‘Death with Dignity’ — Ha! thumbnail

‘Death with Dignity’ — Ha!

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

The Left loves its phony narratives and I’ve taken aim at several of them.  Today I take aim at ‘death with dignity’, the phony narrative the Left uses to sell assisted suicide and euthanasia.

I start with the spectacular story out of the Netherlands in 2019 where a court upheld the actions of a doctor who euthanized a woman with dementia against her wishes.  The doctor put sedatives in the woman’s coffee and had the family hold her down for the lethal injection.  The woman put up a fight.  Doesn’t sound like a very dignified death to me.

And it wasn’t very dignified what happened to the brother of a friend of mine.  The brother had his third stroke and was sedated.  His wife violated his written instructions by stopping all treatment and withdrawing all food and water.  The wife was heard to say she was tired of dealing with the situation and it’s also true the sooner he died, the more she stood to inherit.   A financial motive – how dignified is that?

To these two ugly stories, we can now add a third.  A palliative care nurse recently published the story you are about to hear so “eyes will be opened to the horrifying reality of euthanasia”:

  • They say euthanasia is a compassionate, dignified way to die. They say everyone should have the option, and that a life with suffering is not a life worth living. But that’s not what I’ve seen. I know Medical Aid in Dying (MAID) to be messier and more distressing than anyone cares to talk about.
  • Laura had picked out music to play in the background while she died, and had chosen which loved ones she wanted by her side. It was planned for 6 pm. She was alert and oriented, and had signed a waiver saying that if for whatever reason she was no longer judged to be of sound mind at the time of the MAID provision, she could be euthanized anyways. She thought she had complete control. Just a few hours before 6 pm Laura had a completely unexpected grand mal seizure. She wouldn’t stop seizing and required large doses of a sedating anticonvulsant. The time of the provision came, and she was confused and groggy from the sedating medication, and unable to properly confirm she wanted the euthanasia, or say goodbye to her family members. She tried to speak but no one could understand what she was saying. Laura was euthanized at 6 pm, according to the waiver she had signed. This was what she had requested, but the family came out of her room shaking, with eyes wide. They cried, and kept saying it should have never happened that way. They had no closure. There was no dignified, peaceful ending. Just their loved one, killed in the middle of trying to say something…. (H)er death was sudden, and traumatic, and the family went home right after without anyone to support them through the process…. (A) coworker sped out of the room shaking and crying,
  • I know multiple other nurses who have been through the same experience. Although they had no religious or moral objections to MAID, after witnessing it first hand they swore to never be in the room again while it happened. They were deeply unsettled, and their conscience told them what they couldn’t admit to themselves: the intentional ending of a life is wrong, no matter the circumstances.
  • Patients may think that choosing MAID relieves their family of the burden of waiting for their death, or seeing suffering. But in reality it steals time and closure, and replaces a natural process with an unsettling ending. From what I have seen, loved ones of euthanized patients appear to struggle more in their grief than loved ones of patients who die naturally.

Welcome to the wacky world of the Left, where ‘death with dignity’ means people being killed against their wishes, for unsavory motives like money.  Where the vendors selling assisted suicide are not killers.  Where the real cause of death – assisted suicide – is kept off death certificates.  Where death is considered ‘medical treatment‘ and medicine means a ‘substance to cause death’.   Where doctors push assisted suicide on vulnerable patients, elder abuse is common, agonizing deaths routinely occur from lethal drugs that don’t work as advertised, destructive social contagion takes over, and people are taught all of this is good when it could not be more evil.

If this is ‘death with dignity’, you can keep it.

©2023 Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Gavin Newsom’s Carbon-Neutral Grid Plan Looks To Be Going The Way Of The Bullet Train To Nowhere thumbnail

Gavin Newsom’s Carbon-Neutral Grid Plan Looks To Be Going The Way Of The Bullet Train To Nowhere

By The Daily Caller

California’s planned transition to a carbon-neutral electricity grid by 2045 relies heavily on offshore wind power. It might take a miracle to get there. The growth of offshore wind will have to accelerate faster than a Tesla Model S, which goes from zero to 60 in less than two seconds.

As of 2023, there is no offshore wind in California. But, as the Los Angeles Times reports, “state and local governments are banking on offshore wind to help reach their renewable energy goals.” CalMatters environment reporter Nadia Lopez says “California is betting on giant wind farms in the ocean to strengthen the grid and meet [the state’s] renewable energy goals.”

The potential is there. So are the hurdles.

“The California coast is home to some of the best offshore wind resources in the country,” says the energy and environmental blog of law firm Davis Wright Tremaine. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates there is the potential to generate 201,000 megawatts of power off the coast. Plans call for the state to harness from 2,000 to 5,000 megawatts of it by 2030, then 25,000 megawatts (25 gigawatts) by 2045, generating enough electricity for 25 million homes. (There are currently about 14.5 million housing units in California, according to the Census Bureau).

But this is California, where building anything, in particular massive public works projects — say, a bullet train — is a task that is grueling, protracted and in some instances impossible.

The most stubborn barrier to overcome — and who could have guessed this? — will be cost. MIT Technology Review says California’s “audacious plans” run up against “a daunting geological challenge.” Just a few miles off the coast, the continental shelf drops sharply. This “makes it prohibitively expensive to erect standard offshore wind turbines which are set atop fixed structures that extend to the seafloor.” Turbines located near Morro Bay, where the water is 4,300 feet deep, will have to be built on floating platforms. But these floating turbines are not only “speculative,” says MIT, the technology behind them is also “very costly.” As of now, there are only a handful of floating offshore wind platforms in the world and the combined output of these demonstration projects, 123 megawatts, is meaningless on a global scale.

The University of California Berkeley’s Center for Environmental Public Policy says that nearly 24 of the 25 gigawatts of planned offshore electricity will be produced from windmills floating on platforms.

This of course will cause costs to rise to unaffordable levels. At $1.04 per megawatt hour, offshore wind has the most expensive “levelized cost of electricity and levelized cost of storage for new resources entering service in 2027,” according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Battery storage is next at 64 cents per megawatt hour. All dispatchable sources are far cheaper, including nuclear, which would cost 61 cents per megawatt hour.

There are also logistical detours and roadblocks ahead. Adam Stern, executive director of Offshore Wind California, an industry group, says to expect the planning and regulatory process to drag out (our words, not his) for five to six years.

The same eco-warriors who have pressured the state to close natural gas and nuclear plants, and wield almost unlimited political clout in Sacramento and Washington, will find environmental hazards to justify their opposition to offshore wind. Fishermen will protest the negative impacts on their livelihoods, and engineering, material and cost challenges associated with the underwater cables needed to anchor floating turbines and move the power they generate are bound to emerge.

And should the state decide to locate turbines nearer to shore to avoid the high cost of floating platforms, there will be opposition from rich coastal elites who don’t want their views by the spinning monsters.

What’s more, offshore wind is vulnerable to tsunamis, the threat of which is “high to very high” on the West Coast.

We are in the fourth month of 2023, not 22 years from the state’s 2045 deadline, and not a single offshore wind project has been started. It’s unlikely we will see even a glimpse of progress for years, maybe not even in this decade. Despite the obvious obstacles ahead, there’s been no talk of revisiting a surely impossible target date, no sense of uneasiness in Sacramento, just an Admiral Farragut “damn the torpedoes” mindset that has the potential to sink California.



Kerry Jackson is a fellow with the Center for California Reform at the Pacific Research Institute.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.

RELATED ARTICLE: JASON ISAAC: The Great Carbon Capture Scam

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

White House Unveils Rules Targeting Journalists Who Refuse To Be ‘Professional’ thumbnail

White House Unveils Rules Targeting Journalists Who Refuse To Be ‘Professional’

By The Daily Caller

The White House released new requirements Friday outlining which journalists are allowed in the briefing room and presidential events, and warning about unprofessional behavior.

The new rules require journalists to submit a letter to gain access to the White House grounds with information about their employment, mandating that reporters work for “an organization whose principal business is news dissemination.”

The rule change comes as the administration has been facing repeated outbursts in the briefing room from reporters like Simon Ateba, and comes days after World Press Freedom Day. Journalists have called out White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for not giving fair representation in the briefing room and the Biden administration has faced criticism from the press corps over unfair access to White House events.

All current “hard passes,” which are used to gain access to the White House grounds and press briefings, will expire July 31.

The letter requires reporters to submit their physical address, a statement saying they have accessed the White House in the last six months and cover the White House “on a regular basis,” as well as proof of “accreditation by a press gallery in either the Supreme Court, U.S. Senate or U.S. House of Representatives.”

Reporters will also have to state they have the willingness “to submit to any necessary investigation by the U.S. Secret Service to determine eligibility for access to the White House complex, where Secret Service will determine eligibility based on whether the applicant presents a potential risk to the safety or security of the President, the Vice President, or the White House complex.”

The guidelines include a provision stating that journalists who have access to the White House maintain a “professional manner,” and not impede “events or briefings” on campus. Violators face the possibility of suspension.

“The White House expects that all hard pass holders will act in a professional manner while on White House grounds by respecting their colleagues, White House employees, and guests; observing stated restrictions on access to areas of the White House or credentialed events; and not impeding events or briefings on campus. Absent security concerns involving the United States Secret Service or other exigent circumstances, the White House will provide a written warning to you if your conduct violates these expectations. Subsequent violations may lead to the suspension or revocation of your hard pass, following notice and an opportunity to respond,” the guidance states.

