Biden’s Handlers’ Freeing of Guantanamo Detainee Highlights the Confusion and Failure of the ‘War on Terror’

Abdul Latif Nasser spent nineteen years in the Guantanamo prison camp without charge. This was a tremendous injustice, and was born of the confusion about what exactly we were facing after 9/11 in the first place. Bush called it a “war on terror,” and so we put enemy combatants in a prison camp. In past […]

Democrats’ Lawless Governments Can Get Even Worse

It has taken 72 years since the publication of the book 1984 for us to finally arrive at being led by President Orwell. He has been sending out his shock troops to convince Americans not to believe their own eyes and ears and blame Republicans for defunding the police and surging crime. They are truly […]

Charter Flights Getting Ready to Fly Thousands of Afghans to American Cities

VIDEO: Illegal Immigrants from Ghana, Brazil, Chile Welcomed Across U.S. Border. I’ve been writing about this news over at RRW, but figured that since I have more readers here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ it is important to mention it here as well. What has me so annoyed is that virtually no reports I have seen, about the soon […]

Antisemitism in America: What would Émile Zola say?

Eerily, the hatred of French Jews during the Dreyfus Affair foreshadowed the antisemitic slogans that now fill the American landscape. Though hate-crimes against Jews appeared to spike during the recent Gaza hostilities, the escalation was actually part of an antisemitic trend that began more than a decade ago and steadily worsened with the complicity of […]

Alleged Iranian Kidnap Plot Targeted Iranian/American Dissident In Brooklyn

Connecting the immigration dots Biden ignores.  On July 13, 2021 the Department of Justice issued a press release that announced, Iranian Intelligence Officials Indicted on Kidnapping Conspiracy Charges. The subtitle of that press release provides a bit more information: Iranian Intelligence Services Allegedly Plotted to Kidnap a U.S. Journalist and Human Rights Activist from New York City […]

The Danger Of Wokeness In Uniform

The surrender to leftist ideology among military leaders endangers all Americans.   Until recently, decades of failed senior officer leadership in a series of disastrous American military interventions, from Vietnam to Afghanistan—operations that compromised basic principles of military leadership and produced a stable of morally bankrupt sycophants in the senior ranks of the armed forces—awakened […]

Implications of the Arizona Audit- Part II

The widening implications will likely depend on whether the results show there has been significant discrepancy or fraud, whether those results are credible and believable, and whether the press actually covers the story and public opinion shifts. Once Republicans believe they have a solid case, then strategies will need to be developed to go into […]

A Question of the Day From Just Facts Daily

The following question was recently posed in Just Facts Daily. The question stimulated The Prickly Pear Editors’ comments follow the explanation of the answer.   What portion of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. have false identity documents that might allow them to illegally work, vote, and receive welfare? Is it 10%, 25%, 50%? And your […]

Austria Becomes the First European Country to Ban the Muslim Brotherhood’s Activities Outright

This won’t happen in the U.S., as long as Biden’s handlers are in power. They’re actively collaborating with Brotherhood entities in the U.S. Austria Bans Muslim Brotherhood and Sets New Standard In the Fight Against Islamist Extremism EU-Policies, July 13, 2021: Last week, the Austrian National Assembly passed an act targeting the activities of ISIS […]

EXPOSED: The Most Comprehensive PROOF of Election Fraud in Georgia

Editors’ Note: This video is representative of what is occurring in several of the states many Americans believe election fraud occurred and determined the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election. Currently in Arizona the forensic audit is moving toward completion with findings made known in the near future. The Democrat assault on the Arizona audit […]

Maricopa County Auditors Seek Ballot Envelope Images, Splunk Logs After Discovering Discrepancies

Teams conducting a forensic audit in Arizona’s largest county said on July 15 that they want more items to complete their review, which has turned up several major discrepancies. The auditors, led by Florida-based Cyber Ninjas, want ballot envelope images, router images, splunk logs, hard drives that contain information about the 2020 election in Maricopa County, and details […]

VIDEO: The Many Faces of the BDS Movement

 Omar Barghouti founded the Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement in July 2005 after becoming a founding committee member of the Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI) in 2004 (PACBI joined the BDS campaign in 2005). He also co-founded the Palestinian Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions National Committee (BNC) in November 2007. […]

Oklahoma City: African ‘Man’ Charged with Sexually Assaulting Convenience Store Clerk

Here we go again, get out your secret decoder ring to try to figure out where this likely ‘new American’ came from and how he got here, but good luck with that! Every time I am sent a story like this the question I am asked is—is this guy a refugee?  And, every time I […]

VIDEO REPORT: U.S. Navy NOT FIT FOR WAR Because of Risk Averse, Politically Correct, Control-Freak Top Brass

Watch former President Trump adviser KT McFarland’s and Senator Tom Cotton’s analysis below. A woke U.S military will not be able to deter or defeat China. This alarming report commissioned by members of Congress on the U.S Navy, should frighten every American who cares about the stability of the world. Naval officers are losing confidence […]

Long-Suffering Cuban People Yearn for Economic Freedom

Thousands of Cubans have taken to the streets, demanding greater economic freedom and an end to the country’s socialist dictatorship. The rallies, quite notable for a country that limits and suppresses dissent, unambiguously stem from a deepening economic crisis, particularly worsened by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. It’s not surprising that after decades of suffering from […]

Islamic Republic of Iran Sent Goons to Kidnap Iranian Freedom Activist in NYC and Take Her Back to Iran

