Republican Candidates for President Asked Six Questions on Ukraine—Their Answers Will Shock You thumbnail

Republican Candidates for President Asked Six Questions on Ukraine—Their Answers Will Shock You

By Dr. Rich Swier

Tucker Carlson decided to send six questions about the Ukrainian/Russian conflict. Amazingly the candidates responded with insightful answers.

Here are the six questions:

  1. Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?
  2. What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?
  3. What is the limit of funding and materiel you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?
  4. Should the United States support regime change in Russia?
  5. Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?
  6. Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?


We asked every potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate to answer six key questions on the war in Ukraine. As promised, their full responses are below.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Tucker then posted each candidates answers on Twitter. Here their answers:

President Donald J. Trump.

Former President @realDonaldTrump answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

“Like inflation and numerous other self inflicted wounds and mistakes made over the past two years, Russia would definitely not have raided and attacked Ukraine if I was your President. In fact, for four years they didn’t attack, nor did they have any intention of doing so as long as I was in charge. But the sad fact is that, due to a new lack of respect for the U.S., caused at least partially by our incompetently handled pullout from Afghanistan, and a very poor choice of words by Biden in explaining U.S. requests and intentions (Biden’s first statement was that Russia could have some of Ukraine, no problem!), the bloody and expensive assault began, and continues to this day. That is all history, but how does it end, and it must end, NOW! Start by telling Europe that they must pay at least equal to what the U.S. is paying to help Ukraine. They must also pay us, retroactively, the difference. At a staggering 125 Billion Dollars, we are paying 4 to 5 times more, and this fight is far more important for Europe than it is for the U.S. Next, tell Ukraine that there will be little more money coming from us, UNLESS RUSSIA CONTINUES TO PROSECUTE THE WAR. The President must meet with each side, then both sides together, and quickly work out a deal. This can be easily done if conducted by the right President. Both sides are weary and ready to make a deal. The meetings should start immediately, there is no time to spare. The death and destruction MUST END NOW! Properly executed, this terrible and tragic War, a War that never should have started in the first place, will come to a speedy end. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!”

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“No, but it is for Europe. But not for the United States. That is why Europe should be paying far more than we are, or equal.”

What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

“Our objective in Ukraine is to help and secure Europe, but Europe isn’t helping itself. They are relying on the United States to largely do it for them. That is very unfair to us. Especially since Europe takes advantage of us on trade and other things.”

What is the limit of funding and materiel you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

“That would strongly depend on my meeting with President Putin and Russia. Russia would have never attacked Ukraine if I were President, not even a small chance. Would have never happened if I were President, but it has. I would have to see what the direction in which Russia is headed. I want them to stop, and they will, depending on the one that delivers that message. But with everything said, Europe must pay. The United States has spent much more than Europe, and that is not fair, just, or equitable. If I were President, that horrible war would end in 24 hours, or less. It can be done, and it must be done– now!”

Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

“No. We should support regime change in the United States, that’s far more important. The Biden administration are the ones who got us into this mess.”

Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

“No, they have not been effective. Just the opposite. They drove Russia, China and Iran into an unthinkable situation.”

Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

“It depends on who the President of the United States is. At the moment, with Biden as president, absolutely yes. He says and does all the wrong things at the wrong time.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida Governor @RonDeSantisFL answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests – securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party – becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them. The Biden administration’s virtual “blank check” funding of this conflict for “as long as it takes,” without any defined objectives or accountability, distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges.

Without question, peace should be the objective. The U.S. should not provide assistance that could require the deployment of American troops or enable Ukraine to engage in offensive operations beyond its borders. F-16s and long-range missiles should therefore be off the table. These moves would risk explicitly drawing the United States into the conflict and drawing us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers. That risk is unacceptable.

A policy of “regime change” in Russia (no doubt popular among the DC foreign policy interventionists) would greatly increase the stakes of the conflict, making the use of nuclear weapons more likely. Such a policy would neither stop the death and destruction of the war, nor produce a pro-American, Madisonian constitutionalist in the Kremlin. History indicates that Putin’s successor, in this hypothetical, would likely be even more ruthless. The costs to achieve such a dubious outcome could become astronomical.

The Biden administration’s policies have driven Russia into a de facto alliance with China. Because China has not and will not abide by the embargo, Russia has increased its foreign revenues while China benefits from cheaper fuel. Coupled with his intentional depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and support for the Left’s Green New Deal, Biden has further empowered Russia’s energy-dominated economy and Putin’s war machine at Americans’ expense.

Our citizens are also entitled to know how the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being utilized in Ukraine.

We cannot prioritize intervention in an escalating foreign war over the defense of our own homeland, especially as tens of thousands of Americans are dying every year from narcotics smuggled across our open border and our weapons arsenals critical for our own security are rapidly being depleted.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence

Former VP @Mike_Pence answers our Ukraine questionnaire

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“When the United States supports Ukraine in their fight against Putin, we follow the Reagan doctrine, and we support those who fight our enemies on their shores, so we will not have to fight them ourselves. There is no room for Putin apologists in the Republican Party. This is not America’s war, but if Putin is not stopped and the sovereign nation of Ukraine is not restored quickly, he will continue to move toward our NATO allies, and America would then be called upon to send our own.

Vladimir Putin has revealed his true nature, a dictator consumed conquest and willing to spend thousands of lives for his commitment to reestablish the Greater Russian Empire. Anyone who thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine’s border is not owning up to the reality of who Putin is. We need to be clear-eyed about the Russian threat: that Georgia, the Crimea, and Ukraine are merely at the top of Putin’s lists, they are not the only countries he’s aiming for. And by supporting Ukraine, we have told China we will support Taiwan, should they follow Russia in an attempt to invade.”

What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

“Victory for Ukraine, where Ukraine’s sovereignty and peace are restored as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the Biden administration slow walked aid to Ukraine, every response has been too slow from providing intelligence to Ukraine, to hammering Russia with sanctions, to providing military equipment and fighter jets to Ukraine.

Ukraine’s victory should be an unmistakable, undeniable defeat for Russia and its allies.”

What is the limit of funding and material you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

“As a fiscal conservative, I do not believe in sending blank checks and want oversight of government spending at home and abroad. But withholding or reducing support will have consequences: If Putin is not stopped now and he moves into NATO-controlled territory, the cost will be far greater.”

Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

“That is a better question for the thousands of Russian citizens jailed for protesting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As many as 200,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, that question should be asked to those families grieving their loss, ask if they’d support a regime change.”

Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

“The Trump-Pence administration established a devastating sanctions program and was the toughest US administration on Russia since the Cold War. Sanctions against Russia could have had even more painful consequences if the Biden administration moved quicker with new sanctions and western Europe had heeded US warnings to look elsewhere for energy sources.

Russia’s economy and currency are not stronger than before the war. The Russian economy is in free-fall. The Russian ruble is still afloat because of the extremely costly measures Russia has taken to keep their currency at pre-war levels in the face of sanctions. Russia is currently being propped up by China, and if China withdraws their support, Putin could run out of money by as soon as 2024; Russia is not in a strong economic position. This war is costing Russia their economy, their military prowess, their position on the world stage, and it’s costing lives.”

Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

“Putin is still “the small and bullying leader of Russia,” his talk of nuclear war is a bullying tactic that he used at the start of the invasion. But Putin should know the United States will not be bullied. This administration has not led with strength on the world stage, but America is still a nation that believes peace comes through strength.”

Candidate Vivek G. Ramaswamy

2024 GOP Presidential Candidate @VivekGRamaswamy answers our Ukraine questionnaire

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“No, it is not “vital.” Rather, this is a stark reminder of what is a vital American national strategic interest: national energy independence. This war is a symptom of America’s lack of self sufficiency. Putin is a tyrant and started this needless war, but he did so because we created incentives that tipped the balance of his decision-making in favor of invading: if he knows the West relies on him to provide oil and gas (because the U.S. and Western Europe have self-inflicted limitations on their own ability or willingness to produce), then Putin is in a stronger position–and that led him to think he could win. The Biden Administration weakened our energy security, which created the conditions for Putin to invade Ukraine, which is of course an undesired outcome. Biden, in turn, responded by calling for more oil and gas production, pretty much everywhere in the world other than in the U.S. itself.

The more America is reliant on foreign energy and oil, the less leverage we have with petro dictators.

The Europeans need to be the main upholders of European security. The Europeans, starting with the Germans, need to do more for themselves. Unfortunately, the Germans chose to ‘go green’ on energy, and so they’re looking to us to shoulder the load on Ukraine, as well as defense in general. We spend close to 4 percent of our GDP on defense, and the Germans spend barely over 1 percent. Ukraine is in their backyard, not ours. If the Germans and other European countries can’t or won’t produce their own energy, they should buy natural gas from Louisiana and Texas—and from Pennsylvania and my home state of Ohio.

Foreign policy is all about prioritization, my top two foreign policy priorities are to Declare Independence from Communist China and to annihilate the Mexican drug cartels.

The main thing should be the main thing: focus on China. China wants the Ukraine war to last as long as possible to deplete Western military capacity before invading Taiwan. It’s working: we think we appear stronger by helping Ukraine, but we actually become weaker vis-à-vis China.

We’ve spent 20 years droning people in caves in the Middle East and Central Asia and have little to show for it. We should be taking out the people who have caused the death of more than 100,000 Americans every year–the Mexican drug cartels.”

What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

“Our objective in Ukraine should be to respect any prior legal treaty commitments the U.S. has made, so as to preserve our credibility when it comes to commitments in the future, which I believe we have already fulfilled – and indeed gone beyond. (I make a clear distinction between commitments to which Congress was made aware and approved, and whatever secret deals the Biden administration might have cooked up.)

The Budapest Memorandum, signed by Russia, Ukraine, the U.S. and the U.K., was supposed to assure Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, a massive stockpile, and received security protections–but not an alliance or pledge to go to war, just a commitment to respect the sovereignty of existing borders. Whether that was the right decision to make in 1994 is a point of reasonable debate, but it is in our long-term self interest to stick by our word. And we have.

But now it’s time to move on.”

“A key objective has already been achieved by revealing Russia to be a “paper tiger.” Russia’s military capabilities are far weaker than the U.S. defense establishment previously had assumed (their track record of being blatantly wrong about “intelligence” assessments only grows each year): recall how they predicted that Ukraine would fall within days–the same defense establishment who wrongly predicted that Kabul would not fall to the Taliban. Time to find a different term for our “intelligence experts.”

Our second objective is to deter Putin from aggression against other European nations, including NATO powers. But we can achieve that goal in part by guaranteeing America’s energy independence, which our own President has unilaterally undermined. It is stunning that Biden lobbied against the EU adopting its Russian oil ban, while simultaneously sending $113 billion in aid to Ukraine to fight against Russia. In other words: Biden helps fund Putin’s war machine with one hand, and yet he sends money to Ukraine with the other. More importantly, if you want to deter Putin from invading Poland, then move the idle tens of thousands of troops we have from Germany into Poland to send a signal – not by fighting a war in Ukraine.

A third objective is nudging—shaking, if necessary—the Europeans to take care of themselves. I believe in America First 2.0, and we should at least get the Europeans to Europe First 1.0. We actively undermine this very objective by offering a bottomless pit of aid to Ukraine.”

What is the limit of funding and material you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

“Generally speaking, I don’t think it’s wise to telegraph our ends, and I believe the facts in January 2025 may be very different from where they are today. But let me be clear: if I were president right now, I would limit any further funding or support to Ukraine.

Ukraine isn’t in the top five of American foreign policy priorities right now, and yet merely questioning whether the money we’ve spent on the war is being done effectively or perhaps even prolonging the war is seen as disloyal. We get accused by both Democrats and Republicans of being “Putin sympathizers.” The Washington uni-party and defense contractors want this conflict to go on forever; for the sake of the global economy and peace, we should be doing everything we can to end it tomorrow.

As I mentioned, Biden gives $113 billion in aid to Ukraine while he lobbied against the EU ban on Russian oil imports on the other hand. The U.S. has shot itself in the foot with its own production capabilities. It’s unclear who wins this game, but the loser is clear: America.

I’ll say again: the Europeans need to do more, a lot more — it’s their backyard, it’s their borders. The Europeans have gotten used to freeloading, and we know what happens to freeloaders — they become dependent, even lazy. We can’t be the nanny of Europe forever; we have too much to take care of here at home. We have a swiss-cheese of a southern border that pours in fentanyl killing hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. It’s time to secure our border before taking care of someone else’s. This would be an appropriate and morally justified use of military force: secure our southern border and annihilate the drug cartels responsible for countless American deaths on our own soil.

We’ve discovered a big problem on our end—the weakness of our industrial base. I’m disturbed by reports that our aid to Ukraine has drained away munitions and other material that we could potentially need for our own defense.”

“There is opportunity cost in depleting these defense resources–especially in protecting our own soil and border from Mexican cartels or in the case of Communist China. Critics of this view would say that these defense capabilities are different–that we need enhanced naval capabilities to counter China and defend Taiwan. That’s a hubristic view that we shouldn’t indulge when we have major future unknowns–opportunity costs are opportunity costs, period.”

Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

“No. We’ve seen this movie before–Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, the list goes on. History shows the U.S. is abysmal at effectuating regime change. And, even when we do, we usually end up regretting it. Regime change is riddled with unintended consequences. The bigger risk we need to worry about is driving Putin into Xi’s hands. Our policies are having precisely that effect right now.”

Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

“Clearly not. Russia is stronger because of higher oil and gas revenue owing to higher prices. The lesson for the U.S. and the West should be to abandon the climate cult that shackles the West while leaving Russia and China untouched. We restrict our own energy while the Russians and Chinese go pedal-to-the-metal on their own energy, including coal. The Biden administration jovially sacrifices our energy dominance on the altar of green goals—some mythical target in the far future that the world will never hit. As President I will end that foolish and self-destructive game.”

Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

“The risk of nuclear war goes up the more that China begins to back Russia – which is happening now before our eyes. This is the #1 risk factor to the U.S. taking an aggressive posture towards Russia while going soft on China: we drive Putin straight into Xi Jinping’s hands.

The foreign policy establishment has demonstrated weakness time and time again when it comes to Russia–including in our nuclear arms negotiations with the Russian Federation, which continues even now. Putin and the Russians, and the Soviets before them, not only brazenly violated every nuclear arms control treaty we have with them, but the U.S. gives up any semblance of negotiating leverage. It’s humiliating. The Trump Administration, rightly, began to walk away from the New START Treaty as the Biden Administration swooped in and stopped that process, squandering all negotiating power and absurdly signed a five-year extension.

Russia may be a third-world gas station with an economy the size of Pennsylvania. But, they are a third world gas station with more nuclear warheads than any other nation on the planet, including the U.S. The global defense establishment must dig its head out of the sand and buck up to the fact that China, who is not constrained by any nuclear arms treaty, is secretly building up its nuclear stockpile. They are nearing nuclear parity.

For these reasons, it serves US national security interests to move ahead with full-spectrum missile defense to protect US soil. We cannot afford a bottomless pit of military spending and need to focus on the priorities that actually advance our national defense interests.”

South Dakota Governor Kristin Noem

South Dakota Governor @govkristinoem answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

Q: Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

A: “The primary external threat to the United States in Communist China. Our opposition to Russia has heightened this threat for a number of reasons. One, it’s pushing Russia into an alliance with China – meaning Russia may soon draw from China’s large weapon arsenal. Two, we’re weakening our own military by sending weapons to a corrupt country. And three, we’re taking our eyes off the ball and allowing China to put favors in their bank. This should be Europe’s fight, not ours. We should not waste taxpayer dollars at the risk of nuclear war.”

Q: What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

A: “The American people didn’t get us into this war – Joe Biden did. Biden has this fantasy that he can do the same kind of thing to Russia that Ronald Reagan did to the Soviet Union; that, somehow, through American military weight, we’re going to bring Putin to his knees. His fantasy is wasting a lot of American money and killing too many people.

If we had a President who pursued peace through strength, Putin never would have dared to invade Ukraine. The only way to avoid these kinds of conflicts is to project strength. That’s why voters must remove Biden and the Democrats from office.”

Q: What is the limit of funding and materiel you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

A: “We’ve already over-extended ourselves in our largesse to Ukraine. And the Ukrainian government is not made up of angels – they have a long history of corruption scandals, and recent news indicates that this issue is ongoing.

The federal government is closing in on $200 billion in aid to Ukraine. We haven’t spent that much to protect our border in the last 5 years combined. We must question whether we should prop up a corrupt regime to our own financial detriment.”

Q: Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

A: “Not at this time, as it could lead to an even more destabilized Europe and cause escalation up the nuclear ladder.”

Q: Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

A: “The United States has come to rely far too heavily on financial sanctions as a weapon of deterrence. Now, nations that hate America are consciously moving away from the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Sanctions against China, Iran, and Russia have bolstered the Russian ruble and enabled China to establish trade in Chinese money rather than in US dollars.

One of the worst side effects of these sanctions has been the skyrocketing cost of oil and natural gas in America and around the world. Russia is selling less of its oil and gas, but they are doing so at a much higher price.

It’s counterfactual to say that Russia’s economy is stronger in the wake of the war. The more appropriate phrase here is “more resilient.” Russia has ridden out the sanctions remarkably well, but its economy remains weak. And it’ll get sucked into the global recession that it helped cause.”

Q: Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

A: “The Biden regime is taking us quickly up the escalatory ladder with a series of provocative actions and statements. We cannot back down from any legitimate threat that Putin makes against the United States. We are closer now to the use of tactical nuclear weapons than we have ever been. That would be what Putin would use first. This is not about dropping “the big one” on New York or Los Angeles. Putin would slaughter thousands of souls in a contained fighting environment.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Governor @GregAbbott_TX on Ukraine:

“President Biden’s blank check foreign policy in Ukraine has drawn nothing but ridicule and disdain from our adversaries and has diverted funding from essential needs in the United States. Throwing money at Ukraine with no accountability or objective is clearly failing. Worse is that President Biden’s approach to Ukraine has been at the expense of underfunding, or ignoring, priorities at home. Before he sends any more money or assets to Ukraine’s border, he must enforce our immigration laws and secure our southern border. As Governor of Texas, I am focused on responding to this Biden-made border crisis and delivering real results for Texans this legislative session.”

Senator Tim Scott

@SenatorTimScott on Ukraine:

“You have Americans who are frustrated because of the lack of leadership on domestic issues that only exacerbates the situation we see today in Ukraine. Here’s where we need the president to lead: what is our nation’s vital interest in Ukraine? And it should start with degrading the Russian military is in our vital national interest. In addition to that, we are not going to simply degrade the Russian military. We are gonna have accountability for every single dollar spent. There is no such thing as a blank check. We are going to make sure that there’s accountability. And the last point I’d make on the Ukraine front is that China has chosen a side. They are partnering, they are partnering with Putin, which means it’s enmity with us. China is a risk that continues to rise, an adversarial position they have taken against the American people. We should hear what they’re telling us. Believe them and act accordingly.”

Chris Christie

Former @GovChristie on Ukraine:

“Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is a national security issue that threatens our alliances and our standing in the world. Our objective is to assist Ukraine sufficiently to enable them to defeat Russian forces and restore their sovereignty. This effort is not about regime change in Russia; it is about respecting the sovereignty of free nations. Also, this is a proxy war being waged by Russia’s ally China against the United States. Due to their assistance to Russia and China’s recent action in the Middle East, it would be naïve to call this anything but Chinese aggression. Our allies and our enemies are watching us. It is on us to assist our democratic allies in defending themselves against authoritarian aggression. If we do not, this aggression will spread and the void we leave will be filled by authoritarian regimes like China, Iran, North Korea and an empowered Russia if they triumph over Ukraine.”

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Vast Expanse Of US Military Hardware Positioned At Polish Port thumbnail

Vast Expanse Of US Military Hardware Positioned At Polish Port

By The Editors

A Baltic monitoring media outlet has published footage of an enormous amount of American military equipment being prepared to move from the Port of Gdynia in Poland.

The expanse of military hardware is being described as equipment belonging to the US Army’s 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 1st Cavalry Division. Some Eastern European media reports are claiming that at least a portion of the equipment, which looks multiple football fields in length, are bound for Kiev.

Hundreds of heavy military vehicles can be seen in the footage, including armored personnel carriers, tanks and armored trucks.

Despite claims that the equipment is bound for Ukraine, a source which widely circulated the footage, “Baltic Security”, wrote that it’s at the Polish port “in preparation for redeployment to the continental United States after serving in the Operation Atlantic Resolve.”

Russia’s Sputnik noted that “Some Polish and Ukrainian media outlets, however, did not think twice about claiming that part of the military hardware seen in the video would be redeployed to Ukraine, where Russia continues its special military operation.”

But it remains that “Neither the White House not the Pentagon have commented on the matter yet.”

The footage comes as the US had already committed more than $100 billion worth of security and military assistance to Kiev since the beginning of the Russian special operation,” the state publication continued. Given how desperate that Ukrainian front lines, particularly in Bakhmut, are right now for more ammo and equipment – it would be surprising if these rows upon rows of hardware aren’t in the end headed for Ukraine.


Continue reading this article at Zero Hedge.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.

Mexico: 13 Migrants from Islamic Republic of Mauritania Detained in Border Town thumbnail

Mexico: 13 Migrants from Islamic Republic of Mauritania Detained in Border Town

By Jihad Watch

“This is a global problem, it shows there are no adequate or safe ways for people fleeing a conflict or persecution to come to Mexico and the United States, they have to depend on organized crime.”

Well, gee, that’s a shame, but exactly what conflict or persecution are they feeling in Mauritania?

“These groups of migrants are considered vulnerable because of the language barrier and other factors including religious persecution.”

What religious persecution do they face?

Above all, why did these men travel to the border? What did they intend to do?

13 Mauritanian migrants mistakenly arrested in Tijuana

by Salvador Rivera, Border Report, March 2, 2023:

TIJUANA (Border Report) — Tijuana police detained 13 migrants from the small Muslim nation of Mauritania when officers raided a hotel earlier this week.

Migrants from this Northwest African country, officially known as the Islamic Republic of Mauritania, have rarely, if ever, been encountered in Tijuana, according to migrant advocates.

Initially, police said officers became suspicious when they saw a few men scatter and run into the property of the Hotel Jacuzzys.

The men were taken into custody, and their booking photos were released to the media.

After translators were called in, it was determined that the men were migrants who were being forced to stay at the hotel by a smuggling organization.

“It was a case of a rescue,” said Soraya Vazquez, a human rights activist in Tijuana.

Vazquez says the police department did not handle the situation properly….

“This is a global problem, it shows there are no adequate or safe ways for people fleeing a conflict or persecution to come to Mexico and the United States, they have to depend on organized crime.”

The 13 Mauritanian nationals have been turned over to the National Institute of Migration in Tijuana and are being detained because they have yet to prove they entered Mexico legally.

“These groups of migrants are considered vulnerable because of the language barrier and other factors including religious persecution,” Vazquez said….




Austria: Muslim migrant plotted jihad massacre with automatic weapon, wanted to ‘slaughter many infidels’

UK government introduces and defends law barring illegal migrants entering via English Channel

UK: Muslim tweeted image of severed head, encouraged decapitation of anyone insulting Islam

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems thumbnail

The Army Might Be Ditching Its ‘Woke’ Image As It Faces Historic Recruiting Problems

By The Daily Caller

  • The U.S. Army’s new brand and ad campaign largely omits reference to woke identity politics and could be just what the service needs to overcome historic recruiting obstacles, experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.
  • Prior advertising efforts alienated conservative families that once served as the Army’s primary recruiting base, according to experts.
  • They “forgot that the primary market for Army recruiting is young men from traditional families, looking for a challenge,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF.

The Army’s new branding campaign, unveiled Wednesday, shied away from social justice and diversity themes as it seeks to overcome a historic drop in recruiting, military experts told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The service’s buy-in on identity politics could turn off conservative families, which have traditionally served as the military’s largest recruiting base, and exacerbated the service’s recruiting woes in fiscal year 2022, experts and lawmakers warn. But, the years-in-the-making rebrand, with a goal of showcasing the Army’s role in defense and innovation throughout American history and encouraging soldiers to push their limits, could help the Army meet its ambitious recruiting goals for 2023, experts in military readiness told the DCNF.

“I think the new brand and commercial better appeal to young people’s desire to be part of a big, important effort larger than themselves,” Thomas Spoehr, director of the Heritage Foundation’s Center for National Defense, told the DCNF. “I think that is the right approach to take.”

The Army has come under fire for embracing perceived left-wing values in branding, according to Task and Purpose. One example is a 2021 advertising scheme that emphasized the different kinds of people who could join the service, highlighting a same-sex family.

Left-wing trends in the military’s education and personnel policies — including emphasizing inclusion of LGBTQ+ servicemembers, doubling down on outreach to minority communities, and teaching CRT and giving pronoun advice at the military academies — to support “diversity as a strategic imperative” could cause conservative, often white families to believe they “are not welcome or appreciated in the military,” Elaine Donnelly, president of the Center for Military Readiness, told the DCNF in June.

“Parents and Army veterans who are ‘influencers’ are not recommending military service to the next generation, and recruiting numbers show the deterioration,” she added, as the Army was beginning to realize it might not make its recruiting goals for 2022.

The new rebrand, however, has so far nixed emphasizing the background or identity of future soldiers or the supposed systemic disadvantages each has faced, though two commercials unveiled Wednesday did feature an ethnically diverse cast. At an event with Army officials promoting the rebrand, the word “diversity” was only mentioned once, and that was in reference to the array of career fields available in the Army.

