The America Project Will Lay Out Evidence of ‘Ghost Voting’ Fraud in Florida thumbnail

The America Project Will Lay Out Evidence of ‘Ghost Voting’ Fraud in Florida

By Dr. Rich Swier

The America Project a 501c4 non-profit focused on improving election integrity, border security, and ending medical tyranny will host an educational summit for American Citizens and Candidates Forum for Election Integrity on September 10th, in West Palm Beach, Florida. 

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla./PRNewswire/ — With less than 60-days before the November midterm elections, elections officials and candidates will join citizen watchdogs this Saturday September 10th at the Palm Beach Airport Hilton at 150 Australian Ave in West Palm Beach, FL 33406, to identify and discuss election irregularities that The America Project (TAP) has identified in the state of Florida surrounding the recent August 23rd statewide primary.

The America Project will lay out evidence of extensive “ghost voting” by “voters” currently on Florida voting rolls that do not exist, abuses within the “vote-by-mail” programs administered by various Florida Supervisors of Elections in multiple counties and abuses of the voter registration program administered by the Florida State Division of Motors Vehicles.

The America Project, the citizen-based Defend Florida and The People’s Audit organization, among others, are expected to present documented evidence of voter fraud to Florida Governor Ron DeSantis and Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody. “If Governor DeSantis fails to take real action to correct the multiple abuses we have identified and can document within Florida’s election system, he does so at his own peril,” said Joe Flynn, CEO of TAP.

The event will include the CEO of the America Project Patrick Byrne, award winning journalist Lara Logan, and Tom Homan the former Director of ICE under President Trump, Secretary of State candidates Mark Finchem of Arizona, Rachell Hamm of California, Tina Peters of Colorado, will also be present.

“Election integrity is the thing you care about before you care about anything else in politics. Anyone who does not acknowledge the recent flood of election fraud evidence right here in the state of Florida in the recent primaries, that should make any reasonable person deeply concerned about election integrity in America, must be living under a rock. Given the DHS-CISA report released in June 2022, all of our fact-based accusations about election equipment and many other corruptions of the franchise have been vindicated,” explained Joe Flynn, CEO of The America Project.

Dozens of citizen-led groups that have spent the past two years investigating and identifying election irregularities or instances of voter fraud are also expected to be on hand.

Florida is one of the only states in America that has created, and funded, an Office of Election Integrity, which is why The America Project decided to host this summit in the Sunshine State,” concluded Flynn. The America Project has announced its intention to release evidence of voter fraud, anomalies and irregularities from all fifty states, in addition to Florida, at Saturday’s forum.


The America Project is run by a fearless, battle-tested team of entrepreneurs, special operations veterans, technical experts, and professionals with expertise in law, policy, finance, software development, analytics, cybersecurity, organizational psychology, communications, and digital marketing where our primary goal is to unite coalitions across the country.

©All rights reserved.

Mar-a-Lago Thuggery thumbnail

Mar-a-Lago Thuggery

By Michael Larson

The leading theory about the motive for the Mar-a-Lago raid is that Trump’s political enemies are trying to stop him from a 2024 presidential bid. Second place is the dull and naïve assumption that justice was simply being carried out: in other words, that a former president of the United States is suspected of having broken the law and therefore needed to be raided by the FBI.

Assuming the first theory is correct, one has to marvel at the grand-scale thuggery of the thing. This is the stuff of banana republics. This is the dreaded shakedown by muscle from the mob. Prior to the arrival in 2016 of the self-touted swamp drainer, such an open abuse of power against any political opponent—much less a former U.S. president—could not have been dared with such impunity. Now the deed is done and the Bureau’s protectors are feigning outrage at the public outcry.

If the raid was intended to harm Trump’s chances, it doesn’t seem to have worked. At least not yet. Republicans and independents are now more motivated than ever to vote in the midterm elections, according to a poll conducted by The Trafalgar Group. As one would expect, the great majority of Republican voters believe the raid was politically engineered by Trump’s enemies. But it’s not just Republicans who believe that. Of independent voters, 54 percent believe the same, and 72 percent report being more strongly motivated now to vote, whereas only 55 percent of Democrats report an increased likelihood of voting because of the raid.

So much for the smear attempt. But what if Trump is actually charged and arrested, say under the Espionage Act? Putting him behind bars is certainly one method of preventing the strong populist candidate from dominating whatever bland, woke, virtue-signaling automaton the left decides to offer the American public in the next presidential election.

But such a move carries its own risks, too. It could backfire, like the raid itself, and cause even more people in the middle and on the right to snap out of the illusion that they are living in an honorable democracy. Some Trump loyalists might even go berserk and start a civil war, and it’s hard to imagine such a conflict going particularly well for the left. They don’t like guns, and they could hardly call upon the police they despise to defend them. Perhaps they think they can count on the military in such an event? But that is a risk too far. No one can see clearly the end of such a gamble.

Two things are certain. The left is playing with fire. And the country lies dry as chaff on the threshing floor. The fire that follows might be all-consuming, as indifferent to thugs as it is to citizens.


This article was published by Chronicles and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

The Fed’s Tough Year thumbnail

The Fed’s Tough Year

By Alex J. Pollock

The powerful and prestigious Federal Reserve is having a tough year in 2022 in at least three ways:

  • It has failed with inflation forecasting and performance;
  • It has giant mark-to-market losses in its own investments and looming operating losses;
  • It is under political pressure to do things it should not be doing and that should not be done at all.

Forecasting Inflation

As everybody knows, the Fed’s overoptimistic inflation forecasts for the runaway inflation year of 2021 were deeply embarrassing. Then the Fed did it again for 2022, with another wide miss. In December 2021, it projected 2022 Personal Consumption Expenditures inflation at 2.6%, while the reality through June was 6.8%, with Consumer Price Index inflation much higher than that. It would be hard to give the Fed anything other than a failing grade in its supposed area of expertise.

The Fed’s interest rate forecast for 2022 was three federal funds target rate increases of 0.25% so that its target rate would reach 0.9% by the end of 2022. It forecast the rate at 2% by the end of 2024. Instead, by July 2022, it already reached 2.5%.

In short, the Federal Reserve cannot reliably forecast economic outcomes, what the results of its own actions will be, or even what its own actions will be. Of course, neither can anybody else.

It is essential to understand that we cannot expect any special economic or financial insight from the Federal Reserve. This is not because of any lack of intelligence or diligence, or not having enough computers or PhDs on the payroll, but of the fundamental and inevitable uncertainty of the economic and financial future. Like everybody else, the Fed has to make decisions in spite of this, so it will unavoidably make mistakes.

We should recall how Ben Bernanke, then Chairman of the Federal Reserve, accurately described his extended “QE” strategy in 2012 as “a shot in the proverbial dark.” That was an honest admission, although unfortunately, he admitted it only within the Fed, not to the public.

The Governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia (their central bank) described the bank’s recent inflation forecasting errors as “embarrassing.” Such a confession would also be becoming in the Federal Reserve, especially when the mistakes have been so obvious. The current fed funds rate of 2.5% may sound high today, if you have become used to short-term rates near zero and you have no financial memory. But it is historically low, and as many have pointed out, it is extremely low in real terms. Compared to CPI inflation of 8.5%, it is a real interest rate of negative 6%.

Savers will be glad to be able to have the available interest rates on their savings rise from 0.1% to over 2%, but they are still rapidly losing purchasing power and having their savings effectively expropriated by the government’s inflation.

Although in July and August 2022 (as I write), securities prices have rallied from their lows, the 2022 increases in interest rates have let substantial air out of the Everything Bubble in stocks, speculative stocks in particular, SPACs, bonds, houses, mortgages, and cryptocurrencies that the Fed and its fellow central banks so assiduously and so recklessly inflated.

A Mark-to-Market Insolvent Fed

Nowhere are shrunken asset prices more apparent than in the Fed’s own hyper-leveraged balance sheet, which runs at a ratio of assets to equity of more than 200. As of March 31, 2022, the Fed disclosed, deep in its financial statement footnotes, a net mark-to-market (MTM) loss of $330 billion on its investments. Since then, the interest rates on 5 and 10-year Treasury notes are up about an additional one-half percent. With an estimated duration of 5 years on the Fed’s $8 trillion of long-term fixed rate investments in Treasury and mortgage securities, this implies an additional loss of about $200 billion in round numbers, bringing the Fed’s total MTM loss to over $500 billion.

Compare this $500 billion loss to the Fed’s total capital of $41 billion. The loss is 12 times the Fed’s total capital, rendering the Fed technically insolvent on a mark-to-market basis. Does a MTM insolvency matter for a fiat currency-printing central bank? An interesting question—most economists argue such insolvency is not important, no matter how large. What do you think, candid Reader?

The Fed’s first defense of its huge MTM loss is that the loss is unrealized, so if it hangs on to the securities long enough it will eventually be paid at par. This would be a stronger argument in an unleveraged balance sheet, which did not have the Fed’s $5 trillion floating rate liabilities. With the Fed’s leverage, however, the unrealized losses suggest that it has operating losses to come if the higher short-term interest rates implied by current market prices come to pass.

The Fed’s second defense is that it has changed its accounting so that realized losses on securities or operating losses will not affect its reported retained earnings or capital. Instead, the resulting debits will be hidden in a dubious “deferred asset” account. Just change the accounting! (This is exactly what the insolvent savings and loans did in the 1980s, with terrible consequences.)

What fun it is to imagine what any senior Federal Reserve examiner would tell a bank holding company whose MTM losses were 12 times its capital. And what any such examiner would say if the bank proposed to hide realized losses in a “deferred asset” account instead of reducing its capital!

Here is a shorthand way to think about the dynamics of how Fed operating losses would arise from their balance sheet: The Fed has about $8 trillion in long-term, fixed-rate assets. It has about $3 trillion in non-interest-bearing liabilities and capital. Thus, it has a net position of $5 trillion of fixed rate assets funded by floating rate liabilities. (In other words, inside the Fed is the financial equivalent of a giant 1980s savings and loan.)

Given this position, it is easy to see that pro forma, for each 1% rise in short-term interest rates, the Fed’s annual earnings will be reduced by about $50 billion. What short-term interest rate would it take to wipe out the Fed’s profits? The answer is 2.7%. If their deposits and repo borrowings cost 2.7%, the Fed’s profits and its contribution to the U.S. Treasury will be zero. If they cost more than 2.7%, as is called for in the Fed’s own projections, the Fed starts making operating losses.

How big might these losses be? In the Fed staff’s own recent projections, in its most likely case, the projected operating losses add up to $60 billion. This is 150% of the Fed’s total capital. In the pessimistic case, losses total $180 billion, over 4 times its capital, and the Fed makes no payments to the Treasury until 2030.

In such cases, should the Fed’s shareholders, who are the commercial banks, be treated like normal shareholders and have their dividends cut? Or might, as is clearly provided in the Federal Reserve Act, the shareholders be assessed for a share of the losses? These outcomes would certainly be embarrassing for the Fed and would be resisted.

The central bank of Switzerland, the Swiss National Bank (SNB), did pass on its dividends in 2013, after suffering losses. The SNB Chairman gave a speech at the time, saying in effect, “Sorry! But that’s the way it is.” Under its chartering act, the SNB—completely unlike the Fed—must mark its investment portfolio to market in its official profit and loss statement. Accordingly, in 2022 so far, the SNB has reported a net loss of $31 billion for the first quarter and a net loss of $91 billion for the first six months of this year.

The Swiss are serious people, and also serious, it seems when it comes to central bank accounting and dividends.

In the U.S., the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta did pass its dividend once, in 1915. As we learn from the Bank’s own history, “Like many a struggling business, it suspended its dividend that year.” Could it happen again? If the losses are big and continuing, should it?

A third Fed defense is that its “mandate is neither to make profits nor to avoid losses.” On the contrary, the Fed is clearly structured to make seigniorage profits for the government from its currency monopoly. While not intended by the Federal Reserve Act to be a profit maximizer, it was also not intended to run large losses or to run with negative capital. Should we worry about the Fed’s financial issues, or should we say, “Pay no attention to the negative capital behind the curtain!”

The Fed is obviously unable to guarantee financial stability. No one can do that. Moreover, by trying to promote stability, it can cause instability.

What the Fed Can and Can’t Do Well

The Federal Reserve is also suffering from a push from the current administration and the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives to take on a politicized agenda, which it probably can’t do well and more importantly, should not do at all.

This would include having the Fed practice racial preferences, that is, racial discrimination, and as the Wall Street Journal editors wrote, “Such racial favoritism almost certainly violates the Constitution. So does the [House] bill’s requirement that public companies disclose the racial, gender identity and sexual orientation of directors and executives.” The bill would “politicize monetary policy and financial regulation.” A lot of bad ideas.

Moreover, the Federal Reserve already has more mandates than it can accomplish, and its mandates should be reduced, not increased.

As has been so vividly demonstrated in 2021 and 2022, the Fed cannot accurately forecast economic outcomes, and cannot know what the results of its own actions, or its “shots in the proverbial dark,” will be.

