President Trump Will Not Concede this Election for One Very Important Reason

The 2020 Election was the left’s ultimate cancel-culture ploy.
In a sign of desperation, they went for broke and used massive, systemic fraud to cancel the votes of nearly 73 million Americans. Poof. Gone. They did it with the help of a corrupt voting software company and tens of millions of unsolicited mail-in ballots with no requirement in many states for legitimate signatures.
When the 73 million cried foul, the Democrats and their media lapdogs told them to shut up and accept the outcome.
When up to 1 million turned out to rally in the nation’s Capital on Saturday, Nov. 14, the media propagandists either ignored them or tried to paint them as violent troublemakers. The Democrats sicced their paramilitary brownshirts on these flag-waving patriots in the form of Antifa and BLM, who harassed them, shouted obscenities at them, and attacked them and their children.
Ann Corcoran, the venerable blogger and truth teller, was there Saturday and gives us a first-hand account of what happened.
Continue reading President Trump will not concede this election for one very important reason
EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Law Enforcement Turning Against Patriots Flocking to Parler, MeWe, Gab

Alternative social-media platforms seen as dangerous, ‘anti-government’ for allowing users to post ‘conspiracy theories’ about election fraud

A threat to state-sponsored Facebook and Twitter?

The federally funded Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center sent an email alert last week to California law enforcement agencies warning them about the growth of alternative social media sites Parler, MeWe and Gab that cater to conservative Americans.
The Orange County center quoted from a recent USA Today article critical of Parler, MeWe and Gab for allowing conservatives to communicate and organize on their platforms free of censorship.
In the very same week that the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee was holding hearings to investigate the unfair censorship tactics that Facebook, Google and Twitter wield against conservative voices, elements within the federal law-enforcement bureaucracy were showing they are more worried about the growth of conservative social-media competition from sites like Parler, which honors users’ First Amendment rights.
In an email sent Nov. 18 to California law enforcement agencies, the federal center in Orange County highlighted in yellow marker a portion of a USA Today article that bemoans the rapid growth of Parler, MeWe and Gab, which are “gaining momentum with a promise not to censor their users for behavior that might violate the policies of their rivals.”
The federal fusion center also highlighted the following passage from the USA Today article which seemed particularly worried about Americans posting “false claims of election fraud” in the 2020 presidential election.

“But much like the social media site Gab, Parler has quickly attracted the extremist crowd in addition to self-proclaimed center-right conservatives… Groups from the far-right Proud Boys, which includes large numbers of white supremacists, to heavily armed anti-government militias have gathered on the site to spread conspiracy theories, racist memes and false claims of election fraud.”

Insiders tell that the 50-plus fusion centers scattered throughout the U.S. get much of their intelligence from the FBI.
If the FBI and the fusion centers are trying to sully the reputations of Parler, Gab and MeWe in the eyes of local law enforcement, that would suggest that the U.S. intelligence community is considering clamping down on these sites should Joe Biden become the next president.
“Everything they come out with lately is about right-wing this and right-wing that,” said one federal agent who asked not to be identified. “This is literally like electronic warfare when they’re sending alerts out to law enforcement, trying to change our views. That’s very disturbing because most law enforcement officers are conservative. This [email] contains some very harsh wording  suggesting basically that if you’re on Parler or one of these other sites you’re an extremist. But they’re perfectly OK with Ilhan Omar’s extremist comments [on Twitter].”

What does this mean?

The Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center is one of dozens of federal “fusion centers” that Congress authorized to be opened in all 50 states after the 9/11 terrorist attacks. The centers were supposed to aid state and local law enforcement by soliciting tips from the public and gathering intelligence information about potential Islamic terrorist attacks. But it did not take long before these federally funded centers turned their focus inward on the American people.
Fusion centers have been caught violating the civil rights of American patriots in the past, as reported by [read here and here], and now there is fresh evidence that these intel centers are focusing their spying activities not on the real terror threats of Antifa, BLM and the jihadists but on ill-defined “far-right extremists” and “white supremacists.”
Congress funnels tens of millions of federal tax dollars to these fusion centers through the Department of Homeland Security. By sending out such a politically charged email, the California fusion center, likely under the influence of the FBI, is telegraphing a clear bias against conservative speech. It appears that, to the federal deep state, the First Amendment only applies to Democrats, socialists and liberals.
While members of the hard left such as Congresswomen Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and even Iranian mullahs and ISIS jihadists, can tweet their anti-American invective without fear of being censored by Big Tech, the U.S. deep state is showing it does not want to afford the same free speech rights to hardworking, taxpaying Americans who love their country and want to keep it free.
“It’s just very scary if we’re going down this road,” the federal agent said.
You can read the email for yourself in the screenshots below. Pay particular attention to the sections highlighted in yellow, which show the priorities of the federal law enforcement deep state.

EDITORS NOTE: This column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Raw Data Confirms in 68 Seconds Tens of Thousands of Votes Switched

Zooming In is a weekly in-depth/investigative report program hosted by the award-winning journalist Simone Gao. Zooming In focuses on US-China relations, American tradition and values, and critical questions that America faces today. It is known for never shunning tough, controversial issues or complex stories. Exclusive interviews and reports from China, insight from top experts on US and China, good storytelling, and engaging visual presentations make Zooming In one of a kind.

©Zooming In with Simone Gao. All rights reserved.

