Gingrich: 2020 Election is the ‘Biggest Theft Since 1824’ – But It’s Even Worse Than That

Newt Gingrich tweeted Friday:

“The more data comes out on vote anomalies that clearly are not legitimate the more it looks like 2020 may be the biggest Presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in 1824. State legislatures should demand recounts.”

He was right, except for one detail: the stolen election of 2020 is shaping up to be much worse than that of 1824.
Rating America’s Presidents explains that by that year, the Democratic-Republican Party, which was the party of the previous three presidents, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and James Monroe, now included virtually every politician of significance and had split into factions of its own. The congressional caucus that had chosen Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe bypassed the candidate whom many considered to be Monroe’s heir apparent, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams. Instead, the caucus picked a candidate who stood for the old Republican principles of strict adherence to the Constitution and a weak federal government: William Crawford, who had been a senator from Georgia, minister to France, and secretary of war and secretary of the treasury in the Monroe administration.
The caucus, however, didn’t have the influence in 1824 that it had enjoyed in previous years. Those who favored the positions that had initially been identified with the moribund opposition party, the Federalists, including a strong federal government that funded internal improvements, a centralized Bank of the United States, and high tariffs to protect American industry, were Adams and the speaker of the House, Henry Clay of Kentucky. Then there was General Andrew Jackson, the hero of the Battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812 and, more recently, a senator from Tennessee. Jackson had genuine popular support, which was increasingly important, as more and more states were choosing electors by popular vote.
No one, however, knew exactly where Jackson stood on the issues. Adams, whom Jackson would soon count among his bitterest political enemies, actually supported him for vice president, albeit with a quip about Jackson’s volatile character: “The Vice-Presidency was a station in which the General could hang no one, and in which he would need to quarrel with no one.”
One reason why 2020 is worse than 1824 is that everyone in that race, like everyone for the first century and a half of the republic, had an America-first agenda. So there was nothing like the modern-day division of candidates on that score, and voters didn’t have to ask themselves which candidate was less likely to sell America’s interests to the highest international bidder.
What’s more, the positions that were truly best for America in the long run were distributed across factional lines; the Adams party held some, and the Jackson party held others. The gargantuan growth of the federal government today and its increasing interference in the daily lives of its citizens make one long for the era when politicians were determined not just to pay lip service to the idea of limiting its power. One need not acquiesce in that unrestrained and continually growing power in order to accept the Supreme Court’s declaration of the constitutionality of using federal funds for internal improvements as based on the Commerce Clause; nor does this require one to endorse the later abuse of that clause. The Bank placed control of the public funds in private hands, which was never wise, as it risked the possibility of an elected clique, rather than the people, setting the national agenda; we are seeing the consequences of that in other contexts today.
The question of Andrew Jackson’s fitness for office was a key issue in 1824, as it had been for no previous presidential candidate. Jackson was widely considered to be unsuitable to be president, as he had little political experience. Clay sneered, “I cannot believe that killing 2,500 Englishmen at New Orleans qualifies for the various, difficult, and complicated duties of the Chief Magistracy.”
Nevertheless, the election results had Jackson leading the field, winning ninety-nine electoral votes, with eighty-four for Adams, forty-one for Crawford, and thirty-seven for Clay. As none of the candidates had a majority, the election went to the House of Representatives, where the choice was between the three top vote-getters. Clay threw his support to Adams, who prevailed. Adams, as president, then chose Clay as the secretary of state, which was reasonable in light of their agreement on key issues. But Jackson and his supporters charged Adams and Clay with making a “corrupt bargain” to secure the presidency for Adams. Jackson raged: “So you see the Judas of the West [Clay] has closed the contract and will receive his thirty pieces of silver. Was there ever witnessed such bare faced corruption in any country before?”
So it was that the presidency of John Quincy Adams, a man who was distinguished throughout his long political career for his integrity, was tainted from beginning to end by charges of corruption and venality. Adams entered the White House under a cloud that never dissipated. In his inaugural address, Adams appealed to the goodwill of the American people: “Less possessed of your confidence in advance than any of my predecessors, I am deeply conscious of the prospect that I shall stand more and oftener in need of your indulgence.”
He didn’t get it. His victory was so tainted that his presidency was effectively crippled from the start. Of course, he didn’t have the weight of a complicit and compliant media and political establishment behind him. Compared to Donald J. Trump, John Quincy Adams had it easy.
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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Deep Stater Bill Barr Sells Out Trump and America

“The great object of my fear is the federal judiciary. That body, like gravity, ever acting, with noiseless foot, and unalarming advance, gaining ground step by step, and holding what it gains, is ingulfing insidiously the special governments into the jaws of that which feeds them.” – Thomas Jefferson
‘If we are to keep our Republic, there must be one commandment: Thou shalt not ration justice.” – Learned Hand, Judge and Judicial philosopher
“The men whom the people ought to choose to represent them are too busy to take the jobs. But the politician is waiting for it. He’s the pestilence of modern times. What we should try to do is make politics as local as possible. Keep the politicians near enough to kick them. The villagers who met under the village tree could also hang their politicians to the tree. It is terrible to contemplate how few politicians are hanged.” –  G. K. Chesterton

We have a corrupt judiciary, a corrupt Justice Department and a corrupt FBI, and as Trump said when he was campaigning for the office of President in 2016, “The system is crooked.”  We have an AG whose inaction is the definitive action regarding the outcome of the 2020 election.
Attorney General Bill Barr has stated, “The U.S. Justice Department has uncovered no evidence of widespread voter fraud that could change the outcome of the 2020 election.”  I could list thousands of pieces of evidence, but obviously there hasn’t been any semblance of a Department of Justice investigation. Here is the entire response by the Trump Legal Team.
Barr has not stood for truth, for justice, for accountability and for doing his job as AG; he told us he didn’t want to influence the election, but he’s obviously doing that now.  Barr’s job is to bring justice and prosecute evil doers, many of whom surround him, not to worry about his influence or the election.
Where are the indictments of the Deep State Criminals?  How long must we wait?
He said he would not prosecute Hillary Clinton, James Comey, and Obama or Biden in the Russia probe.  We’ve waited almost two years for the results of Durham’s investigation, and it appears none is forthcoming.  What happened to Anthony Weiner’s laptop and what happened to Hunter Biden’s laptops?  The AG is supposed to treat the American people as his client, but as the top lawman, he’s been a miserable failure.
Bill Barr was recommended to President Trump by Joe diGenova and Victoria Toensing.  DiGenova stated in a recent email that he was proud of it.  Now diGenova is on the Trump Legal Team investigating all the fraud and treason committed in the 2020 election, and our AG says there is none.
Barr is an overweight bagpipe playing Deep State impresario and he and FBI Director Christopher Wray should have been shown the door long ago, but there’s more…
Let’s revisit Barr’s questionable background.

Barr’s Father

William Barr’s father is Donald Barr, who was the headmaster at Dalton School in Manhattan which was founded by progressive educator, Helen Parkhurst who took her cues from developmental psychologist Jean Piaget and education reformers such as John Dewey and Horace Mann.  Jeffrey Epstein became a professor at the Dalton School.  Yes, really!
In 1983 President Reagan nominated Donald Barr to be a member of the National Council on Educational Research.
Donald Barr also had a stint in the precursor to the CIA, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) during WWII.  Prior to that, he described himself as having a Marxist upbringing in terms of his own memoirs and ruminations on education.  He had a footnote on the dialectic and stated that as a child he enjoyed being a Marxist and reading Marx and Engels.
Barr wrote a book entitled, Who Pushed Humpty Dumpty? wherein he claimed to have three very strange radical leftist mentors in his life who migrated toward establishment mainstream status basically infiltrating old right conservatism just as did William F. Buckley and Irving Kristol.  Gordon Myrick, Ralph Lynton and Carlton Hayes were the mentors and Diana West is researching all three.

Establishment Ties

Back in 1992, the first time Bill Barr was U.S. attorney general, New York Times writer William Safire referred to him as “Coverup-General Barr” because of his role in burying evidence of then-President George H. W. Bush’s involvement in “Iraq-gate” and “Iran-Contra.”
Barr expressed his support for gun control measures as well as confiscation during the hearings in 1991 for his first time as Attorney General for President George H. W. Bush.  He is widely considered to be the author of  PL 101-647, The Crime Control Act of 1990.
As President Bush’s most notorious CIA insider from 1973 to 1977, and as the AG from 1991 to 1993, Barr wreaked havoc, flaunted the rule of law, and proved himself to be one of the CIA/Deep State’s greatest and most ruthless champions and protectors.
AG Barr owes virtually his entire career to the Bushes, so where does his allegiance truly lie?  Conservapedia gives us some important facts.
Barr donated $55,000 to establishment candidate Jeb Bush in the 2016 presidential election, but after Trump became the nominee, Barr donated only $2,700.  He was on the board of Time Warner, the parent company of CNN, between 2009 and 2018, and he thus supported its merger with AT&T when conservatives and the Trump Administration opposed it.
Sen. Patrick Leahy, who was forced to resign from the Senate Intelligence Committee for leaking information related to the Mena/Contra operation in 1987, was an enthusiastic Barr supporter. Bush DOJ official Stuart Gerson called Barr and Bob Mueller “folks of the establishment.”
Prior to his appointment as Attorney General, Barr served as Chief Counsel for the CIA airline Southern Air Transport during Iran Contra.  Robert Mueller served as Assistant Attorney General for the Criminal Division during Barr’s tenure.
Barr and Robert Mueller are personal friends and actually worked together during Barr’s first stint under George H. W. Bush from 1991-1993. Mueller headed the FBI Criminal Division at the time of the Ruby Ridge killings and was infuriated that members of Congress and public officials dared complain about the FBI sniper shooting Vicki Weaver in the head while she held her 10-month-old baby.
In August of 1992 when the Ruby Ridge siege occurred, AG Barr was in charge. After he left office, he spearheaded legal efforts to assure total immunity for Lon Horiuchi, the sniper who killed Vicki Weaver, and any federal sniper who behaved similarly.
In late March of 2020, Bill Barr asked Congress to expand legal authorities to circumvent civil liberties because of Covid-19, which easily happened and gave governors dictatorial totalitarian powers over their citizens which we are still experiencing nine months later.


Barr was a full-time CIA operative, recruited by Langley out of high school, starting in 1971. Barr’s youth career goal was to head the CIA. See my previous article, AG William Barr, CIA Asset and Deep State Impresario.
In the final pages of Compromised, Terry Reed writes that in 1992, several years after working with CIA-connected Robert Johnson, he made the “miraculous find” that “Robert Johnson” was also William P. Barr.  Reed’s CIA contact, William Barr, known at that time by his alias Robert Johnson, told Reed that Attorney General Edwin Meese had appointed Michael Fitzhugh to be US Attorney in Western Arkansas, and that he would stonewall any investigation into the Mena, Arkansas drug-related activities. This obstruction of justice by Justice Department officials did occur.
Don’t forget Edwin Meese’s involvement in the Inslaw/Promis software theft by the federal government.
When George H. W. Bush became CIA Director in 1976, Barr joined the CIA’s “legal office” and Bush’s inner circle, and worked alongside Bush’s longtime CIA enforcers Theodore “Ted” Shackley, Felix Rodriguez, Thomas Clines, and others, several of whom were likely involved with the Bay of Pigs/John F. Kennedy assassination, and numerous southeast Asian operations, from the Phoenix Program to Golden Triangle narco-trafficking.
The Church Committee was a U.S. Senate select committee in 1975 that investigated abuses by the Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Internal Revenue Service.  Barr stonewalled and destroyed the Committee investigations into CIA abuses.
A memo uncovered in the Central Intelligence Agency’s declassified archives shows that during his time at the CIA’s Office of Legislative Council, current AG Barr drafted letters calling for the end of the moratorium on destroying records imposed on the Agency ahead of the Church Committee hearings.  We need to keep the docs showing the evil of the CIA, but Barr wants them destroyed.
And President George H. W. Bush was all for the destruction since he had headed the CIA and was likely culpable for many of the CIAs actions.

