House GOP Raises the Stakes: ‘Shut the Border Down or Shut the Government Down’ thumbnail

House GOP Raises the Stakes: ‘Shut the Border Down or Shut the Government Down’

By Family Research Council

While the rest of Congress is soaking up the last few days of holiday recess, Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) decided to cut his vacation short, opting instead to take 60 House Republicans on a detour to the southern border before Congress resumes next week. If the goal was to remind them what they’re fighting for in the standoff on immigration with Joe Biden, it succeeded.

With December’s record-breaking migrant crossings as a backdrop, this “show of force,” as many are calling it, aims to put more pressure on the White House to negotiate on reforms in real faith. “Life along the border is turned upside down,” host Congressman Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) told reporters, “and that’s exactly what the speaker and my colleagues are going to see.”

The trip comes as a growing chorus of Democratic leaders plead with Biden to act. From big cities like Denver to small communities like 15,000-population Whitewater, Wisconsin, even liberal politicians say they’re at “a breaking point.” “…[T]here’s just not enough work or housing in the city to support this ongoing [flood],” Mile High City mayor Mike Johnston admitted from his sanctuary city. “… [W]e know we can’t keep growing at this pace,” he warned. “When I took the oath of office six months ago, we had about 400 migrants in shelter[s]. We have more than ten times that number right now. We’ve brought 35,000 through this year.”

Republicans, who know they have the upper hand tying border reforms to less-popular Ukraine aid, are dangling even more drastic measures before the president after seeing Eagle Pass — including a government shutdown. “No more money for this bureaucracy of his government until you’ve brought this border under control,” border state Representative Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) insisted. “Shut the border down or shut the government down.”

That extreme approach might get a warmer reception than Democrats think, given the latest polling. Incredibly, the new Associated Press-NORC numbers show that the emergency at the border has supplanted the economy and inflation in voters’ top concerns. Thirty-five percent now list immigration and the border wall as their biggest worry — up eight points from last month. Making matters worse for this president, only a handful of Americans — 32% — trust Biden to make “wise decisions about immigration policy.”

Speaker Johnson is hoping to change that, telling reporters on the ground in Texas that if the president wants a supplemental bill with aid for Ukraine and national security, “it better begin with defending America’s national security. We want to get the border closed and secured first.”

That commitment was on display Wednesday, Gonzales insisted, in the mere size of the GOP delegation. Convincing 60 members of Congress to go on a border trip “two days after New Year’s … is a small miracle,” he said. And as Johnson pointed out, it was a diverse bunch. “We have everybody from California to Maryland, from Michigan to Florida,” he explained at the group’s afternoon press conference. “We represent over half the U.S. states because every state in America is now a border state. We’ve seen that on vivid display today.”

Frankly, Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-Ala.) pointed out, this is rapidly becoming a bipartisan issue. From the airport, where he was boarding a plane to Eagle Pass Tuesday, the Alabama congressman told “Washington Watch” that the urgency “is across the party lines.” “This is not just a Republican thing or Democrat issue,” he insisted to Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. “… Democrats are hearing from their constituents, just as Republicans are. And obviously, we want a system where people can come freely into the United States of America, but we want it in a situation where people [come] legally. And that’s what we’re trying to do here. … [H]opefully, this will call some media attention to it, and we can try to put some pressure on the Democrats to come together and find some solution[s].”

This situation is “unsustainable,” Perkins agreed, pointing to the soft target America is becoming by not adequately vetting the people crossing the border. “I understand that people want to come here to the United States of America,” Aderholt said, “but we’re in a situation right now where we have to make sure that the people [who] are coming here are coming for the right reason. When they come here illegally … you don’t know why they’re coming. Some of them may be coming because of good reasons, and they’re just trying to provide for their family. But at the same time, there’s a lot of folks that also may be coming illegally that are trying to do harm to the United States. … And that’s what we’ve got to put a stop to. … It’s the people that would want to come for nefarious reasons that we want to keep out.”

Already, House Republicans are showing their sincerity, scheduling its first impeachment hearing on Biden’s embattled Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The fireworks kick off January 10, when the debate over how to couple massive border reforms with overseas aid will be well underway. A fuller investigation may be on the horizon if the president continues to play coy about the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants disappearing into every corner of our country.

“I very much think that Speaker Johnson will move forward on this [impeachment of Secretary Mayorkas] if the Biden administration doesn’t act responsibly,” Aderholt cautioned. As he should, his colleague Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) argued. “For three years, the Biden admin has fed the American people lies.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.


Alejandro Mayorkas Claims Biden Admin Has Removed ‘Record Number’ Of Illegal Immigrants — But There’s A Problem

SHOCKING! Biden Rushing more Illegal Aliens into the U.S. than American Babies Being Born!

‘This Stuff Is Gonna Haunt Biden’: Larry Kudlow Predicts ‘Crisis’ Will Wreck Support For Biden Among Key Voting Blocs


There are almost no deportations

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 4, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Florida County Republican Registrations Report—December 2023 thumbnail

Florida County Republican Registrations Report—December 2023

By Steve Meyer

  • The Republican Party of Florida scandal provides a perfect opportunity for Republicans to adopt additional political strategies focused on positively changing the underlying political orientations of election districts.
  • These strategies are critical to the survival of our Republic!
  • Republican registrations relative to Democrat registrations in Florida increased by 76,687 in December and now stands at 769,355.
  • Table 2 is a new addition to this monthly report. The intent of this table is to show which counties are doing a relatively better job of growing Republican Registrations.
  • The situations where Florida’s closed primaries are open to all voters, and when and how these elections determine who obtains the office, should be clarified on Supervisor of Elections websites!

Next Month’s Preview

The Federal Reserves’ 2022 Survey of Consumer Finances (SCF) found the net worth of homeowner households was $396,200 versus $10,400 for those households who rent their housing! Often pointed out in this registrations report is that the most important changeable Democrat demographics are those voters who are alienated and those voters who rent their housing. With household wealth that is less than 3% of that of their homeowner countrymen, is there any doubt that renters and the alienated voters are often one in the same?

An Opportunity to Enhance the Sub-Optimal Republican Political Strategy of Relying on Campaigns

The political strategy of never letting a crisis go to waste could bring some good from the recent scandal involving the Republican Party of Florida (RPOF). It requires existing Republican leadership to rebuff the less than adequate Republican strategy of being a campaign-only organization.

The Republican Party is stuck on the outdated strategy of counting on campaigns and their four strategic pillars (candidate, money, message, turnout) to win elections. Republicans need change! Choosing Republican political leadership is unfortunately not market driven, nor data driven.

The existing Florida Republican political class, which by its nature will resist change, will choose the new party leadership! There will wrongly be a contest between those who champion what is best for the Trump wing of the party, the DeSantis wing, the Scott wing, the Rubio wing, the Bush wing, etc. The decision of who will lead the RPOF should be based on who can successfully integrate strategies which will improve the underlying political orientations of the state and its various election districts for the good of all Republican candidates at all levels of government!

Sides on who shall lead the RPOF are already being taken. The side that should be taken, siding with those who wish to grow the underlying political orientation of Florida election districts to become more Republican, is not even a thought. Open-minded Republicans should watch the movie Moneyball. Substitute the Oakland A’s manager’s strategy of putting a winning line-up together with the more expansive political strategy of improving the underlying political orientation of election districts. Further substitute current Republican strategy with the then existing strategy norms of professional baseball. This may help in the understanding of the resistance to change that takes place in organizations such as the RPOF.

Democrats, and their allies, work feverishly to change the underlying political orientations of election districts. The results of the Democrat efforts are that our major metropolitan centers have become Republican deserts, socio-economic nightmares, and a huge threat to The Constitution.

The national popular presidential election vote has not been won by the Republicans, and the electoral college vote won only once, since 2004. In California, a state which is a harbinger of national trends, the Democrats dominate as the California national congressional delegation has 40 of 52 members who are Democrat. It is safe to say that California Republican strategies are inadequate! It is also safe to say that California Republicans are like Republicans of other states!

To simplify, Republicans have lost political market share as Republicans voters are aging out of the system and generally being replaced by Democrat voters! Current trends suggest that Republican relevance will soon end, and end abruptly, if Republicans keep limiting themselves to campaigning. Despite general failure, the Republicans keep on keeping on with their limited and outdated strategies!

There is no way to parse Florida election data and find that Republicans strategies are up to the task of regaining ground on the Democrats. Starting with the 1984 presidential election and combining the Perot vote with Republican vote in 1992, and 1996, gives the following Republican percentages of the presidential vote in Florida: 1984-65.32%, 1988-60.87%, 1992-58.82%, 1996-51.44%, 2000-48.85%, 2004-52.10%, 2008-48.10%, 2012-49.03%, 2016-48.60%, and in 2020-51.11%. From these numbers it is readily seen that Democrats made huge gains in Florida between 1984 and 1996 and that the losses have not been recaptured to any great extent.

Recent Republican political gains in Florida are mostly the result of an influx of Republican voters caused by natural disasters in Puerto Rico, new voters who found ways to leave places such as Venezuela, and by Republican voters fleeing Democrat dominated areas within the United States. Florida is unquestionably a desired destination, but being better than New York, Illinois, or California is not a high hurdle to overcome. We should be making Florida even better!

Stating the obvious, Republicans win elections where there are more Republican voters than Democrat voters. There are fewer and fewer of those places outside of Florida!

Ideally, campaigns should be the responsibility of the candidates. Improving the underlying political orientations of election districts should be the focus of the Republican National Committee, the Republican Party of Florida, and the Florida Republican Executive Committees.

Florida is currently dominated by Republicans. Even with this domination, Florida has a primary system which is highly unfavorable to conservative Republicans and highly favorable for Republicans who will readily adopt policies that change the underlying political orientation of election districts to favor the Democrats!

To add efforts to improve the underlying political orientations of election districts to the existing Republican status quo of campaigning may be the last hope to save our great nation. Pray that the Republican leadership of Florida is up to the task. Please work determinedly to make sure the changes in the scope of Republican strategies suggested here are adopted!

Florida Voter Registrations

Note: The registrations numbers in this writing refer to active registrations, a subset of total registrations.

Florida Republicans continue the trend of making relative gains in active voter registrations as Republican registrations relative to Democrat registrations increased by 76,687 registrations in December and by 463,405 registrations since the book closing for the 2022 general election. Florida Republicans now have a 769,355 relative registrations advantage over the Democrats. Republican registrations were 38.47% of total registrations and Republicans now enjoy a 5.76% of total registrations advantage over the Democrats (click here to see tables).

The Democrats lost 93,279 additional registrations in December, 602,564 registrations since the 2022 book closing, and 934,489 registrations since the 2020 election. The Republican registrations decreased by 16,592 in December, and the number of registrations which are neither Republican nor Democrat decreased by 67,612 registrations in December (click here to see chart). Most of the changes in December came from Broward County (click here to see the note).

Note: There have been some relatively large shrinkages in the number of registrations in Florida Counties. The law was changed to make it easier to shift voters into the inactive voter category, a category where the process of removing voters from the voter rolls is initiated. The decreases in the number of registrations should end when the supervisors of elections complete the job of making the transfers in accordance with the new measures.

Note: Please make plans to vote in the Florida non-presidential primary election in August. These primary elections are deadly for conservative Republicans. In the name of fairness, the system should be changed so multi-candidate, single party elections are decided at the general election and not at the primary level! The only current option is for conservative Republicans is to vote in the primary! Conservatives, do the responsible thing and vote in the primary!

