You are our Peace, God, from the thousand weariness’s of our daily life, from the disappointments from the nervous and senseless haste, we turn to you and are at peace.   Clamour dies, and we are alive in the sunshine of your presence. Even so, please come, to this soul of mine……

Telling people to stay calm, overcome, do the right thing during any type of trauma is almost an anathema to most human souls.   Since the falling away of a connection to the real God mankind has become very self-reliant on their own thoughts, desires, understanding and emotions to solve a problem.   They are deeply embedded.  Some people call it our ego, a false sense of who we really are.    In this state, we fail to see the importance of staying calm and objective in the ‘present’ moment.

The current ‘fear driven’ pandemic is obviously not the only trauma which is also affecting millions.  It is being succinctly pointed out via the media that suffering is also taking place in many other areas of human life.   However, in some areas of suffering the media will never report the real devastation being created by people who may make the wrong choice in life whilst they are shrouded in false facts, beliefs and fear.

Good News is rarely reported.

Therefore, the first March for Life march in London, over the weekend of September 4th attended by thousands, was again under-reported by the mainstream media.

The pro-life message, usually viewed as some sort of abuse or critique against women who choose abortion has been seriously disfigured.    Contrary to some condemnation by radicals, it is mainly value and support which is extended to women by the pro-life movement, along with the promotion of value and the human rights of the unborn.

Despite recent research that most women are relived after having an abortion, it is reported that many women suffer deep regret and post abortion recovery groups have multiplied in churches nationwide.   Parents are being helped by these ministries and the power of forgiveness is being promoted.

It is also very encouraging that Caroline Farrow, Campaign Director of Citizen Go, reported the following in relation to the march:

“As I walked past the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ climate-change protestors at Trafalgar Square, I noticed that far from being aggressive or abusive they were interested and engaged by our message. One photographer from the press remarked on the demographics of our march, with plenty of young people and families and commented on what a ‘wholesome picture’ we made, by comparison with other recent protests.

A handful of pro-abortion protestors doubtless concerned by the huge crowd (one policeman estimated the numbers as 4,000 people) attempted to scream offensive and abusive slogans but quickly realised that they were vastly outnumbered and moved on”

It appears to me that people are really waking up to the culture of organized and controlled fear and returning to the spirit of life and ‘wholesomeness’ as indicated in her quote.

I also noticed that the opposition moved away when they realized they were ‘outnumbered’

Is it possible that more light is coming to the earth to expose the darkness? I think so

You can watch scenes from the march here:

Snakes and Ladders

If you have ever played the game of snakes and ladders you will know that on the throw of a dice you can be moved forward one minute but down the next depending on which square you happen to land on and life can be very much like that.   Bad news, divorce, death, illness, can sometimes see you slipping down the slithering snake of despair, depending on your own reaction and attachment to an outcome, and before you know it you are in a cobra crush of crippling confused thoughts, making bad and embarrassing decisions and wondering and doubting what the future will hold.   Resentment grows, and the ladder back up can be out of reach and a game of chance.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way if you view life from a spiritual perspective, have faith in God and remain calm.   Being still inside in the present moment instead of hoping or dreading in some far-off unseen future amidst many battling thoughts appears to be the key to finding the right way through.

If you are currently suffering, besides your own thoughts, you must also be very objective and careful who you listen to.

In the bible, Job endured the analysis of well-meaning friends who had no idea about the real plans of God and why Job was suffering.   We are sometimes those friends who can’t resist to think and then articulate the reason why someone is suffering.

Therefore, it is wise to be aware. Stay focused and calm in troubled water.  The best you can do is advise your friends to do the same.   Never believe your own thoughts or the thoughts of others. Who is the snake and what is the ladder is not always obvious?   Patience and forgiveness appear to be a corrective quality which only God can impart when you go through painful times.

Counting it a joy can be difficult, I’m embarrassed to say I have tried and failed miserably at times, irritated by the ‘cheer up it might never happen’ statement, but it should be remembered that God corrects those he loves and even flippant statements can be factored into your well-being if you don’t over-react and just notice your resentment.

British born Milo Yiannopoulos well known for his political views and openly gay statements has also been extolling the virtue of prayer and how God reveals the truth and correction to those he loves.   Milo now declares himself as ex-gay and how he has found his true identity.

His you tube interview with Life Site News (which is now banned) was so informative and interesting.   In the honesty of his revelation on the trauma he had experienced during his youth, it was impossible to judge him or see him as anything but brave.   His past did not exist.  You can find his interview through the link below:

Sam Salter, is also one of many who has been interviewed on finding his true identity and giving up the gay lifestyle.   It can be no coincidence that his story is very similar to Milo’s and that he has turned to Christianity and prayer.  He quotes:

“I’d say, isn’t change in identity a fundamental principle of Christianity? Dying to self, shedding the old to make way for the new, beating the flesh and receiving the spirit, on our journey back home to the father…?

The London March for Life for me was indicative of a movement in our world which is exposing darkness with light on many issues and reaching others who are waking up.  We have much to be thankful for.  The light of God will also dispel the darkness inside us

If you’d like to see more photos from the day, they can be found here:

Keep Calm – Choose Life


Newsletter2.pdf (

Abortion Regret Isn’t a Myth, Despite New Study…… | News & Reporting | Christianity Today

CitizenGO joined the March for Life UK – YouTube04.09.2021 London March for Life

Ex-gay Milo Yiannopoulos delivers message of hope: ‘Born this way’ is a lie. You can change – LifeSite (

Born gay? Sam Salter: ‘Finding my true identity’ – Christian Concern

New Study Finds Mask Mandate Failed to Reduce COVID Deaths, Hospitalizations, or Cases

A study published by the Southern Medical Journal and reviewed by the US Army Institute of Surgical Research found mask mandates did not reduce COVID transmission or severity in the fourth largest county in Texas.

Anew study published in the The Southern Medical Journal (SMJ) found that a county-wide mask order in Bexar County, Texas, did not lead to a reduction in COVID-19 hospitalization rates or deaths.

The study, which was peer reviewed, analyzed data before and after mandates were imposed at both the state level (July 3, 2020) and in Bexar County (July 5, 2020), Texas’s fourth largest county.

“We defined the control period as June 2 to July 2 and the postmask order period as July 8, 2020–August 12, 2020, with a 5-day gap to account for the median incubation period for cases; longer periods of 7 and 10 days were used for hospitalization and ICU admission/death, respectively,” the study authors wrote. “Data were reported on a per-100,000 population basis using respective US Census Bureau–reported populations.”

Authors of the study, which was reviewed by the US Army Institute of Surgical Research, analyzed the daily average number of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations, ICU visits, patients on ventilators, and deaths, and concluded the policy did not reduce any of these metrics.

“All of the measured outcomes were higher on average in the postmask period as were covariables included in the adjusted model,” the researchers said. “There was no reduction in per-population daily mortality, hospital bed, ICU bed, or ventilator occupancy of COVID-19-positive patients attributable to the implementation of a mask-wearing mandate.”

The SMJ research results come four months after the CDC published a large-scale study that found there was no statistically significant difference in COVID spread among children in schools where masks were optional compared to schools where masks were required.

That study analyzed roughly 90,000 elementary school students in 169 schools in Georgia in November and December 2020.

Other studies, however, have found masks reduce the spread of COVID-19, including a large-scale analysis from Bangladesh currently in preprint and under peer review at the journal Science.

“We now have evidence from a randomized, controlled trial that mask promotion increases the use of face coverings and prevents the spread of COVID-19,” said Stephen Luby, a professor of medicine at Stanford and co-author of the study.

Others, however, contest this conclusion.

“The Bangladesh mask study does not show a statistically significant difference in the efficacy of cloth masks vs surgical masks,” Harvard epidemiologist Martin Kulldorff recently observed. “Based on the confidence intervals, both could be around 0% or both could be around 20%.”

A recent New York magazine article said conflicting research on mask mandates, combined with the absence of outbreaks in Europeans schools that do not require children to wear masks, suggests the science on masks “remains uncertain.”

In light of the unclear efficacy of masks and mask mandates as a mitigation to slow the spread of COVID-19, many would argue it seems both unscientific and unhelpful to compel people to wear masks. (People, of course, are free to wear face coverings if they wish.)

This, perhaps, is why many people are beginning to resist measures that require them to wear face coverings to attend local gatherings and public meetings.

However, fewer may realize that mask mandates fall out of the purview of science even if research concluded they were effective at reducing the spread of COVID-19.

As the economist Ludwig von Mises (1881-1973) once observed, in the modern world science has long been invoked by the state to coerce and dictate the actions of individuals.

“The planners pretend that their plans are scientific and that there cannot be disagreement with regard to them among well-intentioned and decent people,” Mises wrote in his 1947 essay “Planned Chaos.”

Science, however, cannot answer moral questions or provide answers in the realm of subjective value judgments. It cannot tell us what we should do or what we must do.

“[T]here is no such thing as a scientific ought,” Mises wrote, echoing a famous argument by the philosopher David Hume. “Science is competent to establish what is.”

Much of the debate surrounding COVID-19 stems from the fact that public health officials have overstepped the boundaries of science. Instead of making public health recommendations based on scientific evidence, the state has begun to use the power of the law to coerce individuals into actions.

The results have been disastrous—and frightening.

Masks mandates, lockdowns, and other state-enforced “non pharmaceutical interventions” may very well reduce the spread of COVID-19—though an abundance of scientific evidence suggests they do not do so effectively and come with unintended consequences, some of which are dangerous and deadly.

But don’t call these interventions “science.” As Mises rightly understood, there’s no such thing as a scientific ought.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.