Obama/Biden Culpability

There is strong evidence that President Barack Hussein Obama and Vice-President Joe Biden were involved in a conspiracy to obstruct justice and a conspiracy to criminality that shows the Justice Department wasn’t interested in following the corrupt trails to begin with.
AG Bill Barr has actually given a pass to former President Obama and VP Joe Biden saying there is nothing he has seen in John Durham’s investigation to suggest any wrongdoing by either Obama or Biden.  Barr told reporters he has a general idea how Durham’s investigation into Obama gate and the conduct of the Obama era intelligence community is going, and he confirmed, “Some aspects are being investigated as potential crimes.”  He did all of this standing next to Deep State FBI Director Wray on May 18th, 2020.
Barr made this statement, “What happened to President Trump throughout his 2016 campaign and election was abhorrent.  It was a grave injustice and it was unprecedented in American history.  As to President Obama and Vice President Biden, whatever their level of involvement, based on the information I have today, I don’t expect Mr. Durham’s work will lead to a criminal investigation of either man.  Our concern over potential criminality is focused on others.”  Coverup…no justice!

No Justice!

Barr said that while potential crimes by the Deep State are under investigation, it seems to be happening at an extraordinarily slow pace.  It is even slow by DOJ standards established by the Obama presidency.  Former CIA Director John Brennan (who voted for communist Gus Hall in the 1976 presidential election) was interviewed by Durham in August of this year.  It was not a criminal investigation; he was interviewed as a witness.
Why did it take so long?  Barr’s DOJ seems to be playing cover for the Deep State.  Why did his investigation of the Clintons end with a whimper?  Why did he refuse to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey for leaking memos with classified information?  Why did he refuse to charge former FBI Deputy Director and then Acting Director Andrew McCabe for lying to investigators?  It was Bill Barr who praised former Acting Attorney General Rod Rosenstein despite Rosenstein signing FISA’s and helping to launch the Mueller witch-hunt which was fraudulent from the very beginning.
AG Barr also played a role in the sweetheart deal for former senate aid, James Wolfe who served only two months in prison for leaking the Carter Page FISA warrants to four leftwing media, one with whom he was having an affair.  Wolfe was never charged with leaking classified information. Politico reports that during the lame duck session after the 2018 midterms, Senators Warner, Richard Burr and Diane Feinstein asked for leniency in his case and received it.  And Barr wants FISA reauthorized without any reforms.

Barr Appointments

John Durham has interviewed several of the FBI investigators who worked on Robert Mueller’s witch hunt.  It remains unknown which ones are being investigated and it is also unknown whether any prosecutors are being investigated as well.  If Durham follows the same model used by the Justice Department of late, justice will likely not be served.
If Trump ultimately loses despite the treason and fraud, Barr can bury it, but if he wins, then Barr has to have a scapegoat.  Will the people stand for criminals going free and the innocents being destroyed?
Barr said it was just fine that the House went through with impeachment! But the impeachment was to cover Biden’s son Hunter and his Ukrainian Burisma dealings.  Is Barr ruling that out of his investigation?  And what about Pelosi’s son, Kerry’s step-son, Chris Heinz, and Mitt Romney’s top advisor, Cofer Black?
If the president wants justice himself, he cannot rely on these Deep State agencies that should have been cleaned out three years ago.  He can and should appoint his own special council outside of the FBI and their investigators to do this.  Sidney Powell is busy trying to save the Republic.
Barr’s appointment of U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Jensen actually succeeded in getting exculpatory evidence to Sidney Powell and forced the DOJ to dismiss the case against General Flynn.  This evidence should have been given to his attorneys prior to Flynn’s plea of guilty which was done to save his son from Mueller’s attack dogs.
The AG has now assigned Trump appointee U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Texas, John Bash, to examine “criminal unmasking” by the Obama administration.
Sounds good, except for the fact that the DOJ is defending the president’s Deep State persecutors and they are suggesting they won’t do anything serious regarding criminal prosecution.

Richard Grenell

Acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell did more in three months to declassify information about Obama administration officials who were behind the “unmasking” of Michael Flynn. Grenell declassified the transcripts of Flynn’s phone calls with Russian Ambassador Kislyak, which proves the General did nothing wrong.
There is wide spread domestic political spying, far greater than AG Barr will admit. Brennan and Clapper had their own secret surveillance system.  Barr also has a long history of supporting expansive government surveillance programs and related legislation, including the Patriot Act.
As head of Trump’s transition team, Mike Pence chose his neo-con Deep State Republican establishment mainstay friend, Dan Coates as Director of National Intelligence.  In two and a half years, Coates did nothing to release these materials.  AG Barr and FBI Director Wray were mum.
Sidney Powell went to the mat for her client and clamored for the Justice Department to release the exculpatory evidence.  They’ve never given the original 302s (reports of Flynn interview by Strzok and Pientka), which I believe were destroyed once Strzok and Page rewrote them.  Neither Barr nor Wray acted to release the documents. Only last January, federal prosecutors wanted General Flynn to spend six months in prison.

Dobbs on Barr

Fox News’ host Lou Dobbs is not at all pleased with Bill Barr.  “Where the hell are the indictments, where the hell are the charges against the corrupt, the politically corrupt deep state within the Justice Department, the FBI?” Dobbs asked. “Why in the hell are we hearing apologies from someone in that rancid, corrupt department?”
Dobbs has stated more than once that Barr should be more loyal to Trump and shot down the longstanding practice of impartiality for DOJ officials.  Think of Bobbie Kennedy and his brother, President John Kennedy.  As Dobbs says, “The Justice Department works for the president.  It’s part of the executive branch.”
Since AG Barr took over for the impotent AG Jeff Sessions in February 2019, he has dropped the Clinton Foundation investigation, punted on charging Comey for leaking classified memos, and punted on charging McCabe despite a slam-dunk 18 USC 1001 false statements case.


Diana West, author of American Betrayal and The Red Thread stated that when President Trump chose William Barr for his AG, her heart sank, and for good reason.  Barr was a double agent during the Iran contra affair and a fixer for Poppy Bush.  Barr wanted the Church Commission to remove the moratorium on the destruction of CIA documents…covering for his bosses.  While at the CIA Barr drafted letters asking if the agency could again “start” destroying Church Committee records.
It’s been nearly two years since Bill Barr became the U.S. Attorney General.  While skilled at coverups, he has been derelict regarding indictments of his Deep State comrades. Justice has been swept under the rug.
©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Woke Culture Comes for America’s High Schools

High schools across America are embracing a woke curriculum. Charles Fain Lehman, adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute, says he is troubled by a trend in education of embracing wokeness above reason and fact.
Lehman, who is also a staff writer at The Washington Free Beacon, joins the show to discuss his recent article “American High Schools Go Woke” and how this development may affect the nation years from now.
We also cover these stories:

  • The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the length of a quarantine after exposure to the coronavirus may be shortened from 14 days to seven to 10 days.
  •  CDC Director Robert Redfield says America could see a massive spike in COVID-19 cases this winter.
  • Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, asks the Supreme Court to hear an emergency appeal on Pennsylvania’s election results.

