MINNEAPOLIS: Muslim migrant joins the Islamic State, receives military training for jihad activity

Celebrate diversity! Biden is going to remove Trump’s “racist” “Muslim ban.” Then many more people like Abdelhamid Al-Madioum can enter the United States among peaceful migrants, and our society will be more multicultural than ever! The results could be positively explosive! “Minnesota Man Pleads Guilty to Providing Material Support to ISIS,” Department of Justice, January 13, […]

More Extreme Than Obama: Webinar looks at Biden’s National Security Team

President-elect Joe Biden’s national security team is more radical than Obama’s was, with key members showing a lifetime of softness toward Communist China, Iran, radical Islamists, and Russia.  The Center’s J. Michael Waller and John Rossomando went down the list of Biden’s announced appointees in a January 13 webinar titled “More Extreme than Obama: […]

ELECTION FRAUD: San Antonio Election Democrat Arrested for Widespread Vote Harvesting and Fraud

Stolen. A woman has been arrested in connection to alleged election fraud and illegal voting, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced Wednesday. According to Paxton, Rachel Rodriguez of San Antonio was “exposed in a Project Veritas video” ahead of the 2020 election regarding vote harvesting and acknowledged what she was doing was illegal. In an […]

There Once Was a Dream

There once was a dream of a worldwide electronic web where commerce and communications could be linked, providing wide consumer choice, lower costs, and creating a marketplace of ideas. Anyone with access to the Web could access the common knowledge of the world with the keystroke of ever cheaper and more powerful devices. It created […]

Democrat Senator Barbara Boxer Registered as Foreign Agent for China Spy Firm

This is treason. This is party of sedition. Eric Eric Swalwell banging Chinese spy, Fang Fang. Hunter Biden’s pecker knee deep in Chinese graft and corruption …. Quick note: Tech giants are snuffing us out. You know this. Facebook, Twitter, Google et al have shadowbanned, suspended and in some cases deleted us from your news feeds. […]

Why Trump Voters Don’t Trust the People that Count Votes

Perhaps not since the nineteenth century have so many American voters so fervently doubted the outcome of a national election. A Slate headline from December 13 reads: “82 Percent of Trump Voters Say Biden’s Win Isn’t Legitimate.” If even half true, this poll means tens of millions of Americans believe the incoming ruling party in Washington got its political […]

Crazy 2020 Is Dead! Long Live Crazier 2021!

Hang on. It is going to be Mr. Toad’s wild scary ride for all of 2021. The proper conservative response to last Wednesday’s violent entry into the Capitol and vandalism, as well as assaults on law-enforcement, is to identify the guilty parties and ensure they are arrested. Such deterrence will prevent any future devolution from […]

The Liberal Left Has Gone Full Illiberal

Over ten months, I have watched with incredulity as the liberal-left has unquestioningly and unequivocally embraced policies, ostensibly to manage the coronavirus pandemic, that are not only illiberal but authoritarian. With each passing day, those on the left-liberal side of the political spectrum display greater acceptance of increasingly oppressive measures.  Maybe I should have been […]

Dark Days for America? Big Tech Wields Cudgel on Conservative Voices

Along with the president, conservatives de-platformed in a coordinated operation. It will probably go down as the Friday Night massacre. Only it didn’t end Friday night and it won’t end for quite a while. On Friday night, Twitter permanently banned President Trump’s account. The move was soon followed by Facebook and Instagram. Over the weekend, […]

Palestinians need to face reality and avoid daydreams vis-à-vis the upcoming Biden administration

Among the main spectators anxiously waiting for the new Biden administration, one can presume that the Palestinian Authority is dusting its house and getting ready, like a bride awaiting the return of her groom. The Palestinians in Ramallah are eager for American taxpayers’ money to fund their empty coffers, similar to the period of Obama’s […]

Minneapolis Protesters Raise Somali Flag

On December 30, a 23-year-old man named Dolal Idd, who was wanted on felony charges, fired on Minneapolis police officers, who returned fire and killed him. Despite the fact that what happened is clear and there is no actual question of excessive force by the police, hundreds of people protested Sunday, claiming that Idd had been treated unjustly. […]

VIDEO: Introduction to Political Islam with Al Fadi, a former Muslim

I have done many interviews about the foundations of Political Islam, but I find this interview to be one of the best. We begin with my personal history that led to learning about Islam, and then discuss various topics such as: Why you don’t want to start out learning about Islam by reading the Koran […]

VIRGINIA: Muslim professing love for Allah murders two, county attorney says we ‘may never know’ his motive

Ivan Maertens Aramayo is Ayanna Maertens Griffin’s father. In this Washington Post report, consistent with the establishment media’s never-ending mission to exonerate Islam from all crimes done in its name and in accord with its teachings, he offers two quotations from the Qur’an, apparently in order to establish that what Mohamed Aly did was completely […]

Some of the expectations and challenges confronting the Middle East in the wake of the upcoming Biden administration

In Iran, which has been eagerly looking forward to the return of a nuclear agreement reached with the Obama administration, the excitement is evident after it was announced that Biden would be the new occupant of the White House in under two weeks. However, the Islamic Republic, known for its shenanigans to maintain its grip […]

Justice Department Says It’s Been HACKED By Russia

BREAKING: amid chaos unfolding on Capitol Hill @BretBaier reports Justice Department says it has been hacked by Russia — Jacqui Heinrich (@JacquiHeinrich) January 6, 2021 DOJ says 3% of its email accounts compromised in Russian hack By Eric Tucker, January 6, 2020: WASHINGTON – The Justice Department said Wednesday that about 3% of its email accounts could be […]

