New ’Woke’ Denomination is a Warning Sign to Christians

Over the weekend, the formation of a new Methodist denomination was announced during an online worship service hosted by former and current Methodist church leaders. According to organizers, the Liberation Methodist Connexion (LMX), as the group will be called, is a socially progressive denomination that will reimage what it means to follow Jesus. But even a cursory review of the new denomination reveals nothing close to orthodox Christianity and something more akin to a Marxist, LGBT-pride.
According to LMX leaders, theology and fidelity to Scripture or Christian theology is not a priority for the new denomination. In fact, as one leader explained, “There are no doctrinal litmus tests” for joining the movement. “We seek not answers that lead to correct doctrines as to why we suffer. We seek correct actions, correct praxis, where God sustains us during the unanswerable questions,” argued Rev. Althea Spencer-Miller, another LMX leader.
The creation of the new Methodist denomination is not surprising. At the beginning of the year, representatives of the United Methodist Church tentatively agreed to a proposal to split the nation’s second largest Protestant denomination over “fundamental differences” regarding doctrinal differences. In recent years, the denomination had reached an impasse on questions related to the morality of homosexuality, same-sex marriage, and the ordination of clergy who identify as gay.
The anticipated vote to split the denomination was set to take place at the 2020 General Conference in May. However, due to the coronavirus pandemic, the vote has been delayed until fall of 2021. In terms of the details of the proposal, progressives within the United Methodist Church will give a newly formed traditionalist Methodist denomination $25 million. Local churches that choose to affiliate with the traditionalist denomination may retain their assets including church buildings and properties. Moreover, conservative clergy may retain their pensions. These concessions were possible because conservatives maintain a governing majority within United Methodism despite the fact that American Methodist leadership is liberal.
However, as evidenced by this weekend’s developments, the extended wait time proved too long for some theologically liberal Methodists who see the new denomination as a better fit for their progressive beliefs. “The timeline of the Holy Spirit is driving our decision to launch the LMX at this moment, and we are following her call,” explained Spencer-Mill, while using female pronouns to refer to God.
A cursory overview of the LMX website reveals that the denomination will resemble nothing like the movement started by John and Charles Wesley in the 18th century where the importance of the new birth, works of piety, and missions were emphasized. Instead, leaders of the new group promise to journey toward a “new way of being followers of Christ” which include refuting the “powers, principalities, and privileges” they believe have defined Methodism. These include a litany of isms including colonialism, sexism, clericalism, ableism, ageism, transphobia, and “heteronormativity.”
While liberals within Methodism have been pushing for the inclusion of more LGBT affirming stances in recent years, the LMX represents a dramatic break from historic Methodist doctrine. But, and to their credit, the leaders of the LMX — who proudly list their preferred pronouns on their website — admit, “LMX theology is not written in stone.” But while their theology isn’t written in stone (or anywhere that I can find), the purpose behind the group is clear: providing ecclesiastical cover for unorthodox views on marriage and sexuality.
Even though the LMX is clearly out of the mainstream of Methodism, its emergence before the expected denominational split is noteworthy. But it is also cautionary. As Mark Tooley, President of the Institute on Religion and Democracy and Methodist leader, recently explained, United Methodism “was from the start an experiment in theological pluralism.” This meant that over the years an increasingly wide range of theological views was tolerated within the denomination. Eventually, this meant that heterodox views could coexist with orthodoxy without causing too much of a stir. However, as the broader culture drifted further left on issues such as marriage and human sexuality, the strain between conservatives and liberals over these issues became too much. Thus, in retrospect, the splintering of Methodism over biblical interpretation was predictable. Without clear theological guardrails in place, there was nothing to stop those with unbiblical views from entering the denomination’s ranks and no meaningful way to expel them.
Thus, while the LMX will likely remain a small group of former United Methodists and others, it stands as a cautionary tale for churches and denominations around the country. In an age when doctrine is not taken seriously, Christians, for the sake of faithfulness, must insist on sound doctrine and fidelity to God’s Word.
EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden in His Own Words is Unfit to Lead: ‘I’ll develop a disease and resign’

In another shocking video Biden declares that if there is a policy dispute he “will resign.” This is not leadership, this is at the least pandering to subordinates or submitting to the “deep state.”
The president makes policy based upon what is best for America and America’s citizens. Period! Morally, National Security wise and economically the President must put American first!
Weakness in a President is not an option.
Biden states:

“Like I told Barack, if I reach something where there’s a fundamental disagreement we have based on a moral principle, I’ll develop some disease and say I have to resign.”

The president takes an solemn oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic. The Vice-President has input on all policy decisions. However, if the President and Vice-President disagree on any issue it’s the President who makes the final decision. If anyone disagrees then it is they, be it the VP or any member of the cabinet, who should resign.
We don’t elect presidents who kowtow to subordinates.
If Biden’s “moral principle” statement is true he should “develop some disease”,  immediately concede and then retire to one of his mansions.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Election Integrity Watchdog Amistad Project: December 8 Deadline for Selection of Electors Does Not Apply to Disputed States

Group releases white paper that illustrates how Electoral College milestone dates prevent states from ensuring elections were lawful. Says more time needed for proper investigations into ballot irregularities and voting anomalies.

ARLINGTON, Va. /PRNewswire/ — In a white paper released today, The Amistad Project of the non-partisan Thomas More Society is arguing that the current Electoral College deadlines are both arbitrary and a direct impediment to states’ obligations to investigate disputed elections.


Set In Stone? — A Historical, Constitutional, and Legal examination of Electoral College Deadlines and their implications for the 2020 Presidential Election

The authoritative research paper breaks down the history of Electoral College deadlines and makes clear that this election’s December 8 and December 14 deadlines for the selection of Electors, the assembly of the Electoral College, and the tallying of its votes, respectively, are not only elements of of a 72-year old federal statute with zero Constitutional basis, but are also actively preventing the states from fulfilling their constitutional — and ethical — obligation to hold free and fair elections. Experts believe that the primary basis for these dates was to provide enough time to affect the presidential transition of power, a concern which is fully obsolete in the age of internet and air travel.
The white paper also shows that the December 8 “safe harbor” deadline for appointing presidential Electors does not apply to states where flagrant violations of state election laws affected the outcome of the popular vote. In fact, the only Constitutionally-set date in the election process is the assumption of office by the President on January 20.
The Amistad Project has filed litigation in several key swing states arguing that illegal conduct by state and local officials led to more than 1.2 million potentially fraudulent ballots, including illegal votes that were counted and legal votes that were not counted. In each state, the number of potentially fraudulent ballots far exceeds the margin separating the leading presidential candidate.
“Through rigorous investigations supporting our litigation, we demonstrate that state and local officials brazenly violated election laws in several swing states in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” said Phill Kline, Director of The Amistad Project. “As a result, it is impossible for those states to determine their presidential Electors in line with the arbitrary deadline set forth via federal statute in 1948, and thus, the only deadline that matters is January 20, 2021.”
Although federal law sets December 8, 2020 as the date on which determinations of Electors made pursuant to state election law automatically become official, the law does not require Electors to be designated by that date in order to be counted. Because the U.S. Constitution places ultimate authority for designating presidential Electors in the hands of state legislatures, it is the responsibility of the people’s elected representatives to judge the relevant facts and appoint an appropriate slate of Electors, subject only to the sole deadline set forth in the U.S. Constitution — 12:00 noon on January 20, 2021.
SOURCE Amistad Project
©All rights reserved.

