ACLU Slams Biden for Refusing Reparations for Border Crossers thumbnail

ACLU Slams Biden for Refusing Reparations for Border Crossers

By Discover The Networks

The far-left American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is aiming sharp criticism at President Joe Biden for claiming this week that a plan to give $450,000 reparation payouts to illegal border crossers is “not going to happen.”

Last month, reports circulated that Biden’s Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) were working to settle with a number of border crossers represented by the ACLU, who claim they have suffered trauma as a result of former President Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy that was briefly imposed in 2019. The settlement would give each border crosser about $450,000 and family units about $1 million. The total cost of the payouts would reach $1 billion.

When asked about the payouts, Biden said, “that’s not going to happen,” but ACLU Executive Director Anthony Romero responded later that “Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Justice Department” as they negotiate the settlement. “If [Biden] follows through on what he said, the president is abandoning a core campaign promise to do justice for the thousands of separated families,” Romero added.

“We respectfully remind President Biden that he called these actions ‘criminal’ in a debate with then-President Trump, and campaigned on remedying and rectifying the lawlessness of the Trump administration. We call on President Biden to right the wrongs of this national tragedy,” Romero continued.

As Breitbart News notes, $450,000 payouts to border crossers would far exceed the compensation provided to the victims of the 9/11 Islamic terror attacks and of the Boston Marathon bombings. The single payout for a border crosser could feed 42 American families for an entire year. The total cost of the payouts could provide homes to nearly 80,000 homeless Americans for a year or could forgive student loan debt for more than 27,000 American college students and graduates.

“Illegals first, Americans last” is the Biden administration mantra.

American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)

149 Known Connections

ACLU Official Calls for the Use of “Force” Against Supporters of Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump

In December 2015, Loring Wirbel, a board member of the ACLU’s Colorado chapter and co-chair of the organization’s Colorado Springs chapter, wrote, on his Facebook page, the following about supporters of Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump: “The thing is, we have to really reach out to those who might consider voting for Trump and say, ‘This is Goebbels [Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels]. This is the final solution. If you are voting for him I will have to shoot you before election day.’ They’re not going to listen to reason, so when justice is gone, there’s always force …”

When one Facebook commenter replied by stating that Trump’s opponents should try to “defeat him with reason and data” rather than force, Wirbel doubled down on his original position, writing: “But see, most people don’t even know what reason is. They don’t use anything other than the lower brain and would no more make decisions based on logical conclusions than choose milk based on a theme song. The base of the Republican Party is unfamiliar with a cortex.” In yet another Facebook post, Wirbel called Trump a “hate-speech felon who should be in prison.”

Soon after posting his controversial remarks, Wirbel resigned from his ACLU post. Saying that his comments had been meant “totally as a joke,” he characterized his critics as purveyors of “smear politics.”

To learn more about the ACLU, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Premeditated Crime Against America’s Most Disadvantaged Children thumbnail

A Premeditated Crime Against America’s Most Disadvantaged Children

By John Eidson

Why are America’s prisons filled with so many young black men? Are they inherently bad? Too shiftless to succeed? Too stupid to learn? Actually, none of the above. Most black men who do time were cheated out of a decent education by the inexcusably sorry public schools they had no choice but to attend.

And why do so many young black women fall into the demeaning lifestyle of government dependency? Are they inherently bad, too shiftless to succeed, too stupid to learn? In every case, no. Like their male counterparts, they too were robbed of a decent education by the grossly substandard public schools that failed to give them even a minimally acceptable education.


The harm America’s biggest school systems have inflicted on urban kids who want to learn has gone on for so long that it’s tantamount to a premeditated crime against the most disadvantaged children in our society.

Consider the plight of minority students who have no choice but to attend the horrendous public schools in the nation’s capitol. For the school year 2010-2011, the District of Columbia Public School District spent nearly $600,000 per classroom of 20 students—$29,345 per pupil, to be exact—yet 8th graders in the District finished dead last in a national proficiency test in math and reading. Dead last!

For that school year, DC’s public schools were the uncontested winner in the race to the bottom, with every other urban school district in America breathing a sigh of relief that they were edged out as the worst of the worst. From border to border and coast to coast, inner-city children are being robbed of a chance to learn by school systems that give little more than lip service to providing disadvantaged kids with a good education.


Since the 1960s, urban school districts have received astounding sums from the U.S. Department of Education, yet their abysmal results have repeated like a broken record year after year after year. The 2009 stimulus bill signed into law by President Obama allocated $98 billion of additional funding to the DOE, nearly all of which went to the same Democrat-run school systems that have failed decades on end to adequately educate minority children.

Despite that intolerable failure, their answer to the problem is always more money.

But while children who want, need and deserve a decent chance to learn are getting the educational shaft, school superintendents and legions of other lavishly-paid, off-campus administrators are taking gargantuan bites out of school budgets:

  • From 1999-2010, Beverly Hall was superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools, a system that habitually graduated less than half its high school students. The year before she resigned, Hall’s compensation package included a chauffeured limousine and a salary of $389,000, more than twice the salary received by Georgia’s governor. Atlanta is not alone—many big-city school superintendents are paid more than their state’s governor. As head of one of the worst-performing school districts in American history, the superintendent of Baltimore City Schools is paid $320,000$50,000 more than Maryland’s governor.
  • When federal grants—also known as political slush funds—land in their lap, urban school districts squander much of the money on lavish junkets disguised as “education conferences.” With one of the lowest high school graduation rates in the Atlanta area, the DeKalb County School District blew through a $382,000 grant from Obama’s 2009 stimulus spending by treating 184 senior administrators to a relaxing four-day stay at a luxury resort hotel & spa in Hollywood, California.


The surest way to ensure that inner city children receive a quality education is through federally-funded school choice vouchers. Established in 2004 as a school choice pilot project by President George W. Bush and a Republican Congress, the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program provided thousands of minority students in the nation’s capitol with $7,500 scholarships.

The program enabled 1,700 black and Hispanic kids from low-income families to get out of DC’s notoriously sorry and unsafe public schools, and into the same kind of safe, high-performing private academies attended by the likes of Chelsea Clinton and the Obama daughters. Although the program was enthusiastically supported by eager-to-learn minority kids and their parents, President Obama and Democrats in Congress terminated it in 2010 at the behest of teachers unions, the Democratic Party’s most loyal constituency.

Sixty years ago, a black baby who would never set foot in a public school was born to a mother who chose to enroll him in top-rated private academies as he grew up. So what impact did private schooling have on his life? He’s done quite well. His name? Barack Hussein Obama, who exercised school choice for his own children, but denied it to disadvantaged children in the nation’s capitol.

President Trump pushed hard for a federally funded, 50-state school choice program for urban kids from low-income families, but was obstructed at every turn by the unholy alliance between the Democratic Party and teachers unions. Democrats eagerly subsidize Planned Parenthood so the lives of unborn urban babies can be snuffed out by abortion, yet are fiercely hostile to providing a first-rate education to disadvantaged minority children whose mothers chose to give them a shot at life.


The following quote is attributed to Albert Shanker, former president of the American Federation of Teachers: “When school children start paying union dues, that’s when I’ll start representing children.” Whether Shanker said that is disputed. But even if he didn’t, that’s the attitude teachers unions and Democrats have about where children stand in the public school pecking order.

The mutually back-scratching alliance between Democrats and teachers unions has cynically exploited urban school children for six consecutive decades. The harm they have inflicted on generations of America’s most disadvantaged young people has been so thorough, so devastating that it’s hard to conclude anything other than they couldn’t care less about the fate of the very children for whom they piously profess infinite concern.

