RINO ALERT: LIST Of 11 Republicans Who Voted With Democrats To Raise the Debt Ceiling by $480 Billion thumbnail

RINO ALERT: LIST Of 11 Republicans Who Voted With Democrats To Raise the Debt Ceiling by $480 Billion

By Pamela Geller

“Compromise is the art of losing slowly.” – LTC Rich Swier, U.S. Army (Ret.)

Stop donating to the RNC. Stop supporting the party that never misses an opportunity to stab us in the back.

BY: Noah, WLT, October 8, 2021:

RINO alert!

How much more are we going to take folks?

We all know Mitch McConnell has repeatedly sold out America over and over and over again — someone should look into the situation with his wife….

And we know it often feels like there are more RINOs that Republicans with a spine and a brain.

Way more.

I am very sad to report 11 Republicans once again just sold us out.

Sold out you, me and America.

And our future.

Under NO circumstances should we have raised this debt ceiling!

Let the Biden Regime FALL under its own weight!

Let it be crushed under its own money printing!

Why are we raising their limit?

Does that make sense to anyone?

I guess it did to these 11 RINOs…..

BREAKING: 11 Republicans have just voted with Democrats to raise the debt ceiling.

This should NOT be so damn hard.

— BrooklynDad_Defiant! (@mmpadellan) October 8, 2021

61-38: Senate ends a filibuster against increasing the debt ceiling by $480 billion to December 3rd. 60 votes were needed.

11 Republicans Blunt Barrasso Capito Collins Cornyn McConnell Murkowski Portman Rounds Shelby and Thune voted Yes with all Democrats. Burr did not vote. pic.twitter.com/X0F98EMj4Y

— Craig Caplan (@CraigCaplan) October 8, 2021

And here is the list:

🚨 11 Senate Republicans vote YES, along with 50 Democrats, to break a filibuster and hold a final vote on the short-term debt limit deal












The vote succeeds 61-38.

— Sahil Kapur (@sahilkapur) October 8, 2021

Make those names famous and VOTE THEM OUT!

Write them down.

Remember them.

Vote them out.

Here’s more from Politico:

Here are the Senate Republicans who walked the plank: Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), John Thune (R-S.D.), John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) all voted in favor of cloture. None are expected to vote for final passage.

Next steps: Senators move onto final passage of the bill that would raise the debt ceiling through early December. It needs just a simple majority, and Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to swoop in to break the tie.

And from Mediaite:

Enough Republicans joined Democrats on a procedural vote Thursday night to advance the debt ceiling deal, 61-38.

60 votes are needed to overcome the filibuster, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was one of 10 Republicans who voted to proceed.

In addition to McConnell, Senate Minority Whip John Thune, Senator John Cornyn, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Susan Collins, Senator Richard Shelby, Senator Rob Portman, Senator John Barrasso, Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Senator Roy Blunt, and Senator Mike Rounds voted to advance the measure.

NATIONAL POLL: Would You Like To See “The Squad” Voted Out of Office?

The deal itself will be voted on later and is expected to pass.

Some Republicans were publicly critical of McConnell before the vote. Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham slammed him for caving.

Your thoughts?


To be clear, Mitch McConnell looks…..like…..a turtle.

But he votes like a RINO.

Make those names famous and VOTE THEM OUT!

Write them down.

Remember them.

Vote them out.

Here’s more from Politico:

Here are the Senate Republicans who walked the plank: Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), Mike Rounds (R-S.D.), Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Susan Collins (R-Maine), Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), John Thune (R-S.D.), John Cornyn (R-Texas) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio) all voted in favor of cloture. None are expected to vote for final passage.

Next steps: Senators move onto final passage of the bill that would raise the debt ceiling through early December. It needs just a simple majority, and Vice President Kamala Harris is expected to swoop in to break the tie.

And from Mediaite:

Enough Republicans joined Democrats on a procedural vote Thursday night to advance the debt ceiling deal, 61-38.

60 votes are needed to overcome the filibuster, and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell was one of 10 Republicans who voted to proceed.

In addition to McConnell, Senate Minority Whip John Thune, Senator John Cornyn, Senator Lisa Murkowski, Senator Susan Collins, Senator Richard Shelby, Senator Rob Portman, Senator John Barrasso, Senator Shelley Moore Capito, Senator Roy Blunt, and Senator Mike Rounds voted to advance the measure.

NATIONAL POLL: Would You Like To See “The Squad” Voted Out of Office?

The deal itself will be voted on later and is expected to pass.

Some Republicans were publicly critical of McConnell before the vote. Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham slammed him for caving.

Your thoughts?


To be clear, Mitch McConnell looks…..like…..a turtle.

But he votes like a RINO.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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How Much Per Person Does Your State Collect in Excise Taxes? thumbnail

How Much Per Person Does Your State Collect in Excise Taxes?

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Either way, these policies rarely accomplish what policymakers intend them to do.

As the great French economist Frédéric Bastiat proclaimed,

When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men in a society, over the course of time they create for themselves a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.

And in living in a society with a moral code that glorifies taxation, you end up with what are known as “excise taxes.”

An excise tax is an indirect tax, unlike a sales tax. It is when the manufacturer/producer of a certain good has to factor a fixed tax or percentage into the cost of that good and then pay the government the tax themselves. Excise taxes are specific to individual goods and activities, whereas sales taxes or income taxes are levied on a general base.

Think of a pack of cigarettes or gasoline. Built into the advertised cost of those goods is a portion that is pure tax. A pack of cigarettes might cost $2, but 50 percent of its cost might be an excise tax levied by the local, state, or federal government, making the true cost $3. And that is before any sales tax.

So which states have the biggest excise tax burdens? Check out the Tax Foundation’s recent study on how much each state collected in excise taxes per person in the fiscal year 2016.


The 5 most taxed:

  1. Vermont – $1,075 in excise taxes per person
  2. Nevada – $993 in excise taxes per person
  3. Hawaii – $928 in excise taxes per person
  4. Maryland – $873 in excise taxes per person
  5. Minnesota – $858 in excise taxes per person

The 5 least taxed:

  1. South Carolina – $337 in excise taxes per person
  2. Arizona – $337 in excise taxes per person
  3. Nebraska – $352 in excise taxes per person
  4. Idaho – $357 in excise taxes per person
  5. Wyoming – $371 in excise taxes per person

Most excise taxes are what are known as “sin taxes,” which are taxes placed on goods that the government considers to be detrimental to a consumer’s health or well-being (think alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, junk food, etc…). The purpose is to get the consumer to engage less in undesired behavior because higher prices lead to reduced consumption, but there is very little evidence to support that claim. As Janelle Cammenga from the Tax Foundation states,

Soda taxes have unintended consequences that make any impact on obesity negligible at best. Cigarette taxes are an unstable source of revenue. Excise taxes are levied on a relatively narrow tax base, and many regressive, with a larger share of the tax burden falling on those with lower incomes.

So while many believe that levying taxes on unhealthy goods—which is determined by our benevolent politicians whom exercise wise judgement—is a good way to promote a healthy and virtuous citizenry, there is little evidence that suggests the taxes are accomplishing what they were set out to do.

One great example of the failure of excise taxes is found in Philadelphia’s “soda tax.” The tax was implemented in 2017 at 1.5 cents per ounce of a sugary drink, equal to $1 per typical two-liter bottle of soda (which is $1.56 pre-tax). The goal was to reduce obesity by discouraging consumption of sugary drinks by raising the prices, but the result was anything-but-intended.

Scholars at Stanford, Northwestern, and the University of Minnesota conducted a study of Philadelphia’s soda tax and concluded the following:

We draw several lessons about the effectiveness of local sweetened-beverage taxes from these analyses. First, the tax was ineffective at reducing consumption of unhealthy products. Second, in terms of revenue generation, the tax was only partly effective due to consumers substituting to stores outside of Philadelphia. Third, low income households are less likely to engage in cross-shopping, and instead are more likely to continue to purchase taxed products at a higher price at stores in Philadelphia.

The lower propensity for low income households to avoid the tax through cross-shopping leads to a relatively larger tax burden for those households. In summary, the tax does not lead to a shift in consumption towards healthier products, it affects low income households more severely, and it is limited in its ability to raise revenue.

And this case study is just one example of the same occurrences in numerous other places.

Excise taxes might sound like a harmless thing, but they are really a prime example of a policy judged by its good intentions rather than it’s results. As Milton Friedman said,

One of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results.

At best, excise taxes simply shift the consumption of disincentivized “harmful” products to other areas where the goods are sold cheaper. At worst, excise taxes make goods more expensive for people (particularly poorer people) who will still buy the “harmful” products in their respective area.

Either way, these policies rarely accomplish what policymakers intend them to do—unless, of course, the true goal of these taxes is simply to fund an increasingly costly and inefficient government apparatus.


Tyler Brandt

Tyler Brandt is a copywriter at FEE. He is a graduate of UW-Madison with a B.A. in Political Science. In college, Tyler was a FEE Campus Ambassador, President of his campus YAL chapter, and Research Intern at the John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Plan Would Sabotage U.S. Economic Competitiveness in One Huge Way, Analysis Finds

That’s not ‘Building Back Better’—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot.  

