PODCAST: Should Business Leaders Run the Country?

 Back in June 2011 I wrote a column titled, “Why Business Leaders Scare People.” This was triggered by then-private citizen Donald Trump considering a run for the 2012 presidential election, which eventually went to Mitt Romney as the Republican candidate who failed to take down President Obama. Prior to this, we hadn’t a true […]

Affidavit: Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China

D-bags cried Russia, Russia, Russia! for four tortured years, but refuse to consider the “unambiguous evidence” that Dominion Voter Systems servers were accessible to and were “certainly compromised by rogue actors.” “Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud. Digital Forensic Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server Connected to Iran and China: Affidavit Analysis Shows Dominion’s Server […]

TRUMP BATTLES FOR NEVADA: Exposing massive fraud in court.

Although Nevada’s Supreme Court ruled to certify the state’s election results, the Trump campaign’s lawsuit filed on Nov. 17 will get a hearing in court. On Wednesday, Judge James Todd Russell agreed to hear the Trump campaign’s most recent case on Dec. 3. Team Trump originally asked to depose 30 witnesses, but because of the Thanksgiving holiday, the judge saw fit […]

Saving The Republic From High Treason

“Sidney Powell is no joke. She served as a federal prosecutor for ten years and earned a national reputation as the attorney who swooped in, convinced Ret. Gen. Michael Flynn to withdraw his guilty pleas, and successfully pressured the Justice Department to drop its charges. She was a stalwart and regular presence in exposing the […]

‘Science says’ is a game anyone can play

“Science says” is a game Democrats have invented to tell us what to do. It’s like “Simon says” only for adults. How Do You Play Science Says? One person or a group assumes the role of the leader and calls out the actions. Everyone else must follow the leader and do the action, but only […]

Inspiring Message from the President!

“Relish the opportunity to be an outsider! Embrace the label! It is the outsiders who change the world!” (Turn on the sound!) ©Published by Ann Corcoran. View all posts by Ann Corcoran RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Praises Carter Page’s Lawsuit Against FBI And DOJ, Asks ‘Where’s Durham?’

Election Fraud Lawyer Powell Files Emergency Demand to Seize All Voting Machines for Forensic Audit

Sidney Powell files emergency demand to seize all voting machines for forensic audit Sidney Powell files emergency demand to seize all voting machines for forensic audit By: Jon Dougherty | Business Insider | November 29, 2020 | Powell’s suit, filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia, also seeks an “emergency declaratory […]

Affidavit: DVS, Scytl/SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic are vulnerable to data manipulation by unauthorized means

In a sworn affidavit Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia stated: I conclude that a combination of lost cryptographic key contained on stolen USB memory cards, serious exploitable system and software vulnerabilities and operating system backdoor in DVS, Scytl, SOE Software/eClarity and Smartmatic created the perfect environment to commit widespread fraud in all states where these systems are […]

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE: Michael Flynn’s First Interview Since President Trump’s Pardon

 ©WVW-TV. All rights reserved. RELATED ARTICLE: Chicago Clerk Illegally Gave Dominion $32 Million Contract, Breaking State Law TRANSCRIPT Courtesy of Natural News. Brannon Howse: Lieutenant General Michael Flynn and his longtime friend, Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, and national intelligence researcher and author Mary Fanning. Yes, General Flynn joins us tonight. His first interview since his […]

8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called, Republicans LEAD ALL 8 RACES

In every case in late reporting races, the Republican has won. Bye, Nancy. 8 U.S. House Races Still Have Not Been Called. Republicans Lead All 8 Races. The results from eight U.S. House races have still not been finalized in the 2020 elections nearly four weeks after election day. The Republican candidates in all eight races […]

McLaughlin Poll: TWO-THIRDS of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts

The D-bag/media is losing its power every day ….. We’re Americans. Of course we want a fair, honest election. Newsmax/McLaughlin Poll: Two-Thirds of Nation Backs Trump on Recounts More than two-thirds of the nation says it is fair for President Donald Trump to ask for a recount in key states, according to a new Newsmax/McLaughlin […]

VIDEO: CNN’s Fareed Zakaria Explains How Trump Can Win

The Constitution does not give the right to choose the President directly to the people via a popular vote! I wonder if the Left went crazy when Zakaria so clearly articulated a LEGAL  path for Trump to stay in the White House for four more years. Here is what he said as featured on Twitter. Zakaria […]

VIDEO: Rep.-Elect Burgess Owens Announces ‘Freedom Force’ To Fight Leftist ‘Squad’

Republican Utah Rep.-elect Burgess Owens said Friday that he looks forward to being part of the “Freedom Force” in Congress to counter the Democratic “squad.” “We have a ‘Freedom Force’ versus ‘Squad’,” Owens explained to Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle,” describing the newly elected GOP House members who oppose the leftist “Squad” led by Democratic […]

Trump Officially Wins Ohio As State Certifies Election Results

The state of Ohio certified its election results Friday giving the win to President Donald Trump, who has still not conceded the election. “I’m fully confident Ohio’s voice was heard in a fair and honest election,” Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose said in an interview with News Center 7. According to Fox News, Trump won the […]

Black Voices for Trump File Election Challenge

The challenge has been filed by the same stealth legal team that filed and won almost all of my free speech lawsuits. Election Challenge Filed in Michigan Supreme Court! By: AFLC,  November 28, 2020: (Lansing, MI – November 27, 2020) – Early on Thanksgiving morning, the American Freedom Law Center, along with associated counsel acting as […]

Six More Items on Electoral Fraud [Let me count the ways if possible] and some police as thugs

1. At this point its a challenge just to find out how many ways the Democrats cheated. 2. Jason Kenney loses the credibility he should have lost with conservatives over his immigration policies long ago. "$1,000 fines and 700 peace officers" 700 police to harass, intimidate, ticket and arrest Albertans for visiting friends? This […]

In 2012 We Asked: How Did Voter Fraud go from a Cottage Industry to Big Business? Here’s the answer!

