VIDEO: United Nation’s Women Group Crowns pro-Palestinian Transgender thumbnail

VIDEO: United Nation’s Women Group Crowns pro-Palestinian Transgender

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

Women’s groups said the organization ‘ignored’ 33 million UK women.

The United Kingdom wing of U.N. Women faced backlash after announcing that a pro-Palestinian transgender model would be its “champion” of women.

Munroe Bergdorf was selected as the first U.N. Women U.K. Champion in November. However, 17 women’s groups took notice and penned an open letter Jan. 2 expressing concern about the appointment.

“The female population of the UK is more than 33 million, yet you have ignored every one of us and chosen a male,” the letter, addressed to U.N. Women executive director Sima Bahous, the U.N. Women executive committee and the U.N. Women U.K. Committee, said.

The letter was signed by groups such as Fair Play For Women, LGB Alliance, Sex Matters and Women’s Declaration International – U.K.

“Munroe Bergdorf’s well-publicized activism is not pro-women,” the letter continued.

Other critics, such as Douglas Murray, blasted the main U.N. Women group for yet another example of bad decision-making by the international body.

“Seems to be this group has a problem with… reality,” Murray said on Talk TV. Murray also raised concern about how U.N. Women dragged its feet for nearly two months before explicitly condemning Hamas’ brutal rape of women.

Bergdorf, a pro-Palestinian activist who has posted messages such as “Gays 4 Gaza,” “Dykes for a free Palestine,” and “Queers for Palestine,” has called for a “ceasefire,” an end to Israel’s national security response to Hamas’ terrorist attack and invasion on Oct. 7.

The qualifications for becoming a “champion” for U.N. Women U.K. included, “someone who has made incredible contributions to gender equality and the rights of women, girls.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Are Children Really Our Future? thumbnail

Are Children Really Our Future?

By Karen Schoen

As a retired teacher, I was really pleased when I read the article in the Jackson Times about how well our students are doing in the Jackson County Schools. Several schools moved up a grade. That was wonderful but did not make sense according to the statistics from US News and World Report, NAEP, or Axios that say 47% of our kids can’t read write or do simple math. According to AXIOS Florida had some of the worst ACT scores in the nation.  I started digging to find out what those letter grades actually mean.

My organization, The Florida Citizens Alliance (FLCA), has been laser focused on improving education since its inception.  We were able to help legislators recognize that using Common Core standards was a guarantee that FL students would be 2 years behind and they are. Common Core is still in Florida schools under the name of “Florida Sunshine Standards”. Just like Common Core, Florida Sunshine Standards  eliminates and/or minimizes phonics, cursive writing, logic, reason and critical thinking. It shifts the focus from facts to values. Why is dumbing down our kids be the new goal of education?

The FLAC sponsored Microschool program and the variety of Florida scholarships provide support for homeschool parents who recognize public schools have failed our children.

FACT: Homeschooled students average 30% higher than public school students. Parents, Grandparents: When was the last time you asked your child to read to you? Can they do a simple math calculation manually? Do they know how money works?

Public school literature uses SEL (Social Emotional Learning) which is nothing more than CRT (Critical Race Theory) in disguise. SEL is a bastion for learning hatred of family, G-d and country. Using the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) approach students  learn:

  • Diversity – skin color is more important than knowledge
  • Inclusion – As long as you agree with the group you will be allowed to participate, disagree and you will be cancelled.
  • Equity – Students learn: White people are the oppressors and black and brown people are oppressed. Since that can never change it is OK for Black and Brown people to steal from or kill white people as there are no consequences for their actions. The government should own everything to make it equal. Why use contraception when you can Kill your baby? Single parent households can live off government money. Blame white people for all your troubles.

Students today are indoctrinated not educated. Schools fail on so many fronts like:

  • Failure to teach English – the language of America and business
  • Failure to teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, fundamental skills
  • Failure to teach the real meaning of Equality and Opportunity
  • Failure to teach personal responsibility
  • Failure to teach Individuality – freedom of thought/opinion/speech/Bill of Rights
  • Failure to teach the difference between Freedom and Communism, the purpose of America

Students who graduate under Affirmative Action programs, have lowered standards as excellence is repelled. It is more important to use the right pronoun (for a protected class of less than 3% of the population) than it is to produce a quality product. End Result: 95% of the population is being sacrificed by lowered standards. Fact: In the 1800’s America’s average IQ was around 125+ . By the 1950’s,  the average IQ was around 110. Today the average IQ is under 100 and almost half the nation is functionally illiterate. Mission Accomplished. Dumbed Down Illiterate people require less from their government. They are willing to give up liberty for a government hand out. Those that can’t cope take drugs. More than 47% of students graduate and can’t read write or do simple math, or finance. But they will know every sexual position known to humans. At the same time they do not know the difference between a man or woman. How are these schools rated A or B?

By using the statistics on I discovered that out of a top score of 500, Florida scored 241. This score was on the high side for the nation but LESS THAN HALF in the real world.  When I went to school, less that half on a test was an F or FAIL. So how do schools in Florida score A’s and B’s?   Easy answer: Florida grades on a curve. This way the highest score regardless of actual value is always an A.  Using the scores for Jackson county on the US News and World report or here,  the schools scored an average 50% in reading and 33% in math.  Yet they were rated as B’s and C schools.  Yes, it is great that the schools improved but over 88% of the students graduated, can not read write or do simple math. Hw does this impact their quality of life and opportunities? How does this impact America’s future?   What life career will they have?  When was the last time you heard, “Think outside the box?” or “Be the best you can Be.” or “Actions have consequences?” Where we get the next innovator, inventor, creator? Not America!

On the Florida Citizen Alliance website you will find, ” Comparing Ranking Data (proficiencies & college-ready index) with Florida DOE school grades (see “District Grades” Excel file for county grades) The main purpose for sharing this data is to point out the obvious disconnect when you compare nationally-normed high school ranking data (reading proficiency, math proficiency and college-ready index) with the Florida DOE “report card” grades which are calculated using a FL DOE proprietary formula. This proprietary grading formula was created by and can be manipulated by the FL DOE. By grading on the low “curve”, the school grades can be made to look much better than is actually the case. So don’t take it at face value when your school claims to be an “A” school (for example). Look at the U.S. News and World Report data and see if it supports the claim. We need visibility into the TRUE academic performance of Florida schools. Moving away from the highly manipulated FL DOE proprietary grading system is a MUST if we’re to effectively judge the efficiency of Florida Schools.”

Although I do not have children in school and I no longer teach, I never stopped paying attention to our schools. Striving for mediocrity breeds mediocre people in a mediocre country. America was designed for Americans to strive for excellence. So what can parents, grandparents and members of the community do? Here ae some suggestions:

First Action:  and foremost, get your students out of public indoctrination clinics masquerading as public schools.  Florida has many wonderful scholarships; check them out. Join a Microschool, a co-op or a private school that focuses on the 3R’s.  Yes, sports are important but if your child can’t read the play book…  Can you mentor a student?

Second Action: Check out the authors of the texts and supplemental materials students read.  Many authors are foreign and focus on social values not facts. We are the taxpayers, in Florida we have the right to review texts. Example: why are we paying for supplemental learning materials like whose goal is to advance SEL when the goal should be to teach the students to read?

Third Action: Go to school board meetings and voice your opinion. Be prepared with facts and never let the public-school board forget who is paying the bills. Be polite but never forget, you are the ones paying the bills. The purpose of school is to teach skill sets for life not indoctrinate children into a life dependent upon the government. Our students must learn what it means to be an American. They must learn English, civics, history, facts and “One Nation Under G-d”.

Fourth Action: Check your media center. Are there porn books for underage children?  That is not censorship, that is good parenting. Check out the porn report compiled by volunteers throughout Florida on

Fifth Action: Most important, get involved. Can you share with 5 people and tell them to share with 5 people and so on?  If you believe as I do that children are our future, let’s stop the destructive path they are on.  Is America worth saving?  It is up to us.

©2024. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

Critical Thinking Is THE Answer thumbnail

Critical Thinking Is THE Answer

By John Droz, Jr.

Let’s start the New Year by reviewing America’s Number One problem. Although it affects EVERYTHING — it is rarely discussed!

Literally every day we are bombarded by non-sensical words and actions by many of our representatives, our government agencies, the news media, organizations, businesses, celebrities, etc., as well as family and friends! Is it possible that all these people have the same disease? YES, it’s not only possible, it was 100% predictable.

They all have Adult Critical Thinking Deficiency (ACTD), which is infectious (then known as groupthink). So far the FDA, CDC, AMA, Dr. Fauci, Pfizer, etc. have not promoted a vaccine. As with many medical issues, the optimal solution is not to get it in the first place. This can be easily accomplished in the K-12 education system.

Properly teaching Critical Thinking in K-12, is the single, most impactful societal change that needs to be made. Other than having a reasonable proficiency in the Three Rs, assuring that High School graduates have the ability to do (and interest in) Critical Thinking is the most consequential part of the education process — yet despite a lot of assurances and platitudes, it is NOT being done!

“Education is not the Learning of Facts, but Training of the Mind to Think” is really about Critical Thinking, and it comes from Einstein, not me.

Critical Thinking is a skill set, not something that can be learned and perfected by osmosis. It’s like cooking — with the proper training anyone can be a good cook.

Yet the same state education departments that have special Social Emotional Learning (SEL) emphasis, training for teachers, and weekly SEL classes for students, have nothing remotely similar for the FAR more important Critical Thinking! By and large, the claim that “we are teaching your children how to be critical thinkers” is arguably the biggest con ever inflicted on the American public…

Just some of the numerous personal benefits that K-12 students could profit from by being properly taught Critical Thinking are:

  1. Critical Thinking students would absorb all of the Social Emotional Learning (SEL) stated objectives — but without the downsides of how SEL is normally taught!,
  2. Critical Thinking students would make more informed personal medical decisions,
  3. Critical Thinking students are more motivated across the board,
  4. Critical Thinking students are more creative (which is a superpower),
  5. Critical Thinking students are more independent (a key part of maturity),
  6. Critical Thinking students have better interpersonal relationships,
  7. Critical Thinking minorities would have a more level playing field,
  8. graduates who went on to college would be less susceptible to propaganda,
  9. economically deprived graduates would have the tools to succeed financially,
  10. all graduates could easily adapt to rapidly changing employment situations,
  11. graduates would more effectively manage their financial resources,
  12. graduates would be much better at managing their time,
  13. graduates would be much better at maintaining their health,
  14. graduates would more likely choose a superior spiritual path,
  15. graduates would be much better at picking a compatible spouse,
  16. graduates would be more effective at parenting their children (per a private communication with parenting guru, John Rosemond),
  17. graduates would make more informed voting choices,
  18. 18) graduates would be more actively participating citizens and be less likely to have their rights and freedoms extracted by government over-reach,
  19. 19) graduates would be less susceptible to being tricked by AI perversions or scams by bad actors,
  20. 20) graduates would be happier (e.g., as they have more control over their lives),


Additionally, there would be numerous societal benefits from having more Critical Thinking citizens. For example, Critical Thinking has been called “the basis for science and democracy.” Other examples are:

  1. more meaningful and productive citizen discussions of societal issues,
  2. more cooperation on national issues like energy policy, etc,
  3. less societal discord and confrontation,
  4. more competent and responsible representatives would be elected,
  5. a much better chance of America maintaining its position of leadership,


All-in-all, the personal and societal benefits are unparalleled!

