Stock Selloff, Collapse of Cryptos, Meme Stocks & SPAC/IPO Zombies Bringing Day Traders Back into the Labor Force? thumbnail

Stock Selloff, Collapse of Cryptos, Meme Stocks & SPAC/IPO Zombies Bringing Day Traders Back into the Labor Force?

By Wolf Richter

Interesting stuff happening in the labor market, suddenly.

Employers added 315,000 workers to their payrolls in August, and 1.13 million over the past three months – solid growth.

Households reported that the number of working people in regular jobs or self-employed jumped by 442,000 in August, after having been essentially flat for months. There have been indications that aggressive hiring by employers pulled some self-employed workers out of self-employment and onto regular payrolls. Hence the sharp increase in payrolls and the more slowly growing overall number of working people.

Wages rose again, but a tad less sharply. The number of unemployed people actively looking for work ticked up from July, but July had been the lowest level since the year 2000 at the peak of the dot-com bubble.

The biggest movements were the jumps in the labor force, the labor force participation rate, and the prime-age labor force participation rate, a welcome turn in a labor market pressured by demand for labor and labor shortages.

The instant play money vanished.

This jump in the labor force comes as the S&P 500 index is down 18% from its high at the beginning of the year. The Nasdaq is down 28% from its high in November. Many of the most speculative stocks, crazy meme stocks, and SPAC and IPO zombies have collapsed by 70% or 80% or even over 90%, hundreds of them, some of which I report on in my Imploded Stocks column.

Most cryptos have collapsed by 70% or more, and some have essentially vanished. DeFi crypto exchanges and lending platforms have filed for bankruptcy and taken their clients’ fiat and cryptos with them. It has been a nightmare out there for people exposed to this stuff.

These are the kinds of high-risk blood-pressure-raising adventures that lots of people embarked on during the pandemic, and initially made lots and lots of money with, often life-changing amounts of money that allowed them to just rest on their laurels and live off their gains, and not have to return to the daily grind.

If they didn’t return to the daily grind, they thereby exited the “labor force.” The labor force is defined as people who are working or who are actively looking for work. But if crypto millionaires don’t want to go back to their day jobs and aren’t looking for work, they’re out of the labor force…..


Continue reading this article at Wolf Street.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

ANTONI: A Massive Economic Storm Is Already Overhead And Nobody Seems To Notice thumbnail

ANTONI: A Massive Economic Storm Is Already Overhead And Nobody Seems To Notice

By The Daily Caller

When ominously dark clouds roll in on a hot afternoon driven by a stiff wind, it doesn’t take a crystal ball to know a storm is coming. Yet the economic equivalent is already overhead, and no one seems to notice.

Many people are worried about the economy, and rightly so. Investors looking to the stock market have no sense of direction as major indices and commodity prices fluctuate violently. Potential homebuyers and existing homeowners alike are seeing the housing market in freefall. Workers can find jobs, but it is difficult to find work where the pay keeps up with inflation.

While all the above are troubling, they are not the scariest harbinger today for a worsening recession.

It’s not the fact that the economy has already contracted for two consecutive quarters. Debating whether that should be considered a recession is, at this point, an academic exercise which ignores the reality of key factors that are already baked into the cake and whose impact will be felt in the coming months.

The biggest recessionary factor that should have alarm bells ringing is new orders for business, especially manufacturing, which are plummeting.

Manufacturing surveys from Federal Reserve Banks in New YorkDallasPhiladelphia, and Richmond show new orders for business falling fast, in some cases at the fastest pace on record. The corresponding service sector surveys show similar trends with deteriorating business conditions and declining new orders.

In the New York survey, current business conditions are rated worse than any time besides the depths of the 2009 crash and the pandemic. In July, future business conditions were worse than at any point besides September 2001, when the survey was taken right after 9/11. In other words, the coming economic storm is more worrisome to manufacturers than anything besides a terrorist attack.

And in case anyone thinks these may all just be regional phenomena happening in the respective Federal Reserve Bank districts, the Census Bureau’s most recent reports on new orders for durable goods and retail sales showed all growth vanished in July.

S&P’s Purchasing Manager’s Index (PMI) initial report for August shows new orders for the private sector falling at the fastest pace in over two years. The Institute for Supply Management’s PMI for both manufacturing and the hospital sector also showed new orders declining in the most recent reports.

Falling new orders are particularly troubling because it means businesses cannot sustain current output levels nor current employment levels.

Why is this not front-page news? Probably because it is being hidden. There is no conspiracy here; it is largely a numerical fluke left over from the pandemic. Government-imposed lockdowns severely curtailed production throughout the economy and created countless supply chain disruptions. That caused new orders at businesses to pile up, creating a record backlog of unfilled orders.

Today, those businesses are rapidly working through their unfilled orders, hiring additional employees to do so. Even though new orders coming in are declining fast, current output is still increasing, and the hiring spree continues. With nearly all the kinks worked out of the supply chain, the only missing ingredient for many businesses is labor.

But that raises a question as ominous as those storm clouds on a hot afternoon: what happens when the backlog of unfilled orders is gone?

At that point, businesses will have to scale back, output will decline and employees will be let go. Fewer people working and earning an income will mean reduced production and consumption, which means recession. Higher interest rates exacerbate the situation.

It’s no wonder that the Conference Board’s leading economic indicators have trended down for the last six months and show new orders slowing; new orders are the canary in the coalmine for this economy. Business leaders would do well to notice the bird is suffocating.



E.J. Antoni is a research fellow for regional economics at the Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis and a Senior Fellow at Committee to Unleash Prosperity.

RELATED ARTICLE: SHEFFIELD: While Biden Blames Others For His Failures, America’s Economy Continues To Nosedive

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Paying Off Loans for Gas Guzzling Cars thumbnail

Biden Paying Off Loans for Gas Guzzling Cars

By Bruce Bialosky

In an announcement that shocked many, the Biden Administration has announced they will be paying off all car loans and leases for people who have internal combustion engine cars. This is their biggest move yet to migrate Americans from their gas guzzlers to EVs.

President Biden made the announcement saying “We had to take this bold move to achieve our goal of getting my fellow Americans to transition to electric vehicles. As long as these people are burdened by these financial obligations, they will be blocked from making the decision they want to make – a clean, energy-efficient vehicle. We are unleashing the power of the American economy.”

An immediate response of overwhelming joy came from the environmental community. The President of the Union of Concerned Scientists, Ray Bradbury, applauded the move. He said, “With this stroke of bold leadership we will remove millions of those environment-destroying vehicles from our highways.” Rachel Carson, the Sierra Club spokesperson stated, “We can’t imagine a better move by the current administration to eliminate destructive CO2 gases and save our forests.”

“This is going to change the lives of a lot of people,” said Mark Huelsman, director of policy and advocacy director of the Hope Center, a higher education think tank. When a reporter pointed out that is the exact same statement, he made about student loan relief Mr. Huelsman blurted “Yes, but I really mean it this time.”

Congressional allies of Biden loved the move. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer called Biden and told him “It’s the right thing to do morally and economically.” He expressed how he was personally pleased that his own car loan will be alleviated by the government action. He spoke of getting an EV because of the program and how that would improve the world.

Speaker Pelosi had previously stated that it was unconstitutional as this action was outside the rights of the executive branch. She was now thrilled that her husband’s Porsche was not burdened by the debt he had on it when caught drinking and driving.

The response was not nearly as favorable from the Republicans. Congressional Minority Leader, Kevin McCarthy said he was stunned by the announcement. “Does Biden think he is a dictator? Where does he think he gets the authority to do this? What is next: credit card debt and home mortgages?” Steve Scalise, Minority Whip, jumped in and grabbed the microphone yelling “Please don’t give him any ideas.”

The authorization for this debt relief as stated by the Biden Administration is the Heroes Act of 2003, the same act that was used for waiving college loans. The Biden Administration stated they were doing this due to the current status of it being a national emergency. When asked what aspect of this was a national emergency a spokesperson for the Biden Administration stated, “Every part of our administration is a national emergency.”

Many people are concerned about the inflationary effect of this debt relief. Economists were highly concerned that the $300 billion or more of college loan debt that will be absorbed by the federal government was a big inflation stimulant. One of the people who had expressed concern after the student loan debt relief was Jason Furman, chair of President Obama’s Council of Economic Advisers. When asked about this announced debt relief Furman was very succinct in his answer, “We’re screwed, we are all screwed, you can’t believe how screwed we are.”

Reporters asked the president’s press secretary what the financial effect of this policy will be. In her answer Karine Jean-Pierre stated, ah we don’t know exactly what she stated, we are analyzing her response and we will circle back to you on that once we figure it out.

There are a lot of unanswered questions yet. People are trying to figure out if they get the auto loan relief will they still be able to get the $7,500 credit off their taxes for buying an EV. Jared Bernstein, a member of the Council of Economic Advisers, observed that elements of the programs have to be flushed out yet. He should know what he is talking about since he has a music degree and plays the standup bass. Mr. Bernstein noted he was instrumental in the Biden Administration decision. He said he also consulted Herbie Hancock.

It is unclear how this entire program will check out. The Biden Administration could not quantify exactly how much debt would be piled on the existing debt of the government. It is estimated the outstanding auto loans are in the $1.5 trillion range. They have no clue of how much the cost of relieving auto leases will be and whether they will be paying off the residual on the vehicles also. There are many unanswered questions.

It is clear that President Joe Biden will be a transformational president. When asked how he will be perceived in the pantheon of presidents, Biden said “I told you I could change this country more than that Obama guy.”


This article was published by Flash Report and is reprinted with permission from the author.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

Hawaii is No. 1 In the World – In Tourist Taxes thumbnail

Hawaii is No. 1 In the World – In Tourist Taxes

By Hawaii Free Press

Last month, the website published an article giving our Honolulu a claim to international fame (or infamy).  It listed the city as having the highest tourist tax of any city in the world.  It noted our 10.25% transient accommodations tax, to which is added 3% county TAT.  “That’s already a hefty tax anywhere in the world,” the article says, “but when consider that the average room in Honolulu costs £321 ($390), that equates to £42.53 ($51.70) a night.”

The runner-up, according to the article, was San Francisco, which charges a 14% transient occupancy tax.  Its average room night was a bit less pricey at $212 per night, leading to a tax bite of $29.61 per night.

Meaning that, even with the article’s numbers, Honolulu is 75% higher in taxes than the second most tourist-taxed city in the world.

But that doesn’t show an accurate picture.  The article seems to have screwed up.

You see, they forgot to include the GET, which appears on hotel folios on top of the 13.25% TAT.  So, our tax is actually higher.  Quite a bit higher.

Indeed, if 4.712% is added in, our tax toll rises to 17.962%, or $70.05 a night (£57.62 for those keeping score in British pounds sterling).  This astronomical total is almost double the levy in San Francisco and almost six times that in the priciest destination in a non-U.S. country, namely Amsterdam in the Netherlands, which was scored at 11.31 euros (£9.73 or $11.82) a night.

But wait!  There’s more.

The article also compares countries charging flat rate tourist taxes, such as departure taxes charged at the airport.  Mexico is currently the winner at 224 Mexican pesos ($11.12 with currencies being converted at the rate in effect on June 30, 2020).  The next few countries, Thailand at 300 baht ($8.53), Belgium at 7.50 euros ($7.87), and Japan at 1000 yen ($7.33), all impose departure taxes at less than $10.