U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. Gives State Officials Until Dec. 9 To File Response, General Assembly’s Republican Leadership ‘have No Intention of Doing So’

The date set by Justice Alito — who oversees emergency petitions arising from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware for the court — comes one day after what is known as the “safe harbor date,” the federal deadline for states to resolve outstanding challenges to their elections. Once it has passed, the state’s slate of appointed electors is considered to be locked in for the Dec. 14 Electoral College vote.
An unequivocal statement from the General Assembly’s Republican leadership states that they had no intention of doing so.

Supreme Court order, state GOP leaders effectively end Trump’s hope for Pa. legislators to reverse election results

By Jeremy Roebuck, The Philadelphia Inquirer, December 4, 2020:

If its fate had not been abundantly clear already, President Donald Trump’s dream of having Pennsylvania’s GOP-controlled legislature overturn the state’s election results received what appeared to be its final death blows Thursday with a late-night order from the U.S. Supreme Court and an unequivocal statement from the General Assembly’s Republican leadership that they had no intention of doing so.
The Supreme Court order came in response to a request from one of the president’s top boosters in Congress, U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly (R., Pa.), who has asked the justices to declare the state’s vote-by-mail law unconstitutional and to “decertify” Pennsylvania’s results, which cemented President-elect Joe Biden’s victory by roughly 81,000 votes last week.
But just hours after Kelly filed that appeal Thursday, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. crafted a telling schedule for the case, giving state officials until Dec. 9 to file their reply.

The date set by Alito — who oversees emergency petitions arising from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware for the court — comes one day after what is known as the “safe harbor date,” the federal deadline for states to resolve outstanding challenges to their elections. Once it has passed, the state’s slate of appointed electors is considered to be locked in for the Dec. 14 Electoral College vote.i
It is still possible — though, election law experts said, unlikely — that the Supreme Court could decide to consider Kelly’s appeal about the constitutionality of Pennsylvania’s mail voting law outside the context of the 2020 election.
But the schedule laid out by Alito appeared to foreclose any chance of the court weighing in before its outcome had been finalized.
“The timing here matters,” said University of California-Irvine law professor Richard L. Hasen, in a post Thursday evening on his Election Law Blog. “I don’t see a path for Trump to use court cases to overturn the election results in even one state, much less the three states he would need at a minimum to get a different result in the Electoral College. But as the clock ticks down, those tiny chances fade into nothing.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Georgia Recertifies Election Results, Rejecting Fraud Allegations Tied to Bombshell Viral Video
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Evidence Supports Sidney Powell’s Claim About Global Election Fraud

Dominion Voting Systems’ proprietary URL, was connected over the internet to Belgrade, Iran, China — and to “the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for Obama

Evidence supports Sidney Powell’s claim about global election fraud

By Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, December 3, 3030:
For the last two weeks, Sidney Powell was telling everyone she could prove that our election was decided abroad by bad actors.  Tuesday’s news seemed to confirm those claims.  A retired military analyst testified in Arizona that the U.S. has captured the information that was sent overseas.  
Also, a November 25 declaration from an active-duty military analyst was made public today, which says that, within five days of the election, the analyst was able to connect, which is Dominion’s proprietary URL, to Belgrade, Iran, China — and Barack Obama.
I’ve been enjoying a delightful email conversation with Nick Chase, who’s written some deservedly lauded articles helping readers to understand how the voting machines could be used to send victory to Joe Biden.  (See herehereherehere, and here.)  One of the things Nick explained to me is how information travels across the internet.  I’m going to share his words with you because you’ll need them to understand how important this next bit of news is:

On the Internet, information is delivered in “packets” of bytes, each of which has header information identifying the sender and the intended recipient. When the recipient receives the packet, it verifies the packet and returns to the sender a message saying the packet was received correctly. This traffic passes through “routers” which are similar to the wireless router you might have at home, only on an industrial scale. The network routers also have switching software to determine which is the “most efficient” (fastest) route on the Internet to transmit the packets, as the Internet is a redundant system designed with many routers, paths and switches so it will continue to operate in case part of it goes down.

It’s entirely possible for a sophisticated, powerful agency to grab or reroute this packet traffic so the data can be manipulated.  With that in mind, you’ll appreciate the import of testimony that Colonel Phil Waldron (retired) gave during the hearing in Arizona about the voting machines used in the U.S. elections.  As you recall, while the votes were collected in America, they were sent to Frankfurt, Germany, for final tallying and processing before being rerouted to America.  According to Colonel Waldron, his “white hat” hackers recognized the packets going to Germany and obtained copies of them:

We shouldn’t be surprised that Col. Waldron offers such extraordinary evidence.  Last week, in Pennsylvania, Col. Waldron gave a master’s class in how the Dominion voting systems are set up to enable election fraud on a massive scale.  He talked about fraudulent elections in other countries, voting machines being connected to the internet making them hackable, stolen USB drives used for hacking voting machines, and inexplicable anomalies that showed that votes were preloaded for Biden before the election began.
Today, Col. Waldron’s testimony gained added heft when we got to see a declaration from an intelligence analyst at the 305th Military Intelligence Unit (the “Kraken” unit).  The declaration has specific evidence showing that, on November 8, 2020,, which is Dominion Voting Systems’ proprietary URL, was connected over the internet to Belgrade, Iran, China — and to “the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for Obama.”
In the spirit of complete honesty, the declaration is almost completely unintelligible to me.  All I know is that I find disturbing that is connected to two of our geopolitical foes and to Obama’s political interest group.
Oh, and did I mention that it looks as if the Chinese government has an ownership interest in Dominion?  You can check out Gateway Pundit for details that seem legitimate.  You’re not imagining it that China keeps popping up all over 2020, first by giving us the gift of a virus that the Democrats used to try to destroy the economy and to pervert the election, and now as an active player in America’s vote-counting.
I sure hope that Trump, who is being remarkably silent right now, is planning to reveal all in the coming week.  Alternatively, if he’s unable for security reasons to reveal what’s happening, I hope he’s able to explain to the Supreme Court and the various state and federal legislators what really happened and why Biden truly didn’t win.


Trump Campaign Files Lawsuit in Georgia to Overturn Result
PA House and Senate Republicans Issue Letters Calling on Congress to Dispute Pennsylvania’s Electors, Law Enforcement to Review 2020 Election
Arizona Senate Republicans call for audit of Maricopa County Dominion machines
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Biden Vows to Surrender to Iran, then Negotiate

“Say it ain’t so, Tehran Joe.”

At the Tuesday-morning meeting with committee staffers, Biden launches into a stream-of-consciousness monologue about what his committee should be doing, before he finally admits the obvious: “I’m groping here.” Then he hits on an idea: America needs to show the Arab world that we’re not bent on its destruction. “Seems to me this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” Biden declares.
This was after 9/11.

Now, after decades of swimming in Iran Lobby cash, including in this election, Joe’s got a plan. “Surrender first, strategy later.”

