Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Kari Lake For Governor Of Arizona thumbnail

Tulsi Gabbard Endorses Kari Lake For Governor Of Arizona

By Nicole Silverio

Former Democratic presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard, who recently left the party, endorsed Republican Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake late Tuesday.

Gabbard made the endorsement just days after announcing her departure from the Democratic Party and praised the Trump-backed candidate for her stance on border security, energy, and public safety. Gabbard participated as a featured guest speaker at an Arizona Young Republicans event on Monday in support of Lake’s campaign.

“For too long, establishment leaders from both parties have sought to enrich themselves, play games, and build up their power while ignoring and even enabling the suffering of millions of hard-working Americans,” Gabbard said in a press release. “Kari Lake is a leader who puts people first, fighting for border security, energy independence, public safety, and other policies that actually make life better and more affordable for the American people.”

Gabbard credited Lake for standing against the “elite cabal” of “propagandists” in Washington and the media. This language mirrored her announcement of her departure from the Democratic Party, in which she tore into the party for being an “elitist cabal of warmongers” who divide the U.S. by race and “anti-white wokeism.”

Kari Lake isn’t afraid to call out the elite cabal of permanent Washington and the Military Industrial Complex and their propagandists in the mainstream media. I look forward to supporting Kari Lake ahead of these critical midterm elections,” the statement concluded.

Lake received former President Donald Trump’s endorsement in early August during the tight primary against fellow Republican Karrin Taylor Robson. Lake is a strong Trump supporter who centered her campaign around the results of the 2020 presidential election, which she claimed were fraudulent, and security at the U.S.-Mexico border. A previous CNN segment called Lake a “rising star of the right-wing” and “proud spreader of lies” about the 2020 election.

A recent Arizona Public Opinion Pulse poll found that Lake is narrowly leading her opponent, Democratic Arizona gubernatorial candidate Katie Hobbs, 47%-44%. The poll was conducted on October 4th – October 6th, 2022 and surveyed 674 Arizona likely voters with a 3.77% margin of error.


This article was published by the Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s How ICE Tried To Spin Their ‘Indefensible’ 2021 Report Showing Massive Drop In Deportations, Arrests thumbnail

EXCLUSIVE: Here’s How ICE Tried To Spin Their ‘Indefensible’ 2021 Report Showing Massive Drop In Deportations, Arrests

By The Daily Caller

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) attempted to spin the agency’s low arrest and deportation numbers in fiscal year 2021 by blaming them on the pandemic, a Trump-era rule and lack of cooperation with foreign countries, according to internal documents obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

ICE’s communications team acknowledged that the agency’s Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report, which featured a massive decline in deportations and arrests, would likely be the subject of criticism, and prepared a response for acting Director Tae Johnson and acting Chief of Staff Jason Houser to downplay the low levels of interior immigration enforcement, according to internal communications obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. The report was also delayed, which ICE attributed to the fact that the report was a compilation of what would otherwise be multiple separate reports.

Fiscal year 2021’s data is the lowest number of deportations in at over a decade, according to ICE data, with the agency’s Office of Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) deporting 59,011 noncitizens in fiscal year 2021 compared to 185,884 noncitizens deported in fiscal year 2020. ERO also arrested 74,082 noncitizens during fiscal year 2021, a 28% decrease from the previous fiscal year’s 103,603 arrests.

“The ICE communications team is tasked with a very complex and demanding mission. But it seems to me that even they knew that the results of this administration’s policies were indefensible,” Jon Feere, who was chief of staff at ICE during the Trump administration, told the DCNF.

The agency’s talking points blamed the decrease in removals on the COVID-19 pandemic as well as Title 42, a public health order used to expel certain migrants. The memo also pointed to more migrants coming from “recalcitrant” countries, which hinder ICE’s ability to deport illegal aliens, as well as its shift in focus to threats to public safety, according to the documents; regarding low arrests, ICE also largely blamed the issue on COVID-19.

“Through a series of Department and agency memoranda, ICE has rebalanced its interior enforcement priorities designed to focus its resources on the greatest threats to national security, border security, and public safety,” the document stated of the question on the low deportations.

The decrease in deportations came during a surge in illegal migration at the U.S.-Mexico border, which continues to overwhelm federal authorities; in fiscal year 2021, border authorities encountered 1,734,686 migrants at the southern border, according to agency statistics, compared to 458,088 migrant encounters in 2020 and 977,509 migrant encounters in 2019. The Biden administration enacted numerous policies critics argued contributed to the increase in migration, such as issuing an immediate 100-day moratorium on deportations and to limit immigration enforcement to threats to national security, border security and public safety, which were both struck down by subsequent lawsuits.

“The ICE communications team obviously saw that the reduction in ICE arrests and removals was going to raise a lot of eyebrows with the public and the media and worked to find some justification for this dramatic fallout from the Biden administration’s policies, but the only things they could come up with were not persuasive,” Feere said.

“They used COVID and Title 42 and recalcitrant countries as arguments as to why arrests and removals have been down. But those issues existed under the Trump administration as well. And yet, we were able to achieve a much larger number of arrests and removals,” Feere added.

The documents show that ICE prepared responses to several questions, including “Why isn’t ICE arresting more noncitizens” and “Why isn’t ICE removing more noncitizens from the U.S.” when releasing the annual report.

“By focusing squarely on noncitizens who represent the greatest threats in key areas, ERO can operate effectively and efficiently, and consistently with our values as a nation. This focused approach has yielded measurable successes,” the document stated as a response to the question of low arrests.

The Biden administration faced intense criticism when the report was released from current and former officials, including former ICE Director Tom Homan, who told the DCNF at the time that “the Biden administration is even failing to live up to the extremely low level enforcement bar it has set for itself.”

ICE didn’t respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.



Investigative reporter. 

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Admin To Expel Illegal Migrants From Venezuela, Provide Thousands Of Others A Legal Pathway

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Pay-to-Play in the China Swamp thumbnail

Pay-to-Play in the China Swamp

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Finally, people are catching on to how our corrupt elites are beholden to China, starting with the first family.

The Biden family received a $5 million interest-free, forgivable loan from a Chinese energy company five years ago, according to FBI evidence.  Senator Chuck Grassley called for a pay-to-play corruption investigation.  Joe Biden was out of the White House at the time, but a witness said the money was compensation – deliberately deferred – for work Hunter and James Biden did while Joe Biden, who benefitted from the deal, was vice president.  A whistleblower who was part of the deal confirmed Joe Biden was personally involved and said the Bidens eventually expected to make billions from the Chinese.  The $5 million was eventually sent to entities tied to Hunter and James Biden.  Lawyers for those two have declined to answer questions about the deal.  Senator Grassley, in calling for an investigation, said the evidence points to potential criminality.  Pay-to-play – an investigation would uncover exactly what the Chinese received in exchange for the $5 million forgivable loan.  Enquiring minds want to know.

Meanwhile, Joe Biden continues to appoint China sympathizers to the State Department.  His latest appointment once told Americans to “embrace China” and worked with Chinese front groups to advance Chinese interests in Washington.  Get this – this person is being appointed to a position supposedly created to counter China’s growing influence.  Yeah, like that’s going to happen.  Talk about the fox guarding the henhouse.  This fox joins the other China-sympathizing foxes Biden has appointed to State Department positions.

Currying influence in Washington has paid off for China.  U.S. government agencies gave $29 million in joint research grants to Chinese entities in a recent six-year period.  The grants came from the CDC, NIH, and Pentagon and went for research into vaccines, drones, and drugs.  Sounds pretty benign until you realize the communist Chinese do not distinguish between civilian and military research.  All research is military research in China.  Talk about giving them the rope to hang us with.  We wouldn’t know about this if Republicans hadn’t asked GAO for the information.  GAO said in its report there are ways around reporting requirements, so the true extent of U.S. taxpayer money going to China for research is unknown.

But money doesn’t have to go to China for China to get its hands on U.S. research.  A new Pentagon study shows China seeks out U.S. companies that get federal research funding and recruits them to perform work for Chinese entities tied to the Chinese military.  The U.S. companies betray their own country by selling out to the Chinese, at which point their research is transferred to Chinese subsidiaries.  The kinds of research ending up in China this way involve drugs, drones, spacecraft, bio-sensors, solar energy, and a catch-all category ‘military devices’.   The Pentagon study concluded China benefits more from our research than we do.   People say China can’t innovate, but this is pretty darn clever.  Legislation is needed to disqualify U.S. firms that have ties to China and pose this kind of national security risk.

One final note: the CEOs of Bank of America, JP Morgan Chase, and Citigroup told Congress last month they would follow U.S. government guidance to refrain from doing business in China if China were to invade Taiwan.  But given the forgivable loans, expectations to make billions, and ‘10 percent for the Big Guy’, can you really see Joe Biden giving the CEOs the order to pull out of China?  I can’t.   That’s just one possible consequence of allowing China to capture our elites.  There are others.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

RELATED ARTICLE: Don’t want a Chinese spy in your home? Sign the “CCP Challenge”

4 Muslim Migrants Arrested for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-year old Paris Girl Found Stuffed in a Suitcase with Throat Slashed thumbnail

4 Muslim Migrants Arrested for Brutal Rape and Murder of 12-year old Paris Girl Found Stuffed in a Suitcase with Throat Slashed

By The Geller Report

And they keep bringing them in.

The left excuses this brutal carnage to ‘cultural differences’.

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

The underlying belief is the same: non-Muslim women exist for the pleasure of Muslim men. It’s in the Quran: Muslims can take “captives of the right hand” and use them for sex (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). And as long as it is not addressed, there will be more and more of these Muslim rape gangs, aided and abetted by hopelessly compromised British officials.

Why does this keep happening?

The answer to that question is quite clear, but no one wants to see it. In France, a Muslim quoted Qur’an while raping his victim. A survivor of a Muslim rape gang in the UK has said that her rapists would quote the Qur’an to her, and believed their actions justified by Islam. Thus it came as no surprise when Muslim migrants in France raped a girl and videoed the rape while praising Allah and invoking the Qur’an. In India, a Muslim gave a Qur’an and a prayer rug to the woman he was holding captive and repeatedly raping. And the victim of an Islamic State jihadi rapist recalled: “He told me that according to Islam he is allowed to rape an unbeliever. He said that by raping me, he is drawing closer to God…He said that raping me is his prayer to God.”

In India, a Muslim kidnapped and raped a 14-year-old Hindu girl, and forced her to read the Qur’an and Islamic prayers. In Pakistan, another Christian woman recounted that her rapist was also religious: “He threw me on the bed and started to rape me. He demanded I marry him and convert to Islam. I refused. I am not willing to deny Jesus and he said that if I would not agree he would kill me.” Rapists demanded that another girl’s family turn her over to them, claiming that she had recited the Islamic profession of faith during the rape and thus could not live among infidels.

The Qur’an teaches that Infidel women can be lawfully taken for sexual use (cf. its allowance for a man to take “captives of the right hand,” 4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30). The Qur’an says: “O Prophet, tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to bring down over themselves of their outer garments. That is more suitable that they will be known and not be abused. And ever is Allah Forgiving and Merciful.” (33:59) The implication there is that if women do not cover themselves adequately with their outer garments, they may be abused, and that such abuse would be justified.

However, anyone who points all this out will be excoriated as a “racist” and an “Islamophobe,” and accordingly ignored. This has been going for years, and there is no sign that it’s going to stop anytime soon. (more here)

As for the victim’s tender young age: Child marriage has abundant attestation in Islamic tradition and law. Turkey’s directorate of religious affairs (Diyanet) said in January 2018 that under Islamic law, girls as young as nine can marry. Ishaq Akintola, a professor of Islamic Eschatology and Director of Muslim Rights Concern in Nigeria, stated: “Islam has no age barrier in marriage and Muslims have no apology for those who refuse to accept this.” Dr. Abd Al-Hamid Al-‘Ubeidi, an Iraqi expert on Islamic law, agreed: “There is no minimum marriage age for either men or women in Islamic law. The law in many countries permits girls to marry only from the age of 18. This is arbitrary legislation, not Islamic law.” Dr. Salih bin Fawzan, a prominent cleric and member of Saudi Arabia’s highest religious council, said that there is no minimum age for marriage and that girls can be married “even if they are in the cradle.” Pakistan’s Council of Islamic Ideology ruled: “Islam does not forbid marriage of young children.”

France in shock: 4 Algerian migrants arrested for brutal rape and murder of 12-year-old Paris girl found stuffed in a suitcase with throat slashed

The young schoolgirl was raped, stuffed in a suitcase, and found inside a car trunk

By: John Cody, Remix, October 17, 2022

French police has four Algerians in custody suspected of participating in the brutal murder and rape of a 12-year-old schoolgirl only identified as Lola. The suspects (Dahbia B., Amine K., Friha B., and Rachid N.) all hail from the same Algerian village, and one of them may be in the country illegally.

The body was found in a suitcase curled up, shackled, with a deep wound in her throat, and marked with inscriptions. According to the autopsy, carried out on Saturday, her death was due to asphyxiation. Two of the suspects in the case have been charged with “murder of a minor under the age of 15 in connection with a rape committed with acts of torture and barbarism,” “rape of a minor under the age of 15 with acts of torture and barbarism,” and “concealment of a corpse.” Although there was no mention of sexual violence when the story first broke, the latest details from BMFTV allege the girl was also raped.