Conservation groups in Hawaii have been pushing for enactment of a Hawaii “visitor green fee,” which would work much like these departure taxes.  They, as well as one University of Hawaii economist, have noted that some island destinations such as Palau and the Galapagos Islands levy a $100 visitor green fee, and have urged Hawaii to adopt such a fee.  In the 2021 legislature, two bills (HB 805 and SB 666) would have imposed a visitor fee of $40.

If we actually imposed such a fee, it would vault us to the top of this list as well, and by a wide margin.  (Apparently Palau and the Galapagos didn’t make the list of the 100 most visited cities according to Euromonitor International, which the rankings were based on, and thus weren’t included.)

Fortunately, as we have noted before, such fees would violate the U.S. Constitution and thus cannot be charged by any individual State or county.  So, we shouldn’t be spending more time and energy trying to make our state and cities even more of an international outlier when it comes to tourist taxes and fees.

For those of us who think tourists are bad news and should stay the heck away from Hawaii Nei, these taxes are probably going to accomplish what you want.  Tourists are going to think twice, or more, before shelling out for an experience in Hawaiian paradise.  We have seen the economic result of tourists staying home en masse, because this is what happened during the pandemic.  The pain of workforce layoffs and business closures continues to this day.  Is that the future you want?  Is that the future we want?

We need to stop winning international contests like this.


Tom Yamachika

President Tax Foundation Hawaii

RELATED ARTICLE: Honolulu: Highest Tourist Taxes on Earth

The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in America, August Update: First Price Drops Appear, All in the West thumbnail

The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles in America, August Update: First Price Drops Appear, All in the West

By Wolf Richter

The Case-Shiller index, which lags reality on the ground by 4-6 months, is starting to pick up the price drops in Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Denver, and Portland.

The housing market is going through some navel-gazing, as many buyers evaporated at current prices and mortgage rates. They’re still out there, but they’re a lot lower, and many sellers haven’t figured that out yet, though some started cutting their asking prices but not nearly enough, and deal volume has plunged.

Sales volume of existing homes plunged by 20% from a year ago across the US, and by 31% in California, and by 41% in San Diego. Median prices in the West have begun to drop, and in the San Francisco Bay Area fell below year-ago-levels, including by 8% in San Francisco. Sales of new houses plunged by nearly 30% year-over-year across the US, and in the West by 50%, as the supply of new houses has exploded to 11 months, the highest since the peak of Housing Bust 1. And big institutional buyers have started to pull out of this market because they don’t want to overpay. This has been going on for months.

But today, the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Home Price Index, which lags reality on the ground by 4-6 months, finally picked up the first month-to-month price declines – all of them in the West: the metros of Seattle, San Francisco, San Diego, Los Angeles, Denver, and Portland.

Today’s release of the Case-Shiller Index was for “June,” which consists of the three-month average of closed home sales that were entered into public records in April, May, and June, of deals that were made a few weeks to a couple of months earlier, roughly in March through May.

By mid-April, the average 30-year fixed mortgage rate pierced the 5% mark and has stayed above 5% ever since. So here we go.

The Most Splendid Housing Bubbles where prices fell.

Seattle metro house prices dropped by 1.9% in “June” (three month moving average of April, May, and June) from “May,” wiping out in one month the gains of the prior two months plus some. This was the first month-to-month decline since October 2019, after a totally ridiculous spike. It chopped the year-over-year spike down to 9.3%, from 27% a few months earlier.

San Francisco Bay Area house prices fell by 1.3% in “June” from May, below the level of April, and the first month-to-month decline since June 2020, wiping out in one month the gains of the prior two months. This whittled down the year-over-year spike to 16.1%, from over 24% in prior months.

For the Case Shiller Index, the metro consists of the five-counties covering San Francisco, part of Silicon Valley, part of the East Bay, and part of the North Bay.

San Diego metro house prices fell by 0.7% in “June,” the first month-to-month decline since October 2019, after a ridiculous spike. The index dropped below the April level, thereby wiping out in one month the gains of more than two months.

This 0.7% decline reduced the year-over-year gain to 21.6%, from the near 30% gains a few months ago.

The index value of 425 for San Diego means that home prices shot up by 325% since January 2000, when the index was set at 100, despite the plunge in the middle (CPI inflation amounted to 75% over the same period).

Los Angeles metro house prices fell by 0.4% in June from May, which whittled the year-over-year price spike down to +19.4%.

Denver metro house prices dipped 0.1% in June from May, whittling down the year-over-year gain to 19.3%:


Continue reading this article at  Wolf Street.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

The Covid-Industrial Complex: ‘We’ve Created 40 New Billionaires’ of which 15 are Chinese Citizens thumbnail

The Covid-Industrial Complex: ‘We’ve Created 40 New Billionaires’ of which 15 are Chinese Citizens

By The Geller Report

“We’ve created an interest group to keep the pandemic going. Their argument is ‘we’re keeping people safe when in fact we’re just keeping the anxiety going.”

By Giacomo Tognini

Shortly after the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 a global pandemic on March 11, 2020, markets collapsed and economies around the world plunged into recession. At the same time, hundreds of billionaires fell from the ranks of Forbes’ World’s Billionaires list, capturing a snapshot of the pandemic’s impact on the fortunes of the world’s wealthiest people.

One year later, things couldn’t be more different: a record 493 new billionaires joined the list this year, propelled by a red-hot stock market and unprecedented economic stimulus. Among those newcomers are at least 40 new entrants who draw their fortunes from companies involved in fighting Covid-19.

Li Jianquan & family




Jianquan’s Winner Medical made billions of masks and millions of protective overalls and gowns for healthcare workers fighting the virus.

Stéphane Bancel




Bancel is the CEO of Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Moderna, which had its Covid-19 vaccine authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on December 18, 2020.

Liu Fangyi




Liu Fangyi is the founder and chairman of Intco Medical, a manufacturer of personal protective equipment including gloves, face masks, isolation gowns and hand sanitizer.

Uğur Şahin




Şahin is the CEO and cofounder of BioNTech, which he started alongside his wife and chief medical officer Özlem Türeci. BioNTech partnered with Pfizer to make the first vaccine authorized by regulators in the U.S., a milestone announced by the FDA on December 11, 2020.

Yuan Liping




Yuan Liping received a 24% stake in vaccine maker Shenzhen Kangtai Biological Products after divorcing the firm’s chairman Du Weimin in 2020. The company signed a deal with British pharma titan AstraZeneca in August to make at least 100 million doses of its Covid-19 vaccine.

Hu Kun




Hu Kun is the chairman of Shenzhen-listed Contec Medical Systems, which makes a range of medical equipment including pulse oximeters and pulmonary devices used to check lung conditions.

Chen Xiao Ying




Chen Xiao Ying is an investor in e-commerce giant Alibaba’s online healthcare arm Alibaba Health Information Technology, which signed a deal with Chinese vaccine maker Sinovac in September to develop a digital platform for Sinovac’s Covid-19 vaccine rollout.

Dai Lizhong




Dai Lizhong is the chairman of diagnostics firm Sansure Biotech, which makes Covid-19 tests and had its diagnostic kits authorized by the FDA in May 2020.

Karin Sartorius-Herbst




Ulrike Baro




Karin Sartorius-Herbst and her sister Ulrike Baro own stakes in German biopharma outfit Sartorius AG, founded by their great-grandfather Florenz Sartorius in 1870. Sartorius provides lab supplies for Covid-19 testing and assists vaccine manufacturers in the development process.

Timothy Springer




Springer is an immunologist and professor of biological chemistry and molecular pharmacology at Harvard Medical School; he was a founding investor in Moderna in 2010 and owns a 3.5% stake.

Gong Yingying




Gong Yingying is the founder and chairwoman of Chinese healthcare tech firm Yidu Tech, which used its AI and big data technology to help the hard-hit city of Wuhan conduct contact tracing and coordinate its emergency response.

Weng Xianding




Rao Wei & family




Rao Wei and Weng Xianding are the chairman and majority shareholder, respectively, of biomedical firm Shenzhen New Industries Biological Engineering, which makes a number of Covid-19 diagnostic tests.

Sergio Stevanato




Stevanato is the majority owner and chairman emeritus of Stevanato Group, a medical packaging manufacturer that’s supplying glass vials for several Covid-19 vaccines as well as plastic parts for diagnostic tests.

Noubar Afeyan




Afeyan is the chairman and cofounder of Moderna and the founder and CEO of Massachusetts-based life sciences venture capital firm Flagship Pioneering, through which he owns shares in a dozen publicly traded biotech companies.

Carl Hansen




Hansen is a former college professor at the University of British Columbia and the founder and CEO of Canadian biotech firm AbCellera, which partnered with Eli Lilly on a promising antibody treatment for Covid-19 that was authorized by the FDA in November.

Juan López-Belmonte López & family




López-Belmonte López chairs Spanish pharma company Rovi, which inked a contract with Moderna in July to fill and package hundreds of millions of doses of its Covid-19 vaccine at Rovi’s factory in Madrid, Spain.

John Oyler




Oyler is the CEO and cofounder of Beijing-based drugmaker BeiGene, which signed an agreement with biotech outfit Singlomics Pharmaceuticals in August to develop, manufacture and sell Singlomics’ antibody treatment for Covid-19.

Robert Langer




Langer is a chemical engineer and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he leads the eponymous Langer Lab; he owns a 3% stake in Moderna, which he helped start in 2010.

Ren Jinsheng & family




Ren Jinsheng is the founder and chairman of pharmaceuticals supplier Simcere Pharmaceutical Group, which increased its production of antiviral drugs arbidol and zanamivir in response to higher demand in the hopes they could help treat Covid-19.

Arvind Lal




Lal is the executive chairman of Indian diagnostics chain Dr. Lal PathLabs, which offers Covid-19 tests at its clinics and collection points throughout India.

Prathap Reddy




Prathap Reddy is the founder and chairman of Indian hospital chain Apollo Hospitals Group, which launched more than a dozen post-Covid recovery clinics in October for patients suffering long-term effects from the disease.

August Troendle




Troendle is the CEO and founder of Cincinnati-based contract research firm Medpace, which helps pharmaceutical companies run clinical trials for Covid-19 drugs and also offers testing services at its labs.

Liang Yaoming




Liang Yaoming chairs clinical testing company Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group, which processed tests for Covid-19 at its facilities throughout China.

Itaru Tanimura




Tanimura is the founder of Tokyo-based online medical services provider M3, which offers its AI-powered image analysis technology to remotely diagnose Covid-19 by looking at medical images; the firm also ran clinical studies for Moderna’s vaccine at its facility in Raleigh, North Carolina.

Keith Dunleavy & family




Dunleavy is the founder of cloud-based healthcare data analytics outfit Inovalon, which is working with the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to administer Covid-19 vaccines using its software platform.

Alan Miller & family




Miller is the founder and executive chairman of healthcare services provider Universal Health Services, which conducts testing for Covid-19 and treats patients at its network of hospitals across the U.S.

Cao Xiaochun




Cao Xiaochun is the cofounder and director of pharmaceutical contract research outfit Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting, which supported clinical trials for CanSino’s Covid-19 vaccine.

Xiong Jun & family




Xiong Jun chairs biopharma company Shanghai Junshi Biosciences, which worked with Eli Lilly to co-develop antibody treatments for Covid-19.