The Trump administration attempted to temporarily ban several reporters who had confrontations with administration staff. A federal appeals court ruled that journalist Brian Karem, who shared a heated exchange with Sebastian Gorka, did not have “fair notice” to have his credentials revoked.

Ateba, who interrupted several White House press briefings after not being called on for months, claimed the new rules stemming from the White House are due to his “presence.”

“While I don’t feel upset that the White House is making changes due to my presence, it is ironic that these modifications come shortly after President Biden declared that journalism is not a crime on World Press Freedom Day. It appears that if you excel at your job, both the WHCA and the White House may work together to target you. This situation exacerbates the public’s lack of trust in the media and politicians in Washington,” Ateba told the Daily Caller.

The White House did not immediately respond to the Caller about why they are making the changes to pass requirements at this time, but an official told the New York Post the rule change had been in the works “for more than a year” and is a product of “feedback of journalists covering the White House.”

“As we return to these prior criteria, which help ensure hard passes are in the hands of reporters who need regular access to campus as part of their duties, we are providing a nearly 3-month window for reporters to turn in their applications and reach out with any questions. The criteria will apply evenly to everyone,” the official said, according to the Post.



White House correspondent.


Press Corps Explodes As KJP Publicly Berates Daily Caller Reporter

White House Demands Media ‘Comply,’ Hauls Specific Reporters Out Of Biden’s UFO Brief

Weaponizing The Federal Government Turns Literal

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Get ready for the Democrat Planned Obliteration of our Southern Border! thumbnail

Get ready for the Democrat Planned Obliteration of our Southern Border!

By Defend The Border


Do you care about people?

Do you care about your country?

Do you care about your family?

If so, you gotta focus some of your attention on the planned, ILLEGAL, DESTRUCTIVE, TRANSFORMATION of the USA by the Biden administration over the next 18 months!

The Biden Admin, de facto, has initiated a planned obliteration of America’s national sovereignty, through a campaign of propaganda, lies, gas-lighting, smoke & mirrors, in full cooperation with the legacy media, to fool Americans, long enough, that’s key, long enough to get MILLIONS of illegal aliens across the Mexican border, plaster them in key blue states, to keep them democratic, purple states to turn them blue and red states to create demographic chaos. Pack blue states to increase population and get more federal congress members.

These illegals, as part of the Biden plan, will be COMPLETELY dependent on Democrat controlled government for the basic necessities of life, food shelter clothing, school, medical care and VOTING!

BANG, that’s the endgame, Illegals become Dem voters and America is transformed into a socialist utopia, as envisioned by Marxist intellectuals all over the globe.

Paid for, by YOU!

Finally, capitalist America, has a democrat-controlled, brown-skinned underclass, it’s 1860 all over again and America becomes a shithole country.

ANY country that has UNCONTROLLED illegal immigration necessarily will become the proverbial, “shithole” country.

Do you care about people, if you do, Biden et al, view brown people as useful idiots in the game of global geopolitics

Do you care about your country – if so, Biden et al., view America NOT as did Madison, Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln and Trump, BUT as Marx, Alinsky, AOC and every stupid, leftist, British, talk show host on late night tv! (talk about hypocrisy, America sucks, but they live and work in NYC & LA)

Do you care about your family, your family is the grist that is getting pulverized by this illegal, immoral, invasion of aliens.

So, who is behind all of this? Let’s check out some FACTS.

Fact – Obama

Fact – Mayorkas treason

Fact – Kamala

Fact – Biden

USA has the most humane, logical, rule-of-law, liberal policy in the world. Come in through the front door, legally.

Here’s what’s next – May 11, 2023, you will hear TITLE 42.

Cultural, legal, economic disaster of Biblical proportions. I’m talking the book of Exodus 10, invasion of locusts. I know an MS 13 murderer is not a locust, but, ANALOGOUSLY, that guy is uninvited, violating the law, coming to destroy, to consume so you absolutely cannot use the argument, he’s coming for a better life or to escape political persecution.

If you are, OK, come through the front door. Once you ILLEGALLY invade, you forfeit the kind, considerate liberal compassion of the USA and you run smack into her laws of justice, for the other 330 million citizens, sorry, that’s the rule of law, the foundation to our Constitution.


So, what do we do, give up, NEVER, NEVER!

We humanely, logically, forcefully, aggressively, passionately, confidently, FIGHT BACK against the real criminals orchestrating this criminal invasion of 400, 000 people a month.

We fight the Biden administration and throw the bums out on Nov 5, 2024. But, we can do a lot more from now to 2024.

Defend the Border has a three-part, two-year plan.

SUPPORT US – FIGHT with US! Go here: https://defendtheborder.org/

©2023 Defend The Border. All rights reserved.

Over 50% of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers are Fake, According to Audit thumbnail

Over 50% of Joe Biden’s Twitter Followers are Fake, According to Audit

By The Geller Report

Mirrors the 2020 election.

In case you missed it.

Audit finds half of Joe Biden’s Twitter followers are fake

By: NY Post, May 17, 2022:

Nearly half of President Biden’s 22.2 million Twitter followers are bogus, a new audit revealed.

The audit, which was done for the social media giant by software firm SparkToro, found that 49.3% of the president’s followers are “fake followers,” according to Newsweek.

SparkToro has defined “fake followers” as “accounts that are unreachable and will not see the account’s tweets (either because they’re spam, bots, propaganda, etc. or because they’re no longer active on Twitter).”

Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who is attempting to buy Twitter, has expressed concern over the growing number of fake accounts and proposed a potential crackdown on the sham accounts.

Read more.


Pamela Geller


Emails Show Former CIA Director Mike Morell Conspired with CIA Director John Brennan to Call the Hunter Biden Laptop Story, ‘Russian Disinformation.’

Biden Regime Still Largest Donor To Afghanistan As Taliban Persecutes Christians


Wait until they hear about his voters. 🙄 pic.twitter.com/nUb0LzSPUQ

— Kari Lake (@KariLake) May 6, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Ready for War’: Tucker Carlson About Plans To Launch His Own Media Empire thumbnail

‘Ready for War’: Tucker Carlson About Plans To Launch His Own Media Empire

By The Geller Report

Do it! We need a Tucker News Network.

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson to Unleash Hell On Fox News, Plans To Launch His Own Media Empire

By Clayton Keirns, Trending Politics. May 7, 2023

In an ongoing battle between Tucker Carlson and Fox News, sources close to Carlson have informed Axios that he is preparing to force Fox News to let him work for or create a right-wing rival network. This move comes after Fox News let Carlson go 13 days ago, resulting in a plummet of ratings in his former time slot. In an attempt to sideline him, Fox is offering to pay Carlson $20 million per year not to work.

Carlson’s attorney, Bryan Freedman, told Axios that “the idea that anyone is going to silence Tucker and prevent him from speaking to his audience is beyond preposterous.” The conflict between Carlson and Fox has the potential to reshape the conservative news landscape.

Axios has learned Carlson is busy plotting a media empire of his own. But he needs Fox to let him out of his contract, which expires in January 2025 — after the presidential election. We’re told Carlson has been contacted by outlets — including the right-wing Rumble and Newsmax — that offered to pay him more than his Fox contract.

Behind the scenes, Axios discovered that Carlson even had a conversation with Elon Musk about potentially working together, although specifics were not discussed. Additionally, Carlson is considering the establishment of a direct-to-consumer media outlet, following the blueprint laid out by his predecessor in his Fox slot, Bill O’Reilly.

Two days after his departure from Fox News, Carlson posted a Twitter video at 8 p.m. ET, the same time as his former show, teasing “See you soon.” The video has since garnered over 24 million views.

A source close to Carlson, who was not authorized to speak publicly, said that the ousted host “knows where a lot of bodies are buried, and is ready to start drawing a map.” Furthermore, Carlson’s allies with large platforms are prepared to attack Fox News for attempting to keep him on the sidelines. Trumpworld’s bare-knuckle brawlers are reportedly standing by in support of Carlson.

Read more.

“Ready for War” – Tucker Carlson Reportedly Wants a Massive Media Empire and is “Ready to Go “Defcon 1” to Force Fox News to Give Him his Freedom https://t.co/h4mvsN7Ebo

— The Gateway Pundit (@gatewaypundit) May 7, 2023


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch ‘IF’ by Rudyard Kipling with President Donald J. Trump thumbnail

Watch ‘IF’ by Rudyard Kipling with President Donald J. Trump

By Dr. Rich Swier

Remembering the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling and the President of the United States of America Donald J. Trump.

WATCH: “If” by Rudyard Kipling.

Watch this Tweet by the MAGA War Room, @MAGAIncWarRoom:

Keep Fighting, Mr. President. pic.twitter.com/7skbWUFQdb

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) March 30, 2023

©2023 Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


George Stephanopoulos Breaks Down Jawdropping New Poll Showing Trump Clobbering Biden: ‘Just Brutal for Biden!’ pic.twitter.com/pPfPfa4WJX

— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 8, 2023

CNN: These are NOT good numbers for Joe Biden. pic.twitter.com/ztUvtAagMj

— Team Trump (Text TRUMP to 88022) (@TeamTrump) May 8, 2023

List of Florida Legislative Accomplishments in 2023 thumbnail

List of Florida Legislative Accomplishments in 2023

By Dr. Rich Swier

“I think what we’ll be able to say when the dust settles – with the budget, and the legislative, and all the bills – that there’s never been a bolder and more productive six months in the history of the state of Florida in terms of really delivering on big promises.” — Governor Ron DeSantis

The 2023 Florida Legislative session ended on Friday, May 5th.

