Coronavirus and interestingly enough, we’ve had no seasonal flu this year.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, 70, told a Federalist Society virtual convention last November that he thought the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus pandemic serves as a “sort of constitutional stress test.” He argued that America has “never before seen restrictions as severe, extensive, and prolonged as those experienced for most of 2020” and raised concerns over their impact on individuals’ civil liberties. Link

The real virus infecting America is not Covid-19.  The Marxist-Leninist takeover of the Democrat Party is complete and the majority of the Republican Party is following the same path.  The real danger is communism; it’s here and it’s going to cost us unless we stand together and fight.

Mask Mandates

According to Anthony Fauci, who is now the chief medical advisor under Biden, we’re supposed to wear two masks to keep from catching the new variants of the Covid-19 virus, a paper mask and a cloth mask over it. (Remember that back in March of 2020, he said there was no reason to be walking around with a mask.)  Maybe three or four would be even better, to totally cut off our oxygen intake. CNBC touts that their experts suggest wearing three!  Did we ever wear a mask for the seasonal flu virus in the past?  Never! (Wait, I’m wrong…excuse me, many wore masks during the 1918-1919 Spanish flu epidemic that killed 50 million worldwide with about 675,000 occurring in the United States.)

Why did anyone think wearing a warm, moist rag a millimeter away from his or her mouth, for hours at a time, creating the ideal conditions for bacteria to multiply, would be a good thing?  Link

In a previous article regarding Dr. Anthony Fauci, I stated that he had co-authored a paper about the 1918-1919 Spanish flu and said that many had died of bacterial pneumonia.  This is true.  However, I had also stated that he claimed masks were the cause.  A devoted reader corrected me.  Fauci did not claim that bacterial pneumonia was caused by masks but it’s interesting that wearing masks has caused numerous problems, including impetigo (usually caused by a staph infection), dental problems, yeast infections, acne etc.  Link  Today, doctors are warning that bacterial pneumonia is on the rise…and yes, it’s from wearing masks.  Maybe Fauci and his friends forgot to mention this fact, or didn’t discover it.

Despite the knowledge that this evil Covid-19 virus was made in a bioweapon lab in Wuhan, China, it is still a virus and no more people have died in 2020 than have died in years past in America.  Johns Hopkins reported that the yearly death rate remains normal despite Covid-19.  Deaths from heart disease, respiratory disease, influenza, pneumonia and other causes have far lower stats for 2020, where Covid-19 deaths are higher.  Yet the average of yearly deaths remains the same.  Why?  Because everyone is being categorized as dying from Covid-19 rather than their underlying comorbidity. The study was immediately withdrawn and trashed.

US Intelligence tells us that the Chinese government is collecting American’s DNA.  Link  60 Minutes has learned that the Chinese company, BGI Group, the largest biotech firm in the world, offered to build Covid labs in at least six states, and U.S. intelligence officials issued warnings not to share health data with BGI. The story was on Sunday, 31 January 21 on 60 minutes.

Beijing Genomics Institute, is a Chinese genome sequencing company, headquartered in Shenzhen, Guangdong, China. It was formed in 1999 to participate in the Human Genome Project as a genetics research center.

100 More Days

President Biden, elected via Dominion machines with Smartmatic software connected to the internet and sent to multiple foreign countries in order to intercept data of America’s 2020 election, has decided all federal people throughout the country should be masked until May 1st, 2021.  And he wants all 50 states to follow through with mask mandates.

I see toddlers and young children with masks on their faces, put there by parents who believe the propaganda spewed by mainstream media.  It makes me heartsick.  And people alone in their cars with masks on their faces!  The entire country wore masks everywhere for months, yet we had another surge of the virus.  Our citizens are fools.  We have become a nation of controlled lemmings who are abandoning freedom!

One Los Angeles health official went so far as to say that not wearing a mask is domestic terrorism!   In another article, a couple was escorted off a plane because their two-year-old son refused to wear a mask!  Never reported are those who are dying from mask wearing.  If you’re outside, get the danged thing off your face!

The unelected tyrants in local health departments are issuing these decrees without any studies whatsoever.  I wonder how many of them own stock in the mask making companies.

We are not the citizens who won back-to-back World Wars!  America’s propagandists in the mainstream media have stampeded the public into fear and panic over the virus in order to generate support for their totalitarian agenda.  Few Americans have seen through it…and that is most alarming.


According to the CDC, along with studies by people in the age groups of 0 to 19 have a 99.997% chance of survival if they contract COVID-19, the age group of 20 to 49 a 99.98% chance, 50 to 69 years old 99.5% and 70 years old and above a 94.6% chance.

The case fatality rate of Covid-19 is 0.1 to 0.3 percent which is the same exact case fatality rate as the regular seasonal flu.  They shut down the entire world economy for a lie!  The WHO came out with a 3.4 case fatality rate and Fauci came along and cut it to 1.0 rate, which is 10 times higher than seasonal influenza. The middleclass was purposely destroyed, and they still have foolish Americans in masks.

Last September One America News reported that medical researchers from UCLA and Stanford University found that the chances of dying from Covid are much lower than previously thought.  Even the likelihood of contracting the virus, going to the hospital or even death from Covid-19 is an extremely rare event.  An average person in an average county has a one in 3,836 chance of becoming infected and that’s without wearing masks or doing any social distancing.  Odds of being hospitalized are vanishingly small even for people in the at-risk category.

If you’re between the ages of 50-64 years old, the chances of getting the virus and needing hospitalization are one in 852,000.  And for that same person who is at risk, the chance of dying from Coronavirus is one in 19.1 million.  All these stats are from last May 2020 when deaths were 16 times higher than when this was reported.  The risk from dying in an automobile crash is one in 114.  Yet, we were sold lockdown insanity.

One America News also reported that researchers in Australia say Ivermectin can cure Covid in 48 hours.  Ivermectin is typically used for parasitic infections, yet a peer review study conducted last April stated Ivermectin could kill the virus with one dose.

One of my neighbors is elderly.  She contracted Covid-19 and her smell and taste was gone, and she had sinus problems.  Her physician gave her Azithromycin and she recovered.  She is 82, her husband is 88 and he has a comorbidity.  He insisted on sleeping with her should she have a problem in the night, and he watched over her even though she wanted him to sleep in another bedroom.  She was fine, and he never contracted Covid.


Small businesses have been wiped out, and millions of middleclass Americans have been decimated.  Yet, the big box stores allowed to stay open have flourished while small businesses faced total destruction.  Far more damage has been done to middle America by the lockdowns than by the fraudulently dangerous Covid-19 flu.

Cases of Covid-19 rose despite the lockdowns.  Of course, they did…the locked down folks needed to be exposed to get herd immunity, but the totalitarian dictators knew that every time the lockdown was lifted, Covid-19 would spread again, and they could force another lockdown.  Over the course of the past year, class inequalities have grown wider and have become more entrenched. And yet, at each turn, left-wing lockdown lovers have demanded ever-more severe restrictions on people’s lives.

Had America left the entire country open; Professor Isaac Ben-Israel claims that within 40 to 70 days the virus would have passed through all of those who were not sheltered for comorbidities, and it would have been over.  Unfortunately, the communist controllers in this country wanted the Trump economy destroyed along with small businesses so that they would rely on government handouts, and the middle class who loves freedom would be decimated.  Well done by the Marxists in control.  How many have committed suicide because their life’s work was ruined by the shutdowns and then by the communist BLM and Antifa riots.  And nothing was done to stop them!  Nothing!

How easily we have snowballed into a full-fledged Marxist/fascist nation, with political dictators releasing criminals from prison and imprisoning those who refuse lockdown orders.

Truth in Medicine

America’s Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) have been at the forefront of telling us the truth.  They knew that Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Azithromycin (Z-Pak) and common zinc cured early onset Covid-19.  Dr. Simone Gold, who is also an attorney, said, “Follow the science always meant ‘follow,’ but never the ‘science.’”  A new study out of New Jersey actually validates what the frontline docs have told us.

Dr. Gold tweeted, “On Inauguration Day, 6+ months after AFLDS said it, The WHO announced a single PCR test is not reliable. “Coincidentally” the number of “cases” will now plummet.”

How many times have we heard that the tests are unreliable?  WHO confirms the PCR test has a problem, one day after Biden inaugurated.

Elon Musk had four tests in one day by the very same way, same machine, left nostril positive twice, and right nostril negative twice.  Sounds like we’ve been had!

PCR assays are not designed to be used as diagnostic tools, as they can’t distinguish between inactive viruses and “live” or reproductive ones.  Besides that, previously, the WHO had recommended 45 “amplification” cycles of the test to determine whether someone was positive for Covid or not.

The thing is, the more cycles that a test goes through, the more likely that a false positive will come up — anything over 30 cycles actually magnifies the samples so much that even insignificant sequences of viral DNA end up being magnified to the point that the test reads positive even if your viral load is extremely low or the virus is inactive and poses no threat to you or anyone else.