Zhu Tao




Qiu Dongxu




Yu Xuefeng




Mao Huihua




Zhu Tao, Qiu Dongxu, Yu Xuefeng and Mao Huihua are cofounders of Tianjin-based vaccine manufacturer CanSino Biologics, which received conditional approval for its one-shot Covid-19 vaccine from Chinese regulators in February.

Premchand Godha




Godha chairs Mumbai-based generic drug manufacturer Ipca Labs, which had an FDA import ban softened in March 2020 to allow it to export the antimalarial drug hydroxychloroquine to the U.S. The drug was initially touted as a potential Covid-19 cure before the FDA discouraged its use in July.

Feng Yuxia




Feng Yuxia is the president of Beijing-based contract research organization JOINN Laboratories, which helped conduct clinical studies of potential Covid-19 treatments in the disease’s early epicenter of Wuhan, China.

Li Wenmei & family




Li Wenmei is the cofounder and general manager of diagnostic test supplier Guangzhou Wondfo Biotech, which makes a range of Covid-19 tests.

M.Satyanarayana Reddy




He is the founder and chairman of Hyderabad-based drugmaker MSN Group, which started producing a low-cost version of the Covid-19 antiviral favipiravir in August.

Jack Schuler




Schuler is the former president of healthcare multinational Abbott Labs and the owner of a 7% stake in diagnostic firm Quidel Corp., which was one of the first companies to receive FDA approval for its Covid-19 tests in March 2020. He’s also an investor in privately owned Inspirotec, which is developing technology to identify the presence of Covid-19 in the air.

Yu De-Chao




Yu De-Chao is the founder and chairman of Chinese biopharma outfit Innovent Biologics, which is developing a potential antibody treatment for Covid-19.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Replacement cost of a Chevrolet Volt Battery $29,842.15 but it gets worse, much worse! thumbnail

Replacement cost of a Chevrolet Volt Battery $29,842.15 but it gets worse, much worse!

By Dr. Rich Swier

In 2019 GM retired the Chevy Volt to make way for its successor, the more compact but fully electric Chevy Bolt. We recently received a copy of an estimate from Roger Dean Chevrolet, located in Cape Coral, Florida, to replace the battery in a Chevy Volt (VIN: 101RB6E4XCU113962) that has on its odometer 70,489 miles. Using an average of 12,000 miles driven per year we estimated that this Volt was purchased in 2017.

Here are the costs to replace the battery:

  • Labor $1,200
  • Parts $26,887.97
  • Misc. $41.50
  • Tax $$1,712.68
  • TOTAL: $29,842.15

QUESTION: Do we really need all electric vehicles, at all?

ANSWER: Let’s look at the numbers to answer this question.

All electric cars depreciate faster than internal combustion engine, i.e. gas-powered, cars. The most significant vehicle depreciation typically occurs after purchase and within the first three years. According to an iSeeCars study, EV owners can expect 52 percent depreciation in the first three years.

Add to this an iSeeCars August 23rd, 2022 all electric care pricing article by Julie Blackley who reported,

Electric car prices went up 54.3% in July from last year compared to 10.1% for conventional/internal combustion cars.

Used car prices remain elevated in the wake of the global microchip shortage, but they began to level off in the second half of 2022. However, according to iSeeCars’ recent analysis, over the same period prices for electric cars continued to increase significantly. In July, electric car prices saw an increase of 54.3% from the same month last year while gas-powered cars were up just 10.1%. 

iSeeCars analyzed the prices of over 13.8 million 1-5 year old used cars sold between January and July of 2021 and 2022 to determine the price growth of electric cars compared to conventional fuel vehicles.

“Until recently, mainstream electric vehicles typically depreciated rapidly due to improvements in battery technology and a lack of demand in the secondary market,” said iSeeCars Executive Analyst Karl Brauer. “However, soaring gas prices, improvements in public charging infrastructure, and a lack of inventory for new EVs have led to soaring demand for used electric vehicles.

Read more

We also reported on how Biden and his administration actually caused the soaring gas prices and inflation.

Add to this a September 2nd, 2022 article which reported,

Going somewhere for the holiday weekend?  Not if you live in California and drive an electric vehicle, you’re not.  California issued an emergency alert asking people not to charge their EVs because the power grid can’t handle the demand.  This from a state that is moving to ban the sale of gas-powered vehicles. So how’s this going to work when the internal combustion engine is gone, natural gas appliances are banned, and everyone has to rely on electricity for getting around, heating their homes, and washing their clothes.  The short answer is: it’s not.  The numbers don’t add up.  But that’s the bright green energy future into which your insane leaders want to take you.

Here’s one thing that will happen in that future.  Everyone will have smart meters and the government will simply order the power cut off whenever it feels like it.  Don’t believe me?  It’s already happening.  How did you like the story out of Denver this week, where 22,000 households were locked out of their thermostats and couldn’t adjust their air conditioning when it got hot?  No car, no A/C, no appliances, whenever the government decides it’s time to control your behavior.

We also reported that  the electricity needed to charge one all electric vehicle is the equivalent of running four (4) total home air conditioning systems.

The Climate Crisis Myth

The Biden administration has used the myth of a climate crisis to push for massive funding to go all electric. Not just cars and trucks but also doing away with the use of all fossil fuels. Despite the fact that the world uses fossil fuels to produce 84% of its electrical power.

On August 5th, 2021 Reuters reported,

President Joe Biden took a step toward his goal of slashing greenhouse gas emissions on Thursday [August 5, 2021] with an executive order aimed at making half of all new vehicles sold in 2030 electric, a move made with backing from the biggest U.S. automakers. The administration also proposed new vehicle emissions standards that would cut pollution through 2026, starting with a 10% stringency increase in the 2023 model year. [Emphasis added]

Read more.

On August 2nd, 2022 the Federal Highway Administration announced,

In keeping with President Biden’s commitment to build out a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle (EV) chargers by 2030, the U.S. Departments of Transportation and Energy today announced all 50 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico have submitted EV infrastructure deployment plans as required under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program established and funded by President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These plans are required to unlock the first round of the $5 billion of Bipartisan Infrastructure Law formula funding available over 5 years to help states accelerate the important work of building out the national EV charging network and making electric vehicle charging accessible to all Americans. The on-time submission of every single plan demonstrates the widespread commitment from states to build out EV charging infrastructure to help accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles, create good jobs, and combat the climate crisis.

Read more.

August 18, 2022 World Net Daily’s Art Moore reported,

Led by a Nobel Prize laureate, more than 1,100 scientists and scholars have signed a document declaring climate science is based more on personal beliefs and political agendas than sound, rigorous science.

The World Climate Declaration states climate science “should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific.”

“Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures,” the declaration reads.

The declaration was organized by Climate Intelligence, an independent policy foundation founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and Dutch science journalist Marcel Crok.

Read more.

The Bottom Line

The bottom line is:

  1. Biden caused our current gasoline and diesel fuels crisis.
  2. Biden by executive order mandated 50% of all vehicles be electric by 2030.
  3. Biden and Congress allocated billions of dollars to build 500,000 charging stations in all 50 states, D.C. and territories.
  4. Biden unilaterally declared a climate crisis.
  5. Biden has called those who disagree with his green agenda semi-fascists.

So there you have it. Biden’s fake crisis to create an unachievable and costly green agenda that will cost every American dearly.

To make things worse on August 28th, 2022 the Biden administration has handed California the power to mandate EVs nationwide.

America will continue to go down the green brick road to deal with a Mythological Climate Agenda which will inextricably lead to an Economic Armageddon.

Biden’s goal is to turn America into Newsom’s California. Biden has gone full woke and Americans are going broke (penniless, moneyless, bankrupt, insolvent, poor, poverty-stricken).

Get it? Got it? Good!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


FACT: All Electric Vehicles (EVs) Are Powered by Coal, Uranium, Natural Gas or Diesel-Powered Energy

Romancing The All Electric Vehicle

Democrats Passed $7,500 Electric Vehicle Tax Credit, Then EV Prices Were Immediately Raised $7,500

What AOC and Nina Turner Get Wrong about the ‘Scarcity Mindset’ thumbnail

What AOC and Nina Turner Get Wrong about the ‘Scarcity Mindset’

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

AOC and Turner are right to say we should reject the scarcity mindset. But they have it all backwards.

One of the talking points the left uses fairly often is the idea of a “scarcity mindset.” Originally, this phrase was used in a self-help context to highlight a disempowering way of thinking, but it has since been appropriated by the left and given a somewhat different meaning.

Often this rhetoric comes up in the context of government spending. A progressive will advocate for some government subsidy or welfare program to help those in need. Their detractors will point out the cost, noting that you can’t get something for nothing. The progressive then responds by saying that’s just a “scarcity mindset.” If only we had an abundance mindset, they say, we could do a lot of good for a lot of people.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez and activist Nina Turner both invoked this concept in recent tweets.

“I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, not every program has to be for everybody,” said AOC. “Maybe student loan forgiveness doesn’t impact you. That doesn’t make it bad. I’m sure there are other things that student loan borrowers’ taxes pay for. We can do good things and reject the scarcity mindset that says doing something good for someone else comes at the cost of something for ourselves.”

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) August 27, 2022

“We must reject the scarcity mindset,” wrote Nina Turner. “Our government has the ability to fund programs that will help everyone.”

We must reject the scarcity mindset. Our government has the ability to fund programs that will help everyone.

— Nina Turner (@ninaturner) August 27, 2022

There’s a kernel of truth in this idea, as there often is in most talking points. In this case, the kernel of truth is that not everything is zero-sum. There is such a thing as a win-win transaction. It is possible for two people to benefit from a transaction with no one being worse off.

But just because win-win transactions are possible, that doesn’t mean they are the only kind of transaction. Win-lose transactions are also very possible.

Indeed, when Steven Covey coined the “scarcity mindset” and “abundance mindset” phrases in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, he uses them to distinguish what he calls the win-win paradigm from the win-lose paradigm.

“The third character trait essential to Win/Win is the Abundance Mentality, the paradigm that there is plenty out there for everybody,” Covey writes. “Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality. They see life as having only so much, as though there were only one pie out there. And if someone were to get a big piece of the pie, it would mean less for everybody else. The Scarcity Mentality is the zero-sum paradigm of life.”

Covey’s point is that we should seek out win-win transactions wherever possible. The Scarcity Mentality, properly understood, is the belief that everything has to be win-lose. The truth, of course, is that it doesn’t have to be.

But when progressives invoke this phrase, they distort its meaning. The Scarcity Mentality, in their (improper) view, is the belief that win-lose transactions necessarily involve losers. To paraphrase AOC, if you suggest that government wealth transfers “come at the cost of something for ourselves,” that’s a “scarcity mindset” that we should “reject.”

Consider two people, let’s call them Peter and Paul (completely arbitrary names I assure you). If Peter has a pencil and Paul has a pen, and they both want what the other has, they can trade with each other, and that trade would be win-win.

But now let’s say Peter has money and Paul doesn’t, and I rob Peter to pay Paul. This is a win-lose transaction. Paul wins. Peter loses.

Now here’s the question. Is it a Scarcity Mentality to suggest that helping Paul “came at the cost” of hurting Peter? Is it a Scarcity Mentality to suggest that this kind of transaction is zero-sum as far as money is concerned? Is it a Scarcity Mentality to suggest that this “program” doesn’t, in fact, help everyone, but rather helps some by hurting others?

According to AOC and Nina Turner, this is the “scarcity mindset” that should be rejected.