Here is list of legislative bills passed during what is being called the “most conservative session” in Florida’s history:

  • Six-week abortion ban
  • Permitless carry: The law allows people to conceal a firearm without needing a permit from the government.
  • Tax relief and budget: Lawmakers finished off the session with $2.7 billion in tax relief and a budget comprised of around $117 billion.
  • Illegal immigration crackdown: The legislation makes changes to E-Verify, adds more money for an illegal immigration transportation program and increases penalties for human smuggling.
  • Penalties on businesses that admit kids to “adult live performances”: The legislation would authorize Florida to fine, suspend, or revoke the license of any public establishment that admits a child to “adult live performances” that depict or simulate nudity, sexual conduct, or lewd exposure.
  • Death penalty for child rapists: “If you commit a crime that is really, really heinous, you should have the ultimate punishment,” DeSantis said at a bill signing.
  • A “digital bill of rights”: The governor proposed this in February in an effort to protect Floridians from what he described as big tech harms and overreach.
  • Enhanced penalties for fentanyl dealing: “They need to be treated like murderers, because they are murdering people,” the governor said at the bill signing.
  • Fining credit card companies for tracking gun purchases:
  • Removal of automatic teachers union paycheck deductions: A public employee, such as a teacher, would need to opt into a union and send payments.
  • Affordable housing: Also called the Live Local Act:
    • The proposed legislation seeks to incentivize the construction of new projects in close proximity to existing affordable housing units with the goal of providing residents of older units a new home while at the same time rebuilding and updating older buildings.
  • Outlawing social credit scores, crackdown on environmental, social and corporate governance investment: The law prohibits state and local governments investments from sacrificing investment return to promote “ESG” investments.
  • Ban on sex reassignment surgeries, other operations for minors.
  • Outlawing central bank digital currency.
  • Lowering the jury threshold for the death penalty.
  • Parental rights law expansion to PreK-8: The bill prohibits school teachers from teaching sexual orientation or gender identity from grades PreK-8.
  • Eliminating diversity, equity and inclusion departments from public universities: The bill eliminates funding for “DEI” programs from public universities and establish standards for core courses.
  • Fighting antisemitism: The law increases penalties for intimidating or threatening someone based on religious or ethnic heritage.
  • Separate bathrooms by sex: The bill that mandates separate male, female or unisex bathrooms for entities such as schools and government buildings.
  • Requiring “wide diversity of perspectives” in campus lectures or debates, banning political loyalty tests in higher education: The legislation aims to modify provisions related to intellectual freedom and viewpoint diversity, the use of political loyalty tests in hiring and admissions, and due process for students participating in student governments.

There will be more on many issues as they are signed in the coming days and weeks.

©2023 Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Florida lawmakers wrap up ‘productive’ session delivering on hot-button GOP issues


Keep Fighting, Mr. President. pic.twitter.com/7skbWUFQdb

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) March 30, 2023

The Coronation in the UK — May 6th, 2023 thumbnail

The Coronation in the UK — May 6th, 2023

By Shirley Edwards

These are my views as a woman living in England, on how the culture and spirit of my country has changed over 50 years.  Why the country does not feel protected or strong any more, how it has lost, and is losing it values and decency, and how we are daily losing our free speech.

May 6th, 2023, will no doubt go down in the history books as being a jubilant and glorious celebration for the people of the UK; an event   attended by dignitaries and presidents from all corners of the world.

The crowning of 74-year-old King Charles III of the UK, will also be portrayed and broadcast to the world by the images of well-wishers lining the streets of London, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, placing the infamous crown upon his head, and all of the pageantry and pomp which England is well known for in its association with royalty.

Images of his family, including his grandchildren and his prodigal son, Prince Harry will also be expounded upon, sometimes in a non-factual or speculative manner, but mainly it will be to the favour of indicating that this family is no different to yours and mine in an affectionate, yet sometimes troubled history.

Under different circumstances, and possibly under the same era of the coronation of his mother, Queen Elizabeth II during her coronation on 2nd June 1953 at the age of 25, the atmosphere and the images portrayed for 2023 may have been an accurate representation of the event.    However, the general consensus across the country and the atmosphere outside of the history book representation which is being portrayed across the world, is completely different.


For those of us born before 1980, our memories of Charles, the first-born son to Queen Elizabeth II are of a rather awkward young man waiting in line to fulfil his destiny.  Someone who we believed would never get married.    A man who was rarely shown affection.   He later went on to become endearingly interested in organic farming and talking to plants and trees, showing what we thought was a sensitive and holistic side to his nature.   However, Charles later went on to become a man who was later revealed to have always had another lover, even on the eve of his wedding to the late Princess Diana of Wales.  He was not starved of affection.

During his marriage, the obvious attention which was paid to Princess Diana appeared to create some enmity between them.    He is famously known to have commented it would have been easier to have 2 wives so that he could have one of either side of him during royal walk-abouts.

However, after Diana’s death and despite the country’s acceptance of his mistress, who later became his wife; Camila Parker Bowles then became HRH The Duchess of Cornwall, and is now Her Majesty the Queen Consort of England, there were obviously memories of Princess Diana on Coronation Day of the wife who prophetically knew she would never be queen.

Present Connections

Apart from these obvious memories for many people, the last few years have also revealed that Prince Charles is closely attached to the World Economic Forum who are responsible for Agenda 2030.  He has openly stated that we need a Global Marshall Plan to save the environment.

For those that have studied this Agenda they know that their plans for a one world government have revealed that they want to create a world that does not honour the sovereignty of people, and their rights to freedom, in every aspect.   They have implemented:

  • The silencing of freedom to speech, was blatantly exercised against thousands of experts in the fields of science and medicine in relation to Covid 19, in order to dictate a narrative, they wanted to portray.
  • They silence climatologists who do not fit the narrative of their agenda for the environment, and have installed mayors across major cities of the world to implement 15-minute zones which ultimately will not allow you to leave your area without their permission.
  • They promote sexual immorality at every level of society starting with the very youngest in order to demoralize, confuse and control them.
  • They promote illegal immigration, but not for the reason of equality or humaneness, but to dilute the natural patriotism and respect we should have for each individual country, and their faith.
  • They control every system in society, and their plan is to create a world for the super-rich who will have everything, and a world for the rest of us who will possess nothing.
  • There plans which have been known for many years were made obvious through their experimentation upon the world during 2020 onwards, to see how we would comply to many rules which did not make sense, most especially against a virus which had a 99% recovery rate.

Thankfully, many people are aware of this agenda across the world.   They have connected the dots which all lead back to the same place.   For this reason, I believe there has been little interest in the Coronation Day 2023 in relation to the Queen’s Coronation in the UK.

Elsewhere in the UK

On May 6th across the country well away from the City of London there was very little indication that a monumental occasion was taking place.  There were very few signs of patriotism and a need to be present to witness history.

It was a dark cold rainy day, and was exceptionally oppressive.  It was not a joyous atmosphere.    A few houses in each road had rain sodden flags hanging from their bedroom windows.   In the areas where I drove there were a few teenagers roaming the streets aimlessly wandering what to do.  Some shops and stores were open and inside were bored shop assistants inside wearing carboard crowns on their heads.   No one seemed happy.

Friends reported that in the cities which they visited, the shops were open and that they were mainly crowded.    For some, it was an excuse to visit their local pub and have a drink together, but it was not to celebrate a King.

On my way home I called in at a local park which is also home to a stately manor and which was once the ancestral home of Viscount Ednam, a close friend of the Royal Family.  Although it is now a popular tourist attraction and wedding venue it was once a famous weekend retreat for royalty and in 1934 The Duke and Duchess of Kent spent 2 weeks of their honeymoon there. They had erected a large screen in the grounds in order for visitors to watch the live event of The Coronation, but by all accounts, the event had not been well attended.

As I sat alone in the coffee lounge overlooking the grounds, a family with 2 children came in out of the cold and damp.

The family had obviously made some attempt to recreate some excitement for their children and they were dressed in red white and blue.  They sat at the next table crayoning in some pictures of the king.

I felt sad for the efforts they had made and understood their need for some patriotism and a sense of history which would create some stability in their lives.  People want to be united.

Unfortunately, I feel King Charles III will not provide that stability or unity.   The Royal Family live by a different set of rules completely.   They are exempt from paying taxes and exempt from the law, and this appears to now include many other people who are in positions of power.

The reality of those who have everything and those who are being left with nothing has never been more evident than it is now for people, not just in the UK, but for those across the world.

The Coronation was for spectators who have not yet realized that their governments and their elected leaders are not serving them at all.  They have placed themselves above them and see people as resources to be ‘controlled’ and not respected as the sovereign beings which they are.  Who have they signed an allegiance to?

Pledges and Vows

King Charles III is meant to pledge and make a vow to be the defender of the Christian faith, but 30 years ago said he would defend all faiths.

From a religious perspective it was reported that on his coronation and behind a screen, he was anointed on his head, hands and heart with holy oil consecrated in Jerusalem, as a symbol of his divine right to rule.

