The Vietnam War was a True ‘Clash of Cultures’ thumbnail

The Vietnam War was a True ‘Clash of Cultures’

By Dr. Rich Swier

Merriam-Webster defines culture as, “the customary beliefs, social forms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group.”

When I think of a culture I think about the people I have met over my lifetime. I see culture as people who have individual beliefs. Understanding one another’s beliefs makes me a better man, husband, father and grandfather.

My first experience in a new culture was in Vietnam. I went there as a young U.S. Army 2nd Lieutenant to defend the people of South Vietnam from the people of North Vietnam and their terrorist allies the Viet Cong.

This experience changed my life. This was a true clash of cultures.

It was the South Vietnamese who were predominantly Christian and free men and women, against the Communist North Vietnamese and Viet Cong.

I fought side-by-side to keep the South Vietnamese free from the deadly and tyrannical Communist culture.

The Communist culture is based upon a system that hates God, wants to control every aspect of the individual and their the family and demands total and unconditional obedience or else. Or else includes torture, imprisonment and execution for crimes against the state.

The South Vietnamese culture was based upon Godly morals and values as contained in the Holy Bible, the respect for and love of individual and the family and most of all the freedom to live life as they see fit to be happy and prosper.

These two cultures are diametrically opposed to one another.

The Communist North Vietnamese were evil incarnate.

The Christian South Vietnamese were good, kind, brave and loyal allies.

I carried this lesson about the Communist Culture vs. the Freedom Loving Biblically based Culture with me through out my life.

I saw just how evil the Communist culture can be. I saw how good freedom loving cultures around the world are by living among them in places like Vietnam, Germany, Greece and in America, under our Constitutional Republican form of government.

I swore an oath to protect and defend the United States Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic.

America is the only Biblically based “Constitutional Republican Culture” in the world. I and my brothers in arms fought, and many died, to protect and defend this culture.

Cultures that have a Biblical foundation are good cultures. Here are a few quotes to help understand why a Biblically Based Culture is the best culture:

George Washington, “True religion affords to government its surest support.”

Thomas Jefferson, “Of all the systems of morality, ancient or modern, which have come under my observation, none appear to me so pure as that of Jesus.”

Andrew Jackson, “The Bible is ‘the rock’ on which our republic rests.”

Ulysses S. Grant, “Hold fast to the Bible as the sheet anchor of your liberties; write its precepts in your hearts, and practice them in your lives.”

In a 1914 speech at Princeton University Woodrow Wilson stated, “America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are delivered from the revelations of Holy Scripture.”

Calvin Coolidge, “If American democracy is to remain the greatest hope of humanity, it must continue abundantly in the faith of the Bible.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, “We humbly ask the blessing of God. May he protect each and every one of us.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower, “We beseech God’s guidance.”

John F. Kennedy, “The rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.”

For me the best cultures have been Biblically based. Not to be Biblically based is to be based upon the will of men not of the Creator. When men rule there is evil. When God rules there is good.

I close with these prophetic words by German Lutheran Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was hanged on a direct order from Adolf Hitler on April 9th, 1945, my date of birth:

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

End of story.

©2023 Dr. Rich Swier, LTC, U.S. Army (Ret.) All rights reserved.

Chiến tranh Việt Nam là một ‘Sự xung đột của các nền văn hóa’ thực sự

Merriam-Webster định nghĩa văn hóa là “tín ngưỡng phong tục, hình thức xã hội và đặc điểm vật chất của một nhóm chủng tộc, tôn giáo hoặc xã hội”.

Khi tôi nghĩ về một nền văn hóa, tôi nghĩ về những người tôi đã gặp trong suốt cuộc đời mình. Tôi thấy văn hóa là những người có niềm tin cá nhân. Hiểu được niềm tin của nhau khiến tôi trở thành một người đàn ông, người chồng, người cha và người ông tốt hơn.

Trải nghiệm đầu tiên của tôi trong một nền văn hóa mới là ở Việt Nam. Tôi đến đó với tư cách là một thiếu úy trẻ của quân đội Hoa Kỳ để bảo vệ người dân miền Nam Việt Nam khỏi người dân miền Bắc Việt Nam và các đồng minh khủng bố của họ là Việt Cộng.

Trải nghiệm này đã thay đổi cuộc đời tôi. Đây là một cuộc đụng độ thực sự của các nền văn hóa.

Chính người miền Nam Việt Nam đa số theo đạo Thiên Chúa và nam nữ tự do, chống Cộng Sản Bắc Việt và Việt Cộng.

Tôi đã sát cánh chiến đấu để giữ cho người miền Nam Việt Nam thoát khỏi nền văn hóa cộng sản độc tài và chết chóc.

Nền văn hóa Cộng sản dựa trên một hệ thống ghét Đức Chúa Trời, muốn kiểm soát mọi khía cạnh của cá nhân và gia đình của họ và đòi hỏi sự phục tùng hoàn toàn và vô điều kiện hoặc những thứ khác. Hoặc nếu không thì bao gồm tra tấn, bỏ tù và hành quyết đối với các tội ác chống lại nhà nước.

Văn hóa miền Nam Việt Nam dựa trên các giá trị và đạo đức thiêng liêng như trong Kinh thánh, sự tôn trọng và tình yêu của cá nhân và gia đình và trên hết là quyền tự do sống cuộc sống mà họ thấy phù hợp để được hạnh phúc và thịnh vượng.

Hai nền văn hóa này hoàn toàn đối lập với nhau.

Cộng sản Bắc Việt là hiện thân xấu xa.

Những người theo đạo Cơ đốc miền Nam Việt Nam là những đồng minh tốt, tử tế, dũng cảm và trung thành.

Tôi đã mang theo bài học này về Văn hóa Cộng sản so với Văn hóa Yêu chuộng Tự do dựa trên Kinh thánh trong suốt cuộc đời mình.

Tôi đã thấy văn hóa cộng sản có thể xấu xa như thế nào. Tôi đã thấy các nền văn hóa yêu chuộng tự do trên khắp thế giới tốt đẹp như thế nào khi sống giữa các nền văn hóa đó ở những nơi như Việt Nam, Đức, Hy Lạp và ở Mỹ, dưới hình thức chính phủ Cộng hòa Lập hiến của chúng tôi.

Tôi đã thề sẽ bảo vệ và bảo vệ Hiến pháp Hoa Kỳ khỏi mọi kẻ thù trong và ngoài nước.

Nước Mỹ là “Văn hóa Cộng hòa Lập hiến” dựa trên Kinh thánh duy nhất trên thế giới. Tôi và những người anh em của mình đã chiến đấu, và nhiều người đã chết, để bảo vệ và bảo vệ nền văn hóa này.

Những nền văn hóa có nền tảng Kinh Thánh là những nền văn hóa tốt. Dưới đây là một vài trích dẫn để giúp hiểu tại sao một nền văn hóa dựa trên Kinh thánh là nền văn hóa tốt nhất:

George Washington, “Tôn giáo chân chính dành cho chính phủ sự hỗ trợ chắc chắn nhất.”

Thomas Jefferson, “Trong tất cả các hệ thống đạo đức, cổ đại hay hiện đại, mà tôi quan sát được, không có hệ thống nào đối với tôi thuần túy như hệ thống của Chúa Giê-xu.”

Andrew Jackson, “Kinh thánh là ‘tảng đá’ mà nền cộng hòa của chúng ta dựa vào.”

Ulysses S. Grant, “Hãy bám chặt vào Kinh thánh như tấm neo cho quyền tự do của bạn; hãy khắc ghi những giới luật của nó vào trái tim của bạn, và thực hành chúng trong cuộc sống của bạn.”

Trong một bài phát biểu năm 1914 tại Đại học Princeton, Woodrow Wilson đã tuyên bố: “Nước Mỹ sinh ra là một quốc gia Cơ đốc giáo. Nước Mỹ được sinh ra để minh họa cho sự tận tâm đó đối với các yếu tố của sự công bình có được từ những điều mặc khải của Kinh thánh.”

Calvin Coolidge, “Nếu nền dân chủ Hoa Kỳ vẫn là niềm hy vọng lớn nhất của nhân loại, thì nó phải tiếp tục dồi dào trong niềm tin vào Kinh thánh.”

Franklin D. Roosevelt, “Chúng tôi khiêm nhường cầu xin Chúa ban phước lành. Cầu mong Ngài bảo vệ mỗi người chúng ta.”

Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Chúng tôi cầu xin sự hướng dẫn của Chúa.”

John F. Kennedy, “Quyền của con người không đến từ sự hào phóng của nhà nước mà đến từ bàn tay của Chúa.”

Đối với tôi, những nền văn hóa tốt nhất đều dựa trên Kinh thánh. Không dựa trên Kinh thánh là dựa trên ý muốn của con người chứ không phải của Đấng Tạo Hóa. Khi đàn ông cai trị có ác. Khi Đức Chúa Trời cai trị ở đó là tốt.

