China Is Preparing To Challenge The U.S. Over Taiwan thumbnail

China Is Preparing To Challenge The U.S. Over Taiwan

By Center For Security Policy

The following essay is an excerpt from Colonel Grant Newsham’s new book, When China Attacks: A Warning to America, due out from Regnery on March 28.

The combination of political warfare, gray-zone actions, and the potential for kinetic warfare come together most clearly around Taiwan, which offers the most immediate prospect of China going on a major kinetic offensive.

Taiwan remains the key objective for the Chinese communists, and Xi Jinping‘s declaration at the 20th Chinese Communist Party Congress in October 2022 that China would use all possible means (i.e., force) to seize Taiwan got loud applause from the audience. It’s presented as unfinished business from the Chinese Civil War. But even more, Taiwan is key to Chinese communist domination of Asia, the Pacific, and ultimately the United States.

Taiwan is where China is getting ready for a war of the sort the Americans will recognize.

It conducted a dress rehearsal in August 2022. The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) established “live-fire exclusion zones” around Taiwan following Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi‘s visit. The Chinese fired missiles bracketing both Taiwan and southern Japanese islands and conducted a range of naval and air maneuvers towards Taiwan.

Was this an act of war?

The U.S. administration apparently doesn’t think so, and the Chinese communists are glad to let it think that. To the Chinese, however, it is war. Or at least a test run.

One American observer described it as follows:

This is not an infantile reaction to the denial of Beijing’s narrative about Taiwan. This is what the Chinese call a “demonstration project” to test how Taiwan and its allies and friends respond to these aerial (and naval) incursions (and missile launches). It gives the PLA the opportunity to measure and evaluate the aggregate Taiwan-U.S. defense umbrella performance from satellite overhead to sub-surface activity under the sea. It’s a tabletop (and field training) exercise in real-time, 3D, to access certain capabilities of the Taiwan-U.S. defense umbrella.

At the same time, Beijing intimidates Taiwan (as well as the Americans, the Japanese, and everyone else) and tests the response. If that response is weak or frightened, it advances China’s thinking and makes it more likely Xi Jinping will issue the “go” order.

Even before the August 2022 Chinese test blockade of Taiwan, the PLA air force’s aerial incursions were a regular feature in the airspace around Taiwan.

A U.S. Marine pilot described to me how one particular incident ties in with an eventual war:

This appears to be an armed electronic warfare reconnaissance team sniffing out Taiwanese aerial defense radars, locations, and arrays. Simultaneously conditioning the Taiwanese and the world to larger and larger intrusions, until one day that lead intrusion package initiates hostilities and takes out a meaningful wedge of [Taiwan’s] anti-access aerial denial systems in an entire sector. [This would create] a breech for the main assault package to enter and attack the remaining radar sites and missiles from the rear. This is not good, nor is it the action of a respectful neighbor.

The PLA has been preparing for an attack on Taiwan for the last 50 years. Since 2016, when Taiwan elected President Tsai Ing-wen (who, unlike her predecessor, was unwilling to kowtow to Beijing), Chinese military pressure on Taiwan has steadily increased. PLA aircraft and ships routinely encroach on Taiwan’s territory and airspace, and the PLA has laid the infrastructure for an assault on Taiwan—should Taipei not concede peacefully.

As mentioned, Beijing is also looking at America’s political condition and strength—domestic and global. This directly affects America’s ability to respond effectively to a Chinese kinetic move against Taiwan. So, disruptions caused by activists burning down American cities, and half the country, and much of America’s elite class (including Republican Never Trumpers) being afflicted with Trump Derangement Syndrome, weigh in favor of going kinetic.

The United States’ economic and financial conditions also weigh into Beijing’s calculations. American supply chain dependency is in China’s favor. This works both ways, but less so if China is sanctions-proof, as it has been trying to make itself. U.S. manufacturing, especially the defense industrial base, has diminished to the point that it cannot produce weapons or build ships and aircraft fast enough (much less repair them) to fight a serious war against a serious opponent that is willing to roll the dice.

America’s heavy indebtedness, high inflation, and out-of-control entitlement (social) spending choking out defense spending are all favorable signs for Chinese planners.

Originally published by Newsweek


Grant Newsham

Senior Fellow.

RELATED ARTICLE: A dangerous history repeats: Xi Jinping’s regime is insecure and illegitimate

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy is republished with permission. ©All rights.

China Brokers a Surprising Mid-East Deal thumbnail

China Brokers a Surprising Mid-East Deal

By Neland Nobel

We think a story of major importance has been buried by the news of bank runs in the US.  While not disputing the importance of the bank run stories (we’ve written on this ourselves), the implications of China brokering a deal between Saudi Arabia and Iran are very important.  The two warring nations have achieved some kind of change in relations brokered by China, which sees itself in the ascendency.

One of the first things to be noticed is that the parties concerned could not find the US to be a fair go-between to get the deal done.  That says volumes about the decline in influence in the Middle East under the Biden Presidency.

Tensions between China and the US are rising.  Confirmation of the origins of Covid in a Chinese lab (funded by the US), warnings to China about helping Russia in the war in Ukraine, issues of trade and reshoring, and the new aggressive military and diplomatic muscle China is displaying, all are a matter of record. All that said, these countries, one a supposed ally of the US, the other an enemy, chose to have China as their mediator.

Why would the parties go with the Chinese?  Saudi Arabia may have concluded that US flirtations with Iran indicated that Iran will be getting the nuclear bomb and the US would not be able to stop them.  Making a deal while you can, must have been at least one of their motives.

Biden’s constant contempt for autocracies leaves little room for countries that are, and maybe both Iran and Saudi Arabia felt more comfortable with a fellow tyrant.

Saudi Arabia has recently not answered Biden’s phone calls and has been further irritated by US attempts to prosecute high Saudi officials for the death of a journalist.  They also failed to respond to Biden’s request to increase oil production, all while the US tries desperately to destroy the oil industry.

Iran hates the “great Satan” and likely relishes sticking it to the US.

On an even a deeper level, Iran and Saudi Arabia both are major oil and gas producers and the US has basically said that it wishes to lead the world in making sure neither country has a future for its primary export.  The US has signaled that basically, it wants to put both countries out of business over the next 10 years.  Both countries want a place to export their energy production and the US is hostile to their energy and economic interests.

On the other hand, China is eager to buy energy from both countries, and builds coal plants at a record pace, all the while maintaining the fiction of being concerned about “climate change.”   When it comes to environmental hypocrisy, they have played the US and the ever-blundering John Kerry like a fiddle.  Then again, the fact that Kerry’s stepson and President Biden’s son Hunter have both been involved in China might go some distance in explaining this hypocrisy.

From the Chinese perspective, it is wonderful to dominate the production of windmills and solar panels, minerals for batteries, and at the same time build up their refining capacity for fossil fuels.  This gives them control of the energy situation, no matter how it evolves.  If “alternatives” are a great success, they are the primary supplier.  If they are a great flop, they literally will have the West of a barrel.

China has also wanted to wean itself off the US dollar system and has been working to expand the so-called BRICS nations into an alternative payment system.  They would love to get away from the “inordinate privilege” that the US maintained in the post-war era as the issuer of the reserve currency of the world.  Both Iran and Saudi Arabia want to join the new system.

If China can convince Saudi Arabia and Iran to sell oil in yuan, this also breaks the so-called “petrodollar.”

After the severing of convertibility to gold in 1971, the US sent envoys to Saudi Arabia that said if the Kingdom would only accept dollars in payments for oil, the US would protect the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  This created an instant demand for dollars as it was the sole global currency needed by all nations to purchase vital energy.

But since the US has not stopped Iran from pursuing its goals in the region, and its pursuit of becoming a nuclear power,  Saudi Arabia may now feel they may not be able to rely on the US and therefore supporting the dollar in this way is no longer necessary or even helpful.  Saudi Arabia must keep huge quantities of dollars issued by a government that is dangerously managing its finances.  If they don’t get the military protection promised, they are not required to keep up their end of the bargain and take payment only in US dollars.

Without the artificial demand for dollars for settling oil payments, this reduces the demand not only for dollars but for US Treasury Bonds issued in dollars.

China has been sharply reducing its holding of dollars and Mid-East oil producers may now feel it is best to diversify both their currency and credit risk.

Finally, the US seized the foreign currency reserves of Russia, an ally of both China and Iran, and showed to the world that holding dollars in Western Banks is a risky deal.  Get crosswise with the US on any major level and the US can seize your accumulated reserves without any judicial process whatsoever.  This is another common interest among China and the oil producers of the region.  The US through its fiscal excesses, blundering foreign policy, and environmental zealotry, has done much to undermine dollar supremacy and China is more than happy to assist in our demise.

For the US, the loss of dollar supremacy will mean higher domestic inflation, and higher costs to finance our swelling deficits twin deficits.  Moreover, hostility by Democrats to US domestic energy production leaves us more vulnerable to Mideastern oil producers, especially if they ally with China and Russia.

A deal can only be made if the interests of each party are served.  They must have concluded that relying on the US is not a good thing for them and it is time for some diversification of their monetary, economic, and political risk.

For the US, this loss of influence could be a major event.  Destruction of the reserve status of the dollar and the concomitant demand for US Treasury bonds could be a much lower standard of living for the US and much higher debt finance costs.

The wild card is Israel, which cannot tolerate Iran becoming a nuclear power.  If Iran and Saudi Arabia kiss and makeup, it will be hard to unite a coalition against Iran.   Israel may not be able to use Saudi airspace if an attack on Iran is needed.  Israel does not have long-range strategic bombers and thus would require aerial refueling. Further, Israel’s primary ally is the US, and has been humiliated and lost credibility in the region.

But that simply is not enough for Biden.  He is actively supporting the Israeli domestic political opposition to Netanyahu’s judicial reforms and Democrats have openly involved themselves in Israeli politics for years, always on the side of the left-wing Labor Party.   Democrats only support left-wing governments in Israel and likely Iran and Saudi Arabia have taken note.

This Chinese-brokered rapprochement simply is another byproduct of a failing  Democrat administration.

These are just a few observations that can be made.  There are likely many other important implications that will reveal themselves over time.

Whatever this deal means, it likely means a much more difficult road ahead for the US and an existential threat to the survival of Israel.

China becomes a bigger player on the world scene and the US is weakened.  All these are thanks to one of the most corrupt and incompetent Administrations in recent history.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Biden’s Energy Secretary Says ‘We Can All Learn From China’ On Climate Policy thumbnail

Biden’s Energy Secretary Says ‘We Can All Learn From China’ On Climate Policy

By Harold Hutchison

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Friday that everyone could “learn from” China when it came to climate policy while speaking at the South by Southwest festival.

China approved 168 new power plants fueled by coal in 2022, according to a report by the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA) and Global Energy Monitor (GEM) released Feb. 27. The country was responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than any other country in 2019, the BBC reported.

“What we have been trying to do, what Secretary Kerry has been trying to do as the president’s climate envoy, is to get all of these countries to agree to very aggressive targets to be able to make sure that we don’t get climate — global warming happening over, you know, 1.5 degrees. And we — we have — you know, we’ve raised our hand, we said, we want to get to net zero by 2050,” Granholm said. “We are really pushing other countries to do the same.”

Former Secretary of State John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s climate change envoy, said that talks with China on climate issues have stalled since the downing of a spy balloon in February. Kerry has long pushed to keep talks with China going, despite its heavy use of coal and its nuclear weapons buildup.

The Biden administration has pushed for more electric vehicles and to phase out fossil fuels, which Biden promised to do during his 2020 presidential bid.

Biden signed the Inflation Reduction Act into law in August, which included a tax credit for electric battery production. Despite Biden’s push for more electric vehicles, the Environmental Protection Agency made a determination Jan. 31 that would block the mining of 1.4 billion tons of copper, gold, molybdenum, silver and rhenium in Alaska in order to protect salmon.

“And no matter what country you’re a member of, the countries all are susceptible to pressure, to peer pressure, they don’t want to be the outlier — I mean, there’s a couple of countries that we know are outliers and don’t care — but — but, I think China has done — has been very sensitive, and has actually invested a lot in their solutions, to achieve their goals,” Granholm continued. “So we’re — we’re hopeful that, you know, we can all learn from what China is doing, but the amount of money that they’re investing in clean energy is actually you know, encouraging.”