Convert Me If You Can

The investigative journalists over at The Daily Beast report that Madison Cawthorn, the North Carolina Republican who will soon become the youngest member of Congress in American history, “has admitted he tried to convert Jews and Muslims to Christianity.”
So what?
As a Jew, I’ve had several Christian friends try to turn me toward Jesus—Lutherans, Catholics, and evangelicals. Though denominations seem to adopt different philosophies on how best to proselytize in a secular world, they have all been exceptionally polite about it.
I assume that they wouldn’t be very good Christians if they weren’t spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It is, from what I gather, one of the central premises of the enterprise. To be honest, I’m often surprised at how shy Christians are at this task.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

As a heathen, though, I am flattered by the attention. And as a person in possession of free will, I am also unconcerned. Never once have I found such efforts to be “anti-Semitic.”
The very universality of the endeavor tells me it is not. I simply assume that my friends are troubled that I have forsaken salvation. Maybe they’re right. I’ll find out soon enough.
Fortunately, I do not live in the Holy Roman Empire or medieval Portugal or a shtetl in the Pale. The notion that Jews should be offended by Christians approaching us with theological ideas is un-American. Trust me, Jews are not helpless in the face of arguments.
And Christians do not have the power to compel us to believe. Unlike progressives—who try to force nuns to fund abortions or evangelicals to participate in same-sex weddings—no Christian has ever endeavored to coerce me to perform any of their rites.
Cawthorn, I assume, does not possess any special power, either.
In an interview with Jewish Insider, the newly elected congressman claims to have converted “several Muslims to Christ.”
When asked if he had ever tried to convert Jews, he answered: “I have. I have, unsuccessfully. I have switched a lot of, uh, you know, I guess, culturally Jewish people. But being a practicing Jew, like, people who are religious about it, they are very difficult. I’ve had a hard time connecting with them in that way.”
Indeed, religious Jews are notoriously difficult to convert, since the entire notion of a Second Coming is incompatible with their beliefs. Jews have spent a few thousand years stubbornly resisting this sort of pressure. Proselytism is somewhat of a foreign concept to Orthodox Jews, as they are commanded to push away newcomers.
But all the feigned anger directed at Cawthorn is, as is usually the case when the topic arises, about smearing evangelical Christians—and little do with anti-Semitism. I know this because many of the very people who pretend to be insulted for Jewish people are constantly excusing genuine anti-Semitism.
“In all seriousness, this is a really anti-Semitic thing to say. It’s like the original anti-Semitic thing to say and doesn’t rely on any codes or tropes,” says the theatrical Chris Hayes. “And the entire GOP should condemn it. But of course, they won’t, and I’m willing to bet it gets one-twentieth of the coverage of Omar’s tweet. And this speaks to something pretty profound about how the two parties are viewed and whose ‘extremism’ gets attention.”
Anyone with a rudimentary understanding of Christianity knows that it is not “extreme” to spread the Gospel. One can’t say the same for those who single out Jews as being bestowed with the uniquely “evil” ability to hypnotize the world or to buy off Christians with their “Benjamins.”
Apologists for Rep. Ilhan Omar, for Hamas, for the Holocaust-denying Iranian terror regime that targets Jews around the world whether they are Israelis or not—those who dishonestly single out the Jewish state as a cancerous presence on the world while ignoring others—are, at best, functionally anti-Semitic. “Anti-Zionism,” not belief in the Trinity, is the predominant justification for violence against Jews around the world.
Yes, I understand that many evangelicals support Israel, in part, because they believe it is necessary for the fulfillment of end-times prophecy. Since I do not share their theology, I am completely unbothered by this position. Indeed, I strongly prefer their support to the antagonism of progressives who want to see Israel destroyed for far more nefarious reasons.
Those about to fire off emails with refresher courses on the history of European Jewry, please save your efforts. For more than a century now, attacks on Jews have predominantly emanated from secular fascists and leftists, Arab nationalists, and Islamists—not Christians spreading the good word.
It is in secular France, where gruesome murders of Jews are now an annual event, that men can’t wear yarmulkes in public. And, rest assured, it is not because of Mormon missionaries. An American Jew is far more likely to encounter anti-Semitism on progressive campuses than anywhere else in this country.
If an evangelical Christian approaches you while saying, “God is good!” the only thing you are likely to lose is your time.

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter:

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The GOP—Still Bringing a Knife to a Gunfight