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Virginia Allen: I am so pleased to welcome to the show Charles Fain Lehman, a journalist at The Washington Free Beacon and an adjunct fellow at the Manhattan Institute. Charles, thanks so much for coming on today.
Charles Fain Lehman: Thanks for having me on, Virginia. I feel glad to be here.
Allen: So today, we’re talking about a pretty popular subject, and that is woke culture. And that word, “woke,” is thrown around a lot. So I want to begin by just asking you to define exactly what we mean when we use that word, woke.
>You wrote a great piece on this that we’re going to get into in just a minute, but I think it would be really helpful to start with just, what exactly do we mean by that? What does that term, woke, mean?
Lehman: Yeah, absolutely, and I think as a term, it contains contradictions or contains multitudes, as it were.
There’s an author, Wesley Yang, who I think the term is generally attributed to, but refers to what he calls the successor ideology, the ideology that comes after late 20th-century Clinton-ite, triumphalist liberalism.
And it’s really more of an inchoate thing, but it’s the set of increasingly dominant liberal-progressive ideas that really took off in the wake of Barack Obama’s reelection in 2012 when we see a lot of this churning up.
So it imports a lot of academic ideas from the 1990s and earlier, has a great deal of focus on race or critical race theory; on sex, gender, and trans issues broadly; and I think is characterized by this particular social justice outlook on how the world works. A fixation on identity categories and defining things in those terms and then defining the world as a set of struggles between those identity categories.
And also, in some senses by the degree of its interest in ideological purity, in getting people to commit themselves fully to the ideology and spurning the nonbelievers, even within their own circles.
I think most viewers, most listeners will recognize this as that increasingly dominant strain in the American left more broadly, especially the college-educated or elite left.
Allen: And you have done quite a bit of reporting on this subject. You’ve just wrote a piece called “American High Schools Go Woke.”
And in the area of education, for several years, we have seen this increase in woke curriculum being promoted, being endorsed. But after the death of George Floyd and then across the summer with protests and riots, it felt like a lot of that very, very progressive education was fast-tracked in schools.
So can you just give us an update, what exactly are we seeing now? What’s actually happening in high schools across America?
Lehman: Yeah, absolutely, and I think the first thing that I would do is I would encourage your viewers to type in the name of their local school district or type in the name of their local private school into Google with the word “anti-racism.”
And they will find almost invariably that there’s a set of resources, or [a] page, or a letter discussing the school’s commitment to the importance of anti-racism, whereby anti-racism what’s really meant is a set of particular active commitments meant to combat racism that’s distinguished from being not racist, as being a set of beliefs that are … about correcting racial injustices actively.
I think across the country, there are both private and public schools that have pushed huge quantitative of time, money, and energy into so-called anti-racist agendas since the summer, essentially.
So, for example, in my article, I looked at, on the one coast, there’s Harvard-Westlake, which is by some measures the No. 1 prep school in the United States, and they released a 20-page letter over the summer from their administrators saying, “Here’s all of the ways in which we are racist, and here are all of the steps that we’re taking to combat racism.”
For example, their 11th-grade U.S. history course is going to be overhauled to be taught from a critical race theory perspective, which means it will incorporate the latest in progressive pedagogy.
On the other coast, we at the Free Beacon have looked at Fairfax County, which is one of the collar counties of D.C. in Virginia, where they spent something like $20,000 to get Ibram Kendi, who’s a prominent race scholar, to come talk to them. This is $20,000 of taxpayer money.
I dug up the details on the Anti-Racist Reading List that was sent out to parents and students at one Fairfax area school. So really, I mean, I have identified very few schools that haven’t been touched by this stuff in some way, and they’re pushing the same ideas everywhere.
Allen: Yeah. I mean, I love the examples that you give in the article because it’s wild when you actually see what’s happening, and what’s happening not that far away.
You tell about one Connecticut prep school in your article, Loomis Chaffee, and they have introduced mandatory diversity, equality, and inclusion training for students. And they’re also requiring faculty to read Kendi’s “Stamped From the Beginning” and [Robin] DiAngelo’s “White Fragility” for what they call professional development.
So you obviously see that there is a problem here, that this kind of mandatory woke education is harmful. Why do you see it as so harmful?
Lehman: I think there are a couple of answers to that, and you can talk about what sort of ideas it’s spreading. I think that there are derogatory features of it.
If you look at responses to DiAngelo’s book, if you look at some of the more extreme instances, frankly, the accounts of race that they give are startling and disturbing.
There’s a controversy because the National Museum of American History I think over the summer released an info sheet about the norms of white culture, which implied that non-White people aren’t on time to stuff and that that’s a white norm and non-white people don’t work hard so white people are willing to work hard.
No, I believe that everyone is able to work hard. That’s an important tenant of racial equality, is that we believe that people are equal in common decency and dignity.
But I think that the other thing to highlight is that a lot of this stuff doesn’t appear to work. It doesn’t appear to have a major impact.
I think everyone can reasonably agree that if we have tools that reduce racial animosity and tension, those are good. All else equal, we want that. But there’s a reasonably strong research finding at the corporate level that the corporate diversity trainings, their primary effect is not to reduce inequality in either experience or in hiring, but actually increase racial animosity and to have no effect otherwise on who ends up in top positions.
It seems like it mostly takes some extreme example of Robin DiAngelo, if you pay somebody $20,000 to spend two hours screaming at your employees about how all of their problems are caused by racial animosity, the effect of that will be to cause them to resent each other even more, which is not really surprising.
And then I think this plays out—I highlighted in the piece a couple of different stories about progressive schools that, really, their progressivism has veered into a disturbing level of anti-Semitism.
There was reporting from Tablet Magazine looking at [a] school in New York where they divided kids out by affinity groups that were based on their ethnic identity, and how all of the Jewish kids felt super targeted by being put into the Jewish group and being told that they were terrible Zionists and … the oppression of the Palestinians, that was their fault as Jews.
So that kind of division by race, especially among high schoolers, can promote bullying and destructive behavior.
Virginia Allen: Wow. No, I mean, I think on so many levels, just fundamentally the fact that, OK why are we continuing to do things that, one, we’re seeing really don’t help, and then, two, that actually have real harmful effects?
I do want to get your opinion on something that you reference in your article. That’s the 1619 Project. We’ve talked a lot about the 1619 Project on this show, the flaws with the curriculum, but we are seeing it continue to be implemented in schools across the country.
I want to get your perspective, as a journalist, and specifically how the media reports on the 1619 Project, because we know that there flaws. The New York Times themselves, they published a major correction to the project central piece.
So why do you think so much of mainstream media just looks the other way at something that’s being so promulgated but is so clearly flawed?
Lehman: I think I want to answer that question pretty generally and then focus in on the particular example, which is that there were lots of institutions in American society today, whether it’s the Pulitzer Prize, or The New York Times, or it’s who gets the Nobel Peace Prize, which has historical legitimacy, which it did.
Their authority derives from a past treatment of authority, and which today have been more or less co-opted by partisan liberal interests. They use the stamp of their legitimacy to approve things which are ideologically correct if they’re not factually correct.
And so this is how you end up in situations, and this is when you talk with journalists specifically, where journalists are happy to pat themselves on the back with things that are factually inaccurate or which don’t set an accurate picture, but which served the ideological ends that they want them to serve. You have a laundering of legitimacy that goes on.
So I think something like 1619, the question is not, is it right? Is it presenting an accurate picture? I don’t know a huge amount about the details, but for I think your reporting on it, the question is, is this how we imagined history really looks in this Howard Zinn sense of? Is this the untold secret story of history that confirms our ideological priors?
And if the answer’s yes, then they’re going to go, “OK, this is good. And we’re going to put our stamp of approval on it, and we’re going to help advance this thing having influence in society.” That tool set is apparent across American elite society, and it’s so apparent in that case too.
Virginia Allen: Interesting. I want to dive in a little bit more into some of these examples that you give in your piece about what is happening at some of these schools.
I was really fascinated, and then I did some extra homework on it, because I was really interested, that in San Diego, their public schools have actually overhauled their traditional grading system because of racism.
So they’ve changed the way that they grade as a way to combat racism. It’s a little unclear how one plus one, not sure. They didn’t seem to draw a super direct link for how changing the grading system then will help to defeat racism in that school district. Do you know more about that situation?
Lehman: Yeah. I mean, I think, basically, one of the enduring problems in American education policy over the past 40, 50 years is that there are large and persistent gaps along race on any standardized tests that you care to name, which is to say Asian students and then white students consistently and significantly outperform Latino students and then black students, and this is called the achievement gap.
And the why is a really complicated question and there are lots of different debates about how we can address this, and I think it’s important to ask, what are the underlying causes? That might be whether there [is] socioeconomic inequality, or lack of access to resources, or lack of school choice.
There any given number of factors at play, but having observed this disparity and from beating their heads against it for the past 50 years, I think many of the most progressive figures in education policy and in teaching theory have basically said, “It’s no longer relevant to ask, ‘What is the cause of this disparity?’ We should just choose the disparities, ipso facto, racists.”
This is the … logic, “If there is a disparity, then racism is what causes it. There’s no other plausible explanation. And therefore … we should address the disparity at the level of metric.” Which is to say, “If being graded poorly on homework is the thing that is leading to the achievement gap, the measure of achievement gap on homework between black kids and white kids, then the solution is to change how we grade homework until the achievement gap goes away.”
In other words, I think their contention is that the measures are hopelessly racist and so we should change the measures.
I think my contention might be, maybe not homework, but certainly standardized testing is a reasonably good measure of something like academic ability.
And so whatever the underlying causes of the disparities, again, with racists, you can argue inequality, whatever the underlying causes of the disparities are, changing the measure to make that measured disparity go away, changing what your measure is, doesn’t actually address the inequalities or issues that are causing the disparity to emerge in the first place. But I think that’s the thinking that’s going on there.
Virginia Allen: Yeah. That seems so dangerous and obviously so not helpful to those students that are struggling that need the extra help.
I mean, I’m just thinking, for a few years you’ll have teachers and administrators thinking, “Well, we ‘fixed’ the problem,” through a bizarre solution that isn’t a solution at all, a major problem that needs to be changed probably on multiple levels to really get these students up to par and get them the help that they need.
I do want to pivot and just ask you a little bit about something that you referred to, which is director of diversity. This has become a popular job title at a number of schools. Lots of schools, lots of businesses are hiring someone that’s specifically just on staff to make sure that that community is racially aware, that they are diverse enough.
So what exactly do these people do who wear this title of something like director of diversity?
Lehman: Yeah. I mean, I think it’s a person who is responsible for, the industry buzzword is DEI—diversity, equity, and inclusion—and broadly speaking, it’s the person who is responsible for any initiatives related to those things as a set of priorities for a business, or a school, or a nonprofit, what have you.
And I think that can mean metrics for diversity, that can mean organizing a speaking event, that can mean consulting on who’s getting promoted and who isn’t. I think it’s a person who’s specifically responsible for forwarding a diversity, equity, and inclusion set of goals.
To some extent that might be good. It’s conceivable that they could do that role well. I think often in practice, that role, as I argue in the piece, often in practice what that role does is identify reasons that more diversity, equity, inclusion are needed.
So if you look at these schools, their roster of DEI people [has] only grown over the past five to 10 years. They might’ve started with one diversity chief, and then because of that person finding issues, they hire another person, and then another person, and then you have a seven-person group who’s responsible for diversity.
And it is telling to me that as these organizations add administrators, the number of acquisitions of racism only increase, the number of identified instances of racism only increase. Maybe they’re measuring better, but they may also typically be measuring more.
I think it is generally true that administrators of this sort seek in their own interest in trying to accrue, just like anybody, trying to accrue resources. And the best way to do that is to say, “Well, actually, you need even more DEI than you first thought.”
Allen: Wow, fascinating. And I know you have specifically written about that subject in other pieces, and we’ll link those in the show notes so our audience could read your work on that.
But I want to ask, apart from education, we are seeing that woke culture is really seeping into things like professional sports, of course, TV [shows] and movies, large corporations. So if we fast forward maybe 10 or 15 years, what [effect do you think] this very progressive woke culture ideology is going to have on America long term?
Lehman: I’ll say two things. One is, I’m not sure what’s going to happen in 10 to 15 years, in part because it is hard to disentangle this push for wokism and it’s contemporary political context.
Clearly, it started the second half of the Obama administration, but was empowered by the Trump administration, a liberal visceral backlash against the Trump administration. Maybe with Joe Biden in office, it’ll ratchet back. Maybe not. Who knows? Let’s imagine it doesn’t.
I think I would say, here’s the thing that’s not going to happen, I am not optimistic about the spread of woke ideology actually reducing substantive racial inequality in United States.
If our priority is doing something like reducing the black-white wealth gap, I don’t think it’s going to have a major impact on that. I don’t think Uber Eats-ing from a black-owned restaurant is going to have a major impact on that, even though they lecture me about it all the time.
I certainly don’t think you lecturing your employees about their white fragility is going to have a major impact on that. And I think in general, it is unlikely to even help diversity at the top end of the distribution. The Nasdaq can require you to have a more diverse board in order to be admitted to it, but I think companies will be really good at skirting that.
Instead, what I imagine is that mostly the serpent will leave its own tail, that as with diversity execs I talked about a minute ago, in schools, the principle applies more broadly.
What mostly will happen [is] they’ll find new ways to identify hard-to-measure racial problems, racial wrongthink, and then hire new consultants and new employees and new directors who are responsible for ferreting it out, none of which will have any interest in correcting any substantive imbalance from a policy perspective, but will instead so focus on reinforcing this idea and therefore, frankly, generating more profit for the people who propound it.
Allen: Charles, we just so appreciate your insight on this issue. I do want to ask, where can our listeners follow you, find your work?
Lehman: Absolutely. I think the best place is at the Free Beacon. That’s I’m there. All of my great colleagues are there. You can also follow me on Twitter. I’m @CharlesFLehman. … Those are both good places.
Allen: Great. Charles, thank you so much.
Lehman: Yeah. Thank you.

Virginia Allen

Virginia Allen is a news producer for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: @Virginia_Allen5.
RELATED ARTICLE: The Left’s Gender Theories Are Anti-Scientific Nonsense, but They’re Gaining Ground

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Michael Flynn Promotes Petition Calling On Trump To Suspend The Constitution And Declare Martial Law

Former national security adviser Michael Flynn promoted a petition Tuesday calling on President Donald Trump to temporarily suspend the U.S. Constitution, declare martial law and order the military to oversee a national re-vote for the 2020 presidential election.
The petition, published Tuesday by the Ohio-based non-profit group We The People Convention, said there was “no peaceful way left to preserve our Union” following President-elect Joe Biden’s electoral victory and urged Trump to exercise his “extraordinary authority” to avert a second civil war.
“Limited Martial Law is clearly a better option than Civil War!” a letter accompanying the petition states.
Flynn, to whom Trump granted a presidential pardon last Wednesday related to the retired Army general’s December 2017 guilty plea for making false statements to the FBI, tweeted a link to the petition Tuesday evening.
“Freedom never kneels except for God,” Flynn tweeted.
The letter accompanying the petition said Trump must be prepared to act as former President Abraham Lincoln did at the onset of the Civil War in the early 1860s, including:

  • Ordering “hundreds of Northern newspapers that spoke against him to be shut down and their owners and editors arrested.”
  • Ordering the arrest of an Ohio congressman “for the crime of speaking out against him.”
  • Signing an arrest warrant for the then-Chief Justice of the Supreme Court who ruled that Lincoln had illegally suspended the Writ of Habeas Corpus.
  • Ordering the arrest of thousands of Maryland citizens “for the crime of ‘suspected Southern sympathies,”‘ some of whom were held in military prisons without trial for years.

“Many will object to these actions, as they did in Lincoln’s day, but we assure you that We the People understand that no less action will suffice to prevent the loss of our Constitutional right to vote and preserve our Republic,” the letter stated.
The letter said Trump’s declaration of martial law and temporary suspension of the Constitution must be for the sole purpose of having the military oversee a national re-vote that “reflects the true will of the people.”
Pro-Trump lawyer Lin Wood also promoted the petition on Tuesday, tweeting that Trump should “declare martial law” to avert a civil war spurred on by bad actors led by communist China.
Numerous news outlets have called the election for Biden, who is expected to receive 306 Electoral College votes to Trump’s 232.
The electors for each state are expected to meet and cast their ballots on Dec. 14, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
Trump said Thursday he will vacate the White House if the Electoral College formally declares Biden the winner of the 2020 election.
‘Certainly I Will,’: Trump Says He’ll Vacate White House If Biden Wins Electoral College Vote
Trump Won His Other Campaign — to Destroy Media Credibility
Vice President Pence Swears in Mark Kelly to Arizona Senate Seat
EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Facebook and Twitter Immediately Flag Trump’s 46-Minute-Long Speech on Alleged Voter Fraud

President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute-long video Wednesday afternoon to Facebook and Twitter that was immediately marked as misleading by both companies.
The president framed it as an “update” on the campaign’s “ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud that took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd elections.”
‘This may be the most important speech I’ve ever made,” he states at the open. “Lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous period of time, especially when you have to prove almost nothing.”
Trump then began summarizing a number of allegations raised by former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani and other campaign lawyers. He claimed that “many people in the media, and even judges so far, have refused to accept it.”
“They know it’s true. They know it’s there. They know who won the election but they refuse to say ‘you’re right,’” he continued. “Our country needs somebody to say you’re right.”
“Many very smart people have congratulated me on all we’ve done,” Trump said. “But then they went on to say as big and as important as these events were, the single greatest achievement in your presidency will be exactly what you’re doing right now.”
The White House declined a number of Daily Caller’s inquiries about the video, which appeared to be filmed in the White House Diplomatic Room.



Senior White House correspondent. Follow Christian on Twitter and Instagram
Trump Threatens To Veto Defense Authorization Act Unless It Fully Terminates Section 230
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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Election Came Under ‘Coordinated Assault and Siege,’ Trump Says

WATCH: President Donald J. Trump statement on protecting the 2020 election.

President Donald Trump told Americans why he has not conceded the election in an unprecedented video message late Wednesday afternoon that he said “may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.”
“The constitutional process must be allowed to continue,” Trump said in the speech recorded at the White House as his reelection campaign pursued litigation in several states and state legislatures investigated voter fraud.
“We are going to defend the honesty of the vote by ensuring every legal ballot is counted and that no illegal ballot is counted,” the president said.
Major media outlets projected Nov. 7 that former Vice President Joe Biden had won the Nov. 3 election by garnering more than the necessary 270 electoral votes.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

In the past two weeks, state legislative panels in the closely contested states of Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes), Michigan (16 electoral votes), and Arizona (11 electoral votes) heard testimony from witnesses who alleged large-scale election fraud.
Concurrently, Trump’s legal team is challenging the election results in those three states as well as Georgia (16 electoral votes), Nevada (six), and Wisconsin (10).
“All you have to do is watch the hearings and see for yourself the evidence is overwhelming. The fraud that we’ve collected in recent weeks is overwhelming having to do with our elections,” Trump said.
The president’s remarks, recorded and released without notice to the White House press corps, went for 46 minutes and offered the most detailed case yet for his challenges of the unofficial results.
The Electoral College will pick the winner Dec. 14.
“There is still plenty of time to certify the correct winner of an election, and that’s what we are still fighting to do,” Trump said. “But no matter when it happens, when [witnesses] see fraud, when they see false votes, and when those votes number far more than is necessary, you can’t let another person steal that election from you.”
Trump said that while “I don’t mind if I lose an election,” he doesn’t want to see an election stolen.
He said “our election system … is now under coordinated assault and siege.”
“Ultimately, I am prepared to accept any accurate election result and I hope that Joe Biden is as well,” Trump said.
However, he said: “If we are right about the fraud, Joe Biden can’t be president. We’re talking about hundreds of thousands of votes. We’re talking about numbers like nobody has ever seen before.”
Trump complained about the risk inherent in mail-in voting and early voting well before the campaign’s final weeks, as well as lack of safeguards against voter fraud.
“We used to have what was called Election Day. Now we have election weeks and months, and lots of bad things happened during this ridiculous amount of time, especially when you had to do almost nothing to exercise our greatest privilege, the right to vote,” Trump said.
The president also spoke more about Biden.
“My opponent was told to ‘Stay away, don’t campaign, we don’t need you, we’ve got it,’” Trump said. “In fact, they were acting like they already knew what the outcome was going to be, they had it covered, and perhaps they did, very sadly for our country. It was all very, very strange.”

Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is chief national affairs correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Abuse of Power: Inside The Three-Year Campaign to Impeach Donald Trump.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.

The Most Important Speech I’ve Ever Made’ — Facebook And Twitter Immediately Flag Trump’s 46-Minute-Long Alleged Voter …
President Trump Files ‘Personal’ Lawsuit In Wisconsin, Requests Legislature Choose New Electors
Michael Flynn Promotes Petition Calling On Trump To Suspend The Constitution And Declare Martial Law
‘If Dead People Can Do It, So Can You’: John Kennedy Encourages Georgia Republicans To Turn Out In Special Election

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

American History Down the Memory Hole?

Last week we celebrated Thanksgiving, but is this holiday becoming so politically incorrect that one day it will be doomed to be sent down the “memory hole”?
There is a war on American history. Over the Thanksgiving weekend, Antifa and other leftwing groups toppled more historical statues. Tyler O’Neil of PJ Media (11/28/20) describes the extent of this vandalism, which included the spray-painting of anti-Thanksgiving messages and statues torn down in Chicago, Minneapolis, Portland, and Spokane.
Statues that were toppled or defaced included George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and William McKinley.
It is interesting to note, during these anti-Thanksgiving melees, that George Washington was the first president to declare Thanksgiving as a holiday—a time for the nation to thank God for us having been able to create the Constitution. And Lincoln was the first president to make Thanksgiving an annual holiday.
This weekend’s vandalism, of course, comes a few months after the toppling of all sorts of American historical statues, including Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Ulysses S. Grant, and even abolitionist Frederick Douglas. The war on America as founded continues unabated.
One of the emphases in last week’s new spate of American history-bashing seemed to focus on a grievance of some Native Americans. There was a push for what they called “a national decolonial day of action” and what they called “land back.”
O’Neil explains: “’Land back’ seemingly refers to The LANDBACK campaign, a Native American movement supposedly fighting ‘white supremacy.’ The campaign calls for the dismantling of the ‘white supremacy structures’ supposedly responsible for removing Native Americans from their lands.”
America has never been perfect. Injustices have been done. On the other hand, we have made great strides to address many of these past sins. Meanwhile, notes O’Neil, “the nefarious message of Marxist critical race theory suggests we should upend society in order to satisfy historical grievances in the name of racial justice. This toxic vision undermines the very real progress America has made in terms of establishing civil rights regardless of race and in terms of securing broad prosperity through a free market economy.”
Recently, I spoke with a Native American pastor to get his thoughts on the Pilgrims and American history for a television documentary. Rev. Billy Falling, author of My Cherokee Roots, does not agree with those who denigrate the founding of America for all the bad things that did indeed happen—later (long after the Pilgrims)—to Native Americans.
For example, Rev. Falling said of the Pilgrims, in whose honor we celebrate Thanksgiving: “The Pilgrims did have good relations with the Indians. The Pilgrims were kind to the Indians. They showed them love. They showed them compassion. They showed them the godly way to live.”
Falling added, “As a Native American, I thank God for the Europeans that brought us the Gospel and brought us Western Civilization.” He said that the Indians need the Gospel as much as any group of people: “We owe everything to those who brought us civilization and brought us out of the cannibalism and out of all of the sins of the flesh that were practiced in the day just like the heathen of the world. It’s hard today to find a ‘sweat’ where you can go as a Native American and go inside and ‘smoke out your sins,’ but it’s easy to find Native Americans in any congregation in the United States, worshiping the Lord Jesus Christ because of the Europeans.  And I thank God for that.”
The war on American history does not bode well for our future. Tens of millions of young Americans are brainwashed into thinking America is evil and always was evil.
In his nightmare vision of a totalitarian future, “1984,” novelist George Orwell speaks of history constantly being rewritten by the state in order to satisfy those in charge. That history which was no longer acceptable to the Party was sent down the “memory holes” where it was to be burned away in “the enormous furnaces which were hidden somewhere in the recesses of the building.”
Orwell adds, “And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed—if all records told the same tale—then the lie passed into history and became truth. ‘Who controls the past,’ ran the Party slogan, ‘controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.’”
Golda Meir, former prime minister of Israel, once noted, “One cannot and must not try to erase the past merely because it does not fit the present.”
Those of us who appreciate what God has done in the creation of America have a lot of work on our hands to try and convince a lot of young Americans who have been brainwashed by Marxist assaults on American history in our schools that our history, flawed as it is, is worth preserving. Abolish Thanksgiving? No thanks.

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RELATED VIDEO: Sidney Powell & Lin Wood Attend ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally in Georgia Today 1:05 ET (Live Video) | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News

EDITORS NOTE: This entry was posted in Leftist election rigging by Eeyore on the Vlad Tepes Blog. ©All rights reserved. Bookmark the permalink.

Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock Under Investigation for Voter Fraud

For what, you say? Voter fraud. Snap!

Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Under Investigation

A group led by Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is under investigation for sending ballot applications to non-residents.
According to The Washington Free Beacon:
A voter registration group that was led by Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock until earlier this year is under investigation for allegedly sending ballot applications to non-residents, the Georgia secretary of state announced on Monday.
The New Georgia Project, where Warnock served as CEO until February, is one of four voter sign-up groups being probed for improper registration activities, Georgia secretary of state Brad Raffensperger said in a press conference.
The announcement comes as Democrats have praised Raffensperger, a Republican, for pushing back against President Donald Trump’s allegations of election fraud in Georgia during the presidential election. Meanwhile, Warnock, who is engaged in a heated race that could determine party control of the Senate, dismissed past investigations of voter fraud against the group as “alarmist.”
While Raffensperger said he has not seen indications of systemic fraud, he said there is evidence of “third-party groups working to register people in other states to vote here in Georgia.”
Raffensperger said the New Georgia Project “sent voter registration applications to New York City,” in a potential violation of state law.
“Voting in Georgia when you are not a resident of Georgia is a felony,” said Raffensperger. “These third-party groups have a responsibility to not encourage illegal voting. If they do so, they will be held responsible.”
Warnock was listed as CEO of the New Georgia Project from 2017 until Feb. 21, 2020, according to the group’s corporate filings. He has been identified as the New Georgia Project’s chairman and spokesman in media reports and has said he organized voter mobilization drives for the group, including a push to register 80,000 new minority voters in 2014. His campaign did not respond to a request for comment about the ongoing investigation.
Walter Jones, a spokesman for the Georgia secretary of state’s office, said he was not aware of Warnock’s connection to the New Georgia Project and declined to provide additional details on the allegations, citing the ongoing investigation.
The New Georgia Project is a “nonpartisan effort to register and civically engage Georgians,” according to its website. The group, which was founded by failed gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams, has registered “nearly 400,000 people from underrepresented communities to vote in Georgia,” its website claims.
Warnock, a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, is headed into a runoff election against incumbent senator Kelly Loeffler (R., Ga.) on Jan. 5. The race is one of two in Georgia that will determine party control of the Senate next year.
The New Georgia Project was the subject of a prior voter fraud probe by the secretary of state’s office in 2014, when contractors working for the group were accused of forging voter registration applications. The case was referred to law enforcement in 2017, but charges were never brought.
Supporters of the New Georgia Project criticized the 2014 investigation as an attempt at voter suppression. “Using the word voter fraud is alarmist, and it was totally unnecessary,” said Warnock in 2017, arguing that the lack of charges against the group showed that it has “excellent internal controls and that we have followed the law.”
Raffensperger said on Monday that three other voter registration groups are also under investigation by his office. One of the organizations, America Votes, allegedly sent “absentee ballot applications to people at addresses where they have not lived since 1994,” said Raffensperger.
A group called Vote Forward is accused of registering a dead Alabama voter in Georgia, and another, Operation New Voter Registration Georgia, is accused of encouraging college students to temporarily change their residency for the purpose of voting in the state.

WATCH: Dominion Employee Caught on Video Downloading Data on USB, Plugging it Into a Laptop, Manipulating Data and then Palming the USB
WATCH LIVE… USPS WHISTLEBLOWERS COME FORWARD: Driver Delivered Hundreds of Thousands of Completed Ballots Across Three State Lines
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HISTORIC TRUMP PEACE: Saudi Arabia officially approves Israeli flights over its airspace
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib retweets genocidal slogan ‘From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free’

This slogan means no Jewish state at all, and that would mean the slaughter of millions of Jews. But it’s acceptable on the Left today to harbor such genocidal aspirations.

“Democrat Rashida Tlaib Promotes Slogan Associated With Calling For Elimination Of Israel,” by Ryan Saavedra, Daily Wire, November 29, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) promoted a tweet on her Twitter account on Sunday that contained a phrase that is associated with calling for the elimination of Israel. highlighted the tweet that Tlaib retweeted, which stated: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”
“Rashida Tlaib RT’s out the same message that got Marc Lamont Hill canned from CNN,” noted. “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free – code for eradicating the State of Israel and its millions of Jews. Reminder – this is a sitting U.S. Congresswoman.”
The Daily Beast, a left-wing publication, wrote the following about the meaning of the phrase:
The river in this formulation is the Jordan, the naturally occurring eastern border of Israel and of the West Bank; the sea is the Mediterranean to the west. Uttered by advocates of the Palestinian cause for decades, the pithy slogan very pointedly makes no place for Israel. It evokes a strip of Middle Eastern land where Israel is no more, replaced by a unified Palestinian entity in the space it once occupied. It could be that this entity would welcome and protect a Jewish population. But when supporters of the Jewish state hear those 10 words, they worry about their potentially violent implications.
CNN did fire then-contributor Marc Lamont Hill in 2018 after he used the slogan, which The Times of Israel noted was associated with “Palestinian extremists,” during a speech at the United Nations. Hamas has repeatedly used the phrase…

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pub Owners Declare ‘Autonomous Zone’ to Keep Doors Open Amid COVID-19 Restrictions

Owners of a Staten Island pub have declared it an “autonomous zone” in defiance of tighter COVID-19 restrictions in New York City from Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo.
Keith McAlarney says he and business partner Danny Presti decided to follow in Seattle’s footsteps and designate their restaurant, Mac’s Public House, to be independent from New York City when new government mandates required them to end all indoor dining.
“I was put against a wall,” McAlarney said Monday night on Fox News Channel’s “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”
He said the government’s new restrictions left him “no other choice” than to take a stand to keep the doors open at Mac’s Public House.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

Large orange letters on the pavement outside the Staten Island pub read: “AUTONOMOUS ZONE.”
Mac’s Public House is located in what de Blasio calls an “orange zone” due to the area’s high number of coronavirus cases. Within orange zones, restaurants are allowed to offer only outdoor dining, takeout, and delivery.
McAlarney posted signs on the windows declaring the establishment exempt from the new COVID-19 restrictions:

!ATTENTION! As of November 20, 2020 we hereby declare this establishment an !!!AUTONOMOUS ZONE!!! We refuse to abide by any rules and regulations put forth by the Mayor of NYC and Governor of NY State.

The restaurant owners’ aim is to “tell the governor and to tell the mayor that you need to work with us,” McAlarney said in an interview with Carlson. “But you did not want to work with us, and we were forced into this situation that I don’t know what else I can do.”
The restaurant owner said officials should have consulted with business owners before imposing new coronavirus restrictions and added that he is “so behind on bills” after months of such limits on operations.
McAlarney and Presti say they abided by all restrictions when New York City took measures in March to slow the spread of the virus.
But now, Presti told “Fox & Friends” on Monday, the restaurant owners and employees understand the virus and how to take appropriate precautions to keep themselves and patrons safe.
“Our kind of motto right now is business as usual, because we feel as though we understand the virus is happening and it’s a real thing, but we do know how to operate our business in a safe manner and we just can’t close again,” Presti said on “Fox & Friends.”
It didn’t take long for de Blasio to learn about the newly “autonomous” Mac’s Public House and send out law enforcement to issue thousands of dollars in fines, which Presti says he doesn’t plan to pay.
New York state’s Health Department issued a shut-down order to the restaurant and the state ordered suspension of its liquor license, the New York Post reported.
“That liquor license is on the wall. If that liquor license is going to come off the wall, it’s going to be done by Cuomo,” McAlarney said in a video update posted on YouTube last week.
“I will not back down,” he added.

The restaurant owners have no plans to close their doors, but Presti said on “Fox & Friends” that the future is “very scary still.”

Virginia Allen

Virginia Allen is a news producer for The Daily Signal. She is the co-host of The Daily Signal Podcast and Problematic Women. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: @Virginia_Allen5.

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Its Critics Are Wrong. The Electoral College Is a Bulwark Against Power Grabs.

One must read to the end of The Washington Post’s recent editorial “Abolish the electoral college” before hitting on the real reason the Post’s editors want to upend the long-standing constitutional institution.
“Mr. Trump’s election was a sad event for the nation,” notes the Post. “His reelection would have been a calamity.”
Maybe, maybe not.
That’s a matter of partisan perspective. Those who are genuinely concerned about the future of American governance would be calling to strengthen institutions that provide political stability, not destroy them.

The left is actively working to undermine the integrity of our elections. Read the plan to stop them now. Learn more now >>

But when your concerns about “American democracy” are really just a euphemism for partisan power grabs, you end up making lots of sloppy arguments. Like this:

It is alarming that a candidate came so close to winning while polling more than 5 million fewer votes than his opponent nationwide. The Electoral College, whatever virtues it may have had for the Founding Fathers, is no longer tenable for American democracy.

The fact that the Electoral College doesn’t align with the “popular vote” isn’t alarming. It is the point.
If the Electoral College synchronized with the outcome of the direct democratic national vote tally every election, it wouldn’t need to exist. It isn’t a loophole; it is a bulwark.
The Electoral College exists to diffuse the very thing the Post claims is most beneficial; namely, the “overbearing majority,” as James Madison put it.
If majoritarianism is truly always the best means of deciding an issue, then the Post would support a mere majority of states being able to overturn the First Amendment or decide abortion policy.
But if states still matter, then the Electoral College’s “virtues” are far stronger today, in an era when federalism is ignored and Americans are more likely to cluster in urban areas, than it was in the founding generation when Washington was largely powerless.
It is one of the institutions that makes a “democracy” tenable in a truly diverse and sprawling nation.
On the most basic level, the Electoral College helps compel presidents to govern nationally, rather than represent a handful of states. We saw it when former Vice President Joe Biden was forced to temper his positions on fracking and defunding the police because he had to appeal to those outside of urban areas.
If he is to be successful, Biden must govern in ways that are popular to diverse cultural and geographical areas—such as North Carolina, Wisconsin, and Arizona, and not just California and New York.
Running up the score in big states gives partisan activists fodder, but it is irrelevant. If Donald Trump ran for the national vote, he might well have won it by spending all his time in California and New York talking about things that matter to Californians and New Yorkers. The entire dynamics of elections would be different. Our election is geared toward winning states, not people.
It should also be noted that the system The Washington Post wants to nix has been the most stable in the world.
A direct national poll would be a radical change, even by international standards. Most free nations don’t have democratic majority votes for their executives. Parliamentary systems, for example, are not national polls. Between 1935 and 2017, the majority of British voters backed the party that formed a government on only two occasions.
Voters do not even cast a ballot directly for the prime minister. In 2019, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “lost” the “popular vote.” By eliminating the Electoral College, we are far more likely to spark the creation of smaller parties that would keep presidents from gaining a majority.
Of historical interest: Russia’s Vladimir Putin was elected through a direct national poll.
I will spend the rest of my life pointing out that presidents don’t “win” or “lose” the popular vote—because there is no “popular vote,” nor has there ever been one, nor does anyone compete for it.
Reuters informed us, “Trump’s open defiance of Biden’s victory in both the popular vote and Electoral College appears to be affecting the public’s confidence in American democracy.” The entire statement, from “popular vote” to “American democracy,” makes me cringe.
It’s that kind of coverage that allows The Washington Post and other critics of traditional constitutional governance to convince their audiences that presidents are winning elections even while really “losing” them.
It bodes poorly for our future.
Copyright 2020

David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .
4 Takeaways From the Michigan Senate’s Election Fraud Hearing
How the Left Is Attacking Pro-Life Convictions and Why Conservative Women Must Stand Strong
A Veteran Activist’s 10 Principles for Healing America’s Hurting Communities

A Note for our Readers:

Election fraud is already a problem. Soon it could be a crisis. But election fraud is not the only threat to the integrity of our election system.

Progressives are pushing for nine “reforms” that could increase the opportunity for fraud and dissolve the integrity of constitutional elections. To counter these dangerous measures, our friends at The Heritage Foundation are proposing seven measures to protect your right to vote and ensure fair, constitutional elections.
They are offering it to readers of The Daily Signal for free today.
Get the details now when you download your free copy of, “Mandate for Leadership: Ensuring the Integrity of Our Election System.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twitter Sends Me a Notice: They Investigate a German’s Complaint About My Post Yesterday

If you missed it, that post where I reported on an interview with retired General Thomas McInerney who called the election heist we have been witnessing a treasonous act, is here.
Imagine my surprise to get this notice (below) from Twitter.  And, imagine my further surprise to learn that someone in Germany can use a German law to silence my speech!
Here is a screenshot.  I am assuming this is legitimate as the link in the e-mail takes you to a Twitter page, here.
Oh joy, Twitter ruled in my favor….
But, what the heck is the Network Enforcement Act?
It is a controversial GERMAN law passed in 2017!

Reporters Without Borders and other critics spoke of a “rush job” that “could massively damage the basic right to freedom of the press and freedom of expression.

So Germans can complain to Twitter about something I, an American citizen, is saying about an American election! 

I wonder if Twitter asks the complainer for proof of German residency or citizenship?
By the way, I know that Twitter has messed with my account @RefugeeWatcher there for a very long time, so I am not worrying about gathering more followers, nor do I tweet much, but it is, for now, a very handy place to get real time news on the election fraud such as the President’s tweet about the Hannity interview in my previous post.
EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

How Big Government Stacked the Deck Against Small Business

Not only did government persecute certain businesses to the benefit of others, it also provided incentives, handouts, and other pork.

Most of us wouldn’t list 2020 as our best year. But you know who would? Amazon, Wal-Mart, Google, Apple, and a whole host of other big corporations who’ve seen their sales and stock prices soar amidst the pandemic.
Small businesses have been pummeled by excessive and insane governmental lockdowns of the economy. Experts warn that one third of small businesses could ultimately shut down for good, and hundreds of thousands have already done just that.
Meanwhile, Amazon’s sales increased 40 percent in the second quarter alone, while their stock price increased 97 percent. Apple hit a $2 trillion market cap, the first publicly traded company to do so, and reported nearly $60 billion in revenue. Since the pandemic began, Facebook’s stock rocketed up 85 percent, Google’s by 50 percent, Netflix by 63 percent, and Microsoft by 57 percent. All saw their revenues greatly increase compared to last year’s numbers as well.
The typical headlines have followed: The Rich Are Getting Richer During the Pandemic, How Billionaires Saw Their Net Worth Increase by Half A Trillion Dollars, and How Rich People Are Getting Richer During the Coronavirus. “Eat the rich,” a rallying cry against perceived inequality, appears all over Twitter, clothing items, and graffitied walls. And for many, the billionaires at the helms of successful corporations provide ready-made villains for society to dump its economic woes, righteous anger, and feelings of powerlessness onto.
To be sure, there is cause for indignation. Small businesses are the lifeblood of America. They comprise the majority of U.S. companies and employ nearly 50 percent of all our citizens. Not only are they an essential part of our economy though, they represent the American Dream – the idea that no matter who you are you can come here, work hard, do the right thing, and build something for yourself and your family.
There is no value more prized than that dream in our society, and small businesses are the tangible iteration of that ideal. To see these businesses and their owners so casually trampled on by our politicians strikes at the very soul of our nation. Millions of Americans are out of work, many others have lost everything they’ve worked to build with little to no recourse. The dream has become a nightmare.
But the fault for this catastrophe does not rest on the corporations, and the anger many feel should be redirected towards the entity actually responsible for this situation: the government.
From the very beginning of the pandemic, government stacked the deck in favor of some companies to the detriment of others. First, they arbitrarily decided which businesses were essential and which could be forced to close. In order to keep people in their homes, which the science shows was never effective at preventing the contagion in the first place, the government had to allow tech businesses to operate at full capacity. Without Netflix, Amazon, and UberEats, few would have agreed to stay in their homes for weeks on end. To a large extent, these big businesses deserve the boom they’ve experienced because they did provide essential needs for people during a crisis. That’s a market response that should be praised.
But, there were many other businesses who could have provided similar services and were not allowed to because the government deemed them non-essential. Part of this is due to the fact the larger companies had the capacity to rev up their delivery abilities, but part of this is because they spend millions of dollars lobbying politicians to ensure they always receive carve outs from the worst government policies.
Not only did government persecute certain businesses to the benefit of others, it also provided incentives, handouts, and other pork in the CARES Act that continued to favor big business. Twenty-five percent of the initial $2 trillion (remember, those are your tax dollars) went to big business, with $58 billion going to the airlines alone and another $17 billion to the military-industrial complex giant, Boeing.
Only $350 billion was earmarked for small businesses, and of that, $243 million “accidentally” went to large companies instead – leading some companies to return the money over the ensuing outrage. All in all, only 5 percent of the first round of PPP loans reached small businesses.
F.A. Hayek once said, “Laws must be general, equal, and certain.” When government intervenes in the economy, it rarely ends up impacting all business owners equally. Most often they end up benefiting those who already have connections and means in the first place.
The free market isn’t perfect. Even without government interference in the economy, many businesses would have been hurt by the pandemic as consumers chose to stay home or purchase alternative services. But at least the system would not have been rigged against the little guy. All businesses should have had the chance to innovate, respond to the emergency, and try their best to stay afloat. It should have been up to consumers, not the government, which ones succeeded or failed.
Cronyism isn’t capitalism, it’s a perversion of the free market and only possible at the hands of government. If we want to address inequality and create a fair playing field, we must stand against these types of government handouts the next time temptation strikes.

Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is a libertarian-conservative writer, commentator, and activist. She’s a Newsmax Insider and a Contributor to The Washington Examiner.
RELATED ARTICLE: India’s Economic Nationalism Is Getting Ridiculous—And Indians Are Paying the Biggest Price
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: #CNNTapes Expose Network’s Political Agenda

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing executives on CNN’s 9 a.m. rundown calls admitting to their political biases and attacking those who oppose the network’s agenda.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • CNN President Jeff Zucker: “This is a president who knows he’s losing, who knows he’s in trouble, is sick, maybe is on the aftereffects of steroids or not. I don’t know. But he is acting erratically and desperately, and we need to not normalize that.”
  • Zucker: “You know, this is what we’ve come to expect for the last three and a half years, four years, but it clearly is exacerbated by the time that we’re in and the issues that he’s [Trump] dealing with. I think that we cannot just let it be normalized. He is all over the place and acting erratically, and I think we need to lean into that.”
  • Zucker: “Frankly, if we’ve made any mistake, it’s been that our banners have been too polite, and we need to go well after Lindsey Graham.”
  • Marcus Mabry, CNN digital VP of global programming: “Yeah, I was just going to say, if you’re going to talk about the story, I think it’s unavoidable that you have to talk about the naked racism of Tucker Carlson. Because that’s really what drove this anti-diversity push, you know, Trump watches Tucker Carlson’s show and then reacts. And just as sort of the white supremacy hour they have on Fox News every night, I think it’s the — You can’t disconnect the two.”
  • Stephanie Becker, CNN field producer: “On the issue of why it’s important to get the transition going right, the 9-11 report talks about one of the problems was that the trouble that was brewing that lost during the transition. So, if you want a good, concrete example of what happens when you don’t have a good transition, well, look at the Twin Towers.”

You can watch the videos here:

High-up executives at CNN prove that they are simply not interested in being unbiased when reporting on the news.
CNN likes to call themselves “the most trusted name in news,” but how can the public ever trust a network that routinely bashes people simply because those people hold certain political views that are not aligned with the Mainstream Media?
Project Veritas continues to investigate Mainstream Media organizations and their role in influencing elections, especially as America’s future is becoming more uncertain and the public’s trust in media continues to decline.
EDITORS NOTE: These Project Veritas videos are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soviet Style Counter-Revolution in America

Two decades ago I warned you “we in a war waged by Socialism and Communism against Western Civilization and American Capitalism.” I described that war as WW III: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. Twenty years later we can observe the result: Russia was very successful in achieving all of that in concert with the so-called Democrat Party, which they and their comrades transformed into America’s Socialist Party. Many Dems were recruited, they infiltrated all corners of society right in our midst: courts, businesses, sports, media, and our democratic institutions. China has provided a deadly disease-COVID-19. Now, in concert with these two, the Dems have waged a counter-revolution in America. What’s left for them to accomplish? the assassinations… Read further to see how those Evil forces have managed to become successful.
Sidney Powell has presented a credible case of massive and centralized foreign infiltration in the 2020 election. She has revealed an unknown to me company that produced an international voting-fraud named Dominion. I went to computer and find the definition of the Dominion:

“Dominion, now the Largest or Second Largest Voting System Company, is Foreign Controlled and Depends Upon Secret Source Code Created and Owned by Smartmatic, a Foreign Controlled Company With Ties to The Venezuelan Government Led by Hugo Chavez.“

I was immediately suspicious, reading the name Hugo Chavez, a Communist asset of Russia, who ran Venezuela from 1998-2013. The normal mind can’t perceive a Soviet/Russian fraud—Socialist, lawless regime.
Socialists/Communists have always won elections by 85%-91% in the Soviet Union, in Russia, North Korea, China, Cuba, and Venezuela. In those years we didn’t know the name of the fraud, today we know its name–the Dominion electronic System. As a former Soviet attorney, the picture of Venezuela tells me a huge story of the Russian Intel and their Global conspiracy for these fifteen years. You have to know Russia, her Intel and their modus operandi—lies, cheating and fraud to see the picture. They do criminal acts by using their assets, their Communist cadres around the globe. The Republicans must know this modus operandi–a discovery of the Dominion fraud-scandal is possible only through awareness of Russia and her Intel’s activities…
Yet, additionally, Sidney Powell is investigating and reporting all kind of massive voter-frauds committed in six swing states by mail-in ballots, illegible people voting, dead people voting, the military votes for Trump dumped, 91% of people voted in Minnesota, where MN AG is a Communist, 85% of people voted in Wisconsin. Those numbers are testimony to the Fraud—an incredible fraud. But a corrupt FBI is intentionally ignoring all of that. The incompetent FBI and DOJ have taken no action against the Socialist Revolution that America has been undergoing for decades —they haven’t fought the enemy and thus allowed overwhelming foreign infiltration in all corners on our society. We are witnessing the result of that incompetence in the 2020. Those people who told you that the election had been secured are deceiving you. They don’t know Russia, her Intel, and Communist China with its Intel…, but are they really that stupid or is something else going on?
To grasp my ideas, I have to repeat again at least three elements of reality: First: Truman’s party is dead, it was infiltrated, contaminated and converted into America’s Socialist Party by the Russian Intel and the Party simultaneously fomented and fueled the “Swamp”. As in the USSR, they are going against the dissent–be prepared for growing violence. Don’t take my words, just look at the platform, policy, and projects the Dems entertain and follow today. This is the reason I have introduced you to the term Socialist Charlatans.
Second: There are no more Classic Liberals, they had been annihilated by Stalin in the 20th century. We are dealing with the Radical Left, which has a more appropriate name—Socialist Charlatans. These people have been indoctrinated, brainwashed and programmed for decades. Third: Understanding the power and reach of the KGB and the status quo of Russia. Using the term KGB, I mean the entire Russian Intel—it is a collective image–those three letters are familiar to the vast majority of Americans… Do you remember Putin’s KGB Mafia-Army?
If you think that the Collapse in 1991 of the Soviet Union has changed Russia, you are wrong, you don’t know Russia and her Intel. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a collapse of the USSR, it was a collapse of the Socialist economy that couldn’t produce and compete with capitalism. Yet, the collapse didn’t touch the security apparatus (the real power in the country)—the KGB. Using the instability and chaos in Russia during those days, the Socialist KGB took over and catapulted Vladimir Putin to the presidency—and the circle of authority was established and closed. Today Russia runs by the same KGB apparatus. The old socialist economy was replaced by a crony capitalism under the secured KGB’s total control. Only knowing those components of reality, you can analyze the current events…

The Failed FBI and American Intel

The FBI and our Intel have missed a critical causation to prevent the stealing of election. That causation had been missed by historians like John Mitcham, by many Republicans and other pundits. As a matter of fact, the Russian Operation Disinformation known for years has existed as a part of a monumental Russian project, the outline of a design to destroy the American Constitutional Republic and many Republicans missed the elephant in the room—Russia, her Intel, and the Chinese Communist advertising propaganda campaign by bribing the American media, sports, and universities. Remember, Russia and China are in tandem working against America like a hand in glove…
To cover-up the crimes of Treason the Dems had committed, the anti-Trump forces had the task of diverting, and dissuading your attention from the DNC, who had been collaborating with Russian Intel for decades. There has never been a Trump/Russia collusion, in fact, there was a DNC/Russian Intel collusion. The entire ordeal of various witch hunts against Trump for years has been a fraud to cover-up the crime of Treason, committed by the DNC/Russian collusion. The epitome of this fraud is the state of Georgia, where the Republican leadership not knowing the causation allowed Socialist Charlatan, Stacy Abrams to work for years to produce that fraud. You have now her crop—two Dems’ candidates, who want to change American system designed by our Founding Fathers by supporting the core-task of the Global Communist Conspiracy. Read: America and the Global Communist Conspiracy, November, 24, 2020.
Sean Hannity is right in general, yet, he repeats to us every day that he respects 99% of the FBI agents as doing the right things. In this respect, Sean Hannity is wrong, critically wrong! The FBI has dramatically changed during the last thirty years: the experienced in Cold War agents have retired and young ill-informed, brainwashed and indoctrinated young agents have come into the agency. All our security and Intel’s agencies were transformed and some like CIA had been, in fact, collaborating with our enemies under John Brennon’s leadership. Read here my column: The Global Spy Ring, January 1, 2018

Afghanistan: Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a MUST

Don’t be surprised by an incredible, massive fraud in the 2020 election. Two American Manchurian Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama made and left us naked, mute, and deaf to their Treason, depleting our military. But this was only a part of betrayals, the entire society was manipulated and conditioned by the Dems’ Socialist Transformation, implementing Stalin’s motto of Divide and Conquer for years. It is no coincidence that we have a divided science and medicine, which was unable to find a unified remedy to fight the Chinese COVID-19 in the critical first hours of the Pandemic. It is a result of the Dems’ Socialist Transformation. The Obama era has left disastrous consequences; the vaccine was approved by FDA on November 22, but planned to distribute December 11. This is Socialism! While capitalist-Trump oversaw development of the COVID-19 vaccine in an unprecedented nine months.
The motto of “Divide and Conquer” came from the ancient world and has been used many times and mostly successful by the ideology. You saw it in the 1950s –Stalin’s war against Korea and as a result Korea was divided. Then Vietnam, it was divided, Afghanistan and so on–the wars against Western civilization went on for the entire 20th century. It was brought to America by the global Communist conspiracy and Russian Intel.  Sen. Cotton is right: “Afghanistan is the place from which the 911 attacks were launched and the place that has the largest concentration of terrorist organizations than anywhere else in the world, the reason we’re in Afghanistan is to protect our own citizens here at home.” I can add to that:

We are in Afghanistan because of Russia and her Intel is there. Please, take a map and see a large extend of the border of the former USSR’s Muslim Republics and Afghanistan. Also, please, remember that all those Republics are still run by the KGB. The hatred of Jews and Western civilization united all Muslims and the KGB has used it. As in all other places, the KGB has infiltrated the Taliban movement with its cadres speaking all the languages in the area … and the killing of Americans continues—Taliban is tied to the KGB…. Like in Afghanistan, multiple terrorist attacks across the world are coordinated in the Kremlin… Read my books, columns, and remember Putin’s KGB Mafia-Army…

I never thought that I would quote Oliver Stone, but he was right in Oliver Stone exclusive with Jesse Watters. When asked about the job of our Intel, he went to the history of disinformation and many mistakes and failures by our Intel. In this connection Jesse asked him: Does Putin win? Stone didn’t answer or did not have the answer. I can answer:
Dear Jesse, yes, Putin and his KGB are winning up to now and this is the reason I am writing the columns to stop a vicious cycle of fraud that the Republicans can’t free themselves from. They lost Hollywood, then our educational system, then the media, and now the election… Socialist/Communist ideology is pushing us out of existence. There is the time to wake up, fight back and save the American Republic from the Global Socialist and Communist Fraud…
God Bless President Trump! God help President Trump!
To be continued and at
Book: Socialist Lies
©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

WATCH: First Lady Unveils 2020 Christmas Decorations!

First Lady Melania Trump unveiled the official Christmas theme and decorations this morning as the First Family prepares for Christmastime at the White House.
This year’s theme, “America the Beautiful,” pays tribute to the majesty of our great country. From the traditional Gold Star Family Tree to a gingerbread house replica of the White House—complete with the West Wing, Executive Residence, East Wing, Rose Garden, and First Ladies’ Garden—crafted from 275 pounds of dough, every piece of this year’s décor was chosen and completed with care.
 IN PHOTOS: ‘America the Beautiful’ Christmas at the White House

“Over the past four years I have had the honor to travel to some of our nation’s most beautiful landmarks and meet some of the most compassionate and patriotic American citizens,” the First Lady said. “From coast to coast, the bond that all Americans share is an appreciation for our traditions, values, and history, which were the inspiration behind the decorations this year.”
The official White House Christmas tree arrived last week, courtesy of Dan Taylor from Dan and Bryan Trees. Greeted by the First Lady, Taylor presented an 18.5’ Fraser Fir, which was delivered to the White House North Portico in a horse-drawn carriage.
“Thank you to all of the staff and volunteers who worked to make sure the People’s House was ready for the holiday season,” the First Lady said. “Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.”
 The official Christmas tree arrives at the White House

First Lady Melania Trump unveils 2020 Christmas décor

The First Family is celebrating their fourth Christmas in the White House.  This year’s theme, “America the Beautiful,” is a tribute to the majesty of our great Nation. From coast to coast, our country is blessed with boundless natural wonders. The timeless treasures represented in this year’s holiday showcase remind us of the true American spirit. Together, we celebrate this land we are all proud to call home.

Upon entering the East Wing, visitors are welcomed by The Gold Star Family Tree, an annual tradition among the holiday decorations. Draped in blue, the color of perseverance and justice, it pays tribute to our American heroes and their families who walk beside them in service. This year, families who decorated the tree placed the name of their fallen family member on ribbon that will adorn the tree.
Around the corner, the East Colonnade celebrates the diverse landscapes found across this great Nation. Separated by region, classical urns hold foliage representative of the official tree of each state and territory. Just beyond the gallery of greenery, the East Garden Room displays holiday cards sent by first families over the past twelve administrations. This year’s card, shimmering in gold, shows the unique landscape of America, the beautiful.
Entering the Ground Floor Corridor is the Vermeil Room, a collection made up of more than 1,600 pieces, many of which are on display. To preserve the White House for the American people, First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy established the “People’s House” as a living museum and laid the foundation for expanding the diversity of the collection. Sharing in this love for arts and culture, President John F. Kennedy’s official portrait is featured on the graceful trees.
The next stop, the White House Library, is home to a collection of more than 2,700 classic works that provide first-hand accounts of progress in our Nation’s history. In recognition of this year’s 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, the Library shines a spotlight on women who were pioneers for gender equality and the impact of their voices on our Nation’s story. It also contains a tribute to Mrs. Trump’s 19th Amendment child art competition hosted earlier in the year, with all of the winning art displayed on the base of the tabletop tree. The décor highlights women at the forefront of American achievements who have paved the way for generations to come.
Nearby is the China Room which houses the historic collection of presidential china patterns and is modeled to show the joy that home can bring to us all. The home scene is set for timeless traditions and tasty treats, capturing the importance of time spent together during the holiday season. Stockings for the First Family hang on the fireplace, one of the 28 historic fireplaces throughout the White House.
Upstairs in the East Room, visitors will see planes, trains, and automobiles race around the trees, through the ribbons, and between the twinkling lights. Since the creation of our Nation, America has been on the move. From the First Transcontinental Railroad to the Apollo 11 lunar landing, the East Room celebrates our monumental triumphs in innovation and technology. In a 1909 ceremony in this room, President William Taft recognized Wilbur and Orville Wright for their unprecedented achievements in aerodynamics. As a country, we proudly commend those who embrace the power of possibility, fueling the next chapter of our history at sea, on land, in skies, and beyond.
Moving into the Parlors, the Green Room features the beauty of American wildlife. Vignettes in the windows showcase the diversity of creatures that flutter and find refuge among our native landscape.
As one moves into the Blue Room, the official White House Christmas tree illuminates the room and stands over eighteen feet in height. This majestic Fraser fir showcases the splendor of our country through the unique perspective of America’s children. Students across the country were asked to artistically depict what makes their state beautiful by highlighting the people, places, and things that capture the spirit of the state in which they call home. Glistening on the branches, their mini masterpieces collectively showcase America, the beautiful. The gleaming tree, bedecked with rays of yellow and gold, unites us in our common goal of building a brighter future for America’s children, aligning closely with First Lady Melania Trump’s BE BEST initiative which focuses on giving all children the best opportunity to succeed in life.
As one moves to the Red Room, we salute America’s everyday heroes who serve as first responders and frontline workers. Handmade ornaments highlight the many professionals and volunteers who serve their communities with a spirit of generosity.
As one moves to the State Dining room, we continue to celebrate “America the Beautiful.” This year’s Gingerbread House, a delicious masterpiece displayed on the iconic eagle pier table, replicates the West Wing, Executive Residence, East Wing, and for the first time, the Rose Garden and the First Ladies’ Garden. Constructed from 275 pounds of gingerbread dough, 110 pounds of pastillage dough, 30 pounds of gum paste, 25 pounds of chocolate, and 25 pounds of royal icing. The White House pastry team took extra care in making sure that every detail, down to the smallest blossom, paid homage to the beauty of “America the Beautiful.”
Ending in the Grand Foyer and Cross Hall, guests find themselves overflowed with love, joy, peace, hope, and faith, to reveal the most important gifts of the season.
“I am excited to announce this year’s White House holiday theme, ‘America the Beautiful,’” said First Lady Melania Trump. “Over the past four years I have had the honor to travel to some of our nation’s most beautiful landmarks and meet some of the most compassionate and patriotic American citizens. From coast to coast, the bond that all Americans share is an appreciation for our traditions, values, and history, which were the inspiration behind the decorations this year. Thank you to all of the staff and volunteers who worked to make sure the People’s House was ready for the holiday season. Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy New Year.”
©The White House. All rights reserved.