Meanwhile, it is painfully failing to provide its statutory mandate of stable prices. Note that the statute directs the goal of “stable prices,” not the much more waffly term the Fed has adopted, “price stability.” It has defined for itself that “price stability” means perpetual inflation at 2% per year.

The Fed cannot “manage the economy.” No one can.

And the Fed is obviously unable to guarantee financial stability. No one can do that, either. Moreover, by trying to promote stability, it can cause instability, an ironic Minskian result—Hyman Minsky was the insightful theorist of financial fragility who inspired the slogan, “stability creates instability.”

There are two things the Fed demonstrably does very well.

The first is financing the government. Financing the government of which it is a part is the real first mandate of all central banks, especially, but not only, during wars, going back to the foundation of the Bank of England in 1694. As the history of the Atlanta Fed puts it so clearly:

During the war [World War I], the Fed was introduced to a role that would become familiar…as the captive finance company of a U.S. Treasury with huge financing needs and a compelling desire for low rates.

This statement is remarkably candid: “the captive finance company of [the] U.S. Treasury.” True historically, true now, and why central banks are so valuable to governments.

The second thing the Fed does well is emergency funding in a crisis by creating new money as needed. This was its original principal purpose as expressed by the Federal Reserve Act of 1913: “to furnish an elastic currency,” as they called it then. This it can do with great success in financial crises, as shown most recently in 2020, and of course during wars, although not without subsequent costs.

However, the Fed is less good at turning off the emergency actions when the crisis is over. Its most egregious blunder in this respect in recent years was its continuing to stoke runaway house price inflation by buying hundreds of billions of dollars of mortgage securities, continuing up to the first quarter of 2022. This has severe inflationary consequences as the cost of shelter drives up the CPI and erodes the purchasing power of households. Moreover, it now appears the piper of house price inflation is exacting its payment, as higher mortgage rates are resulting in falling sales and by some accounts, the beginning of a housing recession.

Among the notions for expanding the Fed’s mandates, the worst of all is to turn the Fed into a government lending bank, which would allocate credit and make loans to constituencies favored by various politicians. As William McChesney Martin, the Fed Chairman 1951-1970, so rightly said when this perpetual bad idea was pushed by politicians in his day, it would “violate a fundamental principle of sound monetary policy, in that it would attempt to use the credit-creating powers of the central bank to subsidize programs benefitting special sectors of the economy.”

It is a natural and permanent temptation of politicians to want to do just that—to use the money printing power of the central bank to give money to their political supporters without the need for legislative approval or appropriation and to surreptitiously finance it by imposing an inflation tax without legislation.

One way to achieve this worst outcome would be to have the Fed issue a “central bank digital currency” (CBDC) that allows everybody to have a deposit account with the Fed, which might then become a deposit monopolist as well as a currency monopolist.

Should that happen, the Fed would by definition have to have assets to employ its vastly expanded deposit liabilities. What assets would those be? Well, loans and securities. The Fed would become a government lending bank.

The global experience with such government banks is that they naturally lend based on politics, which is exactly what the politicians want, with an inevitable bad ending.

On top of that, with a CBDC in our times of Big Data, the Fed could and probably in time would choose to know everybody’s personal financial business. This could and perhaps would be used to create an oppressive “social credit system” on the model of China which could control credit allocation, loans, and payments. Given the urge to power of any government and of its bureaucratic agencies, that outcome is certainly not beyond imagining, and is, in my view, likely.

The current push to expand the Fed’s mandates is consistent with Shull’s Paradox, which states that the more blunders the Fed makes, the more powers and prestige it gets. But we should be reducing the Fed’s powers and mandates, not increasing them. Specifically:

  • The Fed should not hold mortgage securities or mortgages of any kind. It should take its mortgage portfolio not just to a smaller size, but to zero. Zero was just where it was from 1914 to 2008 and where it should return.
  • The Fed should not engage in subsidizing political constituencies and the proposed politicized agenda should be scrapped.
  • Congress should definitively take away the Fed’s odd notion that the Fed can by itself, without Congressional approval, set a national inflation target and thereby commit the country and the world to perpetual inflation.
  • Congress should repeat its instruction to the Fed to pursue stable prices. As Paul Volcker wrote in his autobiography, “In the United States, we have had decades of good growth without inflation,” and “The real danger comes from encouraging or inadvertently tolerating rising inflation and its close cousin of extreme speculation and risk taking.”
  • The Fed should be required to have sound accounting for its own financial statements, with no hiding losses in the former savings and loan style allowed. This requires taking away from the Fed the power to set its own accounting standards, which nobody else has.
  • The Fed should be prohibited from buying TIPS (Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities), because this allows it to manipulate apparent market inflation expectations.
  • The funding of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau expenses out of Fed profits should be terminated. This is an indefensible use of the Fed to take away the power of the purse from Congress and to subsidize a political constituency. It would be especially appropriate to end this payment if the Fed is making big losses.
  • Finally, and most important of all, we must understand the inherent limitations of what the Federal Reserve can know and do. There is no mystique. We must expect it to make mistakes, and sometimes blunders, just like everybody else.

Knowing this, perhaps the 2020s will give us the opportunity to reverse Shull’s Paradox.

This paper is based on the author’s remarks at the American Enterprise Institute conference, “Is It Time to Rethink the Federal Reserve?” July 26, 2022.


This article was published in Law & Liberty and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

NYC Assistant Principal Becomes Second School Official to Reveal Discriminatory Hiring Practices thumbnail

NYC Assistant Principal Becomes Second School Official to Reveal Discriminatory Hiring Practices

By Project Veritas


Project Veritas released the third video in its newly launched Education Series today exposing another school official in charge of administering the education of children between the ages of five and nine years old.

Todd Soper, Assistant Principal for the New York City Department of Education specifically managing neighborhood charter schools for grades K-4, was recorded discussing how he would not offer a job to a right-leaning individual because of their political views.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Todd Soper, Grade K-4 Assistant Principal, Neighborhood Charter Schools, NYC Department of Education: “We have very specific questions, and ultimately our Diversity-Equity-Inclusion question, our DEI question is — it’s very telling if somebody has done a lot of work within themself, within the profession…if people don’t answer that question right, they’re just an automatic not hire.”
  • Soper: “If they [candidates] say that diversity is about — if they say something that lends itself to be colorblind, which could happen, like, ‘Oh, it’s like, you know, like everyone is equal.’ Those things that are well-intentioned statements, but they’re missing the depth of understanding of how the intersections of our identity live out in the world. So, that person wouldn’t get hired.”
  • Soper: “Our students’ lives matter based on the color of their skin, and how that intertwines into the context of the world. So, if you’re not willing to embrace fully that aspect of our students — and that means talking openly about race and talking about injustices in the world, then I don’t know if you’re going to be able to fully fulfill your [teacher] responsibilities.”
  • Soper: A teacher “didn’t want to teach Black Lives Matter” ideology to her students and left the school. “She would’ve probably been fired eventually just based off of mindset. But yeah, she left.”

You can watch the full video HERE.

Soper also detailed the ways in which gender ideology is pushed onto children even before they get to Elementary School.

“We have always, and will continue to, embrace diversity on all levels. So, the same way we embrace identities that are based off of ethnicity, skin tone and gender, we also embrace orientation,” Soper said.

“Like, for kindergarten, for Pride month, we got — every kid had a mirror and we talked about — a read-aloud about an animal, or about a boy that said he wanted to be a mermaid. It’s a way to start, like, ‘You should be whoever you feel like you should be.’ That was kind of the message of [the] read aloud,” he said.

“It’s delicate, right? So, in kindergarten and first grade, they [students] are five and six [years old] — but I think we start with the umbrella theme of, ‘Embrace who you are. You have to love who you are, and each part of you is beautiful, whatever you feel.’ As kids get older and the idea of gender becomes more salient, which happens more towards fourth grade…the conversations deepen as the kids get older.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas expose is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Theft and U.S. Census Bureau: Over-Counted Democrat States, Under-Counted Republican States thumbnail

Election Theft and U.S. Census Bureau: Over-Counted Democrat States, Under-Counted Republican States

By The Geller Report

Another massive election fraud story censored and scrubbed. The New York Times reported that Census Bureau admitted it overcounted the population in Democrat-dominated states Colorado, Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, and Rhode Island. The bureau said it undercounted the population in Republican-dominated Arkansas, Florida, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas (more here).

The conclusions come from a survey of 161,000 housing units conducted after the census was completed, a standard procedure following each once-in-a-decade head count of the U.S. population.

The results were markedly worse than in the 2010 census, in which none of the states had a statistically significant overcount or undercount, the agency found.

Congress needs to get to the bottom of what happened. It must use its oversight authority to investigate the Census Bureau, and how and why these errors happened. But it won’t. The testicular challenged GOP is led by the spineless, the gutless and the ball-less.

“If a politician from Florida decides to run for president in 2024, his (or her) home state will be short two votes in the Electoral College, and when the new session of the U.S. House of Representatives convenes in January 2023, Florida will be missing two congressional seats to which it is entitled,” Hans A. von Spakovsky, senior legal Fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a former Department of Justice lawyer and FEC commissioner, noted in a Sept. 3 analysis.

The Census Bureau admitted it undercounted the Sunshine State’s population by 750,000.

To put that in perspective, the 2010 Census showed a statistically insignificant error rate of just 0.01%. That means the Census Bureau only missed counting 36,000 Americans — in the entire country.

And when you get the shaft from the Census Bureau, you get it for 10 years.

Larry Ward, president of Political Media, Inc. (PMI), noted in a Facebook post: “More election theft. A direct result of the deep state Census Bureau delaying delivering Census results until Biden’s illegitimate inauguration. 10 years of bullshit til it is repaired.”

Texas was also robbed of another congressional seat by the Census Bureau’s undercounting operatives.

Meanwhile, Minnesota and Rhode Island got to keep congressional seats they don’t deserve.

Minnesota would have lost a congressional seat if it had 26 fewer residents. The Census Bureau just happened to find and count 216,971 residents of Minnesota who aren’t residents of Minnesota.

Rhode Island would have lost a congressional seat if the Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. The Democrat bastion was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals.

See how that works?

“There is no remedy in the federal statutes governing the census and apportionment to correct this problem. The scope of this problem was unusually high, and the Census Bureau has not offered any explanation as to how this happened,” von Spakovsky wrote.

The Federal Gov’s Bungled Census Is Bad News For Red States. Here’s Why

By: Hans von Spakovsky, Daily Caller, September 3, 2022:

If a politician from Florida decides to run for president in 2024, his (or her) home state will be short two votes in the Electoral College, and when the new session of the U.S. House of Representatives convenes in January 2023, Florida will be missing two congressional seats to which it is entitled.

Why? Because according to a post-2020 census survey, the U.S. Census Bureau significantly undercounted the population of Florida, as well as Arkansas, Illinois, Mississippi, Tennessee and Texas. At the same time, it overcounted the population of eight states, all but one of which is a blue state.

The 2020 errors were discovered when the Census Bureau interviewed a large number of households across the country and compared the answers it got to the original census responses in 2020. In addition to undercounting six states, the survey showed that the Bureau overcounted the population of Delaware, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island and Utah.

Funny coincidence – the Census made its largest overcount percentage error in President Joe Biden’s tiny home state of Delaware, which was overcounted by 5.45%. But Rhode Island and Minnesota were also overcounted by 5.05% and 3.84%, respectively, which allowed each of them to keep a congressional seat to which they are not entitled.

Minnesota, according to the original census report, would have lost a congressional seat during reapportionment if it had 26 fewer residents; the survey shows the state was overcounted by 216,971 individuals. Similarly, Rhode Island would have lost a seat if the Census Bureau had counted 19,000 fewer residents. It turns out that the state was overcounted by more than 55,000 individuals.

So both states will continue to have more representation in Congress, and more votes in the Electoral College, than they should. The same is true of Colorado, which was awarded a new congressional seat that it should not have gotten.

Contrast that with Texas, which the Census Bureau survey says was undercounted by almost 2%. That represents over a half a million Texans, which means that, like Florida, Texas was cheated out of an additional member of Congress. At that time, the Census Bureau said that Texas needed only 189,000 more people to gain another congressional seat. Turns out Texas already had them.

Arkansas had the largest percentage undercount at 5.04%, which represented over 150,000 residents of the state.

These errors by the Census Bureau also mean that the overcounted states will be receiving a larger share of the over $1.5 trillion in federal funds that are distributed to the states over the next decade based on their states’ populations. And the undercounted states? They will be getting less funding than they should.

There is no remedy in the federal statutes governing the census and apportionment to correct this problem. The scope of this problem was unusually high, and the Census Bureau has not offered any explanation as to how this happened.

By way of comparison, the survey the Census Bureau conducted after the 2010 census showed a statistically insignificant error rate of only 0.01%, which means the Bureau only missed counting 36,000 Americans. Quite a startling difference from the 2020 census.

Even if the states most affected could win a case in court, how would you come up with a remedy? Ordering the Census Bureau to conduct another actual recount in the 14 affected states would be a complex, expensive undertaking that would provide numbers on a different date than the original census whose population totals from April 1, 2020, would still be in effect for the rest of the states, raising fundamental fairness issues given the high mobility of our population. And ordering a new census of the entire nation also seems impractical.