In one Colorado county, they’ve admitted nearly half of the deaths from Covid were false.  All deaths were designated as Covid, but were false.  The CDC now claims that 94% of all coronavirus deaths were supplementary, meaning, the person had co-morbidities. Less than 10,000 Americans have died from Covid-19 alone.  The CDC apparently changed Covid criteria that inflated fatalities ten-fold, and actually broke federal law.


There are no guardrails on the left or the right to protect the Republic from communism.  Other than a handful of constitutionalists, both parties have joined the socialist agenda. President Trump, as much as he did for America in four years, and as much as he loved her and her citizens, he lacked discernment in hiring good people and continually chose from the swamp.

Matt Bracken writes in the American Partisan, “The American Left has no self-correction mechanism. (Examples of contemporary Leftist insanity: transsexuals welcomed into the military, biological boys ordered onto girls’ sports teams and in girls locker rooms, etc.) This Leftist insanity is anything but unprecedented. From the French Revolution, to the Paris Commune, the Bolshevik Revolution and through all the horrors of 20th Century Communism, the Left has proven that when it is unchecked, it will drive at full speed straight off the cliff of civilized norms of behavior into totalitarian systems of guillotines, Gulags, forced starvations, and killing fields.”

Matt is right…we are there.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Joe’s Jews — “This is what Democrats voted for”

Quick question: What is the most fanatical terrorist state in the world?

Quick answer: According to a 2017 report––the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism is Iran.

I go back to 2017 to remind readers that this report was issued by the new Trump Administration’s State Department and that it departed radically from the assessment of Barack Obama’s State Department and the previous eight years of the Obama regime’s starry-eyed infatuation with that terrorist state, to the degree that both Barack Obama and then-VP Joe Biden were enthusiastic co-architects of the Iran deal (aka the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).

The Obama-Biden deal offered the mullahs relief from sanctions and mountains of money in exchange for their oh-so-trustworthy promise to use the nuclear weapons they were developing exclusively for peaceful purposes.

And yet, after the deal was signed on July 14, 2015––significantly, and I believe purposefully, during the three-week mourning period that Jews observe every year for the destruction of the Holy Temples in Jerusalem––and after Obama-Biden gave Iran $150 billion, and then another $1.3 billion!, Iran’s hostilities substantially increased in terror sprees in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Afghanistan and Iraq.

And that is not to omit Iran’s bountiful sponsorship of terrorist groups including Hezbollah in Lebanon, Hamas in Gaza, and other Palestinian groups like Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, in addition to their murderous militias of terrorism against U.S. troops.

But to me, all that pales in comparison to the oft-repeated statements of the mullahs of Iran––including Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei––who have been calling Israel a “cancerous tumor” and threatening to “wipe Israel off the map” for decades now.

Significantly, German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s government has declared that Iran’s call to obliterate the State of Israel is not an expression of antisemitism but simply “anti-Israel rhetoric.” Coming from Germany, never has the expression “consider the source” been more apt!

It is important to remember that during his infamous basement campaign, candidate Biden said that his “top priority” was to reenter the genocidal-to-Israel Iran Deal.

This is what Democrats voted for. This is what Jewish Democrats voted for.


Let’s look at the appointments and proposed appointments, so far, of the Biden-Harris regime.

MAHER BITAR for Senior Director for Intelligence of the National Security Council (NSC). According to the esteemed Daniel Greenfield, Biden has put an aggressive anti-Israel activist and Boycott/Divest/Sanction (BDS) supporter––who has called for the destruction of Israel––in this powerful position. At a conference in Georgetown of the Palestine Solidarity Movement––a BDS anti-Israel hate group––Bitar lectured on how to best demonize Israel. “Bitar’s rise through the ranks,” writes Greenfield, “speaks to the abandonment of Israel by the Democrats and the ineptitude of pro-Israel advocates at fighting the personnel battles that define the government.”

ANTHONY BLINKEN, who is Jewish, for Secretary of State. According to the Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), “after notorious Jew-hater and BDS promoter Linda Sarsour spoke at the Democratic National Convention,” a Biden staffer “mollified” the outraged Jewish community by stating that Biden “condemns [Sarsour’s] views and opposes BDS…” But “Blinken and other top Biden staffers quickly apologized profusely to Sarsour! He also praised radical anti-Israel J Street as a ‘constructive force,” and opposed designating the terrorist Iranian IRGC as a foreign terror organization.

KRISTEN CLARKE to head the Civil Rights Division of the Department of Justice. Paul Miller, executive director of the Haym Salomon Center, documents that Clarke “has a troubling history of advocating for anti-Semites and representing anti-Semitic lies as ‘fact.’” In one of many examples, Miller cites that as the head of Harvard’s Black Students Association, Clarke endorsed and supported Tony Martin, a staunch anti-Semite and Holocaust denier who wrote a book called The Jewish Onslaught in which he attacked Judaism and the Jewish people. Clarke said he based his opinions on “indisputable fact.”

REEMA DODIN for Deputy Director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. According to the ZOA, Dodin’s background as a Palestinian propagandist and supporter of suicide bombings is so egregious that she should be fired on the spot. Dodin also organized anti-Israel rallies at UC Berkeley; spread Medieval-style blood libels, including the false claim that Israel denies Palestinian Arabs food, water, and medical treatment, et al. She was also a leader of the Hamas-affiliated Muslim Students Association and has close ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).

AVRIL HAINES, who is Jewish, for Director of National Intelligence. Described as being rabidly anti-Israel, Haines was Obama’s deputy national security adviser and deputy director of the CIA and is now the deputy director of Obama’s Columbia World Project which attracts huge donations from foreign sources, many of them openly anti-Israel. Last May, she signed a vicious J Street letter with 30 notoriously Israel-loathing former foreign-policy officials calling on the Democrat Party to oppose Israel’s lawful rights in Judea and Samaria, et al.

JOHN KERRY, who has Jewish roots, as Envoy for Climate. With personal connections to Iran, Kerry has been accused of “nuclear nepotism.” Adam Berkowitz has written that “even the Israeli leftist newspaper Haaretz is appalled by John Kerry’s bungled, counterproductive, utter capitulation to Hamas.” And Joseph Klein has written of Kerry’s farewell stab at Israel when he was Secretary of State under Obama.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE for White House Press Secretary. The former head of, a far-left anti-Israel group, and recent campaign adviser for Kalamity Harris, Jean-Pierre has praised lawmakers for boycotting pro-Israel groups and has accused Israel of “war crimes.” And during the Democratic primary, she celebrated Democrats who boycotted the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)––a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to Congress.

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, who is Jewish, for Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security. Mayorkas is a board member of HIAS, which partners with terrorism-financier Islamic Relief. He has undermined Israeli repatriation policies regarding illegal immigrants and signed a letter defending and praising Jew-basher Linda Sarsour. Mayorkas’ involvement with HIAS contradicts the role of DHS, which is to protect the safety of Americans.

DENIS McDONOUGH for Secretary of the Veterans Administration. The former Chief of Staff for Obama, McDonough spoke at the anti-Israel J Street convention and falsely condemned Israel’s “occupation.” As Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, he praised the imam of a Virginia mosque, knowing that the imam was a Muslim Brotherhood leader and VP of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), which directly funds Hamas.

SUSAN RICE for Domestic Policy Advisor (aka Biden’s Valerie Jarrett). The serial liar and inveterate Israel- basher was Obama’s senior foreign-policy advisor and also John Kerry’s chief foreign-policy adviser when he ran for President. Kerry’s idea for dealing with the Middle East was to appoint not one but two diehard enemies of Israel––James Baker and Jimmy Carter–as negotiators. Faced with a firestorm of criticism, Kerry backed down and blamed his staff, which consisted of Susan Rice!

WENDY SHERMAN, who is Jewish, for Deputy Secretary of State. Sherman negotiated the disastrous Iran deal. An Amazon reviewer summed up Sherman’s 2018 book as follows: “A weak apologia from someone who mishandled every major negotiation she worked on.” Again, ZOA spokesmen spell out Sherman’s threat to Israel of consequences from the United Nations (aka the virulently anti-Israel cesspool in NY City) if Israel did not accept a Palestinian [terror] state; she praised arch-terrorist Yasir Arafat as “the leader of the resistance movement” and downplayed the PLO suicide bombings and other terror attacks on innocent Israelis that Arafat engineered; on and on.

Unfortunately, because of space limitations, this is the short list! But you can see some of Biden’s other Jew-hating, Israel-loathing appointments here.

This is what Democrats voted for. This is what Jewish Democrats voted for.


But we love Jews and we love Israel, Democrats––including Jewish Democrats––exclaim! After all, they say, Joe’s children married Jews so he has Jewish grandchildren, and Kalamity Harris is married to a Jew, and look how many Jews Joe has appointed so far! All true, but what they fail to mention is that Joe’s Jews have a particularly poisonous antipathy to Israel––a condition unmistakably and accurately identified as antisemitism!

Make no mistake, Biden’s Court Jews, like Obama’s, are identical to those of the past––going back centuries––who financed, supported, licked the boots of and sold out the Jewish people in order to gain the personal influence, privileges, wealth, proximity to power, and protection that the “nobles” afforded them.