Palestine: A Self-Imposed Prison

Hayaat loves her grandmother, Sitti, who always reminisces and sings about her previous home and their life before the Arab-Israeli War of 1948.  In an effort to restore Sitti’s health, Hayaat and her friend, Samy, set out on a journey to the other side of the wall to bring her a gift of Jerusalem soil.  This children’s book exchanges the customary propaganda for Palestinianism for a search for the truth.  This is my eighth children’s book review.
Thirteen-year-old Hayaat is the heroine in Where the Streets Had a Name, by Randa Abdel-Fattah.  She lives with her Mama and Baba, siblings – older sister Jihan, 7-year-old brother Tariq, 3-month-old Mohammed – and 86-year-old grandmother, Sitti Zayneb. The family is preparing to shop during the two-hour respite from the curfew imposed by the Israeli government.  Not explained was that the Israeli army sometimes places refugee districts in the West Bank and Gaza under army curfew as “collective punishment” and “environmental pressures” after a terrorist attack or when they are unable to control population unrest in the streets.  We learn nothing of the Israeli victims who are seriously maimed or killed, or of the families left to grieve, but this family is inconvenienced as they rush to the store, each with a list of items by aisles, load the car and return home in time.  The Israelis “confiscated our land,” Sitti laments, and the family of seven must manage in a smaller apartment in a poor Bethlehem neighborhood.
Additionally, Hayaat’s school is closed for the curfew’s duration, and she is tired of comments about her face – the contorted skin she sees in her mirror.  Her older sister Jihan is engaged to Ahmad, an Israeli Arab from Lod, who found a reception hall for their wedding in Ramallah, the West Bank, where he works and where they will live as a couple.  They grumble about the roadblocks and checkpoints that could delay their timely arrival at the wedding, but similar conditions exist worldwide to maintain security from interlopers and terrorists.  In the case of Israel, it is to ensure that Palestinians are unarmed and not bent on a killing spree.
The West Bank is Judea and Samaria, part of what the Israelis re-captured when they defended themselves against the unlawful siege and blockade of Israel by Egypt, Syria, and Jordan’s armies in 1967.  Despite the rhetoric, according to international law, this land is not “occupied,” but “disputed.” Inasmuch as the territory never belonged to Palestinians or to any sovereign nation, Israel cannot be an “occupier.”  The territory’s ultimate ownership is to be determined by agreement.  Further, the “1967 borders” were only the demarcation of an armistice line, the final border to be established by agreement.
Hayaat enjoys spending time with Baba, hearing his stories of their vast property in Beit Sahour, the olive trees, and the harvest.  He speaks of the mountain, home to many Christian sites, and the time before the Israeli “settlements” (a term used to delegitimize Israel’s legal housing) and bypass roads were built.
Her only friend is a boy, Samy, who doesn’t seem to mind her scars; they are kindred spirits and share their stories.  Samy’s father had been dragged from their house by Israeli security services and imprisoned these past seven years.  He was a terrorist, and the boy often acts out at school, angry that his father chose activism over fatherhood. He said, “He traded me for the cause.”  His mother died of a heart attack and Samy lives with an aunt and uncle.  Hayaat tells Samy that she overheard her Mama speak about a deaf boy who had been killed by a bulldozer that was flattening his house.  The author failed to explain that it is Israel’s policy to destroy the terrorist’s family home – sometimes seen as a deterrent; the death was an unfortunate accident.
At home, Hayaat listens to Sitti reminisce about her home in Jerusalem, and the war of 1948, the fighting everywhere.  She was terrified of the Zionist fighting forces and pressed to leave, adding “200 men, women and children were massacred.”  Perhaps Sitti does not know, but surely the author who undertook this narration does, that the Palestinian Arabs proclaimed jihad against the Palestinian Jews in November, 1947, just before the partition vote, and in defiance of the Palestine Commission’s resolution.  There were massacres and death throughout.  No doubt the Jews were also ill prepared and terrified when 1,000 armed Arabs descended upon the communities in northern Palestine, as were the British who turned over their bases to the Arab legion, leaving the Jews to suffer severe casualties and devastating defeat.  The trapped 1,500 to 1,600 women and children were entrusted to the Red Cross.  At this point, the Hagganah, a paramilitary group of immigrants, was renamed the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and succeeded in stopping the Arab offensive.
With minimal help from the West, the Jews won with sheer determination and their purchased or smuggled crude British Sten guns, French 65-milimeter howitzers and other leftovers from World War II, as well as fighter aircraft supplied by Czechoslovakia.  Iraq promised, “It would be a war of annihilation,” but the Arabs wound up with less territory than was originally offered, which they’d refused.  The cost to Israel was enormous, with $500 million in expenditures and the death of 6,373 Israelis, one percent of their 650,000 Jewish population. An additional estimated 12,000 Jews were killed by Nazi sympathizer and Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haj Amin al-Husseini in 1950.
Sitti explains that they fled and could not return to her old neighborhood until after the 1967 War, only to find her home occupied by a Jewish family, Holocaust survivors.  Known also as the Six-Day War, it was initiated by the Arab states of Egypt, Syria and Jordan.  Again, Israel won and re-captured the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, Gaza Strip and West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Grandmother was of that warring population and permanently displaced, but the Palestinians are adamant about wanting Israel.  Therefore, when Sitti collapses and is taken by ambulance to the hospital, Hayaat devises a plan.  She tells Samy that she wants to get Jerusalem soil from the other side of the wall to make her grandmother happy.
And so begins Hayaat and Samy’s journey to Jerusalem, with money “borrowed” from Jihan and an empty hummus jar to collect Jerusalem soil for Sitti.  They meet several people along the way, including Wasim, a dirty boy from Aida refugee camp, who speaks of one day playing with a famous soccer team; a cab driver who helps the children, knowing they are illegals with blue passes; bus passengers David and Mali, the story’s requisite young Jewish couple against the occupation, who block bulldozers and dine with Palestinian families; and the checkpoint’s young Israeli soldiers who search cars and bags, delaying some passengers while allowing others to pass.  Hayaat does feel some humiliation, but she understands their need to search for weapons and explosives.
They continue their adventure when the driver stops suddenly in front of a six-foot-high, barbed-wire wall.  The children exit the bus and follow two others who jump the wall to enter Jerusalem illegally. While on their own, they meet Yossi, an Israeli cab driver who often helps to smuggle people into West Jerusalem.  When they reach a roadblock protest, Yossi tells them to jump out and lose themselves among the crowd of protesters.
With the noise of a grenade and smell of tear gas used to quell the crowd, she faints to the triggers of a repressed memory of soldiers, a bulldozer, and homes breaking and falling.  She has a flashback of her old friend Maysaa falling to the ground, hit by the rubber-coated bullets used to disperse the people, and feels again her own face oozing blood.  She awakens as Yossi carries her to his cab, Samy beside them.  Yossi fills Hayaat’s jar with soil and uses his cell phone to call her family to assure them that the children are safe in Jerusalem and he will drive them home.
The family welcomes them and Sitti is again sitting in her bed, singing about her homeland.  With the next news report about another curfew, the family readies their pots and pans to resound in solidarity.  With the TV announcement about the latest bombing in Tel Aviv,  Baba says “revenge does nothing.”  As the family dresses for Jihan’s wedding, Hayaat assesses what she has learned – that she wants to live as all human beings do, to be “a free people with hope and dignity and purpose.”
Hope alone cannot bestow freedom to a people who deny others theirs.  Hayaat’s own people invented demonstrably false slurs that the Jews live well at the expense of the Palestinians, and that killing is permissible. Their differences are also cultural.  The Jews returned to their land of malarial swamp and desert, sacrificed blood and treasure to restore their history and ancient language, and toiled to create a successful country, whereas the Arabs, after losing the war they began, were made to abandon their original heritage (Egyptian, Lebanese, Syria, Transjordan, Iraq) and replace it with the false identity of “Palestinians,” and a victimhood mentality.  When they accepted the world’s donations, they were robbed of their pride.  Palestinian leadership keep their own people subjugated, their children emotionally focused on envy and weaponized for revenge.  This book reveals that they are surrounded by anger and death, with only Baba’s one-time reflection on the consequences of their actions.
It is not the soil of the land that would bring dignity to the Palestinians, but the freedom to live and make choices for themselves. The Arabs have been given a scapegoat, Israel, and countless excuses for their failures, which become self-fulfilling prophecies.  Were they told that their opportunities are endless, that they must earn their own wage by building their country, homes, businesses, creating services or products, they would increase their purpose, pride, and individual wealth.  Instead, the masses are raised in conformity, rigidity, illiteracy, and fear.  They sacrifice their own lives and wellbeing to continue Mohammed’s revenge – a ceaseless condition of discontent.
To her credit, Abdel-Fattah reveals that the previous generation perpetuates the vengeance.   Grandmother has confessed her envy of those who live better than she, and we glimpse the trait in Hayaat.  Sitti expresses her bitterness and anger against the UN, the Arab countries, and their traitors.  The traitors remain undefined, but they must include the Arabs who began the wars as well as those who offered no sanctuary to the dispossessed, those who were abandoned and left for pawns.  She reveals that her son-in-law, Baba, had had bad things happen to him (TK: he has learned lessons from his acts of retribution).  His generation includes Samy’s imprisoned father, whose political activism destroyed his own family.
We learn of Hayaat’s past when she fainted in the Jerusalem crowd, relived her trauma and the death of her friend.  It may well have been the girls’ deeds that resulted in the demolition of their homes.
This story appears to be teaching that the Islamic system, with its lust for what belongs to others, keeps them in a constant state of dissatisfaction.   The numerous clues and lessons to be learned exist for the reader, but they may be too obscure for the designated audience of teens and young adults.
©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

How To Beat Homelessness: Sarasota, Florida vs. Los Angeles, California

It seems like a strange matchup, a midsize community against one of the world’s great cities — or once great cities. Other than being in the United States and never seeing snow, there are not a lot of similarities between Los Angeles and Sarasota, Florida.
Except about 10 years ago, they both, like most American cities, were facing an increasing homeless problem. The warmth of southern cities, particularly Florida cities, is a major attraction for everyone, and as it turns out there are homeless snowbirds, of a sort.
But Sarasota and L.A. took two opposite paths in dealing with the problem. L.A., like many progressive cities, turned to a mix of homelessness or housing as a human right and pursued a “housing first” concept. Any program that got keys into the hands of the homeless quickly under “rapid housing” was pursued with gushers of taxpayer money — without regard to what had caused people to become homeless in the first place.
At the same time, those progressive cities — San Francisco, Portland and Seattle stand out with L.A. but there are many others — hamstrung attempts by law enforcement and business owners to remove the homeless from badgering patrons and threatening people or just urinating or defecating at their front door. “Homelessness is not a crime!” they cried emotionally. But what they meant was that the homeless committing crimes was not a crime.
We’ve all seen the results of these policies. Massive tent cities in L.A. where the homeless population is estimated to be 80,000 strong and is one of many factors contributing to people fleeing the once City of Angels. They have swelled into the suburbs, too, leaving fewer people feeling safe if they don’t live behind walled mansions with armed guards, such as the Hollywood elite who, bubbled away from impact on themselves, self-righteously push for the destructive progressive policies.
Sarasota took a different approach, one advocated by Robert Marbut, a consultant at the time he was hired by Sarasota in 2013, and who was later tapped by President Donald Trump to be the executive director of the U.S. Interagency Council on Homelessness — the homelessness czar.
Sarasota officials — and importantly, private institutions and organizations — followed many, not all, of Marbut’s advice to target the root cause of the homeless, seeing the homelessness as a symptom of a deep underlying problem with the individuals that normally falls into the categories of drug and alcohol addiction and mental health issues. This is undeniably true.
Statistics are notoriously tricky on the homeless for obvious reasons. But numerous studies have found that somewhere between 20 and 40 percent of all homeless people have a severe mental illness, while another 15 to 40 percent suffer from chronic substance abuse. Large percentages also have spent significant time in prison and many have a disability. Despite these ranges, it’s easy to see that the vast majority of homeless people are not those who were “down on their luck” but otherwise fine, they lost their job and were evicted.
That’s why attacking those foundational causes of homeless is the only realistic and compassionate long-term solution.
So the Sarasota community, both the city and county working together, got rid of the homeless camps that had sprouted up, pursued treatment programs and ensured interagency cooperation that is often lacking, making sure the homeless received help with their underlying problems, their root causes, and then got help getting back on their feet with training and housing.
The Gulf Coast Community Foundation and other nonprofits in the Sarasota region work closely with the Sarasota County School District to make sure young people and their families get connected with social services and housed quickly while often requiring treatment of the underlying problems. Marbut calls this work the “most innovative youth programming in America.”
The result is that the Sarasota area’s “unsheltered homeless” population — those who do not have a permanent residence but are in shelters or other facilities — has fallen almost in half in the past four years.
It shows on the streets. Downtown Sarasota, considered one of the most thriving mid-sized downtowns in the country, was dealing with constant homeless problems a decade ago. It was the top story and the biggest issue for downtown business establishments. But it rarely makes any news now.
Like everywhere, Sarasota still has to deal with groups that the media likes to call “homeless advocates,” but which actually end up advocating for people being homeless through their poorly thought-out solutions. But the public sees the results. It is hard to argue with success. Treat the underlying causes of homelessness, not the symptom, through cooperative programs linking public and private agencies, schools and law enforcement. Common sense again offers up the best solution.
“Twice in the last week, when asked where is the best program in the country, I said Sarasota, Florida,” Marbut said recently.
EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like Rod’s new Youtube channel. Follow Rod on Parler.

Sen. Rand Paul: Trump margin of ‘defeat’ in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM

This is obscene.
Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020
A Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Vote Updates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia on and after Election Night.

Sen. Rand Paul questions statistical ‘fraud’ in states Trump lost: ‘4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM’

U.S. Senator Rand Paul called out late-night voting “data dumps” as he questioned potential “fraud” in several states where President Donald Trump lost the election.
By: Frieda Powers | Business Insider | November 30, 2020
The Kentucky Republican tweeted Sunday questioning the “statistical anomaly” that occurred in the states, linking to an article on the issue and the “vote spikes” favoring Democrat Joe Biden that occurred in the early hours of Nov. 4. Paul included an additional jab in his tweet at Big Tech for potentially censoring the material.
“Interesting . . . Trump margin of ‘defeat’ in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM,” the Republican lawmaker tweeted.
“Statistical anomaly? Fraud? Look at the evidence and decide for yourself. (That is, if Big Tech allows u to read this),” Paul wrote, linking to the piece titled, “Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020.”

The blog post cited by the senator looked at the “vote spikes” for Biden in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia as well as “statistically anomalous cases” in other states.
Paul’s tweet was quickly flagged by Twitter for containing disputed information, and the senator was predictably slammed on the platform.

According to the article Paul linked to, Biden received several “vote spikes” in the middle of the night and early morning of the election “that substantially — and decisively — improved his electoral position” in the key states that Trump ultimately lost.
“Our analysis finds that a few key vote updates in competitive states were unusually large in size and had an unusually high Biden-to-Trump ratio. We demonstrate the results differ enough from expected results to be cause for concern,” the report stated.
The analysis explained that it only used “publicly available data from the New York Times to identify and analyze statistical anomalies in key states,” noting that the four instances that stood out “were particularly anomalous and influential with respect to this property and all occurred within the same five hour window.”
The three states where the anomalies supposedly occurred — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia — collectively represent 42 electoral votes. The report concluded that the results “combined with staggering political implications, demands immediate and thorough investigation.”
Steve Cortes, the Senior Advisor for Strategy for the Trump 2020 campaign, presented a video “chalk talk” on “historical and statistical” election anomalies. Presenting several examples of the questionable results in state and county numbers, Cortes noted how it could be possible for Biden to have won on some localities but not “probable.”

RELATED ARTICLE: If You Wanted to Rig An Election, You’d Do Exactly What Dems Did in 2020
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.