“The Army’s identity-based marketing has been a disaster for recruiting, which is why they’re shifting away from it. … The Army and every other branch needs to focus on appealing to all Americans, regardless of their political beliefs or background,” Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the military personnel subcommittee on the House Armed Services Committee and has sworn to crack down on wokeness in the military, said to the DCNF.

The campaign resurrects the “be all you can be” slogan that served marketing and recruiting efforts from 1981 to 2001 and speaks to the possibilities for personal and career development the Army holds, according to Army Secretary Christine Wormuth, Army Chief of Staff Gen. James McConville and Sgt. Maj. Michael Grinston. It also involves nixing the box around the Army’s recognizable five-pointed star logo. 

Two new 90-second ads accompanying the rebranding guide the viewer through the history of the U.S. Army, from the colonial militias of the Revolutionary War to modern missions aimed at countering a rising China. They highlight themes of “overcoming obstacles” and pushing toward the future with new technologies that better the lives of civilians as well as serving the nation’s defense.

“You could say that the new brand is “non-woke” because it is completely absent of any suggestion that the Army is interested in any one demographic than another,” Spoehr said.

“The images of history in the new ad ring true, but I hope that woke Critical Race Theory (CRT) activists don’t get the chance to ruin what could be progress in reconnecting with traditional families who see America as a great country, not a racist country,” Donnelly told the DCNF.

Two prior marketing campaigns under the most recent branding scheme seemed to alienate some target audiences, Col. John Horning, who leads marketing and strategy for the Army Enterprise Marketing Office, explained to Army Times.

The “What’s Your Warrior” ad series rolled out in 2019 aimed to showcase the wide variety of career fields available in the Army, but it’s belligerent overtones turned away some hopeful audiences, Horning told the outlet. However, The Calling, an anime-style video series released in 2021, sparked condemnation from some conservative audiences.

“Even with The Calling, we found that there was a prospect audience that absolutely identified [with it], but we’re all very aware that it struck a nerve,” Horning told Army Times. “Some other people didn’t identify with what we were trying to do, and it became a distraction.”

One video in the series depicted a future recruit named Emma attending a wedding for her “two loving and inspiring mothers.”

The Army intended the commercials to broaden its appeal to Gen Z audiences and present a range of relatable scenarios as the recruiting pool grows increasingly shallow, Task and Purpose reported. Instead, detractors launched a barrage of criticism against the videos for representing what they saw as a “woke” and “emasculated” military.

The ads “forgot that the primary market for Army recruiting is young men from traditional families, looking for a challenge,” Donnelly told the DCNF. “Last year’s recruiting crisis was partially fueled by that colossal mistake.”

The Army missed its recruiting objectives for 2022 of 60,000 new members by 25%; to make up for that offset, the service set a “stretch goal” for 2023 to 65,000 recruits, according to Wormuth.

The Army accelerated launch of the new branding effort to help with recruiting for 2023, Wormuth explained at the event Wednesday. The new campaign cost roughly $117 million to execute, she said, and is a result of extensive work that included focus groups with relevant stakeholders. But leaders are confident that a data-driven approach will yield results.

The U.S. needs an Army that shows itself to be a capable, hard-hitting force that can defeat and deter enemy aggression, not one that prioritizes inclusion over competence and lowers standards to accommodate more self-described identities, GOP lawmakers argue.

In 1981, “Be All You Can Be” inspired me to be the best version of myself I could be.

— GEN James C. McConville (@ArmyChiefStaff) March 11, 2023

As recruiting appeared to slow in the spring and summer of 2022, the service surveyed Americans between the ages of 16 and 28 to find out why young people were choosing options besides serving in the military. Respondents cited as their number one concern that they “would be putting their life on hold,” Grinston, the Army’s top enlisted leader, testified to Congress on Thursday.

He denied that Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives hurt recruiting.

“They just don’t perceive the Army as being in touch with the modern, everyday culture that they’re used to,” Army head of marketing Maj. Gen. Alex Fink told The Associated Press in context of the survey results.

At the same time, propensity to serve has fallen to the lowest levels in 15 years. Only 9% of young people demonstrate a desire or willingness to join the Army, and of those, only 23% meet physical, academic and legal qualifications — down from 29%, Grinston said.

The Army doubled down on messaging about benefits and career opportunities available to soldiers in 2022 and into 2023, offering bonuses in the thousands of dollars for successful referrals and new recruits’ willingness to ship out within 45 days of enlistment. It invested in health care, education support and vacation while pleading with lawmakers to set aside funding for housing assistance, child care and spousal career assistance, to hold on to the recruits.

It also plans to expand opportunities for willing prospects to complete pre-enlistment programs that offer supplemental fitness training and academic tutoring for those who fall short of the Army’s requirements in those areas.

However, none of those efforts appeared to meaningfully move the needle on recruiting, Spoehr said.

“I think the Army (and the other services) are learning that recruiting messages that stress compensation and benefits are falling short,” Spoehr told the DCNF.

About 84% of new recruits come from military families, according to Gen. McConville.

“So we’re becoming a military family business. We want to be an American family business,” he told reporters Wednesday.

“We need every young person in this country, we need every parent in this country, to know that the United States military is a pathway to success,” McConville said.




RELATED ARTICLE: ‘What Is The Point?’: Pentagon Mulling Discharges For Unvaccinated Troops Who Didn’t Seek Exemptions

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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China Openly Infiltrates Our Political System, and America’s Media Doesn’t Seem to Care thumbnail

China Openly Infiltrates Our Political System, and America’s Media Doesn’t Seem to Care

By Neil Patel

The American media has been liberal for decades, but the utter disregard for the truth that pervades much of the reporting today is something new. With all the alarm over misinformation on the Right, little attention has been paid to the much broader form of misinformation that dominant corporate media perpetrates today.

One of the biggest stories of our time is the way Communist China has co-opted so many leading American institutions and individuals. How is it that America, a country committed to human rights, is freely trading with China, a country currently operating slave labor camps? That’s a serious and important question, but it’s one the media barely addresses.

Many well-intentioned Americans believed that free trade would liberalize China and provide low-cost goods, ultimately helping American families. In reality, free trade fueled Communist China’s rise, minus the promise of liberalization. Moreover, these policies left America overly dependent on Chinese-made goods, including key products needed for America’s security, its health care, and even, astoundingly, its military.

More broadly, the loss of American manufacturing has harmed many formerly thriving American communities and helped upend the American political system. It turns out that free trade theory may not work out when one party is a developed free economy and the other is a mercantilist system marked by corruption and slave labor.

In addition to the American leaders who botched these policies through well-meaning intentions, there are others who were economically or politically conflicted. Many American companies made billions by moving factories to China. Wall Street made even more by financing the whole thing. Some American companies and elite institutions were flat-out co-opted by Chinese interests.

The Chinese Communist Party has an organized effort to influence American policymakers and business leaders. Most Americans don’t even know they’ve been targeted by Communist Party operatives. They are drawn in by the potential for financial gain or by a desire to bring the two countries closer together.

The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Philip Lenczycki is one of the leading American reporters covering the Chinese Communist Party’s influence operations in the United States. With his 20 years of experience traveling frequently to China, six years living in China full time, fluency in Mandarin, a master’s degree in Chinese language and culture, and sources all over China, plus being the top student at Harvard’s Beijing Academy, it’s hard to point to a more well-equipped reporter elsewhere in American media.

Lenczycki recently made two astounding discoveries, which he detailed in a series of articles. First, he revealed how Rep. Judy Chu, D-Calif., served for over a decade as the “honorary president” of an organization whose leadership includes several individuals who’ve belonged to alleged Chinese intelligence front groups. Lenczycki also revealed that Chu was named “honorary chairwoman” of an alleged Chinese intelligence front group back in 2019.

Second, Lenczycki exposed how Dominic Ng, CEO of East West Bank, recently appointed by President Joe Biden to represent the U.S. at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings, had been a member of at least two groups allegedly linked to Chinese Communist Party intelligence efforts.

Top U.S. leaders associating with groups linked to alleged Chinese intelligence efforts is, of course, a huge story. Yet the corporate media didn’t touch it.

Republican members of Congress called for investigations as a result of Lenczycki’s reporting. The Democrats’ response to all this was basically their standard playbook in 2023: Ignore the facts altogether and claim the whole thing is driven by racism. When the facts aren’t with you, change the subject and attack the messenger.

That’s not good behavior; in fact, it’s utterly juvenile. But it’s how politics often works.

Reporters are supposed to be different. They are supposed to search for the truth. They are supposed to ask tough questions. Of course, the legacy media did not do that. In reporting on the whole incident, corporate media outlets have yet to examine the actual facts Lenczycki unearthed. They instead summarily wrote his work off as “unsubstantiated.”

Lenczycki’s reporting is well-documented and, more importantly, it’s on the web for anyone to analyze. Any reporter who felt the need to further substantiate it could go to his articles, find links to the source materials and experts who commented, and do all the necessary substantiation. But not a single corporate media reporter did that. Why?

They don’t want to get to the truth. They don’t like where it may lead. It’s much cleaner to call it “unsubstantiated” or “racist” and write it off. This is the same way reporters handled the Hunter Biden laptop story, the story of whether COVID-19 came from a lab in China, and so many other story lines that they do not want to explore for political reasons.

It’s important to note that Lenczycki never once alleged in his reporting that either Ng or Chu knowingly were doing the bidding of the Chinese Communist Party. He didn’t allege that because he doesn’t know if it’s true. What is true is that both parties have troubling ties to alleged Chinese intelligence front groups.

Besides tarring those looking into these serious allegations as “racists,” both Chu and Ng have defended themselves either by totally denying any affiliations with these groups or by downplaying any ties as having fizzled out years ago.

There could be some truth to that, but these top American leaders’ mere associations with parties that do the bidding of the increasingly brutal Chinese Communist state is worthy of more scrutiny. This is doubly true in this case, where the subjects’ excuses don’t line up with all the available facts. And if it’s all innocent, then it seems really odd that these alleged Chinese intelligence groups are busy scrubbing their websites to try to cover their tracks retroactively.

The corporate media has not pressed Ng and Chu on any of this. Chinese Communist influence operations in America is not a story that interests them. Besides NBC News, none of the media outlets branding Lenczycki’s reporting as “racist” even reached out for comment—a journalistic norm that Lenczycki offered to both Ng and Chu numerous times, without success.

The story of the Chinese Communist Party’s influence operations in the U.S. is in many ways part of the story of our time. America’s financial and political leaders put in place policies that helped China’s communists at the expense of the American middle class.

Many of America’s major media outlets were part of the problem. They took millions of dollars to run Chinese Communist propaganda for many years. Included among the news outlets that ran this paid propaganda were The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The New York Times. More recently, all the major D.C. newsletters—Axios, Playbook, and Punchbowl—are on the Chinese dole. Semafor was even more bold: It enthusiastically announced a partnership with a barely concealed Chinese influence group.

Maybe that explains why they’re all so uninterested in the story. Maybe it isn’t money. Maybe academic notions of racial intersectionality and “Asian hate” have paralyzed them into submission.

In either case, this much is clear: China is aggressively targeting American leaders and institutions, and it is succeeding. That’s a huge story. We at the Daily Caller News Foundation aren’t intimidated by the name-calling; if the legacy media won’t cover it, we certainly will.

This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.

Name and Indict the J6 Violent Feds and Antifa Terrorists thumbnail

Name and Indict the J6 Violent Feds and Antifa Terrorists

By The Geller Report

The wrong people are jail.

Who is this guy? The country will not hold if this skullduggery is not exposed and prosecuted.

Hey @SeditionHunters, who is this guy in the brown jacket?

— Joseph D. McBride, Esq. (@McBrideLawNYC) March 10, 2023

JUST IN: Previously censored video re-emerges showing Trump Supporters pointing out ANTIFA members at the Capitol..


— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 10, 2023

JUST IN: Previously censored video re-emerges of Trump supporters removing masked man with earpiece, dressed in ANTIFA BLACK who was caught tearing out Capitol window.


— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 9, 2023

When customers showed up at SVB’s branch in Manhattan today to get their deposits back, managers called the police. So what we have here is a 1929-style bank run. And that’s not a good sign for anyone.”

JUST IN: Previously censored video re-emerges showing ANTIFA members dressing up a Trump supporters in DC…


— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 10, 2023

Here is Antifa changing their clothes into the ‘MAGA look’ on J6!

— 🇺🇸ProudArmyBrat (@leslibless) March 9, 2023

It was antifa that cause the most damage on J6 as agent provocateurs. There’s more clips of them changing into Maga gear and assembling. Do a search on Bitchute. so many ate up the false narrative & persecuted the innocent. Despite tuckers reveal, brainwashed still doing it!

— MesaWindu (@mesa_wind) March 8, 2023

In other news:

.@TuckerCarlson keeps rolling the footage while exposing the big lie. Watch this video by ANTIFA & @Blklivesmatter insurrection on the US Capital. Nope, it’s not J6, it’s May 20th. They even set a church on fire. Democrats and liberal media don’t want you to see or remember…

— Vernon Jones (@VernonForGA) March 9, 2023

These are the Antifa riots of 2017, the day President Trump was inaugurated.