President Biden has heralded his $4.5+ trillion spending proposals and accompanying tax hikes as an investment in “leading the world versus letting it pass us by.” Yet, paradoxically, a new analysis exposes one huge way Biden’s plans would make the US less competitive on the global stage.

Key to financing the spending plans is a proposed increase in the corporate tax rate from 21 percent to 26.5 percent. When factoring in state corporate taxes, the US’s average corporate tax rate would reach a whopping 30.9 percent. And according to a new Tax Foundation analysis, this punitive level of business taxation would be the third-highest corporate tax rate among developed countries, outstripped only by Colombia and Portugal.


Why is this a problem?

Well, the US would become a less attractive place for business investment, which is bad news for entrepreneurs, workers, and customers alike. Businesses would understandably be less likely to conduct business in the US when they could go to dozens of other developed countries with lower tax rates. As a result, our economic competitiveness would suffer.

“Returning to near the top of the OECD in corporate tax rates would… disincentivize investment and encourage firms to shift profits and locate elsewhere, resulting in fewer job opportunities for Americans and less tax revenue for the U.S. government,” the analysis explains.


Biden claims his tax-and-spend agenda is meant to reassert America’s dominance. But the costly tax hikes the president seeks would set our economic competitiveness back on the global stage. That’s not “Building Back Better”—it’s shooting ourselves in the foot.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

WATCHNew Biden Vax Mandate Doesn’t Make ANY Sense (Here’s Why)

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

Socialist Spending Bill Fails To Move Forward

Thank you for taking the time to send emails.

Socialism is hostile toward a wide range of liberties that Americans have cherished for hundreds of years.  Socialism is very oppressive toward religious liberties especially towards Christians and Jews.

“This is the biggest step toward socialism in my lifetime.”  U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declined to take a vote on the $3.5 trillion dollar socialist spending bill by her September 30, 2021 deadline after approximately two dozen members of the house indicated that they would not vote for it.  Additionally, Senators Joe Manchin (D-West Virginia) and Kyrsten Sinema (D- Arizona) voiced their opposition to the fiscally irresponsible legislation.  Additionally, it appears that some other Democrat senators also indicated that they would not vote for the bill.

Since the overwhelming majority of Republicans are opposed to the $3.5 trillion dollar socialist spending bill Florida Family Association focused on encouraging 7 moderate Democrats in the Senate and 19 moderate Democrats in the House to oppose the legislation.   Florida Family Association launched several email campaigns that provided prepared emails for subscribers to send to these moderate Democrats.   These prepared emails were produced in a format that sent them through each subscriber’s own email client.  This embedded email format was chosen in order insure their delivery. Florida Family Association estimates that each official received over 15,000 emails from Florida Family Association subscribers.  Additionally and thankfully, there were conservative news media and talk shows that expressed grave concern regarding this radical legislation.

Why is Florida Family Association concerned about the $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill?  This legislation moves America ever closer to oppressive socialism.   U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham described the $3.5 trillion dollar spending bill as “This is the biggest step toward socialism in my lifetime.”  Socialism is hostile toward a wide range of liberties that Americans have cherished for hundreds of years.  Socialism is very oppressive toward religious liberties especially towards Christians and Jews.

High inflation and gas prices caused by recent excessive congressional spending are hurting millions of American families and threatening our economy.   Fox News Poll reports: “83% worry about inflation, majority says benefits hurting economy.  Inflation tops the list of economic concerns for voters– ahead of taxes, unemployment, the federal deficit, and interest rates.”   The increasing gasoline prices and energy costs will likely go even higher with the left’s obsession with the New Green Deal which is part of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

It is fiscally irresponsible for congress to throw more money on the inflation fire that will break the budgets of more American families and burden them with entitlement programs that will endure forever.   Additionally, the $3.5 trillion plan will require much more money from the private sector to pay for more entitlement programs thus pushing America even closer to socialism while hurting our robust economy.  This bill will increase energy costs and our dependence on foreign oil thereby weakening national security.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi extended the deadline for voting on this irresponsible socialist legislation to October 30, 2021.  The $3.5 trillion amount will likely be reduced in order to garner votes.  However, the bill’s passage becomes much less probable following this failure and as the calendar nears the 2022 elections when voters will be more likely to hold these officials accountable.  Florida Family Association is prepared to launch more email campaigns if necessary.

Thank you for taking the time to send emails.  Your emails made a difference.

©Florida Family Association. All rights reserved.

Today is October 5th, 2021 and Joe Biden’s ‘Build Back Better Agenda’ is the worst in U.S. History

Biden and his minions are bound and determined to Build Back Bigger Government.” – Dr. Rich Swier

So what does Build Back Better (BBB) mean? Didn’t the last President Make America Great Again? So is Biden’s intent to make America greater than his predecessor?

According to the White House website the intent of Build Back Better is to:

The Build Back Better Agenda is an ambitious plan to create jobs, cut taxes, and lower costs for working families – all paid for by making the tax code fairer and making the wealthiest and large corporations pay their fair share.

Since Biden’s inauguration has he created more jobs? Cut taxes? Lowered costs for working families?

Just look at the economy and you will see higher unemployment, lower wages, workers being fired for not taking the Covid vaccine, higher gasoline prices, shortages of goods and services (particularly in those states that have full or partial lockdowns) and more people looking for a job.

What we are seeing is the false notion that taxing corporations is good for us. Why? Because when any corporation is taxed more they either pass on that cost to their consumers or go out of business.

AOC’s dress with the statement in red to “tax the rich” is a false flag. History tells us that the rich find ways to avoid taxes and the working class gets a greater tax burden or worse workers are laid off because corporations cut staff when faced with more regulation and higher taxes.

Is Build Back Better Really Better, so far?

Biden laid out the following goals for his “Build Back Better” agenda:

  1. “Build a Modern Infrastructure” [More government spending]
  2. “Position the U.S. Auto Industry to Win the 21st Century with technology invented in America” [Mandate the auto industry comply or else]
  3. “Achieve a Carbon Pollution-Free Power Sector by 2035” [Green New Deal]
  4. “Make Dramatic Investments in Energy Efficiency in Buildings, including Completing 4 Million Retrofits and Building 1.5 Million New Affordable Homes” [More Green New Deal mandates]
  5. “Pursue a Historic Investment in Clean Energy Innovation” [Green New Deal on asteroids]
  6. “Advance Sustainable Agriculture and Conservation” [Famers required to be green or else]
  7. “Secure Environmental Justice and Equitable Economy Opportunity” [Equal people are not free and free people are not equal]

The Biden administrations agenda has become very clear.

If the intent of Biden is to make the lives of every American better then as of October 5th, 2021 he is a complete failure.

According to Wikipedia Build Back Better:

The Build Back Better Agenda is a projected $7 trillion COVID-19 relief, future economic, and infrastructure package proposed by President Joe Biden. It will include investments in infrastructure, and is projected to create 10 million clean-energy jobs. Expenditures would also include government funds on housing, education, economic fairness and health care.[1]

The plan is divided into three parts: the American Rescue Plan, a COVID-19 relief package, which passed in March 2021;[2] the American Jobs Plan, a proposal to rebuild America’s infrastructure and create jobs;[3] and the American Families Plan, a proposal to invest in areas related to childcare and education.[4] As of October 1, 2021, the American Rescue Plan is the only plan that has been signed into law, though proposals featured in the American Jobs Plan have been passed in the Senate through the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act[Emphasis added]

So Build Back Better is actually a massive government growth coupled with social a massive government spending spree. Not surprisingly it is inextricably tied to Covid.

To pass the Democrat/Biden Build Back Better agenda requires the American people’s cooperation. However, we are seeing more and more Americans taking up arms against this plan via civil disobedience.

Since Biden’s election his poll numbers have dropped dramatically as he and his handlers try to implement his BBB agenda.


Build Back Better is missing one word in its title “government.” Biden and his minions are bound and determined to Build Back Bigger Government.

There’s no better in Biden’s Agenda only worse

Using the office of the president Biden has not waited for Congress to implement his BBB agenda. Rather he and his administration are using federal agencies like the CDC, OSHA, IRS, Justice Department and FBI to suppress any and all opposition to the BBB agenda.

If you are in the medical profession and work in a hospital and you choose not to get the Covid vaccine you can be fired.

If you are in a company with more than 100 workers and you fail to get the Covid vaccine you will be fired.

If you are in the U.S. military and your choose to not take the Covid vaccine you could be dishonorably discharged.

If you don’t have a “vaccine passport” your ability to travel within the United States and overseas can be restricted or even denied.

The backbone of Build Back Better is comply or else.

Freedom of choice. My body, my choice only applies to killing the unborn, not to you if you don’t get jabbed.

We predict as the Build Back Better agenda moves forward more and more American workers and their families will move backwards.

Biden seems to be building backwards, not forward. He wants to empower government not the individual, and many Democrats are fine with this. This goes beyond socialism, this is Communism writ large.

Gird your loins. We have three years and two more months of Biden, unless something dramatic happens.

Can you survive? Can your family survive? Can America’s Constitutional Republic survive.

The midterm elections in 2022 will be a bell weather election. If conservatives, note I did not write Republicans, don’t take control of one or both houses of Congress we are doomed

Get out and vote. Insure your state implements laws that enhance election integrity.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Big Lies

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels

Biden’s Big Lies

Watch the White House press secretary repeat the “big lie” that the Democrat $3.5 trillion spending bill “costs zero dollars.”