President-elect Joe Biden established a sequence for how he plans to deal with Iran, and it starts with reentering the 2015 nuclear deal without conditions.
After reentering the deal, Biden told Friedman, the United States, “in consultation with our allies and partners, we’re going to engage in negotiations and follow-on agreements to tighten and lengthen Iran’s nuclear constraints, as well as address the missile program.”

Bound to work. Is this how Hunter used to negotiate with the Chinese? “I’ll give you everything you want. Then we’ll negotiate how much I get.”
Somehow I don’t think so.
But the media cheers this as normalcy restored and real leadership as the election fraud rolls on. The mullahs are certainly cheering and shouting, “Death to America”.
That’s also the motto of the Biden campaign.
Biden excludes Israel from proposed negotiations for new Iran nuclear deal
Why so many Muslims can’t wait for Biden to get inaugurated
Al-Qaeda Calls on Jihadis to Kill Non-Muslims With Poisoned Coronavirus Masks
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Commie Coup (Against God)

Where is it all going?

RELATED VIDEO:  Rabbi Weisberg: Torah Prophecies and Trump’s Victory.

Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.
God created man free to worship Him, to overcome internal spiritual civil war and to be united with the Holy Trinity forever — God, Church, freedom. Do you seriously think none of that is worth fighting for and dying for if necessary?
Americans may very well have had an election stolen from them. Loads of evidence is pointing that way. It’s coming down to a very narrow path — still winnable, but very narrow.
The Marxists need to lock down the White House, and that means getting favorable rulings in a multitude of court cases. So far, it’s been a mixed bag, but mostly rulings have gone in their favor.
The only serious firewall left is the Supreme Court of the United States. The constant howl from the communist media is “there is no evidence of widespread fraud,” which is a blatant lie. I’m not sure when hundreds of eyewitnesses stopped qualifying as “evidence,” especially witnesses making statements under oath and subject to penalty of perjury. But hey, when you hold the microphone, you get to lie all you want.
Ceding the institution of the media was the first and most damaging error of the always-and-forever-asleep-at-the-switch conservatives, and that is the trump card the communists always hold. As Abp. Sheen said, communists have all zeal and no truth, and we have all truth and no zeal.
That will dictate the winner every single time: Aggression vs. passivity. Bet the mortgage on aggression. If events play out that Biden will illegitimately be taking the oath, then all eyes will shift to those two Georgia Senate run-offs.
Lose those, and it really will be lights out: Again, communists are aggressors. With complete power, which they would have, nothing will deter them. If the communist election coup is completed, life in America as we have known it will come to an end. It’s idiotic to pretend otherwise.
Planning for the future, retirement plans, building your own business, you name it — get serious. State control means just that: Control by the State. Your personal freedom will be gone. You will submit. If (and we still don’t know) the Marxist election coup is successful, then patriots and faithful Catholics are going to be faced with some very hard choices.
Do you really want to exist (not live, exist) under communist rule? That’s what’s coming — fast. We’ll see. In the meantime, start thinking that some things are worth dying for: God, Church, freedom. Communists hate God, Church and freedom. Why should half (and probably more) become subjects of these Marxists?
The division is real. It’s why talk of more drastic realities cannot be dismissed. Just today, Rasmussen published a poll showing that U.S. voters now regard each other as bigger enemies than Russia or North Korea and just as dangerous as China. Shockingly, 24% of likely U.S. voters think Biden voters are America’s biggest enemy. Nearly as many — 22% — regard Trump voters as the biggest enemy.
A deeper dive finds that 37% of Republicans feel Biden voters are the biggest enemy; 35% of Democrats think Trump voters are the biggest threat. What’s more, 75% of Republicans and (get this) even 30% of Democrats believe the election was stolen. That’s essentially half the country.
That means if Biden is the dude, half the nation will consider him illegitimate. All of that is tinder for secession, violence and even war, if it comes to that. A total realignment, however that would play out, is absolutely on the table if Biden takes the oath and those two Georgia seats go Democrat — a point Church Militant raised months ago and kept repeating in the run-up to Election Day.
The fix was in. The only question was if it would be sufficient to overcome Trump’s Election Day vote. This is why civil wars happen. Good people fall asleep and let evil take over. Now it may be time to pay the price for that “nap” — in blood.
Unless godless communism is directly confronted and defeated — spiritually and physically, it will kill you. What communists correctly understand (and too few Catholics do) is that this is a fight to the death. Tens of millions will perish eternally and temporally under Marxism’s reign of death.
That’s what abortion has been. That godless dogma of controlling humanity by slaughtering it in the womb — that’s why governments allow it, promote it and even pay for it. Marxists wield influence within the halls of power, an influence that has kept increasing until we’ve reached this point of an attempted and somewhat likely successful coup.
Perhaps their attempted coup will have been one election cycle too soon (maybe not but there is no denying the trend). Faithless U.S. bishops created this environment, too consumed with gay sex and money. America has come to this point because the guardians of human dignity, the bishops, sold out for gay sex, theft and personal power.
It’s all about human dignity (humans are made in the image and likeness of God) — something the greedy bishops blather on about non-stop with their constant social justice warrior pronouncements. But down in the trenches, it is they who set the stage for all this to unfold, inverting the Second and First Commandments.
Only the Church stands between true freedom and the evil of communism. Too many bishops accepted modernism, the communist’s philosophical underpinning. And what’s more, they still cling to their modernism as if it is the salvation of the world.
For Catholics who have no idea what all this is about because you’ve been too busy running the kids around to soccer games on the Lord’s Day, understand this: The Queen of Heaven did not come to Fatima to warn about the errors of “liberalism” or other vague ideologies spreading through the world. She warned in very specific terms about what was occurring in Russia — the Bolshevik Revolution, Marxism, communism.
All of it is communism, the State replacing God. In the political sphere, America is (or was) the final stand against communism, but it has always had within it the seeds of its own destruction, just as Benjamin Franklin said when he warned, “We’ve given you a republic, if you can keep it.”
America doesn’t guarantee freedom unless you fight for its survival each generation. But unopposed communism does guarantee its loss. It’s a very definite possibility that people in the United States are going to have to choose sides very soon. Why, after all, should the United States be exempt from internal war? A final conflict between good and evil comes to every civilization.
A geographical migration of sorts has already started happening. People are moving from Marxist states to more conservative ones. That’s fine except this is a coup of the federal government, and the Marxists, once they have seized power (if they do), will not give a rip about states’ rights. They already don’t.
If this coup is completed, then all that will be accomplished for conservatives who are moving to more-friendly states is that the can will have been kicked down the road a bit. State leaders will be confronted with a federal communist tyranny, and they will have to rebel against it or go along with it.
Likewise, the “blue states” will clamp down on anything they view as dissent or rebellion. The Wuhan virus is being exploited to its maximum advantage. A virus that has a 99.9% survival rate is being weaponized as though it is the Black Death. Of course, people die from it and get sick — just like they do from hundreds of other diseases. Human life is terminal.
Since when is the answer to shut down a civilization? (Unless, of course, you want to bring that civilization to an end.) And if a civilization is brought to an end, another is always ushered in on the previous one’s corpse. Half the country believes the election was stolen. Now all that remains is to see what’s going to happen in response.
We already know where the U.S. bishops are on that point. They tripped all over themselves rushing to congratulate “President-elect Biden,” totally disregarding the calls for justice from their most ardent faithful.
Funny how things come around: The very men who have personally profited from all the social justice garbage now deny justice to an entire society and, in the process, potentially usher in communist rule. I wonder what they will proclaim once the shooting starts, if it starts. On second thought, who cares?
©Church Militant. All rights reserved.