Pamela Geller


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ORTIZ: Here’s One Economic Story Nobody In The White House Wants To Talk About

Video Comparing Trump’s, Biden’s Wilkes-Barre Crowds Viewed Over 1.1M Times

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Bank of America’s New Racist Policy: Offers Zero Down Payment, Zero Closing Cost Mortgage Loans to Non-Whites thumbnail

Bank of America’s New Racist Policy: Offers Zero Down Payment, Zero Closing Cost Mortgage Loans to Non-Whites

By The Geller Report

This is absolute racism and a flagrant violation of our civil rights laws. More unequal application of law. The greatness of quality for all under the law, shredded along with every great American freedom.

Bank of America’s New Racist Policy: Offers Zero Down Payment, Zero Closing Cost Mortgage Loans to Non-Whites

By: Daniel, Red Right Videos, September 6, 2022:

Equal rights are a rallying cry for progressive liberals. They want diversity to permeate each and every aspect of American culture. On the one hand, they insist that all Americans are created equal, particularly minorities. But they enact legislation and policies that oppress certain racial or social groups.

“My biggest prediction in 50 years on Wall Street”

Favoring Americans because of their skin tone is hypocritical. However, a number of “woke” companies have continued to exclude one race from certain programs in spite of this. During the pandemic, only Hispanic farmers were given assistance from a particular program that was designed to help.

This is hardly the only instance of how people of a specific race or skin tone are offered financial advantages. A unique initiative for home loans was recently unveiled by Bank of America. Prospective homeowners will be able to apply for a zero-down payment in a few U.S. cities.

The program will also offer zero-closing-cost mortgages. There’s only one big problem. If the aspiring new homeowner is, say, white, Asian, or anything other than black or Hispanic, they don’t qualify. There are also some other interesting features to this program of racial favoritism.

There will be no requirement to carry mortgage insurance. Besides this suspicious loan security omission, no minimum credit score is required. Does anyone else see a trend here that mirrors the dreadful housing collapse that happened in 2008?

Is Bank of America trying to repeat the same calamity that devastated the U.S. housing industry? Or maybe, Bank of America is just another massive corporation trying to look “woke.” In many respects, this doesn’t even appear to be legal.

There are housing discrimination laws in America. Offering people of a particular race or skin color an advantage in the housing market is blatant discrimination against those who do not qualify. Once again, in the name of diversity, white Americans are being discriminated against.


Pamela Geller


Biden Admin To Distribute $50 Billion Chips Fund Based On Race And Gender

Video Comparing Trump’s, Biden’s Wilkes-Barre Crowds Viewed Over 1.1M Times

Biden’s Top Climate Advisor Resigns, Replaced by Crooked Clinton Fixer John Podesta

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Marine Vet to Milley: Your Job is to Win Wars, Not Fight Climate Change thumbnail

Marine Vet to Milley: Your Job is to Win Wars, Not Fight Climate Change

By Discover The Networks

In an interview with Breitbart News, Marine veteran Stuart Scheller, who demanded accountability from senior military leaders over the botched Afghanistan withdrawal,  slammed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley for being focused on “white rage” rather than fighting wars.

Milley, during a House hearing in June 2021, defended military cadets learning about Critical Race Theory and said he wanted to “learn about ‘white rage,’” using a term used by critical race theorists. Two months later, the military had to conduct a chaotic and hasty withdrawal from Afghanistan that ended in the tragic deaths of 13 service members and more than 100 Afghan civilians.

“Obviously our leaders have the wrong focus. I mean, Lloyd Austin, came into office while the Russians were staging on the border of Ukraine. We were trying to withdraw from one of the longest wars in American history. And after 100 days in office, he said he did problem framing and decided COVID was the biggest threat to the DoD followed by extremism. Like obviously his priorities are skewed,” Scheller told Breitbart News.

“And so I go back to what we were just talking about where fighting should be the focus at all times. And obviously you need a Secretary of Defense to manage that. And Mark Milley is the same thing, not only ‘white rage,’ he’s talking about climate control,” he said. “‘Hey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, like your job is to advise on military policy winning wars like climate control is not in your wheelhouse.’”

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The FBI Secretly Pressured Americans To Waive Away Their Gun Rights thumbnail

The FBI Secretly Pressured Americans To Waive Away Their Gun Rights

By The Daily Caller

  • The FBI secretly provided forms to Americans between 2016 and 2019 to “voluntarily” relinquish their rights to own, buy or even use firearms, according to internal documents and communications. 
  • The signed forms, which were unearthed by the firearms rights group Gun Owners of America (GOA), raise serious legal questions, lawyers say.
  • “We’re into a pre-crime, Minority Report type of world where the FBI believes it can take constitutional rights away from anyone it thinks possibly might pose a threat in the future,” said Robert Olson, outside counsel for GOA. 

The FBI secretly pressured Americans into signing forms that relinquish their rights to own, purchase or even use firearms, according to a trove of internal documents and communications obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The forms were presented by the FBI to people at their homes and in other undisclosed locations, according to bureau documents unearthed through the Freedom of Information Act by the firearm rights group Gun Owners of America (GOA) and shared with the DCNF. At least 15 people between 2016 and 2019 signed the secret forms, which ask signatories to declare themselves as either a “danger” to themselves or others or lacking “mental capacity adequately to contract or manage” their lives.

GOA and attorneys who specialize in Second Amendment law told the DCNF the existence of the forms raise serious legal questions.

“We’re into a pre-crime, Minority Report type of world where the FBI believes it can take constitutional rights away from anyone it thinks possibly might pose a threat in the future,” said Robert Olson, GOA’s outside counsel who specializes in firearms law. “Which certainly is not something you expect in the United States.”

The form specifies that signatories will be permanently registered with the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) — which the form states would legally bar signatories from being able to “purchase, to possess and to use any firearm.” It is unclear what exact criteria the FBI used to identify signatories, but some forms include bureau notes detailing ongoing investigations.

Many signatories allegedly made violent threats in online chat rooms, in person and on social media platforms, FBI notes show. The 15 signed forms obtained by the DCNF show FBI agents in Massachusetts, Michigan and Maine presented them to Americans — whose names were redacted by the bureau.

Click here to view Screenshot/Signed NICS Indices Self-Submission Form.

While the existence of the FBI form itself was first revealed in 2019 by the firearms blog Ammoland, the outlet did not provide evidence of it being used at the time. GOA obtained the signed forms as part of its lawsuit initiated in January 2020 against the bureau to compel disclosure of records related to the forms.

A spokesperson for the FBI told the DCNF the form was “discontinued” in December 2019, but they did not say why that decision was made.

“The NICS Indices Self-Submission form was created to provide an avenue for individuals to self-report to the NICS Section when individuals felt they were a danger to themselves or others,” the FBI spokesperson said.

‘That Is Terrifying To Me’

In order to get signatures, FBI agents in some cases interviewed people at their homes and elsewhere. While signing the form is supposed to be done “voluntarily,” lawyers told the DCNF there is a sense of undue pressure when Americans have to deal directly with FBI.

“A person is almost invariably at a disadvantage when dealing with armed federal agents,” said Olson.

In 2017, there was one case in which the FBI “was advised of a Facebook conversation” where a man allegedly “threatened to ‘shoot up’ a church,” according to bureau notes. The man denied making the threats in interviews at his home, telling the FBI “he did not want to kill anyone” and has “never possessed a firearm and has no desire to possess a firearm,” notes show.

Nevertheless, the man later filled out the form waiving his gun rights.

In 2018, FBI agents in Maine interviewed a high school student who “decided to look at online advice for hacking” on his school-assigned laptop, bureau notes show. Agents tried to access the student’s Facebook, but were “unable” to do so, according to the notes. However, the high school student eventually agreed to sign the self-submission form.

Another case involved a Massachusetts man who was arrested for vandalism in 2017 after “he broke several apartment windows” and allegedly told police, “I’m gonna kill all you white cops,” according to FBI notes. Three months later, he was interviewed at a redacted location by the FBI and was transported to a hospital after he “became agitated, began sweating profusely and complained of muscle pains.”

Once at the hospital, the man signed the self-submission form in the presence of a doctor and an FBI agent, according to bureau notes.

Reed Martz, a lawyer who runs a Second Amendment blog, told the DCNF “there is implicit pressure any time the FBI is asking you to sign a form.” There is naturally “an adversarial relationship” between everyday people and the FBI, he said.

“The FBI presented this to people,” said Martz. “That is terrifying to me. Think about that. The whole thing is chilling.”

It is unclear whether FBI agents threatened anyone with arrest if they didn’t sign.

Click here for Screenshot/FBI Notes, 2017 Involving Church Incident/FBI

Unanswered Legal Questions

Records do not show when the FBI form was created, who created it and whether or not it was distributed to federal agencies. However, the form was apparently “reviewed by legal counsel,” an FBI employee told a colleague in a November 2016 email obtained by the DCNF. At least 10 people had signed the forms by November 2016, the same FBI employee told their colleague.

Two days later, on that same email thread, one of the FBI employees said they “shared” the forms with “agencies who use these forms like Secret Service and Social Security.” The Secret Service declined the DCNF’s request for comment and the Social Security Administration did not respond.

Federal law requires government agencies to get public comment and approval from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) before collecting information from the public. Likewise, all official federal forms are supposed to be assigned a “control number,” experts told the DCNF.

However, the forms unearthed by GOA do not have a control number — a fact that underscores the FBI’s glaring lack of transparency — lawyers say.

“This is a form that’s designed for outside the office,” said Martz. “It raises my level of suspicion that it doesn’t have an official form number that you can look up and can download.”

The form also contains space for a “physician or mental health professional” to affirm the signatory “has adequate mental capacity to voluntarily execute this document,” which is a huge red flag, according to John Harris, a lawyer who heads the Tennessee Firearms Association.

“I don’t see how a licensed physician could ever competently sign the declaration that the person has the mental capacity to voluntarily execute the agreement but lacks the ‘mental capacity adequately to contract or manage the details of my life.’” said Harris.

If the signatory does not have the “mental capacity” to own, buy or use firearms, they “could not possibly have the competence” to agree to sign a form waiving away their gun rights, said Martz.

Click here for Screenshot/Signed And Redacted Physician Or Mental Health Professional Verification On FBI form/FBI

There are also questions about the form’s compliance with the Gun Control Act (GCA) of 1968. The GCA holds that someone may be barred from owning guns if they are “adjudicated as a mental defective or has been committed to a mental institution.”

However, the GCA makes no mention of people being able to declare themselves as mentally unfit to own firearms. Likewise, the forms do not indicate that courts ruled signatories as unfit to own firearms.

“By definition, the people targeted with these forms are those who are not otherwise ‘prohibited persons’ and have not committed any actual crime with which they can be charged,” said Olsen. “Otherwise, there would be no need to use the form.”

Harris noted the GCA does not necessarily render anyone with a “mental condition” a “prohibited person” to own firearms. Both those labels “require adjudication,” he said.

“The form seeks to deceive and mislead not only the individual, but perhaps even a medical provider to believe that a mental health issue is adequate to render someone a prohibited person under the statutory language, when the form itself lacks any information or disclosures that make it even remotely an accurate representation of the law,” Harris told the DCNF.

The FBI declined to identify any statutory justification for the forms, and OMB did not respond to a request for comment.

‘You Can’t Waive Constitutional Rights’

Those who signed the FBI forms could have standing to sue should the government ever prosecute them for trying to buy a gun, lawyers say.

“How would such unilateral waiver of a constitutionally protected right give rise to a basis for subsequent denial of that right and or form the basis for a valid criminal conviction?” Harris asked. “Could, in contrast, someone waive the right to vote or run for office and have that enforced?”

More fundamentally, the FBI forms call into question whether or not Americans can sign away their constitutional rights. Ken Cuccinelli, the former attorney general of Virginia, says you can’t.

“You can’t waive constitutional rights,” said Cuccinelli, now a senior fellow at the Center for Renewing America. “They’re natural rights.”



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: ATF Agents, Officer Show Up ‘Warrantless’ To Demand Info On Man’s Guns, Video Appears To Show

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Biden Declares War On 74 Million MAGA Americans thumbnail

Biden Declares War On 74 Million MAGA Americans

By John Eidson

 “President Biden tonight gave the speech of a dictator, in the style of a dictator, in the visual of a dictator, using the words of a dictator.” — Former Trump advisor Stephen Miller

While issuing a blanket condemnation of rank-and-file voters who oppose his neo-Marxist agenda, and while bathed in a dark red backdrop that smacked of Soviet imagery, and while using uniformed Marines as symbols of a 21st century Praetorian Guard that will protect him from dissidents, and while speaking with clenched fists and hate in his heart, President Joe Biden in a nationally televised speech leveled a vitriolic, no-holds-barred attack on the 74 million Americans who voted for Trump.

In spewing a fusillade of political hatred at them, Biden repeatedly referred to the 74 million as “MAGA Republicans.” A more accurate description would be MAGA Americans—like me, millions of people who voted for Trump aren’t members of either political party.

