Biden—The First Frightful Month

The apparent inability of the US electorate to distinguish between policy and personality risks driving America to the cusp of third world status and imperils the very Union, which it comprises

Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people. Governor Ronald Reagan, January 5, 1967.

Elections have consequences, and at the end of the day, I won. – President Obama to House Republican Whip Eric Cantor, January 23, 2009.

These are among the darkest days of American democracy. With nearly airtight totalitarian uniformity, the American media robotically repeats that there is no possible argument to be made that the 2020 presidential election produced an unjust result–Democrats Cling Desperately to Trump Hatred, January 14, 2021.

The following extensive—but far from exhaustive—critique of the first month of the Biden presidency comprises the following paragraphs:

1.     Implausible but not impossible
2.     Espousing Black supremacy…
3.     Confirming & commending anti-Semitism as “indisputably fact-based”
4.     Inverting MLK’s “I have a dream”: Prioritizing color over character?
5.     Iran: Ominous omens
6.     Iran: Determined to duplicate disaster
7.     “Palestine”: Perturbing predilections
8.     Storm clouds on the horizon?
9.     “Falesteen” and the Foggy Bottom folks
10.  Ushering in 1984 and “Newspeak”
11.  “Big Brother is watching you”
12.  “…police state with KGB-style surveillance”?
13.  Militarizing the capital; politicizing the military?
14.  Militarizing & politicizing (cont.)
15.  Un-American bigotry
16.  Egregious executive edicts– Blurring biology & bigotry  
17.  Egregious executive edicts—Making America dependent again
18.  Egregious executive edicts—Making America Mexico?
19.  Biden: The unavoidable outcome

 The deed is done! The inauguration of Joseph R. Biden as the 46th President of the United States is now a fait accompli. Indeed, for just over one—ill-omened—month he has now been in office.

Despite this—and the drive to de-legitimize doubt or dissent—the controversy as to the authenticity of the election results and the legitimacy of their outcome refuse to subside.

Implausible but not impossible

Of course, it is not totally beyond the realms of possibility that an insipid challenger and his unpopular running mate amassed almost 83 million votes, outstripping the previous record popular vote cast for the far more vibrant Barack Obama in 2008 by around 12 million votes.

Likewise, it is not entirely impossible that an incumbent president, who:

  • oversaw a remarkable economic recovery;
  • achieved record low unemployment rates including for ethnic minorities and women;
  • provided for the exceptionally swift production of a vaccination for the COVID-19 pandemic—within a time frame initially considered unrealistically short;
  • built up the US armed forces without entangling the nation in any further foreign military campaigns; and;
  • extended his overall electoral support by over 10% and 7 million votes to attain a popular vote higher than any previous incumbent;

was ousted from office by a lethargic, lackluster opponent and his low profile, evasive and non-committal campaign—after two distinctly unsuccessful attempts (in 1988 and 2008) to win the nomination as his party’s presidential candidate.

But even those who believe that Biden won the election “fair and square” without the aid of “underhand” shenanigans, should be able to understand why so many feel that a Biden-Harris victory—especially by such a wide margin—is to, say the least, highly implausible.

A pro-Biden “thumb on the scales”

Adding to the sense that Biden’s victory was aided by a heavy “thumb on the scales”, was the blatant collusion by major social network firms and mainstream media to refrain from reporting on potentially pertinent negative information on Biden, his family, and their shady business activities with America’s chief geostrategic rivals—and thus prevented it from reaching voters before they cast their ballots.

Significantly, The Media Research Center (MRC), a media watchdog group, conducted a survey in seven swing states. It found 1 in 6, or almost 17% of those who voted for Joe Biden would have changed their vote had they known about the events which the national media and social network companies decided not to cover.
But no matter how gullible or skeptical over the electoral outcome one might happen to be, the die has now been cast. The ominous trajectory for the American people—and for much of the world—has been set.

Once again, the perilous pitfalls of political correctness will seize center stage on government policy—both within the American homeland and beyond—and weigh heavily on the American people and on US allies. All we can do for the moment is to brace for their impending impact.

While many may try to find solace in some of Biden’s appointments of several bland Obama retreads for senior positions in his administration, a glance at some of his other picks tells a different story altogether—as do the executive orders he hurriedly signed immediately following his inauguration.

Espousing Black supremacy…

Indeed, an ominous omen of things to come was Biden’s appointment of Kristen Clarke as head the powerful Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department, responsible for enforcing federal statutes that prohibit discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, disability, or national origin.

As was recently revealed, when at Harvard, Clarke espoused—somewhat incongruously given her new appointment—a blatantly racist credo invoking a biochemical claim for…Black supremacy.

In her capacity as the president of the Black Students Association, Clarke wrote a letter to The Harvard Crimson to explain her views on race science: “Please use the following theories and observations to assist you in your search for truth regarding the genetic differences between Blacks and whites [sic].”

She continued: “One: Dr Richard King reveals that the core of the human brain is the ‘locus coeruleus,’ which is a structure that is Black, because it contains large amounts of neuro-melanin, which is essential for its operation.

Two: Black infants sit, crawl and walk sooner than whites [sic].

Three: Carol Barnes notes that human mental processes are controlled by melanin — that same chemical which gives Blacks their superior physical and mental abilities.

Four: Some scientists have revealed that most whites [sic] are unable to produce melanin because their pineal glands are often calcified or non-functioning. Pineal calcification rates with Africans are five to 15 percent [sic], Asians 15 to 25 percent [sic] and Europeans 60 to 80 percent [sic]. This is the chemical basis for the cultural differences between blacks and whites [sic].

Five: Melanin endows Blacks with greater mental, physical and spiritual abilities — something which cannot be measured based on Eurocentric standards.”

Confirming & commending anti-Semitism as “indisputably fact-based”

A few weeks later, Clarke invited the well-known anti-Semite, Tony Martin, to speak on campus. Martin, then a professor at Wellesley College, was the author of a self-published manifesto called “The Jewish Onslaught.” In it, Martin chronicled the “escalating Jewish onslaught” against Black people.

In his talk, he attacked both Jews and Judaism as a religion and denounced Jews as the earliest racists in recorded history. He referred to a Jewish student group as “the campus-based shock troops in the ongoing Jewish onslaught against black progress”, alleging that Jews dominated the slave trade and controlled the mass media.

During the controversy provoked by the speech, an unapologetic Clarke warmly commended Martin, telling the “Crimson”: “Professor Martin is an intelligent, well-versed black intellectual who bases his information on indisputable fact.”—thus suggesting that his incandescent anti-Semitism was likewise indisputably fact-based.

Martin, who died in 2013, spent his final years on the Holocaust-denial circuit, lecturing to like-minded organizations on topics such as “tactics of organized Jewry in suppressing free speech.”

For those who might feel that it is unfair to rake up positions articulated by Clarke as a Harvard student, it should be noted that her race-dominated views appear to have endured decades later. Indeed, in a 2018 television interview, Clarke, then the president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, essentially insisted that ability, aptitude and acumen were less important than “diversity” in determining who should be employed—even in positions where lives may depend on the manner in which the job is discharged.

Inverting MLK’s “I have a dream”: Prioritizing color over character?

Astonishingly—or perhaps not—when asked about whether airline pilots or surgeons should be employed because of their professional proficiency or their racial/ethnic/gender identity, she replied that there ought to be “a premium on diversity”—i.e. that appearance should trump competence! When challenged further as to whether it was more important how a pilot looked or how skilled a pilot was, Clarke responded that diversity –i.e. one’s race, ethnicity and/or gender—was “incredibly important”—i.e. it should be the dominant consideration.

Clearly then, it would appear that Biden’s pick for the guardian of civil rights and protector against discrimination has a world-view that is the diametric inversion of the credo espoused by Martin Luther King in his seminal “I have a dream” address in August 1963, when he called for a nation where men “will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” After all, there seems no way to interpret her credo other than as one that considers the color of one’s skin a more important criterion than the content of one’s character in judging one’s fellow man.

Indeed, Clarke seemed unconcerned when asked about the lack of “diversity” in the composition of the teams in the NFL, which are made up overwhelmingly by Black male players (reportedly 70% in 2020) and certainly did not even remotely reflect the “diversity of the country”. Admittedly, she did appear to be a little perturbed over the make-up at the coaching level, where Blacks are overwhelming outnumbered by Whites.

Go figure!

Iran: Ominous omens

For Israel, dealing with the Biden-Harris administration presents, arguably, the greatest challenge on the national strategic agenda of the Jewish state. Indeed, the are disturbing signs that the Biden White House is set on the predetermined course to severely degrade Israeli security on two of the major issues confronting the Jewish state—Iran and the Palestinians.

Regarding Iran, the forecast is decidedly ominous. Biden’s pick of Robert Malley for special envoy to Tehran and Jake Sullivan, as the National Security Advisor,  are both deeply disconcerting for Jerusalem—as well as Iran hardliners in the US.

Both men were deeply involved in concocting the disastrous JCPOA and still remain strongly committed to it—despite its myriad and manifest defects.

According to AP, Iran hawks in the US are aghast at Biden’s appointments of Malley, who they consider a key architect of the 2015 nuclear deal, from which former President Donald Trump withdrew. They fear the Biden administration is bent on rejoining the 2015 Iran deal at any cost and may be willing to sacrifice the security of Israel and the Gulf Arab states to do so.

In Israel, the generally dovish Jerusalem Post ran a recent editorial, designating Biden’s Iran appointments as “disconcerting”. According to the editorial: “Israel is particularly worried about Robert Malley, who was named special US envoy for Iran. Malley, who was a key member of president Barack Obama’s nuclear negotiating team, is considered in Israel as soft on Tehran and tough on Jerusalem.

Iran: Determined to duplicate disaster.

Biden’s new appointee for National Security Advisor, Jake Sullivan, told the Washington Post that the incoming administration is eyeing an urgent restoration of the international nuclear deal with Iran, suggesting a more immediate schedule than candidate Biden had outlined during his election campaign.

Significantly, Sullivan refrained from mentioning Biden’s oft-stated precondition that Iran must make the first move by rolling back its nuclear activities to comply with the terms of the 2015 deal.

In an earlier interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria, Sullivan was asked to explain why the 2015 JCPOA deal did not result in any easing of tensions and improved cooperation with Tehran. He responded by rebuffing the notion that the Obama administration had any such expectation.

When pressed further by his interviewer on this matter, Sullivan retorted: “It’s not like we went into this thinking, hey, we’ll get the nuclear issue plus, we’ll just assume Iran changes its behavior overnight. But he did acknowledge that “We did believe that if you had the Iranian nuclear program in a box, you could then begin to chip away at some of these other issues.”

However, in view of the later recalcitrant realities, he was forced to admit: “Obviously, that did not come to pass.”—leaving viewers to puzzle over why that which had failed miserably in the past might somehow succeed in the future.

“Palestine”: Perturbing predilections

No less perturbing than the emerging signs of Biden’s policy on Iran, are those regarding his nascent predilections on “Palestine”.

Arguably one of the most disconcerting developments in this regard is the appointment of Maher Bitar as Senior Director for Intelligence at the National Security Council. Bitar has a long and documented history of radical anti-Israel activities. As a student at Georgetown University, he was a leader of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP), a virulently anti-Israel organization with prolific contacts to the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood and its terror affiliates such as Hamas. In his SJP capacity, he organized a Palestinian Solidarity Movement (PSM) conference (2006) calling for a campaign of Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment against Israel. Indeed, the PSM was considered so pernicious that even the usually left-leaning Washington Post ran a piece entitled Why Is Georgetown Providing a Platform for This Dangerous Group?