Era Of The Great Fawning Has Begun

The attack dogs are being put back into the Obama hibernation chambers and the dutiful lapdogs are back out, gently placed on the blanketed lap of Joe Biden and the puppeteers running him.
Let the era of the Great Fawning begin.
An Associated Press article was representative of the media coverage of Joe Biden’s pick for White House Chief of Staff, Ron Klain, describing his “gilded resume,” reporting that he has surprisingly “drawn praise from both sides of the ideological divide.” He’s just that good, darn it!
This is one part opinion, one part just flat wrong, all parts unfeigned Democratic operative PR. Get used to it. This will be the norm with the Biden coverage. No longer will you see the currently omnipresent phrase “without evidence” used with President Trump, a standard never before applied to presidents although it sure could have been with Obama, and likely all of them.
The opinion part is that his resume is “gilded” and a tremendous advancement over the outsider know-nothing rubes that Trump hired. Here is the actual lead:

“Ron Klain has checked all the boxes of a classic Washington striver: Georgetown, Harvard Law, Supreme Court clerk and Capitol Hill staffer, White House adviser and, along the way, of course, lobbyist and lawyer.”

Classic Washington striver with “deep knowledge” and “competence” the media assures us. But to 74 million Americans, probably more, it sounds a lot more like another Washington insider sucking off the bloated teets of the federal government for personal enrichment and who doesn’t know or care a rat’s rear-end about middle America. They are literally describing what we would think of as the ultimate swamp creature, but I doubt they even know it, the disconnection is so complete.
But hey, that is their partisan opinion. It’s still a free country, partially, sort of, for the moment. But it’s labeled straight news — which makes it deceitful, at best, just a lie at worst. Completely untrustworthy, as every poll shows the American public finds the media. Does the media writ large even care about its trustworthiness with its consumers anymore? Or is it the agenda uber alles?
And then there is just the factually untrue.
The evidence they cite for “drawing praise from both sides of the ideological divide”? Well none effectively. No elected Republican is quoted in Washington or elsewhere. Not one. Not even Mitt Romney. Only talk show host Hugh Hewitt tweeted that Klain was a good pick because Klain took pandemics from foreign nations seriously years ago. No matter. Still counts.
The whole piece is a laundry list of leftist leaders, including Obama minion, or puppeteer, depending on who you believe, Valeri Jarrett, heaping praise on Klain along with AOC and other leftist radicals applauding the pick in the lapdog PR story. But hey, a talk show guy tweeted something positive, so…bipartisan support!
Like I said. Get used to the partisan fawning. Or move on from the mainstream media. But remember, they still hold enormous influence in this country, pretty much for worse, so they cannot just be discarded as irrelevant. They must be exposed as the partisan operatives they have become.
EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like Rod’s new Youtube channel. Follow Rod on Parler.

Tlaib Erases Israel from Map: ‘Immoral and Reprehensible’

Radical Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweeted a post over the weekend in honor of “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People” that bore the slogan “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” As noted, the slogan is “code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews.”
Tlaib deleted the text and replaced it with a message about her family in the West Bank, but not before others captured it: “Thinking of my sity Muftieh and family in Palestine today. From Detroit to Gaza, we will always fight against oppression and inequality.”
The original retweet rightly sparked a wave of condemnations. “Tell me again how Rashida Tlaib is not a raving antisemite,” stated one Twitter user.
“Did she finally go too far?” asked the Los Angeles Jewish Journal.
The Freedom Center’s own Jihad Watch Director Robert Spencer called the slogan “genocidal.” Republican Rep. Paul Mitchell called his colleague “an embarrassment to the Michigan congressional delegation.”
“I call on @SpeakerPelosi to remove Rep. Tlaib from her congressional committees immediately,” wrote Rep. Guy Reschenthaler.
William Daroff, CEO of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, wrote that “Rashida Tlaib’s repetition of a slogan calling for the elimination of the State of Israel is immoral and reprehensible. She does great dishonor to the United States Congress by promoting odious views that deny the right of the Jewish people to self-determination.” added, “Reminder – this is a sitting U.S. Congresswoman.”

Rashida Tlaib

44 Known Connections
Lauding the Protesters and Rioters in America’s Streets
In an August 2020 photo essay in which Vanity Fair magazine “celebrat[ed] the founders of Black Lives Matter [BLM] … and more on the forefront of change,” Tlaib lauded the massive wave of BLM-and-Antifa-led protests and riots that had swept the country since George Floyd’s death in late May. Said the congresswoman: “It just gives more credibility to why I ran. It gives more credibility [to] why I fight to [lift] people out of poverty, why I am saying enough with structural racism, and ending mass incarceration, and ending the injustices that we see in our school system. When I see this movement on the street—that’s where transformative change really starts and it’s hitting us right here in the halls of Congress. It’s been powerful to watch it happen.”
To learn more about Rashida Tlaib, click here for her profile link.
EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Fraud Eyewitnesses Harassed, Threatened, and BEATEN

Sidney Powell Claims Some Of Her Witnesses Have Been ‘Threatened’ And ‘Beaten Up’

By: Martin Walsh, Conservative Brief, December 2, 2020
Sidney Powell, the prominent defense attorney who is fighting in courtrooms across the country to expose alleged voter fraud, made a few startling claims this week.
During an interview Monday night on Fox News, Powell provided an update to Fox News host Sean Hannity and revealed an unfortunate turn of events as her cases are reviewed.
Powell told Hannity that many witnesses involved in her case are already being threatened and, in one case, reportedly physically assaulted.
Powell didn’t elaborate on the details surrounding the alleged assault or intimidation, other than to say one witness was “beaten up and is in the hospital.”
She added that “lives have been threatened” and claimed other witnesses fear losing their jobs should they choose to come forward with potentially damning information.
“There have been all kinds of repercussions against people who have come forward to tell the truth,” Powell claimed. “And no, Democrats don’t like whistleblowers, they only like liars who claim they’re whistleblowers.”
Powell went on to inform Hannity that some of the witnesses she’s counting on for her cases — including some in governmental roles — can’t come forward “without certain protections in place,” which undoubtedly complicates matters in the ongoing legal fight to prove the voter fraud allegations.