RELATED ARTICLE: Rand Paul Has Won Every Single Round Against Fauci

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Biden’s Covid Vaxx Mandate and Tucker Carlson Responds

Biden suspends the U.S. Constitution. Congress passes laws and the Executive branch implements these laws. The U.S. Supreme Court determines if any law is Constitutional or not.

A mandate is not a law.

Watch these two videos to understand how Biden is by fiat “suspending the U.S. Constitution” to force mandates on the American people.

Tucker Carlson responds to Biden’s vaccine mandate.

Biden mandates taking the Covid vaccine.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Gregg Jarrett Weighs In On Biden’s Sweeping Vaccination Mandates


VIDEO: Fauci’s Lies Finally Exposed

Senator Rand Paul posted this video on YouTube:

In an email Senator Paul stated:

Anthony Fauci was just exposed in a bombshell report.

And I have sent a criminal referral against him to the Department of Justice.

Remember all the times I took him on in front of the United States Senate?

The media took his side by spewing lies about me and covering up his unethical schemes.

But now the truth has come out. Fauci funded gain-of-function research. And even the media can’t ignore it anymore.

I joined Hannity to talk about the report that finally revealed his lies.

The Intercept published a report that includes over 900 pages of jaw-dropping documents that prove Fauci’s role in the creation of deadly viruses.

According to the report, Fauci’s agency, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, provided grants to the Wuhan lab, including “$599,000 that the Wuhan Institute of Virology used in part to identify and alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans.”

Let me repeat that again: Fauci used your money as a taxpayer to pay a Chinese lab to “alter bat coronaviruses likely to infect humans.”

That’s bad enough. But here’s the worst part: Fauci still thinks he did nothing wrong.

And if he didn’t learn his lesson the first time, that means he’d do it again.

I must stand up and fight back immediately, or these mad scientists may well cook up an even worse virus — one that makes COVID look like nothing.

This funding must be cut off forever. Not one more penny for gain-of-function research!

I have sent a criminal referral against Fauci to the Department of Justice for lying under oath about participating in gain-of-function research.

©All rights reserved.

WATCH: DeSantis Destroys Fauci In Wild Exchange At Press Conference

Fire Fauci. He lied to the American public about absolutely everything.

WATCH: DeSantis Slams Fauci In Fiery Exchange At Press Conference

By: Daily Wire, September 8, 2021:

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis slammed NIAID Director Anthony Fauci during a press conference on Tuesday after Fauci criticized recent remarks that DeSantis made.

DeSantis made the remarks when a reporter began to ask, “Governor you recently said that unvaccinated individuals had no impact on numbers and Dr. Fauci was quoted saying that –”

“That’s not what I said. No, no, no, that’s not what I said,” DeSantis fired back. “Not that I ever expect to be quoted properly. What I said was, if you’re going to force vaccine mandates on people, just to understand that what the data is showing us about the vaccine, the data is showing us you’re much less likely to be hospitalized or die if you’re vaccinated. That is true. And I think you see it in the statistics.”

“However, the vaccinations have not created herd immunity,” DeSantis continued. “So if the idea is that having herd immunity, you force everyone to do this, and that will create a herd immunity, that has not happened. It’s still spreading. People who, I mean, obviously in Florida, we’re going down now which is great, but that’s not what the issue is, is it creating a herd immunity? Fauci also said if 50% were vaccinated, you would not see any surges anymore. Well, that isn’t true. Look at obviously the Sunbelt, look in the Pacific Northwest, look at Hawaii, huge surges that you’ve seen.”

In an interview with NPR’s “Morning Edition” in December 2020, Fauci was asked by NPR’s Rachel Martin how many Americans would need to get vaccinated to impact the number of COVID-19 infections. He replied, “I would say 50% would have to get vaccinated before you start to see an impact.” He added that if “75 to 85%” got vaccinated, we could achieve “that blanket of herd immunity.”



REPORTER: Governor you recently said that unvaccinated individuals had no impact on numbers and Dr. Fauci was quoted saying that —

RON DESANTIS, GOVERNOR OF FLORIDA (R): That’s not what I said. No, no, no, that’s not what I said. Not that I ever expect to be quoted properly. What I said was, if you’re going to force vaccine mandates on people, just to understand that what the data is showing us about the vaccine, the data is showing us you’re much less likely to be hospitalized or die if you’re vaccinated. That is true. And I think you see it in the statistics. However, the vaccinations have not created herd immunity. So if the idea is that having herd immunity, you force everyone to do this, and that will create a herd immunity that has not happened. It’s still spreading. People who, I mean, obviously in Florida, we’re going down now which is great, but that’s not what the issue is, is it creating a herd immunity? Fauci also said if 50% were vaccinated, you would not see any surges anymore.

Well, that isn’t true. Look at obviously the Sunbelt, look in the Pacific Northwest, look at Hawaii, huge surges that you’ve seen. And so, but just understand what you’re doing. If you’re forcing somebody to show proof of this to eat at a restaurant or to do basic tasks, go to the grocery store. There are some places around, if you look at some of these places that have really gone off the deep end they say, to go to the grocery store you should have to do that. So we’re not doing that in Florida. But the theory behind it is that if you make everyone have to do this under penalty of law, that somehow you wouldn’t have spread, and I think we just have to be honest about what it’s doing and what it’s not doing. We had hoped that if you had 50%, then you wouldn’t have that.

We had hoped you could build herd immunity that way, but that just hasn’t happened. It’s not happening in Israel. It didn’t happen in the UK. It’s not happening in the United States. It doesn’t mean that there’s not positive impacts. But the positive impacts is mostly reducing the vaccinated individuals a chance of being severely ill. Also, I would say, if you look at what we’ve done, we’re leading the nation and pushing early treatment for people with COVID. And that’s people that are not vaccinated, but it’s also people that are vaccinated who are high risk, who still see some of them ending up in the hospital. So we were able to do that.

This has been available since December. We found that most of the people that were going, being admitted to hospitals, yes, most were not vaccinated, but almost none of them got the monoclonal treatment, the antibody treatment early on in their illness. If they had done that, a lot of those people would not have died. So we’ve done stuff. We’ve done the one here in Polk County. It’s seen 2,800 patients, it’s administered treatments, and what you’re finding is we’re seeing the hospital census decline rapidly. We’re seeing the emergency room visits for COVID-like illness decline. We’re seeing daily hospital admissions decline.

So those are very, very good trends, but that’s about understanding where there was a need for action, and then we did this in … I mean, we were able to put together a lot of sites very quickly. We’re going to open up a couple more, so we’re going to have, by the end of this week … We’ll be up to 25 sites throughout the State of Florida, all of them being able to do up to 320 infusions a day. Now most of our sites don’t have that much demand, but I would say the one here in Polk is probably doing between 150 and 200 every day. Some of the other ones like Bonita Springs, they do 300 a day pretty consistently, and then others do around a hundred. But the point is, is that by doing that, getting it early, we’re keeping thousands of people out of the hospitals and that’s obviously better for their health. It’s saving lives, for sure, because not everyone that gets admitted to the hospital recovers, and it’s also helping relieving a burden on the healthcare system because we had had higher levels of COVID patients. Now that’s going down, so we’re going to keep this going in that direction.

But one of the reasons why we thought that this was something that needed to happen was because yes, people just didn’t seem to know about it, even though it had been available since December, so we’ve raised the spotlight. Now other states are following Florida, but it was based on the fact that you were still seeing people who were fully vaccinated test positive. Again, we didn’t see the herd immunity that we had hoped for, and so in that situation … We’ve already had great testimonials about this. Very elderly people who’ve been fully vaccinated for months get COVID, are symptomatic, and then they get the infusion, and either they stay out of the hospital … some of them do get admitted, but I can tell you we’ve had a number of these folks who get discharged and the doctors are saying, ‘Had you not gotten the monoclonal, you probably wouldn’t be getting discharged right now.’

So it’s been a big success and it’s something that we’re going to continue to do, but it is something that we recognize that this stuff… People were testing positive, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and so in terms of hoping to just get herd immunity and all of a sudden that has not happened anywhere yet in our country or in some of our other countries, particularly those that have been highly, highly vaxxed. You just got to look at the data, and you got to make judgments on the basis of that, but I think we filled a real need with what we did with the monoclonals.



Fauci LIED: Lab Docs Show US Funded Gain-of-Function Research Of Coronaviruses Likely to Infect Humans’ in Wuhan

THE COMING GENOCIDE: Mass Extermination of Humanity – Part 1

The Killer COVID Vax, a Genocidal Bioweapon – Part 2

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Killer COVID Vax, a Genocidal Bioweapon – Part 2

“Under international law, widespread or systematic attacks against the civilian population are crimes against humanity.” –  Philip Alston, Australian international law scholar and human rights practitioner.

“What connects two thousand years of genocide? Too much power in too few hands.” Simon Wiesenthal

“All I hope is that the American coalition is doing its best to prevent civilian casualties and the killing of innocent people.” – Elie Wiesel, Holocaust survivor

We are naïve if we think Nazi Germany cannot happen again.  In fact, the Bible predicts it will.  The Germans and even Hitler himself were all too human.  Read the atrocities around our world. It is clear that raw humanity is certainly not very pretty.  Evil held in check often erupts when the conditions are right.  When restraints are gone, when people are desperate, and when power is up for grabs, the human heart is laid bare for all to see.  We are seeing the Red Fascists rise again, this time in our own country. Few of our fellow Americans even recognize it. It is the face of evil, and it didn’t just start with COVID.

Shocking Stats

In a short clip from her White Coat Summit speech, Dr. Lee Merritt gives some frightening stats.  Dr. Merritt was a ten-year navy surgeon and she’s especially concerned regarding COVID inoculations of our military.