Biden in a September 25th, 2021 Tweet stated, “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars.”

The American people are now seeing the political, economic and military consequences of Biden’s big lie.

Let’s go down a short list of Biden’s “Build Back Better” Big Lies:

  1. The Coordinated Attack on Ivermectin is a Crime Against Humanity.
  2. Afghanistan pull out.
  3. Unvetted Afghan immigration crisis.
  4. Southern Border Crisis.
  5. Stagflation in the American economy. Gas is up 43%, Energy costs are up 25%, Rent is up 9%, Bacon is up 28%.
  6. Tyranny in the form of “mandates.” Get vaxxed or else!
  7. Rising gas and oil prices.
  8. The working class’ jobs threatened if they don’t get vaxxed.
  9. The “tax the rich mantra” of Biden and the Democrat Party.
  10. The increase in taxes on every working American.
  11. The attempt at raising the national debt to pay for massive spending bills (i.e. infrastructure).
  12. The continuing efforts to use Covid to shut down the economy.
  13. The continuing efforts to brainwash our public school, college and university students on the goodness of Communism.
  14. The racial hate created using the BLM/Antifa “white privilege” campaign.
  15. The growing scientific data showing that Covid vaccine shots are harming and in some cases killing large numbers of Americans.
  16. The anti-fossil fuels Green New Deal efforts to fundamentally transform American’s use of all forms of energy.
  17. Biden’s support to defund the police, anti-Border Patrol and anti-law enforcement policies.
  18. Biden’s anti-guns anti-self defense and anti-Second Amendment policies.
  19. The radicalization of the Democrat Party and its move toward Communism in the U.S.A.
  20. Biden’s policies to fundamentally transform our public schools into propaganda outlets for big government and centers to force Critical Race Theory on children, without parental concent.
  21. More to be determined…

Biden Has Become a Joke and the Whole World is Laughing

In my column “The Democrats elected a joke and now the world is laughing. But the joke is now on them” I wrote:

Everyone is now laughing at the Biden administration. Biden and his handlers (he has handlers because he is incompetent) are the laughing stock of the whole world.

What is even sadder is that his policies and political positions are now harming working class Americans. Consumer confidence has now reached a 22 year low. It has not been this low since the DotCom implosion under Bill Clinton.

From Biden’s broken national security policies, to his disaster in Afghanistan, to the ongoing border crisis (the border patrol estimated that illegal aliens will top a million for the month of September), to a dangerous immigration policy, to the Democrat controlled Congress’ bills that raise taxes, increase spending and turn one group against another have many Americans of all races crying.

Biden is now openly anti-American in everything that he, and his administration, does. Americans are today paying over $1.00 more per gallon of gasoline at the pump. Oil prices reached $80 per barrel, double the price under Trump prior to the virus from China. And Biden is just getting started on implementing draconian energy policies to “save the planet” from climate change. Go figure!

Here’s striking example of yet another a demented Democrat policy in California: 

Biden’s Mandates

Today the Biden administration’s operative word is “mandate.” Biden is forcing Americans to get Vaxxed. But what about those who get vaxxed and either, get sick, have long term health issues, get Covid and die. Here’s just one example of a pro-vaxx professor in Florida who died after getting her third (booster) shot:

Mandates are not leadership. Mandates are unconstitutional. Mandates are not the law.

Biden wants to mandate Covid vaxxing for every American citizen but will not test illegal aliens for Covid who are surging crossing our Southern border.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll, sponsored by The ANTIFA by Jack Posobiec, for Tuesday shows that 41% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Biden’s job performance. Fifty-eight percent (58%) disapprove. The latest figures include 21% who Strongly Approve of the job Biden is doing and 49% who Strongly Disapprove.

This gives him a Presidential Approval Index rating of -28. (see trends)


Political satire has now become public policy under Biden. But is anyone laughing? We think not. People are waking up and we are seeing civil disobedience protests against Biden and his policies growing, not just in the U.S. but globally.

Biden is just another in a long line of tax and spend big government socialists. From FDR to Carter to Clinton to Obama. They’re all birds of a feather who flock together to tax the rich and every single working American to death. Some have even characterized the Biden administration as Obama 2.0!

Gird your loins. Pray! Our only hope is to retake one or both houses of Congress in 2022.

We have made it a point to contest the uncontested absurdities we see. That is what I, as a citizen journalist, do each and every day. Sadly these absurdities have turned into legislation either pending or passed by the Democrats in Congress and pushed by the Biden administration.

The Biden administration will not be over until 2024. A ray of hope is if conservatives, note I didn’t say Republicans, take back a majority in the House of Representatives and Senate.

Be prepared. It will get worse. We hope and pray that one day we will reestablish our Constitutional Republican form of government where the power lies in the hands of the people not government.

It’s now clear that Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is causing crimes to be committed against humanity both foreign and domestic.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Biden’s flailing agenda, a defeat of his own making.


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Manchin Trashes Democratic Spending Bill: ‘Fiscal insanity’

The bill is a death sentence for this country. A no vote is the only rational option. Anyone who votes for this devastating attack on the American economy.

Sen. Joe Manchin said there is not enough time to produce the legislative framework for a massive spending bill that House Democrats are demanding in exchange for supporting a critical infrastructure bill on Thursday. “No, it’s not possible,” Manchin told reporters as he walked from the Senate chamber back to his office building.

Manchin trashes Democratic spending bill: ‘Fiscal insanity’

By: Susan Ferrechio, Chief Congressional Correspondent |Washington Examiner | September 29, 2021:

Sen. Joe Manchin, a key centrist Democrat whose approval is required to pass the party’s massive social welfare spending package, firmly rejected the proposal on Wednesday, criticizing the $3.5 trillion cost and the vast new entitlements it would provide.

Manchin issued a scathing statement about the massive spending package, criticizing the cost, tax increases, and social welfare programs that “spend for the sake of spending.”

The West Virginia Democrat’s thorough rejection of the measure follows days of talks with President Joe Biden and top Democrats, who had hoped to strike an accord with Manchin ahead of a House vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package.

“What I have made clear to the President and Democratic leaders is that spending trillions more on new and expanded government programs, when we can’t even pay for the essential social programs, like Social Security and Medicare, is the definition of fiscal insanity,” Manchin said in a statement Wednesday.

His rejection of the package likely jeopardizes the passage of the infrastructure bill on Thursday. House liberals said they plan to block the bill unless House and Senate Democrats agree to a spending level and framework on the social welfare spending bill. The Senate deal hinges on a few key moderates, including Manchin.

But Manchin signaled he’s in no hurry to help negotiate a deal by Thursday.

“In August, I recommended we take a strategic pause to provide time to develop the right policies and to continue to monitor how the pandemic and economic factors are affecting our nation’s fiscal situation before we spend more,” Manchin said.

In addition to opposing the staggering cost of the legislation, Manchin wants changes to tax hikes Democrats plan to impose to pay for the bill, which he said would weaken the nation’s economic competitiveness and would hurt small businesses.

“Overall, the amount we spend now must be balanced with what we need and can afford — not designed to reengineer the social and economic fabric of this nation or vengefully tax for the sake of wishful spending,” Manchin said.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer planned to huddle with Biden Wednesday to plot what to do next.

Earlier Wednesday, Pelosi would not promise a vote on the infrastructure bill on Thursday, blaming Senate Democrats for failing to strike a deal with Manchin.

“I can’t keep a commitment that the Senate has made impossible to do,” Pelosi said.

After Manchin’s statement made the rounds on Capitol Hill, liberal Democrats were more confident than ever they would block the infrastructure bill if Pelosi brings it up for a vote.

Progressive Caucus Chairwoman Pramila Jayapal said Manchin’s statement “has created a bunch more votes on the House floor,” against the infrastructure bill.


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Panama Foreign Minister: We Warned Biden About Even BIGGER HAITIAN MIGRANT SURGE, 60,000 More Coming

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Does Biden’s $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Include a Mileage Tax?

Here’s a dismaying prospect: Paying 6, 8, or 10 cents in new taxes for every mile you drive. It may sound small, but at an 8 cent rate, that would be $1,144 in new annual taxes for the average American, who drives about 14,300 miles a year. Yikes!

Some on social media are claiming that this punitive tax scheme has been slipped into President Biden’s $1.2 trillion infrastructure spending legislation—which, after all, is nearly 3,000 pages and is chock full of unrelated waste and partisan pet projects. But are they right to be concerned about a mileage tax soon becoming reality?

No. At least, not yet.

The infrastructure legislation does not include a mileage tax or another form of driving tax. What it does include is a pilot program to study and test the idea. The legislation authorizes $125 million in taxpayer funding for this test initiative. (A lot of taxpayer money for an experiment, no?)

“People would volunteer to be part of the test,” fact-checkers at local New York news outlet WGRZ-TV report. “The test would require volunteers to record their miles, pay the fees, and then be reimbursed by the government. This pilot program would go through the year 2026 and at that point, if Congress and the president like it, they would have to pass another bill making it into law. This infrastructure bill simply creates the program.”

We can certainly question the wisdom of this endeavor. But rest assured that if the infrastructure legislation ultimately passes—a likely if not certain outcome—you won’t get a new per-mile bill from the IRS. However, this move does represent a shift toward mainstreaming and advancing the idea of a per-mile driving tax.