MAGA Americans now find themselves squarely in the crosshairs of their president’s increasingly totalitarian regime

The legions of MAGA Americans who now find themselves squarely in the crosshairs of their president’s increasingly totalitarian regime include:

  • Millions of naturalized U.S. citizens who experienced the brutal yoke of communist oppression as citizens of the USSR, Communist China, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela and the former Soviet satellites of Eastern Europe.
  • Parents demonized as “domestic terrorists” for speaking out against public schools that teach white children to hate themselves, black children to hate white society, and children of all races to hate America.
  • Voters assailed as hate-filled xenophobes for believing that America’s border laws should be enforced.
  • Blue collar workers whose jobs were off-shored to China by a succession of traitorous U.S. presidents—41, 42, 43 and 44—each of whom subordinated the interests of ordinary working families to the interests of giant multi-national corporations that use high-dollar campaign donations to bribe leaders of both political parties.

Also included among the targeted are MAGA Americans from every walk of life:

  • World War II veterans, veterans of the War on Terror and veterans of every war in-between
  • Generals, Admirals and Enlisted Military Personnel
  • Navy SEALs, Army Rangers, Air Force Pararescue Jumpers, Coast Guard Rescue Swimmers and United States Marines
  • Police Officers, Fire Fighters and First Responders
  • Doctors, Dentists, Physician Assistants, Nurses and Nurse Practitioners
  • Attorneys, Paralegals and Legal Assistants
  • Commercial Aviation Pilots and Military Fighter Pilots
  • Scientists, Engineers, Inventors and Entrepreneurs
  • Graduates of College, High School and Home School
  • Christians, Jews, Muslims and Non-Believers
  • Americans representing every race, creed, national origin and sexual orientation
  • Self-Made Millionaires and Small Business Owners
  • Corporate Executives and Factory Workers
  • Union Members and Non-Union Employees
  • Plumbers, Electricians, Roofers, House Painters and Bick Masons
  • Farmers and Agricultural Workers
  • Power Linemen, Bulldozer Drivers and Crane Operators
  • Highway Maintenance Workers and Heavy Vehicle Operators
  • Fast-Food Cashiers and Counter Workers
  • Cooks, Waiters, Waitresses and Dishwashers
  • Truck Drivers and Automobile Mechanics
  • Dock Workers, Fishing Boat Operators and High-Rise Window Washers
  • Uber Drivers and Parking Lot Attendants
  • Maids, Housekeepers and Personal Care Assistants
  • Garbage Collectors and Sewage Clean-Up Workers

In addition to voting for Trump, MAGA Americans have something else in common—an unwavering opposition to the Democratic Party’s ongoing attempt to turn America away from two-party constitutional governance, and toward single-party authoritarian rule.

“The Communist Manifesto”

In 1847, socialism was a middle-class movement, and Utopian communism was a movement of the working class. In November of that year, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels prepared a written party platform for a workmen’s association. First published in 1848, their manuscript was titled “The Communist Manifesto,” a revolutionary document that proposed the following steps as necessary to achieve a communist society:

  • Abolish all private property rights
  • Abolish all inheritance rights
  • Abolish individual rights in favor of group rights
  • Subordinate the family to the state
  • Create an openly legalized system of free love
  • Abolish all religions and erode traditional morality
  • Establish an excessively punitive income tax
  • Nationalize all means of communication
  • Gain control of schools, universities & teachers unions
  • Indoctrinate school children with socialist propaganda
  • Abolish countries & nationalities (open borders)

45 Communist Goals to Destroy America from Within

In 1963, Rep. Albert Herlong (D-FL) entered into the Congressional Record 45 objectives socialists must achieve in order to gradually overthrow America from within. The list is from “The Naked Communist,” a national best-seller written by former FBI Special Agent W. Cleon Skousen. As you read the following partial list of those objectives, ask yourself which political party immediately comes to mind:

  • Infiltrate and gain control of labor unions and big business.
  • Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations.
  • Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing and policy-making positions.
  • Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
  • Eliminate obscenity laws by calling them a violation of free speech.
  • Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
  • Eliminate prayer and any phase of religious expression in schools on the grounds that it violates separation of church and state.
  • Discredit the U.S. Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned and out of date.
  • Infiltrate and take control of one or both political parties in the U.S.

As shown by its close alignment with The 45 Communist Goals to Destroy America from Within, the party once led by fervent anti-communists—Adlai Stevenson, JFK and Hubert Humphrey—has transitioned to the dark side, to the side of the hammer and sickle.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE:  Biden Says ‘Brave Right Wing Americans Will Need F-15’s to Oppose Him’

In Protecting The KGB, Gorbachev Laid the Foundation for Putin’s Gangster-State thumbnail

In Protecting The KGB, Gorbachev Laid the Foundation for Putin’s Gangster-State

By Center For Security Policy

The notorious KGB chairman Yuri Andropov recruited Mikhail Gorbachev, cultivated him, and placed him in the Kremlin leadership to ultimately take power. Once he led the Soviet Communist Party, Andropov’s recruit protected and rewarded the Soviet secret police by making it off-limits to any truth-telling, accountability, or reform.

Gorbachev has died, but the KGB that he nurtured and protected lives on under an ungrateful Vladimir Putin.

Until the day he passed away at age 91, Gorbachev got an international pass for saving the core of Soviet power: the ever-watching secret police and its global spy and active measures networks.

Gorbachev didn’t stand up for the KGB’s victims. While he opened Soviet society, he protected the tormentors. He shielded the KGB from the “openness” of glasnost, keeping it unaccountable for decades of industrial-scale crimes. He insulated it from the reorganization of perestroika. Gorbachev even preserved the KGB’s cult-like devotion to the Bolshevik Cheka. To this day, Russian intelligence and security officers still call themselves chekisti or chekists.

He kept the KGB’s entire archives secret to save the chekists’ reputation and prestige.

The internal repression and informant files? Gorbachev kept them secret and the networks operational. The international subversion files? All secret. The Soviet terror network files? Secret. Indeed, as the USSR was collapsing, Gorbachev promoted one of the architects of the Soviet terror network, Yevgeny Primakov, to run KGB foreign intelligence.

He knew the big names in Western business, politics, journalism, and culture who worked for the KGB or the Soviet Communist Party. He could have known all the names had he chosen too. He could have exposed them all. But he protected them. And they heap praise on him today.

Gorbachev could have un-done the KGB’s ghoulish presence with the stroke of a pen. But he didn’t do it.

When, under perestroika, Gorbachev authorized the creation of joint ventures with foreign companies, he required a KGB officer to be assigned as a vice president of each enterprise. This undermined enduring economic reforms, subverted western companies, and built the foundation for the KGB gangster-state that would beget Putin.

Gorbachev made sure that glasnost and perestroika would keep the KGB on top. He never permitted lustration, the screening out of KGB assets from holding posts of public trust, the way the post-Communist Czechs and East Germans were doing. He did not permit the KGB’s victims to see their files. He protected every last KGB informant.

He never truly sought to become part of the civilized world by ripping out the KGB’s peerless global human intelligence networks, subversive political warfare penetrations and operations, and putting it all out on the table so such cancer could never spread again.

Indeed, Gorbachev gave the KGB so much power that the chekists, under KGB Chairman Vladimir Kryuchkov, led the coup to overthrow him in August 1991.

And when Gorbachev returned to the Kremlin, in a meeting with the presidents of the union republics of the USSR, he did nothing to punish the secret police. Instead, it was Boris Yeltsin who gleefully forced a reluctant Gorbachev to sign a decree dividing the KGB into separate parts. Gorbachev’s handwriting on the decree, never meant for public view, is strained, as if under duress.

Even so, the splitting up of the Soviet KGB kept the hated old chekist apparatus in place. Nothing was torn out by the roots. No perpetrators were investigated, let alone put on trial. Gorbachev held nobody accountable – and his fans in the West didn’t hold him accountable, either.

The KGB’s First Chief Directorate that did the foreign spying was simply renamed Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR). The chekisti Second Chief Directorate responsible for “internal security” changed its name to what is now called the Federal Security Service, the FSB.

The world today is confronting the results of Gorbachev’s strategy to preserve the chekist legacy and the KGB itself, to protect all perpetrators and deny justice to its victims, and to merge KGB officers into the rising gangster state. Gorbachev paved the way for the rise of Vladimir Putin. He had thirty years to reconsider. Thirty years to expose. He never did.


J. Michael Waller

Senior Analyst for Strategy, Center for Security Policy.

This file comes from the website of the President of the Russian Federation and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How the James-Younger Gang’s Historic Defeat Showed the Importance of a Well-Armed and Responsible Citizenry thumbnail

How the James-Younger Gang’s Historic Defeat Showed the Importance of a Well-Armed and Responsible Citizenry

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

The outlaws met their match on September 7 in 1876. They fell not to federal marshals but to the townspeople of Northfield, Minnesota.

“Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you.” Thus spoke Alexander Graham Bell on March 10, 1876, in the world’s first successful telephone message. Twenty-two-year-old Thomas Augustus Watson thereby became history’s first recipient of a phone call, though he was no further away than an adjacent room. Telemarketers would inevitably follow.

Six months later, on today’s very date—September 7 in 1876—telephonic communication in remote Northfield, Minnesota was still years in the future. Nonetheless, local townspeople by word of mouth put an effective end to a notorious crime spree. “Get your guns, boys, they’re robbing the bank!” shouted Northfield resident J. S. Allen.

The bank robbers on that day were among the most feared and famous outlaws of the day, the James-Younger Gang. Members included Jesse James and his brother Frank, the Younger brothers (Cole, John, Bob, and Jim), plus occasional cohorts such as Clell Miller, Charlie Pitts and Bill Chadwell. Most hailed from Missouri but over an entire decade, they robbed and killed in multiple states from Texas to Kentucky to Iowa and finally, Minnesota.

Not wanting to hold up the First National Bank of Northfield on empty stomachs, the Gang sat down for fried eggs and whisky at a restaurant at about noon. Tanked up and ready to go shortly before 2:00 pm, they headed over to the bank. Having noticed the outlaws (alert residents later testified that the thugs reeked of alcohol), the stage was set for a violent confrontation.

Gunshots rang out and a Swedish immigrant selling vegetables fell dead. Inside the bank, teller James Heywood refused to cooperate by forking over the cash and was shot dead on the spot. As townspeople opened fire, the Gang attempted to escape with a few bags of nickels. Two of the thugs were killed, and every one of the remaining six (including Jesse James himself) was wounded.

What’s the difference, asks an old joke, between a successful bank robber and one who ends up in prison? One’s a pro, and one’s a con. In the end, the James-Younger Gang were definitely in the latter category.

Well-armed and public-spirited Northfield citizens formed a posse and pursued the crooks. All but brothers Frank and Jesse James were either killed or caught and sentenced to long prison terms. To this very day, Northfield hosts an annual “Defeat of Jesse James Days” celebration in September to commemorate the town’s break-up of the James-Younger Gang.

In his riveting book, Chasing Frank and Jesse James: The Bungled Northfield Bank Robbery and the Long Manhunt, Wayne Fanebust assesses this colorful episode:

[I]t was a huge mistake for the James–Younger gang to venture forth into Minnesota, looking for fat bank to rob. It was extremely arrogant of the Missouri outlaws to think that the hard-working farm and businesspeople of the northern prairie would simply run away once the shooting started. And when the shooting started at Northfield, Minnesota, the townspeople offered stiff and brave resistance, exchanging gunfire with gunfire. When the shooting stopped, two outlaws lay dead in the street, and the rest were shot up and sent riding for their lives. Two citizens of Northfield were killed in a shocking crime that set in motion one of the greatest and most exciting manhunts in American history.

When the James Brothers resumed their crime spree (mostly train robberies) a few years later, Missouri Governor Thomas Crittenden privatized their apprehension by offering a huge reward.

On April 3, 1882, an aspiring Gang member named Bob Ford fired the fatal shot that killed Jesse James in St. Joseph, Missouri. The story is dramatized in the 2007 Brad Pitt/Casey Affleck film, The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford. Jesse’s brother Frank surrendered shortly thereafter.

A fifteen-year theft and murder saga had come to an abrupt end, underscoring the wisdom of the adage, “A gun in hand is better than a cop on the phone.”

When the cops do their job and do it well, I’m the first to offer thanks. But we should always be just as grateful for a well-armed, vigilant, and responsible citizenry.


Lawrence W. Reed

Lawrence W. Reed is FEE’s President Emeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Global Ambassador for Liberty, having served for nearly 11 years as FEE’s president (2008-2019). He is author of the 2020 book, Was Jesus a Socialist? as well as Real Heroes: Incredible True Stories of Courage, Character, and Conviction and Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism. Follow on LinkedIn and Like his public figure page on Facebook. His website is

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Border News: Building the Case for Impeachment thumbnail

Border News: Building the Case for Impeachment

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

A new report shows the Biden administration has allowed one million illegal aliens into the country since taking office.  That doesn’t even count another estimated one million who got in without being caught or as unaccompanied minors.

But the administration recently told us not to believe our own lyin’ eyes – illegal aliens aren’t just walking across the border, the White House says, even though there’s video footage showing them doing exactly that.  The gaslighting is not appreciated.