At another point in the interview, Powell made a slew of other claims.
“And I asked you today, you said to me that there were people watching an internet connection in real-time but they can’t speak publicly and haven’t signed affidavits to that. Why?” Hannity wondered aloud.
“There’s a number of reasons,” Powell insisted. “Some are within the government. Some are possibly in different roles that require confidentiality. And they are not in a position where they can come forward without certain protections in place. And that’s something that the government really needs to give them if they want to get to the truth of all the matters, with which we are gathering more evidence every day.”
Powell asserted that they’ve “only been allowed access to a few of them,” adding that they will be “collecting a lot more evidence” in the near future and that they already have “evidence of corruption all across the country and countless districts.”
Hannity eventually interjected to ask why Democrats weren’t willing to offer a helping hand.
“I thought Democrats told us that we like whistle-blowers. You’re saying these people can’t talk because they’re going to lose their job. I would think they’d get protection,” he said.
“They’re going to lose their job, their lives have been threatened,” Powell replied. “One witness we know of got beaten up and is in the hospital. There have been all kinds of repercussions against people who have come forward to tell the truth. And, no, Democrats don’t like whistle-blowers. They only like liars who claim they’re whistle-blowers!”
Powell didn’t provide evidence that her witnesses were being threatened and withheld from telling Hannity any specific instances.
But many certainly find Powell credible and would certainly believe that witnesses in her various lawsuits could be under threat or otherwise fearful of coming forward with headline-rocking information.

RELATED VIDEO: SUPERCUT: Bombshell MI Hearing Highlights! | Louder With Crowder

BREAKING: Arizona GOP finds 2% of duplicate ballots took votes away from Trump after judge allows sample to be examined
Nevada ‘fraud’: 42,248 voted ‘multiple times, 1,500 ‘dead’ voters, ’ RV camps as ‘homes’
CNN TAPES: Listen as CNN’s Zucker, Execs Caught Ordering News Division To Bury Hunter Biden Story, Helping Biden With Miami Cubans
Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes – Enough Votes to Move Georgia to Trump Column
After Georgia Stopped Counting, CCTV Shows Suitcases FULL OF BALLOTS Hidden Under Desks Are Pulled Out
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp calls for a signature audit after CCTV footage was leaked of hidden ballots being secretly counted.

This video changed the course of history. And no, they did know they were on tape:

After Georgia Stopped Counting, CCTV Shows Suitcases FULL OF BALLOTS Hidden Under Desks Are Pulled Out
Georgia: Dominion Had Remote Desktop Access To Voting Machines, Poll Pad
Voter Group in Georgia Has Identified More than 50,000 Illegal Votes – Enough Votes to Move Georgia to Trump Column
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Freedom Caucus Demands AG Barr Release Findings of Election Fraud Probe

The House Freedom Caucus, a group of conservative Republican lawmakers, is demanding that Attorney General William Barr release the findings of the Justice Department’s investigation into vote fraud in the Nov. 3 presidential election.
“We represent millions of Americans who do not have confidence in the outcome of this election, not because of the clear winner, but because of irregularities in the voting process,” Rep. Warren Davidson, R-Ohio, said Thursday during a House Freedom Caucus press conference outside the Capitol.
“There are concerns and sworn statements of fraudulent activity, criminal activity, in this statement, in this election, and they deserve to be investigated,” Davidson said. “The Department of Justice exists to do that, to assure the American public that the country represents justice, that justice will be done.”
On Tuesday, Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas, wrote a letter to Barr, co-signed by 36 other members of Congress asking the attorney general to release Justice’s findings.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Also on Tuesday, Barr said that the Justice Department did not find evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election.
On Thursday, President Donald Trump pushed back, saying that Barr “hasn’t done anything, so he hasn’t looked.”

When he looks, he’ll see the kind of evidence that right now you are seeing in the Georgia Senate. … They are going through hearings right now in Georgia, and they are finding tremendous volumes [of vote fraud]. So, they haven’t looked very hard, which is a disappointment, to be honest with you, because it’s massive fraud.

The signatories of the letter said they also disagreed with Barr.
“We are writing today because we are concerned about the shocking lack of action from the Justice Department following your directive,” the letter reads, adding:

There are a number of anomalies, statistical improbabilities, and accusations of fraud that bring the election results in several states into question.
Affidavits of irregularities in the voting and tabulation processes have been sworn in a number of jurisdictions. Threats of retribution by leftist groups with a history of violence have been made against election officials and attorneys for President Trump.

At the press conference, Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C., said vote fraud—or lack thereof—needs to be proven so that election integrity is preserved.
“The bedrock of our republic is open, transparent, fair elections,” Norman said.
The South Carolina lawmaker added that the House Freedom Caucus is “calling for an open, transparent review of all the records.”
Cloud said Americans are already questioning the American election system.
“We need to ensure that the trust of the American people in our election process is restored … . Americans have questions about this election, legitimate questions about this election,” he said.
Rep. Scott Perry, R-Penn., said investigating allegations of fraud is the best way to keep the trust of the American people.
“Among other things that I hear of elected officials, people in authority, certainly people at the Justice Department say, ‘If fraud [occurred] or not, that’s not enough to overturn the election. It’s not enough to to make a difference.’”
He added:

There’s credible evidence of credible testimony that there are problems here, and ladies and gentlemen, this is about the free and fair election in the United States of America. And if the American citizens are going to trust their country and trust their elections, and want to take part in their representative republic in these elections, they have to know that they’re fair.


Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a congressional reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel. Twitter: @LRacheldG.
RELATED ARTICLE: 4 Highlights From Georgia Senate’s Election Fraud Hearing

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Left’s Gender Theories Are Anti-Scientific Nonsense, but They’re Gaining Ground

On Nov. 22, 2020, New York Times columnist Charles Blow unleashed one of the most bizarre tweets in recent memory.
“Stop doing gender reveals,” he stated. “They’re not cute; they’re violent. All we know before a child is born is their anatomy. They will reveal their gender. It may match your expectations of that anatomy, and it may not. If you love the child you will be patience, attentive and open.”


This is patently insane for a variety of reasons.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

First, the characterization of gender reveal parties—parties during which parents celebrate finding out whether their unborn children are boys or girls—as “violent” is, in and of itself, radically nuts. Parents are excited to learn whether their children will be boys or girls. That is absolutely unobjectionable.
But for an ardent fan of abortion-on-demand such as Blow to characterize a gender reveal party celebrating the sex of an unborn baby as “violent” while characterizing the in utero dismemberment of that same unborn baby as “choice” is so morally benighted as to boggle the mind.
Blow’s tweet goes further. The implication that parents are doing violence against their own children if they connect sex and gender is utterly anti-evidentiary. Sex and gender are interconnected. For nearly every human being born, biological sex will correspond with genital development in the womb.
And gender, contrary to the idiotic, pseudoscientific paganism of the gender theory set, is not some free-floating set of biases we bring to the table. Males and females have different qualities in a variety of functions, attitudes, desires, and capabilities.
In every human culture—indeed, in every mammalian species—meaningful distinctions between male and female remain. To reduce children to genderless unicorns simply awaiting hormonal guidance from within piles absurdity upon absurdity.
And, of course, Blow’s take on “patience” is not limitless. Presumably, should your daughter announce that she is a boy at the tender age of 5, all measures will immediately be taken to ensure that she is treated as a boy by those such as Blow. There will be no call for watchful waiting; to do so would be yet another act of “violence.”
Why does any of this matter? Because Blow’s perspective has become mainstream on the left. In October, Healthline, a supposed medical resource, ran an article reviewed by a licensed marriage and family therapist titled “‘Do Vulva Owners Like Sex?’ Is the Wrong Question—Here’s What You Should Ask Instead.”
Whether “vulva owners” like sex is indeed the wrong question. The right question, to begin, might be what makes “vulva owners” distinct from women; as a follow-up, we might ask how one would go about leasing or renting a vulva if ownership seems like too much of a burden.
But the madness gains ground. CNN reported in July that the American Cancer Society had changed its recommendations on the proper age for cervical cancer screenings for women, only CNN termed women “individuals with a cervix.” Which seems rather degrading to women, come to think of it.
Lest we believe that this is merely some lunatic fringe, it is worth noting that Blow, Healthline, and CNN are merely saying out loud what those who place gender pronouns in their Twitter bios, such as Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, imply: that gender and sex are completely severable, and that biology has nothing to do with the former.
President-elect Joe Biden has openly stated that an 8-year-old can decide on his transgenderism; Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., infamously stated that she would have a 9-year-old transgender child screen her secretary of education nominee. Male and female are arbitrary categories to which anyone can claim membership.
Unless, of course, the left wishes to treat sex as an important characteristic. Then the logic changes. Thus, it is historic that Biden has nominated an all-female communications team, and it is deeply moving that Harris is a woman.
It’s almost as though the definitions of words have no meaning, according to the left. All that matters is fealty to whatever narrative the chosen moral caste dictates on a daily basis. And if you cross it, you’re doing violence.