Supervisor of Election Note on Primaries

Most, perhaps all, supervisor of elections (SOEs) websites state that Florida is a closed primary state. This is not always the case. The SOE of Indian River County (Leslie Swan, who I wish to publicly thank) added the following wording to clarify the situation on the Indian River County Supervisor of Elections website.

“However, there are times when all registered voters can vote in a primary election, regardless of which major or minor political party they are registered or even if they are registered without a specific party affiliation:

If all the candidates for an office have the same party affiliation and the winner of the primary election will not face any opposition in the general election (i.e. no write-in candidates have qualified), then all registered voters can vote for any of the candidates for that office in the primary election.

If races for nonpartisan (i.e. free from party affiliation) judicial and school board offices, nonpartisan special districts or local referendum questions are on the primary election ballot, then all registered voters, including those without party affiliation are entitled to vote those races on the ballot.

At a general election, all registered voters receive the same ballot and may vote for any candidate or question on the ballot. If there are write-in candidates who have qualified for a particular office, a space will be left on the ballot where their name can be written.”

It should be noted that in these special situation primary elections, the candidate garnering the most votes in the primary often wins the office without having to face the voters in the general election.

Not having to win a general election to capture a seat is a huge problem for conservative Republican candidates and it disenfranchises conservative Republican voters, and it needs to be changed!

©2024. All rights reserved.

Weekend Read: Review of Two Books by Alan Dershowitz  thumbnail

Weekend Read: Review of Two Books by Alan Dershowitz 

By Marvin A. Treiger

Alan Dershowitz began composing War Against the Jews: How to End Hamas Barbarism on October 8, the day after Hamas’ horrific attack. He set aside all his other projects to produce this tome in 32 days. Alan is extraordinarily well qualified for this task. He personally knows and has conferred with Israel’s Prime Minister Netanyahu, with President Isaac Hertzog, as well as numerous high officials in the military and government from the principal political factions.

Before examining this just-published book, some comments are for his earlier more comprehensive volume: The Case For Israel (2002). Alan is an accomplished Constitutional lawyer and here he brilliantly structures his arguments as a legal brief replete with history, anecdotes, and extensive research all duly referenced. Each of the 32 chapters begins with 4 statements that begin by making the best case for the opposition in (1) The Accusation & (2) The Accusers. He then takes them apart in (3) The Reality & (4) The Proof. 

In order to grasp the scope of this earlier examination, the title of chapter 1 is “Is Israel a Colonial, Imperialist State?” The final 32nd chapter is “Why Do So Many Jews And Even Israelis Side With The Palestinians?” His evocative summary conclusion “Israel—The Jew Among Nations,” nails the scope of contemporary Jew hatred.

This book belongs on the shelf of any serious student of Israel and the Middle East.

His recent book begins with a succinct summary of a few arguments from the earlier book and quickly moves on to the massacre (pogrom) of October 7 and the war that has followed.

He also provides a necessary history of Hamas and the Gaza regime as it relates to the overall conflict in the region. He dives into the reaction from our elite Universities, the struggles in our streets and the rise and spread of Jew hatred – a  better term, in my view, than anti-semitism which has lost the appropriate emotional charge. And, anyway, Arabs are semites (members of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular the Jews and Arabs), are they not?

Dershowitz makes the case for total war against Hamas that must end in their complete elimination from power of any sort. He argues that the total defeat and unconditional surrender of Germany and Japan transformed them both into reliable friends and allies. Uncompromising power and strength rather than appeasement and weakness transformed defeated Germany and Japan into allies within a generation.  Prosperity was the other critical ingredient necessary for success and the Marshall Plan laid the groundwork for that.

In the Middle East there is the notion of “the strong horse and the weak horse,” making total victory indispensable for ongoing peace even more than in Europe. Prosperity will be a bigger problem due to the cultural backwardness of the region. We can only do so much without falling into our oft-failing projects of nation-building – so that part is up for grabs. 

Dershowitz’ recent book also includes useful supplementary material: a verbatim debate between Alan and Cornel West with Sean Hannity as moderator; it also contains the text of the original Hamas Charter (1988) where they declare “Israel will exist and continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it just as it obliterated others before it.” The West’s imperial, colonial ambitions never even dreamt of such an apogee. Also included are the “amended” Hamas General Principles And Policies (2017) which were intended to soften public opinion from prior ferocious criticisms of the 1988 version.

The latter document asserts “Hamas believes that the Palestinian issue is the central cause of the Arab and Islamic Ummah (i.e., worldwide Muslim community-MT) and thus, their right to the “entire land”. Why? Because any land conquered by Islam cannot legitimately revert to any other authority. Ultimately, this would include southern Spain, etc., as well. It also explains why historically they didn’t bother to emphasize “nationalism” except to indicate regional entities. The Ummah defines Islamic rule so the concept of nationalism is in essence superfluous. That, at least, is the ideology of groups such as Hamas (a branch of the Muslim Brotherhood) and ISIS.

Arab nationalism finally arose in the Holy Land late into the 1920s in response to the growth of the Jewish community and the subsequent inflow of Arabs seeking to find work, safety and prosperity. Remember that in 1850 the first census of the Ottoman Empire found that approximately 50% of Jerusalem residents were Jews.

Dershowitz, on most questions, is a moderate Democrat with strong classical liberal and Constitutional views, especially regarding free speech and the rule of law. He declares “I will remain a Democrat and vote for Biden while seeking to marginalize the radical anti-Israeli elements in that party.”

This feels counterintuitive to me. He appears on Fox more than on other stations on many issues. Insofar as conservatism has become the guardian of classical liberalism, he is a conservative. I even began to think he was staying with Democrats to not lose them as an audience for his views. But his views, expressed in the book regarding the Judicial turmoil in Israel prior to the pogrom, convinced me that at bottom he remains part of the old Democratic Party coalition that is fearful of the right.

The controversy surrounding the Israeli Supreme Court vs. Knesset (parliament) roiled Israel in the weeks before the pogrom. This is the weakest part of the book. He admits that this section was in part compiled out of previous essays he had written on these topics. Unfortunately, in editing, bald-faced contradictions have remained in place.

For example, he states (p.94) “Indeed, the reforms (of the Court-MT) would bring Israel closer to being a pure democracy governed by majority rule. But they would endanger minority rights, civil liberties, equal rights, due process, and the rule of law. That’s why I oppose them. Israel would be a better democracy with these principles kept intact than if they were compromised by a reduction in the power of the Supreme Court to enforce them.”

Yet a few pages later (p.110) after the Knesset ruled that the Supreme Court may not rule using the “unreasonable” argument to overrule legislation, he comes to agree with this reform. Likewise, (p.98) “It may also be appropriate to eliminate the current veto that judges have over Supreme Court appointments.” In other words, the Court now appoints its successors guaranteeing Judicial tyranny as the end game. This too is a big reform. Why not have elections for Judges bringing this issue directly back to the people further distributing power?

Dershowitz, as an old time liberal, fears what he calls right-wing extremist settlers and the Court tends to represent the old guard, socialist-leaning, original Ashkenazi cohort in a demographic that is shifting rightward due also to immigration and the high birth rates of Orthodox Jews. Muslims comprise 21% of the Israeli population yet Jews are not allowed to live in any nearby Arab lands. Can this be just?

The Knesset itself, as part of a compromise, should consider reforms that compel something greater than a majority to pass legislation when opposed by the Court thus checking the Knesset’s power, preventing majoritarian tyranny and compelling a greater consensus for the truly big issues.

This will, of course, make Israeli government somewhat less efficient. This is exactly the motivation underlying James Madison’s doctrine of the balance of powers. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely, as those with an inkling of knowledge of human nature know very well.

You will come to your own conclusions after reading this important book which is a powerful weapon in our effort to save a great ally and the only democracy in the Middle East. Hamas must be eradicated now and forever.

Thank you, Alan, for your indefatigable efforts to inform us all and rescue the Democrats from themselves.


Image credit: YouTube screenshot of the Dersh Show


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Stop Funding ‘Rights for Migrants’ Legal Scam thumbnail

Stop Funding ‘Rights for Migrants’ Legal Scam

By Betsy McCaughey

As a record number of migrants invade the U.S., wreaking pain on New York City and other communities, one group is winning big-time: the public advocacy lawyers. Their business is to constantly sue to win more so-called rights for migrants. Rights to shelter, rights to meals, rights to health care, and even the right to vote in local elections.

Who pays the bills on both sides of these lawsuits? You do. Taxpayer money largely funds these legal combatants, which include the Coalition for the Homeless, Legal Aid Society, and Vera Institute of Justice.

You’re paying to be legally coerced into providing more for migrants, even at the cost of cutting vital city services—kind of like hiring your own assassin. It’s absurd, but it’s about to get worse.

On Dec. 14, the New York City Council passed Resolution 556, calling on the state Legislature to guarantee, as a right, that all migrants have lawyers paid for by taxpayers when they go to immigration court. It would be a “first-in-the-nation” guarantee.

Resolution 556 would give migrants more rights than American citizens have. No one else is guaranteed a publicly funded lawyer in civil court matters such as housing court issues or divorce.

Yikes, the City Council’s proposal would make the Big Apple even more of a magnet for migrants than it already is.

Who’s behind this push? The Vera Institute of Justice, for one.

Vera claims we “need a federally funded universal legal defense service” for migrants. In short, a national army of left-wing lawyers paid by you. What better place to launch this lunatic idea than at the New York City Council?

The Vera Institute is not the only organization cashing in on migrants’ rights.

In October, Mayor Eric Adams went to court for temporary relief from the rigid rules and settlements that define what the city must provide the homeless, as tens of thousands of homeless migrants arrive. Immediately, the Legal Aid Society and the Coalition for the Homeless swooped in, claiming his plan would “gut” the long-standing rights of the homeless.

These lawsuits are largely funded by you, through grants and contracts from the city and state. Manhattan Judge Gerald Lebovits urged the parties to compromise and arranged for the lawyers on all sides, representing the city, the state, and the migrants, to meet in his chambers several times.

This scam is being repeated all over the nation. The Justice Action Center—also publicly funded—is suing the Biden administration on behalf of Haitian asylum-seekers whose rights it claims were violated by U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback trying to stop them as they crossed the Rio Grande.

Lawyers for the migrants and lawyers for the Biden administration will cross swords. Never mind who wins. They’re all being paid by us.

It’s a free country. Anyone can sue. But why should we be paying for these legal boxing matches?

Disgraced former Gov. Andrew Cuomo recently wrote that the remedy for New York City’s mounting woes is to sue the federal government for more money. Wrong. That would send more wasted funds down the litigation rathole.

Cuomo also argues that the “right to shelter” should apply to all the counties, instead of just Gotham, and that state lawmakers should “fairly distribute” the migrant burden statewide. Spoken like a pol who is eyeing a city position and no longer cares about the rest of the state.

The notion that there is a “right to shelter” in the state Constitution was concocted by the Coalition for the Homeless in a lawsuit in 1981. It has tied the hands of city leaders ever since. It should be legally challenged. Extending that questionable right to migrants who just arrived here, and then imposing it statewide, would compound the wrong.

Tell lawmakers to stop funding the legal advocacy industry with our money. It’s time to break the stranglehold these publicly funded lawyers, under the guise of doing good, have on our city and nation.


This article was published by Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

VIDEO: IDF and the Shin Bet Take Out Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror Officer thumbnail

VIDEO: IDF and the Shin Bet Take Out Senior Palestinian Islamic Jihad Terror Officer

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

The IDF and the Shin Bet eliminated the head of the operational staff of the northern Gaza Strip and a senior member of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization. 