RT if you believe these were far worse than anything that happened on J6.

— Patrick Parsons (@realPParsons) March 9, 2023

But this man is serving 4 YEARS:

JUST IN: Censored video re-emerges of Jacob Chansley reading Trump’s tweet, telling protestors to GO HOME and remain peaceful..


— Chuck Callesto (@ChuckCallesto) March 10, 2023


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

China Expert: CCP Is Bringing War to American Soil thumbnail

China Expert: CCP Is Bringing War to American Soil

By Catherine Salgado

China expert Gordon Chang tweeted March 8 that the U.S. is going to be fighting a war with China on American soil. While he’s not, of course, infallible, and we can pray that he will be wrong, it is true that the evidence is in his favor. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been buying up land around US military bases, it has infiltrated every level of American government and institutions, it has at least four illicit police stations in America, and it told its people that it was at war with the US back in 2019. Why couldn’t the CCP shut down our grid and even bomb us?

It seems pretty clear from Chinese encroachments around the world and the language they use, particularly against the US, and what experts on China have said, that the Chinese aim to have a global empire, either through direct ownership or tributary states (just as many globalists think they want one world government, the CCP plans to rule the government). It would not be at all surprising if China were to try and take out the US in particular, since the US traditionally stands as the guardian of liberty in the world. Although, of course, under the current illegitimate president, who is a Chinese puppet and almost certainly being paid off by the CCP, it would probably be a lot easier takeover than a large-scale land war.

China practices “civil-military fusion,” where everything in the economic and tech spheres is directly accessible to the Chinese military. In China, and thus in Chinese operations around the world (and, as said above, the CCP has thoroughly infiltrated America, including US businesses), there is no division between the economic and the military.

Chang also warned recently that CCP plants are almost certainly entering the U.S. through the wide open southern border. I reported on how Chinese state media‘s piece on important world leaders with whom CCP dictator Xi Jinping met at the G20 did not include Joe Biden, even though Biden had been parading around in a Mao Zedong costume there and Biden met with Xi at the summit.

Remember too that the Chinese Communist Party is the greatest mass murderer of all time. It has come to power and stayed in power through mass murder and genocide.

If a key China expert tells you to prepare for war, and China has already announced to its citizens it is at war, it might be well to prepare for war.

This article was published by Pro Deo et Libertate and is reproduced with permission.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.

U.S. State Department Funds Leftist Group Behind Chaotic Protests in Israel Against Netanyahu thumbnail

U.S. State Department Funds Leftist Group Behind Chaotic Protests in Israel Against Netanyahu

By Jihad Watch

A disturbing revelation exposes that “the State Department has granted tens of thousands of dollars to a left-wing group,” the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), which is “behind protests in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.” The Washington Examiner reports:

During the years 2020, 2021, and 2022, MQG pocketed roughly $10,000 to $15,000 each from the State Department, according to grant records.

The Washington Free Beacon reported that documents showed up a total of $38,000 since 2020. While the State Department confirmed the funding, it justified the spending on the grounds that the group is “a nonpartisan organization.” As the Free Beacon notes: “its work opposing Netanyahu raises questions about how the group was able to obtain U.S. funding.” It is highly unlikely that the State Department was unaware of what it was funding. In a 2018 report by Israel Hayom, the Movement for Quality Government (MQG), saw a “mass exodus” within the group as members accused the organization of turning “radical left,” operating under a “façade of righteousness,” “calling for a coup,” and attacking the right. Yet despite this alarming report, the group was (and is) regarded as a more “respectable” Leftist option to the radical anti-Netanyahu Leftist protesters that came out in droves in early January, waving Palestinian flags and chanting “anti-occupation slogans.” Compared to that group, the MQG indeed appeared more respectable, and thus it attracted Netanyahu antagonists who were ready to dole out funding from abroad. According to a JNS report, the MQG saw mainstream types turning out to its rally, including leaders:

Gantz made an appearance, as did fellow National Unity party lawmaker Gadi Eisenkot. Former politician and member of Gantz’s Blue and White faction Moshe Ya’alon also attended. However, Matan Kahana, one of the more right-wing members of Gantz’s party, did not, saying he didn’t want to be seen standing next to Palestinian flags.

In mid-February, the picture painted of the MQG in a JNS report by Caroline Glick didn’t look a benign as the State Department would have Americans believe the group to be:

Just as the State Department provides financial support for MQG’s subversion of Israel’s Jewish character, the Biden administration supports MQG’s campaign to prevent the Netanyahu government and the Knesset from passing the judicial and legal reform packages they ran on in November’s election.

Meanwhile, attesting to the collective convictions and motivations of the Biden administration, the IRS is allowing Islamic terrorists who seek Israel’s obliteration to fundraise through  “Leftist nonprofit” organizations, while also providing support for jihad terrorists, as it continues to misuse taxpayer funds to meddle in Israeli politics. Its meddling serves to exacerbate chaos in the country and stymie every effort of the Netanyahu government, but the Biden administration couldn’t possibly have known that, could they?

Americans are fed news about Israel from mostly Leftist news headlines that create the impression that the majority of Israelis oppose the Netanyahu government as far-Right, and even “extremist.” The Israeli government announced its intent ahead of elections to curtail the power of the judiciary, which Israelis knew would also bring changes to the balance of powers between the different branches of government. So while Leftists proclaimed in advance an “election dread,” Netanyahu won the elections, signifying to any onlooker that there is more than meets the eye regarding what the media is reporting.

Read what Newsweek published about the battle over judicial reform in Israel HERE.

Now it remains to be seen whether the Biden administration will be held accountable for funneling hard-earned American taxpayer cash to support chaotic nationwide protests against Netanyahu. Nothing will likely come of it other than serving as an eye-opener.

State Department funds left-wing group behind protests against Israeli prime minister

by Gabe Kaminsky, Washington Free Beacon, March 6, 2023:

The State Department has granted tens of thousands of dollars to a left-wing group behind protests in Israel against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, records show.

The Movement for Quality Government, a nonprofit organization, has been organizing protests against Netanyahu, chairman of the right-wing Likud party, according to multiple reports. That same entity has received over $38,000 from the State Department since 2020, the Washington Free Beacon reported on Monday.

“The State Department has provided small grants to the Movement for Quality Government, including a grant signed in 2020 during the previous administration and continued under the Biden administration that focused on teaching civic education and supporting good governance,” an agency spokesperson told the outlet. “The last tranche of funding was awarded in September 2022. The money was meant to be used for democracy training programs in the Israeli school system.”

Netanyahu, 73, was elected to a sixth term in December 2022. He held office between 1996 and 1999, and also from 2009 to 2022, making him the longest-tenured prime minister in Israel’s history.

MQG, which claims to be “nonpartisan,” has operated since 1990. The entity has stoked anti-Netanyahu protests that have been slammed in Israel and the United States, including a March gathering outside of a Tel Aviv, Israel, hair salon where Sara Netanyahu, the prime minister’s 64-year-old wife, was getting her hair done, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

During the years 2020, 2021, and 2022, MQG pocketed roughly $10,000 to $15,000 each from the State Department, according to grant records. The department was listed in records as the organization’s only foreign donor.

“Although relatively small (52,000 shekels — about $15,000 at the time) ostensibly for teaching Israeli high school students about democracy, the MQG is a very visible political NGO,” Gerald Steinberg, president of NGO Monitor, an Israeli watchdog group, told the Washington Examiner. “They frequently use the Israeli High Court’s open-door policy to gain publicity for their partisan political campaigns, including seeking to undermine the legitimacy of Netanyahu as prime minister.”

The grant revelation comes amid the Biden administration coming under fire for having alleged anti-Israel bias. Members of Congress, such as Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), have raised concerns over the Justice Department investigating Israel’s accidental shooting of a Palestinian American journalist for Al Jazeera named Shireen Abu Akleh — who was hit by a stray bullet amid Israeli forces and Palestinian terrorists clashing in May 2022…..



RELATED ARTICLE: Terror Attack on Dizengoff Street in Tel Aviv, Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Unanimously Votes To Declassify COVID-19 Intelligence thumbnail

House Unanimously Votes To Declassify COVID-19 Intelligence

By The Daily Caller

The House of Representatives unanimously voted Friday to declassify intelligence detailing the emergence of COVID-19.

All 215 present Republicans and all 204 present Democrats voted to pass Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley’s legislation, which previously passed the Senate by unanimous consent. The White House has not signaled whether or not President Joe Biden will sign the bill, but it passed both chambers by more than the two-thirds support necessary to override a presidential veto.

The House passed S. 619 – A bill to require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information relating to the origin of COVID-19, and for other purposes by a vote of 419-0.

— House Press Gallery (@HouseDailyPress) March 10, 2023

Covid-19 pandemic wreaked havoc across the country with almost every household feeling its effects. The United States death toll from this virus has surpassed one million people. Although concrete data is hard to lock down, millions of people are suffering from the long-term effects directly attributed to this virus. It is becoming increasingly clear that school-aged children face hurdles because of long-term school closures. The American people need to know all the aspects, including how this virus was created and specifically, whether it was a natural occurrence of the result of a lab-related event,” House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Turner of Ohio said in a floor speech.

The U.S. intelligence community is split on whether or not COVID-19 leaked from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The Department of Energy recently concluded with “low confidence” that the virus emerged from WIV, joining the Federal Bureau of Investigation in its assessment. The FBI views a lab leak with “moderate confidence,” while four other intelligence agencies view natural spillover as the virus’ likely origin. Two agencies are undecided.

The Chinese embassy reached out to Hawley’s office Wednesday to object to his bill, asserting that its only purpose is to “politicize and stigmatize China.”

“The move by the U.S. Congress just shows that the U.S. is going further and further down the wrong path of political manipulation. The so-called traceability report by the U.S. intelligence agency is an attempt to ‘presume guilt’ on China. It is an attempt to shift the blame from its own failure to fight the epidemic to China,” government attorney Li Xiang wrote.



Congressional correspondent.


Elon Musk Receives Ominous Warning From China After Endorsing Lab Leak Theory

House Votes To Overturn ‘Overreaching’ Biden Water Rule

Reps. Clyde, Garbarino Introduce Joint Resolution To Block DC’s Anti-Cop Law, Endorsed By DC Police Union

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Withdrawal a ‘CATASTROPHE’, Marine Breaks Down In Tears, Higher Ups Ignored His Warnings thumbnail

Biden’s Withdrawal a ‘CATASTROPHE’, Marine Breaks Down In Tears, Higher Ups Ignored His Warnings

By The Geller Report

“Our military members and veterans deserve our best because that is what we give to America. The withdrawal [from Afghanistan] was a catastrophe in my opinion. And there was an inexcusable lack of accountability and negligence…”

Biden should have been impeached on this alone.

  • Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a ‘catastrophe’, Marine tells Congress: Sniper who lost arm and leg in suicide blast tearfully recalls how he was IGNORED when he spotted suspect, moments before hundreds of ball bearings ripped through his body
  • Marine sniper Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews recounted the August 26, 2021 blast
  • Told Congress he spotted a suspect who matched terrorist’s description
  • He warned Marine leaders, but was told not to engage as Afghans fled
  • Minutes later, he was caught in blast that killed 13 American service members

By Wills Robinson For, 8 March 2023:

Marine sniper Sgt. Tyler Vargas-Andrews was on a security detail in a Kabul tower, watching desperate Afghans trying to flee the brutal Taliban, when he was blindsided by an enormous wave of pressure.

It was August 26, 2021, and an ISIS-K suicide bomber had detonated on the perimeter of Hamid Karzai International Airport during the chaotic evacuation sparked by the Biden administration’s withdrawal of troops after 20 years in Afghanistan.

Just moments before the attack, the California veteran spotted a terrorist matching the suspect’s description and asked if he could ‘engage’, but he says his leaders refused.

Between 100 to 150 ball bearings ended up in Vargas-Andrews’ body in the explosion that killed 11 fellow Marines, two Navy corpsmen and hundreds of Afghan men, women and children. His right arm and right leg had to be amputated over the course of 43 surgeries that followed.

Vargas-Andrews broke down in tears on Wednesday as he recounted his harrowing ordeal in Congress, and criticized the Biden administration’s Afghanistan withdrawal that Republicans have called a ‘stunning failure of leadership’.

He detailed how military leaders ignored his warnings minutes earlier, and how those stationed at the airport were told not to engage – even though the Taliban were shooting people trying to get on a plane.

The withdrawal was a catastrophe in my opinion and there was an inexcusable lack of accountability and negligence,’ he told the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

‘The 11 Marines, one sailor, and one solider who were murdered that day have not been answered for.’

His appearance was part of the Republican investigation into the Biden administration’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021.

He recalled ‘surreal’ scenes at the airport, with Afghans trying to kill themselves on the razor wire rather than face Taliban ‘torture’.

He described how there was intelligence that an attack could be imminent, but they could only stand by.

‘Over the communication network, we passed that there was a potential threat and that there was an IED attack imminent – this was as serious as it could get.

‘I requested engagement authority while my team leader was ready on the M110 semi-automatic sniper system,’ he added.

‘The response, leadership did not have engagement authority for us, do not engage,’ he said.

Vargas-Andrews and the Marines with him also asked a battalion commander to come to the tower to look at the suspect.

They asked for the authority to shoot, but it wasn’t given.

‘Plain and simple, we were ignored. Our expertise was disregarded, no one was held accountable for our safety,’ he told the committee.

His sniper squad was then hit with the suicide blast.

‘I’m thrown 12 feet onto the ground but instantly knew what happened. I opened my eyes to Marines dead or unconscious and lying around,’ Vargas-Andrews said through tears, describing the events of that day.

‘A crowd of hundreds immediately vanished in front of me and my body was catastrophically wounded with 100 to 150 ball bearings now in it.’

Even after his catastrophic injuries, Vargas-Andrews claimed no one asked him for a report.

He also says that no one in the Pentagon or the White House has taken accountability for the missteps.

The US Marine Corps posted a photo to Twitter of the flag-draped caskets of their fallen brethren killed in the suicide bomb attack in Kabul, after the coffins arrived back on home soil on August 29, 2021

Thirteen American service members died when the suicide bomber detonated explosives packed with ball bearings amid the chaos of the city’s airport

His story followed an opening statement by House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman, Republican Rep. Michael McCaul, criticizing the Biden administration for withdrawing troops against the advice of generals and the intelligence community.

‘What happened in Afghanistan was a systemic breakdown of the federal government at every level, and a stunning failure of leadership by the Biden administration,’ said McCaul in his searing opening statement.

Biden’s Afghanistan withdrawal was a ‘catastrophe’, Marine tells Congress: Sniper who lost arm and leg in suicide blast tearfully recalls how he was IGNORED when he spotted suspect, moments before hundreds of ball bearings ripped through his body

Along with at least 170 Afghans, the following Americans died (photos of the fallen):

  • Marine Corps Staff Sgt. Darin T. Hoover;
  • Marine Corps Sgt. Johanny Rosario;
  • Marine Corps Sgt. Nicole L. Gee;
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Hunter Lopez;
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Daegan W. Page;
  • Marine Corps Cpl. Humberto A. Sanchez;
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. David L. Espinoza;
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Jared M. Schmitz;
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Rylee J. McCollum;
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Dylan R. Merola;
  • Marine Corps Lance Cpl. Kareem M. Nikoui;
  • Navy Petty Officer Third Class Maxton W. Soviak;
  • Army Staff Sgt. Ryan C. Knauss

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

This Political Outsider Could Change The Republican Party’s Future For Good thumbnail

This Political Outsider Could Change The Republican Party’s Future For Good

By Mike McKenna

Last week, a first generation American, a graduate of Harvard and Yale who built his fortune as a biotech entrepreneur, stepped forward and announced that he is running for the Republican nomination for president.

Vivek Ramaswamy is already familiar to many on the political right for taking on many of the ideas of the left. He was an early and sturdy opponent of the Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) agenda. He has correctly diagnosed the grievance and entitlement mentalities as the foundation of many of the pathologies we are experiencing in the United States. He routinely expresses skepticism about what he calls the “climate change religion”.

Like newcomers to the United States sometimes do, he has a way of seeing clearly, thinking clearly and speaking clearly about the problems we face.

Consequently — and in refreshing and marked counterpoint to the current batch of Republicans — he has proposed an agenda focused on specific and measurable items. He has tweeted, for example, that: “I will end affirmative action. I will totally dismantle climate religion. I will use our military to secure our borders from the drug cartels and end the fentanyl crisis.”

He talks about “dismantling” the federal bureaucracy and “defeating” communist China.

Given the aversion of most Republicans to any sort of policy discussions at all (the party is still working from the 2016 platform because no one wanted to talk about policy in 2020), the presence of someone in the race who wants to engage aggressively on policies is going to make life difficult for other candidates, especially those driven primarily by personality.

More importantly, however, Mr. Ramaswamy clearly has something beyond a traditional political campaign in mind. He routinely uses the language of a revival or a crusade to set right what has gone wrong.

“Today, we’re starting a cultural movement in our country, … our movement to create a new American dream for the next generation. This time it isn’t just about money. It is about the unapologetic pursuit of excellence itself.”

“It means that we believe in merit; believe in accountability; believe in free speech; believe in American exceptionalism. If you’re on board with these ideals, then we’re already on the same team. We’re ready to fight for the future of America.”

Moreover, Mr. Ramaswamy is not boring or predictable. He transmits a sense of real urgency, unfiltered by message testing or political consultants, which is something Republicans have not done since the 2016 cycle. He’s not angry or hostile. His demeanor seems more evangelical than anything else.

It is a refreshing change.

With respect to his personal history, Mr. Ramaswamy embodies what we all like to think about the United States; that it is a place where hard work and diligence is more important than the social status of your parents or who you know. He was first in his class in high school (St. Xavier’s in Cincinnati), summa cum laude at Harvard, and received a law degree from Yale.

He’s a successful entrepreneur. He’s made money. He’s met payrolls.

All that said, it seems unlikely that Mr. Ramaswamy will survive the grind of nomination process. It is rare for someone new to politics to win a major party presidential nomination, and the two major parties have nominated someone under the age of 40 for president just twice (both times in the 19th century).

But he can alter the terms of this election cycle, how the current Congress proceeds on issues like the debt ceiling and what the Republican Party looks like and sounds like after 2024.

For now, that may be enough.

This article was published by The Daily Caller and is reproduced with permission.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.

SPLC Attorney Charged with Domestic Terrorism for Rioting with Antifa thumbnail

SPLC Attorney Charged with Domestic Terrorism for Rioting with Antifa

By Discover The Networks

An attorney with the far-left smear organization Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) has been charged with domestic terrorism after allegedly rioting with Antifa in Atlanta.

Over the weekend, far-left agitators allegedly threw Molotov cocktails and launched fireworks at an Atlanta police training facility that has been under construction. Among the 23 people arrested for what police called a “coordinated attack” is Thomas Jurgens, 28, a staff attorney at the SPLC. Following the arrest, Jurgens’ Linkedin page was deleted. Per the New York Post:

Of the 23 people slapped with domestic terrorism charges over the violent protest, Jurgens and only one other man, Jack Beaman, hail from the state of Georgia. Police said the majority of those arrested are from other parts of the US — as well as France and Canada.

The SPLC didn’t immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment in the wake of Jurgens’ arrest. In total, 35 “violent agitators” were nabbed after they attacked the future site of the $90 million police training facility, cops said.

It wasn’t immediately clear if the remainder of those arrested will also be hit with domestic terrorism charges.

During the demonstration over the weekend, protesters allegedly threw Molotov cocktails, fireworks, rocks, and bricks at police officers. Atlanta Police Chief Schierbaum later described it as a “coordinated attack” and that multiple pieces of construction equipment were set on fire.

“This was a very violent attack, very violent attack,” Schierbaum said. “This wasn’t about a public safety training center. This was about anarchy… and we are addressing that quickly.”

Some left-wing agitators even tried blinding police officers by shining green lasers into their eyes.

Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp condemned the violence, calling it an act of “domestic terrorism.”

“As I’ve said before, domestic terrorism will NOT be tolerated in this state,” Kemp said. “We will not rest until those who use violence and intimidation for an extremist end are brought to full justice.”

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, wrote in the Washington Post that the center’s use of “hate” labels destroys public discourse.

“The wickedness of the SPLC’s blacklist lies in the fact that it conflates groups that really do preach hatred, such as the Ku Klux Klan and Nation of Islam, with ones that simply do not share the SPLC’s political preferences,” he wrote. “The obvious goal is to marginalize the organizations in this second category by bullying reporters into avoiding them, scaring away writers and researchers from working for them, and limiting invitations for them to discuss their work.”

Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

56 Known Connections

60 Conservative Groups Mull Lawsuits Against SPLC

In an April 2019 article, PJ Media reported that more than 60 organizations that SPLC had falsely labeled as “hate groups” were considering the possibility of suing SPLC for defamation. The article cited remarks that various noteworthy individuals had recently made about SPLC and its deceitful use of the “hate group” smear as a fundraising tactic. One particularly significant remark came from former SPLC employee Bob Moser, who described SPLC’s annual “hate-group list” as “a masterstroke of [Morris] Dees’ marketing talents” which leads countless “mainstream outlets [to] write about the ‘rising tide of hate’ discovered by the SPLC’s researchers,” and leads reporters to “frequently refer to the list when they write about the groups…”

To learn more about the SPLC, click here.


Southern Poverty Law Center Stands Behind Lawyer Charged with Domestic Terrorism

Insider: Zucker Forbade CNN Reporters From Investigating COVID Lab Leak Theory

DeSantis Mocks Newsom: ‘You’ve Got a Lot of Problems Out Here’

Moore: Walgreens is ‘Bigoted and Misogynistic’ For Not Selling Abortion Pill

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Long Before Biden Starts WW III? thumbnail

How Long Before Biden Starts WW III?

By Royal A. Brown III

Biden and his socialist administration are proven liars – this article rightfully shows how he goes back on his word and asks how long before he (and his neocon, warmongering Republican allies) start WWIII?

On March 11, 2022, Biden said that sending in planes and tanks manned with American servicemen and women would start World War III.

“But, look,” he said, “the idea—the idea that we’re going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews, just understand—and don’t kid yourself, no matter what you all say—that’s called ‘World War III.’ Okay?”

He specifically stated that the U.S. would be fighting a proxy war with Russia, but would not directly engage. “We will not fight a war against Russia and Ukraine. Direct confrontation between NATO and Russia is World War Three. Something we must strive to prevent.”

The administration said the US would not be sending tanks, yet now we are. Biden said we would not be sending F-16s, though now preparations to train Ukrainian pilots in how to fly them is decidedly underway.

Biden said at the start of the conflict that U.S. forces would not be fighting in Ukraine. “Our forces are not and will not be engaged in a conflict with Russia in Ukraine,” Biden said unequivocally.

Military personnel are on the ground in Ukraine, showing Zelenskyy’s forces how to operate tanks and providing coordinates for Patriot Missiles that Ukraine is using to take out Russian targets.

Zelensky has already attacked Americans who don’t want to give more to Ukraine. At every step of the way—from $200 billion in funds and weapons to gaining access to the most high-tech military equipment the U.S. has to offer—Zelensky has gotten his way.

No one wants to hear it, least of all Joe Biden, but as the war escalates in Ukraine, powered by US and NATO weapons, the US will be faced with the decision of whether or not to send our citizens to fight in yet another foreign war.

How long before Biden reverses course on his promise to not send U.S. troops to Ukraine, and instead opts to start, as he said it would, World War III?

How long before Biden breaks his promise to keep U.S. troops out of Ukraine?

by: Libby Emmons

Biden said he would not send American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine. He said it in January, and he said it again in February. Now, a report out from NBC shows that Ukrainian pilots are in the US to learn how to fly these high-tech military planes.

Biden previously promised that US Abrams tanks would not be sent to Ukraine, and that has been reveresed. And on February 24, 2022, Biden told the American people that “Our forces are not going to fight in Ukraine.”

He backed down on his promise to not send tanks, actions by the military are indicating that he’s going to do an about-face on the promise to not send F-16s. How soon before the promise to not waste American lives in a foreign border war is broken as well?

On January 30, Biden spoke off the cuff to reporters outside the White House. When he was asked if the US would send the fighter planes that Zelensky was demanding, Biden said “No.” When asked the same question in February, Biden said Zelensky “doesn’t need F-16s now,” going on to say “I am ruling it out for now.”

Fast forward to 10 days later and it turns out that Ukrainian pilots are being trained in how to use the planes they “don’t need.” NBC sourced unnamed congressional officials and a senior US official when reporting that “The Ukrainians’ skills are being evaluated on simulators at a U.S. military base in Tucson, Arizona, the officials said, and they may soon be joined by more of their fellow pilots.”

In January, a US official told reporters that Abrams tanks would not be sent o Ukraine, but by January 25, Biden announced that 31 Abrams tanks would be sent to Ukraine. “Today,” Biden began, “I’m announcing that the United States will be sending thirty-one Abrams tanks to Ukraine, the equivalent of one Ukrainian battalion.”

He said at the time that this was “not an offensive threat to Russia,” but that the move to arm Ukraine with the world’s most powerful military equipment was “about freedom, freedom for Ukraine, freedom everywhere.”

Biden: “Today I’m announcing that the US will be sending 31 Abrams tanks to Ukraine.”

— The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) January 25, 2023

Read more.

©Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

IRS Allows Islamic Terrorists to Fundraise Through Leftist Nonprofit thumbnail

IRS Allows Islamic Terrorists to Fundraise Through Leftist Nonprofit

By Jihad Watch

Rabbi Eitan Shnerb was hiking to a spring with his son Dvir and his daughter Rina when the bomb went off. For a moment, as he described it in the hospital, everything went black. Then, badly wounded, he saw that the two teenagers were bleeding. Rabbi Shnerb was a trained paramedic. He saw that Rina, his 17-year-old daughter, had absorbed most of the blast. He kissed her on the forehead. And then he turned his Tzizit, the biblical garment that Orthodox Jewish men wear, into a tourniquet for his 19-year-old son to stop the bleeding.

 Dvir told his father that he couldn’t breathe and passed out. His daughter was already dead.

“I wanted to believe it was just a dream,” Rabbi Shnerb said from his hospital bed. “I have experienced several bombs in my life and been saved, thank God, but this one got us,..I immediately called to Rina, shouting ‘Rina, Rina,’ I looked down and saw that she was not alive.”

Rabbi Shnerb had stopped a terrorist attack earlier this year by two armed attackers. This time he had not seen the explosion coming.

The terrorist group behind the 2019 terrorist attack was the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. And the IRS is accused of allowing it to fundraise through a leftist nonprofit group.

One name that keeps coming up in the Freedom Center’s investigations of nonprofits is the Alliance for Global Justice. AFGJ was spun off from the Nicaragua Network which had been set up to support the Sandinista Marxist terror regime. It went on to operate the Venezuela Solidarity Campaign in support of the narcosocialist Maduro regime in that country.

While the IRS has harassed pro-Israel groups and interrogated them about their views, it has apparently never found the time to ask the AFGJ about its support for enemy nations. It currently features a commemoration of Chavez’s legacy in support of a regime whose bosses are wanted criminals for their role in a cartel smuggling cocaine into the United States.

AFGJ’s backers include George Soros, Tides, the Ben and Jerry’s Foundation, and other wealthy leftists, and it has used its status as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit to offer fiscal sponsorship to some of the worst of the worst close to home. The 130 groups it sponsors include several Black Lives Matter chapters, the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition in support of a cop killer, pro-illegal alien groups, as well as several brail funds whose mission is freeing rioters and criminals.

Some of these groups might not be able to obtain nonprofit status on their own, but benefit from the fiscal sponsorship of the Alliance for Global Justice.which allows them to accept tax-deductible contributions. When Refuse Fascism, a group linked by some to Antifa and which has defended Antifa violence, solicits donations, it does so using the Action Network, a platform utilized by both Antifa and the DNC, and directs tax-deductible donations through AFGJ.

The same is true of the Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network which asks supporters to direct checks to AFGJ. Samidoun does not bother to disguise what it is. It describes terrorists as “resistance fighters” and “martyrs”, and urges support for the “resistance”. The cheerleading for terrorists is accompanied by a call, “Make your US tax-deductible donation today, and donate safely and securely from around the world.”

The AFGJ states that, “Fiscal sponsorship services are offered to grassroots non-profits that agree with the AFGJ vision and mission statements.” Does that include terrorists?

After the murder of Rina Shnerb, Israel arrested members of a PFLP terror network embedded inside nonprofit groups. Israel designated Samidoun as a subsidiary of the PFLP terrorist organization. Multiple PFLP figures have been accused of serving leadership roles in Samidoun including its executive director, former vice chair, and multiple coordinators.

PayPal, MasterCard, Visa and other financial services have cut off access to Samidoun and the latest also cut off AFGJ. Currently, AFGJ and its various sponsorees warn donors that they can only take paper checks.

“AfGJ cannot accept credit donations—and neither can the 140 organizations that rely on AfGJ to provide them with fiscal sponsorship,” the leftist group cautions.

While AFGJ is running low on online sites willing to process donations to them, the IRS has yet to take any action. The Zachor Legal Institute, a pro-Israel group fighting BDS, filed an IRS complaint and directed a letter to the DOJ noting that the “PFLP has built a financial system supported by an infrastructure of the Seven PFLP Proxies who raise money on various humanitarian pretexts” while “directing money to the PFLP.”

And yet the odds of the IRS taking action are slim. Even though the PFLP was designated as one of the terrorist groups listed by President George W. Bush after September 11, it was less difficult for Zachor and conservative media to persuade financial services companies to stop processing donations for AFGJ than to get the IRS to enforce tax code regulations and the law.

AFGJ informed the IRS that its mission is to “achieve social change and economic justice”. In reality it has helped unleash violence at home and abroad. The beneficiaries include BLM’s Louisville Community Bail Fund which bailed out Quintez Brown, a Black Lives Matter activist, who walked into the campaign office of a Louisville political candidate and opened fire.

While payment processors have cut off the Alliance for Global Justice, the IRS has yet to act. After over two decades, the IRS has shown no interest in taking action even as the AFGJ continues to act as a fiscal sponsor for groups that would not qualify for nonprofit status. The fiscal sponsorship loophole continues to be abused to fund everything including terrorism.

The Freedom Center’s pamphletInternal Radical Service by David Horowitz and John Perazzo, has exposed how the IRS routinely allows leftist nonprofits to violate tax codes and the law. The fiscal sponsorship loophole is widely used by radical leftists to make illegal activity tax deductible. Tax code regulations state that “exempt purposes may generally be equated with the public good, and violations of law are the antithesis of the public good”. They warn that, “violation of constitutionally valid laws is inconsistent with exemption under IRC 501(c)(3)” and that “planned activities that violate laws are not in furtherance of a charitable purpose”.

Terrorism is one of the most blatant possible examples of behavior at odds with the public good.

While the IRS is warning waiters to report their tips, it allows terrorists to benefit from tax deductible money. Payment processors have shown that they have a higher level of compliance with the law than the IRS. When the IRS refuses to enforce the law while demanding that everyone abide by it, that is a culture of lawlessness and, in this case, it’s costing lives.




IAEA top dog says attack on Iran’s nuclear program would be illegal, Netanyahu fires back

Is the Islamic Republic of Iran really only days away from making a nuclear bomb?

UK: Kids at Islamic Republic of Iran Primary School in London pledge to join apocalyptic conflict against infidels

Turkey: Pop star faces three years in prison for criticizing Islamic schools

Order David Horowitz’s and John Perazzo’s new booklet: “Internal Radical Service: Abuse Of Taxpayer Dollars To Advance Leftwing Causes Illegally And Unconstitutionally”: CLICK HERE.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Arizona County Sees 377% Surge in Human Smuggling, 610% Hike in Fentanyl Under Biden thumbnail

Arizona County Sees 377% Surge in Human Smuggling, 610% Hike in Fentanyl Under Biden

By Judicial Watch

The situation along the southwest border has deteriorated so badly under President Joe Biden that in the last two years an Arizona county about an hour drive from Mexico has seen a breathtaking 377% increase in human smuggling and trafficking incidents and a shocking 610% rise in fentanyl pills seized by local law enforcement officers. Closer to the southern border a small Arizona town a stone’s throw from Los Algodones, Mexico saw three times its population cross into its municipality illegally last year, overwhelming the city’s only hospital.

The Pinal County Sheriff and the president of Yuma Regional Medical Center offered the chilling information this week during a congressional hearing focusing on immigration since Biden took office. Held by the House Homeland Security Committee, the session occurred just days after the nation heard alarming testimony form Border Patrol sector chiefs during a separate conference held by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability. In that hearing Rio Grande Valley Chief Gloria Chavez revealed cartels use drones to track federal agents and that in her Texas sector alone more than 10,000 drone incursions and 25,000 drone sightings occurred in a year. “The adversaries have 17 times the number of drones, twice the amount of flight hours and unlimited funding to grow their operations,” Chavez told federal lawmakers. Tucson sector Chief John Modlin said the border crisis has gone from “what I would describe as unprecedented to a point where I don’t have the correct adjective.” Last year his Arizona sector seized about 700 pounds of fentanyl, which is well over three million pills.

American border towns have been devastated by the illegal immigration crisis and the problem is spilling over into distant regions that typically do not see the kind of activity associated with border crimes. The president of Yuma Regional Medical Center, Dr. Robert Trenschel, said before the congressional hearing this week that his facility is overwhelmed. “Yuma is only a population of 100,000 people, and we’ve had 300,000 people cross the border in a year, and we’re the only hospital they go to,” Trenschel said. “So they come to us and that’s impacted our hospital significantly and disproportionately.” The hospital chief testified that many migrants come with significant diseases that require costly treatments like dialysis, cardiac catheterization and surgery. “Many are very sick,” he said. “They have long term complications of chronic disease that have not been cared for. Some end up in the ICU for 60 days or more. One of the largest cohorts we have seen are maternity patients who present with little or no prenatal care. These higher risk pregnancies and births result in higher complication rates and longer hospital stays. Due to a lack of pre-natal care, many of these babies require a stay in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit—some for a month or more at a time.” Of course, American taxpayers are picking up the tab for the costly medical care.

Further from the Mexican border in central Arizona’s Pinal County, the area’s top law enforcement official says a high percentage of the drugs and human smuggling plaguing the U.S. pass through his jurisdiction enroute to Phoenix and the rest of the country. The elected sheriff, Mark Lamb, testified that over the last two years human smuggling/trafficking incidents in his county have increased 377% and vehicle pursuits related to human smuggling are up 461%. “If it’s not humans being trafficked, it’s drugs,” Lamb said. “The number of fentanyl pills my deputies have seized along this same route since 2020 is up 610%.” The veteran cop also told lawmakers that most of the migrants his agency encounters, those who got away from the Border Patrol, are being trafficked by the cartels. “They are adult military aged men wearing camouflage clothes, carpet shoes, carrying backpacks and often times drugs,” Lamb said. “They have eluded Border Patrol by walking through the desert for several days and have no intentions of giving up. Many of them have been deported before, have criminal records or work directly for the cartels. Their goal is to enter our country undetected and illegally.”

During the lengthy hearing the sheriff also expressed frustration at media and Biden administration claims that there is not a crisis at the southern border and the lie that the area is secure. “Clearly, our statistics tell a different story,” Lamb said. “And that story is that the border is not secure.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Vaccine Harms Are Biodefense Plan’s Collateral Damage thumbnail

Vaccine Harms Are Biodefense Plan’s Collateral Damage

By Debbie Lerman

Recently, revelations by outstanding artist and writer/researcher/investigator Sasha Latypova about Covid genetic vaccines have shed light on the shady, and as she calls it criminal, process by which the vaccine products were manufactured and authorized.

Medical countermeasures with no regulatory oversight

Latypova combed through FOIA-extracted and leaked documents to find convincing evidence that Covid vaccine manufacture and distribution were conducted by the US Department of Defense (DoD) under laws covering “medical countermeasures,” rather than regulations intended to ensure the safety of pharmaceutical products. Consequently, the Covid vaccines could bypass regulatory scrutiny and were not required to comply with good manufacturing practices.

It is highly worth watching Latypova’s 30-minute presentation at a conference in Stockholm in January 2023.

I find Latypova’s analysis convincing, and I am grateful for her work in exposing the charade of nonexistent quality and safety controls for Covid vaccine products. However, I disagree with her conclusion that the injuries and deaths resulting from the lack of regulatory oversight are intentional murder by a cabal of omnipotent “globalist central bankers” whose aim is to depopulate the planet.

Vaccines’ “success” was crucial for the pharma-government-NGO biodefense network

Latypova tries to bolster the murderous banker scenario by positing that the same enormous Covid vaccine profits could have been achieved even without killing anyone:

I keep pointing out that if the motive were JUST PROFIT, then the most profitable strategy would have been to ship placebo. … Yet, the governments (plural)-pharma cartel insists on killing and injuring millions of people, obviously limiting the profit potential by doing so.

This, I believe, is based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the role that medical countermeasures, including vaccines, play in the overall biodefense scheme.

Rather than “bioweapons” intended to kill millions of people, Covid vaccines were rushed through the development process as the culmination of a sisyphean decades-long biodefense attempt to develop countermeasures against pathogens with bioweapon potential.

In view of the enormous time, expense and effort devoted to medical countermeasure development (details below), it becomes clear that Covid was, in fact, the perfect opportunity to finally demonstrate that all that effort had been worthwhile. How? By bringing a “successful” vaccine product (one that could be shown to have any benefit at all, even just a transient, short-term protection from severe infection) to market at record speed – in time to “save millions of lives.”

And not just any product, but an entire platform that can be used against every emerged, emerging and yet-to-emerge pathogen. That is what the “success” of the Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer mRNA vaccines represents.

If the Covid vaccine development using these platforms entailed rushing through the design and manufacturing process, bypassing regulations, and causing some serious adverse events and deaths, so be it. The goal of developing a real-life biodefense countermeasure that could be injected into billions of arms, in a process that could theoretically be replicated for any pathogen, was worth it.

Understanding vaccines in the context of biodefense planning

Ever since 9/11 and the anthrax attacks of 2001, the development of medical countermeasures against potential biological weapons has been a major part of the US government’s overall counterterrorism efforts.

As explained in a 2021 Lancet paper, “Biodefense Research Two Decades Later: Worth the Investment?”:

Factors such as sustained government and private funding resources driven by the looming threat of bioterrorism and the recent occurrence of natural outbreaks of bioterror-related pathogens including Coxiella burnetii, Ebola virus (EBOV), SARS-CoV-1, SARS-CoV-2, influenza, and Lassa virus are likely major contributors to the ever-expanding global biodefense market.

When we understand the Covid response in this biodefense framework, SARS-CoV-2 is a “bioterror-related pathogen” and the antiviral medicines and vaccines developed to control it are medical countermeasures. These definitions are important, because they unlock “Warp Speed” development tracks that are not available when you try to develop a vaccine or medicine against just any old pathogen.

Medical countermeasures are worth billions (and many more billions!)

Starting in 2001, the budget for researching and developing medical countermeasures ballooned exponentially, as described in the Lancet:

Total US biodefense funding dramatically increased from ~$700,000,000 in 2001 to ~$4,000,000,000 spent in 2002; the peak of funding in 2005 was worth nearly $8,000,000,000 and continued with steady average spending around $5,000,000,000.

That’s over $100 billion devoted to biodefense over the last two decades.

And what were those billions devoted to? In a 2003 abstract entitled “Expanded Biodefense Role for the National Institutes of Health” Dr. Anthony Fauci articulates his biodefense vision:

…the goal within the next 20 years is to have ‘bug to drug’ within 24 hours. This would meet the challenge of genetically engineered bioagents.

In other words, Fauci envisions the enormous increase in biodefense spending going toward the research and development of platforms that – by 2023 – will be able to magically generate medical countermeasures for any bioweapon in a single day.

Fifteen years later, with no such fantastical platform in sight, DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) published an updated medical countermeasure plan in 2017 entitled “Removing the Viral Threat: Two Months to Stop Pandemic X from Taking Hold.” Instead of Fauci’s 24 hours from bug to drug, this plan tells us “DARPA aims to develop an integrated end-to-end platform that uses nucleic acid sequences to halt the spread of viral infections in sixty days or less.”

Before Covid, this 60-day plan in no way encompassed a global vaccine rollout involving billions of doses. It was limited to developing countermeasures that could protect US troops in cases of bioweapons attacks – even if just temporarily. As reported in March 2020 by the IEEE, a nonprofit professional organization for engineering and technology:

When DARPA launched its Pandemic Preparedness Platform (P3) program two years ago, the pandemic was theoretical. It seemed like a prudent idea to develop a quick response to emerging infectious diseases. Researchers working under the program sought ways to confer instant (but short-term) protection from a dangerous virus or bacteria.

On March 11, 2020, when COVID-19 was declared a global pandemic, the DARPA program had yet to produce any safe or effective countermeasures against anything – not even short-term. As a July 2020 Washington Post article noted:

Established years before the current pandemic, the program was halfway done when the first case of the novel coronavirus arrived in the United States early this year. But everyone involved in the effort by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) knew their time had come ahead of schedule.

Thus, when Covid came along, the platforms that use nucleic acid sequences (DNA and mRNA), having never produced a single usable product, were thrust into Warp Speed to produce, among others, Moderna and BioNTech/Pfizer’s Covid vaccines.

Medical countermeasures bypass regulatory barriers

The problem with developing vaccines, if you expect them to be truly safe and effective, is that it takes a long, long time. The research process, including three phases that evaluate multiple parameters of safety and efficacy, requires years of careful experimentation and analysis.

Then, by the time you have a safe and effective vaccine, the threat of the virus is probably over. Which means no pharmaceutical company wants to invest in such a risky proposition. For anyone who believes they have a promising vaccine candidate or platform, these hurdles can seem unnecessarily cumbersome and counterproductive.

One solution, ingeniously utilized by the Covid vaccine developers, is to define the vaccine as a medical countermeasure in a war against a “bioterror-related pathogen” after declaring a Public Health Emergency that opens the way for Emergency Use Authorization.

In that very specific scenario, as Latypova has shown, the countermeasures are classified as “prototypes” and their manufacturing process becomes merely a “demonstration,” requiring basically no regulatory oversight.

The medical countermeasure pot of gold at the end of the pandemic rainbow

All the time, money and research sunk into attempts to develop bioweapon countermeasures caused everyone involved to view Covid as a golden opportunity. In fact, governments, pharmaceutical companies and NGOs invested in biodefense research were determined that the Covid genetic vaccines would “succeed” no matter what. They were not trying to murder anyone, but they also did not plan to stop or slow down, regardless of incidental injuries or death.

By defining the virus as a potential bioweapon and the vaccine products as countermeasures they were able to:

  • Avoid long years of experimentation to prove safety and efficacy
  • Give drug companies ample incentives to pivot to mass vaccine manufacturing: billions in guaranteed sales and indemnity from any liability for potential harms caused by their products
  • Build a foundation for untold future riches, based on the genetic platforms whose “success” meant they could be used to create vaccine products against pretty much anything.

The dozens of new genetic vaccine products for everything from the flu to various cancers to AIDS currently under development by Moderna and BioNTech attest to the importance of the foundational Covid vaccine “success.”

This article was published by Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.

Netanyahu: ‘I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons’ thumbnail

Netanyahu: ‘I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons’

By Judicial Watch

It’s a rule of thumb: appeasing bullies makes them stronger. Yet the world has insisted upon such appeasement from Israel for decades in the face of the Palestinian jihad against the Jewish state. Now that Israel has a government that is standing up and saying enough, the blame will increasingly fall on Netanyahu rather than where it should be falling.

Iran has now enriched uranium to nearly 90%, and has been for a considerable period been funding the Palestinian jihad against Israel.

Israel’s Window to Strike Iran Narrows as Putin Enters Equation

by Ethan Bronner, Bloomberg, March 2, 2023:

Iran is seeking sophisticated new air-defense systems from Russia that Israeli officials believe will narrow the window for a potential strike on Tehran’s nuclear program, according to people familiar with the matter.

The prospect of Iran getting the systems, the S-400s, would accelerate a decision on a possible attack, people in Israel and the US with knowledge of the discussions said.

Russia hasn’t said publicly if it will supply the weapons, but Moscow and Tehran have drawn closer since Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine.

It would take less than two years for the S-400s to be operational.

“The longer you wait, the harder that becomes,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of a strike on Iran at a security conference in Tel Aviv last week. “We’ve waited very long. I can tell you that I will do everything in my power to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.”

Such open threats — daily occurrences now in Israel — are a complex mix of intent and messaging aimed at Tehran and Washington although Israel bombed nuclear sites in Iraq in 1981 and Syria in 2007. An open military conflict with Iran could trigger an unparalleled regional conflagration affecting global oil supplies…..




China Plans to Expand Its Defense Budget by 7.2%

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

ISRAEL: Muslims Fire at Passing Cars, Murder American Citizen thumbnail

ISRAEL: Muslims Fire at Passing Cars, Murder American Citizen

By Jihad Watch

Nides noted that “sadly, a US citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight.”

Yet he continues to devote the lion’s share of his time to aiding the supporters and enablers of the jihad terrorists who killed Elan Ganeles.

Elan Ganeles identified as U.S. citizen murdered in terror attack near Jericho

by Tzvi Joffre, Jerusalem Post, February 27, 2023:

A US-Israeli dual national was killed in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley on Monday afternoon.

Elan Ganeles was identified as the US citizen who was killed in a shooting attack near the Beit HaArava Junction on Highway 90 in the Jordan Valley on Monday afternoon.

Ganeles, from West Hartford, Connecticut, recently graduated from Columbia University. Ganeles’ funeral will take place in Israel and his family will return to Connecticut to sit Shiva, according to an announcement by the Young Israel of West Hartford….

Video from the scene at Beit HaArava showed the terrorists driving up to the junction and firing at passing cars. A passing car was damaged although no injuries were caused. The terrorists then proceeded to the Mul Nevo area where they shot an Israeli, critically injuring him.

The victim, 26 years old Ganales, was transferred to Hadassah Medical Center at Har Zofim in critical condition as paramedics conducted resuscitation efforts. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. On Monday night, US Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides confirmed that “sadly, a US citizen was killed in one of the terror attacks in the West Bank tonight.”

The terrorists proceeded to drive to the area of the Monastery of Saint George in Wadi Qelt, burned their vehicle and switched to a different vehicle before driving away from the area.

The roads leading to Jericho were closed as Israeli forces searched for the terrorists.

Israel Police chief Kobi Shabtai spoke with M. an officer at the Maale Adumim police station who clashed with the terrorists who carried out the attack.

“I arrived on shift and while I was getting ready, we received a message about hearing gunshots in Beit Arava. We went out there right away and while doing so we realized that there are three scenes,” said M. “At a certain point we detected smoke and got closer and found a car on fire with yellow license plates and we realized that it was the vehicle of the terrorists. One of the terrorists aimed a firearm at us and we immediately fired at the terrorists.”

The Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist movement welcomed the attack on Monday evening, saying “Resistance operations are continuing, and the enemy will pay the price for all its crimes.”

“The occupation and its fascist government bear full responsibility, and whoever lights the fire and sponsors terrorism must bear the consequences of its terrorism and aggression,” said the movement. “The Islamic Jihad movement warns the occupation against persisting in aggression and unleashing the hands of settlers, which will lead to more resistance operations that may reach the Zionist depth. Settlement wherever it is found, it is a legitimate target for the resistance.”…




UK: Sunak vows to deport all illegal immigrants

UK: Student who accidentally damaged Qur’an is suspended, student who threatened to kill him gets ‘words of advice’

India: Muslim leader claims the country will be under Islamic rule within twenty years

Nigeria: Muslims murder at least fifteen people in raids on two Christian villages

UK Home Secretary: ‘Blind spot in the system has allowed certain Islamist groups to operate under our radar’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Au Contraire thumbnail

Au Contraire

By Martin Sherman

“It would be so nice if something would make sense for a change” – Alice in Wonderland

“Fama, malum qua non aliud velocius ullum. [There is no evil faster than rumor]” —Virgil, Roman poet (70 BCE-19 BCE), in “Aeneid“.

“Falsehood flies, and truth comes limping after it, so that when men come to be undeceived, it is too late…” — Jonathan Swift, Tory writer, The Examiner, November 9, 1710.

 A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth puts on its boots—Attributed to Winston Churchill, among others.

One of the most depressing and galling aspects of the political arena in Israel is that nearly all the accusations hurled at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his supporters are frequently not only utterly untrue, but are far more valid for his detractors than they are for their intended targets. Indeed, more often than not, they reflect the behavior of the anti-Netanyahu critics far more than they do that of Bibi himself—or the so-called “Bibi-ists”

What value the truth?

Thus, for example, one of the “urban legends” that is so widely spread that it has acquired an aura of truth is that it was Netanyahu, who reneged on his 2020 pledge to hand over the premiership to “alternative prime minister”, Benny Gantz. While it might be an open question as to whether he would, in fact, have honored his pledge, it was Gantz and his Blue & White faction that rendered it moot. For, in December 2020, well before he was supposed to assume the role of Prime Minister (in October 2021), Gantz and his Blue & White faction joined forces with the opposition parties and supported a proposal to disband the Knesset, thus perversely precipitating precisely the situation they accused Netanyahu of plotting!!!

Indeed, as Netanyahu stated immediately prior to the dispersal of the Knesset: “I did not want elections and we voted repeatedly against them…We are against elections, [but] that is the decision of Blue &White. They are forcing elections on us.”

But what value do the truth and the facts have in the toxic, no-holds-barred assault on the Israeli “Right” and the man who leads it?

Lapid: The most obnoxious of all?

Another manifestation of the mendacious maligning of Netanyahu—and by association, the badly besmirched Bibi-philes—is the claim that he, and his uncouth supporters, regularly denigrate political rivals in abusive language designed to demean and delegitimize them.

However, in reality, it is Netanyahu’s adversaries who frequently use foul and caustic terms to demean and debase him and his supporters.  Indeed, it is difficult to think of any elected politician who has been vilified as Netanyahu has been—so intensely, so fiercely, so vulgarly.

Arguably, the most obnoxious of all has been Yair Lapid, who on a prime-time discussion panel, days prior to the 2020 elections, explicitly referred to his political opponents as “sh*ts“. In the same interview—echoing Hilary Clinton’s epithet of “deplorables”—Lapid went on to label his rivals as “repulsive“.

Of course, one can imagine the furor a remark even remotely resembling such a coarse slur would have aroused if made by Netanyahu or any of his political associates.

This however was not the only example of Lapid’s crude characterization of his political rivals. Indeed, at the occasion of Naftali Bennett’s resignation as prime minister, Lapid seized the occasion to designate his opponents as “the forces of darkness“—in a speech allegedly intended to promote “unity” and “love”!!!

Reminiscent of Nazi terminology

Not to be outdone by Lapid, was radical Left wing, Yair Golan, a former IDF general, who once implied that processes reminiscent of those that led to the Nazi regime in Germany, also afflict Israeli society today. Golan, in a tone itself reminiscent of Nazi overtones, referred to the Jewish settlers in Judea-Samaria as “sub-humans” and “a corrupted [i.e. deformed] version of the Jewish people.”