Below are links to short videos that will break your heart. The first shows eager-to-learn minority students in the nation’s capitol literally begging President Obama to save their opportunity scholarships; the second shows a bewildered African American mother asking why oh why did the president she’d enthusiastically supported kill her daughter’s school choice scholarship. Who gives a damn about urban school children who want, need, and deserve to learn? Not Democrats or teachers’ unions.

WATCH: Disadvantaged kids beg President Obama …

WATCH: Bewildered mother asks Obama why …

©John Eidson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Big-City Schools: Where America’s Most Vulnerable Kids Get Shafted

COP 26: Kerry’s Climate $ Trillions [+Video] thumbnail

COP 26: Kerry’s Climate $ Trillions [+Video]

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

John Kerry told UN COP 26 that the United Nations can count on the $100 billion in funding they’ve been begging for and a whole lot more.

Kerry, who serves as President Biden’s “climate envoy,” said that “billions won’t cut it” and that a plan to spend trillions of dollars on “climate finance” will be announced on Wednesday.

This seems to be the Biden Administration’s “M.O.” Ignore debt, welcome inflation and spend, spend, spend.  The Left is working overtime to fundamentally shift economic life from free market capitalism to central government planning.  To update an old cliché: “a trillion here and a trillion there and pretty soon you’re talking about real money.”

The bloviating from the podium continues at COP 26 with a concerted attack on methane.  Did you ever shop for a methane stove, furnace, water heater, or BBQ? No?  That’s because you know it better as natural gas, the odorless, invisible, clean-burning fuel with the blue flame found in abundance in the United States.  It is natural gas that allowed America to lead the world in emissions reductions (if that’s your thing).  Team climate started calling it by its chemical name “methane” to scare us with anti-science, chemistry-phobic bias.

CFACT’s Marc Morano has been broadcasting from Glasgow nonstop, yesterday telling OAN’s Stephanie Hamill live on the air that “if you actually cared about the climate, this isn’t the place you would go to solve it.  You would actually go to free market, wealth creation and prosperity and not the centralized plan the United Nations is proposing.”  Marc has been calling out climate hypocrites for jetting in on private jets to the COP and leading plush plutocratic lifestyles while demanding the rest of us tighten our far humbler belts.

I don’t know who is scarier, the wacky leftists running amok inside the COP and out, or the international elite meeting in the back rooms of the conference planning how next to control and fleece us.

President Biden’s feckless naivety continues to astound.  Biden used his last day at the COP to take China and Russia to task for not sending their heads of state to Glasgow, saying they made “a big mistake.” “The rest of the world is going to take a look at China and say, ‘what value have they provided?”’

If Kerry succeeds in conjuring up trillions of dollars in climate finance, whom does he think is waiting in the wings eager to supply the solar panels, wind turbines, batteries and rare earths it would take to build a new inefficient “renewable” energy infrastructure?

Try looking east, Mister President.

It’s not China who made the worst climate mistakes in Scotland.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s handlers send $144,000,000 in ‘aid’ to Taliban’s Afghanistan thumbnail

Biden’s handlers send $144,000,000 in ‘aid’ to Taliban’s Afghanistan

By Robert Spencer

Democrats fund terrorism the way that Republicans cut taxes. And so the Biden administration is determined to keep sending money to Afghanistan even after the Taliban takeover.

While Americans can’t afford to buy a house, put gas in their cars, or food on their plates, Biden’s sending $144 million to Afghanistan.

The United States announced Thursday it is providing nearly $144 million in new humanitarian assistance to Afghanistan, where millions of people could face acute hunger this winter unless aid arrives soon.

National Security Council spokesperson Emily Horne said in a statement the U.S. assistance will be directed through independent organizations that provide support directly to more than 18.4 million vulnerable Afghans, including Afghan refugees in neighboring countries.

Sending it through “independent organizations” provides plausible deniability when those organizations and their staffers…

1. Pay protection money to the Taliban and possibly even ISIS-K

2. Pay Taliban taxes

3. Hire Taliban personnel and contract with companies either directly controlled by the Taliban or that pay money to the Taliban

These are the primary mechanisms for directing aid money to the Taliban.

She noted that the additional funding brings the total U.S. humanitarian aid in Afghanistan and for Afghan refugees in the region to nearly $474 million in 2021, the largest amount of assistance from any nation.

Not actually something to brag about considering the only thing it’s done is armed and financed Islamic terrorists.

But Blinken insists that this time it’ll be different.

“To be clear, this humanitarian assistance will benefit the people of Afghanistan and not the Taliban, whom we will continue to hold accountable for the commitments they have made,” he asserted.

Asserted is the correct term. It’s a baseless assertion that is obviously and transparently false.

The official press release states that, “This assistance is provided directly to independent humanitarian organizations, including the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), International Organization for Migration (IOM), the World Health Organization (WHO), and other international and non-governmental organizations following extensive vetting and monitoring.”

As I warned in my article, “10% of Biden’s Afghanistan Aid Will Go To Taliban,” UN groups had signed up with the Taliban a long time ago.

The Taliban had set up its Commission for the Arrangement and Control of Companies and Organisations at least over a decade ago. Much like the old Afghan government, it made few distinctions between for-profit companies and non-profit charities, and taxed them both.

The Taliban at one point provided a list of non-profits that had registered with their Commission for the Arrangement and Control of Companies and Organisations. The group “included UN agencies, national and international NGOs and human rights organisations” including those that  “rely on funding from a wide range of sources, including both the UN and the US government”.

That was back in 2013 when the Taliban had far less power and were less intimidating.

Did Blinken’s vetting compare the list of “independent organizations” USAID will be funding with the list of those on the Taliban’s Commission? The information certainly exists, but you can bet that the State Department won’t release it or act on it.




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Germany: Foundation wants to put plaque next to Bible verses on Berlin City Palace cupola to avoid offending Muslims

Afghanistan: Taliban calls for international funding to support its efforts to fight climate change

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

US Would Have Highest Top Income Tax Rate Among Developed Nations Under Biden Plan, New Analysis Warns thumbnail

US Would Have Highest Top Income Tax Rate Among Developed Nations Under Biden Plan, New Analysis Warns

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Nobel-prize-winning economist Milton Friedman famously quipped that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Well, despite the Biden administration’s rhetorical spin, there’s also no such thing as a multi-trillion-dollar spending plan that costs “zero dollars.” Indeed, Biden’s plans include a vast suite of tax hikes to “pay for” the proposed spending—hikes that would leave the US with the highest top income tax rate among developed nations, according to one analysis.


The right-leaning, nonpartisan Tax Foundation examined the updated details of the president’s “Build Back Better” tax proposals. It reviewed the new proposed tax surcharges on high earners, proposed redefinition of certain tax bases to include more people, and already-scheduled increases in income tax rates. Under this tax regime, the Tax Foundation warns that accounting for federal, state, and local taxes, the US would reach a 57.4 percent top income tax rate—meaning that above a certain level of income, nearly 60 cents out of each additional dollar earned must go to the IRS.

As the below chart shows, the US would far surpass most other developed nations under the Biden administration’s proposals:


Nobel-prize-winning economist Milton Friedman famously quipped that there’s no such thing as a free lunch. Well, despite the Biden administration’s rhetorical spin, there’s also no such thing as a multi-trillion-dollar spending plan that costs “zero dollars.” Indeed, Biden’s plans include a vast suite of tax hikes to “pay for” the proposed spending—hikes that would leave the US with the highest top income tax rate among developed nations, according to one analysis.