Macron pushes to send migrants to French countryside, labels plan an ‘opportunity’ during ‘demographic transition’

The French president’s plan may be in the hope of shoring up rural votes for the left

Police also say that “a device” was used to imprint the numbers “one” and “zero” on her body, but further details about what these numbers mean and how they were “imprinted” on the body remains unclear.

Lola’s father reported her disappearance on Friday because she had not returned after her classes at Georges-Brassens College, located just behind the building where she was eventually found. Lola’s mother, Delphine, went to the police station of the XIXth. The schoolgirl, with medium-length blond hair, was wearing white jeans with holes in them, a white hoodie, a sleeveless jacket and white sneakers, the report said.

The mother posted a desperate message on social media to find her daughter after she went missing, writing: ”Our daughter Lola was last seen at 3:20 p.m. in the company of a woman we do not know in our residence.”

The investigators also arrested a fourth suspect early this Saturday morning in Bois-Colombes, in the Hauts-de-Seine. It is a woman, whose description could match that of a woman seen on video surveillance at the time of the crime. Another woman, who allegedly asked for help from a local Friday afternoon to carry a big trunk to her car, is the fourth person presently in police custody, according to Le Parisien. The two women in custody are sisters, and according to media reports, one of them is homeless.

The Paris prosecutor’s office currently says that a 24-year-old man is the main suspect in the case; he spoke “clearly” to investigators, apparently divulging key evidence in the case, according to BFMTV. A second suspect, in his 40s, is suspected of having helped the younger male perpetrator transport the body. It is unclear what role the female suspects may have played in the case.

According to Le Journal du Dimanche, police are also investigating the possibility that the girl was kidnapped and targeted for organ harvesting.

In front of the girl’s building, the entrance is overflowing with stuffed animals and flowers placed there by mourners. A friend of the girl, spoke with BFMTV, saying, “We were still laughing on Friday, I didn’t realize what would happen.”

Politicians across France are pointing to the fact that once again, migrants are responsible for another shocking murder and rape.

“Lola, 12, brutally murdered in the 19th arrondissement of Paris. Four Algerians in custody. Our youth is being slaughtered while professional mourners chase imaginary Islamophobia,” wrote Stéphane Ravier, senator for Bouches-du-Rhône.

Lola, 12 ans, assassinée sauvagement dans le 19e arrondissement de Paris.

Quatre Algériens en garde à vue.

Notre jeunesse se fait massacrer pendant que les pleureuses professionnelles font la chasse à une islamophobie imaginaire.#Francocide #Lola pic.twitter.com/hm5pxxJ74g

— Stéphane Ravier (@Stephane_Ravier) October 16, 2022

National Rally parliamentary leader Marine Le Pen wrote on Twitter, “Once again, a terrible assassination. A little girl massacred in the middle of Paris. One day, it will be necessary to go to the end of the investigations to find, not only the direct culprits, but also to stop the crazy policies which make these crimes possible.”

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


Biden Administration’s Attempt to Loosen Document Verification Would Clear the Path for Fraud and Unlawful Employment, Charges FAIR

Obama Threatened Netanyahu With SLITTING THE THROAT Gesture

School CANCELS Event with Islamic Sex Slave Survivor Nadia Murad Saying It Would Offend Muslims

Rape jihad (scroll)

Sex Slavery in Islam (scroll)

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Dem ‘Moderates’ In Name Only Are Running For Key Offices Across America thumbnail

Dem ‘Moderates’ In Name Only Are Running For Key Offices Across America

By Deroy Murdock

Editors’ Note: Senator Mark Kelly is on a prominent but deceitful list of Democrat Senators calling themselves ‘moderate’ (see below) but voting almost always with the far-left, progressive and socialist agenda of the modern Democrat Party and the White House cabal directing Joe Biden. In addition, the junior Senator from Arizona considers himself a ‘maverick’ (as does our other U.S. Senator from Arizona, Kyrsten Sinema). There is nothing moderate about Senator Mark Kelly and he certainly does not represent the interests of Arizona citizens. It is time he exits the U.S. Senate and comes back to Arizona as a private citizen. Blake Masters is your choice for this election cycle. The choice is not hard – Blake Masters is a conservative Arizona native who will vote to stop the disaster of the open southern (and Arizona) border, a believer in the free enterprise system with equal opportunity for all Americans, a man devoted to the central and critical role of the family in American life, non-woke classical education for our children producing informed and competent citizens, and the rule of law for the safety and well-being of all Arizonans. Is there really a question about this choice?

It happens every time.

While most Republicans proudly run for office as conservatives and then govern that way, Democrats typically conceal their liberal beliefs and pose as “moderates” and “centrists.”

Once elected, they swing Left and startle voters who sign up for compassion and get stuck with socialism. (RELATED: SNEAD: The Left Is Pushing To Reshape Voting Systems Across America — Here’s How)

“Moderate Joe Biden” found himself in the White House. Surprise! He reigns miles to the Left of presidents Lyndon Johnson, Bill Clinton, and even Obama.

Americans are paying dearly for Biden’s bamboozling them in 2020. Inflation, violent crime, illegal aliens, transgenderism and neo-authoritarianism run rampant, from sea to shining sea.

Democrats are at it again: U.S. Senate incumbents running for re-election masquerade as moderates, often with the regime media trumpeting their “centrism.” If elected, they will abandon the “middle of the road” and ride the left shoulder on the Highway to Hell.

The American Conservative Union offers a quick and reliable test for alleged centrism. ACU rates lawmakers’ key votes. Zero is most liberal; 100 is most conservative. Scores between 33 and 66 occupy the middle of the ideological spectrum.

Also, FiveThirtyEight.com tracks how frequently legislators support Biden’s agenda — from 0% to 100%. The more they vote with the Left-wing Biden, the further Left they reveal themselves to be.

These metrics confirm that Democrat Senate incumbents facing re-election on November 8 are MINOs: Moderates in Name Only.

  • Michael Bennet of Colorado: Politico describes Bennet as “a quiet moderate.” Slate calls him “a relative centrist.” Nevertheless, Bennet’s ACU rating is a paltry 5.7, and he votes with Biden 98.1% of the time.
  • Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada: The Las Vegas Sun-Sentinel paints her as “reasonable, moderate and eminently capable.” (ACU: 5.6/Biden: 92.7%)
  • Maggie Hassan of New Hampshire, per the so-called “Paper of Record,” “is working to burnish her centrist image without making political waves.” (6.7/96.4%).
  • Mark Kelly of Arizona is “touting centrist policies and his efforts to reach across the aisle,” National Public Radio reports. (12.8/94.4%).
  • Raphael Warnock of Georgia “has positioned himself as a traditional, center-left, Bidenish Democrat,” the Washington Post observes. (7.7/96.4%)

These senators seem inoffensive. They do not resemble far-Left extremists such as Bill Ayers, Angela Davis, or the Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Unfortunately, their vote records expose them as the Not Ready for the Rotary Club Players.

“Moderate” senators Bennet and Cortez Masto are Left of Senator Bernie Sanders (Socialist – Vermont), who enjoys a higher ACU rating and lower Biden-vote record (6.2/92.6%).

These five MINOs voted in lockstep for these radical measures:

As Sen. Ted Cruz (R – Texas) told me, these five Democrats joined every other Democrat to confirm outspoken police-defunding advocates Kristen Clarke and Vanita Gupta to top Justice Department positions.

Voters should distrust and verify Democrat claims of “moderation.” Unlike stock prices, congressional vote records are an excellent predictor of future performance.

Genuinely moderate Democrats are nearly extinct. Formers senators such as Oklahoma’s David Boren, Louisiana’s John Breaux, and Georgia’s Sam Nunn might as well be on display at the Smithsonian’s Museum of Natural History, between the mastodon and the stegosaurus.

Any voter who discovers an actual centrist Democrat on the ballot should contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. It will dispatch an endangered species protection team at once.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

The Putin Biden KGB Border Plot thumbnail

The Putin Biden KGB Border Plot

By Simona Pipko

“A popular government without popular information, or the means of acquiring it, is a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.” — James Madison

Yes, I agree, it is perhaps both and we have it in Biden’s America. That is the reason to continue the discussion on the ideology I am maintaining for over thirty years. Hunter Biden’s lab-story has been dismissed as Russian disinformation and fifty-one CIA experts confirmed it. In fact, there was more than Hunter’s lab-story, it was a Joe Biden story and the KGB/Border Plot will expose it. Familiar to you, Mexican Cartels is a false term, those are the Russian Cartels in Mexico. People who know the history of Stalinism are aware of that. After being defeated in the Spanish Civil War, Stalin brought several thousand Spanish orphans to Russia. These boys and girls had been placed in a special dormitory and trained by the KGB. Later, in 1950-1960s the young men and women had been sent to Central America and Mexico. Though all Cartels have the Latin names, Putin’s KGB is running all of them. There are only Drug Cartels bringing annually $30 Billion earned by Russia on the American Southern border.

The letter signed by fifty-one experts presented a very troublesome event. Their signatures illustrate their incompetence, uselessness, and even stupidity. The question is who organized the event and signing of the letter by those incompetent experts. In this respect, I have to remind you that the FBI and CIA are failed to protect us and the American interests due to their incompetence pertaining Russia and its KGB’s Mafia/Army. None of the four FBI Directors was able to identify the Trump/Dossier produced by the KGB. You can answer the question, knowing that it took me a couple of seconds in 2017 to recognize the Trump/Dossier as a KGB’s Falshivka, a usual KGB’s FRAUD. But my writings have been banned by the FBI to prevent you from knowing the truth since 2002. It could be Mueller himself who submitted my name to the FISA Court to cover-up the Dems’ crime.

There are other evidence of old KGB’s profession—human trafficking. Those who know the history of the KGB should remember the events under the Warsaw Pact in the Eastern Europe. Blond young women from Poland and Czechoslovakia had been sold by the KGB to the Muslim countries. Human smuggling started by the KGB in the 20th century and continues by Vladimir Putin in the 21st century. Human smuggling organizations run by the KGB are alive and well today. Whether you know it or don’t know, the fact remains: Russia was and is a Terrorist State destabilizing people’s life globally.

Did you know that Russia has been systematically sabotaging America through drugs since the 1955 Soviet Law of the Revolutionary War? A hundred thousand Americans killed by drugs in 2021. Biden’s open borders policy works in unison with the KGB’s terrorist activities across the globe, promoting drugs and illegal migration to America. The scale of the KGB’s activities is unprecedented—180 countries. Pay attention to the strategy of targeting children without the parents in those countries. Why was the government transporting children by night in America? Who needs the secrecy? Does it remind you Stalinist motivation and projection to use those children later on? Do you recognize Stalinist ideology?

The similarities are even more threatening. Stalinist agenda to destroy American Capitalism has been a model for Biden’s presidency since the first day in the White House by closing a Key Stone pipeline and waging war on fossil fuel. In fact, Biden’s policy has initiated a global crisis: the natural resources fossil fuel, gas, and coal are the driving force of the global economic engine and there is nothing else now to substitute it. The Putin/Biden plot had established a Globalist World Order against a free market capitalism. This is the beginning of WWIII, deliberately choreographed by the Dems to save their traitorous existence.

Now, when your eyes are more open, don’t be surprised by the number of countries infiltrated by the KGB: the agency has been operating during the 20th century and beyond. It spread from North to South, from a girl-Greta in Sweden, an emotional and nervous agitator for “climate change” to “prevent people’s extinction” to the South-Africa Communist government where the KGB is in control and power. Although John Durham’s hands were tied, he is on the right path. Unfortunately, his investigation will not be completed. But the major focus now emphasizes the FBI as a main bad actor. John Durham is right. I was warning you about the FBI and CIA for the last thirty years…

Fascism Never Sleeps

As a former Soviet attorney, I know the Soviet System pretty well and write about it in my books and columns over thirty years. The resemblance to fascism I saw living through Stalinism and learning it in reality. People surrounding me called the Soviet System—Stalinism. The special features of Stalinism and Fascism had been identical: the weaponization of Law Enforcement and establishment of a variety of punitive agencies to control and power over the population. This is the reason that the major topic of my writings is the KGB’s Mafia/Army, which represents all of them.

I choose the term KGB to represent all those punitive agencies, because these three letters have been pretty well familiar to America and the world. The more I write, the more I am convinced that this discussion is a necessity in America and the world today. Some people in America have heard Stalin’s name, but only some. The discussion on whether we are dealing with Soviet Socialism or Soviet fascism is vital today under Biden’s Presidency. Biden called me “Semi-Fascist,” but when I am experiencing something very familiar to me, I recognize it. By the way, the Soviet people called the KGB—the Soviet Gestapo. In this respect, I have to remind you of W. Churchill’s idea:

“The fascists of the future will call themselves anti-fascists.”

Pay attention to Antifa and BLM—they have the same parents.

I was following Biden’s Clan-family for decades. For me, Biden’s personal and open participation in the Clan began in 2013-2014, when Obama appointed him as a point man for Ukraine. You saw it, when Biden publicly pronounced quid-pro-quod, threatening Ukraine with $Billion if a prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden hasn’t fired. It was the time, when Putin/Biden were together suffocating the young Ukrainian democracy. Nothing has changed since and The Putin/Biden KGB/Border Plot proves that. James Madison was right: “It is a prologue to a farce or a tragedy, or perhaps both.”

