Biden Administration Adds Climate Roadblocks to Future Pipelines, Energy Projects

By Thomas Catenacci The Biden administration altered the official federal policy on approving new interstate natural gas facilities and pipelines, requiring a climate consideration. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission announced that it will begin to “undertake a robust consideration” of the environmental justice impacts of such fossil fuel projects before granting approval, according to a […]

Emissions Increased In States That Closed Nuclear Plant

By Thomas Catenacci Greenhouse gas emissions have surged in multiple Northeast states that shuttered nuclear power plants since 2019, Politico reported. The states — Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania — closed down the zero-emissions nuclear reactors in recent years, even as they announced ambitious pledges to transition away from fossil fuels, according to Politico. Since […]

The Supreme Court Confronts the Administrative State

By Peter Wallison It could be a coincidence—or it could foretell a historic Supreme Court term. The Court has now accepted two cases for this term that could threaten the essential legal underpinnings of the federal administrative state. The first is American Hospital Association v. Becerra, in which the plaintiff questions the Chevron doctrine—a rule fashioned by the Supreme […]

Biden Is Helping the Mullahs

By Thomas C. Patterson When Joe Biden assumed the presidency one year ago, America had finally achieved energy independence.  Iran was in chaos, fearing that its nuclear ambitions had been dashed. A year later, it’s America’s interests that have been dashed. Biden campaigned on a pledge to rejoin the Iran nuclear accord and work on […]

CFACT Resupplies Canada’s Freedom Truckers

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow Things are getting a bit hairy in the Great White North. Last weekend, a Canadian judge issued an injunction blocking monies being sent to assist the trucker protest in Ottawa collected by a Christian fundraising site GiveSendGo. The site was subsequently hacked and donor information was compromised, leading many to fear […]

Climate Tyrants’ New Tactics

By Richard Morrison Chief Justice John Marshall’s observation, “[t]hat the power to tax involves the power to destroy,” has become part of American political lore. Marshall understood that the state’s revenue-extracting power can be weaponized—even against those who have committed no crime. We are now seeing a corollary to that notion in finance, with fossil […]

BMW Putting The Brakes On Their All Electric Vehicle folly

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow BMW CEO Oliver Zipse has a two-word message for those demanding an all-electric vehicle fleet and the outlawing of internal combustion engines. “Slow Down!” We would add three more. End. The. Mandates. Zipse, noting that IC engines power the large majority of vehicles on the road today, says that ditching them […]

Virginia House Passes Bill to End Virginia’s Clean Economy Act!

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow Give yourself a hand! The Virginia House of Delegates voted by a 52-48 margin to pass HB 118 — a bill crafted to roll back the disastrous Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA) put in place by former Governor Ralph Northam. As you may recall, CFACT asked you to chime […]

The Arrogance of Authority in Covid and Climate

By Joe Bastardi I can’t help but see the link. In fact, it is clearer than ever with the passing of my parents due to Covid. They passed together holding hands within 10 minutes of each other on Jan 19.  The evil , and that is what it is, whether well-intentioned or not, was revealed […]

Checkbook Journalism: AP announces ‘largest single expansion’ of climate reporting ‘paid for through philanthropic grants’ of $8 million

By Marc Morano Paid press releases now officially the news: AP announces ‘largest single expansion’ of climate reporting ‘paid for through philanthropic grants’ of $8 million. Welcome to a new form of Checkbook Journalism. Morano: “The AP will now have zero ‘obligation to serve as watchdogs over public affairs and government’ and instead be approved messaging […]

GOV. MIKE DUNLEAVY: Time For A Reset On Biden’s Disastrous Energy Policies

By The Daily Caller As tensions increase between the West and Russia over Ukraine, the risks to our national security from the Biden administration’s energy policies are coming into focus. President Biden is attempting to discourage aggression by President Vladimir Putin by positioning thousands of U.S. troops across Eastern Europe, and his Secretary of State Antony […]

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

By John Droz, Jr. Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Particularly note the asterisked items below. Happy Valentine’s day! — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — COVID-19 — Repeated Important Information: My webpage ( with dozens […]

Biden Effect: Oil Tops $90, 7-Year high

By The Geller Report We were energy independent under Trump until the Democrat party of treason stole the election. Gas was $1.89 a gallon under Trump. The national average for gas prices is $3.41: AAA Gas prices in spring and summer will be ‘painful’: Energy expert Brent crude, the global benchmark, rose to $91 per barrel. […]

‘Clean’ Energy Is Dirtier Than Imagined

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow The effect of wind power on birds and bats is already well-publicized but is being swept under the rug. This article will explain why using wind and PV solar for generating electricity will cause greater harm to the environment than will using nuclear, natural gas combined cycle (NGCC), or […]

CFACT Blasts Virginia’s ‘Clean’ Economy Act Blunder With Facts

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow On Tuesday I delivered CFACT’s testimony regarding a bill that would roll back the “Virginia Clean Economy Act” (VCEA) — an aggressive renewable energy initiative that is both an environmental and energy disaster. CFACT”s friends and supporters used the Virginia House of Delegates legislative portal to submit well thought […]

Phony-Baloney Greenie Weenies

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US All you phony-baloney greenie weenies out there, I want you to know something:  everything you say is bunk.  Here are just the latest stories showing you the entire climate change narrative is a pack of lies. The World Meteorological Organization got caught with its pants down.  It claimed the number of […]

Europe To Rely More On Coal As Natural Gas Demand Fades

By The Daily Caller Gas-to-coal switching.  Europe is set to rely more heavily on coal production in 2022 as liquified natural gas demand decreases due to heightened tensions with Russia, according to an International Energy Agency (IEA) report published Monday. Natural gas demand across Europe is expected to decline by 4% compared to 2021, according to the […]

TAKE ACTION: Tell Lawmakers the Virginia ‘Clean’ Economy Act is a Dangerous Mistake No One Can Afford

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow Make your comment right now and help Virginia end the foolish VCEA. In 2020, the Democrats in Virginia railroaded through a piece of radical climate legislation called the Virginia Clean Economy Act (VCEA). Its goal was to reduce the Commonwealth’s carbon emissions to zero by 2045 and would achieve […]

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections

By John Droz, Jr. Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Lots of really interesting material in this issue, but particularly note the asterisked items below. — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — COVID-19 — Repeated Important […]

Revisiting Keystone XL and Biden’s False Promise of ‘Green Jobs’

By Kevin Mooney Joe Biden began his train wreck of a presidency a year ago by putting America last and never looked back. On his first day in office, he canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have supported thousands of well-paying jobs while lowering energy prices. If constructed, the 1,200 mile pipeline would have […]

The Unrealistic Myth of Carbon Neutrality

By Dr. Rich Swier “The great enemy of the truth is very often not the lie, deliberate, contrived and dishonest, but the myth, persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” – John F. Kennedy Carbon neutrality is a state of net-zero carbon dioxide emissions. The term net zero means achieving a balance between the carbon emitted into the atmosphere, […]

VIDEO: Russia’s Gas Grip Has the World over a Barrel

By Family Research Council If the White House didn’t orchestrate Justice Stephen Breyer’s retirement, then they certainly won’t be unhappy about its timing. A vacancy on the Supreme Court is exactly what the PR spin doctors ordered for Joe Biden, who’s had trouble changing the news cycle from the president’s latest debacle-waiting-to-happen: Ukraine. And while […]

CFACT Collegians Make The Grade For Liberty, Mid-Term Grade A+

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow It’s winter break for many of CFACT’s Collegians activists, and so it is time to take a peek at their “mid-term grade” for the year. We’re happy to report that CFACT’s student leaders have earned an A+ for their great efforts! Of course, at CFACT, we do not lightly […]

2021 ‘Hottest Year’ BUST: Global Temps Declining Since 2016

By Marc Morano 1) 2021 ‘hottest year’ BUST: NASA GISS, UK Met Office, RSS, UAH, all show global temps declining since 2016 – 2021 an ‘imperceptible 0.134C warmer than the 30-year average’ All datasets including NASA GISS, UK Met Office & RSS, UAH satellites, show global temperatures declining since 2016 – Warmists spin to conceal […]

Why’s Motor Trend Drinking the Green All Electric Vehicle Kool-Aid?

By Dr. Rich Swier I have a subscription to Motor Trend magazine. Since the inauguration of Joe Biden I have seen a distinct effort by their writers to go green, like soylent green. The writers of Motor Trend are trending toward becoming woke personified when it comes to all electric vehicles (EVs). Their 2022 car, […]

Imagine Electric Vehicles in Bad Weather

By Ronald Stein With more than forty percent of the EV’s in America being in California at the end of 2020, the EV popularity in California has gotten President Biden so excited to want the rest of the country to follow California’s lead that Biden issued a new executive order that pushes for half of […]

The Global Warming Question That Can Change People’s Minds

By Selwyn Duke Late last year, I got into a discussion with a fellow who was quite sold on the idea that man’s activities were warming the Earth. While not a hardcore ideologue, it was apparent the gentleman had accepted the climate change narrative presented by mainstream media and believed we truly were imperiling the […]

What’s With the False Reporting, Inside Climate News? Polar Bears Are Doing Well

By H. Sterling Burnett A Google News search of the phrase “climate change,” today turns up a story in Inside Climate News claiming polar bears are declining due to climate change. Nothing could be further from the truth. Data show polar bear numbers have grown significantly during the recent modest warming. The story, “Warming Trends: Climate Threats […]

Biden’s Handlers Ditch Greece’s EastMed Pipeline Project in Order to Appease Turkey

By Jihad Watch Biden’s handlers: forever projecting weakness on the international stage. US quietly ditches Greece’s EastMed pipeline project to ship Israeli gas to Europe by Ragip Soylu, Middle East Eye, January 11, 2022: The US government silently abandoned an eastern Mediterranean pipeline project that would carry Israeli gas through Cyprus to Europe this week by […]

Global Warming: As Eastern U.S. Braces for Bone-Chilling Winter Storm

By John Eidson Saturday, January 15, 2022: With much of the Eastern U.S. about to be hit with a bone-chilling winter storm, this weekend is an appropriate time to reflect on the frenetic hysteria that accompanied the blizzard of 2018. Al Gore, Our Melting Planet and the Blizzard of 2018 Gore and other high profile […]