Ben Shapiro is host of “The Ben Shapiro Show” and editor-in-chief of He is The New York Times best-selling author of “Bullies.” He is a graduate of UCLA and Harvard Law School, and lives with his wife and two children in Los Angeles. Twitter:
RELATED ARTICLE: UK High Court Rules Children Under 16 ‘Unlikely to Be Able to Give Informed Consent’ to Puberty Blockers

Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Second batch of #CNNTapes RELEASED

Project Veritas released a second batch of tapes today exposing CNN executives discussing their cover-up of the Hunter Biden storyCuban Americans who vote for Trump and Voter Fraud claims.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s videos:

  • CNN President Jeff Zucker: “Trump continuing to undermine election integrity with baseless claims of fraud. OK? And he’s continuing to do it. And that leads to the question of whether or not Trump, in himself, is a national security threat, in light of what he’s doing and in light of what he did in the debate.”
  • Zucker: “The Breitbart, New York Post, Fox News rabbit hole of Hunter Biden, which I don’t think anybody outside of that world understood.”
  • Zucker: “The Wall Street Journal reported that their review of all corporate records showed no role for Joe Biden on the Chinese deal, and yes, I do put more credibility in The Wall Street Journal than I do in the New York Post.”
  • CNN Senior VP Cynthia Hudson: “The only reason [Cubans in Miami] are supporting Trump is because of that [Biden is socialist] narrative—and that narrative, and the fact that sadly, I have to say, there’s a population that’s very attracted to bullies. No one is countering it properly in Florida, the Cubans are going to vote for Trump and that’s terrifying.”

You can watch the videos here:

How despicable is it for a CNN executive to insult the Cuban community just because they support a candidate the network doesn’t like?
Also, CNN’s cover-up of the Hunter Biden story should settle any questions about the network’s political agenda.
Stay tuned, we are not done exposing CNN just yet.
EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Why Aren’t US Attorneys Investigating Voter Fraud Allegations?

None of the U.S. government’s top 93 prosecutors appears to have looked into allegations of voter fraud in states across the nation, Heritage Foundation legal expert Hans von Spakovsky says.
In an interview with EWTN’s “News Nightly,” von Spakovsky responds to Attorney General William Barr’s assertion to The Associated Press that the Justice Department hasn’t seen evidence of widespread voter fraud in the presidential election.
“I have a lot of respect for Attorney General Barr, but he didn’t say what he bases that conclusion on,” von Spakovsky, a former Justice Department lawyer himself, tells EWTN’s Tracy Sabol.
He adds: “I haven’t seen any reports that any U.S. attorneys have actually investigated any of the allegations that have been made in various states.”

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Watch the five-minute interview:


A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Omar: Defund the Police Is ‘Not a Slogan but a Policy Demand’

In a Twitter rebuttal, Rep. Ilhan Omar responded to President Barack Obama‘s belief that “snappy” slogans like “defund the police” lose supporters, arguing that it is “not a slogan but a policy demand.”
“You lost a big audience the minute you say it, which makes it a lot less likely that you’re actually going to get the changes you want done,” Obama explained in an interview on the Snapchat show Good Luck America. “The key is deciding, do you want to actually get something done, or do you want to feel good among the people you already agree with?”
“We lose people in the hands of police. It’s not a slogan but a policy demand. And centering the demand for equitable investments and budgets for communities across the country gets us progress and safety,” Omar wrote in reply.
This is indicative of an ongoing debate among Democrats, some of whom are nervous that the more openly radical members like Omar will spook “moderate” voters. “We have to commit to not saying the words ‘defund the police’ ever again,” Rep. Abigail Spanberger said following the election, for example. “We need to not ever use the words socialist or socialism ever again. It does matter, and we have lost good members because of that.”
Too late — the Democrat party is already in the grip of the more radical elements, who have only begun to drag the party harder left.

Ilhan Omar

40 Known Connections
In March 2019 in Los Angeles, Omar was the keynote speaker at a Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) benefit event titled “Advancing Justice, Empowering Valley Muslims.” Sharing the stage with Omar was CAIR-Florida executive director Hassan Shibly, who rejects the notion that Hezbollah and Hamas are terrorist organizations. At the same event, Omar said: “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people [the 9/11 terrorists] did something, and that all of us [Muslim civilians] were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” (In fact, CAIR was founded in 1994, not 2001.)
In July 2019, Omar introduced a House Resolution supporting the BDS movement and comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa and Nazi Germany. Co-sponsored by fellow Democrats Rashida Tlaib and John Lewis, the resolution called on House members to oppose “unconstitutional legislative efforts to limit the use of boycotts to further civil rights at home and abroad,” a reference to resolutions that had been passed in several states to prohibit the granting of government contracts to companies that backed BDS. “We are introducing a resolution … to really speak about the American values that support and believe in our ability to exercise our first amendment rights in regard to boycotting,” said Omar. “And it is an opportunity for us to explain why it is we support a nonviolent movement, which is the BDS movement.”
To learn more about Ilhan Omar, click on her profile click here.
EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump Team to File Lawsuit: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada

How can decent, rational Americans allow this to stand?

Trump Team to File Lawsuit: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada

By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, December 2, 2020:
A lawyer for President Donald Trump’s campaign said the team is preparing to file a lawsuit soon alleging that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada, which, if true, could potentially erase Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lead.Trump attorney Jesse R. Binnall, speaking to Fox Business Wednesday, said that they found evidence of “real voter fraud” including “thousands of thousands of instances” in Nevada that will be submitted to a court in the Silver State.

There are “instances of 40,000-plus people who have voted twice in the election,” Binnall remarked.