Tôi kết thúc bằng những lời tiên tri này của Mục sư người Đức Lutheran Dietrich Bonhoeffer, người đã bị treo cổ theo lệnh trực tiếp của Adolf Hitler vào ngày 9 tháng 4 năm 1945, ngày sinh của tôi:

“Im lặng trước cái ác tự nó là xấu xa: Chúa sẽ không coi chúng ta là vô tội. Đừng nói chỉ để đấy thôi. Không hành động là hành động.”

Kết thúc câu chuyện.

©2023 Tiến sĩ Rich Swier, LTC, Quân đội Hoa Kỳ (Đã về hưu) Bảo lưu mọi quyền.

BOMBSHELL: Then VP Biden Visited Ukraine, Pushed for FRACKING Days After Hunter Joined Burisma Board thumbnail

BOMBSHELL: Then VP Biden Visited Ukraine, Pushed for FRACKING Days After Hunter Joined Burisma Board

By The Geller Report

The Bidens are so dirty, so corrupt, that it makes my skin crawl as an American. Our Constitutional Republic is broken owed largely to state-run media.

  • Hunter Biden joined the board of Ukrainian gas firm Burisma on April 18, 2014 – three days before Joe visited Ukraine as vice president and pushed for fracking
  • Former White House stenographer Mike McCormick told that press were briefed on Biden’s strategies to boost Ukraine gas production
  • The call for greater energy production was politically significant – and lucrative for Burisma which generated revenues of at least $400million

By Josh Boswell For,, 5 April 2023

Joe Biden pushed for Ukraine to frack gas during his 2014 vice presidential visit – just days after his son Hunter joined the board of a firm set to profit from it.

The first son joined the board of allegedly corrupt Ukrainian gas firm Burisma on April 18, 2014, the company announced in a press release at the time.

Three days later, Joe was aboard Air Force 2 for an official visit to the East European country.

One of his senior officials briefed reporters on the plane that the VP was pushing ‘medium- and long-term strategies to boost conventional gas production, and also to begin to take advantage of the unconventional gas reserves that are in Ukraine.’

Joe Biden made a visit to Ukraine as vice president on April 21, 2014, to push for greater energy production, just three days after his son Hunter joined the board of Ukrainian gas firm Burisma. He is pictured in Kyiv with former Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in 2014

Joe Biden made a visit to Ukraine as vice president on April 21, 2014, to push for greater energy production, just three days after his son Hunter joined the board of Ukrainian gas firm Burisma. He is pictured in Kyiv with former Ukrainian prime minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk in 2014

Biden’s push for greater energy production proved to be a lucrative move for his son’s company Burisma, which generated revenues of at least $400M

Biden’s push for greater energy production proved to be a lucrative move for his son’s company Burisma, which generated revenues of at least $400M

The president’s current national security advisor, Jake Sullivan (pictured in Kyiv in November), was the senior official who briefed reporters on Biden’s trip at the time

The president’s current national security advisor, Jake Sullivan (pictured in Kyiv in November), was the senior official who briefed reporters on Biden’s trip at the time

The ‘unconventional’ reserves were a reference to fracking, a gas extraction method for which Burisma was one of the few firms in Ukraine to have a license at the time.

The official said Joe was also promising help for Ukrainian energy firms from US experts.

Biden’s push for greater energy production was politically significant – making Ukraine more economically independent from Russia. But the move also led to millions of dollars for the company his son was then working for.

According to Burisma’s website, it ramped up production from 100million cubic meters in 2010 to 1.3 billion cubic meters in 2018 – when it generated revenues of at least $400million, according to a Reuters estimate.

In 2019 Burisma held 35 licenses for hydrocarbon production in Ukraine’s main oil and gas basins.

According to energy industry publication it began using hydraulic fracturing, known as fracking, in 2016 and by May 2019 used the technology in 10% of its wells.

A Burisma executive explained how the company benefited from the help of US expertise in Ukraine, in a 2017 interview with Ukrainian trade publication Nefterynok.

White House stenographer Mike McCormick, was aboard Air Force 2 when Sullivan briefed reporters on Biden’s 2014 trip, he told

White House stenographer Mike McCormick, was aboard Air Force 2 when Sullivan briefed reporters on Biden’s 2014 trip, he told

Head of country operations Taras Burdeinyi said Burisma partnered with US firms ​​Schlumberger and ProPetro Services for fracking in Ukraine, allowing it to grow the ‘largest modern rig fleet’ in the country, three years after Biden’s intervention.

Mike McCormick, a White House stenographer who was on board the April 2014 Air Force 2 flight, told that the anonymous ‘senior official’ who gave the briefing was Jake Sullivan, who now serves as President Biden’s National Security Advisor.

‘Our job basically was to record everything that was said to the press, or public facing, and very quickly make transcripts that the White House could release,’ McCormick said.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s Coup in Israel thumbnail

Biden’s Coup in Israel

By Jihad Watch

The puppet masters and puppet regime defeat democracy.

In the early days of March, a small crowd of leftists gathered outside the U.S. consulate in Tel Aviv holding up signs reading, “Biden help!” and “Biden, Blinken, Our democracy is sinking”.

A speaker at the rally appealed to Biden to “save us from ourselves”.

The consulate rally was held under the banner of “Defend Israeli Democracy” which had organized international protests against democratic judicial reform that would have restored checks and balances. International rallies, including one in Berlin which featured women dressed as the ‘handmaids’ from the TV show and signs accusing Israel of “fascism” and being an “apartheid state”, were not speaking to Israelis, but to the international anti-Israel Left.

Clips from the Tel Aviv rally were remixed by another of the interchangeable anti-democracy groups, Yalla Tikva, urging Biden to save Israeli democracy. The operation was as slick with professional videography, editing and branding as it lacked a clear transparent structure.

Protests like these were not so much appealing to Biden as coordinating with the administration.

The anti-democracy rallies by organizations claiming to be fighting for democracy paralleled an unprecedented degree of interference from the Biden administration.

“We don’t want to interfere,” Biden told reporters after Israel had surrendered on reforming the judiciary. “Anyway, we’re not interfering.”

“They cannot continue down this road,” he warned.

On Monday morning, Biden’s ambassador delivered an ultimatum to Netanyahu ordering him to stop the reforms. Later that day, Netanyahu officially announced a pause on judicial reform.

This followed public statements from every Biden administration official, including Secretary of Defense Austin, warning Israel not to proceed and urging the democratically elected government to turn over the process to its political opponent: leftist figurehead Herzog who had served as Marc Rich’s lawyer when negotiating a pardon with the Clinton administration.

Why was the Biden administration so obsessed with internal questions such as who picked Israeli Supreme Court justices and whether they could ever be overruled by the legislature?

While the leftist rioters in the streets clamored that they were fighting for democracy, the Supreme Court is the least democratic institution and the mobs were demanding that it stay that way. None of the American media outlets or politicians accusing the Israeli government of threatening democracy ever got around to explaining why elected officials selecting justices is a good thing in America and a bad thing in Israel. As Ruth Wisse, the greatest living Jewish academic, pointed out in the Wall Street Journal, some of the same advocates of weakening the United States Supreme Court violently denounced efforts to check the power of Israel’s court.

The Israeli Supreme Court is mostly immune to democratic influences like elections, and is not governed by a constitution, but derives its power from claiming unlimited standing to take on any cases it likes. But to trigger this superpower, it needs nonprofit groups to bring cases to it. These nonprofits are primarily funded by foreign interests from George Soros, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund  and the Tides Center to foreign governments in the European Union and America.

How it works is simple enough. A leftist nonprofit funded by a foreign government sets out to stop a policy by a democratically elected government. Even though it is in no way affected by a policy, such as building homes in Judea or cracking down on terrorism, it sues anyway. And even though it lacks any standing, the Supreme Court takes the case anyway and rules for it.

The actual case however was really brought by Soros or the EU or D.C. The Israeli Supreme Court acts as a rubber stamp for rule by foreign governments through leftist groups.

While a lot of the online protest groups conducting anti-democracy rallies were unknown, the larger Israeli rallies were led by the Movement for Quality Government. MQG is a serial plaintiff which repeatedly brings cases to the Supreme Court. In 2020, MQG hired a D.C. law firm to investigate Netanyahu. That same year, MQG began getting money from the State Department.

State Department deputy spokesman Vedant Patel claimed that this was false because MQG “received a modest grant from the State Department that was initiated during the previous administration” meant to promote civics in schools.

“Any notion that we are propping up or supporting these protests or the initiators of them is completely and demonstrably false,” Patel fumed.