In 2012 we wrote an article titled How Voter Fraud went from a Cottage Industry to a Big Business. We wrote: Many of my fellow journalists are focused on Governor Rick Scott and his efforts to insure Florida’s voter rolls do not have ineligible voters on them.  The question is how did we get to this point […]

Four Items Suggesting Something Rotten in the Swing States for Biden

1. Judge Hands President Trump A Swing State Victory – Donald Granted A Chance In Court To Overturn Results In Nevada In Nevada, the Trump legal team just scored a significant court win that could actually change the outcome in the blue state. From MSN: In its first court victory, a Nevada judge has agreed to […]

WATCH Election Think Tank: Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

Overwhelming. Significant #evidence of #VoteFraud was revealed through data analysis and investigations by @MattBraynard, executive director of Look Ahead America. We had the pleasure of sitting down with him and discuss his findings. 🔥WATCH HERE👉 — Crossroads with Joshua Philipp (@crossroads_josh) November 27, 2020 “We ran six different analyses, in fact seven in […]

Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — Disputes Statewide 2020 Election Results

It is indeed happening. It’s Happening: Pennsylvania State Legislature Files Resolution — DISPUTES STATEWIDE 2020 ELECTION RESULTS By:  Gateway Pundit, November 27, 2020: It is clear the Pennsylvania 2020 election was wrought with fraud and criminal conduct. President Trump led by nearly 700,000 votes on election night. Democrats dumped hundreds of thousands of votes to […]

Trump: Biden Must ‘Prove’ His 80,000,000 Votes Weren’t ‘Illegally Obtained’

President Donald Trump appeared to walk back his Thursday commitment to a peaceful transfer of power with a Friday morning tweet. Trump, on his way to a round of golf at Trump National Golf Club, wrote that President-elect Joe Biden “Biden can only enter the White House as President if he can prove that his […]

VIDEO: Diabolical Detroit — Evil never stays isolated.

 TRANSCRIPT Evil is never compartmentalized. It spreads like a grease fire, overflowing into all aspects of a place. A person is not both good and evil at the same time. And for clarity, we aren’t talking about people simply sinning, giving in to temptation and then going to confession. We are talking about the embrace of […]

VIDEO: Matt Braynard — Evidence of Vote Fraud Enough to Flip States

CrossRoads reports: Significant evidence of vote fraud was revealed through data analysis and investigations by Matt Braynard, executive director of Look Ahead America. We had the pleasure of sitting down with Matt Braynard to look over his data and discuss his findings. WATCH:  ©Crossroads. All rights reserved. Crossroads is an Epoch Times show available on Facebook and YouTube. RELATED VIDEO: Lawyer details many […]

COVID: How Democrats are Slowly, but Surely, Forcing Americans to ‘Submit’

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” ― Leon Trotsky QUESTION: Are the policies of Democrats slowly starving Americans to death? This question […]

VIDEOS: Testimony of Key Witnesses and Legal Council on the 2020 Election Fraud

Excerpt of Penn Senate hearing: Colonel in Information Warfare explains what he witnessed on election night.  Expert testimony from Navy fraud expert on the November 3rd election in the US  Worthy interview by expert on election fraud, attorney Lin Wood by Judge Jeanine.  RELATED TWEET: "They got caught." – President Trump fires […]

Why President Trump Will Win

Why Trump Will Win “Absolutely frightening” evidence of entrenched fraud. By: Joseph Hippolito, FPM, Wed Nov 25, 2020 During his campaign rallies, President Donald Trump proclaimed, “We got ’em all” or “We have it all!” In the coming weeks — if not days — Americans will find out specifically what he means. Those specifics promise […]

Sidney Powell sues Michigan and Georgia officials, alleging massive scheme to rig election for Joe Biden

Excerpt from Sidney Powell lawsuit, “As explained and demonstrated in the accompanying redacted declaration of a former electronic intelligence analyst under 305th Military Intelligence with experience gathering SAM missile system electronic intelligence, the Dominion software was accessed by agents acting on behalf of China and Iran in order to monitor and manipulated elections, including the […]

Twitter Blocks Links to Sidney Powell Election Lawsuit

As soon as Sidney Powell filed her election fraud lawsuits in Georgia and Michigan. Twitter banned her WEBSITE fro Twitter rendering her links dead. This is the hallmark of totalitarianism. Twitter won't let you read a legal document. Amazing. — Ian Miles Cheong @ (@stillgray) November 26, 2020 Breitbart: Twitter is blocking users […]

Proof that Biden/Democrats represent the rich and elite and Trump/Republicans represent the working class

I was doing research on how many counties each presidential candidate won in 2016 and 2020. What I found was both shocking and very revealing. The Data I came across the below chart in a Brookings Institute column by Mark Muro, Eli Byerly Duke, Yang You, and Robert Maxim titled Biden-voting counties equal 70% of America’s economy. What […]

All Logs, Evidence of Election Fairness in Pennsylvania GONE! Here's a quick blast of videos from the last hour or so of the special off-site hearing from Republican Senators in Pennsylvania. Data Scientist from Delaware County told that 47 USB cards are missing with 50K votes.2/ — Justin Hart (@justin_hart) November 25, 2020 RELATED VIDEO: We caught them!  RELATED ARTICLES: Pa. […]