Republicans need to urgently hone their skills in waging political warfare—especially with the upcoming runoffs in Georgia that will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate
I’ve been active in the Republican party for a very long time. So I think I can say with some knowledge: Republicans play badminton; Democrats play pro football—Former Speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich, FoxNews, Nov 15, 2020.
Something is rotten in the State of DenmarkA phrase from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet, used to describe corruption or a situation in which something is wrong.
For any fair-minded person, even one, who, for some reason harbors a deep personal animus toward Donald J. Trump, the conduct and the resultant outcome of this month’s presidential elections ought to be deeply troubling.
Despite a continuous and orchestrated assault
After all, the (still) incumbent president increased his overall electoral support by more than 10% nationwide—despite a continuous and orchestrated assault on the legitimacy of his administration by virtually the entire mainstream media; a blatant and uninterrupted endeavor by his political adversaries —beginning even before his inauguration—to circumvent the electoral process and unseat him through the unscrupulous and fraudulent corruption of the legal system. Thus, Trump won well over 70 million votes in 2020 compared to just under 63 million in 2016—even exceeding the previous record support for Obama in 2008. Moreover, Trump made marked gains in virtually all ethnic minority constituencies—with the notable exception of Jewish voters.
Yet somehow, this was not enough to beat the aging, lackluster Democratic candidate, whose running mate, Kamala Harris, proved distinctly unpopular even within her own party. Indeed, having never managed to break into the top tier of candidates, she was forced to drop out of the primaries in early December 2019, nine months before the Democratic National Convention in August 2020. Indeed, as Biden’s running mate, Harris is a somewhat puzzling choice, having engaged him in an acrimonious exchange during the primaries debates, sharply attacking his record on race relations, complicity with segregationists, and multiple complaints of sexual impropriety.
Even more perplexing
Perhaps even more perplexing is the fact that Joe Biden racked up the highest popular vote ever—despite an anemic (to be charitable) campaign and the tangible lack of enthusiasm he aroused among voters. Indeed, as one media channel noted: “Biden’s performance [in exceeding Obama’s record] is incredible considering the voter enthusiasm – especially among young people – that his former boss had in 2008”.
Moreover, a heavy cloud of corruption, abuse of office and influence pedaling hangs—or at least, should hang—over Biden and his complicity in his family’s questionable business activities in countries not among the US’s traditional allies—including Russia and China, America’s most serious geo-political rivals.
However, not all the blame for the results of the presidential elections can be attributed to the external animus of the political adversaries and their comrades-in-arms. To the contrary, considerable fault must be found with the inherent lethargy and sluggishness that seems to plague the GOP in any political “dust up” with its Democratic adversaries. Indeed, they seem to lack the “fire in the belly” to seize on their opponent’s weaknesses and transgressions—however glaring—and to turn them to their political advantage.
The Democrats have shown that they have no qualms in conjuring up—literally out of thin air—the gravest of allegations against Republicans and their associates and wielding it, without any compunction, as a political weapon—regardless of whose lives are ruined.
Pot calling kettle black?
Ironically, the Democrats have themselves committed (typically, flagrantly) the very transgressions (such as collusion with foreign powers to promote personal interests) of which they accuse the Republicans on the basis of fabricated—or at best, fragile—evidence.
Indeed, the Democrats and their collegial bureaucrats have been engaged—or at least, complicit—in every dirty trick in the book—and even some that have not made their way into it; and then holler “foul” aggrievedly when their duplicity and deceit are exposed. Sadly, it seems the GOP tends to be taken aback by these howls of feigned outrage—and recoil from any robust and timely counteractions.
Arguably, the starkest illustration of this is the snail-paced progress in the completion of the Durham report and the excruciating wait for its publication—now delayed until after the November elections—with any potential political impact largely defused, if not indefinitely curtailed.
Launched in April 2016 by Attorney General William Barr to review the origins of the FBI’s investigation (dubbed “Crossfire Hurricane”), the probe was headed by US Attorney, John Durham, into Democrat-initiated allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 elections, which Barr described as one of the “greatest travesties in American history.” Elsewhere, Barr excoriated the “Crossfire Hurricane” investigation, asserting: “I think our nation was turned on its head for three years based on a completely bogus narrative that was largely fanned and hyped by a completely irresponsible press.
No less damning are the words of former federal prosecutor, Andrew McCarthy:The investigation was fabricated, sprung from bogus information ginned up by the political campaign of Trump’s opponents. As exculpatory evidence inevitably mounted, moreover, the politicized investigation was sustained by the Obama administration and the Mueller special counsel probe — the latter chockablock with partisan Democratic lawyers, some of them Obama Justice Department officials.”
Justice delayed is justice denied…possibly for good
Some have suggested that by refraining from pre-election release of the inquiry, the Department of Justice wished to avoid accusations that its probe was “political” and was adhering to an unwritten “60 day rule”, according to which federal prosecutors should refrain from indicting political candidates, or taking “overt” steps in investigating candidates within 60 days of an election.
But as Andrew McCarthy argues,

the application of this informal and unwritten rule would be highly inappropriate. Indeed, not publishing its findings prior to the elections was in itself a political act, in that it would preclude highly pertinent information from voters, potentially crucial in making their decision as to for whom to cast their vote. Accordingly, the findings of an inquiry of almost 20 months into whether or not the Democratic party mechanism was involved in colluding with a foreign power to tip the 2016 election, defrauding the FISA court that helped launch a specious special counsel probe, resulting in the squandering of thousands of work hours and tens of millions of taxpayer dollars seems something voters ought to be aware of before they make their way to the ballot box.

Caustically, McCarthy remarks: “Now, the ‘60-day rule’ is translated: “Don’t dare bring any cases or make any disclosures that could cast the Obama administration in a bad light.
Moreover, some Justice Department officials expressed concern that if Durham’s work were not completed while Trump is still in office, the investigation could well be shuttered in some future Biden administration—with justice then not only being delayed, but permanently denied.
Transforming America into a de-Americanized post-America?
It is important to realize that the central point being made here goes beyond—and precedes—the question of whether or not it was large scale voter fraud that brought Biden the electoral results he attained.
While cognizant of the considerable difficulties facing a Trump re-election bid, this does not diminish the imperative for the GOP to prevail. The party needs to urgently hone its skills in waging political warfare, especially with the upcoming twin runoffs in Georgia that will determine which party controls the U.S. Senate.
Ironically—or ominously?—it was in Georgia in 2018, where Eric Holder, former US Attorney General (2009-2015) in the second Obama administration proclaimed—to the applause and cheers of the audience—at a Democratic rally: “When they go low, we kick them…That’s what this new Democratic Party is about.
The GOP would do well to heed these bellicose words and draw the commensurate conclusions from them.
After all, winning both the runoffs in January (early voting begins mid-December) is the only thing that can prevent the Democrats from making a clean sweep of the White House, the House and the Senate.
With a cardboard cutout for president, it is the only thing that can prevent people driven by a political credo, forged by figures and ideas not only different from, but entirely contrary to, those that made America, America, from usurping the reins of unrestrained power.It is, indeed, the only thing that can prevent them from transforming America into a de-Americanized post-America—an unrecognizable shadow of its former self.
Badminton rules in a pro-football game?
To achieve this critically important aim, the Republicans must—to quote former speaker, Newt Gingrich—understand that they cannot achieve victory in the political game by continuing to play by badminton rules on a pro-football field.
They must realize that it is time to stop bringing ineffectual knives to what is essentially a ruthless gunfight.
There is just too much at stake to give any quarter…
©Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.
Don’t Trust the Narrative. Immigrant Voters Are Restructuring Voter Demographics.
Justice Alito’s Important Warning
Convert Me If You Can

VIDEO: Rep. Cedric Richmond Attributes GOP Congressional Wins To Trump ‘Increasing Republican Turnout’

Democratic Louisiana Rep. Cedric Richmond attributed unexpected Republican gains in the House of Representatives to President Donald Trump’s success in “increasing Republican turnout.”
With three races still uncalled, Republicans are expected to gain anywhere from 10 to 12 seats in the House, resulting in a slim enough margin of power for House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy to contend last week that his party may even be able to help “run the floor.”
Richmond was asked by NBC anchor Chuck Todd during a Sunday morning “Meet the Press” appearance to explain why Democrats lost seats in the chamber despite a victory for President-elect Joe Biden.