But money is fungible and the State Department was well aware that MQG’s primary field of activity was lawfare. The plague of leftist nonprofits funded by foreign governments is an old problem that predates this administration. And touching it is the real red line.

In 2016, there was outrage when the Israeli legislature passed a law requiring nonprofits to disclose foreign funding. Even though the government bureaucracy refused to enforce the law, it nonetheless resulted in MGQ disclosing its funding from the State Department.

The State Department had claimed then that asking nonprofits to reveal foreign funding would “have a chilling effect on the activities that these worthwhile organizations are trying to do”.

Examples of such worthwhile activities had included the State Department funding a previous protest campaign against Netanyahu in 2015 using a “peacebuilding” nonprofit named One Voice.

In 2021, Israel cracked down on six nonprofits tied to terrorist organizations. The State Department warned, “we will be engaging our Israeli partners for more information regarding the basis for the designation. We believe respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms and a strong civil society are critically important to responsible and responsive governance.”

The pattern is not difficult to spot.

The Biden administration, the EU and other leftist foreign governments use nonprofits and the legal system to control Israeli policy. When those tools of control are threatened, they step in.

The Obama and Biden administrations had fumed when Israel began forcing nonprofits to follow the law, but judicial reform was a line in the sand. Had judicial reform passed, democracy would have come to Israel. And a bunch of leftist governments couldn’t have used their puppets to overrule the will of the people. That was why they did everything they could to stop it.

What the media portrayed as organic protests were nothing of the kind. They were often backed and organized by tech companies. Some of those same companies, to protest judicial reform, announced that they were pulling their money out of Israel and sending them to SVB. The collapse of the bank, closely associated with leftist interests in the United States, was only a brief inconvenience since the Biden administration rushed to bail out its depositors.

Israeli startups draw on investments from American companies and investors: many of them close to the Biden administration. The SVB connection, a clearinghouse for woke capital, just spelled out the obvious. The coup against democracy was backed by foreign interests and implemented by the billionaires, who control much of the Israeli media, and leftist activists who are employed by nonprofits funded by foreign governments and foundations.

Political consultants rushed to brand the coup as a “democracy” movement even though there’s nothing less democratic than protecting an undemocratic institution from democratic change.

The Biden administration, which had been in on it all along, pushed for a “compromise” from Marc Rich’s former lawyer that would have kept the Left in power even while denying what it was doing, or that judicial reform was shut down after a Biden ultimatum.

Prime Minister Netanyahu backed down, as he often has, but the confrontation was revealing because the puppet masters were forced to show their hand. American Jews were largely fooled by the media’s propaganda campaign, but Israelis saw all too clearly who the activists and, more importantly, the Supreme Court really works for and whose power it serves.

The Israeli Left has consistently lost elections while clinging to power through undemocratic institutions like the Supreme Court and fake third parties. It’s fighting a war on democracy that it’s bound to lose. The ‘handmaids’ marching in Berlin and the radicals holding up posters accusing Israel of fascism in Hitler’s city have shown Israelis what they really are.

The greatest threat to democracy in Israel has always come from the Left. What was once a domestic oligarchy has evolved into a puppet regime. And the Israeli Zionists have learned that they can expose the puppet masters by pulling on the puppets and seeing who comes for them.

“Biden help!”, “Biden, Blinken, Our democracy is sinking”, “save us from ourselves”.




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RELATED VIDEO: This Week In Jihad with David Wood and Robert Spencer

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Tennessee House Votes To Boot Two Dem Members Who Joined With Mob In Capitol Protest thumbnail

Tennessee House Votes To Boot Two Dem Members Who Joined With Mob In Capitol Protest

By The Daily Caller

Editor’s note: This article has been updated.

Tennessee’s Republican-held House voted Thursday to expel two out of three Democratic members for leading what House leadership called an “insurrection” at the state Capitol last week following Nashville’s school shooting.

The House voted to expel Nashville Rep. Justin Jones 72 to 25 and Memphis Rep. Justin Pearson 69 to 26 for “disorderly conduct” via HR 65 and HR 63 introduced Monday. Jones, Pearson and Knoxville Rep. Gloria Johnson joined a group of gun control protestors in the building last Thursday, and joined in chants via a bullhorn between bills; resolutions to expel the three of them were introduced Monday, according to The Tennessean.

“The world is watching Tennessee because what is happening here today is a farce of Democracy,” Jones said in his opening statement. “I was not standing for myself, I was standing for my constituents…and I was standing for those young people…who are terrified by the continued trend of mass shootings plaguing our state and plaguing our station.”

Jones claimed that the resolutions to expel him and his colleagues were efforts to remove two young black members and one of the few female members – whose expulsion resolution failed to receive two thirds majority at 65 to 30 votes – of the Legislature.

BREAKING: @brotherjones_ a duly elected representative, has been expelled from the Tennessee State House for standing up for kids killed by guns. This is fascist, undemocratic behavior. #TennesseeThree

— March For Our Lives ☮️ (@AMarch4OurLives) April 6, 2023

The resolutions claim the three members “did knowingly and intentionally bring disorder and dishonor to the House of Representatives through their individual and collective actions,” according to The Tennessean.

A video of the three representatives joining in on the protests in the House chamber was shown before the vote was taken, with many Democrats opposing the viewing. The members started chanting “power to the people,” “no action, no peace,” and “gun control now.”

Reps. Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson and Justin Pearson entered the TN House chamber to chants of “Tennessee three.” The trio faces expulsion from the House later today.

— Adam Friedman (@friedmanadam5) April 6, 2023

Protesters flooded the state Capitol, demanding for strengthened gun regulations, making their way throughout the hallways and eventually to the chamber where the three members joined in. The protests came after 28-year-old Audrey Haley, who identified as transgender and used “he/him” pronouns, shot and killed three children and three adults at private Christian institution, The Covenant School.

Hale, who was reportedly undergoing medical treatment for an undisclosed “emotional disorder” prior to the shooting, was a former student of the school and might have harbored some “resentment” there, according to Nashville police.

Earlier in Thursday’s legislative agenda, the House passed Gov. Bill Lee’s school safety bill that would strengthen school safety at public and private schools. The bill will help ensure that exterior doors remain locked when students are present, requires every school system to have “threat assessment teams” and mandates that security guards undergo active shooter training.

“Their actions are and will always be unacceptable, and they break several rules of decorum and procedure on the House floor. Their actions and beliefs that they could be arrested on the House floor were an effort, unfortunately, to make themselves the victims,” House Speaker Cameron Sexton said in a tweet Monday.




RELATED ARTICLE: Chaos Unravels As Anti-Gun Activists Swarm Inside Tennessee Capitol

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Fossil Fuels Still Dominate Security and Defense Needs thumbnail

Fossil Fuels Still Dominate Security and Defense Needs

By Don Ritter

President Joe Biden says climate change is the greatest threat faced by our country, and the world. It’s a greater threat than nuclear war, he insists.

Ironically, the proposed “solution” of eliminating essential fossil fuels to mitigate climate change actually increases greenhouse gas emissions and toxic air and water pollution – by requiring that we mine and process up to fourteen times more raw materials per megawatt for wind turbines and electric vehicle or backup batteries than would be required for natural gas-based electricity generation.

Worse, most of that mining, processing and manufacturing would be done overseas – almost all of it using fossil fuels – in countries that have few or no laws for pollution control, wildlife habitat and endangered species protection, land reclamation, child and slave labor, fair wages or other values we hold dear.

Eliminating fossil fuels also reduces our ability to protect our homeland, prevent nuclear war and project Peace Through Strength worldwide. Further, it profoundly weakens America, by creating an imminent crisis for our economy and our military, the two main pillars of a nation’s power.

Fossil fuels are the lifeblood of American military power and serve numerous purposes.

Every iota of military equipment needs fossil fuels to manufacture it, and to run it: from fossil fuel-derived petrochemicals to make thousands of plastic components for infinite uses; to mining and processing minerals into thousands of steel and aluminum alloys for trucks, tanks, guns, aircraft and artillery; to copper and non-ferrous metals for wiring and shell casings; to processing minerals and chemicals into gunpowder and other explosives – to creating and powering the semiconductor chips for increasingly energy-hungry electronic equipment that is part and parcel of all modern weaponry; to producing and shipping food for members of our Armed Services all over the world; to manufacturing pharmaceuticals and medical equipment to save lives and bring wounded warriors back to health.

Fossil fuels are essential for just about everything the military needs, from nuclear weapons to toilet paper!

This war on fossil fuels is happening at the same time the Biden Administration and Democrat supporters in Congress are spending hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars on deficit-increasing, investment-directing, market-skewing solar, wind, battery-storage, biofuel and other Green Energy schemes.

Given the overwhelming dependence of our military on fossil fuels, this diversion of investments away from fossil fuels will wreak havoc on America’s readiness and defense industrial base.