Such a tax would be highly regressive, meaning that it would disproportionately burden low-income Americans. So, too, the costs would fall harder on rural Americans who drive more than their city-dwelling counterparts. That said, proponents argue it simply funds highway infrastructure by taxing those who use it. They also note that it could replace the gas tax, which currently attempts to do the same yet fails to capture usage by electric vehicles.

Still, the prospect of sizable new taxes levied on working-class Americans solely for the privilege of being allowed to drive your own car isn’t an attractive one. Luckily, we aren’t actually facing this as an immediate reality, even if it is slowly being advanced into the mainstream.

WATCHNew Biden Vax Mandate Doesn’t Make ANY Sense (Here’s Why)


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

U.S. Household Incomes Increased More in 2018 Than in the Previous 20 Years—Combined

Why did U.S. incomes suddenly explode in 2018 after decades of tepid growth? The answer is not difficult to find.

For years, a school of economists has complained that US wages have been virtually stagnant for decades.

“Jobs are coming back, but pay isn’t. The median wage is still below where it was before the Great Recession,” former Labor Secretary Robert Reich said in 2015. “Last month, average pay actually fell.”

In fact, it’s not hard to find data showing that wages have barely increased since the 1970s, a figure many have used to stoke classy envy.

The truth is, there have always been problems with the claim that real wages (adjusted for inflation) have been stagnant for years. As economist Don Boudreaux has pointed out (see below), Reich and others overlook several important factors—including how inflation is calculated, compensation outside of wages such as healthcare, and the distinction between individuals and statistics.

The stagnant wage narrative was always mostly wrong. Federal Reserve data (which uses a chain-weighted price index) shows US hourly earnings have seen impressive growth in recent years.

Nevertheless, if one does choose to use Bureau of Labor Statistics data to measure family incomes over the last two decades, the picture is indeed a bit bleaker—at least it was.

Government statistics, which use the Consumer Price Index to measure inflation, show that from 2002 through 2015 median weekly earnings didn’t budge at all, but surged between 2018 and 2020.

I’m not the first person to notice this stunning wage growth. Writing in Bloomberg, economist Karl W. Smith describes the growth in income using a slightly different metric, real median household income.

“In 2016, real median household income was $62,898, just $257 above its level in 1999,” writes Smith. “Over the next three years it grew almost $6,000, to $68,703.”

Indeed, median household incomes increased from $64,300 to $68,700 in 2018 alone—an increase of $4,400. To put it another way, US incomes increased more in 2018 than the previous 20 years combined. (Household incomes were $61,100 in 1998 and $64,300 at the end of 2017.)

The question, of course, is why did US incomes suddenly explode after decades of tepid growth? The answer is not difficult to find.

The year 2017 saw massive deregulation and passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA). Estimates placed the deregulation savings at $2 trillion. But what was likely even a bigger factor was the cut businesses saw in corporate taxes.

Prior to 2017, the US had the highest corporate tax in the developed world (if not the whole world). With a top bracket of 35 percent, its corporate tax rate was higher than Communist China and socialist Venezuela.

This was a terrible policy on a number of levels. For starters, the revenue-maximizing rate of a corporate tax is 15-25 percent, which means anything above that isn’t even generating more revenue, it’s simply punitive and economically harmful. (Evidence bears this out. The United Kingdom, for example, reduced its corporate tax rate and saw revenues grow.)

Second, high corporate taxes actually hurt workers more than “Big Business.” Tax experts point out that roughly 70 percent of what businesses earn in profits gets paid to workers in the form of wages and other benefits. So it’s no surprise to see that studies show that workers bear between 50 and 100 percent of the brunt of corporate income taxes.

But the reverse is also true: cutting corporate taxes leaves companies more capital to grow and invest.

“Lower corporate taxes increase rewards for improving techniques, technology, and increasing capital investments, which increase worker productivity and earnings,” writes economist Gary Galles. “They expand rewards for risk-taking and entrepreneurship in service of consumers. They reduce the substantial distortions caused by the tax. And those changes benefit others, such as workers and consumers.”

So in 2017, when the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act was signed into law, companies saw their tax rate fall from 35 percent to 21 percent. Just that fast, businesses suddenly had more capital to spend to grow their business, improve productivity, and hire more workers—and few things attract workers more than higher wages.

Media scoffed at the possibility that corporate tax cuts would actually result in wage increases for US workers. But the data speaks for itself: Families saw incomes increase faster than at any time in generations.

Moreover, though median wages surged, showing the benefits were broad-based, every segment benefited from these wage gains.

“The lowest quintile increased their pay more than the upper quintile,” Americans for Tax Reform president Grover Norquist recently pointed out in a conversation with FEE’s Brad Polumbo.

To be sure, reducing the corporate tax rate wasn’t the sole factor for the surge in wages, but it was likely by far the biggest.

The surge in family incomes no doubt helped soften the impact of the economic destruction the world suffered in 2020 during the recession precipitated by economic lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic.

Whether the wage gains continue may depend to some extent on the permanency of the corporate tax cut. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who appears poised to become the next US president, has signaled he’d restore the corporate tax to its 35 percent rate or raise it to 28 percent.

“Biden would make our business tax higher than China’s,” Norquist quipped. (He’s not wrong. China’s corporate tax rate stands at 25 percent.)

This appears unlikely to happen, however. Even if Biden’s claim was more than campaign rhetoric, it appears unlikely that he’ll have enough votes in the Senate to roll back the tax cuts.

Even more promising for US workers, Biden appears inclined to roll back Trump’s tariffs, which are basically taxes on Americans and imposed costs on businesses.

“When you put a tariff on steel, you make American cars not competitive anymore. You make everything made with steel less competitive,” Norquist observed. “We did a lot of damage to the American economy that way.”

If a Biden administration rolls back Trump’s tariffs while leaving the corporate tax rate in place, the US economy could build on the gains made prior to the arrival of the lockdowns.

That would be a winning formula for US workers, businesses, and the US economy.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of FEE.org. His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times, MSN.com, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Funds Project to Boost Racial, Ethnic, Gender Diversity in Science at Private Women’s College

The government agency that gave a professor hundreds of thousands of dollars to study white supremacy and racial injustice in U.S. landmarks is giving a small Wisconsin liberal arts college half a million dollars to boost “racial/ethnic and gender diversity” in science fields and “broaden participation of underrepresented minorities.” The money is flowing through the National Science Foundation (NSF), which was created by Congress seven decades ago to promote the progress of science, advance national health and prosperity and secure the national defense. Lately, it seems the agency is focusing a lot more on racial justice endeavors that exclude large portions of the American population.

Judicial Watch has reported extensively on the government wide race and gender equity movement that often puts federal agencies at odds with their taxpayer-funded mission. Race-based initiatives have been well documented in recent years at a multitude of leading agencies, including the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Labor (DOL) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to name a few. The NSF seems to be leading the pack lately, though many other federal agencies are also dedicating considerable resources to the cause. With an annual budget of $8.5 billion, the NSF funds more than a quarter of research conducted at American colleges and universities, where it is worth mentioning that the theft of intellectual property by Communist China is pervasive.

In the last few weeks alone, the NSF gave away millions of dollars to race-based projects in secondary and post-secondary institutions. The first allotment, $271,594, went to a private liberal arts college in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania that will use the money to identify potential “systemic inequities” in science, technology, engineering, and math fields (STEM) at the campus with an enrollment of around 3,724. The goal, according to the NSF, is to uncover “any existence of systemic inequities and advancement barriers related to gender, race, and ethnicity in STEM faculty” at the school, Bucknell University. Weeks later the NSF doled out nearly $2 million to “address the historical and current racial and gender disparities in participation in high school computer science education.” The project is part of a broader program called Researching Equity and Antiracist Learning in Computer Science (REAL-CS) that focuses on expanding participation for black, indigenous, “Latinx” (the new, politically correct gender-neutral term for Latino or Latina) and Pacific Islander students by addressing systemic barriers in high school computer science education. REAL-CS is designed to sustain yet another publicly-funded, “equity-focused” initiative called Exploring Computer Science (ECS) dedicated to “democratizing” the field by increasing opportunities for “traditionally underrepresented” high school students after a study identified disparities along “race and socioeconomic lines.”

Now the NSF is giving Alverno College, a tiny women’s liberal arts school in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, $499,983 to increase racial/ethnic and gender diversity in STEM. “As a women’s college serving primarily first-generation, low-income students, more than half women of color, Alverno College will use this project to broaden participation of underrepresented minorities and women in STEM, who lag in STEM degree attainment and STEM workforce participation,” according to the NSF grant announcement. “Increasing racial/ethnic and gender diversity in STEM is a recognized strategy to expand the STEM workforce.” The agency further writes that the project engages the external community in a cooperative relationship, recognizing the intersection between STEM and students’ social/community identities. “Ongoing faculty development in culturally responsive teaching and a formalized administrative support structure will expand project impact across the college,” the NSF grant document sates.

