Biden Ends War On Radical Islamist Terrorists ‘Over Here’ and ‘Over There’

Too bad the terrorists aren’t calling it quits. On July 2, 2021 CNN reported, All US forces have left Bagram Air Base, as US withdrawal from Afghanistan nears completion.  That report began with these three paragraphs: (CNN) The last US troops have left Bagram Air Base, according to a US defense official, marking the end of the […]

Identifying the “Root Causes” of the Immigration Crisis on the Southern Border: Part II

This is the second in a series of articles exploring the “root causes” of the migrant crisis on the southern U.S. border, focusing on the four largest identified sending countries – Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador.   From the beginning of the current fiscal year on October 1, 2020, through June 3, 2021, Border […]

The Palestinianization of Children’s Books – Spreading the Evil Culture

Now, they take him and they teach him and they groom him for life And they set him on a path where he’s bound to get ill Then they bury him with stars Sell his body like they do used cars [Refrain] Now, there’s a woman on my block She just sits there facing the […]

Group Biden Removed From Terror List Show Gratitude by Screaming ‘Death to America!’

My latest in PJ Media: When Donald Trump had the Yemeni Shi’ite Houthis, a client group of the Islamic Republic of Iran, designated as foreign terrorists, the Leftist political and media establishment was (as always regarding anything and everything Trump did) outraged. No fewer than twenty-two aid groups that were operating in Yemen demanded that the designation be […]

The 1776 Project: The Ongoing Battle over Tyranny

Editors’ Note: The 1776 Report is the product of a commission announced on Constitution Day, September 17, 2020 by President Trump to summarize in accurate terms the principles of the American founding and how these principles have shaped our country. Its purpose was to advise the President and the nation how to prepare for the […]

College Roommates of Muslim Who Stabbed Rabbi in Boston Say He’s ‘Violent’ and ‘Very Much Anti-Semitic’

Violent and anti-Semitic. Wow, I’m totally stumped. Is Khaled Awad a white supremacist? After all, what other ideology inculcates violence and anti-Semitism? College Roommates Of Khaled Awad, Suspect In Brighton Rabbi Stabbing, Say He Was ‘Very Much Anti-Semitic’ by Kristina Rex, CBS, July 2, 2021: BRIGHTON (CBS) – College roommates of Khaled Awad, the man accused […]

Identifying The “Root Causes” Of The Migrant Crisis On The Southern Border: Part 1

Numbers alone do not tell the whole story of the migrant crisis on the southern border, but they do tell a lot. According to official statistics released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection, from the beginning of the current fiscal year on October 1, 2020, through June 3, 2021, Border Patrol agents reported 891,213 encounters […]

Democrats and Our Enemies Advance the Same Agendas: Is There a Difference Between Them?

The Red-Green Axis has been hard at work promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT), anti-Semitism and every other anti-American trope being advanced by today’s Democrat Party. For the uninitiated, the Red-Green Axis refers to the active collusion between the extreme Left and Islamic jihadis. It is difficult to tell the difference between these groups and today’s Democrats. Were […]

State Governors Defend National Sovereignty On The Southwestern Border

The concept of national sovereignty is central to the contemporary international system. One of the generally accepted aspects of national sovereignty is the ability of a government to exercise control of its national territory within defined borders, and to control who crosses those borders, where, and when. The United States shares a nearly 2,000-mile border […]

Political Theater Is Not A Substitute For Strategy: Vice President Harris Visit To El Paso

Vice President Harris’s visit to El Paso last Friday marked her first official visit to the southwest border as the Biden Administration’s “border czar.” After a few hours of largely symbolic activity – she visited a migrant processing center, posed for photographs with Border Patrol agents and local officials, and made a speech – she […]

BOSTON: ‘Dark/Middle Eastern’ Man Viciously Stabs Rabbi in Front of Jewish Day School

UPDATE: Khaled Awad Arrested in Brutal Stabbing of Boston Rabbi Outside of School — Tea Party Patriots (@TPPatriots) July 3, 2021 Jihad? Islamic anti-Semitism? Possibly. But in any case there is no doubt that the rise in anti-Semitism is tied to the Left’s increasingly virulent anti-Israel rhetoric. Boston: Muslim identified as man who stabbed […]

Op-Ed: An Unflinching Guide To Biden’s Immigration Fiasco

The crisis of illegal immigration – to give this calamity its true name – is growing increasingly grave. The reason is no mystery. The Biden administration replaced policies that staunched the illegal flow of migrants with policies that actually encourage it. Instead of securing the U.S. border, the administration says it wants to deal with […]

Arizona Resident: ‘As Much as Biden Is Letting Us Down, He Is Letting Illegal Immigrants Down as Well’

The Biden administration and its allies promote the narrative that Americans who support border security are racist, xenophobic, or uncompassionate, at best. But after six long months living with the U.S.-Mexico border crisis, border residents are frustrated and angry over the blatant disregard the administration has demonstrated—not only for the security and well-being of its […]

As Crime Rises, Biden’s Approval Numbers Drop

Last week we learned that the Harris/Biden Administration is not doing so well as the border situation continues to fester. And, this week we learn from a YahooNews/YouGov poll that the Biden team and their continued attacks on law enforcement (while soft on criminals) isn’t sitting well with Republicans AND Democrats. You can bet the poll skewed Left and still they […]

Trump: Joe Biden is Either ‘Incompetent’ or Actually Wants Open Borders

Speaking at an event on border security in Texas with Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX), Republican members of Congress, and law enforcement officials, former President Donald Trump questioned whether President Joe Biden and his administration actually wanted open borders. “I mean the real question is, do they really want open borders? Or are they incompetent?” Trump asked. Trump recalled […]

Federal law enforcement agencies conduct clandestine surveillance of thousands of U.S. citizens with the help of Microsoft

“Targeting of Americans’ records ‘routine’” – Tom Burt, Microsoft Executive The country is no longer America. Ignorance is no longer an excuse. Microsoft exec: Targeting of Americans’ records ‘routine’ Federal law enforcement agencies secretly seek the data of Microsoft customers thousands of times a year, according to congressional testimony Wednesday by a senior executive at […]

Jihad-Rep. Ilhan Omar Defends Comments Comparing USA and Israel To Mass Murdering Islamic Terrorists

Awful. Sanctioned by the Democrat party of jihad, Jew hatred and election theft. Will @USJewishDems join us in calling out @Ilhan Omar for saying Jewish members of Congress aren't "partners in justice?" Or, is the JDCA and @HalieSoifer going to show us all, once again, that they're frauds? Video from today: — RJC (@RJC) […]

WATCH: President Trump on the Border in Texas

Watch what real leadership looks like. Daily reminder: Trump won. THANK YOU TEXAS! 🇺🇸🦅 — Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 (@DanScavino) June 30, 2021 LIVE: President Trump Visits The Border In Weslaco, TX for Border Wall Tour 06/30/21 — RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) June 30, 2021 HAPPENING NOW: Trump at the Wall! — Christina Bobb (@christina_bobb) […]

Blinken Presses U.S. Allies to Bring Back Islamic State Jihadis

Yeah, come on, people. What could possibly go wrong? Sure, they might commit a jihad massacre here or there, but what’s a few deaths compared to the horror of being Islamophobic? US Blinken presses allies to repatriate Islamic State fighters France24, June 28, 2021 (thanks to Henry): Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Monday pressed US […]

INSURRECTION: Soros-Funded Sunrise Movement Besieges White House

Activists from the far-left, George Soros-funded group the Sunrise Movement launched an insurrection at the White House on Monday, blocking every entrance and demanding that the Biden administration put climate change-related initiatives at the forefront of its agenda, particularly regarding the ongoing infrastructure negotiations. Radical socialist Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), who whined for months that the so-called “insurrection” by Trump […]

VIDEO: Southern Border: A Rio Overflowing with Crime

 Kamala Harris has a big problem, and Joe Biden to thank for it. Since the president assigned his vice president to oversee the crisis at the southern border over three months ago, “thousands upon thousands of illegal immigrants have already streamed into our nation at levels not seen in two decades,” according to Congressman […]

Biden and Blinken Have Failed to Confront International Jihad Terrorism — TAKE ACTION!

In 2020, candidate Joe Biden promised to “rally the world” to fight “transnational terrorism.” Yet President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have failed to confront and impose sanction/penalties upon Turkey and Azerbaijan for financing, arming, and deploying the most notorious jihadist terrorists/mercenaries. These include: ISIS, the Hamza Division, Sultan Murad Brigade, Sultan Suleyman Shah Brigade, Al-Amshat […]

AOC Pans Crime Surge Fears as ‘Hysteria,’ Calls to Defund Police

In an online discussion with fellow radical Rep. Jamaal Bowman on Friday, anti-police Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) doubled down on defunding police, dismissing concerns about a surge in crime as mere “hysteria.” “We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases,” AOC said, referring to a recent New York Times headline about surging crime. “Now, I want to say that any […]

The Re-Settlement By The Indigenous Jews of Israel

Archaeology and recorded history, including the Torah, evidence Jewish indigenous status. You cannot settle your own land or occupy your own land, and those who use those words do so to deny all history and law in the service of antisemitism. Islamists and their Leftist allies in the West, have a hard time understanding and […]

Biden Under Fire Over Potential Border Policy Change As Illegal Immigration Continues To Surge

As illegal immigration continues to surge at the southern border, President Joe Biden is under fire for reports that his administration is considering changing a key immigration policy to allow more people to enter the country. Former President Donald Trump enacted a policy called Title 42 in March of last year to allow federal border […]

Biden’s Handlers Walk Back Trump’s Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory

We’re back in full-on Obama mode now, betraying allies and giving aid and comfort to enemies. It will not, of course, end well. Biden Admin Walks Back U.S. Recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli Territory by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, June 24, 2021: The Biden administration is walking back the United States’ historic recognition of […]

Defeating Big Brother today!

“If you don’t like the road you’re walking, start paving another one.” – Dolly Parton We all know that every digit we press on our smart phone, every letter we hit, every person we call, every word we or they speak is recorded, stored, listened to and could well be used against us one day […]

Nolte: A Drag Queen-Loving Military Can’t Defend You. Go Buy an ‘Assault’ Rifle

When the U.S. military starts sanctioning drag queen shows, it’s time to buy an “assault rifle,” or ten. Remember back in 2007 when Rick Santorum said, If we allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military, within 15 years this same military will be putting on drag shows? And then, do you remember how the […]

“Biden’s” Defense Budget is the Gravest Threat to US National Security – Not ‘Extremism’ or ‘Climate Change’

Woke military is among the most dangerous threats to a self governing Republic like ours. — Claudia Tenney (@claudiatenney) June 23, 2021 Biden’s Defense Budget is the Greatest Threat to US National Security – Not ‘Extremism’ or ‘Climate Change’ By: Paul Crespo, American Defense News, June 21, 2021 ANALYSIS – President Joe Biden finally announced his proposed […]

Biden Gives Green Light to Terror

The Sniffer Joe administration seems to have given a green light for terror to the Palestinian Authority, with the payments of hundreds of millions of American tax dollars to them with – wait for it – no pre-conditions. Yep! None. Nada. As Biden would say, “Come on man. Just give those pesky Terrorists the money man! […]