This article was published by The Daily Caller and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Blinken announces $150,000,000 in ‘humanitarian aid’ for Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania thumbnail

Blinken announces $150,000,000 in ‘humanitarian aid’ for Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania

By Jihad Watch

The dough is supposed to help them care for the victims of “Islamist insurgencies,” but as we have abundantly documented here, these countries have been singularly inept or indifferent in fighting these “insurgencies.” The money is really to try to keep these countries from falling completely into China’s sphere of influence.

Blinken brings U.S. aid to Sahel for fight against Islamist insurgencies

by Daphne Psaledakis, Reuters, March 16, 2023:

NIAMEY, March 16 (Reuters) – U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced $150 million in new humanitarian aid for Africa’s Sahel region during a visit on Thursday to Niger, a country Washington views as an important ally in the fight against Islamist insurgencies.

Blinken’s visit to Niger is the first by a U.S. Secretary of State and a strong show of support for an impoverished nation that has had relative success in containing rebel groups and managed a democratic transition in a coup-prone region.

“It will help provide life-saving support to refugees, asylum seekers, and others impacted by conflict and food insecurity in the region,” Blinken said in a statement about the new aid, which will go to Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania as well as Sahelian refugees in Libya.

Blinken’s trip is the latest in a series of visits to Africa by U.S. government figures as Washington seeks to boost ties with a continent where China’s influence is strong and many countries maintain cordial relations with Russia.

Landlocked Niger and its neighbors Mali, Burkina Faso, Nigeria and Chad are all struggling to repel Islamist insurgents who have killed thousands of people, displaced millions more and in some cases seized control of vast swathes of territory.

Groups linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State have carried out dozens of attacks in southwestern Niger, including some in which dozens of Nigerien soldiers were killed, but the violence has not spread across the whole country as it has done elsewhere.

Shortly after landing in the capital Niamey, Blinken met with people involved in a program, partly funded by the U.S., to disarm and rehabilitate defectors from extremist groups.

While violence in Mali and Burkina Faso led to military coups and a shift in alliances away from Western nations and towards Russia, Niger managed a democratic transfer of power in 2021 and has retained smooth relations with the West.

“They’re making the right choices, we think, to help deal with the kind of threats that are common across the Sahel. So, we’re trying to highlight a positive example,” a senior State Department official told reporters….

When thousands of French soldiers were kicked out of Mali during a dispute with the junta there last year, they moved their base into Niger….



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France: Muslim migrant breaks the crucifixes on around 30 tombstones

France: Muslim migrant rapes woman two months after arriving in the country, says rape charge is ‘conspiracy’

Norway: Muslim migrants rape teen girls, only one journalist shows up for trial but is denied entry

France: Convert to Islam on trial for incitement to hatred for stating that Islam prescribes death for homosexuality

France: Muslim with ‘record of Islamist radicalization’ disrupts church service, breaks crucifix into pieces

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

No More $$$ or Warfighting Equipment to Ukraine thumbnail

No More $$$ or Warfighting Equipment to Ukraine

By Royal A. Brown III

Zelensky and most of his govt are corrupt oligarchs and our Congress has not done their oversight job regarding all the U.S. assets sent to him. Accountability is non-existent and we should not send anything else unless and until oversight and accountability to the U.S. taxpayers is firmly established and is accurate.

NATO already does not pay its fair share for their defense and continue to depend on the U.S. to contribute the lion’s share. POTUS Trump was right on this and NATO was improving but then went right back to leaning on the US for most of major support for Ukraine. The equally feckless UN has also done nothing. Past time for those most directly affected to pony up their fair share especially since US direct national security is not involved.

The argument that if we don’t stop Russia the Chinese will be further emboldened to invade Taiwan is ludicrous – the feckless Obama 3/Beijing Joe Biden regime no longer scares China and supporting Ukraine won’t make a difference in their actions. There is no doubt the Russian invaders should pull out of the eastern regions of Ukraine they occupy and that Putin would like to see a return to the old Soviet Union power base but continuously poking the Russian Bear is not the way to make them pull out of eastern Ukraine. Zelensky had a chance for peace negotiated by Israel requiring him to stop pushing to join NATO but refused.

The left and RINO neocons are suggesting we provide Ukraine with offensive weapons like long range missiles and F 16 fighter/bombers for use in striking inside Russia and this would surely escalate the war not stop it. The positioning of U.S. boots on the ground in Poland in the form of the 101st Airborne Division is a further provocation. No U.S. military boots should set foot in Ukraine. The failed Obama/Biden administration had an opportunity to show strength against the Russian takeover of Crimea back in early 2014 and did nothing except impose ineffective sanctions. This failure emboldened the Russians. It is doubtful they will ever return mostly pro-Russian Crimea but a peaceful solution could return use of Black Sea ports in Crimea to Ukraine.

I would remind all that every major war since Korea has been started by and prosecuted by Democrats and neocons e.g. Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan at a cost of over 64,000 US lives and Trillions of dollars; many tens of thousands of wounded and maimed and ended in failure. Only the war against ISIS in Syria, Iraq and other Islamist countries was successfully conducted by President Trump who also got us out of Iraq and had a plan to get us out of Afghanistan without further loss of U.S. lives, equipment and key air base. The Biden pullout of Afghanistan was an unmitigated disaster. We can not trust the Obama 3/Beijing Joe Biden regime to get us out of the war between Russia and Ukraine.

The article at link below describes some of the corruption going on in Ukraine including information that only 30% of cash and equipment U.S. has sent to Ukraine is actually going where intended to help them fight war with Russia.

Ukraine’s History of Corruption a Growing Concern as US Military Aid Surges

By • Published on March 18, 2023

ince Russia invaded Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, the United States has provided Kyiv with military, economic, humanitarian, and other forms of aid.

According to official sources, the total U.S. contribution to the Ukrainian war effort now stands at some $113 billion, vastly exceeding contributions made by Kyiv’s other allies.

But as the bills have continued to mount, so have calls for greater oversight as to how those funds are being spent. Recent corruption scandals in Kyiv have raised fears that U.S. taxpayer dollars are, in the absence of accountability, being squandered.

What’s more, dissident voices are pointing out that the war shows little–if any–sign of ending soon, despite the West’s seemingly boundless support for Ukraine.

Breaking It Down

Responding to questions from The Epoch Times, the Washington-based Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) confirmed that the $113 billion figure was “still accurate.”

This figure, it explained, “includes only the funding packages Congress approved through December 2022, and Congress has not approved any further packages in 2023 thus far.”

According to CRFB data, roughly three-fifths of the $113 billion ($67 billion) has been allocated for “defense needs,” while the remaining two-fifths ($46 billion) has been earmarked for “non-defense concerns.”

More precise breakdowns can appear bewildering, with official and semi-official sources (state agencies, think tanks, media outlets, etc.) often appearing to contradict one another.

“The confusion tends to be in how money is appropriated and spent by the government,” said the CRFB, a nonpartisan group with the stated aim of “educating the public on issues with significant fiscal policy impact.”

Congress, the group explained, “has constitutional authority to decide how much federal spending there should be–the “power of the purse”–while the Executive Branch (the president and other agencies) are charged with spending that money.”

“Depending on when you account for that spending will get you different amounts,” the CRFB added, “because it takes the Executive time to actually spend the money Congress appropriates.”

Read more.

©Royal A. Brown. All rights reserved.


Blinken announces $150,000,000 in ‘humanitarian aid’ for Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali and Mauritania

Poland will be forced to ‘enter the war’ if Ukraine fails to defend itself against Russia, Warsaw’s ambassador to France warns

Ex-Air Force Officer Sentenced To Two Year Prison Term For Involvement In January 6 Riot By Federal Judge thumbnail

Ex-Air Force Officer Sentenced To Two Year Prison Term For Involvement In January 6 Riot By Federal Judge

By The Daily Caller

A former Air Force ranking official was sentenced to a two-year prison term by a federal judge Friday for taking part in the January 6 Capitol riot.

The retired Texas-born Air Force Officer, 55-year-old Larry Brock, was convicted by U.S. District Judge John Bates on all 6 counts prosecutors pursued in the veteran’s indictment, which consisted of a felony charge of obstruction of an official proceeding on top of 5 other misdemeanors, The Associated Press reported. Brock will serve a two year prison sentence and is required to perform 100 hours of community service once the time is served.

Two years prison for Larry Brock

On a busy day at courthouse, judge has issued the sentence for Brock, a retired Air Force Lt Col.

— Scott MacFarlane (@MacFarlaneNews) March 17, 2023

Brock reportedly sported military-style combat gear and openly wielded zip-tie-style handcuffs after making his way into the Senate chamber floor during the “Stop the Steal” demonstrations, moments after members of Congress and their senatorial staff evacuated the building. The former serviceman also shuffled through documents laid out on Senator’s desks.

While Brock did not engage in any violent behavior that day, prosecutors argued his actions were “disturbingly premeditated.”

Larry Brock will be sentenced by U.S. District Judge John Bates, who served as a lieutenant in the Army. He was appointed to the federal bench in 2001 by former President George W. Bush.

— Jordan Fischer (@JordanOnRecord) March 17, 2023

The ex-airman left behind a digital footprint in via Facebook reportedly characterizing his itinerary for that day.

In messages to another user, Brock laid out what he dubbed a “plan of action if Congress fails to act” sent on on Christmas Eve of 2020.

One course of action Brock laid out was to “seize all Democratic politicians and Biden key staff and select Republicans,” according to the outlet. Then, the Officer initially planned to employ interrogation methods akin to the ones the U.S. military used on al-Qaida.

Moreover, Brock’s outline sought to secure a “general pardon for all crimes up to and including murder of those restoring the Constitution and putting down the Democratic Insurrection.”

Lastly, the Christmas-Eve outline noted not to kill “LEO” (most likely law enforcement officers) “unless necessary.”

After the outcome of the 2020 Presidential election results were decided in November of 2020, in a separate post Brock wrote on Facebook that “we need to execute the traitors that are trying to steal the election…” Prosecutors argued that if Senators had not evacuated, Brock may have acted on his written plans.

Brock’s defense lawyer, Charles Burnham, stated that Brock’s sole motivation was a “genuine concern for democracy.”

A retired Air Force major general penned a letter to Judge Bates lauding Brock’s service, saying that the former officer “risked his life to protect U.S. forces from a Taliban attack, flying below mountain peaks into a valley ‘saturated with enemy forces.’”

“The result thwarted enemy advances on U.S. personnel, saved U.S. lives and defused an ever-escalating situation for the forces at that remote base in Afghanistan,” the major general conveyed.

At the time of the January 6 riot, Brock worked as a commercial airline pilot.

In any case, according to Brock’s attorney Burnham, the Federal Aviation Administration revoked the former officer’s licenses following his 2021 arrest.

Brock is an Air Force Academy alumni from the graduating class of 1989. He was on active duty from 1998-2014.

Brock refused to speak in court before Judge Bates announced his sentenced. He is temporarily a free man until summoned to report to prison; the date is still to be determined.

The Associated Press noted in the report that out of the roughly 1,000 individuals that have faced charges for involvement in January 6 Capitol demonstrations, 70 of the 400 that have been sentenced are veterans.





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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’ thumbnail

NY: Muslim told cops ‘I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses. It will be a horror scene…Allahu Ekberr’

By Jihad Watch

He also called for “jihad” and “war against non-Muslims.” Why haven’t the multitudes of moderate Muslim spokesmen in the U.S. gone to Yonkers to explain to Ridon Kola how he is misunderstanding the Religion of Peace?

Meanwhile, where did Kola get this crucifixion idea? Could it have been from here? “The only reward for those who make war upon Allah and his messenger and struggle to sow corruption on earth will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet cut off on opposite sides, or be expelled from the land. Such will be their degradation in this world, and in the hereafter, theirs will be an awful doom.” (5:33)

ISIS lover busted for plotting to kill cops on street of Yonkers St. Patrick’s Day parade

by Craig McCarthy and Steven Vago, New York Post, March 17, 2023:

An ISIS-loving radical Islamic extremist from Yonkers was busted by the feds Friday for plotting to kill the city’s police officers and mayor beginning on the street where the local St. Patrick’s Day parade was set to go down, authorities said Friday.

Ridon Kola, 32, directly messaged the Yonkers police, saying “I will crucify Yonkers cops and their bosses all along McLean ave. It will be a horror scene . . . Allahu Ekberr,” according to federal authorities.

Though Kola didn’t directly threaten the parade, McLean Avenue is the street where the city’s St. Patrick’s Day event is scheduled for Saturday — and it prompted officials to quickly bust him Friday so he couldn’t do any damage at the event.

“Yonkers is proud to host one of New York’s largest St. Patrick’s Day parades and threats like this will not intimidate us from celebrating the many contributions of our Irish American community,” Yonkers Mayor Mike Spano tweeted after the bust.
Kola was arrested and charged with making threatening interstate communications, according to the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Damian Williams.

On multiple occasions, Kola had posted disturbing posts online, including support for a “jihad,” or “to war against non-Muslims,” the feds allege. He also voiced support for extremists from the Islamic State.

The messages apparently went on for years. In 2021, he posted one to an official Yonkers police social media account written in Albanian that read “I am going to slaughter you little girls.”

Then on March 9 sent a direct message to the police account that read “First people to be crucified will be the Yonkers rats Vallahi. Allahu Ekberr.” That message came along with the one referencing killing cops on McLean Avenue.

The joint terrorism task force arrested Kola Friday morning, according to the indictment.

A woman who exited their Yonkers home where an Albanian flag was hanging in the window on Friday threatened to “press charges” against a Post reporter.

“There’s nothing to report. Don’t make me press charges against you. You better step off my property,” snapped the woman, who neighbors identified as Kola’s sister.

Neighbors described Kola as a quiet man.

“He’s never exhibited weird behavior to me,” said Norina, a neighbor who only gave her first name. “He was never creepy. He was normal….




EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

China’s War Warnings thumbnail

China’s War Warnings

By Gordon Chang

“If the U.S. doesn’t hit the brakes and continues to barrel down the wrong track,” China’s Foreign Minister Qin Gang said on March 7, “no amount of guardrails can prevent the carriage from derailing and crashing, and there will surely be conflict and confrontation.” He also spoke of “catastrophic consequences.”

The unusually pointed warning followed that of Chinese ruler Xi Jinping of the day before. “Western countries, led by the U.S., are implementing all-round containment, encirclement, and suppression against us,” he told the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference in Beijing.

These comments suggest a marked deterioration in relations between Washington and Beijing. What is happening?

“We have to not rule out the stratagem of empty fortress,” tweeted City University of New York’s Ming Xia, one of America’s most astute China watchers, on March 8.

Xia was referring to a tactic employed many times in ancient Chinese history. Perhaps the most famous “empty fortress” tale comes from the Three Kingdoms period when military strategist Kung Ming had to figure out how to repel an invader, Sima Yi, with few troops. Kung appeared on his fortress wall in a confident pose, which convinced Yi to retreat.

In all probability, Xi and Qin were employing this ancient tactic, attempting to intimidate the Biden administration into not enforcing or adopting measures they do not like.

The Hudson Institute’s Miles Yu, another leading China watcher, reminds Americans that the Communist Party is using a time-worn tactic of “Using Confrontation to Promote Cooperation.” “It’s always in the CCP’s playbook,” Yu points out.

For many reasons, the Chinese fortress is empty at this moment. Among other difficulties, the country’s economy is stumbling, debt defaults are continuing, the currency is weakening, food shortages are worsening, localities are running short of cash, and diseases continue to afflict the population. Moreover, the Chinese people are unhappy. Since late October, they have taken to the streets in demonstrations over varied complaints. Some protestors have even demanded the removal of Xi Jinping and the Communist Party.

How bad is the situation in China? Chinese people are risking their lives to cross the Darien Gap, the region separating Colombia and Panama, to walk to America. U.S. Border Patrol apprehensions of Chinese migrants at the southern border were up about 800% for the October to January period, compared to the same time a year ago.

Chinese rulers, I think, understand that war at this moment would not be in China’s interest. Yet just because they may know better does not mean Americans and others should feel assured or relieved.

For one thing, no one outside a small circle in Beijing knows what Chinese leaders in fact intend, so it is exceedingly dangerous for others to base policy on what they think China’s decision-makers are thinking. Over the course of four decades there has been far too much “mirror imaging.” American leaders, for instance, have continually told their Chinese counterparts what they should think — nothing wrong with that — but then assumed that the Chinese thought the same as they did.

The world needs to look at what the Chinese leadership is in fact doing. Xi appointed what is now known as his “war cabinet” in October, at the Communist Party’s 20th National Congress; he is implementing the largest military buildup since the Second World War; he has been trying to sanctions-proof his regime; and he is mobilizing the civilian population for war. Communist Party cadres, for example, are taking over privately owned factories and converting them from civilian to military production.

In the latest move, China’s regime is establishing National Defense Mobilization Offices across the country. The Reservists Law went into effect the first of this month.

Whatever China intends, its intended victims need to match its preparations. There has never been a time when it has been more important to deter the People’s Republic of China.

Even if all this is the biggest bluff in history, the Chinese military is provoking incidents that could lead to war, especially in the tense climate Xi has created. In December, Chinese troops moved into India’s Tawang Sector in Arunachal Pradesh; Chinese planes and naval vessels maneuvered near Taiwan, especially on Christmas Day; there were provocative Chinese moves against Japan in the East China Sea and the Philippines in the South China Sea; and a Chinese fighter jet dangerously intercepted a U.S. Air Force reconnaissance plane in international airspace over the South China Sea.

Moreover, beginning January 28, China’s large spy balloon intruded into American airspace, proceeded to surveil nuclear weapons sites, including Malmstrom, F. E. Warren, and Minot Air Force Bases, which house all of America’s Minutemen III intercontinental ballistic missiles. The balloon also passed close to Whiteman Air Force Base, home to the nuclear-capable B-2 bomber fleet, and Offutt Air Force Base, the headquarters of Strategic Command, which controls U.S. nuclear weapons. This path suggests China is gathering intelligence for a nuclear strike on America’s strategic weapons — and shows Beijing’s utter disrespect for the United States.

Whatever China’s intentions, this cannot end well. Xi Jinping, for instance, will not stop talking about war. The world, and America in particular, need to listen. As Charles Burton of the Ottawa-based Macdonald-Laurier Institute tells Gatestone, “Xi has completed his purge of all dissenters and now hears no moderating voices to rein in his great thirst for military adventurism driven by extreme ideological resentment of the United States.”

“Will the U.S. lose its own composure and confidence to fall into hysterical style of politics?” CUNY’s Xia warns. At this moment, hysteria is not the problem. The problem is complacency. Xi Jinping and Qin Gang, whatever they are doing, are establishing a justification to strike America — and they are making preparations to do so.

This article was published by Gatestone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

New Study Shows Illegal Immigration Costing Taxpayers $151 Billion + A Year thumbnail

New Study Shows Illegal Immigration Costing Taxpayers $151 Billion + A Year

By Elliot Nazar

A new report by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) examined the financial impact of illegal immigration in the United States, revealing that hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars are spent on dealing with the issue.

In a statement to The Foreign Desk, Ron Kovach, Press Secretary for FAIR, noted that as of last year, “American taxpayers shell out at least $151 billion each year to cover the cost of illegal immigration.”

The data, Kovach says, revealed that taxpayers pay “$182 billion annually to provide services and benefits to illegal aliens and their dependents.”

The report by FAIR explained that such costs are offset by around $31 billion in taxes which are “collected from the estimated 15.5 million illegal aliens living in the US, bringing the net cost to $150.7 billion annually.”

According to the organization’s website, illegal immigrants contribute roughly $32 billion in taxes at the state, local, and federal levels, noting that the net fiscal cost of illegal immigration to taxpayers is approximately $150.7 billion.

In 2017, FAIR found that the net cost of illegal immigration was around $116 billion, which meant that the price of illegal immigration increased by $35 billion in the last five years.

“The 2022 costs represent a 30 percent increase to taxpayers in just five years,” Kovach explained to The Foreign Desk.

Most of the additional costs have been added in the past two years as the Biden administration’s de facto open borders policies have triggered a historic surge of new illegal migrants pouring across our borders.”

According to the report, the updated price tag of $151 billion is a “conservative estimate as there are additional costs incurred from illegal immigration, but there is currently insufficient data to provide reliable cost estimates.”

Some of the findings that stood out to FAIR included the gross annual cost of illegal immigration amounting to $182 billion annually. Another was illegal migrants paying taxes covering 17.2 percent of the costs they made for U.S. citizens, resulting in a net sum of $150.7 billion each year.

Regarding education costs, FAIR noted that it was the largest component of costs, given the 1982 Supreme Court ruling. According to the findings, the K-12 education for illegal aliens and their American-born children is around $78 billion, with $70.4 billion supported by states and their localities.

The fourth and fifth findings from FAIR dealt with health care ($42. billion annually) and food assistance and nutritional programs used by illegal migrants and their children, costing taxpayers around $13.5 billion annually. According to the organization, federal, state, and local criminal justice costs associated with illegal immigration are $47 billion annually, excluding the cost of damages to victims affected by such acts.

As America struggles to meet countless societal needs while facing the realities of our staggering $31 trillion national debt, the costs of providing for millions of people who have no legal right to be in the U.S. continues to grow at an alarming rate,” commented Dan Stein, President of FAIR. “To be clear, most of this enormous financial burden has been inflicted on taxpayers by the open borders advocates at every level of government.

“Not only is the Biden administration refusing to rein in illegal immigration or remove the people who are breaking our laws, but they are also promulgating policies that actually encourage more of it while offering new protections and benefits to those who settle here illegally. Likewise, a growing number of states and localities create their own costly magnets for illegal aliens by declaring themselves sanctuaries and offering new benefits and services. This has to stop,” Stein said.

As the ongoing immigration crisis continues at the U.S.-Southern border with Mexico, the Biden White House continues to say that the administration has a handle on the issue, despite reports from Border Patrol officials that the situation is in chaos.

In Congress, Republican lawmakers have called on the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to deal with the ongoing situation or face impeachment charges.

While the Border Patrol has thwarted several illegal migrant crossings and drug cartel movements, agents note that many are entering the country along with illegal illicit drugs like fentanyl reaching young Americans.


Continue reading this article at The Foreign Desk.

Read more…


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

February Border Encounters Show Illegal Immigration Isn’t Abating, It’s Just Being Rerouted thumbnail

February Border Encounters Show Illegal Immigration Isn’t Abating, It’s Just Being Rerouted

By Federation for American Immigration Reform

Washington, D.C. — The Biden administration’s new “border enforcement measures” have not succeeded in curbing record levels of illegal immigration, they’ve just rerouted much of the flow through legal ports of entry, charged the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data, released Thursday, reveals that the total number of border encounters in February, 212,266, remained at historic high levels. But due to the Biden administration’s flagrant abuse of parole authority, 83,389 illegal migrants were encountered at legal ports of entry by the Office of Field Operations (OFO), instead of attempting to enter between ports of entry.

“The Biden administration is blatantly attempting to deceive the American public into believing they have illegal immigration under control,” said Dan Stein, president of FAIR. “While boasting that ‘only’ 128,877 migrants were encountered by Border Patrol entering between ports of entry in February, OFO encountered 83,389 illegal aliens, and allowed many to enter the country under the administration’s expansive and illegal use of parole authority. The net effect is the same; it just doesn’t look as bad.”

The release of the February data comes one day after Raul Ortiz, Chief of the U.S. Border Patrol, testified before the House Homeland Security Committee that the federal government does not have “operational control” of the southern border – a statutorily defined requirement that his agency is obligated to meet. Moreover, Chief Ortiz asserted that operational control is not even a goal of this administration and, instead, the agency’s “new strategy is geared toward mission advantage” – an entirely made-up standard that has no legal definition.

“Even CBP’s efforts to mask the scope of illegal migration by moving 83,389 illegal entries off-the-books, does not tell the full story of the Biden administration’s disastrous border policies,” Stein continued. “The number of people who elude apprehension remains high, while lethal narcotics, including fentanyl, continues to pour across the southern border, where criminal cartels maintain clear ‘mission advantage.’

“No matter how CBP tries to spin it, the February numbers make it clear that the Biden administration is not turning the tide on illegal immigration. And, as the Biden administration is set to end the use of Title 42 in May, the last remaining mechanism in place to turn back migrants at the border, the crisis is likely to get a whole lot worse,” Stein concluded.


On Schumer’s Order, Senate Enables Foreign Interference in D.C. Elections

Immigration Vetting Failures That Allowed Terrorists Into U.S., With More to Come

Isn’t That Nice? Eric Adams Wants to Send Migrants to College for Free

EDITORS NOTE: This FAIR press release is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

China, Russia, Iran Team Up for Military Exercises in Middle East thumbnail

China, Russia, Iran Team Up for Military Exercises in Middle East

By The Geller Report

“At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” — Abraham Lincoln, Address Before the Young Men’s Lyceum of Springfield, Illinois on January 27, 1838

With the weak Biden Administration in power, our adversaries are working to take down America. With the collapse of American deterrence, we can expect further belligerence from our adversaries in the months ahead.

G-d help us. #Trump2024!

China, Russia, Iran team up for military exercises in Middle East

Three US adversaries to participate in ‘Security Bond-2023’ navy exercises beginning on Wednesday and continuing through March 19

By Fox News, March 15, 2023

U.S. rivals China, Russia and Iran will conduct joint naval drills in the Gulf of Oman this week off the southern coast of Iran, China’s Defense Ministry announced.

Other unnamed countries will participate in the “Security Bond-2023” military exercises, the People’s Republic of China said Tuesday. Iran, Pakistan, Oman and the United Arab Emirates each have coastline that touches the gulf, which lies at the mouth of the strategic Persian Gulf.

Read more.


Geller Report Staff


There will be war with #China and #Russia unless #JoeBiden does something to restore order. In practical terms, that means #Biden must impose severe costs on these aggressors. If he does not do that soon, #XiJinping and #VladimirPutin will continue their belligerent acts.

— Gordon G. Chang (@GordonGChang) March 15, 2023


China Has a ‘STUNNING LEAD’ Over USA in Research of 37 Out of 44 Critical and Emerging Technologies

New Documents released by Oversight Committee Show China Paid Millions to Biden Crime Family

Air Force Goes on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Hiring Spree: Top Job Pays up to $183,500

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Long Awaited Ukrainian Counter-Offensive thumbnail

The Long Awaited Ukrainian Counter-Offensive

By Kenneth R. Timmerman

Russia just upped the ante in Ukraine.

The deliberate take-down by two Russian Sukhoi-27s of a U.S. MQ-9 Reaper drone off the coast of Crimea was Putin’s way of way of telling Biden this war is not a game.

As I note in this week’s Prophecy Today Weekend (below), the U.S. cannot hide behind the fact that the Reaper was over international waters. We were spying on Russian military positions in Crimea, which it’s long been rumored the Ukrainians will target in their spring counter-offensive. Putin’s message: back off.

It’s quite extraordinary when you have to admit that most of the post-invasion escalation has come from the United States, not Russia. Until now, it’s been U.S. weaponry that has targeted Russian soldiers and arms depots, not the other way round. Now, for the first time, the Russians have actually hit a U.S. target.

On the show, I provide some extraordinary information on the pace of NATO weapons shipments to Ukraine in recent weeks, which include over 100 tanks, several hundred Bradley and Stryker armored vehicles, Greek and Slovakian self-propelled artillery, and MiG-29s on the way from Poland.

The question is not whether Ukraine will have the weapons for the fight. It’s will they have the men. The tremendous losses they have taken recently in Bakhmout and elsewhere have decimated the most experienced Ukrainian fighting units. Conscripts cannot make up those losses.

President Xi of China just announced he will travel to Moscow next week, undoubtedly to follow-up on his diplomatic success in brokering relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran with a ceasefire proposal. (Given the mood in NATO, it will be dead on arrival).

The Chinese are filling vacuums all across the world created by an administration that has stumbled from foreign disaster to disaster, while wrecking the economy in the process.

Yes, Virginia, elections have consequences.

They will also have consequences in Turkey, where Erdogan is currently polling ten points behind opposition candidate Kemal Kiricdaroglu in the presidential elections scheduled for mid-May.

I predict Erdogan will pull a few tricks out of his sleeve between now and then, as he has done in the past.

©Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved

Air Force Goes on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity [DIE] Hiring Spree: Top Job Pays up to $183,500 thumbnail

Air Force Goes on Diversity, Inclusion, Equity [DIE] Hiring Spree: Top Job Pays up to $183,500

By The Geller Report

The left ha destroyed our schools, universities, corporations, airlines, etc with these racist policies. Now they are destroying our last line of defense.

America will lose it’s competition with China if this madness continues beyond 2024.

Air Force goes on diversity, equity, inclusion hiring spree: Top job pays up to $183,500

The Air Force is looking to build a ‘world-class’ DEI program

By Fox News, March 15, 2023

The U.S. Air Force this month launched an effort to hire a handful of senior-level diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) managers and is hoping to place these officials in posts across the country, from Washington, D.C., to Alaska.

Each post pays at least $82,000 per year, and the top position at the Pentagon could pay more than $180,000 per year.

Read more.


Geller Report Staff


Susan Rice wants every federal agency to focus on racial equity

Here’s What the Feds Are Teaching in “Diversity” Training

THE NEW NAZISM: Biden Gives Power to Susan Rice for Sweeping Racial Overhaul of the Federal Government: “Agency Equity Teams”

Top School Principal Hides Students’ Academic Awards in Name of ‘Equity’

Biden’s Sec of Transportation Buttigieg Launches $1 Billion Plan to Ensure ‘Racial Equity’ in Roads

Biden Regime Unleashes ‘Total Transformation [Destruction] Of Government’ With ‘Equity Action Plans’

United Airlines Graduates First Class Of New Pilots: 80% of Them Are Women or People of Color

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s ‘La Invitacion’ to Illegal Aliens Triggered Border Crisis, New Book Charges thumbnail

Biden’s ‘La Invitacion’ to Illegal Aliens Triggered Border Crisis, New Book Charges

By Virginia Allen

In 2021, Todd Bensman stood on the edge of the Rio Grande river with a member of a drug cartel. Despite usually trying to avoid the cartels, Bensman found himself interviewing the man, who happened to be on vacation after guiding a group of illegal aliens into Texas.

“He had his cocaine. He had a couple of friends there. He had a couple of women there for hire. And that’s how he was doing his vacation, under the bridge, drinking beer,” Bensman says of the cartel member.

“To what do you owe this great prosperity?” Bensman recalls asking the man.

“La invitacion,” the cartel member responded. When Bensman pressed the man as to what he meant, the cartel member explained that President Joe Biden had communicated to the world that the doors to America are open, creating an exceptional business market for the cartels.

Bensman, author of “Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History,” joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to share stories from his years of reporting on the southern border and the reality of the current illegal immigration crisis.

This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Biden’s Migrant Catch-and-Release Policy Unlawful, Trump-Appointed Judge Rules thumbnail

Biden’s Migrant Catch-and-Release Policy Unlawful, Trump-Appointed Judge Rules

By Judicial Watch

The Biden administration has turned the southwest border into a meaningless line in the sand and little more than a speedbump for aliens flooding into the country, according to a scathing federal court order blasting the president’s controversial catch-and-release policy. Known as Parole Plus Alternative to Detention (Parole+ATD) the program released over a million illegal immigrants in the U.S. in a year, supposedly tracking them with technology and other tools. Florida officials filed a lawsuit in 2021, accusing the Biden administration of violating immigration laws with policies that freed illegal aliens from detention after entering the country via the Mexican border. The state alleged that releasing illegal immigrants impacts it because about 100,000 ended up in Florida, increasing healthcare, education, and criminal justice costs.

A federal judge agreed with officials in the Sunshine State, ruling this month that the Biden administration is responsible for the southwest border crisis and that it is to blame for the influx of migrants. In his 109-page order the judge, T. Kent Wetherell of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Florida, writes this: “Defendants have effectively turned the Southwest Border into a meaningless line in the sand and little more than a speedbump for aliens flooding into the country by prioritizing “alternatives to detention” over actual detention and by releasing more than a million aliens into the country—on “parole” or pursuant to the exercise of “prosecutorial discretion” under a wholly inapplicable statute—without even initiating removal proceedings.” Rejecting the government’s rationale for the outrageous policy, the Trump-appointed jurist likens it to “a child who kills his parents and then seeks pity for being an orphan.”

The lashing continues in the lengthy decision, which was delivered after a weeklong trial in January. Biden’s open border policies are akin to posting a flashing “come in, we’re open sign on the Southern border,” Judge Wetherell writes. “The unprecedented ‘surge’ of aliens that started arriving at the Southwest border almost immediately after President Biden took office and that has continued unabated over the past two years was a predictable consequence of these actions.” The judge cites Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz’s testimony revealing that the current surge in migrants differs from prior surges he has seen over his lengthy career in that most of the border crossers are turning themselves in to federal agents rather than trying to escape. “It is reasonable to infer (and just plain common sense) that aliens are doing this because they are aware that they will be expeditiously processed and released into the country,” the order states, adding that “indeed, on this point, Chief Ortiz credibly opined based on his experience that the aliens are likely turning themselves in because they think they’re going to be released.”

Ruling that Biden’s catch-and-release policy is unlawful, Judge Wetherell gives the administration seven days to comply with federal immigration law. Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, who filed the lawsuit, said the ruling affirms what we have known all along, that Biden is responsible for the border crisis and his unlawful immigration policies make the U.S. less safe. “A federal judge is now ordering Biden to follow the law,” Moody said in a statement, adding that “his administration should immediately begin securing the border to protect the American people.” A former state judge and federal prosecutor who tried drug, firearm, and fraud crimes, Moody and her legal team presented the court with evidence that the Biden administration purposely reduced Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) holding capacity and narrowed removal pathways to force the release of hundreds of thousands of migrants into the U.S.

Besides recently being ruled illegal by a federal court, a former senior advisor at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) says the ATD program has proven to be a “costly failure” and thousands of illegal aliens disappear from monitoring every year. “The goal should be to quickly determine whether these individuals have a valid case, and if not, to quickly deport them,” the former DHS advisor, Jon Feere, says in a news article. In the same story former acting ICE director Ron Vitiello says that ATD is popular among the left and sounds great, but the reality is illegal immigrants in the program will likely never be deported.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What the WHO Is Actually Proposing thumbnail

What the WHO Is Actually Proposing

By David Bell

The World Health Organization (WHO) is currently developing two international legal instruments intended to increase its authority in managing health emergencies, including pandemics;

(1) Amendments to the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR), and

(2) A pandemic treaty, termed ‘CA+’ by the WHO.

The draft IHR amendments would lay out new powers for the WHO during health emergencies, and broaden the context within which they can be used. The draft CA+ (‘treaty’) is intended to support the bureaucracy, financing and governance to underpin the expanded IHR.

These proposed instruments, as currently drafted, would fundamentally change the relationship between the WHO, its Member States and naturally their populations, promoting a fascist and neo-colonialist approach to healthcare and governance. The documents need to be viewed together, and in the far wider context of the global/globalist pandemic preparedness agenda.


The threat of pandemics.

The current rapidly increasing funding for pandemics and health emergencies is based on several fallacies, frequently repeated in white papers and other documents as well as the mainstream media as if they were facts, in particular:

  • Pandemics are increasing in frequency.
  • Pandemics are causing an increasing health burden.
  • Increased contact between humans and wildlife will promote more pandemics (as most are caused by zoonotic viruses).

The last pandemic to cause major mortality was the 1918-19 ’Spanish flu,’  estimated to have killed between 20 and 50 million people. As noted by the National Institutes of Health, most of these people died of secondary bacterial pneumonia, as the outbreak occurred in the pre-antibiotic era. Prior to this time, major pandemics were due to bubonic plague, cholera and typhus, all addressable with modern antibiotics and hygiene, and smallpox, which is now eliminated.

The WHO lists just 3 pandemics in the past century, prior to Covid-19; the influenza outbreaks of 1957-58 and 1968-69, and the 2009 Swine flu outbreak. The formers killed 1.1 million and 1 million people respectively, while the latter killed 150,000 or less. For context, 290,000 to 650,000 people die of influenza every year, and 1.6 million people die of tuberculosis (at a much younger average age).

In Western countries, Covid-19 was associated with deaths at an average age of about 80 years, and global estimates suggest an overall infection mortality rate of about 0.15 percent, which is similar to that for influenza.which is similar to that for influenza (0.3-0.4% with Covid in older Western populations).

Thus, pandemics in the past century have killed far fewer people and at an older age than most other major infectious diseases.

The Covid-19 event stands out from previous pandemics due to the aggressive and disproportionate responses employed, instituted contrary to existing WHO guidelines. The harms of this response have been discussed extensively elsewhere,, with little doubt that the resultant disruptions to health systems and increased poverty will cause far higher mortality, at a far younger age, than would have been expected from Covid-19 itself. Despite the historical rarity of pandemics, the WHO and partners are pushing forward with a rapid process that will ensure repetition of such responses, rather than first analyzing the costs and benefits of the recent example. This is clearly reckless and a bad way to develop policy.

The role of the WHO in public health.

The WHO, whilst having a role in coordinating cross-border health emergencies included in its Constitution, was founded on human rights principles and originally emphasized community and individual rights. These culminated in the Declaration of Alma Ata, emphasizing the importance of community participation and ‘horizontal’ approaches to care.

Apart from its basis in human rights, this approach has a strong public health basis. Improved life expectancy and major reductions in infectious disease in wealthier populations predominantly occurred through improved living conditions, nutrition and sanitation, with a secondary impact of improving basic health care and availability of and access to antibiotics. Most vaccines came later, though playing an important role in certain diseases such as smallpox. Basic nutrition and living conditions are still the predominant determinant of life expectancy, with GDP recognized as directly impacting infant mortality, in particular in lower income countries.

The emphasis of the WHO has changed over the past few decades in particular, associated with two major shifts in funding. Firstly, a large proportion of funding now comes from private and corporate sources, rather than being almost solely country-based at its inception. Secondly, most funding is now ‘specified,’  meaning it is given to the WHO for specific projects in designated geographies, rather than being used at the WHO’s discretion to address the greatest disease burdens. This is reflected in an apparent move from priorities based on disease burden to priorities based on commodities, particularly vaccines, that generate profit for its private and corporate sponsors.

In parallel, other ‘public-private partnerships’ have arisen, including Gavi, the vaccine alliance, and CEPI (dedicated solely to pandemics). These organizations include private interests on their governing boards, and address a narrow health focus that reflects the priorities of private sponsors. They influence the WHO through direct funding and through funding within WHO Member States.

Other UN agencies have evolved in similar ways, with UNICEF now heavily focused on implementing mass Covid vaccination among populations already immune, whilst children, its former focus, have had rapidly deterioratinhealth metrics. The World Bank has developed a Financial Intermediary Fund (FIF) to support related pandemic preparedness with the WHO as technical partner, in order to fund development of a surveillance, identification and response network as envisioned in the two WHO pandemic instruments (below) and backed by the recent G20 meeting in Indonesia.

The WHO pandemic instruments

The WHO is pushing two instruments to enhance its role and authority in health emergencies including pandemics; (1) Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR) and (2) a new treaty-like instrument currently designated CA+.

The IHR (2005) currently has force under international law but is written as non-binding recommendations. The World Health Assembly (WHA), the governing body of the WHO, will only need a simple majority of States (97 of 194) to pass the amendments. Countries will then have 6 months in which to opt out, otherwise being considered to have accepted the amendments as existing signatories to the IHR. This opt-out period was reduced from 18 months by the WHA in 2022.

The CA+ (treaty) instrument is due to be presented to the WHA in May 2024. Adoption will require a two-thirds majority of Member States.

Both draft instruments are currently passing through a usual WHO process of open and closed committee meetings and internal and external reviews, after submission of proposals by various States. The IHR amendments process is under the Working Group on Amendments to the International Health Regulations (2005)n (WGIHR) while the CA+ instrument is under the International Governmental Negotiating Body (INB).

What the two WHO pandemic instruments will do.

As currently drafted, the CA+ and IHR amendments complement each other. The IHR amendments concentrate on the specific powers and processes sought by the WHO and its sponsors. The CA+ concentrates more on the governance and funding to support these. Specificities in both instruments will change between now and the WHA vote in May 2023 and 2024 respectively. However, in broad terms, they are currently written to achieve the following:

IHR draft Amendments:

  • Expand the definitions of pandemics & health emergencies, including the introduction of ‘potential’ for harm rather than actual harm. It also expands the definition of health products that fall under this to include any commodity or process that may impact on the response or “improve quality of life.”
  • Change the recommendations of the IHR from ‘non-binding’ to mandatory instructions that the States undertake to follow and implement.
  • Solidify the Director General’s ability to independently declare emergencies.
  • Set up an extensive surveillance process in all States, which WHO will verify regularly through a county review mechanism.
  • Enable WHO to share country data without consent.
  • Give WHO control over certain country resources, including requirements for financial contributions, and provision of intellectual property and know-how (within the broad definition of health products above).
  • Ensure national support for promotion of censorship activities by WHO to prevent contrary approaches and concerns from being freely disseminated.
  • Change existing IHR provisions affecting individuals from non-binding to binding, including border closures, travel restrictions, confinement (quarantine), medical examinations and medication of individuals. The latter would encompass requirements for injection with vaccines or other pharmaceuticals.

CA+ (treaty):

  • Set up an international supply network overseen by WHO.
  • Fund the structures and processes by requiring ≥5% of national health budgets to be devoted to health emergencies.
  • Set up a ‘Governing Body,’  under WHO auspices, to oversee the whole process.
  • Expand scope by emphasizing a ‘One Health’ agenda, being defined as a recognition that a very broad range of aspects of life and the biosphere can impact health, and therefore fall under the ‘potential’ to spread harm across borders as an international health emergency.

Both draft instruments remain under discussion, and further changes are likely. A recent external review committee report pushed back on some aspects of the IHR amendments in a report to the DG, but left much of the basis intact.

It is important to consider these texts together, and in the context of the wider pandemic preparedness agenda that includes agencies such as Gavi and CEPI, their private and corporate sponsors, and private industry lobby groups including the World Economic Forum (WEF). The WEF has been influential in promoting the agenda; CEPI was inaugurated at the 2017 WEF Davos meeting. The pandemic agenda must also be seen in the context of the unprecedented profits and wealth transfers, and the suspension of basic human rights that the Covid-19 public health response promoted.

The momentum behind the agenda

An international bureaucracy is currently being built with funding envisioned at up to $31 billion per year, including $10 billion in new funding. (For context, the entire current WHO annual budget is about $3.6 billion). This same bureaucracy will surveil for new and variant viruses, identify them, determine their ‘threat’ and then implement a response. This is essentially creating a self-perpetuating pandemic industry, with major internal conflicts of interest, funded by the world’s taxpayers but, being under a UN agency, having no national legal oversight and little accountability. Its justification for continued funding will rely on declaring and responding to perceived threats, restricting the lives of others whilst accruing profit to its sponsors through pharmaceutical recommendations and mandates.

While both texts are intended to have force under international law, countries can theoretically opt out in order to preserve their sovereignty and protect their citizens’ rights. However, low-income countries could potentially face financial pressures, restrictions, and sanctions from entities such as the World Bank that are also invested in this agenda. Of relevance, the 2022 United States National Defense Authorization Act (HR 7776-960) includes wording concerning adherence to the IHR, and action concerning countries that are uncooperative with its provisions.

What can be done

These initiatives, if continued, will reverse the direction of international public health and the WHO itself, driving back towards a colonialist and fascist approach to health governance reflecting values the world sought to put aside in the aftermath of World War Two. As the Covid-19 response demonstrated, they will have a wide and profound impact across society, removing basic human rights, increasing poverty and wealth concentration. They deserve global attention and a robust society-wide response.

Both draft instruments could be stopped by the IHR amendments failing to achieve 50 percent of Member States’ support, and the CA+ failing to achieve two-thirds majority, or, after adoption, failing to have a minimum 30 ratifications). While it is inevitable that some provisions will change prior to being put to a vote, and some amendments may fail to pass, the bureaucracy and mechanisms being built in parallel mean that the passage of any of the proposed provisions will further promote this anti-democratic approach to society. Blocking them seems vital, but the voting structure of the WHA (one country – one vote) makes international diplomacy by vested interests influential. Votes commonly depend on the views of a small group of health bureaucrats.

Blocking in national legislatures seems a very important approach, including the introduction of legislation to embed health policy including emergency responses within national jurisdictions, and specifically preventing national agencies from following external dictates.

While international coordination is important in public health, particularly in cross-border risks and disease spread, this must be at the behest of State parties. Such measures must respect the fundamental human rights principles established through the post-World War Two tribunals and treaties intended to stop colonialist and totalitarian approaches to individuals and international relations. This may require a different set of international agencies that have sufficiently strong constitutions to withstand private conflict of interest, and that cannot violate basic individual and national sovereignty. This may require defunding current agencies and replacement with structures more fit for purpose. If the world is not to be locked into a situation from which it becomes difficult to extract itself, this question must be addressed very urgently.

IHR amendments

The IHR amendments contain the most important aspects of the WHO’s pandemic preparedness initiative.

They are summarized in a previous publication, and should be read and understood alongside the CA+ zero draft.

INB CA+ zero draft

Extracts from the INB Zero Draft of the CA+.

Article 4. Guiding principles and rights

17. Central role of WHO – As the directing and coordinating authority on global health, and the leader of multilateral cooperation in global health governance

Emphasizing the central ‘directing’ role of the WHO.

Article 6. Predictable global supply chain and logistics network

2. The WHO Global Pandemic Supply Chain and Logistics Network (the “Network”) is hereby established.

3. The Parties shall support the Network’s development and operationalization and participate in the Network, within the framework of WHO, including through sustaining it in inter-pandemic times as well as appropriate scale-up in the event of a pandemic.

(b) assess anticipated demand for, and map sources of, manufacturers and suppliers, including raw materials and other necessary inputs, for sustainable production of pandemic-related products (especially active pharmaceutical ingredients)

(c) develop a mechanism to ensure the fair and equitable allocation…

Requiring (shall) Parties to support the WHO’s proposed global supply network. 3 (b) seems to imply a role for the WHO in requiring production outside of market forces. 3 (c), while seemingly innocuous and fair, would take allocation out of country purview and could be used to require compliance with WHO dictates on distribution.

Article 7. Access to technology: promoting sustainable and equitably distributed production and transfer of technology and know-how

The Parties, working through the Governing Body for the WHO CA+, shall strengthen existing and develop innovative multilateral mechanisms that promote and incentivize relevant transfer of technology and know-how for production of pandemic-related products on mutually agreed terms, to capable manufacturers,…

4. In the event of a pandemic, the Parties:

(a) will take appropriate measures to support time-bound waivers of intellectual property rights that can accelerate or scale up manufacturing of pandemic-related products during a pandemic, to the extent necessary to increase the availability and adequacy of affordable pandemic-related products;…

(c) shall encourage all holders of patents related to the production of pandemic-related products to waive, or manage as appropriate, payment of royalties by developing country manufacturers on the use, during the pandemic, of their technology for production of pandemic related products, and shall require, as appropriate, those that have received public financing for the development of pandemic-related products to do so; and …

Reflecting IHR amendment provisions on requirement to give up intellectual property, but in this case time-limited (determined by?). Includes waiver of royalty payments. As with the proposed IHR amendments, these provisions seem to impact States’ intellectual property laws.

Article 8. Regulatory strengthening

2. Each Party shall build and strengthen its country regulatory capacities and performance for timely approval of pandemic-related products and, in the event of a pandemic, accelerate the process of approving and licensing pandemic-related products for emergency use in a timely manner, including the sharing of regulatory dossiers with other institutions.

This reflects the accelerated nature of vaccines during the declared emergency for Covid-19, and the reduced regulatory oversight and safety trials related to this. This greatly reduces costs to pharmaceutical manufacturers in particular, and undercuts decades of development of regulatory oversight.

Article 12. Strengthening and sustaining a skilled and competent health and care


3. The Parties shall invest in establishing, sustaining, coordinating and mobilizing an available,

skilled and trained global public health emergency workforce that is deployable to support Parties upon request, based on public health need, in order to contain outbreaks and prevent an escalation of small scale spread to global proportions.

4. The Parties will support the development of a network of training institutions, national and

regional facilities and centres of expertise in order to establish common guidance to enable more predictable, standardized, timely and systematic response missions and deployment of the

aforementioned public health emergency workforce.

Investment in building the pandemic bureaucracy that will underpin this agenda.

Article 13. Preparedness monitoring, simulation exercises and universal peer review

4. Each Party shall provide annual (or biennial) reporting, building on existing relevant reporting where possible, on its pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery capacities.

The surveillance mechanism, which appears built on the model of the review mechanism of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR).

Article 15. Global coordination, collaboration and cooperation

2. Recognizing the central role of WHO as the directing and coordinating authority on international health work, and mindful of the need for coordination with regional organizations, entities in the United Nations system and other intergovernmental organizations, the WHO Director-General shall, in accordance with terms set out herein, declare pandemics.1

Article 17. Strengthening pandemic and public health literacy

  1. The Parties commit to increase science, public health and pandemic literacy in the population, as well as access to information on pandemics and their effects, and tackle false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through promotion of international cooperation. In that regard, each Party is encouraged to:

(b) conduct regular social listening and analysis to identify the prevalence and profiles of misinformation, which contribute to design communications and messaging strategies for the public to counteract misinformation, disinformation and false news, thereby strengthening public trust; and,

2. The Parties will contribute to research and inform policies on factors that hinder adherence to

public health and social measures, confidence and uptake of vaccines, use of appropriate therapeutics and trust in science and government institutions.

Provisions on managing free speech.

Article 19. Sustainable and predictable financing

1. The Parties recognize the important role that financial resources play in achieving the objective of the WHO CA+ and the primary financial responsibility of national governments in protecting and promoting the health of their populations. In that regard, each Party shall:

(a) cooperate with other Parties, within the means and resources at its disposal, to raise

financial resources for effective implementation of the WHO CA+ through bilateral and

multilateral funding mechanisms; (b) plan and provide adequate financial support in line with its national fiscal capacities for: (i) strengthening pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems; (ii) implementing its national plans, programmes and priorities; and (iii) strengthening health systems

and progressive realization of universal health coverage;

(c) commit to prioritize and increase or maintain, including through greater collaboration

between the health, finance and private sectors, as appropriate, domestic funding by allocating in its annual budgets not lower than 5% of its current health expenditure to pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, notably for improving and sustaining relevant capacities and working to achieve universal health coverage; and (d) commit to allocate, in accordance with its respective capacities, XX% of its gross domestic product for international cooperation and assistance on pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and health systems recovery, particularly for developing countries, including through international organizations and existing and new mechanisms.

Setting up the financial structure, requiring certain levels of budgetary application to pandemics irrespective of burden.

Article 20. Governing Body for the WHO CA+

1. A governing body for the WHO CA+ is established to promote the effective implementation of the WHO CA+ (hereinafter, the “Governing Body”).

2. The Governing Body shall be composed of: (a) the Conference of the Parties (COP), which shall be the supreme organ of the Governing Body, composed of the Parties and constituting the sole decision-making organ; and (b) the Officers of the Parties, which shall be the administrative organ of the Governing Body.

3. The COP, as the supreme policy setting organ of the WHO CA+, shall keep under regular review every three years the implementation and outcome of the WHO CA+ and any related legal instruments that the COP may adopt, and shall make the decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the WHO CA+.

Establishing the governing body for health emergency surveillance and response (which appears intended to be within WHO).

Article 21. Consultative Body for the WHO CA+

  1. A consultative body for the WHO CA+ (the “Consultative Body”) is established to provide advice and technical inputs for the decision-making processes of the COP, without participating in any decision-making.

Another oversight body, part of this growing workforce supported solely for this purpose.

This article was published by Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s How Many Pride Events The Air Force Held In 2022, According To A Just-Launched DEI Newsletter thumbnail

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s How Many Pride Events The Air Force Held In 2022, According To A Just-Launched DEI Newsletter

By Micaela Burrow

The Air Force hosted 67 Pride celebrations in 2022, according to the first Air Force Office of Diversity and Inclusion quarterly newsletter obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Among those events, top Air Force leaders participated in the first service-wide LGBTQ+ Pride event organized by a new volunteer team within the Air Force focused on LGBTQ+ issues, the newsletter, dated February 2023, shows. The LGBTQ Initiatives Team (LIT) participated in 67 Pride commemorations across 33 Air Force and Space Force installations throughout 2022 and intends to organize more events this year.

“Through their hard work,” the newsletter states, referring to multiple diversity-focused working groups including the LIT, “we are one step closer to building a more diverse, inclusive, equitable, and accessible Total Force that values and leverages every member’s unique attributes.”

The LIT is one of seven “Air Force Barrier Analysis Working Groups” chartered to identify “root causes” and determine whether or not these “root causes” detract from DEI in the force, according to the newsletter. Other groups include the Black and African American Employment Strategy Team, the Disability Action Team and the Women’s Initiative Team.

Each all-volunteer team reviews demographic data collected from Air Force and federal-level sources to devise ways to increase ethnic, disability and “gender diversity” in the Air Force, according to the newsletter. Teams then provide recommendations to decision-makers.

In 2022, the LIT created a list of LGBTQ+ celebrations and “affinity groups” across the Air Force, the newsletter states. The LIT also hosted over 100 people at the first Air Force-wide LGBTQ+ event, including Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones, Chief of Staff of the Air Force Gen. Charles Q. Brown, and Chief of Space Operations Gen. Chance Saltzman.

In 2023, the LIT plans to develop a centralized Pride network in 2023 and create standardized training for Air Force airmen and Space Force guardians to create their own groups, according to the newsletter. It also intends to publish “transgender medical standards.”

The LIT was first established in April 2021, according to a press release. Its plans for next year are the latest steps toward the Air Force’s attested goal of increasing LGBTQ+ inclusion and feelings of acceptance among the ranks.

On June 1, 2022, the Barrier Analysis Working Group hosted a Pride-themed Cross-Cultural Mentoring Panel featuring representatives from the Air Force, businesses and nonprofits, according to a press release.

The Biden administration updated transgender service policies for every branch of the armed services in 2021. Services quickly opened up to transgender members and began distributing guidance and training materials.

For example, the Air Force Academy, which trains officers, rolled out a diversity curriculum in 2021 instructing cadets to avoid gendered language, including words like “mom” and “dad.”

The Air Force did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.

This article was published by The Daily Caller and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

China President Xi Plans Meeting with Zelensky to Discuss Peace Proposal, Mediating End To The War thumbnail

China President Xi Plans Meeting with Zelensky to Discuss Peace Proposal, Mediating End To The War

By The Geller Report

Wiping the floor with Biden.

This was America’s global role and responsibility (not marching to WWIII) before the 2020 coup.

Watch the Democrat party of treason spins this faster than Rumpelstiltskin.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, likely after he visits Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter.

The meetings with Messrs. Putin and Zelensky, the latter of which is expected to take place virtually, reflect Beijing’s effort to play a more active role in mediating an end to the war in Ukraine, some of the people said.

Xi Jinping Plans Meeting with Volodymyr Zelensky to Discuss Peace Proposal

Chinese leader Xi Jinping plans to speak with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for the first time since the start of the Ukraine war, likely after he visits Moscow next week to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to people familiar with the matter. The meetings with Messrs. Putin and Zelensky reflect Beijing’s effort to play a more active role in mediating an end to the war in Ukraine. A direct conversation with Mr. Zelensky would mark a significant step in Beijing’s efforts to play peacemaker in Ukraine. It would also bolster Beijing’s credentials as a global power broker after it facilitated a surprise diplomatic breakthrough between Saudi Arabia and Iran last week

Read more.

China’s Xi to meet Putin in Moscow, speak to Zelenskyy: reports

Chinese President Xi Jinping is planning to visit Moscow to meet with Vladimir Putin as early as next week, according to reports by Reuters and the Wall Street Journal.

The U.S. newspaper added that Xi would also call Ukraine’s leader, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, which will be the first time the two men will have had direct communication, at least publicly, since the Russian invasion started more than a year ago.

The Kremlin last week refused to comment on reports saying that Xi would be in the Russian capital on March 21.

Xi, who broke with tradition and embarked on his third five-year term as president last week, has long considered Putin his “old friend,” while the two governments reached a “no-limit partnership” shortly before Putin waged war on Ukraine.

Read more.


Pamela Geller


He’s right and you all know it!

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “Standing before you today, I am the only candidate who can make this promise: I will prevent World War III.”

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 14, 2023


McCarthy Warns Of 1936-Style Enemy Alliance Forming Against The United States

TOTAL DISCONNECT: What Biden Said About China Leadership On Iran and Saudi Arabia Deal

Chinese Brokerage of Iran-Saudi Deal Latest in String of Power Plays on World Stage

Chinese Spy Concubine Eric Swalwell Hints at Barring Fox News from Military Personnel

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Iraq War, 20 Years Later thumbnail

The Iraq War, 20 Years Later

By John Mueller

On Thursday, March 16, we reach the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Saddam Hussein’s Iraq under the George W. Bush administration. There will be an afternoon of panels on that day at Cato reflecting on the event.

As the invasion loomed, there was quite a bit of protest both in the United States and around the globe, and a popular placard at some of the protests was one reading, “A village in Texas is missing its idiot.”

In his impressive new book, Confronting Saddam Hussein: George W. Bush and the Invasion of Iraq (Oxford University Press), historian Melvyn Leffler takes strong exception to that characterization. He argues, that, while “the invasion of Iraq turned into a tragedy,” this was not, “as some accounts have it, because of an inattentive chief executive, easily manipulated by neoconservative advisers.” In fact, “Bush always was in charge of the administration’s Iraq policy, and he did not rush to war. Haunted by the catastrophe on 9/11, he grappled with unprecedented threats, identified Iraq as a potential danger, developed a strategy of coercive diplomacy, and hoped Hussein would bow to American pressure. He went to war not out of a fanciful idea to make Iraq democratic, but to rid it of its deadly weapons, its links to terrorists, and its ruthless, unpredictable tyrant.”

Leffler’s argument about democracy promotion is sound. In fact, the democracy argument rose in significance, as Bruce Russett has noted, only after the security arguments for going to war proved to be empty. And Francis Fukuyama wryly observes that a prewar request to spend “several hundred billion dollars and several thousand American lives in order to bring democracy to … Iraq” would “have been laughed out of court.” Moreover, when given a list of foreign‐​policy goals, the American public has rather consistently ranked the promotion of democracy lower—often much lower—than such goals as combating international terrorism, protecting American jobs, and strengthening the United Nations.

However, it is clear from Leffler’s discussion that the administration never really evaluated, or reevaluated, the central motivation for its invasion: “whether invasion and war were more desirable outcomes than the status quo, however frightening, had not been evaluated.” Central was the deeply flawed assumption that Iraq presented a major threat to the United States and to the region because it might develop weapons of mass destruction and dominate by using or threatening to use them or by giving them to terrorists.

In fact, concludes Leffler, Bush “was unable to grasp the magnitude of the enterprise he was embracing, the risks that inhered in it, and the costs that would be incurred.” Moreover, he “did not invite systematic scrutiny of the policies he was inclined to pursue,” and he “did not ask his advisers if invading Iraq was a good idea.” And no one even “mentioned the possibility that Hussein might not have the weapons they assumed he had.”

The poor guy, it seems, was helpless: “Like many Americans, the president and his advisers could not help but conflate the evil that Hussein personified with a magnitude of threat that he did not embody.” That is, the threat Iraq presented was massively exaggerated.

However, dozens of academic specialists, a few insiders, the leaders of several allied countries, and protesters like the ones holding the “idiot” placards did get the “threat” right at the time. Unlike Bush and his advisors, they did not helplessly conflate it with evil.

To begin with, in order to “dominate,” Iraq would have needed to have an effective army. However, as had happened 12 years earlier in the Gulf War of 1991, its army simply collapsed and evaporated when the 2003 invasion took place. One can’t at once maintain that Iraq’s military forces can easily be walked over—something of a premise for the war‐​makers of 2003, and one that proved to be accurate—and also that this same demoralized and supremely incompetent military presented a coherent international threat.

Iraq might have obtained nuclear weapons eventually—it took 27 years, however, for the less dysfunctional Pakistan to do so. But, even he get the weapons, Saddam Hussein would find, should he brandish them in an attempt to “dominate” or “blackmail,” that he was confronted not by a set of fearful supplicants but by a coalition of opponents that had thousands of the weapons, as had happened in 1990 when Iraq invaded neighboring Kuwait. That is, as 33 top international relations scholars argued in a New York Times advertisement published on September 26, 2002, “Even if Saddam Hussein acquired nuclear weapons, he could not use them without suffering massive U.S. or Israeli retaliation.”

And if handed over to terrorists, the origins of the weapons could likely have been readily determined through nuclear forensics. As Brent Scowcroft put it in a prewar column, it was absurd to assume that Saddam Hussein would hand the weapons off to “terrorists who would use them for their own purposes and leave Baghdad as the return address.”

Whether a Texas village has now again become whole may be a matter of debate, but, together with Bush’s 2001 invasion of Afghanistan—which proved to be an abject failure and was also likely unnecessary—the consequences of the policy lapse have been horrific. According to various tallies, including ones accepted by Leffler, the 9/11 wars have resulted in the deaths of 100 times more people than perished in that terrorist attack—far more, in fact, than were killed by nuclear weapons at Hiroshima and Nagasaki combined.

This article was published by CATO Institute and is reproduced with permission.


There is an important runoff election for the Phoenix City Council District 6 on March 14. Conservative Sal DiCiccio (R) is term limited and will be replaced by the winner of this race. The two candidates are Republican Sam Stone and Democrat Kevin Robinson. If you live in District 6 (check here), you either received a mail-in ballot or you must vote in person (see below).

This is a very important race that will determine the balance of power on the City Council. Phoenix, like many large cities in conservative states, has tended blue with the consequences many cites suffer from with progressive governance. Have you noticed the growing homeless problem in our city?

Conservative Sam Stone is the strong choice of The Prickly Pear and we urge our readers in District 6 to mail your ballots in immediately and cast your vote for Sam Stone. Learn about Sam Stone here. Sal DiCiccio’s excellent leadership and term-limited departure from the Phoenix City Council must not be replaced by one more Democrat on the Council (Democrat Robinson endorsed by leftist Mayor Gallego). Sam Stone is a superb candidate who will bring truthful and conservative leadership to the Phoenix City Council at a time when the future of Phoenix hangs in the balance between the great history of this high quality, desert city we can live in and are proud of or the progressive ills of Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Mail-in ballots were sent to registered voters in District 6 on the February 15th. Mail your ballot no later than March 7th – it must be received by the city no later than March 14th to be counted. If you are not on the Permanent Early Voting List you must cast your ballot in person.

In-person balloting at voting centers will occur on three days in mid-March:

  • Saturday, March 11: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, March 13: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
  • Tuesday, March 14: 6 a.m. to 7 p.m

In-person voting can be done at the following locations:

  1. Sunnyslope Community Center, 802 E. Vogel Ave.
  2. Bethany Bible Church, 6060 N. Seventh Ave.
  3. Devonshire Senior Center, 2802 E. Devonshire Ave.
  4. Memorial Presbyterian Church, 4141 E. Thomas Road
  5. Burton Barr Central Library, 1221 N. Central Ave.
  6. Eastlake Park Community Center, 1549 E. Jefferson St.
  7. Broadway Heritage Neighborhood Res. Ctr., 2405 E. Broadway Road
  8. South Mountain Community Center, 212 E. Alta Vista Road
  9. Cesar Chavez Library, 3635 W. Baseline Road
  10. Pecos Community Center, 17010 S. 48th St.

You can also vote in person at City Hall through March 10th on the 15th floor. City Hall is at 200 W. Washington St.

Republican Candidates for President Asked Six Questions on Ukraine—Their Answers Will Shock You thumbnail

Republican Candidates for President Asked Six Questions on Ukraine—Their Answers Will Shock You

By Dr. Rich Swier

Tucker Carlson decided to send six questions about the Ukrainian/Russian conflict. Amazingly the candidates responded with insightful answers.

Here are the six questions:

  1. Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?
  2. What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?
  3. What is the limit of funding and materiel you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?
  4. Should the United States support regime change in Russia?
  5. Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?
  6. Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?


We asked every potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate to answer six key questions on the war in Ukraine. As promised, their full responses are below.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Tucker then posted each candidates answers on Twitter. Here their answers:

President Donald J. Trump.

Former President @realDonaldTrump answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

“Like inflation and numerous other self inflicted wounds and mistakes made over the past two years, Russia would definitely not have raided and attacked Ukraine if I was your President. In fact, for four years they didn’t attack, nor did they have any intention of doing so as long as I was in charge. But the sad fact is that, due to a new lack of respect for the U.S., caused at least partially by our incompetently handled pullout from Afghanistan, and a very poor choice of words by Biden in explaining U.S. requests and intentions (Biden’s first statement was that Russia could have some of Ukraine, no problem!), the bloody and expensive assault began, and continues to this day. That is all history, but how does it end, and it must end, NOW! Start by telling Europe that they must pay at least equal to what the U.S. is paying to help Ukraine. They must also pay us, retroactively, the difference. At a staggering 125 Billion Dollars, we are paying 4 to 5 times more, and this fight is far more important for Europe than it is for the U.S. Next, tell Ukraine that there will be little more money coming from us, UNLESS RUSSIA CONTINUES TO PROSECUTE THE WAR. The President must meet with each side, then both sides together, and quickly work out a deal. This can be easily done if conducted by the right President. Both sides are weary and ready to make a deal. The meetings should start immediately, there is no time to spare. The death and destruction MUST END NOW! Properly executed, this terrible and tragic War, a War that never should have started in the first place, will come to a speedy end. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!”

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“No, but it is for Europe. But not for the United States. That is why Europe should be paying far more than we are, or equal.”

What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

“Our objective in Ukraine is to help and secure Europe, but Europe isn’t helping itself. They are relying on the United States to largely do it for them. That is very unfair to us. Especially since Europe takes advantage of us on trade and other things.”

What is the limit of funding and materiel you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

“That would strongly depend on my meeting with President Putin and Russia. Russia would have never attacked Ukraine if I were President, not even a small chance. Would have never happened if I were President, but it has. I would have to see what the direction in which Russia is headed. I want them to stop, and they will, depending on the one that delivers that message. But with everything said, Europe must pay. The United States has spent much more than Europe, and that is not fair, just, or equitable. If I were President, that horrible war would end in 24 hours, or less. It can be done, and it must be done– now!”

Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

“No. We should support regime change in the United States, that’s far more important. The Biden administration are the ones who got us into this mess.”

Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

“No, they have not been effective. Just the opposite. They drove Russia, China and Iran into an unthinkable situation.”

Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

“It depends on who the President of the United States is. At the moment, with Biden as president, absolutely yes. He says and does all the wrong things at the wrong time.”

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis

Florida Governor @RonDeSantisFL answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests – securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party – becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them. The Biden administration’s virtual “blank check” funding of this conflict for “as long as it takes,” without any defined objectives or accountability, distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges.

Without question, peace should be the objective. The U.S. should not provide assistance that could require the deployment of American troops or enable Ukraine to engage in offensive operations beyond its borders. F-16s and long-range missiles should therefore be off the table. These moves would risk explicitly drawing the United States into the conflict and drawing us closer to a hot war between the world’s two largest nuclear powers. That risk is unacceptable.

A policy of “regime change” in Russia (no doubt popular among the DC foreign policy interventionists) would greatly increase the stakes of the conflict, making the use of nuclear weapons more likely. Such a policy would neither stop the death and destruction of the war, nor produce a pro-American, Madisonian constitutionalist in the Kremlin. History indicates that Putin’s successor, in this hypothetical, would likely be even more ruthless. The costs to achieve such a dubious outcome could become astronomical.

The Biden administration’s policies have driven Russia into a de facto alliance with China. Because China has not and will not abide by the embargo, Russia has increased its foreign revenues while China benefits from cheaper fuel. Coupled with his intentional depletion of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and support for the Left’s Green New Deal, Biden has further empowered Russia’s energy-dominated economy and Putin’s war machine at Americans’ expense.

Our citizens are also entitled to know how the billions of U.S. taxpayer dollars are being utilized in Ukraine.

We cannot prioritize intervention in an escalating foreign war over the defense of our own homeland, especially as tens of thousands of Americans are dying every year from narcotics smuggled across our open border and our weapons arsenals critical for our own security are rapidly being depleted.”

Former Vice President Mike Pence

Former VP @Mike_Pence answers our Ukraine questionnaire

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“When the United States supports Ukraine in their fight against Putin, we follow the Reagan doctrine, and we support those who fight our enemies on their shores, so we will not have to fight them ourselves. There is no room for Putin apologists in the Republican Party. This is not America’s war, but if Putin is not stopped and the sovereign nation of Ukraine is not restored quickly, he will continue to move toward our NATO allies, and America would then be called upon to send our own.

Vladimir Putin has revealed his true nature, a dictator consumed conquest and willing to spend thousands of lives for his commitment to reestablish the Greater Russian Empire. Anyone who thinks Putin will stop at Ukraine’s border is not owning up to the reality of who Putin is. We need to be clear-eyed about the Russian threat: that Georgia, the Crimea, and Ukraine are merely at the top of Putin’s lists, they are not the only countries he’s aiming for. And by supporting Ukraine, we have told China we will support Taiwan, should they follow Russia in an attempt to invade.”

What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

“Victory for Ukraine, where Ukraine’s sovereignty and peace are restored as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, the Biden administration slow walked aid to Ukraine, every response has been too slow from providing intelligence to Ukraine, to hammering Russia with sanctions, to providing military equipment and fighter jets to Ukraine.

Ukraine’s victory should be an unmistakable, undeniable defeat for Russia and its allies.”

What is the limit of funding and material you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

“As a fiscal conservative, I do not believe in sending blank checks and want oversight of government spending at home and abroad. But withholding or reducing support will have consequences: If Putin is not stopped now and he moves into NATO-controlled territory, the cost will be far greater.”

Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

“That is a better question for the thousands of Russian citizens jailed for protesting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As many as 200,000 Russian troops have been killed or wounded in Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, that question should be asked to those families grieving their loss, ask if they’d support a regime change.”

Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

“The Trump-Pence administration established a devastating sanctions program and was the toughest US administration on Russia since the Cold War. Sanctions against Russia could have had even more painful consequences if the Biden administration moved quicker with new sanctions and western Europe had heeded US warnings to look elsewhere for energy sources.

Russia’s economy and currency are not stronger than before the war. The Russian economy is in free-fall. The Russian ruble is still afloat because of the extremely costly measures Russia has taken to keep their currency at pre-war levels in the face of sanctions. Russia is currently being propped up by China, and if China withdraws their support, Putin could run out of money by as soon as 2024; Russia is not in a strong economic position. This war is costing Russia their economy, their military prowess, their position on the world stage, and it’s costing lives.”

Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

“Putin is still “the small and bullying leader of Russia,” his talk of nuclear war is a bullying tactic that he used at the start of the invasion. But Putin should know the United States will not be bullied. This administration has not led with strength on the world stage, but America is still a nation that believes peace comes through strength.”

Candidate Vivek G. Ramaswamy

2024 GOP Presidential Candidate @VivekGRamaswamy answers our Ukraine questionnaire

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“No, it is not “vital.” Rather, this is a stark reminder of what is a vital American national strategic interest: national energy independence. This war is a symptom of America’s lack of self sufficiency. Putin is a tyrant and started this needless war, but he did so because we created incentives that tipped the balance of his decision-making in favor of invading: if he knows the West relies on him to provide oil and gas (because the U.S. and Western Europe have self-inflicted limitations on their own ability or willingness to produce), then Putin is in a stronger position–and that led him to think he could win. The Biden Administration weakened our energy security, which created the conditions for Putin to invade Ukraine, which is of course an undesired outcome. Biden, in turn, responded by calling for more oil and gas production, pretty much everywhere in the world other than in the U.S. itself.

The more America is reliant on foreign energy and oil, the less leverage we have with petro dictators.

The Europeans need to be the main upholders of European security. The Europeans, starting with the Germans, need to do more for themselves. Unfortunately, the Germans chose to ‘go green’ on energy, and so they’re looking to us to shoulder the load on Ukraine, as well as defense in general. We spend close to 4 percent of our GDP on defense, and the Germans spend barely over 1 percent. Ukraine is in their backyard, not ours. If the Germans and other European countries can’t or won’t produce their own energy, they should buy natural gas from Louisiana and Texas—and from Pennsylvania and my home state of Ohio.

Foreign policy is all about prioritization, my top two foreign policy priorities are to Declare Independence from Communist China and to annihilate the Mexican drug cartels.

The main thing should be the main thing: focus on China. China wants the Ukraine war to last as long as possible to deplete Western military capacity before invading Taiwan. It’s working: we think we appear stronger by helping Ukraine, but we actually become weaker vis-à-vis China.

We’ve spent 20 years droning people in caves in the Middle East and Central Asia and have little to show for it. We should be taking out the people who have caused the death of more than 100,000 Americans every year–the Mexican drug cartels.”

What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

“Our objective in Ukraine should be to respect any prior legal treaty commitments the U.S. has made, so as to preserve our credibility when it comes to commitments in the future, which I believe we have already fulfilled – and indeed gone beyond. (I make a clear distinction between commitments to which Congress was made aware and approved, and whatever secret deals the Biden administration might have cooked up.)

The Budapest Memorandum, signed by Russia, Ukraine, the U.S. and the U.K., was supposed to assure Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, a massive stockpile, and received security protections–but not an alliance or pledge to go to war, just a commitment to respect the sovereignty of existing borders. Whether that was the right decision to make in 1994 is a point of reasonable debate, but it is in our long-term self interest to stick by our word. And we have.

But now it’s time to move on.”

“A key objective has already been achieved by revealing Russia to be a “paper tiger.” Russia’s military capabilities are far weaker than the U.S. defense establishment previously had assumed (their track record of being blatantly wrong about “intelligence” assessments only grows each year): recall how they predicted that Ukraine would fall within days–the same defense establishment who wrongly predicted that Kabul would not fall to the Taliban. Time to find a different term for our “intelligence experts.”

Our second objective is to deter Putin from aggression against other European nations, including NATO powers. But we can achieve that goal in part by guaranteeing America’s energy independence, which our own President has unilaterally undermined. It is stunning that Biden lobbied against the EU adopting its Russian oil ban, while simultaneously sending $113 billion in aid to Ukraine to fight against Russia. In other words: Biden helps fund Putin’s war machine with one hand, and yet he sends money to Ukraine with the other. More importantly, if you want to deter Putin from invading Poland, then move the idle tens of thousands of troops we have from Germany into Poland to send a signal – not by fighting a war in Ukraine.

A third objective is nudging—shaking, if necessary—the Europeans to take care of themselves. I believe in America First 2.0, and we should at least get the Europeans to Europe First 1.0. We actively undermine this very objective by offering a bottomless pit of aid to Ukraine.”

What is the limit of funding and material you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

“Generally speaking, I don’t think it’s wise to telegraph our ends, and I believe the facts in January 2025 may be very different from where they are today. But let me be clear: if I were president right now, I would limit any further funding or support to Ukraine.

Ukraine isn’t in the top five of American foreign policy priorities right now, and yet merely questioning whether the money we’ve spent on the war is being done effectively or perhaps even prolonging the war is seen as disloyal. We get accused by both Democrats and Republicans of being “Putin sympathizers.” The Washington uni-party and defense contractors want this conflict to go on forever; for the sake of the global economy and peace, we should be doing everything we can to end it tomorrow.

As I mentioned, Biden gives $113 billion in aid to Ukraine while he lobbied against the EU ban on Russian oil imports on the other hand. The U.S. has shot itself in the foot with its own production capabilities. It’s unclear who wins this game, but the loser is clear: America.

I’ll say again: the Europeans need to do more, a lot more — it’s their backyard, it’s their borders. The Europeans have gotten used to freeloading, and we know what happens to freeloaders — they become dependent, even lazy. We can’t be the nanny of Europe forever; we have too much to take care of here at home. We have a swiss-cheese of a southern border that pours in fentanyl killing hundreds of thousands of Americans every year. It’s time to secure our border before taking care of someone else’s. This would be an appropriate and morally justified use of military force: secure our southern border and annihilate the drug cartels responsible for countless American deaths on our own soil.

We’ve discovered a big problem on our end—the weakness of our industrial base. I’m disturbed by reports that our aid to Ukraine has drained away munitions and other material that we could potentially need for our own defense.”

“There is opportunity cost in depleting these defense resources–especially in protecting our own soil and border from Mexican cartels or in the case of Communist China. Critics of this view would say that these defense capabilities are different–that we need enhanced naval capabilities to counter China and defend Taiwan. That’s a hubristic view that we shouldn’t indulge when we have major future unknowns–opportunity costs are opportunity costs, period.”

Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

“No. We’ve seen this movie before–Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan, the list goes on. History shows the U.S. is abysmal at effectuating regime change. And, even when we do, we usually end up regretting it. Regime change is riddled with unintended consequences. The bigger risk we need to worry about is driving Putin into Xi’s hands. Our policies are having precisely that effect right now.”

Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

“Clearly not. Russia is stronger because of higher oil and gas revenue owing to higher prices. The lesson for the U.S. and the West should be to abandon the climate cult that shackles the West while leaving Russia and China untouched. We restrict our own energy while the Russians and Chinese go pedal-to-the-metal on their own energy, including coal. The Biden administration jovially sacrifices our energy dominance on the altar of green goals—some mythical target in the far future that the world will never hit. As President I will end that foolish and self-destructive game.”

Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

“The risk of nuclear war goes up the more that China begins to back Russia – which is happening now before our eyes. This is the #1 risk factor to the U.S. taking an aggressive posture towards Russia while going soft on China: we drive Putin straight into Xi Jinping’s hands.

The foreign policy establishment has demonstrated weakness time and time again when it comes to Russia–including in our nuclear arms negotiations with the Russian Federation, which continues even now. Putin and the Russians, and the Soviets before them, not only brazenly violated every nuclear arms control treaty we have with them, but the U.S. gives up any semblance of negotiating leverage. It’s humiliating. The Trump Administration, rightly, began to walk away from the New START Treaty as the Biden Administration swooped in and stopped that process, squandering all negotiating power and absurdly signed a five-year extension.

Russia may be a third-world gas station with an economy the size of Pennsylvania. But, they are a third world gas station with more nuclear warheads than any other nation on the planet, including the U.S. The global defense establishment must dig its head out of the sand and buck up to the fact that China, who is not constrained by any nuclear arms treaty, is secretly building up its nuclear stockpile. They are nearing nuclear parity.

For these reasons, it serves US national security interests to move ahead with full-spectrum missile defense to protect US soil. We cannot afford a bottomless pit of military spending and need to focus on the priorities that actually advance our national defense interests.”

South Dakota Governor Kristin Noem

South Dakota Governor @govkristinoem answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

Q: Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

A: “The primary external threat to the United States in Communist China. Our opposition to Russia has heightened this threat for a number of reasons. One, it’s pushing Russia into an alliance with China – meaning Russia may soon draw from China’s large weapon arsenal. Two, we’re weakening our own military by sending weapons to a corrupt country. And three, we’re taking our eyes off the ball and allowing China to put favors in their bank. This should be Europe’s fight, not ours. We should not waste taxpayer dollars at the risk of nuclear war.”

Q: What specifically is our objective in Ukraine, and how will we know when we’ve achieved it?

A: “The American people didn’t get us into this war – Joe Biden did. Biden has this fantasy that he can do the same kind of thing to Russia that Ronald Reagan did to the Soviet Union; that, somehow, through American military weight, we’re going to bring Putin to his knees. His fantasy is wasting a lot of American money and killing too many people.

If we had a President who pursued peace through strength, Putin never would have dared to invade Ukraine. The only way to avoid these kinds of conflicts is to project strength. That’s why voters must remove Biden and the Democrats from office.”

Q: What is the limit of funding and materiel you would be willing to send to the government of Ukraine?

A: “We’ve already over-extended ourselves in our largesse to Ukraine. And the Ukrainian government is not made up of angels – they have a long history of corruption scandals, and recent news indicates that this issue is ongoing.

The federal government is closing in on $200 billion in aid to Ukraine. We haven’t spent that much to protect our border in the last 5 years combined. We must question whether we should prop up a corrupt regime to our own financial detriment.”

Q: Should the United States support regime change in Russia?

A: “Not at this time, as it could lead to an even more destabilized Europe and cause escalation up the nuclear ladder.”

Q: Given that Russia’s economy and currency are stronger than before the war, do you believe that U.S. sanctions have been effective?

A: “The United States has come to rely far too heavily on financial sanctions as a weapon of deterrence. Now, nations that hate America are consciously moving away from the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

Sanctions against China, Iran, and Russia have bolstered the Russian ruble and enabled China to establish trade in Chinese money rather than in US dollars.

One of the worst side effects of these sanctions has been the skyrocketing cost of oil and natural gas in America and around the world. Russia is selling less of its oil and gas, but they are doing so at a much higher price.

It’s counterfactual to say that Russia’s economy is stronger in the wake of the war. The more appropriate phrase here is “more resilient.” Russia has ridden out the sanctions remarkably well, but its economy remains weak. And it’ll get sucked into the global recession that it helped cause.”

Q: Do you believe the United States faces the risk of nuclear war with Russia?

A: “The Biden regime is taking us quickly up the escalatory ladder with a series of provocative actions and statements. We cannot back down from any legitimate threat that Putin makes against the United States. We are closer now to the use of tactical nuclear weapons than we have ever been. That would be what Putin would use first. This is not about dropping “the big one” on New York or Los Angeles. Putin would slaughter thousands of souls in a contained fighting environment.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Governor @GregAbbott_TX on Ukraine:

“President Biden’s blank check foreign policy in Ukraine has drawn nothing but ridicule and disdain from our adversaries and has diverted funding from essential needs in the United States. Throwing money at Ukraine with no accountability or objective is clearly failing. Worse is that President Biden’s approach to Ukraine has been at the expense of underfunding, or ignoring, priorities at home. Before he sends any more money or assets to Ukraine’s border, he must enforce our immigration laws and secure our southern border. As Governor of Texas, I am focused on responding to this Biden-made border crisis and delivering real results for Texans this legislative session.”

Senator Tim Scott

@SenatorTimScott on Ukraine:

“You have Americans who are frustrated because of the lack of leadership on domestic issues that only exacerbates the situation we see today in Ukraine. Here’s where we need the president to lead: what is our nation’s vital interest in Ukraine? And it should start with degrading the Russian military is in our vital national interest. In addition to that, we are not going to simply degrade the Russian military. We are gonna have accountability for every single dollar spent. There is no such thing as a blank check. We are going to make sure that there’s accountability. And the last point I’d make on the Ukraine front is that China has chosen a side. They are partnering, they are partnering with Putin, which means it’s enmity with us. China is a risk that continues to rise, an adversarial position they have taken against the American people. We should hear what they’re telling us. Believe them and act accordingly.”

Chris Christie

Former @GovChristie on Ukraine:

“Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is a national security issue that threatens our alliances and our standing in the world. Our objective is to assist Ukraine sufficiently to enable them to defeat Russian forces and restore their sovereignty. This effort is not about regime change in Russia; it is about respecting the sovereignty of free nations. Also, this is a proxy war being waged by Russia’s ally China against the United States. Due to their assistance to Russia and China’s recent action in the Middle East, it would be naïve to call this anything but Chinese aggression. Our allies and our enemies are watching us. It is on us to assist our democratic allies in defending themselves against authoritarian aggression. If we do not, this aggression will spread and the void we leave will be filled by authoritarian regimes like China, Iran, North Korea and an empowered Russia if they triumph over Ukraine.”

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.