Biden’s Climate Power Grab Via Trillions of Dollars in Annual Federal Procurement

By David Wojick Spending by federal agencies is governed by the extensive Federal Acquisition Regulations or FAR for short. In response to a Biden executive order, the FAR Council is conducting a silly public inquiry as to how climate change should be factored into federal spending. The Federal Government spends over $6 trillion a year […]

15 States Threaten To Pull $600 Billion From Banks That Won’t Give Equal Service To Energy Industry

By Tristan Justice Fifteen state financial officers sent a letter to U.S. banks last week noting $600 billion in assets they pledge to take elsewhere if the financial institutions embrace corporate wokeism and prohibit financing to the fossil fuel industry. Led by West Virginia Republican Treasurer Riley Moore, the group promised “collective action” in the […]

The Countries With the Cleanest Environments in the World Are Also the Most Economically Free, Research Shows

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) Research shows that countries with the highest levels of economic freedom also have the highest environmental performance. One of the most frequently raised arguments against capitalism is that it is the primary driver of environmental pollution and climate change. But if we compare Yale University’s ranking of countries with […]

Medicare Ads And Other Inane Policies

By Thomas C. Patterson We’ve all seen them, the Medicare TV ads exhorting seniors to apply for enhanced benefits. The government appears to be coaxing often reluctant retirees into greater dependence. But this is a colossally bad idea, even for those of us who support helping citizens in their sunset years. It stimulates greed (it’s […]

California Effectively Ends Fracking, Cites ‘Urgent Climate Effects’

By The Daily Caller California has gradually weaned itself off fossil fuel fracking well ahead of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2024 ban of the oil and gas extraction method. The California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), the agency that oversees new permits, has denied 109 new permits from fossil fuel firms this year, according to Department of […]

Oil Reserves Released By Biden Expected to Primarily Go To China, India

By Dr. Rich Swier Gas prices for Americans are at an all time high. There are no words. Oil reserves released by Biden expected to primarily go to China, India U.S. taps 50 million barrels of oil from reserves in an attempt to tamper spiking costs at the gas pump By Caitlin McFall FOX Business, November 24, […]

Biden’s Comptroller Pick Would Bankrupt Energy Companies & Nationalize Banking

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow President Biden should withdraw his nomination of Saule Omarova to be Comptroller of the Currency — or the Senate should reject her. Omarova, a professor at Cornell Law, said this concerning energy companies: “we want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”  She would apply that […]

With Oil Prices Up More than 60% in a Year Beijing Biden Sells U.S. Oil Reserves Overseas to Asia

By Pamela Geller Joe Hoft over at Gateway is reporting that terrible Joe is selling America’s reserves of oil to Asia after shutting down oil production in the U.S. This is the act of an enemy. There is no pushback from quisling GOP ‘leadership.’ With Oil Prices Up More than 60% in a Year Biden […]

The Democrats ‘Green New [Very Bad] Deal’ Is a Complete Sham

By Dr. Rich Swier “Forget the CO2. Water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. It controls the Earth’s temperature.” – American Chemical Society, founded in 1876 and chartered by the U.S. Congress. Biden’s Climate Change Agenda is a Complete Sham. Currently the federal government spends more than $22 billion a year financing programs to […]

Navajo Nation Slams Biden Oil Drilling Ban, Says White House Violated ‘Tribal Sovereignty’

By The Daily Caller The Navajo Nation criticized the Biden administration for banning oil and gas leasing on a large swath of New Mexico land that supported much of its community. The tribe argued that President Joe Biden failed to properly consult it before issuing the sweeping order earlier this week. Biden and Interior Secretary […]

Watch as AOC Confuses Natural Gas For Oil In Video Explaining Why Pipelines Are Bad

By The Daily Caller Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez confused a number of facts about fossil fuels in a video to her followers explaining why pipelines are bad for the country. The congresswoman mistakenly asserted that the Keystone XL and Line 3 pipelines were proposed to increase U.S. natural gas exports in the video […]

Is the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) the new Allgemeine-SS?

By Dr. Rich Swier In the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill is funding for a Civilian Climate Corps (CCC). This $8 billion budget item was put into the bill to commission a federally funded climate police called the Civilian Climate Corps (CCC) who will conduct environmentalist activism on the American taxpayers’ dime (pages 8, 21, and […]

Climate Models Overlook Benefits of CO2 and ‘Lukewarming,’ Data Scientist Says

By Kevin Mooney Rather than relying on climate change models that could be the basis of expansive and costly regulations, policymakers should instead question those models, focusing on the legitimacy of their underlying assumptions. So said The Heritage Foundation’s chief statistician at a recent climate change conference in Las Vegas that preceded the international summit in […]

Environmental Solutions, Not Social Overhaul

By Dominick Sansone The Glasgow climate summit and recent bold climate proposals are more about politics and do little to actually help the global environment. The recent climate summit in Glasgow saw world leaders gather together to unanimously declare—as articulated by U.S. President Joe Biden himself—climate change as the “[paramount] challenge of our collective lifetimes.” […]

America Finally Admits Recycling Doesn’t Work [+Video]

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) It’s time to admit the recycling mania is a giant placebo. A couple of years ago, after sending my five-year-old daughter off to school, she came home reciting the same cheerful environmental mantra I was taught in elementary school. “Reduce, reuse, recycle,” she beamed, proud to show off a […]

Glasgow Gas Emissions Fiasco!

By Save America Foundation Todays blog comes from Chris whose work you all seem to like! Please share as always! I predicted two weeks ago the Glasgow climate conference wouldn’t amount to much, and I was right. It was billed as the “last chance” to save humanity, but it ended with China and India teaming […]

AWED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections

By John Droz, Jr. Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Note 1: Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. We hope that the Newsletter format makes it easy to scan and read. Note 2: Please see our major new website ( which has […]

COP 26 President Apologizes in Tears after UN Conference Failure

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow COP 26 has finally come to an end.  There is even a new agreement.  Yet as he made his closing remarks COP 26 President Alok Sharma, MP hung his head and proclaimed through tears, “May I just say to all delegates, I apologize for the way this process has unfolded and […]

One of AOC’s Worst Green New Deal Ideas is Included in Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ Plan

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) The plan would simply waste money, create zero jobs on net, and do nothing to mitigate climate change. The fate of President Biden’s multi-trillion-dollar social spending agenda, the “Build Back Better” plan, has consumed the political conversation in recent weeks. Amid all the furious attempts at reading political tea […]

Without Fossil Fuel Infrastructure We’re Supposed To Have An ENERGY CRISIS!

By Ronald Stein Over the last decade, climate activists have successfully pressured governments, banks, and corporations to divest from crude oil and natural gas companies. The energy infrastructures are just like the “civil” infrastructures the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Infrastructure Report Cards constantly addresses, and the resultant poor “grades” given to the infrastructures […]

COP 26: Loch Ness and Other Monsters

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow In 1973, Leonard Nimoy starred in a series entitled In Search of in which he went off searching for all sorts of myths, legends and hoaxes.  In one memorable episode, the former Mister Spock went off in search of Scotland’s legendary Loch Ness Monster. (1973?  Dating myself… We were little!) CFACT is […]

Climate Czar John Kerry: the U.S. ‘Won’t Have Coal’ by 2030

By Discover The Networks Globe-trotting private jet enthusiast and Vietnam-era traitor John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s so-called “climate envoy,” said in an interview with Bloomberg at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, that there would be no coal in the United States by the end of the decade. “By 2030 in the United States, we won’t have […]

It’s the Weather, Not the Climate, Stupid!

By Dr. Rich Swier Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy. What is Weather? According to BYJU’S The day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere at a place with respect to elements like humidity, temperature, wind […]

BIDEN’S BOLSHEVIK: Saule Omarova wants to ‘bankrupt’ the fossil fuel industry to ‘tackle climate change’

By Dr. Rich Swier “The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin Why Saule Omarova is Biden’s Bolshevik On November 6 and 7, 1917, leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government. It now appears that Biden has appointed a Bolshevik as his […]

Doctor Diagnosed Patient With ‘Climate Change’ in Canada

By Pamela Geller Here we go….. Climate change is the greatest political fraud of our time – the earth has been warming for millions of years. It’s the very definition of the emperors new clothes. But it provides the left with a hammer. The ‘boogie man” is about to get the COVID clampdown treatment. Doctor […]

COP 26: Obama & AOC Fly In

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow Barack Obama may have served as the 44th President of the United States, but he is just as wrong as anyone else who approaches global warming from deep roving left field. “For those listening back home in the U.S., let me say this,” Obama told UN COP 26, “It […]

Brown University Researcher: ‘Instead of fighting a war on terror, U.S. should be mobilizing to combat climate change’

By Robert Spencer “In general, the greater the understanding, the greater the delusion; the more intelligent, the less sane.” ― George Orwell, 1984 Heidi Peltier is a “senior researcher at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University and director of programs for the Costs of War Project.” For all her skills as a […]

GENOCIDE 2.0: Environmentalism Embraces Population Control to ‘Ecologically Right-sized the Number of Humans’

By Dr. Rich Swier Genocide: The deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group. “Of all the problems which will have to be faced in the future, in my opinion, the most difficult will be those concerning the treatment […]

COP 26: Socialists & Scoundrels Emerge From Hiding

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow If there’s one thing that unites the UN conference in Glasgow, it is that everyone wants a piece of you. Apparently what is troubling the Earth is that you are too free and live too well.  Plans to curtail your freedom and redistribute what you’ve worked for into more […]

COP 26: Kerry’s Climate $ Trillions [+Video]

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow John Kerry told UN COP 26 that the United Nations can count on the $100 billion in funding they’ve been begging for and a whole lot more. Kerry, who serves as President Biden’s “climate envoy,” said that “billions won’t cut it” and that a plan to spend trillions of […]