These quislings helped Roman emperors and other leaders over centuries kill Jews. They helped Hitler kill Jews. But after their groveling and traitorous service, they were blamed for economic downturns and used as scapegoats to explain away the failures of the evil regimes and leaders they abetted.

Journalist Melanie Phillips once wrote of Obama that he “is attempting to throw Israel under the Islamist bus, and he’s getting American Jews to do his dirty work for him…” Looks suspiciously identical to what Biden & Co. have already begun with his appointments of people who clearly hate Jews and loathe Israel.

Writer Mona Charen once wrote of Obama’s “genocidal hostility toward Israel.” Is there any difference today?


Why would people who hate Jews surround themselves with so many of them? As Don Vito Corleone warned his son Michael, “Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.”

As much as the enemies of Jews hate them, they also fear them. They can’t figure out how a historically besieged people—whose population today is about 15 million, as compared to, say, Muslims whose population is 1.3 billion, or a world of almost eight billion—have not only managed to survive the Inquisition, Crusades., pogroms, concentration camps and pandemics of anti-Semitism, but to flourish and rise to the top echelons of any community they’ve ever lived in.

In short, they want the brains of the Jews and also the ability to blame them when things go wrong!

But don’t these smart Jews know they’re being used? Yes and no. They’ve studied history, but they think that the passage of time has made them immune from mistakes of the past. Of course they’re wrong. Fools and dupes always get fooled and duped.

Unfortunately, too many Jews over the ages have been seduced by the hope-and-change rhetoric of the Left, so yearning are they to be “liked” by the cultures that have ultimately rejected them.

Today, we can only guess that the Democrats––including the Jewish Democrats––who voted for Biden and literally wept for joy at his inauguration, are simply crazy about everything he promised, including (this is the very very short list):

  • High taxes that inevitably lead to massive unemployment,
  • A decidedly weakened military,
  • Bad-for-America trade deals,
  • Bad-for-Israel policies,
  • The end to energy independence (already done),
  • The obliteration of women’s sports (already done).
  • Aha! Abortion… a virtual sacrament of the Left!

Or maybe they simply hated hated hated the highest employment of blacks and Asians and Hispanics and women in American history brought about by President Donald J. Trump.

No matter. History has taught us, as the Jewish prophet Hosea said: “They who sow the wind, reap the whirlwind.”

The Biden whirlwind is here. It’s just a matter of time before all the horror and destruction of his regime is fully realized––and blamed on the Jews!

Plus ça change, plus la même chose.

©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

How the Biden Administration Will Impact Israel and the Middle East

Anthony Blinken is the incoming US Secretary of State. The State Department executes American foreign policy.

Blinken was Obama’s Deputy Secretary of State.  Out of office, he founded a strategic consultancy firm called West Exec Advisors. They represented global corporations, foreign governments, gain access to the White House and top Government officials. His website boasted that “West Exec conveys our shared commitment to our country, to each other, and to our clients.”

Anthony Blinken reflects what Trump euphemistically called “the Washington Swamp.”

In office, Blinken made human rights a cornerstone in formulating foreign policy. Let’s see how that worked out;

Libya. Under Hillary Clinton and Obama and Biden in the White House, a decision was made to remove Muammar Gaddafi from power and let the Libyan people set their own destiny. This, despite the fact that Gaddafi had renounced his nuclear ambitions and was reaching out to the West.  In 2011, The United States led a NATO military attack against Libya on the pretext of “protecting civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack.”

The result was a disaster. Gaddafi was deposed and killed, Libya descended into a warring hellhole of rival Islamist and nationalist groups, and Ambassador Stephens was murdered at the Benghazi US Consulate. The State Department failed to rescue the ambassador and his security team. When news of their fate was released, Blinken’s State Department employed a fake human rights story to cover up their fatal failure by blaming the assault on a bunch of protester angry at an amateur video that insulted Islam. And the person who went on TV to sell that fabrication, Susan Rice, has been rewarded with a White House appointment running domestic policy.

The “Arab Spring.” As protests spread across the Muslim world against corrupt leaders, the State Department celebrated it as a positive expression of human rights. They called it the Arab Spring. In Israel, strategic experts, who understand the undercurrents of the Muslim world, told American and European diplomats, “You’ve got your seasons wrong. This is the start of the Islamic Winter.”

As protests grew in Egypt, Blinken, then Vice President Joe Biden’s national security adviser, and others urged Obama to get “on the right side of history” by supporting the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Muslim Brotherhood had hijacked students’ peaceful protests and violently targeted the police and government institutions that eventually toppled Mubarak’s regime. They imprisoned thousands and, in less than two years, had ruined Egypt’s economy driving millions into poverty.

The Obama Administration and State Department failed to feel the mood of the Egyptian people. One month after Mohamed Morsi, the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood leader, was sworn in as Egyptian President, protesters pelted Clinton’s motorcade with tomatoes during her July 2012 visit to Cairo.

The army, under General al-Sisi, staged a popular coup. They arrested the Muslim Brotherhood leadership, restored law and order, and begin to forge a more stable Egypt.

This did not sit well with Obama who said of America’s response to Sisi’s popular victory, “We can’t be seen as aiding and abetting actions we think run contrary to our values and ideals.”

US military aid to Egypt was stopped. It led to a divide between the White House, the State Department and a Defense Department that advocated maintaining US aid to Egypt.

By 2015, General Sisi had reached out to Russia for a large military aid program to be paid by Saudi Arabia and the UAE, Egypt’s allies in the region. Obama’s team wilted and renewed US military aid to Egypt. Sisi celebrated by flying the first delivery of American F-16s over Cairo. A triumphant gesture perceived in Egypt as Sisi’s victory over Obama.

SyriaBy the fall of 2013, Syria had plunged into a sectarian civil war and Assad was slaughtering his people with chemical weapons.  Obama threatened Assad against using such weapons. A deal was struck to remove chemical reserves from Syria.

Blinken, as Deputy Secretary of State under John Kerry, said, “Imagine what Syria would look like without that deal. It would be awash in chemical weapons, which would fall into the hands of ISIS, Al Nusra or other groups.”

He may have been right, but that did not stop the devious Assad from inflicting a sarin attack, killing an estimated 80 civilians. Obama was tested but failed to respond.

“We always knew we had not gotten everything,”Blinken admitted.

It took President Trump to punish Assad when he launched combined attacks in 2016 and 2017 destroying Syria’s chemical weapon facilities. Obama blinked. Trump acted.

Iran. If human rights were a cornerstone of the Obama Administration, it was sadly missing when it came to Iran. When mass protests erupted across Iran, Obama kept silent. The State Department in which Blinken served failed to stand affirmatively with the Iranian protesters. The opposition Green Movement was brutally crushed and has never been reconstituted. Instead, they bent over backward to appease the Tehran leadership with a highly criticized nuclear deal cemented by the delivery of $150 Billion that enabled the Republic Guard to brutally advance Iranian hegemony across the Middle East and down into Yemen.

This issue is the most consequential one for Israel with Iran spreading its hegemony and forward bases throughout the Middle East. In 2020 alone, Israel launched over 500 attacks against Iranian bases and weapon storage facilities in Syria.

Israel insists that the new Administration keep the chokehold on the Iranian economy but this is hardly likely after Biden selected Wendy Sherman to be his Deputy Secretary of State. She waso ne of the principle architects of the disastrous 2015 nuclear deal.

There is nothing that gives us hope that Blinken will maintain Trump’s tough stance on Tehran.

Israel and the Palestinian Problem. Donald Trump has been the most pro-Israel president since Harry Truman. His achievements have been many and Trump’s Abraham Accord initiative is sufficient reason to reward him with a Nobel Peace Prize. That is a hard act to follow and it is doubtful that Blinken can help Biden achieve that status, not with Biden’s declared aim of refunding an unapologetic Palestinian Authority that continues to promote their ‘Pay to Slay” policy which rewards their killers. This despite the Taylor Force Act, named after an American stabbed to death by a rampaging Palestinian on Tel Aviv’s beachfront, a bill introduced by President Trump to disincentivize the PA from this heinous policy.

The Democrat Manifesto also declared it would reopen the PA Washington bureau and the US consulate in Jerusalem to serve Palestinians, despite having a new Embassy there, thanks to Trump. All this with no demand for the Palestinians to desist from promoting terror and instead recognize Israel’s right to exist.

Former Defense Secretary, Robert Gates, said of Biden, “I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.” 

By default, one can say the same about Anthony Blinken. Policy meetings took place in the White House Situation Room in which Anthony Blinken participated. The results were poor.

Blinken, as US Secretary of State, must insist that Iran removes its powerful precision missiles from Syria, Lebanon and Yemen.  A nuclear Iran poses an existential threat to the existence of Israel, but the presence of these lethal weapons pose an immediate danger to Israeli civilian centers and vital infrastructure.

Perhaps Blinken can spend the next four years trying to convince the Palestinian leadership to change its behavior and ideology, and recognize and normalize their relationship with Israel, as moderate Arab and Muslim states have done, rather than push Israel into a corner, because peace with the Palestinians is impossible without it.

Foreign Policy for America is an influential policy advocacy group in Washington. They push their foreign policy proposals into Congress and the White House. They have some disturbing perspectives on Israel.

Avril Haines, Biden’s CIA Chief, and others signed a public letter earlier in 2020 urging the Democratic Party to adopt a more pro-Palestinian language in its platform. By pro-Palestinian Haines did not clarify if the language should be that of the PLO, Hamas, or Islamic Jihad in Gaza. If she means the language of the Palestinian Authority, it is an aggressive anti-Israel language back by violence and shared by other malevolent Palestinian factions.

Equally troubling is that Jeremy Ben Ami, the founder of JStreet, a Jewish group with the overriding policy of creating a Palestinian state on unacceptable (for Israel) 1967 borders, sits on the FPA board of directors to impose his views onto Israel.  He sees Israel as the obstacle to peace, not PA rejectionism, nor Hamas denial of the right of Israel to exist.

The Foreign Policy for America section on the ‘Israel-Palestinian Conflict’ is copy-paste drawn from JStreet literature. It includes tips on how to persuade Congress to be more sympathetic to the Palestinians, and angry against the Israeli Government.

FPA published a history of the conflict. According to them it began in 1949. They conveniently forgot that Arabs have been murdering Jews since the 1920s.

The Oslo Accords was ruined, they say, “by growing settlements in the West Bank, continued Israeli military presence, and a blockage on Gaza.”No mention of decades of Palestinian terrorism, rockets and suicide attacks. Nor does it mention incessant anti-Semitic rhetoric and incitement, and a stubborn refusal to accept a Jewish presence in Judea & Samaria or in the Jewish state anywhere.

FPA avoids mention of the ultimate Palestinian ambition of a state “from the River to the Sea” as if it doesn’t exist. And their top personnel are moving into decisive positions in the Biden Administration.

Democrat anti-Israel activists have seeped into the Biden White House.

Reema Dodin has been an apologist for Palestinian suicide bombers. She is the Deputy Director of the White House Office for Legislative Affairs. She is alleged to have blamed the 9/11 attacks on US support for Israel, and she supported the anti-Israel BDS Movement.

Karen Jean-Pierre was selected to be the White House Deputy Press Secretary. She was the national spokesperson for the George Soros-sponsored anti-Israel She has accused Israel of “war crimes,” called AIPAC “severely racist” for supporting Israel against Palestinian terrorism, and praised Democrats who wimped out of attending the last AIPAC annual conference.

Jeremy Ben Ami tweeted this is “Exactly the type of leadership this country deserves.”

As their agenda unfolds, Israel must be prepared for cold winds to blow in our direction under such a Biden Administration.

©Barry Shaw. All rights reserved.

How the Kennedys Radically Changed America

The Kennedys have for the past 60 years been one of the most idolized families in America. Joseph Kennedy converted his ill-gotten gains from bootlegging into a legal fortune. He then unleashed his sons into the political world. This is when his son John changed America in one way and then his younger brother Teddy in another way. We are still paying the price for both today.

President John Kennedy won his election by slightly more than 100,000 votes nationally. The election was particularly close in Illinois. With the help of Chicago Mayor Richard Daley who delivered for Kennedy with heavy turnout by union membership. That may have been a harbinger for what happened once Kennedy became president.

In 1958, Mayor Robert Wagner made New York City the first significant government to legalize public employee unions. The state of Wisconsin followed in 1959. The real floodgate happened when, on January 17, 1962, JFK signed an executive order allowing for unionization of federal employees. Since that time, 75% of the states have legalized collective bargaining for public employees. In 2009, public employees surpassed the private sector in the number of members they have in unions.

Along with this union membership came the fact that many governments make it near impossible to fire employees, no matter their actions. You cannot find out about the results of complaints against employees. What’s worse is in many governments the unions (which provide huge campaign donations to elected officials) have negotiated excessive and unsustainable pension and health benefits. Public employees in many areas make far greater compensation than the residents who pay the taxes in those areas. This has manifested itself in the need for revenues generated by ridiculous fees, parking ticket costs and prohibitive traffic fines. The dispute over additional COVID funding is largely about funding the excessive cost of public union employees who maintained their positions during the pandemic while others suffered.

The granddaddy of tax limitations once again was challenged in California. The challenge to 1978’s famous Proposition 13 that limited increases in the state’s property taxes and started a national revolution against soaring taxes failed. It was arguably the most important issue on the ballot in California as interest in the presidential election garnered less action because of the skewed registration for Democrats in California.

Who funded the opposition to this proposition? Principally building owners. They were branded as “wealthy people” or “rich” corporations. Who should have funded the opposition? Every one of us. Every office building lease has a clause that allows for the pass through to the tenants of these significant tax increases. The building owners will pay next to nothing.

Who was the principal funding source in favor? You guessed it – public employee unions. The funds would have gone in their pockets. The estimated annual tax increase was $8-12 billion. This is the biggest symbol of the fact our so-called “public servants” are at war with our bank accounts. They want your money in their bank accounts.

This is what John F. Kennedy brought to America – a war between our citizens and our employees and we can’t even fire them.

Let’s now look at what Senator Ted Kennedy did to radically alter another part of America.

In 1962, Edward Kennedy won election to fill the seat that his brother, the President, once held. Though he was a rookie senator, his brothers were president and attorney general respectively of the country. By 1965, Senator Kennedy had tragically lost his older brother but gained the chairmanship of the Senate Immigration subcommittee. Though not an author of the 1965 Immigration Bill, Kennedy and his AG brother worked hard to pass a bill which they pitched as something their deceased sibling would have wanted.

The promised law — while restructuring the origin of our immigrants – would supposedly keep control over the number of legal immigrants entering the country. Yet in the first 30 years of the law, the number of immigrants increased by three-fold compared to the previous 30 years. That amounts to 18 million people. Just last year 843,000 people became American citizens.

More importantly, it changed the basis of deciding who would enter the country. Family reunification became the centerpiece of our immigration law. The law established eight criteria for selection. Four of the top five criteria were family related with #3 being professionals and scientists along with artists of exceptional ability.

Thus, not only did a flood of new immigrants come into the country, but they were also not of our choosing. The newly minted U.S. citizen or permanent resident alien did. These newcomers needn’t have skills nor be able to support themselves. Once here and gaining citizenship or permanent resident alien status, they could then bring in their relatives creating a string of family members stemming from the entrance of one person.

This law has been in place for 55 years with little chance of major alteration. We do have certain programs allowing for skills-based entrance, but still the most significant number of immigrants are decided by the immigrants themselves. We now have 47 million immigrants here legally and we have very little say on capping this amount each year. This isn’t about race or heritage. This is about deciding who becomes part of our country. Senator Kennedy told us back in 1965 this would not happen.

That in no way means most legal immigrants do not add to our country. Rather it is to say there sure are a lot – the most in our history. We don’t get to say whether they must have skills or are self-supporting. We are lied to that they don’t receive government benefits. Maybe they did not 55 years ago, but they now receive multiple forms of government paid resources.

The interesting part of this is the two populations have begun to cross over. Nothing like moving half-way across the world to go to work for the government. Immigrants used to come here to start and build businesses. Now many go to work for the government.

When a tax auditor contacts me, I often cannot understand the person because of a heavy accent. My clients are in jeopardy If I cannot clearly understand the auditor. This makes no sense except in the world of certain people who think this somehow benefits Americans.

We hear about the great sacrifices the Kennedys made for this country. Many generations later they still don’t appear to have a need for a real job so they continue to run for public office.

The most significant legacy of these Kennedy brothers are these major alterations to our way of life. No one wants to focus on the ramifications of what they have done. After all, they are Kennedys.


Bruce Bialosky is a nationally known columnist. He was appointed by President Bush to the U.S. Holocaust Commission and is the Founder of the Republican Jewish Coalition of California. This article first appeared  on November 22. 2020 in Flash Report and is reproduced by permission of the author. Comments can be directed to

Mail In Ballots Were the Key to What Went Wrong

The 2020 election was a disaster for the republic. Lax voting procedures, last-minute rulemaking by unauthorized parties, and hundreds of accounts of process irregularities created such an atmosphere of suspicion and rancor that 60 percent of Americans of all parties believed the election to be basically illegitimate.

The hapless Trump team looked foolish by blaming rigged voting machines and international conspiracies. In fact, mail-in voting was at the heart of what went wrong.

Democrats, using the Covid epidemic as a wedge, were able to increase mail-in voting to 65%, up from 25% in 2016. Eligibility and security standards were relaxed. Registrants who had not previously voted were signed up to receive bulk mail ballots.

By the time Trump was raging about the “stolen“ election, the contest was over. Hundreds of thousands of ballots have been mailed into a security void, been returned and counted, and separated from any tracking information.

We’re supposed to believe that all these ballots, mailed to corrupted voted lists, were completed without improper influence by the intended voter only and that the ballot harvesters were simply trying to boost voter turnout without regard to partisan interest.  Since fraud would leave no trace in this process, the Greek chorus (media) began their “no evidence of fraud” chant.

But simple reflection reveals that it’s a matter of how much, not whether.  The evidence comes out in dribs and drabs, cascades of individual coincidences.

Squirrely counts of thousands of consecutive votes, almost all for one candidate, clumped together, an unrealistically large number of “voters“ compared to registrations and boxes of ballots suddenly available for accounting when needed are all explained most likely by millions of nonsecured ballots “out there“.

The ultimate security check for mail-in ballots is signature verification. But it defies common sense to claim that a minimally trained clerk checking signatures provides the same fraud protection as picture ID at the polls.

Actual signature verification of historical photographs, for example, requires great skill and expertise. The slapdash, subjective process used by election officials is biased towards acceptance. Simple testing has shown that it is easily gamed.

Yet the Left is working assiduously to make the system even less foolproof. In Georgia, Stacey Abrams, who registered 185,000 voters for the Senate runoff elections,  bragged openly about the lack of signature verification once she had “eviscerated“ the “exact match“ standard.

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that ballots couldn’t be rejected at all based on signature comparisons.  You might as well hang out an “Open for Fraud” sign.

State officials claim they have safeguards in place that provide complete fraud protection. But all they can know is their procedures were executed as prescribed and that the votes received were accurately counted.  That hardly proves that all the non-secured ballots arriving by mail were valid.

The only available check on their work is the recount, which is nonsensical. Counting the same ballots, no matter their origin over and over is unlikely to produce more accurate results.

Actual reform of mail-in voting would center on the better vetting of voters on the front end of the process. Assuring that only properly identified, eligible voters receive and return ballots would be difficult, but the real problem is the Democrats won’t stand for it.

They’ve struck electoral gold. They elected a feeble, unpopular candidate with no particular platform with 81 million votes by circumventing the traditional methods used to persuade and enthuse voters. They’re not about to give it up.

So an Arizona proposal to clean up registration rolls by striking voters who hadn’t voted in two election cycles and didn’t respond to mail is being hysterically shouted down as “voter suppression”.  Objectors to mail-in voting are lumped in with conspiracy theorists and stolen election rhetoric and then expected to share alleged responsibility for the Capitol riot.

Republicans may have no choice but to learn to play the game themselves. But America needs better.

We seem fated to have close, hyper-partisan elections. The losing side in the past two presidential elections has refused to accept defeat. In this toxic atmosphere. we will never find peace with an election process that constitutes an open invitation to fraud.


Thomas C. Patterson, MD is a retired Emergency Medicine physician, Arizona state Senator and Arizona Senate Majority Leader in the ’90s. He is a former Chairman, Goldwater Institute.

Hamas-linked CAIR sues U.S. government, claiming terrorism watchlist is unconstitutional

“They said many Americans experience such delays during travel, often at random.”
Yes, and often not at random: American Airlines, for one, is far more hostile to foes of jihad terror than to Sharia supremacists and advocates of Sharia-based oppression of women and others.
Anyway, this case has a good chance of succeeding given today’s political climate, but the Terrorism Screening Database is unlikely to be scrapped altogether; it will just be filled up with opponents of Biden’s handlers’ regime.

“Is the Terrorism Watchlist Legal? Appeals Court Hears Virginia Case,” Associated Press, January 27, 2021 (thanks to Henry):

FALLS CHURCH — On Tuesday, a panel of federal appellate judges expressed concerns about ordering wholesale changes to a government terrorism watchlist. A lower court previously found the list of roughly 1 million individuals was constitutionally flawed.
The 4th US Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond heard arguments Tuesday on the constitutionality of the watchlist, also known as the Terrorism Screening Database.
Government lawyers urged the judges not to intervene in the executive branch’s administration of the list and its national security judgments.
Fundamentally, they said the problems encountered by those on the list, like enhanced screening at airports and delays at border crossings, were too insignificant to merit intervention on constitutional grounds. They said many Americans experience such delays during travel, often at random.
‘Far From Insignificant’
Gadeir Abbas, a lawyer with the Council on American-Islamic Relations, which brought the suit on behalf of roughly two dozen Muslim clients, said the burden faced by those on the list is far from insignificant. He cited accounts from plaintiffs of being shackled and having guns pointed at them in front of their children at border crossings when agents encountered their names in the database.
“They are not just inconveniences,” Abbas said.
But J. Harvie Wilkinson, one of three judges who heard the case, said that while some plaintiffs experienced significant issues, others experienced only minor problems. He suggested it might be better for individual plaintiffs to file suits based on their own experiences, rather than just attacking the watchlist as a whole.
He also questioned whether the judiciary branch was able or qualified to require revisions to a program that the government insists is vital to national security….

Indonesia: Gay couple whipped for Sharia-banned sex
Palestinian Supreme Fatwa Council: Calls to follow the ‘modern Abrahamic religion are tantamount to apostasy’
Iran threatens to block short-notice inspections of its nuclear facilities by UN atomic agency
Iranian military top dog: ‘If we face the smallest mistake from the Zionist regime, we will raze Haifa and Tel Aviv’
Pentagon chief may increase number of US troops in Afghanistan and Iraq
Biden’s policy towards Iran could leave Israel no choice but to use military force
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DHS’s Unintelligible Threat Bulletin

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced January 27th that a heightened threat environment existed in the country due to what they described as:

“ideologically-motivated extremists with objections to the exercise of governmental authority and the presidential transition as well as other perceived grievances fueled by false narratives, could continue to mobilize to incite or commit violence.”

The bulletin goes on to say that “Domestic Violent Extremists (DVEs)” –a newly created term:

“targeted individuals with opposing views engaged in First Amendment-protected, non-violent protest activity.  DVEs motivated by a range of issues, including anger over COVID-19 restrictions, the 2020 election results, and police use of force have plotted and on occasion carried out attacks against government facilities.”

It is unclear exactly to what this refers. The term Domestic Violent Extremist (DVE) was established as a joint term by the DHS and FBI following a requirement inserted into the National Defense Authorization Act which mandated a standardized definition.
Curiously, while the Bulletin claims the definition of DVE is provided within the DHS Lexicon, in fact it does not appear at the attached link. Instead, only the phrase “domestic terrorism” appears. A note on the FBI/DHS NDAA report notes that DHS’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis uses the phrase “domestic terrorist” interchangeably with the phrase “domestic violent extremist.”
It seems unlikely the new bulletin refers to the multiple months of Antifa-led attacks against police precincts, ICE facilities, and courthouses, including attacks as recent as this week. DHS briefly utilized the term “Violent Antifa Anarchist Inspired” (VAAI) to refer to individuals responsible for attacks on Portland’s Hatfield Federal Courthouse and other federal facilities. A 2016 report from Obama-era DHS described Antifa as the primary instigators of violence at public rallies.
The bulletin may refer to claims by the FBI that incidents similar to the violent January 6th U.S. Capitol riot were likely to occur at State capitols, alleging “a huge uprising” around the country on or around Inauguration day. Over 25,000 U.S. National Guard troops were dispatched to Washington D.C. as a result of alleged threats, in a move widely panned as a political theater. No incidents occurred.
The DHS bulletin also mentions potential:

“[T]hreats of violence against critical infrastructure, including the electric, telecommunications and healthcare sectors, increased in 2020 with violent extremists citing misinformation and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 for their actions.”

This is likely a reference to the Christmas Day Nashville bombing outside an AT&T building which resulted in massive downtime for regional telecommunications and 911 systems. Some media speculated that the alleged perpetrator Anthony Quinn Warner (who died in the bombing) was motivated by popular online conspiracy theories regarding 5G networks and COVID-19. Yet Tennessee Bureau of Investigations Director David Rauch said the motivation was undetermined noting, “We may never find out the exact reasoning behind the activity that took place.”
The Nashville bombing has therefore not been classified as domestic terrorism as no motivation has been formally assigned for the attack.
Yet the bulletin would appear to be advancing the claim that irrational beliefs and delusions –such as belief in lizard people, a view Warner allegedly held—can be classified as a political motivation. This is problematic for several reason, even as we acknowledge that the Nashville bombing revealed a serious vulnerability which may be exploited by future threats.
For one thing it places DHS in the position of adjudicating what constitutes a “false narrative,” and likely into extending its search for potential terrorists into the realm of constitutionally protected speech. It also runs the risk of attempting to frame otherwise legal speech or even mere internet rumor as somehow constituting criminal incitement or support for terrorism.
Lastly the DHS bulletin contains a reference to three Homegrown Violent Extremist attacks against government officials in 2020 but the actual incidents go unidentified. Homegrown Violent Extremist (HVE) is a DHS euphemism usually meant to refer to individuals inspired by Al Qaeda or the Islamic State but who were not formally members of a foreign terrorist group.
This most recent DHS bulletin continues to fall victim to a contrived and shifting lexicon, which creates confusion and doubt about apparent threats.
U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies should speak clearly and frankly about apparent threats in ways which most accurately communicate the nature of the ideological threat, its objectives, capabilities, and intent. Until it does so, such bulletins –presumably intended to be helpful and educate about potential threats—will be interpreted as vague, overarching, and increasingly politicized.


Kyle Shideler is the Director and Senior Analyst for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism at the Center for Security Policy. Mr. Shideler specializes in Islamist groups operating in the United States, having spent over a decade researching and writing on their history, doctrine, and impact. Read his complete bio here. Follow Shideler on Twitter at @ShidelerK. View all posts by Kyle Shideler 
©Center For Security Policy. All rights reserved.

Back to the Endless Wars: U.S. Military Convoy Enters Northeast Syria

“A large US military convoy,” according to i24News, “entered northeastern Syria on Thursday.” Reportedly, the convoy “included some 40 trucks and armored vehicles and was backed from the air by helicopters.” Is Dotty Old Joe planning an American military misadventure in Syria? It wouldn’t be any surprise.
As former President Trump said last September, “the top people in the Pentagon…want to do nothing but fight wars so that all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes and make everything else stay happy. But we’re getting out of the endless wars, you know how we’re doing.” Not any more. The drumbeat to get American troops into Syria began almost immediately after Joe was anointed President-elect by the establishment media.
Of course, because of deep state interference in Trump’s presidency, we never really left Syria in the first place. Trump’s former special envoy for Syria, Never-Trumper Jim Jeffrey, boasted in November that he circumvented Trump’s orders to withdraw American troops from Syria by lying to the President. Jeffrey explained: “We were always playing shell games to not make clear to our leadership how many troops we had there,” and said that “the actual number of troops in northeast Syria is ‘a lot more than’ the roughly two hundred troops Trump initially agreed to leave there in 2019.”
What the Masters of War have in mind, however, appears to be a far greater commitment of American troops than even Jeffrey’s shell game allowed for. After all, how else are they going to keep happy “all of those wonderful companies that make the bombs and make the planes”? There’s money to be made even in the devastated hellscape that is Syria after nearly a decade of civil war, and so our moral superiors are starting to beat the drums of war in Syria once again in order to ensure that Biden commits enough American troops to keep that money flowing into the right pockets.
And so the Associated Press reminded us at that time (in an article that was reprinted in the Huffington Post, which indicated an effort to make sure the far-Left will be on board) that “a half century after Hafez Assad launched a bloodless coup in Syria, his family still rules the country.” AP quoted English swamp creature Neil Quilliam of Chatham House’s Middle East and North Africa program: “There can be no doubt that 50 years of Assad family rule, which has been ruthless, cruel and self-defeating, has left the country what can only be described as broken, failed and almost forgotten.”
AP was not alone. The U.S. Embassy in Syria, no doubt a particularly fetid corner of the swamp, tweeted: “Russia and the Syrian regime hosted the so-called International Conference on Refugees. Conference staff left their microphones on during a live broadcast, they exposed the lies of the Assad regime by stating that Syrians would rather flee the country than return to it.” That followed a tweet Thursday by Kenneth Roth of Human Rights Watch: “Why are so few refugees willing to risk returning to Syria? Well, fear of being detained, tortured, and executed plays a big role. But rather than empty his nightmarish prisons, Syria’s Assad blames Western sanctions.”
Then when Syria’s foreign minister Walid al-Moalem died, Reuters’ obituary stated in its lead paragraph that al-Moalem was an “unyielding defender of Syrian President Bashar al Assad’s bloody crackdown on peaceful protesters that sparked a decade-old conflict.” Reuters did deign to inform us later on in the article, in sneering tones, that al-Moalem “labeled insurgents ‘jihadi terrorists,’” without bothering to note that he was correct. They behaved like jihad terrorists: in July 2013, U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army fighters entered the Christian village of Oum Sharshouh and began burning down houses and terrorizing the population, forcing 250 Christian families to flee the area. Then in September 2013, a day after then-Secretary of State John Kerry praised the Free Syrian Army as “a real moderate opposition,” the FSA took to the Internet to post videos of its attack on the ancient Syrian Christian city of Maaloula. And the New York Times reported in August 2014 about “a combined operation involving fighters from the Free Syrian Army, the Nusra Front and ISIS.” That is, jihad terrorists.
Assad is without any doubt a scoundrel. But as his undeniable evils begin to preoccupy the military and media anew, it is useful to ask cui bono. Who benefits? There are oppressive rulers all over the world; why is Assad once again the focus of all this negative attention? The answer is clear enough: toppling Assad is a bit of unfinished business left over from the Obama administration. Now that it looks as if the messianic internationalists are going to be back in the saddle again, they’re ready to resume working to “make the world safe for democracy,” as their messianic internationalist forbear Woodrow Wilson put it, and to remake the globe in accordance with their smug and miseducated sense of the way things ought to be.
And if, along the way, a few friends make a bit of money, what could be wrong with that? The world’s policeman is back on the beat, heedless once again of the spiraling risks of interventionism, and that guarantees that the weaponry will continue to be needed, and the money will keep on flowing. So tell us more, AP, Reuters and friends, about just how bad this Assad chap is, and why it is up to the United States to do something about it militarily. You’ll no doubt manage to fool millions yet again.
Biden administration trying to fix Obama’s Syria blunders with the same team that created them
Egyptian government approves draft law to criminalize female genital mutilation
Official PA TV: ‘Holocaust was the price Jews paid for their ‎evil behavior…conspiracies and wickedness’
Israel: Military chief says attack plans against Iran are being revised in light of Biden’s return to nuke deal
Iran threatens to block UN nuclear site inspections while urging Biden to end sanctions
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tulsi Gabbard SLAMS Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Big Tech as ‘DOMESTIC ENEMIES’ more dangerous than Capitol protesters

She slams Adam Schiff, John Brennan, Big Tech as “domestic enemies” more dangerous than Capitol protesters. Coming from a Democrat …..

Tulsi Gabbard slams Adam Schiff, John Brennan, and Big Tech as ‘domestic enemies’ more dangerous than Capitol rioters

By Emma Colton, Washington Examiner | January 26, 2021:
Former Democratic Rep. Tulsi Gabbard slammed Rep. Adam Schiff, Big Tech, and former CIA director John Brennan as “domestic enemies” who are more dangerous than the rioters who stormed the Capitol.
“The mob that stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country,” Gabbard said in a video she posted to her Twitter account Tuesday morning.
The mob who stormed the capitol to try to stop Congress from carrying out its constitutional responsibilities were behaving like domestic enemies of our country. But let us be clear, the John Brennan’s, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are…
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) January 26, 2021
“But let’s be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs, and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style surveillance are also domestic enemies, and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob that stormed the Capitol,” she added.
The former Hawaii congresswoman has repeatedly slammed a bill proposed by Schiff to combat domestic terrorism. She also has taken issue with Brennan’s comments that Biden’s nominees “are now moving in laser-like fashion to try to uncover as much as they can” on activities he says are similar to “insurgency movements.”
Gabbard broke with many in her party late last year when she said former President Donald Trump had her support in terminating Section 230, which provides liability protections to internet publishers.
“@realDonaldTrump I fully support you on this. Please don’t back down. The freedom and future of our country is at stake,” Gabbard tweeted on Dec. 3.
She also introduced a bill that would ban abortions once a baby in the womb can feel pain, as well as another anti-abortion bill that would protect babies born after an attempted abortion.
Gabbard announced last year that she wouldn’t seek reelection for her seat in Congress and would instead focus on her presidential campaign, which she ultimately lost.
In her Tuesday video, she also called upon Biden to denounce those in power who threaten to take “away our civil liberties endowed to us by our Creator.”
“I call upon you, and all members of Congress from both parties to denounce these efforts by the likes of Brennan and others to take away our civil liberties that are endowed to us by our Creator and guaranteed in our Constitution. If you don’t stand up to these people now, then our country will be in great peril,” she said.


By Brittany Bernstein, National review, January 23, 2021:
Tulsi Gabbard, the former Democratic representative from Hawaii, on Friday expressed concern that a proposed measure to combat domestic terrorism could be used to undermine civil liberties.
Gabbard’s comments came during an appearance on Fox News Primetime when host Brian Kilmeade asked her if she was “surprised they’re pushing forward with this extra surveillance on would-be domestic terror.”
“It’s so dangerous as you guys have been talking about, this is an issue that all Democrats, Republicans, independents, Libertarians should be extremely concerned about, especially because we don’t have to guess about where this goes or how this ends,” Gabbard said.
She continued: “When you have people like former CIA Director John Brennan openly talking about how he’s spoken with or heard from appointees and nominees in the Biden administration who are already starting to look across our country for these types of movements similar to the insurgencies they’ve seen overseas, that in his words, he says make up this unholy alliance of religious extremists, racists, bigots, he lists a few others and at the end, even libertarians.”
She said her concern lies in how officials will define the characteristics they are searching for in potential threats.
“What characteristics are we looking for as we are building this profile of a potential extremist, what are we talking about? Religious extremists, are we talking about Christians, evangelical Christians, what is a religious extremist? Is it somebody who is pro-life? Where do you take this?” Gabbard said.
She said the proposed legislation could create “a very dangerous undermining of our civil liberties, our freedoms in our Constitution, and a targeting of almost half of the country.”
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“You start looking at obviously, have to be a white person, obviously likely male, libertarians, anyone who loves freedom, liberty, maybe has an American flag outside their house, or people who, you know, attended a Trump rally,” Gabbard said.
The Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act of 2021 was introduced in the House earlier this week in the aftermath of rioting at the U.S. Capitol earlier this month that left five dead.
“Unlike after 9/11, the threat that reared its ugly head on January 6th is from domestic terror groups and extremists, often racially-motivated violent individuals,” Representative Brad Schneider (D., Ill.) said in a statement announcing the bipartisan legislation.

“America must be vigilant to combat those radicalized to violence, and the Domestic Terrorism Prevention Act gives our government the tools to identify, monitor and thwart their illegal activities. Combatting the threat of domestic terrorism and white supremacy is not a Democratic or Republican issue, not left versus right or urban versus rural. Domestic Terrorism is an American issue, a serious threat the we can and must address together,” he said.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here— it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever.

New York Times Details Horrors of Trump’s ‘Muslim Ban,’ Ignores Victims of Jihad Attacks

The New York Times story opens with a scene of unmitigated horror: “On May 30, 2019, Mohamed Abdulrahman Ahmed should have been in class preparing for exams. Instead, neighbors found the gifted high school senior hanging lifeless from a beam in his home in the Dadaab refugee camp in northeastern Kenya. He had taken his own life.” Since this is the New York Times, it comes as no surprise that the ultimate culprit is none other than Donald J. Trump, and his nefarious “Muslim Ban” that his wise successor’s handlers have now consigned to the dustbin of history.
Times author Ty McCormick does his best to tug at our heartstrings as he describes Dadaab, “a sea of sand and thorn scrub and makeshift tarpaulin dwellings” that is “home to more than 200,000 people — a city the size of Richmond, Va., or Spokane, Wash., except without electricity or running water.”
It’s a place absolutely mired in despair, but “over the years, refugees in Dadaab have clung to one hope: resettlement overseas, sometimes in Europe or Canada but mostly in the United States. Tens of thousands of Dadaab’s residents have come to the United States; in 2015, for instance, more than 3,000 people from the camp were resettled there.”
But then came the reign of the Evil One: “Those hopes of a better life were dashed on Jan. 27, 2017, when on his eighth day as president, Donald Trump suspended all refugee admissions and banned entry to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries, including Somalia. (Restrictions were eventually applied to 13 countries in all.)”
It’s a predictable sob story about how hard the residents of Dadaab have had it since they have been unable to come to America. One is moved to tears, but when one begins to consider the issue rationally, other considerations inevitably intrude: there are people who are having hard times all over the world. In fact, there are even people who are having hard times in the United States of America. There are people who are suffering economically, like the people in Dadaab. There are people who are suffering physically, emotionally, mentally, and in other ways. All over the world, there is suffering and pain. Why, then, is it the moral responsibility of the United States of America to alleviate the suffering of the people of Dadaab? No one in Kenya or Somalia or France or China or Australia or anywhere else is doing a thing to alleviate the sufferings of Americans; why is it up to Americans, all of whom are suffering in various ways themselves, to alleviate the suffering of everyone else?
Meanwhile, what about the suffering of those whose lives were destroyed by Somali migrants who came into the country before Trump’s travel ban came into effect? Can we get a New York Times article on them? Somali Muslim migrant Mohammad Barry in February 2016 stabbed multiple patrons at a restaurant owned by an Israeli Arab Christian. When is the New York Times going to interview the people whom Barry stabbed, and publish a piece about how they have suffered, and how their lives forever changed that day? When is the New York Times going to write a piece about the other people who were in the restaurant that day, and explore their trauma, their horror, their terror, and the nightmares and anxiety they have experienced since then?
When does the New York Times plan to profile the victims of Dahir Adan, another Somali Muslim migrant, who in October 2016 stabbed mall shoppers in St. Cloud while screaming “Allahu akbar”? Do Adan’s victims get a New York Times article about their injuries, their healing processes, any operations they may have had to undergo, and their own ongoing trauma and fear?
How about the victims of Abdul Razak Artan, yet another Somali Muslim migrant, who in November 2016 injured nine people with car and knife attacks at Ohio State University? Does the New York Times plan to explain to us how the victims whom Artan tried to run down with his car (in an instance of the common phenomenon of vehicular jihad) now find their hearts racing at the prospect of having to cross the street?
Of course, the New York Times is not going to publish even a single line about the suffering of those people and others like them, or even consider the possibility that Trump’s travel bans did anything but harm. Only the suffering of the people of Dadaab and others like them, not the suffering of victims of jihad attacks, matters to the Times. The suffering of the people of Dadaab is very real, and should be addressed, but is the only solution, or the best solution, really the resettlement in the United States of large numbers of people among whom is an unknowable number of jihad terrorists, who will enter undetected since any vetting to try to discover them will be deemed “Islamophobic”?
There will soon be new victims of Biden’s handlers’ marvelous, multicultural discarding of the “Muslim Ban.” The New York Times will ignore them, while congratulating themselves on how they helped install a president who strikes back against “racism” and “xenophobia.”
Biden Puts Anti-Israel BDS Activist in Charge of NSC Intel
Texas: Man converts to Islam, plots jihad massacres at CIA, FBI and DEA headquarters
Polish Catholic Church holds ‘Day of Islam’ to ‘overcome prejudices’
Islamic Republic of Iran strengthening ties with Communist China, both denounce US sanctions
Turkey: 284 women killed in domestic violence in 2020, 56 because they wanted a divorce
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Jordanian Publication Al Bawaba: ‘Is ISIS Being Empowered by The Biden Administration?’

And the answer is: of course it is. Remember: under the Obama administration, ISIS established a caliphate in Iraq and Syria that was larger than Britain, and on January 20, 2017, looked as if it was here to stay. Now ISIS knows it is the time to strike again.
“Is ISIS Being Empowered by The Biden Administration? Deadly Terrorist Attacks Follow The US Inauguration,” Al Bawaba, January 24, 2021:

Only hours after the US welcomed a new president into the White House, the Iraqi capital was rocked with two deadly suicide bombings that resulted in at least 32 deaths and hundreds of injuries. The attack which was attributed to ISIS sparked discussion over the new administration policy towards Iraq and whether or not the terrorist group has timed its attack to coincide with the start of the Biden administration….
Social media users widely shared news of the Baghdad attacks since Thursday, labeling it as one of the worst in the city over the last few years, wondering whether or not it carries any political messages to the new US administration.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: People Will Die Because Of Biden’s Executive Orders.

Biden has put Americans at risk with his executive orders. Biden’s executive orders have already put tens of thousands out of work, put the safety of children at risk by allowing men in to bathrooms, and now has threatened our national security by opening up our borders and setting free criminal illegal aliens.
Under Trump we had border security. Under Biden we now have border insecurity.
talks to former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan about the disastrous and deadly consequences of Joe Biden’s executive orders on illegal immigration.

©. All rights reserved.

Biden Promptly Dismantles Trump’s Border Security Measures
Federal Judge Temporarily Blocks Biden Deportation Freeze After Texas Challenge
Biden Opens Door to Men Who Identify as Women to Enter Women’s Sports, Bathrooms, Locker Rooms

The Biden/Harris Treasonous Marxist Revolution

“The further society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those who speak it.” – George Orwell
“Truth has become the new hate speech.” – Pamela Geller
:Truth will ultimately prevail where there are pains to bring it to light.” – George Washington
“Justice is truth in action.” – Benjamin Disraeli

Patrick Henry said, “It is when a people forget God, that tyrants forge their chains.”  How true this is for America today.  The dread I felt knowing that President Donald Trump handily won the 2020 election but treason and fraud cheated him out of a second term overwhelmed my spirit.  Many American patriots are full of the same fear and dread knowing the Biden administration will completely destroy what President Trump accomplished in four years without the help of Republicans.  And in all those years he was pilloried, lied about and hated not just by the Marxist Democrats, but by a majority of the neo-con Trotskyite Republicans as well.
“Fear” is spoken of over 500 times in the King James Version of the Bible. In addition to the “Fear nots,” many times the Bible teaches us to “Fear God,” which really means reverence God alone and do not fear anyone or anything else.  Years ago, a dear friend called my attention to Proverbs1:33 and I have relied on this passage ever since.  Those of us who belong to the Lord are his children, and as such He watches over us.  When the devil tempted Christ, Jesus said to him, “Get thee behind me satan.”  We must do the same.
As big as our fears are, God is bigger still. Because the Eternal One is constant and whole, God can contain our fears, absorb the shock of them, until we feel ourselves strong enough to carry on. American patriots will carry on with God’s help!