Mamadoah Lulu, served as an assistant to the heads of the northern region of the Gaza Strip in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad organization, and was in contact with senior officials of the organization’s headquarters abroad. Lulu was killed in an attack by an IDF aircraft, led by the Fire and Intelligence Center of the Southern Command and directed by the Shin Bet and the Intelligence Division.

Lulu was a central figure in the Palestinian Islamic Jihad, initiating and leading numerous terror attacks and attacks from Gaza against the State of Israel, routinely and during the war.

WATCH: IDF hit several Hamas anti-tank squads in Gaza

The IDF says it struck several Hamas anti-tank squads in Gaza over the past day, as fighting intensifies in the southern and central parts of the Strip.

In Khan Younis, the IDF says, reservists of the Kiryati Brigade directed an Israeli Air Force aircraft to strike three Hamas operatives attempting to plant a bomb near the forces.

The troops killed another two Hamas gunmen hiding in a nearby building, according to the IDF.

An IAF fighter jet also hit a Hamas weapons depot in Khan Younis, the IDF adds.

Also in southern Gaza, the IDF says Hamas operatives fired anti-tank missiles at the 7th Armored Brigade, and a short while later, an IAF aircraft struck the cell behind the attack and the launch position.

In central Gaza’s Deir al Balah, the IDF says the 98th Division directed an airstrike on a building used by Hamas as an anti-tank missile launch position.

An IAF fighter jet hit the launch site, as well as two more buildings in the area where some of the operatives fled, it says.

The IDF says another Hamas operative who arrived later to search the area for weapons was hit in a separate airstrike.

In al-Bureij, also in central Gaza, the IDF says troops of the Golani Brigade located several long-range rocket launchers.

Meanwhile, the Navy has continued to carry out strikes along Gaza’s coast, aiding the ground forces. The IDF says Navy strikes over the past day killed a number of Hamas operatives attempting to ambush ground forces.

Source – TOI/X – Video source – IDF

IDF Fighting Terrorists in Tulkarem in Extended Operation

Tulkarem is a major Arab city in Samaria, located just 16 kilometers (10 miles) east of Netanya. It has been a hub for terrorist groups who have launched many deadly attacks against Israeli civilians since the first intifada, due to its close proximity to the Sharon region in Israel.

This is not the first such operation to be carried out in Tulkarem, one of the myriad Hamas strongholds thriving throughout the Palestinian Authority.

The IDF carried out a similar counter terror operation in the city’s Nour Shams neighborhood in July 2023, during which Moamen Qaraawi, the son of Hamas leader Fathi Qaraawi, was among those arrested and taken into custody.

Last month, Israeli residents in the nearby community of Bat Hefer warned the IDF they were hearing the sounds of underground digging at night near their homes, an ominous sign that in past has meant terrorists tunneling in the night, preparing for a deadly attack on Israelis.

Israelis Living near Tulkarem Complain about Underground Digging Noises

The residents of the northern Israeli community of Kibbutz Misgav Am, located near the city of Kiryat Shmona on the border with Lebanon, likewise warned they were hearing digging sounds under their homes. They expressed fears that Hezbollah was planning a raid similar to the murderous Hamas attack on October 7, using underground tunnels.

Early Thursday morning, the IDF reportedly blew up a building in Tulkarem’s Nour Shams neighborhood, while searching the city building by building for wanted terror suspects. Nour Shams is a major focus of IDF counter terrorism efforts.

The forces imposed a curfew on the area with troops sealing off all entrances and exits from the Nour Shams neighborhood. Arab media reported “violent confrontations” as local terrorists attacked Israeli soldiers in Hanoun Square, Balawneh and the “Schools Neighborhood.” Israeli forces also deployed in the al-Alimi, Al-Aqsa and Aktaba neighborhoods.

Five members of the Gitawi family were arrested Wednesday night in Aktaba, a suburb on the eastern outskirts of the city, according to the Al Quds news outlet.

It is not yet clear when Israel Defense Forces will wrap up its activities.

Israel and U.S. CENTCOM are both beginning to eliminate top commanders of Iranian proxies.

Report in Iraq: An attack against pro-Iranian militias in Baghdad carried out using airplanes. It is believed to be an American attack.

Al-Nujaba organization, a pro-Iranian militia (which often attacks American bases) announces: 2 senior members of the organization were killed in the attack

The attack was carried out from an American UAV against the logistics wing of the 12th Brigade of the Hashd al-Shaabi organization in Baghdad.

In the attack, the commander of the 12th Brigade and the deputy commander of the Hashd al-Shaabi forces in Baghdad, known as “Abu Taqwa”, was killed.
His assistant was killed along with him and in addition there are also at least 6 wounded.

Abu Taqwa, the military commander of Kataeb Hezbullah Al-Nujaba, who play a major role in the Islamic Resistance in Iraq, was murdered in the recent strike central Baghdad.

The US took responsibility for the assassination today in the heart of Baghdad of Abu Taqwa al-Sa’idi, a senior member of the umbrella organization of the Shia militias in Iraq – Hashd al-Sha’abi. He was responsible for attacks on American soldiers.

He was close to Abu Mahdi al-Mhandas, a commander of Hashd al-Sha’abi who was killed along with Qassem Soleimani on January 3, 2020.


Gallant: “The terrorists should count down until the end of their lives”

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) January 4, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This NEWSRAEL column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

EXPOSED: “I’LL PAY YOU GUYS!” Secretive Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility worker tries to bribe journalist thumbnail

EXPOSED: “I’LL PAY YOU GUYS!” Secretive Phoenix Migrant ‘Refugee’ Facility worker tries to bribe journalist

By O’Keefe Media Group

  • Video shows facility run by International Rescue Committee bussing thousands of migrant “refugees” every hour on the hour to Phoenix Sky Harbor airport.
  • Migrants tell us they crossed border illegally, as IRC given $415 million from Feds to give the pretense of Refugee status and fly them on flights out of Terminal 3 and 4
  • Tomas Robles, an IRC staffer, called us “domestic terrorists” and reported us to the police for asking questions.


I’ve been reporting from the epicenter of the staggering migrant crisis in America for the past several weeks, and what I’ve found is chilling.

Buses full of migrants being transported to the airport in secrecy, every hour on the hour, where they are flown out to locations across the country. Shadowy contractors are working with the International Refugee Committee to transport the migrants in secret. Organizations like the American Red Cross are providing support.

And despite all of this, I have been inundated with whistleblowers from inside the airlines, from inside the airport, and from inside the transportation companies, offering us information on what’s really going on.


Elon Musk responded to our latest video report on the migrant “Welcome Center” in Phoenix and the government’s $415 billion contributions to the International Refugee Committee which owns the facility. “What the heck!?” Elon comments under our breaking news story. Then, in another comment, Musk says, “$415M from the US government?”

What the heck!?

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) January 3, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This OMG exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Twin Bombings by the grave of World’s Deadliest Terrorist Qasem Soleimani Kills 73, 170 Wounded, On the 4th Anniversary Of His Assassination thumbnail

Twin Bombings by the grave of World’s Deadliest Terrorist Qasem Soleimani Kills 73, 170 Wounded, On the 4th Anniversary Of His Assassination

By The Geller Report

The people of Iran have had it.

Twin blasts near Qasem Soleimani’s grave kills 73, 170 wounded

By: Mallika Soni, Hindustan Times, Jan 03, 2024:

Iran Blasts: Two explosions were heard in quick succession near the grave of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on his death anniversary.

Two explosions in quick succession near the grave of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani killed more than 70 people and wounded scores as the country marked the anniversary of his killing in a US drone strike in Iraq.

“Huge explosion heard near Saheb al-Zaman Mosque” where the head of foreign operations of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is buried in Kerman in southern Iran, AFP reported quoting local media that added shortly afterward, “A second explosion was heard near Saheb al-Zaman Mosque.”
Wrap up the year gone by & gear up for 2024 with HT! Click here

Reza Fallah, head of the Kerman province Red Crescent rescuers said as per Reuters, “Our rapid response teams are evacuating the injured… But there are waves of crowds blocking roads.”

Read more.


Pamela Geller


Israel Eliminates Hamas Top Dog Saleh al Arouri

BIDEN’S INVASION: Record Breaking 300,000 Migrant Encounters at Southern Border in December, Highest Single Month Ever Recorded


A’math of bomb attack targeting a ceremony honouring slain General Qassem Suleimani#TehranBlast

— samia mebarki (@samiamebarki1) January 3, 2024


At least 73 killed and 180 wounded in terror attack in Kerman, Iran.

2 bombs exploded as crowds were gathering near the grave of General Qassem Suleimani on the 4th anniversary of the U.S. drone strike that killed him.

Developing story…

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) January 3, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Are Children Really Our Future? thumbnail

Are Children Really Our Future?

By Karen Schoen

As a retired teacher, I was really pleased when I read the article in the Jackson Times about how well our students are doing in the Jackson County Schools. Several schools moved up a grade. That was wonderful but did not make sense according to the statistics from US News and World Report, NAEP, or Axios that say 47% of our kids can’t read write or do simple math. According to AXIOS Florida had some of the worst ACT scores in the nation.  I started digging to find out what those letter grades actually mean.

My organization, The Florida Citizens Alliance (FLCA), has been laser focused on improving education since its inception.  We were able to help legislators recognize that using Common Core standards was a guarantee that FL students would be 2 years behind and they are. Common Core is still in Florida schools under the name of “Florida Sunshine Standards”. Just like Common Core, Florida Sunshine Standards  eliminates and/or minimizes phonics, cursive writing, logic, reason and critical thinking. It shifts the focus from facts to values. Why is dumbing down our kids be the new goal of education?

The FLAC sponsored Microschool program and the variety of Florida scholarships provide support for homeschool parents who recognize public schools have failed our children.

FACT: Homeschooled students average 30% higher than public school students. Parents, Grandparents: When was the last time you asked your child to read to you? Can they do a simple math calculation manually? Do they know how money works?

Public school literature uses SEL (Social Emotional Learning) which is nothing more than CRT (Critical Race Theory) in disguise. SEL is a bastion for learning hatred of family, G-d and country. Using the DIE (Diversity, Inclusion, Equity) approach students  learn:

  • Diversity – skin color is more important than knowledge
  • Inclusion – As long as you agree with the group you will be allowed to participate, disagree and you will be cancelled.
  • Equity – Students learn: White people are the oppressors and black and brown people are oppressed. Since that can never change it is OK for Black and Brown people to steal from or kill white people as there are no consequences for their actions. The government should own everything to make it equal. Why use contraception when you can Kill your baby? Single parent households can live off government money. Blame white people for all your troubles.

Students today are indoctrinated not educated. Schools fail on so many fronts like:

  • Failure to teach English – the language of America and business
  • Failure to teach Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, fundamental skills
  • Failure to teach the real meaning of Equality and Opportunity
  • Failure to teach personal responsibility
  • Failure to teach Individuality – freedom of thought/opinion/speech/Bill of Rights
  • Failure to teach the difference between Freedom and Communism, the purpose of America

Students who graduate under Affirmative Action programs, have lowered standards as excellence is repelled. It is more important to use the right pronoun (for a protected class of less than 3% of the population) than it is to produce a quality product. End Result: 95% of the population is being sacrificed by lowered standards. Fact: In the 1800’s America’s average IQ was around 125+ . By the 1950’s,  the average IQ was around 110. Today the average IQ is under 100 and almost half the nation is functionally illiterate. Mission Accomplished. Dumbed Down Illiterate people require less from their government. They are willing to give up liberty for a government hand out. Those that can’t cope take drugs. More than 47% of students graduate and can’t read write or do simple math, or finance. But they will know every sexual position known to humans. At the same time they do not know the difference between a man or woman. How are these schools rated A or B?