The science agency is also financing a special project to determine if historical sites around the nation acknowledge white supremacy and racial injustice. The NSF gave a University of Oregon ethnic studies professor $350,000 to research thousands of landmarks and, though the grant announcement uses more discreet language, a university article titled “Professor is finding that a racist past is often left off monuments” provides more details. The professor, Laura Pulido, who specializes in “Chicanx studies,” indicates that her NSF-financed research offers insights into bridging the gap to racial justice. “It examines historical commemoration and the degree to which white supremacy and racial injustice is acknowledged in more than 2,600 different landmarks around the United States,” the article reads. Though in the early stages of her research, Pulido says initial data confirms that racism is deeply ingrained in American historical commemoration and U.S. landmarks fail to acknowledge links to racial inequality. “Although white supremacy — the overt belief in the superiority of white people — was central to the creation of the U.S., the nation is deeply invested in denying its role,” Pulido says. “Historical sites are key to this systemic denial, as they denote places and events deemed worthy of remembrance.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump Files $100 Million Lawsuit Against New York Times Over Illegally Obtained Tax Records

Former President Donald Trump filed a $100 million lawsuit against The New York Times and his niece Mary Trump on Tuesday, alleging his confidential tax documents were improperly shared.

The lawsuit, which was filed in the New York Supreme Court, alleged that New York Times reporters Susanne Craig, David Barstow and Russell Buettner pressured Mary Trump to share the former president’s tax documents for an article they were working on in 2018, the Associated Press reported.

“The brazenness of the defendants’ actions cannot be understated,” the lawsuit said. “A group of journalists with The New York Times, in the middle of an extensive crusade to obtain Donald J. Trump’s confidential tax records, relentlessly sought out his niece, Mary L. Trump, and convinced her to smuggle the records out of her attorney’s office and turn them over to The Times.”

Trump’s lawsuit stated that the reporters understood their actions were illegal since they used burner phones to communicate about the story and offered Mary Trump anonymity as a source.

Mary Trump participated in the allegedly illegal sharing of documents because she was “motivated by a personal vendetta,” the lawsuit said. She admitted to being the NYT’s anonymous source in a 2020 book highlighting her relationship with her uncle.

The 2018 NYT story alleged that Trump’s tax records, which the outlet admitted were confidential, showed that he received about $413 million from his father’s fortune beginning when he was a toddler. He also used “dubious tax schemes” to increase the size of his inheritance, according to the NYT report.

The article, which had been published in October 2018, was followed up by several other stories in the following weeks on the former president’s tax records.

“The Times’s coverage of Donald Trump’s taxes helped inform the public through meticulous reporting on a subject of overriding public interest,” the NYT said in a statement Tuesday evening. “This lawsuit is an attempt to silence independent news organizations and we plan to vigorously defend against it.”

Mary Trump said her uncle was a “loser” and acting in “desperation” in a statement to NBC News.

“The walls are closing in and he is throwing anything against the wall that he thinks will stick,” her statement continued, according to NBC News. “As is always the case with Donald, he’ll try and change the subject.”


Thomas Catenacci


RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Paid $750 In Federal Income Taxes In 2016 And 2017 And None In 10 Of The Last 15 Years, The New York Times Reports

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AOC’s ‘Tax The Rich’ Dress Maker Aurora James is IRS Deadbeat in Multiple States

AOC was mocking the little people. Partying with the filthy rich, shaking her ass at the little people.

The ‘Tax the Rich’ dress designer whom Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez  went to the Met Gala with:

• Owes $103,220 in back taxes
• Received $41,666 in PPP
• Has ‘legions’ of unpaid interns
• Owes $62,722 in workers comp
• Still found $250,000 for a table at the Met Gala

AOC’s ‘Tax the Rich’ dress designer Aurora James owes debt in multiple states

By Jon Levine and Kathianne Boniello, NY Post, September 18, 2021:

Designer Aurora James called her “Tax the Rich” dress for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a “powerful message” — but it’s not one she has taken to heart.

The 37-year-old fashionista who made waves at the Met Gala with Democratic-Socialist AOC last week is a notorious tax deadbeat with unpaid debts dogging her in multiple states, records show.

Most of luxe-living James’ arrears center on Cultural Brokerage Agency, an LLC she formed in 2011 to serve as the parent company of her fashion brand, which today is known as Brother Vellies. It’s a favorite of people like Beyoncé, Rihanna, and Meghan Markle.

The company racked up three open tax warrants in New York state for failing to withhold income taxes from employees’ paychecks totaling $14,798, the state Department of Taxation and Finance told The Post. The debts — which were incurred before the pandemic — stem from 2018 and 2019. The company has been hit with 15 warrants in total since 2015.

Front page of the New York Post on Sept. 19, 2021.Front page of the New York Post on Sept. 19, 2021.

The company got into a deeper hole with the feds. Between April 2018 and April 2019, the Internal Revenue Service placed six federal liens on Cultural Brokerage Agency totaling $103,220. The liens specifically cite the company’s failure to remit employee payroll taxes.

The IRS declined to comment on their current status.

“Just because they take it out of your paycheck doesn’t mean they’re sending it to the government,” David Cenedella, a Baruch College taxation lecturer explained after reviewing the liens. “It’s certainly not something you want. I would not say your average business out there has this. Something went wrong.”

Aurora James has a new home in California.

Aurora James owes $2,504 in property taxes on this home.

While James apparently has no problem stiffing the Taxman, she isn’t shy about taking money from taxpayers — her company received in $41,666 in pandemic relief aid.

Over the years Cultural Brokerage Agency has also faced multiple legal challenges as a result of habitual nonpayment of worker benefits.

In October 2019 the state Worker’s Compensation Board slapped the company with a $17,000 fine for not carrying worker’s-comp insurance between March 2017 and February 2018. The company currently owes $62,722 and no payments have been received to date, a rep for the board told The Post. Workers’ comp is paid out when an employee is hurt at work and misses time.
The interior of Aurora James’ home in Los Angeles.
The interior of Aurora James’ home in Los Angeles.

Ex-staffers blasted the operation as a sweatshop that relied on legions of unpaid interns working full-time jobs.

“I experienced a lot of harassment when I worked for her,” one former contract employee told The Post. “Aurora would ask me to do things that were not in anyone’s job description, like scheduling her gynecological appointments. The work environment was so hostile that I was afraid to ask for my check.” The employee was ultimately terminated.

An ex-intern called James “quite cold,” adding that “she never gives recognition or acknowledgement to her team.”

James is also an alleged rent deadbeat, records show.
Aurora James and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez attend The 2021 Met Gala Celebrating In America: A Lexicon Of Fashion at Metropolitan Museum of Art on September 13, 2021 in New York City.Aurora James called her “Tax the Rich” dress for Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a “powerful message” — but it’s not one she has taken to heart.Getty Images

In August 2020, James’ landlord filed papers to evict Brother Vellies from their location at 71 Franklin St. in Brooklyn, as well as demanding more than $25,000 plus interest for staying beyond the end of her lease. The case was settled.

She was sued by a previous landlord in February 2018 for more than $5,000 in unpaid rent at her shop’s old address at 209 West 38th Street in Manhattan.

“Aurora, obviously we did not want it to come to this, but you never have paid your rent in a timely manner,” wrote Matthew Mandell, a rep for her Manhattan landlord in a frustrated March 2018 email. “We have been more than patient.”

Though AOC proudly labeled James a “working class” designer as they waltzed down the Met Gala red carpet, her lifestyle has been anything but. As the pandemic raged across America, igniting a deep recession, James scooped up a $1.6 million residence in Los Angeles in September 2020.

The Tudor-style home with cathedral ceilings, a master-bedroom fireplace and backyard hot tub sits on 7,095 square feet in the posh Hollywood Hills, according to RedFin.

True to form, the property is already listed as “delinquent” by the Los Angeles County assessor’s office, which told The Post James owed $2,504 in property taxes.

Though AOC was comped tickets to the annual ball for boldfacers, entry to the famously exclusive Met Gala runs $35,000 a head. James attended the bash with Benjamin Bronfman, a rumored boyfriend she’s frequently spotted with. Bronfman, 39, is a scion of the powerful Bronfman family and its distilling empire. He is worth an estimated $100 million.

Photos from the event show the pair smiling broadly with Ocasio-Cortez and her boyfriend Riley Roberts.

James’ unpaid bills belie her champagne tastes. She frequently jets off to exclusive locations, her Instagram richly decorated with photos from Jamaica, Morocco, France, Indonesia, Mexico, Italy, the United Kingdom and The Hamptons.

The 37-year-old fashionista who made waves at the Met Gala with Democratic-Socialist AOC last week is a notorious tax deadbeat with unpaid debts dogging her in multiple states.

She also found money to make a $2,700 donation to Hillary Clinton in 2016.

“It’s the height of hypocrisy when socialists attend a $30,000 per ticket gala with a message of ‘tax the rich’ while wearing an overpriced dress by a luxury designer who doesn’t pay taxes,” Republican Staten Island Congresswoman Nicole Malliotakis told The Post. “What happened to everyone paying their fair share?”

Both James and her reps did not respond to multiple requests for comment from The Post.

James pushed progressive causes long before making headlines for dressing America’s most famous socialist. After the death of George Floyd in May 2020, she created the 15 percent pledge, demanding that major companies commit to buying 15% of their products from black-owned businesses. The idea took off with major companies like Bloomingdale’s, Vogue, Sephora, and Crate & Barrel, according to a 15 percent pledge website.