The right-leaning, nonpartisan Tax Foundation examined the updated details of the president’s “Build Back Better” tax proposals. It reviewed the new proposed tax surcharges on high earners, proposed redefinition of certain tax bases to include more people, and already-scheduled increases in income tax rates. Under this tax regime, the Tax Foundation warns that accounting for federal, state, and local taxes, the US would reach a 57.4 percent top income tax rate—meaning that above a certain level of income, nearly 60 cents out of each additional dollar earned must go to the IRS.

As the below chart shows, the US would far surpass most other developed nations under the Biden administration’s proposals:


There would still be some state-level variation, but in all 50 states and Washington, DC the top personal income tax rate would exceed 50 percent. (Even in states like Florida with no state-level income tax!) The situation would be even more extreme in states like New York and California, where the top rate would hit 66.2 percent and 64.7 percent respectively.

It doesn’t take a genius or an economist to see how this could hurt not just rich people, but the entire US economy.

“Raising the top marginal tax rate on ordinary income to the highest in the OECD will damage U.S. competitiveness,” Tax Foundation analysts Alex Durante and William McBride warn. “It will also reduce incentives to work, save, invest, and innovate, with broad implications for the U.S. economy.”

Indeed it would. Simply put, wealthy individuals and businesses are less likely to invest in or relocate to the US if they will face a much steeper tax burden than in similar developed countries. Moreover, the dollars confiscated from wealthy Americans would likely have been invested, meaning the taxes will draw resources away from productive enterprise that would’ve led to new jobs, technologies, and economic activity.

The Biden administration continues to stubbornly claim that its agenda “costs zero dollars.” But nothing in life is truly free. Americans should keep the costs of President Biden’s tax proposals front of mind when considering their merits, not just any claimed benefits.


I Was Fired From My Teaching Job for Refusing to Get Vaccinated. Here’s How I Prepared

The 10 Habits of Logical People

5 Things Marx Wanted to Abolish (Besides Private Property)

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: NJ Gov. Murphy OMITTING Information on Taxpayer Funding for Illegal Immigrants Until After Election thumbnail

VIDEO: NJ Gov. Murphy OMITTING Information on Taxpayer Funding for Illegal Immigrants Until After Election

By Project Veritas

Project Veritas Action Fund released a second video today exposing New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy’s re-election campaign — this time for omitting information on state funds being given to illegal immigrants.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Wendy Martinez, New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy Campaign Senior Advisor: “I think it’s 40 million dollars [being allocated to illegal immigrants], something like that — and to designate that at this point would be political suicide.”
  • Martinez: “We need to get him [Murphy] elected first.”
  • Matthew Urquijo, Manager of New Jersey Forward: “There’s definitely [going to be] more aid [for illegal immigrants], especially [since] this will be his [Murphy’s] second term. The goal is to win even more seats in the legislature so that we can like, just push – push through.”

You can watch the video here:

The Murphy campaign and the New Jersey Democratic State Committee certainly have a lot to answer for.

Will they continue to deflect away from these statements and baselessly accuse Veritas of harassment?


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Report Shows Growth of the Welfare State Has Fueled Long-Term Declines in the Labor Force thumbnail

New Report Shows Growth of the Welfare State Has Fueled Long-Term Declines in the Labor Force

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

A massive labor shortage continues to grip the nation and hold back our economic recovery. With countless pandemic and policy factors influencing the shortage, there’s a heated debate over what’s keeping so many workers out of the labor force. But a new study confirms that the growth of the welfare state is playing a massive role—and that this trend began long before the pandemic.

Published by experts on the Republican side of the Senate Joint Economic Committee, the analysis reports, “the U.S. has witnessed an unprecedented rise in disconnected prime-age workers over time.” As shown in the graph below, the men’s labor force participation rate has fallen from more than 97 percent in 1955 to 89 percent prior to the pandemic, while the women’s labor force participation rate has declined in recent decades as well (View chart here).

What’s causing this decline? Well, the study examines popular explanations like displacement from immigration and technological advancements and finds that they do not account for this drastic drop. Rather, it suggests that the biggest factor is that “many would-be workers are voluntarily disconnected from work, and government programs and policies have likely made work less attractive for these Americans.”

There has been tremendous growth in the welfare state over these decades. Per the committee, in 1998 about 20 percent of working-age Americans living in households between the 20th and 50th income percentiles were benefiting from government programs. As of 2014, that figure was up to 30 percent.

Indeed the study notes that “only 12 percent of inactive, prime-age, able-bodied men said they wanted a job or were open to work.” Why? It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the widespread availability of robust welfare benefits is a key part of the explanation.

“A significant body of empirical evidence suggests that government transfers— especially those without work requirements—tend to lower employment,” the study reports. “For example, labor force participation and earnings fall after receiving housing assistance, losing Medicaid coverage increases employment and gaining the coverage can reduce it, and the introduction of the food stamp program in the 1960s and 1970s decreased employment significantly.”

We can’t overlook these troubling findings. Yes, there’s no doubt that the pandemic and pandemic-specific policies are contributing to the particularly acute labor shortage currently facing our economy. But in the bigger picture, our long-term labor problems are driven particularly by a bloated welfare system that disincentives work and traps people in poverty.

Yet some are learning the opposite lessons. With their $3.5+ trillion spending plan, progressives in Congress are trying to make the welfare state even bigger! This is bad for the economy and actually bad for the supposed beneficiaries, too—the anti-poverty, mental, emotional, health, and social benefits of being employed are widely and extensively documented. Policies should incentivize employment; not discourage it.

“As the number of Americans who receive government assistance has grown, more Americans have voluntarily left their jobs,” Republican Senator Mike Lee commented in light of this report. “Congress’ plan to spend an additional $3.5 trillion to provide households with new subsidies and fewer incentives to work would only make things worse.”

Indeed it would. Hopefully, this new study injects some much-needed insight into the ongoing conversation about labor shortages. In the big picture, our labor participation problems can’t be fixed without serious rollbacks of the welfare state.


TERRIBLE: U.S. economic growth crashed in the third quarter, as the economy grappled with the Delta variant driving a resurgence of Covid-19 infections and supply-chain disruptions.

— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) October 28, 2021


Why a Capital Gains Tax Increase Would Be a Massive Jobs (and Wealth) Killer

Meet the Biden Nominee Who’s Sympathetic to Soviet-Era Socialism—and Wants the Fed to Pretty Much Take Over Private Banking

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

POLL: Growing Number Of Americans Want Increased Funding For Police thumbnail

POLL: Growing Number Of Americans Want Increased Funding For Police

By The Daily Caller

The number of Americans who want to see an increase in funding for local police has risen to nearly half since June 2020, according to a Tuesday Pew Research poll.

Forty-seven percent of Americans say spending on policing should increase in their community, up from 31% in June 2020, according to the poll. The poll found that 21% of respondents felt police funding should be increased by “a lot,” marking an 11% increase from the same period.

Amid mounting public concern about violent crime in the U.S., Americans’ attitudes about police funding in their own community have shifted: The share who say spending on policing in their area should rise is now 47%, up from 31% in June 2020.

— Pew Research Center (@pewresearch) October 26, 2021

Meanwhile, calls for reducing police funding have decreased by 25% since June 2020, with only 15% of adults supporting a reduction in spending. Of the 15%, only 6% said that police funding should decrease “a lot,” according to the poll.

Additionally, the poll found that 37% of Americans think current police budgets should remain unchanged.

The poll follows a record-breaking nationwide murder increase in 2020, which also saw violent crime on the rise for the first time in four years. A separate July Pew poll reported that 61% of Americans felt violent crime is a “very big” issue the country is facing, up from 41% in June 2020.

“The demonization of the police has made our communities and law enforcement jobs less safe,” National Fraternal Order of Police President Patrick Yoes told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “We have seen violent crime skyrocket in cities across the county.”

“All Americans want and deserve to feel safe in their communities,” he added. “Our nation’s law enforcement officers put on their uniforms every day in every community in our country because of their unwavering commitment to serve the public.”

The poll was conducted from Sept. 13 to Sept. 19 among 11,505 adults with a margin of error of 1.6 percentage points.




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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

California Unemployment Claims Account For Over ONE THIRD of Nation’s Total thumbnail

California Unemployment Claims Account For Over ONE THIRD of Nation’s Total

By Pamela Geller

California unemployment claims account for over ONE THIRD of nation’s total.

And they voted to keep their oppressors in power.

No pity.

As NYC Mayor Ed Koch once said, ” “The People have spoken … and they must be punished.”

California unemployment claims are one-third of nation’s total while Texas cranks up its job creation

California’s unemployment rate stands at 7.5%, as businesses continue fleeing the high-tax state

By Andrew Mark Miller, : FOX Business, October 24, 2021:

The state of California released a jobs report Friday showing the highest unemployment rate in the nation. California alone represents one-third of the overall unemployed in the nation.

The California Employment Development Department September jobs report showed that the state gained 47,400 jobs since August but holds an unemployment rate of 7.5% which ties Nevada for the highest in the United States.

Additionally, unemployment claims rose to 80,700 last week which amounted to one-third of the total claims in the country.

The state’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom painted an optimistic picture of the report blaming the coronavirus pandemic for the slow growth but claiming that the state is “averaging record job creation.”

“Our economic recovery continues to make promising progress, with 812,000 new jobs this year and regaining over 63 percent of those jobs we lost to the pandemic,” Newsom said in a release. “As we continue averaging record job creation, our work is more important than ever to get more Californians back on the job and support those hardest hit by the pandemic.”

“Within the past eight months, California has created 812,000 new jobs, more than any other state,” Newsom added. “That averages out to approximately 101,500 per month.”

In June, and many times since then, Newsom has claimed that California is “roaring back” under his leadership but economic indicators, including the recent jobs report, have suggested that the comeback is moving slowly.

Since the beginning of 2018, California has seen 265 companies relocate their headquarters outside of the state – 74 of which left in the first six months of 2021, according to a new analysis published by the Hoover Institution, a right-leaning think tank at Stanford University. By comparison, 62 businesses moved outside of the state in 2020, while 78 relocated in 2019. In 2018, 58 companies exited the state.

The migration is taking place across a broad range of industries, such as manufacturing, aerospace, financial services, real estate, chemicals, health care and technology. The headquarter exits include Big Tech legacy firms such as Hewlett-Packard Enterprises and Oracle, but also smaller, rapidly growing firms like Darvis, which helps digitize hospital logistics, hygiene and documentation.

The biggest reason that companies are relocating outside of the state is finances: California is “too expensive, too regulated and too heavily taxed, both for companies and for the workers they hire.”

OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA – OCTOBER 08: California Gov. Gavin Newsom speaks during a news conference at Kingston 11 Cuisine on October 08, 2021 in Oakland, California. California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed a COVID-19 recovery package, Senate Bill 314, that w

That’s evidenced in part by the new destinations for the departing companies: States with lower costs, fewer regulations, lower taxes and a higher quality of life for workers are the leading choices for the businesses. Since the beginning of 2018, Texas has seen 114 companies formerly based in California relocate to the state.

According to Gov. Greg Abbott (R), meanwhile, Texas led job creation across the United States in September. According to Abbott, Texas had nearly twice the number of new jobs than California in September.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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VIDEO: Florida Man Who Became a Congressman Signs Off House Speech With ‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’ thumbnail

VIDEO: Florida Man Who Became a Congressman Signs Off House Speech With ‘Let’s Go, Brandon!’

By Robert Spencer

My latest in PJ Media:

On the House floor Thursday, a Florida man named Bill Posey, a Republican who has represented the Sunshine State’s 8th Congressional District since 2009, had a great deal to say about the dumpster fire that is Joe Biden’s handlers’ presidency, but his speech is much more likely to be remembered for how he ended it than for what he actually said: Posey concluded his remarks by saying, “Let’s go, Brandon!”

By now the whole world knows that “Let’s go, Brandon!” really means “F*** Joe Biden,” a secret code that everybody is in on, born when an NBC reporter tried vainly to cover for a NASCAR crowd that was chanting “F*** Joe Biden” while she interviewed driver Brandon Brown by claiming that it was chanting “Let’s go, Brandon.” Now “Let’s go, Brandon” has become a chart-topping rap hit and a wry expression of Americans’ dissatisfaction with the corrupt gang of socialists, internationalists, open-borders advocates, and worse that is running things, fronted by a man who, it is increasingly obvious, is barely even there.

Posey surveyed the way things are going as Biden’s handlers’ Build Back Better slogan has become Destroy More Things More Quickly, and said the regime’s program could not “pass a straight-face test.” Posey added: “Based on the false promise that he would unify America, President Biden got into the Oval Office. And my friends on the other side of the aisle gained a razor-thin majority in the House and Senate. But you know, we know, we all know, everybody knows the unification promise was a lie, and your majority is going to be short-lived. So you must feel compelled to rush through a radical agenda before the midterms.”

As a result, Posey said, Americans are “understandably frustrated” and “actually very angry,” and cannot be counted on to “sit back and take it much longer.” He said that Americans want Democrats “to help put America back where you found it and leave it the hell alone.” And then: “Let’s go, Brandon!”

Posey explained to Fox News: “Listen to my speech – like many Americans, I’m frustrated seeing the country quickly decline and the erosion of our civil liberties due to Washington’s policies designed to turn America upside down like the vaccine mandates, silencing parents at school board meetings, rampant crime, broken borders, rising gas and food prices, the weaponizing of the IRS, and a $5 trillion Green New Deal to restructure our lives.”

Indeed. Biden’s handlers have made a mess of things with remarkable speed, and the Florida Congressman didn’t even come close to mentioning all of them. He didn’t say anything about the Afghan refugees who are coming into the country by the tens of thousands despite the fact that no one knows who many of them are, and coming as they are from a jihadi hotspot, it is only reasonable to conclude that at least some of them could be jihad terrorists.

There is more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Clyburn: There’s ‘No Way to Pay’ for Biden’s ‘Zero Cost’ Spending Plan thumbnail

Clyburn: There’s ‘No Way to Pay’ for Biden’s ‘Zero Cost’ Spending Plan

By Discover The Networks

Friday on MSNBC’s Craig Melvin Reports, House Majority Whip Jim Clyburn confessed that “there’s no way to pay” for President Joe Biden’s $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” spending package, which the Biden administration ludicrously claims will come with “zero cost” to the American people.

“I don’t think that anyone ever thought that after doing the rescue plan of over a trillion dollars, that we would come back with a $6 trillion program,” Clyburn stated. “The question is, how do you pay for that? Because we’re committed, Democrats are committed to paying for what we do. We saw the Republicans do a nearly $2 trillion tax cut and pass it onto our children and grandchildren to pay for it sometime in the future. That’s not our philosophy. Our philosophy is, let’s do what we need to do, but let’s pay for it. And so, there’s no way to pay for a $6 trillion program.”

He continued, “And you may recall, I questioned as to whether or not $3.5 trillion could be paid for. In fact, I said at the time that I thought that somewhere between $1.5 and $3.5, we’ll be able to find a sweet spot. And that, it seems to be what’s taking place now. We are close to finding the sweet spot. And it will be between those two numbers.”

Regardless of the final number, the Democrat spending agenda will be disastrous for the country, because it will be oriented toward a far-left, social justice agenda, including the environmentalist boondoggle, the “Great Reset.”

James Clyburn

39 Known Connections

Contempt for President Trump

In an August 16, 2017 interview on CNN, Clyburn said that the United States was becoming more like Nazi Germany with a Hitler-like Donald Trump as president. “We are approaching a place that we’ve been before,” he stated. “We remember from our studies what happened in the 1930s in Germany. I told a business group down at Hilton Head several weeks before the election, that what I saw coming was a replay of what happened in Nazi Germany.” Clyburn then asserted that both Trump and Hitler were elected by the people: “The fact of the matter is Hitler was elected as chancellor of Germany. He did not become a dictator until later when people began to be influenced by his foolishness. We just elected a president and he’s got a lot of foolishness going on, and I’m afraid that too many people are being influenced by that foolishness.”

To learn more about James Clyburn, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why a Capital Gains Tax Increase Would Be a Massive Jobs [and Wealth] Killer thumbnail

Why a Capital Gains Tax Increase Would Be a Massive Jobs [and Wealth] Killer

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Although startups comprise less than one percent of all companies, they generate 10 percent of new jobs in any given year.

When discussing the economic growth of a post-COVID landscape, too often the role of angel investors is overlooked. Angel investors, or private investors who are often wealthy, finance small business ventures in exchange for equity. For small businesses, angel investors provide a much needed lifeline in the form of cash infusion that doesn’t have to be repaid, except in shared ownership. Private investment, most often through angel investors, is undoubtedly a driving force in technological advancement and job creation.

Unfortunately, angel investment has recently been threatened by the looming possibility of capital gains tax increases under the new administration. Long-term capital gains taxes are applied to assets, such as equity in business, owned for over a year when sold. As of now, long-term capital gains are taxed at 20 percent for wealthy investors. The White House is now calling for a 39.6% top federal tax rate, nearly double the current amount.

As Chris Edwards, director of tax policy studies at Downsizing Government, explains, “In biotechnology and other leading-edge industries, after-tax investor gains are often reinvested in the next round of risky startups, thus creating a virtuous cycle.”

One of the reasons that nearly all high-income countries keep capital-gains taxes low is to help ensure that investors and entrepreneurs are incentivized to take the risk of committing time and resources to relatively risky start-up ventures, typically reliant on the type of scientific and technical innovation that fuels job growth and progress in the long run.

According to Census Bureau data, although startups comprise less than one percent of all companies, they generate 10 percent of new jobs in any given year. The Kauffman Foundation’s Tim Kane pointed out that “without startups, there would be no net job growth in the U.S. economy.” In the same paper, he lays out the argument that “in terms of the life cycle of job growth, policymakers should appreciate the tremendous effect of job creation in the first year of a firm’s life.”

Wealthy angel investors have been behind many US corporations that have revolutionized their field and led to unprecedented growth and technological progress. Henry Ford, for example, received an infusion of cash from coal dealer Alexander Y. Malcolmson. The first investor in Apple was a millionaire retiree from Intel, Mike Markkula. Jeff Bezos obtained $8 million from Kleiner Perkins to build Amazon.

An increase in capital gains taxes would discourage such high-risk investments that provide much-needed seed money to startups, and induce investors to shift their investments to dividend-paying stocks or bonds. While safer, these avenues of investment do not produce the jobs or innovation that startups do, and would hinder entrepreneurship.

“Such tax increases would be a blow to startup investment and entrepreneurship,” Edwards writes. “People considering launching technology startups would instead stay in salaried jobs because earning a smaller after-tax gain from a startup would not be worth all the extra stress, risk, and hard work.”

This tax increase would also make it harder for startups to attract skilled workers. Three-quarters of Silicon Valley firms offer stock options to employees to lure them away from their salaried positions at large companies. A significantly higher capital gains tax would make that benefit much less appealing.

A capital gains tax increase would come as a huge blow to angel investors who fund the new technologies and ideas that we often take for granted. To ensure future growth and progress, it is imperative that we create and maintain an environment that allows angel investors to operate and thrive.


Aadi Golchha

Aadi Golchha is the author of “The Socialist Trap: How the Leftist Utopia Will Destroy America” and an independent political analyst.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Bracket Creep’: Voters in These 22 States Could See Direct Tax Hikes Due to Inflation, New Analysis Warns thumbnail

‘Bracket Creep’: Voters in These 22 States Could See Direct Tax Hikes Due to Inflation, New Analysis Warns

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Inflation is often described as a “hidden tax,” because it is driven by policy decisions and erodes citizens’ real purchasing power. But in 22 states, the high consumer price inflation observed over the last year could trigger direct tax increases as well, a new analysis warns.

The Tax Foundation’s Jared Walczak reports that 22 states and Washington, DC have at least one major provision of their state tax code that is not indexed for inflation. In 13 states, no major element is inflation-adjusted at all. These states are Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Virginia, and West Virginia, the Tax Foundation notes.

Often overlooked is what happens to state tax burdens when inflation is high.

Inflation is often called a hidden tax, but in many states it yields a far more literal tax increase as tax brackets fail to adjust for changes in consumer purchasing power.

— Tax Foundation (@TaxFoundation) October 19, 2021

This leads to “bracket creep,” Walczak explains, because people wind up in higher tax brackets as their nominal wages are inflated but their actual, real, purchasing-power wage has not increased.

“The absence or insufficiency of cost-of-living adjustments in many state tax codes is always an issue, as it constitutes an unlegislated tax increase every year, cutting into wage growth and reducing return on investment,” Walczak writes. “During a period of higher inflation, however, the impact is particularly significant.”

He offers the example of a Delaware resident who earned $60,000 in taxable income in 2019, and now earns $64,000 in 2021. Given the more than 5.4 percent consumer price inflation observed over the last year, her real income—purchasing power—hasn’t actually risen. Yet Walczak explains that her taxes would increase by about $264 because that additional $4,000 falls into a higher tax rate bracket.

The above example is just a hypothetical, but it could soon be a reality for the millions of Americans who live in the 22 states with a tax framework that fails to completely account for inflation. This is, frankly, bad news. The last thing the public needs after a year-and-a-half of government-induced economic struggles and harmful inflation is a tax hike to boot. It’s even more concerning that this tax hike will likely go unnoticed by many of the people it affects because of its indirect nature.

Voters shouldn’t let policymakers pull a fast one. If government officials want to raise our taxes, they should, at the very least, have to vote on it and be held accountable. We shouldn’t stand for this kind of underhanded, behind-the-scenes tax hike and the concerning precedent it sets.


United Airlines CEO says airfare prices are set to soar by Christmas as jet fuel prices rise

— Daily Mail US (@DailyMail) October 21, 2021

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Left’s Reconciliation Bill Would Raise Energy Prices and Erase American Jobs [+Video] thumbnail

The Left’s Reconciliation Bill Would Raise Energy Prices and Erase American Jobs [+Video]

By Family Research Council

During a time in America when the price of basic household goods is rising and when employees across multiple sectors of the economy are facing a vaccine mandate or loss of their jobs, the Biden administration and progressives in Congress are now doubling down on making life even more difficult for the average American household. How? By making recklessly wasteful and counterproductive Green New Deal policies “the DNA” of the reconciliation spending bill that Democrats plan to push through by the end of October.

These Green New Deal policies will further drive up energy costs for those who can least afford it. They include forcing Americans to get 40 percent of their energy from wind/solar and other renewable resources within eight years. Not only would this policy dramatically increase the price for families to heat and power their homes, it could also potentially cost nearly 90,000 American jobs by increasing taxes on natural gas.

What’s more, the reconciliation bill also includes $222 billion in tax credits to pay for electric vehicles, which in reality turns out to be a tax credit for wealthy Americans, since they are mostly the ones who buy electric vehicles, which cost an average of $19,000 more than gas cars.

In addition, the bill includes eerily similar extraneous grants to what Obama did in 2011 when he gave a loan guarantee of $535 million to solar panel company Solyndra, which promptly went bankrupt. Biden’s bill includes $5 billion for “environmental and climate justice block grants” and another $100 billion in green energy special interest subsidies. It also includes $264 million for the EPA to conduct research with left-wing environmental justice groups on how to transition away from fossil fuels.

Other concerning aspects of the reconciliation bill include a push for Green New Deal policies in schools, including a $10 billion “environmental justice” higher education fund which is designed to indoctrinate college students. There is also an $8 billion grant to create a “Climate Conservation Corps” which would act as a kind of “climate police” in order to push far-left climate policies and programs.

To top it all off, the reconciliation bill includes an authoritarian Green New Deal forced compliance policy that punishes conservative states who fail to incorporate green provisions by mandating consequences for states that don’t meet green climate standards, while at the same time rewarding cooperating states with $4 billion in climate grants.

These are just some of the highly concerning and wasteful aspects of Biden’s “Build Back Better” reconciliation fiasco. For more on the ways in which Biden’s reconciliation bill undercuts families, be sure to read FRC’s new resource 6 Things to Know About Biden’s Anti-Family Budget Buster.


FRC Staff


American Prestige Lies Buried in Afghanistan’s Graveyard

Parents Are Standing Strong Despite Threats from DOJ

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Mass Repricing Of Goods And Services thumbnail

The Mass Repricing Of Goods And Services

By Pamela Geller

“Your savings, investments, retirement, purchasing power, and the quality of life that you’ve spent a life time planning and working is being shredded.”

Authored by MN Gordon via,

by Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Oct 17, 2021 – 09:20 AM

Rising consumer price inflation is not going away.  This, of course, is counter to the “transitory” argument made by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell earlier this year.

Powell’s cohort, Atlanta Fed President Raphael Bostic, recently admitted inflation is not transitory.  This admission comes with assurances the Fed will properly manage it.  We have some reservations.

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The effects of rising consumer prices range far and wide.  For one, the pinch rising prices put on consumers is extraordinarily disruptive.  It acts like a hefty tax…eroding family budgets that are already stretched.  In this ongoing stagflation, personal income gains lag far behind rising consumer prices.

Industrial materials and consumer goods companies also feel the pinch.  They can pass on some rising prices to consumers.  They can also absorb through lower profit margins some short term price increases.  But there are natural limits to what price increases can be absorbed and passed along.

When input costs, including raw material and labor, push the costs of the final manufactured goods above what they can readily be sold for the business motive breaks down.  Halting operations makes the most business sense.

One industry feeling the pinch of rising natural gas prices is the fertilizer business.  As we noted several weeks ago, several fertilizer plants in the UK have had to suspend operations because of soaring natural gas prices.  Here in the US we’re not aware of any fertilizer producers suspending operations.  But fertilizer prices are up, nonetheless.

In fact, the Green Markets North American Fertilizer Price Index recently soared to a record high, thus eclipsing the prior record set in 2008.  Sky high fertilizer prices will further raise the cost of food production for farmers.

According to the Food and Agriculture Organization’s global food index, food prices are already at a decade high.  Plus, when you factor in the grow season in North America doesn’t begin until late-March, the increased fertilizer input costs, could lead to persistent food inflation well into 2022.

But it’s not just food.  Here’s one instructive example of how price inflation discombobulates the economy…

Someone Gets Squeezed

The price of cotton just surged to a 10-year high.  Rising cotton prices translate into rising jean prices.  Levi Strauss has already raised the price of its jeans, thus passing some of the price inflation to consumers.

Levi Strauss is also realigning its business to account for higher input costs.  This includes aggressive negotiation with cotton suppliers and cutting out the middlemen.  Here are several details:

“In its earnings call, Levi said it has already negotiated most of its product costs through the first half of next year, at very low-single-digit inflation. For the second half of the year, it expects to see a mid-single digit increase. And Levi said it plans to offset that hike with the pricing actions it’s already been taking.

“Levi has been shifting its business from a predominantly wholesale to a mixed base that has a growing share of direct-to-consumer sales. And with strong consumer demand and tightened inventories, it’s been able to sell more products at full price.”

As noted above, the price of cotton is at a 10-year high.  Year to date it’s up 47 percent.  If cotton accounts for 20 percent of the cost to make a pair of Levi’s jeans, and the company was able to negotiate product costs at a very low-single-digit inflation, then someone in the supply chain is getting severely squeezed.

How long will it be before whoever that is cries uncle, and reneges on its obligations?

For a cotton supplier, that would presumably be when the input costs – land, fertilizer, labor, and processing – are greater than their contracted cost with Levi.

In this respect, Levi may have a plan to account for higher cotton prices, for now.  But will they really get a mid-single digit increase during the second half of 2022 as management anticipates?

How much more price inflation can they pass on to consumers?

Are You Prepared for the Mass Repricing of Goods and Services?

The answers to these and other related questions are being considered by management teams across all industries.  The simple fact is when the price of raw materials and labor inflate, it becomes very difficult to plan operations and production.  Hedging strategies may help manage for rapid, short-term price spikes, but they cannot ultimately prohibit a long-term repricing of materials.

In short, we believe a long-term repricing of materials, goods, and services, is now underway.  Certainly, prices will continue to rise and fall to meet supply and demand dynamics.  Yet this will take place in a range that is being repriced higher.  It has happened before and will happen again…

In 1960, for example, a gallon of gas cost $0.31 per gallon.  Similarly, in 1960 a gallon of milk cost $1.00 per gallon.  Currently, the average price of gas and the average price of milk are $3.28 per gallon and $3.68 per gallon, respectively.  That’s upwards of a 958 percent increase for gas and 268 percent increase for milk over the last 60 years.

Sure, the price of gas and milk could come down some from today’s prices.  However, there’s no way they’ll ever drop back to 1960’s prices.  They’ve been repriced higher for good.

Why?  Are gas and milk somehow more valuable today than they were 60 years ago?

We surmise these essentials have generally the same utility value they always have.  Yet the dollar has been greatly devalued.  Moreover, this great devaluation is the consequence of rampant dollar debasement policies executed in tandem between the Fed and Congress.

The recent debt ceiling histrionics in Congress – and the elevation of the debt limit for what we believe is the 79th time since 1960 – are merely another milestone in the great dollar debasement saga.

Remember, price inflation starts with expansion of the money supply.  These days the expansion of the money supply is conducted in tandem by the Federal Reserve and the Treasury.  In short, the Treasury sells new debt to the Federal Reserve, which the Fed buys using credit created out of thin air.

Congress, through its debt ceiling increases, provides the Treasury with an unlimited tab.  Congress then spends this limitless money into the economy via spending programs galore.  As this new money flows through the economy, prices adjust higher, as the supply of money increases much faster than the supply of goods.

The point is, through policies of mass dollar debasement, we’ve now entered the next stage of the mass repricing of goods and services in the economy.  The price of just about everything will adjust upward by several hundred percent – or much, much more – over the next decade.

Pre-pandemic prices are gone forever…

…and your savings, investments, retirement, purchasing power, and the quality of life that you’ve spent a life time planning and working for will be shredded.

Are you prepared?