Critical Thinking is the Most Powerful, Least Expensive, Widest Impact solution to an extraordinary collection of personal and societal issues — with NO DOWNSIDE!

Some have given up on the public school system, for understandable reasons. One of common refrains is: “There are too many problems to fix.” However, astounding improvements can be made to our K-12 system by just properly addressing ONE thing: Critical Thinking.

Another huge benefit is that this is essentially a no-financial-cost solution. Existing K-12 school resources and priorities simply need to be redirected and modified. It can (and should) start immediately.

All that’s needed is a commitment (from educators, legislators, parents, citizens, etc.) to focus on this one phenomenally powerful solution.

What’s stopping us — other than us?

PS – Some sample worthwhile reading on this topic:

©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

‘Happy New Queer’: Public Library Set To Kick Off New Year With 6 Drag Performances thumbnail

‘Happy New Queer’: Public Library Set To Kick Off New Year With 6 Drag Performances

By The Daily Caller

A public library in Alaska will hold a winter celebration of all things LGBTQ on January 6th featuring a drag queen story hour for children billed as “Happy New Queer,” the Alaska Watchman reported.

The event, scheduled to be held at the Soldotna Public Library, will feature six “guest drag performers,” including one openly gay man whose drag stage name is “Ivanna Kischacok,” according to the Alaska Watchman.

“Ivanna Kischacok,” otherwise known as Andrew Castelli, wears a blonde wig and has jewels falling into his dress’s fake cleavage, according to He also dons ball gowns, feathers, corsets and thigh-high boots, the website reported.

Soldotna starts off year with drag queen ‘Ivanna Kishakock,’ drag queen story hour at library – Must Read Alaska

— Real Men use X (@realmenuseX) December 28, 2023

The drag queen story hour is being organized by an LGBTQ activist group called Soldotna Pride and will be part of a day-long celebration including a performance at a local grocery store and a “Queer Karaoke” event at a bar, the Alaska Watchman reported.

Although the library included a disclaimer in the event announcement that reads the library “does not endorse these materials or viewpoints expressed in them,” it also encourages residents to “Bring the whole family to Soldotna Library from 11-12 pm for Drag Story Hour featuring stories read by Joe Royal Spady, local author: W.B. Clark and our incredible guest drag readers!” according to the Alaska Watchman.

Soldotna Pride has targeted youth in the past, including an event last year that ignited controversy after a video of an Anchorage drag queen apparently showing a man in a miniskirt and thong twerking in front of young children went viral, the newspaper reported. Another video shows the same drag queen gyrating in a leather miniskirt in front of minors, according to the publication.

Must Read Alaska claims the Soldotna Library event is “misogynistic-themed” and reports that “parents who want to steer clear” of the drag event can attend more traditional read-aloud story hours at a local hardware store on Saturday mornings.





Protestors Shut Down Drag Queen Story Hour Event At Library

Sporting Associations Start To Crack Down On Men In Women’s Sports

RELATED VIDEO: Trans Activists Want Genderless Society

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘I’m Finished With This Stiff’: Trump Blasts Mike DeWine For Vetoing Ban On Child Sex Changes thumbnail

‘I’m Finished With This Stiff’: Trump Blasts Mike DeWine For Vetoing Ban On Child Sex Changes

By The Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump blasted Republican Gov. Mike DeWine of Ohio Saturday over the governor’s veto of a bill banning child sex changes.

DeWine announced the veto of the legislation, House Bill 68, Friday despite its overwhelming passage by the state legislature. The bill not only banned child sex changes, but it also prohibited biological males from competing in women’s sports. “DeWine has fallen to the Radical Left,” Trump posted on Truth Social. “No wonder he gets loudly booed in Ohio every time I introduce him at Rallies, but I won’t be introducing him any more. I’m finished with this ‘stiff.’”

“What was he thinking,” Trump continued. “The bill would have stopped child mutilation, and prevented men from playing in women’s sports. Legislature will hopefully overturn. Do it FAST!!!”

The issue of biological males competing in women’s sports after identifying as transgender became controversial in the United States following University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas’s participation in the 2022 NCAA championships. The biological male, who previously ranked at #462 as a male swimmer, won the 500-yard women’s final and placed highly in other events.

Many Republicans criticized DeWine over the veto, including Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy and Republican Secretary of State Frank LaRose of Ohio.

Trump endorsed DeWine during his reelection bid in 2022.

Some detransitioners, including Chloe Cole, who transitioned as a teenager before stopping, have filed lawsuits against medical professionals who carried out so-called “gender-affirming” procedures.




RELATED ARTICLE: ‘This Boils Down To Money’: Fox News Guest Blasts GOP Gov Who Vetoed Child Sex Change Ban

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Pope Francis two ‘Catholics’ who are followers of Karl Marx more than Jesus of Nazareth thumbnail

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Pope Francis two ‘Catholics’ who are followers of Karl Marx more than Jesus of Nazareth

By Dr. Rich Swier

“It is Jesus that you seek when you dream of happiness; He is waiting for you when nothing else you find satisfies you; He is the beauty to which you are so attracted; it is He who provoked you with that thirst for fullness that will not let you settle for compromise; it is He who urges you to shed the masks of a false life; it is He who reads in your heart your most genuine choices, the choices that others try to stifle.” — Pope John Paul II

“If you believe what you like in the Gospel, and reject what you don’t like, it is not the Gospel you believe, but yourself.” ― Saint Augustine of Hippo

As a Catholic I expect my fellow Catholics to live, love and act like, well, Catholics.

Today we have two world leaders who are professed “Catholics” but are acting very much un-Catholic, if not anti-Catholic.

These two Catholics act much more like followers of Karl Marx than followers of Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

Saint Augustine of Hippo wrote, “The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.”

Letting Loose the Truth about Sodomy

The truth about sodomy is contained in the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis.

Genesis 18:21 reads, “I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.

What does Genesis 18:21 mean?

The Lord continues explaining to Abraham His plans for Sodom and Gomorrah. In the previous verse, God states that outcry over the sins of those cities had reached His ears. Now the Lord says that He intends to go down to the cities to see for Himself if such an outcry is justified. The Lord already knows exactly what sins have occurred. He intends to visit the cities to make the case for executing His judgment on them, much as a parent who already knows exactly what a child has done says they are going to “go look” at the situation.

We will tell the truth about Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and Pope Francis based upon their actions, not their words.

in a video about Pope Francis and sodomy reported, Has it appeared “odd” to anyone else that there are so many promoters of sodomy around Pope Francis?…Pope Francis at the beginning of his pontificate created international headlines when he admitted privately there was a gay lobby inside the Vatican. Of course, many people became very concerned when the Holy Father appointed Msgr. Battista Ricca to head up the Vatican Bank. Ricca was reported to have carried on a gay relationship with a captain in the Swiss Army during his time in Uruguay  — so notorious in fact that clergy there appealed to the Vatican to have him removed. It was Battista, as a sidebar, that Pope Francis was talking about back in 2013 when he gave his well-documented comment, “Who am I to judge?”

Recently in Wisconsin a Catholic Diocese halted LGBTQIE+ efforts by two liberal Catholic churches.

Like Francis, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. has, since his inauguration, become the most vocal proponent of sodomy. Biden and his administration have pushed their diversity, equity and inclusion agenda from the school house to the White House and from the school board to every major corporate board in America and beyond.

On June 10, 2023 Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and his wife Jill hosted a “Pride Celebration” at the White House. Biden stated, “The Pride Celebration is always one of the most exciting events at the White House. But this year, we wanted to do something a little different than before — not just a reception that recognizes the leaders and the activists of this movement, but an all-American picnic here on the South Lawn celebrating you, America’s LGBTQ families.

At the June, 2023 Pride Celebration Jill Biden said, “Today, we say loud and clear that you belong, that you are beautiful, that you are loved. That’s the miracle that carry us — carries us through the darkest times, that gives us hope for the future that we all want, that strengthen us for the fights ahead. And when you leave here to go back to the place that needs so much change, take that miracle with you. Let it remind you that you don’t have to face these battles alone. You are never alone, and you are loved. Thank you for celebrating with us today.

Sodomy is a mortal sin in the Old Testament, the New Testament and in the Qur’an.

You cannot be a Catholic and promote, endorse or support sodomy.

Adding More to the Marxist Fire

Not only do Biden and Frances support sodomy they are also fellow followers of the myth of global warming as a threat to mankind.

Both support one world governance, a.k.a the new world order.

Both support massive migration of illegals, primarily from the Middle East, into Europe. Biden has opened America’s Southern Border which created an immigration crisis of untold proportions.

Both have embraced craven images, with Frances actually having pagan statuettes displayed on the Vatican grounds.

Both refuse to defend Catholics and Christians who are being persecuted globally, but primarily in the Muslim controlled Middle East.

Both Biden and Frances do not want citizens to own guns for self-defense. Both are anti-2nd Amendment advocates, except when it comes to their personal bodyguards.

The Biden Administration has gone as far as filing a lawsuit that targets largest Christian University in the United States.

Silence in the face of evil is itself evil.

Neither Biden or Francis are Catholic. They are the followers of Karl Marx.

Their actions speak louder than words.

Today the Vatican is Sodom and the White House in Washington, D.C. is Gomorrah.

God will judge them both as He did those in Sodom and Gomorrah.

Beware the wrath of God al mighty.

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

New York City’s Climate Policies Could Make Life Even More ‘Unaffordable’ For The Middle Class thumbnail

New York City’s Climate Policies Could Make Life Even More ‘Unaffordable’ For The Middle Class

By The Daily Caller

New York City is moving forward with several climate policies which are likely to make everyday life even more costly for the middle class in one of the country’s most expensive cities.

The city is aiming to slash its greenhouse gas emissions by 80% come 2050, push a sweeping building electrification mandate known as Local Law 97 and impose an automobile traffic congestion fee, each of which will increase the costs of living or working in the nation’s largest city, especially for the middle class, energy and New York policy experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation. Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan each already rank within the 15 most expensive places to live in the U.S., according to an analysis conducted by CNBC.

