Gaines Goes Toe-to-Toe with Dems on Biden’s Push to Erase Girls

By Family Research Council “Why is it always women fighting against sex-based protections?” Riley Gaines wondered. “That will forever be beyond me.” The former All-American swimmer could only shake her head at the latest attack on girls’ sports by Congresswoman Katie Hobbs (D-Calif.), the latest high-profile Democrat to throw her sex overboard in the raging battle […]

‘Theybies’: The Rise of ‘Gender-Creative’ Parenting [Video]

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities Activists abusing innocent childhood reading schemes to push gender ideology to infants make some parents feel queasy. The recent controversial feature on parents raising gender-neutral “Theybies” broadcast on Channel Nine’s 60 Minutes documentary strand caused quite a stir. Ideologically motivated parents were seen declaring their belief in referring to their children purely […]

Hunter Biden: More Shoes to Drop

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US The House Oversight Committee is now investigating six additional members of the Biden family for illicitly profiting off of Joe Biden’s political career, bringing the total to nine.  “The Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden’s political career and connections, and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for […]

Climate Crackpots Blame Global Warming on Rice

By The Geller Report They hate humanity. Gas stoves, no lightbulbs, no gas cars, no air-conditioning and now food that most of humanity survives on. Rice Is Now Killing The Planet, Apparently Its the thing most of humanity survives on By: Steve Watson, Summit News, April 18, 2023: Now it is firmly ensconced among the climate […]

Biden Crime Family Investigation Expands To ‘Six Additional’ Biden Family Members

By The Geller Report Newly accessed financial records show “the Biden family enterprise is centered on Joe Biden’s political career and connections, and it has generated an exorbitant amount of money for the Biden family”. Six more family members named. James Comer says new financial records have revealed six new Biden family members are involved in suspicious foreign […]

Dog Meat, Human Meat, and Other Wonders of Socialist Cuban Hunger

By Family Research Council I can imagine the face of the person who discovered that bag full of dog heads in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. Around those days in 2012, the tumultuous popular festivities of Humoranga had ended, and the local palate still remembered the fabulous skewers that, mysteriously, were being sold at […]

Biden’s HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra Violated The Hatch Act, Office of Special Counsel Says

By The Daily Caller Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra violated the Hatch Act after he advocated for the election of a Democrat, a new investigation found. Special Counsel Henry J. Kerner said in a letter to President Joe Biden that Becerra spoke “in his official capacity” at an awards gala in September of 2022, breaking […]

House Committee Has Identified ‘Six New Biden Family Members’ Involved In ‘Shady’ Transactions, Rep. Comer Says

By The Daily Caller Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky said Monday that investigators with the House Oversight Committee identified six more members of the Biden family involved in what he called “shady” transactions. “I have had staff there over the past two weeks. There are thousands of pages of documents relating to financial transactions,” […]

What’s In Your Wallet: The Inescapable Nagging Left

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US Some Woke corporations are getting their comeuppance.  Bud Light adopted a transgender spokesperson and was stung by conservatives boycotting the brand.  The CEO issued a non-apology saying he never intended to divide people, then pivoted to a new wrapped-in-the-flag ad campaign featuring the time-treasured Clydesdale horses. Bed Bath & Beyond removed MyPillow products from its […]

GOP Primary: Over Already? [Video]

By Dr. Rich Swier The Charlie Kirk Show asked a provocative question: GOP Primary — Over Already? The 2024 GOP primary is just ramping up…or is it already over? President Trump’s machine looks unstoppable and secondary candidates are dropping out without even announcing. Charlie breaks down the state of the race and what paths, if […]

Who is behind the agenda for world domination?

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. Much has been written about the New-World Order and the collapse of sovereign nations into the Global Community – nations without borders. Mentioned below is detailed information on the global financial elites who are establishing their agenda to create the New-World Order. The pending collapse of the U.S. Dollar and […]

Punching the Shark in the Nose

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US Sometimes it may seem like the jaws of the authoritarian Left are snapping shut, but the political Right is finding new and better ways to fight back.  One involves ridicule, which I’ll tell you about near the end of today’s commentary. The family of a donor to the University […]


By Kelleigh Nelson “The way to crush the bourgeoisie is to grind them between the millstones of taxation and inflation.” — Vladimir Lenin “Communism has never come to power in a country that was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.” — President John F. Kennedy “For us in Russia, communism is a dead […]

DeSantis Unveils Bill To Thwart Disney’s Special Privileges

By The Daily Caller Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced legislation Monday to nullify Disney’s last-minute agreements intended to curb the governor’s newly-formed state control board, which was designed to oversee Disney’s Reedy Creek Improvement District, the company’s special tax district. The district had anticipated DeSantis’ signing of legislation that would have revoked the corporation’s self-governing privileges, […]

The Invisible Politicians

By Bud Hancock The following definition of politics was taken from several of the top dictionaries in use today: Use of 1intrigue or 2strategy in obtaining any position of 3power or 4control, as in business, university, government etc. 1Intrigue: the use of underhanded 5machinations or deceitful 6stratagems 5machinations: crafty schemes; plots; intrigues 3power: the ability […]

The only climate change book you need to read

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities A combination of publish-or-perish pressure on scientists, desire for click-bait headlines on the part of the media, and a poorly-informed public may explain the hysteria. Say the phrase “climate change” to a certain class of generally well-educated and well-placed people, and you will hear how it is the most […]