“This is the least you can do for us. We represent 15% of the population and we need to represent 15% of your shelf space,” James said in an Instagram post announcing the idea.

Ocasio-Cortez, who has made a career out of demanding better worker wages and benefits, and taxing the rich to pay for her budget-busting federal programs, did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Pelosi Says Capitalism Has Not Helped U.S. Economy, Argues ‘We Have To Correct That’

This is a communist coup on America.

Ayn Rand on Capitalism, 

“Capitalism did not create poverty — it inherited it.” For much of human history, the vast majority of the population was mired in poverty. All too often, the average individual lived in unimaginably wretched conditions. It was only in the nineteenth century, and then only in the West, that the masses started to enjoy prosperity because of capitalism.

“The nineteenth century was the ultimate product and expression of the intellectual trend of the Renaissance and the Age of Reason, which means: of a predominantly Aristotelian philosophy. And, for the first time in history, it created a new economic system, the necessary corollary of political freedom, a system of free trade on a free market: capitalism.”

“No, it was not a full, perfect, unregulated, totally laissez-faire capitalism—as it should have been. Various degrees of government interference and control still remained, even in America—and this is what led to the eventual destruction of capitalism. But the extent to which certain countries were free was the exact extent of their economic progress. America, the freest, achieved the most.”

“Never mind the low wages and the harsh living conditions of the early years of capitalism. They were all that the national economies of the time could afford. Capitalism did not create poverty—it inherited it. Compared to the centuries of precapitalist starvation, the living conditions of the poor in the early years of capitalism were the first chance the poor had ever had to survive. As proof—the enormous growth of the European population during the nineteenth century, a growth of over 300 per cent, as compared to the previous growth of something like 3 per cent per century.”

“The flood of misinformation, misrepresentation, distortion, and outright falsehood about capitalism is such that the young people of today have no idea (and virtually no way of discovering any idea) of its actual nature. While archeologists are rummaging through the ruins of millennia for scraps of pottery and bits of bones, from which to reconstruct some information about prehistorical existence—the events of less than a century ago are hidden under a mound more impenetrable than the geological debris of winds, floods, and earthquakes: a mound of silence.”

“Capitalism is a social system based on the recognition of individual rights, including property rights, in which all property is privately owned.”

“The recognition of individual rights entails the banishment of physical force from human relationships: basically, rights can be violated only by means of force. In a capitalist society, no man or group may initiate the use of physical force against others. The only function of the government, in such a society, is the task of protecting man’s rights, i.e., the task of protecting him from physical force; the government acts as the agent of man’s right of self-defense, and may use force only in retaliation and only against those who initiate its use; thus the government is the means of placing the retaliatory use of force under objective control.”

“The moral justification of capitalism lies in the fact that it is the only system consonant with man’s rational nature, that it protects man’s survival qua man, and that its ruling principle is: justice.”

“In a capitalist society, all human relationships are voluntary. Men are free to cooperate or not, to deal with one another or not, as their own individual judgments, convictions, and interests dictate. They can deal with one another only in terms of and by means of reason, i.e., by means of discussion, persuasion, and contractual agreement, by voluntary choice to mutual benefit. The right to agree with others is not a problem in any society; it is the right to disagree that is crucial. It is the institution of private property that protects and implements the right to disagree—and thus keeps the road open to man’s most valuable attribute (valuable personally, socially, and objectively): the creative mind.”

“Capitalism demands the best of every man—his rationality—and rewards him accordingly. It leaves every man free to choose the work he likes, to specialize in it, to trade his product for the products of others, and to go as far on the road of achievement as his ability and ambition will carry him. His success depends on the objective value of his work and on the rationality of those who recognize that value. When men are free to trade, with reason and reality as their only arbiter, when no man may use physical force to extort the consent of another, it is the best product and the best judgment that win in every field of human endeavor, and raise the standard of living—and of thought—ever higher for all those who take part in mankind’s productive activity.” 

Pelosi Says Capitalism Has Not Helped US Economy ‘As Well As It Should,’ Argues ‘We Have To Correct That’

By Brianna Lyman, Daily Caller, September 17, 2021:

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi said Friday capitalism “has not served our economy as well as it should” but insisted it is a system to improve rather than abandon.

“In America, capitalism is our system, it is our economic system, but it has not served our economy as well as it should,” Pelosi said at a Chatham House event in the United Kingdom, according to Reuters. “So what we want to do is not depart from that, but to improve it.”

Pelosi said “stakeholder capitalism” has historically been beneficial to the states as it has allowed both workers’ wages and management’s to rise as productivity increases, according to The Washington Post. Pelosi, however, criticized “shareholder capitalism” which she says causes employees’ salaries to remain the same despite a growth in productivity.

“You cannot have a system where the success of some springs from the exploitation of the workers and springs from the exploitation of the environment and the rest, and we have to correct that.”

Pelosi has remained steadfast in her commitment to capitalism, albeit with some adjustments to the system.

When asked by a left-leaning student in 2017 whether Democrats should move farther left with “a more stark contrast to right-wing economics,” Pelosi immediately clarified Democrats are capitalists.

“I have to say, we’re capitalists, that’s just the way it is,” she responded, according to NYU Local. “However, we do think that capitalism is not necessarily meeting the needs with the income inequality that we have in our country.”

“We’re a capitalist system. The free market is – is a place that can do good things.”


Top Senate Republican Grills Biden EPA Nominee Over ‘Resist Capitalism’ Tweet

With Multiple Crisis’ Looming, Bloody Biden Takes a Long Weekend Vacation

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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New Plan Would Push Top Tax Rate to Almost 60 Percent In These 4 States

If Congress’s new tax hikes come through, successful residents in high-tax states will be placed in a terrible position.

Successful residents of high-tax states are in for an ugly surprise if new tax legislation passes in Congress. Democratic legislators are currently proposing a multi-trillion-dollar tax hike to raise revenue for a massive welfare and climate change spending plan. Proposed tax hikes include raising the corporate tax rate, higher taxes on cigarettes and vaping products, raising the capital gains tax rate, and higher individual income tax rates.

On the last front, the proposed income tax increase would apply to income over $400,000 for an individual and raise the rate from its current 37 percent to 39.6 percent. The proposal also includes a 3 percent surcharge on all income above $5 million. The tax hikes could push Americans in states like New York, California, New Jersey, and Hawaii up to nearly 60 percent top income tax rates.

“For New Yorkers earning more than $5 million, the combined city, state and federal tax rate would skyrocket to 61.2% under the House plan,” Fox Business reports. “The combined rate in California, meanwhile, would spike to 59.7%, while the wealthiest individuals living in New Jersey could pay a rate as high as 57.2%. In Hawaii, the combined marginal rate would be an estimated 57.4%.”

That’s right: High-earning residents of these states could end up paying nearly 60 percent tax rates on their income earned above a certain level. That’s an obscene and fundamentally unfair level of taxation. But such punitive levels of taxation are also highly impractical and certain to have adverse economic consequences.

For one thing, successful residents can simply move to another state. It is only the combination of high federal income taxes and high state-level income taxes that leads to these combined rates of nearly 60 percent. Yet some states, such as New Hampshire and Florida, have no income tax at all.

We’ve already seen an exodus of wealth, people, and major businesses from states like California, and that trend will only accelerate if taxes are sent even higher by this new plan. It’s only logical: states that heavily tax something are discouraging it, while states that don’t tax it at all are welcoming it. Why would anyone want to discourage income-earning?

Punitive taxation has ramifications for more than just the high-earning individuals and families directly impacted by higher tax rates. If they leave the state, they take with them jobs, investment funds, and spending that would otherwise go back into their communities.

It’s true that not all high-earners will flee states with these punitively high taxes. Some, for a variety of reasons, will stay. But even for these individuals, the high tax rates will backfire, because they’ll create perverse incentives and discourage economic activity above a certain level.


Well, people make economic decisions “on the margin.” What this means is that they evaluate each additional hour worked on the basis of whether the potential benefits exceed the costs. Then, they work up until the point where the costs begin to exceed the benefits.

When the government applies 60 percent tax rates to income above a certain point, it drastically reduces the benefits of additional labor subject to that tax. Yet the costs of working remain the same. As a result, far less economic activity will happen beyond that threshold.

Think about it like this. A successful entrepreneur founded a restaurant and when it did well, opened up two other locations. Does he add a fourth or rest on his laurels?

Well, if he will only get to keep 40 percent of the income he earns from new locations, because he’s now already making $400,000, he probably won’t bother to expand. Who would want to work more and hustle harder only to hand over 60 cents of every dollar to the government? This economic disincentive hurts more than one entrepreneur—it means jobs never created, customers never satisfied, income never earned, and a community never enriched.

Another problem with highly progressive tax rates is that they discourage economic investment. The same “rich” citizens who would face these 60 percent tax rates are those who would otherwise save and invest that money into the economy. (Rather than simply spend it as low-earners tend to do). As the economist Ludwig von Mises put it, “Progressive taxation of income and profits means that precisely those parts of the income which people would have saved and invested are taxed away.”

Ultimately, 60 percent tax rates are confiscatory, unfair, and economically indefensible. If Congress’s new tax hikes come through, successful residents in high-tax states will be placed in a terrible position. Luckily, they have the option to move to less hostile states. Don’t be surprised when many take it.