It is reported that the screen is new, and it had 3 sides to it to make it more private.

The main panel features a tree with the names of the Commonwealth’s 56 members states embroidered on each leaf.   The 2 side screens have embroidered crosses 2.6 meters high x 2.2 meters wide.   It features a dove on each side of the screen and an angel blowing a trumpet.

Vows and pledges are of course very important because they are meant to be binding.   Historically, we make our vows before God, sometimes in public and sometimes in private.

The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, defended his command to swear allegiance to the King, later stating it was ‘hospitality’ and an open invitation.   The archbishop is well known for adapting biblical beliefs to conform to some very diverse beliefs which are promoted in society.   His words are often twisted.

My thoughts, along with the thoughts of many others are that vows and actions should be adhered to, and if you are following the rules of Agenda 2030, you will not be following the rules of God, which are always for the good of people.

Let My People Go

On 6th May 2023, I could not physically watch the Coronation.  On a personal level I felt I would be betraying the one who Christians believe is above all humanity.  One who cares for people.  A king above all kings.

Would those vows be adhered to?

As I sat in the empty coffee lounge of a stately home, once used by royals, I thought about his crown, the one made of thorns, his humility, his persecution, and yet the powerful message he conveyed to all, which still exists today if we really listen.

As I looked out the window, I also noticed a small white dove was sitting on the window ledge.   The waitress commented she thought he had been injured and the groundsman had given him some food that morning.

He was pure white and sat within feet of my visit and remained.   He appeared to convey a simple message of Hope to me amidst a world that is being systematically taken over with lies.

I believe that the overwhelming feeling of oppression which was reported by many people on the 6th May was the opposite of what this simple message of Hope conveyed.  In one space and in this one moment of time there was a collective gathering, many of whom have pledged an allegiance to a One World Order, a 2-tier system of the super elite against the people of this world.

Is King Charles III one of them?

©2023 Shirley Edwards. All rights reserved.


List of guests at the coronation of Charles III and Camilla – Wikipedia

Interview with Princess Diana about how she will never be Queen, 1995 – YouTube

Prince Charles says we need a global Marshall Plan to save the environment | World Economic Forum (weforum.org)

Rules and Laws That the Royal Family Is Allowed to Break (insider.com)

Defender of all faiths? Coronation puts focus on King Charles’s beliefs | King Charles coronation | The Guardian

‘It’s not a command’: Archbishop defends request for public to cry out in support of King | ITV News

King Charles III Officially Crowned In Westminster Abbey

Miami Beach: Four Iraqi migrants apprehended in ‘suspected maritime smuggling event’ thumbnail

Miami Beach: Four Iraqi migrants apprehended in ‘suspected maritime smuggling event’

By Jihad Watch

What were they smuggling? Why would four Iraqis land on a Miami beach and try to sneak into the country? Does this have to do with drugs? Or jihad? Or both? Or neither? Why are officials being so laconic?

Feds detain 4 migrants from Iraq after boat arrival in Miami Beach

Local 10, April 29, 2023:

MIAMI – Four migrants from Iraq arrived at Miami Beach by boat on Friday, according to the U.S. Border Patrol.

The migrants abandoned the boat on the beach, north of Collins Park, at 2100 Collins Ave., and the W South Beach, a luxury hotel, near the Miami Beach Boardwalk.

Chief Patrol Agent Walter Slosar, who is based out of South Florida described the incident as a “suspected maritime smuggling event”…

Read more.



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Germany: 12,000 protesters glorify jihad violence, praise Hamas and the Qassam Brigades, chant ‘Death to Jews’

Soros-backed Prosecutor Resigns Before Being Fired – The New American

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Michigan Supreme Court Embroiled in Pronoun Battle Prompted by ACLU—Thomas More Law Center Joins Fray thumbnail

Michigan Supreme Court Embroiled in Pronoun Battle Prompted by ACLU—Thomas More Law Center Joins Fray

By Thomas More Law Center

ANN ARBOR, MI — On Monday, May 1, the Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”) filed its written opposition in the Michigan Supreme Court challenging the wisdom of a proposed amendment to Michigan Court Rule 1.109, which would require all judges in the state to refer to parties and attorneys by any personal pronoun they select.

Erin Elizabeth Mersino, TMLC’s Chief of Supreme Court and Appellate Practice, authored the eight-page opposition to the proposed rule.  She commented that the proposed amendment “is the ACLU’s latest attempt to destroy the very fabric of our nation by subjugating our inalienable right to free speech to mandatory endorsement of its transgender agenda.”  The proposed amendment is so extreme, judges will no longer be able to make judgments on a case-by-case basis.  Failure to use a requested pronoun could result in the judge being punished for violating the court rule by the Michigan Judicial Tenure Commission.

The pronoun controversy erupted when Michigan Court of Appeals Judge Mark Boonstra criticized the other two members of the three-panel court over their use of the Defendant’s preferred pronoun in a concurring opinion in People v. Gorbick.  The Defendant, convicted of multiple counts of criminal sexual abuse on children and self-identifying as having multiple personality disorder, told the court he wanted to use the preferred pronoun, “they” and “them.”  Judge Boonstra expressed his concern for blindly following such a request and wrote that the court “should not be altering its lexicon whenever an individual prefers to be identified in a manner contrary to what society throughout human history has understood to be immutable truth.”

Read Judge Mark Boonstra’s one-page concurring opinion here.

The ACLU along with 18 other LGBTQ organizations including the LGBTQA section of the Michigan State Bar Association sent a letter to Chief Justice McCormack of the Michigan Supreme Court and Chief Judge Gleicher of the Michigan Court of Appeals condemning Judge Boonstra’s words.  The letter also suggested that judges undergo “cultural competency training [a.k.a. indoctrination camp] which would include training on the use of pronouns.”

The proposed amendment to the court rule provides:

“Parties and attorneys may also include any personal pronouns in the name section of the caption, and courts are required to use those personal pronouns when referring to or identifying the party or attorney, either verbally or in writing. Nothing in this subrule prohibits the court from using the individual’s name or other respectful means of addressing the individual if doing so will help ensure a clear record.”

Read TMLC’s written opposition to the proposed rule here.

Although the proposed rule covers judges only, TMLC is concerned that this is the first step down the slippery slope.  If the ACLU and its allies succeed in forcing pronouns on judges, the next demand will be on the lawyers, and then all the people.

Richard Thompson, TMLC’s president, observed, “Every freedom-loving American must be alert to this form of thought control.  By controlling our use of language, the ACLU seeks to control our ability to discern and think.  The “name your pronoun game” has become the absurd obsession of a significant number of large corporations, many law firms, and of academia.  Now, this variation of wokeness poses a danger to our national security as the U.S. Navy is foolishly using a drag queen video in an attempt to increase recruiting.  Ignoring the disastrous financial consequences of having a drag queen promote Bud Light beer, the U.S. Navy sees nothing wrong with using a drag queen to attract young men with similar bizarre sexual eroticism [autogynephilia] to infiltrate their fighting ships.”

Click here to view a short video of the Navy’s Drag Queen Digital Ambassador.

Thompson continued, “The ACLU has become an instrument of tyranny.  If the Michigan Supreme Court adopts the proposed amendment, it will be up to Michigan judges to stop this madness.”

This proposed amendment creates a serious constitutional problem.  It would compel judges to adopt and express a uniform viewpoint that affirms the ACLU’s extreme position on gender identity ideology.  It flies directly in the face of the First Amendment.  The proposed rule also reflects the sad state of our society where the far-left cares more about misgendering and offending the feelings of a convicted pedophile than it does about upholding free speech and the inalienable rights protected by the United States Constitution.

The Thomas More Law Center’s written opposition filed in the Michigan Supreme Court, concludes:

“The State Bar of Michigan has no right to force this compulsion.  In its ostensible effort to be ‘tolerant’ or ‘diverse,’ it would, in fact, be enacting the least tolerant court rule in all its history.  It would be taking a side in the culture war—one that it knows would alienate all of its members who disagree with the amendment for religious, political, moral, personal, constitutional, or scientific reasons.”

The Thomas More Law Center defends and promotes America’s Judeo-Christian heritage and moral values.  It supports a strong national defense and an independent and sovereign United States of America.  The Law Center accomplishes its mission through litigation, education, and related activities.  It does not charge for its services.  The Law Center is supported by contributions from individuals, corporations, and foundations, and is recognized by the IRS as a section 501(c)(3) organization.  You may reach the Thomas More Law Center at (734) 827-2001 or visit our website at www.thomasmore.org.

Thank you for your continued support of the Thomas More Law Center. Your donations help us to be Battle Ready to Defend America!


©2023 Thomas More Law Center. All rights reserved.

U.S. Air Force Ran A Social Experiment To Graduate More Minority Pilots. It Didn’t Go As Planned thumbnail

U.S. Air Force Ran A Social Experiment To Graduate More Minority Pilots. It Didn’t Go As Planned

By The Daily Caller

The U.S. Air Force abandoned an experiment aimed at boosting pilot training graduation rates for women and minority pilots after the 2021 initiative failed to achieve the intended results and officers privately warned it could violate anti-discrimination policies, according to documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

As part of the larger military-wide effort to promote diversity in the service’s pilot ranks, the 19th Air Force command near San Antonio, Texas, “clustered” racial minorities and female trainees into one class, dubbed “America’s Class,” to find out if doing so would improve the pilots’ graduation rates. However, not only did the effort fail to boost minority and women candidates’ success rates, but officers involved say they were ordered to engage in potentially unlawful discrimination by excluding white males from the class, documents show.