In 2008, Bitar participated in the Seventh Biennial Meeting Of The International Association Of Genocide Scholars, hosted by the Institute for the Research of Crimes Against Humanity and International Law of the University of Sarajevo. In a session, which included talks on the murderous massacres in Rwanda, Cambodia and Bosnia, Bitar delivered a paper entitled Ethnic Cleansing and the Falling Apart of Palestinian Society—thus clearly implying that the intentional slaughter that took place in these other cases was comparable to Israel’s policy vis-a-vis the Palestinians

In 2008, while at Oxford, Bitar authored a paper, in which he wrote that Israel’s “political existence as a state is the cause for Palestinian dispossession and statelessness [and bears] ultimate responsibility toward the refugees. Israel’s rejection of their right to return remains the main obstacle to finding a durable solution.” For the uninformed, the “right of return” entails inundating Israel with millions of often impoverished and overwhelmingly hostile Arab refugees, obliterating its Jewish character—and is, as such, merely a sinister euphemism for a call to annihilate Israel as a Jewish state.

Storm clouds on the horizon?

On entering public service, Bitar served on the National Security Council as Director for Israeli and Palestinian Affairs under the Obama administration. During the Trump incumbency, he acted as general counsel for House Intelligence Committee Democrats and played a key role during the first impeachment of former President Donald Trump.

His recent appointment in the Biden administration as the senior director for Intelligence at the National Security Council is one of the most influential posts in the US intelligence community. As Caroline Glick points out: “The senior director is the node to which all intelligence from all agencies flows….He decides what to share with the President. And in the name of the President, he determines priorities for intelligence operations and collection”. Politico aptly describes his role as serving “as the day-to-day connective tissue between the intelligence community and the White House.

Indeed, a former NSC insider was reported as commenting: “The senior director for intelligence controls the information everyone sees. And by controlling information, he controls the conversation.”

Moreover, the senior NSC director for Intelligence determines what information the US intelligence community will share with foreign intelligence services; and how to relate to information which such services share with the Americans. Clearly, this is a crucial matter for Israel, as it is likely to impact the relationship and operational collaboration between the entities such as the CIA and FBI on the one hand, and Mossad and the Shin Bet on the other.

Thus, not unexpectedly, one seasoned Mid-East analyst expressed alarm and angst, asking: “The job of Senior Director for Intelligence at the National Security Council is supposed to go to an intelligence professional. How did an anti-Israel activist go from helping host a conference for an organization whose speakers have supported Islamic terrorism to a top intelligence job?”

How, indeed?!

“Falesteen” and the Foggy Bottom folks

There are clear signs that the Biden administration intends to reverse much—if not all—of the Trump policies regarding the Palestinian issue—which of course dovetails with this choice of Maher Bitar for such a senior and powerful post in the NSC.

Thus, Biden moved rapidly to overturn Trump’s decision to defund the Palestinian Authority (PA) and other dysfunctional organizations such as UNRWA.

Accordingly, a US State Department spokesman asserted that the previous administration’s cutting off aid to the Palestinians had failed to produce results and announced that the incoming president’s intention to restore financial support—as if the policy prior to Trump’s defunding had shown any signs of reaping even the most modest successes.

The State Department spokesman continued: “The suspension of aid to the Palestinian people has neither produced political progress, nor secured concessions from the Palestinian leadership. It has only harmed innocent Palestinians”.

Putting aside for the moment the fact that the “innocent” Palestinian public strongly supports terror attacks against Israel/Israelis —this still begs the question of how the folks at Foggy Bottom would explain the Clinton administration’s policy of sanctions against Iraq, which reportedly caused the death of 500,000 children—without dislodging Saddam Hussein, who was subsequently only removed by military might. Or how would they justify decades of US sanctions against North Korea, which have resulted in widespread starvation and malnutrition among the civilian population—without chastening the regime or impacting its policy.

But beyond restoring economic aid, the Biden administration also plans to reinstate diplomatic relations with the PA. Thus, in what was the first major public policy statement on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by an official from the Biden administration, Acting US Ambassador to the UN, Richard Mills, declared that the Biden administration was restoring relations with the Palestinian leadership and will reopen the diplomatic offices serving the Palestinians, reversing previous Trump administration policies.

Ushering in 1984 and “Newspeak”

Fueled by the vitriolic anti-Trump animus, Biden’s election soon began to usher in phenomena starkly reminiscent of the conditions so vividly portrayed in Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984.

Thus, the radical Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D–N.Y.)—aka “AOC”—launched an initiative in the spirit of the all-pervasive autocracy in 1984’s Oceania. First, she called for the “reigning in of recalcitrant—read “pro-GOP”—media. Blithely dismissing the first amendment, she pronounced: “We’re going to have to figure out how we rein in our media environment so you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation. It’s one thing to have differentiating opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false, so that’s something that we’re looking into...

Of course, one can only assume that she was NOT referring to the NYT, the Washington Post, or the LA Times, whose reporting was replete with references to fictional “Russian collusion” and “Ukrainian connivance”, but to more “errant” channels.

She then proceeded to couch her initiative in terms chillingly similar to those of 1984’s Newspeak, a contrived linguistic construct, designed to “tailor” (read “pervert”, even “invert”) the meaning of words to preserve and advance the ideological agenda of the regime—as a means to criminalize as “thoughtcrimes” the expression of opinions that may counter or impede that agenda.

According to AOC, “several members of Congress in some of my discussions have brought up media literacy because that is part of what happened here.”

In precisely this context, Robby Soave underscores that: “The phrase media literacy ordinarily implies helping individuals make sense of the media landscape, but AOC seems to have more in mind than that…”:

Indeed, since AOC explicitly ties her version of “media literacy” to “reining in the media”, it is clear that her real meaning is “media muzzling”.

“Big Brother is watching you”

One of the hallmarks of the dystopian tyranny of 1984 was the long tentacles of the divisiveness that the regime extended into the family, setting offspring against their perhaps insufficiently compliant parents. Thus, in the world of 1984 “… children were systematically turned against their parents and taught to spy on them and report their deviations. The family had become in effect an extension of the Thought Police.

Indeed, “It was almost normal for people over thirty to be frightened of their own children. And with good reason, for hardly a week passed in which [the press] did not carry a paragraph describing how some eavesdropping little sneak—’child hero’ was the phrase generally used—had overheard some compromising remark and denounced its parents to the Thought Police.”

Interestingly, The Washington Post ran an article under a headline proclaiming “… people are reporting their family and friends to the FBI”. Thus, for example, after seeing her mother’s Facebook page with pro-Trump posts and screenshots of her mother, apparently on the Capitol stairs during the January riots, one liberal daughter reported her to the FBI—commenting “actions should have consequences.”

Expressions of criticism and concern were not limited to Republicans. Thus, as the Washington Times reported, the former Democratic Party Congresswoman for Hawaii (2002-2013) and the first Hindu member of Congress, Tulsi Gabbard, expressed concern that the Democratic-led initiative to combat “domestic terrorism” could eventually be used to target “anyone who loves freedom.” [sic].

“…police state with KGB-style surveillance”?

Interestingly, Gabbard was considered a fairly strong candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, dropping out of the race (in March 2020) well after Kamala Harris was forced to quit (December 2019).

She condemned recent remarks by John Brennan, former CIA Director, who alleged that, in response to the January Capitol riot, the Biden administration, was trying to “uncover as much as they can about what looks very similar to insurgency movements that we’ve seen overseas, it brings together an unholy alliance, frequently, of religious extremists, authoritarians, fascists, bigots, racists, nativists, even libertarians.”

The ex- Hawaii Democrat Representative posted a warning on her social media that Americans will be in “great peril” if Biden did not stand up to the likes of Brennan, Big Tech insiders, and others who make a moral equivalence between the Jan. 6 Capitol rioters and organized terror groups overseas.

Although she conceded: “The mob who stormed the Capitol…were behaving like domestic enemies of our country,” she cautioned: “… let us be clear, the John Brennans, Adam Schiffs and the oligarchs in Big Tech who are trying to undermine our constitutionally-protected rights and turn our country into a police state with KGB-style ‘surveillance’ are also domestic enemies — and much more powerful, and therefore dangerous, than the mob which stormed the Capitol.”

Militarizing the capital; politicizing the military?

In the immediate wake of the January 6 riots on Capitol Hill, National Guard troops from across the country were deployed in the capital. The haste with which this was done contrasts starkly with the reticence that Democrat governors and mayors displayed in mobilizing Federal law enforcement personnel during the “largely peaceful” riots by Leftist/anarchist mobs in 2020—when entire city sectors were razed and ravaged; when stores were ransacked and robbed; businesses burnt and burglarized; police stations overrun and occupied, vehicles trashed and torched…

By January 17, around 25,000 members of the National Guard were deploying into Washington to secure the presidential inauguration ceremony on the 20th. This was a staggering 250% more than the number for previous inaugurals. Indeed, this was the greatest military presence ever in the capital—including during the Civil War, when, with fighting just across the Potomac, fewer Federal forces were defending Washington.

Likewise, the Democrat legislators suddenly seemed eager to embrace another idea they once shunned—that of a security barrier (wall or fence) to thwart would-be infiltrators.
Thus, despite their vehement and vociferous opposition to a barrier along the US’s southern border to stem the tide of illegal immigration, they voiced little protest over the speedy construction of a “foreboding”, unscalable 7ft. high fence, amply draped in menacing razor wire, to encompass the entire Capitol building.

Although the fence was intended originally to remain in place for no more than three months, ideas are now being floated that call for it to remain in place indefinitely.

Militarizing & politicizing (cont.)

But it was not only the unprecedented military build-up in the capital that was exceptional. No less so was exceptional political scrutiny of the troops themselves. Indeed, up to a dozen National Guardsmen were relieved from inaugural duty after vetting.

According to CBS News, while the military routinely reviews service members for extremist connections, the additional FBI screening was over and above any previous monitoring. Indeed, as acting Defense Secretary, Chris Miller remarkedvetting often takes place…” but “this case is unique”.

Illustrative of the post-election political witch-hunting fervor, which the Jan 6 riots ushered in, was a CNN interview with Rep. Steve Cohen (D-Tenn). After referring to the assassinations of Anwar Sadat and Indira Gandhi, he commented to anchor, Jim Sciutto: “…the [National] Guard is 90 some odd percent, I believe, male. Only about 20 percent of white males voted for Biden. You have got to figure that the guard, which is predominantly more conservative and I see that on my social media, and we know it, they are probably 25 percent of the people that are there protecting us who voted for Biden. The other 75 percent are in the class that would be the large class of folks who might want to do something.

The unavoidable conclusion is the Democratic lawmaker actually believes the outlandish and outrageous allegation that a vote for Trump is, in and of itself, a warning indication of incipient sedition.

In response, one prominent conservative commentator expressed shock and indignation at the nascent political trends: “Democrats in Congress demanded that the troops sent to Washington this week submit to a political purity test—’ideological vetting’, as they put it–to make certain that every soldier professed loyalty to the new regime. Not loyalty to our country, not loyalty to our Constitution, but loyalty to the aims of a specific political party.”

Un-American bigotry

As to the unprecedented nature of the measures, he noted: “Nothing like that has ever happened in America and just a few months ago, it would have been unimaginable. Suddenly it’s compulsory.”

With regards to the massive deployment of armed forces in the capital, he argued “…keeping the city safe is hardly the point of this exercise. The murder rate in the District of Columbia has risen with terrifying speed over the last six months… but no one in charge seems to care…So no matter what they are telling you, those 26,000 federal troops are not there for your safety.”

With a sense of foreboding, he asserted: “…the Democratic Party is using those troops to send the rest of us a message about power: ‘We’re in charge now…Do not question us men with guns’.

But his words of reprimand extended to the GOP as well: “Republicans have spent years ignoring the leftward drift of our officer corps…Once they did that, they allowed Democratic politicians to degrade and politicize the military itself.”


Recalling how previous cases of extremism in the military were handled, he observed with a tinge of bitterness: “On Nov. 5, 2009, Army Maj. Nidal Hasan opened fire on innocent people at Fort Hood, Texas. He shot 45 people…13 of them died. When it emerged…that Hasan was an Islamic extremist…the rest of us sat through months of lectures about how we had no right to come to broader conclusions…”

He concluded caustically: “Yes, the shootings were bad…But far worse than mass murder, we were told, would be the sin of drawing any connection between Nidal Hasan’s beliefs and the beliefs of anyone else in our country…That’s what they told us. And…it’s OK that they told us that. Bigotry is immoral…There is nothing more un-American than that…”

Egregious executive edicts– Blurring biology & bigotry

Biden began his term with a spate of hasty executive orders, signing more than three dozen such orders in his first week in office, more than any of his predecessors.