Where does the lion’s share of raw materials for wind turbines, solar panels, batteries – and the high-tech equipment to produce these and military items – come from? China, and China-invested or China-run African, Asian and Latin American mines that are notorious for child labor, horrendous working conditions, and virtually no concern for the environment or human lives.

America has bounteous oil, gas and coal at home. It lacks the critical materials that go into wind turbines, solar panels, batteries and weapons only because we have made most American mineralized and mining areas off limits – and the administration has rejected almost every proposed mining project it’s seen.

While the push for renewables may be popular in politics, it is problematic in practice. Reliance on our adversaries is highly detrimental to our national security, economy and very existence.

America will be forced to import vital materials from insecure, adversarial nations, such as China, making us dangerously and unnecessarily dependent on foreign sources. China has the technologies (often stolen from the West) and the materials for dominating both “renewables” – solar, wind and battery industries – and defense needs. The harsh reality is that China is totally dominant in renewable energy industries right now. By “going green,” our dependence on China will only increase

Moreover, their electric grid is powered largely by fossil fuels, and thus is set up to back up wind and solar when the sun doesn’t shine and the wind doesn’t blow. Meanwhile, ours grid is becoming less reliable as we retire fossil fuel plants. Just think of the freezing of windmills in Texas in the dead of winter, and California’s ultra-green government asking EV owners not to charge their vehicles because doing so could cause widespread blackouts!

Add Russia as China’s oil and gas station, plus raw materials supplier, and China makes a dramatic leap in both military and economic capabilities. Sino-Russian collaboration could well become the globally dominant force over a fossil fuel-disarming America and West.

Indeed, Russia acting alone is able to invade a large, sovereign European nation – even though Russia’s economy is smaller than Italy’s, a mere 3% of the USA plus Europe. How is that possible?

Because Russia has, produces, uses and sells oil, gas and coal, giving it energy dominance now and into the future. Russia’s war on Ukraine is being paid for by its fossil fuel revenues. And, while energy-weakened Europe reopens a headline-grabbing 27 mothballed coal plants to make up for the lost natural gas from Russia, it still bans fracking for oil and gas, and prays for warm winters.

In the meantime, China is building at least 27 new coal plants every year.

Common sense dictates that America reverse its climate-obsessed anti-fossil-fuel policies, and pursue a future that is “all-of-the-above” energy to ensure economic, technological and national security reality – where all-of-the-above means energy that doesn’t require massive federal and state government subsidies; energy that isn’t weather dependent; energy that is abundant, reliable and affordable every hour of every day, year after year.

Anything less betrays not only our men and women defenders in our Armed Forces, but all of us.

This article was published by CFACT and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The Worst Part of What Happened at Stanford thumbnail

The Worst Part of What Happened at Stanford

By Bruce Bialosky

By now I am confident that you have read about or seen the recent and infamous episode at Stanford Law School. I refer to Judge Kyle Duncan, of the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, being verbally attacked by student protesters during a presentation and then dressed down by an assistant dean of DEI. The worst parts of this matter have not even been addressed and some cultural crimes were committed.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) ran a column by the judge explaining his position on what occurred. Being a real newspaper, the WSJ also ran an op-ed piece by the assistant dean, Tirien Steinbach. The copy is here

Ms. Steinbach (if I may call her “Ms.”) shows her bias quite clearly early in the piece. She states, “student groups that vehemently opposed Judge Duncan showed up to protest.” That is not what they showed up to do. They showed up to disrupt the Judge’s presentation, thus destroying any possibility for other students who arrived with an open mind or were anxious to hear Duncan have an educational experience.

She goes on to state the rabble tried to cancel the event or move it to Zoom. Not quite sure what moving it to Zoom would have changed unless the moderator would have had the ability to shut down anyone speaking by muting their connection.

She further states: “I believe that we should strive for authentic free speech. We must strive for an environment in which we meet speech—even that with which we strongly disagree—with more speech, not censorship.” No, she does not. Otherwise, she would have warned any student they would be disciplined for interrupting or chanting during the event.

Free speech allows others to provide their unvarnished thoughts. If you don’t like what the person has stated you should counter that with facts and a thoughtful response. The first crime is Steinbach has no clue what free speech is, and she is employed as an associate dean at a major law school.

Here is what the code should say. “Students are welcome to peacefully protest outside the event at a preset location far enough away from the event to not disrupt it. Students who have not made up their minds about the speaker before hearing that person are welcome inside the event if they behave respectfully. They are welcome to ask questions during the assigned period as long as they do so in a respectful manner.” They should be encouraged to do such because that is what education is actually about – an open mind and broadening experiences.

Steinbach goes on to say that “As soon as Judge Duncan entered the room, a verbal sparring match began to take place between the judge and the protesters.” She places equal responsibility on the judge. No; this is all the protesters’ fault.

She then turns to the judge and makes clear she believes it is his fault. She asks the judge “Is the juice worth the squeeze?” First, how does one expect the students to have respect for Duncan when you, as a supposed authority figure for the University, puke that statement out of your mouth? You have now stepped in and taken the side of the protesters.

Steinbach never once questions the behavior of the students. This is the second crime and the most egregious one. These are students at one of our country’s most prestigious law schools and they are never questioned as to their behavior. They are led to believe their behavior here can be repeated once they have graduated and entered a world they will experience for the next forty years.

There is a complete aversion to setting standards and telling people they must live by them. It is reminiscent of the 1960s when whatever anyone did was “cool” and it was supposedly inappropriate to criticize. You know, “live and let live.” It was malarkey then and it still is today.

One might think that the students themselves would be respectful of Judge Duncan as their careers may take them to his courtroom. Or maybe they never plan to do that. They might be thinking of going to work for the government or planning to go into politics or, better yet, becoming a community organizer. Regardless, these students may not even consider the significance of what they are doing to their future careers.

The students may be correct. That is evidenced by an interaction the Beautiful Wife had with someone on social media. She persists in these back-and-forth discussions. This was with a normally well-informed liberal. When she invoked the incident at Stanford Law, he was clueless as to what she was addressing. That means the legacy media has largely ignored what is a significant cultural event.

The big picture problem is that lawyers control much of our lives. They intercede in our activities in so many ways. Then there are the ones from elite law schools who typically rise to the top of the profession. The actions at Stanford are not isolated. If their law schools are not telling them they need to maintain better personal conduct, why would they believe they must do so in their careers?

Then again, where are their mothers? Better yet, what are the prestigious alumni doing about this?


This article was published by Flash Report and is reproduced with permission from the author.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Paper Ballots Beckon thumbnail

Paper Ballots Beckon

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Problems with electronic voting machines continue to make news.

The Shasta County supervisors in California got rid of Dominion voting machines and went to hand-counting paper ballots for future elections.  Shasta County joins Nye County in Nevada and Osage County in Missouri in making this move.

It’s not hard to understand the antipathy towards voting machines.  We start with the fact machine vote counting stopped simultaneously in the middle of the night in six swing states in the 2020 election with Trump ahead and, somehow, Biden was ahead when counting resumed.  That’s never been explained and, as a government minister said, it’s the same technology they use to steal elections in Venezuela.  Then we had the first court-ordered forensic audit of voting machines after the 2020 election in Antrim County Michigan which found their machines deliberately created a 68 error rate in the results right off the bat that elections officials could then fill in any way they wanted.  Those aren’t machines that count votes.  Those are machines that do something else.

Other problems with voting machines have been reported more recently:

  • Dominion executives admitted their machines are not secure, can be hacked, and are “riddled with bugs” that can lead to incorrect results.
  • A federal cybersecurity agency (CISA) admitted election systems in Georgia have serious problems that could allow bad actors to “fix election results”. 
  • A voter registration and election management system in use in several states (BPro) is uncertified, untested, and connected to the Internet allowing parties in and out of government to access it.  It can connect with the left-wing nonprofit ERIC and allow the use of plug-ins that can change results. 
  • Irregularities were discovered in the machine tabulation of the results of a New Jersey school board race after human error during software installation allowed results on USB drives to be counted twice.  An audit failed to catch the problem, which was only discovered later by accident.  The problem was so serious it may flip the outcome in the race. 
  • A cybersecurity expert recently demonstrated how he could hack voting machines and change results without leaving a trace.  The problem stems from widely-used SQL management software which is not certified and bypasses security features.  He easily manipulated the database with a cell phone and didn’t even have to enter a password. 
  • Another expert disclosed that voting machines in Wisconsin can be hacked, despite years of denials by election officials there. 
  • Another expert testified before an Arizona Senate committee it’s easy to write code to change voting machine results without a trace.  He said machines can be hacked in lots of ways and can never be secured.  The only way to have a secure election is not to use machines, he said. 