By using the statistics on I discovered that out of a top score of 500, Florida scored 241. This score was on the high side for the nation but LESS THAN HALF in the real world.  When I went to school, less that half on a test was an F or FAIL. So how do schools in Florida score A’s and B’s?   Easy answer: Florida grades on a curve. This way the highest score regardless of actual value is always an A.  Using the scores for Jackson county on the US News and World report or here,  the schools scored an average 50% in reading and 33% in math.  Yet they were rated as B’s and C schools.  Yes, it is great that the schools improved but over 88% of the students graduated, can not read write or do simple math. Hw does this impact their quality of life and opportunities? How does this impact America’s future?   What life career will they have?  When was the last time you heard, “Think outside the box?” or “Be the best you can Be.” or “Actions have consequences?” Where we get the next innovator, inventor, creator? Not America!

On the Florida Citizen Alliance website you will find, ” Comparing Ranking Data (proficiencies & college-ready index) with Florida DOE school grades (see “District Grades” Excel file for county grades) The main purpose for sharing this data is to point out the obvious disconnect when you compare nationally-normed high school ranking data (reading proficiency, math proficiency and college-ready index) with the Florida DOE “report card” grades which are calculated using a FL DOE proprietary formula. This proprietary grading formula was created by and can be manipulated by the FL DOE. By grading on the low “curve”, the school grades can be made to look much better than is actually the case. So don’t take it at face value when your school claims to be an “A” school (for example). Look at the U.S. News and World Report data and see if it supports the claim. We need visibility into the TRUE academic performance of Florida schools. Moving away from the highly manipulated FL DOE proprietary grading system is a MUST if we’re to effectively judge the efficiency of Florida Schools.”

Although I do not have children in school and I no longer teach, I never stopped paying attention to our schools. Striving for mediocrity breeds mediocre people in a mediocre country. America was designed for Americans to strive for excellence. So what can parents, grandparents and members of the community do? Here ae some suggestions:

First Action:  and foremost, get your students out of public indoctrination clinics masquerading as public schools.  Florida has many wonderful scholarships; check them out. Join a Microschool, a co-op or a private school that focuses on the 3R’s.  Yes, sports are important but if your child can’t read the play book…  Can you mentor a student?

Second Action: Check out the authors of the texts and supplemental materials students read.  Many authors are foreign and focus on social values not facts. We are the taxpayers, in Florida we have the right to review texts. Example: why are we paying for supplemental learning materials like whose goal is to advance SEL when the goal should be to teach the students to read?

Third Action: Go to school board meetings and voice your opinion. Be prepared with facts and never let the public-school board forget who is paying the bills. Be polite but never forget, you are the ones paying the bills. The purpose of school is to teach skill sets for life not indoctrinate children into a life dependent upon the government. Our students must learn what it means to be an American. They must learn English, civics, history, facts and “One Nation Under G-d”.

Fourth Action: Check your media center. Are there porn books for underage children?  That is not censorship, that is good parenting. Check out the porn report compiled by volunteers throughout Florida on

Fifth Action: Most important, get involved. Can you share with 5 people and tell them to share with 5 people and so on?  If you believe as I do that children are our future, let’s stop the destructive path they are on.  Is America worth saving?  It is up to us.

©2024. Karen Schoen. All rights reserved.

Trump Moves To Hold Jack Smith In Contempt Of Court thumbnail

Trump Moves To Hold Jack Smith In Contempt Of Court

By The Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump suggested Thursday that the district court hold special counsel Jack Smith and other prosecutors in contempt for violating its order, arguing that Smith is using the docket as an “arm of the Biden Campaign.”

District Court Judge Tanya Chutkan paused proceedings in the former president’s 2020 election case Dec. 13, pending the appeal of her decision not to dismiss his case based on presidential immunity. Yet Smith has continued to file documents on the suspended deadlines, which Trump’s lawyers alleged in a 15-page filing violates the court’s “clear, straightforward, and unambiguous” stay order.

“In this manner, the prosecutors seek to weaponize the Stay to spread political propaganda, knowing that President Trump would not fully respond because the Court relieved him of the burdens of litigation during the Stay,” they wrote. “Worse, the prosecutors have announced their intention to continue this partisan-driven misconduct indefinitely, effectively converting this Court’s docket into an arm of the Biden Campaign.”

Trump’s lawyers asked the court Thursday to issue an order requiring prosecutors to show why they should not be held in contempt and be required to withdraw their filings, as well as provide “monetary sanctions in the amount of President Trump’s reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses incurred in responding to the prosecutors’ improper productions.”

Prosecutors filed 4,000 pages of “additional discovery” on Dec. 17 and an “exhibit list” on Dec. 18, Trump’s lawyers noted. In a filing, prosecutors explained that they took their actions “to help ensure that trial proceeds promptly if and when the mandate returns.”

New: Trump’s legal team seeks to hold special counsel Jack Smith in contempt for purportedly violating the court’s order staying proceedings in district court.

— Anna Bower (@AnnaBower) January 4, 2024

“President Trump has filed a powerhouse motion to hold Crooked Joe Biden’s henchman, Deranged Jack Smith in contempt of Court for repeatedly violating the stay order in the Washington DC J6 Witch Hunt,” Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement. “Smith was ordered to not take any further action in the trial court until the Presidential Immunity issue is resolved, which should be a full dismissal of this ‘case’ because President Trump was carrying out his duty as President to investigate the Rigged and Stolen 2020 Presidential Election…No prosecutor is above the law.”

Smith has continually pushed to rush the timeline in order to maintain the scheduled March 4 trial date, which Trump’s immunity appeal threw into jeopardy. The Supreme Court shot down on Dec. 22 his request for it to consider the immunity question before the lower court could consider the question.

“Unstated, but obvious, is the prosecutors’ desperate effort to harass President Trump and prevent his likely victory in the 2024 Presidential Election,” Trump’s lawyers wrote Thursday.

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals will hold oral arguments to consider Trump’s appeal Jan. 9.




RELATED ARTICLE: Appeals Court Hints It May Consider Constitutional Questions About Jack Smith’s Appointment

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Standing up for national unity and national survival thumbnail

Standing up for national unity and national survival

By Center For Security Policy

A lot has changed in Israel since Oct. 7, but a lot has also stayed the same.

What has changed is exemplified in the actions of the Kalmanzon brothers, members of the religious community of Otniel in the South Hebron Hills, on Oct. 7.

On Oct. 7, Elhanan Kalmanzon, a reserve major in the Commando Brigade and a Mossad officer, realized almost immediately that Israel was being invaded. He organized the security team in Otniel and messaged his brother Menachem.

“I’m packing up and going south. The nation of Israel needs us. Our brothers need us.”

Menachem joined Elchanan, and with their brother-in-law Itiel Zohar Horovitz, they drove down south, ending up at the gate of Kibbutz Be’eri.

Be’eri was one of Hamas’s primary targets for slaughter. Ninety-seven members of the small farming community were butchered that day. Greeting them at the entry gate were terrified residents.

“My sister is inside.”

“My brother is inside.”

“Please save them.”

The Kalmanzon brothers and Horovitz found an abandoned armored personnel carrier, and entered the kibbutz. For 14 and a half hours they went from house to house, rescuing families through the windows of their safe rooms, filling their vehicle, driving to safety, and returning to the farming community-turned-killing-field, over and over again.

On their final trip into Be’eri, after having saved more than a quarter of the residents, Elhanan was killed as he entered another home.

A delegation of members of Be’eri came to Otniel to pay a condolence call to the Kalmanzon family during their shivah. In the course of their meeting, Menachem praised the heroism and the hardened courage of the residents of Be’eri.

“There were 70-year-old women there. We’d offer them a hand to help them down [from the window].”

Swatting his hand in the air, as if pushing a fly away, Menachem continued, “This 70-year-old woman said, ‘No thank you.’ She’s a tough woman, a woman of labor. We laughed together and, ‘If they told you to go to the cow shed and do the morning milking in half an hour, you’d be off.’”

Progressivism, post-Zionism

Be’eri and the surrounding kibbutzim were founded by hardcore Labor Zionists. They believed that the Jewish people would liberate themselves from two thousand years of exile and powerlessness, build their state and secure their freedom into the future through hard work, hard fighting and collective farming. They aspired to build a Jewish socialist state.

Over the years, as they became prosperous, their socialism dissipated. Zionism, it seemed, had finished its job. Socialism was superseded by progressivism, Zionism by post-Zionism.

Like the residents of neighboring kibbutzim, Be’eri’s members believed in coexistence with the Palestinians. They thought the biggest threat to that coexistence was people like the Kalmanzon brothers, who are religious and live in Judea or Samaria. They believed in the founding myth of the so-called peace process with the PLO—that there were “extremists” on both sides. The supposedly “moderate” PLO ruling Fatah faction had its “extremists” in Hamas. The “moderate” Israeli elite, of which the kibbutzim outside Gaza were very much a part, had its “extremist” religious Zionists, otherwise known as “settlers.” To reach peace, the “moderates” on both sides had to defeat their “extremists.”

Oct. 7 shattered that illusion. Hamas didn’t slaughter the people of Be’eri and surrounding communities on its own. It was joined by Fatah terrorists and thousands of “civilians.” These Palestinian “moderates” were full participants in the atrocities committed that day.

On the other hand, the people who arrived at the scene to save them, unbidden, were the Kalmanzon brothers from Otniel who were supposed to be their enemies. Since the ground operation began in Gaza, 45% of the soldiers killed in action have come from the religious Zionist community whose members comprise only 10% of the overall population.

Read more.


Caroline Glick

Center for Security Policy Senior Fellow.


Gallant: “The terrorists should count down until the end of their lives”

— Mossad Commentary (@MOSSADil) January 4, 2024


Lebanese Journalist Close To Hizbullah: If Israel Starts A War Hizbullah Will Use Unconventional Weapons

Iran-Backed Groups In Lebanon, Iraq, Yemen Eulogize Deputy Hamas Political Chief, Accuse U.S. Of Supporting His Killing, Vow Revenge

FLORIDA: Coral Springs Marriott Set to Host Florida Gathering of Hamas Sympathizers

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Female ‘Guardian Angels’ of Golani’s 13th Battalion thumbnail

The Female ‘Guardian Angels’ of Golani’s 13th Battalion

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

Female reservists from the Sky Rider drone unit were the eye in the sky for the 13th Battalion in one of the major battles of the ground incursion into Gaza and helped the soldiers on the ground destroy the enemy and emerge unscathed.

“Covering fire for evacuation, covering fire for evacuation, Golani’s 13th Battalion commander, the late Lt. Col. Tomer Grinberg, called out on the radio. Female soldiers from the “Sky Rider” unit, who were watching his sector from above, heard the call and immediately went into action. For more than two hours, they escorted the battalion as it entered the Gaza Strip, guarding it from enemy fire. They saw from above how the terrorists tried to get close to the battalion’s Namer APCs and how, thanks to the orders and direction they gave to the forces on the ground, the terrorists retreated under fire. They are four young women, reserve soldiers, who were the eyes and shields of the fighting forces in the field.

The four female soldiers, members of the Gaon squad, went to sleep after the battle burdened with the fear that the fire they had directed had caused losses to our forces. Only in the morning did they discover that thanks to their directions, the soldiers of Golani’s 13th Battalion emerged from the fierce battle almost unscathed. The members of the squad proved once again that at the moment of truth, nobody beats the female combat soldiers.