Sadly, the only apparent rationale underlying this initial display of verve was an obsession with undoing anything reminiscent of his predecessor’s policy—regardless of the consequences—or any benefits it had for the American public at large—and even certain significant segments of his own constituencies.

A few selective examples will serve to illustrate the point and dispel any illusions of the “moderation” of the new regime.

On his first day, President Biden issued an executive order, purportedly to contend with discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. According to NPR’s Leila Fadel, LGBTQ advocates consider the moves “transformational.” She labels Biden’s executive order as “the most far reaching” of its kind ever.

Unsurprisingly, the order roused resistance from various sectors. Politico reported that legislators from least six states as well as from Congress introduced bills to curtail opportunities for transgender athletes. The major purpose of these proposed bills would be to preclude people assigned male at birth from competing in girls’ sports.

Egregious executive edicts– Blurring biology & bigotry (cont.)

The Wall Street Journal posted several eminently grounded and commonsensical reactions to Biden’s initiative from US college students.

One commented incisively: “Nobody can seriously argue that biological males playing in girls’ sports is remotely fair, but the threat is bigger than that. Decisions like the Biden administration’s are part of a broader effort to make gender identity a protected category on par with race, worthy of intrusive federal intervention…”

He added dourly: “The effect is to equate everyone who doesn’t believe a man can transform into a woman by wishing it with George Wallace and Bull Connor [both ardent segregationists; both Democrats—MS]…If there was ever any hope that our new president’s rhetoric about unity meant something, these executive orders killed it.

Another warned: “As for high-school sports, allowing biological males to compete with girls will make a mockery of fair play and equal opportunity. The sexes possess vastly disparate physical capabilities. Sports leagues have tried to observe a healthy respect for these differences by separating competitors by biological sex.”

Nikki Haley, former governor of South Carolina and U.S. ambassador to the UN summed up the issue succinctly: “The world’s fastest female sprinter has nine Olympics medals, but nearly 300 high-school boys are still faster than her. In states where biological boys compete against girls, the girls almost always lose — not just the match, but also possible college scholarships and a lifetime of success in their favorite sport. Their chance to shine is being stolen.”

Acerbically, she added: “The order was framed as a matter of transgender rights. But really, it was an attack on women’s rights.”

Egregious executive edicts—Making America dependent again

Another executive order that Biden rushed to sign on the first day of his presidency effectively shut down the Keystone XL oil pipeline, intended to convey almost 900,000 barrels of oil daily from Alberta, in Western Canada to US refineries mainly in the Mid-West and Texas. Moreover, the White House issued a statement, according to which Biden had directed “…the Department of the Interior to pause oil and gas drilling leases on federal lands and water ‘to the extent possible’ and to launch a review of existing energy leases.”

On the face of it, this was a decision that is likely to imperil thousands of US jobs and increase US dependence on less than amicable governments such as Russia and Venezuela—while providing additional sources of supply to energy-ravenous China.

Thus, the Wall Street Journal warned: The U.S…still gets half of its oil imports from Canada. Refiners in the Midwest and the Gulf Coast are geared toward accepting the sort of heavy oil that Canada produces and could now be forced to buy more oil from adversarial states like Russia and Venezuela.

Reiterating this point, one energy analyst remarked somewhat brusquely: “Russia and Venezuela will be thrilled…Losing our northern neighbor’s reliable, inexpensive, and abundant crude to the Chinese Communist Party nation would be a foreign policy collapse. ”

Egregious executive edicts—Making America dependent (cont.)

As for the loss of jobs the executive order is likely to wreak, there is some disagreement between proponents and opponents of the pipeline. Its effect, however, is certainly liable to be considerable. Indeed, labor unions associated with its construction, who gave Biden pre-election support, are reportedly already expressing regret in the light of the White House’s decision to curtail the project.

But the negative impact on employment is not likely to be limited to welders and pipefitters engaged in the Keystone XL project itself, but also to all those affected by the decision to prevent oil and gas drilling on Federal land or off-shore in Federal waters. Moreover, it is not only positions and professions directly involved in the drilling operations that will be lost. Many peripheral enterprises that service the gas and oil workers will also suffer. Hotels, cafes, restaurants, groceries fear being brought to the brink of ruin as a result of Biden’s executive order.

A slew of public opinion polls over the past decade showed that consistent majorities favored the project—with one of the most recent surveys, published on January 2021 finding that support for the project (51%) clearly outweighs opposition to it (36%). Even the occasional poll that showed a slight majority opposing the pipeline, still found an almost equal minority supporting it.

Clearly then, there is anything but wide consensus over the cancellation of the pipeline—making the decision to halt it appear decidedly inconsistent with Biden’s incessant election claims that he would strive to forge unity.

Egregious executive edicts—Making America Mexico?

Another executive order signed within hours of Biden taking office served as a bellwether regarding the lax attitude that the new administration planned to adopt regarding immigration across the US’s southern border. The opening paragraph of the order states: “It shall be the policy of my Administration that no more American taxpayer dollars be diverted to construct a border wall.” Accordingly, it calls for the immediate cessation of construction of the southern border wall—within seven days at the most—and “the redirection of funds” allocated for that purpose. Another executive order annulled a previous one that involved robust efforts to locate and deport illegal immigrants.

Moreover, during his first few weeks as president, Biden issued no fewer than eight separate executive actions related to immigration. According to the liberal-leaning Brookings Institution, Biden’s “immigration policies are among the most progressive of any president” not only aimed at reversing Trump’s “America First” policy, but also “the policies designed and/or administered by previous presidents.

Just how radical the new approach is can be gauged by a report that eighteen state Attorney-Generals implored the White House to reverse a recent decision to shelve an operation targeting illegal immigrants with convictions for sex crimes. One concerned AG warned: “The cancellation of this program effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators…This message creates a perverse incentive for foreign sexual predators to seek to enter the United States illegally..”

Of course, it is impossible to deny that the US has benefitted immeasurably from the waves of immigrants who have arrived on its shores over the centuries, bringing with them creativity, talent, ingenuity and grit. As a February 2 executive order states: They have helped the United States lead the world in science, technology, and innovation… Our Nation is enriched socially and economically by the presence of immigrants…”

Egregious edicts—Making America Mexico? (cont.)

As I recently wrote in De-Americanizing America, for well over the last half-century, the USA has arguably been the most remarkable—and certainly the most powerful and prosperous—country on the face of the globe—a magnet for immigrants around the world, wishing to partake in the material plenty and political and intellectual liberty it can provide. In many ways, it has been an inspiring—if not unblemished—model, showing how widely disparate societal elements can be synthesized into a functioning and cohesive entity, welding broad ethnic diversity, social tolerance, religious freedom, and individual liberties into a binding sense of national identity, that helped propel a highly effective and inclusive socio-political unit.

In essence, this success was fueled by an ethos of rugged individualism, self-reliance and personal responsibility. It fostered a sense of national exceptionalism and propelled it to rarely surpassed heights of achievement in virtually every field of human endeavor.

However, immigrants can only contribute beneficially to the US society if they absorb and internalize its values and they themselves become absorbed and integrated into the overarching socio-cultural fabric of the host nation—otherwise they will, almost inevitably, become an onerous and disruptive element.

But when immigrants arrive in unrestricted, unregulated masses, such integration and absorption are liable to be very difficult, indeed, virtually impossible. Thus, the social values and mores to which they are liable to be exposed and in which they remain immersed, are those of their country of origin, which they left, rather than those of the country of destination, in which they reside. As the presence of such immigrant inflows increase, the environment in which they live will inevitably begin to resemble that which they left. Thus, for example, instead of a Mexican immigrant becoming Americanized, more and more of America will be transformed into Mexico!!

Biden: The unavoidable outcome

Accordingly, the inevitable outcome of the sustained application of the emerging mode of governance adopted by the Biden administration will be to transform America into an unrecognizable remnant of its former self, increasingly reminiscent of realities in South and Central America. This will induce accelerating emigration, with increasing portions of the more mobile and successful population fleeing higher taxes, socio-cultural alienation and economic decline.

Increasingly unable to compete in international markets, the US will fall into steep decline, reeling ever closer to the status of a third-world nation—with a decaying nuclear arsenal—unable to keep up with more virile rivals. Soon it will begin to resemble the lands the immigrants left behind far more than the land to which they flocked—and with that, jeopardizing the very Union which, for over two centuries, held it together so successfully.

©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

Twitter Deplatforms Project Veritas

One of the biggest sources of original alternative content, Project Veritas, is now banned from one of the biggest platforms to reach millions of Americans, Twitter.

Without being terribly specific as to what the “repeated violations” were of the company rules, Twitter deplatformed Veritas on February 11.

The proximate cause of banishment was a brief video posted by Veritas where one of their journalists, 60 Minutes style, accosts an employee of Facebook who is returning home from a jog. This Facebook executive, Guy Rosen, had previously been featured in a Veritas video, leaked to Veritas by a Facebook whistleblower, where he claims the platform is freezing comments whenever automated systems detect “there may be a thread that has hate speech or violence.”

It’s interesting that Project Veritas, at least so far, survives on Facebook, despite Facebook, and not Twitter, being the target of many recent controversial videos from Veritas. But that may change. On February 17, in yet another leaked video featuring Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, he is exposed expressing concern for the COVID-19 vaccines, worrying they may alter human DNA and wondering about the possible long-term side effects.

Facebook bans all posts that make similar claims about the COVID-19 vaccines, making this video somewhat embarrassing for the company.

Because there are so many, it is difficult to keep track even of these major incidents of censorship. One of the biggest reasons for bans is so-called “hate speech.” But “hate speech” is a nebulous term. As the Veritas journalist put it to Facebook’s Guy Rosen, “do you ban hate speech, or speech you hate?”

Banning Veritas from a major social media platform is not a trivial incident of censorship – notwithstanding that no exercise of censorship is trivial. With their videos, Veritas provides essential balance. When nobody else was there to do it, Project Veritas has done landmark investigations. For example, they exposed the corruption at ACORN, seriously disrupting its activities.

A mainstay of the mainstream media that gets more biased very year, 60 Minutes, engages in reporting that is every bit as aggressive as Veritas, but runs virtually zero risk of being deplatformed from the major social media platforms. Why is this? 60 Minutes routinely presents investigations that are supposedly objective, but to informed observers are transparently biased. Their selectivity in pursuit of their narrative easily rivals, if not surpasses, anything Veritas has ever done.

Once again, the double standard applies.

RELATED VIDEO: Democrats In Congress Are Now Trying To Block Public Access to Fox News

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 Project column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BIG WIN! Judge Rules That Millions of Ballots Must Be Turned Over to Arizona Senate

‘After a long, bitterly contested legal struggle, a Maricopa County judge has ruled that millions of voter ballots must be turned over to the Arizona Senate.

The stunning news, which comes over a month after the Biden Inauguration, was reported by the Associated Press.’

Judge Rules That Millions of Ballots Must Be Turned Over to Arizona Senate

By Kyle Becker, February 26, 2021

After a long, bitterly contested legal struggle, a Maricopa County judge has ruled that millions of voter ballots must be turned over to the Arizona Senate.

The stunning news, which comes over a month after the Biden Inauguration, was reported by the Associated Press.

“A judge has ruled that the Arizona Senate can get access to 2.1 million ballots from Arizona’s most populous county so it can audit results of the 2020 election that saw Democrat Joe Biden win in the state,” the AP reported.

“Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Timothy Thomason’s decision on Friday comes after a protracted battled between the Republican-controlled state Senate and the GOP-dominated Maricopa County board over subpoenas issued by the Senate,” the report added.

The board of elections had tried to keep the ballots secret and away from an audit.

“The board contended that the ballots were secret, that the Legislature had no right to access them and that the subpoenas issued by Senate President Karen Fann were for an illegitimate purpose, among other arguments,” the AP noted.