In 2020, there were only 20 Covid deaths of active duty, in all the services put together.  They have a big epidemiological base and can easily find out what’s going on.  The military is jabbing everyone, and they’ve already had tumors and 80 cases of myocarditis and it has a significant mortality rate of 66% in five years.  The “vaccine” program has ostensibly killed more active duty than COVID did.  Leukemia, another blood dyscrasia cancer, has 48 per year, but now VAERS, the Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System, states we’re up to 229.  (Remember Harvard’s study that only one to ten percent of deaths or adverse effects are reported to VAERS.)  

In over 31 years, there were only 317 cases of myocarditis.  Now, after these inoculations, for 2021, there are 1,113. I can pick almost any diagnosis, and you will find the same issues after the clot shots have been administered. 

So, the question we have to ask is, why are we not stopping this?  We stopped many things for far less.  We stopped working on respiratory syncytial vaccine for 22 deaths of infants in hospital.  We stopped the H1NI after 53 deaths or 53 adverse events.  Now, we’re probably doing 53 a day, so why are we continuing these jabs? 

Experimental Subjects

In this second 30-minute interview with Dr. Ryan Cole, he states, “The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) COVID inoculations are clearly called investigational vaccines and we are asking nurses, students, employees to be subjects in an experiment on humanity. This is a large phase-three trial of getting the shot for something we do not know the long-term side effects of down the road.  We usually don’t see side effects for two to five years.”

Dr. Cole said the shortages we’re experiencing in the medical industry are because people value their bodily integrity.  He looks at data and he’s already seeing the adverse effects from these shots in a laboratory setting.  Individuals are subjecting themselves to this jab in order to keep a job.

However, he states that they’re seeing young people, middle-aged people and old people refusing to take the shot and being told by their employers that they’ll make them cave.  Nurses have shared with Dr. Cole that this is the mantra of their administrations.  They don’t want their bodies damaged, their fertility damaged, their long-term immune health damaged and they don’t want to increase their risks for cancers.  He believes they’ll stand for their health and bodily integrity and that they have every right to do that and not be a subject in human experimentation through coercion.

The result will be huge staffing shortages.  Cole says he’s heard from Indiana and Michigan and the shortages have already started there and it’s going to be massive.  He adds that this is an attack on entire communities, their wellness and access to care.  It is a violation; we made a promise in 1947 after WWII that we would never again experiment on humanity or coerce anyone against their will, and literally this is what we’re seeing.  There were Nazi nurses and doctors hung for doing to humanity exactly what we’re doing now by saying, “You will participate in an experiment or else you will lose your job.”  Dr. Cole states, “We are taking away the freedom and sovereignty of people over their bodies and minds as well.”

“We’ve had three options this year.  We’ve had fear, suffering and “vaccine.” The real option is hope, early treatment and immune wellness.  We as a society have been subjected to a worse outcome because we haven’t focused on some of the basic public health messages.  We are a Vitamin D deficient nation, magnesium and Vitamin K as well.  We’re an obese nation, a metabolically unwell nation, and this has predisposed us to worse outcomes compared to other nations.”


The data out of India, where the Delta virus comes from, is statistically one-seventh of the western world.  Dr. Cole explains that all viruses acquire benevolent mutations over time, but scientists and physicians believe the Delta strain is the enhanced version of the Wuhan virus and it comes from the COVID injections. He tells us that in the UK right now there are about 15,000 break-thru cases a day in the “vaccinated” of the Delta variant.

Dr. Cole explains, “The reactions we’re seeing are from people who are getting the shot while they’re infected and then the antibodies formed are attacking the organs in your body.  Those who have also mounted an immunity against Sars-coV-2, if they get a shot, there are multiple risks of adverse reactions because they’ve already got antibody immunity.” The inoculations then put the system in a hyper-immune response negating the much stronger natural immunity.

In Israel, a recent study showed that break-thru cases in those who had already had Sars-coV-2 and natural immunity, verses those who had had the shot, showed that the recurrent infection rate in those who were naturally immune was .008% to reactivation of the virus.

The inoculated contracted Delta strain at a seven times higher rate than the naturally immune, clearly indicating that natural immunity is far stronger than vaccine immunity from a leaky vaccine.  This is not a sterilizing inoculation, it doesn’t give you immunity and you can still get COVID, and the CDC admits they’re not telling people that at least 25% of the jabbed are still transmitting the virus.  The CDC has even admitted that 23% of the people in hospital in June were “vaccinated.”

Cole says we’re playing a whack-a-mole game with leaky inoculations, and trying to force people into an experiment with investigational injections for a virus from a year ago.  We need to focus on early treatment and it’s widely available, it’s cheap and it’s generic.  That’s why it’s not approved because if there were a treatment for this virus, they cannot have authorization for these “vaccines.”  About page three in the vax authorization, it states clearly that you cannot authorize this investigational “vaccine” if there is an effective therapy for the virus. And we know there is, and it is being purposely withheld from the public.

Weakened Immune Systems

The FDA failed in explaining the absolute risk reduction (ARR); it literally takes 120 injected patients to decrease symptoms in one patient.  And of those 120, how many are going to end up with auto-immune diseases down the road, and how many are going to end up with cancers?  We don’t know, but what Dr. Cole says they’re seeing in the labs is a decrease in T-cells that protect our bodies from invaders.  The innate immune system is being destroyed by these injections.  In other words, the very marines in your body that fight off outside attacks are being destroyed.

This is why healthy children at a rate of 100% have not gotten this virus.  Their innate T-cell immunity response has two to three times the immunity of an adult T-cell immune response.  They have two to three times the little grenades that blow up the invaders.

But what Dr. Cole and others are seeing in the laboratories after people get these shots, they’re seeing a locked in profile of these T-cells, it’s a total drop in the effectivity of the T-cells.  In labs, they’re seeing an uptick of Herpes viruses, shingles, mono, a huge uptick in human papilloma virus, 20 times increase in adults of a bumpy rash that children can sometimes get, that these T-cells keep in check.  Since January, Cole has seen a 20% increase in endometrial cancers for the year.  He’s also seeing invasive melanomas in younger patients.  It’s normal to catch those early and they’re thin melanomas, but these are thick and they’re skyrocketing in the last month or two.

These early symptoms show that we are modifying the immune system to a weakened state.  A great study out of Germany looked at these profiles on young individuals after the Pfizer jabs, showing this locked in lowered immune system.  Cole adds, “We don’t know that it won’t regenerate and those ratios will go back up, but who is studying it and where are the long-term trials?”  The concerning patterns are there.

In the Pfizer application to the FDA, the fertility rate was decreased by 16%.  Rats are one of the most fertile creatures on planet earth and they were used in animal testing before humans became the guinea pigs.  This is an indication that we need to be hyper-cautious about what we’re doing.  It’s a violation of all medical ethics.  It is pure malfeasance.

Dr. Cole believes that at some point his medical colleagues may wake up from their stupor and trance and reflect upon the harm that they’re doing upon humanity.  We have never before said, “Let’s vaccinate in the middle of a pandemic.”  We are doing something that is anti-science, science is hypothesizing, theorizing, testing, succeeding, failing, taking the theory and hypothesis and remodifying it until it succeeds.

The oath to “do no harm” means no psychological, physical or financial harm to a patient.  Dr. Cole is calling out his colleagues in these administrations and health systems and telling them they are violating their oaths.  He wants people treated immediately, not sent home until a week later their lips turn blue and they’re sent to the hospital, put on a ventilator, a little bit of oxygen, and a weak steroid. (It should be strong steroids to defeat the inflammation.)

Early Treatment Protocols Avoided

According to Dr. Peter McCullough, none of our major academic institutions innovated with a single protocol for treatment.  In fact, to his knowledge, not a major single academic center, as an institution, attempted to even treat patients with COVID-19.

Dr. McCullough is the editor of two peer-reviewed journals and the senior associate editor of the American Journal of Cardiology.  When he saw the fraudulent Lancet Medical Journal article attacking the 65-year-old safe and cheap drug, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), he was incensed.

McCullough comments, “A doctor from Harvard, the company Surgisphere who had data, the reviewers at Lancet, and the editor and associate editor of Lancet…how could they have all colluded together to publish a falsified paper?”

When Dr. McCullough looked at the paper, he knew in two seconds it was fake. Lancet let this fraudulent paper be on their website for two weeks, frightening the entire world against HCQ, which is one of the safest and widely utilized treatments in COVID-19. Lancet never apologized for their deceptive publication. Every government and independent medical organization went with the bogus claim that HCQ was dangerous and outlawed its use.  People died…needlessly.

Dr. McCullough’s interpretation of this is that it was very, very intentional.  What happened with ivermectin in the ICU was also intentional and an act of collusion.  Dr. Jean-Jacque Rajter of Broward County Florida, pioneered using ivermectin in the ICU and saved hundreds of patients.  His wife, Dr. Juliana Cepelowicz Rajter, published the overall results in Chest Journal with using ivermectin.

Life Saving Protocols

They are afraid to look at the protocols of the frontline care docs at These are some of the premier critical care doctors in the world.  They have protocols that are saving patients 70, 80, 90% more than in the hospitals right now. Hospitals are following the government, the NIH, the CDC, and the FDA with their very weak protocols.  Dr. Cole says it’s time for those in the hospitals to catch up to the protocols that are far more successful in saving lives.  Ivermectin is even on the WHO’s list of most essential safest drugs necessary for humanity, and the hospital protocols won’t even try them. These docs say, “Well, I need a randomized controlled placebo trial,” which takes years, but Dr. Cole says, “Look, it’s just a sugar pill if it doesn’t work, and if it does work, you’ve saved your patient.”