Unlawful or not, the Air Force’s actions raised red flags for an active-duty pilot instructor who spoke to the DCNF.

“When other priorities, like gender or race, are introduced as a metric of assignment and advancement, the foundations of performance-based competition are sacrificed and the emphasis on safety takes a backseat,” a current Air Force instructor pilot and former trainer for Undergraduate Pilot Training, who spoke on a condition of anonymity due to fear of reprisal, told the DCNF.

A “significant backlog” of pilot candidates waiting to begin classes offered the 19th Air Force, which conducts pilot training for the entire service at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas, a chance to build a class from scratch, a spokesperson for Air Education and Training Command (AETC) told the DCNF. So, the 19th Air Force “clustered” candidates from “underrepresented groups” into Specialized Undergraduate Pilot Training (SUPT) class 21-15, with the initial intent of roughly mirroring the racial and gender makeup of the U.S.

Class 21-15 was known as “America’s Class,” according to a class patch also embroidered with the motto, “hand picked for excellence.”

The class ended up being comprised of at least 62% underrepresented groups, according to a demographic breakdown of classes from 2020 to 2023 obtained by the DCNF. The DCNF did not include males who chose the “other” option, which includes those who declined to specify their ethnicity, in that calculation.

All other classes for 2020 and 2021 are comprised of one-third or less underrepresented groups, the document shows.

‘Anybody Non-White’

Officers ordered to participate in the creation of class 21-15 expressed concerns that selection criteria amounted to unlawful discrimination, according to a memo obtained by the DCNF.

“We have been verbally ordered through the chain of command by the 19AF/CC [19th Air Force commander] to purposefully restructure the students assigned to [SUPT] class 21-15 to meet specific racial and gender demographics,” reads the 2020 memo signed by two 19th Air Force officers whose names were redacted.

The 19th Air Force initially intended the class to include roughly the same race, ethnicity and gender proportions as in the broader U.S. population, according to the memo, echoing the AETC spokesperson who explained the class to the DCNF. However, as of fall 2020, base officials realized the demographics of the incoming cohort would prevent such an arrangement, and so the order was changed to exclude certain groups from the incoming class, the memo said.

“The order was changed by verbal order of the 47 OG/CC to restructure the class with ‘anybody non-white,’” on Aug. 10, the officers wrote.

Classes were previously structured on a first-come, first-served priority basis according to the number of months a student served in their unit, according to the memo.

One individual brought concerns about the order’s legality to the base’s equal opportunity office in August 2020, but he was told the class restructuring itself was not illegal, according to the memo. The equal opportunity office also instructed the unnamed individual to draft a memo documenting the complaint in case the situation came under investigation in the future.

However, the two officers who signed the memo argued base commanders violated the Air Force’s non-discrimination policy, which defines illegal discrimination as “any unlawful action that denies equal opportunity to persons or groups based on their race, color, sex (including sexual harassment), national origin, religion, or sexual orientation.

“None of the parties signed below agree with the order from an ethical standpoint,” the officers wrote. “SUPT class structures have never been based on a minimum quota for a student’s race or gender, and the message this sends to students and future students is harmful.”

However, the officers pledged to obey the lawful order as given unless further inquiry showed it to be illegal.

“Each and every USAF pilot training class is America’s Class,” one of the authors, a captain and instructor pilot for the SUPT course, told the DCNF on condition of anonymity to discuss sensitive matters.

‘Harnessing Diversity’

The Air Force doubled down on efforts intended to improve diversity in the ranks in 2020 following the death of George Floyd, the Air Force Times reported. DOD identified a more extreme lack of racial and gender diversity among so-called “rated” officers, like pilots, who are most often promoted to top leadership positions.

AETC took the lead on diversity initiatives in rated career fields in 2020, according AETC’s website.

On March 17, 2021, AETC and the service’s top officials released a formal strategy to improve gender and racial diversity metrics in rated careers. The strategy calls for data-driven approaches to “develop and retain the Air Force’s best rated aircrew by harnessing diversity as a force multiplier and fostering a culture of inclusion.”

AETC’s strategy prohibits the use of numerical racial quotas for recruitment and promotions, or using race, religion, sex or sexual orientation as “a basis for admission to any training or development program.” The strategy does, however, permit addressing “barriers and hindrances to cohesion among students and instructors” in training programs and to “remove rated minority and female aircrew integration and retention barriers.”

The rated strategy document, published as SUPT class 21-15 reached its midway point, is indicative of the Air Force’s broader strategy to diversify its ranks, a goal that’s only grown in importance under the Biden administration.

The “clustered” class graduated on Sept. 10, 2021, according to an AETC release. Based on photos included in the release, 22 students out of the 29 who began the class completed it. For comparison, the class before graduated 23 out of 26 students on Aug. 20, and the subsequent class finished on Oct. 1 with just 17 of 30 students, according to press releases.

Initial results and student feedback from the clustering experiment was “inconclusive,” the AETC spokesperson told the DCNF. Minority students did not progress at faster rates than in previous classes, and “not all students saw clustering as beneficial.”

While AETC has not completely discarded clustering as a strategy, “no further clustering activities are planned at this time,” the spokesperson told the DCNF, who pointed to curriculum changes allowing students to progress at an individualized rate rather than all together in a single class.

“AETC recognizes the potential clustering may have on UPT graduation rates, but that potential remains unproven in today’s UPT environment,” the spokesperson said. “AETC will continue to seek innovative and legally sufficient ways to further develop an atmosphere of dignity and respect for both students and instructors.”





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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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A ‘Watershed’ Moment: Pornhub Blocks Access to Utah in Response to Age Verification Law thumbnail

A ‘Watershed’ Moment: Pornhub Blocks Access to Utah in Response to Age Verification Law

By Family Research Council

In response to a Utah law set to go into effect Wednesday requiring pornography sites to verify the age of users in order to block access to minors, MindGeek, one of the world’s largest pornography companies, has blocked all Utahans from accessing their flagship site Pornhub, along with a number of other porn sites owned by the company. In light of MindGeek’s move, experts are pointing to a potential sea change that could occur in internet safety for minors if more states follow Utah’s lead.

In March, Utah Governor Spencer Cox (R) signed SB 287 into law, a bill that requires “a commercial entity that provides pornography and other materials defined as being harmful to minors … to verify the age of individuals accessing the material.” The bill also stipulates that publishers and distributors of porn will be held liable if they do not comply with the requirements.

Michael Toscano, executive director of the Institute for Family Studies, extolled the Utah governor and legislature’s efforts in enacting laws designed to protect minors from obscenity.

“Utah has put itself forward as a leader for governing the internet on behalf of the American family,” he said on Tuesday’s edition of “Washington Watch.” “Under the leadership of Governor Cox, he has decided that he was going to challenge the powers of Big Tech and Silicon Valley and Big Porn with a raft of legislation that would require these companies to verify the age of its users before admitting access. And it’s sending shock waves across the country. Legislatures across the country are looking at it, as well as on the federal level. It’s a remarkable watershed in the history of this country.”

The legislation is part of a growing nationwide push to implement laws designed to protect minors from being exposed to sexually explicit material online. In January, Louisiana enacted an almost identical law to Utah’s. Four other states (California, Virginia, Arkansas, and Mississippi) have also enacted bills restricting minors’ access to porn and social media sites. In addition, 21 other states have introduced legislation addressing the issue.

Toscano applauded the efforts of the Utah legislature despite protests from pornography industry lobbyists.

“[These] brave men and women were uncowed by the lobby, the lobbyists that were whispering in their ear, telling them that this would be an invasion of privacy or that this would be too burdensome for their companies and legislation,” he observed. “Good policy is a matter of balancing interests, and the legislators in Utah decided that they were going to balance their laws in favor of American families, and I think that was the right choice.”

Haley McNamara, vice president of the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, echoed Toscano’s support for the Utah law and for MindGeek’s response to block their sites statewide in a statement to The Washington Stand: “Even better for children in Utah!”

She went on to note that “age verification for pornography is not a new technology or idea. There is an entire existing industry of age verification technology and standards that respect privacy. … Our laws have long held that those who distribute harmful material to minors are liable for any harm they cause, and the internet should not be different. Just as one must show an ID to enter, or make a purchase in, an adult bookstore or theatre, one should have to demonstrate he or she is an adult to access online pornography.”

McNamara continued, “Pornhub says that it’s a site only for adults, so why would it fight to stop Utah’s law to enact age verification to prevent minors from accessing its site unless it knows its traffic and profits will be impacted once minors aren’t on there?”

Toscano was equally suspicious of MindGeek’s stated reasons behind shutting off their sites in the state.

“They’re acknowledging that a very large share of their traffic comes from underage users,” he concurred. “Pornhub is worried, as one of its senior officials admitted online [this week]. It’s worried that its traffic could decrease in Utah by 50%. And part of that concern is from their perspective that its age verification is enough of a block for people to decide not to go on a porn site. But it also is an admission that many of the people that are going on their site are underage to begin with. This is obviously a bad thing, and it’s only a sign of the effectiveness of this legislation that Pornhub has decided that it was going to play hardball by withdrawing its platform altogether from Utah.”