“The Senate’s lawyers contended that the constitution gives the Legislature the role of maintaining the purity of elections and make sure voter integrity is protected, that the subpoenas were legal and a proper use of legislative power,” the report stated.

The judge’s ruling comes in the aftermath of an “independent” audit provided by the Maricopa election officials that claims the election was completely above-board.

“The results of the county’s independent audit released Tuesday found that the votes were counted correctly, the machines worked properly, and the machines were not hacked or connected to the internet during the election,” the Washington Examiner reported.

“The Senate wants another audit of ballots and a check of voter information, while the county has contended that its multiple audits have been sufficient and said the ballots must remain sealed under state law,” the report continued.

The Arizona Senate’s coming “audit of the audit” will find out exactly how “independent” these election observers really are.

RELATED ARTICLE: Conservative reporter confronts CNN’s Jim Acosta at CPAC for not covering Governor Cuomo

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

Bill Clinton Ignored Genocide in Rwanda. Will Joe Biden Ignore it in China?

It’s not too late for President Biden to live up to his responsibility as the leader of the free world to make it clear to Beijing that there will be no business as usual with the United States until the Uighur genocide ends.

The Clinton administration chose not to call the mass murder of up to 800,000 ethnic Tutsis in Rwanda “genocide” because it felt the designation would legally require the United States to take action. And because it feared the political inconvenience.

President Joe Biden is now facing a similar political conundrum with the Chinese government’s ongoing genocide of ethnic Uighurs in the Xinjiang region. It appears that he is backing away from doing anything just as the Clinton administration did nothing to stop the genocide against Africans.

As a CIA analyst, I personally witnessed President Bill Clinton’s shocking dereliction of duty, along with that of his aides, during the April 1994 mass murder in Rwanda. The Clinton National Security Council instructed the CIA not to use the word “genocide” to describe these killings. This was because Clinton officials believed that the use of the word would compel the United States to take action under the 1948 Genocide Treaty, officially known as the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide.

Even though Clinton officials had plenty of warning that mass killings in Rwanda could occur, it prevented the UN from acting in advance of the genocide. After the genocide began, the Clinton administration still prevented the UN from acting because of the political damage the administration had incurred from the failed peacekeeping missions it promoted in Bosnia, Somalia, and Haiti.

Future UN Ambassador Samantha Power wrote in a 2001 Atlantic article that a young National Security Council aide named Susan Rice stunned attendees at a late April 1994 NSC meeting when she revealed the political motivations for why the Clinton administration would not call the killings in Rwanda genocide.

According to Power, Rice said: “If we use the word ‘genocide’ and are seen as doing nothing, what will be the effect on the November [congressional] election?”

Rice confirmed that the Clinton administration was more worried about giving Republicans ammunition to attack its foreign policy than preventing the mass murder of Africans.

The following month, after downplaying the atrocities, Clinton officials admitted there may have been “acts of genocide” in Rwanda but would not say genocide took place, in order to avoid triggering the Genocide Convention.

Bill Clinton later apologized for the way his administration mishandled the Rwanda genocide. He passed the buck to his aides, claiming that he would have taken action had he known more about this situation. Numerous experts and studies have proved Clinton and his senior aides were well aware that genocide was taking place but decided to take no action and prevented other countries from doing so.

The Genocide Convention does not require going to war. It provides numerous ways to hold genocidal governments accountable including sanctions, travel bans on government officials, and refusing normal diplomatic relations.

Today there is undeniable proof that the Chinese government is committing genocide against its Uighur Muslim minority in Xinjiang.

Click HERE to read more.

Originally published by The National Interest


Fred Fleitz

Fred Fleitz, president of the Center for Security Policy, served in 2018 as deputy assistant to the president and to the chief of staff of the National Security Council. He previously held national-security jobs with the CIA, the DIA, the Department of State, and the House Intelligence Committee staff. Twitter @fredfleitz. View all posts by Fred Fleitz 

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Trump Jr. Slams Media Double Standard on Cuomo, Springsteen

Thursday on FNC’s Hannity, Donald Trump, Jr., son of the former President, blasted the media double standard applied to Govs. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and Ron DeSantis (R-FL) regarding their respective states’ handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Look at the difference in the handling of Governor DeSantis versus Andrew Cuomo,” Trump Jr. said. “Andrew Cuomo gets Emmys for sending your grandmother to her nursing home to her death, OK? Governor DeSantis got more hell in Florida for keeping beaches open, for keeping beaches open, with social distancing and masks than Andrew Cuomo got for executive orders sending people into nursing homes to die…

“Governor DeSantis gets more hell for various decisions for taking on the press than Andrew Cuomo does for having credible accusations of sexual harassment and other harassment,” Trump continued. “There is a double standard that’s out there. I think that people in America see it, which is why the mainstream media’s approval rating is almost as low as Congress’.”

In a tweet on Thursday, Trump Jr. also slammed rock star and Joe Biden supporter Bruce Springsteen over his recent dropped DWI charges. Springsteen pled guilty to the charge of consuming alcohol in an enclosed area after being arrested in New Jersey’s Gateway National Recreation Area late last year. Two other charges — DWI and reckless driving — were dismissed. Springsteen was fined $540.

“I’d say it’s white privilege but we all know it’s really liberal privilege,” tweeted Trump Jr.

Bruce Springsteen

11 Known Connections

In September 2013, Springsteen recorded, in Spanish, an Internet version of the song Solo le pido a Dios (I only ask of God) (Solo le pido a Dios), which he said he had learned from the late Argentine folk singer Mercedes Sosa, who initiated the “Nuevo Cancion” (“New Song”) movement — songs that often expressed themes of social justice and political and personal struggle in metaphoric style. Nuevo Cancion became closely linked to the socialist revolutionary movements of the 1960s, 70s and 80s.

Another influence who has pulled Springsteen to the political left is childhood friend and on-again, off-again guitarist for his E Street Band, Steven (“Little Steven”) Van Zandt, a Noam Chomsky acolyte who views the United States as the successor of Nazi Germany. Van Zandt persuaded Springsteen to perform the Artists United Against Apartheid song “Sun City.”

To learn more about Bruce Springsteen, click here for the profile link.

©Discover the Networks. All rights reserved.

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC Ignore Andrew Cuomo Sex Harassment Claim

How long is America going to put up with these totalitarian barbarians?

ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC Ignore Andrew Cuomo Sex Harassment Claim

By: Wendell Husebo, Breitbart News, February 26, 2021:

America’s three most prominent networks–ABC, NBC, and CBS–ignored any mention of sexual harassment claims against Gov. Andrew Cuomo during their evening news programs Wednesday. CNN and MSNBC also declined to address the scandal.

According to transcripts, ABC’s World News Tonight, CBS’s Evening News, and NBC’s Nightly News made no mention of the embattled Cuomo, who is also facing calls for his impeachment and resignation after he was accused of covering up the number of deaths from the coronavirus in state nursing homes following his controversial order that these facilities accept coronavirus-positive patients.

Cuomo’s former deputy secretary for economic development and special adviser Lindsey Boylan alleged on Wednesday in an essay published on the website Medium that the governor went “out of his way to touch me on my lower back, arms and legs,” forcibly kissed her on the lips during a one-on-one briefing, and suggested they “play strip poker” during a plane ride.

Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-NY) later on Wednesday called for Cuomo to resign in the wake of twin scandals over his handling of data on coronavirus deaths in the state’s nursing homes and allegations of sexual harassment by a former aide.

Boylan’s allegations come as Cuomo’s administration is under investigation by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney in Brooklyn following reports that the governor’s top aide told Democrat lawmakers officials withheld the nursing home data due to concerns that the figures could “be used against us” in a federal investigation.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

South Korea to release $7 billion in frozen assets to Iran after consulting with Biden’s handlers

While Biden may well be looking for ways to save face in a standoff with Iran, he just gave the thumbs up for South Korea to release $7 billion in assets in Iran. Biden likely hopes this gesture will move Iran closer to negotiations with the U.S. If Biden is lucky, this money will lead Iran to soften its stance and return to the negotiating table, so as to restart the disastrous Iran nuclear deal that saw over $100 billion flow into the coffers of the Islamic Republic. That was a windfall that allowed the mullahs to continue their jihad in the region and globally; another such windfall is in the offing.

To facilitate the trade with Iran of humanitarian items, such as medicine and medical equipment, South Korea has been seeking to use a Swiss channel backed by the U.S., known as the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA), to use the money through Swiss companies’ sales of goods to Iran.

But the trade of humanitarian items just frees up money for other activities. Who could forget Iran’s deceptions? These include its violation of the nuclear deal, and its own admission to having done so, as well as its boastful, repeated threats and provocations regarding its military capabilities. Yet far too many Western leaders have never recognized the implications of all this.

“Foreign ministry says Iran’s assets to be unlocked through consultations with US,”

Korea Times, February 23, 2021:

The Iranian assets locked in South Korea will be released after consultations with the United States, the foreign ministry said Tuesday, after Iran claimed it has reached a deal with Seoul on how to transfer and use the frozen money.

According to Iran’s government website, the agreement was reached Monday (Tehran time) during the meeting between Iran’s Central Bank Gov. Abdolnaser Hemmati and South Korean Ambassador to Iran Ryu Jeong-hyun.

It said that the two sides agreed on the destinations for the transfer and that the Iranian central bank informed Seoul of the amount of the money it wants to be transferred.

Tehran has been pressuring Seoul to unblock about US$7 billion of its assets frozen in two South Korean banks due to U.S. sanctions. Seoul has been in talks with Washington on ways to release the money without violating the sanctions, including expanding humanitarian trade with the Middle Eastern country.

“Our government has been in talks with Iran about ways to use the frozen assets, and the Iran side has expressed its consent to the proposals we have made,” the foreign ministry said without providing further details of the proposals.

“The actual unfreezing of the assets will be carried out through consultations with related countries, including the United States,” the ministry said.

Earlier this month, a foreign ministry official said Seoul was finalizing talks with Washington about using some of the frozen funds to pay Tehran’s U.N. dues in arrears, to which the Islamic republic has also agreed.

To facilitate the trade with Iran of humanitarian items, such as medicine and medical equipment, South Korea has been seeking to use a Swiss channel backed by the U.S., known as the Swiss Humanitarian Trade Arrangement (SHTA), to use the money through Swiss companies’ sales of goods to Iran.

Despite the denial from Seoul and Tehran, speculation has mounted that Iran’s discontent over the frozen funds is related to its recent seizure of a South Korean oil tanker and its crew members in the Persian Gulf early last month….


EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Spent $787 Million On ‘Gender Equality’ Projects In Afghanistan

According to, “a report issued by Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction noted that even though the United States spent more than $787 million dollars on ‘gender equality projects’ in Afghanistan since 2002, ‘harmful socio-cultural norms’ kept them [from] making major progress.” There have been a lot of people around since 2002 who could have told the political elites that spending $787 million, or even $1, on “gender equality projects” in Afghanistan would be a fruitless waste of money, but they have not been heeded, and indeed have been dismissed as “Islamophobes.” And now, despite the persistence of those “harmful socio-cultural norms,” those millions are almost certainly going to continue to flow into the “graveyard of empires.”

The Bongino report noted mildly that “restrictive sociocultural norms and insecurity…continue to impede progress for Afghan women and girls.” Among these are the fact that “girls’ access to education is constrained by the lack of female teachers and infrastructure, and pressures on girls to withdraw from school at puberty”; there is “a lack of female healthcare providers”; and “gender disparity is still a persistent characteristic of the Afghan labor force.”

Well, yeah. Anyone with a modicum of sense could have predicted all that back in 2002, when the payments first started being made, and long before that as well. Yet it’s likely that no one who allocated or spent this money had any idea why women are discriminated against in Afghanistan, and why these “harmful socio-cultural norms” kept them from making major progress.

They have no clue about this because it’s all about Islam. All too many on the side of freedom become as politically correct as any leftist when it comes to Islam, jihad, and Sharia.