“Look, it was a rough-and-tough election,” said Richmond. “And I will say this and I’ve gone back and looked at numbers and other things. Donald Trump increasing Republican turnout made a big deal.”
“But there’s a whole I think post-election audit that we should do and analysis to see where we ran strong, where we didn’t run strong,” he continued. “I think the fact Joe Biden won Georgia and we still have two Senate seats that are in runoffs could be a telling tale for what’s happening.”
The Democratic congressman used a football analogy to argue that Democrats should “all run the same plays” even if they don’t run “the exact same route.”
Richmond has reportedly been tapped to serve as a senior advisor to Biden in the White House.


‘There Is No Trumpism’: John Bolton Says Trump Has No Philosophy, Then Admits He Expanded The Republican Party
‘I’m A Little Jealous’: Sarah Sanders Reacts To ‘Astonishing’ Difference In Press Treatment Of Biden
Maxine Waters: Country Headed From ‘Dark Days’ Of Trump To The ‘Dawn Of A New Progressive Era’
EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Communist Party, USA Endorsed Democrat Stacy Abrams who is Leading the Voting Effort in Georgia

When the Communist Party, USA endorses you for Governor of Florida, you know you’re a political disaster for the State of Florida! Yep, it’s true, the Communist Party, USA, selected several current candidates who most reflect their Marxist policies.
Two of the most prominent candidates are Andrew Gillum, socialist candidate for Florida Governor and Stacey Abrams, socialist candidate for Georgia Governor.
Question: How in the world are we even considering having someone supported by real live Communists as legitimate candidates for Governors of significant, capitalist states?
Watch this 2-minute video and read the Commie endorsement.

©The United West. All rights reserved.

NEVADA: Washoe County, Clark County are Counting DUPLICATE Voters, Contested Ballots, Unregistered Voters

From Systems IT and Data Integrity specialist did this study after reading of Nevada’s corrupted numbers.
“All sources are listed all data should be available at the links.”

Bottom line, up front they are counting duplicated ballots; at least in Washoe County, NV.
Their own data says they are to those that are looking at it. Attached is the list of duplicate votes that were counted as of the 9 November 2020. There is no other way to explain it; there are 26 daily files listed where you can look back to the numbers reported if they are still available to the dates and these duplicate votes are still recorded.”

I am trying to get this data to someone that might be able to do something.  My background I am an auditor by profession.  Most of my audit experience revolves around systems and data integrity dealing with large scale data analysis. E.g. millions of records.
What I am going to say I can prove and I can prove with public files that were and hopefully still are available to anyone.  (I have a set of these files that are unmodified from download as well)
https:// www.[File_Name_Goes_Here]
**Note: [File_Name_Goes_Here] = one of the file names mentioned below
File Types and Names:
General Election Voter registration Files:
These are daily general election voter registration and ballot files for that date.
The files will show the date and time they were created when downloaded and will also show who they were last saved by for example Deanna Spikula.  Not sure who it is but it is the name of the person that saved the files.
Inactive Voter Files:
These are the lists of inactive voters by date.
Primary Election Voter File:  This is the registered voters for the primary election dated 21 May 2020.
Test Summaries:
Voters that voted in the Primary Election who where moved to inactive voters:
(This is derived from using Washoe county file ‘av_multi_file_5_21_20’ crossed to ‘inactive_voters_10_1_20’)
A total of 12,476 registered voters removed; of the 12,476 registered voters removed 10,562 of them were challenged ballots in the primary election.  IN the general election 1,452 (11.64%) of the voters removed were added back.  Then of those added back 1,452 voters added back 1,188 (81.81%) were challenged votes in the primary election.
New Registered Voters by Date:
This looks at the net number of voters registered on a date using the file ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx (test was done on 10 November 2020).  I closed the gap to go from 01 January 2017 forward.  (Note: It there is also another date anomaly in 1 January 1991 )
There are 24 days where the daily new registered voters were over 3 Standard Deviations (up to 10 standard deviations).
In those 24 days, 23,201 voters were registered of which 18,381 voted. So that is 7.77% of the votes cast.  Of those registered voters 7,477 were 50 or older.
Additionally, the county is using an inconsistent method to add inactive voters back to the registered voters.  What I mean is in some cases the voter registration date stays the same and in some cases they change the to a different date (No clear rhyme or reason for this).
Voter Registration date to ballot received:  
This is just looking at the date the individual was added to the voter registration file data set to the date they registered to vote and to the date their ballot was received.
File Used: ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx
Then there are 2,038 voters that were entered into the ‘system’ prior to their registration date.  OF the 2,038 voters 422 (20.71%) of them had ballots received and counted prior to being registered to vote.
Duplicate Voters:
This looked for duplicate voters in the list by voter ID number.  File used: ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx was used.
In that file you will see 7,637 duplicate votes (based on Voter ID Number):
3,757 ‘people’ voted 2 Times
40 ‘people’ Voted 3 Times
1 ‘person’ voted 4 times

Non Verified Voters or Votes (unsure of the field meaning, but from what I can tell it looks like votes not voters):
File used: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx
In this file 236,452 votes showing as received.  Of the 236,452 votes 130,398 (55.15%) are classified as verified and 106,054 (44.85%) are classified as not verified.
General Election Voter File changes by date:
This looks at changes in the daily file to see what was in a previous date file and not in a prior date file.
Files Used: ab_ev_file_10_12_20.xlsx forward three days to the end

File 1 File 1 Records File 2 File 2 Records Voters In File 1 and Not File 2 Ballots in File 1 and Not File 2
14-Oct-20              296,375 17-Oct-20              298,779                 244                   37
17-Oct-20              298,779 20-Oct-20              299,262                 108                   19
20-Oct-20              299,262 22-Oct-20              299,692                 118                   30
22-Oct-20              299,692 25-Oct-20              300,796                 127                   27
25-Oct-20              300,796 28-Oct-20              302,169                 104                   21
28-Oct-20              302,169 2-Nov-20              303,959                 148                   30
2-Nov-20              303,959 5-Nov-20              303,988                   29                     8
5-Nov-20              303,988 8-Nov-20              303,745                 269                   40
8-Nov-20              303,745 11-Nov-20             303,679                   81                   38
            1,228                 250