Think there might be a few problems here?  A resolution passed in the Arizona House and Senate addresses some of them.  The resolution bypasses Arizona’s far-Left Democrat Governor and requires the Secretary of State not to allow the use of voting machines unless they are designed and made in the U.S. using accredited processes, the source code used for federal elections is made available to the public, and ballot images and system log files are recorded on secure media and publicly posted.

What will happen with voting machines in Arizona is not yet known but, given all the problems with voting machines, don’t be surprised to see more jurisdictions moving to paper ballots in the future.

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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RELATED VIDEO: EXPOZÈ: How To ‘Change Votes Without A Trace’ on Dominion Machines

‘At Least 40’ Undercover Informants Were Doing Surveillance On Jan. 6, Defense Lawyer Says thumbnail

‘At Least 40’ Undercover Informants Were Doing Surveillance On Jan. 6, Defense Lawyer Says

By The Daily Caller

Law enforcement agencies had at least 40 undercover informants engaging in surveillance work among defendants on Jan. 6, defendant Dominic Pezzola’s lawyer Roger Roots said Wednesday.

A Proud Boys member, Pezzola is currently standing federal trial in Washington, D.C. with the group’s former national chairman Enrique Tarrio and members Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl for allegedly conspiring to oppose the Jan. 2021 transfer of presidential power and related charges. The government admitted Tuesday that eight FBI confidential human sources were embedded among the Proud Boys on Jan. 6, Roots reported in a Wednesday court filing, saying the Homeland Security Investigations (HIS) agency appears to have had some 19 informants active at the time.

At least 13 undercover plain-clothes DC Metro Police (MPD) agents worked among Jan. 6 defendants that day, Roots said. He reported that federal prosecutors revealed information involving twelve of the officers on Friday.

“Some of these undercover Metro officers marched with the Proud Boy march,” Roots said. “And some appear to have played roles of instigators, in that they are seen on body-worn videos chanting ‘Go! Go!,’ ‘Stop the Steal!,’ and ‘Whose house? Our house!’ on Jan. 6. Others generally followed demonstrators toward the Capitol.”

Dominic Pezzola by Daily Caller News Foundation on Scribd

“When added to the 8 FBI CHSs now acknowledged by the prosecutors, this means that there were at least 40 undercover informants or agents doing surveillance among defendants on January 6,” he concluded.

Roots asked the court to make the government “reveal all informants, undercover operatives and other confidential human sources relating to the events of January 6,” arguing that the HIS informants and their likely conduct could “almost certainly” help exonerate Pezzola. He said the defense would have been “much more aggressive” in the trial originally if they knew “the scope and scale” of Jan. 6 undercover government operations.

Roots had motioned Friday for permission to issue a subpoena for Jan. 6 rioter Ray Epps, who has been accused of being an FBI informant, though Epps and others have vehemently denied this. The attorney argued Epps “is being suspiciously protected from prosecution by the government,” and the Friday motion referenced Jan. 6 defendant William Pope‘s claims that undercover MPD officers were instigating the Jan. 6 crowd from within to storm the Capitol.

The government revealed to the defense on March 22 that a woman that Tarrio’s defense intended to call as a witness had been an FBI confidential human source from April 2021 to January 2023. Judge Timothy Kelly Kelly ruled March 27 that defense lawyers could not raise the woman’s FBI relationship in the trial, and Tarrio’s attorney Sabino Jauregui subsequently said he would not call her to testify, according to Lawfare’s Robert Parloff.



Legal reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Lash Out’: Peter Strzok Says GOP Criticism Of FBI Provokes ‘Violence’ Against Gov’t

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Responds To Biden Afghanistan Review thumbnail

EXCLUSIVE: Trump Campaign Responds To Biden Afghanistan Review

By The Daily Caller

Donald Trump’s campaign responded to President Joe Biden blaming the former president’s administration for the Afghanistan withdrawal.

The Biden administration released a review of the August 2021 U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan on Thursday, blaming the former administration for leaving “difficult realities” behind for Biden and “severely” constraining him.

The document criticized Trump for calling for talks with the Taliban, ordering the drawdown of U.S. troops, negotiating a withdrawal deadline for May 1 of 2021, and not giving Biden plans on how to conduct the final withdrawal during the presidential transition.

Trump’s team responded to Biden’s criticisms by saying the Biden administration is “trying to gaslight the American people.”

“Biden and his administration are trying to gaslight the American people for their disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan that directly led to American deaths and emboldened the terrorists,” Trump’s spokesperson Steven Cheung told the Daily Caller.

“Biden’s complete erosion of American deterrence can be directly assigned blame for Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine, Kim’s decision to restart missile launches, and Xi’s pending decision to invade Taiwan and Chinese spy balloons surveilling American. And those are only the nation-state threats we’re aware of. The world has become a more dangerous place under Joe Biden,” Cheung added.

The U.S. completely withdrew from Afghanistan in August of 2021, ending the 20-year war. Thirteen Americans died during the withdrawal.

This is a breaking news story. Please check back for updates. 



RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Admin Review Blames Trump For ‘Challenges’ In Afghanistan Withdrawal

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Experts: Trump Indictment Highlights ‘Disturbing’ Double Standard of Justice thumbnail

Experts: Trump Indictment Highlights ‘Disturbing’ Double Standard of Justice

By Family Research Council

Former president Donald Trump was indicted Tuesday on 34 felony counts by a Manhattan-based grand jury, in what Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton on “Washington Watch” called an “unprecedented indictment” of a former president. “The two-tiered system of law that is unfolding here is disturbing and just outright wrong,” said former Congressman Jody Hice, who now serves as FRC’s senior advisor to the president, on “Washington Watch.”

Representative Bob Good (R-Va.) on “Washington Watch” said the “conviction in search of a crime” is a plain attempt to prosecute a political opponent, “like we’re a third world country, or a banana republic, or a communist totalitarian state.” Good pointed out that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg campaigned by “saying he was going to go after President Trump … bragging about how many times he’d filed suit against President Trump before he ran for office. And now he’s trying to make good on that and deliver to his radical left base.”

“They went after this president for some seven, eight years now. And this is what they’ve come up with, a false business charge?” demanded Good.

Professor Phill Kline, who was formerly the attorney general of Kansas, agreed. “This [case] is not being brought because Mr. Trump is a big threat on the loose to America, even though these charges force him to face life in prison. … He’s being charged because the DA doesn’t like him.”

“They’ve turned this president every which way but loose,” said FRC president and “Washington Watch” host Tony Perkins. “Fifty congressional investigations, impeached twice by a Democrat-led House,” he recounted. “Of course, nothing stuck to him because, at the end of the day, there was nothing there.”

This opinion is not exclusively held by those immersed in the details; the crowd outside the Manhattan courthouse reportedly held the same view. Reporter Jarrett Stepman, who was present in Manhattan when the indictment was unsealed, said the sense “from the crowd, even before this came down,” was that the Trump indictment “was essentially a political charge … because of his governing philosophy, because of who he was.”

“This standard [that] is being held to now former President Donald Trump,” Stepman added, “wouldn’t be held to other people.” Days after taking office, Bragg announced he would not prosecute marijuana misdemeanors, public transportation fare evasion, most trespassing charges, unpaid traffic fines, “any violation, traffic infraction, or other non-criminal offense,” resisting arrest, obstructing governmental administration, prostitution, and outdated offenses.

“To be clear, President Trump’s immoral behavior of the past really set in motion these wheels of political attacks that have been churning for years now,” said Perkins.

But, Perkins added, “if [Trump] would have governed the way he is alleged to have lived prior to being president, we wouldn’t be having this discussion, because the Left would have loved him. But he governed as a conservative, and he put people around him unlike any other Republican president in modern history, who actually advanced a conservative agenda.” Perkins said the Left has made him a target because “he represents a movement.”

“Unfortunately, we have seen increasing weaponization of government against political enemies,” Kline agreed. “You see that with the Department of Justice now and how they’re treating different potential investigative targets based on really their political opinions and positions that they have taken. So, we are creating a two-tiered system of justice in this country.”

“It’s also about scaring folks like you, and me … and every average day Americans and activists who are conservative, Republican, or frankly, dissident liberals,” added Fitton. Last week, IRS agents visited the home of Matt Taibbi, one of the liberal journalists reporting on the Twitter files, while Taibbi was testifying before the House Committee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. “They must fear — rightly so — their personal liberties [are] at stake or at risk as a result of this authoritarian, this totalitarian instinct among the Left to use the powers of prosecutors, all government bodies to try to jail their opponents.”

Hice said that the injustice of this situation should bother Christians, even if Trump’s immoral lifestyle offends them. “God loves those who stand for justice,” he said, “and this is a time where the two-tiered system … is becoming so blatantly obvious to every American citizen.”

“It doesn’t matter your points of view on whatever it is, the law should be applied to everyone,” Hice continued. “Where crimes have been committed, then there should be consequences. But where there is the strong arm of government simply going after political opponents, that is injustice.”

Perkins agreed. “We addressed this when this [scandal] came up, when the president was running for office back in 2016. This does not measure up to the standard by which we like to see as Christians in this country. In fact, I was not an early, early supporter of the president for these very reasons.” But now, he added, former president Trump is being made “a target because of his policies and the way he governed.”

“All of us have fallen and come short of the glory of God,” said Hice, and “every single one of us one day will stand before God, and we’ll give an account of our lives.”

“We understand the love and the grace of God to reach out and forgive us and transform us through giving his Son,” Hice continued, “so let’s keep that hope in mind. … And at the end of the day, God will have the final word over each of our lives. But until then, we are here in a world trying to stand for justice.”

“I can’t vouch for everything the president did,” Perkins said. But now that a man who “took the heat in advancing policies that we advocated for” is under attack, Perkins said he feels an obligation to defend “the rule of law and the fact that there is a disparity here in the justice that he is being denied.”

“I think we need to be passionate. We need to be engaged,” said Perkins. “But I do think we’ve got to be very careful that we do not breach this line of inciting and calling for political violence against our political opponents. I think that’s where we completely lose it as a country.”

Fitton echoed the same concern that the indictment of a former president and current presidential candidate will erode America’s bedrock institution. “This is a rigged prosecution for a rigged election,” he said. It “not only is designed to thwart the exercise of President Trump’s First Amendment rights, but to thwart our right to govern ourselves.”

“Bragg isn’t running the country, and we have to remind him of that. Congress should remind him of that,” said Fitton. He urged Congress to “figure out how much U.S taxpayer money at the federal level is being used by Bragg and anyone else” in New York City and “defund New York to the extent practical. If New York and the justice system up in New York wants to undermine our republic … taxpayers should have nothing to do with it at the federal level.”

“This isn’t ordinary, in terms of our nation’s history,” Fitton warned, to “have an entire movement who’s rejecting the American way, the protection of law, equal protection of the law, respect for election systems, and elections generally. … We don’t use criminal law to just go after our political opponents just because they’re our political opponents.”


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a staff writer at The Washington Stand.


‘Thin Gruel’: Legal Experts Unimpressed by 34-Count Trump Indictment

Trump indictment shows that power-crazed Democrats are INCOMPATIBLE with human society –

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Not Just Nashville: Attacks Against Churches Nearly Tripled in 2023, Report Finds thumbnail

Not Just Nashville: Attacks Against Churches Nearly Tripled in 2023, Report Finds

By Family Research Council

Last week’s mass murder of six people at a church-run Christian school constitutes 2023’s deadliest act of violence against churches, which have increased nearly three times this year compared to last year, a new report from Family Research Council finds. The number of anti-church attacks in 2022 had already tripled over four years, a previous report found.

In all, assailants attacked churches 69 times in the first three months of 2023, compared with 24 such acts during the same period last year, a 288% increase. The rising tempo of anti-Christian assaults — which includes arsons, bomb threats, vandalism, and sacrilege — has affected places of worship in 29 states. The motives behind such desecration run the gamut from pro-abortion activism or controversies over transgender ideology to apparently senseless acts of destruction.

“American churches are increasingly bearing the brunt of anger and aggression, whether that’s from political or other motivations,” the report’s author — Arielle Del Turco, assistant director of the Center for Religious Liberty at Family Research Council — told The Washington Stand. “This contributes to an environment of hostility toward Christianity.”

The acts of anti-church aggression documented between January and March of this year includes:

  • 53 incidents of vandalism;
  • 10 suspicious fires;
  • Three gun-related incidents; and
  • Three bomb threats — including a pipe bomb recovered outside Philadelphia’s 127-year-old St. Dominic Catholic Church.

“If this rate continues, 2023 will have the highest number of incidents of the six years FRC has tracked,” the report notes. The number of church attacks in 2023 already exceeds “the entirety of 2018, in which we identified only 50 incidents, or 2020, in which we identified 54.”

The month of January 2023 had more church attacks than any single month in the five years FRC has kept records, with 43 such events, according to data furnished to TWS. “This steep increase is a cause for concern,” says the update.

Hostility toward Christian views of hot-button political issues have exploded into violence and vandalism numerous times this year. In January, abortion activists spray painted the words “Women’s Body, Women’s Choice” over a pro-life banner hanging outside St. Stephen Catholic Church in Riverview, Florida.

Last month, transgender activists lashed out at Kentucky legislators who voted against their agenda by defacing an historic church. Vandals spray painted the words “TRANS PWR” on St. Joseph Catholic Church in Louisville, Kentucky, on March 3 — “the day after the Kentucky House of Representatives passed a bill that would protect children from harmful gender-transition procedures,” the report states. Undeterred state legislators enacted the child safety protections over Democratic Governor Andy Beshear’s veto later that month.

Individuals who identify as transgender have focused their rage on Christian facilities as well. In addition to 28-year-old Audrey Hale’s attack on The Covenant School in Nashville, a 27-year-old man who identifies as a woman set the 117-year-old Portland Korean Church building ablaze on January 3. The suspect, whose legal name is Cameron Storer, claimed to hear voices that “threatened to ‘mutilate’ Storer if Storer refused to burn the church down,” the new FRC report states.

Nashville police have yet to release Hale’s “manifesto,” purportedly due to an “ongoing investigation,” but officers have said Hale’s views of the transgender issue may have touched off her violent rampage. Storer apparently suffers from mental illness, which afflicts those who identify as LGBTQ at far higher rates than average, according to the Biden administration.

Sometimes, the same perpetrator strikes multiple times. Police say 40-year-old Peter Sirolli vandalized three Roman Catholic churches in New Jersey on the same morning, including burning a 10-foot-tall cross on the lawn of St. Patrick’s Catholic Church in Woodbury on January 13.

The new FRC update builds on an 84-page report released last December. In the original study, FRC verified 420 acts of hostility against houses of worship between January 2018 and September 2022. The new addition brings the full number of anti-Christian incidents in 2022 up to date. In the original report, FRC calculated 137 intentionally damaging incidents against churches had taken place through last September. The last three months of 2022 brought an additional 54 such acts, bringing the total number of assaults against churches to 191 in 2022.

In all, researchers documented a total of 543 attacks on 517 separate churches between January 2018 and March 2023. Of the 517 separate churches attacked, 26 of the churches were victimized more than once, with three being targeted three times each, according to data furnished to The Washington Stand.

Between 2018 and 2023, American churches have suffered:

  • 442 acts of vandalism;
  • 71 cases of arson;
  • 15 gun-related incidents;
  • 14 bomb threats; and
  • 25 miscellaneous acts of aggression against church facilities

A total of 25 incidents fell into multiple categories, according to FRC researchers.

The worst period of sustained assaults during those 39 months broke out last summer over the unprecedented, and heretofore unsolved, leak of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs ruling last May. After the media reported the Supreme Court would overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to democratic control, pro-abortion activists committed 86 attacks against Christian churches last May (24), June (28), and July (34).

Churches also sustained damage from the “Black Lives Matter” riots, which broke out in the summer of 2020 over the killing of George Floyd. BLM rioters committed 11 acts of church desecration, researchers told TWS.

Despite the quickening pulse of anti-Christian crimes, some of which have been investigated as “hate crimes,” conservatives say the Biden administration has been too lax in its response. In January, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives passed H. Con. Res. 3, which noted that abortion extremists such as Jane’s Revenge had “defaced, vandalized, and caused destruction to over 100 pro-life facilities, groups, and churches” in 2022, yet “the Biden Administration has failed to take action to respond to the radical attacks on pro-life facilities, groups, and churches, or to protect the rights of these organizations.”

The Democrat-controlled Senate has taken no action on the bill.

“American leaders and citizens alike should condemn acts of hostility against churches and affirm the right for all people to attend their houses of worship without feeling targeted or threatened,” Del Turco told TWS.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Loudoun County Bans Teacher from Adding Bible Verse in Email Signature

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Florida Senate Bill-254 Stops Gender Reassignment Mutilation of Children thumbnail

Florida Senate Bill-254 Stops Gender Reassignment Mutilation of Children

By Royal A. Brown III

Democrats call the “gender reassignment” mutilation of minors “healthcare” — how evil can you get.  So glad this Florida bill (SB 254)  is on its way to becoming law.

By Jim Saunders •

TALLAHASSEE — The Florida Senate on Tuesday passed a plan that would bar doctors and other health-care providers from offering treatments such as puberty blockers and hormone therapy to transgender minors.

The bill (SB 254) would largely put into law rules approved by state medical boards, but it also could lead to felony charges for doctors who provide the treatments to minors.

Bill sponsor Clay Yarborough, R-Jacksonville, said the treatments, which also could involve surgery, are ‘experimental’ when provided to children.