“It was obvious to me that we would be called up, but still the attitude toward female soldiers in this war has surprised me,” says Staff Sergeant R., a member of the squad. On October 7, she started making calls requesting to be drafted into reserve duty. Two days later, she was already down south. “I was surprised they took us south and that some of the female combat soldiers entered the Gaza Strip. We thought that first, they would only bring in squads of boys, but the girls have been here throughout this war. And the fact that we were able the job in the best way possible just goes to show that we can do anything.”

Three of the crew members are A. and R., 23 years old, and S., who is 24. The Sky Rider unit they were called up to is an elite unit belonging to the 215th Artillery Brigade. Their role is critical. Using an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), the Sky Rider unit is responsible for providing an up-to-date picture of the situation and visual intelligence to forces maneuvering on the ground. Depending on the situation, they are responsible for dispatching combat helicopters or sending in additional forces to protect them.

Another set of eyes

 “In practice, we are another pair of eyes in the field and help identify the enemy from afar,” says the girls’ commander, Lieutenant S.T. On November 1, they set out for what appeared to be a routine intelligence-gathering mission with Golani’s 13th Battalion. They positioned themselves on a high hill overlooking open ground and did not expect to spot such a large enemy force. “We knew the battalion from preparations for the maneuver,” continues S.T., “I personally spoke quite a few times with the late battalion commander Tomer during preparations for the incursion into Gaza. Tomer was different from other battalion commanders. You could see it in his fighting spirit and in the way he saw the soldiers on the ground. He came out unscathed from that battle. It really hurt me to hear that about a month later he was killed.”

“When Tomer radioed that fire was being directed at our forces, the girls went into high gear. “From our position, we saw with the drone heavy fire directed at our forces’ vehicles.” S.T. recounts the incident. “It was a complicated situation. At first, the battalion was ordered not to leave the vehicles to keep the soldiers safe. They were traveling with hatches and turrets closed, and they had no way of knowing what was going on outside the APCs. So, the fact that we were there with the battalion was critical for them.”

The Gaon squad didn’t take their eyes (in the sky) off the ground for a moment. Minute by minute, they managed to direct combat helicopters, as well as gun and mortar fire to the site of the battle.

Sergeant S. was not expecting an encounter on that scale. She has long fair hair and bright eyes. She understood just how important she was and the soldiers’ calls for artillery support still echoed in her head. “Suddenly, we saw an insane amount of fire directed at our soldiers.

These are soldiers we were with in preparation for battle, people we know; we’re directing the troops and the helicopter and hoping that our directing fire is really helping our forces, but we have no idea how the incident will end.”

Staff Sergeant A recalls how she saw an explosion right next to one of the tanks. She gathers her dark hair into a high ponytail and stands to attention. She knew they were coming to fight, but she didn’t realize how dangerous the situation could be. “I think it was only then that I realized the magnitude of the event.

Because we didn’t know if the explosion was from the chopper we had called in, in which case it was helping our soldiers, or whether it was enemy fire. Then you hear over the radio that it’s anti-tank fire, and you have to act straight way and direct a response.”

“The terrorists were so close that it looked like they wanted to place IEDs on the vehicles. But the fire we directed at them managed to drive them away. And as soon as S.T. got on the radio, everyone went quiet, because they understood that her report could save their lives. It’s an amazing feeling to see a tank moving in the right direction thanks to our reporting and then firing a shell that pushes the terrorists away. That’s why I volunteered for this position. Just for that moment.”

R told us: “At one point, there was so much shelling, both fired by the battalion and at the battalion that it was crazy. As a force we view events from above, we can’t say whether our forces have been hit. It was only when we heard the call to ‘hold your fire’ over the radio that we realized the engagement was probably over.”

After about two hours of intense combat, during which the soldiers deployed external fire elements such as mortars fired by a company in a defensive block or missile from the helicopter, the area fell silent. The battalion was no longer reporting that it was under fire; the enemy was no longer visible on the ground. The soldiers of the Gaon squad ended with a bad feeling. For better or worse, they are not responsible for evacuating the wounded, nor for the force’s condition after the battle. Nevertheless, in their hearts, they found it hard to distinguish between the heavy fire they had just seen on the ground and the battalion’s soldiers with whom they had prepared for the maneuver.

“After the battle, I had a very difficult feeling,” says S. “I was certain that the battalion had suffered quite a few dead and wounded, because of the heavy fire. I was sure that after a few days, we would hear about the magnitude of the losses.” The morning after was a great relief for her.

R.: “In war, communication is difficult. The battalion and the fighters in the field are in their vehicles and the battalion commander can’t go vehicle to vehicle and check everyone is okay. It’s only when the danger is over that can check to see if there are wounded. In this case, it took several hours before the battalion reached a safe place.”

“It was really hard for us to deal with everything we saw in this battle, because we saw mostly terrorists directing massive fire at our forces. We saw squads of terrorists who wanted to hit our soldiers from close range. We were also afraid that they would try to kidnap soldiers. As a team, we were very upset because we didn’t know what news we were going to wake up with in the morning. We were sure we had just seen the 13th Battalion hit really hard.

But on the morning of the day after the battle, the Gaon crew breathed a sigh of relief when they were told that the 13th Battalion had left the field with only seven lightly wounded from smoke inhalation. They had managed to protect the soldiers from enemy fire.

“I found out that the division leaders heard me talking to the battalion commander and battalion sergeant, and pointing the helicopter in their direction,” says the girls’ commander, Lieutenant S.T. bashfully. “The incident even came up with the General Staff. When they realized that there were no wounded there, I understood that we had done something big. I wanted to know whether other Sky Rider teams had experienced engagements like ours, and it turned out that they hadn’t, that it was all about us.”

S.: “Someone from the unit came to me and was so excited to see me. He said, ‘Wow, you don’t understand what you did. The whole division was watching you yesterday and listening to your reports over the radio.’ It was only then that I realized that we had been involved in a major incident in which we managed to prevent severe harm to our soldiers.”

A.: “The battalion commander, Tomer, was encouraging the forces over the radio all the time. We heard him say that they would come out of it on top and that there were forces looking after them. Being the eyes in the sky, searching for the enemy, and constantly scanning the field so our soldiers wouldn’t get hurt was a chilling experience.”

“We are very proud that we successfully spotted targets and even managed to help eliminate the enemy. It was a difficult situation, and the results were amazing and they show the importance of our work.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Qantas Crew Members Don Palestinian Pins While Serving Passengers thumbnail

Qantas Crew Members Don Palestinian Pins While Serving Passengers

By NEWSRAEL Telling the Israeli Story

A man who took the photos of the Australian airline workers described feeling “intimidated” by the display of activism.

Qantas Airways Limited, the leading airline in Australia, has received a rebuke from a national Jewish organization for a decision by staffers to display Palestinian flag pins on a Dec. 20 flight from Melbourne to Hobart.

A man, who is not Jewish, took photos of the staffers during the flight’s food service and told Sky News that he felt “intimidated” by the display.

“If employees are found to be using their roles for political activism while passengers are essentially captive in the air, they should be dismissed,” said Robert Gregory, CEO of the Australian Jewish Association.

A spokesperson for Qantas stated that  crew members cannot “wear any badges unless they are part of the approved uniform policy” and that “every customer should feel safe and respected when flying on a Qantas Aircraft.”

Qantas will be “counseling” the crew members regarding their on-the-job advocacy against Israel.


Qantas crew members don Palestinian pins while serving passengers

Fury after Qantas cabin crew wear Palestinian flag pin on domestic flight

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All right reserved.

Trump Appeals Ruling Disqualifying Him From Colorado 2024 Ballot To Supreme Court thumbnail

Trump Appeals Ruling Disqualifying Him From Colorado 2024 Ballot To Supreme Court

By The Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump appealed a ruling disqualifying him from Colorado’s 2024 election ballot to the Supreme Court Wednesday.

The Colorado Supreme Court ruled 4-3 Dec. 19 that Trump is ineligible to be on the state’s primary ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Trump asked the Supreme Court Wednesday to determine whether the court erred in excluding him.

“The question of eligibility to serve as President of the United States is properly reserved for Congress, not the state courts, to consider and decide,” the petition states. “By considering the question of President Trump’s eligibility and barring him from the ballot, the Colorado Supreme Court arrogated Congress’ authority.”

The Colorado Republican Party previously appealed the ruling Dec. 27, putting the decision on hold and requiring Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold to include Trump’s name on the ballot if the justices take no action by the ballot certification deadline, Jan. 5.

The Colorado Supreme Court previously put a hold on its decision until Jan. 4 to allow time for Trump to appeal, acknowledging that they traveled in “uncharted territory.”

“The sum of these parts is this: President Trump is disqualified from holding the office of President under Section Three; because he is disqualified, it would be a wrongful act under the Election Code for the Secretary to list him as a candidate on the presidential primary ballot,” the opinion states.

Donald Trump just filed an appeal to the US Supreme Court to consider whether he is eligible to appear on Colorado’s Presidential Primary ballot. I urge the Court to consider this case as quickly as possible.

— Jena Griswold (@JenaGriswold) January 3, 2024

Colorado Judge Sarah Wallace found in November that Trump was not an “officer of the United States” who could be disqualified under the 14th Amendment, though she concluded he had “engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 through incitement.”

“Crooked Joe Biden’s comrades, including the Colorado Supreme Court and CREW, a radical, left-wing activist group, are doing all they can to disenfranchise all American voters by attempting to remove President Trump, the leading candidate in the 2024 Presidential Election, from the primary ballot,” Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said in a statement. “Democrats are obsessively violating the American voters’ Constitutional right to vote for the candidate of their choice. This is an unAmerican, unconstitutional act of election interference which cannot stand.”

The Supreme Court rejected in October the appeal of little-known 2024 Republican presidential candidate John Anthony Castro’s bid to remove Trump from the ballot in Florida after a lower court judge found he lacked standing to sue. Castro has brought a number of lawsuits in other states, including in Arizona and Rhode Island, where they have been similarly shot down by federal judges.

Last week, Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows issued a ruling disqualifying Trump from the state’s ballot under Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. Trump filed an appeal of the ruling with a Maine court on Tuesday.




RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Lacks Any Limiting Principles’: Colorado’s Ruling Kicking Trump Off Ballot Violates Constitution, Legal Experts Say

RELATED VIDEO: Ingrassia: SCOTUS Needs To Rule Quickly On 14th Amendment Issue

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Blessed Are the Persistent thumbnail

Blessed Are the Persistent

By Jerry Newcombe

History is filled with people who quit too early, and thus never fulfilled their key task in life.

With a new year upon us, it’s good to think about how God pours His blessings on those who persist. Even when facing adversity, when the time comes, they push forward with what they feel He has called them to do.

Of course, in the eight Beatitudes of Jesus (“Blessed are…”), He never said, “Blessed are the persistent.” But throughout the Bible, we do find encouragements to press on, to keep plugging away at doing the right thing.

America greatly benefitted from some of our nation’s founders doing just that. The colonial armies experienced one military setback after another, with only a few sporadic victories interspersed.

The victory over the British was a miracle. That we could become independent as a nation is an amazing story.

George Washington himself said in his First Inaugural Address in 1789, “it would be peculiarly improper to omit in this first official Act, my fervent supplications to that Almighty Being who rules over the Universe, who presides in the Councils of Nations, and whose providential aids can supply every human defect, that his benediction may consecrate to the liberties and happiness of the People of the United States.”

Thus, Washington’s first act as president was to offer public praise and prayers to God.

He also said that nobody should be more grateful to Almighty God than the people of the United States because by His help that the founders were able to create this nation: “Every step, by which they have advanced to the character of an independent nation, seems to have been distinguished by some token of providential agency.”

Of course, our liberties fought for by the founders are at risk today, primarily because we as a nation have forgotten God and flaunt our immorality in His face. As founding father Patrick Henry warned, “It is when a people forget God that tyrants forge their chains.”

Committed Christians are called at this present time to persist in working against many of the evils that we face today, such as the totalitarian instincts of an ever-growing bloated government, or the educational establishment which so often provides more indoctrination than education for our children. The work on behalf of the unborn must continue.

The Pilgrims stated their goal in the Mayflower Compact in 1620. This sums up well a worthy goal for the committed believer. They came, they said, “for the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith.”

President Ronald Reagan warned us of the high stakes if we lose this nation: “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

The hour is late and the need to get involved is great. During this time of New Year’s reflections, may God give us the resolve to persist in His calling. If each one did his or her part, we could help stem the tide.

Sometimes the urgencies in life crowd out the important things. Here are some inspirational thoughts to help persist in doing the right thing, come what may:

  • Motivator Earl Nightingale said, “Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.”
  • Highly underrated President Calvin Coolidge noted, “We cannot do everything at once, but we can do something at once.”
  • Hotel magnate Conrad Hilton declared, “Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.”
  • Founding Father Benjamin Franklin observed, “Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.”
  • Oscar Wilde said, “Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working.” (I don’t see Wilde as an exemplary character, but the quote is good. As the saying goes, “A broken clock is correct two times a day.”)

But most importantly comes advice directly from the Bible, the Word of God. The Apostle Paul gives sound advice, for New Years’, and throughout the year, Paul says in Galatians: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.”

So in 2024, may God use us to labor for the greater good that much more diligently and wisely, as we continue to pray “Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

©2024. Jerry Newcombe, D.Min. All rights reserved.

Interview with Attorney and Journalist Matthew Hausman on DISSENT TV thumbnail

Interview with Attorney and Journalist Matthew Hausman on DISSENT TV

By Dr. Rich Swier

DISSENT Television interviews Matthew Hausman, J.D.

Mr. Hausmann has 31 years experience as a trial attorney and more than 35 years as a journalist, writer, and editor. He is also an adjunct professor of criminal justice, law, and ethics.

A former science, health and medical news correspondent, Mr. Hausman writes and speaks about American constitutional and international law, foreign policy, Israel, and Jewish affairs, and his work has appeared in numerous publications in the United States, Canada, Israel, and Australia.

Matthew’s columns and articles have appeared in American Thinker; Arutz Sheva/Israel National News, Book Trib, Connecticut Lawyer, Frontpage Mag, Israpundit, The New English Review, the eMagazine, and the Sydney-Melbourne (Australia) Jewish Report, among other publications and websites.

Mr. Hausman is also a public speaker who has appeared from Nashville to Toronto and is a weekly featured guest on the Jewish Hour (formerly the Zelda Young Show), a popular cultural and political affairs program on CHIN Radio in Toronto. He has appeared on programs throughout the United States and Australia as well.

Matthew’s usual topics include American and Jewish politics, foreign policy, and anti-Semitism.

WATCH: Attorney and Journalist Matthew Hausman on DISSENT TV

©2024. DISSENT Television and . All rights reserved.


The Islamophobia Myth

The manipulation of innocence

There Was a Time When Governments Tried to Make Their People Better thumbnail

There Was a Time When Governments Tried to Make Their People Better

By Jihad Watch

The Biden regime seems hell-bent on celebrating and subsidizing the worst tendencies of human nature: not only every conceivable manner of perversion, but resentment, envy, the privilege of protected classes rather than advancement on the basis of merit, and so much more. It is not hard to suspect that Biden and his henchmen have some vested interest in encouraging Americans to become worse people, harder to get along with and more difficult to deal with. What could more effectively justify an authoritarian crackdown than a population that is as obstreperous as it is immature?

One outcome of all this will be that Americans will become worse people than they used to be. A government can’t expect to celebrate mental illness, demanding that everyone take it as normal on pain of ostracism, deplatforming and worse, and exalt skin color and gender over competence and expect that Americans will continue in large numbers to value being rational, competent, and capable.

There have been governments, however, that did what they could to make their people better human beings, rather than worse ones. “Empire of God: How the Byzantines Saved Civilization” details how, in the Byzantine Empire of the sixth century AD, a story circulated that could have come from our own day. The sixth-century Byzantine chronicler John Malalas reports that early in the reign of the renowned emperor Justinian, “some of the bishops from various provinces were accused of living immorally in matters of the flesh and of homosexual practices. Amongst them was Isaiah, bishop of Rhodes, an ex-praefectum vigilum [commander of the watchmen] at Constantinople, and likewise the bishop from Diospolis in Thrace, named Alexander.”

In Justinian’s realm, no month was set aside to celebrate such behavior. Instead, Malalas continues, “in accordance with a sacred ordinance they were brought to Constantinople and were examined and condemned by Victor the city prefect, who punished them: he tortured Isaiah severely and exiled him and he amputated Alexander’s genitals and paraded him around on a litter.” Justinian did not disapprove of these harsh punishments, and actually seized the opportunity to institute a strong measure against pedophilia: “The emperor immediately decreed that those detected in pederasty should have their genitals amputated.”

Justinian’s wife, the Empress Theodora, also considered it part of her duties to support the public morals. Malalas records that she acted against human trafficking:

Brothel-keepers used to go about in every district on the lookout for poor men who had daughters and giving them, it is said, their oath and a few nomismata [the coins of the day], they used to take the girls as though under a contract; they used to make them into public prostitutes, dressing them up as their wretched lot required and, receiving from them the miserable price of their bodies, they forced them into prostitution. She ordered that all such brothel-keepers be arrested as a matter of urgency. When they had been brought in with the girls, she ordered each of them to declare on oath what they had paid the girls’ parents. They said they had given them five nomismata each. When they had all given information on oath, the pious empress returned the money and freed the girls from the yoke of their wretched slavery, ordering that henceforward there should be no brothel-keepers. She presented the girls with a set of clothes and dismissed them with one nomisma each.”

Consider also, in contrast to Old Joe Biden, who wears his Catholicism on his sleeve but acts against its principles on all controversial matters, notably abortion and “LGTBQI+” issues, a later Roman emperor, the eleventh-century Michael IV. According to a historian of his time, Michael Psellos, Michael IV “was a pattern of piety” after he became emperor. He devoted “a considerable part of the imperial treasure” to “the foundation of monasteries and nunneries throughout the continent.” Monasteries and nunneries aren’t for everyone, however, and so the emperor also “devised a plan for the salvation of lost souls.” Instead of trying to convince Constantinople’s prostitutes of the error of their ways (Psellos asserts that “that class of woman is deaf anyway to all advice that would save them”), he built for them a grand house in the city. Then Michael had it publicly proclaimed that all prostitutes who were “willing to renounce their trade and live in luxury” could find a place there, provided that they would wear nun’s habits and not resort to their old profession. Psellos says that a large number of women took Michael up on this offer and that some “enrolled in the service of God.”

This was one of the oddest and most intriguing public buildings in the history of any state, and it presents an illuminating contrast between Emperor Michael IV and Joe Biden. One was trying to encourage virtue and lead people away from vice; the other has manifested contempt for the very idea of virtue and vice, and has begun to use the power of the state not just to encourage people to live in fantasy, delusion, and debauchery but to punish those who refuse to discard the values that have been held by every people in every place, with every culture and every religion, throughout history, in favor of newly devised fads and fantasies. How interesting it would be for America someday to have a president like Michael IV, rather than the ideological brethren (and sisters!) of Old Joe that we’re likely going to get.




How the Byzantines Saved Civilization

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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COREY LEWANDOSWKI: Donald Trump Is A Juggernaut That Can’t Be Stopped thumbnail

COREY LEWANDOSWKI: Donald Trump Is A Juggernaut That Can’t Be Stopped

By The Daily Caller

That’s right. Let’s face it, many have tried to stop Donald J. Trump, but few, if any have been successful. Yes, it’s true I’ve heard all the stories about who “could” beat former President Donald Trump, Gov. Ron DeSantis, former Gov. Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, etc. etc. etc., but the reality is none of them are going to beat him.

Trump’s biggest concern, that is until the Supreme Court weighs in, is liberal, self-aggrandizing individuals who are using the power of their office to keep him off the ballot. Let’s take for instance the Secretary of State of Maine, Shenna Bellows.

Now, just to be clear, she was NOT elected by the people of Maine to be the Secretary of State. She didn’t win an overwhelming majority and come to office with a mandate. No, no, she was “elected” by the legislature.

Ms. Bellows determined that Trump, a former president of the United States, and the current front runner for the Republican nomination for president will not be allowed on the ballot in Maine because he “took part” in an insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021.

Not only is that complete nonsense — it’s not based on any sort of fact of law. As we all know, Trump, for all the charges that have been brought against him so far, has never even been charged with the crime of insurrection. So, why is Ms. Bellows attempting to keep Trump off the ballot?

Simple, Trump’s campaign is a runaway train that can’t be stopped. He has a historic lead amongst those polled in the upcoming caucus state of Iowa.

According to the Real Clear Politics (RCP) average Trump has a 32.7% lead over his closest competitor in Iowa. Also, according to RCP, in my home state of New Hampshire, Trump maintains a lead of over 20 points to his nearest rival.

Moreover, in the key battleground states — those five states that will determine the outcome of the next presidential election, Trump is beating Joe Biden in every single one — and it’s driving the left crazy. They simply can’t allow it. They must DO something, anything. But what?

They have decided to make up and convict an individual of a charge he has never been charged with. That’s how they justify keeping Trump off the ballot.

They are so afraid he is going to win again their Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) has gotten in the way of basic logic.

Let’s face it, the media can only do so much to prop up Sleepy Joe. For years the media told us Trump can’t win — the polls no longer bear that out.

Trump currently holds a 2.2% lead over Joe Biden in the RCP average. For years the media told us Biden would unite the country and we would prosper financially — again, didn’t happen.

Here we are, at the beginning of 2024. The unofficial start of the campaign and things are breaking Trump’s way.

The issue of Illegal Immigration is paramount to most Americans — this helps Trump. President Biden’s epic failure to secure our southern border has had a catastrophic impact on our country — even liberal mayors and governors in blue cities and states have had enough. (RELATED: TROY OLSON And GAVIN WAX: Trump Is Building A New Populist Majority)

Biden’s approval rating is woeful, with 40.5% approving and 55.9% disapproving of the job he’s doing. What’s even worse for the Biden Administration is that only 25.1% of respondents believe the country is on the right track while 67.3% says we are headed in the wrong direction.

With the electability argument against Joe Biden out the window and prominent members of the democrat establishment like David Axelrod and Jennifer Palmieri raising alarm bells over Biden’s chances for a second term – Donald Trump just keeps getting stronger and strong.

I am looking forward to the primary season getting fully underway. I will relish Donald Trump’s dominance in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina.

Then in early March, it’s super Tuesday. A day that will unequivocally establish President Trump as the GOP nominee in 2024. The only thing that could stop President Trump now is the continued disenfranchisement of voters by people trying to keep Trump off the ballot.

I always say the American people are smart. They see what people like Shenna Bellows and others are trying to do by attempting to keep Trump off the ballot in their states.

This will only embolden the electorate to come out and support Trump more enthusiastically. The result will be Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of the United States. Happy 2024 America.



Corey Lewandowski is a former Trump 2016 campaign manager and 2020 senior adviser.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.