Net minimum number of voters added: 8,532  [7,304 from file record changes + 1,228 from dropped records]
Ballots cast that vanished: 250 (This is also the minimum number)
Other Odd items:
File used: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx
There are three ‘people’ that are 120 years old that voted: ( 1.ASTELLANOS-RAMIREZ, DARLA MARY / 2. SHAMIM, ZOAYLA NAIMA / 3. PUSZKIEWICZ, HUNTER RENEE)
Multi County Registered Voters:
File used: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx, Clark County Voter Registration Files from their website, Elko County Voter Files from their website.
Elko and Washoe County have an fairly easy to identify 40 or so individuals that are registered to vote in both counties.
Washoe and Clark County have a large number that need to be looked into.  From a first name, middle name, last name, and birthdate/year cross  there are 478.  Some of these have the same addresses listed but flipped.  Etc.
The Affidavit field for registered voters is not done in a constant manner.  (file: ab_ev_file_11_11_20.xlsx) There are multiple people that have the same affidavit number.  That number should the form of ID used to register and some type of serial number.
Also regarding the affidavit, there are people using a federal form used for military voters to vote when those individuals are clearly not in the military (out of state voters; and in some cases in state voters).
Why is the birthplace in this file not being consistently used?  Example: 36,126 registered voters that cast ballots in the general election… Washoe county does not even know where they are born???
Logic Test:
This is just the logic test to why the above is important.
The last time I checked the news is saying (Politico):
Biden: 126,098
Trump: 114,614
Total Votes: 240,712
(Source Politico 2020 Election Results for NV; 09 NOV 20)
File ‘ab_ev_file_11_9_20.xlsx’ was showing a total of 236,473 Ballots Received.  What that means is they are counting duplicate voters in those numbers and they are counting contested ballots in those numbers and they are counting unregistered voters in those numbers.
Votes cast: 236,473
Duplicate Votes <7,637>
Challenged Votes <13,275>  * Note: Up to because some of the duplicate votes were caught as challenged.
Other min County duplicates <500> *note just rounding
Removed after primary vote challenge <1,188>  This one should have everyone scratching their head
Added prior to registering  <2,037>
Net first glance Questionable <24,638>  (10.42% of 236,473)    
(Note: Politico is showing a 11,368 vote spread…. So those are over twice the number of the spread)
Votes after questionable: 211,835

I am sorry but this is, in my opinion, is unacceptable.  This is one the worst sets of data that I have seen in my life, in terms of any of it being creditable.  There are clearly no controls in place.  If there are no controls in place the data does need to be audited.

If at first glance I see 10.42% are highly suspicious there is an issue.
This does not even include the magical numbers of records that just appear in this file on the same second.
This does not include the number of voters that are using the same phone number or same addresses.  The out of proportion batch processing of ballots where there are groups that have an average age of 72.
Someone needs to be looking at the data and questioning it.  They need to be pulling those ballots and looking with their own eyes.
If the country knew the above what do you think they would believe?  Do you think that they would have any faith in the system with the data LITERALLY SHOWS THE NEWS AND THE COUNTY ARE COUNTING ALL VOTES AS BEING VALID.
Final Washoe Election Results…
Those duplicate votes are counted and have been counted this whole time… to included the unvalidated votes and the unvalidated challenged votes.
If you want a systemic issue I literally just handed it to you.  Everything above literally says this is a systemic issue.  I can send the lists of what I have if you are interested.  You can literally recreate everything I said using the referenced data listed.

CORRUPT Chicago Dominion: Dem-Socialist David Orr Illegally Gave DOMINION $32 Million Contract Breaking State Rules
“KRAKEN” is a CIA Hacking Program
LOOK Who Owns Dominion Voting Systems: Politically Motivated PRIVATE Equity NY Hedge Fund
Dominion Radicals: Screenshots of Their Scrubbed LinkedIn Accounts
Team Trump Counsel Powell: Georgia Gov Kemp, Sec. of State Took Bribes From Dominion, “Georgia is probably going to be the first state I’m going to blow up ..”
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

March for 45 in Washington, D.C. on December 12th, 2020

A reader sent the following in an email to us (H/T RR):

We are calling for all patriots loyal to the constitution of the United States of America to show up and be counted! The swamp has done everything possible to eradicate patriotism in our nation.
On November 3rd over 70 million Americans cast their vote in support of our president and in support of saving our republic. The swamp has responded by attempting to steal our votes, lie about us in the media, attack our civil liberties with unconstitutional orders, censor our voices, and attack our businesses with unlawful mandates.
We must not let this stand. As Americans we have a duty to defend this country in times of adversity and when it is under attack. This IS one of those times.
We had over a million patriots show up to DC last time and we need to see that again. This is a call to action for every red-blooded American. We will peacefully assemble at Freedom Plaza in Washington DC at 12pm on December 12th and march for the nation. The whole world is watching. Let them see and hear that the spirit of liberty is not dead in our nation. For God and country!
RSVP now!
If you have already registered you can still do more. Tell everyone you know about this event. Share it on social media. Gather groups of friends to come. Set up caravans into DC. Do anything and everything in a legal fashion to help us pack the capital of this country. It’s now or never.
The march is free and open to the public. Registration is not necessary. However, with the attempts by big tech to shut us down it is imperative that we have other ways to reach out to you so we encourage registration. There will also be other events happening in DC December 11th-13th and we will send you details via email. We are all in this together.
God bless you all.

©All rights reserved.

Codevilla on the Ruling Class: They are after YOU!

