Climate Czar John Kerry: the U.S. ‘Won’t Have Coal’ by 2030 thumbnail

Climate Czar John Kerry: the U.S. ‘Won’t Have Coal’ by 2030

By Discover The Networks

Globe-trotting private jet enthusiast and Vietnam-era traitor John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s so-called “climate envoy,” said in an interview with Bloomberg at the COP26 climate conference in Glasgow, Scotland, that there would be no coal in the United States by the end of the decade.

“By 2030 in the United States, we won’t have coal,” Kerry stated. He went on to say, “We’re saying we are going to be carbon-free in the power sector by 2035. I think that’s leadership. I think that’s indicative of what we can do.”

It’s not leadership. It’s part of the Biden administration’s goal to commit national energy suicide. By contrast, the power-mad Chinese regime has no intention of sacrificing any its energy infrastructure for the sake of the planet.

Kerry is the first Biden official to publicly comment on the administration’s environmental policy since the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that contained numerous sections dedicated to climate change passed Congress. His aspiration to rid the country of its coal by 2030 aligns with Biden’s deadlines for lowering greenhouse gasses by the same year.

According to the U.S Energy Information Administration (EIA), coal accounted for 10% of our nation’s total energy consumption in 2020.

John Kerry

207 Known Connections


During an interview aired on the October 27, 2021 edition of Bloomberg’s Leaders with Lacqua, host Francine Lacqua asked Kerry: “Secretary, have you changed anything in your lifestyle to actually help the cause against climate change?”

Kerry answered: “Indeed, I have. I have a solar system for my home. I drive an electric car now. I still have the one internal combustion engine vehicle, which is being traded for another electric car, and we’re making more conscious decisions about our use of energy within the house. I mean, I’ve become a flagrant light switch-chaser whenever I walk through a room or a building. Yes, I think there’s a new consciousness. Am I doing everything that I should be or could be? Probably not. But I’m super conscious of the need to try to all of us do what we can to make a contribution here. The biggest thing I’m doing in my lifestyle is traveling around the world, trying to do diplomacy and help make a larger decision in the context of Glasgow that could reduce a lot of the anxiety that we’re all living with today about where we’re headed.”

To learn more about John Kerry, click here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The American Experiment thumbnail

The American Experiment

By Jerry Newcombe

Is the Biden administration governing in a way that takes into consideration the will of the American people? Based on his plummeting poll numbers and crude anti-Biden chants filling sports stadiums, the answer would seem to be no.

Last week’s defeat of the left at the polls in Virginia and elsewhere was a reminder of the pushback of “we the people.”

Some leftist pundits said Terry McAuliffe lost his Virginia gubernatorial campaign in 2021 because he didn’t campaign to the left enough. Others remarked it was the alleged “white supremacist” factor that gave conservatives the victory. Of course, they say this while ignoring the victory of the lieutenant governor-elect in Virginia, Winsome Sears. She is the first black person to win that position in that state.

Last week’s election was a reminder of the genius of the founding fathers to build into the system the opportunity for “we the people” to correct earlier political mistakes.

Conservative columnist Star Parker made a comment about this principle once in a television  interview with D. James Kennedy Ministries.

She noted,

“What I’ve learned about this whole political arena is that the words of President Garfield are really true.  If you have recklessness and corruption in government, it’s because you tolerate it. Because of the beauty of the founding, they give us elections every two years, every four years, and every six years. So, in two years, we get to [elect Congress members] again; every four years, we get the president again; and every six years we get to determine who’s going to be our senate representation.”

Parker made this remark right after Biden’s victory about a year ago. She added,

“So, I’m just staying encouraged, because this moment in our history is only this moment in our history. History is long, and history is after us, but it’s also before us….We are now being tested…and it’s uncomfortable to have to get up and actually engage. But we’re called to do that. And we have that chance every two years, every four years, and every six years.”

Our political developments are a reminder of the American experiment created by the settlers and then the founders of America.

What is America in a nutshell? It is an experiment in self-government under God.

Some people want to remove the self-government part—but then they ultimately crown the government God. That scenario violates both parts of the phrase: self-government under God.

Others want to remove the God-part of the phrase. But when we have government without God, even self-government (without God), it all tends to break down because of the inherent sinfulness of humanity.

John Adams famously said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

America’s founders designed things in such a way that we would be a self-governing people. The more people govern themselves the less outward government they need. The less they govern themselves, the more outward government is needed.

Knowing that we are all accountable before God, our founders understood the need for keeping one’s passions in check. As Thomas Jefferson noted, “Indeed I tremble for my country when reflect that God is just: that his justice cannot sleep forever.”

Self-government under God leads to greater freedom. The converse is true—bigger government under man (not God) constricts our freedom.

Why has America been so blessed—despite all our flaws—lo, these many centuries? I believe that the  first steps to self-government under God in America go back to the positive influence of the Pilgrims. 400 years ago this autumn, the Pilgrims who settled Plymouth held their first Thanksgiving celebration.

Our recent Providence Forum documentary, THE PILGRIMS, makes the simple point that the Pilgrims just wanted to worship God according to their conscience. In pursuing this religious freedom in the New World, they helped cast a long and positive shadow on what would become the future nation.

As the hymn, “America the Beautiful,” points out, “O beautiful for pilgrim feet / Whose stern impassioned stress, / A thoroughfare for freedom beat / Across the wilderness!”

Ronald Reagan once observed,

“Here in this land, for the first time, it was decided that man is born with certain God-given rights. We the people declared that government is created by the people for their own convenience. Government has no power except those voluntarily granted to it by we the people.”

The founding fathers took and extended the Pilgrims’ concept of liberty under God. Our 40th president added,

“Oh, there have been revolutions before and since ours. But those revolutions simply exchanged one set of rulers for another. Ours was a revolution that changed the very concept of government.”

And for that, all Americans should be full of thanksgiving.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

Don’t let Joe Biden or Big Bird raise America’s kids! thumbnail

Don’t let Joe Biden or Big Bird raise America’s kids!

By The Babylon Bee

Don’t let Joe Biden or Big Bird raise America’s kids! And certainly don’t let them provide medical treatment or teach them socialism. Instead, let’s teach America’s youth with the Tuttle Twins!

The Tuttle Twins children’s book series is teaching the rising generation about the ideas of freedom, free markets, individual responsibility, and American history.

My goal is to distribute an additional 10,000 copies of the Tuttle Twins before the end of the year. It costs roughly $10 to distribute one copy of the Tuttle Twins to a family.

Click here to help us distribute more copies of the Tuttle Twins books to schools across the country

Thank you,

Connor Boyack

Author, Tuttle Twins

P.S. Don’t let Biden or Big Bird take over educating America’s rising generation. Help the Tuttle Twins reach our goal!

It’s the Weather, Not the Climate, Stupid! thumbnail

It’s the Weather, Not the Climate, Stupid!

By Dr. Rich Swier

Weather is the state of the atmosphere, describing for example the degree to which it is hot or cold, wet or dry, calm or stormy, clear or cloudy.

What is Weather?

According to BYJU’S

  • The day-to-day conditions of the atmosphere at a place with respect to elements like humidity, temperature, wind speed, rainfall, etc. is called the weather of that place.
  • Weather can be cloudy, sunny, rainy, stormy or clear. It is a part of the natural phenomenon which maintains the equilibrium in the atmosphere.
  • But conditions can be worse sometimes. When the atmospheric conditions are extreme or intense enough to cause property loss or life loss, such weather is termed as severe weather.
  • These also vary according to the altitudes, latitudes, and region and pressure differences. Tornadoes, cyclones, heavy rainfall, fog, winter storms come under this category. They are disastrous and hazardous. Proper disaster management and strategies are required to handle these conditions.

Weather is the key factor in our daily lives. The weather determines how we heat/cool our homes, how we dress to keep warm or fight the heat and how we live our lives. If your an Eskimo living in Alaska you deal with different weather conditions than someone who is living in Florida, for example.

Why are we so focused on the Climate?

Climate was in use in English for well over a hundred years before we began to use the word in the 16th century to refer to weather conditions. So climate is synonymous with the weather. Then mankind began to use the phrase climate change in 1956.

Skeptical Science, whose mission is to debunk climate misinformation by presenting peer-reviewed science and explaining the techniques of science denial, noted this about the phrase climate change:

“The roots of the term have been around since 1956, when a scientist referred to it as ‘climactic change’ in a paper. By the ’80s, ‘climactic change’ had morphed into ‘climate change’ and entered popular discourse.”

BYJU’S Factors Affecting Weather:

  • All the changes that happen in the weather are made by the sun. Because the sun has a very high temperature and it is a huge sphere of hot gases. It is the main source of heat and light for the earth. It is even the primary source of energy hence affects the weather.
  • The energy reflected and absorbed by the earth’s surface, the oceans and the atmosphere play an important role in determining the weather at any place.
  • Gases like methane, water vapour and carbon dioxide also play a role in determining the weather.

So is it weather or climate?

Why I’m a Conservationist and not an Environmentalist

I deeply care about the planet earth and about all of the creatures living on the land and in our seas, rivers and oceans. However, I am not a environmentalist. Rather I am a conservationist.

According to Merriam-Webster, a conservationist is “a person who advocates conservation especially of natural resources.”

In contrast, an environmentalist is defined as one “concerned about environmental quality especially of the human environment with respect to the control of pollution.”

Do you see the difference?


A conservationist uses what has been given to us to use. He or she does not want to control people but give people access to all natural resources but task people to use these natural resources for the good of all of mankind. Not to do so is blasphemy.

I believe that it is mankind’s duty to use our God given natural resources. I also believe that God tasks us to use them wisely. I believe in waste not, want not.


Environmentalists, unlike conservationists, want to prevent mankind from using earth’s natural resources. Environmentalism wants to “save the planet” by sacrificing the lives, liberties and prosperity  of mankind.

An environmentalist is focused neither on nature nor on science. An environmentalist is focused on controlling pollution by controlling people. Environmentalists have killed millions of people (e.g. when environmentalists banned DDT which lead to the deaths of millions who succumbed to malaria in third world countries from infected mosquitoes).

In order to control the people environmentalists have over time pushed three myths (big lies):

  1. Myth #1: Human Extinction Due To Climate Change Is Imminent


I believe Theodore Roosevelt said it best, “To waste, to destroy our natural resources, to skin and exhaust the land instead of using it so as to increase its usefulness, will result in undermining in the days of our children the very prosperity which we ought by right to hand down to them amplified and developed.”