The grim reality that the Washington “experts” on Afghanistan don’t realize or don’t want to face is that the Qur’an teaches that men are superior to women and should beat those from whom they “fear disobedience”: “Men have authority over women because Allah has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because Allah has guarded them. As for those from whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them.” (4:34)

Muhammad’s child bride, Aisha, says in a hadith that Muhammad “struck me on the chest which caused me pain, and then said: ‘Did you think that Allah and His Apostle would deal unjustly with you?’” (Sahih Muslim 2127)

There is a great deal more of this. The Qur’an declares that a woman’s testimony is worth half that of a man: “Get two witnesses, out of your own men, and if there are not two men, then a man and two women, such as you choose, for witnesses, so that if one of them errs, the other can remind her.” (2:282)

Another hadith has Muhammad extrapolating from this that women are mentally deficient:

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) went out to the musalla (prayer place) on the day of Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Fitr. He passed by the women and said, “O women! Give charity, for I have seen that you form the majority of the people of Hell.” They asked, “Why is that, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religious commitment than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you.” The women asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is deficient in our intelligence and religious commitment?” He said, “Is not the testimony of two women equal to the testimony of one man?” They said, “Yes.” He said, “This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Is it not true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?” The women said, “Yes.” He said, “This is the deficiency in her religious commitment.” (Sahih Bukhari 304)

The Qur’an also allows men to marry up to four wives, and have sex with slave girls also: “If you fear that you shall not be able to deal justly with the orphans, marry women of your choice, two or three or four; but if you fear that ye shall not be able to deal justly, then only one, or one that your right hands possess, that will be more suitable, to prevent you from doing injustice.” (Qur’an 4:3)

It rules that a son’s inheritance should be twice the size of that of a daughter: “Allah directs you as regards your children’s inheritance: to the male, a portion equal to that of two females” (Qur’an 4:11)

It allows for marriage to pre-pubescent girls, stipulating that Islamic divorce procedures “shall apply to those who have not yet menstruated.” (Qur’an 65:4)

There is also a suggestion that there is something unclean about women. Islamic law stipulates that a man’s prayer is annulled if a dog or a woman passes in front of him as he is praying. “Narrated ‘Aisha: The things which annul the prayers were mentioned before me. They said, ‘Prayer is annulled by a dog, a donkey and a woman (if they pass in front of the praying people).’ I said, ‘You have made us (i.e. women) dogs.’ I saw the Prophet praying while I used to lie in my bed between him and the Qibla. Whenever I was in need of something, I would slip away. for I disliked to face him.” (Sahih Bukhari 1.9.490)

Another hadith depicts Muhammad saying that the majority of the inhabitants of hell are women: “I looked into Paradise and I saw that the majority of its people were the poor. And I looked into Hell and I saw that the majority of its people are women.” (Sahih Bukhari 3241; Sahih Muslim 2737)

When asked about this, he explained: “‘I was shown Hell and I have never seen anything more terrifying than it. And I saw that the majority of its people are women.’ They said, ‘Why, O Messenger of Allah?’ He said, ‘Because of their ingratitude (kufr).’ It was said, ‘Are they ungrateful to Allah?’ He said, ‘They are ungrateful to their companions (husbands) and ungrateful for good treatment. If you are kind to one of them for a lifetime then she sees one (undesirable) thing in you, she will say, ‘I have never had anything good from you.’” (Sahih Bukhari 1052)

There is a great deal more in this vein, but the point should be clear: Those Washington wonks who sent $787,000,000 in American taxpayer money to Afghanistan for “gender equality” projects should have known all this, and realized that their schemes were foredoomed to failure. They didn’t know all this. They should have been fired. Instead, Biden’s handlers are likely to give them promotions.


Facebook bows to Turkey’s demands to block one of its military opponents

India: Muslim arrested for spitting on food while serving as cook at Hindu wedding

Nigeria: Muslims murder at least 10 people with rocket-propelled grenades

Media Blames Hindus for Rebuilding Temple Muslims Demolished and Replaced with a Mosque

Nigeria: Muslims disguised as government security forces abduct over 300 schoolgirls

South Korea to release $7 billion in frozen assets to Iran after consulting with Biden’s handlers

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.




Jeff Crouere is the host of, “Ringside Politics,” which airs weekdays on WGSO 990-AM in New Orleans. He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on



George Parry is a Contributor to The American Spectator, The Federalist, and the Philadelphia Inquirer. George is a former federal and state prosecutor. George served as: Special Attorney for the Organized Crime and Racketeering Section, U.S. Department of Justice ; Unit Chief, Investigations Division, Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office ; Special Organized Crime Prosecutor, Blair and Cambria counties (central Pennsylvania) ; and a Legal Analyst for KYW-TV in Philadelphia.

TOPIC: Beware of the Thing That Is Coming!


Tristan Justice is a staff writer at The Federalist focusing on the 2020 presidential campaigns. He has also written for The Washington Examiner and The Daily Signal. Tristan graduated from George Washington University where he majored in political science and minored in journalism.

TOPIC: Biden Estimated 250,000 COVID Deaths This Month. He Was Off By 178,000.

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Biden REVERSES Trump’s Crackdown on Child Sex Traffickers and Sex Offenders In the U.S. Illegally

What would be front page news in a rational world is not being covered by the enemedia. That way Democrats don’t have to justify this monstrous act.

Biden Cancels Trump Program That Targeted Child Sex Traffickers in the US Illegally

By: Niamh Harris, News Punch:

President Biden cancels Trump program that targeted rapists illegally in USA

President Joe Biden has terminated a Trump program that targeted sexual offenders, including child sex traffickers, who are in the United States illegally.

Trump’s program, dubbed “Operation Talon,” focused on deporting dangerous sexual predators preying on vulnerable Americans.

But Biden decided to end the program, leaving Americans and their children once again open to attacks from pedophiles and rapists.

Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody argued there was “no reason” for Biden to cancel the program.

Moody told Fox News:

“We rely on the federal government to assist our local and state law enforcement and remove those that are lurking in our communities that are sexual predators and that are preying on our most vulnerable.“

“And so, to have an administration, Joe Biden, cancel an operation that is focusing on sexual offenders in our country, as the attorney general of Florida certainly, but as a mother, it’s horrifying.”

Co-host Bila asked Moody:

“Is there any reason you can see for why this operation would be removed or what the reasoning behind that would be?”

Moody responded:

“Absolutely none. I was a former federal prosecutor.”

“Effective, targeted operations cross administrations,” she continued.

“These operations help agents do their jobs, especially for states like Florida that rely on federal agencies and law enforcement to help them remove these dangerous people from our communities.”

“There is no reason this operation should be canceled.” reports: South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson joined a coalition of 18 state attorneys general to urge Biden to reverse the cancellation, according to ABC 4 News.

“We’re working hard to fight human trafficking and sex crimes in South Carolina and allowing convicted sex offenders who are here illegally to remain in our country makes absolutely no sense,” Wilson said. “These trafficking and sex crimes are repugnant to human decency generally and to children specifically,” he added.

The letter, directed to Joe Biden, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Acting Director of ICE Tae Johnson, pointed out the problems with this cancellation. The attorneys general argued that canceling Operation Talon could encourage sexual predators to attack.

“The United States’ population of illegal immigrants includes disturbingly large numbers of criminals with prior convictions for sexual crimes,” the letter reads. “According to data collected by Syracuse University’s Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse, during the period from October 2014 to May 2018 ICE arrested 19,572 illegal aliens with criminal convictions for whom the most serious prior conviction was a conviction for a sex-related offense.”

“Meanwhile, an increasing number of illegal aliens are entering the United States after having been previously convicted of sexual offenses,” it continues. “The cancellation of [Operation Talon] effectively broadcasts to the world that the United States is now a sanctuary jurisdiction for sexual predators. This message creates a perverse incentive for foreign sexual predators to seek to enter the United States illegally and assault more victims, both in the process of unlawful migration and after they arrive. It will also broadcast the message to other criminal aliens who have committed other offenses that any kind of robust enforcement against them is unlikely.”

The letter begs perhaps the most important question: “If the United States will not remove even convicted sex offenders, whom will it remove?”

In addition to South Carolina, the state attorneys general that signed on to the letter include: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

VIDEO: Leaked Insider Tape Reveals Salesforce’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Plans

Project Veritas released a new video today leaked by a Brave Salesforce Insider exposing the company’s executives adhering to “Cancel Culture” mentality following the events at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6. The Salesforce executives were recorded on Jan. 13.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Bret Taylor, Salesforce President and COO: “Since the events of the 6th [of January], I think one of the things that really impacts Salesforce is the national conversation about the role of technology in inciting that mob, disseminating misinformation and fomenting extremism.”
  • Taylor: “What we’ve done in light of the events of Jan. 6 is recognize a much broader range of messages have the potential to incite politically motivated violence.”
  • Taylor: “We’ve engaged with the RNC to communicate that no messages on behalf of President Trump and no messages questioning the validity or integrity of the election are allowed on our platform under the guidelines that they may incite violence.”
  • Taylor: “We’re looking across our customer base to make sure our technology is not being used by businesses or platforms that are inciting political violence.”
  • Eric Loeb, Salesforce Executive VP of Government Affairs: “We are pausing all PAC contributions…the pause or suspension certainly includes the suspension of any contributions to members of Congress that voted to object to the [presidential election] certification.”
  • Salesforce emailed Project Veritas to announce they made a “business decision” to end the existing working relationship. No explanation or reasoning was provided.

You can watch the video here:

Taylor’s statements leave room for questions about whether or not journalists who exposed incontrovertible evidence of Voter Fraud in 2020 will now be deplatformed by Salesforce.

The fact that Salesforce recently informed Project Veritas that the existing business relationship is coming to an end due to a “business decision” indicates how far Salesforce is willing to go.

It is time we fight back against those who wish to cancel the truth. We cannot stand idly by as these tech oligarchs continue to define what speech is acceptable or not.

Project Veritas is fighting back, and this is just the beginning.

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Understanding How Much Big Tobacco Is Driving Nicotine & Marijuana Vaping

Not only does Big Tobacco continue to find ways to lure children into buying new nicotine products, it is moving in on the marijuana industry to scale pot sales up to or beyond the level of diminishing tobacco sales. Most people are unaware of the growing relationship between marijuana and tobacco companies. But that doesn’t mean it’s not happening.

Altria (formerly Phillip Morris) owns 35 percent of Juul, has registered to lobby for pot legalization in Virginia, and is patenting two marijuana vaping devices in the US, according to Cannabis Wire. “Altria supports the federal legalization of cannabis under an appropriate regulatory framework. As a stakeholder in this industry, we intend to work with policy makers and regulators in support of a transparent, responsible, and equitable operating environment for the sale of cannabis,” Altria spokesperson George Parman told the publication. (Emphasis added.)

Big wins for Big Tobacco

The Grocer is an English magazine that caters to grocery and convenience stores in Great Britain. The Brits haven’t caught up yet with American concerns about vaping, first with the EVALI diseases and deaths we experienced last year, second with the stunning increases in vaping by adolescents who have never smoked, and third with the fact that many are vaping THC as well as nicotine.

So, the Brits are selling vape pens and e-liquids in grocery stores. Parents may want to register to access this free article to see some of the best pictures of vape-pen brands available in one place.

It turns out that Altria is not the only tobacco company in the vaping business. Vype is made by British American Tobacco. BAT also is test-marketing Vuse to enable people to vape CBD. Logic is Japan Tobacco International’s vape pen. Subscribe to Logic’s emails and JTI will sell you a starter vape pen for $1.00. Blu is made by Imperial Tobacco. In fact, the top 10-selling vape pens in the UK are all made by tobacco companies. Because the pandemic has shut down most vape shops in England, the vape brands of the tobacco giants have seen soaring sales there.

Think that will change when the pandemic is behind us? Doubtful.

Read The Grocer article here.

At the speed of Juul: Measuring the Twitter conversation related to ENDS and Juul across space and time (2017–2018)

Yoonsang Kim and colleagues at the universities of Chicago and Georgia State as well as VeraCite Inc, in La Jolla, California, collected Juul-related and other electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) data on Twitter between 2017 and 2018. They found the amount of Juul tweets increased 67 times, from 18,849 tweets in the first quarter of 2017 to 1,287,028 tweets in the last quarter of 2018.