Nor are the continued policy changes the Biden administration keeps making to open the border further.  The latest is the administration’s announcement it will reimburse El Paso for the cost of sending illegal aliens to New York City on buses.  Come on down, get your free bus ticket here!

And new details have been released on the administration’s plan to give illegal aliens identification cards.  It’s supposedly a pilot program expected to begin in March and cost a couple million dollars, but there is already talk of expanding the program later.  This shows the administration’s priority is to open the border further, not defend it against invaders who break our laws to get in.

Meanwhile, there are fresh reports of the problems Biden’s border policies are causing.  It’s a familiar litany by now, starting with national security threats and drug trafficking.  An investigation into passport fraud turned up nearly 30,000 Mexican passport holders with Middle Eastern names, raising fears Islamic terrorist groups are taking advantage of the chaos at the border Biden has caused to slip through without a close look.  In addition, the Biden administration is still letting Afghan evacuees into the country without fully vetting them and admits it doesn’t know where they are.  Dozens were flagged after entry as security risks, but good luck finding them now.

As for drugs, rainbow fentanyl pills made to look like candy to hook children are coming across the border.  You might blame the Chinese Communist Party and Mexican drug cartels for trafficking the pills, but I blame the Biden administration for opening the border and creating the opportunity.

The Biden administration obviously also doesn’t care about the escalating number of migrant deaths its policies are causing.  They’re up more than 50 percent in the last year and are at the highest on record.  Pulling dead kids from the Rio Grande – more video the Biden administration doesn’t want you to see.  Missing children are also just pawns in Biden’s cynical game:  57 illegal alien children have been reported missing in the Houston area since late last year.  Most are missing from the homes of non-parent U.S. sponsors and others ran away from government shelters.

I’ve said many times Biden and his top border officials should be impeached for failing to faithfully execute our nation’s immigration laws.  That will have to wait for Republican control of Congress but, in the meantime, some are fighting back as best they can.  Florida brought a lawsuit on that exact point – failing to execute the laws.  The case is in the discovery phase and border agents are giving details about the crisis at the border and the lives it is putting at risk.  Another lawsuit, brought by ranchers and other plaintiffs, just survived a motion to dismiss.  It challenges Biden border policies for the harmful environmental impacts they’re causing – trashed ranches, farmland loss, reduced biodiversity, and strain on water resources.  Texas is busing illegal aliens to Chicago now, in addition to D.C. and New York.  Chicago is another sanctuary city and now faces the prospect of becoming more dangerous with more illegal aliens showing up at their doorstep. New York is now the most dangerous sanctuary city in the country, according to a new report.

That’s what you get when you choose party over country, chase the unicorns and rainbows of diversity policy, and decide America is just too guilty to be allowed to continue as is.  If you think that way, fine, let’s open up the border to the whole world as Biden is doing, destroy America starting with your city, and we’ll see how you like what comes next.  How would you like to die – rainbow fentanyl overdose or Islamic terrorist attack?

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

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Home Purchases Now Near Its Lowest Level of the 2019-22 Period Due to Rates More Than Doubling Since January, 2021 thumbnail

Home Purchases Now Near Its Lowest Level of the 2019-22 Period Due to Rates More Than Doubling Since January, 2021

By Edward Pinto

Key takeaways:

  • The 10-year old seller’s market continues, evidenced by:
    • Modest purchase volume declines, in spite of a cumulative 39% increase in constant quality HPA since January 2020,
    • Historically tight supply,
    • The work from home revolution, and
    • Arbitrage opportunities due to metro & regional price differences.
  • Purchase volume for week 35 is down 31% & 15% from 2021 & 2019, respectively, with HPA projected to moderate to 12.4%, 11.2%, & 10% in August, September, & October 2022, respectively.
  • If the current mortgage rate of around 6% holds, we expect December 2022 HPA to slow to 6-8% (y-o-y) as demand will further moderate and supply will increase.
  • HPA declines seem most likely at the high end of expensive markets, at the low end of some FHA markets, and in metros with stagnating or declining job growth.

PDF to full report


Tobias Peter

Research Fellow and Assistant Director, AEI Housing Center.

EDITORS NOTE: This AEI Housing Finance Watch for Week 35, 2022 is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Van Jones: Biden Wants Election to Be about Trump, Not Inflation thumbnail

Van Jones: Biden Wants Election to Be about Trump, Not Inflation

By Discover The Networks

Monday on CNN’s Situation Room, CNN Political Commentator Van Jones stated that President Biden wants the election “to be a choice between Trump and himself” but that he needs to tell people, “I’m not just going to write you off” if you don’t vote Democrat.

Jones said, “I think he’s trying to do something that’s difficult. He wants this election, frankly, to be a choice between Trump and himself, and not just a referendum on inflation, etc. So, that’s a part of the political strategy here.”

To be clear, what Biden wants is to divert attention from his catastrophic presidency and demonize Trump and the Right as domestic terrorists, fascists, and threats to democracy. His “strategy” is fear-mongering and the politics of personal destruction.

Jones continued, giving the mentally decrepit and hateful Biden far more credit than he deserves: “What Joe Biden should be saying [to the GOP] is, ‘Guys, I’m not even asking you guys to become Democrats. I want you to become Republicans again. I want you to actually be true to your best values. You are the party of Lincoln. You are the party of Jack Kemp. I want to work with you, be your best self. I’ll fix my party. I’ve got nuts in my party, but you’ve got to be better in your own party.’ That kind of conversation from Joe Biden, I think would shock a lot of people. I think the idea that you only talk to people if you can convince them to vote for you, and if they won’t vote with you, you don’t care about them, that’s not us. That’s some new, weird stuff in America. It works on Twitter. It doesn’t work when you’re trying to run a country.”

Jones is right when he says that painting half the country as the enemy is no way to run a country. But that’s the Democrat way.

Van Jones

128 Known Connections

Jones says he became politically radicalized in the aftermath of the April 1992 Los Angeles riots which erupted shortly after four L.A. police officers who had beaten the now-infamous Rodney King were exonerated in court. “I was a rowdy nationalist on April 28th,” says Jones, “and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist.”

In early May 1992, after the L.A. riots had ended, Jones was dispatched by LCCR executive director Eva Patterson to serve as a legal monitor at a nonviolent protest (against the Rodney King verdicts) in San Francisco. Local police, fearful that the event would devolve into violence, stopped the proceedings and arrested many of the participants, including all the legal monitors. Jones spent a short time in jail, and all charges against him were subsequently dropped. Recalling his brief incarceration, Jones says: “I met all these young radical people of color. I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, ‘This is what I need to be a part of.’ I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary.”

To learn more about Van Jones, click here.


Jean-Pierre Struggles When Confronted with Her Record of Election Denial

Vet to Milley: Your Job is to Win Wars, Not Fight Climate Change

BLM Exec Accused of ‘Siphoning’ Over $10 Million from Donors

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Psychology of Totalitarianism thumbnail

The Psychology of Totalitarianism

By Mattias Desmet

At the end of February 2020, the global village began to shake on its foundations. The world was presented with a foreboding crisis, the consequences of which were incalculable. In a matter of weeks, everyone was gripped by the story of a virus—a story that was undoubtedly based on facts. But on which ones? 

We caught a first glimpse of “the facts” via footage from China. A virus forced the Chinese government to take the most draconian measures. Entire cities were quarantined, new hospitals were built hastily, and individuals in white suits disinfected public spaces. Here and there, rumors emerged that the totalitarian Chinese government was overreacting and that the new virus was no worse than the flu. Opposite opinions were also floating around: that it must be much worse than it looked because otherwise, no government would take such radical measures. At that point, everything still felt far removed from our shores and we assumed that the story did not allow us to gauge the full extent of the facts.

Until the moment that the virus arrived in Europe. We then began recording infections and deaths for ourselves. We saw images of overcrowded emergency rooms in Italy, convoys of army vehicles transporting corpses, and morgues full of coffins. The renowned scientists at Imperial College confidently predicted that without the most drastic measures, the virus would claim tens of millions of lives. In Bergamo, sirens blared day and night, silencing any voice in a public space that dared to doubt the emerging narrative. From then on, story and facts seemed to merge and uncertainty gave way to certainty.

The unimaginable became reality: we witnessed the abrupt pivot of nearly every country on earth to follow China’s example and place huge populations of people under de facto house arrest, a situation for which the term “lockdown” was coined. An eerie silence descended—ominous and liberating at the same time. The sky without airplanes, traffic arteries without vehicles; dust settling on the standstill of billions of people’s individual pursuits and desires. In India, the air became so pure that, for the first time in thirty years, in some places the Himalayas became once more visible against the horizon.

It didn’t stop there. We also saw a remarkable transfer of power. Expert virologists were called upon as Orwell’s pigs—the smartest animals on the farm—to replace the unreliable politicians. They would run the animal farm with accurate (“scientific”) information. But these experts soon turned out to have quite a few common, human flaws. In their statistics and graphs they made mistakes that even “ordinary” people would not easily make. It went so far that, at one point, they counted all deaths as corona deaths, including people who had died of, say, heart attacks. 

Nor did they live up to their promises. These experts pledged that the Gates to Freedom would re-open after two doses of the vaccine, but then they contrived the need for a third.  Like Orwell’s pigs, they changed the rules overnight. First, the animals had to comply with the measures because the number of sick people could not exceed the capacity of the health care system (flatten the curve). But one day, everyone woke up to discover writing on the walls stating that the measures were being extended because the virus had to be eradicated (crush the curve). Eventually, the rules changed so often that only the pigs seemed to know them. And even the pigs weren’t so sure.

Some people began to nurture suspicions. How is it possible that these experts make mistakes that even laymen wouldn’t make? Aren’t they scientists, the kind of people who took us to the moon and gave us the internet? They can’t be that stupid, can they? What is their endgame? Their recommendations take us further down the road in the same direction: with each new step, we lose more of our freedoms, until we reach a final destination where human beings are reduced to QR codes in a large technocratic medical experiment.

That’s how most people eventually became certain. Very certain. But of diametrically opposed viewpoints. Some people became certain that we were dealing with a killer virus, that would kill millions. Others became certain that it was nothing more than the seasonal flu. Still others became certain that the virus did not even exist and that we were dealing with a worldwide conspiracy. And there were also a few who continued to tolerate uncertainty and kept asking themselves: how can we adequately understand what is going on?

At the beginning of the coronavirus crisis, I found myself making a choice—I would speak out. Before the crisis, I frequently lectured at University and I presented at academic conferences worldwide. When the crisis started, I intuitively decided that I would speak out in public space, this time not addressing the academic world, but society in general. I would speak out and try to bring to peoples’ attention that there was something dangerous out there, not “the virus” itself so much as the fear and technocratic–totalitarian social dynamics it was stirring up.

I was in a good position to warn of the psychological risks of the corona narrative. I could draw on my knowledge of individual psychological processes (I am a lecturing professor at Ghent University, Belgium); my Ph.D. on the dramatically poor quality of academic research which taught me that we can never take “science” for granted; my master’s degree in statistics which allowed me to see through statistical deception and illusions; my knowledge of mass psychology; my philosophical explorations of the limits and destructive psychological effects of the mechanist-rationalist view on man and the world; and last but not least, my investigations into the effects of speech on the human being and the quintessential importance of “Truth Speech” in particular.

In the first week of the crisis, March 2020, I published an opinion paper titled “The Fear of the Virus Is More Dangerous Than the Virus Itself.” I had analyzed the statistics and mathematical models on which the coronavirus narrative was based and immediately saw that they all dramatically overrated the dangerousness of the virus. A few months later, by the end of May 2020, this impression had been confirmed beyond the shadow of a doubt. There were no countries, including those that didn’t go into lockdown, in which the virus claimed the enormous number of casualties the models predicted it would. Sweden was perhaps the best example. According to the models, at least 60,000 people would die if the country didn’t go into lockdown. It didn’t, and only 6,000 people died.

As much as I (and others) tried to bring this to the attention of society, it didn’t have much effect. People continued to go along with the narrative. That was the moment when I decided to focus on something else, namely on the psychological processes that were at work in society and that could explain how people can become so radically blind and continued to buy into a narrative so utterly absurd. It took me a few months to realize that what was going on in society was a worldwide process of mass formation.

In the summer of 2020, I wrote an opinion paper about this phenomenon which soon became well known in Holland and Belgium. About one year later (summer 2021) Reiner Fuellmich invited me onto Corona Ausschuss, a weekly live-stream discussion between lawyers and both experts and witnesses about the coronavirus crisis, to explain about mass formation. From there, my theory spread to the rest of Europe and the United States, where it was picked up by such people as Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough, Michael Yeadon, Eric Clapton, and Robert Kennedy.

After Robert Malone talked about mass formation on the Joe Rogan Experience, the term became a buzzword and for a few days was the most searched for term on Twitter. Since then, my theory has met with enthusiasm but also with harsh criticism.

What is mass formation actually? It’s a specific kind of group formation that makes people radically blind to everything that goes against what the group believes in. In this way, they take the most absurd beliefs for granted. To give one example, during the Iran revolution in 1979, a mass formation emerged and people started to believe that the portrait of their leader—Ayatollah Khomeini—was visible on the surface of the moon. Each time there was a full moon in the sky, people in the street would point at it, showing each other where exactly Khomeini’s face could be seen.