In practice, what leftists mean by rejecting the “scarcity mindset” seems to be rejecting the idea of scarcity all together. They are basically telling us that government transfers of wealth can help people without hurting anyone.

This is not what Covey had in mind when he coined the term, and it’s also self-evidently wrong. Government wealth transfers, being win-lose transactions, necessarily involve losers. And that’s not a “scarcity mindset.” It’s just a fact.

“The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else,” said Adrian Rogers.

“Either immediately or ultimately every dollar of government spending must be raised through a dollar of taxation,” wrote Henry Hazlitt in Economics in One Lesson.

“Everything we get, outside of the free gifts of nature, must in some way be paid for,” Hazlitt writes in a different section. “The world is full of so-called economists who in turn are full of schemes for getting something for nothing.”

Ironically, by advocating for government wealth transfers, leftists succumb to the very fixed-pie worldview that Covey warns against. They assume that in order to help some we must take from others. But Covey’s whole point is that this is the wrong approach. Government welfare is the embodiment of the win-lose paradigm that we’re supposed to avoid. Free-market transactions, by contrast, are the embodiment of a genuine abundance mindset.

Of course, leftists get lots of support for their schemes from the beneficiaries and would-be beneficiaries of welfare programs. And no wonder. As George Bernard Shaw noted, “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.”

But simply pointing to beneficiaries is not sufficient to justify an action. Every action has a cost, and for the action to be justified, the benefit must be shown to exceed the cost. So when they say “look at all the people who would be helped,” our immediate response should be “look at all the people who would be hurt.”

Leftists will also point to positive externalities (spillover benefits) that wealth transfers create. For instance, we all benefit when people are more educated, so even though we have to pay taxes for schooling, we also reap the rewards of living in a well-educated society.

But the need for keeping in mind unseen costs is just as relevant in the case of externalities. When they point to positive externalities (spillover benefits) that would be created by the wealth transfer, we should immediately point to positive externalities that would be foregone because of the transfer.

It’s not being pessimistic. It’s just being realistic.

Having discussed the inescapable fact of scarcity and the resulting necessity of weighing benefits against costs, we are now in a position to steel-man the leftist argument.

The poor argument, which we have been discussing to this point, is to essentially say that scarcity doesn’t exist, that there are no costs to be considered. The better argument is to say, “Yes, there are costs and there are losers, but the benefits of [insert welfare program here] outweigh the costs. Some gain and some lose, but total social welfare is increased.”

To take it a step further, one could argue that for every person in society, the spillover benefits they receive because of the transfer are larger than the taxes they have to pay, such that everyone is technically a “net” beneficiary. This is a rather charitable interpretation of AOC and Turner’s comments, but it’s about the only way you can argue these policies ultimately harm no one (and are thus, by a technicality, win-win all around).

So, what’s wrong with this argument? The issue is that making this kind of society-wide cost-benefit judgment is simply impossible.

Many people assume that if a policy helps those they consider to be relatively “needy” and hurts those who are considered relatively “well off” then that increases social welfare. But this kind of analysis is subjective, arbitrary, and ultimately untenable.

The fact is, when we rob Peter to pay Paul, we have no way of knowing what that does for social welfare, because we can’t know (let alone measure) people’s internal mental states. There is no way of objectively comparing utility gains or losses between people (think of utility as happiness points). To use economics jargon, interpersonal utility comparisons (IUCs) are impossible.

The idea that Paul’s utility gains are greater than Peter’s utility losses is mere speculation. We have no way of knowing. Likewise, the idea that the spillover benefits to Peter (assuming there are any) are greater than the costs he was forced to incur is also speculative. You can assert it, but you have no way of proving it.

In short, the most we can say about the impact of wealth transfers on social welfare is that some people are likely better off while other people are likely worse off. There is no objective way of proving that the benefits outweigh the costs.

The question that must be asked of the leftists, then, is this. Seeing as one can’t justify wealth transfers on social welfare grounds because IUCs are impossible, on what grounds do you justify this policy? What is your argument for doing this?

As far as I know, they have none.

“What’s your argument against doing this?” they may retort. “If IUCs are impossible as you say, then you can’t definitely say that this decreases social welfare either.” Fair enough.

But while we are limited in what we can say with certainty, there are still general tendencies we can consider. For instance, when Peter spends his own money on himself, he has a strong incentive to make sure he’s buying something that benefits him and is getting it at a good price. For example, when students invest in their own education or borrow (and actually pay back) money from private lenders, the students and lenders have an incentive to make sure it’s a good investment, both in terms of cost and quality.

But as Milton Friedman famously pointed out, when the robber is spending Peter’s money on a program for Paul, he has little incentive to care about how much the program costs, and he’s not particularly concerned about how well it meets Paul’s needs either. As we can see with student loans, the government doesn’t give much thought to whether the education it is subsidizing is paying off for the graduates. Indeed, the very fact that students are struggling to pay off their loans is an indication that their education has failed to provide them with the financial stability it was supposed to facilitate. It seems likely, then, that society’s resources will be better utilized when individuals can keep their own money and spend it on themselves as they see fit.

Now, if instead of a program you simply did a straight transfer of money from one person to another, you could avoid this pitfall. But you would still be operating under a win-lose paradigm, and this is the other thing we need to keep in mind.

Win-lose transactions guarantee that there will be a loser (before considering externalities). Yes, spillover benefits could conceivably be sufficient to compensate for the loss, but this is by no means a given. With win-win transactions on the other hand, everyone is guaranteed to be better off (before considering externalities). Again, it’s possible there will be spillover costs that outweigh the benefit, but this too is by no means a given. So which would you prefer? Which approach should we strive for? Win-lose or win-win?

If you’ve read Steven Covey, you know the answer.

So rather than giving handouts, let’s give the needy win-win opportunities. Let’s allow entrepreneurs to create jobs and let’s open up trade so people can establish more mutually beneficial arrangements. Let’s find ways to increase the wealth in society rather than simply redistribute the wealth we have.

AOC and Turner are right to say we should reject the scarcity mindset. But they have it all backwards. Government welfare is the scarcity-mindset solution to poverty. Free-market capitalism, where we make the pie bigger, is what a true abundance mindset looks like.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Experts Blame Green Energy Policies for Europe’s Full-Scale Energy Crisis: ‘A warning to the U.S.’ thumbnail

Experts Blame Green Energy Policies for Europe’s Full-Scale Energy Crisis: ‘A warning to the U.S.’

By The Geller Report

We are watching the villainous Left deindustrialize our societies, under the guise of climate nonsense. All while they fly around the world in private jets, which emit far more green-house gasses into the atmosphere. The Green Movement is a total assault on capitalism, our freedom, and our entire way of life. It’s implementation will cause significant economic decline and instability in countries throughout the world. Furthermore, if this movement is not stopped, you can expect massive instability in your cities and your towns, and your communities in the years ahead.

I warned Europe of the danger of relying on Russian energy while restricting their own production.

The Biden Administration needs to end its war on American energy, or we could face the same dangerous result.

— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) September 1, 2022

Experts blame green energy policies for Europe’s full-scale energy crisis: ‘A warning to the US’

By Fox News, September 1, 2022

Green energy policies in Europe designed to rapidly shift the continent away from fossil fuel dependence have contributed to soaring power prices in the region.

The European benchmark index measuring future electricity prices increased to a record $993 per megawatt hour (MWh) on Monday, days after prices in France and Germany surged 25%, according to European Energy Exchange data compiled by Bloomberg. By comparison, the average price of electricity in the U.S. hit $129 per MWh in June, federal data showed.

The energy crisis has forced consumers to cut back on power consumption, industrial production declines and energy rationing across the continent. The European Union Council (EU) scheduled an emergency meeting of EU energy ministers slated for next week in response to the market conditions.


Geller Report Staff


Colorado Energy Company Shuts Down Access to Home Thermostats During 90 Degree Heat Wave in Denver, Locks Thermostats of 22K Customers

The super-rich who have ‘absolute disregard for the planet’

Facebook & Biden Regime Held Weekly/Monthly Calls to Discuss Who/What To Censor On Platform

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Globalists’ Economic War Against Humanity—Environmental, Social and Governance [ESG] Scores thumbnail

The Globalists’ Economic War Against Humanity—Environmental, Social and Governance [ESG] Scores

By Dr. Rich Swier

ESG Score: A measure of a company’s exposure to long-term environmental, social and governance risks.

ESG Explained in 60 seconds:

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. recently spoke to the nation in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. One of the items Biden did not discuss is his active support of the “great reset” which is the globalists’ war against humanity.

A key component of that war against the common man is to eliminate capitalism and replace it with a new “stakeholder” doctrine for businesses globally and in the U.S. This model is based upon the need to attain environmental, social and governance scores that fully supplant capitalism and replace it with a one world governance based on big government, i.e. Socialist, Communist, ideals.

ESG scoring’s goal is to fundamentally transform the role of every company from a shareholder focus (capitalism) to a single stakeholder decree (the government).

According to the Heartland Institute,

Klaus Schwab and a growing list of powerful global economic and political elites, including BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and President Joe Biden, have recently committed to a global “reset” of the prevailing school of economic thought. They seek to supplant the entrenched “shareholder doctrine” of capitalism, which—as Milton Friedman famously espoused over 50 years ago—holds that the only purpose of a corporate executive is to maximize profits on behalf of company shareholders.

This effort to fundamentally transform global economics via the cooperation of major corporations and state legislatures is an existential threat to every American’s Constitutional rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

The Heartland Institute explains,

To replace shareholder capitalism, Schwab, Fink, Biden, and a legion of their peers have promulgated a nouveau “stakeholder doctrine,” commonly referred to as “stakeholder capitalism.” This approach, which aims to harness the growing clamor for more socially conscious corporate decision-making, authorizes, incentivizes, and even coerces corporate executives and directors to work on behalf of social objectives deemed by elites to be desirable for all corporate stakeholders—including communities, workers, executives, and suppliers.

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) scores—a social credit framework for sustainability reporting—are being used as the primary mechanism to achieve the shift to a stakeholder model. They measure both financial and non-financial impacts of investments and companies and serve to formally institutionalize corporate social responsibility in global economic infrastructure.

We recently reported on an armed raid by the U.S. Marshal Service on an Amish farm in Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania. The farm is owned by independent business owner Amos Miller who produces organic meats and vegetables and sells and ships his products directly to his 4,000 customers across America. The reason given for the raid was that Amos was “not using GMO drugs” to grow his produce and raise his livestock.

In other words Amos Miller was totally in line with the environmental component of ESG because Miller, who has been farming for 25 years, uses no electricity, no fertilizer, and no gasoline. Because of his totally organic and ecofriendly mantra he has tremendously impressive crop yields using only the oldest of methods, his products are totally organic.

So, why raid Amos Miller’s farm?

Because he does not comply with the social and governance components of ESG. You see Amos is Amish and the Amish want little to do with governance or regulations and they have their own social code, Christianity, which flies in the face of Biden’s globalist agenda.

Watch Tucker Carlson discuss the U.S. Marshal’s raid on Amos’ farm for not following government regulations “endocrine disrupting chemicals, GMO drugs.”

Because Amos refused to follow Biden and the globalists nouveau “stakeholder doctrine” his farm was shut down and he has been fined $300,000 for disobeying the globalist agenda.