There is another “Red Flag” for the Biden presidency—the Iranian Deal. I was writing about and introducing you to the term “Axis of Evil” for decades. It was created under the Russian umbrella to wage the war against Western civilization in the 20th century by Stalin. You are watching the continuation of this war by Putin and Chairman Xi Jinpin, both united by the ideology and agenda left to them by Comrade Stalin: One World Socialist Government.  Look at the “Axis of Evil” countries: North Korea, China, Belarus, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and a few on the way…This is a result. The Iranian Deal by Joe Biden is an attempt to join the group instead of fighting their Socialist agenda “under the Russian umbrella.” Isn’t This Treason?

The Biden alternative universe has been built by Socialist modus operandi: lies, deception, fabrication and fraud… Stalinist Soviet Union had been built the same exact way in the 20th century. I was stunned watching Dan Bongino interview with the FBI whistleblower Steve Friend, who described events in the FBI that gravely affected his family. Steve Friend told the story of hundreds of my clients who came to my law office and didn’t want to comply with the regime of Stalinist Socialism… In all my books and columns I was introducing you to Socialist modus operandi to warn you: The Democrat Party is doing just that—it shapes Soviet Socialism with the help of the FBI in America. Read my column: A Global Spy Ring.

Don’t be confused by Biden’s deceptive-maneuvering with Ukraine, he learned a lot from the KGB policy of disinformation, he is the KGB’s puppet with dementia. Putin started war on Ukraine February 24, 2022. The White House reaction was unambiguous: the war will last three days and Ukraine will be defeated. That infuriated me. By continue my common discussion of the ideology, I wrote a column defending Ukraine and expressing my disagreement with the White House: The Global Threat of Anti-Semitism: Fascism, February 28, 2022. The next day, March 1, 2022 was Biden’s State of the Union Address at 9 p.m. EST. I couldn’t believe my eyes and ears, the attitude to the Russian war on Ukraine had been changed to 180 degree. It took me sometimes to find the rationale, but I did.

History is the Mother of all sciences and my column on February 28, 22 presented a misfortunate fate of Ukraine under Soviet Socialism. It also reveals Putin’s desire to build again the Russian Empire in Europe. As a matter of fact, without Ukraine there can’t be a Russian Empire. Ukraine is a European country and the Putin aggressive war where Russia is killing everything alive is the dictator’s desire to build the Russian Empire. The White House has been reading my columns since 2002. Reading the last one gave Biden’s team the idea of saving the Democrat Party and preventing its extinction for the crime they had been committing for decades. That was the rationale for using Ukraine…

But hold your horses! The Republicans still don’t perceive the global scale of the issue. The sabotage against the American Constitutional Republic began many decades ago. I had evidence about Bill Clinton and since him the Democrat Party was engaged in malfeasances against the American political system. In 2016 Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin cooked up a plan to destroy Donald J. Trump and the KGB’s production of Trump/Dossier had popped up. We are still in the labyrinth, puzzled to find the correct answers today in 2022, six years later. This is a result of our incompetence about Russia and its Intel Apparatus that destroying us from within. For America to survive that knowledge is imperative today.

American existence is at stake: Warning by a Former Soviet Attorney.

Joe Biden signed a dozen executive orders in his first hours as president. Do you know who produced those executive orders? It is obvious now that Biden himself couldn’t do it. Who did? Loving my adopted country with all my heart, I am telling you for over thirty years the story of What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction Part III. This is the story of the war against the American Constitutional Republic from within—the history of first unprecedented infiltration of the foreign agencies into the heart of America. Do you know what the KGB’s Mafia/Army means? Racial division, refusal to prosecute crime, corrupt conflicts of interest, compromising connections between the Dem leaders and Russian & Chinese Intel agencies is exposed. Violent crime is rising and public safety escapes America until we learn of the KGB’s Mafia/Army. We are dealing with the ideology of Soviet fascism that never sleeps, hence our national security is at stake. Please, read this book, to prevent the American Tragedy.


©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.


Immigration is a top issue for voters

GOP guvs reveal Dems’ ‘sanctuary city’ mantra is shallow

Report: Pelosi Threatened to Physically Assault Trump

Yes, Things ARE as Bad as You Think They Are. Here is What You Can Do. thumbnail

Yes, Things ARE as Bad as You Think They Are. Here is What You Can Do.

By Neland Nobel

One of the cardinal questions in politics for voters to answer is: are you better off today than you were before? Has the party in power made your life better or worse, easier or more difficult, safer or more dangerous?  Are you freer, or less free than before?

We think an objective answer to this question, in relation to the Biden Administration and those in the Democrat Party, is things are worse off in all those terms.

Wages have trailed inflation for over nine months.  The real standard of living of people is declining. Our wages are down and sadly, our savings in the form of our IRAs and 401ks, are down as well.

About a year and a half ago, we opined that 2022 would be a “risk off” year, meaning risk assets of all kinds would do poorly. We specifically mentioned the classic 60% stock, 40% bond configuration so often used by both financial planners and investors when preparing for retirement. Coming off a long period of zero interest rates, we suggested that it would not work.

It frankly has been worse than we thought. The chart below from Bank of America tells the story.

The 60/40 split has produced the worst results in 100 years. That is a devastating blow to the retired population and those within a few years of retirement.

That is not to say other configurations have done much better. As we chronicled in a series about the “Investor’s Dilemma”, we pointed out that nothing really could work under the Biden policy of rising inflation, rising interest rates, rising taxes, and rising regulation.

Even those smart and nimble enough to be all in cash have seen their purchasing power hit by at least 10%. There has been no place to hide. When you couple losses in stocks and bonds of about 25%, with purchasing power loss of 10% or more, Bidenomics has made you 35% worse off in just about one year. 

That is why this mid-term election is so critical. To stop the bleeding, we must defeat the Democrats decisively and stop this slide into penury.

Even gold and silver, often a hedge against such conditions, has not done all that well, although to its credit, gold has lost less than the stock market.

Some maybe thought they would be immune from poor governance.  But bad policies create bad outcomes, and when you erode the currency in which everything is denominated, you can’t hide.

Thus, from real wages to market returns, you are far worse off under Democrat rule.

Food, fuel, and shelter, the basics of life, are moving much higher in price while the administration pushes chimerical green policies that specifically attack fuel production, food production, and housing development.

The 30-year mortgage rate has risen from just above 3% to almost 6 3/4%. Combined with sharp increases in price, the cost of financing has left many unable to buy a home. The last holdout is now starting to slide, which is residential real estate.

The Democrats are destroying the American dream. Why? Because they never liked it in the first place. To them, it was all built on a lie and our prosperity was based on slavery, even though that ended over 150 years ago and was practiced in the backwaters of our economy. In their view, we are a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, trans-phobic country and people. With that kind of view, why would you support the “American dream”?

Progressive policies have made life infinitely more difficult for most but the few ultra-wealthy. And in terms of safety, you are more subject to crime today, more concerned about how the intelligence agencies are being turned against the people, and closer to nuclear war with a foreign power. We are once again sliding into a war with no strategic purpose, no definition of victory, and no end.

We have all experienced times like this before. Being old enough to remember stagflation and Vietnam, the memories float back. That was also a time of social upheaval as well, as radicals pushed new theories about race and gender. But in that period, the left was a minority assaulting the establishment. Today, they are the establishment and they control all the nodes of political power and the centers of culture and communications.

Hard economic times often come with social upheaval. That too seems to have gotten worse. People who once championed women, now define them out of existence. Blacks are no longer to be treated equally, they are to be given preferential treatment, even in front of Latinos, and especially Asians. Those who were for integration and fair treatment to all, now want special treatment just for some.

Progressives have stood our educational system on its head. Starting with the proposition that a free society should be confident enough to examine its own faults, our educational system now concentrates on nothing but our faults. They want our kids to have the same sour view of our country as they do.

Moreover, while the sexual revolution had its day back in the 1960s and 1970s, it was mostly an argument about the roles that men and women should play and what new rules society should have for the sexes to find a new equilibrium with each other.

Today, the argument is whether the idea of men and women even exists. Progressives think men can become women, women can become men, and many people can just dart back and forth between the two, depending on how they feel. This is adding a national neurosis to an already difficult economic condition.  

Some suggest this is intended, precisely to create revolutionary conditions.

Intended or not, the policies stink, and our only chance at improvement and getting out of this mess is to vote Democrats out en mass. 

We recommend readers approach this election with a fervor reserved for wartime. You must vote and you must convince your friends and neighbors that this election is perhaps the most important in your lifetime. Give of your time, and give of your money.  That is, while you have some money left.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

Blake Masters is Spot On — Mark Kelly Is No Arizona Maverick thumbnail

Blake Masters is Spot On — Mark Kelly Is No Arizona Maverick

By Carrie Sheffield

Democratic Arizona Sen. Mark Kelly tries to make noise that he’s a reasonable, moderate and independent thinker, but the facts about his policy votes and economic views tell a different story. As Kelly’s rival Blake Masters points out, Kelly is no Kyrsten Sinema – an actual maverick not afraid to occasionally buck the Democratic Party.

Kelly supported the falsely-named “Inflation Reduction Act,” which has done nothing to stop painful inflation walloping American families. Kelly supported the CHIPS Act (H.R. 4346), a flawed, $250 billion spending spree combining corporate welfare and industrial policy. Kelly voted for the inflationary, 2,741 page, $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package that expanded the Green New Deal nonsense.

Kelly has a 0% lifetime rating from the Heritage Action For America scorecard, which means that he’s literally never deviated from the progressive position on anything during his Senate career.

Unlike Sinema, Kelly voted to blow up the filibuster, a move that Democrats are pushing for to ram through a federal takeover of elections and pack the U.S. Supreme Court.

Masters said it well on a recent debate stage against Kelly: “Joe Biden is spending like a drunken sailor and at every single opportunity Mark Kelly just says yes. He can’t say no to Chuck Schumer. He can’t say no to Joe Biden – at least Sen. Sinema stopped Build Back Better.”

Sinema has received an outsized amount of bullying and harassment from the far left for voting only 10% in alignment with conservatives at Heritage over the course of her Senate career.

“I know Sen. Sinema caved on the Inflation Reduction Act, and I’m mad at her for that,” Masters continued. “But hey, isn’t it interesting that you have to wonder which way she was gonna vote? You never have to wonder which way Sen. Kelly is gonna vote. Because any spending bill that Biden puts in front of him, he will sign.”

Indeed, as Masters noted, Kelly was the deciding vote on the flawed $750 billion Inflation Reduction Act, which passed solely along party lines.

As women and children suffer from rapes and human trafficking along Arizona’s porous border, Kelly said “no” to 18,000 more Border Patrol agents, but “yes” to 87,000 new IRS agents through funding in the Inflation Reduction Act. Though Kelly and his fellow Democrats try to sell it otherwise, those 87,000 IRS agents won’t just go after billionaires. They’re not just going after big business. They’re going to be auditing average Americans – they’re going to be auditing small businesses and adding headaches and paperwork sure to put some businesses under and at the least cause stalling and stagnation.

As Masters noted, Kelly also voted to send stimulus checks to illegal aliens and violent felons sitting in jail. Is that a good use of taxpayer money? No.

“Think about that the next time you go to the grocery store and you can’t afford to buy steak or eggs,” Masters said.


This article was published by the Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.



Economist Explains Why ‘Americans Are Being Absolutely Crushed Right Now’ thumbnail

Economist Explains Why ‘Americans Are Being Absolutely Crushed Right Now’

By Samantha Aschieris

Editors’ NoteWe hope readers will take the time to either read or listen to the podcast below. In so doing, remember that we got here because of policy decisions. It was the FED that was discontented with 1 1/2% inflation and wanted it above 2%, remember? It was the FED that agreed to monetize huge quantities of debt, allowing politicians free to spend their heads off without disturbing interest rates and the housing market. And it was the Democrats who primarily gave us a Covid-related lockdown, kept it in place the longest, and then attempted to bail out the economy they had crushed with wild debt-financed federal spending and sent checks out to everyone. The result was an unprecedented bulge in the money supply (up 40%). They then ignored the problem calling it “transitory”, and then inflicted more pain with their Green New Deal energy policy. This left the world dependent more than ever on Russia. Sensing his opportunity, Putin struck out at Ukraine. Now we have war in the midst of a worldwide slump. When management screws up this badly, you fire them. Ballots for mail-in voters (80% of Arizona voters, 90% in Maricopa County) were mailed on 10/12 and are arriving across the state. Don’t forget the current misery is the direct result of bad policy, bad governing philosophy, and ideological excess. They wanted to transform America all right. Transform us into a Third World nation! Well, you now have the opportunity to have your voice heard. Let them hear you, loud and clear. Much hinges on the narrow control Democrats have in the U.S. Senate. Therefore, from both the national and Arizona perspective, while all your decisions are important, the most important decision you will make will be regarding Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat. We urge you to send Mark Kelly back to his home in Tucson. It is a nice town. He will like it there.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Thursday that the consumer price index rose 0.4% in September, showing that inflation remained at a near four-decade high of 8.2%.

“Today’s report shows some progress in the fight against higher prices, even as we have more work to do. Inflation over the last three months has averaged 2%, at an annualized rate,” President Joe Biden said in a statement.

EJ Antoni, a research fellow for regional economics in the Center for Data Analysis at The Heritage Foundation, couldn’t disagree more.

“This is just the latest example of how Americans are being absolutely crushed right now by these higher prices. And it’s not yachts and caviar that are driving these increases. It’s necessities. It’s the basic staples,” Antoni says.

“It’s eggs, bread, milk. We’re not talking about filet mignon here. We’re talking about ground beef. And sadly, Americans are really paying the price for what has been going on the last two years in terms of the government just spending, borrowing, and printing trillions and trillions of dollars,” says Antoni.