“The city is wealthy because, somewhere out there, people are producing energy, food, clothing and so on, and people are trading all of that in New York,” Dan Kish, a senior fellow for the Institute for Energy Research, told the DCNF. The city’s emissions target “will make things more expensive and drive people away to places like Florida,” he added.

The New York Times Editorial Board Applauds Green New Deal

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) February 25, 2019

That flight of capital would shrink the tax base, thereby straining the city’s finances further, Kish told the DCNF. “People without the means, working people, do not have the opportunity to just pack up and leave,” Kish told the DCNF. “But it’s easy if you’re Mike Bloomberg.”

Local Law 97, meanwhile, is poised to impose emissions standards that approximately 50,000 buildings in New York City will have to meet starting in 2024, with additional restrictions imposed starting in 2030, according to The New York Times.

Some buildings are easier to retrofit with the appropriate wiring and equipment necessary to comply than others, and a large share of the high costs incurred by landlords and building owners for coming into compliance will almost certainly be passed on to residents, Jane Menton, a mother who lives in a Queens co-op and has led a grassroots effort to fight against Local Law 97, told the DCNF.

“Progressives in Queens, Manhattan and Brooklyn are so afraid to go against the narrative that this rule is a climate solution… but it’s unaffordable to convert buildings to electric so they won’t convert to comply with the rule, they will just pay fines which will then allow the city to use the money to plug gaps in the budget,” Menton told the DCNF. “The same politicians and advocates who claim to care about the city’s working class wrote a law that will push them out of their homes… functionally, this law is just a carbon tax on the middle class.”

Notably, other cities, such as Boston, have pushed for similar building electrification policies to fight climate change, and the Biden administration has spent hundreds of millions of dollars to help state and municipal governments pursue policies that “decarbonize” buildings as well.

The New York City congestion pricing tax is promulgated by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), which is technically not an agency operating under the auspices of the municipal government.

Congestion pricing is meant to reduce emissions and air pollution by charging drivers fees to enter certain sections of the city. Specifically, the MTA has proposed to charge passenger cars $15 and trucks as much as $36 to be able to enter a large swath of Manhattan, according to local outlet NBC 4.

However, the proposal may not significantly reduce the amount of traffic that piles up on the city’s roadways, potentially even increasing the amount of congestion in areas like the Bronx, according to the New York Post. Qualifying low-income drivers who register with the appropriate authorities could also receive a 50% discount on the charges after their first ten trips into the relevant area of Manhattan, according to local digital news outlet

“Congestion pricing should be viewed primarily as a revenue action to cover the MTA’s indefensibly high capital costs,” Ken Girardin, director of research for the Empire Center, a New York-focused think tank, told the DCNF. “As to congestion itself, policymakers have declined to do basic things like enforce parking rules or dial back the parking permits given to public employees or other policy changes that would take cars off lower Manhattan roads because those aren’t things you can borrow money against.”

The policy would also make life more expensive for people who do not live in the city but make the commute each day to go to work, according to Politico. Notably, politicians in London, the U.K’s largest metropolis, have attempted a similar scheme, which Republican New York City Councilman Joseph Borelli of Staten Island described as “a complete disaster” and an “abject failure” when discussing New York’s forthcoming version of the scheme in January.

“If all of New York state went ‘net-zero’ today, United Nations climate modeling indicates that a mere 0.0023° F of global warming would be avoided by 2050. That is far from measurable, much less significant. So nothing would be accomplished,” Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, told the DCNF. Businesses will stay in NYC and play along with the climate agenda, including high taxes, as long as costs can be passed on to locals. When profitability stops, businesses will leave… The costs of the climate agenda are regressive. Poorer people will feel them first.”

The offices of Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams and the MTA did not respond immediately to the DCNF’s request for comment.





This Populous Blue State Has A Green Energy Mandate. Experts Say It Threatens Grid Reliability

Fresh Off Their Alaska Failure, The Eco-Left Has Its Sights Set On A New Gas Project

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

‘Climate Solutions’: Biden Admin Sent 65 Million Condoms Abroad As Part Of ‘Family Planning’ Program thumbnail

‘Climate Solutions’: Biden Admin Sent 65 Million Condoms Abroad As Part Of ‘Family Planning’ Program

By The Daily Caller

American taxpayers paid for more than 65 million condoms sent to foreign countries in fiscal year 2022 as part of a program for “family planning,” which the agency touts in other documents as a climate change solution.

The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) sent 65.5 million condoms, 9.8 million injectable birth control products and 334,000 IUDs abroad in fiscal year 2022 as part of its efforts to facilitate family planning, especially in the third world, according to an agency document overviewing the program. That document specifically cites “[mitigating] the impact of population dynamics on natural resources and state stability” as one of the benefits of the family planning program, while a 2023 USAID document directly asserts that “climate vulnerability, population growth and unmet need for family planning often occur together,” touting family planning as a climate solution.

USAID Issues High-Risk Fraud Alert For Biden’s $100 Million Gaza Aid

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) November 3, 2023

The USAID sends the contraceptives to many different countries, including Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Guatemala, Haiti, Pakistan and Uganda, according to the agency’s website. The agency also distributes the contraceptives with an eye toward reducing the prevalence of AIDS, improving educational outcomes for women and decreasing abortion rates, according to the overview document for the program.

For example, the agency sent 500,000 condoms to Yemen as part of the “Strengthening Family Planning Services in Yemen” program over several years. Of those more than 500,000 condoms, 438,801 were “consumed,” according to the USAID’s report on the program in Yemen.

“Today, in the 41 countries where USAID focuses its support, modern contraceptive prevalence has increased to 34 percent, and the average family size has dropped to 3.9,” according to the agency’s program overview document.

USAID links climate change and the importance of family planning, asserting in its 2023 primer on the subject that “access to rights-based planning and girls’ education are among the most impactful climate solutions,” and that “climate change-related displacement can worsen already entrenched gender inequalities” like “disruptions in access to essential health services, poor maternal health outcomes, and an increase in gender-based violence and child marriage.”

Proponents of sweeping government action on climate change often assert that unchecked population growth is detrimental to the environment because a swelling population necessitates the consumption of more resources, and some even argue explicitly that population decline will make for a better world on that basis.

USAID did not respond immediately to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.




RELATED ARTICLE: US Taxpayers Paid For Hundreds Of Thousands Of Condoms To Be Sent To Terrorist Hotbed

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

America Must Stand With the People of Iran thumbnail

America Must Stand With the People of Iran

By Amil Imani

The United States, Israel, and other democracies have a huge stake in the success of the Iranian people to rid themselves of Islamic tyranny. This is not just a matter of geopolitical concern but a moral imperative rooted in the principles of democracy, human rights, and global stability. As I have continuously stated, the Mullahs are highly vulnerable.  And it is the Iranian people who continuously find themselves at the forefront of this enduring quest for freedom and justice.

A comprehensive political, moral, and economic measure by the United States and others offers the best chance of ending Mullah’s reign of terror and diffusing the existential threat it poses to the world.

We must fully engage in this great battle of hearts, minds, and ideas. Let us stop talking about unimportant issues and peripheral concerns. Let us concentrate our efforts on bringing down this foreign enemy in Iran, the Islamofascists.

The survival of the Iranian nation and its identity depends upon it. Human beings cannot create an ideal world of peace and tranquility under totalitarian, despotic, and tyrannical regimes, such as the Islamist regime in Iran. Individual freedoms would be brutally repressed. The individual would be at the mercy of the merciless despots. Based upon the general reaction among Iranian opposition groups, it is clear that the time has come to form a new brand of political opposition, a united force whose sole purpose will be a regime change in Iran and establishing the rule of law.

The moral dimension of this endeavor is underscored by the timeless wisdom embedded in the Biblical adage, “From those who are much given, much is demanded.” Perhaps it is for this reason that the people of the United States of America are again called upon to make huge sacrifices to defeat another tyranny. The United States, as a nation endowed with immense power and influence, carries the responsibility to stand against this tyranny and champion the cause of liberty.

This echoes a historical pattern where the United States has, at critical junctures, risen to the occasion to confront oppressive regimes and champion the aspirations of those yearning for freedom. It is important that this great nation stays the course and enlists its power in support of the freedom-loving Iranian people and help them topple these ruling, bloodthirsty Mullahs who are bent on wreaking death and destruction in the world.

As the spotlight shines on the vulnerabilities of the Mullahs, a crucial moment presents itself for the international community, particularly the United States, to undertake comprehensive political, moral, and economic measures. The strategic alliance of democracies, spearheaded by the United States and Israel, can only serve as a beacon of hope for the people of Iran who seek to break free from the chains of oppression.

By doing so, the world can bestow upon the Iranian people the support they need to overcome the oppressive regime and pave the way for a new era of freedom, dignity, and self-determination. Through diplomatic efforts, economic sanctions, and moral solidarity, these nations can create a formidable front against the tyrannical rule of the Mullahs.

Furthermore, empowering the Iranian people to shape their destiny is not just a geopolitical maneuver but an enduring commitment to human rights and the dignity of every individual on this planet.

In conclusion, the challenge posed by the Mullahs in Iran is not just a regional issue; it is a global concern that demands the collective efforts of democracies worldwide. The United States, with its historical commitment to liberty, is once again called upon to lead the charge against tyranny.

By standing firmly with the Iranian people, the world has the potential to witness the triumph of freedom over oppression, signaling a new chapter in the ongoing struggle for justice and human dignity. By offering support to those on the front lines of the struggle for freedom, the international community can reaffirm its dedication to fostering a world where justice, liberty, and democracy prevail.

The United States has, in secular and free Iranians, its best friends in the entire world. It is imperative for the U.S. to help these Iranians to dislodge the vicious doomsday Mullahs, not as an act of altruism, but as a prudent measure of enlightened self-interest.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.


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Iran Sponsored the October 7 Massacre and America Paid for It

My Response to an AGW Political Scientist thumbnail

My Response to an AGW Political Scientist

By John Droz, Jr.

Climate Change proponents and real Science are often at odds.

Periodically I’ll republish something I wrote prior to my Substack starting, that is currently relevant, In this case, a few years ago I was asked to write a commentary about the appropriateness of industrial wind energy for the Adirondack Park in upstate NY (the largest protected geographic area in continental US). Here it is… That quickly resulted in a well-known local college professor’s (a climate alarmist) attack… My public response to him is below. (FYI, I never heard back from him again.)…

I was rather surprised to see the Adirondack Almanac piece by Professor Curt Stager, for several reasons. For example: a) I have had multiple polite exchanges with Curt in the past, and he never said any of these things directly to me, b) his commentary included multiple misdirections, and c) that he would so openly disavow real Science.

I find item “c” the most surprising and disconcerting. Carefully consider this superior quote from Curt eight years ago (I bolded the most important parts):

Scientists are human beings who reflect a diversity of opinions and attitudes.  Of course, most of us are fed up with this ridiculous situation, so it’s not surprising that you hear from so many who express those concerns.  I’m fed up, too, but I’m also not alone in my preferences for refraining from “aggressive activist stances.”   I do so because I value Science itself more than any individual topic that it addresses.