“It had been decided. You peons shut up and obey.”  – Angelo Codevilla writing at American Greatness

They think that by destroying Trump, they will destroy you, the country class, the peons, says professor, author and thinker Angelo Codevilla.
In an age where we don’t want to read more than a few sentences at Twitter (or anywhere), it is important to take a few minutes to read and digest the work of someone who has had your back for more than a decade.
I’ve snipped just a bit of the latest from Codevilla here at American Greatness. (hat tip: Richard)
He says we, the great United States has become an oligarchy, no longer a Constitutional Republic but a country governed by a small group of the ‘elite.’
(Emphasis below is mine)

From Ruling Class to Oligarchy

Roughly half the country is living under an alien regime that means to harm us socially, politically, and economically.
“By its campaign and conduct of the 2020 election, the ruling class ceased pretending to be part of a constitutional republic. By treating fellow Americans as inferiors through word and deed, its members renounced their common citizenship with us. Eschewing persuasion, they set about compelling obedience to an openly manipulated election.
Thus did they burn their bridges to the rest of America as surely as did Hernán Cortéz when he burned the ships that had carried his troops to conquer the Aztec empire. Henceforth, they must rule or ruin as the oligarchy they have become.”
Codevilla continues….

This is how it happened. It had been clear to that class that Trump was dangerous only because he represented his “deplorable” supporters. The ruling class sought to resist them by dispiriting them and discrediting them in their own and others’ eyes. Demonizing Trump was the means by which they sought to do this.
Arguably the American country class’ principal mistake between 2016 and 2020 was to suppose that the Left was actually after Trump, rather than set about crushing them and killing the American regime.
And then Election Night. As predicted, election officials in places controlled by the Left stopped counting until it was clear how many ballots it would take for Trump to be defeated. The requisite number came, filled out by no one knows who. And then . . . who wouldn’t have predicted it? The call came from all of society’s commanding heights: Trump’s defeat had been declared.By whom? By the folks on these varied heights—certainly not by the authorities designated by the Constitution to decide who wins and loses.
But the more instances of fraud the Trump campaign sought to investigate, the louder and from more sources sounded the judgment that there was nothing to investigate. It had been decided. You peons shut up and obey.
That is how oligarchies work.
What may be done about this is another story. But the story’s premise is that it must begin with the realization that the conservative more-or-less half of American life is living under an alien regime that means to continue harming us socially and morally just as much as economically. Plainly, we find ourselves in a (mostly not yet violent) state of war. The beginning of such safety as we may work out for ourselves is to regard our rulers as they regard us.

Continue reading here.
Yes, it is that serious. The ruling class wants people like you and me destroyed. People like those who marched in Washington a week ago.
And, I read Codevilla’s closing paragraph above to mean we have to understand the stakes and fight like our lives and the country we love depends on it.
I know its hard for decent people to consider that we must “regard our rulers as they regard us” which is a nice way of saying they HATE US and therefore….!
Long live America First!
Update!  No sooner had I published this post, when this tweet came to my attention.  Liz Cheney is a ruling class superstar!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Andy Ngo Thrown Off PayPal, Other Payment Platforms May Follow

One of the most daring and honest journalists in America is Andy Ngo. Either filming himself or aggregating video clips from his network of mostly clandestine collaborators, Ngo does the work mainstream journalists ignore either out of fear or ideological bias. If you watched Ngo’s videos over the past several months, you would know, without any doubt, that America’s mainstream “journalists” were biased cowards, unwilling to report what’s really happening in American cities because they thought it might harm the Biden campaign.
For his trouble, Ngo has been assaulted and demonized. But his level headed attention to facts and evidence, and nothing else, has meant he has survived online. Suppressed and demonetized, he nonetheless persists on all major platforms.
Until now. Yielding to pressure from the Left, PayPal has thrown Ngo off their payment platform. As he tweeted earlier today, pressure is building to get Ngo off of Patreon and SubscribeStar as well.
Expect to see this tactic amplified in the coming months and years, especially if Biden becomes president. The big tech platforms already act with near impunity, but with their allies running the federal executive branch, they’ll have no inhibitions whatsoever.
When people are deplatformed from YouTube, for example, they go to BitChute or Rumble or elsewhere, typically losing about 90 percent of their viewers. Most of them never recover more than a fraction of their former audience, and lose almost all access to new viewers. And as long as they survive on a major platform like YouTube, they are demonetized. But taking away the ability of an online content provider to collect donations on the payment platforms, to-date, has been relatively infrequent.
That’s changing fast. In the wave of deplatformings immediately prior to the election – mostly done to stop “Q conspiracy” websites (translation: people who were posting videos documenting the Biden laptop scandal and other embarrassments to the anti-Trump establishment) – several of those who were thrown off YouTube also had their bank accounts and payment platforms cancelled. In this video, of the victims, Polly St. George (aka “Amazing Polly“), explains how this happened to her.
One of the first victims of deplatforming, Henrik Palmgren and Lana Lokteff (aka “Red Ice TV“), not only were thrown off YouTube and other major platforms, and were not only thrown off all donation platforms, but they were added to the so-called “MATCH List.” MATCH stands for “Member Alert To Control High-risk merchants.”  It’s a list, shared by all banks, of what used to be called the “Terminated Merchant File.” If you get added to this list, it is almost impossible to open or maintain a credit card account with any bank.
People may criticize any of these content providers, but understand what’s happening. These “undesirables” are not merely being silenced, they are being completely destroyed economically. The MATCH list used to be reserved for terrorists and drug cartels. Now it’s being used to silence free speech.

EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Winston84 is Tracking the Migration Away From Censorship