‘I believe we need to let kids be kids,’ Yarborough said. ‘And our laws need to set appropriate boundaries that respect the rights and responsibilities of parents while protecting children from the very serious health and safety concerns associated with these treatments.’

But Democratic lawmakers said major national medical associations support gender-affirming care for transgender minors and that the bill is part of broader efforts in legislatures across the country to target LGBTQ youths. Rep. Tina Polsky, D-Boca Raton, called the bill ‘persecution, plain and simple.’

‘I will not co-sign on vilifying young people who are trying just to be who they are, vilifying parents when they want to seek gender-affirming care, vilifying physicians who provide this care,’ Sen. Geraldine Thompson, D-Windermere, said.

The Republican-controlled Senate voted 27-12 along almost-straight party lines to pass the bill. Sen. Gayle Harrell, R-Stuart, joined Democrats in opposing the bill. The bill now will go to the House, where it is expected to pass.

‘I don’t think that young people should have their bodies mutilated until they have a chance to make a decision,’ House Speaker Paul Renner, R-Palm Coast, told reporters earlier Tuesday. ‘And when they’re adults, if that’s what they choose to do, then we support them in that decision. … And I think everybody in this room, everybody listening, knows that when you are a child developmentally, you are not ready to make those determinations.’

Also, Gov. Ron DeSantis has made the issue a priority, frequently calling gender-affirming care ‘child mutilation.’

But Sen. Lori Berman, D-Boca Raton, alluded Tuesday to DeSantis and GOP lawmakers often touting the ‘free’ state of Florida.

‘Free states don’t ban health care,’ Berman said. ‘This state should not be stepping in to override parents’ decisions about health care for their children. The bill strips Florida parents of the right to follow the evidence-based advice of health-care providers to provide the best care for their transgender child.’

Read more.

©2023 Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

SOUTH CAROLINA: Clemson Survey Shows 70% of Students Support Use of Coal for Electricity thumbnail

SOUTH CAROLINA: Clemson Survey Shows 70% of Students Support Use of Coal for Electricity

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

CFACT helped lead an effort at Clemson University in South Carolina to determine the opinion of the student body on the issue of coal power in electricity generation. CFACT activists surveyed 985 students and found that a whopping 70% (69.95% to be exact) of students surveyed support the use of coal for electricity in South Carolina.

Specifically, CFACT asked students “Do you support the use of coal to power electricity in South Carolina?” 689 students said “yes,” 145 students said “no,” while 151 students said they were “unsure.”

Across the United States, reliable sources of electricity, such as coal, are being forced to close in the name of ill-advised “Net Zero” policy. Part of the thinking behind this is that many young people supposedly support such efforts. These survey results, however, clearly show that young college students at Clemson University don’t want to shut down any coal plants that would threaten grid reliability or affordability.

“Currently, coal power production in South Carolina contributes to cheap and reliable power for its citizens, and using government regulation to force it out will only destabilize our electrical infrastructure,” said Fish Belk, a junior that helped CFACT with the survey.

“There’s been rumors that the state might shut down coal plants here in South Carolina,” said CFACT National Field Coordinator Greg Neff, who helped lead the effort on the ground. “I hope these results make state bureaucrats realize that not even liberal-leaning college students agree with their bad idea.”

According to the South Carolina Energy Office, the Palmetto State gets 28% of its electricity from coal, while solar and wind only make up 0.1% of South Carolina’s energy. Forcibly closing over a quarter of the state’s energy sources and trying to make that up from sources that don’t exist yet will only spell disaster for South Carolina families, seniors, and businesses.

Over the years, great advancements have been made in emissions and pollution regarding coal plants, and now many coal plants are equipped with emissions controls and scrubbers that stop things like carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide from ever reaching the atmosphere, including those in South Carolina. Carbon capture is also being employed around the nation, defeating the Leftist argument that the switch must be made to solar and wind as soon as possible in the name of the environment or “climate change.”


Adam Houser

Adam Houser coordinates student leaders as National Director of CFACT’s collegians program and writes on issues of climate and energy.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Preparing for War With China, U.S. Shrinks Its Navy thumbnail

Preparing for War With China, U.S. Shrinks Its Navy

By The Geller Report

The Biden regime is the enemy of the people. And they make sure the American people know as little as possible, instead it’s Trump! Trump! Trump, keeping them dumb fat, and unhappy.

The Biden Administration is being routed by China. They’re policies are enabling China to overtake the United States and achieve global hegemony. Little media coverage for Biden’s dangerous ineptitude vis a vis China. Trump will need to make the rise of China the main issue of 2024.

The #BidenAdministration does not seem to take #China’s regime seriously. This is how disasters occur. #CCP @CPAC

— Gordon G. Chang (@GordonGChang) April 3, 2023

Preparing for War With China, U.S. Shrinks Its Navy

By Newsweek, April 4, 2024

If numbers mean anything, China will soon rule the seven seas and five oceans. By 2028, at current projections, the People’s Liberation Army Navy will have approximately 150 more vessels than the United States.

Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro, in Senate testimony on March 28, said China’s navy will have “upward of 440 or so” vessels within five years. The U.S. by then, at current projections, will have about 291.

China already has a larger naval force than the U.S. In 2021, the Congressional Research Service put the number of Chinese ships and submarines at 348, and America’s at 296.

Read more.

The #USNavy is getting smaller and smaller. #China, I am sure, cannot believe its great fortune. @batchelorshow

— Gordon G. Chang (@GordonGChang) April 4, 2023


Geller Report Staff


Death Toll During The Holy Month Of Ramadan 2023

Violent clashes erupt between police, Palestinians in al-Aqsa ahead of Passover

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

President Donald J. Trump’s Post-Arraignment Presser at Mar-a-Lago thumbnail

President Donald J. Trump’s Post-Arraignment Presser at Mar-a-Lago

By The Geller Report

“The only crime I have committed is to fearlessly defend this nation from the Democrats who seek to destroy it.” — President Donald J. Trump.

Watch President Trump’s speech. Pray for President Trump. Pray for America. We are in dangerous times.


By RSBN, April 4, 2023

Tuesday, April 4, 2023: Join the RSBN team LIVE from the Mar-a-Lago Club in West Palm Beach, FL as President Donald J. Trump is expected to hold a post-arraignment press conference.

WATCH: President Trump’s post-arraignment press conference.


Geller Report Staff

RELATED VIDEO: This indictment was a ‘disappointment’ and a ‘relief’: Joe Tacopina


Trump reassures Americans: ‘I have no doubt…we will Make America Great Again’

Trump Prosecutor Says ‘Cannot and Will Not Normalize Serious Criminal Conduct’

Alvin Bragg’s chief prosecutor brags about giving get-out-of-jail free cards to violent felons, murderer

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The NEA’s Pringle: Racial, Social, and Climate Justice a ‘Pillar’ of Educators’ Efforts thumbnail

The NEA’s Pringle: Racial, Social, and Climate Justice a ‘Pillar’ of Educators’ Efforts

By Discover The Networks

On a panel at the “Summit for Democracy” event on March 28thBecky Pringle, the president of the National Education Association, declared that racial and social justice are a “pillar” of the union’s efforts.

“Here we are, in the aftermath of Jan 6. Here we are. Looking at rights being taken away from union members, educators, workers, students. The right to learn; the freedom to teach. Right here in our country–in Florida and Texas” Pringle claimed falsely. No one is taking away their rights.

“For us at the NEA, education justice must be about racial justice, it must be about social justice, it must be about climate justice. It must be about all of those things,” Pringle said.

Why? What does any of those things have to do with giving our children a solid, traditional education, the sort that made Americans and our country exceptional? Answer: nothing. Racial, social, and so-called “climate” justice are not about education but about indoctrination into the progressive worldview.

“For our students to be able to come to school ready to learn every day — we can never think of education as an isolated system because everything connects to our students’ ability to learn,” Pringle continued to blather. “So, we have to necessarily talk about housing justice, food inequality, and the reality that we all just went through a global pandemic together and of course it was the most marginalized communities that were already suffering from the inequities in every single social system in this country and every country.”

Fact check: the teachers unions like the NEA fought tooth-and-nail to keep schools closed down during the pandemic and beyond, wreaking untold learning damage on an entire generation of young students.

Pringle went on to state that the NEA operates through “three pillars” including “advocating for education professionals,” “elevating” the teaching profession due to the current teacher shortage in the U.S., and “racial and social justice.”

“We have to be as a union–we have to be the ones that are standing up and demanding those rights for all of our students. Our Black, Brown, API students, our indigenous students, our students with disabilities, our LGBTQ+ students — all of them deserve the right to a high-quality public education.”

Of course they do, as do the white children she neglected to include — but they’re not going to get that high-quality education from anyone in the far-Left, politicized teachers unions like the one Becky Pringle runs.