It’s not about pollution at all.

Environmentalists want to reduce the amount of CO2 in our atmosphere. They forget that it’s CO2 that feeds the plants and makes them green and grow faster thereby producing more for mankind to consume. Remember learning about osmosis in high school?

Genesis 1: 27-30 reads:

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, ‘Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’ Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground–everything that has the breath of life in it–I give every green plant for food.’ And it was so.

Don’t fall for the environmentalist’s big lies. Believe in the truth. God’s truth.

We have been given great bounty and we are tasked to give thanks for it.

Remember what Edmund Burke wrote,

“There is but one law for all, namely that law which governs all law, the law of our Creator, the law of humanity, justice, equity – the law of nature and of nations.”

As we approach Thanksgiving Day 2021 perhaps we should bow our heads in prayer and be most thankful for our conservationists who give us food, drink and with this bounty, health and prosperity.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Supreme Court to weigh EPA authority to regulate greenhouse pollutants

BIDEN’S BOLSHEVIK: Saule Omarova wants to ‘bankrupt’ the fossil fuel industry to ‘tackle climate change’ thumbnail

BIDEN’S BOLSHEVIK: Saule Omarova wants to ‘bankrupt’ the fossil fuel industry to ‘tackle climate change’

By Dr. Rich Swier

“The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

Why Saule Omarova is Biden’s Bolshevik

On November 6 and 7, 1917, leftist revolutionaries led by Bolshevik Party leader Vladimir Lenin launched a nearly bloodless coup d’état against the Duma’s provisional government. It now appears that Biden has appointed a Bolshevik as his Comptroller of the Currency.

Joe Biden wants to put an actual Communist — self-proclaimed “radical” Cornell University law school professor Saule Omarova — in charge of the nation’s banking system.

Omarova graduated from the Soviet Union’s Moscow State University in 1989 on the Lenin Personal Academic Scholarship, according to the Wall Street Journal. As recently as 2019, she was still praising the USSR’s economic system as in some ways superior to our own. “Say what you will about old USSR, there was no gender pay gap there. Market doesn’t always ‘know best.’” [Emphasis added]

Read the full article.

Now Omarova wants to bankrupt America’s oil, coal and natural gas industries for the greater good of climate change. Watch:

Biden nominee Saule Omarova saying the quiet part out loud. On the oil, coal and gas industries:

“We want them to go bankrupt if we want to tackle climate change.”

— BidenNoms, A Project of AAF (@bidennoms) November 9, 2021

Climate Change and Big Brother

Al Gore wants “big brother” to watch you if you oppose Biden’s climate change agenda. Watch Al Gore’s latest ‘solution’ to Climate Change is mass surveillance:

Public Debt is a Public Good? Not!

In the tweet below Omarova wants more public debt.

Why? Because, according to her socialist thinking, public debt serves the “public good.”

Assistant Professor of Law at UC Berkeley School of Law Abbye Atkinson in a paper titled Making Public Debt a Public Good wrote,

In other words, a public agency like the NIA [National Investment Authority] would center broad social welfare in its fiscal mandate rather than individual wealth accumulation. For example, it could readily support infrastructure geared toward remediating racial justice.

A terrific new essay by @abbye_atkinson on how to make public debt serve… well, the public. And thanks for the shoutout to the National Investment Authority (NIA) idea! Spot on. @LPEblog @justmoneyorg @BuddyYakov

Making Public Debt a Public Good

— Saule Omarova (@STOmarova) September 20, 2021

What is the National Investment Authority (NIA)? According to Data for Progress:

Originally advanced in 2018, the NIA proposal has become particularly salient in the context of the current intersecting public health, economic, and climate crises. Drawing on the experience of the New Deal era’s Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC), the NIA offers a concrete institutional solution to multiple organizational, financial, and operational challenges associated with the long-term climate agenda. The NIA would operate alongside the Treasury and the Federal Reserve and directly allocate both public and private capital to clean infrastructure projects that currently do not get funded in private markets on the necessary scale.

The NIA fits perfectly with Biden’s Build Back Better agenda.

Biden’s Bolshevik Saule Omarova is all in on bankrupting our energy industry and increasing public debt.

Recently 11 Republicans voted with Democrats to raise the national debt ceiling. In June, 2021 the reported:

new poll from Axios/SurveyMonkey is out on how Americans view free-market capitalism and socialism. The initial takeaway, as we’ve seen with many other polls in recent years, is that overall support for socialism is on the rise while the appeal of capitalism is ebbing away.

Is Biden Building Back Better the second Bolshevik Revolution?


Biden’s Build Back Better agenda is morphing from a cultural war into a full blown Bolshevik Revolution. The Russian Revolution of 1917 involved the collapse of an empire under Tsar Nicholas II and the rise of Marxian socialism under Lenin and his Bolsheviks. The causes of the Bolshevik Revolution were widespread inflation and food shortages in Russia after World War I.

After the collapse of Afghanistan, America’s longest war, Biden inherited an economy from President Trump that was robust, growing, with low inflation, no food shortages with American energy independence.

Biden, since his inauguration, has reversed everything President Trump has done to make America great. Biden’s Build Back Better has, in fact, caused supply chain shortages, rising inflation, food shortages, rising cost for home heating fuel and gasoline prices. Biden and his Bolshevik are now determined to destroy America’s energy industry for the “great good” of climate change.

Watch this absurd question by Kamal Harris:

NEW – Kamala Harris asks NASA if they are able to “track trees” by race as part of “environmental justice.”

— (@disclosetv) November 6, 2021

Track trees by race? Environmental Justice? Really. What happened to equal justice under the law. What happened to our Constructional rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?

We believe is will get worse before getting better. The are dark days ahead as long as the Democrats and their Republican RINO allies keep taxing, spending and raising the debt on our children and grandchildren.

In a May 15th, 2021 FEE column titled “The US Is 5 Years Away from a National Debt Death Spiral. Here’s WhyCraig Eyermann wrote:

According to the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Debt Management, the U.S. government is just five years away from the point where every new dollar it borrows from the public will go toward funding interest payments on the national debt.

Craig Eyermann warns, “There’s an old saying that applies for the U.S. government’s looming fiscal situation: “If something cannot go on forever, it will stop.” It’s only ever a question of how painful it will be when it does.

Conservatives must take control of one or both houses of Congress to stop the Biden Bolsheviks and their agenda to destroy our collective pursuits of happiness.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


White House Tells Businesses to Ignore Court Order on Vaccine Mandates

Republicans Who Supported Biden’s $1.2T Infrastructure Bill Once Opposed $25B for Border Wall –

Brown University Researcher: ‘Instead of fighting a war on terror, U.S. should be mobilizing to combat climate change’

Academic Wants a U.S. ‘War’ Against ‘Climate Change’

Virginia shows America’s school choice moment has finally arrived thumbnail

Virginia shows America’s school choice moment has finally arrived

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

It took a catastrophe like Covid-19 for many to recognize the depth of problems in U.S. schools.

For months, all eyes have been on the Virginia governor’s race as both Democrats and Republicans saw it as a battleground for things to come. As it turned out, Republican Glenn Youngkin easily won the seat in a state that Joe Biden carried by over 10 points not even a year ago.

While Democrats attempted to make this election about Donald Trump, Youngkin took a decidedly different approach—focusing heavily on education and the issues that have animated parents across the country during the pandemic.

In contrast, Youngkin’s opponent, Democrat Terry McAuliffe, elevated teacher’s unions, supported vaccine mandates for children, and sided with those who’ve pushed lockdowns and masking on schools as well. He even went so far in a debate as to say parents should not be making decisions on their children’s education when asked about controversies over curricula including critical race theory and sexually-explicit materials.

“I’m not going to let parents come into schools and actually take books out and make their own decision,” McAuliffe said. “I don’t think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.”

Unsurprisingly, these stances did not sit well with voters.

Families have endured almost two years of pandemic policy, with those with school-age children arguably suffering the most. Parents have had to scramble to school their children at home, rearrange work schedules, and deal with the growing anxiety and mental health issues their kids are facing as a result.

Parents have also gotten to see firsthand what’s actually going on in their children’s classrooms during this time, and many have not been pleased. To make matters worse, when they attempted to go through the proper channels to address these significant issues—their elected school boards—they were shut down, not allowed to speak, and ultimately labeled domestic terrorists by their federal government who attempted to sic the FBI on them in a coordinated attack between the Biden Administration and the National School Board Association.

For decades, libertarians and true conservatives have pushed for school choice in response to increasingly failing schools, disproportionate educational outcomes, and waste in the public school system. While budgets have bloated (schools now spend an average of $15,000 per year per student), outcomes have continued to worsen. On top of that, public schools have become government indoctrination camps that teach children one version of events, compliance, and what to think, instead of how to think. The results of this are evident throughout our entire society.

For those unfamiliar with the idea of school choice, it can take multiple forms. In recent years, the most popular approach has been education savings accounts (ESAs), which would function similarly to health savings accounts (HSAs).

Basically, families would receive the money the state already spends on their child’s education in a fund that they would then have discretion over and the ability to allocate towards a number of educational services. They could reinvest in their public school and stay if it is good, or they could use the fund towards private school, homeschooling, tutors, online courses, and supplies. They could also roll the funds over year after year (which would incentivize frugality) and ultimately pay for college with it as well.

Since most private and homeschooling options are far cheaper than what the government spends per child, this would mean children receive a far better education at a much better price. It would also reintroduce competition back into the educational market, forcing government schools to improve or lose funds. School choice would break children out of the racially-zoned education system too, which dates back to the policy of redlining. Redlining formerly prohibited people of color from buying homes in certain areas, forcing them into inner-city zip codes. To this day, zip codes are used to determine where children attend school, and notably, inner-city schools continue to be the worst—trapping whole families in generational poverty that a better education could help them escape.

Lastly, school choice puts disputes over policies like masking, lockdowns, mandates, and curriculum to bed. Parents should have the ultimate say in the environment they want their children to be educated in. School choice would allow people to peacefully group themselves with others who desire the same and therefore cease the unrest we currently see at school board meetings.

School choice used to be a third rail issue not even five years ago. I should know, I was working to pass it in Tennessee back in 2016 and 2017. Democrats didn’t want it for the reasons that they still oppose it—they work to protect the interests of unions and administrators vs families. But Republicans were hesitant at the time as well.