Meanwhile, they were sitting down with Biden’s handlers to demand the end of sanctions. The mullahs know that there is nothing they can do that will make Biden’s handlers not want to give them everything they want. Iranian Operatives Planned to Kidnap a Brooklyn Author, Prosecutors Say by Benjamin Weiser, New York Times, July 13, 2021: […]

Identifying The “Root Causes” of The Migrant Crisis On The Southern Border: Conclusion

This series of articles began with a number – 891,213 encounters with undocumented aliens reported by the Border Patrol on the southern U.S. border during the first nine months of this fiscal year.  That number was followed by a statement by Vice President Harris that she would focus her attention on determining the “root causes” […]

#FREECUBA! Watch Massive ANTI-COMMUNIST Protests Erupt, Cubans Demand End To Communist Dictatorship

Cuba cut off all internet in attempts to censor protests. They fought for too long. A change gonna come✊🏼🇨🇺 — OkJose (@OkJoseTV) July 12, 2021 The courageous people of Cuba desperately yearn for freedom after decades of socialist and communist rule. Let’s see how Bernie Sanders, AOC, Tlaib, and Omar respond to the freedom […]

IG REPORT: Islamic Terrorists Lead Religious Services in 25% of U.S. Federal prisons

Prisons are a notorious hotbed of jihad recruitment. Who better to target than the violent, broken and disenfranchised? Why would authorities give violent jihadis access to the general population? In no fewer than five states, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Michigan, Muslims make up 1 out of 4 or 1 out of 5 prisoners. […]

Governor Ron DeSantis & Florida Republicans Lead Response To Support Freedom Protests Erupting In Cuba

Florida is ground zero for freedom and liberty. That is why much of the country is flocking to the Sunshine State. Remember how Obama empowered Castro and the communists? Florida supports the people of Cuba as they take to the streets against the tyrannical regime in Havana. The Cuban dictatorship has repressed the people of […]

Going Postal: How the Left Will Use Vote by Mail to Federalize Elections

In the lead up to 2020, big philanthropy and progressive Democrats teamed up to make mail-in ballots the new normal. If anyone thinks the flood of mail-in ballots the country witnessed in 2020 was just a one-off fluke, they haven’t been paying attention. Vote by mail is the future of American democracy, with all the […]

What is China doing?

On May 26, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that he had asked the U.S. intelligence community to redouble its efforts to determine the origins of the COVID-19 virus. The U.S. findings are expected in about 90 days. So now we know what the Biden administration is doing, but what will the Chinese government, or the […]

Identifying The “Root Causes” of The Migrant Crisis On The Southern Border: Part III

The third article in this series examines the “root causes” of migration from Guatemala and El Salvador. So far this fiscal year, the Border Patrol reports having encountered 153,478 people from Guatemala and 49,845 from El Salvador on the southern border (Southwest Land Border Encounters (By Component) | U.S. Customs and Border Protection ( Much […]

What Portion Of The “American Rescue Plan” of 2021 Was Devoted To Funding The Police?

Correct Answer? 0%, nothing , zero, zilch, nada At two recent White House press conferences, Biden Press Secretary Jen Psaki declared that Republicans defunded the police because they did not vote for the “American Rescue Plan” of 2021. This law, which was passed by Democrats without any Republican votes, does not mention “police,” “law enforcement,” […]

Cracks in the Great Wall-Part One: The CCP at 100 Years

The Chinese Communist Party recently celebrated its 100th birthday, which came accompanied by grand celebrations and a stirring speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping. In the speech Xi recounted the history of the party and the achievements of the People’s Republic of China. He also reiterated some of China’s top priorities such as continuing to […]

Biden’s handlers to ‘prioritize’ pushing Israel to stop demolishing jihad terrorists’ homes

Not prioritized: getting the “Palestinians” to stop paying jihad terrorists and their families. Not prioritized: getting the “Palestinians” to stop shooting rockets at Israeli civilians. Not prioritized: getting the “Palestinians” to end their genocidal jihad rhetoric. Not prioritized: getting the “Palestinians” to stop training their children to hate and murder Israelis. US now to ‘prioritize’ […]

How We Can Fix Our “Made in China” Problem

Many years ago when Woody Allen was still kosher, he wrote a joke about his brother-in-law who thought he was a chicken. Cutting to the punch line, Allen confessed that the family didn’t want to take the fowl-minded brother-in-law for treatment because “we need the eggs.” Consider the tale an apt parable of America’s China […]

U.S. Troops at Fort Bliss Forced to Wear IDs with Race and Social Class During Diversity Training

How to destroy the military…. divide and conquer. U.S. Troops at Fort Bliss Forced to Wear IDs with Race and Social Class During Diversity Training Kristina Wong, Breitbart News, July 2021: Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) this week revealed several instances where service members were forced to classify themselves by race and socio-economic status during diversity […]

Tlaib Calls for Defunding Border Protection, Immigration Enforcement and Department of Homeland Security

One might almost get the impression that she wants America defenseless before its enemies, if it weren’t for the establishment media and the political elites reassuring us of how patriotic she is. Rashida Tlaib calls to defund immigration agencies amid border crisis by Mark Moore, New York Post, July 8, 2021: ​Rep. Rashida Tlaib, original […]

These Woke Firms Are Sponsoring China’s Genocide Games

“I never said that I hated the country,” third-place hammer thrower Gwen Berry told CNN after turning away from the United States flag as the national anthem played during this week’s Olympic trials. “All I said was I respect my people enough to not stand or acknowledge something that disrespects them.” Berry’s statement echoes that […]