Photos, Reports Show ANTIFA Infiltrators Stormed the Capitol Building

Subject: Antifa posing as Trump supporters – MUST SEE 2 mins 37 secs.  Early indications show Antifa behind the Capitol break in. This was deliberate. This was sabotage. This was an orchestrated  distraction to undermine the millions of Americans opposing the greatest election theft in human history. Trojan Horses …I call on […]

“Scumbags” Swarm Senator Josh Hawley’s DC Area Home; Terrorize his Wife who is home alone

Hawley’s wife was home alone with a new baby. This is what the goons on the Left are so good at—terrorizing—and I expect this is why there are so many weak Republicans, and for that matter weak Judges and Justices (e.g. John Roberts). The story is at Gateway Pundit, a website you should follow as the Hoft […]

TRUMP PEACE: UAE Stops Iranian Terror Attack Against Israelis

Anyone who follows, reports, or studies the region understands how unprecedented this is. UAE nabs Iranian terror squad plotting to attack Israelis Israelis have been warned about visiting Dubai. The discovery of Iranian terror squad underscores the danger. By David Isaac, World Israel News An Iranian terror squad was broken up by UAE intelligence in […]

What Does China Want? Xi Jing’s “China Dream”

In his first speech after taking office as the general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in 2012, Xi Jinping employed a phrase not used in public by previous Chinese leaders – qiang zhongguo meng, or “strong nation dream” (1). Since then, Xi and other Chinese leaders have repeatedly referred to the “dream” of “resurrecting” or […]

How an ISIS Member Got Past Immigration and Became a U.S. Citizen

Over a thousand Iraqi refugees have been resettled in Portland. The year that the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Trump administration’s Islamic terror state travel ban, an Iraqi member of ISIS applied for American citizenship. Hawazen Sameer Mothafar didn’t have much to worry about. Not only was he already living in the United […]

US taxpayer money went to al-Qaeda-linked jihad group during Obama administration

The Obama third term is about to start, so the money is likely once again to flow freely to those who wish to destroy America. “US Taxpayer Money Went to Al-Qaeda Affiliate During Obama Administration: Senate Reports.” by Li Hai, Epoch Times, December 30, 2020: At least $150,000 in U.S. taxpayer money went to an Islamic […]

For NBC News, War Is Peace, and Trump’s Historic Peace Deals Are War

Other presidents throughout American history have endured harsh criticism from the press. None of them, however, have faced anything like the relentless, organized hit job that is the establishment media’s coverage of President Trump, featuring not just criticism, but distortion, half-truths and outright lies, all designed to make the American people not just vote against […]

CAIR’s 2021 Agenda Seeks to Undermine U.S. National Security at All Levels.

The following selection taken from the Council on American-Islamic Relation’s 2021 promotional literature illustrates why Florida Family Association vigorously counters the organization’s Islamist crusade. The Council on American-Islamic Relation’s December 22, 2020 news release states the following: CAIR welcomes the incoming Biden-Harris administration’s pledge to end the Muslim Ban on day one, include Muslims at  […]

Arizona Gov. Ducey to China: ‘Lots of opportunities’ to exploit ‘our defense industry, mining and ores’

The video is shocking. As Americans only begin to wake up to the reality of just how severely compromised their political leaders are by a communist superpower, Arizona Republican Gov. Doug Ducey’s alarmingly frank language resounds like thunderclaps. “We just had a great meeting with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce just now. And, very exciting, […]

2+ Weeks Later, NY Times Still Not Reporting on Swalwell Spy Saga

Nearly three weeks after the scandal came to light, the New York Times has refused to report on ties between failed presidential nominee candidate Rep. Eric Swalwell and suspected Chinese Communist regime spy Christine Fang. On December 8, Axios reported that Swalwell had been one of several American politicians to whom Fang developed extensive ties as part of a […]

Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to Spy Agency ISI

By G-d, it gets worse and worse. We are counting on decent, patriotic Americans and congress people to right this horrible wrong. Evidence of Foreign Influence in 2020 Election: Nevada Secretary of State Caught Sending Voter Data List to Pakistani Firm Linked to ISI By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, December 28, 2020: Catherine Engelbrecht is […]

Hamas-Linked CAIR Demands Biden Dismantle Counterterror Operations

The Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) worked hard to get His Fraudulency President-select Joe Biden into the White House, and now it’s time for payback. On Tuesday, the sinister organization that the establishment media routinely presents as a benign human rights group released what it called “a detailed agenda detailing policy changes that the Biden-Harris administration should […]

COVERUP OF THE CENTURY: Leaked Documents Expose Extent Of Communist China’s Coronavirus Lies/Disinfo/ Censorship

Thousands of internal directives and reports expose how Chinese officials stage-managed what appeared online in the early days of the outbreak. Called “The Wuhan Files,” the report reveals evidence of mishandling and purported destroying of evidence, based on a 117-page document marked “internal document, please keep confidential.” The documents reveal that China’s censorship on information […]

ISIS Calls for Christmas Jihad: ‘Coldly Kill Them With Hate And Rage’

And so it was no surprise when International Christian Concern reported Wednesday that “security forces in Pakistan reportedly stopped a major terror attack planned to take place on Christmas Day in Peshawar. In a raid on a house in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Khyber district, four terrorists, including the leader of a banned militant outfit, were arrested.” Among those […]

PERFIDY: DIRTY GOP ‘Leaders’ Oppose Tuberville Objecting to Biden’s Electoral Fraud

Contact your Senators and especially contact that spineless opportunist McConnell and make as much noise as you can. Call, write, go down to their office with a picket sign. FIGHT! Public servants serve we the people. GO HERE TO CONTACT YOUR SENATORS If Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Lindsey Graham and Ben Sasse think Republicans […]