Those days are long gone. After the injustices in our education system were laid bare over the past year and a half, parents are rising up to demand control of their kids’ futures and looking for options to remove government from the picture. School choice is no longer a fringe issue. Indeed, many have become single-issue voters on it.

In fact, a national school choice poll now shows 67 percent of voters want school choice. And if the Virginia race tells us anything, it’s that parents are going to vote for it as soon as they get the chance.

Whom does your kid belong to?

While it is unfortunate that it takes a catastrophe like Covid-19 for many to recognize the depth of problems in our educational system, we can at least hope that a silver-lining of this pandemic is a permanent wake-up call for parents.

The actions taken and statements made on education during the course of the pandemic by the left have made it clear that they believe the nation’s children belong to them. Just the mention of school choice or parental control draws sneers from those who feel entitled to the cash cow each child represents in the system. For them, it is not about educational outcomes (clearly), but rather about control.

Economist Murray Rothbard wrote, “The issue which has been joined in the past and in the present is: shall there be a free society with parental control, or a despotism with State control?”

For too long, government actors (school administrators, teachers, unions, and politicians) were given almost total control over education. Homeschooling wasn’t even legal in all 50 states until the 1990s. Now, they are primed to lose even more control as demands for school choice and parental involvement in the classroom grow.

Rothbard also noted that, “…the State has been warring with parents for control over their children.” That’s also evident right now as unions attempt to gaslight parents over what happened in the schools over the past year and the left attempts to malign parental control over education as a racism issue.

But if Virginia is the bellwether many believe it to be, parents won’t be backing down this time around. School choice is now a “main character” in the public policy drama, and it’s not playing second-fiddle again anytime soon.

This article was originally published on Read the original article.


Hannah Cox

Hannah Cox is a libertarian-conservative writer, commentator, and activist. She’s a Newsmax Insider and a Contributor to The Washington Examiner. More by Hannah Cox.

RELATED ARTICLE: Will this be the world’s first anti-woke university?

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

We Now Have a De facto Totalitarian Federal Government thumbnail

We Now Have a De facto Totalitarian Federal Government

By Royal A. Brown III

Agree with below assessment – what we have now is just plain down TYRANNY!  And let me throw in one more zinger in regards to the events of the January 6th peaceful protest in Washington, D.C.  You will recall that even before POTUS Trump spoke to the over 600,000 peaceful demonstrators exercising their 1st Amendment Rights the illegally elected Joe Biden gave a press conference where he made the accusation of an “insurrection” which the Pelosi Kangaroo Court is now trying to prove but has withheld all video evidence from Republicans.

Please read Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, Section 3 to the U.S. Constitution which states:

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any state legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any state, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability. [Emphasis added]

Doesn’t this just track with what the leftist, socialist Democrats and even some RINO never Trumpers are thinking, scheming, forging in order to prevent POTUS Trump from running for POTUS or even Congress in the future?

Paladin writes:

If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and looks like a duck, then it just might be a duck — right?

So, if you have a president who writes executive orders and uses federal agencies to enforce them, and if you have a justice department that refuses to treat everyone equally under the law, and if you have a Congress that simply prints money out of thin air to buy whatever it wants without going through the normal budget process, and if you have an FBI that uses Stasis-like tactics to kick down doors, throw flash grenades and arrest law-abiding citizens on trumped-up charges, and if you have a government that forces its citizens to take vaccinations against their will with a vaccine made by the same people who developed the virus that killed millions and destroyed the world economy, and if you have a major political party that has found a way to win every presidential election by manufacturing and harvesting fraudulent votes in certain counties of swing states, then you should go ahead and call this “duck” what it really is — a “De facto Totalitarian Federal Government” operating under the direction of the “Global Elites” who are planning for one-world government rule.

The “Great Reset” is upon us, folks.  We are fortunate to have a great leader in Ron DeSantis who understands that there are ways to combat a runaway lawless federal government such as we have today, with the use of the tools of nullification and interposition, as defined by Jefferson and Madison in “The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798.”  (see below)

Game on!


I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

— FeraleRIGHTDawg – 1776! (@DawgRight) November 10, 2021

Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions of 1798 were Democratic-Republican responses to the Alien and Sedition Acts passed earlier that same year by a Federalist-dominated Congress. Drafted in secret by future Presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison, the resolutions condemned the Alien and Sedition Acts as unconstitutional and claimed that because these acts overstepped federal authority under the Constitution, they were null and void.

The resolutions defended civil liberties and states’ rights

The resolutions have a complicated history and legacy. They were an early defense of the Constitution’s protection of civil liberties, especially freedom of speech and of the press; however, because they argued that the acts illegally usurped powers reserved for the states, they also became the founding documents in the states’ rights movement and were cited by antebellum supporters of state nullification and secession in the mid-nineteenth century and by advocates of resistance to federal school desegregation orders in the mid-twentieth century.

Resolutions were written in response to Alien and Sedition Acts

As noted, the resolutions were written in response to Alien and Sedition Acts, which were four separate laws passed in the midst of an undeclared war at sea with revolutionary France. Among other things, the Alien Acts granted the president the power to seize, detain, and ultimately deport any noncitizen he deemed dangerous to the United States, regardless of whether the nation was at war. Accused aliens were given no right to a judicial hearing or to hear the specific charges against them. The Sedition Act made it a crime to write, print, publish, or utter anything false, scandalous, or malicious against the U.S. government, Congress, or the President.

The Democratic-Republicans, political opponents of the Federalists, felt threatened by these laws. In fact, Jefferson and Madison kept their authorship of the resolutions secret because they feared arrest for sedition. When the Federalists gained control of all three branches of the federal government in 1798, Jefferson struck on the idea of getting sympathetic state legislatures to pass resolutions as a way to respond to the acts. He hoped that more states would respond in like-minded ways and that this would lead to more electoral victories over the Federalists. Subsequently, Kentucky’s legislature passed the resolution that Jefferson had penned with little debate or revision on November 11, 1798, and the Virginia legislature passed its more temperate resolution on Christmas Eve of the same year.

Resolutions asserted the separation of powers

The resolutions assert two key propositions. First, the Union is a compact among individual states that delegates specific powers to the federal government and reserves the rest for the states to exercise themselves. Second, it is both a right and a duty of individual states to interpose themselves between their citizens and the federal government. On these bases, Virginia’s resolution, penned by Madison, declared that the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional and that measures should be taken by all states to retain their reserved powers. Jefferson’s more strident Kentucky Resolution took Madison’s theory of interposition a step further and concluded that because the Alien and Sedition Acts were unconstitutional, they were null and void.

Resolutions failed to influence other states to pass similar resolutions

The intent of the resolutions was to induce other state legislatures to pick up the critique and pass similar resolutions, thus acting as decentralized opposition to the Federalists. Judged by this standard, they were a failure. No state responded with similar official denunciations, and the legislatures of ten states went as far as to officially repudiate the resolutions, most arguing that the federal courts, not state legislatures, were the legitimate interpreters of the federal Constitution. Nevertheless, the resolutions did help the Democratic-Republicans develop as an organized oppositional party, and two years later Jefferson would eke out a victory in the 1800 presidential elections. Madison’s Report of 1800, defending the resolutions is, moreover, an important milestone in defense of First Amendment freedoms of speech and press.

The complex legacy of the resolutions stems from lingering questions as to whether they are best understood as a defense of civil liberties or of states’ rights. Rather than asserting the principles of free speech and civil protections for aliens not charged with crimes, Jefferson and Madison argued that the power to pass such acts was not properly delegated to the national government by the states. The tone and language of the resolutions are not that of a newspaper editorial meant to shape public opinion, but rather are constitutional treatises designed to elaborate on essential structures of government. From the context of the late 1790s, they are best understood as an early episode of party politics in the United States and an attempt to gain electoral advantage. However, their dominant legacy is as an exemplification of the constitutional doctrine of nullification.

Resolutions seen as examples of the doctrine of nullification

During the nullification crisis of the early 1830s over the federal tariff, states’ rights figures such as John Calhoun and Robert Hayne explicitly cited the Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions as early exemplifications of their theory that a state legislature could declare federal laws null and void within its own borders. Calhoun argued in much the same manner as found in the resolutions that the states formed a compact with each other, delegating specific powers to the federal government and that, therefore, the states ultimately were the judges of the Constitution.

A senior statesman at the time, Madison fought back against the appropriation of the resolutions to the cause of nullification. He argued that context was all-important and that the dangers of the Alien and Sedition Acts should not be compared to the inconveniences of a tariff. Madison also stressed the difference between a state legislature voicing an opinion and its making a self-executing decision. The resolutions were not designed to disrupt the execution of federal law in the state but rather to declare the official opinion of the state and hopefully rally support of other states. While the states collectively might repulse the federal government, Madison did not believe that a single state had the authority to nullify federal law within its own borders. Backing away from the doctrinal wording of the resolutions, Madison argued that they were designed only to ferment popular opinion against the laws and lead to an electoral victory against the Federalists. Both of these acts are cognizable within the Constitution and do not suggest an extraconstitutional right of a single state against the federal government.

This article was originally published in 2009. Douglas C. Dow, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Texas at Dallas specializing in political theory, public law, legal theory and history, and American politics.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Doctor Diagnosed Patient With ‘Climate Change’ in Canada thumbnail

Doctor Diagnosed Patient With ‘Climate Change’ in Canada

By Pamela Geller

Here we go…..

Climate change is the greatest political fraud of our time – the earth has been warming for millions of years. It’s the very definition of the emperors new clothes. But it provides the left with a hammer.

The ‘boogie man” is about to get the COVID clampdown treatment.

Doctor blames asthma suffered by patient on ‘climate change’ after historic heat wave killed 500 in Canada

  • A British Columbia emergency room doctor diagnosed a patient with ‘climate change’ after believing his asthma worsened as a result of a historic heat wave
  • He said his patient’s health was also exacerbated by poor air quality linked to forest fires in the province during the summer
  • Nearly 500 Canadians were killed, mostly in British Columbia, during a five-day heat wave as temperatures surged past 121F

    Climate change will kill 250,000 per year between 2030 and 2050 from malnutrition, malaria, and heat stress, the World Health Organization says

By Michelle Thompson For Dailymail.Com, 7 November 2021

A Canadian doctor pointed to ‘climate change’ as the cause for a patient’s asthma after finding that an unprecedented heat wave and poor air quality contributed to the person’s deteriorating health.