According to the Heartland Institute,

Environment, social, and governance scores are theoretically supposed to incentivize “responsible investing” by “screening out” companies that do not possess high ESG scores while favorably rating those companies and funds that make positive contributions to ESG’s three overarching categories. A company’s ESG score has become a primary component of its risk profile.

Amos does not make positive contributions to two of ESG’s three overarching categories. Hence Amos must be destroyed as an enemy of ESG.

The Bottom Line

According to the Heartland Institute’s Anti-ESG Action Map:

  • Maine’s legislature has enacted pro-ESG laws.
  • California, Hawaii and Maryland have pro-ESG legislation pending.
  • Vermont, Virginia, and New Mexico have defeated pro-ESG legislation.
  • Utah, Oklahoma, Texas, Kentucky, West Virginia, Tennessee, Florida have enacted anti-ESG legislation.

We are seeing major corporations voluntarily going pro-ESG from car manufacturers producing all electric vehicles to companies like Disney, Apple, Mastercard and social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn going pro-ESG.

The Democrat Party is pro-ESG which fits its equity, diversity and inclusion agenda.

ESG is the global strategy to destroy Western Civilization and with it our Constitutional Republican form or government.

ESG is the head of the globalist snake called the great reset.

Go ESG or you will be raided and watch your business die!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


The Fight Against ESG Is Gaining Momentum – Jack McPherrin, Western Journal, August 9. 2022

Gov. DeSantis Declares War on Environmental, Social, and Governance Investing Scam – Chris Talgo, Townhall, July 29, 2022

The White House’s Secret Meetings With BlackRock Are a Major Threat to Freedom – Justin Haskins, RedState, June 28, 2022

Kentucky Attorney General: ESG Investing Is ‘Inconsistent with Kentucky Law’ – Chris Talgo, Townhall, May 28, 2022

A Global ESG System Is Almost Here: We Should Be Worried – Jack McPherrin, The Epoch Times, May 31, 2022

ESG Scores Similar to China’s Social Credit System, Designed to Transform Society – Teny Sahakian, Fox Business (featuring Justin Haskins), May 18, 2022

How the ESG Movement Is Shooting Itself in the Foot – Bette Grande, American Thinker, May 12, 2022

ESG Ratings Are Counterproductive, Hypocritical, and Anti-American – Jack McPherrin, Human Events, April 29, 2022

Mastercard: ‘ESG Goals Will Now Factor into Bonus Calculations for All Employees’ – Chris Talgo, Townhall, April 26, 2022

The ESG Movement Is Even Worse Than You Think – Bette Grande, Human Events, April 12, 2022

Debunking the Media’s Lies About ESG Social Credit Scores and the Great Reset – Glenn Beck and Justin Haskins, The Blaze, March 30, 2022

The Environmental, Social, and Governance Threat – Bette Grande, Issues & Insights, March 23, 2022

ESG Standards Are Predicated on Cronyism – Bette Grande, RedState, March 15, 2022

What Are ESG Scores? – Jack McPherrin, RedState, March 2, 2022

Why banks are fighting ESG legislation – Bette Grande, American Thinker, February 23, 2022

Public Pension Plans Are the Wrong Place for Public Policy Experiments – Bette Grande, Red State, February 16, 2022

Socialist Squad Members Demand SEC Implement ‘Climate Rule’ – Chris Talgo, Stopping Socialism, February 16, 2022

11 things you can do to help stop the Great Reset – Glenn Beck, Justin Haskins, Stopping Socialism, February 1, 2022

“ESG” = Extreme Shortages Guaranteed! – Ronald Stein, P.E., The Heartland Institute, January 26, 2022

What Is Wrong With “ESG” Wokeism​ – Heartland Daily News, October 8, 2021

Report: ESG Funds Are Riskier Than Others – Eileen Griffin, Environment and Climate News, September 28, 2021

Woke Companies Must Wake Up on ESG – Paul Driessen, The Heartland Institute, September 8, 2021

SEC Considering ESG Disclosure Mandates for Advisory Firms – Eileen Griffin, Environment and Climate News, July 28, 2021

House Passes Bill to Mandate ESG Disclosures – Kevin Stone, Environment and Climate News, July 13, 2021

Texas Rejects ESG Investing As Movement Grows – Eileen Griffin, Environment and Climate News, June 28, 2021

How the European Union Could Soon Force America into the ‘Great Reset’ Trap – Justin Haskins, Stopping Socialism, June 22, 2021

Heartland’s Work on ESG


Testimony Before the New Hampshire Senate Commerce Committee Regarding HB 1469

Bette Grande, April 12, 2022

Testimony Before the Missouri Senate Small Business and Industry Committee Regarding SB 1171

Bette Grande, March 22, 2022

Testimony Before the Tennessee House Finance, Ways and Means Committee Regarding HB 2672 

Bette Grande, March 9, 2022

Testimony Before the Kentucky Senate Natural Resources & Energy Committee Regarding SB205

Bette Grande, March 2, 2022

Testimony Before the Tennessee Senate State and Local Government Committee Regarding SB 2649

Bette Grande, March 1, 2022

Testimony Before the Wyoming Senate Appropriations Committee Regarding SF0108

Bette Grande, February 24, 2022

Testimony Before the Wyoming Senate Appropriations Committee Regarding SF0108 – Supplemental Testimony

Bette Grande, February 24, 2022

Testimony Before the Vermont General Assembly Senate Committee on Government Operations Regarding S.251

Bette Grande, February 22, 2022

Testimony Before the Arizona House Commerce Committee Regarding House Bill 2656 – Supplemental Testimony

Bette Grande, February 15, 2022

Testimony Before the Arizona House Commerce Committee Regarding HB 2656

Bette Grande, February 15, 2022

Testimony Before the Virginia General Assembly Senate Finance & Appropriations Committee Regarding SB 213

Bette Grande, February 10, 2022

Tim Benson, February 8, 2022

Bette Grande, February 7, 2022

Bette Grande, January 22, 2022

California Tells Residents Not To Charge EV Because Of Blackouts A Week After Saying State Would Ban Sale Of Gas Cars thumbnail

California Tells Residents Not To Charge EV Because Of Blackouts A Week After Saying State Would Ban Sale Of Gas Cars

By Brianna Lyman

California residents are being told not to charge their electric vehicles due to possible blackouts just one week after the state announced it would ban the sale of gas-powered cars in 2035.

The state issued a heat advisory Tuesday, warning excessive heat “will stress [the] energy grid.”

“Consumers are urged to reduce energy use from 4-9 p.m. when the system is most stressed because demand for electricity remains high and there is less solar energy available,” the state said in the notice. “The top three conservation actions are to set thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, avoid using large appliances and charging electric vehicles, and turn off unnecessary lights.” (RELATED: Biden Admin Handed California The Power To Mandate EVs Nationwide)

The state of California earlier in August banned the sale of new gas-powered vehicles by 2035 as it tries to transition toward electric vehicles. The state also set interim targets, requiring 35% of vehicles sold in the state by 2026 to produce zero emissions, increasing to 68% by 2030. California is the nation’s largest auto market.

But the new electric vehicle mandates may be “extremely challenging” to meet, President of the Alliance for Automotive Innovation John Bozzella told The New York Times in an email.

“Whether or not these requirements are realistic or achievable is directly linked to external factors like inflation, charging and fuel infrastructure, supply chains, labor, critical mineral availability and pricing, and the ongoing semiconductor shortage,” Bozzella continued.

The state is also set to fine automakers up to $20,000 for every vehicle that falls short of the state’s production targets…..


Continue reading this article at Daily Caller.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

The Rise of ESG, Replacing Profits with Paternalism, and Strategy with Standards thumbnail

The Rise of ESG, Replacing Profits with Paternalism, and Strategy with Standards

By Kimberlee Josephson

The movement for creating systemic change in the economic system is growing. Traditionally, investments in entrepreneurial ventures were based on expectations for a favorable return given the risks involved. Businesses were expected to perform at their best to ensure shareholder value, and to do so they needed to cater to consumer needs, efficiently leverage resources, and effectively manage their operations.

Presently, however, businesses are expected to have a social impact – and it is this impact that is being positioned to matter most. More than production, more than consumption, and even more than shareholder value.

For-profits are increasingly embracing the concept of conscious capitalism and stakeholder integration, which the likes of John Mackey and Sir Richard Branson have not only championed but built movements around, calling on businesses to have a “Higher Purpose” and commit to creating a “better world”.

At face value, this sounds like not only a good thing but a strategic move given that consumer preference leans toward firms that aim to have a social impact rather than simply sell a product.

R. Edward Freeman, the proposed father of Stakeholder Theory, asserts that firms must align the interests of all stakeholders while doing what they can to avoid tradeoffs. His 1984 publication, Strategic Management: A Stakeholder Approach, spurred on a mission to transform business practices toward more noble pursuits.

From Villain to Social Guardian

In 1987, the World Business Academy was launched dedicated to the proposition that businesses can’t be trusted since the corporate realm was “behind every major problem.” A change needed to occur.

This negative notion of the impact of business attracted others to come up with their own stance on the matter. John Renesch coined the phrase “conscious capitalism,” John Elkington promoted the Triple Bottom Line – representing people, planet, and profit, and Michael Porter developed the concept of shared value, which proposes the meeting of a social need with a business model.

To be sure, many have stressed the role of business in society to be more than just about making money, and forms of corporate social responsibility (CSR) have both expanded and evolved in response.

When the concept of CSR first came about, it was applicable to larger firms that had the ability to utilize their wealth and success for giving back – by volunteering, giving to charities, and even partnering with NGOs. However, CSR is no longer about giving back, or even paying it forward – it is about engagement with social issues – and this is now expected of all firms.

The Push for SDGs and Rise of ESG

The pressure to do good is not only based on reputational concerns from private actors but derived from a broader, more politically charged global movement.

In 2000, the Millennium Summit took place in New York City at the United Nations, and was the largest gathering of world leaders at that time. The purpose of the Summit was to determine the ongoing role of the UN and propose new goals for creating a better world.

As a result of the Summit, public officials signed the Millennium Declaration, which outlined eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to be achieved by 2015. And given that a primary focus for the UN was eradicating poverty, engaging with the financial sector became a crucial component.

At the bequest of the UN Secretary-General at that time, Kofi Annan, a study was commissioned to make the business case for corporate commitments to social initiatives, and in 2006 the UN called upon countries to become signatories to its Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). For those who signed on to the PRI, the standards proposed required firms and capital markets to take part and do more for the global good.

After 2015, the MDGs morphed into the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and the PRI prompted the creation of ESG frameworks. Both the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and the World Economic Forum (WEF) promoted efforts for instituting “a globally accepted system for corporate disclosure” to track the progress of the SDGs and pressured financial firms to implement ESG metrics as proof for doing their part.

The adoption of ESG standards, however, is truly problematic given that value and virtue are difficult to measure and there will always be tradeoffs – whether Freeman likes it or not.

A troublesome matter for businesses serving societal goals rather than marketplace needs is the complexity of catering to all stakeholders at once, and the subjectivity of what is meant as being ‘good’ or when ‘good’ does or doesn’t apply.

For instance, prior to the pandemic, regulators aimed to limit the use of single-use plastics, but such stipulations were suspended in response to COVID-19 safety concerns. Recycling centers shut down and plastic production ramped up. This was what was needed, and therefore good for society.