Rebecca “Becky” Pringle

14 Known Connections

Condemning Parents Who Oppose Mask/Vaccine Mandates & the Promotion of Critical Race Theory

In an October 2021 discussion with CBS News, Pringle derided parents who recently had been speaking out forcefully against schools’ mask and vaccine mandates aimed at combating the coronavirus pandemic, and against classroom instruction promoting the tenets of Critical Race Theory.

  • Pringle said the following about vaccine mandates: “We believe that and have always believed that school environments are safest when everyone is vaccinated against these infectious diseases. COVID is no different.”
  • Pringle vowed that the NEA would fight against legislation that included “any effort to keep our teachers from teaching about the full history of this country” — which is how she characterized the tenets of Critical Race Theory.

To learn more about Becky Pringle, click here.


Why Critical Race Theory is a Danger to America’s Faith-Based Communities

UK schools don’t tell parents when kids ‘change gender,’ force classmates to accept gender swaps

Insane: A Christian Mother Denied Adoption Due to Her Gender Beliefs

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Judicial Watch Statement on Trump Indictment thumbnail

Judicial Watch Statement on Trump Indictment

By Judicial Watch

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the unprecedented indictment of President Donald Trump by Democrats in New York:

What a sad day for America. And what a blow to the rule of law and our republican form of government. Today, President Trump and the American people were abused and victimized by New York Democrat politician Alvin Bragg, who abused his office to try to jail a man he must know to be innocent. This is an indictment about nothing based on non-crimes and politics. It is a rigged prosecution to rig an election. The courts must end this malicious prosecution before the nation is irreparably damaged. In the meantime, Congress must immediately investigate Bragg’s election interference and his political attack on Trump’s civil rights. Judicial Watch has already launched a series of Freedom of Information Act inquiries into this unprecedented attack on the American way.

RELATED VIDEO: FITTON: “This is a Rigged Prosecution to Ensure a Rigged Election!”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch statement is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hobbs Vetoes Homeless Camp Clearing Bill thumbnail

Hobbs Vetoes Homeless Camp Clearing Bill

By Carly Moran

Arizona Governor Katie Hobbs vetoed SB 1024 on March 30, a bill that would have prevented camping on any right-of-way, such as a sidewalk or street

The bill, which passed in the Senate 16-13 and the House 33-27, would have been a landmark piece of legislation in a state that has experienced a dramatic increase in homelessness. Between 2020 and 2022, Arizona experienced a 23% increase in its homeless population, despite only a 1% increase nationwide.

The bill read, “A person may not erect or maintain in a public street, highway, alley, lane, parkway, sidewalk or other right-of-way, whether the right-of-way is dedicated to the public in fee or by easement, any full or partial enclosure for habitation, including a tent, tarp box or similar object.”

In essence, if the bill were not vetoed, any homeless encampments would be subject to removal by law enforcement. According to Hobbs, the bill does not solve the housing crisis but only makes it more difficult for people experiencing homelessness to live.

“Rather than solving these issues in a meaningful way, this bill only makes them less visible,” Hobbs said in a statement. “Now, more than ever, it’s important that we are clear-eyed about the challenges we face and the urgency required to overcome them.”

SB 1024 was introduced by State Senator John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills. Before his time in the Arizona state Legislature, he was a police officer in New York City.

“In Tucson, we have the Gospel Rescue Mission amongst others who consistently have open beds,” Representative Rachel Jones, R-Tucson, said. “The problem is a lot of these people don’t want to get help. The solution for this is not to allow them to get a tent and put it in the street, and use drugs, and continue to stay in their misery.”

While many Republicans cited the continuation of homeless camps as a human rights issue, some of the members who voted against the bill mentioned how removing the tents is not a permanent solution.

“We have a crisis on our hands, and it’s very unfortunate that we are finding ways to criminalize people because they don’t have a roof over their heads, rather than find a way to get them into services, get them the help they need and fix our zoning code so that we can actually build the affordable housing that we need,” Representative Analise Ortiz, D-Phoenix said before voting against the bill.

On Friday, March 31, Hobbs signed into law the related HB 2381, providing displaced mobile home residents with financial compensation.

This article was published by The Center Square – Arizona and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Fauci Takes Heat After Casting Doubt on Efficacy of COVID Vaccines thumbnail

Fauci Takes Heat After Casting Doubt on Efficacy of COVID Vaccines

By Casey Harper

Dr. Anthony Fauci is taking criticism after his recently published paper cast doubt on the efficacy of COVID-19 vaccines.

Joel Zinberg, a Competitive Enterprise Institute senior fellow, blasted Fauci for pushing for strict mandates despite the concerns with the vaccine.

Dr. Anthony Fauci recently acknowledged that there had always been good scientific reasons to believe that vaccines against the respiratory virus that causes COVID-19 – SARS-CoV-2 – would provide limited protection against infection and only for a short time,” Zinberg told The Center Square. “That is precisely what happened: it quickly became apparent that protection against transmission lasted just a few months and effectiveness declined as each new viral variant proved more contagious than its predecessor. Yet Dr. Fauci persisted in insisting that repeated vaccines were needed for everyone and until recently pushed for vaccine mandates.

Fauci, who left his role as director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases last year, made the comments in a recent medical journal piece that he co-authored. The piece makes clear that developing long-term vaccines for respiratory conditions like COVID-19 is very difficult and a problem that still needs to be overcome, something researchers have known for years.

From the published article in Cell Host and Microbe:

Considering that vaccine development and licensure is a long and complex process requiring years of preclinical and clinical safety and efficacy data, the limitations of influenza and SARS-CoV-2 vaccines remind us that candidate vaccines for most other respiratory viruses have to date been insufficiently protective for consideration of licensure, including candidate vaccines against RSV, a major killer of infants and the elderly, parainfluenzaviruses, endemic coronaviruses, and many other ‘common cold’ viruses that cause significant morbidity and economic loss…

Taking all of these factors into account, it is not surprising that none of the predominantly mucosal respiratory viruses have ever been effectively controlled by vaccines. This observation raises a question of fundamental importance: if natural mucosal respiratory virus infections do not elicit complete and long-term protective immunity against reinfection, how can we expect vaccines, especially systemically administered non-replicating vaccines, to do so? This is a major challenge for future vaccine development, and overcoming it is critical as we work to develop ‘next-generation’ vaccines.

The paper and other research have shown that Fauci was mistaken or deceptive in his promises about the effectiveness of the vaccine while pushing for it on behalf of the federal government. For example, Fauci said in May 2021 that “when you get vaccinated, you not only protect your own health and that of the family … But also you contribute to the community health by preventing the spread of the virus throughout the community. And in other words, you become a dead end to the virus.”

The latest research shows vaccinated people can still spread the virus.

The economy nosedived because of pandemic-era shutdowns and countless Americans lost their jobs.

From nurses to Navy SEALS, those who refused vaccination were forced out of their jobs. Elected leaders also publicly attacked vaccine skeptics.

As time goes on, more research and papers like Fauci’s have emerged, either casting doubts on the effectiveness of the vaccine and in some case, highlighting the adverse side effects.

“Thousands of workers who were, perhaps ill-advisedly, willing to risk severe illness themselves, were fired even though vaccines would protect neither them nor their co-workers from infection. Essential personnel including firefighters, police and the military have been lost,” Zinberg said. “Fauci’s prolonged reluctance to acknowledge the predictable shortcomings of COVID vaccines has undermined trust in public health authorities. Even with government efforts to censure ‘misinformation,’ the decreased effectiveness of vaccines in stopping transmission became public knowledge. When the next pandemic comes, people may have little faith in the advice they receive, with potentially disastrous consequences.”

This article was published by The Center Suare and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

VIDEO: Banking Crisis Has Now Gone Global thumbnail

VIDEO: Banking Crisis Has Now Gone Global

By Royal A. Brown III

Good video below and very likely all true.

The reasons for the banking crisis and bailout will result in massive inflation but our American dollar will be devalued so we won’t be able to buy as much with it.

One of my son’s collogues is a very experienced Financial Consultant with a large international firm that handles big corporate pension plans. He watched this and said it was all true.

He tells me our dollars kept in banks will be safe but won’t buy as much because of rampant rising inflation caused by Biden and Federal Reserves’ bad fiscal and monetary as well as energy and tax policies. He also told me not to worry about going to digital currency or the dollar being replaced on international trade markets by Communist Chinese Yuan or Russian Ruble – not going to happen. He has been right in all financial predictions in past and I hope he’s right about these as well.

Otherwise the middle class in America will be screwed and reduced down to non-prosperous poor class which; of course, is exactly what the Great Reset, Global NWO, Communist want to happen. Most of population poor and without power while the 1%ers are rich and in control.

©2023 Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.