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: CFACT is at the 14th International Conference on Climate Change — ICCC-14 thumbnail

VIDEO: CFACT is at the 14th International Conference on Climate Change — ICCC-14

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

VIDEO: CFACT is at the 14th International Conference on Climate Change – ICCC-14 – Dr. Rich Swier

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Here Are All The Green New Deal Handouts Democrats Wedged Into Their $3.5 Trillion Budget thumbnail

Here Are All The Green New Deal Handouts Democrats Wedged Into Their $3.5 Trillion Budget

By The Daily Caller

  • Democrats have inserted numerous provisions and subsidy programs into their $3.5 trillion budget that would benefit green energy companies and speed the transition to renewables.
  • “The whole thing is ridiculous,” Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It would be laughable except it’s not laughable because it’s going to have tremendously negative economic consequences.”
  • The budget would include a credit worth as much as $12,500 for consumers who purchase a new electric vehicle, $2,500 for electric motorcycles purchased and even $1,500 for electric bicycles, according to Ebell.
  • A key part of the budget is the $150 billion Clean Electricity Performance Program — the centerpiece of the bill’s climate agenda — which would incentivize energy companies to produce fewer emissions through a series of grants and fees.

Democrats have inserted numerous provisions and subsidy programs into their $3.5 trillion budget that would benefit green energy companies and speed the transition to renewables.

The Build Back Better Act would invest an estimated $295 billion of taxpayer money into a variety of clean energy programs in what would amount to the most sweeping climate effort passed by Congress, according to a House Committee on Energy and Commerce report. That price tag doesn’t factor in the other costly measures approved by the House Ways and Means, Agriculture, Natural Resources, Oversight and Transportation committees last month.

“This bill is crammed with green welfare subsidies, specifically for corporations and the wealthy,” House Ways and Means Ranking Member Kevin Brady told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

“They are extending and creating a whole host of green energy tax credits such as electric transmission property, zero emissions facilities and clean hydrogen,” the Texas Republican continued. “These are no longer merely tax credits, which count against the taxes you owe. These are direct pay. In effect, they’re government checks from Washington.”

The credits Brady referenced would incentivize the development of new transmission lines delivering renewable energy nationwide, reward facilities that produce zero or net negative carbon emissions and offset major costs associated with producing clean hydrogen power. But these subsidies represent a small portion of the giveaways packed into the legislation.

Overall, the bill includes major aspects of the Green New Deal, the behemoth climate legislation first proposed by progressive lawmakers in 2019. The Green New Deal has an estimated price tag of nearly $93 trillion and would cost American families as much as $65,300 per year.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks during a rally about climate change issues near the U.S. Capitol on Sept. 13. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)

‘The whole thing is ridiculous’

Democrats’ budget would include a credit worth as much as $12,500 for consumers who purchase a new electric vehicle, $2,500 for electric motorcycles purchase and even $1,500 for electric bicycles, according to Myron Ebell, the director of the Center for Energy and Environment at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Roughly $13.5 billion would be invested in building new electric vehicle infrastructure nationwide.

President Joe Biden recently set a goal for 50% of all vehicles purchased in 2030 to be electric. In addition, his administration said the U.S. would cut emissions 50% by 2030, have 100% carbon-free electricity by 2035 and achieve net-zero emissions by 2050.

“The whole thing is ridiculous,” Ebell told the DCNF. “It would be laughable except it’s not laughable because it’s going to have tremendously negative economic consequences. We can’t meet any of these targets, but in trying to do so we can do a huge amount of economic damage.” (RELATED: Experts Slam Biden’s Plan To Build Government-Funded Wind Farms)

The budget is a key cog in the president’s aggressive climate agenda and crusade against global warming which his administration has labeled a “crisis” multiple times since he took office. Days into his presidency, Biden nixed the Keystone XL pipeline permit, opened the door for sweeping regulation on fossil fuel producers and banned new oil and gas leasing on federal lands, but each executive action was met with a fierce response from states.

Since then, the president hasn’t just railed against fossil fuels, instead actively promoting renewable energy technology. His administration said Wednesday it would build seven wind farms nationwide that would have the capacity to provide enough energy to power 10 million homes by 2030.

President Joe Biden speaks as he tours the National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Arvada, Colorado, on Sept. 14. (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

“These technologies aren’t science fiction,” Biden remarked after a Sept. 14 tour of a National Renewable Energy Laboratory facility in Colorado. “They’re ready to be installed across the country right now.”

The Build Back Better Act would additionally implement a production tax credit for wind, solar and geothermal energy, according to Ebell. There is also an investment tax credit in the bill that would benefit developers of energy storage devices.

Clean Electricity Performance Program

Perhaps chief among the climate policies found in the Build Back Better Act is the $150 billion Clean Electricity Performance Program (CEPP). The program, which is the centerpiece of the bill’s climate agenda, would incentivize energy companies to produce fewer emissions through a series of grants and fees.

“The CEPP is a repackaged version of a number of green energy proposals that have been made both recently and over the years to — we used to say nudge — now it’s much more of a heavy push towards utilities generating at least 85% clean energy,” American Institute for Economic Research senior faculty Ryan Yonk told the DCNF.

If an energy supplier increases their clean output by 4% compared to the previous year, it would be eligible for a sizable grant under the CEPP, according to the Energy and Commerce Committee. Companies that don’t increase clean energy by that amount will be punished with a large fine payable to the Department of Energy.

The program mandates that companies use grants to make energy more affordable for consumers. It also prohibits them from passing program costs to consumers, but fails to outline how it would ensure price increases aren’t tied to CEPP fines.

CEPP, though, continues to face opposition from Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, who could be the deciding vote for the budget, Politico reported. Manchin reportedly wants to gut much of the program and include a broader definition of “clean energy.”

However, when asked in September about whether he would sign a budget bill with fewer climate provisions, Biden said he was “for more climate measures.” (RELATED: ‘We’re Off Track’: Here’s How Republicans Plan To Move The Needle On Climate Change)

‘What’s the goal?’

“It’s not based on science. It’s not based on an overall strategic plan. It’s a lot of feel good stuff,” Republican Utah Rep. John Curtis, a member of the House Energy and Commerce Committee and chair of the Conservative Climate Caucus, told the DCNF when asked about the budget. “What are we trying to accomplish? What’s the goal? Nobody’s articulated that.”

He noted, for example, that the U.S. falls far short of the grid capacity to handle the number of electric vehicle charging stations the budget would fund. The budget hasn’t received the support of a single elected Republican, not even Curtis, who has backed many climate policies.

The bill also fails to acknowledge the shortfalls of such a rapid transition to renewable energy, Yonk said. Many projects, such as wind and solar, are still not profitable decades after investment began pouring into renewables.

In 2020, just 12% of the energy consumed by Americans came from renewables, according to the Energy Information Administration (EIA). Solar and wind, which account for a large fraction of renewable energy produced, are nature-dependent and can be unreliable.

While producers often tout the energy capacity of solar and wind, they produce less than half of that capacity on average, EIA data showed. A rapid shift to renewables in Europe was a catalyst in the ongoing energy crisis that has seen oil, gas and coal prices skyrocket, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Renewables require large battery storage facilities to overcome some of the problems posed by their intermittent nature, but the U.S. has a total storage power capacity of almost 2 gigawatts, according to an EIA report in August. By comparison, the U.S. consumed about 3.8 million gigawatts per hour last year.

“We really don’t know what an energy market could look like because we subsidize and regulate all the different pieces of it,” Yonk told the DCNF. “We’ve taken what could be determined by individuals making their own choices and substituted it with a political solution where the values of those who lobby — whether they be on the green side or the energy production side — are what actually determines where we get things from.”

“As a result, we get things like the production tax credit or the investment tax credit that says, ‘okay, if you do these narrow list of things, we will provide a subsidy,’” he continued.

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Energy and environmental reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter.