The Real Problem with Rating Systems

Divergent interests and incentives create push-pull effects in the market, and while it is important to be aware of the impact and opportunity costs involved, it is also important to let market mechanisms play out. Instead, however, firms are being coerced to abide by assessments and compliance measures ,and this will only create bottlenecks for production processes over time given that anything new or different will need to first be approved or verified. And Branson’s booming B Corp movement and Mackey’s Conscious Capitalism cohort are aiding in this process.

Adhering to the on-high expectations from verifiers such as the B-Team, who claim that our “economic model is broken” despite the great advancements we can see before our eyes, is not only bad for business but bad for progress.

Experimentation and diversification, according to Ludvig Von Mises, are the best combination for advancement, and new product offerings are a benefit to society in and of themselves when firms act ethically and serve the wants and needs of consumers. However, innovative pursuits will likely be supplanted by incremental improvements which adhere to the standards of external dictates and will garner endorsement from appraisal agencies.

Businesses shouldn’t need a stamp of approval from a certifying agency, especially since sales will signal when something of worth is being offered, and if profits decline organizations must work to understand why. Nevertheless, attaining the B Lab logo or being a partner in the conscious capitalism campaign has a strong appeal for those looking to gain social capital and appease industry elites and political pundits – and these initiatives are not only gaining traction, they are joining forces.

The Rebranding of Business and Centralized Control

Just recently, the Imperative 21 Network was launched to “RESET” our economic system, and both the B Team and Conscious Capitalism are listed as two of the primary stewards for this initiative.

The Network represents “more than 70,000 businesses, 20 million employees, $6.6 trillion in revenue, and $15 trillion in assets under management” and the goal is “to shift the cultural narrative about the role of business and finance in society”. And the shift is certainly underway given that in 2019, the Business Roundtable, made up of a group of 180 CEO’s of America’s largest companies, declared that business must aim to improve the status of all stakeholders and play a larger role in society.

With all this in mind, it is no wonder ESG took a stronghold in the investment community, and it is unnerving to see how easily the business world succumbed to power players.

But what is more worrisome is the fact that certifying agencies and assessment measures inevitably embolden regulators. Take for example the organic agricultural sect, whereas the certifying bodies were initially self-regulated and self-certified, having been established by the farmers themselves. However, as sales increased for organically labeled foods, so too did the number of certification bodies involved. The emergence of various organic labeling schemes confused what each label stood for and, over time, it became necessary to address the processes of certification and establish a more standardized and regulated system.

And the same will likely be true for ESG. Right now, there are a diversity of ESG frameworks with fees ranging from thousands of dollars to several million, and credibility concerns are on the rise and generating interest from monitoring agencies.

Given that ESG was formulated within the UN system to further the UN’s SDGs and hold PRI signatories accountable, it seems rather clear which ESG framework will win out in the end – the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The GRI is partnered with the UN and was founded with assistance from the UN Environment Programme and, coincidentally, it is currently the most widely used framework (implemented by 73% of the world’s top 250 firms).

Therefore, it seems likely that any standardized framework will be based on the UN’s postulates when all is said and done, and this will have all transpired in front of our eyes and by use of our own pocketbooks.


This article was published by AIER, American Institute for Economic Research, and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

Musk: “Civilization Will Crumble” Without Oil and Gas thumbnail

Musk: “Civilization Will Crumble” Without Oil and Gas

By David Kelly

Editors’ Note: Elon Musk is hard to categorize. On the one hand, he is selling a lot of cars because of government subsidies, tax breaks, and coercion. But on the other hand, he notes such policies are anti-human and will lead to great misery and chaos. His space business gets a lot of both government and private sector business, largely because NASA could not do the job and left the world reliant on Russian rockets. He seems to believe in having children, yet he has them with multiple women. But with his comments below,  he recognizes that we are destroying cheap, healthy, and dependable energy sources, seeking to replace that technology with new methods that are unproven and way behind the curve. He recognizes that environmentalism today puts a mythical “earth” above the needs of people, and thus is a secular religion that will likely kill a lot of people in the process. More ironic is that solar panels and windmills could not even be made without material and the energy created by fossil fuels. The “new energy” is completely dependent on the “old” energy it seeks to eliminate. But so is just about everything that provides our high standard of living almost totally dependent on fossil fuels. He seems to understand all this while our political leaders do not. Given his following, this is a good thing, even if we may disagree with some aspects of his business and personal life.

Tesla CEO Elon Musk spoke out about the need for more drilling and exploration of fossil-fuel resources for decades to come while addressing attendees at the ONS 2022 energy conference in Stavanger, Norway, on Monday.

“Realistically I think we need to use oil and gas in the short term, because otherwise civilization will crumble,” Musk told reporters at the conference.

When asked if Norway should continue to drill for oil and gas, Musk said, “I think some additional exploration is warranted at this time.”

“One of the biggest challenges the world has ever faced is the transition to sustainable energy and to a sustainable economy,” he said.

“That will take some decades to complete.”

Warning the conference participants who are quite aware of the world’s energy woes, especially in Europe, Musk stated, “We actually need more oil and gas, not less.” This is in line with the current concern that Europe’s energy issues will get much worse over the upcoming winter. There is also the risk of continued high gas prices and the fact that the power grid is being rendered more unstable in the United States by reliance on so-called sustainable energy.

The Blaze reported,

Musk’s theme of civilizational collapse as a response to a premature transition off of fossil fuels is taken up in scientist and policy analyst Vaclav Smil’s recent book “How the World Really Works.” Although Smil discusses the impact more broadly, he zeroes in on our food supply’s link to fossil fuels: “Our food supply — be it staple grains, clucking birds, favorite vegetables, or seafood praised for its nutritious quality — has become increasingly dependent on fossil fuels.”

Smil, like Musk, anticipates a transition, but does not think it can be rushed. “Even if we try to change the global food system as fast as is realistically conceivable, we will be eating transformed fossil fuels, be it as loaves of bread or as fishes, for decades to come.”

He is certain that the coming transition “will not be (it cannot be) a sudden abandonment of fossil carbon, nor even its rapid demise — but rather its gradual decline.”

Last week Musk, the electric-vehicle pioneer and disciple of renewable energy sources, tweeted, “Countries should be increasing nuclear power generation! It is insane from a national security standpoint & bad for the environment to shut them down.”

response to Elon’s tweet stated, “Nuclear is clean, efficient, and could replace fossil fuels entirely if it was embraced. It’s not, because so-called environmentalists aren’t pro-clean energy, they are anti-human.” Musk agreedposting, “Some are indeed sadly anti-human.”

Germany is suffering from the “anti-human” environmentalists’ effect on their nation’s green-energy goals. They have gone from 17 nuclear power plants to just three in an aggressive transition to wind and solar power, which has not worked. Germany still heavily relies on fossil fuels for more than 75 percent of the nation’s energy needs.

Musk’s comments come after California Governor Gavin Newsom’s California Air Resources Board voted to require all new vehicles in the state to run on electricity by 2035. California, the nation’s most populous state, is likely to suffer grave consequences from this massive government-forced regulation.

California’s “ground-breaking” effort to lead the nation and world with Zero Emission Vehicle goals can only lead the state into an economic abyss brought forth by renewable energy grand illusions. The infrastructure and technology required to even get the ball rolling toward being free of fossil fuels is at the very least decades away.

Joining California last week, the far-left Marxist states of Massachusetts and Washington also issued mandates requiring the purchase of electric vehicles. In what can only be pure nonsensical “green madness” lemming behavior, those states passed legislation in 2019 to follow whatever guidelines are enacted by the California Air Resources Board. Sadly, all of these states are falling victim to the policies of their hubris-infected, green-energy politicians.

Elon Musk’s warning that civilization will crumble could very well come to pass if the Democrat-supported leftist green-energy evangelists continue to impose their oppressive agenda. The Great Reset is in play, and the world as we know it is rapidly changing.  So, it is up to all of us to continue to challenge our leaders and keep them on a path away from the evils and falsehood of “sustainable” energy.


This article was published by The New American and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

Americans Expect Beefed up IRS to Target Political Opponents, Audit Lower and Middle Class Americans

By Casey Harper

More Americans believe the latest legislation to hire 87,000 Internal Revenue Service agents is part of a plan to audit middle and lower class Americans and small businesses than to target corporations and wealthy Americans, according to a new poll.

Convention of States Action, along with the Trafalgar group, released the poll that found that “52.1 percent of voters say that the new 87,000 IRS employees, approved by President [Joe] Biden’s legislation, will be used to audit middle-class Americans, low-income earners, and small businesses; or to target the political opponents of those in power.”

The poll comes after Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation that allocated $80 billion in additional taxpayer funds to the IRS.

More Americans believe the latest legislation to hire 87,000 Internal Revenue Service agents is part of a plan to audit middle and lower-class Americans and small businesses than to target corporations and wealthy Americans, according to a new poll.

Convention of States Action, along with the Trafalgar group, released the poll that found that “52.1 percent of voters say that the new 87,000 IRS employees, approved by President [Joe] Biden’s legislation, will be used to audit middle-class Americans, low-income earners, and small businesses; or to target the political opponents of those in power.”   The poll comes after Democrats passed the Inflation Reduction Act, legislation that allocated $80 billion in additional taxpayer funds to the IRS.

Overall, 33% of those surveyed said the new IRS employees will be used “to audit middle class Americans and small businesses” while 31.6% said they will be used “to audit wealthy Americans and large corporations.”

Another 15.9% said the auditors will be used “to target the political opponents of those in power.”

We wanted to understand whether or not voters believe that the true purpose of hiring 87,000 new IRS agents is to focus on – the Biden Administration has been claiming – ’large corporate and high-net-worth taxpayers’ or whether something else is afoot,” said Mark Meckler, president of the Convention of States Action. “Democrats believe that this is the case, and that what they’ve been told by their leaders is accurate. Independents and Republicans strongly believe the country is being lied to, and that this new IRS is going to target either everyday Americans, or those who are political opponents of the federal bureaucracy.”

“We have volunteers in every state, and this matches what we are hearing from the grassroots,” Meckler added.

Another recent poll found that most Americans don’t expect the Inflation Reduction Act to actually reduce inflation.

As The Center Square previously reported, a Morning Consult/Politico poll released earlier this month found that only 24% of those surveyed think the bill will actually reduce inflation while 34% said it will make inflation worse.


This article was published by Center Square and is reproduced with permission.

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Calls for IRS Audits on Lawmakers Who Voted for the Inflation Reduction Act thumbnail

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Calls for IRS Audits on Lawmakers Who Voted for the Inflation Reduction Act

By The Geller Report

DeSantis! Our voice! He’s a giant.

Why shouldn’t these scoundrels suffer the pain they’ve inflicted upon us.

DeSantis calls for IRS audits on lawmakers who voted for Inflation Reduction Act

By Heather Hamilton, The Washington Examiner, August 31, 2022:

Gov. Ron DeSantis suggested every lawmaker who voted to pass the Inflation Reduction Act should face mandatory annual audits by the Internal Revenue Service.

Earlier this month, President Joe Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act that included $80 billion to overhaul the IRS, with more than 80,000 new positions largely intended for taxation enforcement.

“I think every member of Congress that voted for that bill should be required to be audited every year by the IRS,” DeSantis said while speaking in Fort Pierce, Florida, Tuesday as those in attendance responded with laughter.

The Republican governor objected to the legislation, saying that it would be used to target those who the “government doesn’t like.”

“Those IRS agents are going to be mobilized to go after people that the government doesn’t like,” DeSantis said. “They’re going to be going after people who are not going to be able to defend themselves against these audits.”