A second characteristic of an individual in the grip of mass formation is that they become willing to radically sacrifice individual interests for the sake of the collective. The communist leaders who were sentenced to death by Stalin—usually innocent of the charges against them—accepted their sentences, sometimes with statements such as, “If that is what I can do for the Communist Party, I will do it with pleasure.”

Thirdly, individuals in mass formation become radically intolerant for dissonant voices. In the ultimate stage of mass formation, they will typically commit atrocities toward those who do not go along with the masses. And even more characteristic: they will do so as if it is their ethical duty. To refer to the revolution in Iran again: I’ve spoken with an Iranian woman who had seen with her own eyes how a mother reported her son to the state and hung the noose with her own hands around his neck when he was on the scaffold. And after he was killed, she claimed to be a heroine for doing what she did.

Those are the effects of mass formation. Such processes can emerge in different ways. It can emerge spontaneously (as happened in Nazi Germany), or it can be intentionally provoked through indoctrination and propaganda (as happened in the Soviet Union). But if it is not constantly supported by indoctrination and propaganda disseminated through mass media, it will usually be short-lived and will not develop into a full-fledged totalitarian state. Whether it initially emerged spontaneously or was provoked intentionally from the beginning, no mass formation, however, can continue to exist for any length of time unless it is constantly fed by indoctrination and propaganda disseminated through mass media. If this happens, mass formation becomes the basis of an entirely new kind of state that emerged for the first time in the beginning of the twentieth century: the totalitarian state. This kind of state has an extremely destructive impact on the population because it doesn’t only control public and political space—as classical dictatorships do—but also private space. It can do the latter because it has a huge secret police at its disposal: this part of the population that is in the grip of the mass formation and that fanatically believes in the narratives distributed by the elite through mass media. In this way, totalitarianism is always based on “a diabolic pact between the masses and the elite” (see Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism).

I second an intuition articulated by Hannah Arendt in 1951: new totalitarianism is emerging in our society. Not a communist or fascist totalitarianism but technocratic totalitarianism. A kind of totalitarianism that is not led by “a gang leader” such as Stalin or Hitler but by dull bureaucrats and technocrats. As always, a certain part of the population will resist and won’t fall prey to the mass formation. If this part of the population makes the right choices, it will ultimately be victorious. If it makes the wrong choices, it will perish. To see what the right choices are, we have to start with a profound and accurate analysis of the nature of the phenomenon of mass formation. If we do so, we will clearly see what the right choices are, both at the strategic and ethical levels. That’s what my book The Psychology of Totalitarianism presents: a historical–psychological analysis of the rise of the masses throughout the last few hundred years as it led to the emergence of totalitarianism.

The coronavirus crisis did not come out of the blue. It fits into a series of increasingly desperate and self-destructive societal responses to objects of fear: terrorists, global warming, coronavirus. Whenever a new object of fear arises in a society, there is only one response: increased control. Meanwhile, human beings can only tolerate a certain amount of control. Coercive control leads to fear and fear leads to more coercive control. In this way, society falls victim to a vicious cycle that leads inevitably to totalitarianism (i.e., extreme government control) and ends in the radical destruction of both the psychological and physical integrity of human beings.

We have to consider the current fear and psychological discomfort to be a problem in itself, a problem that cannot be reduced to a virus or any other “object of threat.” Our fear originates on a completely different level—that of the failure of the Grand Narrative of our society. This is the narrative of mechanistic science, in which man is reduced to a biological organism. A narrative that ignores the psychological, spiritual, and ethical dimensions of human beings and thereby has a devastating effect on the level of human relationships. Something in this narrative causes man to become isolated from his fellow man, and from nature. Something in it causes man to stop resonating with the world around him. Something in it turns human beings into atomized subjects. It is precisely this atomized subject that, according to Hannah Arendt, is the elementary building block of the totalitarian state.

At the level of the population, the mechanist ideology created the conditions that make people vulnerable to mass formation. It disconnected people from their natural and social environment, created experiences of radical absence of meaning and purpose in life, and it led to extremely high levels of so-called “free-floating” anxiety, frustration, and aggression, meaning anxiety, frustration, and aggression that is not connected with a mental representation; anxiety, frustration, and aggression in which people don’t know what they feel anxious, frustrated, and aggressive about. It is in this state that people become vulnerable to mass formation.

The mechanist ideology also had a specific effect at the level of the “elite”—it changed their psychological characteristics. Before the Enlightenment, society was led by noblemen and clergy (the “ancien régime”). This elite imposed its will on the masses in an overt way through its authority. This authority was granted by the religious Grand Narratives that held a firm grip on people’s minds. As the religious narratives lost their grip and modern democratic ideology emerged, this changed. The leaders now had to be elected by the masses. And in order to be elected by the masses, they had to find out what the masses wanted and more or less give it to them. Hence, the leaders actually became followers.

This problem was met in a rather predictable but pernicious way. If the masses cannot be commanded, they have to be manipulated. That’s where modern indoctrination and propaganda were born, as is described in the works of people such as Lippman, Trotter, and Bernays. We will go through the work of the founding fathers of propaganda in order to fully grasp the societal function and impact of propaganda on society. Indoctrination and propaganda are usually associated with totalitarian states such as the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, or the People’s Republic of China. But it is easy to show that from the beginning of the twentieth century, indoctrination and propaganda were also constantly used in virtually every “democratic” state worldwide. Besides these two, we will describe other techniques of mass manipulation, such as brainwashing and psychological warfare.

In modern times, the explosive proliferation of mass surveillance technology led to new and previously unimaginable means for the manipulation of the masses. And emerging technological advances promise a completely new set of manipulation techniques, where the mind is materially manipulated through technological devices inserted in the human body and brain. At least that’s the plan. It’s not clear yet to what extent the mind will cooperate.

Totalitarianism is not a historical coincidence. It is the logical consequence of mechanistic thinking and the delusional belief in the omnipotence of human rationality. As such, totalitarianism is a defining feature of the Enlightenment tradition. Several authors have postulated this, but it hasn’t yet been subjected to psychological analysis. I decided to try to fill this gap, which is why I wrote The Psychology of Totalitarianism. It analyzes the psychology of totalitarianism and situates it within the broader context of the social phenomena of which it forms a part.

It is not my aim with the book to focus on that which is usually associated with totalitarianism—concentration camps, indoctrination, propaganda—but rather on the broader cultural-historical processes from which totalitarianism emerges. This approach allows us to focus on what matters most: the conditions that surround us in our daily lives, from which totalitarianism takes root, grows, and thrives.

Ultimately, my book explores the possibilities of finding a way out of the current cultural impasse in which we appear to be stuck. The escalating social crises of the early twenty-first century are the manifestation of an underlying psychological and ideological upheaval—a shift of the tectonic plates on which a worldview rests. We are experiencing the moment in which an old ideology rears up in power, one last time, before collapsing. Each attempt to remediate the current social problems, whatever they may be, on the basis of the old ideology will only make things worse. One cannot solve a problem using the same mindset that created it. The solution to our fear and uncertainty does not lie in the increase of (technological) control. The real task facing us as individuals and as a society is to envision a new view of humankind and the world, to find a new foundation for our identity, formulate new principles for living together with others, and reclaim a timely human capacity—Truth Speech.


This article was published by the Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

A Skeptic Confronts False Prophets thumbnail

A Skeptic Confronts False Prophets

By Joshua Mitchell

John McWhorter has written an important book—a heretical book, really, because, in today’s America, black men are anathema if they believe what he believes, or write what he writes. McWhorter knows the bounds within which he is expected to live, but will not suffer the faux righteousness disseminated by the Elect of the Establishment Church of Wokeness. We will come to this church’s relationship, if any, to the Christian churches shortly; but supposing some linkage, we might, with respect to its understanding of race in America, be tempted to invoke Rom. 1:22, and say of this new religion: “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” Woke Racism is McWhorter’s account of its foolishness.

Why can men like John McWhorter not have a place in the ghoulish world The Elect has constructed, a world in which the necessary separation between politics and religion has collapsed, a world in which a self-assured and disconnected elite does immense harm to black America while professing to help it? Consider the term, diversity, one of the articles of confession of this new religion. In a country with a historic but never fully realized commitment to pluralism, diversity sounds like a noble idea. It is not. Diversity presupposes that persons must be treated in terms of their purportedly essential group identities. These group characteristics are monovalent. To be a woman, you must be a feminist; to be black, you must vote for the Democratic Party and shun conservative ideas, etc. 

Diversity claims to make visible those persons who heretofore have been invisible. It does that—at the cost of making invisible those persons who cannot in principle exist within the groups it purports to make visible: traditional women, black conservatives, etc. Pluralism demands that all voices be heard on account of their personhood; diversity demands that purportedly innocent victim groups be heard and ranked according to their victimhood. Those who have no standing as victims must be silent; victims alone may speak; victims alone count. The early twentieth century toyed with eugenics schemes that ranked races according to their strength; in the early twenty-first century, the Elect of the Establishment Church of Wokeness toyed with a spiritual eugenics scheme that ranks identity groups according to their victimhood. The higher the ranking, the less its members are held responsible for caring for themselves and the more they stand in need of a state-funded army of “helpers” to make them feel safe, supported, and celebrated. 

There should be little wonder that transgenderism is the leading edge of the outreach missionary work undertaken by the Establishment Church of Wokeness; it represents the maximal case thus far discovered of a purportedly monovalent innocent-victim identity group in need of a state-funded army of helpers—medical, psychological, and legal. The AMA, APA, and ABA have been the vanguard of missionary zeal for its cause. So much for our once-vaunted independent guilds.

For this diseased moral accounting scheme to work without impediment, members of so-called victim groups who refuse to be condescended to or treated as innocent victims must be silenced. Women, who mock the contention that traditional motherhood is an artifact of patriarchal oppression? Silenced. Black men with sober hope who believe in America notwithstanding its several-hundred-year history of slavery? Silenced. John McWhorter has such sober hope. He is not a victim. As such, he belies that category into which he is supposed to fit. That is why John McWhorter must be silenced.

McWhorter argues that woke racism is a new religion. Like other religions, woke racism has superstitions, a clergy, original sin, evangelical outreach, an apocalyptic vision, heretics, and an eagerness to supplant earlier religions.

One of the principal virtues of McWhorter’s book is its psychological acuity. Woke racism is a disease; but it is a disease whose symptoms are only intermittently displayed. Your friend, neighbor, or family member can appear perfectly rational one moment, then lose himself in a fit of cathartic rage directed at a convenient scapegoat, or perhaps grovel at the altar to an innocent victim. If parishioners of this new religion were continuously enraged or groveling, the contrast with healthy rational neutrality would be obvious. What makes a diagnosis of this illness difficult is that its practitioners are rational most of the time. The advantage—and disadvantage—that you, the outside observer, have is that you witness the episodic outbursts at a bemused distance, while the parishioners themselves are oblivious to the chasm between their rationality and their intermittent woke condition. They think the whole of their lives is rational; yet you notice that in the morning they are buying groceries at the local market like a normal neighbor, in the early afternoon they are watching CNN or MSNBC participating in collective rage toward President Trump, and in the early evening they are participating in white self-humiliation sessions overseen by white or black high priestesses who promise to exorcize the racist demons they harbor. This is strange. You can see it; they cannot.

Woke racism, in a word, is an outburst that appears within an otherwise rational framework, and is not to be confused with the complete destruction of such a framework. An emblematic literary depiction of this intermittency is the two-minute hate Orwell described in 1984. Oceania is a perfectly rational society, punctuated by the two minutes of cathartic rage its citizens undergo daily. Its citizens, like so many American citizens today, seem untroubled by the chasm that separates their everyday rationality from their intermittent cathartic rage or groveling. It is unclear how this disease, which intermixes with sanity, can be cured.

Is woke racism a new religion? How we answer this question gives some indication of the cure that will be needed. McWhorter argues that woke racism is a new religion. Like other religions, woke racism has superstitions, a clergy, original sin, evangelical outreach, an apocalyptic vision, heretics, and an eagerness to supplant earlier religions. If it is a new religion, then we might have several responses to it. We might say that like all religions, it satisfies an ineradicable longing in the human heart, and therefore, in light of Christianity’s decline, it will reign for a long time, perhaps centuries. Alternatively, we might say that mankind in the twentieth century had almost liberated itself from the religious superstition of Christianity, that a new religion, no less irrational has now arisen to take its place, and that we must resist its irrationality no less than we were called to resist Christianity. On this latter account, the antidote to woke racism is enlightenment. This is McWhorter’s position:

A new religion in the guise of world progress is not advance; it is detour. It is not altruism; it is self-help. It is not sunlight; it is fungus. It is time it became ordinary to call it for what it is and stop cowering before it, letting it make people so much less than they—black and everyone else—could be.