He did not provide a source, such as an affidavit or a whistleblower, for his claim but later said lawyers will present evidence to the court. It’s not clear where the bulk of the alleged fraudulent ballots were cast in the state.
Binnall, who helped defend retired Lt. Gen Michael Flynn, also said that some people who said they were recorded as having voted via mail never received ballots and told Trump’s team that they didn’t vote.
Nevada Secretary of State Barbara Cegavske’s office has not yet responded to a request for comment. Cegavske has released few public statements since the Nov. 3 election.
Several weeks ago, in response to allegations of fraud, Clark County Registrar of Voters Joe Gloria’s office told The Associated Press that Trump’s campaign’s “complaints … misstate and misrepresent evidence” and claimed they “parrot erroneous allegations made by partisans without first-hand knowledge of the facts.”
Earlier this week, Nevada Republicans dropped a lawsuit that claimed that people who no longer live in the state illegally cast ballots. It was later revealed that the addresses and zip codes in the lawsuit belonged to a number of military families and students who are legally able to vote in Nevada.
But in another instance, a data scientist, Dorothy Morgan, said there was an inexplicable jump in voter registrations with unusual addresses and incomplete information.
In an affidavit, Morgan said she spotted a “historically strange” increase in voter registrations missing the sex and age of the voter, as well as registrations where casinos and RV parks are provided as “their home or mailing addresses” in the Third Congressional District, which covers much of Clark County and Las Vegas.
“This investigation found over 13,000 voters whose voter registration information revealed no sex or date of birth. Not only does this mean we cannot verify whether these voters are old enough to vote, it is also historically strange: While one does not expect voter registration information to be perfect, it is very strange that there were very, very few of these kinds of imperfect records with missing or invalid information until this year—when there are 13,372 of them,” she said, according to an affidavit obtained by the Washington Examiner.

RELATED VIDEO: Video shows poll workers pulling out suitcases of ballots | Georgia election hearing | NTD

Watch: Ex-U.S. Postal Service Subcontractor Says Colleagues ‘Ordered to Backdate Ballots’
WATCH LIVE: Election Fraud Legal Team Sidney Powel, Lin Wood News Conference in Atlanta, Georgia
Dominion Worker BLOWS UP Michigan Hearings 
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib & Betty McCollum Participate in Conference with Terror Funders, Antisemites

The line up of the American Muslims for Palestine conference reads like a Who’s Who for the Muslim Brotherhood

Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rahida Tlaib and Betty McCollum participated in a conference over the weekend with several figures connected to Islamist terrorism.
As the above poster notes, many of the speakers at the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) conference, including Omar and Tlaib, have also expressed classic forms of antisemitism, as per the internationally accepted definition of antisemitism formulated by the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA).
On the last day of the conference, Tlaib retweeted a message which read: “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free, ” a saying long used by those calling for the complete destruction of the state of Israel and its Jewish citizens.

American Muslims for Palestine

AMP was founded in 2006 by anti-Israel and antisemitic activist and University of California Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian, who also founded Students for Justice in Palestine (whose members frequently intimidate and harass Jewish and pro-Israel students on U.S. college campuses).
AMP, which is still run by Bazian, has a history of employing terrorist financiers. At least five AMP officials previously served with the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s pro-Hamas Palestine Committee. The Palestine Committee was a secret body set up to advance the Brotherhood/Hamas agenda in America.
Hamas, a terrorist group, is the Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestinian branch.
Bazian once said that Muslim-Americans need to follow in the footsteps of the “uprising in Iraq” (which was against U.S. soldiers) and the “intifada in Palestine” by starting an “intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here.”
Apparently aware of the aggressiveness of his statement, he further said, “They’re gonna say some Palestinian [is] being too radical—well, you haven’t seen radicalism yet.” He later appeared on The O’Reilly Factor about the speech and refused to condemn Hamas and Hezbollah.
The Canary Mission reports that AMP is one of the main drivers of the antisemitic Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement in the U.S. and has spearheaded multiple BDS campaigns.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) accused AMP of providing a platform for antisemitism. Its leaders have expressed support for Hamas terrorists and praised the Muslim Brotherhood and its spiritual leader, Yousef Qaradawi. As of February 2019, one AMP national board member reportedly raised money for Hamas, while another two board members have been linked to alleged Hamas financiers.
Also featured as main speakers at the conference with Omar, Tlaib and McCollum were Tarek Hammoud (who has connections to Hamas) and Kifah Mustapha (who has connections to the Muslim Brotherhood).

Tarek Hammoud

Hammoud is the executive director of the Palestinian Return Center (PRC), which is considered by foreign law enforcement agencies to be a Hamas front in the UK. The PRC regularly hosts Hamas leaders, including Ismail Haniyeh, who once called PRC leader Majed Al-Zeer to congratulate him for being recommended for consultative status at the United Nations.
Al-Zeer participated in the Arab International Congress for the Right of Return of Palestinians in Damascus on November 23, 2008, alongside then-Hamas leader Khaled Mashal. Zaher Birawi, former head of the board of trustees of the PRC, also sat alongside Ismail Haniyeh during a Convoy to Gaza Conference. Both Haniyeh and Mashal are designated as global terrorists by the U.S.

Kifah Mustapha

Mustapha chairs the Quran Muslim American Society Institute of Chicago (MAS).
He is listed in court documents for the Holy Land Foundation terror funding case as an individual who is or was a member of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s Palestine Committee and/or its organization. He is also listed in the documents as an individual who was a Holy Land Foundation employee, director, officer and/or representative.
The Holy Land Foundation was prosecuted in the largest terror funding case in the U.S. for funneling money to Hamas.
Omar, Tlaib and McCollum should be censured by Congress for participating in this conference.
[Editor’s note: Since the original publication date of this article, Tlaib deleted the above tweet calling for the destruction of Israel.]

Meira Svirsky

Meira Svirsky is the editor of

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

IRS Sent $1,200 Stimulus Checks to Random European Citizens, New Reporting Shows

Reckless disregard for efficiency is inherent to all government spending.

Congress is debating another round of COVID-19 stimulus legislation right now. But as the details continue to be hashed out, new evidence keeps mounting that shows just how wasteful and inefficient the first stimulus bill was.
The $2 trillion+ CARES Act, passed in March, sent $1,200 “stimulus” checks to many Americans in hopes of providing relief and stimulating consumer spending. The feds used outdated pre-pandemic tax information to determine eligibility and who to send checks to. This meant that not only were the relief checks not meaningfully targeted to those actually experiencing financial duress amid the COVID-19 lockdowns, but billions in checks were sent to dead people.
Now we’re learning that the Internal Revenue Service also sent checks to an untold number of random European citizens, not Americans, who aren’t even US residents.
“The IRS now acknowledges that its own error caused some citizens of other countries to mistakenly receive $1,200 coronavirus relief payments — and that the mistake is likely to happen again if more stimulus money goes out,” NPR reports.

For example, Stockholm resident and Swedish citizen Susanne Wigforss received a check from the IRS.
“This is so wrong,” Wigforss told NPR, “because I saw that a number of people were being evicted every month in Chicago, for instance, and I thought one of those families would have needed this stimulus check. Why should a Swedish citizen living abroad receive $1,200?”
“There’s no way I’m going to cash this money — it doesn’t belong to me,” she added. “But how much money is bleeding out from the Treasury Department because of these [misdirected] stimulus checks, I wonder?”