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EDITORS NOTE: This The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Plan to “Help” the American Family Is to Tax Them More thumbnail

Biden’s Plan to “Help” the American Family Is to Tax Them More

By Family Research Council

How does the Biden administration intend to pay for its proposed $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” plan? By taxing the same hardworking American families the plan claims to help. In addition to advancing a radical progressive agenda, the plan carries a hefty price tag that will affect Americans of all backgrounds, both present and future.

If passed, the Biden administration’s plan would usher in the largest tax increase in over 50 years. Despite Biden’s promise that families making under $400,000 will not see their taxes increase, the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation has revealed that anyone making $30,000 or more would see their taxes go up. By 2027, taxes on families earning between $75K and $100K would go up by an estimated $3 billion. The Biden administration’s plan raises taxes on savings and investments as well as the death tax, which inhibits families from passing on property and inheritance to the next generation.

Although middle class taxes would increase under this plan, the majority of the new taxes are aimed at businesses, both large and small. These taxes on businesses would likely get passed on to the working class, impacting anyone with a 401(k), anyone who works for a business, or anyone who buys products from a business. In other words, everyone. Record rates of taxation will only undo the Trump administration’s work to bring businesses back to America and help rebuild communities hit hard by globalization. The Biden administration’s plan, in contrast, will incentivize businesses to move production overseas, benefitting countries like China that frequently abuse human rights for the sake of profit.

The taxes on businesses could also create even more job losses than the economy is already facing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Interestingly enough, in the past three U.S. recessions, unemployment for professional workers only increased three percent, whereas unemployment for production and transportation workers increased 7.5 percent and construction workers nine percent. This is even further evidence that the Biden administration’s tax and spending plan hurts working-class families the hardest, not the wealthy corporations like it claims.

By pumping a dramatic amount of new spending into the economy in a short amount of time, this plan would likely force inflation even higher, raising the prices of everyday essentials from food and gasoline to shipping, lumber, and other transportation costs. Raising the costs of essential goods while simultaneously raising taxes on the middle class would be disastrous for many American families at a time when marriage and the birth rates are already at an all-time low. Families need more economic security and flexibility, not less, but this plan will only make it more difficult for families to get by.

Finally, the proposed $3.5 trillion in new spending comes on the heels of more than $5 trillion in COVID relief packages passed in the past 18 months. Add this to the $1 trillion in proposed infrastructure spending, and that’s $9 trillion added to the $28 trillion in existing national debt. Just this week, the Congressional Budget Office undercut Democrat talking points on the necessity to raise new taxes to make up for the deficit. In 2021, the government collected $36 billion more in tax revenue than expected — despite the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law by President Trump. The notion that tax cuts are what is causing the increase in the national deficit is simply false. Because the government has continued spending massive amounts of money on progressive priorities, there is no money available to spend on things that could truly help families, like a true expansion of the Child Tax Credit or expanding 529 education accounts to include homeschooling expenses. As Democrats attempt to sell the necessity of this tax-and-spend plan over the next few weeks, it is important to remember that America’s hardworking middle-class families will ultimately foot the bill.

RELATED ARTICLE: Psaki Defends Rising Prices: ‘Good Thing’ Because It Means ‘More People Are Buying Goods’


Biden’s inflation bomb:

🚨Consumer prices ⬆️ 5.4%

🚨Grocery prices have skyrocketed: eggs ⬆️12.6%, chicken ⬆️7.6 %, & fresh fruit ⬆️5.0%

🚨New car prices ⬆️ 8.7%, largest increase in 4 decades

Inflation isn’t a high class problem, it’s tax on workers & anyone on a fixed income.

— Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) October 14, 2021

According to this administration, we must choose between massive inflation, shipping bottlenecks, and huge numbers of Americans dropping out of the workforce…or 10% unemployment. Good midterm messaging there.

— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) October 14, 2021

america runs on dunkin. this is bad. this is really fucking bad.

— Rob DenBleyker (@RobDenBleyker) October 15, 2021

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Inflation Numbers See the Fastest Rise in 13 Years thumbnail

New Inflation Numbers See the Fastest Rise in 13 Years

By Pamela Geller

That the American people haven’t stormed the Bastille and thrown this fraudulent administration out on its treasonous ass is a testament to the continuing power of the Democrat propaganda media.

Wall Street Journal: 

Is inflation still “transitory,” as the Federal Reserve and White House like to say? Not if you’ve been visiting the grocery store, gas pump, online retailer, or anywhere else across the U.S. economy. The Labor Department said the consumer price index rose 0.4% in September, up from 0.3% in August. This means the price level has increased 5.4% in the last 12 months and 6.5% on an annual basis so far in 2021. This is the largest year-over-year increase since 2008, and the details in the report add to the evidence that inflation is likely to be persistent (WSJ).

Heather Long w/Townhall: 

“Prices are rising, real wages are down, and Americans are struggling to get back to work—all hallmarks of Joe Biden’s Build Back Broke agenda. With consumer prices rising higher than expected and families facing the highest inflation rate in over 13 years, there could not be a worse possible time for Biden and Democrats’ trillions in reckless tax hikes and spending,” Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel released in a statement Wednesday morning (Townhall).


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden White House Warns American Consumers Of Empty Shelves Come Christmastime thumbnail

Biden White House Warns American Consumers Of Empty Shelves Come Christmastime

By The Daily Caller

American consumers should expect to see higher prices and even some empty shelves during their holiday shopping this year, President Joe Biden’s White House told Reuters on Tuesday.

The warning comes as the Biden administration works frantically to push back on skyrocketing inflation and strained supply chains across the country. Economists predicted earlier this year that the final months of 2021 would see total consumer prices rising 3.2% over 2020.

“There will be things that people can’t get,” a senior White House official told Reuters on Tuesday. “At the same time, a lot of these goods are hopefully substitutable by other things. … I don’t think there’s any real reason to be panicked, but we all feel the frustration and there’s a certain need for patience to help get through a relatively short period of time.”

A Sept. 29 study from Salesforce predicted that retail prices could rise as much as 20% compared to 2020. Women’s clothing, jewelry and watches had already risen 11.9% and 12.9% respectively as of August.

“Barriers at ports and skyrocketing costs of containers, two major pressures shaping holidays, should cause consumers to be concerned about product availability,” Salesforce warned.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki and other administration officials have repeatedly insisted that the inflation is “transitory” and will normalize sometime in 2022. The White House has repeated the line numerous times since worries over the economy began to outpace COVID-19 in polls across the U.S.

“What is the White House’s message to average Americans, including those who are on limited income though who are experiencing higher prices right now for food and clothing and other goods and services? You mentioned it’s expected to die down next year, but what is your message to them in the meantime, is it simply just to wait it out?” a reporter asked Psaki during a press briefing in July.

“That’s certainly not what I’ve ever said,” Psaki responded. “Our message is that we understand the threat that inflation poses. We will be vigilant about any responses needed. It’s important for Americans to know and understand that these impacts are temporary, and some of these price increases are a result of the economy turning back on.”

Some experts have disagreed, however, arguing that the inflation is here to stay “for years” thanks to Biden’s unprecedented spending programs.

“The 100% cause of inflation is the government,” Peter Schiff, the chief economist and global strategist at Euro Pacific Capital, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “It’s when the government spends money that it doesn’t collect in taxes and then the Federal Reserve monetizes the resulting deficits by printing money.”



White House correspondent. 


Inflation Is Burning a Hole in Our Wallets; It’s Also Theft

Experts Slam Biden’s Economic Agenda Following June Jobs Report

The Numbers Are In, Biden’s Inflation Is Not Going Away

EDITORS NOTE: This The Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.