PETER ROFF: It’s No Wonder Why The Left Wants Trump Off The Ballot In 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Begin the New Year Standing on the Word thumbnail

Begin the New Year Standing on the Word

By Family Research Council

It’s 2024, and you know what that means. The gyms are crowded, the fridge is stocked with healthy food, plans are made, and our intentions are the best they have ever been! Well, at least for a couple weeks.

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing bad about having New Year’s resolutions like going to the gym, eating healthier, and being more organized. But I believe it goes without saying that those New Year’s resolutions have become so derivative to the point that usually know ahead of time what will be on most everyone’s list. And even more so, it has become stereotypical for those ambitions to fade away within a couple weeks — sometimes only days — into January. Some of the best advice I can offer you that has been shared with me is, if you have a goal, don’t wait for a special occasion to start it, because you really don’t need one.

But I know how much we love our New Year’s resolutions, so, on behalf of all of us here at Family Research Council, let me suggest a New Year’s resolution that is guaranteed to change the outlook of the year to come in the best way possible. And that is to have the goal of being in the Word of God every day of your new year (and every year!).

Everyone has a worldview. It’s how we view the world and ourselves, and it’s how we determine the choices we make. As Christians, we are called to hold a biblical worldview, which means every aspect of our lives is shaped by the principles, commands, and truths of Scripture. Perhaps, then, you may recognize the issue with being a Christian, striving to have a biblical worldview, but spending little to no time in the book with which we learn it from. As George Barna, senior research fellow for the Center for Biblical Worldview at FRC, said on “Washington Watch,” in “America today, only 4% of all adults have a biblical worldview.”

So, being in the Word daily will both shape the biblical worldview we are called to have and is the way “to make 2024 a year that could literally change your life,” FRC President Tony Perkins replied. In fact, this very belief is at the heart of FRC and serves as the impetus for our Stand on the Word two-year Bible reading plan . The new journal walks you through daily Scripture reading, questions, and insightful thoughts to get a richer understanding of the text, and space to write out your own thoughts. It also includes resources in the back such as summaries of each book of the Bible, how to pray, how to share our faith, and more.

But why is this so important? Hopefully, I’ll be able to tell you why.

“God … [has] called us to be a city set upon a hill, a light that cannot be hidden,” Kevin Beal, associate pastor of Bethesda Church, shared on “Washington Watch.” And as such, “the only way for us to be able to be that people that God has called us to be is to know His Word and live according to His Word.” Reading Scripture, which is undeniable, irrefutable, absolute truth, is what allows the Holy Spirit to work in us. But don’t take our word for it. Turn to the Word itself:

  • Psalms 119:11 – “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”
  • 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – “All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.”
  • Romans 10:17 – “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”
  • John 15:5 – “I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.”
  • Ephesians 6:10-18 shows how the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God.
  • Psalms 119:105 – “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.”

I could go on! The Word is not just a bunch of motivational quotes that make us feel better. It’s our sword! Jesus used the Word to combat the devil in Matthew 4. It’s the weapon we use to fight not only the principalities of darkness but also the weakness of our own human flesh and its tendency toward sin. We need to know it and allow it to affect every aspect of our Christian lives.

Particularly in suffering or even just uncertainty (and we all know life is full of that), we draw near to Christ through His Word. Isaiah 26:3-4 instructs us how we ought to choose to focus on God when the author notes to “trust in the Lord forever for He is the eternal rock.” It is biblical discipline that helps grow the fruits of the Spirit in us despite any circumstance. And we know our hearts are deceptive (Jeremiah 17:9), which is why we choose scriptural truth rather than leaning on our own understanding.

In Matthew 7:13-14, we are told that it’s hard to live faithfully, “For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” And I’m not at liberty to say why specific people suffer in the ways they do, but I know God is sovereign. Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

R.C. Sproul eloquently elaborated on this Scripture in his teaching series, “Suffering: A Case Study,” when he said, “If there is a God that is sovereign over all of life, … death, … pain, … diseases, … illness, and … sorrow, then what that means is that it is flat out impossible that any pain could ever be without purpose.” And, really, that sovereignty applies to all things in addition to our pain and confusion. But we don’t rest in that if we don’t take the time to write it on our hearts through the study of the Word.

Look, I’m a flawed person, and I often neglect the discipline I have spent this entire article arguing for you to make a habit. But God provided many experiences that revealed my human viewpoint will lead me astray, and Scripture is the only truth I can and should hold on to. No good deed, no fruitful labor, no act of love could ever come out of my brokenness. All good emerges through Christ alone, the meditation of His Word, and the praise of His character. I am nothing on my own. But through faith in Christ and reverence for His Word, I have everything.

The devil offers excuses, but we don’t have to take them. Don’t make darkness more significant than the gospel, for even Scripture says the darkness is not dark to Christ, and now we are called “children of light.” The work is finished. We don’t know what this year may bring, but we can choose to make God and His Word a part of it.

Now, it only seems fitting to end with Scripture. Psalm 1:1-3 says, “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.”

The Word of the Lord. I pray you dwell in it daily.


Sarah Holliday

Sarah Holliday is a reporter at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Top 10 Underreported Stories of 2023 thumbnail

Top 10 Underreported Stories of 2023

By Family Research Council

Although the legacy media lift up non-stories every year, they offset the spilled ink by underreporting stories of great national importance. Here are 10 of the most significant stories ignored by the legacy media in 2023.

1. The Nashville Shooter’s Manifesto

On March 27, Audrey Elizabeth Hale entered Nashville’s Covenant School and murdered six innocent people: three nine-year-old children and three adults. Although school shootings have become distressingly commonplace, elements of this atrocity set it apart from other mass shootings: Hale identified as a transgender male named “Aiden,” and her target was a Christian school.

“One day, this will make more sense,” Hale texted her former middle school basketball teammate, Averianna Patton, on the morning of the shooting. “I’ve left plenty of evidence behind.”

Yet the government-media industrial complex has assured that day has not come. The Metropolitan Nashville Police Department has continued to withhold Hale’s manifesto nine months after the shooting — and the legacy media largely ignored leaked pages of Hale’s diary, posted on social media by talk show host Steven Crowder on November 6.

Crowder obtained only three pages of Hale’s diary, but reading Hale’s words, it’s easy to see why the media suppressed them: They shatter the media narrative about mass shooters. “Wanna kill all you little crackers” with “your white privileges,” wrote Hale. “I hope I have a high death count.”

“God let my wrath take over my anxiety,” she mock-prayed.

The New York Times and The Washington Post reported on the leaked diary pages — without quoting a single word of their content. (The Post story quoted the manifesto … of Payton Gendron, a teenage white supremacist who targeted black shoppers in a supermarket in Buffalo in 2022.) NBC News covered the police investigation into the leak, not Hale’s words. When news leaks thwart conservative aims, they’re news; when leaks harm liberal causes, they’re prosecutions. (See Daleiden, David.)

What’s more, the media know the profound pain their silence has caused the people of Nashville. “Spiritually it’s eating me, it’s eating me alive right now right now [sic], because I’m trying to make God help me wrap my mind around what, what is this God?” said Patton shortly after Hale’s rampage. The media could have answered her question and assuaged her existential angst, but they let her suffer for political ends.

2. Studies Show the Dangers of Transgender Surgeries and the LGBTQ Lifestyle

When historians look back, they may say 2023 marked a turning point when the harms of transgender surgeries became public knowledge. Several studies this year revealed the dangers of the LGBT lifestyle.

Perhaps most dramatically, the chair of a transgender surgery department found that people who have transgender surgeries are lonelier and more depressed than those who do nothing — as are trans-identified people who play on sports teams of the opposite sex. “[H]igher loneliness levels were significantly associated with … already having a gender reassignment surgery [and] more than 4 [hours] a week of sports activities,” as “compared to no sports activity,” said a study by Dr. Marco Blessmann, the founding chair of University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf’s plastic surgery department. The German facility carries out such common transgender procedures as “labiaplasty” and “breast augmentation,” as well as “other surgical services,” and has every financial incentive to come to different conclusions, yet its peer-reviewed studies detail the harm its own procedures cause.

A different study found a majority (55%) of women who had vaginoplasty experienced pain, sometimes for years after the procedure, and one in three has difficulty urinating and having sex. The data come from a study of patients who underwent “bottom surgery” from the Postoperative Care Clinic at the Women’s College Hospital (WCH) in Ontario between 2018 and 2020. Media reported the study, sparsely, in January.

Among the unlikely sources contradicting the LGBTQ narrative that all lifestyles are equally healthy, the Biden administration noted the deep ties between identifying as LGBT and mental illness. As this author reported:

“‘Female students, LGBQ+ students, and students who had any same-sex partners were more likely than their peers to experience poor mental health and suicidal thoughts and behaviors,’ said a Biden administration report released in February by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

“Teenagers who identified as LGBTQ were twice as likely to report ‘poor mental health’ as those who identified as heterosexual, three times as likely to have ‘seriously considered attempting suicide’ or ‘made a suicide plan,’ and 366.6% more likely to have attempted suicide. Not only do they contemplate suicide more frequently, but they are 700% more likely to have injured themselves in a suicide attempt. While only three out of every 100 straight students have been injured in a suicide attempt, the number soars to one out of every seven teens who identifies as LGBTQ.

“‘Nearly 70% of LGBQ+ students experienced persistent feelings of sadness or hopelessness … and more than 20% of LGBQ+ students attempted suicide,’ said the CDC report.”

3. Who Leaked the Dobbs Decision?

Weeks before the Supreme Court acted to right a legal and historical wrong by overturning Roe v. Wade, something truly unprecedented happened: Someone leaked a draft copy of the decision in the case — Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — to Politico. The activist Left exploded in rage. A year-long campaign of violence targeted pro-life churches and pregnancy resource centers, while an armed man traveled to Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s home intent on shooting him. The Supreme Court launched an investigation but officially announced in January that it could not determine who leaked the report.

“I personally have a pretty good idea who is responsible, but that’s different from the level of proof that is needed to name somebody,” said Justice Samuel Alito, the author of the Dobbs decision, in April. (The International Business Times has noted many conservatives believe the leaker is Amit Jain, a clerk for Sonia Sotomayor with a history of contacting Politico.) But to their shame, the media — which took pains to identify every individual within miles of the U.S. Capitol on January 6 — did not pursue the story doggedly, because it did not fit their narrative.

Another honorable mention in this category is, “Who brought cocaine to the White House?” Like the leaked Dobbs decision, the identity of the individual who left a bag of cocaine in the West Wing this July remains officially unsolved.

4. Our Open Border Transforms America

Joe Biden has set a number of records; unfortunately, they are all for new national humiliations. Among his worst failures is the open U.S. border with Mexico, where illegal immigration has broken all U.S. records each successive year of the Biden administration. In all, a reported 10 million illegal entries have taken place since Biden took office — and they have radically and deliberately transformed the nation we live in, against the will of the American people.

Thanks to this influx, the United States now has the largest number and percentage of foreign-born residents in American history: 49.5 million people, or 15% of the U.S. population. The illegal population grew so precipitously in part, because the Biden administration has failed to remove 99% of the illegal immigrants released into the United States. Among these illegals is a record number of border-crossers whose names are on the terrorist watchlist. Yet the Biden administration has reduced criminal alien deportations.

The problem has finally reached America’s “sanctuary cities,” as Texas Governor Greg Abbott (R) and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) sent busloads of illegal immigrants to Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, Los Angles, and the Big Apple. New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) has said the problem will “destroy” his city and implored the Biden administration to send illegal immigrants to every city, town, and village in America. (Which, for all we know, the administration is already doing.) No one knows where the planeloads of illegal immigrants Biden flies around the country are going.

The Left plans to withhold border security until Republicans give in and approve another 1986-style amnesty plan, which will transform the electorate into what SEIU and socialist organizer Eliseo Medina called “a governing coalition for the long-term.” (See my previous writing on the topic — which includes Democrats discussing their plans to win by relying on voting demographics as far back as 2002 — in this article.) If the corporate GOP rewards the Democrats’ lawless behavior, it will assure America’s permanent transformation.

5. The LGBT Agenda Is Losing Support

Although the legacy media give the LGBTQ political agenda uniformly positive coverage and focus on the group far out of proportion to that demographic’s share of the population, this year they omitted several salient stories: Multiple polls found the LGBTQ cause has lost political support in 2023, even among its most supportive generation.

Among Americans born since 1997, known as Gen Z, support for same-sex marriage fell by a whopping 11 percentage points since 2021, according to a study released in November by AEI’s Survey Center on American Life. Broadly, the percentage of Americans who believe same-sexual relationships are “morally acceptable” fell by 7% this year, the largest decrease of any of the moral issues posed by Gallup pollsters in their annual Values and Beliefs poll, released in June. Most Americans do not see “a married gay or lesbian couple raising children together” as “completely acceptable” (47% do), and even fewer believe an unmarried same-sex couple should raise a child (41%), the Pew Research Center found in September.

Even the Biden administration’s U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) admitted people who identify as gay, lesbian, or bisexual are far more likely to suffer from major depression, abuse illegal drugs, and are up to six times as likely to attempt suicide. Transgender ideology also lost support, with a 55% majority of Americans saying “changing one’s gender” is morally wrong, according to a Gallup poll in June — a 4% increase in two years. Transgender extremism was one of the major issues that brought down the leader of Scotland, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, in February.

These results may seem counterintuitive, since Americans said to identify as LGBTQ more than ever, according to the same polling firms. It could be polling agencies, which are masters at manipulating results, wish to create a sense of complacency in the midst of a social revolution. Or something more ominous may be occurring: Americans may be moving in both directions at the same time. It could be that more young people are caving to social pressure to identify as LGBTQ, while older people (and members of Gen Z who do not buy in to the latest trends) resist the bandwagon effect, which they see will harm themselves and their loved ones.

6. Biden Family Corruption

Even as much as conservative media reported the ever-growing evidence that Joe Biden and his family prospered from deals intended to influence The Big Guy, the broader media have presented the story as a vengeful, political witch hunt waged without evidence. Yet the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability’s wealth of evidence has earned a dearth of coverage, often being falsely presented as “debunked” and “refuted.”

Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) has noted that Biden made Ukraine’s firing of prosecutor Viktor Shokin a U.S. priority only after receiving a pay-off. Even the first U.S. hostage released by Hamas had a relative who bought Hunter Biden’s artwork. Biden seems to have used the resources of the U.S. government to further an influence-peddling scheme. As Barack Obama’s vice president, Joe Biden sent thousands of pseudonymous emails under such names as Robert Peters, including informing Hunter Biden about news regarding nations his son was doing business with.

Like Hunter, Joe’s brother Frank Biden also interrupted calls with VIPs to take calls from then-Vice President Joe Biden, referring to the veep as “The Big Guy.” Frank Biden exploited his surname to take a position promoting Mavericks In Education, a charter school chain intended to cater to at-risk students, but which was accused of lying about membership to increase taxpayer funding. He reportedly did this again while taking a job at Berman Law Firm. James Biden has reportedly traded on his brother’s name since the 1970s to gain everything from a night club to foreign deals to legally dubious schemes involving health care companies treating cancer patients. (Note: Many of these stories were originally reported by the legacy media … during the 2020 Democratic primaries. After clinching the nomination, the Biden stories seemed to dry up.) Biden family corruption allegations have led the House to an impeachment inquiry. (For an hour-long discussion of the proof in the Biden family’s scandals, listen to this episode of the “Outstanding” podcast.)

7. The Biden Administration Tells Title X Recipients to Talk to Minors about Sex Behind Their Parents’ Backs

Biden doesn’t simply seek to corrupt his own family; his administration would like to corrupt yours, as well. Taxpayer-funded guidelines encourage Title X providers — those who dole out contraception to those who ask at taxpayer expense — to talk about sex with minors behind their parents’ back, even describing ways to get their parents out of the room. As The Washington Stand reported exclusively:

“Federally-funded guidelines instruct adults to pause before discussing sex with minors and to ask, ‘Are you alone in the room?’ These instructions specify tactics to follow ‘if you’re really having a hard time getting a parent’ to leave the room during the sex talk. They suggest children as young as 13 discuss sex with groups like Planned Parenthood in a parked car or communicate in writing, so their parents cannot hear the adults’ side of the conversation. And they encourage offices to have vans roam neighborhoods giving minors federally funded contraceptives; to mail birth control to adolescents in ‘plain, unmarked packaging’; and/or to have teenagers receive contraceptives at public meet-up places.”

Protecting children against the mental and physical harms of early sexual initiation is hard enough for parents without their government undermining parents’ authority — and forcing them to pay for it.

8. Churchgoers and Married People are Happier

Despite an endless barrage of negative media about the drudgeries of married life and the pointlessness of faith, multiple studies this year verified the benefits of both. Americans who believe in God and value marriage are more likely to be “very happy” than non-believers and single people, according to a Wall Street Journal-NORC poll taken in March. Practicing Christians who regularly read the Bible report a higher score on the Human Flourishing Index — which measures “happiness & life satisfaction,” “mental & physical health,” “meaning & purpose,” “character & virtue,” “close societal relationships” and “financial & material stability.”

Active Christians score 7.8, compared to 6.9 for inactive Christians and 6.7 for religious unaffiliated, according to an American Bible Society report released this June. The biggest difference between active Christians and non-Christians came in “meaning & purpose.” (They’re also far more likely to vote Republican.) The aforementioned AEI study also found that “Overall, religious Americans tend to believe their life is meaningful more often than do those who are not religious.” Evangelical Christians are 33% more likely than unbelievers to say their actions matter in the grand scheme of things.

Even the Biden administration issued a warning this year saying Americans’ health may be undermined by not attending church. A report from Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, which was released in May, says loneliness harms physical health “even greater than [the risk] associated with obesity and physical inactivity” and is as bad for your health as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

“Religious or faith-based groups can be a source for regular social contact, serve as a community of support, provide meaning and purpose, create a sense of belonging around shared values and beliefs, and are associated with reduced risk-taking behaviors,” Murthy writes. “As a consequence of this decline in participation, individuals’ health may be undermined.”

When a Balaam like Biden blesses church attendance, Christians should listen.

9. COVID-19 Lockdowns Are Still Hurting America

Locking down the entire population over a virus with a near-100% survival rate may prove to be the most misguided decision in 21st century domestic policy — an arena with stiff competitors. To this day, Americans of all ages continue to pay the price for this policy error, chief among them children.

An analysis from the Associated Press found 50,000 children remain missing from school two years after the end of the COVID-19 pandemic (which the World Health Organization only declared ended on May 5). An incredible 35% of children in kindergarten through second grade fell “below benchmark” in reading (placing them at “high risk for persistent reading difficulties”) in Fall 2021, according to a University of Virginia analysis. These gaps will impact their development as human beings, stifling their cognitive faculties, limiting their lifetime income and fulfillment, and capping their ability to make a difference for Christ and the church.

U.S. taxpayers also literally paid the price for the bipartisan consensus to roll out $5 trillion in COVID emergency relief. The Justice Department announced this summer it had arrested nearly 3,200 people for defrauding U.S. COVID relief funds; at the time, it was investigating $8.6 billion in fraud. The nation’s largest abortion chain, Planned Parenthood, received $90.41 billion in COVID relief, although the CARES Act seemed to be written to exclude it; indeed, taxpayer funds continued to trickle down to abortionists this year.

In reality, we have no idea how much fraud was committed in the name of COVID-19 relief — and we won’t for at least a century. Small Business Administration Inspector General Hannibal “Mike” Ware said his COVID fraud hotline got an immense number of tips about COVID fraud, “more than 90,000 have been identified as actionable leads, which amount to more than 100 years of investigative case work.” Funding those investigations alone will cost American taxpayers for years to come.

10. Huge Increase in Homeschooling, Stay-at-home Moms

According to The Washington Post, homeschooling has become the “fastest-growing form of education” in the United States. The United States has seen a 51% increase in homeschooling in five years — between the 2017-2018 school year and this school year. With school strikes, lower educational standards, and teachers hiding children’s transgenderism and teaching Woke curricula (repeating the lies of the 1619 Project and stocking school libraries with gay pornographic books), it’s easy to see why.

At the same time, the number of stay-at-home mothers has increased, according to two studies released this year. The number of stay-at-home moms skyrocketed from 15% in 2022 to 25% in 2023, according to Motherly’s Annual State of Motherhood survey. The Pew Research Center said 26% of mothers worked exclusively in the home in 2022, up from a low of 23% two decades ago.

The children raised by mothers who care enough to sacrifice their career advancement for their children’s development and education may just offset the kids neglected by the public school system since COVID-19 (at the latest). They will be our nation’s greatest hope, and the source of our nation’s good news stories, for years to come.

The legacy media have not given these stories the exposure they deserve but, Lord willing, The Washington Stand’s coverage of newsworthy stories in the pivotal election year of 2024 will prove out-Stand-ing.


Ben Johnson

Ben Johnson is senior reporter and editor at The Washington Stand.


Now that Donald Trump has been cleared of the #EpsteinClientList, you now know why they are so afraid of him winning.

Here’s your reminder on what Donald Trump has to say about child traffickers.

Give them the DEATH PENALTY.

I need more butter for my popcorn.🍿

— Steve 🇺🇸 (@SteveLovesAmmo) January 4, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Twin Bombings By Grave of World’s Deadliest Terrorist Qasem Soleimani Kills 73, 170 Wounded, On the 4th Anniversary Of His Assassination thumbnail

Twin Bombings By Grave of World’s Deadliest Terrorist Qasem Soleimani Kills 73, 170 Wounded, On the 4th Anniversary Of His Assassination

By The Geller Report

The people of Iran have had it.

Twin blasts near Qasem Soleimani’s grave kills 73, 170 wounded

By: Mallika Soni, Hindustan Times, Jan 03, 2024:

Iran Blasts: Two explosions were heard in quick succession near the grave of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani on his death anniversary.

Two explosions in quick succession near the grave of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani killed more than 70 people and wounded scores as the country marked the anniversary of his killing in a US drone strike in Iraq.

“Huge explosion heard near Saheb al-Zaman Mosque” where the head of foreign operations of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards is buried in Kerman in southern Iran, AFP reported quoting local media that added shortly afterward, “A second explosion was heard near Saheb al-Zaman Mosque.”
Wrap up the year gone by & gear up for 2024 with HT! Click here

Reza Fallah, head of the Kerman province Red Crescent rescuers said as per Reuters, “Our rapid response teams are evacuating the injured… But there are waves of crowds blocking roads.”

Read more.


Pamela Geller


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A’math of bomb attack targeting a ceremony honouring slain General Qassem Suleimani#TehranBlast

— samia mebarki (@samiamebarki1) January 3, 2024


At least 73 killed and 180 wounded in terror attack in Kerman, Iran.

2 bombs exploded as crowds were gathering near the grave of General Qassem Suleimani on the 4th anniversary of the U.S. drone strike that killed him.

Developing story…

— Visegrád 24 (@visegrad24) January 3, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.