“I didn’t ask for the money. I didn’t expect any money,” Australian citizen Van Shockley said. “But as soon as I got it, I stuck it in the bank. You ain’t getting it back!”
The most maddening part of this whole episode of incompetence is that the IRS has acknowledged this problem yet has not taken any serious steps to correct it retroactively or for future stimulus efforts.
“Since Congress passed its coronavirus relief package in a hurry in March, the US government has put no mechanisms in place to prevent these mistakes from happening again,” NPR reports. “As a result, if a new relief plan with more stimulus payments passes in the final weeks of the Trump administration or during the Biden administration, some of that money is likely to mistakenly end up in mailboxes overseas again.”
The government has no idea how many checks were sent out incorrectly. This is perhaps the most incredible part of the entire stimulus debate.
All of the major programs and initiatives in the CARES Act were consumed by rampant fraud or waste. For example, the stimulus bill’s expansion of unemployment benefits lost $26 billion to fraud—more than the entire unemployment system paid out in 2019. The Paycheck Protection Program was similarly consumed by fraud, and it ended up costing taxpayers a whopping $224,000 per job preserved.
Yet with the debate over a second stimulus bill, lawmakers are pushing to dump more money—the only debate is how much—into the same exact programs without fixing them or addressing the fraud and waste.
Taxpayers are right to find this infuriating. But, unfortunately, they ought not be surprised. Reckless disregard for efficiency and fraud is inherent to government spending, because elected officials are spending other peoples’ money on other people.
“You can spend your own money on yourself,” Nobel laureate economist Milton Friedman explained. “When you do that, why then you really watch out what you’re doing, and you try to get the most for your money.”
“[But] if I spend somebody else’s money on somebody else, I’m not concerned about how much it is, and I’m not concerned about what I get,” Friedman surmised. “And that’s government.”
So, unless something major changes, we should expect serious fraud, dysfunction, and abuse to plague future stimulus bills as well. And yes, that may very well mean more taxpayer dollars ending up in the mailboxes of random European citizens.

Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Beverly Hills and Louisville Revolt Against Dining Bans as Lockdown Defiance Continues to Spread Across America

In Beverly Hills, California, city leaders are demanding L.A. County repeal its ban on outdoor dining, while restaurants in Louisville, Kentucky pledge to reopen regardless of what the governor orders.

When Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced a week before Thanksgiving he was closing all indoor service for restaurants and bars because of rising COVID-19 case numbers, Richard Hayhoe had a simple message for his customers.
“Come hungry, come inside,” said Hayhoe, the owner of Beans Cafe and Bakery in Dry Ridge, a rural community about 50 miles north of Lexington.
Instead of complying with Beshear’s order, Hayhoe opted to keep his restaurant open, saying the governor’s order was not about public health.
“This is no longer just about health, it is about control,” Hayhoe wrote in a social media post.

Hayhoe’s act of civil disobedience appears to have started something.
USA Today reports that dozens of Louisville restaurants recently announced they will reopen their dining rooms (at 50 percent capacity) on December 14—regardless of what Beshear does. (Kentucky’s shutdown order is slated to expire at 5:00 PM on December 13.)

The group, called the Kentucky Restaurant Rescue Coalition, started an online petition that has garnered more than 5,000 signatures as of Wednesday morning.

“If Governor Beshear does not rescind restaurant closures, restaurants will reopen on December 14 at 50%,” reads the petition.
The news from Kentucky comes amid a surge of backlash against economic lockdowns, which have wreaked damage on America’s small businesses, the broader economy, and the mental health of Americans.
The opposition has taken many forms—from criticism from Waffle House to enforcement defiance from Weld County Colorado to civil disobedience in Brooklyn and Buffalo—and continues to spread.

In Beverly Hills, California, city leaders are demanding Los Angeles County repeal its ban on outdoor dining.

“The resolution demands a motion be placed on the December 8, 2020 agenda of the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors to repeal the current Health Order,” Beverly Hills City Council said in a press release.
Reports say Beverly Hills is also exploring creating its own city public health department, similar to Pasadena, which currently allows outdoor dining. (If nothing else, the coronavirus is helping Americans rediscover the virtue of federalism and decentralization.)

The fact that politicians in California—and Beverly Hills of all places!—are growing disenchanted with the punishing and ineffective lockdowns is a sign that Americans are tired of being ordered around by politicians who blithely choose which parts of the economy stay open and what gets shut down, while ignoring their own rules.
Churches? Closed. Strip clubs? Sure. Restaurants? Sorry. Liquor stores? Okay. Private gatherings? Nope. Lottery ticket sales? You bet! The sheer banality of these orders has given lie to the notion that public health is driving the lockdowns.
“Who knew public health would so perfectly align with secular convenience?” Justice Neil Gorsuch recently quipped in a Supreme Court case overturning Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s coronavirus restrictions on houses of worship in New York.
The case for forced lockdowns was always dubious, especially in the absence of clear data on the mortality risk of COVID-19. But the fact that lockdowns are continuing today in light of the evidence we now have—which shows lockdowns are incredibly harmful and terribly ineffective at slowing the spread of a virus, which appears to have been in the US since 2019, according to new CDC research—is maddening.
As Jason Riley recently pointed out in the Wall Street Journal, many Americans are simply done with all of it.
“What’s going on is not simply hypocrisy but an infantilization of the American public,” Riley wrote. “There’s a widespread assumption among liberal elites that the rest of us are incapable of calculating risks and taking necessary precautions to ride out the pandemic, and it’s insulting.”
Across the United States—from Beverly Hills to Louisville to New York City and beyond—Americans are finally resisting. In doing so, Americans are channeling the tradition of civil disobedience that is part of our DNA and was used by figures ranging from Sam Adams to Henry David Thoreau to Susan B. Anthony and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“This is a form of mass civil disobedience like nothing the country has seen since the 1960s,” Riley notes. “Some of it is born of Covid fatigue, to be sure. But the endless parade of politicians flouting their own rules surely has also played a role. It began shortly after the spring lockdowns and if anything has become more commonplace, even farcical.”
The paradox of civil disobedience, which Thoreau called the “true foundation of liberty,” is that it empowers those who lack power through peaceful non-compliance. Throughout history, it has proven an effective tool against injustice and the use of capricious and arbitrary power.
And it was arbitrary power that compelled Richard Hayhoe, the owner of Beans Cafe and Bakery to take a stand against state lockdown orders.
“Small businesses,” Hayhoe told Neal Cavuto, “are being made to submit to these orders that just seem arbitrary.”
Indeed. Nevertheless, Hayhoe’s non-compliance may come with consequences, which is why he has started a legal defense fund.
Americans like Hayhoe may soon have to determine how far they’re willing to go to peacefully oppose the injustice of lockdowns in the face of politicians who have the power and show no signs of wishing to relent.
“You’re not going back to normal,” New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently told reporters.

As governments heap threats and penalties on those who defy orders by peacefully conducting business to stay afloat, Americans seeking to steel themselves can find inspiration and courage in these words from Thoreau.
“[The state] is not armed with superior wit or honesty, but with superior physical strength,” Thoreau wrote in Civil Disobedience. “I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.”


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.