I consider Science to be one of the most valuable inventions of human civilization, and I recognize how precious and vulnerable to corruption it is as one who believes in objective reality, the fallibility of human perception, and the need for objective methods of seeking truth. I also recognize that public trust in Science itself depends heavily upon trust in the objectivity of those who pursue it.  We must walk a fine line between defending truth and trying to force it on other people, and I personally choose to take a cautious approach in walking that line.

This is a well-phrased, important statement — and I would agree with every bolded word. However, since that time Curt has apparently been radicalized. As his Adirondack Almanac commentary indicates he appears to have abandoned his earlier commitment to his profession, and has proudly become a card-carrying political science activist.

To properly respond to all the monkeyshines in his Adirondack Almanac article would take longer than the space allowed here, so I’ll just address some of them. Hopefully discerning readers can then extrapolate the rest on their own…

What we are discussing here is called “Anthropogenic Global Warming” (AGW). Basically, that is the belief that catastrophic global warming is caused almost exclusively by man-made influences (e.g., burning fossil fuels).

The gist of the problem is that Curt has chosen to impale himself on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, he wants us to believe that his opinions about AGW are based on real Science — but on the other hand, he doesn’t want to be burdened by the constraints of following the protocols of real Science!  Put another way, his comments show a clear distinction between genuine science and political science. Consider some examples:

#1 — If two professional scientists have a disagreement, each one politely puts forth the best empirical (i.e., real-world) evidence that they believe supports their case. At no time does one disparage the other’s motivations, past associations, beliefs, mother-in-law, etc. — as those are irrelevant to the discussion at hand. If Curt was so confident in the scientific proof of his claims, why would he waste a single word of his space-limited op-ed to deprecate me? That is a political tactic, outside the realm of real Science.

#2 — Curt then inaccurately asserts that the only people competent enough to assess the validity of the AGW matter, are “truly qualified climate scientists.” Whether the AGW hypothesis is true or not rests on the Scientific validity of its proponents’ claims. Any competent scientist can see whether other scientists (in their field or otherwise), have followed Scientific Protocol… Interestingly Curt undermines his own assertion (that AGW is the exclusive realm of climate scientists) by citing “physics” (i.e., my field) as the basis for some of his AGW claims.

#3 — Curt mischaracterizes a Scientific hypothesis by disparagingly calling it “mere guesswork.” Here’s a reasonable definition:

“The formulation and testing of a hypothesis is part of the Scientific Method — the approach scientists use when attempting to understand and test ideas about natural phenomena. The generation of a hypothesis is a creative process, based on existing scientific knowledge, intuition, or experience. The two primary features of a scientific hypothesis are falsifiability and testability.”

OK, now we understand that, here is the really important part: what does it take for a scientific hypothesis to become a scientific theory, the next step up the ladder? According to UC Berkeley:

“Theories, are broad explanations for a wide range of phenomena. They are concise, coherent, systematic, predictive, and broadly applicable…. and has proven itself in thousands of experiments and observational studies.”

However, in this case, the Global Warming promoters have simply decreed that their AGW hypothesis has been elevated to the level of a Scientific theory — but without adhering to the necessary scientific protocol! Such proclamations are the tactics of activists and political scientists — not real scientists.

#4 — Professor Stager knows this very well but is averse to admitting that the AGW matter is a hypothesis — as he does not want to comply with most of the traditional burdensome Scientific methodology. Why not?

Some of the excuses put forward by AGW advocates, are: a) it’s too time-consuming, b) AGW is too complicated to be analyzed by traditional Science, c) AGW is not falsifiable (see above), and d) the traditional science methodology casts significant doubt on the AGW hypothesis.  In other words, Curt is saying let’s skip over all this annoying Science stuff, and cut to the chase. Again, that is the perspective of a political science person: let’s get on to changing policies!

#5 — The AGW hypothesis is almost entirely based on computer models. But computer models are not something magic: they are the results of data plus numerous assumptions by people.

But if AGW is too complicated to be analyzed by traditional Science, how is it that certain individuals are able to accurately decipher what data is pertinent and exactly how it all inter-relates? Rephrased: if accurately assessing the validity and results of AGW is too complicated for traditional Science, then it is also too complicated for computer models. BTW, real scientists focus on empirical data. Political scientists prefer computer models as it is child’s play to manipulate them (without citizens being aware), so that any desired outcome can be generated…

#6 — Unfortunately, Curt did not acknowledge that we have HUGE gaps of knowledge in our understanding of climate.

For example, the AGW matter appears to rest on a very basic equation: the global CO2 balance. On one side are “CO2 Sources” which are either natural or man-made. On the other side are “CO2 Sinks” which are mostly natural. When the Sources exceed the Sinks, we have a resultant net CO2 increase. One of several problems is that as much as 30% of the Sinks side of the equation is not well understood.  How accurate can computer models be when there is such a substantial unknown involved? Real scientists are very clear about exactly what we know and do not know. Political scientists, on the other hand, glaze over the unknowns.

#7 — There are multiple references to “peer-review” in Curt’s commentary. Two comments about those. First, it’s puzzling that Curt fails to inform readers that there are some 2000 peer-reviewed papers that contest his AGW position (e.g., see here). A real scientist objectively presents both sides of any dispute. (Note Curt’s quote about that at the beginning!) A political scientist solely promotes his own agenda, pretending that there is no other reasonable conclusion than theirs.

#8 — Second, the intention of his “peer-review” insertions is to convince the casual reader that Science has put its imprimatur on Curt’s AGW hypothesis. That is not so. What laypeople need to know is that the peer-review process has NOTHING to do with ascertaining the validity of any study’s conclusions. For example, in the peer-review process, NO ONE repeats any experiment done in a study, to verify the results.

To get a better picture of what peer-review is all about, carefully read the statement made by one of the major players in the peer-review process, the editor of the world-renown medical journal, the Lancet:

“The mistake, of course, is to have thought that peer-review was any more than a crude means of discovering the acceptability — not the validity — of a new finding.

“Editors and scientists alike insist on the pivotal importance of peer-review. We portray peer-review to the public as a quasi-sacred process that helps to make science our most objective truth teller.

“But we know that the system of peer-review is biased, unjust, unaccountable, incomplete, easily fixed, often insulting, usually ignorant, occasionally foolish, and frequently wrong.”

In other words, references to peer-review to support one’s claims are based on the premise that the reader is not educated about peer-review realities. This is a strategy used by political scientists: to take advantage of what citizens don’t understand, to promote their own objectives and policies.

#9 — Along the same line are Curt’s references to “consensus.” Oh dear!  If Curt has irrefutable Science to support his AGW hypothesis, why would he waste time by talking about such unscientific matters as consensus? Look closely at the Scientific Method. Is there anything there about consensus? NO!

What is also indisputable is that there have been numerous cases in the past where the consensus of what scientists believed, was subsequently proven to be wrong. Real scientists are well aware of that reality, so they would never — ever — try to justify their hypothesis by referencing other scientists’ opinions. On the other hand, political science is all about getting a consensus.

#10—Despite his 1300± word commentary, Curt didn’t actually address the primary points I made in my earlier Adirondack Explorer article. Instead, he waxed eloquently on AGW — which was not the topic I was asked to write about. Renewable energy in the Adirondack Park was my assignment. He didn’t say anything about that! Have you ever noticed that when a politician is asked a question they don’t like, they smoothly change the topic? That’s another stark difference between real Science and political science.

#11—Curt’s remarks about skepticism are also interesting. He understands that skepticism is the hallmark of a real scientist — so he makes sure to point out that he once was an AGW skeptic. Although I couldn’t find any AGW skeptical papers he wrote during that time, I’m willing to take his word for it. However, his position is now that he has been satisfied, why isn’t everyone else?  Indeed.

If he had put forth a learned position: a) that followed the conventions of real Science, b) that honestly acknowledged how much we don’t know about AGW, c) without ad hominemsd) without references to such unscientific matters such as consensus, and e) without making false implications about the veracity of peer-review — then we could see that he was making a strong case based on real Science. Instead, we got a political science response, which does not inspire confidence.

#12—It’s quite clear from all this that the AGW issue is not really about CO2. Instead, this is just a convenient vehicle for those who want to radically alter our American way of life — to literally convert us to an agrarian, Marxist society. Don’t take my word for it, but just closely examine the elements (and consequences) of the Green New Deal, which is just a trial balloon for what’s really the agenda being promoted here.

The bottom line is that Curt and other similar advocates, want us to fork over $100± Trillion dollars: a) to accept their AGW hypothesis when they have not bothered to follow traditional Science protocols, and b) to implement “solutions” (like industrial wind energy) that are scientifically unproven.  What could possibly go wrong?

PS — A profoundly important problem that is going on here, is that real Science itself is under attack by anti-American progressives. For example, see this earlier commentary for just one part of what is transpiring.

©2023. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

In shocking discovery, remains of Israeli victim thought to have been abducted found in grave of stranger thumbnail

In shocking discovery, remains of Israeli victim thought to have been abducted found in grave of stranger

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

The confusion arose when the remains of two women, charred beyond recognition, were mistaken for a single body.

The remains of a woman believed to have been abducted by the Hamas terror group on October 7 were found in the interred grave of another woman after a piece of her jewelry was discovered weeks later.

The tragedy of Shani Gabay, a victim of the horrific terrorist attack by Hamas on October 7, unfolded in a sequence of painful revelations and errors. Gabay was among the attendees at the Supernova rave when Hamas terrorists stormed in, unleashing a massacre that claimed over 350 lives at the scene and approximately 1,200 across southern Israel. Gabay was later thought to have been abducted to Gaza along with more than 240 others.

As rockets rained down, 25-year-old Gabay, who had recently graduated Tel Aviv University’s school of law, pulled over in her car near Kibbutz Alumim, close to the festival site, seeking refuge in a field shelter. Unknown to her, the terrorists were already attacking the partygoers. Despite being shot, Gabay managed to flee the shelter, finding temporary safety in an ambulance with other survivors. However, their respite was short-lived as the ambulance was targeted by a rocket-propelled grenade, resulting in the death of all occupants.

For weeks, the Gabay family lived under the harrowing impression that Shani had been kidnapped and was being held captive in Gaza because authorities were unable to locate any trace of her. This belief persisted until a chance discovery of her charred necklace shaped like a half-moon, buried in the debris of the Supernova festival, changed everything.

“We concluded that Shani was missing, there was no sign of life from her, and as the days passed and she wasn’t found among the bodies, we began to believe that she had been kidnapped,” Shani’s brother Aviel, told the Ynet news site. “We became involved in the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, we held meetings in Israel and around the world… we believed that Shani was taken hostage and wondered what she was going through in captivity.”

Her necklace, which was unearthed on the 47th day of her assumed captivity, bore a high concentration of Gabay’s DNA, a clue that finally led to the unraveling of her fate. The police, upon examining the necklace further, also found a lower concentration of another woman’s DNA. This led to the exhumation of the other woman’s grave, where a CT scan revealed two skulls. “A dentist then examined the two skulls and clearly identified teeth belonging to Shani,” Aviel explained.

The authorities “admitted they had made a big mistake and that they had buried Shani on the first week of the war together with another young woman,” Aviel Gabay revealed. The confusion arose when the remains of the two women, found together in the burned-out ambulance and charred beyond recognition, were mistaken for a single body.

Shani Gabay was finally laid to rest just days before what would have been her 26th birthday in a ceremony attended by mourners in the northern Israeli town of Yokne’am.

RELATED ARTICLE: Staff Sergeant Daniel Nachmani dies after being injured in action

EDITORS NOTE: This World Israel News column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DAVID BLACKMON: Biden Admin’s Latest Offshore Lease Proves The Political Class Shouldn’t Make Energy Decisions For Us thumbnail

DAVID BLACKMON: Biden Admin’s Latest Offshore Lease Proves The Political Class Shouldn’t Make Energy Decisions For Us

By The Daily Caller

Barely a week after its representatives committed the United States to a COP28 agreement pledging to “transition away” from fossil fuels – oil, natural gas and coal – the Biden government held its first significant auction of offshore leases in the Gulf of Mexico Wednesday. It was not just any old lease sale, mind you, but the most massive one since 2015 with more than 72 million acres up for lease.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) reports that the government collected a total of $382 million in lease bonuses from an array of “big oil” companies, including Chevron, Shell, Hess (soon to become Chevron via merger), Anadarko (already a part of Oxy via a 2019 merger), Equinor and Repsol. Obviously, the Biden administration’s long refusal to hold a real lease sale in the Gulf had resulted in pent-up demand for new development acreage among the large, well-capitalized companies that are capable of investing billions of dollars in exploration for new deep-sea resources.

In a statement, Erik Milito, president of the National Ocean Industries Association (NOIA), emphasized the importance of maintaining an active program for offshore lease sales in U.S. waters. “Today signifies a critical point in American energy policy,” Milito said. “The U.S. offshore oil and gas industry is stepping up and making the investments vital to enhance our energy, economic, and national security for decades to come. However, the offshore industry’s commitment to American energy security and affordability comes at a time of significant and unnecessary uncertainty. Without Congressional intervention, this is the final lease sale until at least 2025.”

Of course, 2025 will be the year in which the next presidential administration begins. If it is a continuation of the Biden presidency – or that of another Democrat – then we can anticipate the new 5-year plan for offshore leasing introduced on December 15 will reign. That plan envisions the holding of just three offshore lease sales from 2024 through 2029. That is fewer sales than Barack Obama’s administration held in any single year, and a tiny fraction of the 47 sales envisioned by the 5-year plan adopted during the Trump administration.

Milito and NOIA clearly view the Biden plan as wholly inadequate to sustain a vital and healthy offshore industry into the future. “In our forward-thinking industry, securing new lease blocks is vital for exploring and developing resources crucial to the U.S. economy,” Milito said. “Additional offshore acreage is necessary to sustain and expand energy production in a region known for among the lowest carbon intensity barrels globally.”

That last point about carbon intensity should be a major consideration in any U.S. administration that is concerned about emissions. Despite all the grand fantasies discussed at global conferences like COP28 and the annual World Economic Forum meetings, the reality is that the world is going to need more and more oil and natural gas in the coming decades to sustain a modern society. That oil can either be produced in places like the U.S., with its strong regulatory system limiting carbon and methane emissions, or in places like the west coast of Africa or other developing regions with comparatively primitive regulatory structures.

Sadly, though, the politics surrounding climate alarmism, in which well-funded climate activist groups pour billions into Democratic political campaigns, dictate that any Democratic presidency must assume a hostile public posture toward industries that produce or use fossil fuels. Wednesday’s lease sale in fact happened only thanks to a series of court orders forcing the Biden Interior Department’s hand. Otherwise, Interior Secretary Deb Haaland, herself a lifelong opponent of oil and gas drilling, would have without any doubt continued to find ways to delay it through at least the end of Biden’s first term.

The just-adopted plan to hold just three additional sales across the coming six years is absurd on its face and would inevitably result in a shrinking U.S. offshore energy sector. “Without annual opportunities for investment here in the U.S., the investment necessary to fuel the U.S. and global economies will simply shift to other parts of the world, including regions with potentially lower environmental standards and higher emissions,” Milito said.

This is all about hardcore partisan politics, and it exemplifies one more reason why the political class is the very worst class in any society to be put in charge of making energy-related decisions for the rest of us.



David Blackmon is an energy writer and consultant based in Texas. He spent 40 years in the oil and gas business, where he specialized in public policy and communications.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.

RELATED ARTICLE:DAVID BLACKMON: This Agency Is Scrambling To Adjust Its Absurd ‘Peak Oil’ Predictions


Glad to see Republicans waking up to go on offense. Now they have to actually deliver.

— Jenna Ellis (@JennaEllisEsq) December 24, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

A Higher Education Embarrassment: Brown University Offshore Wind Report is a Disgrace thumbnail

A Higher Education Embarrassment: Brown University Offshore Wind Report is a Disgrace

By John Droz, Jr.

Last week I received an email from an editor of a national media outlet, asking for my comments on a Brown University Report regarding offshore wind energy. I found that this was put out by CDL self-described as: “The Climate and Development Lab is a student-faculty think tank informing a more just, equitable and effective climate change policy.”

Note: even though I was “prominently mentioned” in this report (16 times!), no one from CDL/Brown bothered to contact me to verify what they wrote about me was accurate. Not surprisingly, most of it was irrelevantmisleading, or false. Their likely defense is that they just copied what they found on the Internet. Clearly, double-checking would be an unreasonable burden. Worse it might reveal that some of their underlying, unscientific narrative might crumble.

Not surprisingly, this report is rife with errors of omission and commission — way too many to go into in a commentary of this length. To keep this digestible, let’s just briefly look at the assignment itself…

It appears that the Brown Pied Piper professor instructed the children to do something like this:

  1. Get the names of all the main US people opposed to offshore wind.
  2. Guess who they connect with regarding offshore wind.
  3. Speculate about any funding involved, and where it may come from.
  4. Cast aspersions willy-nilly, to try to undermine their credibility.

The first question is: let’s say the neophytes do a competent job fulfilling the oracle’s commands: What then? What meaningful bearing on the offshore wind energy issue would this have? None. Zip. Nada.

A second question is: did the high priest direct his acolytes to do a similar report about offshore wind proponents? Not surprisingly, there is no evidence of that. Does that sound “just and equitable”?

I’m only a physicist, but if these were my students, an assignment I’d give them on this topic would be:

  1. Get the names of all the main US people opposed to offshore wind.
  2. Carefully document each of their objections to offshore wind (e.g., mine are here).
  3. Equitably assess the merits of each of their objections.
  4. Comprehensively and objectively determine whether offshore wind is a net societal benefit.

Now the students would be: a) producing a report that has real value, b) getting educated about a national energy issue, and c) learning how to separate the wheat from the chaff. Such an assignment is designed to undermine cognitive dissonance and confirmation bias — rather than reinforce these (i.e., what this “report” does).

Put another way, in my recommendation the students would actually be doing Critical Thinking about the offshore wind issue — whereas there was zero Critical Thinking in the CDL/Brown assignment they were subjected to.

As readers know I’m extremely concerned that our education system is annually producing millions of non-critical thinking lemmings (e.g., see my Education Report). This sad story is just one of many solid pieces of evidence that this is continuing to happen.

P.S. — I sent the Big Cheese and his entourage a polite but pointed email about this travesty. So far no response.

©2023. John Droz, Jr.. All rights reserved.

States Enact 84 Laws Protecting Citizens against Transgender Extremism thumbnail

States Enact 84 Laws Protecting Citizens against Transgender Extremism

By Family Research Council

States across the country passed dozens of laws — and have debated hundreds of pieces of legislation — to protect children from the predatory transgender industry, a new analysis has found.

In all, 23 state legislatures passed 84 separate laws this year preventing minors from being subjected to transgender surgeries, securing parental rights, shielding kids from sexually explicit drag queen shows, safeguarding the privacy of women’s facilities, ensuring fairness in women’s sports, and strengthening religious conscience rights. As 2023 comes to a close, 193 more bills are currently advancing through the legislative process nationwide, and legislators voted down another 227 bills, according to a tally from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

“It’s great seeing states step up to the plate to protect parental rights, and ultimately, the health, well-being, and safety of children,” Alex Nester, an investigative fellow at Parents Defending Education, told The Washington Stand.

The report shows that lawmakers have responded to parents’ greatest concerns, thanks to the active engagement of grassroots Christian conservatives, FRC Action Vice President Brent Keilen told The Washington Stand. “Just a few years ago, areas like indoctrinating children and allowing men in women’s sports seemed like a bridge too far” for many politicians to touch, he said. “Now these issues are front and center,” showing genuine progress toward protecting women and children from the harms of extreme gender ideology.

The laws, which earn the overwhelming support of American voters, are so popular that supermajorities of state legislators voted to override Democratic governors’ vetoes of eight pieces of gender protections in KansasKentuckyLouisiana, and North Carolina.

Even as pro-family advocates celebrate their victories, they sharply disagree with the ACLU’s characterization of the bills in a year-end report released this week titled “Mapping Attacks on LGBTQ Rights in U.S. State Legislatures.”

For instance, the liberal activist organization presents Texas S.B. 12 as one of the nation’s “free speech & expression bans.” But pro-family advocates called the law — which states that commercial businesses “may not allow a sexually oriented performance to be presented on the premises in the presence of an individual younger than 18” — a protection of children.

The ACLU describes West Virginia House Bill 3042, which became law in March, as “weakening civil rights laws.” Yet the bill does not mention homosexuality or gender confusion; instead, it strengthens civil rights by “forbidding excessive government limitations on exercise of religion.” The law codifies the national Religious Freedom Restoration Act, introduced by then-Rep. Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and signed by Democratic President Bill Clinton.

The ACLU also took aim at laws that grant less of the transgender political agenda than the group would like. In March, Utah enacted S.B. 93, which allows minors to change the sex and name on their birth certificate at the ripe old age of “15 years and six months old.” (The new status takes effect when they turn 16.) Yet the ACLU asserts that the law creates “barriers to accurate IDs” by establishing additional criteria and setting an age limit (albeit one before adulthood).

“America is witnessing a collision of worldviews and values,” Keilen told TWS. “As this collision has intensified, we’ve seen legislators in a number of states step up to the plate and work to protect their state’s children and families.”