In response to viewer suggestions, Winston84 has added profile descriptions to its search function. This means you can find profiles that have information that is noted in the profile description, expanding the ability to locate sites with specific content that is suppressed by the censors.
For example, if you enter “Plandemic” in the search box, you will now be directed to the profile for Watch Uncensored, with a link to their website where they post banned videos including the “Plandemic Movie” and the “Plandemic Sequel.”
Similarly, if you enter “Clinton Body Count” in the search box, you will now be directed to the profile for Dark to Light, where Robert Horan maintains the list of recently departed on his website – go “Deep State” on the navigation bar and select “Clinton Body Count” on the drop down menu. Horan also maintains a more extensive list on a Twitter thread on his Twitter account. That’s harder to find, so here’s the link.
By the way, thanks to the limitations of algorithms, when you enter “Clinton Body Count” you also will see a result for Count Dankula, a comedian who has also managed to offend the censors. Dankula, whose videos offer hilarious satire, earned his place in Winston84’s directory because he trained his girlfriend’s dog to do a Nazi salute and was convicted in a Scottish court of “inciting race hatred.” Oops.
It is important to issue a disclaimer here: We don’t know if the allegations made in the Plandemic videos are accurate, any more than we know if the scores of deaths suffered by former associates of the Clintons are the result of foul play. What we do know, however, is that there is a coordinated attempt to suppress this material, and we believe that is wrong.
In another new development, Winston84 has added Rumble to the array of platforms we monitor. When you visit the profile for The Hodge Twins, or for Kaitlin Bennett (Liberty Hangout), among their other links, you will see links to their channels on Rumble.
It is impossible to predict how lovers of free speech and defenders of the First Amendment will respond to the ongoing censorship. The ways that free and open communication are being suppressed escalate continuously. Will America descend to the levels witnessed in China and Russia, where dissidents have to use virtual private networks? And while a VPN can protect a viewer from scrutiny, what about the content producers?
We welcome suggestions and ideas, and remain committed to sharing them here.
EDITORS NOTE: This Winston84 column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NEVADA: Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394 — Total Presidential Election Votes: 1,405,376

Among the hundreds of thousands of reports of voter fraud, some so egregious it shakes our belief in the pillars of our Constitutional Republic, there is other glaring evidence of mass voter fraud.
From Nevada’s own state election site:

Total Ballots Cast: 1,327,394 [Click here for the graphic]

Source: https://www.nvsos.Gov/sos/home/showdocument?id=9054

TOTAL PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION VOTES: 1,405,376 [Click here for the graphic]


There are 77,982 more votes in the Presidential election than there are casted ballots in Nevada. Biden has a +33,596 margin currently.
The Epoch Times – Green Card Holder In Nevada Received a Mail In Ballot

Jordan Sekulow on New Election Lawsuits: “What’s Coming in Georgia Will Be Shocking.”

Trump votes crushed cheating system; Shocking Frankfurt server raw data to be leaked | Eye Opener

‘There Was in Fact Fraud That Took Place:’ FEC Chairman Trey Trainor
Computer Expert Analysis: Internet Sub Domains of Dominion Voting Systems Lead To Data Center in CHINA
Sidney Powell: Dominion Is ‘Shredding Documents’
A Third of Democrats Believe the Election Was Stolen From Trump
Sidney Powell: Will Prove Case ‘Within Next Two Weeks’ in Court votes were changed in real time

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Dominion Exec VP Lets It Slip: Software Switched Votes From One Candidate to Another

Meet Waldeep Singh:

Here is PROOF Dominion has done it and can do it: in a Palm Beach Post news article, Waldeep admits and explains in simple terms how the votes were changed during transmission from precinct to central, switching votes from one mayoral candidate to the other.
In the software business, once the source code exists, like yeast for bakery bread or wine vineyards, it is always there and can be expanded or deployed when needed. It never disappears.
Waldeep Singh is originally from Sequoia, CA. His name and signature are on all the contracts Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, and Michigan…. Dominion Voting Systems (DVS) has the source code software to do this. The shady David Orr in Chicago (see more on Orr below) deal was the first DVS 5.5 purchase. And the software was developed and designed for Cook County, and the software was FIRST developed and designed for Cook County/Chicago.
Was this practice before they got to the big leagues, not thinking the little old lady volunteers would actually count the ballots in Palm Beach?
It appears all roads lead back to Chicago – the first domino to fall. The voting system ES&S, based in Nebraska with Thomas Dee of Vedder Price, filed a Federal Complaint that Cook County/Chicago chose an uncertified new system now known as the infamous Dominion 5.5. Although Cook announced an RFP period March – July 7 2017, I have obtained documentation that indicates:

  • While ES&S was properly protesting (three times) the validity and process Cook County/David Orr was still proceeding
  • there was no comparative expert RFP bidders evaluation of the multiple prominent bidders ES&S, Hart etc.,
  • Dominion was chosen July 7, 2017, which was the “deadline” for all to submit RFPs, and appears DVS already progressing prior to deadline
  • Cook County chose DVS, an uncertified vendor, as ES&S alleges in their Complaint.  The timeline appears on EAC data site Dominion had a very difficult time with their new Democracy 5.5 system finally getting EAC conformance (contingent) 10/2018
  • David Orr/Cook County entered into a $31 million 10-year contract when it appears “if the Board determines the proposed system is safe, accurate and efficient, it will approve use …on an interim basis not to exceed to two years,” after which applicant/Dominion can apply for final approval. An add-on amendment owner change reveals that Staple Street Capital/hedge fund based in New York acquired this.
  • Due to the massive mail-in ballot issue, there was an amendment for equipment added on to contract – at this point Dominion did notate as a United States Registered Manufacturer, they were acquired by Staple Street. This brow-raising update should have been reviewed by a State Board and Federal Elections Committee.
  • The VSTL Pro VV report indicated all the resolutions needed for Dominion to be approved (finally), and recommended approval based on Dominion attesting they would fix the issues.
  • The State of Texas sternly rejected the Dominion 5.5 system 02/2019 and again 11/2019, clearly stating in reports the many issues – which were the same or more than the VSTL found problematic – confirming the problems were not corrected.

Dominion with their “We got Chicago!” bragging rights went to Georgia, Maricopa, Arizona, Pennsylvania, and Michigan – who now have the Dominion 5.5 program. This is not coincidence. Notably, Waldeep Singh did admit in a small Palm Beach County FL election that the software switched votes from one candidate to another – the hand recount changed the winner, as linked above in the Palm Beach Post newspaper report. It was standard audit so they were surprised that DVS/Sequoia software source still exists. [See Exhibit 1 and Exhibit 2]
ChicagoDVS.agree Chicago.CookAmendDominion

Sidney Powell Updates NewsMax TV on 2020 Election Discoveries.