DeSantis also said the Democrats’ touting of taxation enforcement on billionaires is misleading, noting that the wealthy have accountants and lawyers to handle the audits.

The Republican governor previously equated the expansion of the IRS to the Biden administration giving people “the middle finger.”


Pamela Geller


Gavin Newsom’s Father and Mother in-law DONATED to Ron DeSantis, Records Show

REALITY! Joe Biden Speaks in Pennsylvania, Can’t Even Fill High School Gym

U.S. Military Runs Low On Ammo, Biden Regime Gave It To Corrupt Oligarchs in Ukraine

NEW KING OF LATE NIGHT: FOX’S Greg Gutfeld Beat EVERYONE In Late Night Ratings Race

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Inflationary Vice thumbnail

Inflationary Vice

By Theodore Dalrymple

Samuel Gregg, in his article on the French economist, Jacques Rueff, provides a timely reminder that inflation is much more than merely an economic phenomenon. It also has profound social effects. This, of course, was recognized by Keynes himself in the book that made him famous, The Economic Consequences of the Peace. He recognized that inflation functioned as a transfer of wealth from creditors to debtors, thus upsetting the previous social equilibrium; and he also quoted Lenin to the effect that the debasement of the currency was a sovereign method of producing revolutionary change.

Not all inflation is equally dramatic, of course. The grandfather of a German friend of mine once owned a portfolio of mortgages on valuable properties and soon found himself in possession of pieces of paper of less value than yesterday’s newspaper. Apparently, he took this loss philosophically and never turned to political extremism; he was later sent to Buchenwald. Not everyone in these circumstances stayed sane or decent, however.

But even less catastrophic levels of inflation have profound psychological, or perhaps I should say characterological, consequences. For one thing, inflation destroys the very idea of enough, because no one can have any confidence that a monetary income that at present is adequate will not be whittled down to very little in a matter of a few years. Not everyone desires to be rich, but most people desire not to be poor, especially in old age. Unfortunately, when there is inflation, the only way to insure against poverty in old age is either to be in possession of a government-guaranteed index-linked pension (which, however, is a social injustice in itself, and may one day be undermined by statistical manipulation by a government under the force of economic circumstances, partly brought about by the very existence of such pensions), or to become much richer than one would otherwise aim or desire to be. And the latter turns financial speculation from a minority into a mass pursuit, either directly or, more usually, by proxy: for not to speculate, but rather to place one’s trust in the value of money at a given modest return, is to risk impoverishment. I saw this with my own father: once prosperous, he fell by his aversion to speculation into comparative penury.

When inflation rises to a certain level, it is prudent to turn one’s money into something tangible as soon as it comes to hand, for tomorrow, as the song goes, will be too late. Everything becomes now or never.

With the concept of enough go those of modesty and humility. They are replaced by triumph and failure, the latter certain almost by definition to be the more frequent. The humble person becomes someone not laudable but careless of his future, possibly someone who will be a drain on others insofar as he has failed to make adequate provision for himself – even if, given his circumstances, it would have been impossible for him to have done so. For notwithstanding technical progress, automation, and robotics, we shall need people of humble and comparatively ill-paid employment for the foreseeable future.

Inflation plays havoc with the virtue of prudence, for what is prudence among the shifting sands of inflation? When inflation rises to a certain level, it is prudent to turn one’s money into something tangible as soon as it comes to hand, for tomorrow, as the song goes, will be too late. Everything becomes now or never. Traditional prudence becomes imprudence, or naivety, and vice versa.

Inflation comes in more than one form. For quite a number of years, it took the form of asset inflation, while the prices of consumables remained relatively constant or actually fell. This, in western societies, was the result, it seems to me, of a concatenation of at least two factors: the expansion of money while keeping interest rates low, and globalization that allowed everything to be produced as cheaply as possible. The former allowed governments to run on deficits without apparent consequences for years at a time, while the latter allowed the less well-off to think that they were living in times of little or no inflation. 

Asset inflation, though, has certain social and psychological consequences. First, it puts the meaningful accumulation of assets for those who do not already possess them out of reach. (I speak, of course, in generalities; there are always exceptions). This in turn has the effect of transforming a society divided by permeable classes into a fixed caste society. There have always been advantages to being born in a well-off household, but asset inflation encourages them to become hard-wired, so to speak, into the social fabric.

Asset inflation fosters delusions in those who benefit from it. I sit in my house and grow richer, though of course, the house remains the same, with the same number of square feet (beside which, I have to live somewhere). I look at the value of my investments and hug myself, though in fact, their value has no relation to their yield, which overall remains much the same. I am richer only if I sell them – and then, what do I do with the money?

Nevertheless, I am richer on paper, and for some dizzy people this feeling of wealth encourages sumptuary expenditure, often on credit. Why not take out a loan when interest rates are low and asset prices rising? At one time in the not terribly distant past, my bank offered me $40,000 to pay for a holiday of a lifetime. Why not, when my house was increasing by far more than that every year? Luckily, I have lived (and live) a life of sufficient satisfaction that the concept of a “holiday of a lifetime” has no meaning for me: I cannot even imagine what it would be.

The inability of people at a lower level in the social scale to make any meaningful provision for themselves from savings, as well as the fact that so much is taken out of their hands by the state, means that their income is, in effect, pocket money of the kind that a child receives from its parents. They spend up to the hilt and even beyond, and remain economic minors. Gone in my lifetime is the idea that debt is to be avoided, that it is discreditable to live entirely on credit, and shameful not to repay. If you have no assets worth speaking of, the bailiffs have nothing to seize, and creditors can whistle for their money.

We have entered a more ‘traditional’ phase of inflation. No one knows how long it will last, or how serious it will be. But the very unpredictability creates anxiety even among those who have no real need to feel it – or rather, whom events will show to have had no need to feel it.

Inflation has not merely economic or social consequences, but moral and psychological ones too.


This article was published by Law & Liberty and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

Is California Going to Kill McDonald’s? The Golden Arches leaving the Golden State? thumbnail

Is California Going to Kill McDonald’s? The Golden Arches leaving the Golden State?

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

One Republican state lawmaker says that McDonald’s warned her that they may stop expanding in California or even abandon the Golden State entirely, if a current proposal becomes law.

“Fight for Fifteen” is old news, it would seem. In California, they may soon have a $22/hour minimum wage—at least for fast food employees.

The “FAST Act” is headed to Governor Gavin Newsom’s desk after recently passing through the state legislature. As the Wall Street Journal reports, it would “create a government panel that would set wages for an estimated half-million fast food workers in the state.”

“The bill would establish a panel with members appointed by the governor and legislative leaders composed of workers, union representatives, employers and business advocates,” the Journal explains. “They would set hourly wages of up to $22 for fast food workers starting next year and can increase them annually by the same rate as the consumer-price index, up to a maximum of 3.5%.”

Basically, a board of political cronies would actually set wages for the state’s fast food sector. This is a dramatic expansion of the government’s reach and would drastically disrupt what market forces remain. It would have several utterly predictable economic consequences that would far outweigh any benefits.

Like all Americans, Californians are struggling with inflation right now. Food, in particular, has become especially unaffordable. The Golden State’s legislative meddling would make this problem worse.

“In a state that already burdens businesses with countless regulations, adding another layer would simply increase costs that ultimately would be borne by consumers,” the US Chamber of Commerce warned in a statement condemning the legislation.

It’s pretty basic economics that when the government imposes unnecessary costs on businesses, some of it will ultimately be borne by consumers. One study found that the proposal could raise fast-food prices by up to 20%.

What’s more, the pro-business Employment Policies Institute commissioned a poll of economists, most of whom identified as independents or Democrats, and received an overwhelmingly negative assessment of the legislation. A whopping 83% opposed the bill, with a supermajority also specifically agreeing it would ultimately lead to higher prices.

The last thing Californian families struggling to put food on the table need right now is a big increase in prices.

While the California commission may attempt to set the minimum wage for fast food employees at up to $22/hour in their state, they will run up against a painful economic reality: the real minimum wage is always $0. It’s unemployment.

“Making it illegal to pay less than a given amount does not make a worker’s productivity worth that amount— and, if it is not, that worker is unlikely to be employed,” Thomas Sowell explains. “Unfortunately, the real minimum wage is always zero, regardless of the laws, and that is the wage that many workers receive in the wake of the creation or escalation of a government-mandated minimum wage, because they either lose their jobs or fail to find jobs when they enter the labor force.”

The simple truth is that many fast food employees do not produce $22/hour in value for their employer.

And, as Milton Friedman explained, to employ someone at a wage above their productivity is “to engage in charity.”

“Most employers are not in a position where they can engage in charity,” the Nobel-Prize-winning economist concluded. “Thus the consequences of minimum wage laws have been almost wholly bad… to increase unemployment and to increase poverty.”

So, while we can’t predict exactly how many, countless fast food employees will lose their jobs altogether thanks to this law that’s supposed to help them.

California is a vast and diverse state. Different parts of the Golden State have wildly different economic conditions, average incomes, price levels, and more. Yet this government commission setting wages would cram a one-size-fits-all regulation concocted by political cronies onto the entire state’s fast food sector.

That’s a recipe for dysfunction. As the Chamber of Commerce put it, “We firmly believe franchisees and other business owners are better equipped to run restaurants in California than unelected political appointees in Sacramento.”

This foolish attempt to commandeer an entire industry would ruin many businesses, leaving their employees and customers worse off as well. It’s estimated that this plan would increase businesses’ labor costs by up to 60 percent, a huge spike that many can’t afford. It doesn’t take an economist to realize that this will lead to store closures, job losses, and economic malaise.

One Republican state lawmaker says that McDonald’s warned her that they may stop expanding in California or even abandon the Golden State entirely. How, exactly, is that supposed to make Californians better off?

The California lawmakers who concocted this proposal might genuinely have good intentions. They may earnestly believe that their plan will help uplift workers. But those good intentions will be cold comfort to the countless thousands of Californians who will ultimately suffer if this legislation becomes law.


Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

WATCH: Nina Turner’s most absurd communist tweets (Brad Reacts)

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Woke Corporations Can Abuse Us, But Not for Free thumbnail

Woke Corporations Can Abuse Us, But Not for Free

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Last week, Texas put the investment company BlackRock on a list of firms that may not get to manage state pension funds because the firms boycott oil & gas stocks.  BlackRock is trying to get off the list, but the story shows you there are starting to be real-world consequences for companies that go Woke.  It’s a mixed picture right now, with some companies still playing footsie with the Wokemeisters on the radical Left and others leaving the field after being bruised in the culture wars.

Communist-inspired transgenderism is still a corporate favorite.  Disney continues to lead the pack with plans for an upcoming show that will fly the transgender flag and spew the outlandish propaganda that men can have periods, too.  Other companies are not far behind.

Crayola posted an ad featuring a transgender model wearing a chain-link bra over outside clothing in order to normalize transgenderism for the masses.  Then there’s transgender Barbie from Mattel, billboards from Ben & Jerry’s pushing transgenderism in children, donations for transgender surgery for children from the Detroit Tigers, transgender appreciation night from the Milwaukee Brewers, and a book from Pizza Hut telling children as young as four how inspiring it is for boys to dress up as girls and perform for adults in drag shows.  No, this is not normal, and interfering with children’s psycho-sexual development is not healthy for children or society.

Woke corporations are pushing other left-wing causes, too.  Kroger removed pro-American merchandise from its shelves after a left-wing crank complained on Twitter.  American Express pledged another $3 billion for diversity, equity, and inclusion events and programs, bringing the total to $4 billion.  It’s also spending money to support climate change advocacy and illegal immigration.

But in addition to Texas, other people are pushing back.  A former employee sued American Express for firing him because he is white and he objected to the company’s “racially discriminatory” policies.  A new Viewpoint Diversity Score ranks companies on how well they respect freedom of speech and religion.  Microsoft and AirBnB are among the worst.  Another 17 Republican-led states joined Texas in sending a letter to BlackRock accusing the company of putting Woke investment criteria above shareholder returns in state pension funds.  An asset management firm in Ohio promises to take politics out of investing and focus on companies that deliver what they should – business excellence.

People are not only fighting back; they’re winning.  State Farm abandoned its support for a transgender book program for kindergartners in Florida after a national backlash.  Paramount refused to cave in to pressure to censor its old films to conform to today’s Woke standards.   HBO welcomed back Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling despite her stance on transgenderism.  And after PayPal froze the account of Moms for Liberty, a parental rights group – preventing it from receiving donations – Florida announced a new initiative to “prohibit big banks, credit card companies and money transmitters from discriminating against customers for their religious, political, or social beliefs.”

So, as you can see, the price of going Woke is going up. How long will shareholders be willing to pay it?

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


In Canada, they can jail you for refusing to use the woke language they made up that day.

— Steven Crowder (@scrowder) August 30, 2022

Understanding the Dangers of Ambien Addiction thumbnail

Understanding the Dangers of Ambien Addiction

By Kevin Morris Delphi Behavioral Health Group

Certain places have achieved the status of “The City that Never Sleeps.” New York City is the most famous example of this. It’s a place where the lights are always on, and there are always things to do. However, many of us could describe ourselves as people who never sleep, and it has nothing to do with city life. Instead, it has to do with problems of insomnia and other sleep disorders. Ambien has risen to the occasion as a miracle drug to combat sleep disorders, and its popularity cannot be downplayed. But what are its dangers, and just how addictive is this sedative drug?

Sleep at What Cost?

Ambien’s website wastes no time describing the complex problem of insomnia. The claim is that 30 percent of Americans have trouble falling asleep, and if you fall into this one-in-three category, it’s time to talk to your doctor about this drug, which people have turned to “for more than two decades.” It’s a strong statement, and it communicates two things to the average reader: Sleep problems are common to many of us, and Ambien is a time-tested option to help you get to sleep.

It is true that roughly one in three people have at least mild insomnia. However, it’s important to know that the idea of time-tested sleep aids is a much more rocky journey than it might sound. The story of sleep aids is very much a story of ongoing sedative drug addiction. Early on, people used barbiturates to try to relieve their insomnia. Over time, however, medical professionals and others discovered these drugs caused significant side effects, including behavior disturbances, severe addiction, and withdrawal symptoms.

The 1960s saw a shift from barbiturates to benzodiazepines, a drug that was believed to be much safer but ended up causing the same tendency of addiction and withdrawal. In fact, as the most commonly prescribed drug in the world at one time, benzos arguably caused even greater damage than their barbiturate predecessors. This is where the era of Z-drugs begins, with Ambien leading the way as the No. 1 sleeping pill on the market.

Unfortunately, over two decades of Ambien use have taught us a different story than the idea of time-tested reliability; Ambien can be very addictive with withdrawal symptoms that can be medically dangerous. This seems contrary to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)’s scheduling of Ambien, classifying it as a Schedule IV with a “low potential for abuse.” However, in 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gave Ambien a black box warning, along with other sleeping medications, such as Lunesta and Sonata. The FDA’s black box is its strongest warning label for drugs that can have serious or life-threatening side effects.

DUIs and Fading Memories

Besides the initial danger of being an addictive drug, what are some examples of Ambien’s serious and life-threatening side effects? Two main side effects that come up in headlines quite often are intoxication and memory loss. Intoxication might sound surprising, but it’s true that DUIs are no longer limited to alcohol. Ambien’s effects are truly intoxicating, causing people to black out, hallucinate, and even drift in and out of consciousness. People under the influence of Ambien can begin to experience these side effects while driving, or these side effects can lead them to get behind the wheel without realizing what they are doing. Because of this, the term has been coined “sleep-driving.” More and more deadly car crash stories involving Ambien are coming to light.

This also connects the problem of Ambien-induced intoxication to the problem of memory loss. Public indecency and even sexual assault cases have occurred under the influence of Ambien. Some defendants claim they have no memory of committing these crimes. Some suggest that this is true, while others claim that these statements are taking advantage of another known side effect of Ambien: memory loss. Ambien is a central nervous system (CNS) depressant.

The drug activates a receptor in the brain that suppresses the firing rate of other neurons, slowing down activity in the central nervous system. This is Ambien’s sedation process, which is how it helps people fall asleep. But this process also reduces the activity of neurons responsible for learning, memory, and decision-making. A whole host of factors can intensify this problem (other drug use, age, metabolism, physical health, etc.). Ambien’s short half-life means people can wake up while still experiencing the other sedative effects. In some cases, memory loss is limited to what someone did while under Ambien’s influence. Still, abuse and long-term use of the drug can lead to a permanent decline in memory, including dementia.

What to Do

There’s no doubt that Ambien is widely sought after and widely abused. Ambien’s website states that the drug is meant to be used for “short-term” treatment, but the reality is people who are desperate enough to cure their sleep problems with medication are unlikely to limit prescription drug use to short-term. They may think, “if it’s working, why stop?” But using the drug for longer periods than prescribed only increases the risk of negative side effects and developing a substance use disorder with Ambien. If you or someone you know is actively using Ambien— especially if you were unaware of this information—it’s important to consider the risks involved. If an addiction has been formed, be sure to get professional medical help right away.

©Kevin Morris. All rights reserved.


K104.7 FM. (2022 Aug 26). This Nearby Charlotte City is the Best to Celebrate Labor Day Weekend In. Retrieved

Ambien. (n.d.) Ambien Homepage. Retrieved

Sleep Health Foundation. (2011). Insomnia. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d) Sedative Addiction. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d) The Effects and Dangers of Mixing Alcohol With Ambien. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Guide to Benzodiazepine Addiction and Treatment. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Ambien Addiction Guide. Retrieved

DEA (2018 Jul 10). Drug Scheduling. Retrieved.

Healthline. (2019 May 2). FDA Issues ‘Black Box’ Warning on Sleep Aids Like Ambien: What You Need to Know. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d) Guide to Alcohol Detox: Severity, Dangers, and Timeline. Retrieved

Harvard Health. (n.d.). Sleep Driving and Other Unusual Practices During Sleep. Retrieved

CBS Boston. (2022, Jun 1). Man charged with groping 2 women on flight from Los Angeles to Boston. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d) Why Does Ambien Cause Memory Loss? Retrieved

Medical News Today. (2021 Aug 16). Ambien and Ambien CR: Side Effects. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Guide to Drug Addiction: Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment. Retrieved

Healthline. (2019, June 29). Lunesta vs. Ambien: Two Short-Term Treatments for Insomnia. Retrieved

Tucson’s Mayor v. Miami’s Mayor thumbnail

Tucson’s Mayor v. Miami’s Mayor

By Craig J. Cantoni

The only thing that the two mayors have in common is a Spanish surname

Tucson, Arizona, and Miami, Florida, are similar in some respects and quite different in others.  One of the differences, as will be discussed momentarily, is the thinking of their respective mayors, both of whom have Spanish surnames, which is about all they have in common.

First, the similarities between Tucson and Miami:

Both are similar in population:  543,242 for Tucson, and 439,890 for Miami

Both have high crime rates:  On a scale of 0 to 100, with 100 being safest, Tucson gets a score of 6, versus a 10 for Miami.  In terms of the number of crimes per 1,000 population, Tucson has a rate of 43.93, versus Miami’s rate of 35.70 (source:

Both have a high percent of Latinos:  44.2% for Tucson, versus 72.5% for Miami.

Both have higher poverty rates than the national rate of 11.4%, but Tucson’s rate of 20.8% is significantly higher than Miami’s rate of 15.0%.

Both have a median household income that is lower than the national median of $67,463:  $45,227 for Tucson, and $53,975 for Miami.

Now, the differences between Tucson and Miami:

Geographic location is the most obvious difference.  One city is in a dry inland desert; the other is on a humid coast.  One city is close to Mexico; the other is close to the Caribbean.  One city has some international trade with Mexico; the other is a major center of trade with Latin America.

On the last point, Miami International Airport has the most international passengers in the United States, at about 13 million per year.  The number of international passengers for Tucson International Airport could not be found, but the airport has 1.3 million passengers per year in total, both domestic and international, and only five international flights per day, all of them to Mexico.

Another difference, one with long-range implications and the subject of the rest of this commentary, is the thinking of the mayors of the two cities.

In short, Miami Mayor Francis X. Suarez is a visionary, a great cheerleader for his city, an unrelenting advocate for economic growth, and a salesman par excellence in convincing big companies to relocate to the city.  By contrast, Tucson Mayor Regina Romero is provincial, non-visionary, and seemingly disinterested in economic growth or in selling big companies on relocating to the city, which may explain why they tend to bypass Tucson.

There’s not much else to say about Romero, because she’s not in the national business press and hasn’t said much that is noteworthy.  In her State of the City address, she focused on climate change, sustainability, and an initiative to plant one million trees to fight global warming.  She also mentioned public safety but didn’t appear to understand the relationship between high crime and high poverty, or the relationship between high poverty and economic stagnation.  On other occasions, she has hinted at a desire to make Tucson a de facto sanctuary city.

In stark contrast, Suarez has received positive coverage in the business press, including in the Wall Street Journal.  On July 9, 2022, for example, the journal ran a front-page story of 2,361 words on what Suarez was doing to make Miami a business destination.  And on August 21, 2022, it ran a commentary by the mayor.

An aside:  The Wall Street Journal has published seven commentaries of mine.  If a relatively unknown like myself can get published in the journal, it would seem that the mayor of Tucson also could.  One wonders if it has even crossed her mind to use the business press to make a name for Tucson, or if she or her staff even have familiarity with the business world and its culture.

When Suarez became mayor in 2017, he pledged “to make Miami a city where everyone can have an opportunity to succeed by having access to the jobs of tomorrow.”  He reinforced the pledge and made national headlines in December 2020, when he responded to a techie who had tweeted on Twitter that Silicon Valley should relocate to Miami. The mayor tweeted back, “How can I help?”  The tweet went viral.

In his recent op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, Suarez explained that there is a competition in America between two philosophies of government.  To quote:

On one side, we have the socialist model:  high taxes, high regulation, less competition and declining public services with government imposing itself as the solver and arbiter of all social problems.  On the other side, we have the Miami model:  low taxes, low regulation and a commitment to public safety and private enterprise.  The models present a stark choice on issues ranging from personal freedom, economic opportunity, public safety and the role of government.

Suarez is a partisan Republican, a fact that runs against my preference for nonpartisan elections and government at the municipal level, such as the nonpartisan elections and government in Scottsdale, Arizona, a city of 241,361 where I formerly lived—and where the government was efficient, effective and visionary.

Tucson Mayor Romero is a partisan Democrat, and the city and the surrounding county have been Democrat bastions for decades.

Who is the better mayor with the better model of governance?  You be the judge.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.