I am not so sure enlightenment in its generally understood sense can serve as an antidote. I say this because, in the Establishment Church of Wokeness, enlightenment is seen as one of the fruits of “Whiteness” and, so, far from being an antidote, it is seen as the very poison that must be purged. This is a profound problem, which Plato first wrote about in the Republic: when a soul or a city is sick, the medicine needed to cure it will be misconstrued as poison. An alternative account, which McWhorter does not consider, is that woke racism is in fact a deformation of Christianity, whose cure, therefore, cannot be enlightenment in the generally-understood sense, but rather a recovery of an undeformed Christianity, whose understanding of enlightenment predates the period of the Enlightenment in western history by some 1,700 years. If this is the real cure, then our cure will be found in the churches. Christianity can recover a healthier account of original sin than woke racism can possibly provide. Whatever our position may be, it should be clear that we are taking one or the other side of two possible positions: either a darkened religion is cured by enlightenment in the generally understood sense, or it is cured by recovery to the enlightened version of the religion of which the darkened version is a deformation.

What do white and black Americans get from participating in woke racism? Whites, McWhorter proposes, get to be members of The Elect, that special standing in America dating to the Puritans, that saves them from the loneliness of democratic anonymity, and distinguishes their purity from the stain of the irredeemably damned. They understand that America is systemically racist; only irredeemables would believe otherwise. That is why The Elect can say with certainty that the police are agents of white systemic racism and must be defunded. They know best what is best for the country as a whole, and for black Americans in particular. They know that they alone can save black Americans, by removing or lowering the bar on standardized tests, and ignoring grades, both of which are insidious constraints established to protect and fortify Whiteness.

It is worth mentioning that black political thought in America, until the race grievance industry got fully underway, was characterized by an immense range of ideas, united by the understanding that human agency mattered.

What do black Americans get from the Establishment Church of Wokeness? The black Elect, too, pride themselves on knowing with certainty something that others, especially whites, are too steeped in ignorance and sin to recognize, namely, that America is systemically racist. The Puritan Elect had special knowledge that “the world” did not and could not comprehend; the black Elect possess special knowledge that, regardless of what worldly evidence suggests, the world is racist. To doubt this is reveal that you lack such special knowledge. Black America as a whole receives something equally insidious, namely, the strange comfort, familiar in the period of American slavery, that they can do nothing to thrive and flourish, unless the Elect provides it for them.

That is why it is senseless to talk of personal responsibility. Nothing black Americans can do on their own, with their friends, with their families, and with their communities, can alter their fate. Confirming this contention has required nothing less than the erasure of the history of black success in America. In the wake of the Great Society Program, as a noble hope was transformed into the race grievance racket, precisely this was done. Now several generations later, the history of black success having been erased, young blacks and whites in America are taught that slavery was followed by Jim Crow, which was followed by systematic racism of an even more insidious form. Individual agency, mediating institutions of the sort Tocqueville had in mind for all of us, the rule of law, the U.S. Constitutional framework—none of these can be of any help to black America.

McWhorter does not make this point, but it is worth mentioning that black political thought in America until the race grievance industry got fully underway, was characterized by an immense range of ideas, united by the understanding that human agency mattered. What has been disheartening, even frightening, is the extent to which in the hands of The Elect, this view has all but disappeared. The hope for freedom has been supplanted by despair and resignation. Here, The Elect looms large, for they see clearly what the irredeemably stained cannot see, namely, that all of mankind looms small.

McWhorter’s proposed on-the-ground way of dealing with the Elect is of a piece with a growing chorus of thinkers on the right and even on the center-left. Zealotry can only be listened to and endured for so long before citizens close their doors and tell proselytizers to go away. The shame, here, for McWhorter, is that at its best, the political left brings forth new ideas about justice that all societies need from time to time, to be renewed. The Elect parishioners in the Established Church of Wokeness, who think they have found the key that unlocks the riddle of history, are in fact obstacles to the provisional achievement of justice that it is each generation’s responsibility to establish.


This article was published by Law & Liberty and is reproduced with permission.


Are you fed up? Are you worried that America in rapidly sliding into a neo-Marxist state by the radical left in control of Washington with historically narrow majorities in the U.S. House and Senate and an Executive controlled by unnamed far leftists in place of a clinically incompetent President Biden? They are desperate to keep power and complete their radical progressive agenda that will change America and our liberty forever.

Americans just witnessed the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 without one Republican vote in the U.S. Senate and House (just as Obamacare was passed in 2010). The IRS  will be hiring 87,000 new agents, many armed, to terrorize American taxpayers.

Americans witnessed the FBI raid at the Trump Mar-A-Lago home and property of President Trump, truly a first in all of American history. We know what that is about. 

It is undeniable that the Democrat Party and the administrative state (the executive branches of the DOJ, FBI, IRS, et al) are clear and present dangers to our Republic and our liberty as they increasingly veer further away from the rule of law and the Constitution. What is the solution? At this critical juncture, there is only one action we can all take.

The only viable and timely solution at this critical point is to vote – yes, vote correctly and smartly to retake the U.S. House and Senate on November 8th and to prepare the way to retake the White House in two years. Vote and help everyone you know to vote. Please click the TAKE ACTION link below – we must vote correctly and in great numbers to be sure our votes are counted to diminish the potential for the left to rig and steal the midterms and the 2024 elections as they are clearly intending to do after their success in 2020.

What Drugs Have the Highest Risk of Causing Suicidal Thoughts? thumbnail

What Drugs Have the Highest Risk of Causing Suicidal Thoughts?

By Kevin Morris Delphi Behavioral Health Group

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) reports that suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the United States and that an estimated 1.2 million suicide attempts took place in 2020 alone. Our society must deal with this problem, but we have to know where to look. While many contributing factors are associated with attempted suicide or suicidal thoughts, one that deserves special consideration is drug use. Here’s what drugs have the highest risk of causing suicidal thoughts.

Who Are the Culprits?

Deciding which drugs have the highest risk of suicidal thoughts is tricky. This is because many illicit drugs affect the central nervous system (CNS), which is how the brain communicates with the rest of the body. CNS depressants work by slowing down or suppressing this messaging process. CNS depressants include benzodiazepines, opioids, sedative drugs, and even alcohol. Other drugs known as CNS stimulants work in the opposite way to CNS depressants by increasing central nervous system activity in the brain and the body. Stimulants include cocaine, crack, ecstasy, methamphetamine, and prescription stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin. Next to these, there’s marijuana, which is sort of a wild card drug because it can produce stimulant and depressant effects.

While it might sound like we’ve gone down the list of all available drugs rather than a list of drugs that cause suicidal thoughts, the reality is all these drugs, and many others, can lead to suicidal thoughts. Each of these drugs manipulates the central nervous system. As a result, they can influence our emotions, our cognitive decision-making, and our awareness. Additionally, underlying factors or mental health conditions can increase the possibility of experiencing suicidal thoughts from drug use.

Concerning Findings

With that said, it’s still true that certain drugs carry a higher potential for suicidal thoughts. While it is an oversimplification to associate stimulants or “uppers” with happiness and depressants or “downers” with sadness, the reality is that even uppers can cause severe depression, which can lead to suicidal thoughts. However, statistics show that most suicidal thoughts or acts are more commonly linked with depressants use. For example, a 2020 study revealed that suicidal drug overdoses ranked highest when people used opioids or barbiturates. Following those drugs, the third-ranking included antidepressant drugs. It is ironic that the medications that seem to carry a high risk for suicide and/or severe depression are, in fact, antidepressants. While benzodiazepines can treat anxiety-related depression, most instances of depression are treated with antidepressant medications, generally belonging to either the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) or the serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) class, though there are other less commonly used antidepressants as well.

Brand names that belong to these classes include drugs such as Cymbalta, Celexa, Prozac, and Zoloft. These drugs are more effective in treating depression than other options because they work in very specific ways to regulate serotonin in the body, which results in a stabilized mood. According to a study examining the link between SSRIs and suicidal thoughts, there is no clear connection between the two for adults. However, there was a higher risk of suicidal thoughts for children and adolescents. Researchers recommended that clinicians closely monitor and follow up with patients who use the medications they prescribed. In fact, this is exactly what we see in advertisements for antidepressant medications. The ads state the risk of the potential for depression and suicidal thoughts, followed by a warning to contact a doctor right away if these symptoms occur.

What to Do

Part of the controversy centered around the safety of antidepressant use concerns whether suicidal thoughts are pre-existing conditions of antidepressant drug use or if they are actually caused by taking the drugs. Additionally, mixing antidepressants with other drugs can create risks that can be detrimental to mental health. This information should not deter anyone from getting medical treatment for suicidal thoughts or depression-related symptoms. However, we can use it to educate ourselves about just how complex the problem is and what drugs to pay close attention to as we maintain our mental health and the mental health of others around us.


American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. (n.d.). Suicide Statistics. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d). Guide to Drug Addiction: Symptoms, Signs, and Treatment. Retrieved

Medical News Today. (2018 Oct 9). What is Central Nervous System (CNS) Depression? Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Guide to Alcohol Detox: Severity, Dangers, and Timeline. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Stimulant Addiction. Retrieved

Healthline. (2019 May 6). Is Weed a Depressant, Stimulant, or Hallucinogen? Retrieved

Vox. (2018 Jun 15). Depression and Suicide Risk are Side Effects of more Than 200 Common Drugs. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). A Guide to Dual-Diagnosis Treatment. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.). Guide to Cocaine Addiction and Treatment. Retrieved

JAMA. (2020 Mar 23). Incidence and Lethality of Suicidal Overdoses by Drug Class. Retrieved

NIH. (2010 Sep 3). Antidepressants and Suicide Risk: A Comprehensive Overview. Retrieved

Delphi Health Group. (n.d.) Mixing Alcohol and Antidepressants – Can You Do It Safely? Retrieved

NIH. (2012 Jan). Suicide and Antidepressants: What Current Evidence Indicates. Retrieved

Medical News Today. (2017 Dec 14). What is Prozac (fluoxetine)? Retrieved

NHS. (2021 Dec 8). Cautions- Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs). Retrieved,known%20as%20%22serotonin%20syndrome%22.

Biden Fights 9/11 Victims in Court to Protect Taliban Cash thumbnail

Biden Fights 9/11 Victims in Court to Protect Taliban Cash

By Jihad Watch

The unspeakable betrayal over Afghanistan continues.

White House Democrats have a history of fighting against terror victims suing Islamic terrorists. The Obama administration battled American terror victims suing the PLO. In 2015, after they won a $218 million judgement against the terror group, Blinken, then only a deputy secretary of state, intervened claiming that the lawsuit threatened “several decades of US foreign policy.”

But now Biden is fighting 9/11 victims on behalf of the Taliban. At stake are billions being held by the Afghan central bank fund in the United States.

A decade ago, 9/11 families sued the Taliban, Al Qaeda and Iran. The court found that the Islamic terrorists were responsible and a judgement of $6 billion was handed down.

The verdict was described as “symbolic” at the time. CBS News commented that “it would be near impossible to collect any damages, especially from the Taliban or al Qaeda.” But that was before Biden turned over Afghanistan to the Taliban. Since Afghanistan has assets in this country, including $7 billion in bank funds, it’s now entirely possible to collect that money.

Or it would be if the guy who let the Taliban take over wasn’t also in the White House.

Biden officially announced that he was splitting the $7 billion between the families of the victims and a “trust fund” to provide “humanitarian aid” for the people of Afghanistan.

But that was just another one of his many lies and double crosses involving Afghanistan.

The $3.5 billion was placed in a separate trust that would be “separate and distinct” from the around $800 million the Biden administration has already spent on aid to Afghanistan. Officials admitted that the money could actually be used for matters other than “humanitarian aid”.

The media headlined it as, “Biden frees frozen Afghan billions for relief, 9/11 victims”. But a Biden official admitted that it was done to stop 9/11 families from getting access to the money.

“Absent action by us, these funds were likely to be tied up in courts for years, while the action we have taken stands the best chance of more quickly freeing up a large portion for humanitarian support,” the official argued. As a Lawfare blog post noted, “the administration’s plan would insulate nearly half of the Afghan assets at issue from these attachment efforts.”

What Biden actually did was take the money off the table for 9/11 victims. And it got worse.

Secretary of State Blinken claimed that the administration “will continue to support these victims and their families, recognizing the enduring pain they have suffered at the hands of terrorists, including those who operated from Afghanistan prior to the September 11 attacks. These victims and their families should have a full opportunity to set forth their arguments in court.”

Blinken, like his boss, lied.

While the 9/11 families would have their claims “heard in court”, neither Biden nor Blinken mentioned that the administration would be advocating against them.

On the same day as Biden’s executive order reserving $3.5 billion for the terrorists, his Justice Department filed a statement of interest in court arguing that the judgement for the victims of terrorism was too large and that actually turning over the money to them would interfere with the Biden administration’s foreign policy in Afghanistan.

Now a magistrate judge has repeated back most of the DOJ’s arguments, ruling against the 9/11 families who were laying claim to the other half of the money. Judge Sarah Netburn’s arguments closely mirror the contradictory positions of Biden and the DOJ. And they reveal the underlying corruption behind the ambiguous status of Afghanistan’s central bank.