Out of 19,000 patients and studies on ivermectin and 26-29 randomized control trials, there’s a one in four-quadrillion chance statistically that this molecule doesn’t have a chance of improving the outcome in Sar-coV-2.  The Gold Standard meta-analysis in medicine is to have several small trials, add them all up and look at the statistics.  The Gold Standard meta-analytically down out of five nations shows that ivermectin works against Sars-coV-2, given early, given late you decrease that rate by 67-68%, given early you decrease the death rate by 88-96%.

Ivermectin is endorsed for Afghan refugees by our CDC, but Americans are being told by our Pravda media that it is an animal anti-parasitic and not for humans.

The FDA stop valve for approving a vaccine is at 25 deaths.  Leo Hohman’s latest article exposes the fact that the CDC is not reporting actual deaths from the jab.  The true data is far higher than most believe.

COVID is Survivable

COVID is a survivable virus and we’re not getting that message.  Again, if the jabs were approved, they would have to be pulled from the market for the number of deaths. The push to vaccinate children needs to be left alone, they survived this at 100%, but the injections will hurt them.  We are seeing a 200% increase in inflammation of the heart in young men, and once your heart is damaged, it’s damaged for a lifetime.  It does not rejuvenate as some other organs do.

Dr. Cole says, “Don’t let your child near these shots.  We don’t know any of the long-term effects of these injections.  Any university that is mandating this for their students is criminal. These young healthy individuals are at no risk from death from this virus.  We have treatments and we’re ruining the health of a generation and killing them as well.  It is unethical, a violation of all morality let alone medical ethics. This is immoral. Step back and look at the data.”

Health Impact News reports that COVID shots are killing and crippling teens in record numbers…and our young children are next.  Beside fetal deaths, breastfeeding babies are dying and becoming sick following mother’s COVID jabs.

Clot Shot Antibodies

Dr. Cole calls the Delta variant a lie.  For the majority of people who are healthy and well, it’s turning into what all viruses turn into overtime, a common cold.  He says that in order to keep your job, one of the side effects of this jab is death.  That’s not moral or ethical.  He calls the Delta variant a scariant because they’re 99.7-99.8% the same virus and a benevolent mutation.  It’s weakening and not killing people at a higher rate.

If you’ve had COVID and recovered, your antibodies are great, and they’re forever, but if you got them from the COVID injections, they are your enemy.  Test animals injected with a spike protein vax, form antibodies, an immune response.  However, when they were exposed to wild type virus down the road, a high percentage of them died very quickly.  When you prime someone with an antibody that is not good, they die.  He says, “Sit back with the popcorn because we’re going to be seeing something horrific immunologically happening to the population down the road.”

Religious Convictions

We have an horrific track record with coronavirus vaccines.  There’s a reason the FDA never let Sars-coV-1 or MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) vaccines come to market.  Every time, they saw the signals and said, “This is too dangerous for humanity.”  This virus is the same as Sars-coV-1, so why do they not have the same mindset now?  We know how horrifically Sars-coV-1 and MERS failed, and now without long-term safety data, we’re pushing forward an investigational vaccine on a population without knowing those long-term signals.  It’s a crime against humanity.

If you’ve had Sars-coV-2 you have a broader immunity than anyone who has gotten the jab.  You have antibodies against the spike, the envelope, the membrane, nucleo caps. You have hundreds of antibodies compared to dozens from the jab.  You have a broader immunity.

There are plenty of people with underlying health conditions and this shot is contraindicated for them and there are protocols for their protection.

Many people have religious convictions and under the civil rights act, you cannot be questioned on your religious convictions.  You have a right to refuse based on religious grounds.

Pfizer and Moderna don’t contain aborted fetal cells, but were developed on aborted fetal cells and were proved and processed on aborted fetal cells.  J&J is grown on aborted fetal cells and may contain human DNA as well as human protein per their application to the FDA.  J&J has human fetal DNA in it

For many of us that matters, so there’s another religious argument.  Number one natural immunity, number two underlying health conditions that would contraindicate the jab, and number three on religious grounds or on moral and ethical grounds alone.  Those three should be an exemption.

Good News

The Idaho Republican state central committee voted unanimously for a resolution to end mandatory jabs in their state.  Dr. Ryan Cole lives and practices in Idaho.

World Net Daily reports that resistance against the experimental jabs is growing.  Spread the word, keep the last of our people from being experimental guinea pigs.

Dr. Cole tells us, “You need to speak out, you need to stand up, there are those of us fighting this insanity, but you need to join us.  We’re banning together.  Moral ethics are being thrown out the window for something we don’t know the long-term outcomes for. It is an absurdity.”


The Nazis in Nuremberg stated they were only following the” laws of the land,” and that their own legal system protected them.  Even Adolph Eichmann said, “I was simply following the laws of war and my flag.”

Romans 13:1-14 tells believers to “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God.”  Paul belabored the point that we are to be at peace and submit ourselves to governing authorities since all authority comes from God.

Judeo-Christians believe in the one true God and know that abortion is evil and against God’s law.  We battle this evil, despite it being the law of the land.

In Egypt, the midwives refused to murder the newborn Jewish babies, lied to Pharoah and allowed them to live…against his edicts.

According to the Book of Joshua, Rahab, a woman who lived in Jericho in the Promised Land, assisted the Israelites in capturing the city by hiding two men who had been sent to scout the city prior to their attack, against the law of the land. She knew these two men were God’s people and she ultimately took her place with righteous converts.

When the law of the land contradicts God’s command, we are to disobey the law of the land and obey God’s law.  We are again at that precipice.

Make your choice.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

RELATED PODCAST: Fauci bioweapons funding CONFIRMED, smoking gun proves covid vaccines based on govt biowarfare program


THE COMING GENOCIDE: Mass Extermination of Humanity – Part 1

CDC tightened masking guidelines after threats from teachers union, emails show

COVID-19 Has Transformed Australia

VIDEO: As Vaccine Narrative COLLAPSES! – The Global AWAKENING Is Happening!

Josh Sigurdson reports on the massive awakening we’re witnessing throughout the world as huge blowback occurs against the vaccine narrative as restaurants go under for enforcing jab mandates and government ministries investigate the dangers of the vaccine.

The backlash is growing in a large way as millions choose to ignore the tyrannical dictates of pharma owned government and eugenics agendas.

As people from the FDA step down over booster shots and the New York Health Commissioner repeals mask mandates for unjabbed people all while Harvard epidemiologists sound the alarm on the jab and the CDC admits that you’re more likely to get sick in a roundabout sort of way from the jab, New York City restaurants are putting up signs saying they don’t discriminate against the unjabbed.

Despite this, Australia is calling for unjabbed people to be “locked out” of the healthcare system and pushing forward the narrative that people will need endless jabs until the end of time. In Paris, police were seen on video viscously beating a woman for walking in a mall without a jab. This isn’t about safety. It’s about control. Not just control… This is a genocide event. A global human sacrifice ritual.

Stay tuned as we continue to cover these stories closely!

©World Alternative Media. All rights reserved.

Covid Deaths In The U.S. Are Higher Than Last Year At Same Time

Editors’ Note:  There are likely multiple reasons why Trump lost the election (if indeed he actually did). Chief among them was the public concern about Covid and the pledge by Democrats that “they have a plan”, even though the plan is mostly mass vaccination, which began well before under Trump. But perception of the crisis is different, largely because of the press and how its slants things to the advantage of Democrats. However, as the following shows, reality is usually different than that painted by the media.


At this time last year, the Wuhan coronavirus was claiming around 1,000 American lives per day. It seemed to me that, absent a sudden and sharp decline in that number, Joe Biden would be our next president.

It must have seemed that way to Biden and his top advisers, as well. During presidential debates that occurred a little less than a year ago, Biden ripped Trump for his handling of the pandemic. The death count was the centerpiece of this attack.

So what’s the daily death count now, more than seven months into the Biden administration and with a majority of Americans vaccinated? It’s higher than a year ago at the same time.

In the past few days, between 1,300 and 1,700 American deaths have been attributed to the virus and its variants. A year ago, the number was between 1,000 and 1,100.

And, as noted, this is after the widespread vaccination of Americans. To be sure, it’s also with considerably more economic activity than was taking place a year ago at this time. Thus, the vaccines, developed during the Trump presidency, with a big assist from his administration, have improved our overall situation, but not the bottom line in terms of covid deaths.


Continue reading this article, published September 4, 2021 at POWERLINE.

VIDEO VAX HYSTERIA: CDC Dirty in 1976 – Worse Today. Tools to Fight.

45 years ago, the federal government, lead by the CDC, used fear to coerce millions of Americans into getting a “vaccine” for the Swine Flu. The shot killed more than the flu.

Sound familiar?

Today, it’s the same thing, only this time the folks in government are raking-in huge profits (Pfizer) along with the pharmaceuticals. Ivermectin works both as a prophylactic and as a treatment with a very high success rate. This virus has a 99% survival rate, thus none of the “vaccine” hysteria makes any sense to a rational person, unless it’s about the money and power (or power and money).

Graham Ledger speaks with Del Bigtree, founder of the non-profit Informed Consent Action Network, about why patriotic Americans must fight back against government forcing Americans to get a shot as part of the largest, most dangerous human trial in world history. Watch:



EDITORS NOTE: This The Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Reid: You’re Not Pro-Life If You Oppose Vax Mandates And Abortion

Friday on MSNBC’s The ReidOut, racist propagandist Joy Reid declared falsely that Republicans can’t claim to be pro-life if they ban COVID mask mandates, “put bounties on pregnant women,” and support former President Donald Trump, who still lives in the heads of Democrats rent-free.

“You can’t call yourself a pro-life party if your policy goals are to allow the maximum number of people to die of COVID, including children, by banning mask mandates in businesses and schools and raising doubts about vaccines,” Reid ranted falsely.

“You can’t call yourself the pro-life, pro-family party if your policy goals are to put bounties on pregnant women and to force teenage girls to give birth after getting pregnant as a result of incest and rape…” she added. Democrats always raise the almost non-existent issue of pregnancy through incest and rape, because they see that as the weak link in the anti-abortion position.

“The Republican Party is a lot of things; anti-democracy, anti-voting, anti-history, anti-facts, deeply opposed to anti-racism,” she claimed, in a staggering example of leftist projection. Literally everything she said is in fact characteristic of the left, with the exception of the right’s opposition to so-called “anti-racism” — because anti-racism, as the left defines it, is racism.

“What they are not is pro-life,” she falsely concluded. The GOP is “now loudly and proudly the pro-death party.” What laughable projection. From the political weaponization of the pandemic, which has led to far greater numbers of death than the disease itself, to the genocide carried out through abortion, it is Progressivism that is the death cult.

Joy Reid

17 Known Connections

Reid Claims That Fox News Anchors Want Their Own Viewers to Die of COVID

During a July 19, 2021 appearance on CBS’s The Late Show, Reid was asked for her thoughts about anchors on other television networks who questioned whether people should take the coronavirus vaccine. She replied: “Number one, it doesn’t make sense to me why folks at that particular network [Fox News], which I think we all know who we mean, would want to kill their own viewers. Their viewers are older. Their viewers are more susceptible to COVID. And I don’t understand what the point is of killing them because everyone on air at Fox has been vaccinated. I would put any money on it. They were vaccinated first. I’m sure they shoved little old ladies out of the way to get their vaccines first. They’re all vaccinated. They’re living in remote cabins… They’re all vaccinated. And so, if they’re telling you not to do it, you have to ask yourself why they don’t care about you when you’re their base. And again, the people who are saying this, what is in it for them for their own people to die?”

To learn more about Joy Reid, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Should White People Commit Suicide as an Ethical Act?

Today’s blog is another from a publication I read. This one was actually sent to me by a friend of this blog. It is about the total extremism of CRT – Critical Race Theory. Professors like those mentioned below are sitting in protected jobs in universities everywhere – in every state of the Union. These are the lunatics you are allowing to influence our young and spending tens of thousands of dollars in tuition fees for the privilege of a so called college degree and we wonder why we are in a mess as a country.

The radicalism of the article reposted below should blow your minds, especially if you are, like me, hard working and white. These liberal, insane professors are a clear and present danger to our national security and should be dealt with quickly, efficiently and permanently. The damage they have caused with generations of now twisted and confused young people is incalculably hard to imagine.

They are the real domestic terrorists. The enemy within.

They commit treason just about every time they open their twisted, warped, perverted and lying mouths. They are the worst kind of domestic terrorist because generations of Americans have been raised to trust and respect their teachers. However, people like these do not nor should they have any respect from any true Patriot American. They certainly should not be trusted. They hate America. They hate what this country stands for. They hate God. They hate liberty and freedom. They hate our Constitution. They hate themselves. They are the spawn of the Devil himself. Evil personified.

I hate to disappoint anyone but this time I gladly will. I will not kill myself because of my color. I am glad I had a child who is a huge supporter of this country, paying large amounts of taxes annually from a great and responsible well paid job job she got through grit, determination and hard work and giving back to the country that took her in and welcomed her at the tender age of 8! What she has achieved and what my wife and I have achieved in our lives is due to hard work, diligence, reliability, honesty, respect and a desire to support our families and ourselves independent of government assistance. We are God faring people who love our adopted country and speaking for myself, prepared to do whatever it takes to preserve our Constitutional Republic.

(As always I ask you to share this blog far and wide. I will post all relevant links and credits below as normal.)

‘White people should commit suicide as an ethical act,’ says white professor : By Joe Kovaks

A psychology professor at Duquesne University is raising eyebrows by agreeing with another educator who says it would be ethical for white people to kill themselves.

“White people should commit suicide as an ethical act,” says the top of a video presentation by professor Derek Hook at the Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, college.

The video was posted by the anti-Critical Race Theory group Mythinformed MKE.

“This is part of an ‘anti-racist’ discussion on ‘nice white therapists held by the [American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work],’” the group wrote on Facebook.

The College Fix noted “the video appears to be from a summer session hosted by Hook, though the content is not otherwise publicly available.”

Hook, who himself is white, was quoting from Terblanche Delport, a South African philosophy professor at the University of Pretoria who wrote about white people killing themselves in 2016.

“[T]he only (life) purpose for whites, specifically Afrikaners, is to await their death or to commit suicide, like the samurai falls on his short sword when he has fallen into disgrace,” Delport said, according to Radio Free South Africa.

“White supremacy could only be ended once whites are dead,” continued Delport, who also is white. “We should be prepared to die silently, without having children, so that white supremacy could come to an end at last.”

“Here’s the kind of crazy gambit of this talk,” Hook said in his analysis. “I want to suggest that psychoanalytically we could even make the argument that there was something ethical in Delport’s statements.”

He suggested white folks could symbolically kill themselves or undergo metaphorical “castration.”

“I want to make the argument that there is some kind of ethical dimension to his provocations,” Hook continued.

“I think Delport took his white audience to the threshold of a type of symbolic extinction … he took them to a proposed end of whiteness.”

According to his Duquesne biography, Hook is a “scholar and a practitioner of psychoanalysis with expertise in the areas of Lacanian psychoanalysis, post-colonial theory (the work of Frantz Fanon in particular), the psychology of racism and critical social psychology.”

The College Fix noted: “The American Association for Psychoanalysis in Clinical Social Work is a liberal group that previously called on President Trump to resign days before his term in office ended due to the violence at the Capitol.

“The group ‘believes that Donald Trump’s presidential powers must be immediately revoked,’ according to a January 13 statement. ‘He has demonstrated an exploitation of such powers through the consistent promotion of racist groups and ideologies.’”

Joe Kovacs is the author of the forthcoming book, “Reaching God Speed: Unlocking the Secret Broadcast Revealing the Mystery of Everything.” His previous books include “Shocked by the Bible 2: Connecting the Dots in Scripture to Reveal the Truth They Don’t Want You to Know,” a follow-up to his No.1 best-seller “Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You’ve Never Been Told”as well as “The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth about Your Phenomenal Destiny.”He is an award-winning journalist of more than 30 years in TV, radio and the internet. @JoeKovacsNews

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Roe v Wade at risk after SCOTUS declines to block Texas heartbeat bill

The US Supreme Court has declined to hear a challenge to a Texas law which bans abortions after a foetal heartbeat is detected. This has effectively closed abortion clinics in Texas, as a heartbeat can be detected at about six weeks. Women who want abortions will have to travel to neighbouring states.

For abortion supporters this is Armageddon. Planned Parenthood clinics have stopped scheduling abortions beyond six weeks from conception.

Writing in The Guardian, two feminist activists declared: “Since Roe v Wade was decided nearly 50 years ago, abortion opponents have been plotting its demise. Now the end may be near. Feminists need our own plan to advance reproductive freedom. That means preparing for a post-Roe world.”

And worse than post-Roe, worse than post-Apocalyptic, it is un-Texan. As an abortion doctor in north Texas, Ghazaleh Moayedi, told the BBC: “Providing abortion care, and accessing abortion care is actually the very heart of being Texan.”

President Joe Biden denounced the law as “extreme”. He declared that he would launch a “whole-of-government” response to oppose the law – although what that means is uncertain.

For abortion foes, however, this is a sweet victory. At least a dozen other states have passed laws which ban abortions of foetuses early in a pregnancy, but all of them have been stymied by injunctions. “Starting today, every unborn child with a heartbeat will be protected from the ravages of abortion,” Governor Greg Abbott tweeted. “Texas will always defend the right to life.”

Politicians in Arkansas, South Dakota and Florida are said to be considering a version of the Texas six-week abortion ban in their states.

But much of the reaction to the ban is hyperbolic. While Roe v Wade, which made abortion a constitutional right in the US in 1973, is manifestly under threat, the Supreme Court majority took great pains to make clear that their decision was made on procedural grounds and did not touch upon constitutional issues.

The problem for pro-abortion groups in Texas is that the new law has been very cleverly drafted. It does not criminalise abortion or abetting an abortion. Instead, it permits private citizens, even non-residents of Texas, to launch a civil suit. This tactic removes the state government from the complaint and makes it difficult for abortion clinics to create a test case to bring before the Supreme Court. At the same time anyone involved in an abortion is in danger of copping a US$10,000 fine plus substantial legal costs.

So the pro-life legal victory is a temporary one. Litigation will continue in lower courts. A more substantial case has been brought by the state of Mississippi, which will be probably heard later in December with a decision to be handed down next year.

In the meantime, lawyers are fretting about the legal fall-out of this unusual tactic.

“I confess that I have very serious reservations about the Texas legislation,” wrote David French, a pro-life pundit at The Dispatch. “The reason why is simple—it represents a clever way to engineer temporary deprivations of constitutional rights.”

Imagine a different scenario. Let’s imagine that a state or city bans the sale of, say, all semiautomatic rifles or handguns. But instead of enforcing the ban directly, it states that citizens can sue any person or corporation who sells a gun and any person or corporation who aids or abets the sale of a gun. Such a provision would be blatantly unconstitutional, but it may take time to resolve the issue—time that could cost a person the ability to defend themselves from deadly violence.

Even if the creative legislation only blocks abortion in Texas temporarily, the pro-life movement is gathering momentum. As columnist Timothy P. Carney pointed out in the Washington Examiner, “A majority in a recent CBS poll (54%) want abortion to be more restricted than it currently is. That means they want Roe and Casey to be struck down or replaced with a completely different court precedent.”


Michael Cook

Michael Cook is the editor of MercatorNet. More by Michael Cook

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE COMING GENOCIDE: Mass Extermination of Humanity — Part 1

“Justice for crimes against humanity must have no limitations.” Simon Wiesenthal,

“The horror of the Holocaust is not that it deviated from human norms; the horror is that it didn’t. What happened may happen again, to others not necessarily Jews, perpetrated by others, not necessarily Germans. We are all possible victims, possible perpetrators, possible bystanders.” Yehuda Bauer, Israeli historian and Holocaust scholar

“When history looks back, I want people to know the Nazis weren’t able to kill millions of people and get away with it.” – Simon Wiesenthal

First it was two weeks to stop COVID, then it was the “vaccine.” In between was economic destruction. The COVID flu (Type A and B found in lungs) that has a 99.75% recovery, turned into a two-year ongoing nightmare. Thousands died unnecessarily deprived of safe and cheap medications. According to Dr. Peter McCullough, those medications would have saved 85% of patients with comorbidities. Remember those elderly died alone, an evil never before perpetrated in these United States.

US stats are frightening and I promise you those stats are much higher than reported.  According to government statistics as of mid-August, 13,627 deaths from the jab, 2,836,646 adverse effects (that’s almost 3 million injuries), and 1,429 fetal deaths in pregnant women. Link  (VAERS)

Ivermectin – The Deprived COVID Prevention and Cure

The American Medical Association (AMA), The American Pharmacists Association (APhA), and the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) have called for an immediate end to prescribing, dispensing, and use of ivermectin to prevent or treat COVID-19 outside clinical trials.

The Wall Street Journal carried a recent article about the Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC) having warned against the use of the antiparasitic drug, ivermectin, to prevent or treat COVID-19.

Other articles have claimed ivermectin is only used as an anti-parasitic for animals.  However, a CDC and Prevention guideline for refugees issued in 2019 shows that it was a regular part of the regimen of preventing parasites from being brought over to the United States.  “These guidelines are recommendations for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) physicians and other panel physicians who administer overseas predeparture presumptive treatment for intestinal parasites,” the document reads.  Link

There’s more!

Dr. Paul Marik is the second most published critical care doctor in the history of medicine, with more than 500 peer-reviewed papers and books, 43,000 scholarly citations of his work, and a research “H” rating higher than many Nobel Prize winners.  Marik is world famous as creator of the “Marik Cocktail,” a revolutionary cocktail of cheap, safe, generic, FDA-approved drugs that dramatically reduces death rates from sepsis by 20 to 50 percent anywhere in the world.  Marik was appalled that people with Covid were told to take Tylenol and drink water and wait for a vaccine; he saw that as medical nihilism.

Together with four of his closest friends who happened to be the top academic critical care doctors in the world, he challenged them to help him find a protocol to treat Covid-19.  Their breakthrough in early 2020 centered around Ivermectin; the same drug given to President Trump when he was in hospital with Covid, although he and mainstream media claimed he was treated with Fauci’s and Big Pharma’s Remdesivir and Regeneron.

The five doctors published their breakthroughs in real time on the website of their nonprofit research group, the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (, so doctors anywhere in the world could find and use them immediately. Their protocol is available here and Ivermectin is included here.  An over-the-counter medicine in France, Ivermectin is safer than Tylenol and “one of the safest drugs ever given to humanity,” Dr. Marik said, with “3.7 billion doses administered in forty years, and only extremely rare serious side effects.”

Many prominent physicians and scientists around the world believe that Doctors Marik, Kory, Meduri, Varon, and Iglesias deserve the Nobel Prize in medicine.

Note that the doctors who discovered Ivermectin won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for their discovery.  The World Health Organization (WHO) lists Ivermectin as an “essential medicine” for global health. There are currently at least 104 studies with 66 being peer-reviewed as of August 7, 2021, showing that Ivermectin is not only the silver-bullet treatment for COVID-19, but is also a highly-effective prophylaxis against COVID-19.  The FDA lied about ivermectin saying it was dangerous and even lethal when in fact it was the cure for COVID.  Instead Fauci’s Remdesivir and Regeneron was used for 10 months in 2020.  It did not save lives, Remdesivir actually caused kidney failure.

The purposeful denial of decades old life-saving medications, azithromycin, steroids, hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and the failure to treat people with a multitude of supplements, leads to one conclusion.  The clot shot is mass extermination of humanity.

In January of 2021, a New York judge saved the life of an 80-year-old woman by ordering the hospital to give her ivermectin.  The anti-parasitic drug has been shown to kill Sars-coV-2 in 48 hours.  Researchers at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia worked with the Peter Doherty Institute of Infection and Immunity. They showed that Ivermectin reduced COVID-19 viral RNA present in cell culture by as much as 93 percent after 24 hours and by 99.8 percent after 48 hours, at around a 5,000-fold reduction in coronavirus RNA, hinting that the medicine can potentially eradicate the virus.

Dr. Ryan Cole tells us even more.  He states, “Dr. Peter McCullough out of Texas, is the most published cardiologist in the world and the most published physician on COVID, with over 50 articles on COVID this last year. The death rate for those who have used the McCullough protocols is 86% lower than the hospitals.”

“In Argentina, Dr. Carvallo’s prevention trials, with many of these early treatments and prophylactic treatments, showed a 100% prevention of acquisition of Sars-coV-2 on patients who were on prophylactic ivermectin.  The molecule in ivermectin doesn’t just treat parasites, it has 22 mechanisms of action against Sars-coV-2, has seven or eight anti-viral mechanisms and it has multiple immune modification mechanisms.  In Dr. Carvallo’s study, two months of healthcare workers taking one ivermectin a week, zero got COVID.  In the placebo control group of 400 people, 57% got COVID.  This is how effective Ivermectin was in prevention in a hospital setting.  You cannot claim that for these ‘vaccines.’”

Global Lies, Totalitarian Control

A CDC study found that over 80% of US adults have some immunity to COVID noting that infection offers similar protection as the COVID jabs.  No, COVID jabs do not offer the immunity God supplied to our bodies.  It’s lifetime if we have had and recovered from COVID, whether it was a minor case, an asymptomatic case, or a case that put you in bed for a couple weeks.  As explained in my previous article, natural immunity is lifelong and is stored in your bone marrow plasma and your bones and memory B cells monitor your blood for signs of reinfection.

The totalitarian control by health departments and state politicians has become draconian.  The Mississippi State Department of Health issued an alert on August 22, ordering any coronavirus-positive individuals to isolate for at least 10 days or face up to a 5-year prison sentence and a fine of up to $5,000…brutal and punitive actions for a virus with a 99.75% recovery.

Nurses are being fired for refusing the jab.  They’re resigning, and they’re posting what they’ve seen and why they’re leaving.  They’re also speaking out about vaccine injuries and lack of reporting to Vaccine Adverse Effects Reporting System (VAERS).

The FBI is acting like the East German Stasi instructing friends, family, and neighbors to report on one another. They have succeeded in these goals and the objective to keep the younger generation in isolation is working in many areas. The youth have fewer friends and the suicide rates have skyrocketed.

If you haven’t been vaccinated for COVID yet, then you aren’t entitled to life-saving health care…according to CNN’s Don Lemon.  “If you’re not going to get vaccinated, you don’t want to social distance, you don’t want to wear a mask, then maybe you don’t want to go to the hospital when you get sick,” Lemon told CNN comrade Chris Cuomo on Tuesday night’s episode of “Don Lemon Tonight.”

“I know that sounds harsh,” Lemon continued, “but you’re taking up the space for people who are doing things the right way.”  Yeah Don, “My body, my choice” doesn’t count when it’s for bodily medical integrity, only for killing the unborn.

It’s already happening.  People are being denied normal healthcare all because of COVID. Nurses have worked for over a year without being vaccinated. All of a sudden, they are a threat by staying unvaccinated?  Physicians are retiring at astronomical rates, and the shortage of health care providers, the lack of docs and nurses are at dangerous levels.

Unfortunately, most Americans are still listening to the comrades in our Pravda mainstream media…but some are waking up.

Fighting Back

But some are fighting back, even in Novato, California.  The group is putting notices on doors of local businesses warning them not to require vaccines for entry.

Hospitals reeling from surging Covid-19 cases are facing a new pandemic battle: lawsuits from guardians of patients on ventilators demanding treatment with ivermectin.  And the cheap and safe drug is saving lives.

Kate Dalley of the Kate Dalley radio show saved her husband’s life by knowing the correct protocol for COVID, rather than the promoted AMA, NIH, CDC and FDA false hospital protocols that kill, including oxygen, small doses of steroids and ventilators.  She saved her husband and ivermectin was part of the answer.

The Epoch Times reported that the Florida Department of Health will start fining businesses $5,000 for violations of the “vaccine” passport ban.

Resistance to inoculation mandates is growing by the tens of thousands…we must keep spreading the truth.


As vaccination rates rise, COVID-19 “Delta variant” cases also rise. In fact, Japan shattered and continues shattering its own records for COVID-19 cases this summer. Japan’s seven-day average COVID-19 peak was 1,361 new cases on August 7, 2020. That was the country’s highest rate that year with no vaccines. Japan topped out at a seven-day average of 23,065 new COVID cases on August 26, 2021, a 1,600% increase from the 2020 peak, thanks to the jab.

Japan also found metallic particles were in injection vials and suspended 1.63 million Moderna doses on August 26. Link The Japanese Health Ministry said that metal particles that were “attracted to a magnet” were found in Moderna vials. A total of three lots of Moderna vials from eight vaccination sites were taken out of circulation. The lots were manufactured in Spain by a company called Rovi Laboratories. Investigators are still determining what exactly the substance is. But the problem worsened on August 29.

Another one million Moderna doses were taken out of circulation in Japan on Sunday, bringing the total to 2.63 million removed. Officials in the prefectures (political subdivisions) of Okinawa and Gunma said contaminated vials forced the suspension. At least two men, age 30 and 38, died after receiving the contaminated Moderna injections, according to the Japan Times. Gunma officials found a “black substance” in several Moderna vials. A pink substance was found in the Okinawa vials.

Japanese media parroted talking points to defend Moderna who stated there was no evidence their injections killed the men.  Japan is still using ivermectin and the drug has kept Japan safer than the injections.

It is now established science that the COVID injections cause the so-called COVID Delta variant. But don’t expect mea culpas from WHO and/or the CDC anytime soon.

The Lying FDA

Marion Gruber, director of the FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research & Review (OVRR) and 32-year veteran of the agency, has announced she will leave at the end of October, and OVRR deputy director Phil Krause, who’s been at FDA for more than a decade, will also leave in November. Link

There is concern that the political forces are pushing for COVID passports which have been funded by the Gates Foundation in league with the Rockefeller Foundation under the pretense of the World Health Organization (WHO). Gates is pushing for a total database on everyone in the world to be maintained by the WHO.

The two people leaving the FDA do not want to be part of this agenda but the White House will never tell the truth nor will they investigate Gates, Rockefeller Foundation, and the WHO. There are people seriously concerned about what is going on. The White House is making announcements with boosters, vaccinating children and circumventing the FDA entirely. The FDA felt extreme pressure to approve the mRNA clot shots which normally take 12-years. They rushed the approval out in less than one year, months actually, and now the Biden Administration is putting pressure on employers to fire people who refuse to get vaccinated.  Link

Gates, who was indoctrinated by his eugenics-loving father to believe the population of the world had to be reduced, is not interested in creating vaccines to save humanity. He and Fauci funded Remdesivir, an expensive drug that did nothing to save lives. He and the Rockefeller Foundation want to reduce the world population as typical elitists often do because they think they are gods. These are dangerous people that history will one day catalog up there alongside Adolf Hitler for his belief in eugenics.

Life Site News reports that Israel, Austria, and Croatia are requiring citizens to top up their shots due to failing vaccine protection or lose their vax passports. I guess people aren’t dying fast enough.  The move is not unthinkable in the U.S., where the Biden administration has announced plans for upcoming booster shots.


There is no conclusion to the evil we’re seeing being perpetrated throughout the world, but there are past lessons.

In every evil movement there are souls who stand against the tide at great personal cost.  We’ve seen the many brilliant doctors and scientists who are risking all.  WWII saw more than seven hundred pastors and priests thrown into concentration camps because they had the courage of their convictions and “did not count their lives dear unto themselves.”  Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Martin Niemöller knew that the goal of life was not to live long but more importantly, to make sure that we are faithful no matter the cost.  We have much to learn from such men, and women too, for they point the way for us when our convictions clash with state policy.  Link

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Killer COVID Vax, a Genocidal Bioweapon – Part 2

Introducing “Taking The Mask Off”

It’s far past time for the COVID regime to end.

In March 2020, our public health officials embarked on a major public relations effort. The novel coronavirus had arrived in the U.S. from China, and a fearful American public scrambled to stock up for the apocalypse: toilet paper, canned goods, bottled water, and face masks.

So U.S. Surgeon General Jerome Adams took to the media to get an urgent message out. “Americans get scared when they feel like they’ve lost control,” Adams said then on Fox & Friends, “There are things people can do to stay safe… [but] one of the things they shouldn’t be doing, the general public, is going out and buying masks. It actually does not help, and it has not been proven to be effective in preventing the spread of coronavirus amongst the general public.”

Times have changed.

Now, almost 18 months later, these face coverings have become ubiquitous. After a temporary reprieve over the summer months, when vaccine optimism reigned, mask mandates are back across the country. Children are starting another school year with faces covered. Younger grades may not know a time when seeing classmates’ smiles was allowed. The mask has superseded its [dubious] medical benefits, and is now a potent symbol of right-thinking.

Our public health “experts” seem determined to extend their power to vaccine mandates as well. With the FDA approval of the Pfizer vaccine, Big Business—and the government of at least one of our major cities—has moved quickly to force employees and patrons to get the jab. “My body, my choice,” was always a cynical platitude. They never meant it.

We must remember that this was all a choice. No, not the arrival of a deadly disease from China, but the concerted effort to radically alter daily life in response. It’s a choice driven by fear, by a failure to come to terms with our own mortality. And all the while, the goal posts shift, from “15 days to stop the spread,” to “flatten the curve,” to vaccines, COVID-zero, and on and on and on.

Enough. It’s far past time for this insanity to end.

So I’m proud to introduce “Taking the Mask Off,” a new series from The American Conservative. We will call out the hypocrisy of our public health regime. We will highlight the toll lockdown measures and mask mandates have taken on our families and communities. We will urge Americans not to accept a “new normal”. And we will actually “follow the science”, offering alternatives for what a balanced public health policy might look like.

We will, quite literally, take the mask off the COVID regime.

COVID-19 is here to stay, joining the countless other maladies that affect our fallen human condition. The loss of life at the hands of this deadly disease is tragic. Far more tragic would be a society in which living is lost, in which we are unable to pursue that which makes life worthwhile.

We at TAC hope to play a small part in preventing this greater tragedy.


This article was published on August 29, 2021 and is reproduced with permission from The American Conservative.

98% Propaganda

As an employee of the Commonwealth of Virginia, I had the honor of receiving an email message: “Vaccinations and Mask Wearing.” The message spoke of further requirements:

Vaccination remains the most effective means of protection. We know the vaccines work—since January, more than 98% of COVID-19 hospitalizations and deaths have been among unvaccinated Virginians. Do your part and get your shot.

I guess the 98% line is used pervasively. My father urges my 20-year-old daughter, who has had Covid, to get vaccinated. He gives the same 98% line. I guess it’s repeated on television or in the newspaper. I come from a family of lifelong lefties.

The 98% propaganda is the fallacy of mistaking an “If A, then B” statement with its inverse. I don’t know how true the 98% claim is, but let’s suppose it’s true. In fact, let’s suppose it’s 100%, not 98%.

That’s the “If A, then B” statement. If vaccinated (A), then no hospitalization and death from Covid (B).

The inverse of an “If A, then B” statement is: “If B, then A.”

In this case, the inverse would be: “If one avoids hospitalization and death from Covid, then one is vaccinated.” That statement is false.

The truth of an “If A, then B” statement does not by any means ensure the truth of the inverse (“If B, then A”).

For example: “If one is a pediatrician, then one is a doctor” does not imply “If one is a doctor, then one is a pediatrician.”

My father, in fact, is a pediatrician, now retired. He urges my daughter (his granddaughter) to get vaccinated. He tries to justify that urging by saying: “Everyone who is vaccinated avoids hospitalization and death from Covid.”

But if there are other surefire ways to avoid hospitalization and death, the justification may be a complete non sequitur.

We can equally say, I tell Dad:

Everyone who has recovered from Covid infection avoids subsequent hospitalization and death.

Everyone who is 20 years old avoids subsequent hospitalization and death.

My daughter, then, on two counts, doesn’t need a vaccination to avoid hospitalization and death from Covid. Meanwhile, there is so much about the vaccination, its development, its rollout, its liability status, and so on that is unknown and irregular—downright bizarre. The matter is not so simple.

Authoritarianism indoctrinates its votaries and buffaloes others into a false and oversimplified worldview, in which the only important factor is vaccination. But the causes of hospitalization and death are multifarious.

The causes that pertain to the individual are known best by the individual. Contrary to diktats, freedom enables individuals to act on the basis of his or her particular conditions, such as whether she has had Covid, whether she is young, whether she has comorbidities, and so on.

Covid authoritarians might say that everyone has to be vaccinated because of spreading. That, too, doesn’t acknowledge natural immunity. As for the rest, the possibility of asymptomatic transmission of the Covid-19 virus from the unvaccinated is extremely low. So again, all the authoritarians seem to have is propaganda.

Tomorrow my daughter and I shall go visit Dad. I’m vaccinated. But we’ll do a test the day of, just to make sure. Focused Protection.


This article was published on September 2, 2021 and is reproduced with permission from AIER,  American Institute for Economic Research.

VIDEOS: France Goes Full Woke — Police Arresting Citizens for Not Having Vaccine Passports

France has gone full tilt woke. The French police are now arresting anyone out in public without a vaccine passport. This is socialism writ large. The French people are having none of it. Watch:

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CDC Endorses Use of Ivermectin … for Afghan Refugees!

Today’s blog was written by Daniel Horowitz for The Blaze. It was published September 03 and I want you all to read it. I know some of you may have seen it as I think I have the most informed readers around. If you have please still share this blog far and wide. As usual all links and credits will be at the bottom of this page!

CDC Endorses Use of Ivermectin … for Afghan Refugees!

“I have long been convinced that Nature has all the solutions we need to solve our past … that will be the primary source of the treasures and solutions that we seek.” ~Professor Satashi Omura, Nobel co-laureate for the discovery of ivermectin

Looking at 2019 CDC guidance, one has to wonder if one of the reasons why there is such a run on ivermectin is because our own government is using it. And no, not for horses, but for refugees. Yet these same government agencies are running a blood libel-style smear campaign against the drug and its users by misleading people into conflating it with a veterinarian version of the drug, leading many people to think it’s some sort of poison for humans. In the process, they are leaving thousands of COVID patients without any other options for treatment.

It’s not clear whether the hundreds of thousands of Afghan refugees will be forced to get vaccinated like American international travelers, but one thing is clear: They will likely get the ivermectin that most Americans can no longer access. It turns out that in 2019, the CDC issued guidance for refugees from Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East to be given ivermectin pre-emptively for potential infections.

The CDC advises the International Organization for Migration (IOM) physicians who screen the refugees for departure, and U.S. doctors who treat them upon arrival, to prescribe “all Middle Eastern, Asian, North African, Latin American, and Caribbean refugees” with ivermectin and albendazole.

“But that is for parasitic infection, not viral infection!” shouts the chorus of ignorant fools who have ignored the past 18 months of ivermectin saving countless lives. Putting this point aside for a moment, that is only a question about efficacy, not safety. Government agencies are slandering ivermectin as if it’s not a safe drug and even convincing people that it’s for animals. Do they consider refugees animals? The point is: People who are now getting COVID – both vaccinated and unvaccinated – are left without any options for outpatient treatment. Why would the government stand in the way of ivermectin treatment that it mass-distributes to refugees, even if the establishment bureaucrats personally believe it won’t help for COVID?

To the extent the government even screens refugees for COVID, will officials suspend ivermectin treatment for a refugee who has COVID alongside a parasitic infection? After all, we are told that somehow one of the safest drugs in the history of humanity suddenly turns unsafe if you want to use it for another ailment. Or perhaps Americans can self-identify as refugees and then obtain prescriptions for this lifesaving drug. The question now is whether the rest of the media that ignored ivermectin’s success for 17 months will continue to call the drug a “horse dewormer” even as it’s administered to Afghan refugees.

The revelation of this CDC guidance demonstrates that ivermectin is not some obscure drug, much less an animal drug that was used one time for humans in Africa many years ago. The agency feels it is needed today in most parts of the world. To suggest that it is not safe is a scandalous lie. Perhaps doctors will have to start punching in the prescription code for abortion or suggest it’s for an Afghan refugee in order to get the prescription filled:

The AMA: We oppose “limiting patient choice in [abortion] and … gagging a physician guiding a patient [toward abortion].” Also the AMA: “We are calling for an immediate end to the prescribing, dispensing, and use of ivermectin.”8:57 PM · Sep 2, 2021

In reality, anyone who thinks that somehow one of the safest and most successful drugs of all time cannot work for other ailments is woefully uninformed. I trust Professor Omura, the man who won the Nobel Prize for developing ivermectin for Merck, over the company itself, which now stands to benefit from an expensive drug it is developing, with which the cheap ivermectin, which is off patent, would interfere.

In March, Omura wrote in the Japanese Journal of Antibiotics that he hopes “ivermectin will be utilized as a countermeasure for COVID-19 as soon as possible.” Ten years ago, Omura observed: “Ivermectin has continually proved to be astonishingly safe for human use. Indeed, it is such a safe drug, with minimal side effects, that it can be administered by non-medical staff and even illiterate individuals in remote rural communities, provided that they have had some very basic, appropriate training.”

Any sampling of the internet will reveal a unique degree of reverence for this drug among all of the (pre-political) literature on ivermectin. For example, in 2017, Nature’s Journal of Antibiotics observed the following about the fact that ivermectin held promise outside use just as an-antiparasitic agent:

Today, ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary. …

Moreover, whereas ivermectin-resistant parasites swiftly appeared in treated animals, as well as in ectoparasites, such as copepods parasitizing salmon in fish farms, somewhat bizarrely and almost uniquely, no confirmed drug resistance appears to have arisen in parasites in human populations, even in those that have been taking ivermectin as a monotherapy for over 30 years.

As for the drug’s exact mechanism of action against COVID, Dr. Ryan Cole, a brilliant Mayo Clinic-trained pathologist, listed eight different mechanisms in an exclusive interview with TheBlaze:

  1. Inhibits binding at ACE2 and TMPRSS2, keeping the virus from entering our cells.
  2. Blocks alpha/beta importin (the virus cell taxi), keeping it from getting to the nucleus.
  3. Blocks the viral replicase zipper (RdRp).
  4. 3-Chimotrypsin protease inhibition (keeps the virus from assembling).
  5. Ivermectin strengthens our natural antiviral cell activity by increasing our natural interferon production (this counters SARSCOV2 activity, which inhibits cellular interferon).
  6. Decreases IL-6 and other inflammatory cytokines through NF Kappa Beta downregulation, taking the patient from a cytokine storm to calm.
  7. Binds NSP14, necessary for viral replication, and blocks it (equals less virus).
  8. Most important mechanism is inhibiting binding to CD147 receptor on red cells, platelets, lung, and blood cell lining. Ivermectin keeps the virus from binding here and decreases deadly clotting.

For those who want a more detailed explanation of each of these mechanisms, Dr. Cole has provided me with important links and videos, which I posted together in this twitter thread:

So, the next time you hear any media figures refer to ivermectin as an animal medicine, just remember that they are regarding people from three continents as something less than human. And now, they are treating every American – increasingly those who are also vaccinated – as subhuman beings who don’t deserve any treatment until it is too late.


Daniel Horowitz is a senior editor of TheBlaze and host of the Conservative Review podcast. He writes on the most decisive battleground issues of our times, including the theft of American sovereignty through illegal immigration, the theft of American liberty through tyranny, and the theft of American law and order through criminal justice “reform.”

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Parents Sue Georgia’s Largest School District Over Mask Requirement

Parents in Georgia’s largest school district are suing the superintendent and school system over its mask mandate, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.

Four parents are seeking an injunction against the mask mandate at Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS), which serves around 180,000 students, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (AJC) reported. The requirement was implemented at the end of July when the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended indoor masking for schools amid the rise of the delta variant.

The lawsuit claims that GCPS’ mask requirement violates Republican Gov. Brian Kemp’s July executive order , which stripped public school districts’ ability to mandate masks for students and employees, the AJC reported. In May, an earlier executive order said schools were not allowed to use the state’s COVID-19 emergency declaration as a pretense for requiring masks, though it didn’t completely ban requirements.

The lawsuit cited a study from the Journal of Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology that found “Prolonged use of N95 and surgical masks by healthcare professionals during COVID-19 has caused adverse effects such as headaches, rash, acne, skin breakdown, and impaired cognition in the majority of those surveyed,” the AJC reported. The lawsuit also claims the mask mandate violates free speech, which is protected by a provision in the state’s constitution.

“The School District intends the Mask Mandate to coercively convey an affiliation with a particular political party,” the suit says, the AJC reported.

Parents of the Gwinnett district started pushing back against masks in the spring, The AJC reported. In July, around 300 anti-mask protestors congregated outside a school board meeting during Superintendent Calvin Watts’ confirmation.

The lawyer for this lawsuit, Mitch Skandalakis, also represented the Cobb County parents who legally challenged mask requirements in the county’s school district last year, the AJC reported.

“The school district will defend its authority and obligation to follow public health guidance to protect our students and staff,” school district spokeswoman Sloan Roach told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.




RELATED  ARTICLE: DeSantis Moves To Block School Board Pay Over Mask Mandates Despite Judge’s Ruling

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Florida To Start Issuing $5000 Fines To Businesses Requiring Proof Of Vaccination

The Florida Department of Health will start fining businesses $5,000 for violating the state’s ban on vaccine passports.

The state agency’s rule, “Penalties for COVID-19 Vaccine Documentation Requirements,” says it will impose the fine on “any business entity, governmental entity, or educational institution.” The $5,000 fine will apply “per individual and separate violation” and must be paid within 30 days.

“Promises made, promises kept,” Gov. Ron DeSantis’ spokesperson Taryn Fenske told Fox 13 Tampa Bay on Wednesday.

The fine does not apply to vaccine mandates businesses impose upon their own employees. Florida is an at-will employment state, which means employees have limited rights and may be terminated for a wide variety of reasons unless they are unionized or are under contract, legal experts told Fox 13.

“Governor DeSantis is retaliating against Floridians who are trying to protect themselves and their communities from COVID-19,” Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried, a Democrat campaigning to run against DeSantis in 2022, told Fox 13 in a statement.

“This not only goes against common sense — it’s also an insult to the free market principles that he claims to champion,” Fried added.

DeSantis consistently opposed vaccine mandates in Florida. “It’s completely unacceptable for either the government or the private sector to impose upon you the requirement that you show proof of vaccine to just simply be able to participate in normal society,” he said at a press conference in March, NPR reported.

Florida is not currently enforcing its ban on vaccine mandates on cruise lines following since a federal judge issued a temporary injunction allowing Norwegian Cruise Line to require proof of vaccination from passengers.

Florida saw a record number of COVID-19 hospitalizations over the last few weeks as the delta variant surged in the state. DeSantis encouraged Floridians to get vaccinated, saying vaccines are effective against the virus.

“Again, we must continue this stride to expand vaccination rates across eligible age groups. As stated by Governor DeSantis, ‘These vaccines are saving lives, and reducing the mortality of COVID-19,’” Christina Pushaw, a spokesperson for Gov. Ron DeSantis, told the Daily Caller News Foundation in a statement in August.




RELATED ARTICLE: DeSantis Moves To Block School Board Pay Over Mask Mandates Despite Judge’s Ruling

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

VIDEO: Herd Immunity USA – It’s Here! The Government COVID Calamity Is Over*

The CDC itself is now reporting that upwards of 83% of the U.S. population (16 and up) has some form of “protection” (immunity) against COVID either through vaccination or past infection. By any epidemiological standard, that is HERD IMMUNITY, folks.

*Yet, the fight against the government-lead war on Liberty remains full throttle.

The important thing here is this: governments are scaring and threatening Americans into capitulation and submission. Graham Ledger speaks with Dr. Christine Northrup about the dangerous of the so-called vax for COVID and why the vaxxed and unvaxxed must “just say no” all government COVID mandates.


RELATED ARTICLE: Beyond a Reasonable Doubt: Covid-19 was Intentionally Created with Material Support from the US and Chinese Governments

EDITORS NOTE: This Ledger Report video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.