Studies show that minors are a significant portion of those who view online porn. A report from Common Sense Media found that up to 73% of minors between 12 and 17 had watched internet smut.

Toscano further underscored that policymakers can do more above and beyond age verification in order to combat the porn industry from exploiting children.

“They should actually enforce the existing obscenity law,” he emphasized. “The existing obscenity law does not permit websites or any other producers of media to provide underage Americans with obscene content. The problem is a lack of enforcement. And I think what you see from Pornhub is [they realize] that Utah is very serious. And so they’re withdrawing. And I encourage other states to do the same thing and to show that they are serious about this obscenity problem.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Flying Against the Winds of Culture

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

They Hanged Her for Teaching Love thumbnail

They Hanged Her for Teaching Love

By Amil Imani

She is called the Angel of Iran because she lived her short life angelically. True to their nature, the demonic Islamist Mullahs couldn’t bear an angel in their midst. On June 18, 1983, they hanged the young woman, barely past childhood, for refusing to renounce her belief: the belief in love, justice, and equality for all children of God.

Her name was Mona, a 17-year-old Baha’i Character School (Sunday school) teacher. Her pupils loved the gentle, gentle teacher who taught them to grow up as exemplary humans with hearts brimming with the love of God, all his people, and creation.

One day the Mullahs’ agents came to her house while the young school-girl was studying for her next day’s English exam. The savage Islamists had another much tougher exam in mind for her to be administered in the horrific prison of the Mullahs. They were certain that they could break the frail young woman under pressure and torture; that they could make her recant her faith and adopt their bigoted creed.

Our great Zoroaster, the luminous ancient prophet of Persia, spoke of the ongoing battle between the forces of good under Ahuramazda—God, and the forces of evil directed by Ahriman—Satan. Zoroaster warned us not to fall for the enticements or be deceived by the machinations of Ahriman. He further informed us that evil can be recognized by the deeds of its people; people who would oppose the precepts of Ahuramazda.

And the child-woman Mona was seen by the Islamist clergy as a threat to their very demonic precepts and practices. They felt compelled to either convert her to their creed of darkness or extinguish her young life.

Mona, the young teacher, deeply loved children and believed that they had to be brought up as champion workers for Ahuramazda.

Baha’is claim that the founder of their religion, Baha’u’llah, is the reappearance of the spirit of Zoroaster; that Zoroaster’s triad teachings of Good Thoughts, Good Speech, and Good Behavior are elaborated in greater detail by Baha’u’llah.

Mona’s lessons for the children, a detailed exposition of Zoroaster’s teachings, are summarized in the passage below by Baha’u’llah:

“Be generous in prosperity, and thankful in adversity. Be worthy of the trust of thy neighbor, and look upon him with a bright and friendly face. Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer to the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Be fair in thy judgment, and guarded in thy speech. Be unjust to no man, and show all meekness to all men. Be as a lamp unto them that walk in darkness, a joy to the sorrowful, a sea for the thirsty, a haven for the distressed, an upholder and defender of the victim of oppression. Let integrity and uprightness distinguish all thine acts. Be a home for the stranger, a balm to the suffering, and a tower of strength for the fugitive. Be eyes to the blind, and a guiding light unto the feet of the erring. Be an ornament to the countenance of truth, a crown to the brow of fidelity, a pillar of the temple of righteousness, a breath of life to the body of mankind, an ensign of the hosts of justice, a luminary above the horizon of virtue, a dew to the soil of the human heart, an ark on the ocean of knowledge, a sun in the heaven of bounty, a gem on the diadem of wisdom, a shining light in the firmament of thy generation, fruit upon the tree of humility.”

Ten Baha’i women of Shiraz, Iran were among the many Baha’is who were arrested by the Islamists for their faith. The young Mona was one of them. These women endured months of endless abuse in the prison of the Mullahs, yet every one of them refused under threat of death to recant their faith in love.

The heartless Mullahs finally decided to make good on their threat and hanged these magnificent human beings, one by one. The Angel of Iran was the last to be hanged for she wished to pray for each woman as she was hanged. When Mona’s turn came, she kissed the noose and placed it around her own neck with prayers on her lips.

The savage Islamists hanged the magnificent child woman Mona after long tortuous imprisonment. By killing her, the agents of Ahriman aimed to kill love. But assuredly they can never kill love. They only kill the lover.

Oh, you earthly angels!

You migrating birds,

Whose only adornment

Is a bed of white feathers!

The innocent children of Iran,

Are wearing your white glowing robes,

And have left the memories of life,

To others!

I see the poor black swallows,

Flying over the ruins of our cities!

I see overflowing pain,


With the hearts of every Persian!

My heart stops palpitating!

My breath starts to dry up!

My faith simply fades away,

And my bed falls silent.

©2023 Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Florida County Republican Registrations Report and Elections Analysis — April 2023 thumbnail

Florida County Republican Registrations Report and Elections Analysis — April 2023

By Steve Meyer

Let’s Pretend

There is one politically critical question that Republicans, including candidates, should be asking: How is the Republican’s nominee going to carry Arizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin, the three least Republican of the group of the most Republican states that the Republican presidential candidate needs to win to capture the 2024 Electoral College vote?

The simple answer to a seemingly complicated question may be available from a Vero Beach, Florida street named Woodland Circle.

The publicly available information tells us the following about voter registrations:

  • At the end of April 2023, the percentage makeup of IRC voters, derived from the voter registrations numbers listed at the Indian River County (IRC) Supervisor of Elections website, were 48.7% Republican, 24.9% Democrat, and 26.4% registrants who were neither Democrat nor Republican.
  • At the end of April 2023, the percentages derived by the voter registrations listed for Woodland Circle at the website VoterRecords.com, were 14.9% Republican, 48.6% Democrat, and 36.5% registrants who were neither Democrat nor Republican.

Woodland Circle voters would have to become 33.8% more Republican, 23.7% less Democrat and 10.1% less neither Republican nor Democrat to match the IRC average.

Republicans, regarding streets such as Woodland Circle, play the childhood game of “let’s pretend”. Republicans pretend streets like Woodland Circle don’t exist. This allows us to go forth with our traditional campaign efforts to satisfy ourselves, that even though we may lose the election, we will have done everything in our power to win!

Democrats, and their allies, don’t play “let’s pretend”. Democrats create streets like Woodland Circle, and they do so without Republican opposition. Republicans have reached a tipping point. If we Republicans keep playing the political version of “let’s pretend”, we lose.

Woodland Circle is a street created when an apartment complex was created. Property ownership is a common good. Singapore has an enviable world-class rentership rate of 10%. The great State of Florida is at a 33.5% rentership rate. This 33.5% needs to be lowered!

The Best Use of Resources?

The Republican Party actions are dictated by candidates and therefore their actions are focused on campaigns. This is worth keeping in mind in primary season. The money donated to candidates who will be participating in a primary does not go to growing the Republican base. Republicans may have been able to ignore growing their base in the past, but judging from recent election outcomes and election trends, Republicans certainly cannot afford it today! Consider donating to efforts which grow the Republican base.

Better Local Metrics

To make these reports more relevant, a more detailed, county specific, template has been created. An example of tables and chart specifically created for Indian River County is attached for evaluation. These county specific reports are not difficult to create. Contact information is provided for those wishing for the creation of county specific tables and charts for their REC members. Any suggestions for improvements are also welcome.


Congratulations to Liberty County for their joining the now 54 Florida Counties where Republican registrations exceed the number of Democrat registrations!

Florida Republicans continue the trend of making gains as Republican registrations relative to Democrat registrations increased by 17,782 registrations in April and by 163,196 registrations since the book closing for the 2022 general election. Florida Republicans now have a 469,146 relative registrations advantage over the Democrats.  Republican registrations were 36.71% of total registrations and Republicans now enjoy a 3.24% of total registrations advantage over the Democrats (see attached tables).

The Democrats continue the Biden era phenomena of losing registrations as Democrats lost 14,784 additional Registrations in April and 124,134 registrations since the 2022 book closing. The registrations of Republicans increased by 2,998 registrations in April, and the number of registrations which are neither Republican nor Democrat decreased by 5,327 registrations in April (view April 2023 chart).

©Stephen R. Meyer, Vero Beach, Florida, May, 2023 – Issued 05/07/23. All rights reserved.

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Watch Tucker Carlson’s First Speech After Fox: ‘Manufactured’ Media Lies Can End Democracy thumbnail

Watch Tucker Carlson’s First Speech After Fox: ‘Manufactured’ Media Lies Can End Democracy

By The Daily Caller

Former Fox News superstar Tucker Carlson has made his first public appearance after being fired from Fox News last month.

Carlson, 53, had been speaking at the Oxford Performing Arts Center in Oxford, Alabama, for the annual fundraiser for Rainbow Omega on Thursday night.

A sold-out crowd of 1,189, paying prices of between $50 to $125, gathered in the arts center to hear Carlson give a wide ranging commentary during an hour long speech.

By Gary Bai, The Epoch Times, May 5, 2023:

OXFORD, Alabama—In his first in-person speech after departing Fox News, Tucker Carlson did not hold back when speaking about what he sees are issues undermining America—lack of truth in the media landscape and a “manufactured” national division.

“I think I’m probably the first unemployed person who was ever invited to speak,” he opened his speech after a 15-second standing ovation by a full house at the 1,215-seat Oxford Performing Arts Centre on Thursday.