Smoking Gun: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA. – By Edward Solomon

Democrat Michigan Mayor on Dominion Payroll
KRAKEN: Dominion Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA
Computer Expert Analysis: Internet Sub Domains of Dominion Voting Systems Lead To Data Center in CHINA
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Skynet Introduces New Line Of Voting Machines

MENLO PARK, CA—It’s looking increasingly likely that Trump’s lawsuits won’t change the results of the election, and that his claims about fraudulent voting and suspicious voting machines won’t swing the election in his favor.
But many people are now raising concerns as Silicon Valley startup Skynet has unveiled a new line of voting machines.
Twitter quickly fact-checked Trump’s tweet though, posting a disclaimer that “Skynet is safe and secure and we welcome our new robot overlords.”
“Well, this can’t be good,” said one commentator at the news. “Aren’t these supposed to do something bad?” His computer then shot him in the face.
Republicans are claiming the machines are going to enslave humanity, but Democrats are assuring everyone the machines are totally fine and that they’re fair and unbiased in their destruction of all humans.
Threat To Democracy: This Defeated Presidential Candidate Keeps Claiming Election Was Stolen
Trump Unveils Even Bigger White House Next To Current White House
Modern-Day Rebels Just Plan On Celebrating Holidays Like Normal
Libertarian Man Reminds Everyone That All Elections Are Illegitimate
Target Immediately Pulls Bible From Shelves After Church Of Satan Complains
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: From Biden’s Own Mouth!

I’ve mentioned this before, but will keep it pinned at the top of Frauds & Crooks for as long as Joe Biden is on the national stage (or Youtube censors it!).
Nothing could be more fitting here on a blog about fraud!

And, that brings us to this.  From a speech in DETROIT!


EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Catholic — Post-Election Special: Bombs Away!

Shooting down the Democratic–communist plot.

The Democratic Party launched a nationwide scheme aimed at undermining the American electoral system, and they did it in conjunction with foreign powers hostile to the United States and friendly with communism.

©Church Militant. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Judge Tosses Thousands Of Ballots Without Dates In Pennsylvania Reversing Lower Court Ruling

Follow-up Video Regarding Election Fraud — Dr. Shiva Answers his Critics

A more detailed follow-up to Dr. SHIVA Ayyadurai’s previous video on the indicators of election/voter fraud.
This video spends a lot of time regarding the aspects of “pattern recognition” before he gets into directly answering the criticisms he has received as regards his previous video AND he shows what normal vs abnormal looks like AND he does comparisons with what Biden looks like AND he confirms he’s already been in contact with Trump’s people.
You’re probably going to have to watch the whole thing but, hang in there, He answers his critics quite effectively!

©Tad MacKie. All rights reserved.
Trump Meeting With Michigan Lawmakers In Bid To Overturn State’s Election Results
‘Deeply Concerning’: Federal Election Commission Chair Trey Trainor On Voter Chaos, Foreign Influence Accusations
Kayleigh McEnany Says Trump Wont Concede Until Legal Challenges Are Over
Biden’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Former Facebook And Zuckerberg Insiders
Lara Trump Reportedly Thinking About 2022 Senate Run

D.C. Mayor Sued Over Arrest of Advocates Who Wrote Pro-Life Messages on Sidewalk

Pro-life groups are suing D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser over the arrests of advocates who wrote “Black Preborn Lives Matter” in chalk on the sidewalk.
The Alliance Defending Freedom filed a lawsuit this week on behalf of the Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life accusing Bowser and the District of Columbia following the August arrests of two Students for Life members.
“The Plaintiffs were prohibited from communicating their message, even though other messages are now permanently emblazoned along the streets of the District in a nearly identical format,” the lawsuit said. “The only difference between the Plaintiffs’ desired mural and the other permitted—and permanent—murals is the content of the message.”
The Metropolitan Police Department arrested both 29-year-old Warner DePriest and 22-year-old Erica Caporaletti on an early August Saturday morning for chalking pro-life sentiments, including the slogan “Black Preborn Lives Matter,” on the road in front of a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.
“City officials were not content to stop a message in temporary paint,” Students for Life of America President Kristan Hawkins said in a statement.
“Two students were arrested trying to express in chalk what they were not allowed to say in paint,” she continued. “That kind of viewpoint discrimination cannot be allowed to continue unchallenged.”
The arrests came after Bowser commissioned the “Black Lives Matter” slogan to be painted on the streets of D.C. earlier this summer. The mural included the symbol of the D.C. flag—two horizontal bars topped by three stars—after which activists painted “Defund the Police,” making the phrase appear “Black Lives Matter = Defund the Police.”
Bowser’s government removed the D.C. flag but allowed “Defund the Police” to remain, The Washington Post reported.
“The government can’t discriminate against certain viewpoints by allowing some voices to be heard while silencing others,” Elissa Graves, Alliance Defending Freedom legal counsel, said in a statement.
She continued: “Because of the city’s actions, Frederick Douglass Foundation and Students for Life of America weren’t able to participate in the public square as other groups have. The First Amendment prohibits the government from picking and choosing whose speech to allow.”
Bowser’s office did not immediately respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation.
Attorney Harmeet Kaur Dhillon, who is the CEO of the Center for American Liberty, previously told The Daily Caller News Foundation that the disparity in treatment in these cases is “obviously viewpoint discrimination.”
“I think it’s going to become clear as legal proceedings, which are probably inevitable, proceed on this matter that the city and it’s law enforcement have violated clearly established First Amendment precedent that bars treating similarly situated circumstances of free speech differently,” Dhillon told The Daily Caller News Foundation in August.

Mary Margaret Olohan

Mary Margaret Olohan is a reporter covering social issues for The Daily Caller News Foundation.  Twitter: @MaryMargOlohan.
RELATED ARTICLE: DC Mayor’s Arrest Of Pro-Lifers After Allowing ‘Defund The Police’ Message Is ‘Viewpoint Discrimination,’ First Amendment Expert Says
EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities for this original content, email

VIDEO: Who is behind Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic?

I discusses Dominion and Smartmatic with Bob Sellers and Heather Childers on NewsmaxTV. Smartmatic Chairman was investment partner of George Soros.

©Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.
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Proof Democrats Caught With Vote Fraud

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