Dr. Kyle Merritt, who works at a Nelson, British Columbia hospital, said the environmental hazards prompted him to make his first ‘climate change’ clinical diagnosis after treating the patient who came in struggling to breathe.

‘If we’re not looking at the underlying cause, and we’re just treating the symptoms, we’re just gonna keep falling further and further behind,’ the emergency room doctor told Glacier Media.

‘It’s me trying to just… process what I’m seeing.’

The diagnosis came shortly after a historic heat wave in June killed nearly 500 Canadians during a five-day period as temperatures surged past 121F.

When the heat wave passed, it was replaced by another health threat as thick smoke from wildfires compromised air quality.

‘We’re in the emergency department, we look after everybody, from the most privileged to the most vulnerable, from cradle to grave, we see everybody. And it’s hard to see people, especially the most vulnerable people in our society, being affected. It’s frustrating,’ he said.

Merritt also spoke about a patient in her 70s whose ailments were exacerbated during the heat wave.

‘She has diabetes. She has some heart failure. … She lives in a trailer, no air conditioning,’ he told the outlet. ‘All of her health problems have all been worsened. And she’s really struggling to stay hydrated.’

The observations made by Merritt and other doctors throughout the western Canadian province promoted the colleagues to launch Doctors and Nurses for Planetary Health.

The healthcare professionals are using the group to advocate for better health by protecting the environment, they said on the website.

‘We are deeply concerned about the climate crisis and its impact on health,’ the group’s website says. ‘This summer, our patients experienced extreme weather events of heat dome, drought, and severe wildfires. Record-breaking temperatures soared above 40 degrees Celsius in June and air pollution from wildfires reached 43 times the amount of safe levels throughout July and August. ‘

Read the rest…

RELATED VIDEO: Watch: Al Gore Proposes Big Brother Climate Change Mass Surveillance

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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FREE V. SLAVE STATES: Masked, Lockdown California’s COVID Rate Is Now TWICE Florida’s thumbnail

FREE V. SLAVE STATES: Masked, Lockdown California’s COVID Rate Is Now TWICE Florida’s

By Pamela Geller

More news you will never hear in then Democrat state run press.

California has mask requirements and a higher vaccination rate than Florida

By Emma Colton Fox News November 9, 2021:

Enriched Literacy Education Mary Cantwell and Brooke Ooten on research revealing children literacy suffering nationwide.

California’s coronavirus rate is double that of Florida, despite mask mandates and recommendations to prevent the spread of the virus.

“You’re paying for your success, which is weird,” Ali H. Mokdad, professor of health metrics sciences at the University of Washington, told the Mercury News when asked why Californians aren’t “reaping more reward for their adherence to health guidance.”

“You succeed in controlling the virus, and now you’re having infections.”

Gov. Gavin Newsom talks during a news conference at Universal Studios in Universal City, California. On Wednesday, he signed a bill into law intended to combat organized retail theft.  (AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu, File)


Cases in California are no longer falling, with the rate increasing to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s red “high” level of virus transmission stemming from the delta variant, the outlet reported.

But Southern states such as Texas and Florida – where state leaders do not enforce face mask policies or support other strict mandates – are in the CDC’s orange “substantial” transmission level.

California’s vaccination rate is higher than states such as Texas and Florida, but that still hasn’t stopped the outbreaks. Sixty-two percent of California’s total population is fully vaccinated, while Florida reports 60% and Texas 54%.


Gov. Gavin Newsom and other California leaders put some of the most strict coronavirus measures in place last year, which have continued into 2021.

In the Bay Area, health officials reimposed indoor face mask orders and won’t lift the measures until the area falls below the CDC’s orange “substantial” transmission level for three weeks or more. So far, most of the Bay Area counties still remain in the orange zone, besides San Francisco, which is in the yellow zone, the outlet reported.

California saw fewer cases of the delta variant over the summer with the state’s higher vaccination rate. Those who were not vaccinated and have recovered from the virus now also have immunity, the outlet reported, and the virus has a more difficult time spreading.


“These regions are now being partly protected by high prior infection rates,” said Dr. Bob Wachter, chair of the medical department at the University of California-San Francisco. “But these people whose immunity comes from COVID-19 are not very well protected, and their immunity will wane with time.”

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks during a press conference before newly appointed state Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo at Neo City Academy in Kissimmee, Florida, on Sept. 22, 2021.

Wachter added that with low booster shot rates and waning immunity, “the end result is that we’ve plateaued in our improvements, both nationally and in California, and it’s likely we’ll soon see some significant upticks.”

“California has done very well over the past few months, but we still have too many unvaccinated people,” he added. “People are spending more time inside and being more active, and masking is going down.”

Florida, meanwhile, hit another new benchmark last week. The first hospital in the state to treat a COVID patient last year, Doctor’s Hospital, announced that for the first time since the pandemic, it has no virus patients in its care.

“This is great news! For two weeks and counting, Florida has had the lowest rate of new COVID-19 cases in the entire country – with no mandates, vaccine passports, or lockdowns. Overall, COVID hospitalizations have been declining for more than 70 days straight, and we’re at an all time low in terms of the number of COVID patients hospitalized statewide,” Gov. Ron DeSantis’ press secretary, Christina Pushaw, told Fox News on Monday when asked for comment about Doctor’s Hospital in Sarasota.

“Gov. DeSantis is proud of Florida’s success with launching monoclonal antibody treatment sites throughout the state, which made a huge impact on lowering hospitalizations and saving lives. Early treatment – getting the monoclonal antibodies as soon as possible after testing positive or experiencing symptoms – cuts the risk of hospitalization by 70% or more,” Pushaw added.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Remembering Bahriye Üçok, Murdered for Opposing Hijab, As Council of Europe Promotes Hijab thumbnail

Remembering Bahriye Üçok, Murdered for Opposing Hijab, As Council of Europe Promotes Hijab

By Robert Spencer

The hijab debate is once again on in Europe. “The Council of Europe has withdrawn images from a social media campaign promoting diversity among women and their freedom to wear the hijab,” Euronews reported on November 3:

The Council of Europe says the “Freedom in the hijab” project aimed to celebrate Europe’s diversity and inclusivity.

The project was launched last week by the Strasbourg-based human rights organisation through their Inclusion and Anti-Discrimination Programme.

The campaign was also co-financed by the European Union, which is distinct from the 47-country body.

Social media posts featured split images of young women, with one side of their face wearing an Islamic headscarf, and the other not. Messages alongside the videos and images read, “beauty is in diversity as freedom is in hijab.”

Is it really? Is freedom in hijab?

The life of Turkish Muslim Professor Bahriye Üçok speaks volumes about why the donning of the hijab by non-Muslim women (whatever the reason) is an insult to women’s rights.

Üçok was a pious Muslim who tried to offer a more modern and tolerant version of Islam. She was educated in Medieval Islamic and Turkish history at Ankara University and became the first female academic in the department of Islamic theology at her alma mater. She was also a writer, columnist, women’s rights activist and left-wing politician. She was a senator in the 1970s and Social Democratic Populist Party Member of Parliament in the 1980s.

Professor Bahriye Üçok had the courage to challenge oppressive Islamic traditions. Because she spoke up, her body was torn into pieces at age 71.

Üçok believed that the Quran should be interpreted not only based on the conditions of the time in which it was revealed, but also in consideration of today’s more progressive conditions. In December 1988, for example, she said in a debate program on a Turkish TV channel that the headscarf was no longer an obligation of Islam.

She first referred to the Quranic verses about the use of the headscarf, saying that the Quran at the time of Mohammed aimed to “distinguish women from concubines,” because the latter were harassed outdoors. She added that because God aimed to help protect women from the negative circumstances of the time, the Quran advised them to cover themselves.

She went on to say that as women are now able to protect their dignity without the need to cover their heads, and as there are no longer concubines, “it means God’s order has already been carried out,” and the headscarf is no longer obligatory.

She explained, “If they are to follow the Quran literally, then women may not even sit beside men. They may not stay in the same place as men. They may not allow men to hear their voices. They definitely have to cover their faces and wear a niqab or some very loose clothes. It is also forbidden for them to go from one place to another on their own.”

“If headscarf were a matter of faith,” Üçok added, “I would respect it. But it is a matter of politics, not of faith. I certainly believe that the underlying reason for promoting the headscarf is to oppose the principle of secularism and the secular regime of Turkey.”

According to Üçok’s daughter Kumru, the threats targeting her mother began immediately, during the ad break of that debate show, and they continued for four or five months. She said that people threatened her mother, making comments such as “I have booked your place in hell,” “You will pay for it,” and “You will find you’re in trouble.” A security guard was then provided to watch over Üçok’s home.

On October 5, 1990, a notice was left at Üçok’s house that she had a package waiting for her at a nearby shipping company. The next day, October 6, her daughter picked up the package and returned home. Then she gave the package to her mother.

Shortly afterward, there was a huge explosion. Kumru ran upstairs, but the house was filled with smoke from the bomb that had exploded when her mother opened the package. Kumru could see only her mother’s severed arm on the ground, but the hand was not there. Her mother was later declared dead at the hospital.

When Üçok was murdered, Turkey was not yet ruled by an Islamist government. Based on her own understanding of Islamic scriptures – and a pious and modern Muslim herself – Üçok wanted to show other Muslim women that they could be still be devout or spiritual without allowing men to repress them or violate their rights. Because she spoke up, her body was torn into pieces.

Üçok’s interpretation of the Quran was obviously debatable. But Islamists do not debate. In the face of any intellectual challenge, they attempt to silence their critics. In Muslim countries, opponents of Islam are murdered or arrested. In the Judeo-Christian world, where Muslims are still in the minority, they resort to name-calling. Those who criticize or oppose some of the teachings or traditions of Islam are called hate-filled racists or bigots.

On the day Üçok died, a person calling “on behalf of the Islamic movement” phoned the Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, for which Üçok wrote op-eds, and said, “Because of her opposition against Islam [concerning the headscarf], she was punished by Muslims. It is our duty to kill anyone who restricts Islam.”

The perpetrators were then revealed to be members of the organization named “Tawhid Salam,” otherwise known as “the Army of Jerusalem.”

According to a documentary about Üçok’s life titled I Was There, Army of Jerusalem Member Ferhan Özmen had placed the bomb in the package. During the trial following Üçok’s murder, he said that he wanted to reveal the identities of the other instigators and conspirators, but he was prevented from doing so by a medical report by Turkey’s Forensic Medicine Institute, which said that he “would not be able to make reliable statements because he suffered from stress trauma as a result of the trials.”

But if Turkish state authorities had truly aimed to secularize Turkey, they would have made Üçok one of the leaders of the reformist movement of Islam in the country. Instead, they let Islamists murder her in her own house. And the assassination remains “unresolved.”

The year 1990 was a dark one for secularists in Turkey. Üçok was the fourth secular intellectual murdered that year. Professor Muammar Aksoy was shot to death in front of his house on January 31, 1990. Journalist Çetin Emeç, who wrote many articles critical of Islamist organizations, was murdered in his car on March 7, 1990. And on September 4, 1990, a former imam and staunch critic of Islam, Turan Dursun, was murdered by Islamists in front of his house in Istanbul.

Just like Üçok’s murder, their deaths also remain unresolved.

Three years later, on July 2, 1993, 33 secular intellectuals – mostly Alevis – were burned alive by Islamists at a hotel in the province of Sivas.

Today, Turkey is ruled by an Islamist government that purges academics and detains journalists almost daily. The country seems to be paying the very high price of not protecting its secular intellectuals and non-Muslim communities. The current percentage of Christians and Jews totals only 0.1 percent of the entire population of Turkey, which now stands at over 80 million.

In the meantime, some Hollywood celebrities and Western political leaders – with their own versions of hijab or niqab and their deafening silence in the face of the crimes committed against Muslim women by Muslim men – insult the memory of Muslim victims murdered or tortured for the “crime” of challenging Islamic misogyny.

In light of Üçok’s life and legacy, the EU institutions should think harder: If freedom is really in hijab, why did Üçok’s intellectual attempts at challenging hijab not bring her more freedom and instead lead to her murder?



Uzay Bulut is a Turkish journalist and political analyst formerly based in Ankara. Parts of this article were originally posted by the Philos Project in 2017.


While World Focuses on ‘Islamophobia,’ Christians Live Precarious Existence in Muslim Lands

FBI Sharply Increases Investigations of ‘Domestic Extremism,’ But Where’s the Evidence It Even Exists?

Austria: Muslim migrant father, officially 21, attacks his son, 10, and two bystanders with a knife

UK: A record 853 migrants cross English Channel in small boats in single day

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COP 26: Obama & AOC Fly In thumbnail

COP 26: Obama & AOC Fly In

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Barack Obama may have served as the 44th President of the United States, but he is just as wrong as anyone else who approaches global warming from deep roving left field.

“For those listening back home in the U.S., let me say this,” Obama told UN COP 26, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a Republican or a Democrat if your Florida house is flooded by rising seas, or your crops fail in the Dakotas or your California house is burning down.”

Sorry to inform you, Mister President, all those things are WEATHER, NOT CLIMATE.  It doesn’t matter if you’re rich or poor, short or tall, crop production is setting records, California fires are historically normal, and sea level has risen at the same minuscule pace since before the industrial revolution.

“It’s not just that we can’t afford to go backward,” Obama said. “We can’t afford to stay where we are. The world has to step up and it has to step up now.”

The U.K. Independent commented, “The emptiness of these promises shows COP26 — and the future COP27, COP28, COP129 — for the farce that it is. This is not a serious attempt to solve the climate crisis. It’s a chance for world leaders to pat themselves on the back for doing barely anything in the past and pledge to do stuff they’ll never do in the future. Obama is famed for inspiring hope, but today his words ring hollow.”

Obama called for wealthy nations to spend much more.  The Paris Climate Accord contains plans to redistribute $100 billion per year to poor nations.  Funding never reached that level and the developing world is not happy. At a UN conference in Bonn years ago, a delegate from the island of Tonga approached CFACT’s delegation and asked, “you’re Americans?  When are you sending the money?” Climate cash is the reason they signed onto the Paris agreement in the first place.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez also jetted in to Glasgow to push the Green New Deal.  “I have worked very hard on advancing the Civilian Climate Corps, which is now successfully in the Build Back Better Act,” AOC said, “we’ll seek to mobilize over 300,000 jobs for young people in emissions draw down and environmental injustice.”

That’s a pretty big reveal AOC made.  If she is correct, the Biden social spending bill still contains funding for AOC to mobilize, indoctrinate and deploy a vast brigade of climate campaigners to harry and subdue the rest of us.  There seems no end to the bad policy crammed into Biden’s bill.  That’s no way to “build back better.”

The UN announced today that it has performed an analysis that the pledges made at COP 26 are insufficient to keep the globe from warming over its (arbitrary) 1.5 degree C target.  The UN announced that 2.4 degrees seems more likely.  Of course that is based on climate computer modeling, not reality.

The good news?  Climate computer modeling ALWAYS runs too hot!

P.S. Don’t let Obama and AOC have the last word on climate!  Help CFACT present the facts that debunk the global warming narrative.  Please donate right now and let’s beat the Left with hard work and devastating facts.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

7 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Teachers Unions thumbnail

7 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Teachers Unions

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

I stand with teachers—not unions.

Every year, my school district hosts a beginning of the year meeting with every employee in the district. Amidst all the pomp are 15 minutes during which my school district provides a platform for the head of the local teachers union. He doesn’t say much, keeping it vague and general. He says the union works with the school board and other leaders to fight for both teachers and students.

He also spends time in the teachers’ lounge occasionally, handing out pamphlets. A note in defense of unions was left at a table in the lounge recently. It details accomplishments of unions past and the evils of corporations. This note and this speech are a nice review of a high school civics course, but they have one glaring flaw: they focus entirely on the past.

Contexts change. For instance, the necessity of stationed US troops in Germany has shifted since the Cold War. The same goes for unions at large as the US reaches historical levels of prosperity. We can appreciate the accomplishments of the past while still reconsidering the utility of unions in the present. There are of course defenses of unions within a modern context. That said, they are ultimately lacking. Here are seven reasons why we should support the dissolution of teachers unions in 2019.

They are advocacy groups as much as unions

Two years ago, while I was a first-year teacher, I mistakenly stumbled into a members-only meeting in my school’s library. Before being shooed away and denied a scone with coffee, I saw pamphlets in stacks next to the treats. One column was topped by a glowering Donald Trump over a dark red background like a Sith lord; the other had a smiling Hillary Clinton.

While teachers are stereotypically liberal, a survey done by Education Week found that 43 percent of educators define themselves as moderate, with a near equal number identifying as conservative or liberal. In 2016, 50 percent of teachers voted for Hillary Clinton and 29 percent for Donald Trump. Teachers are a moderate and politically diverse crowd.

That being said, in the past 28 years, teachers unions have given 96 percent of their funding to Democratic candidates. In the agenda from the National Education Association (NEA)’s most recent annual meeting, the business items include a commitment to:

  • Responding to the “heartless, racist, and discriminatory zero-tolerance [immigration] policies of the Trump administration”
  • Supporting Black Lives Matter
  • Opposing arming teachers in schools
  • The removal of Confederate leaders from school monuments
  • Posting a public list of individuals who have refused service to LGBTQ people
  • The postponement of the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh
  • The prohibition of private jails
  • Opposing charter schools and voucher programs
  • Describing and deconstructing “the systemic proliferation of a White supremacy culture and its constituent elements of White privilege and institutional racism”

Regardless of your views on all of these, there is a clear disparity between the agenda of the largest teachers union in the nation and the views of its teachers. Perhaps even more glaring, many of these issues have only a tangential relation to education, if that. While they speak of defending teachers, much of their energy is spent advocating for various, non-educational political initiatives.

They have more money in politics than just about everyone

Both Republicans and Democrats complain about money in politics. Both sides have their boogeyman: George Soros and the Koch Brothers. And yet, according to the Center for Responsive Politics, the NEA was the second largest contributor to political campaigns of any individual, corporation, or union in 2014. In 2016, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and NEA collectively gave $64 million in political contributions compared to only $11 million and $28 million by the Koch brothers and George Soros, respectively.

Unions fight for increased funding with the intent of raising teacher pay and purchasing better academic materials. Some research shows that it is beneficial. Other papers don’t. An analysis by Johns Hopkins finds a synthesis between the two, arguing that how school achievement is defined and how money is spent determine whether funding correlates with improvement. Until structural reforms are put in place to apply market pressure to the schools, any funding increase will be little more than waste.

At the first school I worked at, the book room had thousands of books, worth thousands of dollars, and I was one of the only teachers in our building who used them. My department had a supply closet filled with toys and gadgets no one used. There are curriculum teams and staff members collectively paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to create a curriculum that is either followed without fidelity or ignored entirely.

Per pupil spending, school achievement, and teacher pay give data to substantiate this claim. In current dollars, school spending has increased by roughly $3,000 per pupil since the early 1990s; yet teacher pay has declined or remained flat in most states, while student achievement on test scores has remained stagnant or even decreased in some states. Money is increasing, but it isn’t creating results.

More generally, teachers unions promote a strict pay scale that rewards any teacher for years taught—be they exceptional or mediocre or lousy—incentivizing longevity, not performance. They also make it nearly impossible to fire teachers, taking up to two years and $200,000 according to Stanford Professor Terry Moe. Social stances, funding, and strict pay scales just won’t do in the face of crumbling urban education.

Unions block the reforms that will structurally change a broken system and in return, promise increased funding, which will, in turn, be drained away by the broken system. Namely, they oppose school choice, merit-based pay, standardized tests, and the Praxis, an entrance exam for teachers.

School choice, while not a panacea, is one reform that has tremendous potential for improving schools. Research shows that the pressure this funding structure places on schools increases student performancesaves money, and improves students’ mental health.

Educational reform has been stymied. Across the board, Republicans have advanced comprehensive reforms from charter schools to more stringent teacher evaluations and merit-based pay. After a blue wave, many fear that the growth it has enacted may be at an end.

They breed a culture of entitlement

I allow my students to set some classroom rules to provide a sense of ownership. One student expressed that he didn’t want a star or candy simply for following directions. It’s condescending, he said, to praise a student for the minimum. That assumes you only expect the minimum.

In my role, I watch many teachers teach, and not everyone necessarily deserves a star. I have heard teachers tell their kids to ask fewer questions. I have seen teachers celebrate over pregnant students. I have heard teachers speak of students using language one would expect from the villain in a Scorsese movie. All the while, teachers denigrate any test that shows stagnant scores or an administrator who questions their efficacy.

The unions tell us that we, the teachers, deserve our jobs and better pay regardless of the success of our students, but in reality, we deserve more money and respect only if we do our job well. To suggest anything else is a disservice to the profession.

I was new to teaching and sat across from the school’s manager of our 403(b) plans. I asked if the school district would match my contribution. They don’t, because the district pays toward our pension. I rolled my eyes, and so did she.

Chad Aldeman, a former analyst at the Department of Education, explains the problem well. He says that “states are paying an average of 12 percent of each teacher’s salary just for debt costs. If states didn’t face these large debts, they could afford to give that money back to teachers in the form of higher salaries—an average of $6,801 for every public school teacher in America.

Under a 401(k) plan, any employee could choose to be frugal and invest more, as well as receive more from their employer and thereby more from their retirement plan. In education, teachers receive retirement benefits based on a formula, unable to invest any more than the predetermined amount.

That $6,800 dollars could go to much better use. For those of us who choose to save, we would end up with a retirement portfolio that would outdo most teacher pensions. Others may counter that some do not have the disposable income to save for themselves, but even in this case, those teachers should be allowed to keep their money and spend it on whatever medical bill or child care they need.

We can bargain for ourselves

Factory workers during the Industrial Revolution were expendable. They had no specialized skills or education with which they could bargain in a labor-flooded market. Conversely, teachers are a highly-skilled and educated workforce in a market where they are in short supply.

A friend of mine, one of the best teachers at our school, was falsely accused of hitting a student. Under convoluted district rules, the principal wanted to fire him. This teacher walked into the office with test scores, student testimonials, projects demonstrating mastery by some of our school’s most difficult students, and hallway video records that proved him innocent. We can bargain for ourselves.

As a rule, I try not to stand in opposition to things. It breeds resentment instead of changing minds and casts no vision for a way forward. I’m not against unions. I’m for teachers. For us to flourish financially and professionally, we need the freedom to bargain for ourselves, the respect that comes with accountability, and meaningful reform. Therefore, I stand with teachers—not union.


Daniel Buck

Daniel Buck is a public school teacher in Wisconsin with a graduate degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. On the side, he writes regular commentary about education and literature for publications like The Foundation for Economic Education, The Federalist, and Quillette. He is also the head columnist at Lone Conservative, a website dedicated to mentoring and publishing college-aged conservatives.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Nigeria, Islamism, and the High Risks of Truth-Telling thumbnail

Nigeria, Islamism, and the High Risks of Truth-Telling

By Family Research Council

In mid-August, all eyes were fixed on Afghanistan. The world media focused on the U.S. military’s rapid and chaotic departure and President Joe Biden’s awkward and contradictory explanations. And in the days and weeks that followed, the Taliban’s atrocities in that country increased exponentially.

Meanwhile, although the threats and curses were in another language and the victims looked very different, innocent Nigerian people were also being threatened, abducted, and massacred. And this was all being carried out in accord with the same Islamist ideology and with the same ferocity as the Taliban slaughters.

In short, while a horrified world watched the Taliban’s swelling abuses and atrocities in Afghanistan, few turned their eyes toward the unholy violence in Nigeria.

Truthfully, it has always been all too easy to look away from Nigeria’s seemingly endless bloodbath. In fact, the legacy media has never paid much attention to it in the first place, even though, as Crux reported in August:

Nigeria is becoming the “biggest killing ground of Christians in the world” due to attacks by Boko Haram and Fulani militants, says a leading charity. International Christian Concern (ICC) estimates between 50,000 and 70,000 Christians have been killed in the last decade in the West African nation, the most populous on the continent.

So, while the Afghan debacle captured the world’s attention, a continuing bloodbath in Nigeria was all but overlooked. However, Morning Star News — a Christian outlet — remained focused on the violence in West Africa and continued to update their shocking reports.

August 25, 2021: Muslim Fulanis killed 70 Christians, displaced 30,000 others and burned 500 homes in attacks on villages in Miango District, Bassa County the first three weeks of August.

September 28, 2021: Fulani herdsmen killed a Christian at a worship service in Kaduna state, Nigeria on Sunday (Sept. 26), and 30 others were slain in attacks later that night, sources said.

September 29, 2021: The killing of the Rev. Silas Yakubu Ali and more than 50 other Christians… shows that Christians are under siege from Muslim Fulani herdsmen,” community leaders said.

Nigerian journalist Luka Binniyat wrote, “The murder of the pastor has again offered another opportunity for relevant government authorities and, indeed, the entire world to seriously examine the allegations made by… Christians over the years.”

Binniyat also headlined a story for Epoch Times on October 29, “In Nigeria, Police Decry Massacres as ‘Wicked’ but Make No Arrests.”

In recent days, the ongoing attacks in Nigeria have worsened exponentially. And so have threats to Binniyat, whose journalism has long demanded that the Nigerian government examine anti-Christian violence.

On November 6, The Christian Post reported that over 60 members of a Baptist church in Kaduna, Nigeria, had been kidnapped. “This kidnapping is a shocking example of the audacity of the so-called bandits and the impunity that is escalating, seemingly without bounds in Nigeria,” said Jo Newhouse, spokesperson for Open Doors in sub-Saharan Africa. “The government is grossly failing its citizens in this matter and the continuing lawlessness is creating ideal breeding ground for extremism.”

Binniyat was arrested by the Nigerian authorities on November 7.

Douglas Burton, an Epoch Times specialist on Nigeria, was interviewed by FRC’s Tony Perkins on “Washington Watch” about Binniyat’s arrest.

“Binniyat has been a journalist for 30 years,” Burton explained. “He was the bureau chief for a big newspaper in Nigeria called Vanguard, and he’s been in trouble with the Nigerian government before. Four years ago, he was jailed on charges of ‘breach of the public peace’ and of ‘publishing false and injurious information….’ In fact, the government of Nigeria has deliberately neglected to make arrests and prosecutions in dozens and dozens of cases of massacres in the state of Kaduna and Plateau States.”

Perkins responded, “So here we have a journalist reporting that religiously motivated atrocities are taking place all across Nigeria. And, in fact, that’s why Nigeria was designated by the State Department as a Country of Particular Concern (CPC). It is the largest African country in terms of population, and it has the ability to destabilize the entire continent this continues. So, what is the Nigerian government saying other than these charges that have been leveled against Luka? Are they defending their inaction in this case or what are they saying?”

Burton explained that the commissioner of public security, Samuel Aruwan, who identifies as a Christian, claims that what Binniyat wrote was false. Aruwan said that Binniyat was “inciting disturbance and…confusing the public about the government’s role in allowing the genocide against Christians.”

This is a typical response from Nigerian government officials. And at the time of this writing, Luka Binniyat’s fate is unknown.

Those who follow Nigeria’s horrific violence against Christians — carried out for many years by Fulani radicals, Boko Haram, and Islamic State West Africa Province (ISWAP) — are appalled by the Nigerian government’s denials of complicity. The president of Nigeria himself is a Fulani tribesman who has filled most government posts with his kinsmen. And although the United States has declared Nigeria a CPC, Boko Haram, ISWAP, and Fulani Jihadis continue their murderous activity across that vast country without consequence.

Radical Islamism, which demands the death and destruction of “infidels,” is not only acted out in places like Afghanistan, where the Taliban’s number of victims is rapidly rising. That same Islamism continues to be the theological foundation for Nigeria’s government as well as for other Middle Eastern and African countries.

Meanwhile, those who report the facts about Islamist activity — courageous journalists like Luka Binniyat — continue to face threats and scrutiny. And those intimidations are too often followed by retaliation and harsh reprisals.


Lela Gilbert

Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom

Lela Gilbert is Senior Fellow for International Religious Freedom and Coalitions Coordinator at Family Research Council, where she brings a lengthy record of advocating for persecuted believers and addressing current-day faith and freedom issues. Lela resided in Israel for ten years, from 2006 to 2017; she writes and speaks about the intensifying persecution of Christians, Antisemitism, and abuses of religious minorities across the world.

An award-winning writer, Lela has authored or co-authored more than sixty books, including Saturday People, Sunday People: Israel through the Eyes of a Christian Sojourner (Encounter Books, 2013) and Persecuted: The Global Assault on Christians (Thomas Nelson, 2013 — co-authored with Hudson Institute Fellows Nina Shea and Paul Marshall. Lela also served as editorial director of Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes are Choking Freedom Worldwide, a volume co-authored by Paul Marshall and Nina Shea (Oxford University Press, 2011).

Her work has appeared in Newsweek, Fox News, RealClearReligion, Jerusalem Post, Providence Magazine, National Review, Catholic Herald and other publications.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column with video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: What It Will Take To End Sexploitation thumbnail

PODCAST: What It Will Take To End Sexploitation

By National Center on Sexual Exploitation

In a follow up Dawn Hawkins, as the new CEO of NCOSE, wants to share more about HOW we can achieve a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation.

Hear about my vision:

Before any real problem solving can be done, it’s essential the problem is properly laid out and defined. That’s why NCOSE’s work to expose the interconnected web of sexual exploitation issues is so critical to achieving our vision—we cannot solve one problem while ignoring the influences and tangled nature of another.

Our nearly 60-year history has given us a unique, panoramic perspective which enables us to see that we cannot succeed in preserving human dignity if we approach the work from a narrow lens, such as a singular religious, political, or social perspective. It’s this wisdom that has allowed NCOSE to adapt and change over the past decade to unite and grow a movement and address current issues while utilizing myriad advocacy tools, cutting-edge tactics, and the latest research.

NCOSE has built a diverse team of top experts, broad coalition partners, and a deep grassroots network and it now leads the movement to end sexual abuse and exploitation through research, litigation, and corporate and legislative advocacy

This is what it will take to build a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation: 

  1. Destabilize the pornography industry and make pornography intolerable in society. Pornography does not have room to exist in a world that truly believes in human love, connection, and equality.
  2. Stop sex buying to end sex trafficking and all exploitation. The world should not allow and even celebrate the commodification of any human being, especially the most vulnerable, who are preyed upon by the commercial sex industry.
  3. Protect children online. The Internet should be a safe space for all, including the children who are now growing up with access to people and unlimited information.

Read About Our Tactics Here

With your help, the National Center on Sexual Exploitation has made significant progress on these three objectives and more in just the last few years. Best of all, there are more victories and accomplishments to come!

The light of human dignity will always burn brighter than the shadow of exploitation. By eschewing the boundaries of politics, religion, and other divisive backgrounds, NCOSE is in a unique position to ignite that light and continue to bring organizations and individuals from all walks of life out of the shadows of a world that allows and normalizes sexual exploitation to thrive.

All our work is dedicated to realizing the vision of a world free from sexual abuse and exploitation—a world I know is possible.

EDITORS NOTE: This NCOSE column with podcast is republished with permission. ©All right reserved.

VISDEO: Connecting the Dots for the Big Secret! thumbnail

VISDEO: Connecting the Dots for the Big Secret!

By Save America Foundation

“Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Everything is a big secret (see below documents). I normally do not trust ‘Public Citizen’, I may be changing my mind. This is a telling document.

Check out all the countries that are in with Pfizer and agree to private courts, private  orders from Pfizer itself .

Then Max Igan finally found a way to escape Australia and he came here or so he said he did. That may be a decoy because in the video it looked too tropical to be Utah.

Here is MAX ‘s video: A Coming False Flag in Australia | The Crowhouse – Amazing story!!

NOTE: the Pfizer commercials in the beginning of his talk about getting out of the country (Australia) video.

He never paid taxes, he was a sovereign citizen living in Australia. But he did apply for licensing for things and he left his wealth in Aussie land. Very brave guy. The “spirit” told him to leave and he did.

CLICK HERE to look at the document Karen B. sent from Public Citizen. That tells us a lot about why and where is off limits. Connect the dots.

Look at all Karen’s links below on this topic on Pfizer.

“The government is good at one thing. It knows how to break your legs, and then hand you a crutch and say, ‘See if it weren’t for the government, you wouldn’t be able to walk.”

Alex Newman interviews Dr. Meyer who was fired for providing informed consent and early treatment. 17 min. VIDEO

Australia is At War – this is what happens when a country of citizens gives up their ability to defend themselves – Thanks to Russell S.

10 min. VIDEO

So you think your school is not teaching CRT? Think again folks.Thanks to Charlotte I. 1 min. 32 sec.VIDEO

Explosive Revelation: Indian Television Exposes Pfizer Bullies Blackmails Countries – I shared a press conference from members of the EU about this and some months back shared information about the contract with Israel. We always ask “who runs the world?” I think it is very obvious at this point. ARTICLE/VIDEO (7 min.)

Here is the document about this genocidal treason: DOCUMENT

The FDA Is An Absolute Joke: Mutiple Committee Members Green Lighted Pfizer Vaccines for Children Have Financial Ties to Pfizer – and it is not just the FDA. The CDC, HHS, NIH, WHO all bought and paid for as well as governments all over the world by big pharma. ARTICLE

COVID-19 Injections Will Cause Massive Death – Interview with Dr. Elizabeth Eads – very good interview. ARTICLE/VIDEO

Now they are using commercials to brainwash our kids into getting the COVID shot. 1 min. VIDEO

Whistleblower Reveals Fraud During COVID Vaccine Trials As 5-11 Year Olds Begin To Be Injected – Vaccine Death and Injuries to Follow – ARTICLE

Pfizer Adds Ingredient to Vaccine for Kids That Treats Heart Attacks – DO NOT GIVE THIS VACCINE TO YOUR CHILDREN. If you have grandchildren make sure to share this article and the one above. They KNOW this vaccine is going to cause heart attacks in young children. ARTICLE

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough – Ignore Him at Your Own Risk! thumbnail

VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough – Ignore Him at Your Own Risk!

By Save America Foundation

“Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four.” ― George Orwell, 1984

Dr. McCullough is an encyclopedia on Covid.

Here he is on Alex Jones, taking advantage of the Jones Bullhorn and trying his damndest to get the latest findings out to the public.

It’s obvious he is an expert, a heart specialist, and people need to listen to this man, especially those who are entertaining whether to let their kids take this poison.

If you are asleep, wake the hell up!!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Tyrannical response to covid proves all government is OBSOLETE and DANGEROUS – Health Ranger Report


Naturally immune federal workers file class-action suit against Fauci for COVID vaccine mandate | Just The News

— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) November 9, 2021


Vaccines Will ELIMINATE the “Obedience Class” of Humans Who Can’t Think for Themselves

Dr. Peter McCullough Issues Emergency Warning: Vaccine-Created Spike Protein Is Deadly In The Human Body

THE GATHERING STORM: And Its Historic Precedent Part Two — America thumbnail

THE GATHERING STORM: And Its Historic Precedent Part Two — America

By Kelleigh Nelson

“I have never written that there is a threat of fascism in America. I always considered the idea overwrought. But now I believe there really is such a threat – and it will come draped not in an American flag, but in the name of tolerance and health.”  – Dennis Prager

“I’m afraid, based on my own experience, that fascism will come to America in the name of national security.” – Jim Garrison – District Attorney of Orleans Parish, Louisiana, from 1962 to 1973.

“If fascism ever came to the United States, it would be wrapped in an American flag.” –  Huey Long, 40th Governor of Louisiana and U.S. Senator until his assassination in 1935

Lutheran minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who stood in opposition to National Socialism said, “We are not to simply bandage the wounds of victims beneath the wheels of injustice, we are to drive a spoke into the wheel itself.”  He lived and died by this statement having fought against the Nazi purge of our Jewish brethren.  When Hitler ordered his death, Bonhoeffer prayed the night before he was hanged and at dawn walked to the gallows without fear, knowing his new birth in the Kingdom of God was imminent.  He said he was privileged to die with his Jewish brothers and sisters.  His body was either cremated or put in a mass grave.

Who are the Bonhoeffers in America’s society today?  They’re the men and women of medicine and science who are risking their livelihoods to tell us the truth.  We know them, not only by name, but by their faces.  Some have even been called “terrorists.” Despite the American Pravda censorship, they continue to cry out to the public hoping to save lives.  (And yes, there are a few courageous rabbis and pastors who are preaching the truth to their congregations.)

The dark collusion of government actors and corporations is stifling dissent among medical doctors and scientists, as it pertains to pandemic policies.  The danger of death or adverse effects from the Covid inoculation is far greater than from contracting the virus.  Early treatment is the lifesaver, especially for the elderly and individuals with multiple comorbidities. Unfortunately, too many Americans listen to our Pravda media and believe that the Covid jab will save their lives and return the country to “normal,” proving the propaganda of the 20th Century Third Reich is alive and well in 21st Century America.

Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie

Jim O’Neill explains in his article, Right Wing Nazis: The Big Lie, that there is no legitimate reason for the Nazis to be labeled right wing, let alone “extreme” right wing.

I will never tire of pointing out to folks that the fascists/Nazis are left-wing, Left-Wing, LEFT-WING!  I am tired of doing the research needed to prove this to other people however.  Do your own damn research.

All we ever see from the media are tales of Right-wing fascists; Right-wing Nazis.  It is all a lie…always has been a lie, and always will be a lie.

Communists and fascists are not identical, but they sure are kissing cousins from the same family – both ideologies are left-wing.  Do the research – and don’t be lazy about it.  Delve past the surface glitter of false narratives and smoke ‘n’ mirrors.  Don’t settle for anything less than the truth.

Thank you, Jim!  Nazism is socialism.  Socialism is totalitarianism.  No matter how the Democratic Socialist left wants to spin it, Hitler and his henchmen mixed socialism and fascism to create a demonic dictatorial genocide of God’s people. Rightwing politics are as far from the National Socialist Worker’s Party as the east is from the west.

Fascism in America

Historical accounts of governments lying to their people are numerous, but one stands out in stark comparison to what is happening in the land of the free and home of the brave.  The Democrat Party, like that of the National Socialist Worker’s Party (Nazis), has shown themselves to be pure in their endless drive to overturn the Republic.

George Santayana said, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  Germany’s state socialism began with Otto Von Bismarck in 1883 albeit the embers of same had long been aglow in the nation.  Socialism in America arose in the mid-1800s with the arrival of German immigrants and the beginning of Marxian socialist unions.

Much of what we are seeing in today’s America mirrors the rise of Nazi Germany.

Insurrection – During the summer of 2020, the country witnessed a deterioration of law and order within major cities across the U.S.  In Portland, Oregon, the damage to federal buildings is over $2.3 million; nothing was done to stop it.

Black Lives Matter, Antifa, and an assortment of smaller communist groups spent endless months destroying cities like Minneapolis, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, New York, Atlanta and a hundred more. They wore masks and they only came out at night armed with baseball bats, bricks and firebombs.

The “demonstrations” devolved into riots that included looting, violence and destruction. In one case, protests carried on for more than 100 days.  Black Lives Matter and affiliated movements are about racial supremacy, but they didn’t care if they burned and looted small businesses owned by black Americans after a lockdown for the virus nearly destroyed those businesses. People died, and no one was held accountable.

Germany’s Kristallnacht was two days of violence against Jewish homes, businesses and synagogues and it included beatings and murder.  We’ve seen churches burned in America and throughout the world.  Kristallnacht targeted one group of people, but in America the target is our Constitutional Republic and includes Jewish and Christian houses of worship.

The racist rallying cry cared little for black Americans, it was for “change” in America.  The same kind of change came to Germany with the SA Brownshirts and they were destroyed in the Night of the Long Knives.  Will the friends of the Democratic Socialists eventually be eliminated?

The destruction, violence and looting has stopped since one of their own was put in our White House.

The Waffen-SS was created as the armed wing of the Nazi Party’s Schutzstaffel (Protective Squadron), and gradually developed into a multi-national military force of Nazi Germany.

Joint Chief Chairman General Mark Milley made calls to his Chinese counterpart in the final stormy months of Donald Trump’s presidency and claimed the calls were “perfectly within the duties and responsibilities” of his job.  General Milley had more allegiance to his Communist Chinese Party counterpart than to his own Commander in Chief. That is treasonous.  If he retains his position, I fear what our military will develop into especially since most of our soldiers are being destroyed via forced Sars-coV-2 injections.