WATCH: New Biden Vax Mandate Doesn’t Make ANY Sense (Here’s Why)


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AOC Defends Tax the Rich’ Dress at $30,000 Per Ticket Met Gala

“It’s My ‘Responsibility’ To Party With Elites, ‘Haters’” – Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY)

Tax AOC.

She makes Marie Antoinette look like a public advocate. She parades herself in front of millionaire pop stars, wealthy actors, New York socialites, trust fund society swans and members of the glitterati where Individual tickets were $35,000 and tables started at $200,000.

AOC who makes an annual salary of $174,000 as a congresswoman was wearing a “Tax the Rich” dress at an elitist event held in New York City. An event that cost $30k a ticket. In fact, some of the tables reportedly cost more than $275,000. And do you think the folks attending this event were wearing the masks, that they demand the rest of us wear? It’s such a joke. Naturally, the corrupt mainstream media will not expose this blatant hypocrisy.

AOC Defends: It’s My ‘Responsibility’ To Party With Elites, ‘Haters’

By Daily Wire, September 14, 2021

Far-left Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez (D-NY) tried to defend herself online after she was swarmed with criticism for wearing an emblazoned “Tax the Rich” dress to the Met Gala, where tables could reportedly cost more than $275,000 and individual tickets are priced at around $30,000.

AOC scolded “haters” about the criticism and contended that going to the fancy event with rich elites was actually her just doing her job as a congresswoman in New York City.

“And before haters get wild flying off the handle, New York elected officials are routinely invited to and attend the Met due to our responsibilities in overseeing and supporting the city’s cultural institutions for the public,” the representative wrote via Twitter. “I was one of several in attendance in this evening.”

In the same Twitter thread, Ocasio-Cortez rationalized that the “medium is the message” and emphasized that her designer is a “Black woman immigrant designer.”

“The medium is the message,” read a screen-capped image from AOC’s Instagram account.

“Proud to work with @aurorajames as a sustainably focused, Black woman immigrant designer who went from starting her dream @brothervellies at a flea market in Brooklyn to winning the @cfda against all odds – and then work together to kick open the doors at the Met,” she wrote. “The time is now for childcare, healthcare, and climate action for all. Tax the Rich.”

“And yes, BEFORE anybody starts wilding out – NYC elected officials are regularly invited to and attend the Met due to our responsibilities in overseeing our city’s cultural institutions that serve the public. I was one of several in attendance. Dress is borrowed via @brothervellies,” the post continued.

For good measure, AOC added, “All-BIPOC/women/LGBT+ team.”

Ej Dickson, senior writer at Rolling Stone, posted: “Am I the only one who thinks this is really f***ing stupid[?] 1) The dress is ugly, 2) She’s at a $35k per person event and this isn’t nearly the own she thinks it is. 3) The dress is ugly. I mean I love her but come on this is so dumb. Peak girl boss s**t.”

“I’m not even mad at the lack of self awareness or hypocrisy anymore. At this point it’s just hilarious. These people are a giant joke,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) tweeted.

“What makes @AOC a bigger fraud: The ‘tax the rich’ dress while she’s hanging out with a bunch of wealthy leftwing elites or the lack of masks after spending the past 18 months as one of the biggest authoritarian mask Karens in the country?” highlighted Donald Trump Jr.

“A pathetic self-aggrandizing hypocrite,” Megyn Kelly railed against AOC.

“Meanwhile our kids are muzzled & six feet apart all day long while trying to learn but she & these other ‘Rules for Thee but Not for Me’ pols can parade around maskless & in top of each other at the Met Gala bc, SCIENCE,” she added.

RELATED ARTICLE: AOC Proves She’s the Dumbest Member of Congress After What She Wore to EXPENSIVE Gala

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Democrats Want To Punish Americans With $2.9 Trillion More In Taxes

Unsustainable. We the people are no longer self governed. This is punitive. 20% of Americans pay majority of taxes. 61% paid zero fed taxes last year. It’s the 20% that gets the shaft. But we’re all tapped out.

$200 billion in more IRS funding for tax enforcement.

Dems Want To Hit Americans With $2.9 Trillion More In Taxes

By: Hank Berrien • Daily Wire •Sep 13, 2021

Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee have drafted a proposal that would hit the American public with an additional $2.9 trillion over 10 years in tax revenue. Here are some of the increases sought by the massive proposal:

Increase the top individual rate to 39.6%. This marginal rate applies to married individuals filing jointly with taxable income over $450,000, to heads of households with taxable income over $425,000, to unmarried individuals with taxable income over $400,000.

Increase the top corporate tax rate to 26.5% . Increase the top capital gains rate 20% to 25%.

Expand the net investment income tax to cover net income derived in the ordinary course of a trade or business for taxpayers with greater than $400,000 in taxable income (single filer) or $500,000 (joint filer).

Increase the holding period for which a taxpayer must qualify for capital gains treatment from 3 to 5 years.

Increase the rate of tax on tobacco products.

Reduce the deduction on Foreign-Derived Intangible Income from 37.5% to 21.875%.

Provide $80 billion over the next ten years for IRS funding for tax enforcement related to high income taxpayers.

The Daily Wire reported on Friday:

President Biden and the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan means to monitor gross inflows and outflows from Americans’ bank accounts, prompting concern that the federal government would be willfully violating the 4th Amendment.

“The proposal would require banks to report to gross inflows and outflows to the IRS, including transactions from Venmo, PayPal, crypto exchanges and the like in an effort to fight tax evasion,” the Daily Mail noted, adding, “The IRS would know how much money is in an individual’s bank account in a given year, whether the individual earned income on that account and exactly how much was going in an and out.”

Patrick Hedger, vice president of policy at the Taxpayers’ Protection Alliance, blasted the idea, saying, “The IRS is first and foremost, a law enforcement agency and the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures in pursuit of, of looking for wrongdoing and criminal actions, so I think this is going to run into severe Fourth Amendment headwinds.”

He added:

You’re going to push more folks into small cash transactions, you’re going to push more banking offshore … the big fish out there that do have sizable assets that are that are eligible for taxation offshore. This is the ultimate regressive tax. You’re going to end up punishing the worst off among us … the lower income folks in this country have historically been the targets of aggressive IRS audits because they don’t have the CPAs and the lawyers to be able to fight back.  I don’t see why they need to be going after people, you know, just the average, the average Joe and start stooping on, you know, a $600 payment. It doesn’t make any sense, these, this is, I mean this is beyond trying to pick out low hanging fruit.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Manchin: Schumer ‘will not have my vote’ on $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill

Bernie Sanders and the Democrats seeks to inject socialism into America with this monstrosity of a bill. In addition, it has been discovered that this bill would allow the IRS to monitor bank transactions, potentially violating the 4th Amendment. The bill will also grant amnesty to millions of people who have entered the United States illegally. And the bill would provide free community college to Americans, while funding  radical “green” projects in the years ahead. This bill must be stopped. Keep calling Senator Manchin and tell him to vote no.

Manchin: Schumer ‘will not have my vote’ on $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill

By Fox News, September 12, 2021

Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said Sunday that he will not vote in favor of his party’s $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation package, which is a central part of President Biden’s Build Back Better agenda and needs the support of all 50 Democratic senators to pass.

Appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union,” Manchin was asked by anchor Dana Bash to respond to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., who said Democrats were moving “full speed ahead” on the package for which Manchin previously called for a “pause.” Manchin, who sits on the Senate Appropriations Committee, said his main issue with the package is its hefty price tag.

“He will not have my vote on 3.5 and Chuck knows that,” he said, adding that it should be more like $1.5 trillion. “It’s not going to be three and a half I can assure you.”

Manchin said the bill that Democrats should be primarily focused on is the $1.2 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill that passed in the Senate and is awaiting House action. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., said a vote on that bill would be held on Sept. 27, but progressives have threatened to vote against it if the reconciliation bill is held up in the Senate.

Manchin said there is “no way” the reconciliation will pass this month, and he said progressives are making a big mistake if they follow through on their threat.

“They have to do what they have to do,” he said. “And if they play politics with the needs of America, I can tell you America will recoil.”

Appearing later on ABC’s “This Week,” Manchin criticized Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., after the senator declared on Twitter the day before: “No infrastructure bill without the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.”

“I just respectfully disagree with Bernie,” Manchin told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos. “I’ve never seen this in legislation. I never thought the purposes of the progress we make in legislation was basically to hold one hostage over the other.”

Sanders, who appeared later on the same show, fired back, saying “the real question” is whether it is “appropriate for one person to destroy two pieces of legislation.”

Sanders said that regardless of the party infighting, he expected both bills to eventually pass.

Budget reconciliation rules prevent Republicans from filibustering the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill, so Democrats only need a simple majority to pass it. With a 50-50 Senate, Democrats need every senator in their party to vote yes, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie.


House Progressives Unveil Massive Multi-Trillion Dollar Tax Hike

Bernie Sanders calls Manchin’s refusal to back $3.5 trillion spending plan ‘absolutely not acceptable’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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New Study Vindicates States that Canceled Expanded Unemployment Welfare Early

This new study simply confirms what common sense and basic economics alike always predicted.

ebate over the welfare state is once again making headlines. On Monday, the expanded unemployment welfare system was finally allowed to expire after more than a year. Originally created as a “short-term” measure authorized for a few months in March 2020 then repeatedly extended, these benefits paid many of the unemployed more than their former jobs, with benefits reaching up to $25/hour in dozens of states.