Antoni joins “The Daily Signal Podcast” to take a deeper dive into what the consumer price index means, and how it compares to the producer price index, and even offer some spending advice ahead of the holiday season.

Listen to the podcast below or read the lightly edited transcript:

Samantha Aschieris: Joining the podcast today is EJ Antoni. He’s a research fellow in regional economics in the Center for Data Analysis here at The Heritage Foundation. EJ, thanks so much for joining.

EJ Antoni: Samantha, thank you for having me.

Aschieris: Of course. Now, let’s just dive right in. The consumer price index number came out Thursday morning. It showed an increase of 0.4% in September and 8.2% since last year. Kick us off here. Break this number down for us.

Antoni: Sure. I mean, this is just the latest example of how Americans are being absolutely crushed right now by these higher prices. And it’s not yachts and caviar that are driving these increases. It’s necessities. It’s the basic staples. It’s eggs, bread, milk. We’re not talking about filet mignon here. We’re talking about ground beef.

And sadly, Americans are really paying the price for what has been going on the last two years in terms of the government just spending, borrowing, and printing trillions and trillions of dollars.

Aschieris: And did we see any sort of relief from this number? Were there any index decreases, basically?

Antoni: No. None of the major categories went down, sadly.

And one of the things that has been keeping the index down the last several months has been the drop in gasoline prices. But now that we’re going into the winter and there’s going to be an increased demand for things like home heating oil, for example, and the fact that we now have OPEC decreasing production, and at the same time, the Biden administration won’t let domestic producers increase our own production, all of this is going to come together to mean higher energy prices.

And so the one thing that has really been keeping the index in check, more or less, is now going to be let loose as well.

Aschieris: Yeah. It’s only October and I’ve already had to put the heat on. So, I’m not looking forward to this winter.

Something I also wanted to ask you about was the producer price inflation number that also came out this week. It came out on Wednesday. It showed an increase of 0.4%. Now, how do these two numbers compare?

Antoni: Sure. The producer price index measures the prices that businesses are having to pay, whereas the consumer price index is going to measure the prices that you and I have to pay. And what happens is that over time, these numbers tend to track together. And the reason for that is because as costs increase for businesses, they pass those costs on to consumers.

And what we’ve seen during the Biden administration is that those costs for businesses have actually increased substantially more than the costs for consumers. In fact, the producer price index, the PPI, has been higher than the CPI every single month of the Biden administration in terms of those year-over-year changes.

So that means there are already tremendous price increases basically baked into the cake in the economy right now, so that even if prices for businesses were to magically flatline, which obviously isn’t going to happen, but even if it did, there’s going to be continued cost increases that will be passed on to consumers in the months ahead. So, unfortunately, there’s no relief there, either.

Aschieris: Yeah. And it was interesting because President [Joe] Biden talked about the CPI number in a statement that the White House put out. He talked about that it showed some progress in the fight against higher prices, even as we have more work to do. Something that we had talked about before the interview was the core consumer price index increase. What’s the difference between just the consumer price index versus the core consumer price index?

Antoni: The core consumer price index is going to exclude food and energy. And you may say, “Why on Earth would you want to exclude those things, because everybody needs food and energy?” And that’s true. But food and energy prices are notoriously volatile. So, when you exclude those, you can get a better sense of what the overall price level is doing.

And over time, sure enough, both the CPI and the core CPI tend to track together. One may be a little higher or a little lower, but over time, it all averages out.

Well, we’ve seen energy increase so fast for the last two years that we haven’t really had enough time yet for all of those costs to fully trickle down into other parts of the economy.

For example, the price of diesel fuel has been through the roof, which means that truckers are having to charge more and railroads are having to charge more for transporting literally everything you get off a store shelf. And so now, those costs are being passed on in earnest to consumers at all levels of the economy.

And now, core CPI has hit a 40-year high, just like the headline CPI number has been hitting 40-year highs.

Aschieris: Yeah. I want to talk about that a little bit more. Do you anticipate these numbers to continue to get worse or do you think we’ve seen the worst?

Antoni: Well, just like CPI really hasn’t caught up to PPI, also, the core CPI has not caught up to CPI. In other words, we still have a lot of food and energy costs that are going to trickle down everywhere else in the economy. So, no. Unfortunately, I really don’t see any signs of relief for the consumer.

Aschieris: I want to shift a little bit to some other concerns that Americans are feeling, and they’re facing a recession. Earlier this week, President Biden was in an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. He said that he didn’t anticipate a recession, but even if there was one, it would be basically a slight recession. First and foremost, what indicates a recession? And are we in one already?

Antoni: Certainly. When we talk about recession, we’re talking about the economy contracting. And it’s actually not uncommon for economic activity to decline for a single month or even a single quarter, a three-month period. In certain cases, it actually happens routinely every single year.

For example, if you want to go from December to January, the economy always contracts because all of that retail activity that’s concentrated around the holidays goes away. Employment goes down. And so we seasonally adjust for all these different factors. In other words, we try to take out all of the seasonally predictable factors that go into the economy.

So, what we’re left with at the end is an answer to the question of, what would this month or this quarter look like if it had happened any other time of the year? Even with all that taken into account, the first half of the year, not just a month, not just a quarter, but two quarters in a row, six months, the economy contracted. So, we’ve already had the recession.

At this point, it’s not a question of, are we going to have a recession? It’s, are we going to have a double dip? In other words, the third quarter looks like it’s going to be positive. But then after that, all bets are off because everything that I see is pointing to continued decline.

Aschieris: Now, as we head into the holiday season, as you just mentioned, what should consumers, what should Americans be aware of this holiday season?

Antoni: Oh, wow. That’s a good question. One of the things that Americans are going to increasingly need to be aware of is the cost of financing debt. What I mean by that is interest rates continue to rise.

To put into perspective how much of an additional cost this is causing consumers, if you look at the median-priced home when Biden took office and compare that to the median-priced home today, the mortgage on that has gone up about 80%.

I mean, it’s just absolutely devastating. People can’t afford homes anymore. And sure enough, the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s home affordability index is down over 30% because of that.

In terms of, again, that median-priced home, if you add up all your mortgage payments over the course of a year, they’ve increased by about $10,000 a year because of a combination of the price of the home going up and the interest rate now doubling in literally a matter of months.

But it’s not just homes. It’s going to be credit cards. It’s going to be student loans, auto loans. All kinds of debt are getting more and more expensive.

As tempting as it may be when you’re doing your holiday shopping, for example, to splurge, remember how much more it’s going to cost you in terms of trying to pay off that credit card.

Aschieris: Yeah. It’s going to be a crazy holiday season, for sure.

One final question for you, and it might seem like a pretty big ask. But if you could do anything, in your opinion, what is the No. 1 thing that you would suggest or advise the Biden administration to do to reverse the course that the country’s headed on in terms of the economy right now?

Antoni: Balance the budget immediately. Right now, as the Federal Reserve is hiking up these interest rates—and as we just said, that’s causing a tremendous amount of harm to Americans, they would not need to hike the rates nearly as hard or as fast if we had a balanced budget.

But right now, we have a Congress and president that are working at cross purposes to the Fed. And the more they spend and the more they borrow, the more the Fed has to slam on the brakes. And so if they—they being the Congress and the president—could stop the reckless spending and borrowing, then that would solve a tremendous amount of our problems and have an incredibly positive impact on bringing down inflation.

Aschieris: Well, EJ, thank you so much for joining the show today. I really appreciate you taking the time to provide some insight. Thank you so much.

Antoni: Samantha, thank you for having me.


This Podcast comes from the Daily Signal (Heritage Foundation) and is reproduced with permission.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

How Republicans Can Stop Letting Libertarians Spoil their Victories thumbnail

How Republicans Can Stop Letting Libertarians Spoil their Victories

By Keith Knight

Editors Note: Most conservatives would share almost all these sentiments. We may differ on cultural matters on occasion,  but even that can be handled by simply letting people be free and letting competition shake out the bad ideas from the good. However, the central point he makes is valid. The best protection Republicans can have from libertarians spoiling the election, is for Republicans to be more reliable when it comes to protecting freedom through limited government. We have too many in the party that cave to the Chamber of Commerce from time to time, cave to the “international community” like the UN and its agencies, cave to the mainstream press, and cave to the Department of Defense. However, to libertarians, we ask that they recognize we are in a struggle with a party that really knows how to use political power, and that political power will have to be used to claw back our freedoms. Don’t vote for a candidate who can’t win. Vote for the one that most closely matches your own concept of liberty. In this case, conservatives and libertarians can agree, a vote for Blake Masters is key to taking the Senate and stopping the socialist juggernaut. 

If Republicans want control of the U.S. Senate they need the four swing states (AZ, GA, PA, and NV) to go Republican. In Arizona, (R) Blake Masters is behind (D) Mark Kelly by 4.5 points, while (L) Marc Victor is covering the spread.

As a personal friend of Marc Victor’s and a Libertarian, I want Blake Masters to win by being such a good freedom advocate that he renders the Libertarian candidate irrelevant. 

Here is how I believe he can do so without losing his base.

After a 20-year war in Afghanistan with thousands of deaths leading to the Taliban taking over in 11 days, it’s clear that Republicans need to embrace their antiwar roots. I’d love Masters to say this:

Thou Shalt Not Murder.

Not provoking a nuclear war with Russia or China needs to be our number one priority. Wars result in mass death, missing limbs, lost loved ones, and post-traumatic stress disorder for the common man while providing prestige for politicians, never knowing if the end result will be worth the monumental cost. Dwight D. Eisenhower knew this in 1956 when he refused to respond militarily to Soviet atrocities in Hungary, Ronald Regan understood this in 1983 when the Soviets shot down an American aircraft (KAL007) which killed an American Congressman. War eventually brought down the Soviet Empire, Japanese, German, French, British, Austro-Hungarian, Romanov, and Ottoman Empires. War – indiscriminate theft and mass murder – is immoral AND we cannot afford it.

The Economy:

Thou Shalt Not Steal. 

As those bearing the torch of the Declaration of Independence, we advocate the separation of economy and state and work towards the decriminalization of all economic activity between consenting adults. Abolish the Federal Reserve’s legal monopoly on currency and recognize that increasing the money supply (inflation) creates more dollars chasing the same amount of goods resulting in higher prices. South Korea is wealthier than North Korea not because of welfare and money printing, nor did the world grow rich from such parasitism. When people are free, they have more options on how to cooperate with one another, leading to more mutually beneficial transactions. As far as housing, universities, and health care go: It’s no coincidence that the most expensive industries are the most regulated and subsidized. He who pays the piper calls the tune, either producers try to please customers or politicians.


Just as we would oppose the Catholic Church forcing people to fund their schools, governments need to allow citizens to opt-out of funding schools they don’t feel are a net benefit to society. The population by every metric is historically, logically, economically, and philosophically illiterate – teachers need to start doing a better job, and we must embrace competition.


The Democratic party explicitly judges people by their race, we fully reject this racist psychopathy and treat people based on their actions not accidents of birth. After looking at the statistics regarding black-on-white violence, there is no evidence that whites are uniquely to blame for America’s problems. Just as Asians having much higher incomes than whites does not prove discrimination, no outcome disparity can automatically be attributed to racism or sexism. Masters is already great concerning Critical Race Theory.

January 6th:

For months in 2020 looters and rioters intimidated innocent people with no institutional power. On January 6th, for a couple of hours, the most sinister powerful people in the country finally faced a minor inconvenience. No need to clutch pearls for months after the event.

Big Tech:

Just as needing a license to vote can impose costs on the poor, needing a license to compete with big business hurts the poorest among us giving consumers fewer choices. Today people can use Odysee.com as an alternative to YouTube and Minds.com as an alternative to Twitter. Once big names are on these sites (social proof), the problem is solved. Just as MySpace, Sears, BlockBuster, A & P Grocers, Sam Goody, and Nokia, all lost market shares eventually, Big Tech must face the greatest check and balance a society can offer: The freedom to voluntarily disassociate from bad actors.


Abolish qualified immunity and victimless crimes. If we the citizens don’t have the right to do X, then logically we cannot delegate X to government officials.


Abortion involves initiating violence against a peaceful person and is immoral, Masters is good on this issue, just needs to allow rape victims to have abortion access for up to 8 weeks. Just as men need Jordan Peterson to tell them to seize responsibility, women need Kristan Hawkins to appreciate the importance of the concept that only you directly control your actions, others can only indirectly influence you.

Gun control:

Masters is great on this, we ask that he specify the problem is the government monopolizing weaponry.

American exceptionalism:

From elementary school to college I was told America invented slavery, colonialism, and child labor. This bigoted narrative needs to die.

Holding truths to be self-evident. Equality of unalienable rights to act peacefully. Freedom to speak unpopular truths. Opposing state monopoly of weaponry. Rewarding innovators who make life worth living: Vanderbilt, Carnegie, The Wright Brothers, Alexander Graham Bell, Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, Charles Francis Jenkins, Norman Borlaug, Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Sam Walton, Jimmy Wales, and countless others. Just as we hate to see Masters vilify hard-working, compassionate illegal immigrants, I hate to see my ancestors negatively generalized.

I hope we can keep America great by forming an alliance between conservatives and libertarians.


Keith Knight is a writer and host of the Don’t Tread on Anyone Podcast.

Photo credit: Darron Birgenheier


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

Yes, It’s As Bad As You Think It Is – What Can You Do? thumbnail

Yes, It’s As Bad As You Think It Is – What Can You Do?

