U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. Gives State Officials Until Dec. 9 To File Response, General Assembly’s Republican Leadership ‘have No Intention of Doing So’

The date set by Justice Alito — who oversees emergency petitions arising from Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware for the court — comes one day after what is known as the “safe harbor date,” the federal deadline for states to resolve outstanding challenges to their elections. Once it has passed, the state’s slate of appointed […]

Evidence Supports Sidney Powell’s Claim About Global Election Fraud

Dominion Voting Systems’ proprietary URL, was connected over the internet to Belgrade, Iran, China — and to “the Indivisible (formerly ACORN) political group for Obama Evidence supports Sidney Powell’s claim about global election fraud By Andrea Widburg, American Thinker, December 3, 3030: For the last two weeks, Sidney Powell was telling everyone she could prove that […]

Election Fraud Eyewitnesses Harassed, Threatened, and BEATEN

Sidney Powell Claims Some Of Her Witnesses Have Been ‘Threatened’ And ‘Beaten Up’ By: Martin Walsh, Conservative Brief, December 2, 2020 Sidney Powell, the prominent defense attorney who is fighting in courtrooms across the country to expose alleged voter fraud, made a few startling claims this week. During an interview Monday night on Fox News, Powell […]

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp calls for a signature audit after CCTV footage was leaked of hidden ballots being secretly counted.

This video changed the course of history. And no, they did know they were on tape: FINALLY Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is calling for a signature audit. What took him so long??? This is BASIC election integrity ignored until now… — Kayleigh McEnany (@kayleighmcenany) December 4, 2020 RELATED ARTICLES: After Georgia Stopped Counting, […]

House Freedom Caucus Demands AG Barr Release Findings of Election Fraud Probe

The House Freedom Caucus, a group of conservative Republican lawmakers, is demanding that Attorney General William Barr release the findings of the Justice Department’s investigation into vote fraud in the Nov. 3 presidential election. “We represent millions of Americans who do not have confidence in the outcome of this election, not because of the clear winner, […]

Mysterious Tower Of Missing Trump Votes Appears In Utah Desert

UTAH DESERT—Scientists and conspiracy theorists are baffled after a strange monolith-shaped stack of missing Trump votes was discovered without explanation in the middle of the Utah desert. “RIGGED ELECTION!” tweeted Donald Trump after seeing the news on his Twitter feed. “They found my missing votes! There must be 10 million in that stack alone!” Scientists […]

Second batch of #CNNTapes RELEASED

Project Veritas released a second batch of tapes today exposing CNN executives discussing their cover-up of the Hunter Biden story, Cuban Americans who vote for Trump and Voter Fraud claims. Here are some of the highlights from today’s videos: CNN President Jeff Zucker: “Trump continuing to undermine election integrity with baseless claims of fraud. OK? And he’s continuing to […]

VIDEO: Why Aren’t US Attorneys Investigating Voter Fraud Allegations?

None of the U.S. government’s top 93 prosecutors appears to have looked into allegations of voter fraud in states across the nation, Heritage Foundation legal expert Hans von Spakovsky says. In an interview with EWTN’s “News Nightly,” von Spakovsky responds to Attorney General William Barr’s assertion to The Associated Press that the Justice Department hasn’t seen evidence of widespread […]

Trump Team to File Lawsuit: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada

How can decent, rational Americans allow this to stand? Trump Team to File Lawsuit: 40,000 People Voted Twice in Nevada By Jack Phillips, The Epoch Times, December 2, 2020: A lawyer for President Donald Trump’s campaign said the team is preparing to file a lawsuit soon alleging that 40,000 people voted twice in Nevada, which, if true, […]

Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib & Betty McCollum Participate in Conference with Terror Funders, Antisemites

The line up of the American Muslims for Palestine conference reads like a Who’s Who for the Muslim Brotherhood Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, Rahida Tlaib and Betty McCollum participated in a conference over the weekend with several figures connected to Islamist terrorism. As the above poster notes, many of the speakers at the American Muslims for Palestine (AMP) […]

Beverly Hills and Louisville Revolt Against Dining Bans as Lockdown Defiance Continues to Spread Across America

In Beverly Hills, California, city leaders are demanding L.A. County repeal its ban on outdoor dining, while restaurants in Louisville, Kentucky pledge to reopen regardless of what the governor orders. When Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear announced a week before Thanksgiving he was closing all indoor service for restaurants and bars because of rising COVID-19 case numbers, Richard […]

America’s Color Revolution, Part 2: Seven Days in December?

While there’s proof aplenty that this election was stolen from President Trump through rampant, egregious fraud, plain common sense might lead us to the same conclusion. For instance, which do you think most people would vote for: Opening our country back up for business, work, school, entertainment, sports, community, celebrations and gatherings of all kinds, […]

America’s Color Revolution, Part 1: The Election Psy-Op

Trump voters will never forget the shock of going to bed on November 3rd secure in the knowledge that the President had won a second term, only to awaken on November 4th to the news that Biden, lagging far behind Trump in all the battleground states, was magically now in the lead. How did the […]

Gingrich: 2020 Election is the ‘Biggest Theft Since 1824’ – But It’s Even Worse Than That

Newt Gingrich tweeted Friday: “The more data comes out on vote anomalies that clearly are not legitimate the more it looks like 2020 may be the biggest Presidential theft since Adams and Clay robbed Andrew Jackson in 1824. State legislatures should demand recounts.” He was right, except for one detail: the stolen election of 2020 is […]

Facebook and Twitter Immediately Flag Trump’s 46-Minute-Long Speech on Alleged Voter Fraud

President Donald Trump posted a 46-minute-long video Wednesday afternoon to Facebook and Twitter that was immediately marked as misleading by both companies. The president framed it as an “update” on the campaign’s “ongoing efforts to expose the tremendous voter fraud that took place during the ridiculously long November 3rd elections.” ‘This may be the most important […]

VIDEO: Election Came Under ‘Coordinated Assault and Siege,’ Trump Says

WATCH: President Donald J. Trump statement on protecting the 2020 election.  President Donald Trump told Americans why he has not conceded the election in an unprecedented video message late Wednesday afternoon that he said “may be the most important speech I’ve ever made.” “The constitutional process must be allowed to continue,” Trump said in […]

LIVE: Sidney Powell and Lin Wood Hold Press Conference in Atlanta 12/2/20

 RELATED TWEET: Georgia group founded by Stacey Abrams under investigation for seeking out-of-state, dead voters #FoxNews — Jemma (@Donadeedooda) December 2, 2020 RELATED VIDEO: Sidney Powell & Lin Wood Attend ‘Stop the Steal’ Rally in Georgia Today 1:05 ET (Live Video) | Opinion – Conservative | Before It’s News  EDITORS NOTE: This […]

WATCH: Election Whistleblowers Come Forward

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society, hosted a national press conference today featuring three whistleblowers who will provide personal eyewitness accounts demonstrating significant potential election fraud, some of which affects hundreds of thousands of ballots. Their affidavits are being used as evidence in litigation to ensure election integrity and the upholding of election […]

Georgia Democrat Senate Candidate Raphael Warnock Under Investigation for Voter Fraud

For what, you say? Voter fraud. Snap! Georgia Dem Senate Candidate Under Investigation A group led by Georgia Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock is under investigation for sending ballot applications to non-residents. According to The Washington Free Beacon: A voter registration group that was led by Georgia Democratic Senate candidate Raphael Warnock until earlier this year […]

Pub Owners Declare ‘Autonomous Zone’ to Keep Doors Open Amid COVID-19 Restrictions

Owners of a Staten Island pub have declared it an “autonomous zone” in defiance of tighter COVID-19 restrictions in New York City from Mayor Bill de Blasio and Gov. Andrew Cuomo. Keith McAlarney says he and business partner Danny Presti decided to follow in Seattle’s footsteps and designate their restaurant, Mac’s Public House, to be independent from New […]

Its Critics Are Wrong. The Electoral College Is a Bulwark Against Power Grabs.

One must read to the end of The Washington Post’s recent editorial “Abolish the electoral college” before hitting on the real reason the Post’s editors want to upend the long-standing constitutional institution. “Mr. Trump’s election was a sad event for the nation,” notes the Post. “His reelection would have been a calamity.” Maybe, maybe not. […]

WATCH: Dominion Employee Caught on Video Downloading Data on USB

He then plugs it into a laptop, manipulating data and then palming the USB. The FBI and DoJ are MIA. Obama and his party of treason politicized/weaponized our intel/LE agencies. Dominion Employee IDENTIFIED — Allegedly Caught on Video Downloading Data on USB, Plugging it Into a Laptop, Manipulating Data and then Palming the USB By […]

How Big Government Stacked the Deck Against Small Business

Not only did government persecute certain businesses to the benefit of others, it also provided incentives, handouts, and other pork. Most of us wouldn’t list 2020 as our best year. But you know who would? Amazon, Wal-Mart, Google, Apple, and a whole host of other big corporations who’ve seen their sales and stock prices soar […]

VIDEO: #CNNTapes Expose Network’s Political Agenda

Project Veritas released a new video today exposing executives on CNN’s 9 a.m. rundown calls admitting to their political biases and attacking those who oppose the network’s agenda. Here are some of the highlights from today’s video: CNN President Jeff Zucker: “This is a president who knows he’s losing, who knows he’s in trouble, is sick, […]

Soviet Style Counter-Revolution in America

Two decades ago I warned you “we in a war waged by Socialism and Communism against Western Civilization and American Capitalism.” I described that war as WW III: Recruitment, Infiltration, Drugs, and Assassinations. Twenty years later we can observe the result: Russia was very successful in achieving all of that in concert with the so-called […]

Sen. Rand Paul: Trump margin of ‘defeat’ in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM

This is obscene. Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020 A Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Vote Updates in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Georgia on and after Election Night. Interesting . . . Trump margin of “defeat” in 4 states occurred in 4 data dumps between 1:34-6:31 AM. Statistical anomaly? Fraud? Look at the […]

Pennsylvania Lawmakers Formally Introduce Resolution to Dispute 2020 Elections Results

The resolution states that the executive and judicial branches of the Keystone State’s government usurped the legislature’s constitutional power to set the rules of the election. Pennsylvania Lawmakers Formally Introduce Resolution to Dispute 2020 Elections By Ivan Pentchoukov, The Epcoh Tinmes, November 30, 2020: Republican state lawmakers in Pennsylvania on Monday introduced a resolution to […]

4 Takeaways From Arizona’s Election Fraud Hearing

On the same day that Arizona certified former Vice President Joe Biden as the winner of the state’s 11 electoral votes, state lawmakers held a fact-finding meeting Monday on allegations of voter fraud that might have tilted the closely contested state. Biden appears to have won the traditionally Republican-leaning state by just over 10,000 votes. […]

Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney: Do Not Be Confused! This is Treason!

“These are not just fraudulent acts, they are treasonous acts, because it means changing the government!” “When you coordinate six to ten states, using cyber warfare, to change the outcome of the election in favor of whoever you want, these are treasonous acts,” McInerney said in a Nov. 29 interview with Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend TV. In what […]

Dominion Voting Systems Server Crash That Caused Delay In Georgia Recount

The recount process was paused Sunday in Fulton County, Georgia, after a newly-purchased Dominion Voting Systems mobile server crashed due to human error. “Technicians from Dominion have been dispatched to resolve the issue,” Fulton County officials said in a statement, according to 11Alive. “The Georgia Secretary of State’s office has also been alerted to the issue and is […]