“When I accepted this speech … I didn’t realize how much free time I would have,” he joked.

Fox announced on April 24 that the two “have agreed to part ways” without explanation, drawing widespread speculation about the circumstances of the departure and what’s in store next for the former anchor. The network’s ratings have dropped significantly since.

The former news host of Fox News’s top-rated “Tucker Carlson Tonight” show said that he agreed six months ago to attend Thursday’s private fundraiser event, which was organized by Rainbow Omega, a faith-based nonprofit that supports people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

During his hour-long speech, Tucker didn’t directly address the situation with Fox News but spoke about America’s political and social issues that he believes can lead to the “end of democracy” and the “enslavement” of the American people.
Epoch Times Photo
Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson receives a standing ovation at the beginning of his speech at the Oxford Performing Arts Center, on May 4, 2023. (Gary Bai/ The Epoch Times)
Manufactured Division

According to Carlson, what he witnessed at Rainbow Omega’s facility—people’s lives being materially improved—stood in stark contrast to his experiences with American politics and the media industry.

“American politics is supposed to be designed to improve people’s lives, but what is the point of it actually?” he said. “As we’re worried about these big abstract problems in faraway places, or claiming we can control the weather or whatever we’re claiming, there are kids with developmental disabilities who have aging parents, and the parents are legit terrified about what happens when they pass.”

But he said the ideas promulgated in the public sphere aren’t only irrelevant to Americans’ everyday concerns and designed to divide.

“I’m starting to really believe that the divisions that we see in our society are pretty much manufactured,” Carlson said, adding that one example of this is the idea of racism.

“Obama’s first term was how we were going to get past race. I didn’t vote for the guy, but everybody I knew was excited, and so was I,” Carlson said. “We elect some guy I disagree with, but we get to the point where we stop picking at the scab and move forward as one country. Why wouldn’t I be for that? As a Christian, I was totally for that.”

But that changed in Obama’s second term, he said: “Oh no, we’re not post-racial. All we’re going to talk about is race and make each other hate each other on the basis of race.”

“I don’t think most Americans hate each other on the basis of their ethnic differences,” he added. “I think a lot of that is just a lie, actually, designed to distract people.”

A cause of this division, Carlson lamented, is what he has observed to be “propaganda” published by the “overwhelming majority” of American media.

“Why are they not only not addressing the issues that matter? But they’re kind of going out of their way to ignore them?” Carlson wondered. “They have no idea that the economy is sagging, really? How could you not know that? We have no idea that we’re actively fighting Russia in a war?”

“I just think that’s at some point, you have to call it what it is—which is lying,” he said. “And lying with a very specific purpose, which is to avert your gaze, to pull your attention away from the things that matter. That’s not news coverage. That’s just classic propaganda.”
End of Democracy

The democratic system cannot function with dishonesty dominating the public sphere, Carlson indicated.

“The first effect is to, kind of, end democracy,” he said. “The whole idea of democracy is based on the understanding that the people who vote will have some knowledge of what they’re voting on—what the real issues are–they’ll be informed citizens.”

But when the media industry is collectively excluding issues that matter, such as crime, immigration, and the economy, the population becomes uninformed, which undermines a fundamental part of democracy. The harm brought by the media industry is compounded by a lack of authenticity from the entire federal government, including politicians from both political parties, Carlson said.

“If they can’t even tell you the truth about a communicable disease that’s killing people, they’re actually lying to you about that,” he added. “You can’t believe anything. Well, that’s very bewildering. That’s actually a form of chaos, which is the one condition people can’t handle,” he said.

This chaos, he added, undermines Americans’ belief in the democratic process, sets the stage for further division, and leads to a sort of enslavement of the population, Carlson said.

“If you can control someone’s brain and get them to say, ‘I really need to wear a mask inside my car alone to protect myself—if you can get someone to that place where he gets in his Subaru and just instinctively puts on a mask with the windows up, then you’ve won,” Carlson said. “You’ve defeated them … in the enslavement of people, taking away their choice, and in so doing their dignity, really their humanity.

“That is the goal, obviously.” Seeking Truth

The antidote to this, Carlson said in his speech, is to seek truth—echoing a statement he made in a video published on Twitter last week, days after his exit from Fox, that “truth will prevail.”

“Seek truth in your human relationships—always with humility—mindful that it’s pretty hard to get to the core truth of anything in this life,” he said. “And while we may never get to what is the deepest level of truth, we can move in that direction.”

Keep reading.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Florida Elections Californiaized! Thanks Ron DeSantis! thumbnail

VIDEO: Florida Elections Californiaized! Thanks Ron DeSantis!

By Graham Ledger

Free Florida is in the midst of a fight over where the Red State is headed: Deeper Red or Turning a Distinct Shade of Blue.

The legislation that allows Governor DeSantis to run for President without resigning contains multiple poison election pills which could be forced down the throats of the Conservative majority of freedom-loving residents of the Sunshine State.

In short, if we don’t fix this electoral Trojan Horse now, then Florida could go full Marxist – just like California. In this edition of the Ledger Report, Graham Ledger speaks with election expert and watchdog, Chris Gleason, about what’s at stake and what to do about it.


Please subscribe free to The Ledger Report by clicking here: www.GrahamLedger.com

©2023 Graham Ledger. All rights reserved.

Ukraine and the ‘War-Time President’ thumbnail

Ukraine and the ‘War-Time President’

By Wallace Bruschweiler

Why did Fox News Corp. owner, Rupert Murdoch, take top-rated Tucker Carlson off the air but keep Carlson on the payroll at $20 million dollars per year? Even though divorced four times, costing Murdoch billions of dollars, the 92-year-old Murdoch is still sharp enough to know that no incumbent American President has ever been voted out of office during a “time of war.”

Therefore, if Donald J. Trump is to be kept out of the Oval Office, it is essential for the proxy war in Ukraine between the United States and Russia to continue through the upcoming presidential election cycle; thereby, allowing Joe Biden* to run for reelection as a “war-time president.”

Ergo: if American election history holds true, Biden* cannot lose. Even President Lyndon B. Johnson (LBJ), despite his increasingly obvious mismanagement of the Vietnam War, was elected to a full term in 1964.

Case study: With the Cold War over, President George H.W. Bush (a.k.a. Bush 41) began his term in January 1989 as a “peace-time president.” In August 1990, Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. President Bush 41 allowed his generals the freedom of action denied by LBJ to General Westmoreland in Vietnam. The world’s fourth-largest Army was defeated in 100 hours. During those 100 hours, President Bush 41 was a “war-time president.” But, following the defeat of Saddam Hussein, President Bush 41 became, once again, a “peace-time president,” and remained so.

Then, despite the fact that Navy Lt. George H.W. Bush had been a highly decorated hero in WWII, the “peace-time President Bush 41” was defeated for reelection in 1992 by the Vietnam War draft dodger, William J. Clinton.

Consider if President Bush 41 had waited until 1992 to eject Saddam Hussein from Kuwait, President Bush 41 could have campaigned as a “war-time president.” If previous election history pertained, then President Bush 41 would have been reelected. Thus, the nation might have been spared the Clintons (Vince Foster, Monica, White Water, Russia Hoax, e-mail destructions, ad nauseum), possibly spared the reign of Bush 43 (Irag/Afghanistan/sub-prime mortgage crisis), and possibly spared Barak Hussein Obama (fundamentally transforming America by kick-starting the nation’s downhill plunge to today’s reduced position in world affairs).

Fast forward to today: Tucker Carlson and some of his guests were using Tucker’s hold on Tucker’s massive TV audience to urge that the United States get out of the proxy war with Russia. Carlson contends the U.S. has no vital interests at stake in Ukraine. Emotional, yes. Vital, no. Carlson questions the billions of dollars, the tons of military equipment, and the secret military training the Biden* Regime is lavishing on Ukraine.

Obviously, if Rupert Murdoch’s political objectives were to be fulfilled, Murdoch could not allow the nation’s most-watched TV anchor to turn Joe Biden* into a “peace-time president.”

But, if the proxy war between the U S and Russia in Ukraine could be prolonged into the 2024 presidential election cycle, even Joe Biden* (despite his dismal record) could be sold to the electorate as a “war-time president.” If so, History suggests old Joe Biden* could totter along until VP Kamala Harris takes over to finish Biden’s* second term and possibly occupy the Oval Office for two terms of her own.

©2023. William Hamilton. “Central View,” free to you at: www.central-view.com.

*election disputed.

‘The Only Thing That Should Be Dragging in the Navy Is an Anchor’: Congressman thumbnail

‘The Only Thing That Should Be Dragging in the Navy Is an Anchor’: Congressman

By Family Research Council

Anheuser-Busch hasn’t exactly been teaching a master class on marketing after its poisonous partnership with Dylan Mulvaney. When sales crashed, CEO Michel Doukeris tried the “It wasn’t a campaign — it was just a can” excuse for Bud Light’s relationship with the trans influencer, but it was $6 billion too late. Now, the U.S. Navy seems to be floating the same alibi for its drag queen recruiting videos. “The program has concluded, and the Navy is evaluating it,” Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin claimed. Well, the evaluation from House and Senate Republicans is in, and if this doesn’t stop, “heads will roll.”