Netburn, like the Biden administration, contends that the Afghanistan bank enjoys “sovereign immunity” because the country itself was not sanctioned as a terrorist state, only the Taliban were. And that the Taliban once again control Afghanistan is irrelevant, according to the judge, because Biden hasn’t recognized the reality that this is actually the case.

Banks don’t enjoy “sovereign immunity” and neither do the Taliban. Netburn and Biden act as if there were some entity representing Afghanistan that is not the Taliban. That position might make sense if they were backing a resistance movement to the Taliban. But they’re not.

Instead the Biden administration has maintained a deliberately ambiguous position for Afghanistan’s central bank as being both under and not under Taliban control. This is convenient because it allows the Biden administration to use the financial institution as a vehicle and to restrict its access at the same time. The bank’s leadership, a mixture of terrorists and wonks linked to the former government, maintains that same calculated ambiguity.

The deputy governor of the bank is Noor Ahmad Agha, a Taliban leader listed as a specially designated global terrorist. Shah Mohammad Mehrabi, a member of the board of governors of the bank, lives near Washington D.C. and teaches at Montgomery College, has made his own media tour demanding that the United States release funds to the bank.

Biden is unable to do that until he thoroughly defeats the 9/11 families in court.

If Biden releases the money to the Afghanistan bank before that happens, the 9/11 families will be able to argue that the administration is contradicting its own position. Biden wants to reserve all $7 billion for the terrorists and so he has to hold off long enough to defeat the terror victims.

The level of betrayal here is worse than even the Obama administration.

The Biden administration claims that the money will be used for “humanitarian aid” and will not go to the terrorists. That’s another lie and it’s been disproved by its publicly stated policies.

The Biden administration has issued global licenses authorizing financial transactions with the Taliban and the Al Qaeda allied Haqqani Network that include, in the Treasury Department’s own words, “delivery and provision of humanitarian aid or shipments”, “administrative issues”, “donor coordination meetings”, “sharing descriptions of projects”, “coordination with regard to travel”, “participation in technical working groups” and “sharing of office space”. Not to mention the “payments of taxes, fees, or import duties to, or the purchase or receipt of permits, licenses, or public utility services from, the Taliban, the Haqqani Network.”

While Biden and his corrupt cronies insist that they don’t recognize the Taliban, that’s purely a formality. Not only do they recognize the Taliban as the government, but they’ve been extensively coordinating with the Islamic terrorists and helping to fund them.

At the end of July, Biden’s representative met with “senior Taliban representatives” to discuss  “ongoing efforts to enable the $3.5 billion in licensed Afghan central bank reserves to be used for the benefit of the Afghan people”.

Even while the Biden administration and its allies insist that the other $3.5 billion set aside to meet the claims of terror victims can’t be released to them because that would “implictly” mean that the Taliban are being recognized as the government, Biden’s diplomatic representatives can meet with them and conduct negotiations about giving them the other $3.5 billion.

Releasing money to 9/11 terror victims would “implictly” recognize the Taliban, but engaging in sustained diplomatic negotiations with them as the governing authority somehow does not.

The Taliban privately understand that Biden can’t release the $3.5 billion to them until he beats the 9/11 families in court. And then they’ll potentially get access to the whole $7 billion. This corrupt charade is being played out for the benefit of the equally complicit judiciary and media which is cheering the downfall of the 9/11 families and waiting for the cash to go to the Taliban.

Reuters headlined its story, “Afghans outraged as 9/11 families lay claim to frozen billions”. There’s no real ambiguity as to which side Reuters, the media and Joe Biden are on.

In October 2001, Biden proposed that, “this would be a good time to send, no strings attached, a check for $200 million to Iran,” He’s managed to send much more money than that to the Islamic terror state since, but now he’s preparing to send a $7 billion check to the Taliban.

All he had to do to get that money was lie and cheat 9/11 families.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


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France: Prominent imam says, ‘I make no distinction between Islamism and Islam. Islamism is Islam in action.’

France: Leftist at rally for antisemitic imam says ‘I am not Charlie. This newspaper is evil.’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Navy SEALs Are Fighting For Religious Exemptions To Vaccine Mandates, And The Battle Is Far From Over thumbnail

Navy SEALs Are Fighting For Religious Exemptions To Vaccine Mandates, And The Battle Is Far From Over

By The Daily Caller

  • U.S. Navy SEALs continue fighting in the courts to obtain religious exemptions to the military’s mandatory COVID-19 vaccination while the Biden administration lets exemption requests stack up, unaddressed.
  • Legal experts argue that the administration’s argument to national security no longer applies in light of changing CDC guidelines.
  • “The Constitution, federal law, and DOD regulations all protect religious liberty in the military, and our courts have repeatedly reminded us that there is no [COVID-19] exception to the Constitution,” Mike Berry, senior counsel at the First Liberty Institute that is representing the SEALs, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Some Navy SEALs’ case for religious exemptions to COVID-19 vaccination trudges along in the Fifth Circuit court as defense leaders remain wedded to the Biden administration’s military vaccine mandate.

Pandemic restrictions have loosened significantly in most sectors, with federal guidelines changing to reflect the lessened threat of the virus, but the Department of Defense (DOD) continues to maintain that vaccination is critical to ensure readiness of the armed services. It will take continued litigation to convince the military to respect religious accommodation laws that would prevent thousands of service members from facing discharge or confinement to low-skill jobs, the SEALs’ attorneys told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

“The law is on our side. The Constitution, federal law, and DOD regulations all protect religious liberty in the military, and our courts have repeatedly reminded us that there is no (COVID-19) exception to the Constitution,” Mike Berry, senior counsel at the First Liberty Institute that is representing the SEALs, told the DCNF.

First Liberty filed suit in November 2021 on behalf of 26 Navy SEALs and other Special Warfare personnel against the Biden administration, arguing that the mandate violates servicemembers’ right to free exercise of religion.

In January, a Texas judge, relying on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), temporarily blocked the Navy from considering vaccination status when making assignment decisions for the plaintiffs. The case reached the Supreme Court in March when the Biden administration asked the court to reverse the ruling, and the court granted a partial stay to the order.

“Generally, military members are required to follow orders, but in this case, the military has shown sheer hostility toward religious exemptions rather than using the least restrictive means possible. In its effort to be draconian, the military refused to even recognize the now proved science of natural immunity,” Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert told the DCNF.

Out of the 3,375 sailors who have requested religious exemptions to the COVID-19 vaccine as of Aug. 24, only 46 have been approved, according to Department of Defense data. So far, the Navy has recorded 105,277 COVID-19 cases and 17 deaths.

“Did the Navy, in good faith, apply the Religious Freedom Restoration Act in these cases, or did they predetermine that they were going to deny all religious accommodations?” R. Davis Younts, an Air Force reservist and attorney representing several military members seeking religious exemptions, told the DCNF. Referring to the latter possibility, he claimed, “It’s clear that they did, and I think the facts continue to bear that out.”

The military needs to consider exemption cases individually instead of stonewalling requests or issuing blanket denials that no longer reflect the Biden administration’s own COVID-19 guidance, Younts added. The compelling interest of the military to require vaccination — that COVID-19 posed a direct threat to military readiness — no longer exists.

Sailors, soldiers and airmen, many of whom have years of highly-specified training and experience under their belts, remain in limbo while court cases play out, unable to receive promotions or continue their training, Younts explained. Thousands of service members may be dragooned out of a force that is already falling vastly short of its recruiting goals amid blatant threats of war from foreign powers.

“We’re being treated like pariahs,” he said.

The only way forward is continued litigation and “individual military members taking a stand,” Younts said, adding that any policy change among DOD leaders is unlikely.

“This is a public interest issue with significant implications … that has to make a difference,” he added.

Virginia on Tuesday joined 21 other states in filing an amicus brief, dated Aug. 29, supporting the religious liberty of Navy SEALs and other U.S. Navy members to seek vaccine exemptions. The Biden administration has asked the court to give the military “extraordinary” deference in its decision to mandate and enforce vaccination, undermining the fundamental liberties of Navy service members, according to the brief.

“Navy SEALs are some of our best and brightest, willing to sacrifice their lives to protect our freedoms. Those who have filed religious exemptions for the COVID-19 vaccine deserve to be heard and taken seriously,” Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares said in a statement.

The states argued that they have effectively managed COVID-19 within their borders without infringing on religious liberties, and the government should be able to do the same. They decried the administration’s “overreaching and flawed claims of legal authority.”

“The Administration’s near-blanket refusal to grant religious exemptions is not credible … its denial in this case is not entitled to deference,” the brief stated.

“The evidence strongly favors the sailors. The Navy’s own testimony indicates that their decision was based on politics. There is no military or scientific justification for their assault on religious freedoms,” Gohmert said.

However, the Supreme Court had argued that the previous injunction overstepped the judiciary’s authority by overturning an order of the Executive made in an apparent effort to safeguard national security.

“RFRA does not justify judicial intrusion into military affairs in this case. That is because the Navy has an extraordinarily compelling interest in maintaining strategic and operational control over the assignment and deployment of all Special Warfare personnel — including control over decisions about military readiness,” Justice Kavanaugh wrote in the concurring opinion.

A substantial number of the military’s elite positions, including Navy SEALs and fighter pilots, are seeking an exemption from the vaccine mandate, and some of those individuals intend to change careers if they can’t escape.

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) October 11, 2021

Discharges for sailors seeking religious exemptions have been postponed pending the court case, according to the Navy. Of those who either did not seek exemptions or whose requests were denied, 1,533 have been separated with honorable characterization of service.

The Navy and the White House did not respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.




RELATED ARTICLE: Pentagon Ignores Biden Admin Order To Stop Testing Unvaccinated For COVID-19

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Here’s How Much The Federal Government Has Spent Studying Impact Of Sex Change Meds We’re Already Giving Kids thumbnail

Here’s How Much The Federal Government Has Spent Studying Impact Of Sex Change Meds We’re Already Giving Kids

By The Daily Caller

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) spent at least $17,576,200 since 2008 researching the impact of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones, NIH records show, drugs that are already widely administered to children who identity as transgender.

Researchers used NIH funds to study the impact these medications have on bone density and strength, reproduction, immunity, cardiometabolism and mental health, along with several other issues. Most of these grants were issued after 2017 as interest in the subject grew, although some date back as early as 2008.

Although researchers are still learning about the long-term effects of these drugs and whether they actually help reduce depression and suicide rates for youths, they are already widely administered to children who identify as transgender; the Gender Identity Development Service at Tavistock in the U.K., the largest pediatric gender clinic in the world, has referred about 1,000 patients to endocrinologists to be assessed for puberty blockers, a spokesperson told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The NIH gave the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles more than $7.7 million in grants for a project studying the impact of puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones on children as young as 8, according to various documents reviewed by the DCNF.

The study aims to determine whether early medical interventions for youths reduce the health issues that disproportionately impact transgender people, including anxiety, depression, substance abuse and suicide. Researchers observed 391 patients aged 8 to 20 at the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, the Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago and the Benioff Children’s Hospital; 90 went on puberty blockers and 301 went on cross-sex hormones, researchers reported.

“Ultimately, we aim to understand if early medical intervention reduces the health disparities well known to disproportionately affect transgender individuals across their lifespan,” researchers wrote. “The lack of data supporting medical interventions for transgender youth, combined with a shortage of providers knowledgeable of the complex psychosocial risk factors facing these young people, contributes to a health disparity and public health crisis of considerable magnitude.”

An activist who goes by Billboard Chris drew attention to the NIH grants online, highlighting the young age of some of the participants in this taxpayer-funded study.

To transgender Americans of all ages, I want you to know that you are so brave. You belong. I have your back.

— President Biden (@POTUS) March 31, 2022

Researchers in this observational study have been collecting data on existing models of care for trans-identified youths for about a decade in response to an Institute of Medicine report calling for further research on the subject, according to the study. The NIH contributed $7,748,467 to the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles in several separate grants for this project since 2015, according to the NIH website.

When undergoing medical sex change procedures beginning at an early age, children are administered puberty-blocking drugs then eventually put on cross-sex hormones such as testosterone or estrogen. The FDA has warned of a possible link between puberty-blocking drugs and serious symptoms like vision loss, and researchers in this study note the link between the drug and diminished bone density.

The drugs that are used to halt healthy puberty for transgender children have an official on-label purpose of delaying precocious puberty in young children, and they have also been used to chemically castrate sex offenders. Marci Bowers, a famous transgender surgeon, has publicly admitted that “every single child who was truly blocked at Tanner stage 2 [around 9 to 11 years old] has never experienced orgasm.”

Activists and medical professionals justify the administration of these drugs to children by claiming that, without them, transgender youths will commit suicide. Researchers have said that receiving these treatments in youth can reduce the risk of suicide and depression in numerous methodologically flawed studies which failed to control for confounding variables, failed to find causality and in some cases were funded by transgender activists groups and pharmaceutical companies that produce the drugs themselves, according to multiple DCNF investigations.

The DCNF calculated the sums of grants the NIH gave for projects specifically examining the effects of medications administered as part of the gender transition process; its funding of transgender-related research generally is far more expansive.

The NIH, the project’s contacts and the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles did not respond to the DCNF’s requests for comment.



Social issues and cultural reporter.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact