Trump, the reluctant war president

While the hawkish NeverTrump NeoCons bemoan the fact that President Trump has not only refused to start any new wars, he’s also been steadily bringing our overseas troops home, most Americans likely view this as a positive accomplishment, whether they admit it publicly or not.
But POTUS has perhaps been a trifle remiss regarding the war against America happening within our borders ever since he took office. Of course in this he’s not alone: Fox News and a great many Conservatives often made light of the Dems’ obvious anti-Trump ploys—especially the more ludicrous ones like the claim that he fed the fish wrong during his Presidential visit to Japan. The dishonest, partisan, “fake news” media have had a field day trying to turn the public against our President by nattering about his taxes, Trump University, Stormy Daniels, Putin, etc. ad nauseam—culminating in the 2-year Mueller witch-hunt and the Ukrainian phone call impeachment hoax. Between the hoaxes, nonstop Leftist propaganda and massive psy-ops, Americans must struggle to keep their grip on reality, and many have been unsuccessful in that endeavor—most notably your average Democrats.
From the start, Trump had very few allies even among his cabinet and top officials—some of whom were Obama holdovers— and he lost arguably the most important one in very short order: General Michael Flynn. In any case, POTUS needed a trustworthy, honest, justice-seeking and courageous Attorney General to go about the enormous task of draining the swamp and thereby protecting his America First agenda. Once his first choice, Rudy Giuliani, declined, he went with Jeff Sessions, who, sadly, proved to be useless. Perhaps Sessions believed he stood on principle when he recused himself, but even if so, he was tone deaf to the reality of Trump’s situation and failed to comprehend how badly POTUS needed an aggressive AG to have his back.
And now we know for sure what many of us suspected for some time: Bill Barr is also part of the Deep State. So if Trump has been playing 3-D chess, as many suggest, he’s been doing so without a bishop or a knight—making it all the more amazing he’s kept so many promises and has such a long and stellar list of accomplishments, including brokering historic new peace agreements in the Middle East. No wonder he’s recently received his third nomination for the Nobel Peace Prize!

Two Top Generals Weigh In

But now the game is urgent, the conflict escalating, and the enemy—firmly entrenched within the gates as well engaging from abroad—must be confronted. I believe that’s why two decorated generals—General Michael Flynn and retired General Thomas McInerney—are advising Trump to use his full presidential powers to initiate some form of martial law regarding the stolen election. We needn’t rehearse the myriad ways the Left cheated, but let’s look briefly at two of them: in the wee hours, in the swing states, there were inexplicable huge bumps for Biden. When you see them in a graph, they look like hockey sticks – a sure sign of in-your-face fraud. Does that ring a bell? Ah yes…Al Gore’s infamous hockey stick graph to prove catastrophic global warming—another hoax, long since debunked. But I digress.
We now also know that vote-flipping software—probably the Hammer/Scorecard system—was accessed in real-time by hostile foreign powers including Iran and China. I repeat: we’re at war! So let’s take a look at what each of these Generals proposes.

Lincoln vs. Trump: Secession vs. Coup d’état

General Flynn compares President Trump’s situation to that of Abraham Lincoln during the run-up to the Civil War, and during the course of it as well.
He lists extra-Constitutional actions Lincoln took, as follows:

  • Ordering “hundreds of Northern newspapers that spoke against him to be shut down and their owners and editors arrested.”
  • Ordering the arrest of an Ohio congressman “for the crime of speaking out against him.”
  • Signing an arrest warrant for the then-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who ruled that Lincoln had illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
  • Ordering the arrest of thousands of Maryland citizens “for the crime of ‘suspected Southern sympathies,”‘ some of whom were held in military prisons without trial for years.

Speaking of Lincoln, in his book The Real Lincoln, Thomas DiLorenzo makes a very compelling case that the South had the right to secede. Think about it—if they didn’t have that right, then neither did those pesky thirteen colonies that seceded from Great Britain! In both cases, the injured party was saddled with a growing economic burden, while being deprived of adequate representation. And while slavery, a moral dilemma from the start, became a pressing issue during the Civil War, the war was not fought over it, nor did the South secede over slavery. As the famous British novelist Charles Dickens remarked, the falling out between North and South was over “a fiscal quarrel.” That means a successful negotiation on tariffs, the primary issue that was strangling the South, could have prevented the war altogether. Alternatively, Lincoln and his party could have allowed the South to peacefully secede. This should be considered when we look at the draconian measures Lincoln took, and DiLorenzo doesn’t mince words in his critique of the revered President whom we’ve been told “saved the Union”.
Jefferson himself noted in the Declaration of Independence, “…Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.” The Southerners chose to institute a new government to promote their safety and happiness. They did not plan an assault on Washington D.C., or a coup d’état to overthrow the United States government. They merely wanted to go their own way in peace. Had King George permitted the colonists to do just that, there would have been no need for the Revolutionary War. Similarly, had President Lincoln simply wished his Southern compatriots well, there would have been no Civil War.
And this is why I’ve come to believe Lincoln’s autocratic actions had little or no legitimate basis, whereas, conversely, President Trump has every reason, right and duty to use the full powers of his office, including martial law and military tribunals if necessary, to combat the potent and dangerous ongoing coup d’état /Color Revolution before it extinguishes our Republic completely. And once lost, forever lost.

General Flynn’s Strategy

General Flynn’s petition calls for martial law, which I believe may be necessary for a short period; it also seeks a new election. While patriots would love to see a real election with Trump’s Electoral College numbers upwards of 400, I question the wisdom of redoing the election. Why? First, because Trump already won! All we need to do is to discount all suspect ballots—which all happen to be Biden ballots—and apply the vote-flipping algorithm in the other direction; that is, we just crunch the numbers adding Trump’s stolen percentages back and subtracting Sleepy Joe’s faux, extra-weighted votes. Of course we wouldn’t get to see the full glory of Trump’s win, since there’s no way to add in all the hundreds of thousands of Trump ballots they tore up, but it would certainly put POTUS well over the 270 needed to win the election.
My second reason is this: What might the globalist, NWO elites and their pals the Democrats, be doing in the run-up to this new election that they’d be sure to lose? Twiddling their thumbs? Or creating a massive false flag attack to further cripple the country and throw this second election into chaos?

General McInerney’s Strategy

This is why I prefer General McInerney’s plan. Here are some quotes from the General, “He [Trump] has got to declare a national emergency …He should also use the Insurrection Act because we have an insurrection right now in this country when you look at Antifa and BLM, plus other groups. He must suspend habeas corpus as President Lincoln did in 1861 and Franklin Roosevelt did in 1942 when World War II started.” He goes on to say, “The Democratic perpetrators of this, plus the Russians, Chinese and Iran, have not disguised this cyber warfare on America… And yet we have judges…saying that’s not enough. And so that’s why it’s so important that this national emergency be declared and the president start arresting these people right away; this is a national emergency. I would declare martial law.”
Remember the FBI’s predawn SWAT team raids of Paul Manafort and Roger Stone – two patriots whose crime was essentially helping Trump? Well how about predawn SWAT team raids on the key players in this insurrection? That would likely include the CEOs of Big Tech, Big Media, and many big players, all the way up to Obama and Soros – not forgetting Hillary, Brennan, et al., or Norm Eisen, the brains behind the Ukraine phone call hoax, and the “Transition Integrity Project” that actually war-gamed a coup against Trump should he win the election! And let’s be clear: the election fiasco is not just about vote cheating—it’s a brazen attempt to overthrow America’s government. Don’t think for a moment that we could endure four years of Kamala—I mean Biden—OK, I mean Kamala, plus her new VP (Michelle?), and then make America great again. There would be no America left. In fact, we’d find ourselves in an impoverished country stripped of our sovereignty, a mere cog in the New World Order machine. There’s no turning back from a worldwide dystopia under One World Government. Reread Orwell’s 1984—just mentally change the date to 2024.
This is why Donald Trump must be our War President—he must take on the enemies arrayed against us, and We the Patriots must support him. What makes most sense to me, would be his immediately replacing William Barr with a formidable attorney general—Sidney Powerhouse Powell, anyone? – who’d move forward with arrests, and perhaps even call for military tribunals for those who’ve clearly committed treason. President Trump must honor his oath, as I wholeheartedly believe he will, and we must honor our pledge of allegiance to our flag and the Republic for which it stands.
If not now, when?
© Cherie Zaslawsky. All rights reserved.

Texas Asks Supreme Court to Rule Election in 4 Battleground States Unconstitutional

The state of Texas on Dec. 8 filed an election lawsuit in the U.S. Supreme Court against Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, and Wisconsin, alleging that the states unconstitutionally changed election laws, treated voters unequally, and triggered significant voting irregularities by relaxing ballot-integrity measures.

“Trust in the integrity of our election processes is sacrosanct and binds our citizenry and the States in this Union together,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a statement. “Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin destroyed that trust and compromised the security and integrity of the 2020 election.

“The states violated statutes enacted by their duly elected legislatures, thereby violating the Constitution. By ignoring both state and federal law, these states have not only tainted the integrity of their own citizens’ vote, but of Texas and every other state that held lawful elections. Their failure to abide by the rule of law casts a dark shadow of doubt over the outcome of the entire election. We now ask that the Supreme Court step in to correct this egregious error.”

Continue reading at The Epoch Times.


This article by Ivan Pentchoukov was originally published in The Epoch Times on December 8, 2020.

Targeted Killings: The Legality vs. The Morality

Arguably, the most galling reaction to the targeted killing of Iranian nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, came from John Brennan, Director of the CIA under the Obama administration.
Startling evidence that members of the former Obama administration simply inhabit a parallel universe over Iran has been revealed in their reaction to the assassination last Friday of the mastermind of the Iranian nuclear weapons programme, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh.—Melanie Phillips, The warped reaction to the Fakhrizadeh assassination, December 1, 2020.
It has been over a week since the lynchpin of the Iranian nuclear project, Mohsen Fakhridazeh was killed in what appears to be an immaculately planned and flawlessly executed strike by elusive and yet to be identified assailants. Nonetheless, analysis of what took place and speculation of what might take place as a result, are still at the focus of considerable media attention.

The prime suspect…?

While no state or organization has claimed responsibility/credit for the action, and despite the fact that a good number of interested parties had reason to approve of his sudden demise, suspicion fell chiefly on the secret intelligence service of Israel, the Mossad.
Depressingly—but not unexpectedly—international condemnation was both swift and widespread.
Thus, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, issued a disapproving statement, declaring: “…an Iranian government official and, according to reports, one of his bodyguards, were killed in a series of violent attacks. This is a criminal act and runs counter to the principle of respect for human rights the EU stands for.”
In similar critical vein, Britain’s Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab expressed concern over “the situation in Iran and the wider region [where]we do want to see de-escalation of tensions.” Although he admitted that “We’re still waiting to see the full facts…of what’s happened in Iran”, he nevertheless stressed the need to “stick to the rule of international humanitarian law which is very clear against targeting civilians.”
Significantly, as Ron Jontof-Hutter deftly points out, both Borrell and Raab seem either woefully misinformed or willfully misleading in describing Fakhrizadeh as a “civilian/official”. After all, it is widely known that he was a brigadier general in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, not only an elite and highly privileged arm of Iran’s military, but also designated a terrorist organization by the US in April 2019.

Hostile & Hypocritical?

But perhaps the most alarming and annoying reaction came from John Brennan, who served as the Director of the CIA under the Obama administration (2013-17). In a series of tweets immediately after the attack, Brennan decried the killing of Fakhrizadeh in the strongest of terms.
Although professing not to know the identity of the assailants or whether “a foreign government” was behind “the murder of Fakhrizadeh”, he nevertheless began by deeming the attack as an “act of state sponsored terrorism” and “a flagrant violation of international law”, which was likely to “encourage more governments to carry out lethal attacks against foreign officials.
He went on to characterize the action as “…a criminal act & highly reckless”, warning that: “It risks lethal retaliation & a new round of regional conflict”.
When operating in foreign countries, secret intelligence forces are ipso facto in contravention of the law of the land in which they operate. Indeed, as part of their job description they may abduct, extort, illegally acquire classified information and yes, assassinate individuals deemed a grave threat to their homeland.
This is, of course, something that Brennan is well aware of—since he was, as the New York Times dubbed him: “the chief architect of a clandestine campaign of targeted killings”, and “the principal coordinator of a ‘kill list’… overseeing drone strikes by the military and the C.I.A.”—see here and here.

Good for the goose but not for the gander?

Indeed, the Brennan-orchestrated campaign spanned large swathes of the globe—including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen, comprising around an estimated 14,000 strikes. Of course, unlike the targeted killing of Fakhrizadeh, which resulted in little to no collateral damage, the US drone strike caused significant civilian casualties—with estimates ranging from just under a 1000 to just over 2000 fatalities, including hundreds of children—and leaving thousands injured.
Indeed, according to one BBC report, local residents stated that they were more afraid of the US drones than they were of the terrorists, who the drones targeted—also see here. Indeed, Amnesty International designated the US extrajudicial killings as unlawful—some of which might even be considered war crimes. Moreover, as for the efficacy of the drone campaign, many see the collateral damage wrought on civilians as spurring recruitment to the very terrorist groups it was designed to curtail.
Indeed, Brennan has been harshly berated by human rights organizations—much along the lines that he himself castigated the strike against Fakhrizadeh; while his integrity in accounting for the results of the drone campaign, has been gravely impugned. For example, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism asserted that Brennan’s claims regarding civilian casualties “ do not appear to bear scrutiny”; while The Atlantic was even more brusque, alleging reproachfully: “Brennan has been willing to lie about those drone strikes to hide ugly realities”. It derisively designated his assertion that: “there had been zero collateral deaths from covert U.S. drone strikes in the previous year, an absurd claim that has been decisively debunked.”

“Extraordinary & galling…”

Following his previously cited derogatory tweets, Brennan tried to differentiate his drone campaign from the targeted killing of Fakhrizadeh. Accordingly, he tweeted: “These assassinations are far different than strikes against terrorist leaders & operatives of groups like al-Qaida & Islamic State, which are not sovereign states. As illegitimate combatants under international law, they can be targeted in order to stop deadly terrorist attacks.
So, according to “Brennenesque logic”, while preemptively blowing away a “bad guy”(together with several unfortunate collateral bystanders), who was allegedly plotting to slay several hundred is completely justified; while eliminating a high ranking military figure (with zero collateral casualties),who was unquestionably planning the destruction of several million is a heinous “act of state sponsored terrorism” and “a flagrant violation of international law”.
It was with good reason that General (ret.) John “Jack” Keane, formerly Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Army, took exception to Brennan’s remarks.
In a Fox News interview, he remarked tersely: “…that’s pretty extraordinary. It takes a lot of gall to say something like that in the face of what Israel is dealing with, with Iran.”
He went on to clarify: “ I mean Iran is a threat to the United States. They’ve proven it. They’ve blown up our embassies they’ve killed our soldiers in Iraq. They’ve killed thousands of us in the [last] forty years. But they are not an existential threat… They are not challenging the survival of the United States. Nuclear weapons in their hands with ballistic missiles and the continuous and repeated threat to destroy the State of Israel. Iran is an existential threat to the survival of Israel…that is why their actions are so different than ours”.

“Arrogant & Dismissive…”

With some surprise and disapproval, Keane added: “I’m stunned that a former CIA director would not recognize this level of intensity and determination for what it really is–it is to protect the security of the Israeli people.
Elsewhere, Keane robustly disputed Brennan’s earlier tweets: “I’ll take issue with … those statements… It’s the arrogance that comes out of America at times when we are so dismissive of what our allies are really dealing with…what they deal with every single day in terms of a threat. So here we have the Iranians, that for every single year for 40 years have stated that they want to destroy the State of Israel and they want nuclear weapons and missiles to deliver them as the means. And they talk openly about it. But we’re just dismissing that. We’re not going to take it seriously. The Israelis shouldn’t be doing anything that could potentially lead to a “lethal reaction’. ”
So, it seems that it is not that Israel’s detractors do not recognize that states have a right to undertake actions that Israel has undertaken. It is just that that they feel that Israel should be denied that right!

If it walks like a duck… 

But surely if Jews as individuals or as a collective are denied the rights recognized for others, if individual Jews are denied the right to personal safety, and the Jewish collective is denied the right to provide itself security—is that not blatant Judeophobic discrimination?
If there is call for a unique and prejudicial standard to be applied to Jews alone—both as individuals and as a collective—then there is little choice but to conclude that what we are witnessing is not mere hypocrisy—but blatant anti-Semitism—little more than an expectation the Jews should in fact consent to die meekly.
It should be exposed as such—and treated accordingly.
©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

For Israel, the Chance to Assert Its Sovereignty Over Its Own Territory May Never Come Again

Caroline Glick continues her discussion of recent diplomatic developments involving Israel: “At a diplomatic crossroad, it’s time for Israel to act,” by Caroline B. Glick, Israel Hayom, November 20, 2020:

As for the Palestinians, in his missive, Indyk wrote contemptuously, “Trump’s ‘deal’ [for peace between Israel and the Palestinians] should be taken off the table when he departs the White House.” Biden’s team’s efforts to date indicate they share Indyk’s view and fully intend to begin where Indyk, Kerry and Barack Obama left off four years ago.

In other words, according to Indyk, the Biden administration shouldn’t even examine the Trump Peace-to-Prosperity Plan, which was worked out in such detail over several years of hard work, but simply assume there is no part of it that is worth considering, and have it “taken off the table” without examining its contents. After all, Indyk doesn’t want to have anything to do that doesn’t give the Palestinians everything they want.

But, as Pompeo’s visit to Psagot Winery makes clear, for now, Trump’s “deal of the century” which supports Israeli sovereignty over the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and in the Jordan Valley is still very much on the table.
The leaders of the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria are calling for the government to use the next two months to normalize the status of Israel’s younger communities in the areas. It certainly makes sense to follow their advice with all due haste. It is similarly important for the government to restore the decision-making power for planning and construction schemes in Judea, Samaria and unified Jerusalem to local planning boards.

Glick wants more “facts on the ground”: more new settlements, and the enlarging of existing settlements. These would constitute a statement by Israel: “we have a right to this land, based on 3,500 years of continuous settlement, a right enshrined in international law by the Palestine Mandate, that gave this territory to the future Jewish state; it is a right independently granted by U.N. Resolution 242 (Nov, 22, 1967), which allows Israel to keep territory it won in the Six-Day War and needs to retain in order to attain “secure [defensible] and recognizable borders”; a right that can also be derived from the Law of Nations, which gives a state the right to keep territory it won in a war of self-defense.” And there is a practical matter, too. It was extremely traumatic to remove 6,000 Jewish settlers from Gaza in 2005. Imagine how impossible it would be to uproot 600,000 Jews from their homes in East Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria. It cannot be done. These are the “facts on the ground” that have been created during the past four decades.
As for Glick’s insisting that decision-making power for planning and construction schemes in Judea, Samaria and unified Jerusalem be returned to local planning boards, she hopes that will speed up such decisions which tended to be slowed down in the bureaucracy at the national level. Those who live in the immediate neighborhoods of such proposed projects are best able to judge the soundness and justification of such proposals and to act quickly to approve them.

As part of the Obama administration’s explicit efforts to demonize Jewish life in these areas, Obama coerced Netanyahu into agreeing that every new construction project in them would require the prime minister’s signature to move forward. That move, made under duress, should be abrogated immediately.

Imagine if the United States our governors, rather than local authorities, had to sign off on every construction project in their states. It would take forever to win approvals as the proposals percolated upwards to the state house. That, in effect, is what Obama pressured Netanyahu to do, hoping it would slow down the approval process, which is exactly what happened. Right now, Glick argues, while a sympathetic Trump administration is still in office, Israel should abrogate that agreement.

More to the point, in the face of the open hostility Biden’s team is now expressing towards those property rights and towards Israel’s sovereign rights in Judea and Samaria more generally, it would be eminently reasonable, and indeed a matter of great urgency, for the Netanyahu government to secure Trump’s permission to apply our sovereignty to Israel’s communities in Judea and Samaria and to the Jordan Valley in the framework of the Trump peace plan….

Glick wants Netanyahu to return to the policy he had been promoting last May, when he announced he would be extending Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley and to the five largest settlement blocs, but then agreed, in order to obtain from the UAE the “normalization of ties,” to “suspend” indefinitely that extension of sovereignty. She thinks that the UAE at this point is so committed to the agreement with Israel that it will express its great disappointment if Israel now applies its sovereignty in Judea and Samaria, but not to the extent that it will undo its new ties to Israel, given how many U.A.E. businessmen have already been enthusiastically at work signing deals their Israeli counterparts in dozens of fields, from irrigation and waste water management, to cybersecurity and laser anti-missiles, to solar energy and million-mile batteries. Were Trump to approve Israel’s extension of sovereignty to settlements in Judea and Samaria and to the Jordan Valley, this would be his last, parting gift to the Jewish state for which he has already done so much. Glick thinks if this were to happen, there would be only a subdued expression of dismay. For security reasons – having to do with the increasing threat from Iran – it is unlikely that the Gulf Arabs, or Egypt or Jordan, would want to break ties with Israel that are too valuable to them, given the threat from the Islamic Republic. There will, of course, be impotent rage in Ramallah, just as there was when the Arab League dismissed the PA’s demand that it censure the U.A.E. and Bahrain for their normalization of ties with Israel; that swift dismissal demonstrated how low the Palestinians had fallen in the estimate of the other Arabs. The Arabs are tired of the Palestinian problem, tired of constant Palestinian demands for financial and diplomatic support, tired of the Palestinians walking away from the generous deals offered by Barak to Arafat, and by Olmert to Abbas. After decades of tending to the care and feeding of the Palestinians, these Arab states want to promote their own security, their own prosperity – and both can be helped by ever-closer ties to Israel.
Glick focussed on three things that she thinks Israel’s policymakers should take into account.
First, the decision by the PA to renew security cooperation with Israel, which was undertaken not – pace Glick – to win favor in the new administration, but reflected new fears about Hamas and PIJ terrorism in the West Bank, ever since the latest Hamas-Fatah agreement broke down. Israel’s intelligence on Hamas has been of great value to the PA, and Mahmoud Abbas knows it. Similarly, the PA has finally decided to accept the tax import money collected by Israel on behalf of the PA, after it had for many months chosen not to accept that money because the Israelis insisted on deducting the amounts provided terrorists and their families in the PA’s “Pay-For-Slay” program from the tax money to be transferred. Now the PA has done a volte-face, not in order to curry favor with the Biden Administration but because it is flat broke and wants to get its hands on the $890 million that Israel has ready to hand over.
Second, there was another diplomatic breakthrough between Arabs and Israelis when Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Zayed accepted President Rivlin’s invitation to visit Israel, and Bahrain’s Foreign Minister came to Israel to open his country’s embassy there. Both developments show that those Arabs “normalizing ties” have no intention of letting the martin-indyks of this world get in the way of their furthering these most useful ties, military and economic, with the Jewish state.
As a side matter, but potentially of great significance, was the article by a Saudi lawyer and journalist Osama Yamani in the journal Ukaz arguing that the “farthest mosque” (al-masjid al-aqsa) from which Muhammad ascended into Heaven on his winged steed al-Buraq, was not located on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem; Muhammad carried out his journey in 621 A.D. and the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem was not built until 705 A.D. Rather, Yamani argues, the true Al-Aqsa Mosque, already existing in 621 A.D., was located at the town of Al-Ju’ranah, some 18 miles northeast of Mecca. Yamani’s article could not have been published without the Saudi rulers approving it; they have the billions with which to promote his argument, for if it were to be widely accepted, it would give the Saudis possession of the three holiest sites in Islam (Mecca, Medina, Al-Ju’ranah) and raise even higher their status within the Umma. It could also lead to Jerusalem losing its current religious significance for Muslims and that, naturally, would diminish Muslim fervor for “reclaiming” Jerusalem from the Jews, something Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman would likely favor.
Third, in the same week, Secretary Pompeo visited – a first for an American Secretary of State – a West Bank settlement in Psagot, and its famed winery. This was a demonstration of the Trump administration’s stated conviction that Israel’s West Bank settlements are not illegal. That reaffirmation is what gives Caroline Glick hope that now, before the very different Biden Administration takes power, the Israelis can persuade the Trump administration to let them apply Israeli sovereignty to Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and to East Jerusalem. It’s a gamble. The Israelis would be betting that the Arab states now partnering with Israel will not be diverted from that path, and that others – mainly Saudi Arabia – are so alarmed about Iran that they will keep collaborating on security with Israel no matter what, and might limit themselves to mildly deploring this extension of sovereignty in the West Bank. As for the Biden peace-processors, they are already determined to blame Israel for everything, so their anger at the Jewish state’s extension of sovereignty will be different not in kind but only in degree. What Glick rightly fears is that this chance to extend sovereignty may never come again; if it is to happen, it must happen now, while Israel still has a friend in the White House.

Somali Senator Tags Biden in Appeal for U.S. Troops to Stay in the Country
Iran: Foes of regime hoped Trump’s pressure could bring down Islamic Republic, ‘now our hope is gone’
Italy: Muslim migrants use ‘citizenship wage’ to finance jihad terrorism
Spain: Muslim cleric arrested for recruiting jihad terrorists for the Islamic State
Australia: Muslim cleric says 9/11, COVID-19, ISIS, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, all products of ‘global Zionism’
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Fraud and the State of the Republic

Some years ago, a popular phrase was, “you are what you eat.”

Today, we might more accurately say, that from a political perspective, “you are what you read.”

Perhaps the best example is the difference between the Establishment mainstream Progressive press and the more Conservative independent press. The Epoch Times is giving considerable details on specifics of election fraud, while the Washington Post hardly mentions it. NEWSMAX television gives extensive coverage, CNN hardly at all.

Therefore, if you read or listen to one source rather than the other, your entire impression of the current debate over election integrity would be different. It is almost as if Americans are split, living in an alternative universe, because their information flows are so different in perspective.

Notice I did not say Democrat or Republican. There are an uncomfortable number of Republicans, who disliked the outsider Trump, who seem oddly unconcerned about the integrity of the process, because the result rid them of Trump. This position is perhaps even more odious than that of Democrats, who understandably for partisan reasons, liked the results. Republicans are supposed to know better. A good example is the recent editorial from National Review, that believes all of this controversy is simply because Trump can’t admit he lost.

This should not be the case. Either there is evidence of election fraud or there is not. We might differ in opinions but it seems today, we now differ in facts as well.

Thus, for many of us, we see evidence of significant fraud in the election, while the victors (mostly Democrats and Progressives) see no problem at all with the recent election.

In a sense, this should strike us all as odd. As voters, should we not all be concerned about the integrity of our elections? Afterall, the whole idea of “We the People” is that government works for us, not we work for the government. We are supposed to be ruled by the consent of the governed, and if that consent cannot be transmitted to political power in what all should agree was an honest process, then the very integrity of our democratic process is in doubt.

If you feel elections are a “rigged game”, then the very faith in the country is undermined. This is a dangerous development for everyone.

The current thinking seems to break into three camps.

There was no election fraud, and any suggestion that there was “undermines democracy.”  However, if you truly believe there was no fraud, and this is just pique by Trump over the results, an investigation would prove your case. Therefore, why would you object to an investigation?

There was election fraud, but not to a degree that it would really alter the outcome. This is an interesting position since it raises the question, exactly how much fraud are you willing to tolerate? And how much fraud was there if you oppose the very investigations that will uncover the extent of the fraud?

The third camp, says there is already enough fraud determined in key states like Pennsylvania and Nevada, that the election results have gone to the wrong party. Some 70% of Republicans seem to believe this position.

This is an enormous number of people who feel the election was a sham. Further, this is really bad for the country.

Mr. Biden may well take power, with a serious split in his own party, only to be faced with huge numbers of people who feel he is illegitimate.

This is much worse than “gridlock.” We are talking about millions of people who doubt the government is even properly elected, let alone divided.

At The Prickly Pear, our position is as follows: Investigate to the maximum degree possible the integrity of the elective process. That mean judges and legislators should not impede an investigation. Priority should be given to the integrity of the elective process and a liberal approach should be taken. We will accept the results whatever they may be, after an exhaustive and unbiased uncovering of the facts.

Thus, it would seem to us, there is no harm to any of the three positions by having a complete and comprehensive investigation of the election results. Whomever is determined the winner, takes office with much more confidence.

What is most important right now, is not which candidate is elected. What is at stake is the very faith Americans have in the electoral system.

How Ted Kennedy altered U.S. immigration policy to accommodate Communist China

When Henry Kissinger was Secretary of State, David Rockefeller, as Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, met with the Chinese Premier to pursue strategies to open markets in Communist China for Western corporations so that they could be linked into global scientific networks financed by American taxpayers and developed by American know-how as part of a long-term strategy to enrich multinationals in the vast, untapped markets of Communist China, which was to be elevated to lead the New World Order.
The United States, with its industrious, morally upright citizens, strong nuclear families, safe, stable communities, constitutionally protected freedoms, unlimited opportunities for upward mobility, and burgeoning wealth would need to be brought to its knees so that Communist China could ascend to superpower status.
WATCH: How Kennedy Altered U.S. Immigration Policy to Accommodate Communist China
In the Kissinger Transcripts, Kissinger and Chairman Mao-tse Tung discussed using immigrants as a weapon against the United States, to weaken this country for conquest by Communist China.
“My colleagues in Washington think I’m a raving maniac,” Kissinger said.
“Fundamental cooperation is needed,” Mao reminded him.
“Even if we sometimes criticize each other, we will coordinate our actions with you,” Kissinger told Mao. “Both of us must be true to our principles. In fact, it would confuse the issue if we spoke the same language.”
“The whole world should unite to defeat all reactionaries and establish socialism,” Mao said alluding to patriots and nationalists – that is, those who were not agreeable to the technocratic, globalist agenda that seeks to enslave humanity and absorb the wealth and power of the world into the hands of a select few.
Mao and Kissinger also discussed a strategy of changing U.S. immigration policy to weaken the United States from within.
“Do you want our Chinese women,” Mao asked with deadpanned seriousness. “We can give you 10,000,000. We can let them flood your country with disaster and therefore impair your interests.”
Kissinger complimented Mao’s “novel idea” and advised, “I will have to study it.”
“You can set up a committee,” Mao suggested. “That is how you settle the population question.”
Around this time, Senator Ted Kennedy, who nursed political ambitions of his own, took steps to permanently change America’s immigration policies, with a view toward transforming the country’s demographics forever.
“You can let in so many nationalities,” Mao said.
While observing his Chinese counterpart, Kissinger perceived a “mocking, slightly demonic smile.”
While globalists were fond of accusing Americans of racism, Kissinger privately acknowledged their tolerance.
“There is no feeling of hostility at all toward the Chinese people,” Kissinger told Mao. “On the contrary, between us right now, there is only a judicial problem, which we will solve in the next years…there is a strong community of interests which is operating immediately (and tapping) other countries that have intentions.”
Mao laughed with Kissinger over his view of the United States as a “paper tiger” – that of a powerful, but ultimately ineffectual force that could fold with a gust of wind.
As transcripts revealed, Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping praised Kissinger for “(pulling) the wool over the eyes of the West, (demoralizing) the Western people, and (letting) them slacken their pace.”
Kissinger’s assistant, Winston Lord, who had joined the National Security Council in 1969, went on to become Ambassador to China during the Bush and Reagan Administrations.
Bill Clinton then appointed Lord Undersecretary of State for East Asia and Pacific Affairs, ensuring that Kissinger’s agenda continued regardless of whom the people elected to serve them.
Good, decent, and trusting American people were largely oblivious to the machinations at play as the shadow dragon gradually executed a plan against them which was conceived by a small group of men in London controlled by the Rothschilds.
Ted Kennedy, who nursed presidential ambitions, was quick to perceive an opportunity.
It was not long after that Kennedy aligning his interests with those of Communist China and the City of London.
Kennedy’s treachery began with his unrestrained support for the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, which ended the immigration quota system and removed restrictions on immediate relations of immigrants.
Previously, the American immigration system gave priority to Northern and Western European immigrants who shared the values and culture of the United States.
In contrast, Kennedy opened the doors to Africa and Asia, where communists were fomenting revolutions.
The bill was written by Norbert Schell, a legal adviser to Kennedy whose client list included Atlantic Richfield and business interests in Asia.
Recall Kissinger’s discussions with Mao in which the men privately discussed “flooding” the country with Chinese immigrants for the specific purpose of impairing the interests of the United States and “let(ting) in so many nationalities.”
While Americans have begun to resist the influx of immigrants into this country, their resistance was not based upon racism. Kissinger remarked effusively about tolerance Americans expressed towards people from other lands.
The new immigrants the City of London sought to bring into the United States were those who would deliberately create problems for the host country and impair its interests.
It is difficult for Americans to believe that the immigration laws were written with this intent, but elites have admitted to this in their own words, and the problems created as a result are palpable.
According to NumbersUSA, an organization that seeks to reduce legal and illegal immigration into the United States, Kennedy’s immigration policies have “fundamentally changed America” by destroying the ability of the United States to control its own borders and be an environmentally sustainable nation. Immigrants are now coming into the country faster than they can be absorbed, inflicting stress on communities and impairing their ability to meet budgets due to growing demands for medical care, education, housing, and social services.
In turn, Americans are facing dramatic increases in property taxes, making it difficult for many to purchase and maintain their own homes. Hundreds of thousands of Americans have fallen out of the middle class as their occupations have collapsed and their wages have stagnated while their taxes had shot into the stratosphere.
It is clear that another agenda is at play.
Not only do Communists advocate a strategy of overwhelming the United States with immigrants, but globalist groups have organized caravans from the United States and Mexico, like Pueblos sin Fronteras, which have called for open borders.
Another tell is that the Chair Emeritus of the International Rescue Committee (IRC), an organization which champions asylum seekers, is none other than Winston Lord, a Yale graduate and member of Skull and Bones.
In addition to attending meetings with President Richard Nixon, Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, and Communist Chinese Chairman Mao Zedong, Lord accompanied Nixon on his historic trip to China and served as U.S. Ambassador to China under President George Herbert Walker Bush.
The IRC was subsidized by the National War Fund whose president was Winston Aldrich, an American financier and scion of a prominent political family who served as U.S. Ambassador to the United Kingdom.
Married to a Rockefeller, Aldrich became President and Chairman of Chase National Bank which coordinated financial assistance for the UK and Europe after World War II.
Parroting globalist talking points, the IRC opines: “Central Americans fleeing violence and persecution have the right to apply for protection, A new U.S. policy that will push these desperate asylum seekers back into Mexico is not only cruel but illegal.”
Among the IRC’s champions is actress Meryl Streep who endorsed Hillary Clinton for President and then promptly joined the “Resistance” after Trump won in her place.
The IRC, which established 191 field offices in over 30 crisis torn communities to help refugees survive conflict and rebuild countries after wars, is presided over not by an American – but a Brit – UK Foreign Secretary David Milliband to be exact.
Founded during World War II, the IRC was established to help Jews flee Nazi Germany.
After the IRC facilitated the emigration of European Jews to Israel, China, and the United States, the group expanded its mandate to include other types of refugees. The IRC’s antecedent, the International Relief Association, was founded in Germany by communists, some of whom survived Stalin’s purges in Russia and who were members of the Socialist Workers Party. Among those purged was Jay Lovestone, the head of the Communist Party of the United States and CIA asset.
In the 1970s, Kennedy expanded the refugee program, spawning a resettlement cottage industry.
As public funds became available for refugees and other poor immigrants, corporations demanded the United States increase its intake of poor, unskilled immigrants to exploit cheap labor, in turn displacing more American from jobs while increasing the demand for more public housing and entitlement programs for the needy which government contractors provided, making the rich richer at the expense of ordinary citizens.
Americans who took umbrage at this agenda which was admittedly created to prepare the United States for conquest, demoralize and displace its people, and bankrupt the country, have been disparaged as racists, nationalists, and part of old America that deserves to die, not unlike the traditional Chinese whose noble culture and religion were decimated by the materialistic, Godless communists who seized control in their country, flooded their country with drugs, and oppressed its people.
The U.S. government has further accommodated Big Business at the expense of ordinary citizens by ensuring corporations receive subsidies and tax relief to hire foreigners over Americans, often paying immigrants lower wages than what their American counterparts would need to survive.
The taxpayers are then required to support poor immigrants to make up the wage differential. The more needy, unskilled, and vulnerable the people that can be brought into the country, the more government contractors and corporations can profit by way of providing them free or subsidized housing, new schools, hospitals, equipment, products, and services that are taxpayer subsidized, with lucrative government contracts offered to provide hospitality to needy immigrants.
Kennedy tried to force through more immigration legislation between 2000 and 2008, creating a lottery that randomly gave away 50,000 green cards a year to people in countries with the least cultural ties and affinity with the United States, some of which sponsored terrorism.
Elites profited from the influx while consolidating power through the societal chaos that ensued.
Kennedy also pushed the H-1B visa for immigrants with specialized knowledge, preventing hundreds of thousands of American children from acquiring jobs in high tech companies.
He further helped squash the recommendations of Civil Rights activist Barbara Jordan’s Blue Ribbon Commission to reduce overall immigration and eliminate chain migration and the immigration lottery.
He even promoted mini amnesties directed as specific nationalities, transforming the United States permanently while residing near the Chinese Embassy in the posh neighborhood of Kalorama in Washington, DC.
Between 1966 and 1979, Ted Kennedy played a critical role behind the scenes in normalizing diplomatic relations with China by “(leading) the electorate out of its hostility and fear of what was then called Red China.”
While angling to be President, he gave speeches that encouraged the United States to build a closer relationship with Communist China.
In spring of 1971, Kennedy tried to become the first U.S. politician to travel to China while advocating for full U.S. diplomatic relations with Communist China.
Kennedy believed that carrying water for the Communist Chinese and elites within the City of London would be his ticket to the White House.
In 1977, he delivered a major foreign policy speech in which he advocated normalizing relations with China before the World Affairs Council of Boston.
The New York Times described his speech as “the most forthright and detailed proposal made by a politician.”
Later that year, Kennedy traveled to China to meet with Deng Ziaoping to discuss an “imaginative and practical” strategy to normalize Sino-U.S. Relations.
The following year, China and the United States had restored diplomatic relations.
When cozying up to the Chinese didn’t produce the results he wanted, Kennedy enlisted the help of the Soviets to clear the way for his path to the White House in 1988.
As the London Times reported in 1992, Kennedy offered to help the Soviets influence the 1984 election through an intermediary Soviet KGB agent.
“Kennedy would arm Soviet officials with explanations regarding problems of nuclear disarmament, so they may be better prepared and more convincing during appearances in the USA,” the Washington Post‘s Bob Woodward wrote in the London Times.
In exchange, Kennedy enlisted Soviet assistance to challenge Ronald Reagan’s re-election campaign by offering to use his influential friends in the media to soften the image of Soviet leaders and depict the duly elected President of the United States as “reckless” and “dangerous.”
It was not treason that ultimately derailed Kennedy’s presidential ambitions but a personal indiscretion in which he pleaded guilty to having left the scene of a car accident that killed his passenger, Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick. If the White House eluded him, it was not for a want of trying. Still, the damage had been done.

Susan Bradford

©American Media Periscope. All rights reserved.

Biden’s DHS: Department of Homeland Surrender

Alejandro Mayorkas, architect of DACA, picked by Biden to head DHS.

On May 5, 2005 the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims conducted a hearing on the topic, New ”Dual Missions” Of The Immigration Enforcement Agencies.
I was one of the four witnesses who testified at that hearing.
One paragraph in particular from Chairman Hostettler’s statement at that hearing back then, is of particular significance today, as we consider what will happen if Joe Biden is sworn in as President of the United States:

The 9/11 terrorists all came to the United States without weapons or contraband—Added customs enforcement would not have stopped 9/11 from happening. What might have foiled al Qaeda’s plan was additional immigration focus, vetting and enforcement. And so what is needed is recognition that, one, immigration is a very important national security issue that cannot take a back seat to customs or agriculture. Two, immigration is a very complex issue, and immigration enforcement agencies need experts in immigration enforcement. And three, the leadership of our immigration agencies should be shielded from political pressures to act in a way which could compromise the Nation’s security.

Now we come to Biden’s choice for the vital position of Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas. Remember Biden has pledged to create a massive legalization program for unknown millions of illegal aliens. The DHS enforces and administers America’s immigration laws and thus would bear the responsibility for administering this ill-conceived program.
I addressed my concerns about this amnesty in my earlier piece: “Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is Bunk.”
Let’s begin by noting that during the Obama administration Mayorkas was the Director of USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services), an agency that operates under the aegis of the DHS and is responsible for the  adjudication of all of the applications that are filed to accord aliens various immigration benefits. This includes applications for political asylum, change in status for various visa lawful immigrant status, and even United States citizenship.
You can think of USCIS as “America’s Locksmith” because lawful status provides aliens with easy entry into the United States through the “front door” of our nation’s ports of entry.
Mayorkas was notorious for demanding that USCIS adjudicators “Get to yes”- that is to say, approve virtually all applications for various immigration benefits.
It must be noted that immigration fraud was determined by the 9/11 Commission to be the key method of entry and embedding for numerous foreign terrorists operating in the United States.
I wrote about the nexus between immigration fraud and national security in my article: “Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill – 9/11 Commission identified immigration fraud as a key embedding tactic of terrorists”
On December 20, 2013 a website known then as published a report: “Grassley Rips DHS Nominee Maorkas, E-5 Visa Program.” That report began with this statement:
Washington, DC – As Democrats in the filibuster-free U.S. Senate fill key administration vacancies, U.S. Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) assailed a Department of Homeland Security nominee for playing a key role in aiding Terry McAuliffes electric-car company raise funds through a visa-investor program.
Whistleblowers have provided my office with very troubling evidence. Much of the evidence involves the EB-5 regional center program, which (U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Alejandro) Mayorkas is responsible for managing,” charged Grassley, the top Republican on the House Judiciary Committee, which oversees immigration issues.
The evidence appears to support allegations that Mr. Mayorkas and his leadership team at Citizenship and Immigration Services are susceptible to political pressure and favoritism,” the Iowa Republican said.
Grassley said documents appear to show (Mayorkas) intervening in an EB-5 decision involving Gulf Coast Funds Management, an organization run by Hillary Clintons brother, Anthony Rodham.”
So much for Chairman Hostettler’s heartfelt concerns about the politicization of immigration law enforcement!
Mayorkas was also the architect of the DACA (Deferred Action, Childhood Arrivals) Program.
Additionally, in 2015, prompted by serious complaints from many USCIS employees, the Office of the Inspector General conducted an investigation into allegations of malfeasance committed by Mayorkas when he was the head of USCIS.
On March 24, 2015 a report of the findings of the investigation by the Office of the Inspector General was released.
The focus was on how applications for a particular visa category, the EB-5 Visa for aliens who invest between 500,000 and 1,000,000 in businesses that creates jobs for Americans in the United States, were wrongly approved.
ABC News published several in-depth articles about the troubling findings of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG).
On March 24, 2015 ABC News reported, “Top Homeland Official Alejandro Mayorkas Accused of Political Favoritism Alejandro Mayorkas oversaw controversial $500,000 visa program.
The above-noted report was preceded by two ABC News reports that were published on February 3, 2015 which illustrate a clear nexus between these visas and national security:
Whistleblowers: US Gave Visas to Suspected Forgers, Fraudsters, Criminals Internal documents show feds ignored warnings from FBI.”  This report began with this excerpt:
Officials overseeing a federal program that offers an immigration short-cut to wealthy foreign investors have ignored pointed warnings from federal agents and approved visas for some immigrants suspected of having committed fraud, money laundering, and even one applicant with alleged ties to a child porn website, an ABC News investigation has found. The shortcomings prompted concerns within the Department of Homeland Security that the boutique immigration program would be exploited by terrorists, according to internal documents obtained by ABC News.
It is shocking,” said Sen. Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican. Particularly when you have F.B.I. and other law enforcement agencies that are saying national security could be compromised or is being compromised — that’s enough for us to be concerned.”
Feds Investigating Iran Ties to Firm Involved in US Visa Program Documents: Iranian operatives may be abusing program to “infiltrate” U.S.”  This report began with these excerpt:
Federal agents in Los Angeles are investigating an L.A. shipping firm and its Iranian-born owner who for years have participated in and promoted an obscure U.S. immigration program — allowing the company to recruit wealthy foreign investors to receive visas and potentially Green Cards, law enforcement sources told ABC News.
The companys name surfaced in a confidential Department of Homeland Security government document, which raised concerns that this particular visa program may be abused by Iranian operatives to infiltrate the United States.”
Whistleblowers inside the federal agency that oversees the immigration program told ABC News they have been deeply frustrated by an inability to de-certify the company, even after they became aware of the investigation and saw the companys name surface in an alarming internal Department Homeland Security memo. The memo, shared with ABC News, outlines concerns that Irans Revolutionary Guards have attempted to exploit the visa program to infiltrate the United States.”
The ABC report included this excerpt about one company in particularly, TTC (Total Transportation Concepts):
The records show that the TTC employee was suspected of ties to an Iranian terror network that was involved in bombing plots and attempted assassinations. In 2012, federal investigators sent an email to immigration officials to advise them against re-certifying American Logistics for the immigration program, warning that an approval would likely have serious national security implications.”
I strongly advise against a favorable adjudication,” wrote a Homeland Security Special Agent in the Counter-Proliferation Investigations Center in the April 30, 2012 email.
But agents with United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) moved forward and green-lighted American Logistics and Mahdavi, to continue overseeing a designated regional center” for a special U.S. immigration program for wealthy foreigners known by its visa classification, EB-5.
It appears that Biden is not assembling a Cabinet but a syndicate (SINdicate?).
If Biden is inaugurated as President, all that would stand between him and his dangerous plans would be the confirmation process conducted by the U.S. Senate. That is why today all eyes are on the runoff elections for the U.S. Senate in Georgia.
Where the confirmation hearing for Mayorkas is concerned, the Senate must “Get to no!”
©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Israel has tape of Iranian nuclear scientist saying mullahs ‘want five warheads’

Yet His Fraudulency Joe Biden plans to enable Iran’s nuclear program anew by returning to the Iranian nuclear deal. Find out why that would be a catastrophic move in The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran.
“‘Israel has tape of slain Iran nuke chief talking about building five warheads,’” Times of Israel, December 4, 2020:

Israel intelligence managed to recruit an Iranian official close to the recently assassinated Mohsen Fakhrizadeh and recorded the nuclear scientist speaking about his efforts to produce “five warheads” on behalf of the Islamic Republic, according to a Friday report in the Yedioth Ahronoth daily.
This top-secret recording was played in 2008 by former prime minister Ehud Olmert for then-president George W. Bush during a visit by Bush to Israel and was a key element in convincing the Americans to step up efforts to combat Iran’s nuclear program, the report said….

“I’m going to play you something, but I ask that you not talk about it with anyone, not even with the director of the CIA,” the report quoted Olmert as telling Bush from within the closed-door meeting. Bush reportedly agreed to the request.

Olmert pulled out a recording device, hit play and a man could be heard speaking in Persian.

“The man speaking here is Mohsen Fakhrizadeh,” Olmert reportedly explained. “Fakhrizadeh is the head of the “AMAD” program, Iran’s secret military nuclear project. The one it denies exists at all,” Olmert told Bush according to the report.

The prime minister then revealed that Israeli intelligence services had managed to recruit an Iranian agent close to Fakhrizadeh who had been feeding Jerusalem information on the nuclear scientist for years.

Olmert provided Bush with an English-language transcript of what Fakhrizadeh had said in Persian.
According to the report, Fakhrizadeh could be heard giving details about the development of Iranian nuclear weapons. However, the Yedioth report only quotes selected phrases, without the word nuclear. The scientist complains that the government is not providing him with sufficient funds to carry out his work. On the one hand, Fakhrizadeh says, in an apparent reference to his superiors, “they want five warheads,” but on the other, “they aren’t letting me work.”

Fakhrizadeh then goes on to criticize colleagues in the defense ministry and the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, according to the report.

Bush read the recording’s translation and reacted with silence. Yedioth claimed the recording served as a “smoking atomic gun” for Olmert….

Islamic State plotting Christmas jihad massacres in UK and Europe to avenge Muhammad cartoons
France: 76 mosques will be investigated, those found to be ‘breeding grounds of terrorism’ will be closed
Indonesia: Muslim cleric issues video in which he calls for jihad as those behind him raise machetes
Malta: Archbishop says Maltese must welcome migrants, ‘We have to open our hearts to the whole world’
France: Muslim migrant stabs man in the heart for refusing him a cigarette, gets five years prison
EDITTORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Addressing Election Integrity in Arizona for 2020 and Beyond

Fresh off the heels of a ten-hour public forum in which several Arizona lawmakers and President Trump’s legal team—led by attorney Rudy Giuliani—discussed potential irregularities and fraud with the Presidential election results, State leadership is facing extreme pressure to hold a formal legislative hearing and overturn the certification of the 2020 elections in Arizona.

There are several key takeaways lawmakers and patriots alike should consider from the events that have transpired as we chart a path to move forward.

1. Confidence in our Election System is Precarious

The fact is approximately half of the American population has lost faith in our election system. This is a democratic crisis that left unattended will irreparably damage our republic.

Regardless of the scope or degree election fraud played in the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election, only a comprehensive review and debate on a state-by-state basis will uncover these facts and, more importantly, mend the broken fidelity between millions of voters and the promise of free and fair elections.

Calls for action by leaders such as Congressman Andy Biggs to conduct a full audit are appropriate and dire. As the states most under scrutiny – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona—move forward on the certification process, they owe it to the public to investigate every aspect of how the elections were executed and make these proceedings and findings available for public consumption. Full transparency is critical.

2. Election Fraud is Real

Election fraud occurs. It has been well documented. Whether that takes the form of holding raffles and giving away gift cards in exchange for votes in Nevada, ballot harvesting in North Carolina, or a Judge caught taking bribes to stuff the ballot box in Philadelphia, election fraud exists and is a real problem.

Yet despite decades of evidence, it has been irritating to watch the media, which trafficked absurd Russian collusion conspiracy theories, election “hacking” claims by the Clintons and lionized Stacey Abrams, now harrumphing anyone that raises concerns about voter fraud. Legacy media should be the last people questioning the credibility of election fraud concerns when they have zero credibility themselves.

So as the process moves forward, the Club believes the Trump campaign has a right to and should exhaust all legal remedies to investigate and review the results of the 2020 election.

3. Election Integrity Reforms are Needed

In the last few years, Arizona has taken some steps to reduce the more nefarious methods of voter fraud. A ban on ballot harvesting (which Democrats at the time claim didn’t exist), reducing the abuse of “emergency” voting centers and enhanced voter ID laws have improved the process.

However, Arizona still has work to do, and additional reforms must be prioritized by the legislature. Areas of reform include additional transparency and oversight on vote tabulation, Permanent Early Voter List (PEVL) fixes and enhanced scrubbing of our voter rolls to remove non-eligible voters from our lists.

Election integrity continues to be a priority for the Club and we support legislative efforts that improve the credibility, transparency and security of our elections. This year’s session will no doubt be ripe for many of these reforms that have failed to pass in recent years.

4. Conservatives Must Continue to Fight

Arizona has some work to do to improve our elections systems. However, concerns over election fraud cannot be used as an excuse to not engage politically or ignore that Democrats have made gains in the state. The thinning Republican majorities at the legislature have not been garnered through vote rigging. Irrespective of the 2020 election outcome, our focus must be on building our movement and growing our numbers so that we can win outside the margin of cheating.

And above all else, we MUST continue to fight. Right now, Donald Trump’s campaign team is in Georgia to help Kelly Loeffler and David Purdue win their races and retain the Senate Majority. In fact, Donald Trump himself is planning a visit to the state this weekend, despite concerns over voter fraud. If Trump is not throwing in the towel, then neither should conservatives.


This Blog from the Arizona Free Enterprise Club was originally published on December 4,  2020 and is republished with permission. The opinions expressed may not necessarily reflect the views of The Prickly Pear or of our sponsors.

China Printed Millions of U.S. Ballots for Mississippi, Florida and North Carolina

Earlier this week I reported ‘leaked video’ shows Chinese company agreeing to print phony US ballots. During the call the men, talking in Mandarin, discuss a deal to print phony ballots for the US presidential election.
Criminal Democrats cried Russia, Russia, Russia! for four tortured years, but refuse to consider the “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors.”
Related: Top Intel Officials Warn China Is Directing Influence Operations Toward Biden
Affidavit: Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China GEORGIA ELECTION LAWSUIT: DOMINION SOFTWARE WAS ACCESSED BY CHINESE, IRAN
Trump Campaign Attorney Points to Dominion Fraud: “Communist China Materially Interfered with Our Election”

China Whistleblower with Royal Ancestry Steps Forward – Reveals Video, Photos of Alleged Chinese Counterfeit Ballot Printing Operations of US Ballots for MS, FL and NC

By Jim Hoft, Gateway, December 5, 2020:
As reported last weekend at The Gateway Pundit — video was released on Friday in Mandarin Chinese of a phone call request for fake ballots customized by Chinese factory.
The manufacturer is reportedly in Kwangtung, China.
In the video a caller is heard requesting a bulk order of ballots to ship to the United States. Here is the video with the translation.
FYI- Our Mandarin speaker confirmed the translation is accurate.

The order was reportedly for 5 million votes.

Two readers noticed that at the 0.54 second mark you can see “Charlotte County Florida” on the ballots.
Here is a sample ballot from Charlotte Votes…
Since our original report we spoke with the creator of this video. His name is Venice.
And the story he told us is explosive!
Here is the original report reported in Taiwan.
Here are more photos of the alleged printing house and samples of the Nor.
Here are templates of the Mississippi counterfeit ballots printed in China.

And Mr. Vinness A. Ollervides confirmed this information during a phone call.
He was also the source for this information.

Vinness who comes from royal bloodline wants this information to get out.
Vinness Ollervides has an amazing life story and background. He studied in the West, speaks six languages, and is a writer and artist. his father died in prison for his role in Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.
Ollervides is now a political activist and the third generation of CCP aristocrat. He is banned from China for his public speech about democracy of Taiwan, Tibet and Manchu.
We are passing this information on to our contacts in the intelligence community.
Vinness and his mother at Isangga’s tomb, the ancestral tomb of Ollervides’ family. The photograph was taken during ancestor veneration.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Robert Spencer on Muslim Brotherhood influence in a Biden/Harris administration

Yesterday, with Frank Gaffney.

Chief Rabbi of UK Says It’s ‘Alarming’ That 44% of Muslims Are Anti-Semitic
Muslim cleric: ‘We welcomed the takeover of ISIS because they wanted to implement the Sharia’
New study reveals that Muslim religiosity strongly linked to hatred towards the West
Iranian Kurdistan: Muslim brothers behead their sister in honor killing over her romantic relationship
Greece, Cyprus, Egypt, France and UAE conduct joint military exercises amid rising Turkish threat
India: Police make first arrest for ‘love jihad’ under new law
EU Parliament members call for firing of border agency director for preventing illegal migrants from entering Europe
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Vows to Surrender to Iran, then Negotiate

“Say it ain’t so, Tehran Joe.”

At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: “I’m groping here.” Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction. “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” Biden declares.
This was after 9/11.

Now, after decades of swimming in Iran Lobby cash, including in this election, Joe’s got a plan. “Surrender first, strategy later.”

President-elect Joe Biden established a sequence for how he plans to deal with Iran, and it starts with reentering the 2015 nuclear deal without conditions.
After reentering the deal, Biden told Friedman, the United States, “in consultation with our allies and partners, we’re going to engage in negotiations and follow-on agreements to tighten and lengthen Iran’s nuclear constraints, as well as address the missile program.”

Bound to work. Is this how Hunter used to negotiate with the Chinese? “I’ll give you everything you want. Then we’ll negotiate how much I get.”
Somehow I don’t think so.
But the media cheers this as normalcy restored and real leadership as the election fraud rolls on. The mullahs are certainly cheering and shouting, “Death to America”.
That’s also the motto of the Biden campaign.
Biden excludes Israel from proposed negotiations for new Iran nuclear deal
Why so many Muslims can’t wait for Biden to get inaugurated
Al-Qaeda Calls on Jihadis to Kill Non-Muslims With Poisoned Coronavirus Masks
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Tlaib Erases Israel from Map: ‘Immoral and Reprehensible’

Radical Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweeted a post over the weekend in honor of “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” that bore the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” As noted, the slogan is “code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews.”
Tlaib deleted the text and replaced it with a message about her family in the West Bank, but not before others captured it: “Thinking of my sity Muftieh and family in Palestine today. From Detroit to Gaza, we will always fight against oppression and inequality.”
The original retweet rightly sparked a wave of condemnations. “Tell me again how Rashida Tlaib is not a raving antisemite,” stated one Twitter user.
“Did she finally go too far?” asked the Los Angeles Jewish Journal.
The Freedom Center’s own Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer called the slogan “genocidal.” Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell called his colleague “an embarrassment to the Michigan congressional delegation.”
“I call on @SpeakerPelosi to remove Rep. Tlaib from her congressional committees immediately,” wrote Rep. Guy Reschenthaler.
William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, wrote that “Rashida Tlaib’s repetition of a slogan calling for the elimination of the State of Israel is immoral and reprehensible. She does great dishonor to the United States Congress by promoting odious views that deny the right of the Jewish people to self-determination.” added, “Reminder – this is a sitting U.S. Congresswoman.”

Rashida Tlaib

44 Known Connections
Lauding the Protesters and Rioters in America’s Streets
In an August 2020 photo essay in which Vanity Fair magazine “celebrat[ed] the founders of Black Lives Matter [BLM] … and more on the forefront of change,” Tlaib lauded the massive wave of BLM-and-Antifa-led protests and riots that had swept the country since George Floyd’s death in late May. Said the congresswoman: “It just gives more credibility to why I ran. It gives more credibility [to] why I fight to [lift] people out of poverty, why I am saying enough with structural racism, and ending mass incarceration, and ending the injustices that we see in our school system. When I see this movement on the street—that’s where transformative change really starts and it’s hitting us right here in the halls of Congress. It’s been powerful to watch it happen.”
To learn more about Rashida Tlaib, click here for her profile link.
EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Omar: Defund the Police Is ‘Not a Slogan but a Policy Demand’

In a Twitter rebuttal, Rep. Ilhan Omar responded to President Barack Obama‘s belief that “snappy” slogans like “defund the police” lose supporters, arguing that it is “not a slogan but a policy demand.”
“You lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done,” Obama explained in an interview on the Snapchat show Good Luck America. “The key is deciding, do you want to actually get something done, or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with?”
“We lose people in the hands of police. It’s not a slogan but a policy demand. And centering the demand for equitable investments and budgets for communities across the country gets us progress and safety,” Omar wrote in reply.
This is indicative of an ongoing debate among Democrats, some of whom are nervous that the more openly radical members like Omar will spook “moderate” voters. “We have to commit to not saying the words ‘defund the police’ ever again,” Rep. Abigail Spanberger said following the election, for example. “We need to not ever use the words socialist or socialism ever again. It does matter, and we have lost good members because of that.”
Too late — the Democrat party is already in the grip of the more radical elements, who have only begun to drag the party harder left.

Ilhan Omar

40 Known Connections
In March 2019 in Los Angeles, Omar was the keynote speaker at a Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) benefit event titled “Advancing Justice, Empowering Valley Muslims.” Sharing the stage with Omar was CAIR-Florida executive director Hassan Shibly, who rejects the notion that Hezbollah and Hamas are terrorist organizations. At the same event, Omar said: “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people [the 9/11 terrorists] did something, and that all of us [Muslim civilians] were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” (In fact, CAIR was founded in 1994, not 2001.)
In July 2019, Omar introduced a House Resolution supporting the BDS movement and comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany. Co-sponsored by fellow Democrats Rashida Tlaib and John Lewis, the resolution called on House members to oppose “unconstitutional legislative efforts to limit the use of boycotts to further civil rights at home and abroad,” a reference to resolutions that had been passed in several states to prohibit the granting of government contracts to companies that backed BDS. “We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” said Omar. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”
To learn more about Ilhan Omar, click on her profile click here.
EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib & Betty McCollum Participate in Conference with Terror Funders, Antisemites

The line up of the American Muslims for Palestine conference reads like a Who’s Who for the Muslim Brotherhood

Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rahida Tlaib and Betty McCollum participated in a conference over the weekend with several figures connected to Islamist terrorism.
As the above poster notes, many of the speakers at the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference, including Omar and Tlaib, have also expressed classic forms of antisemitism, as per the internationally accepted definition of antisemitism formulated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
On the last day of the conference, Tlaib retweeted a message which read: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free, ” a saying long used by those calling for the complete destruction of the state of Israel and its Jewish citizens.

American Muslims for Palestine

AMP was founded in 2006 by anti-Israel and antisemitic activist and University of California Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, who also founded Students for Justice in Palestine (whose members frequently intimidate and harass Jewish and pro-Israel students on U.S. college campuses).
AMP, which is still run by Bazian, has a history of employing terrorist financiers. At least five AMP officials previously served with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s pro-Hamas Palestine Committee. The Palestine Committee was a secret body set up to advance the Brotherhood/Hamas agenda in America.
Hamas, a terrorist group, is the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch.
Bazian once said that Muslim-Americans need to follow in the footsteps of the “uprising in Iraq” (which was against U.S. soldiers) and the “intifada in Palestine” by starting an “intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here.”
Apparently aware of the aggressiveness of his statement, he further said, “They’re gonna say some Palestinian [is] being too radical—well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” He later appeared on The O’Reilly Factor about the speech and refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Canary Mission reports that AMP is one of the main drivers of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement in the U.S. and has spearheaded multiple BDS campaigns.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) accused AMP of providing a platform for antisemitism. Its leaders have expressed support for Hamas terrorists and praised the Muslim Brotherhood and its spiritual leader, Yousef Qaradawi. As of February 2019, one AMP national board member reportedly raised money for Hamas, while another two board members have been linked to alleged Hamas financiers.
Also featured as main speakers at the conference with Omar, Tlaib and McCollum were Tarek Hammoud (who has connections to Hamas) and Kifah Mustapha (who has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood).

Tarek Hammoud

Hammoud is the executive director of the Palestinian Return Center (PRC), which is considered by foreign law enforcement agencies to be a Hamas front in the UK. The PRC regularly hosts Hamas leaders, including Ismail Haniyeh, who once called PRC leader Majed Al-Zeer to congratulate him for being recommended for consultative status at the United Nations.
Al-Zeer participated in the Arab International Congress for the Right of Return of Palestinians in Damascus on November 23, 2008, alongside then-Hamas leader Khaled Mashal. Zaher Birawi, former head of the board of trustees of the PRC, also sat alongside Ismail Haniyeh during a Convoy to Gaza Conference. Both Haniyeh and Mashal are designated as global terrorists by the U.S.

Kifah Mustapha

Mustapha chairs the Quran Muslim American Society Institute of Chicago (MAS).
He is listed in court documents for the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case as an individual who is or was a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and/or its organization. He is also listed in the documents as an individual who was a Holy Land Foundation employee, director, officer and/or representative.
The Holy Land Foundation was prosecuted in the largest terror funding case in the U.S. for funneling money to Hamas.
Omar, Tlaib and McCollum should be censured by Congress for participating in this conference.
[Editor’s note: Since the original publication date of this article, Tlaib deleted the above tweet calling for the destruction of Israel.]

Meira Svirsky

Meira Svirsky is the editor of

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets genocidal slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

This slogan means no Jewish state at all, and that would mean the slaughter of millions of Jews. But it’s acceptable on the Left today to harbor such genocidal aspirations.

“Democrat Rashida Tlaib Promotes Slogan Associated With Calling For Elimination Of Israel,” by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, November 29, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) promoted a tweet on her Twitter account on Sunday that contained a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
“Rashida Tlaib RT’s out the same message that got Marc Lamont Hill canned from CNN,” noted. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free – code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews. Reminder – this is a sitting U.S. Congresswoman.”
The Daily Beast, a left-wing publication, wrote the following about the meaning of the phrase:
The river in this formulation is the Jordan, the naturally occurring eastern border of Israel and of the West Bank; the sea is the Mediterranean to the west. Uttered by advocates of the Palestinian cause for decades, the pithy slogan very pointedly makes no place for Israel. It evokes a strip of Middle Eastern land where Israel is no more, replaced by a unified Palestinian entity in the space it once occupied. It could be that this entity would welcome and protect a Jewish population. But when supporters of the Jewish state hear those 10 words, they worry about their potentially violent implications.
CNN did fire then-contributor Marc Lamont Hill in 2018 after he used the slogan, which The Times of Israel noted was associated with “Palestinian extremists,” during a speech at the United Nations. Hamas has repeatedly used the phrase…

Daily Beast Features Psychic Who Says Biden’s Dogs Told Her He Would Be a Great President
France: Muslim with knife, screwdriver and Qur’an screams ‘You will see in 2021, Islam, we will kill you all’
Austria: Vienna jihad murderer wanted to commit jihad massacre at Catholic youth group, couldn’t get into building
Nigeria: Muslims murder seven Christians, two days after murdering a pastor
Egypt reiterates refusal to link terrorist acts with Islam
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Appointee Justified the Cold-Blooded Murder of Innocent Civilians

“But it was so long ago when she said that. Eighteen years! Can’t people change?” Yes, we’ll get to that excuse a bit later on. “Reema Dodin to be first Palestinian-American White House staffer,” by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, November 25, 2020:

Reema Dodin is a Palestinian-American who will serve alongside Shuwanza Goff as a deputy director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, President-elect Joe Biden announced on November 23.
Dodin will be the first Palestinian-American to serve as a White House staffer, according to Palestinian media.
The new White House staffer was born to Jordanian-Palestinian immigrants in the US. Dodin’s family is originally from Dura, near Hebron, according to Palestinian media.

Why is Dodin not a “Jordanian-American,” or more accurately still, simply an “American”? It’s because the “Palestinian” refugee identity has uniquely been treated as something that can be handed down from generation to generation. Henry Kissinger is a German Jewish refugee. His son, born in America, is not. Vladimir Nabokov was a Russian refugee; his son Dmitri, born in Berlin, was not. But the grandchildren, the great-grandchildren, and so on, apparently forever, of “Palestinian refugees” – born and raised all over the world – continue to be considered “Palestinian refugees,” and remain, most beneficially for themselves, on UNRWA’s rolls. Of the tens of millions of refugees since World War II, only one group – the “Palestinians” – have this amazing ability to inherit from their parents and grandparents the status of “Palestinian refugees.” Only 30,000 real refugees – those who left Mandatory Palestine/Israel between 1947 and 1949 – are still alive. But according to the U.N., once you count up all the descendants of those who left Mandatory Palestine/Israel, there are five million “Palestinian refugees.” Indeed, Reema Dodin herself could right now be on those rolls and receive aid from UNRWA, for she, too, counts as a “Palestinian refugee,” despite her parents being Jordanian citizens and she herself being born in the U.S.

Dodin served as deputy chief of staff to Democratic Senator Richard Durbin and has also served on the Judiciary Subcommittee on Human Rights and the Law, among other positions.
She is a graduate of the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She is also a Truman National Security Fellow, a New Leaders Council Fellow, an Aspen Socrates alum, a former term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a member of the Jenkins Hill Society – a consortium of women in politics supporting female politicians.”

A careerist, forsooth, a winner of fellowships in an age of hypertrophied insistence upon “diversity and inclusiveness,” and a joiner, who knows just what to join, someone who unobtrusively climbs, step after step, the ladder of political success. A cheerful, smiling, industrious and eye-on-the-main-chance Palestinian-American Sammy Glick. So ask yourself: what makes Reema run?

During the Second Intifada, in 2002, Dodin spoke about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with residents of Lodi, California, saying that “suicide bombers were the last resort of a desperate people,” according to the Lodi News-Sentinel.
In 2001, Dodin took part in a demonstration at UC Berkeley calling for the university to divest from Israel, according to the Berkeley Daily Planet, a local news publication. The demonstrators compared Israel to apartheid South Africa….

What shall we say about this appalling choice? Yes, I know, she’s not being made Secretary of State or National Security Adviser, but as one of two deputy directors of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs, she will be in a position to keep track of proposed or impending or about-to-be-voted on legislation about Israel, Palestinian Authority, Hamas, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the UAE, the whole Middle Eastern works. She will know which Congressmen are “on our [Palestinian] side,” who can be persuaded to move toward the Palestinian position, who supports Israel and cannot be moved; she’s in the perfect place to inform or warn her allies in the pro-Palestinian camp of what’s to come, and how best to promote or stop it. She’ll know what’s going on in each office in Congress: who’s in, who’s out, and where are the snows of yesteryear. Halie Soifer, a former Hill aide who now serves as executive director of the National Jewish Democratic Council, referred to Dodin as “a fixture of the Senate, who knows what’s happening in the Senate before most senators do.” Think about that last remark for a minute.
For several years, she worked as the Deputy Chief of Staff for Senator Dick Durbin, who tweeted his pleasure over the appointment: “Excited that my Floor Director, Reema Dodin, will be joining President-elect Biden’s Leg Affairs team. She is smart, trusted, & has the respect of members on both sides of the aisle. Reema is just what our new President needs to help him in the Senate. Thrilled with the appointment.”
Durbin used to be a strong supporter of Israel. But in the last few years, he has become noticeably less so. He did not vote to condemn UNSC Resolution 2334, a grotesque anti-Israel resolution adopted by the Security Council’s kangaroo court on Dec. 23, 2019, after Samantha Power did as instructed from Washington, and abstained, rather than veto the bill. A parting fillip to Israel by Barack Obama. Durbin even held up a Senate resolution to condemn UNSC Resolution 2334, as was revealed by his fellow Democrat, Senator Tom Udall of New Mexico. Durbin voted “Nay” on the Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019, which had mainly to do with military aid to Israel. He was one of only 23 Senators to do so, with almost all the pro-Israel Senators voting for the bill. Durbin now believes the “settlements are illegal.” He has never mentioned, and appears unaware of, the significance of the Mandate for Palestine and the territories assigned by the League of Nations to the future Jewish National Home, which include all of Judea and Samaria (a/k/a the “West Bank”). Nor does he appear to understand what U.N. Resolution 242 was all about – as explained by its author, British Ambassador to the U.N. Lord Caradon – which was to ensure that Israel could retain territories won in the “recent conflict” (the Six-Day War) that it needed if it was to have, in that Resolution’s key phrase, “secure [i.e. defensible] and recognized boundaries.”
I suspect Senator Durbin has been greatly influenced by in recent years by his Deputy Chief of Staff, the “Jordanian-Palestinian” or “Palestinian-American” Ms. Reema Dodin, articulate, well-organized, a master of parliamentary procedure, a pleasure to work with, who has provided Senator Durbin with a different “perspective” on the Arab-Israeli dispute. Now he has been told, I have a feeling, from Ms. Dodin, of the “terrible plight” of the “Palestinian people,” knows that there are things he can learn from the personal testimony she is ready to provide – goodness, what luck to have someone who can testify, almost at first-hand, about what the “Palestinian people” have endured. Reema Dodin is pleased to set him straight. To wit, I would guess, she’s explained that “settlements are illegal” as “the U.N. has said so many times,” that “if there is ever to be a genuine peace,” then Israel must go back to something close to the 1949 armistice lines, back to that nine-mile-wide waist from Qalqilya to the sea, that the “Palestinian people” have suffered terribly; that the only way that peace will come is if there are “two states, living side by side in peace,” and it’s long past time that Israel accepted “the outstretched hand of peace that the Palestinians have been offering for so long.” Just imagine over how many weeks, months, years of working so diligently for him, how many occasions there must have been for her to provide a stealthy stillicide of misrepresentation and misinformation. Reema Dodin has managed as a real “Palestinian” to serve as his native informant, all the while gently, carefully, first a little thence to more, providing her impressionable boss with the Palestinian Received Version of the Arab-Israel. dispute. “Well done, thou good and faithful servant” someone in Ramallah must be saying on hearing the news of her appointment, and as for CAIR, how could it not be delighted?
Given her intolerable remark, her appointment raises questions.
Did Biden not know when he appointed Reema D., that she had once offered an appeal for “understanding” suicide bombers – almost justifying them as driven to such acts because there was simply no other way for them to express their despair: “suicide bombers are the last resort of a desperate people”? Or did he not know, which raises questions about the transition team’s vetting of candidates? Think about that. Suicide bombers are the last resort of a “desperate people.” There are hundreds of millions of desperate people in this world, and they do not resort to “suicide bombings.” Think of the Christians persecuted in many Muslim lands: Pakistan, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria.. Have any of them ever resorted to “suicide bombings”? When Jewish refugees were desperate to get to Mandatory Palestine, before, during, and after World War II, but were prevented from doing so by the British – in direct violation of Great Britain’s duty as Mandatory to “facilitate” Jewish immigration — did any those tragic Jewish refugees turned back ever become “suicide bombers”? Did Zionists in England, driven half-mad by the British refusal to rescue their coreligionists by letting them into Palestine, ever engage in the “suicide bombing” of crowds in Selfridges or Oxford Street or the Burlington Arcade or the Victoria-and-Albert Hall? Do the truly desperate people, far more wretched and desperate than the Palestinians – in Bolivia or Haiti or the Congo or Nepal, blow themselves up in a crowd of visiting NGO dignitaries because they needed to be heard, and that was only way they could get the indifferent world’s attention, with this “last resort of a desperate people”?
Of course, the Palestinians are not exactly “desperate” in the sense of not being attended to. Their cause is a regular item on the U.N.’s docket; it’s discussed, as Agenda Item #7, at every session of the UNHRC (U.N. Human Rights Council). The Palestinians are the object of more sympathetic attention than any other group in the world; they are not “desperate” for attention. Palestinian suicide bombers don’t need to attract the world’s attention — they already have that — they simply want to kill as many Jews as they can.
Let’s keep in mind that what Reema Dodin said was much more sinister than her expressing her support for the Palestinian Arabs, or her conviction – assuming she has it — that Israel was built on “occupied land,” or that Israel must “return to the 1949 armistice lines.” No, she said that she understood what led Palestinians to become suicide bombers – these were the “last resort of a desperate people.” Reema Dodin was explaining — and justifying — the cold-blooded murder of innocent civilians.

House Dems drafting ‘immigration reform’ plan for Biden that will likely inundate US with migrants
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Islamic State jihadi demands to return to UK: ‘I have human rights. I should be rehabilitated.’
UK: Muslim migrant who is balding and ‘looks about 40’ but claimed to be 15 gets to stay in school
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona Lawmakers Call for Resolution to Hold Back Electoral College Votes

At a public hearing in Arizona with select members of the state legislature and members of President Donald Trump’s legal team, lawmakers called for their colleagues to support an upcoming resolution that would delay the release of the state’s Electoral College votes.

Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem told reporters during the Nov. 30 hearing that they hope to have a resolution “within the next 24 to 48 hours.” The state holds 11 Electoral College votes.

“We are clawing our Electoral College votes back, we will not release them,” Finchem said. “That’s what I’m calling on our colleagues in both the House and Senate to do—exercise our plenary authority under the U.S. Constitution.

“There is a legal brief out there that says we are not tethered to state statute when it comes to this one question.”

According to Finchem, the move would be easy to make and would be legally binding.

“A simple majority can call the House and Senate back, and in a day can pass a resolution and cause those electoral votes to basically be held,” he said. “And it is binding—I’ll see y’all in court.”

In total, nine Republican state lawmakers attended the meeting, which was held at a hotel in downtown Phoenix. They had requested permission to hold a formal legislative hearing at the state Capitol but were denied by the Republican House speaker and Senate president, according to The Associated Press.

Trump’s attorneys Rudy Giuliani and Jenna Ellis, alongside witnesses, appeared in front of members of the Arizona Legislature alleging that considerable voter fraud occurred in the state. They also pushed for the Republican-majority state House and Senate to hold a vote on the certification of the election.

During the hearing, a cybersecurity expert said the user manual for Dominion Voting Systems machines guides users on how to connect to the internet, and that the machines, used by multiple states, were connected to the internet during the election.

“The Dominion suite user manual is about an inch and a half thick. My team went back through the user manual and looked at all the instances where in the user’s manual, it tells operators to connect the ethernet cords to the router, and it is, the systems are connected to the internet,” said Phil Waldron, a cybersecurity expert and retired Army colonel.

“Our teams looked at spirographs on the Dominion network on Election Day and showed the increased web traffic, internet traffic on Election Day for Dominion servers.

“In a nutshell, these systems are not what you’ve been told, if you’ve been told anything…

Continue reading this article at The Epoch Times.

Affidavit: Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China

D-bags cried Russia, Russia, Russia! for four tortured years, but refuse to consider the “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors.”
“Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud.

Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit

Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit
By Tom Ozimek, The Epoch Times, November 27, 2020:

A digital forensic analysis by a former military intelligence analyst whose name was redacted in an affidavit accompanying attorney Sidney Powell’s lawsuit against Michigan officials, claims to present “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors, such asPowell’s complaint, filed on Nov. 25 against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, and the Michigan Board of State Canvassers, cites the affidavit (pdf) as authored by a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence and purporting to show that “the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent US general election in 2020.”A separate complaint (pdf) in Georgia, expands on the assertion, claiming that, “by using servers and employees connected with rogue actors and hostile foreign influences combined with numerous easily discoverable leaked credentials, Dominion neglectfully allowed foreign adversaries to access data and intentionally provided access to their infrastructure in order to monitor and manipulate elections, including the most recent one in 2020.”The analyst, who claimed to have “extensive experience as a white hat hacker used by some of the top election specialists in the world,” said that they scanned Dominion network nodes and found a number of interrelationships with foreign entities, including access to Dominion’s server by a network from Hunan, China. Another forensic review confirmed links to an Iranian IP address, the analyst wrote, and concluded that the totality of “these scanning behaviors showed that foreign agents of aggressor nations had access to US voter lists, and had done so recently.”The analyst said the findings represent a “complete failure” on the part of Dominion to provide “basic cyber security.”
“This is not a technological issue, but rather a governance and basic security issue: if it is not corrected, future elections in the United States and beyond will not be secure and citizens will not have confidence in the results,” the analyst concluded.
Dominion has not responded to a query from The Epoch Times regarding the allegations, although the company issued a statement on Wednesday, the same day Powell filed the Michigan lawsuit, with Dominion saying there were “unfounded allegations being made against the company and its voting systems” in recent days.
The company added: “Dominion voting systems are designed and certified by the U.S. government to be closed and do not rely on network connectivity. Dominion’s tabulators also do not have exposed USB or other memory ports.”
It came after Powell alleged in her lawsuit that “hundreds of thousands of illegal, ineligible, duplicate, or purely fictitious ballots” were enabled by “massive election fraud.”
The suit claimed that election software and hardware from Dominion Voting Systems used by the Michigan Board of State Canvassers helped facilitate the fraud.
“The Dominion systems derive from the software designed by Smartmatic Corporation, which became Sequoia in the United States,” the complaint reads (pdf).
Dominion said that it has no financial or organizational ties to Smartmatic, although it said it purchased assets from a company formerly owned by Smartmatic. Both Dominion and Smartmatic have denied ties to foreign governments.

WATCH Lt General: US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed, Servers Secured
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Reality and the Narrative

This article was originally published in American Greatness on November 28, 2020.

Oscar Wilde was such a card. Sitting for his viva voce examination in Greek, he given a passage to translate from one of the Passion stories in the New Testament. He started in and was barreling along fluently. At some point, one of the examiners interrupted, noting that he was satisfied by Wilde’s performance and that he could stop. Wilde ignored him and kept at it. The examiner interrupted again. “Really, Mr. Wilde, you may stop now. It is clear that you know the Greek.” “Oh please let me continue,” Wilde is supposed to have responded. “I want to see how it ends.”

Yuck, yuck, yuck. Who knows whether the story is true? I like to think it is. It’s not that I believe Wilde was ignorant of the plot of a Gospel story. He knew how it ended all right. But I admire the insouciance of his response.

Many people think the world is in a position akin to Wilde’s with respect to the 2020 presidential election. We’re all assumed to know how it ended. Joe Biden won. Any demurral on that score is put down to feigned ignorance, attempted cleverness, or petulant perversity.

After all, the Associated Press called the election for Joe Biden a couple of weeks ago. Other news agencies, from the Wall Street Journal and Fox News to CNN, the New Woke Times, and the Washington Post were right there on cue, hailing him the winner. Time, the former news weekly, devoted its cover to Joe Biden, “46th President of the United States.” Twitter was on the case, adding little warning messages to tweets about the election it didn’t like, suspending the accounts of people whose opinions it disagreed with, throttling the ability of those who dissented to broadcast their dissent. Who knows what Google and Facebook are doing with their search results. Some secrets are too deep for the light of day.

And that is my point. The strongest argument for Biden’s victory is not the vote tally. It is the monolithic narrative, pumped up like one of those inflatable play castles at a child’s birthday party. With every passing day, that narrative becomes more boisterous, more assertive, more uncompromising. It is a collective primal scream, emitted with eyes shut and ears plugged.

There is a problem for the narrative, however. Or more to the point, there are 73 million problems. A major concession in the Biden-won-give-it-up-narrative is revealed by the hawkers of the “Unity Now” meme. Let us all come together as one nation, under Joe, and reassert the American normality that has been so sorely missing under the despotic reign of Donald Trump.

No. No, that’s not going to fly, and not only because of the snarling viciousness that attended Donald Trump and his entire administration from the moment he was elected until now. Granted, Democrats are masters of hypocrisy. I will give them that. Brazenness is part of the formula. They are utterly unembarrassed by double standards. Indeed, they glory in them…

Continue reading this article at American Greatness.


Roger Kimball is editor and publisher of The New Criterion and the president and publisher of Encounter Books. He is the author and editor of many books, including The Fortunes of Permanence: Culture and Anarchy in an Age of Amnesia (St. Augustine’s Press), The Rape of the Masters (Encounter), Lives of the Mind: The Use and Abuse of Intelligence from Hegel to Wodehouse (Ivan R. Dee), and Art’s Prospect: The Challenge of Tradition in an Age of Celebrity (Ivan R. Dee).