By Neland Nobel

One of the cardinal questions in politics for voters to answer is: are you better off today than you were before? Has the party in power made your life better or worse, easier or more difficult, safer or more dangerous?

We think an objective answer to this question, in relation to the Biden Administration and those in the Democrat Party, is things are worse off in all those terms.

Wages have trailed inflation for over nine months.  The real standard of living of people is declining. Our wages are down and sadly, our savings in the form of our IRAs and 401ks, are down as well.

About a year and a half ago, we opined that 2022 would be a “risk off” year, meaning risk assets of all kinds would do poorly. We specifically mentioned the classic 60% stock, 40% bond configuration so often used by both financial planners and investors when preparing for retirement. Coming off a long period of zero interest rates, we suggested that it would not work.

It frankly has been worse than we thought. The chart below from Bank of America tells the story.

The 60/40 split has produced the worst results in 100 years. That is a devastating blow to the retired population and those within a few years of retirement.

That is not to say other configurations have done much better. As we chronicled in a series about the “Investor’s Dilemma”, we pointed out that nothing really could work under the Biden policy of rising inflation, rising interest rates, rising taxes, and rising regulation.

Even those smart and nimble enough to be all in cash have seen their purchasing power hit by at least 10%. There has been no place to hide. When you couple losses in stocks and bonds of about 25%, with purchasing power loss of 10% or more, Bidenomics has made you 35% worse off in just about one year. 

That is why this mid-term election is so critical. To stop the bleeding, we must defeat the Democrats decisively and stop this slide into penury.

Even gold and silver, often a hedge against such conditions, has not done all that well, although to its credit, gold has lost less than the stock market.

Some maybe thought they would be immune from poor governance.  But bad policies create bad outcomes, and when you erode the currency in which everything is denominated, you can’t hide.

Thus, from real wages to market returns, you are far worse off under Democrat rule.

Food, fuel, and shelter, the basics of life, are moving much higher in price while the administration pushes chimerical green policies that specifically attack fuel production, food production, and housing development.

The 30-year mortgage rate has risen from just above 3% to almost 6 3/4%. Combined with sharp increases in price, the cost of financing has left many unable to buy a home. The last holdout is now starting to slide, which is residential real estate.

The Democrats are destroying the American dream. Why? Because they never liked it in the first place. To them, it was all built on a lie and our prosperity was based on slavery, even though that ended over 150 years ago and was practiced in the backwaters of our economy. In their view, we are a racist, homophobic, xenophobic, trans-phobic country and people. With that kind of view, why would you support the “American dream”?

Progressive policies have made life infinitely more difficult for most but the few ultra-wealthy. And in terms of safety, you are more subject to crime today, more concerned about how the intelligence agencies are being turned against the people, and closer to nuclear war with a foreign power. We are once again sliding into a war with no strategic purpose, no definition of victory, and no end.

We have all experienced times like this before. Being old enough to remember stagflation and Vietnam, the memories float back. That was also a time of social upheaval as well, as radicals pushed new theories about race and gender. But in that period, the left was a minority assaulting the establishment. Today, they are the establishment and they control all the nodes of political power and the centers of culture and communications.

Hard economic times often come with social upheaval. That too seems to have gotten worse. People who once championed women, now define them out of existence. Blacks are no longer to be treated equally, they are to be given preferential treatment, even in front of Latinos, and especially Asians. Those who were for integration and fair treatment to all, now want special treatment just for some.

Progressives have stood our educational system on its head. Starting with the proposition that a free society should be confident enough to examine its own faults, our educational system now concentrates on nothing but our faults. They want our kids to have the same sour view of our country as they do.

Moreover, while the sexual revolution had its day back in the 1960s and 1970s, it was mostly an argument about the roles that men and women should play and what new rules society should have for the sexes to find a new equilibrium with each other.

Today, the argument is whether the idea of men and women even exists. Progressives think men can become women, women can become men, and many people can just dart back and forth between the two, depending on how they feel. This is adding a national neurosis to an already difficult economic condition.  

Some suggest this is intended, precisely to create revolutionary conditions.

Intended or not, the policies stink, and our only chance at improvement and getting out of this mess is to vote Democrats out en mass. 

We recommend readers approach this election with a fervor reserved for wartime. You must vote and you must convince your friends and neighbors that this election is perhaps the most important in your lifetime. Give of your time, and give of your money.  That is, while you have some money left.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

Against Climatism thumbnail

Against Climatism

By Emmet Penney

The Right needs a total vision overhaul on energy.

For over half a century, the environmental perspective has succeeded in overtaking every other outlook on energy and industry. Even fossil fuel companies and their allies like the American Petroleum Institute cast themselves in the green idiom. In the era of climate change, wherein major news organizations and the courtier class broadcast visions of eco-apocalypse ad nauseum, green hegemony has only deepened. Concerns about the climate are worth attending to, of course—so is environmental degradation. The seriousness of these issues may tempt conservatives to adopt green politics of their own. Should they take the bait?

The first danger is the most obvious. The American Right does not own the environmental issue, which means it does not own the climate issue, because they are, in practice, the same issue. Some might say that this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Maybe, they might say, what’s needed is a more market-oriented version of liberal climate politics. Sadly, they would also be about 30 years too late—major environmental organizations conquered that territory in the fight for electricity restructuring.

This means that if conservatives were to take on green politics of their own they would have to cede cultural and political ground to the environmental movement’s moral monopoly. Their vision would be cast in the green idiom and appear more like terms of surrender than a unique and organic vision of its own. An example from the Left is illustrative: those who fancy themselves “class first socialists” on the Left always play the junior partner to the woke. Their criticisms of wokeness have the puzzling effect of reifying wokeness’s core premises while letting the non-woke develop self-soothing techniques for their Stockholm syndrome. To bring it closer to home: imagine decades of arguing about who the “real planet killers” are the way the contemporary Right argues about who the “real racists” are with the Left. The returns aren’t even diminishing—they don’t exist.

We should be grateful that this is the situation. Climate politics as it actually exists is anti-conservative because it is a politics of permanent emergency built on castigating our past achievements while turning our future into an extended crisis that demands we abandon our values and transform the state into a perpetual baptists-and-bootleggers machine so that we can stave off the end of the world. Plus, it presents American conservatives with a unique opportunity.

After all, the world will not end, we do not need to abandon our way of life, and we certainly do not need some kind of revolution to handle the climate issue. Humankind will adapt. America will adapt. But how we adapt depends on what energy we have at our disposal. And the energy solution is quite simple even though it is also quite difficult—we need more natural gas and more nuclear, and we need far less wind and solar. We need to focus on reliable, affordable, and clean energy projects—in that order. If we’re concerned about emissions, then we should be competing with Russia and China to build nuclear power plants abroad, as the coal boom in the developing world has obliterated the last 15 years of emissions reductions in America.

Now, someone might say, that sounds like a great climate message. Why can’t that be the conservative climate message? Why not own the libs by their own logic? As a nuclear advocate, I can tell you exactly why that’s a mistake.

You will end up in the unenviable “both and” territory that’s a slightly more dignified version of the junior partner Stockholm syndrome. Conservatives will say, “Hey, if we really cared about climate, we would be deregulating nuclear, which is the only proven full-scale decarbonizer the world has ever known.” And they’ll respond, “Why, that’s a great idea…after we finish fragilizing the grid with more wind and solar. The world’s about to end after all and we have no time to waste!” Such a situation is a death knell for message clarity and policy victories.

Moreover, it misunderstands the opponent. Environmentalists don’t actually want to solve climate change or protect the environment. They want to build wind and solar. They might think they’re solving climate change and protecting the environment by building them, but that’s because they’re generally ignorant about energy and energy systems.

Plus, their money flows from the financiers who enjoy wind and solar tax credits. And their Energy Lysenkoism assumes we need to vastly restrict energy consumption and repattern society accordingly. They are as likely to change their minds as they are to meet you halfway. Those two things—tax credits and energy austerity—are the only reasons to build wind and solar, by the way. As California has recently shown us, renewables are a complicated way to make natural gas yet more essential.

So, what conservatives must do—and make no mistake, this is as difficult as it is necessary—is reject the climate framing altogether. They must shatter the moral monopoly environmentalism has on how we think about energy and our society. They must present a solid alternative that can prize these issues from the slimy doom-mongering that has clamped its feral maw around them. Conservatives must instead supply the country with a vision—cultural, political, philosophical, and economic—for the Second American Century.

This vision would center on energy security and energy abundance—the prime movers of the economy. It would mean more gas pipelines, more fracking pads, a flowering nuclear fleet, and a reliable and resilient electricity grid. It would be about real jobs and real work. And it would handle issues Americans actually care about—their livelihoods, their children’s future, and the continuation of the American way of life.

It’s a vision that would communicate three simple truths: Americans are workers, not servants; our energy infrastructure is essential, not incidental; and our future is not an apocalypse only authoritarian control can avoid, but a flourishing expression of our glorious past.


This article was published by The American Mind and is reproduced with permission.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: What Putin is Trying to Accomplish in Ukraine Now thumbnail

Colonel Douglas Macgregor: What Putin is Trying to Accomplish in Ukraine Now

By Royal A. Brown III

Watch this short video, especially anyone who thinks Ukraine is winning war against Russia with our help.

This is war is being egged on by Biden and the Obama 3.0 Admin and is costing us billions in funds, so far the cost to U.S. taxpayers is approximately $80 billion and growing.

Expect countless more billions of dollars in latest U.Ss equipment thus depleting our arsenal and ability to secure our country while at the same time is feeding more inflation.

It this Biden’s Afghanistan?

This is lunacy all done for the wrong reasons e.g. no U.S. national security at risks. It appears to be all about disrupting November 8th, 2022 midterm election as well as covering up for the U.S. money laundering operations including those of the Bidens, Clintons, Romneys and others, facilitated by very corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs who are getting richer.

A cease fire is possible simply by Ukraine putting it in writing that they will not join NATO. They already know they have lost Crimea but could have access to port as they had before this war started.

Just my 2cents worth.

©Royal A. Brown III, Lieutenant Colonel U.S. Army (Retired). All rights reserved.

Election Software Firm Used by LA County – and by Counties in Swing States – Gave ‘Superadministrator’ Privileges to Contractors in CHINA thumbnail

Election Software Firm Used by LA County – and by Counties in Swing States – Gave ‘Superadministrator’ Privileges to Contractors in CHINA

By The Geller Report

CHYNA! Between COVID and the stolen election, the Communist Chinese party has brought down this nation without firing a shot. thanks to their American proxies — the fifth column Communist Democrat party.

By Jennifer Van Laar | Red State | October 14, 2022:

As we reported on October 4, Eugene Yu, a Chinese immigrant and CEO of Konnech, an election software company, was arrested “as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of [Los Angeles County election] workers,” which officials believed “was stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.”

The other shocking part of the story was that LA County District Attorney George Gascon, who’s not known as being tough on crime, announced the arrest and extradition and that investigators from his office had been working on the case.

One of Konnech’s software offerings is a program called PollChief, which schedules election workers and assists elections officials with supply and logistics procedures. In 2019 LA County entered into a contract with Konnech, and a sole-source contract worth more than $2 million was finalized in 2020. As part of the contract, Konnech was to abide by state and federal law, and to various information security procedures, which an LA County District Attorney’s office investigator described in a complaint supporting the request for a warrant for Yu’s arrest:

  • “[C]ontractor shall screen and conduct background checks on all Contractor personnel contacting County’s Confidential Information, including Personally Identifiable Information, for potential security risks and require all employees and contractors to sign an appropriate written confidentiality non-disclosure agreement.
  • Personally Identifiable Information, and County’s Confidential Information: (i) may only be made available and accessible to those parties explicitly authorized under the Contract or otherwise expressly approved by County in writing.
  • Only Contractor’s staff who are based in the United States and are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States shall have access to any County data, including personally identifiable information, hosted in County’s instance of the System Software.

This complaint, which is dated October 13, 2022, contains additional information about what investigators have found – information that does not lead to any type of confidence in the security of our election information.

Despite Eugene Yu’s insistence in a verified court pleading that “all of Konnech’s U.S. customer data is secured and stored exclusively on protected computers located within the United States,” the Los Angeles County DA’s office found that:

“On or about October 10, 2019, through October 4, 2022, Eugene Yu and other employees at Konnech, Inc. were providing these services to Los Angeles County using third-party contractors based in China.

“…Konnech employees known and unknown sent personal identifying information of Los Angeles County election workers to third-party software developers who assisted with creating and fixing Konnech’s internal ‘PollChief’ software.”

So, the personal identifying information of US election workers was intentionally sent not just out of the country, but to China. And to third-party contractors, which is potentially in complete violation of the state’s anti-independent contracting AB5 law.

And, just as many have suspected, Chinese “contractors” (code for CCP operatives; don’t kid yourself) have had full access to not just the personal identifying information of Los Angeles County election workers (emphasis mine):

“On or about August 18, 2022, Luis Nabergoi, project manager for Konnech’s contract with the County of Los Angeles, confirmed via the messaging app DingTalk that any employee for Chinese contractors working on PollChief software had ‘superadministration’ privileges for all PollChief clients. Mr. Nabergoi described the situation as a ‘huge security issue.’”

It’s more than just a “huge security issue.” Even if nothing nefarious has been done with that access, a possibility which requires the suspension of disbelief, this revelation validates every concern that has been expressed in the security of our elections since, well, long before 2020. But we know it was happening through August, 2022, at a minimum. And while the City of Minneapolis initially defended its contract with Konnech, saying there was no information that the personal identifying information of their poll workers was compromised, officials might want to revisit that statement in light of the above.