“It is important that these legislators continue to stand up for policies like the SAFE Act, protecting women’s sports, and other areas that protect minors, women, and families,” Keilen added.

This clash of worldview is most clearly expressed in the 1,048 school districts that will hide children’s “social transition” from their parents, according to a list compiled by Parents Defending Education (PDE). The districts, which may be seen on PDE’s “Indoctrination Map,” affect 10.7 million students.

“The rise of parental exclusion policies, after numerous reports of gender transition clinics fostering relationships with school districts, is alarming,” Nester told TWS. “It is unconscionable for taxpayer-funded public schools to usurp a family’s responsibility to care for children.”

Although the effects of the radical transgender movement have emerged as a political issue dividing the two major parties, Republican governors in deep-red states do not always support such protections. One of the laws in the ACLU’s list took effect without the governor’s signature: a Wyoming law (SF133) protecting women from competing against males, or showering and changing in front of them. Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, a Republican, denounced the bill as “draconian” and discriminatory.”

The ACLU, which has sought to establish that minors have an unalienable “right” to receive cross-sex hormone injections and organ removals, noted with pleasure that 14 of the 84 laws are currently tied up in court.

The most consequential of the laws recounted in the ACLU’s report are acts keeping minors from undergoing irreparable transgender procedures. In all, 22 states protect children from transgender procedures as of this writing. “The protective laws have been temporarily or permanently blocked by judges in four states, and the attorney general has refused to enforce the law in one,” noted the American College of Pediatricians, which maintains its own map of such states.

That total will increase to 23 if Ohio Governor Mike DeWine (R) signs HB 68. The bill protects children from transgender procedures and protects women’s sports by combining the Saving Adolescents From Experimentation (SAFE) Act and the Save Women’s Sports Act.

Both houses of the Ohio legislature passed the bill with lopsided majorities after hearing from detransitioners such as Chloe Cole. It currently sits on DeWine’s desk, but the governor has not commented on whether he will sign or veto the bill.

“He’s under fire from the usual suspects of people who are ready to villainize those who are working to protect children from mutilation and sterilization,” said former Congressman Jody Hice on Tuesday’s episode of “Washington Watch.”

Ohio State Rep. Gary Click (R-Vickery) told Hice that the scarred youth of Ohio are waiting for DeWine to listen, and asking for voters to call the governor’s office at (614) 466-3555.

“We’ve let him talk to trans kids’ parents and detransitioners,” Click said. “They’re ready just to burst into tears of joy when the governor signs this bill.”


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: U.K. School Guidance Endorses Parental Notification

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Pope’s Document on Blessing Same-Sex Couples Will ‘Cause Chaos and Hurt Souls’ thumbnail

Pope’s Document on Blessing Same-Sex Couples Will ‘Cause Chaos and Hurt Souls’

By Family Research Council

Pope Francis caused widespread controversy and confusion on Monday by appearing to allow priests to bless individuals and couples involved in unchaste same-sex marriages and unrecognized civil marriages, a decision faithful Catholics have said will “produce chaos” in people’s lives “and hurt souls.”

The pope gave priests in the Roman Catholic Church, the world’s largest Christian denomination, “the possibility of blessing couples in irregular situations and same-sex couples,” as long as this is done “without officially validating their status or changing in any way the Church’s perennial teaching on marriage.” The decision came through a statement titled “On the Pastoral Meaning of Blessings” (Fiducia Supplicans) signed by the 87-year-old pontiff and issued by the Vatican’s chief doctrinal guardian, the Dicastery (formerly the Congregation) for the Doctrine of the Faith, now led by close Francis ally and fellow Argentine Cardinal Víctor Manuel “Tucho” Fernández. The blessing is not to be a wedding Mass, nor a “liturgical rite or blessing similar to a liturgical rite that can create confusion” that implies the Church has celebrated a wedding or nuptial service.

Yet when a couple in a same-sex relationship approach their church pastor, the priest now has papal authority to offer a blessing on them collectively which “unites intercessory prayer with the invocation of God’s help by those who humbly turn to him,” says the document, “a blessing that descends from God upon those who — recognizing themselves to be destitute and in need of his help — do not claim a legitimation of their own status, but who beg that all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships be enriched, healed, and elevated by the presence of the Holy Spirit.”

Pope Francis “remains firm on the traditional doctrine of the Church about marriage,” the document says.

The media have largely portrayed the document as a triumph of the LGBTQ movement. For example, a Reuters headline declared, “Vatican approves blessings for same-sex couples in landmark ruling.”

“This really is a very bad document,” Fr. Gerald Murray, a priest at the Church of the Holy Family in New York City, told “Washington Watch” guest host and former Congressman Jody Hice on Monday afternoon. “And it’s going to cause immense grief and sorrow in the Catholic Church, not only in the U.S., but throughout the world.”

The declaration purports that it does not change official Roman Catholic doctrine. As Fr. Murray told Hice, “[T]he teaching of the Church cannot change, but the pastors of the Church can act in a way that undermines that teaching, and that is simply what’s going on here.”

Traditionally, the Church has ranked sodomy as one of the four sins that cry out to Heaven for vengeance. The Roman Catholic Church also bars divorced Catholics from being remarried by a priest.

Dissenting Catholics celebrated the papal statement allowing the public blessing of same-sex couples. “The change here is that these blessings are now officially sanctioned by the Vatican,” wrote Jesuit priest James Martin, a leader of New Ways Ministries, a radical ministry intent on normalizing LGBTQ relations inside the Catholic Church, in the liberal America magazine. “Today, with some limitations, I can perform a public blessing of a same-sex couple. Yesterday, I could not.”

But traditional Catholics warned the new formula makes the Roman Catholic Church seem to bless the underlying sexual activity of the couple, which receives a public blessing despite living in unrepentant sin.

“The practical consequences of this decision are obvious to anyone with eyes,” said Brian Burch, president of, in an email sent to The Washington Stand. “LGBT activists have never been simply interested in a ‘blessing’ as individuals. That has always been available to everyone. … [T]he LGBT movement wants the Church to endorse its goals, including the condoning of same-sex lifestyles, unions, and even sexual acts as authentic expressions of human love.”

Priests who want to remain faithful to the traditional, biblical teaching on sodomy and the lifelong nature of marriage now find themselves in a “quandary and dilemma,” said Fr. Murray. “The document may say that this doesn’t legitimize the relationship, but I don’t know how anybody can say that.” He went on to argue that Pope Francis’s new declaration “go[es] along with the agenda of the sexual revolution of the 60s.” Instead of uniting married people and procreating more members of the human race, the Sexual Revolution teaches that “sex is about pleasure, and you do whatever you want as long as you don’t hurt people, everybody agrees to it, then you’re fine. And the Catholic Church says, absolutely not. God’s law is good, pure and holy, and it’s binding on all mankind. You can’t exempt yourself from the law of God simply because you want to do something against it.”

The issue of formally blessing same-sex unions, which most recently became an issue at the Synod on Synodality, received a negative response from the pontiff in 2021. Answering a number of cardinals, Pope Francis said priests cannot give same-sex couples formal liturgical blessings, which the Church would call “sacramentals.” But the new declaration asks priests “to perform blessings spontaneously that are not found in the Book of Blessings.”

This declaration follows other actions traditional Catholics say create confusion among the faithful. In November, Pope Francis wrote, “Under certain conditions, an adult transgender person — even after undergoing hormone treatment and sex-reassignment surgery — may be admitted to the function of serving as a godparent,” the adult charged with nurturing and developing a young child’s faith. Yet in March, in an unofficial statement to an Argentine median outlet, the pope declared, “Gender ideology, today, is one of the most dangerous ideological colonizations.”

The progressive pope has infuriated faithful Catholics from the beginning of his pontificate, asking “Who am I to judge?” same-sex couples, unceremoniously replacing conservative prelates with liberal bishops, and renewing a deal to recognize the state communist-led “Catholic” church of China.

“Quite frankly, no pope in history has ever suggested that this is the way the Church should act,” Fr. Murray told Hice. “And I think precisely because it does undermine the Catholic moral teaching on sexuality that is such a dangerous innovation.”

Conservative Catholics agree, in an environment of chaos and confusion, Christians must know and apply the scriptural teachings in their own lives. “If there’s anything we need to do is have more Bible study and more reading of the Scriptures in a prayerful and thoughtful way, and then taking the questions of the day and trying to find out what has God revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures about those questions,” said Fr. Murray.

“This innovation has to be resisted,” said Fr. Murray, “because it’s going to produce chaos in so many lives and hurt souls.”


Ben Johnson 

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


Red Light, Green Light: Understanding the Vatican’s Statement on Same-Sex Couples and Blessings

Gender Dysphoria Is About Confusion. So Is Its Latest Claim for Disability Status.

Some N.J. School Boards Pull Back on Trans Policies

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Planned Parenthood’s Trans Hormone Business Is Booming, Creating Thousands Of New Patients ‘For Life’ thumbnail

Planned Parenthood’s Trans Hormone Business Is Booming, Creating Thousands Of New Patients ‘For Life’

By The Daily Caller

The number of transgender services performed at Planned Parenthood clinics exploded over the past few years as the transgender medical industry became increasingly lucrative, according to data published by the organization’s regional branches.

Planned Parenthood first began providing hormone treatments for transgender patients in 2005, and since then 41 out of 49 regional branches have provided transgender services as of 2022. However, in just the last three years, Planned Parenthood has become dramatically more involved in the gender hormone industry.

Between 2020 and 2022, the number of transgender services performed and/or visits related to transgender treatments at Planned Parenthood clinics increased by roughly 125%, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of available data. Regional branches that made their data available collectively saw 17,036 visits in 2020 compared to 38,337 in 2022, a staggering increase in such a short period of time.

Michael Artigues, president of the American College of Pediatricians, told the DCNF that the increase seen over the last few years is likely due to a number of factors such as transgenderism becoming a growing “social phenomenon,” as well as potential financial incentives.

“You have to be concerned about the fact that there’s always money involved, for sure,” Artigues said. “And you’ve got to question whether or not they’re discerning if someone, in particular minors, have a legitimate condition that requires treatment like gender-affirming therapies, as opposed to a social phenomena and or simply mental health problems.”

While the national Planned Parenthood organization does not publicize data on visits related to transgender medical services, such as gender hormone therapy, 12 of the 41 regional Planned Parenthood branches have released relevant data over the past three years. The remaining branches did not respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.

The regional offices varied in how they tracked gender services, with some tracking gender hormone therapy appointments and others tracking visits to their “gender-affirming care” programs; however, many of the regional Planned Parenthood organizations who published their data saw a substantial increase in visits and/or services performed for transgender individuals. Many clinics currently offer “Transgender Hormone Therapy” including estrogen, testosterone and puberty blockers.

Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, which has clinics located in California and parts of Nevada, had 1,041 “gender-affirming care visits” in 2020 before jumping to 4,378 visits in 2022 and eventually hitting 9,288 in 2023, according to its annual reports. The clinic offers hormone therapy for patients who are 18 years and older, or for patients 16 to 17 years old who obtain parental consent, according to its website.

Planned Parenthood Columbia Willamette, located in Oregon, recorded 344 transgender medical visits in 2018-2019 and 533 in 2019-2020. That number of visits went up to 1,066 in 2020-2021, and the following year it was nearly four times higher at 4,129 visits.

Nationwide, Planned Parenthood saw over 35,000 patients for hormone replacement services appointments in 2021, NPR reported. The organization did not disclose the exact number of gender-related visits in its 2022 annual report but instead listed them under “other procedures,” which totaled 256,550 appointments and included services like “pediatric care … other adult preventive care, and high complexity visits, including infertility services.”

Click here to view the Planned Parenthood Transgender Healthcare Services annual totals for Gender Hormone Therapy Infographic.

NOTE: The graphic includes Planned Parenthood’s annual totals for “Gender Hormone Therapy,” “gender-affirming” or transgender visits and services at 12 affiliates with reports from 2020 to 2022. (Megan Brock/Kate Anderson)

Several branches said that their transgender services were some of the fastest-growing areas for their clinics. Planned Parenthood Illinois said in its 2022 report that its transgender hormone therapy is “growing faster than any other service.” The report also noted that “gender-affirming care requires a lifelong continuum of social, psychological, behavioral and medical care.”

Stella O’Malley, psychotherapist and executive director of Genspect, an international group that advocates for a “healthy approach to sex and gender,” told the DCNF that she believes Planned Parenthood has gone from the “medical model, where doctors are bound by the principle to ‘first, do no harm,’ to a more business-like approach that lets the buyer beware.”

“The problem with this is that very vulnerable people who are at their lowest often need guidance and support, not a business-like exchange,” O’Malley said. “Doctors aren’t shopkeepers. They are paid very well because they’re in positions of responsibility, and so they need to meet these responsibilities by being sensitive to the needs of the patient. A one-size-fits-all approach that fast-tracks most patients onto a medicalized pathway is profoundly inappropriate.”

Overall, the cross-sex surgery market is projected to be worth $5 billion in 2023, according to Grand View Research, thanks in large part to more and more Americans identifying as transgender. The cost of routine medical visits for a patient on gender hormones would also be significant.

Only a few of the affiliates reviewed by the DCNF list prices for their gender services; Planned Parenthood of the St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri lists a “self-pay fee for a visit” at $250, with additional costs added for any lab work, according to its website. All follow-up visits are $200, plus costs to cover lab work as needed.

Planned Parenthood Pasadena & San Gabriel Valley estimates costs of up to $262 for the first visit, as well as $35 for hormone injection training and up to $48 for lab work, according to its website. Any follow-up visits can cost up to $202.

As of 2022, Planned Parenthood Metropolitan New Jersey said that its new patient consultation for transgender hormones ranged anywhere from $92 to $206, while follow-ups were slightly lower, going from $65 to $173, according to a welcome packet.

Scott Newgent, a detransitioner and founder of TReVoices, an organization that works to stop the medical transitioning of children, told the DCNF that the nature of gender hormone treatments, which must be taken continuously for the remainder of a patient’s life, creates potential repeat customers for organizations like Planned Parenthood.

“It doesn’t matter if they decide to transition or stay trans or whatever,” Newgent said. “They’re going to need those synthetic hormones for life. That’s a huge business model.”

Doctors have also raised concerns over the ease with which one can get a prescription for hormone treatments at Planned Parenthood; the Columbia Willamette affiliate, for instance, says on its website that it provides hormone treatments for patients 18 years and older and does not require a letter from a counselor or doctor recommending hormones for gender dysphoria. Patients can get a prescription after the initial hour-and-a-half appointment.

Erica Anderson, who is transgender and the former president of the U.S. Professional Association for Transgender Health, said that patients have circumvented more traditional methods of getting hormones because it takes too long, opting to go to Planned Parenthood instead, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

Click here to view Planned Parenthood Trangender Healthcare Services Infographic.

NOTE: The graphic includes Planned Parenthood’s totals for “Gender Hormone Therapy,” “gender-affirming” or transgender visits and services at 20 affiliates from 2020 to 2022. (Megan Brock/Kate Anderson)

The DCNF also reviewed an additional eight branches that released only partial data in their annual reports between 2020 and 2022. Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest recorded only 22 “gender-affirming” hormone therapy telehealth visits in 2020 but did not include any data regarding in-person health care center visits for hormone therapy in its annual report.

In 2021, the branch saw 829 telehealth and health care center visits for gender hormones, and in 2022 had 2,426, according to its annual reports.

Planned Parenthood’s St. Louis Region and Southwest Missouri saw 238 visits between July 2020 and June 2021 as it rolled out its “transgender care program,” according to its annual report. Between July 2021 and June 2022, visits for hormone therapy jumped to 1,657.

Click here to view the Planned Parenthood Transgender Healthcare Services 2020 – 2022 Infographic

NOTE: The graphic includes Planned Parenthood’s totals for “Gender Hormone Therapy,” “gender-affirming” or transgender visits and services at 20 affiliates from 2020 to 2022. (Megan Brock/Kate Anderson)

Planned Parenthood California Central Coast reported 299 “gender-affirming care” initial and follow-up visits for the fiscal year 2019-2020 but logged 746 only two years later in its annual report for 2021-2022. Planned Parenthood Wisconsin in 2020-2021 had 488 hormone therapy visits, but that number jumped to 730 in 2021-2022.

Planned Parenthood Great Northwest reported only 659 “gender-affirming hormone care” visits in 2018 within the first six months of opening its gender program. However, in 2022, the number increased to a staggering 12,814 visits among 5,926 patients. While the Great Northwest branch absorbed the Indiana and Kentucky regions in 2021, those organizations did not list the number of transgender services they provided in their previous annual reports.

There are serious health risks from transgender hormone treatments; minors can become infertile if they receive puberty blockers, while those who transition later could suffer from other conditions such as bone deterioration after trying to come off testosterone.

“Women that get on testosterone for a long period, and then get off of it, their bones deteriorate,” Newgent said. “So I have to get back on testosterone to have my bones safe, but then I have to deal with the other sides of it. So there’s all these medical complications that come with it.”

Planned Parenthood published a series of videos in July acknowledging that patients who take estrogen hormones are at a higher risk of blood clots in the lungs, brain and legs.

Risks for testosterone therapy include blood clots, low blood sugar, high cholesterol and liver issues, according to the videos. Planned Parenthood also suggests that patients receiving hormone therapy should look into “family planning” options, noting that infertility is a potential side effect.

Planned Parenthood should “prioritize evidence-based medicine” and encourage patients, specifically children, to get “intensive psychiatric assessment and care” instead of offering puberty blockers, Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, chairman of Do No Harm, a group of medical professionals that oppose “radical” ideology in health care, said in a statement to the DCNF.

Planned Parenthood did not respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

‘War On Families’: Federal ‘Home Visiting’ Program Classifies Parents Who Don’t Let Young Kids Cross-Dress As Potentially Abusive thumbnail

‘War On Families’: Federal ‘Home Visiting’ Program Classifies Parents Who Don’t Let Young Kids Cross-Dress As Potentially Abusive

By The Daily Caller

A federally funded “home visiting” program advises service providers to watch for signs of abuse against “gender-diverse children,” citing parents who deny their young child the “right” to cross-dress as an example, a document shows.

The Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting (MIECHV) Program is intended to combat abuse and neglect while promoting “positive parenting” and school readiness among “pregnant people and families” with young children who are at-risk for “poor maternal and child health outcomes,” according to its website. The guidance offered to government workers who visit homes at the request of families categorizes steering a child away from “gender expression” that does not correspond with his or her biological sex as abuse.

One document titled “Parental Acceptance of Gender Expression in Young Children” tells home visitors it is important for them to “recognize and address the abuse and neglect that may result, either directly or indirectly, from rejection of a child’s gender expression.”

“Gender-diverse children are frequently the targets of violence or harm — by other children, caregivers, or family members,” the document states.

Abuse need not be “overt,” it explains, but can look like “denying a child the right to play, dress, and act as they would like.”

“Home visitors are uniquely positioned to support family acceptance of children’s gender expression,” the document instructs. “Home visiting, at its core, is dedicated to building strong parent-child bonds in all families. Acceptance of gender expression is key to forging and maintaining these bonds.”

The document further claims that accepting a child’s gender expression can “protect against depression, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal attempts.” However, studies have cast doubt on the idea that affirming a child’s gender identity leads to better mental health outcomes.

Doctors have also expressed concerns that statistics about transgender suicide rates are not only inflated, but that activists’ frequent focus on the numbers may actually drive children with gender identity issues to suicide by creating a “self-fulfilling prophecy.”

“It is insane to vilify parents simply for wanting their gender-confused children to feel comfortable in their own bodies,” American Principles Project president Terry Schilling told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “If anyone is guilty of abuse, it is the gender ideologues who feed kids the pernicious lie that they can somehow change their sex, setting them on a pathway to destructive body modifications.”

The program is run by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), which is part of the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), a subagency of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). It awards grants to states that carry out approved “home visiting” programs for at-risk “pregnant people and families” with young children.

An HRSA spokesperson told the DCNF that programs report suspected child abuse “consistent with relevant federal, state and local laws, regulations and policies.”

“Home visitors support parents and caregivers by providing information and guidance on a wide range of topics intended to promote child well-being, including safe sleep practices, injury prevention, and nutrition,” the spokesperson said. “Home visitors also conduct screenings for caregivers and provide referrals to address postpartum depression, substance use, and family violence, and other risk factors associated with child maltreatment.”

The agency awarded $434,721,579 in 2023 to home visitors in 50 states and six territories in fiscal year 2023, according to its website. The program provided over 840,000 home visits in fiscal year 2022, according to a report.

The agency said resources like the “Parental Acceptance of Gender Expression in Young Children” document are “developed to provide background information, research and data, and strategies for program recipients to support improved health and development for all children served by MIECHV programs.”

Schilling said this is “just the latest chilling example of the Biden administration’s war on families.”

“We are rapidly headed down a road where every parent in this country who opposes the transgender agenda risks losing custody of their kids,” he told the DCNF. “The grave threat to families posed by this administration cannot be ignored. Pro-family Americans must fight it at every turn: in Congress and the state legislatures, in the courts, and most importantly, at the ballot box next year.”

A recent rule proposal by the Biden administration’s HHS would transfer children out of foster families that do not affirm their “gender identity,” excluding families with religious objections from their definition of a “safe and appropriate placement” for LGBT youth.