Dozens of Republican-led states chose to end the benefits early. This week’s termination of enhanced benefits was in the Democrat-run states that maintained the expanded payouts, and with their lapse, the debate over whether these benefits were disincentivizing work was reignited.

The Wall Street Journal even published a news article, widely circulated among welfare advocates, claiming that “states that cut off enhanced unemployment benefits early didn’t see a significant boost in job growth.” This was a bizarre spin given that the article itself notes that “economists generally agree the enhanced benefits caused some people to stay out of the labor market” and contains several pieces of evidence suggesting they did have a significant effect. But the skewed reporting is consistent with a broad pattern in media coverage and political commentary that has attempted to downplay and deny any drawbacks of the welfare expansion.

New research makes the obvious work disincentive even more difficult to deny. A new report by Mercatus Center economist Michael Farren and Christopher M. Kaiser analyzed data from the Current Population Survey and found that states which ended the expanded benefits saw twice as much job growth compared to states which maintained them.

The results “show that higher UI benefits tend to discourage employment, whereas the end of UI eligibility appears to motivate more workers to become employed,” the Mercatus researchers note. They pointed out that this is consistent with a long and extensive economic literature finding that unemployment benefits—which effectively subsidize joblessness—lead to increased unemployment.

This new study simply confirms what common sense and basic economics alike always predicted. States that ended ultra-generous benefits earlier had more job growth, while those which continued to disincentivize work had weaker job growth. But don’t expect welfare state advocates to acknowledge this reality any time soon, lest their big-government worldview begin to fall apart.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like this story? Click here to sign up for the FEE Daily and get free-market news and analysis like this from Policy Correspondent Brad Polumbo in your inbox every weekday.

Biden’s Handlers Want You to Cough Up $6.4 Billion to Resettle 94,000 Afghans in the U.S.

My latest in PJ Media:

Old Joe Biden’s handlers have asked Congress for $30 billion, which means that you better brace yourselves for significant tax increases in the near future. According to NBC News,  $23.6 billion of this is slated to go to deal with the devastation from Hurricane Ida and other natural disasters; the other $6.4 billion, meanwhile, is to cover the expenses of resettling 94,000 Afghans in the United States. And really, now, what could possibly go wrong?

NBC explained that “the U.S. anticipates bringing 64,000 Afghans to the U.S. by the end of this month and 30,000 over the next 12 months, the official said. Of the funding for the refugees, $2.4 billion will go to pay for the Defense Department’s operations overseas where the Afghans are being held and processed. An additional $1.7 billion will go to the Department of Health and Human Services to provide funding and resources to the Afghans to help them set up a new home in the U.S.”

This U.S. taxpayer money would also “go to support transportation costs between overseas processing sites and the United States, security screenings, humanitarian assistance, public health screenings and vaccinations. The administration official said Afghans ‘will receive similar benefits to refugees.’ After 12 months in the U.S., the Afghans will be eligible to apply to become LPRs — lawful permanent residents — and receive so-called ‘green cards.’”

And of course all of the applicants will get those green cards no matter what they have done, up to and including slitting the throat of a woman for committing the crime of having a job, as an Afghan migrant did a few days ago in Germany. What are Western authorities going to do — deport them back to Afghanistan? With the Taliban reaching new lows in human rights abuses practically every day, there is zero chance of that. The Afghan evacuees are here to stay.

While this may thrill naïve multiculturalists and Catholic bishops, there are good reasons to temper our enthusiasm about all this. Let’s assume, although we don’t really have any good reason to do so in light of the Biden administration’s refusal to admit the reality of the global Islamic jihad, that the security screenings this $6.4 billion will pay for are completely, one-hundred-percent effective. Does that mean that the people who will soon be our neighbors will have no trouble whatsoever adjusting to American society?

Consider, for example, the fact that according to a Pew Research Center survey in 2013 (and there is no reason to think anything has changed since then), 73% of Afghans believe that Islamic law, Sharia, is not devised by human beings, but is the perfect and unalterable law of Allah. There are plenty of people in America now who believe that, but fully 99% of the Afghans surveyed stated that they believed Sharia should be the law of the land. Might any of them be among Biden’s handlers’ 94,000 evacuees? Might they have difficulty accepting a secular republic in which the government derives its authority not from Allah, but from the consent of the governed?

There is more. Read the rest here.


Afghanistan: Taliban bring back their Ministry for Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice

Taliban Paint Over George Floyd Mural in Kabul

White Muslim CNN Contributor Claims His ‘White Card’ Was Revoked After 9/11

Why Leftists Hate Clint Eastwood So Much

France: Jihadi begins trial by professing Islamic faith, former president says jihadis just want to ‘divide us’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: Senator Manchin, and other moderate Democrats, are threatening passage of $3.5 trillion socialist spending bill.

The House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, is trailed by reporters as she departs a meeting with fellow House Democrats about Joe Biden’s sweeping plan to expand spending on social programs, at the US Capitol on Monday. Photograph: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

Please see bottom of article for individual emails prepared for you to send to the senators.

CNN published an article titled:  Manchin upends Democrats’ push to enact Biden’s agenda this month, calling for ‘pause’ on $3.5 trillion bill.  The article reports in part:

Sen. Joe Manchin, the most pivotal Democratic swing vote in the Senate, threw a major wrench in his party’s carefully crafted plans to pass a massive $3.5 trillion bill by month’s end, demanding they take a “strategic pause” before considering a sweeping bill to implement much of President Joe Biden’s agenda.

Manchin, who has long been skeptical of the staggering price tag, made clear Thursday that he’s also opposed to the timeframe Democratic leaders had been charting out for months, a position that now threatens both the larger Democratic-only proposal but also the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that passed the Senate earlier this summer.

In a strongly worded op-ed published in the Wall Street Journal on Thursday, the moderate senator called on fellow Democrats to “hit a strategic pause on the budget-reconciliation legislation,” referring to the bill that can be approved in the Senate by just a simple majority — meaning all 50 members of the Senate Democratic Caucus have to support the bill or it will collapse since all 50 Republicans are expected to oppose it.

“Instead of rushing to spend trillions on new government programs and additional stimulus funding, Congress should hit a strategic pause on the budget-reconciliation legislation,” he wrote in the op-ed. “A pause is warranted because it will provide more clarity on the trajectory of the pandemic, and it will allow us to determine whether inflation is transitory or not.”

High inflation and gas prices caused by recent excessive congressional spending are hurting millions of American families and threatening our economy.   Fox News Poll reports: “83% worry about inflation, majority says benefits hurting economy.  Inflation tops the list of economic concerns for voters– ahead of taxes, unemployment, the federal deficit, and interest rates.”   The increasing gasoline prices and energy costs will likely go even higher with the left’s obsession with the New Green Deal which is part of the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill.

It is fiscally irresponsible for congress to throw more money on the inflation fire that will break the budgets of more American families and burden them with entitlement programs that will endure forever.   Additionally, the $3.5 trillion plan will require much more money from the private sector to pay for more entitlement programs thus pushing America even closer to socialism while hurting our robust economy.  This bill will increase energy costs and our dependence on foreign oil thereby weakening national security.

Florida Family Association has prepared emails for you to send to encourage Senator Manchin and other moderate Democrats to stand firm against the socialist spending bill.  This is our chance to try to slow fiscal insanity and socialism.  It is important for your influence in this situation that each senator receives their own email without inclusion of email addresses for the other representatives.  Florida Family Association urges you to take the few minutes that will be needed to send all seven emails for this important situation.


Unfortunately, the United States Senate is blocking Florida Family Association’s email server that is used to send action emails.  Therefore, Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send that will open in your email client.

Click here to send email to Senator Manchin.
Joe Manchin, West Virginia
Wesley Kungel, Legislative Director

Click here to send email to Senator Sinema.
Kyrsten Sinema, Arizona
Meg Joseph, Chief of Staff

Click here to send email to Senator Kelly.
Sen. Mark Kelly, D-Ariz.
Jennifer Cox, Chief of Staff

Click here to send email to Senator Hassan.
Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H.
Marc Goldberg, Chief of Staff

Click here to send email to Senator Hickenlooper.
Sen. John Hickenlooper, D-Colo
Kirtan Mehta, Chief of Staff

Click here to send email to Senator Feinstein.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
David Grannis, Chief of Staff

Click here to send email to Senator Leahy.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.
John Dowd, Chief of Staff

These emails will open in your email browser because the United States Senate is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email using the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below. Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Please oppose the inflationary and oppressively burdensome $3.5 trillion spending plan.

Suggested content:

Dear Senator (enter last name),

I urge you to oppose the $3.5 trillion spending plan because it will throw more money on the inflation fire that will break the budgets of more American families, burden the private sector with entitlement programs that will endure forever  and eventually hurt our current robust economy.  This bill will push America closer to socialism than ever before.  It will increase energy costs and our dependence on foreign oil thereby weakening national security.

To call your states’ United States Senators click here and look up the phone number for your state’s senators.

EDITORS NOTE: This Florida Family Association column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.