In addition, one function PollChief software provides is management of “election workers and voting

locations (including Vote Centers, drop boxes and check-in centers),” meaning that election officials can use the software to assign employees to retrieve ballots from drop boxes and deliver them to the elections office, and uses GPS and location data from the app on the employee’s phone to determine which employee is located closest to the drop box and continues to track their location for chain-of-custody purposes. However, as some have pointed out, it’s certainly possible that this app could be repurposed for ballot harvesting and delivery purposes.

Keep reading.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Executing a Long Term Plan While Playing Dumb thumbnail

Executing a Long Term Plan While Playing Dumb

By Thomas C. Patterson

Pundits commonly depict the ongoing calamity at our border as the result of the Biden administration’s incompetence. As with inflation, urban crime, and the deficit, their near-complete lack of insight and management skills is leading us over a cliff.

But this analysis itself is a major error. They know exactly what they are doing and they are doing it well. They are executing a long-range plan that is achieving great success.

They are doing everything they can to bring across the border as many illegal immigrants as possible, braving considerable political blowback to achieve their goals. They believe the mostly unskilled, uneducated migrants will gravitate to the party that promises more government benefits and thus ensure Democratic dominance indefinitely.

So they alternately claim the border is actually “closed“ and admit they are concerned but don’t know what to do about it. Now admittedly some of the Washington Dems aren’t that bright, but it’s not possible to be so stupid as to not be able to see what is happening here.

Biden immediately after his inauguration announced the border was open and reversed the Trump policies, “Return to Mexico“ and “Title 42“, that had limited illegal border crossings. Now illegal immigrants face no consequences if they defy the border police and make it across the line.

Instead, they are treated humanely, fed, housed, and released into America, usually with a deferred asylum hearing which most don’t attend, since few have legitimate asylum claims. Yet our VP border czar pretends to not understand why five million illegal immigrants have crossed the border on her watch or what to do about it.

But open borders advocates gave away the real game. Czar Kamala, and others, said a plan to control the border might be worked out if Republicans would only “come to the table“. However, the only way to control the border would be through “comprehensive immigration reform“, which is their euphemism for amnesty.

So there you have it. Democrats are okay with cranking up a situation so intolerable that Republicans will be forced to grant citizenship to the millions who entered America illegally.

Not long ago, Democrats Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama called for strict border enforcement to protect the wages of low-income workers. Democratic opinion changed when the offspring of 20 million or so illegal aliens began to vote as anchor babies

California has become a one-party state and several other western states seem poised to follow suit (although the Democrats’ grip on Latino voters may be fading as they become Americanized).

Playing-dumb Democrats aren’t the only group that benefits from open borders. Foreign governments benefit from billions of dollars of remittances, money immigrants send back home saved from their earnings, and, often, government subsidies they receive here.

The political champions of racial grievance benefit from a large community of immigrants whose relative poverty purportedly is proof that America is nativist or racist. Thus Latino welfare organizations, academic departments, lawyers, and political organizations are required to remedy this lack of social justice.

Employers clearly benefit from a pool of young compliant workers who work for wages and conditions unacceptable to growing numbers of Americans. Caring progressives not only get a cause to pontificate for, but nannies, gardeners, and housekeepers make their lives easier.

Of course, illegal immigrants benefit too, although they successfully competed against a legal applicant who waited and played by the rules. But unlike illegal immigrants, illegals don’t come because they love America and want to become loyal Americans.

Their illegal entrance shows their disdain for the Rule of Law.  Many cheered wildly when socialists like Hugo Chavez of Venezuela promised to confiscate land and assets from “the rich” and give it to “the people”, ultimately resulting in the economic devastation they are now fleeing.

Americans are bound together as a nation not by blood or soil, but by the values and ideals which brought us freedom and prosperity. Our future depends on an immigration policy that selects immigrants, of any color or ethnicity, who understand this and want to share with us not only the privileges but also the responsibilities, of being an American.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

Crisis On The Southern Border: Only The Tip of Biden’s Immigration Iceberg thumbnail

Crisis On The Southern Border: Only The Tip of Biden’s Immigration Iceberg

By Michael Cutler

It is commonsense that after a major flood disaster recovery begins with cleaning up the mess.  Because of the policies of the Biden administration America has been flooded with unprecedented numbers of illegal aliens–yet no attention is being given to the need or the means to clean up the mess created by this human tsunami that undermines national security, public safety and public health.

The crisis on the southern border has grown so huge that it can no longer be ignored by the mainstream media.  Records continue to be set and then broken as ever more aliens from countries around the world head for that dangerous border encouraged by the policies of the Biden Administration as carried out by the Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas.

However, Biden’s destruction of immigration law enforcement is hardly limited to the dangerous Mexican border, however neither the media nor politicians will even mention these other elements of the immigration system that are part and parcel of Biden’s “immigration iceberg.” by the media or by our political leaders from either party perhaps because they are among the Profiteers of Biden Administration’s Open Borders Policy or reaccepting massive campaign contribution (bribes?) from those profiteers.

So, while the media and the politicians, including most Republicans, remain focused on the 2,000 mile disastrous U.S./Mexican border, they blithely ignore 98% of America’s borders as well as the need for meaningful interior enforcement of our immigration laws.

(The United States actually has more than 100,000 miles of border when you consider that the U.S. Canadian border is about 4,000 miles long and the United States also has about 95,000 miles of coastline.)

Additionally, the United States has well over 100 International airports located in virtually all 50 states and smugglers frequently land their airplanes on makeshift  landing strips within the United States.

Illegal aliens and contraband are flooding into the United States in a wide variety of means and locations that completely bypass the Southern border.

Consider these two recent Justice Department (DOJ) pres releases about the U.S./Canadian border:

On July 29, 2022 the Department of Justice issued a press release, Quebec Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Import and Distribute Fentanyl that began with these paragraphs:

Jason Joey Berry, 39, of Montreal, Canada, pleaded guilty today to conspiracy to distribute fentanyl and import it into the United States, resulting in serious bodily injury and death. The criminal conspiracy involved distributing fentanyl and other similar substances from Canada and China into the United States, resulting in 15 overdoses, four of which were fatal.

According to court documents, Berry arranged the distribution of fentanyl and fentanyl analogues to the United States and elsewhere while incarcerated in a Canadian prison. Berry led the conspiracy in Canada with another inmate, Daniel Vivas Ceron, 41, who pleaded guilty in July 2019 to continuing criminal enterprise, conspiracy to distribute controlled substances and controlled substance analogues resulting in serious bodily injury and death, and money laundering. This investigation started in North Dakota on Jan. 3, 2015, with the overdose death in Grand Forks, North Dakota, of Bailey Henke.

After listing the pedigrees on more than a dozen coconspirators in this case, the DOJ press release noted:

This case was investigated by Homeland Security Investigations, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the U.S. Postal Inspection Service, Grand Forks Narcotics Task Force, IRS Criminal Investigation, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, Portland Police Bureau – Narcotics and Organized Crime Division, Oregon/Idaho HIDTA Interdiction Task Force, Oregon State Police, and the Grand Forks Police Department. The Justice Department’s Office of International Affairs provided valuable assistance.

Now consider this DOJ press release that was also issued on July 29, 2022, Leading ISIS Media Figure and Foreign Fighter Sentenced to Life Imprisonment.

The subtitle of that press release, provides a bit more critical information:

MohammedK halifa Executed Two Syrian Soldiers on Behalf of ISIS and served as the English-Speaking Narrator on Exceptionally Violent ISIS Propaganda Videos.

Here is how this DOJ press release began:

A Saudi-born Canadian citizen was sentenced today to life imprisonment for conspiring to provide material support to the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS), a designated foreign terrorist organization, resulting in death.

According to court documents, Mohammed Khalifa, aka Abu Ridwan Al-Kanadi and Abu Muthanna Al-Muhajir, 39, served in prominent roles within ISIS starting in 2013 and continuing until his capture by the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in January 2019, following a firefight between ISIS fighters and the SDF. In addition to serving as a fighter and personally executing two Syrian soldiers on behalf of ISIS, Khalifa served as a lead translator in ISIS’s propaganda production and the English-speaking narrator on multiple violent ISIS videos.

When was the last time you heard anyone talk about the Canadian border or report on smuggling along that 4,000 mile border?

Furthermore, cleaning up the mess created by the massive flood of aliens requires effective interior enforcement of our immigration laws- this mission is vested in ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), yet  even Republican politicians such as Senator Ted Cruz and Congressman Pat Fallon, who profess to oppose the open borders policies of the Biden administration have neglected to call for more ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) agents while calling for the hiring of massive numbers of Border Patrol agents  to secure the southern border. without even mentioning the northern border or other means by which aliens and contraband such as fentanyl and other dangerous drugs enter the United States each and every day.

The Border Patrol’s primary mission is the interdiction of aliens and contraband being smuggled into the United State to evade the inspections process conducted at ports of entry.

These Republicans all ignore what should be obvious- while it is vital to prevent more flooding, in the aftermath of a flood, the focus should be on cleaning up the mess as well as on securing all methods of entry that enable illegal aliens and contraband to flow into the United States and not just the Mexican border.

To this point, on August 8, 2022 CNS News reported, Texas Republican: ‘I Want to Hire 87,000 New Border Patrol Agents’.

Rep. Fallon, in point of fact, is the Texas Republican referenced in the title of that report that began with this excerpt:

(CNSNews.com) – “I don’t want to hire 87,000 new IRS agents, I want to hire 87,000 new Border Patrol agents,” Rep. Pat Fallon (R-Texas) told the Fox Business network on Monday morning.

Cruz, on the other hand made headlines last year when the Boston Globe reported, Senator Ted Cruz wants to create immigration ports of entry in Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

Biden’s insane policies have enabled millions of aliens to enter the United States under the guise of seeking political asylum when, in reality, the great majority of them will not qualify for asylum and will almost invariably evade immigration law enforcement, aided and abetted by “Sanctuary Policies” promulgated in states and cities across the United States.

This overwhelms the system by which applications for immigration benefits, including political asylum.  Consequently the overwhelmed adjudications officers are not able to properly screen these applications.  Fraud will go undetected and, as I wrote in my article. However, as I noted in my recent article, NYC Mayor Adams’ Immigration Theater of the Absurd:

Most of these illegal aliens are not political refugees but are simply fleeing poverty and crime in their home countries.  Political asylum is only granted to aliens who can prove Credible Fear that because of their race, religion, ethnicity, political ideology or other such factors face persecution, or worse in their home countries.  Once again Adams has opted to use language to obfuscate the truth about illegal immigration and provide illegal aliens with a level of legitimacy to which they are not truly entitled.

This is the equivalent of describing a homeless person with no job and no means of support as “An aspiring millionaire” because he/she purchased a lottery ticket!

Reportedly hundreds of thousands of other illegal aliens have managed to evade the Border Patrol as that beleaguered agency has become overwhelmed by the human tsunami of aliens presenting themselves to the Border Patrol to make their claims for asylum.  The identities of these so-called “got-aways” is unknown as are the reasons that they entered surreptitiously, likely because they are fugitives, criminals or terrorists.

Although some of the aliens stopped by the Border Patrol are listed in the terror watch list- most terrorists are not on any lists.  It only took 19 terrorists on September 11, 2001 and to kill more people than were lost to the Japanese Fleet at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and the death count from the attacks of 9/11 counts to climb as more victims die because of their exposure to toxins that were released when the World Trade Canter was reduced to a mountain of rubble.

It must be presumed that the great majority of these aliens who have been dispersed across our nation will not show up for hearings when they will be required to do so.  ICE agents will be needed to find them- but in this game of “hide and seek” there are precious few ICE agents (only about 6,000 for the entire country) and because they are also charged with enforcing laws that have no relevance to immigration, far fewer will be available to seek millions of illegal aliens.  ICE agent are also supposed to conduct investigations into employers who knowingly hire illegal aliens, participate in multi-agency task forces such as the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) and the Organized Crime, Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF) where I spent the final ten years of my 30 year career.

Finally, ICE agents are supposed to conduct investigations into immigration fraud.

In point of fact, the very first time I appeared before a Congressional hearing was on May 20, 1997 that was predicated on two terror attacks carried out in the United States in 1993 at the CIA and the First World Trade Center bombing.  The topic of that hearing that was conducted by the House Immigration Subcommittee, was Visa Fraud And Immigration Benefits Application Fraud.

Indeed, the 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, identified immigration fraud and visa fraud as the key methods of entry and embedding exploited by international terrorists, and not just the 19 terrorists who so savagely attacked the United States on September 11, 2001.

I addressed the nexus between immigration fraud and national security and terrorism in my article, Immigration Fraud: Lies That Kill.

Nevertheless, as I wrote in an article last year, Biden Administration Plans To Protect Immigration Fraudsters.

The last words for my commentary today will be provided by a section of the United States Constitution, specifically, Article IV, Section 4 which states:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Texas DPS, Texas National Guard Apprehend Human Smugglers, Gang Members At Border

CEO Allegedly Conspired To Store California Election Workers’ Data In China thumbnail

CEO Allegedly Conspired To Store California Election Workers’ Data In China

By The Daily Caller

Eugene Yu, whom police arrested last week for alleged data theft, allegedly conspired to store California election workers’ personal data in China during the 2020 presidential election, prosecutors said in a court filing Thursday.

Yu’s firm, Konnech, entered a contract with Los Angeles County to provide secure poll worker management software for the 2020 election that stipulated all employee payroll and scheduling data collected by the company should be stored in the U.S., according to the Los Angeles District Attorney’s office. Despite multiple statements to The New York Times denying Yu or Konnech stored data in China, new court filings indicate that Yu deliberately collaborated with unknown conspirators to transfer the personal information of hundreds of Los Angeles election workers through third party contractors based in China.

Luis Nabergoi, Konnech’s project manager for the Los Angeles operation, sent a memo via Chinese messaging app DingTalk around Aug. 18 confirming Chinese contractors exercised so-called “superadministration” privileges for all clients of Konnech’s PollChief software, the court documents state. Nabergoi called the situation a “huge security issue.”

The Chinese company with whom Konnech contracted was responsible for developing troubleshooting software, according to the NYT.

On Oct. 4, Nabergoi sent an internal email informing Konnech employees the company was “moving t0 a new stage in the company maturity and we need to ensure the security, privacy and confidentiality or [sic] our client data,” the court documents state.

The documents also included allegations the company embezzled at least $2,645,000 by violating the company’s contract with Los Angeles County.

Authorities arrested Yu in Michigan on Oct. 5 following initial allegations that Konnech stored the personal information of Los Angeles election workers in servers located in China, extraditing him to California afterward.

“Data breaches are an ongoing threat to our digital way of life. When we entrust a company to hold our confidential data, they must be willing and able to protect our personal identifying information from theft,” District Attorney George Gascón said in a statement.

Gascón said the event could constitute a “cyber intrusion” in U.S. elections.

DA Gascón announced today that an executive with a #Michigan-based company responsible for the software used in managing #LACounty #election poll workers has been arrested as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of those workers. pic.twitter.com/2VfceR77By

— George Gascón (@LADAOffice) October 4, 2022

None of the data appeared to have been sold, according to the Los Angeles Times. However, intelligence services operating on behalf of Beijing could obtain access to information from private companies housed in Chinese servers, according to a 2020 Foreign Policy report.

None of Konnech’s actions had an effect on vote counting or altered election results, according to the L.A. District Attorney’s office.

True The Vote, a election integrity organization, previously reported concerns about Yu and Konnech to the FBI in 2021 after claiming their researchers had accessed Konnech data from servers in China, according to the NYT. Los Angeles County authorities began investigating Konnech after receiving a tip from Gregg Phillips, a True The Vote associate.

After Yu’s arrest, Konnech distributed a letter to clients claiming the company “never hosted your data or system in servers outside of the United States,” the NYT reported.

The district attorney declined to say whether other individuals were under investigation, the NYT reported.

Konnech did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.




RELATED ARTICEL: Michigan Announces $715 Million Contract With Chinese Communist Party-Affiliated Company

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Complications of the Ukraine War thumbnail

Complications of the Ukraine War

By Imprimis Digest

The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on October 4, 2022, during a Center for Constructive Alternatives conference on the topic of Russia.

According to what we hear from the White House and from the television networks, the issues at stake in the Ukraine War are simple. They concern the evil of Vladimir Putin, who woke up one morning and chose, whether out of sadism or insanity, to wreak unspeakable violence on his neighbors. Putin’s actions are described as an “unprovoked invasion” of a noble democracy by a corrupt autocracy. How we ought to respond is assumed to be a no-brainer. The United States has pledged vast quantities of its deadliest weaponry, along with aid that is likely to run into the hundreds of billions of dollars, and has brought large parts of the world economy—particularly in Europe—to a standstill.

Now, whenever people in power tell you something is a no-brainer, there’s a good chance that it’s a brainer. And the Ukraine War is more complicated than we’ve been led to assume.

There are reasons why the U.S. might want to project power into the Black Sea region. But we must not ignore that the politics of the region are extraordinarily complex, that the Ukraine conflict is full of paradoxes and optical illusions, and that the theater we are entering has been, over the past 150 years, the single most violent corner of the planet. And unless we learn to respect the complexity of the situation, we risk turning it into something more dangerous, both for Europeans and for ourselves. 

Historic Roots of the Conflict

Putin invaded Ukraine after the U.S. rejected his demand for a guarantee that Ukraine not join NATO. We don’t have to excuse Putin, but we should note that, until quite recently, having Ukraine in NATO was a prospect that struck even many American foreign policy thinkers as a bad idea. These included George Kennan, who was one of the architects of the NATO alliance when the Cold War began in the late 1940s. Kennan was still alert and active, at about 90 years of age, when NATO won the Cold War at the turn of the 1990s. And in 1997, during the Clinton administration, he warned that American plans to push NATO borders “smack up to those of Russia” was the “greatest mistake of the entire post–Cold War era.”

John Mearsheimer, a professor at the University of Chicago, is a forceful representative of Kennan’s viewpoint. Mearsheimer is skeptical of “idealist” crusades, like the one in Iraq that George W. Bush drew the country into in 2003. He thinks President Bush dramatically overestimated the degree to which the U.S. could spread its values and its institutions. In light of present events, he especially faults Bush’s push to bring the former Soviet Republics of Georgia and Ukraine into NATO in 2008.

A lot of Americans in government at the time felt the same. One was William Burns, then President Bush’s ambassador in Moscow, now President Biden’s Director of Central Intelligence. In a memo to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, Burns wrote the following: 

Ukrainian entry into NATO is the brightest of all red lines for the Russian elite (not just Putin). In more than two-and-a-half years of conversations with key Russian players, from knuckle-draggers in the dark recesses of the Kremlin to Putin’s sharpest liberal critics, I have yet to find anyone who views Ukraine in NATO as anything other than a direct challenge to Russian interests. [It would be seen] as throwing down the strategic gauntlet. Today’s Russia will respond. Russian-Ukrainian relations will go into a deep freeze. . . . It will create fertile soil for Russian meddling in Crimea and eastern Ukraine.

In thinking about why this would be the “brightest of all red lines,” consider why it was that the Ukraine problem didn’t get resolved at the end of the Cold War.

Russia is a vast country—the largest in the world. It’s not so much a country as an empire. Even today it has dozens of ethnic republics in it. Maybe you’ve heard of Chechnya or Tatarstan. But have you heard of Tuva? Or Mari-El? Or the Republic of Sakha? Sakha is four times the size of Texas, but it disappears inside of Russia. Back in the day, of course, this vast Russian empire was part of another empire, famously referred to by Ronald Reagan as the Evil Empire—that is, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. There were 15 Soviet Republics, including Russia, Ukraine, the Baltic states, Armenia, and Turkestan. And that bigger empire was part of an even bigger empire, which included the Eastern European “captive nations” of Poland and Hungary.

When Communism collapsed in the early 1990s, all these countries found their way to independence, most of them peacefully, some of them bloodily. But Ukraine, while nominally independent, remained bound to Russia in a number of informal ways—sometimes willingly, sometimes reluctantly. Russia kept its Black Sea fleet in Crimea, unmolested by Ukraine. Ukraine got cheap gas and desperately needed financial assistance. 

Why wasn’t Ukraine able to make a clean break? Not because it forgot to. Not for lack of can-do spirit. It was just a really hard problem. With the possible exception of Latvia, Ukraine was the most Russian of the non-Russian Soviet Republics. Russian has for a long time been the language of its big cities, of its high culture, and of certain important regions.

If you had to give a one-word answer to what this Ukraine War is about, you would probably say Crimea. Crimea is a peninsula jutting out into the middle of the Black Sea. It’s where the great powers of Europe fought the bloodiest war of the century between Napoleon and World War I. It is a defensive superweapon. The country that controls it dominates the Black Sea and can project its military force into Europe, the Middle East, and even the steppes of Eurasia. And since the 1700s, that country has been Russia. Crimea has been the home of Russia’s warm water fleet for 250 years. It is the key to Russia’s southern defenses.

Crimea found itself within the borders of Ukraine because in 1954, the year after Stalin died, his successor Nikita Khrushchev signed it over to Ukraine. Historians now hotly debate why he did that. But while Crimea was administratively Ukrainian, it was culturally Russian. It showed on several occasions that it was as eager to break with Ukrainian rule as Ukraine was to break with Russian rule. In a referendum in January 1991, 93 percent of the citizens of Crimea voted for autonomy from Ukraine. In 1994, 83 percent voted for the establishment of a dual Crimean/Russian citizenship. We’ll leave aside the referendum held after the Russians arrived in 2014, which resulted in a similar percentage but remains controversial.

Enter the United States

With the end of Communism, Ukraine was beset by two big problems. First, it was corrupt. It was run by post-Communist oligarchs in a way that very much resembled Russia. In many ways Ukraine was worse off. In Russia, Putin—whatever else you may think of him—was at least able to rebuff those oligarchs who sought direct political control. 

The second problem for Ukraine was that it was divided between a generally Russophile east and a generally Russophobe west. It was so divided, in fact, that Samuel Huntington devoted a long section in his book The Clash of Civilizations to the border between the two sections. But Huntington did not think that the line dividing them was civilizational. He wrote: “If civilization is what counts . . . the likelihood of violence between Ukrainians and Russians should be low. They are two Slavic, primarily Orthodox peoples who have had close relationships with each other for centuries.

The U.S. didn’t see things that way. It backed the Russophobe western Ukrainian side against the Russophile eastern Ukrainian side. This orientation took hold in the Bush administration, during the democracy promotion blitz that accompanied the Iraq War. And in 2004, the U.S. intervened in a crooked election, helping to sponsor and coordinate the so-called Orange Revolution. But the pivotal moment—the moment when the region began to tip into violence—came in early 2014 under more dubious circumstances.

The previous year, Ukrainian diplomats had negotiated a free trade deal with the European Union that would have cut out Russia. Russia then outbid the EU with its own deal—which included $15 billion in incentives for Ukraine and continued naval basing rights for Russia—and Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich signed it. U.S.-backed protests broke out in Kiev’s main square, the Maidan, and in cities across the country. According to a speech made at the time by a State Department official, the U.S. had by that time spent $5 billion to influence Ukraine’s politics. And, considering that Ukraine then had a lower per capita income than Cuba, Jamaica, or Namibia, $5 billion could buy a lot of influence. An armory was raided, shootings near the Maidan left dozens of protesters dead, Yanukovich fled the country, and the U.S. played the central role in setting up a successor government. 

That the U.S. would meddle with Russia’s vital interests this way created problems almost immediately. Like every Ukrainian government since the end of the Cold War, Yanukovich’s government was corrupt. Unlike many of them, it was legitimately elected, and the U.S. helped to overthrow it.

That was the point when Russia invaded Crimea. “Took over” might be a better description, because there was no loss of life due to the military operation. You can call this a brutal and unprovoked invasion or a reaction to American crowding. We cannot read Putin’s mind. But it would not be evidence of insincerity or insanity if Putin considered the Ukrainian coup—or uprising—a threat. That is what any military historian of the region would have said. 

At the turn of the twentieth century, the strategist H.J. Mackinder called the expanse north of the Black Sea the “Geographical Pivot of History.” Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as Secretary of State in the Carter administration, used the same “pivot” metaphor to describe Ukraine in his post–Cold War book The Grand Chessboard. “Without Ukraine,” Brzezinski wrote, “Russia ceases to be a Eurasian empire.” 

The danger to Russia in 2014 was not just the loss of Russia’s largest naval base. It was that that naval base would be acquired by the world’s most sophisticated military power—a power that had shown itself to be Russia’s enemy and that would now sit, with all its weaponry, at Russia’s gateway to the world. When Russians describe Ukrainian membership in NATO as a mortal threat to their country’s survival, they are being sincere.

American and European leaders, although they deplored the Russian occupation of Crimea, seemed to understand that a Russia-controlled Crimea created a more stable equilibrium—and was more to the natives’ liking—than a Ukraine-controlled Crimea. President Obama mostly let sleeping dogs lie. So did President Trump. But they also made large transfers of advanced weaponry and military know-how to Ukraine. As a result, over time, a failed state defended by a ramshackle collection of oligarch-sponsored militias turned into the third-largest army in Europe—right behind Turkey and Russia—with a quarter million men under arms. 

Then, on November 10 last year, Secretary of State Antony Blinken signed a “strategic partnership” with Ukraine. It not only committed the U.S. to Ukraine’s full integration into NATO but also stressed Ukraine’s claim to Crimea. This was hubris. Now the Black Sea region’s problems, in all their complexity, risk being thrown into our lap.

Our Problems in Ukraine

When Russia invaded, the U.S. stood by its potential future ally, but without much sense of proportion and seemingly without much attention to the stakes. Let us conclude by discussing the complex military, economic, and political problems we face in dealing with the Ukraine War.

Military Problems

I’m not competent to predict who is going to win this war. But given that Russia is much more powerful than Ukraine—both economically and militarily—the need for U.S. assistance will be immense and indefinite, no matter the war’s outcome. Keeping Ukraine in this war has already come at a high cost in weapons for the U.S. and a high cost in lives for Ukraine. 

The U.S. is not just supporting Ukraine. It is fighting a war in Ukraine’s name. From early in the war, we have provided targeting information for drone strikes on Russian generals and missile attacks on Russian ships. Since this summer, the U.S. has been providing Ukraine with M142 HIMARS computer-targeted rocket artillery systems. Ukrainians may still be doing most of the dying, but the U.S. is responsible for most of the damage wrought on Russia’s troops.

This is a war with no natural stopping point. One can easily imagine scenarios in which winning might be more costly than losing. Should the U.S. pursue the war to ultimate victory, taking Crimea and admitting an ambivalent Ukraine into NATO, it will require a Korea-level military buildup to hold the ground taken. It will also change the West. The U.S.—for the first time—will have expanded NATO by conquest, occupying territories (Crimea and parts of eastern Ukraine) that don’t want it there.

Economic Problems

American policymakers have launched an unprecedented type of economic warfare against Russia. They expect it to be just as effective as battlefield warfare, but to generate none of the hard feelings. At American urging, Russia has been cut off from the private-but-universal Brussels-based SWIFT system, which is used for international financial transfers. And the U.S. has frozen the hard currency reserves of the Russian central bank—roughly $284 billion.

Long-term, these actions carry risks for the U.S. Our economic power—particularly the dollar’s status as a reserve currency, which permits us to sustain deficits that would bankrupt others—depends on our carrying out our fiduciary responsibilities to international institutions, remembering that the money we are managing is not ours. If you are a banker who pockets his depositors’ money, those depositors will look for another bank. The danger to the United States is that not only Russia, but also China and India, will set up alternative systems through which to move their money.

Political Problems

Finally, we should have learned from the latter stages of George W. Bush’s administration that it is hard to build a forceful foreign policy on top of a wobbly domestic mandate. This is especially true of the Biden administration, which seems unable to distinguish between domestic policy and foreign policy. At the one-month mark after the Russian invasion, for instance, the White House sent a message in which President Biden proclaimed his commitment to those affected by the Russian invasion—“especially vulnerable populations such as women, children, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons, and persons with disabilities.” 

President Biden seems to view Russia’s conflict with Ukraine as one of autocracy versus democracy—the same framework he used to describe “MAGA Republicans” in his militaristically choreographed Philadelphia speech in early September. 

We should not overestimate how much Americans know or care about Russia and Ukraine. In August, the Pew Center published a study listing the top 15 issues motivating voters in the 2022 elections. Here are those issues in order: the economy, guns, crime, health care, voting rules, education, the Supreme Court, abortion, energy policy, immigration, foreign policy, big government, climate change, race and ethnicity, and the coronavirus. Ukraine doesn’t appear on the list, and generic foreign policy didn’t make the top ten. That doesn’t look like a level of voter buy-in sufficient for running such big economic and military risks. 

A dispassionate and honest discussion of Vladimir Putin’s conduct through the years would find much to criticize. Unfortunately, Putin’s name has been dragged into American politics primarily for the purpose of discrediting the presidency of Donald Trump. And the main thing Americans were told about Putin—that he and Trump colluded to steal the 2016 U.S. election—turned out to have no basis in fact. Since then, Congress has become as much an investigative body as a legislative chamber. Should Republicans end up with a majority in one or both houses of Congress next January, it would not be surprising if they investigated the allegation that President Biden’s family enriched itself by trading on his name with corrupt foreign elites—most prominently those in Ukraine. 

The largest problem America faces is distrust, both at home and abroad. Thus far the war’s most important world-historical surprise has been the failure of the U.S. to rally a critical mass of what it used to call “the world community” to punish Russia’s contestation of the American-led world order. In the past few decades the U.S. has developed a method of intervention against those it considers ideological adversaries. The U.S. first expresses moral misgivings about a country and then tries to rally other countries to pressure it economically and to isolate it until it relents. This time, India and China did not join us in isolating Russia. It seems they fear that this same machinery can easily be cranked up against them if they’re not careful. And in fact it is being cranked up against China.

Another factor is surely that, after the Iraq War, other countries have less trust in the judgment of the U.S. as to which territories are likely to be suitable candidates for “spreading democracy.” 

Finally, the big transformation that has been predicted for a generation now—that power would shift from the U.S. and Europe to Asia and other places—is now measurably underway. In the 1990s, between the Gulf War and the Iraq War, the U.S. and its Western European allies controlled 70 percent of world GDP; that number is now 43 percent. The West still does relatively well, but not so well that it can count on the rest of the world to rally behind it automatically. Whether in victory or defeat, Americans may be about to discover that you cannot run a twentieth century foreign policy with a twenty-first century society. 


Christopher Caldwell

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Dark Horse Podcast with Military Whistleblowers on Vaxx and Mandates thumbnail

VIDEO: Dark Horse Podcast with Military Whistleblowers on Vaxx and Mandates

By Vlad Tepes Blog

This is long, but highly recommended. This offers context, history and law on the illegal use of mandates on the military, which are still ongoing, forcing them to take these experimental gene-therapy shots or lose everything they have worked for in their professional lives. It also puts to rest the myth that soldiers sign away their constitutional rights. This is not a thing.

It is illegal and a person in the U.S. cannot sign a document that in any way removes their constitutional rights.

Please send this link to anyone you know in the military, or veterans of the forces. Here is a direct link. This is part I of II.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog posted by is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Easy Money and Hard Economic Times thumbnail

Easy Money and Hard Economic Times

By Craig J. Cantoni

Editors’ Note: As the article below indicates, a new magisterial history of interest rates and central banking has been published. The author, Edward Chancellor wrote a previous book just before the last great financial crash called Devil Take the Hindmost, which was extremely timely if not prescient. This new book is extremely critical of current central bank policies, which have caused a serial set of financial bubbles, that have caused immense economic distortions setting us up for another crisis and putting governments themselves into a debt trap. As this book is beginning to get recognized, the shallowness of our institutions is once again revealed. The Nobel Committee has awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics to former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke, considered the architect of Quantitative Easing, at least in the West. This is roughly equivalent to presenting the Sherwin – Williams award for painting, to a house painter who painted himself into a corner all while setting the house on fire.

A brilliant book explains the causes of our economic travails and names names.

  • It is longer than a tweet, a text, a TikTok, a YouTube, or a news blurb.
  • It requires a basic understanding of finance, economics, statistics, and multi-syllable words.
  • It makes the reader feel intellectually inadequate at times, especially this reader of mediocre intelligence.
  • It is nonpartisan and criticizes both political parties as warranted.
  • It is not about race, gender, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, the Kardashians, or sports celebrities.
  • As a result, it’s not going to be a best-seller.
  • What is it?  It is the following masterpiece:

The Price of Time: The Real Story of Interest, by Edward Chancellor, Atlantic Monthly Press, 2022, 398 pages.

It’s a shame that the book won’t be a best-seller, for it explains the major causes of flat-lined productivity, of slow economic growth, of the corruption of capitalism, of income inequality, of bubbles in real estate and other assets, of the financialization of the economy, of leveraged buyouts and mergers and acquisitions that hollow out companies and stifle competition, of sky-high stock valuations for unicorn companies that have never turned a profit, and of stock buybacks that line executives’ pockets while weakening their companies.

On second thought, it’s a blessing, not a shame, that the book won’t be a best-seller. If it were widely read, it could trigger an uprising that would make the Capitol attack on January 6 look like a playground spat, for Americans would come to understand how they’ve been screwed and who did the screwing. 

The book’s title refers to the time value of money—to the fact that time is valuable, that economic and financial activities take place across time, that money has more value in the hand than in the future, and that interest is needed to induce people to forego consumption and lend their money for more productive uses.

In the author’s words:

The argument of this book is that interest is required to direct the allocation of capital, and that without interest it becomes impossible to value investments. As a reward for abstinence, interest incentivizes saving. When it comes to regulating financial markets, the existence of interest discourages bankers and investors from taking excessive risks. On the foreign exchanges, interest rates equilibrate the flow of capital between nations. Interest also influences the distribution of income and wealth. As [Frederic] Bastiat understood [in the nineteenth century], a very low rate of interest may benefit the rich, who have access to credit, more than the poor.

The author gives the history of interest going back to ancient times, including the history of usury laws and their consequences. He identifies empires and nations that stagnated or worse due to keeping interest rates too low and spending too high. He quotes thinkers of hundreds of years ago who seems to have known more about economics than the 400 PhD economists employed today by the Federal Reserve. He discusses the interrelationships between interest rates, the money supply, and inflation during the era of the trusts and robber barons of the late nineteenth century, as well as the years leading up to and following the stock market crash of 1929.

He goes on to show the economic consequences in recent times of low or even negative rates, especially when the rates are coupled with quantitative easing, the printing of money, deficit spending, a humongous and growing national debt, and the Federal Reserve’s arbitrary inflation target of two percent.  The result is “irrational exuberance,” to borrow Alan Greenspan’s words, an exuberance that inevitably leads to a downturn and often leads to high inflation, which in turn leads to the Federal Reserve removing the punch bowl through higher interest rates.

Such monetary and fiscal policies cause business cycles to be more volatile, corrections to be more protracted, and the painful but beneficial process of creative destruction to be most destructive.

Former heads of the Federal Reserve won’t be endorsing the book, especially Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen, both of whom are excoriated by the author. That would be the same two who were praised extensively during their tenure by the business press and general media, and the latter is the same person who is the current Treasury Secretary.

In April 2016, Yellen and former heads of the Federal Reserve gathered at a meeting in New York City. She was asked during a panel discussion if the United States was a bubble economy. She adamantly replied that it was not. At that, “the oldest surviving Fed Chairman, Paul Volcker, nodded in agreement but also pulled out a handkerchief and loudly blew his nose.” As noted in a footnote in The Price of Time, when author Edward Chancellor asked Volcker afterward if he had agreed with Yellen, he replied, “No, of course, there’s a bubble. My grandchildren can’t afford to buy apartments in New York City. I just didn’t want to say so in front of the Wall Street Journal.”

Then there is this about Bernanke: In 2006, in the midst of the housing bubble and just prior to its bursting and the advent of the Great Recession and financial crisis, Bernanke told Congress that increases in home prices “largely reflect strong economic fundamentals.”

And this excerpt from the book:

“Bernanke’s Fed,” concludes historian Philip Mirowski, “has evaded suffering any consequences for its intellectual incompetence.” Instead of being hounded from office, Bernanke was credited with saving the world from another Great Depression and anointed Time magazine’s Person of the Year in 2009. His exercise in denial meant that the Fed learned little from the crisis. Besides the odd tweak, monetary policymakers saw no need to change their flawed models. If low interest rates hadn’t caused the crisis, there would be no problem in taking them even lower in the future.

The book doesn’t say this, but Bernanke was credited with saving the world from another Great Depression, because, in 2008, he had bailed out big financial companies that were deemed “too big to fail.” It was something that he had found very distasteful but felt there was no choice, given that the world’s financial/monetary system seemed to be crashing at the time. The book does say, however, that the cause of the crisis was the imploding of the subprime mortgage market, a market that had grown to frothy levels due to investors seeking higher interest rates under a monetary policy that had kept rates near zero in normal credit channels.

After the financial crisis was over, the billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer said that the reflation of the US economy after 2008 was based on “fake growth, fake money, fake financial stability, fake inflation numbers and fake income growth.”

Ironically, a year prior to being elected president, Donald Trump made similar comments about the economy. It was ironic, because as a property developer, his wealth depended on inflated property prices and cheap financing. Moreover, near the end of his presidency, he joined the feeding frenzy of doling out free money in response to the COVID pandemic. His contribution from the public purse was about one trillion dollars.

The government’s role in the 2008 financial crisis was lost on Congress and the public. Instead of addressing the root cause, the government did what it does best: It passed a counterproductive law—specifically, the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act, which generated thousands of pages of regulations. By contrast, the landmark Depression-era regulatory act known as Glass-Steagall totaled just 37 pages. Other countries followed suit, leading bond guru James Grant to say that governments were printing rules almost as fast as they were printing money.

The Price of Time draws parallels between today’s central bank shenanigans and the shenanigans of John Law. Law was appointed France’s finance minister in 1720, was the founder and head of the French central bank, and was the head of the Mississippi Company, a vast corporate enterprise that accounted for a large share of the French economy. But it turned out that France’s booming economy and the company’s booming financials and stock price were a chimera created by easy money. The resulting bubble and collapse were among the biggest in history. 

After the global financial crisis of 2008, Antoin Murphy, the author of a biography on Law, wrote, “What central bankers are doing now is exactly what Law recommended.” He went on to say, “Law’s banking successors have been Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen and Mario Draghi [the head of the European Central Bank].”

The penultimate chapter of the book, Chapter 17, details how America’s easy money unleashed a “global monetary plague.” It is a sobering read.

The last chapter describes how easy money and financial repression in China have created huge financial bubbles and massive malinvestments in that nation. As in America and much of the West, such policies have favored the rich and well-connected. As a result, China has gone from being one of the most egalitarian nations to one of the least equal.

The book’s Conclusion makes the point that the more that policymakers blunder, the more the system appears to fail, which in turn justifies further interventions by policymakers. At the same time, many Americans, especially younger ones, are blaming capitalism for socioeconomic problems and embracing socialism as a better system, not realizing how capitalism has been corrupted by the Fed, the government, and the representatives they have elected to Congress.

The book’s Postscript discusses the COVID pandemic and its consequences—the increased money printing, the forming of new bubbles, the escalation in deficit spending, and the phenomenal growth in the Fed’s balance sheet. Writing the postscript before the current downturn, the author was prescient in predicting that “inflation is likely to pick up and interest rates will have to rise to contain it.”

This book review was written a month before the November elections of 2022. Once again, tellingly, the root causes detailed in the book are largely missing as campaign issues. The last member of Congress to understand the causes, to try to make them a priority, and to warn about them was Ron Paul, who was dismissed by the right and left as a kooky Cassandra.

Time to sign off. This stuff is depressing and hurts my head. I wonder what the Kardashians are doing.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.