For the last two months, the Navy has defended the salacious posts of 2nd Class Petty Officer Joshua Kelly (who goes by stage name “Harpy Daniels”) against the criticism of leaders like Rep. Jim Banks (R-Ind.), who asked how and why the branch chose a drag queen as one of its five “digital ambassadors.” “Do you believe TikTok videos of sailors dressed in and performing in drag is the best use of the Navy’s recruitment efforts?” he asked, before pointing out that Kelly is dressed in lingerie, underwear, or nothing with captions too grotesque and profane to repeat.

Lt. General (Ret.) William Boykin, who spent 36 years serving his country, openly seethed about Kelly’s posts. “I can’t even watch that,” he told Family Research Council Tony Perkins of Kelly’s videos, revolted. “I mean, I saw it earlier today on the computer, and I can’t watch. … They’re trying to add another 5,000 people to the Navy,” and this is the “kind of nonsense [they think is] going to help recruiting?”

Boykin wasn’t alone in his disgust. Rob O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, held nothing back on Twitter, fuming, “Alright. The U.S. Navy is now using an enlisted sailor Drag Queen as a recruiter. I’m done. China is going to destroy us. YOU GOT THIS NAVY. I can’t believe I fought for this bull—-.”

Yet officials defended Kelly’s involvement, insisting that his social media presence didn’t violate military policy since it wasn’t technically endorsed by the Navy. That’s interesting, House and Senate Republicans fired back, since the branch asked their ambassadors to use their accounts to attract new recruits.

“[The Navy said] they weren’t paying him,” Perkins, a Marine veteran, pointed out. “But when you’re in the military, all of your time belongs to the military. … And this is what he is — a ‘digital ambassador’ as a drag queen representing the Navy. I mean, think about what our enemies [are saying], how they responded. They’ve got to be laughing at this.”

The sick images caught the attention of more than a dozen senators, who sent a letter to Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro on May 3, demanding to know if the Navy approves of these sexually explicit performances. “Would the Navy enlist burlesque or exotic dancers to reach possible recruits? Such activity is not appropriate for promotion in a professional workplace or the United States military,” Republicans Ted Cruz (Texas), Tom Cotton (Ark.), Tommy Tuberville (Ala.), and 11 others insisted.

The controversy has been even more infuriating when you consider that the Biden administration was already under fire for hosting Drag Queen Story Hours on military bases. At a House hearing in March, Secretary Austin testified that the DOD does not “support or fund” drag shows. But, Banks argued, “If he was testifying honestly, then he has an obligation to discipline the officials who decided that sexually explicit content should be featured [here] in the Navy’s Digital Ambassador’s program. [This] divisive and woke insanity [is what’s] helped drive recruitment to a record low.”

Like Bud Light, which should be a cautionary tale on how to offend heartland consumers, the Navy is alienating the very patriots who’ve historically made up the military. Putting a man in women’s lingerie isn’t how you appeal to people with conservative values, the most likely pool of future soldiers, sailors, and airmen.

Congressman Mark Alford (R-Mo.) agreed. “I’ll tell you what … the word salad that you just heard from the DOD [defending Kelly’s role], that is standard for the Biden administration,” he said on Thursday’s “Washington Watch.” “What is happening here, I think, is an abomination. … This is not any way to recruit anyone into the military. The only thing that should be dragging in the Navy is an anchor.”

“When we have China on the march, Russia threatening nuclear activity, China launching warships almost on a weekly basis, and we’re focused on pronouns and drag queens,” Perkins shook his head, “something is seriously wrong.”

Worse, Alford pointed out, “only 9% of young people surveyed recently said they had any interest whatsoever in joining the military. … [W]e could possibly be at war with communist China in less than three to five years. We’ve got to rebuild our military. We’ve got to bring some sanity back to the Department of Defense.”

In his testimony, Austin said he would get back to the committee in “due time.” “I’m here to tell you, Secretary Austin, it better be quick,” Alford warned. “We have some serious answers that we need on these serious questions … about the wokeness that has infected our military. … We have got to put a stop to this … and someone’s head is going to roll on this. I don’t know who, but we cannot continue down this path where we are turning our military into [a] circus.”

And before someone accuses him or other conservatives of being “anti-gay” or “transphobic,” he reminded them, “If this were a woman doing burlesque in an oversexualized manner trying to recruit people into the military, it would be wrong as well. … This is not getting people passionate about America again. We need Normal Rockwell … not the ‘Rocky Horror Picture Show.’ And that’s what we’re living in.”

Kelly, meanwhile, was quite content to play the martyr. He blamed critics for creating “toxic environments and hate.” “You only want to support the military when it benefits you and doesn’t involve queer people. … Well, as a service member, a queen, and an open queer person, you don’t scare me and you won’t stop the LGBTQ+ community [from] thriving,” Kelley continued. “Haters only hate when we’re winning.”

But winning — as a nation — is exactly what Republicans are concerned about. “The situation … is so serious with China,” Alford warned. “They are getting ready to invade Taiwan; Russia [is] in this illegal war against Ukraine. What’s going on in the Sudan? We have serious problems in America, and we are asleep. … The big bad wolf is at the door. As I’ve said before, he is huffing and puffing. Our house right now is not made out of brick. And I’m worried that it’s going to be blown down.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Amid Rising Antisemitism, Jews Are Embracing The Second Amendment thumbnail

Amid Rising Antisemitism, Jews Are Embracing The Second Amendment

By The Daily Caller

  • As antisemitism continues to climb in the U.S., the Jewish community has turned to the Second Amendment to protect themselves, according to several experts that spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Tzvi Waldman, leader of the NYS Jewish Gun Club, told the DCNF that many synagogues can’t afford expensive private security but they have little choice when states like New York simultaneously ban guns in synagogues and don’t curb rising antisemitism.
  • “In the last six and a half years, I have seen, unfortunately, and fortunately, a massive uptake in Jews going out and getting guns, training and starting to be a lot more vocal about how important the Second Amendment is,” Yehuda Remer, founder of The Pew Pew Jew, a Jewish Second Amendment advocacy organization located in Texas, told the DCNF.

In response to rising antisemitism over the past few years, Jews are increasingly embracing firearms as a means of self-protection, community leaders and experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Jews reported 814 antisemitic incidents in 2021 alone, while the number of anti-Jewish assaults across the country in 2021 increased by 16% from 2020, according to FBI hate crime statistics. In response, more Jews have begun exercising their rights under the Second Amendment to protect themselves and their communities, according to experts that spoke with the DCNF.

“I entered the [gun] industry about six years ago, and at the time, I was kind of disheartened to see that Jews didn’t have representation in the Second Amendment world,” Yehuda Remer, founder of The Pew Pew Jew, a Jewish gun rights advocacy organization located in Texas, told the DCNF. “In the last six and a half years, I have seen, unfortunately, and fortunately, a massive uptick in Jews going out and getting guns … and starting to be a lot more vocal about how important the Second Amendment is. I think a lot of these people never would have picked up a gun, or even given it a second thought, if it wasn’t for the rise in antisemitism.”

Rabbi Yossi Elifort, the founder of Magen Am USA, a non-profit organization that helps create armed security teams within the Jewish community, also noted the increasing amount of interest in self-defense in the Jewish community.

“I probably trained 300 first-time shooters in the last two years,” Elifort said. “So there are a lot of first-timers coming out. What’s interesting about American Second Amendment culture is that I found the people who own guns for longer and grew up shooting tend to be less interested or concerned [about] training and those that are getting into it now are more open to it.”

One study, from Americans Against Antisemitism, found that, in New York City, those who were easily identified as Jewish made up 94% of the victims of antisemitic hate crimes from 2018 to 2022. Remer said that Jews have traditionally been silent about the hate directed at them, but as the incidents have escalated, from swastikas spray-painted on synagogues to muggings and shootings while walking down the street, there has been a greater push to learn how to defend themselves.

Raziel Cohen, also known as the Tactical Rabbi, and founder of the National Defensive Firearms Training Academy, told the DCNF that many of the people they’ve helped train in recent years had never even held a firearm.

“A big portion of what we’re dealing with is people who have never touched a firearm before,” Cohen said. “So there’s definitely a different level of training that goes into teaching a beginner so that they are confident and safe, especially since owning a firearm, in general, is obviously a very serious responsibility. There is a large amount of people who have never been involved but either had an attack happen to them or came to the understanding that it’s very possible and that’s why they’re now making the decision to go forward with it.”

Remer and Cohen noted that the number of Jewish women looking to learn how to shoot has also heavily increased. Cohen explained that women are typically more serious about training because the risk to females at home, or walking down the street, is much greater than to men.

Jewish synagogues have also experienced an increasing level of violence. In December, a man was arrested in Michigan after threatening a Jewish synagogue and preschool, and then, in February, another man walked into a San Francisco synagogue, firing blank rounds into the ceiling, during a small gathering.

Tzvi Waldman, who heads the NYS Jewish Gun Club in New York, told the DCNF that part of the reason Jews are at risk is because of laws that prevent them from carrying guns in houses of worship. Waldman said that many synagogues can’t afford expensive private security, but they have little choice when states like New York ban guns in places of worship.

“We shouldn’t have to rely on a third party nor the government,” Waldman said. “I mean the First Amendment, it’s our right to free speech, [but] I don’t have to hire a press secretary to talk and I’m allowed to get on social media, or just stand in front of my house with a microphone and say whatever I want to say. The more effective way, and the way of constitutional law, is to have [trained] citizens within the community to be there, just in case, … [but] you’re not allowed to do that under the current law.”




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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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