They also found that Juul tweets spread rapidly across the nation. By the end of the study period, people in 84 percent of US counties were posting about Juul.

Further, despite intense scrutiny by the FDA and Juul’s voluntary effort to end its social media account, Juul tweets intensified rather than abated.

Tweets about other ENDS products decreased by 25 percent as Juul tweets increased.

Read full text of this Tobacco Control article published by BMJ Journals here.

Do JUUL and e-cigarette flavors change risk perceptions of adolescents? Evidence from a national survey
Kiersten Strombotne and colleagues from the Universities of Boston, Oxford, and Yale conducted a national survey of 1,610 high school students aged 14-18 who had heard of either e-cigarettes or Juul.

They found, although no scientific evidence supports this, that youth believe certain flavors make e-juice less harmful than other flavors in both Juuls and other e-cigarette brands. The researchers say their findings support the idea that a flavor ban could reduce the appeal of both Juul and other e-cigarettes and result in protecting adolescent health.

Read full text of this Tobacco Control article published by BMJ Journals here.

E-cigarette and cigarette purchasing among young adults before and after implementation of California’s tobacco 21 policy
California raised the minimum age for tobacco purchases to 21 in 2016. Little is known about the effect this T21 law has had on reducing underage tobacco product sales.

Sara Schiff and colleagues from the University of California, Los Angeles analyzed data from a population-based prospective cohort in southern California the year before and after the state passed T21. This involved 1,609 people ages 18 and 19 before and 1,502 people ages 19 and 20 after passage of the law.

Among past-month users, the researchers also examined where participants purchased tobacco products before and after the law, whether they were refused purchase based on their age after T21, as well as whether participants perceived if it were more difficult to buy cigarettes and e-cigarettes then.

They found negligible changes after the law passed. Some 64 percent of past-month users bought cigarettes from gas stations and 82 percent bought e-cigarettes from vape shops despite their underage status. About half thought it was harder to do so but were still able to. The researchers conclude that better enforcement of T21 is needed to achieve what the law intended: to reduce tobacco use by youth.

Read full text of this Tobacco Control article published by BMJ Journals here.

What parents need to know about teen vaping and what they can do about it
JAMA Pediatrics has published a Pediatrics Patient Page on Vaping for parents of school-age children.

The page summarizes:

  • what the health risks are for teens who vape,
  • how to tell if your teen is vaping,
  • what parents can do to prevent teens from vaping,
  • what parents can do if their teen is addicted to vaping, and
  • sources for more information about teen vaping.

Access this JAMA Pediatrics resource for information about adolescent vaping here.

©National Families in Action. All rights reserved.

Frittering Away Our Grandchildren’s Future?

Ronald Reagan once observed,

“Government is like a baby. An alimentary canal with a big appetite at one end and no sense of responsibility at the other.”

I thought of that quote when I read some of the details of the $1.9 trillion stimulus bill that is touted as “COVID relief.” Critics, like Congressman Steve Scalise (R-Louisiana), say that it’s a “liberal wish list.”

Scalise is not alone. Many Republican members of the House oppose the bill, observing,

“Democrats have been hoping the public’s attention has been occupied watching a made for TV show trial of the former president in the Senate, because they’ve been trying to quietly load up a $1.9 trillion budget reconciliation bill with special interest pork and other liberal goodies.”

The bill proposes a $1400 stimulus check for those who make under $75,000. But the Heritage Foundation observes that there’s a big price tag for that $1400: “It adds over $14,000 per household to the national debt.”

Furthermore, the New York Post observes that less than 1 percent of the total proposed for spending deals directly with COVID per se, such as the distribution of vaccines.

What does this proposed spending include?

  • Payouts for abortion, including the opportunity for Planned Parenthood to get more funding from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)—funds that are supposed to help small businesses stay afloat during the pandemic.
  • Illegal immigrants can receive some of this stimulus money through family members.
  • Schools that remain closed can also receive these funds. This “Unconscionably gives labor unions—including those teachers unions fighting against school reopening—access to PPP funding worth up to $10 million per union,” say House Republican opponents of the legislation.
  • The bill gives $350 billion in subsidies to failed state and local governments that have shut down small businesses. It seems that the wrong people are getting rewarded, and the innocent victims of COVID, including small businesses, are getting penalized.

And on it goes.

One man who is happy about all this disbursement is Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders, who said, “We are spending a lot of money….I do think it is appropriate to start taking a hard look at asking the wealthy and large corporations to start paying their fair share of taxes.”

It would seem that the left’s principle of “never let a crisis go to waste” is in full force here.

Where will all this money come from? Likely our grandchildren. No wonder the left likes abortion so much—it causes them to have less grandchildren.

Our third president, Thomas Jefferson, gave some strong warnings about our economy:

“To take from one, because it is thought that his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, ‘the guarantee to every one of a free exercise of his industry, & the fruits acquired by it.’”

Notice in particular what he had to say about governmental debt: “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers to be feared. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. If we run into such debts, we must be taxed in our meat and drink, in our necessities and in our comforts, in our labor and in our amusements.” [Emphasis added]

In his Farewell Address, George Washington warned against runaway spending and needless debt:

“As a very important source of strength and security, cherish public credit. One method of preserving it is to use it as sparingly as possible, avoiding occasions of expense by cultivating peace, but remembering also that timely disbursements to prepare for danger frequently prevent much greater disbursements to repel it, avoiding likewise the accumulation of debt, not only by shunning occasions of expense, but by vigorous exertion in time of peace to discharge the debts which unavoidable wars may have occasioned, not ungenerously throwing upon posterity the burden which we ourselves ought to bear.” [Emphasis added]

In other words, during peacetime, the priority should be to pay off war debts. Meanwhile, we should avoid racking up debt.

Indeed, what kind of a country runs up a big bill, spends the money now, and then leaves it up to our children and grandchildren to have to pay it all back? There is nothing ethical about this.

Proverbs 13:22 says “A good man leaves an inheritance for his children’s children.” In America we’re now doing the opposite—contrary to what both the Bible and the founders had to say.

Again, Ronald Reagan put it well: “We could say the government spend like drunken sailors, but that would be unfair to drunken sailors, because the sailors are spending their own money.”

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Former Staffer Accuses New York Governor Cuomo of Sexual Harassment

In a blog post published Wednesday at Medium, a former aide has accused embattled, lethally incompetent New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment.

Lindsey Boylan, the former deputy secretary for economic development and special adviser to Cuomo, claimed he repeatedly touched her body, attempted to kiss her on the mouth, invited her to play “strip poker,” and overtly objectified her. She documented these claims in the blog post with screenshots of emails and texts.

Boylan added that Cuomo’s top female staff members “normalized” the governor’s conduct. In 2018, she says, after Cuomo allegedly kissed her without consent, “I came to work nauseous every day. My relationship with his senior team — mostly women — grew hostile after I started speaking up for myself. I was reprimanded and told to get in line by his top aides, but I could no longer ignore it,” so she resigned.

These damning allegations come as Cuomo’s career is already going down in flames. After spending all of 2020 falsely blaming former President Trump for mishandling the coronavirus, and publishing a book touting himself as a hero of the pandemic, Cuomo has been exposed for trying to suppress the truth about skyrocketing nursing home coronavirus deaths in his state for fear of a federal investigation — which is now underway.

He has also been exposed by a fellow Democrat, New York Rep. Ron Kim, for threatening to destroy Kim’s career over revelations of the coronavirus scandal. NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio has thrown Cuomo under the bus, siding with Rep. Kim, and New York state lawmakers are calling for Cuomo’s emergency powers to be stripped from him. Even fellow Democrats are beginning to call for Cuomo’s resignation or recall.

“Governor Cuomo has earned his title as Worst Governor in America, and now every New Yorker knows that he is a criminal sexual predator,” NY Rep. Elise Stefanik, a Republican, declared in a statement.

Andrew Cuomo

17 Known Connections

Former Aides Reveal Details of Cuomo’s Toxic Personality

In November 2020, former Cuomo aide and consultant Alexis Grenell described the governor as a “snarling attack dog who gaslights fellow Democrats and deploys staff to call his female critics ‘f—-g idiots.’” She characterized Cuomo’s promotion of his new book in which he discussed his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic — even as the pandemic continued to claim many victims across New York State — as an act of hubris. “St. Andrew, our savior of the spring, is now milking his 15 minutes of fame for an extra 30,” said Grenell. “The book is an undignified victory lap by the facts-first persona that won him legitimate praise to begin with, underscoring the point that for Cuomo it was always more about presentation than substance.”

Grenell called it “genuinely depressing” that Cuomo, who had recently won an Emmy Award for his televised news conferences about the coronavirus during the spring and summer of 2020, was now “so eager to be flattered by Ben Stiller,” one of the celebrities who had praised Cuomo for his award. “It’s almost hard to remember how he ridiculed two-time Emmy Award–winner Cynthia Nixon back in 2018 for being an unqualified celebrity,” Grenell said in a reference to Cuomo’s opponent in the 2018 Democratic gubernatorial primary. “Turns out he just wanted to trade places all along.”

“The self-described ‘cool dude in a loose mood,’ threw a Trump-style tantrum,” Grenell added, describing how Cuomo, during a recent press conference in Albany, “blew a gasket” when he called reporters “obnoxious and offensive” after they asked him if New York City’s public schools would be shut down because of rising numbers of COVID-19 infections in the city. Asserting that Cuomo is “more about presentation than substance,” Grenell said: “It’s why he and his staff reflexively insult anyone who criticizes his handling of the pandemic or insists on returning to the normal system of democratic governance as Jefferson envisioned it.”

To learn more about Andrew Cuomo, click here for his profile.


Law Enforcement Confirms What We Already Knew About The Capitol Riots, Obliterates Democrats’ Narrative

Not only was the break in ore-planned, I believe the left was behind the violence in order to silence all election integrity inquiries.

Law Enforcement Confirms What We Already Knew About The Capitol Riots, Obliterates Democrats’ Narrative

By Jeff Charles | Redstate Feb 23, 2021:

Here’s something the Democrats hope you will miss.

Law enforcement officials testifying before a joint Senate hearing on Tuesday confirmed their belief that the Jan. 6 riots at the U.S. Capitol building was planned before the day of the event. This information completely annihilates the Democrats’ narrative regarding the assault on the Capitol building.

The Hill reported, “Top current and former law enforcement officials testifying Tuesday before a joint Senate hearing on the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol told lawmakers that evidence pointed to coordination and planning behind the mob of people that overwhelmed Capitol Police officers during the attack.”

Former Capitol police chief Steven Sund told members of the Senate that several factors led the authorities to believe that the riots were preplanned, and not spontaneous as Democrats have suggested.

“I’m able to provide you a quick overview of why I think it was a coordinated attack. One, people came specifically with equipment. You’re bringing in climbing gear to a demonstration. You’re bringing in explosives. You’re bringing in chemical spray … you’re coming prepared,” he explained.

The former police chief also noted the pipe bombs outside of the Democratic and Republican party headquarters. He indicated that they were likely placed to distract law enforcement from the Capitol during the assault on the Capitol.

Acting D.C. Metropolitan Police chief Robert Contee III concurred with Sund’s assessment. He told lawmakers that he saw “hand signals being used by several of the insurrectionists,” along with communication via radio being used by others.

“A number of individuals linked to various right-wing groups, including the Oath Keepers and Proud Boys, have been arrested in the weeks following the attack in connection to the violence, while the FBI’s D.C. field office is currently searching for dozens of other people present during the attack,” according to The Hill.

Remember when the Democrats based their entire impeachment case on the notion that former President Donald Trump incited the assault on the Capitol in the speech he gave at the rally? Have you seen how they still pretend that the entire incident was his fault? Well, this story further debunks their deceptive narrative.

Still, it is evident that none of this matters to the left because they already know that their arguments are false. They were as dishonest with this matter as they were about Russia collusion. But, it’s no surprise that they have resorted to this level of deception. It’s easier than debating the issues, isn’t it?

RELATED ARTICLE: Democrat Ministry of Propaganda: DHS Blames “Right Wing Terrorists” for 2020’s Antifa/BLM Leftwing Terror

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

The Left Is Out To Demoralize America — We Cannot Let Them Win!

The left is out to demoralize America.  Both definitions of the word demoralize come into play in the case of leftist demoralization of America.  The first definition of demoralize is to “cause (someone) to lose confidence or hope; dispirit.”  The second definition of demoralize is to “corrupt the morals of (someone).”  If the left can cause people to lose their confidence or hope then they are more likely to fail their morals and fall to the corruption of the left.  Immorality is the left’s moral code.  We cannot let them win.

The left has no morals.   Truth is irrelevant to the left.  The left facetiously uses the word “equity” to disparage and discriminate against tens of millions of patriotic God fearing Americans.  The left makes up facts to meet their twisted agenda.  They twist laws to put right of center people in jail while ignoring laws that allow hardened criminals to run free in our neighborhoods and destroy cities.   The left’s hate for the values that the right cherishes is squarely in their bull’s eye for destruction.  The left is:

  • Repealing bail laws to let or keep criminals out of jail.
  • Not prosecuting laws that are intended to keep hardened, repeat criminals in jail and off the street.
  • Filling the ranks of top level national security positions with people who support the Council on American Islamic Relations, Antifa, Black Lives Matter and the Muslim Brotherhood.
  • Working to allow hundreds of thousands of foreigners with criminal records, terror associations, and cartel relations to cross our borders and stay in our neighborhoods every year.
  • Allowing unfettered entry into the United States from countries previously blocked because of their terror linked citizens.

Some people say the left’s extreme no holds barred policies that are focused on wrecking America are all about grabbing power.   So are millions of Americans really willing to turn their neighborhoods into havens for repeat, hardened offenders, illegal criminal aliens and imported terrorists?   Has the left’s zeal for power blinded them to the realities of what America will become under their reckless policies?  Maybe.  But I believe what motivates their blinded, reckless disregard for rational laws and public safety is their utter hate for people who are right of center, especially people of faith.

I am convinced after decades of being in the middle of the cultural battle to defend our values that the left has a deeply rooted hate for the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Jesus.  Jesus is quoted in John 15:18-20 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. 19 If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.”  John 15:18-25 explains the spiritual nature of the left’s hate.

Thankfully, as long as we have a voice we must:

  • Stand with and show support for rational policies of public officials and oppose irrational ones.
  • Express support to judges that issue rulings congruent with the United States Constitution that defend our values.
  • Encourage judges to make America’s public safety the priority over political correctness and leftist intimidation.
  • Urge Corporate America to stop advertising with networks and websites that promote leftist propaganda that inspires hate toward Christians, Jews and conservative minded patriots.
  • Encourage companies to stop supporting public policies that side with leftist extremism.
  • Defend the people in the media who are boldly reporting the truth and naming the people who are advancing leftist extremism.
  • Call upon certain members of congress to oppose bills that advance leftist extremism.
  • Provide reports to Americans regarding the consequences of the left’s free pass to criminals and terrorists.
  • Call on state and local officials to fill in the gap left void by the Biden administration.
  • Pray that the impact of the left’s horrific policies will change the hearts and political thinking of millions of Americans toward sanity and civility.

Some Americans are despondent over the political and social changes that are taking place.  We must not be deterred.  We must continue to stand.  We will continue to stand and make a difference.

©Florida Family Association, Inc. All rights reserved.

ACTION ALERT: Mainstream Contributors to Sexual Exploitation on NCOSE 2021 Dirty Dozen List Revealed

List Includes: Amazon, Chromebook, Discord, EBSCO, Netflix, Nevada, OnlyFans, Reddit, SeekingArrangement, Twitter, Verisign, & Wish 

Washington, DC (February 23, 2021)– The National Center on Sexual Exploitation (NCOSE) has revealed that Amazon, Chromebook, Discord, OnlyFans, and Wish are among its 2021 Dirty Dozen List of mainstream contributors to sexual exploitation. This year’s list features several entities that have profited from the COVID-19 crisis by taking advantage of worsening social and economic vulnerabilities and harnessing the dramatic increase in online activity.

“Our list highlights institutions that are facilitating and even profiting from sexual exploitation. Most of the targets greatly benefited from the pandemic, like Google, that saw shipments of Chromebooks double in 2020, but refused to proactively turn on safeguards for the millions of devices going to schools – leaving kids at risk of exposure to pornography and even predators. Others, like OnlyFans, took advantage of the increased vulnerabilities caused by COVID-19. Another target, Wish, irresponsibly advertises on Pornhub, thereby keeping this known exploiter in business,” said Lina Nealon, director of corporate and strategic initiatives for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation. 

“Corporations and popular brands shape our culture and influence the ways we communicate, what causes we support, and even how our children are learning in school. Unfortunately, many are also perpetuating harm and violence.

“These ‘Dirty Dozen’ are hereby put on notice. We encourage the public and governments to join us in holding these entities accountable, pressing on them to change exploitative policies and to prioritize human dignity over profit.

“We are also highlighting entities on our Watchlist – Snapchat, TikTok, and Visa  as they have made some improvements within the last year, but still have steps to take to fully confront and end harmful business practices with the appropriate urgency these issues demand,” Nealon added

The 2021 Dirty Dozen List includes:  

  1. Amazon – Amazon, the world’s titan of e-commerce, logistics, data storage, and media, also peddles endless amounts of sexual exploitation. As a social platform, Amazon’s Twitch is rife with sexual harassment, predatory grooming, and child sexual abuse. As an online retailer, Amazon is in the business of selling incest-themed porn, sex dolls, photography books with eroticized child nudity, and more. As a media creator, Amazon Prime Video inserts unnecessary, gratuitous nudity and simulated sex scenes into many of its original programming, while providing faulty parental controls. As a web host, AWS is host to many hardcore violent pornography and prostitution websites. Learn more and take action:
  2. Chromebooks – Google’s refusal to turn on safety features for Chromebooks distributed to schools has resulted in countless students being left exposed to sexually explicit material and sexual predators on their school-assigned devices. More than 40 million students and teachers worldwide were using these popular devices prior to the pandemic. Millions more received Chromebooks for virtual schooling after COVID-19 hit. Instead of helping, this trillion-dollar tech giant chooses to place the burden on overwhelmed schools and parents while leaving children at risk. Demand digital safety in schools: 
  3. Discord– The popular platform Discord allows users to connect and chat with each other in real time and it boasts over 100 million active monthly users. Discord has inadequate age verification procedures in place and relies on user reports to moderate much of its content. Hundreds of private and public channels are rife with sexually graphic, violent, and exploitative content, and children are at risk of exposure, grooming, and other predatory behavior. Discord must do more to protect kids:  
  4. EBSCO – EBSCO Information Services is the leading provider of online learning resources for schools and libraries. Though they market their products as “age and curriculum-appropriate,” graphic sexual content and live links to prostitution and pornography websites are easily accessible to K-12 students. EBSCO recklessly hosts material harmful for kids under the guise of education. EBSCO must make its products safe for minors:  
  5. Netflix – Netflix is a staple of at-home entertainment for over 150 million subscribers who stream their content. Mixed in with the hours of entertainment, though, is sexually graphic and degrading content. Netflix has improved its parental control system and added content warnings, but many Netflix Originals still contain gratuitous amounts of nudity or graphic sexual violence which are triggering for survivors and which normalize sexploitation without addressing the very real harms. Encourage Netflix to stop producing voyeuristic content: 
  6. Nevada - Legalized brothels in Nevada have proven to be a failed experiment. They also violate the U.S. Constitution’s  Thirteenth Amendment which bans involuntary servitude and slavery because of the trafficking associated with them. Evidence shows that a legalized sex trade increases demand from sex buyers and therefore increases sex trafficking as exploiters try to satisfy the market. Survivors are exposing the ugly truth about life behind brothel doors. By legalizing brothels, Nevada is profiting from sexual exploitation and abuse—just like any other pimp. Nevada is Not Safe for Women:
  7. OnlyFans - OnlyFans makes money off of vulnerable people’s bodies – especially the bodies of women and minors. Exploiting financial insecurities deepened by the COVID-19 crisis, OnlyFans promises fast cash, empowerment, and even fame. While “Fans” may pay fees for nude images, videos, and livestreams, it is the “creators” who pay the high price of psychological, emotional, and physical harm that the sex industry imparts. Expose OnlyFans for enabling sexual exploitation:
  8. Reddit– Reddit, known as the “front page of the Internet,” has become a hub of exploitation where sex buyers and other sexual predators meet to exchange non-consensually shared intimate images, hardcore pornography, and to give advice to each other about how to use and abuse. Prostitution, sex trafficking, and child sexual abuse material is also easily found on the site because Reddit refuses to institute strong policies and, despite being worth $3 billion, refuses to spend money on moderators and technology solutions to reduce sexual abuse and exploitation material surfacing on their site. It’s time Reddit was made accountable. Take action at 
  9. SeekingArrangement – SeekingArrangement is a “sugar dating” platform, “sugar dating” being just another term for prostitution. This company targets college students and people suffering from the economic uncertainty of COVID-19 in order to groom them to be sexually used by wealthier, older men. While the Apple App Store does not carry this prostitution app, Google Play does. #TimesUp for
  10. Twitter – Sexual exploitation is rampant on Twitter. Twitter allows countless posts and accounts that function as advertisements for the trading of child sexual abuse materials (i.e. “child pornography”), sex trafficking, prostitution, and pornography. Twitter also fails to adequately respond to child abuse and sex trafficking victims when they are being exploited on the platform. Twitter must be held legally accountable: 
  11. Verisign – Seventy percent of all webpages identified as containing child sexual abuse images were found on .com and .net domains according to the 2019 report from The Internet Watch Foundation. Verisign, a publicly traded U.S. company with annual revenues exceeding $1.23 billion, has exclusive management over the .com and .net generic top-level domains. While some other registries and registrars are working to disrupt domains associated with child sexual abuse material, Verisign refuses to take meaningful action and instead inhibits attempts to protect children. Congress must act. Take action at: 
  12. Wish – Wish, a top ten retail shopping website and app used by over 500 million people, is one of the few mainstream corporations still working with the world’s biggest sexual abusers—MindGeek and Pornhub—even though child sexual abuse material, depictions of actual rape and sex trafficking, and non-consensually shared intimate videos abound on the websites. Not only that, but Wish’s profits rest on the marketing of child-like sex dolls, spycams advertised as useful for filming women nude without permission, and misogynistic apparel. Wish is shopping made exploitative. Call on them to stop prioritizing profits over people!

The Watchlist includes:  

Snapchat – A third of US teens named Snapchat as their favorite social networking app. Unfortunately, this popular platform has been used by sex traffickers and predators to groom, abuse, and sell people, including kids.  Children as young as 13 have also been exposed to graphic sexual content through Snapchat’s Discover stories as sexual abuse, pornography, and prostitution accounts proliferate on the site. Snapchat’s made improvement recently, but it can still do much more to protect minors. Insist Snapchat make its space safer for teens. 

TikTok - TikTok has close to a billion monthly users – and many of them are minors. This incredibly popular app was considered a predator’s playground, as the platform enabled easy access to children by strangers. We applaud several major changes TikTok made in 2020 which include enhanced safety features for teens and extensive Community Guidelines. It is encouraging progress, but it is still too early to tell how well these changes will be implemented and we remain concerned about the extent of harmful content accessible by young users. Tell TikTok to keep up the trend of protecting kids. 

Visa – Visa rightly cut ties with Pornhub in 2020 after public outcry regarding the rampant sex trafficking and abuse videos on the porn website. However, Visa intentionally re-initiated a relationship with MindGeek (owner of Pornhub) and other pornography websites so long as they only published studio-produced videos. This action legitimizes an inherently abusive and exploitive industry. Further, Visa processes payments for brothels and prostitution websites. Call on Visa to reject profits from sexual abuse:

The Dirty Dozen List is an annual campaign highlighting 12 mainstream entities for facilitating, normalizing, and even profiting from sexual abuse and exploitation. Since 2013, the Dirty Dozen List has led to major victories in stemming sexual exploitation: catalyzing significant improvements at Google, Netflix, TikTok, Hilton Worldwide, Verizon, Walmart, the U.S. Department of Defense, and many more mainstream players. 

©National Center for Sexual Exploitation. ©All rights reserved.

Democrats Demand Cable Companies, Streaming Platforms Drop FOX, OANN, and Newsmax

Book banning, media ministry of truth, criminalizing political opposition, Goebbels-style propaganda……. the road to hell.

This will end badly.

House Democrats Push Cable Companies, Streaming Platforms to Drop Conservative Networks

By Chuck Ross February 22, 2021:

Two House Democrats sent letters Monday to a dozen television broadcasters suggesting that they stop airing Fox News, Newsmax, and One America News Network, a move which a Republican commissioner on the FCC called a “chilling transgression” aimed at de-platforming the conservative networks.

“Are you planning to continue carrying Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax on your platform both now and beyond the renewal date?” California Reps. Anna G. Eshoo and Jerry McNerney wrote in a letter to the companies.

“If so, why?” they asked.

The letters were sent to AT&T, Verizon, Roku, Amazon, Apple, Comcast, Charter, Dish, Cox, Altice, Alphabet and Hulu.

Eshoo and McNerney asked the companies what steps they took after the 2020 presidential election “to monitor, respond to, and reduce the spread of disinformation, including encouragement or incitement of violence by channels your company disseminates to millions of Americans?”

The lawmakers blamed the three conservative outlets for spreading disinformation about voter fraud that led to the attack on the U.S. Capitol building on Jan. 6.

They asserted that the cable and streaming companies “have done nothing in response to the misinformation aired by these outlets.”

Brendan Carr, a Trump-appointed commissioner on the Federal Communications Commission, called the letter a “chilling transgression” against the networks aimed at stifling editorial decisions and political speech.

“I call on my FCC colleagues to join me in publicly denouncing this attempt to stifle political speech and independent news judgment,” Carr said in a statement on Twitter.

“The Democrats are sending a message that is as clear as it is troubling — these regulated entities will pay a price if the targeted newsrooms do not conform to Democrats’ preferred political narratives.”

Eshoo and McNerney sit on the House Committee on Energy & Commerce, which will hold a hearing on Wednesday entitled “Fanning the Flames: Disinformation and Extremism in the Media.”

“Some broadcasters’ and cable networks’ increasing reliance on conspiracy theories and misleading or patently false information raises questions about their devotion to journalistic integrity,” Democrats on the committee wrote of the hearing.

“We look forward to hearing from media experts about what is being done and what more can be done to address this growing problem moving forward.”

Momentum has been building since the election to deplatform various conservative media companies and conservative personalities. The most prominent example is Twitter and Facebook’s banning of President Donald Trump following the Capitol riots.

Three other Big Tech firms, Apple, Google and Amazon, all cut access after the riots to Parler, the social media platform popular with conservatives.

The companies alleged that conservatives had used Parler to spread election-related disinformation and to organize the assault on the Capitol, though Facebook was mentioned far more often in charging documents against rioters who have been arrested so far.

RELATED ARTICLE: New York Democrats Announce Action Against Cuomo

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Amazon banned Parler and Islamocritical book, still sells jihadi and Nazi material

By their fruits we shall know them, and so we know them.

Amazon banned Parler and Islamocritical book, still sells jihadi and Nazi material

By :On how Amazon’s Sharia-enforcing Brownshirts recently deleted a book that criticized Islam, see here. But the flag of the jihad terror group Hamas, which encourages and glorifies the murder of innocent civilians? No problem! The leftist oligarchy that controls nearly everything now has no problem with jihad violence and Sharia oppression, only with opposition to those things.“Amazon’s 103 Hate Items: Serial Killers, Nazi Symbols, and Terrorist Flags,” by Corinne Weaver and Alec Schemmel, NewsBusters, February 16, 2021:

Amazon deplatformed the social media site Parler for violent content, but it has no problem providing violent, terrorist or Nazi content to its customers.

A flag from the terrorist group Hamas, a beanie that has the word “lynching” emblazoned across it, and a shirt with the slogan, “All My Heroes Killed Colonizers” are proudly sold on Amazon. In a previous study, the company was found selling a “Kill All Republicans” T-shirt. A shirt with an image of Jesus Christ wearing the crown of thorns had the logo, “Kill Your Idols” across it. Several pieces of jewelry and articles of clothing promoting Nazi symbols are also sold on the platform.

Now that Parler has made its return after Amazon Web Services deplatformed it, it’s also worth noting Amazon’s hypocrisy. In a previous study, the Media Research Center counted 204 instances of violent merchandise sold on the platform. Thirty-seven of those items were eventually removed by Amazon, but 167 on that original list remain. Combined with the 103 on the new list, the Media Research Center has counted 270 hateful, violent products currently sold on Amazon.

Terrorist-Affiliated Flags and Symbols

Amazon allegedly doesn’t tolerate violence. Its policies state: “Amazon does not allow products that promote, incite or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual or religious intolerance or promote organizations with such views. We’ll also remove listings that graphically portray violence or victims of violence.”

That’s simply not true. Several products promoting terrorist groups were found on the platform.

green flag with the Shahada, or Muslim phrase that is the basic statement of the Islamic faith, can be found on Amazon. The flag is carried by Hamas, an Islamic group designated as a terrorist organization by the United States State Department in 1997. In the item’s product description, the vendor writes, “FlagDistributor does not necessarily endorse any meanings or connotations you may assign to this or any other flag, ‘Meaning, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder.’ We support the spirit of the 1st Amendment to the U.S Constitution; Censorship is UnAmerican and we don’t practice it.” The URL of the product states “hamas.”

Additionally, a ring with a seal that bears a resemblance to the Al-Shabaab terrorist group from Somalia is sold as well. In 2008, the United States designated Al-Shabaab as a foreign terrorist group. Robert Spencer, the director of JihadWatch, informed the Media Research Center that “The round design on the ring is not the exclusive property or design of al-Shabaab. ISIS used the same design on its own flags.”

Finally, a black flag with the shahada emblazoned on it is also sold on Amazon. This flag appears to be the same style of flag that former Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin-Laden posed in front of during videos.

Nazi Symbols

Amazon sells at least 100 items affiliated with white supremacy and Nazi ideology. Ninety-seven of those items include Nazi or white supremacist symbols and runes listed on the left-wing Anti-Defamation Legue’s “Hate Symbols Database.” Amazon recognizes that historical memorabilia has a place in this world, stating in its vending policies that the company “reserves the right to make a determination on the historical value of the item.” However, even among some of the stamps and coins with swastikas and other Nazi symbols, several modern pieces of jewlery, patches, flags and apparel with slogans such as “Team Aryan Lifetime Member” and other hateful dogwhistles like “#akia” (A Klansman I Am) remain on Amazon….

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Twitter, LinkedIn, Google Adsense permenently banned us. Facebook, Twitter, Google search et al have shadowbanned, suspended and deleted us from your news feeds. They are disappearing us. But we are here. Help us fight. Subscribe to Geller Report newsletter here — it’s free and it’s critical NOW more than ever. Share our posts on social and with your email contacts.

VIDEO: Christian Palestinian unjustly held behind bars by Palestinian Authority appeals for help

In response to Jihad Watch’s recent articles about the suffering of Christians living under the Palestinian Authority’s thumb in Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, more information is flooding in that further exposes the Christians’ plight.

Moreen Botto contacted this writer regarding her husband Charlie Botto, who is behind bars in a Palestinian jail for signing her power of attorney for the management of his property in Jerusalem, as she is an Israeli resident.

The Palestinian Authority may justify the arrest on the pretext that the property may eventually go to Israeli businessmen, but an arrest such as this one becomes a powerful extortion tool while Charlie is held without any sort of arraignment. This Christian family today is being subjected to all sorts of extortion attempts.

People who live under the jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority rely on their family members who are either permanent residents or citizens of Israel to take care of their properties inside Israel’s borders, also known as the “green line.”

As of October 2020, Charlie Botto has been in dire straits in a below-ground cell in what is known as Amer’s Prison, which is located near the Church of Nativity. This has been a cause of devastation for this Christian family.

While Moreen Botto’s elder daughters Mona and Cynthia attend colleges in Hebron and in Jordan, her three younger children Joe, Tatiana, and Julian still attend schools in Bethlehem at a time when Moreen is desperately trying to provide for her family by running a modest business. Meanwhile, she is keeping herself fully abreast of any new development regarding her husband’s imprisonment.

Moreen’s ordeal continues as she reaches out to senior Palestinian officials to make them aware of Charlie’s arrest, despite the fact that he is not expected to be tried.

In her effort to be heard, she has been subjected to financial blackmail by members of Fatah, who keep assuring her they will inform Ramallah’s attorney general of her plight, but to no avail.

The tragedy of this Christian family has been ongoing for almost two decades. Farah Botto, Charlie’s father was killed in front of his house in Old Bethlehem by Fatah militants in May 2001, when he refused to keep paying protection money.

As the Intifadah began in October 2000, many Christian Palestinians suffered abuses and extortion attempts as Yasir Arafat turned to terror and violence in order to put pressure on the political process initiated after the Oslo Agreement, which was signed in Washington, DC in 1993.

A few months after her father-in-law’s assassination in old Bethlehem, Moreen Botto was drving near Bethlehem University when she witnessed Fatah militia members begin shooting at Farid Azizeh, a prominent Assyrian, and former Bethlehem council member. Azizeh lost his vision and had a damaged memory for the rest of his life due to wounds in his head caused by the bullets.

Farid Azizeh was determined that the son of a senior Fatah member, who drove recklessly and ran over his nephew Ghassan, would not be entitled to walk free without prosecution. He refused to accept money in exchange for his nephew’s blood and insisted that the senior Fatah member’s son should be tried for reckless behavior while driving a stolen Israeli car.

The Fatah militants decided to silence Azizeh, while the perpetrator of the hit-and-run incident was sent to live in another country so as not to cause friction with another Christian family that also had lost a son in the same accident.

One may question why Moreen Botto felt the need to contact this Jihad Watch writer, who in discussion with her was candid about the risks she was taking while Charlie was being held captive in a Palestinian prison.

While Mrs. Botto fears for her husband’s safety since he is held in an unheated cell during the winter while the Covid pandemic has severely affected the Bethlehem region, she has turned to Jihad Watch as a last resort to expose her tragic current situation.

Moreen Bottos’s attempt to send her husband Charlie adequate thermal clothing was recently turned away by the Palestinian jailers.

By bringing this matter to the attention of the public, Moreen Botto hopes her Israeli residency would mitigate the possibility of Palestinian retribution while hoping that Christian organizations in the United States will hear her family’s ongoing anguish.

On the other hand, in describing the deteriorating health conditions of Charlie Botto, his eldest daughter Mona Botto broke into tears while she explained that her father had been hospitalized three times thus far due to a stomach infection contracted while being initially detained at the Palestinian Preventive Security detention facility in Bethlehem. Moreover, she said that a periodontal disease that spread to her father’s mouth also resulted in his teeth being removed.

Moreen Botto and her children hope to make their plea through Jihad Watch also be heard at both the US Department of State and the US Congress, and by bringing this matter to their attention end this Christian family’s continuous agony.

Many years ago, another family member was forced to seek refuge in the UK after mentioning the assassination of Farah Botto by Fatah militants in 2001. This came in the context of her attempt to call attention to the plight of Palestinian Christians living under the Palestinian Authority’s jurisdiction.

As a result, her family had to endure serious reprisals by the Palestinian Authority, which drove her to openly challenge late Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat during one of his lectures at a London university.

Exacerbating the suffering of Christians in the Palestinian Territories is the fact that the Church does not speak out on their behalf, whereas the propagation of dhimmitude among the clergy has increased the burden on Christians in the land of Jesus.


Samir A. Zedan is a former Senior Counter-Terrorism Analyst at the US Department of State, and a former Development Outreach and Communication specialist at USAID/Iraq. He also was a journalist with major media outlets with assignments in the Palestinian Areas, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, and Europe.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.