Despair and Anger

January 6th changed everything.  When VP Mike Pence stabbed President Trump in the back and the Republic in the heart, we knew it was over.  What Benedict Judas Pence did was expected as he’s always been an establishment globalist. Pence carries a Bible out front, and a knife behind his back. Afterall, he and Reince Priebus made sure intelligence expert General Michael Flynn was ousted as the National Security Advisor from the Trump administration in order to keep the Deep State’s diabolical plans from being destroyed.
Black Lives Matter (BLM) along with their close commie friends, Antifa, have used racism to garner support and donations while destroying federal buildings and middle-class businesses, including those owned by black Americans.  BLM’s three black women founders have openly admitted they are trained Marxists…trained by Bill Ayers’ Weathermen Underground, the 1960’s communist radicals.  The ownership and enslavement of any person, whether they be black and brown, Irish or Asians, was an evil that America eliminated, but slavery is on the American horizon. Today’s promotion of communism by both political parties will eventually enslave everyone. Four years of Donald Trump brought out their true Marxist natures.
Many patriots are angry that Trump wouldn’t listen to the people who could have saved the Republic and his presidency.  Instead, Trump listened to his Deep State advisors who have surrounded him for four years.  Unless the 2020 election is exposed for its treason, fraud and foreign interference, we will never have another honest and fair election.  Justice is problematic as the politically one-sided courts are refusing to take these cases, and that includes SCOTUS.
It seems Trump’s discernment regarding people he hires hasn’t changed.  The former president has hired Butch Bowers at the recommendation of Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).  Like former Deep Stater Attorney General Bill Barr, Bowers served in the U.S. Justice Department under former President George W. Bush, whereas Barr was under former CIA Director and then President George H.W. Bush.
Democrats who now control all three branches of government are fully behind an impeachment of the 45th President for allegedly inciting an insurrection in the capitol.  They hope the second impeachment will result in disbarment from future office. Eric Swalwell, who had a lengthy foray with Chinese spy and honeypot, Fang Fang, will have a prominent role in the impeachment trial.
The left hates Trump for disrupting their plans of a Hillary win in 2016, and they’ll never let him rest in peace for trying to save this nation…they want his family, his businesses, and his entire fortune destroyed, and they will probably succeed.  Multiple banks are already closing Trump’s accounts, losing millions, but doing what they’re told.  Of course, it’s not legal or right, but with communists in control, our constitution is worthless paper.

Fraud and Destruction

Trump’s list of accomplishments was published by the White House prior to his departure.  Biden need only go through that list and by Executive Order (EO) overturn most of them.  On his first afternoon in office, Biden signed a multitude of EOs and made the statement that he had no idea what he was signing.  Kamala Harris told him to sign it anyway.
The communist coup d’état of America has been planned for decades and was thoroughly implemented over the last seventy years.  We are now facing the purge and a full attack of communist reeducation camps for 80 million Trump supporters.  Former Obama CIA Director, John Brennan claims Biden officials are moving at lightning speed to identify and root out “political opposition” from the American population.  This closely resembles the Chinese detention and reeducation camps for their Uyghur population.
One has to wonder how long it will be before we’ll see book burning in America. After all, most of the classics have been banned from American education, including Homer and Shakespeare.  Science-fiction writer Jon Del Arroz told the WSJ, “It’s a tragedy that this anti-intellectual movement of canceling the classics is gaining traction among educators and the mainstream publishing industry. Erasing the history of great works only limits the ability of children to become literate.”  Link
In 2000, many Americans believed they had elected a Christian president in George W. Bush, but his mask came off after his wife and mother later admitted they were for abortion.  In 2016, Bush said he voted for Hillary, and after Trump’s 2017 inauguration speech, he said, “that was some weird s**t.”
Democrat Congressman James Clyburn stated in a video posted to twitter that George W. Bush told him, “You know, you’re the savior, because if you had not nominated Joe Biden, we would not be having this transfer of power today. Joe Biden was the only one who could have defeated the incumbent president.”  For decades, republican presidents and politicians have been members of the same establishment cabal as the democrats.  Defeated?  Hell no, it was stolen!
Birds of a feather.
After January 6th, President Trump was exiled by the Washington political machine, the establishment media and Big Tech billionaires on the opposite side of the country.  They did this to the leader of the free world because they are owned by the communists who infiltrated this country from Europe only 60 years after the Constitution was signed.  By the 1950s, they had permeated every facet of society including federal, state and local governments.  Our judiciary was one of the main targets, along with media, education, medicine, Hollywood, and the entire American culture that once consisted of patriotic love of country, kindness, courtesy and decency to your fellow man…something Maxine Waters and her comrades worked diligently to destroy.
President Trump listened to his Deep State insiders and forfeited our White House to communist traitors. Why didn’t he fight?  We don’t know.  We know the enemies of freedom threaten and kill people.  My friend Phil Haney is gone.  Seth Rich is gone; Vince Foster was gone long ago and far more have since been expunged.  We expected and needed a spine of steel to stand against the obvious treason.
American patriots are devastated, they can’t sleep and they’re tortured with worry over our country.  Yet, despite this evil, despite the fears, God is still on the throne, He still answers prayer, and He is still in charge.  His will is the perfect will.  Rain falls on the just and unjust, and God’s kids are at the forefront of faith, hope and charity.  We must trust in Him.


The communist left hates our military, but called on every state to send their National Guard to DC to oversee the unattended ersatz inauguration of Joe Biden. Several of the National Guard tasked with providing security for the inauguration event turned their backs to Biden as the presidential motorcade made its way to the US Capitol.
The democrats actually removed the Guard from the warm environment of the Capitol Hill complex, and banished them to the cold underground parking garage. After an outrage, they were allowed back into Capitol Hill, but why are they even still there?
Some states have actually told them to come home. While in the underground parking garage, newly elected Congressman Madison Cawthorn took pizzas to them and even told them they could sleep in his office.  Better yet, our former president opened Trump Towers and all its benefits to all of them.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff

In an unprecedented memo to the American citizenry, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) stated the following, “As service members, we must embody the values and ideals of the nation. We support and defend the Constitution. Any act to disrupt the constitutional process is not only against our traditions, values and oath, it is against the law.”
The memo stresses that the United States military “will obey lawful orders from civilian leadership, support civil authorities to protect lives and property, ensure public safety in accordance with the law, and remain fully committed to protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”
Interesting isn’t it that they certainly weren’t worried about the George Floyd riots or the destruction in many Democrat held cities across the country by the Marxists of both Black Lives Matter and Antifa.
Nothing was done about the sixty-one days of unbridled Antifa thuggery that destroyed the entire front of the Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse in Portland, Oregon.  But of course, nothing was done to stop the destruction and looting in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, Kenosha, Atlanta, and so many other cities across the country.  They have stressed a commitment to the constitution which has been dramatically frayed by the actions of the Marxists within both parties.
The JCS have warned against sedition and insurrection, but it apparently only applies to what happened in the country’s capitol on January 6th, 2021.

Biden’s EOs

Immediate changes took place in the Oval Office.  The picture of President Andrew Jackson was replaced with a picture of Ben Franklin, and a bust of Cesar Chavez was placed on the credenza behind Biden’s desk.
Biden’s plan for his first day in office was the reversal of numerous Trump’s achievements, especially those that benefitted the American working class.
All federal workforces across the country will be required to wear masks until May 1st, 2021.  This will spread to the states unfortunately…and the Conservative Tree House has reported the ten EOs that federally weaponize Covid against us.
Expect to pay more in travel expenses.  Biden revoked the permit for the Keystone XL pipeline, as promised. In so doing, he killed some 11,000 direct jobs that the pipeline’s construction was to have created, and an estimated 60,000 indirect jobs in secondary, related industries.
Women will have to compete against biological male athletes who are trans gendering to female.  The border wall construction is stopped.  Trump’s 1776 Commission is stopped and the 1619 project via the New York Time’s revisionist history will now continue.  Travel bans from known terrorist countries have been reversed.  We will now rejoin the communist Chinese loving World Health Organization and pay exorbitant fees to them.
He also wants non-citizens counted in the census, and protections for Deferred Actions for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients.  What protections?
We will join the sham Paris Agreement which is projected to cost 400,000 jobs, an average income loss for families of four of $20,000 and a $2.5 trillion hit to the nation’s gross domestic product.
One of the worst EOs of this Catholic president is revoking the policy that prevents federal taxpayer dollars from going to abortions abroad.


Do you remember how Apple wouldn’t help unlock the phones of the terrorists?  The FBI eventually accessed that device without Apple’s help working with a third-party security firm.
Huge difference today with America’s Big Tech.  Zuckerberg’s Facebook is giving the FBI all the messages of Capitol Hill Protesters who allegedly took part in the riot, including their private messages since many of the events were apparently arranged on the social media platform.
Simone Gold, leader of the Frontline Doctors who has told the truth about the lies of Covid-19, masks, lockdowns and the politicized National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), was arrested and shackled for being at the Trump rally at the Capitol on January 6th.  She is arranged on Tuesday, January 26th.
Eliminating history, shutting down truth, and censoring those who love freedom…all are communist traits.  What’s next?  Labeling Christians as terrorists because the Marxists hate God?  Remember what was done to our Jewish brethren in Nazi Germany.
Get out of your recliners, dump the beer, turn off the sports and start writing and calling every damned one of these evil communists in our local, state and federal government.  Don’t wait for someone else to lead you, otherwise you may just end up in a reeducation camp like the Uyghurs of China or worse.
©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.