Then of course, there was the brutish Avigdor Liberman, who with his customary delicacy and decorum, called to load Netanyahu—together with the Ultra-Orthodox—on a wheelbarrow and haul them off to the nearest garbage dump.

Liberman’s party colleague, MK Yulia Malinovsky, on the Knesset podium, waxed both decidedly offensive and downright racist, in an egregious attempt to dismiss Netanyahu supporters as mindless minions, incapable of any independent thought.  In a crude, coarse, and contemptuous characterization of supporters of Israel’s longest-serving prime minister as primitive pawns, hailing from the Maghreb, she railed “On the second floor here [in the Knesset] there sits a dictator, and you are his servants. Why did you bother to come here from Morocco? To exchange one king for another?”

Brandishing phallic symbols

Last May, vehement anti-Netanyahu radio-host, Natan Zahavi, expressed the wish that the Right-leaning Channel 14 would burn down—together with everybody associated with it.

Just a few months later, unchastened by the suspension that his appalling comment brought on, Zahavi was at it once again.  With a barb that would make the most hateful anti-Semite proud, he labeled Haredi Jews dreckes i.e. “filth” and the Yiddish equivalent of “sh*ts” (see Lapid above), recommending that the Haredi Jews hang themselves by their tefillin.

The courteous chivalry of the Bibi-phobic mob protesting in favor of perpetuating judicial tyranny (under the guise of defending democracy) was most recently on display in Tel Aviv, when they laid siege to Sara Netanyahu who, heaven forfend, had the temerity to have her hair done. This act of brazen hooliganism was accompanied by vulgar verbal abuse hurled at her. This, however,  was not the first time that Sara Netanyahu was the target of vicious invective from anti-Netanyahu demonstrators. Indeed, during his previous term as prime minister, Netanyahu’s official residence was besieged by hostile protesters whose support for law and order and enlightened values expressed itself in threats of sexual violence against his wife, underscored by the brandishing of giant inflatable phallic symbols.  Classy!

Why is the Left apoplectic?

All of this begs the question of what it is that has brought out the almost bestial rancor in the Left, which the recent reform initiative by the current coalition to end over two decades of judicial tyranny has elicited.  The professed motivation for the protests—protection of democratic governance and concern for the future of the nation—have a distinctly hollow ring to them.  After all, as many have pointed out before (for example, see here & here), their demands that a minority, who just lost a recent parliamentary election, should compel the majority, who won the said elections, to abandon policies it pledged to implement, is not only inconsistent with the tenets of democratic rule—but diametrically contrary to them.

Likewise, their professed concern for the fate of the nation cannot be reconciled with the threats to undermine its economy and security by divesting from Israel or refraining from military service.  After all, making Israel more vulnerable serves only to endanger that which they allegedly cherish.

Significantly, their concern for democracy was not voiced when, in contradiction to election promises, the Rabin government, under the Oslo Accords, allowed armed militias, with seamless connection to terror organizations, to deploy well within mortar range of the nation’s parliament and government ministries—which resulted in thousands of Israelis being murdered or maimed. Nor was any such concern for the fate of democracy and the future of the country invoked, when, in 2005 in stark contradiction to election pledges, the Sharon government abandoned the Gaza Strip, laid waste to over a score of flourishing settlements, expelled thousands of industrious taxpaying citizens and disinterred Jewish graves of infants and the elderly alike—allowing the murderous terror organization, Hamas, to transform Gaza from a security nuisance to a security nightmare.

Therein lies the rub…

How then are we to account for the incandescent opposition to measures that even those, who now oppose them, once embraced? After all, the alleged “excess power” that the reform supposedly generates for the ruling executive would accrue to current opponents of these reforms if they/their representatives win a future election.  They would thus be able to balance out/correct any “abuses” made by their predecessors. Indeed, the reforms are “sector neutral” and are not designed to favor—or disadvantage—any a-priori partisan group (Left or Right) in the Israeli polity.

So, to paraphrase Shakespeare’s Hamlet, therein lies the rub…

For there is little to no chance that the current opposition will ever regain power and certainly not without coopting the dominantly Arab anti-Zionist parties.

Indeed, until the judicial reforms appeared on the horizon, the Left of Center faction did not need to win widespread electoral support, as long as the left-leaning judiciary was empowered to help implement their political credo.  But, if this tyrannical overreach is to be curtailed, the last vestige of their power will be largely eroded—a prospect they view with a mixture of horror and disbelief.

That is the source of the white-hot fury with which they react to the judicial reforms currently proposed.

©Dr. Martin Sherman. All rights reserved.

McCarthyism On The Left thumbnail

McCarthyism On The Left

By Craig J. Cantoni

The McCarthyism of Democrats is largely unknown because they are much better than Republicans at scrubbing the history of negatives about themselves.

The odds are pretty good that you’ve heard of Republican Senator Joe McCarthy and his witch hunts, which began in the late 1940s to uncover communists in the US government, Hollywood, and elsewhere.  After all, thousands of articles have been written about witch hunts, scores of movies have been produced about them, and, according to Amazon, 65 books have been written about them.

Not only that, but the word “McCarthyism” has come to mean the subversion of civil and political rights in the name of national security or patriotism, by means of demagoguery and largely unsubstantiated accusations. The word is typically associated with actions of the right, not the left.

The odds are also pretty good that you have not heard of A. Mitchell Palmer, the progressive Democrat US attorney general under President Woodrow Wilson, whose witch hunts to find communists in 1919 and 1920 were more egregious and numerous than McCarthy’s.

Although I’ve been a history buff over my adult life, I didn’t know about Palmer and his travesties of justice until recently reading Young J. Edgar:  Hoover and the Red Scare, 1919-1920, by Kenneth D. Ackerman.  The book details how J. Edgar Hoover, as a young man before becoming the head of the FBI, had worked for Palmer in rounding up actual and suspected communists and violating their due process rights.  Most were immigrants and members of labor unions.

To quote the nonpartisan book:

The result was a civil liberties catastrophe:  Between five and ten thousand people—the exact number is impossible to calculate—were rounded up and detained, often beaten and terrified.  They were dragged from their homes and families, many taken from their beds in the middle of the night or arrested en masse at dances, theatres, or neighborhood clubs, locked for weeks or months, often railroaded through sham hearings, cut off from lawyers and friends, and kept in decrepit, overcrowded, make-shift prisons.  None of these immigrants was accused, much less convicted, of violating any state or federal law.  For most of them, no evidence was ever presented beyond the unsubstantiated word of a Justice Department agent on a pre-printed form that they belonged to some organization—not that they actually did anything or even said anything.    

So why are Palmer’s travesties less known than McCarthy’s?  Is it because Palmer didn’t blacklist Hollywood notables, thus giving Hollywood no reason to produce movies castigating him?  Is it because Palmer’s victims tended to be working-class people without the means or platforms to sway public opinion, while McCarthy’s victims tended to be educated professionals with the means and platforms?   Is it because McCarthy’s congressional hearings were televised, but television didn’t exist in the Palmer era?

Even if the answer is yes to each of these questions, that doesn’t explain why the facts of Palmer’s travesties didn’t later become better known or at least used by Republicans to put McCarthy’s Red-baiting in historical context.  Instead, Americans have been left with the belief that there was no Democrat precedent or parallel to McCarthyism. 

For sure, no one deserves to lose civil liberties and face persecution for holding unpopular beliefs and being foolish.  But, as an aside, it’s noteworthy that the fools who believed in Bolshevism in 1919 were not as foolish as those who believed in it in 1950.  In 1919, the Russian Bolshevik Revolution was just two years old, and it was easy for idealistic intellectuals and poor industrial workers in America to be enamored with the idea of a worker’s paradise.  But by 1950, the horrors of communism were obvious to anyone who took the time to look.  Many American intellectuals on the left kept their blinders on, however, in their yearning for a utopia of equal outcomes.  That yearning continues today, but in terms of race, not class.    

Palmer’s crusade targeted the very same working class that Woodrow Wilson and other progressive and populist Democrats claimed to want to protect from the capital class and big business—from horrible working conditions, from the destitution caused by illness and workplace accidents, from tainted food, and from goons and scabs hired by industrialists to break strikes (and heads).

Succumbing to pressure from Congress and the public, and responding to Germany’s belligerent submarine blockade of American ships, Wilson would go on to send the working class to die in the trenches of Europe in the First World War.

In an example of how the parties have switched roles and constituents over time, Trump’s populist wing of the GOP is now an advocate for the working class, while today’s Democrat Party has become beholden to big banks, big tech, and big education.  Also, Trump wanted the US to stay out of European conflicts and for Europe to pay for its own defense—or the opposite of what Wilson ended up doing.

Roles and constituents have also switched regarding immigration.  Republicans are generally in favor of immigration restrictions, especially at the southern border, while Democrats are not in favor.  But one hundred years ago, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant progressives wanted to stop emigration from Southern and Eastern Europe, because, as they expressed in vile racist terms, they saw emigrants from those regions as non-White, inferior, and un-American.  The progressives and their allies in the press laid the groundwork for the passage of the restrictive Immigration Act of 1924, which accomplished most of what they wanted.

Now, ironically, progressive Democrats, under the guise of anti-racism, demean Americans of Southern and Eastern European ancestry as White, privileged, and racist.

I wish they’d make up their minds so that I would know as an Italian American whether I’m non-White, inferior, and un-American, or whether I’m White, privileged, and racist.

The ultimate in cancel culture and speech codes also occurred one hundred years ago, when the Wilson administration used a new espionage law to arrest reporters, pacifists, and common folk for speaking out against America’s involvement in the First World War.  This was in line with Attorney General Palmer’s arrest of union leaders and members who spoke in favor of communism and against capitalism.  A similar cancel culture was later adopted by Joe McCarthy, who has gone down in history as a right-wing reactionary, a label that could just as well be applied to the progressives who had preceded him.

Today, the current cancel culture and speech codes embraced by progressives are not as egregious, in that they have not resulted in arrests—at least not yet.  They’ve just resulted in careers being destroyed, similar to how McCarthy destroyed careers.  Don’t hold your breath waiting for movies to be produced about this.

Thankfully, Republicans have not borrowed something from the Progressive Era:  eugenics.  That was the decades-long movement to sterilize undesirables to keep them from procreating.  Working-class Republicans should be wary, though, given that Democrats have called them undesirables.

As evidenced by their belief in the Russian collusion hoax, Democrats are obsessed with the notion that Russia is influencing US elections.  They were also obsessed with Russians one hundred years ago.  At that time, they suspected all Russian immigrants of being Bolsheviks who were loyal to Russia and desirous of overthrowing democracy.  As such, they got special attention from Palmer in his roundups of alleged communists.

They had a point.  Back then, a lot of Russian immigrants, as well as Italian immigrants and other nationalities, were communists, or at least socialists.  Many others were anarchists.  The same for many union officials, including Eugene Debs, the socialist leader of the Industrial Workers of the World and a perennial candidate for president, who would get a million votes in one election, at a time when the US population was a lot smaller.  Debs would eventually be prosecuted and sent to prison, from where he ran for office once again.

All of these disaffected people had a shared goal, often stated in their publications, of overthrowing democracy and capitalism, using violent means if necessary.  The Trump loyalists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were sissies by comparison.

Bombings and assassinations were two of their means, and Attorney General Palmer was one of their targets.  Prior to his campaign to round up malcontents, his house in Washington, DC, was bombed in 1919.  The force was so powerful that the front of the four-story townhome was blown off and debris was scattered for blocks.  Miraculously, he and his wife, who was home at the time, were unscathed.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his wife Eleanor, the future president and first lady, just missed being killed or injured by the bomb.  They lived across the street and had just parked their car in a garage a couple of blocks away after returning from a dinner engagement.  If they had returned several minutes sooner, they might have been directly across from the bomb when it went off.

It’s not surprising that in this atmosphere, and in the midst of a world war, Americans were willing to exchange some civil liberty for safety. As the New York Times wrote in 1919, “Aliens who belong to a society of revolutionists are not entitled to any tenderness from the Government.”  It also wrote: “The conspirators, pacifists of the malignant type who are associated with anarchist societies are not of the nation.  They have no right to be accounted citizens of the Republic.”

A similar tradeoff between civil liberty and safety was made 82 years later in response to the 9/11 terrorist attack, most notably in the form of the Patriot Act, which was signed into law by George W. Bush.  Many civil libertarians and Democrats have since decried the act and blamed Bush for bullying Congress into passing it. The New York Times would join the chorus, in a reversal of what it wrote in 1919.

As with so much of history, it has been largely forgotten that Democrats had assaulted civil liberties long before 9/11.  That’s because Democrats excel at cherry-picking history to make themselves look good and make Republicans look bad.  Republicans try to do the same to Democrats but are far less skilled at it.

From where I sit as a classical liberal, or a libertarian in today’s parlance, the McCarthyism of both parties scares me, especially with both parties once again beating war drums in tandem.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.