A fresh look at the scandal of poverty in America, the world’s richest country

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities Regardless of its shortcomings, Desmond deserves much credit for telling harsh truths about the lives of the least fortunate members of society. Poverty, by America By Matthew Desmond. Crown. 2023. 304 pages Published to much acclaim in March, Matthew Desmond’s Poverty, by America focuses on one of the most distinctive aspects […]

Warning: SB 7050 Creates Many Problems for Florida’s Current Election System

By Royal A. Brown III Public confidence in our election process is critical for our Constitutional Republic to remain functioning as it was intended to by our Founding Fathers. The latest proposed Senate Bill 7050 fails to deliver that confidence to Florida’s citizens. Outlined below is a list of major concerns in this bill along […]

Former CDC Director Warned Fauci Not to ‘Give Terrorists Recipe’ to Modify Bird Flu to Kill 5%-50% of Infected

By The Geller Report Fauci’s nickname – mini-Mengele – is not hyperbolic. Redfield warned Fauci not to ‘give terrorists recipe’ to modify bird flu to kill 5%-50% of infected NIH-funded scientists published instructions for making such a pathogen cross the “species barrier” to humans, recounted former CDC Director Robert Redfield. By Greg Piper, Just The News, […]

CVS ‘Gender Transition’ Guide: Employees Must Use Preferred Pronouns, Can Use Bathroom Reflecting Identity

By The Geller Report Norming madness. They may use whichever restroom or locker room they wish regardless of whether the individual identifies as transgender. A target rich environment for pedos and pervs. CVS ‘gender transition’ guide says employees must use preferred pronouns, can use bathroom reflecting identity CVS employees may be entitled to medical leave […]

Advocates Say WPATH Could ‘Come Crashing Down’ As Judge Demands Treasure Trove Of Internal Documents

By The Daily Caller The World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) is facing a potential bloodbath, advocates say, after an Alabama judge subpoenaed a treasure trove of documents from the organization as part of an ongoing lawsuit over the state’s laws on transgender treatments. WPATH is a leading advocate of child sex changes, recently pushing […]

‘Brace For F*cking Impact’: Border Agents Are Being Told Very Little To Prepare For The End Of A Major Trump-Era Order

By The Daily Caller Border Patrol agents are saying they aren’t getting much information regarding preparations for a major surge in illegal immigrants when Title 42, a major Trump-era expulsion order, ends May 11 and fear that chaos could ensue as a result, according to agents and internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) document obtained […]

Society-Wide Lack of Restraint a Cause of Mass Shootings: Mohler

By Family Research Council Only two weeks after the Covenant School shooting in Nashville, another mass murderer killed six people and wounded nine at a shooting at Old National Bank in Louisville, Ky. The incident was “absolutely horrifying and frightening,” Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Theological Seminary in Louisville, said on “Washington Watch,” but that should make it […]

House Republicans Led by Rep. Andy Biggs Introduce Bills to Defund Manhattan DA Office

By The Geller Report A group of House Republicans led by Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., moved to defund Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg after he indicted former President Donald Trump on bogus criminal charges last week. There is something terrible wrong with the America system of “justice” if radical District Attorneys wield the powers of […]

Washington Passes Bill Allowing Children to Legally Be Taken From Parents if they Don’t Consent to Gender Mutilation

By The Geller Report Even Mengele did his vicious medical mutilation experiments in secret. The Democrats are mandating and  legalizing them – enforced minor sterilization, sexual mutilation surgery for minors. What’s next, imprisoning those who oppose? Washington Passes Bill Allowing Children to Legally Be Taken From Parents if Parents Don’t Consent to Gender Transition By […]

Ukraine’s Nazi Problem Gets Worse: Kyiv City Council Set to Name Street After SS Official

By The Geller Report Ukraine was an unapologetic supporter of the Nazis and has historically been a bastion of antisemitism. Ukraine has consistently voted against Israel at the U.N. and supported Israel’s enemies. The Ukrainian government honored two Third Reich collaborators and denied the mass murderer status of one of them. One Nazi collaborator extolled […]

Dutch Activist: ‘Politicians know when they control the food, they control the people’

By Matthys van Raalten Eva Vlaardingerbroek was the guest of Tucker Carlson. She is a Dutch legal philosopher, and she opposes the rise of the totalitarian state in the Western World. Watch as political activist Eva Vlaardingerbroek provides insight on why politicians are pushing people to eat bugs on special previewing of ‘Tucker Carlson Originals.’ […]

Planned Parenthood And Rachel Levine Partnered Up To Peddle Cross-Sex Hormones, Emails Show

By The Daily Caller Planned Parenthood, now a major provider of cross-sex hormones, collaborated with Rachel Levine and several LGBT groups and gender clinics while establishing programs to administer hormones, according to emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.  Levine’s assistant connected the local Planned Parenthood affiliate with a transgender clinic to set up […]

HERO: Trump Grilled for 7 Hours in AG Letitia James’ State Case, ‘Describing in Detail his Extraordinary Business Success.’

By The Geller Report The relentless political persecution of President Trump by far left racist radicals is the death knell of a once great now crime riddled banana republic of a city. A lawyer for Trump’s business said the Republican presidential contender spent nearly all seven hours “describing in detail his extraordinary business success.” Trump […]

Conservative Group Rolls Out ‘Woke Alerts’ to Combat Activist Corporate America

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. “Counter Punch” written by Floyd Brown, 40 year political consultant and Owner/Publisher Western Journal, discusses that America is about to go onto life support unless Americans arise and defend this exceptional nation. I enjoyed a conversation with Floyd on my show WATCH: Our founders gave us a gift if […]