Under the rule, foster care agencies “must not place LGBTQI+ identifying children with a provider who unreasonably limits or denies a child’s ability to express their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.”

“For example, to be considered a safe and appropriate placement, a provider is expected to utilize the child’s identified pronouns, chosen name, and allow the child to dress in an age-appropriate manner that the child believes reflects their self-identified gender identity and expression,” the rule continues.





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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

A Solar Project Plan of Action — How to Defend Citizens’ Rights thumbnail

A Solar Project Plan of Action — How to Defend Citizens’ Rights

By John Droz, Jr.

It may seem like an unusual time of year to discuss this, but I continue to get a LOT of requests for help from citizens fighting solar projects (several this month alone).

Solar development is booming — not because it is a net societal benefit, but rather as it is currently politically favored. To build up their virtue signaling creds, many States are greasing the skids for solar. That said, in most cases, citizens do have some say in what happens in their community — but they need to play their cards right.

Solar developers and local officials count on the fact that most citizens: a) are technically challenged, and/or b) will not make a professional effort against a proposed solar project. If citizens are serious, the information here will get them suitably educated, and it will outline a top-quality strategy. Doing both will substantially increase their chances of success.

Most people fight solar by getting up at local meetings and expressing concerns about potential negative complications that a solar project might result in. This is a normal reaction as their concerns are usually legitimate — but this is not the most successful tactic. This is ultimately a Public Relations (PR) fight. That said, most people know very little about PR. Here are some suggestions:

PR tactic 1: It is a much better strategy to be fighting FOR (rather than AGAINST) something.

PR tactic 2: Citizens fight FOR their civil rights. To effectively do this, you need to know what your civil rights are here. All States mandate that local legislators must protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of their constituents. In most States, these rights are specified in the State’s Constitution. If not, they will be found in State statutes. You need to dig this information up so that you have chapter and verse.

PR tactic 3: Demonstrate to your local representatives that you know the law. Legislators will take you much more seriously if can quote chapter and verse as to what their legal obligations are.

PR tactic 4: Make clear that you are not opposed to all solar projects. You welcome any legitimate energy source for your community, as long as it is properly regulated. “Properly regulated” means that a local ordinance effectively protects the Health, Safety, and Welfare of local citizens (also see Objective, below).

PR tactic 5: Be clear in your communications that you are not asking for any favors or special treatment from your local representativesRather you are only expecting them to fulfill their statutory obligation (quote legal citation) to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of the community.

PR tactic 6: Vigorously oppose any “expedited” approval process. The Health, Safety, and Welfare of local citizens is too important a matter to take shortcuts — which are only for the benefit of the solar developer.

PR tactic 7: A Moratorium is a good idea. For the same reasons, it is advisable to have local representatives pass a 6+ month Moratorium. This gives everyone some time to get educated on this technical topic.

PR tactic 8: To win the PR war, you MUST get public sentiment on your side. This will be in evidence if everywhere local representatives go (shopping, getting gas, church, etc.) they are approached by citizens who express their support for properly regulated energy projects.

PR tactic 9: Proper local Citizen Rights Leadership is paramount. This is a teamwork campaign. The local opposition leaders have to be team players and team builders. No individual can do this on their own.

PR tactic 10: Organization + Education + Communication are essential ingredients to winning. Organization is important to ensure group participation. The more educated local citizens are, and the better the communication they use, the chance of success is significantly improved. The simplest and most effective way to get citizens educated is to create an email list of possibly interested people.

PR tactic 11: One way to get public sentiment on your side is to remember that every time you are addressing local representatives at a meeting, your REAL audience is the public and the media. Community citizens (the public) should be shown that reasonable regulations are in their interest.

PR tactic 12: A very effective strategy for getting community support is to show the movie Dark Waters. Rent the film and then put on a free public showing at a convenient, good location (e.g., a church meeting room). The movie is a hard-hitting story about what chemicals like PFAS, etc. can do to a community. As explained below, solar panels can contain these carcinogenic compounds. Having a third party show some of the potential problems can be more effective than a local citizen doing it.

To increase your chances of success, it’s important to be clear about what your goal is (and is not).

1) The goal of your efforts should not be to have the community prohibit all solar development. This is not only a position that is difficult to scientifically and legally defend, but will likely turn off other citizens, who will probably see it as being unreasonable.

2) Instead your goal should be to have your local representatives pass a well-written ordinance that includes reasonable regulations — i.e., those that will protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of local citizens, the local economy, and the local environment.

3) The key reasonable regulations are outlined in the Bullet Points.

4) See Model Solar Ordinance for recommended words for these. Feel free to copy, paste, and edit this model as necessary for your community. Please email me if you’d like an editable Word version of the Model Solar Ordinance.

5) An appropriate local ordinance is important because there are no meaningful State or Federal solar regulations — so it’s up to the local community to protect the Health, Safety, and Welfare of its citizens.

6) It would be beneficial for you to have a sympathetic, competent local attorney as an ally. For example, they can quickly edit the Model Solar Ordinance to be suitable for your State.

The more citizens get educated, the easier they can tell when they are being told malarkey — so the better their chances are of success in defending their civil rights.

1) Carefully study our in-depth overview report on solar: Solar Realities.

2) Peruse the Reports on the Solar webpage.

3) For other research carefully review some of our Newsletter archives. Start with the most current year, open the PDF document, and then search for “solar.” Scan the articles and reports that come up, and make a note of those that are most applicable to your situation. There is some exceptionally worthwhile material there.

4) Additionally please review our list of 30+ legal and economic concerns for landowners signing solar leases. Most landowners know very few of the downsides there are for them to lease property to a solar developer. They need to make an informed choice for their own best interest… Considering Leasing Land to a Solar Energy Company? Do Your Homework! also has some good considerations.

Legal action against irresponsible representatives should be a last recourse. It is preferential to win over your local representatives through education, PR, and public pressure. If that’s not possible, a lawsuit may be needed.

1) Depending on your State and situation, there are several legal options. These are outlined in this document. Some other possible legal options are listed under the Legal Recourse part of the Legal Matters web page.

2) Citizens’ most powerful recourse is to file a Federal 1983 claim. Essentially this is a claim against your local representatives that they have violated your civil rights. That’s another reason why your strategy should be focused on civil rights from the beginning.

3) To significantly improve your chances of winning any lawsuit, it is extremely important to document the evidence you presented to local representatives, in writing. This will defeat a common response by local officials that they weren’t aware that the proposed solar project was infringing on your rights.

4) This basic information should not be misconstrued as giving legal advice. To fully understand your legal options please consult with a competent attorney.

Note 1: This Plan of Action is predicated on the assumption that a community has some authority regarding the siting, etc. of a solar project. Some States (e.g., NY) are trying to extract citizens’ control over their own communities. Even in these undemocratic situations, there are some solutions for clever and determined citizens (e.g., see here).

Note 2: Attentive readers will likely be aware that fighting an industrial wind energy incursion follows a similar Plan of Action. When I get a few minutes I’ll write that up. In the meantime follow what is shown on the Winning and Key Documents pages on my website.

©2023. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: The Ethics of Voting As A Christian thumbnail

PODCAST: The Ethics of Voting As A Christian

By Family Research Council

As 2023 comes to an end, many Americans are looking into 2024 with one specific national event on their mind: the presidential election.

Be it Republican or Democrat, Libertarian or Independent, there are a lot of options to choose from, but how does one know whom to pick?

Host Joseph Backholm is joined by Andrew Walker, Associate Dean in the School of Theology, and Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Public Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary to discuss the morals and methods that Christians should implement when voting.

To Walker, politics is about promoting the common good and loving your neighbor.

Listen now to better understand how to ethically vote for candidates that align with your values!


Joseph Backholm

Joseph Backholm is Senior Fellow for Biblical Worldview and Strategic Engagement at Family Research Council.

Andrew Walker

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

The F-35I Adir: Israel’s Airborne Fist of Innovation thumbnail

The F-35I Adir: Israel’s Airborne Fist of Innovation

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

In the high-stakes arena of aerial warfare, the F-35 Lightning II has soared to notoriety, but among its vanguard, Israel’s F-35I Adir rises as a bespoke titan of the skies.

Crafted by Lockheed Martin, this stealth fighter is a titan of 5th generation warfare – yet it’s Israel’s custom-tailored variant that sparks intrigue and fascination.

Imagine a warbird not just built but metamorphosed to answer the exacting demands of the Israeli Air Force (IAF). The tale of the F-35I Adir, which stands for “Mighty One” in Hebrew, doesn’t merely chronicle another imported weapon system. No, it narrates a saga of technological sovereignty that empowers Israel with overwhelming air superiority in its tumultuous neighborhood.

The F-35I Adir doesn’t just fly – it wields an electronic warfare apparatus and sensor suite baked into its DNA. Israeli ingenuity has armoured this jet with homegrown communication systems and countermeasures, creating a platform that not only thrives independently but harmoniously alongside Israel’s aerial fleet.

Beneath the radar, quite literally, the F-35I Adir’s stealth proficiency unfolds. It tiptoes through hostile skies with a minuscule radar signature, courtesy of stealth technology rivalling the cloak of invisibility. It’s an ace up the sleeve of the IAF, enabling air-to-air and air-to-ground missions that can tip the scales in conflict.

Frequently Asked Questions – not your usual FAQs, but a reconnaissance into this aerial enigma:

Q: How many F-35I Adir jets does Israel boast in its arsenal?

A: With a lineup of over 20, Israel’s air cavalry is expected to grow as the need for absolute aerial supremacy beckons.

Q: What sets the F-35I Adir apart from its vanilla F-35 brethren?

A: The F-35I Adir is laced with systems and enhancements straight out of Israel’s avant-garde tech playbook, promising prowess and seamless integration with IAF’s aerial grid.

Q: How does the F-35I Adir reinforce Israel’s defense strategy?

A: Stealth flying and operational enhancement for both aerial and ground assaults – that’s how the F-35I Adir buttresses Israel’s defense artillery.

Q: Is the exclusive use of the F-35I Adir the pride of Israel alone?

A: While the F-35I is a cornerstone of the IAF, both the original F-35 and its variations grace the skies of the United States and numerous NATO allies.

In sum, the F-35I Adir is not just an aircraft but represents Israel’s manifesto of air dominance through sophisticated technology. A testament to the nation’s defense ingenuity, this marvel of the skies ensures Israel grips tightly on its reign over regional skies.

As the combat canvas evolves, watch the F-35I Adir paint its legacy in the annals of military aviation. Israel’s airborne fist is a technological tour de force, defining future air warfare paradigms.

RELATED VIDEO: The Pentagon Praises Israel’s Military Campaign In Gaza


The IDF is crushing Hamas.
🇮🇱 🇮🇱

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) December 19, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.