Firearms Ownership – German firearm laws and hysteria created against Jewish firearm owners played a major role in laying the groundwork for the eradication of German Jewry in the Holocaust.  Disarming political opponents was a categorical imperative of the Nazi regime.

The desire to remove every firearm from the American public has been an ongoing threat since the State of Georgia’s attempt to outlaw handguns in 1837.  The Supreme Court overturned Georgia’s law.

The unconstitutional National Firearms Act of 1934, regulating the manufacture, sale, and possession of fully automatic firearms like sub-machine guns was approved by Congress at the same time Hitler was disarming German citizens.

The Federal Firearms Act of 1938 placed the first limitations on selling ordinary firearms. Persons selling guns were required to obtain a Federal Firearms License, at an annual cost of $1, and to maintain records of the name and address of persons to whom firearms are sold.

The Gun Control Act of 1968 was enacted for the purpose of “keeping firearms out of the hands of those not legally entitled to possess them because of age, criminal background, or incompetence.”  The act regulates imported guns, expands the gun-dealer licensing and record-keeping requirements, and places specific limitations on the sale of handguns. The list of persons banned from buying guns is expanded to include persons convicted of any non-business-related felony, persons found to be mentally incompetent, and users of illegal drugs.

Aaron Zelman’s Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership obtained a copy of the 1938 Nazi Weapons Law.  A side-by-side translation into English of the Gun Control Act of 1968 shows it is nearly word for word the same.  The likely culprit was a now-deceased US Senator who obtained the 1938 Nazi copy most likely when he was a senior member of the U.S. team that helped to prosecute Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg, Germany in 1945-46.

As Aaron used to say, gun control will come as “death by a thousand cuts,” unless we fight for the right of self-protection.  Aaron was a joy, a brilliant man.  I miss him.

Censorship – In 1933, Hitler’s first act as chancellor was to introduce censorship. Censorship has been active in America since the Supreme Court’s unanimous 1964 decision in NYTs v. Sullivan.  This landmark case extended the First Amendment‘s guarantee of free speech to libel cases brought by public officials. The Warren Court sought to encourage public debate by changing the rules involving libel that had previously been the province of state law and state courts. A public official could recover in a libel action only if and when a court found that the libelous statement about the official was made with actual malice.  This same court ousted prayer from America’s schools in 1962.  The Nazis banned prayer in school in 1935.

Since then, media has continually outright lied or lied by omission about public figures.  With the inception of social medias, censorship has become common.  Our 45th President was banned from every left-wing social media along with anyone who supported him despite the prohibition of the abridgement of free speech in our Constitution’s First Amendment.  YouTube refuses to show videos exposing the truth, mainstream media even refused to show President Trump’s interviews or rallies.  The peoples’ president was banned!

Worse yet, every physician and scientist who has gone against the Sars-coV-2 hospital protocols of the NIH, CDC, FDA, AMA and Pravda’s blatant promotion of an untested inoculation is being targeted for ruination and the loss of everything they’ve worked for all their lives.

Truth is now verboten in America.

America’s Constitution

The constant efforts to destroy our 1787 Constitution has been ongoing since 1787. In 1788, James Madison wrote a letter to G.I. Turberville when he was asked how he felt if another General Convention should be called.  He said, “…it would no doubt contain individuals of insidious views, who under the mask of seeking alterations popular in some parts but inadmissible in other parts of the Union might have a dangerous opportunity of sapping the very foundations of the fabric.”

Hitler’s “Enabling Act of 1933,” allowed him to pass laws without the consent of Germany’s parliament, setting aside the Weimar Constitution and passing the Nuremburg Laws that legalized the persecution of the Jews in 1935.

And who is the target in America today? Those who voted for Donald Trump and who love our country and our Constitution.  We are classified as “Domestic Terrorists,” along with parents angry with local school boards.

We’ve watched Executive Orders run amuck with Joe Biden; it is obvious the desire to be rid of the Constitution will enable the ultimate destruction of our Republic.

Patriots who know the dire threat of losing the 1787 document have been fighting against it for years, and the battle continues.  Most of those promoting a new convention are “controlled opposition” from the right.  Soros organizations are also involved.  Congressman Andy Biggs has written a magnificent book against this.  The Con of the Con-Con should be read by every patriotic and God fearing American.

The Reichstag Fire and January 6, 2021 – In February of 1933, the Reichstag was set on fire allegedly by a communist, albeit many believe it was purposely done to affect the looming elections. The Nazi leadership and its coalition partners used the fire to claim that communists were planning a violent uprising. They declared that emergency legislation was needed to prevent this. The resulting act, commonly known as the Reichstag Fire Decree, abolished a number of constitutional protections and paved the way for Hitler’s Nazi dictatorship.  Are we not seeing constitutional protections eliminated today?

Our 45th Presidents nonviolent speech and the peaceful demonstration in our capitol on January 6th, 2021 was by mostly middle-aged Americans who thought 2020 was an unfair election.  Link

The traitorous actions by Vice President Mike Pence, who could easily have rejected the contested electoral votes, but instead chose to accept them and afterward elbow bumped with Speaker Pelosi, inflamed patriotic Americas.  Pence claims James Madison and the Bible made the decision for himPence is a liar.

In late September, 2021, the FBI finally admitted they infiltrated the Jan. 6th rallies with informants.  In fact, one of the first “protesters” inside the US Capitol was an FBI informant.  Officers calmly posed for selfies and appeared to open gates for protesters during the madness of the “Capitol Building insurrection.”  Link, Link, Link, Link, Link.

The demonstration is being used just like the Reichstag burning.  Afterward, the capitol was surrounded by barbed wire fencing and protected from the “insurgents” by state National Guard who were forced to sleep in parking garages and given unedible food…all for nothing!  It was another ploy to pass unconstitutional laws abrogating the freedoms granted in our US Constitution.  Worse yet, it was to label supporters of our 45th President as “domestic terrorists,” who need to be hunted down and destroyed.  Biden claims we’re all white supremacists, and the biggest threat to America.

Hitler targeted the Jewish people of Germany and then Europe…just as the American Deep State has targeted anyone who loves freedom.  Citizens who were at the capitol on January 6th are still imprisoned, treated worse than Gitmo prisoners and are begging for help ten months later.  Reps. Louie Gohmert and Marjorie Taylor Greene  joined a pre-scheduled tour of the D.C. jail by members of the D.C. Council.  “I’ve never seen human suffering like I witnessed last night,” Greene commented.  Link


No human institution can take the place of God.  Where do we draw the line?  At abortion clinics? At public schools where the children are taught immorality?  At the university’s politically correct policy?  Where?

“My country, right or wrong” doesn’t belong to us.  There are dangers to blind obedience to government.  The American Government is not doing the best for its citizens.  Yet our people are still reclining with their beers and watching Monday night football.  What will it take to wake Americans up to the threats at our door?

Part Three starts off with “Book Burning.”  Yes, digital book burning is here and our neighbor to the north has taken it seriously.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

Nuclear Attack On Freedom thumbnail

Nuclear Attack On Freedom

By Rod Eccles

Over the past two years, freedom around the world has been attacked. Even in the United States. And not a single shot in anger was fired. No missile attacks. No drone strikes. No war. None of this was needed to devastate freedom.

Instead two non military things were used to attack our freedom. A virus known popularly as COVID-19 and FEAR.

Yes, COVID was the conventional weapon used followed by the nuclear weapon of fear. The combination was deadly to freedom.

Nation’s that thought they were basically free woke up one day to oppression and authoritarian rule. Countries all over the world told you that you could not work, provide for yourself or your family. Even in the United States we were put on an unprecedented “lock down”.

At first this was due to ignorance. Nobody really knew or understood what COVID-19 was. Nobody really knew the damage it could do. Governments all around the world used this ignorance to institute policy that they could never get by the people at any other time.

Then when governments saw how easily their populations would comply with a virus mandate, they began to institute fear. Even as we began to figure out COVID was not as deadly as first thought, governments mandated things based on fear. They promoted that fear. They demanded we all bow to that fear.

Then vaccines against COVID started rolling out to various populations around the world. At first we were told this would be the end of the pandemic. COVID had met its match. Freedom would be re-instituted soon.

Sadly that return of freedom did not happen. In fact, many governments doubled down on the fear. Kept mask mandates in place. Demanded and mandated people get the vaccine even if they did not need nor want it.

In some cases, governments like Australia actually began to lock up people who refused to get the shot or protested against the mandate. Yes, in Australia it became illegal to protest. Sounds more like China or North Korea or Cuba. Australia also continued to ban most travel in and out of the country. Again, sounds more like a communist nation.

The United States decided at first that government could not mandate a vaccine. They sited the US Constitution as the roadblock. But that did not stop them for long. It only delayed what they wanted to do. Governments from the local level to the Federal level decided that the Constitution was not going to stop them from mandating anything on the people. After all, here in the USA, we were “used to” a mandate. Obamacare.

To double down on this, our governments decided that if you didn’t do what they said, you would be prevented from enjoying life to its fullest by not being able to participate in any public activities such as going to live plays, concerts or other public events. You wouldn’t be able to go out to eat in a restaurant. And you were even threatened with not being able to shop in person, even for food. And last but not least, some of our governments actually went after your job. Your main source of income.

All because they continued this nuclear attack of fear. Even as the actual numbers of deaths did not materialize as they said they would, as we found out that greater than 99.8% of those who get COVID would survive and recover, our government kept telling us how deadly and dangerous this virus is.

They even talked about how you did not have a right or freedom to not be inoculated because you didn’t have the right to spread the virus to others.

I guess you could say that about anything including the common cold.

And of course if you push back even a little bit…if you question the officials even a little bit, they respond with anger. Total anger. They often reply “just do as you are told”.

When governments believe they can do or say anything to you, then you have lost your freedom. When governments can dictate what you can and cannot do with or to your own body, then you have lost your freedom. When governments determine who can provide for themselves and who cannot, then you have lost your freedom.

Now these same people in our governments want to dictate to you what your children learn in school. They want to dictate to parents that your child, even as young as 5 years old, will get the COVID-19 vaccine. They want to take your rights as a parent away from you. Another freedom nuked.

At this point there is not a single freedom that out of these people’s cross-hairs. They are targeting every remaining freedom you have. And if you refuse to comply, they will use the full weight and authority of the government to make you comply or they will take away all your freedom by locking you up.

This sort of thing, freedom attack, used to be limited to conspiracy nut jobs.

But just like in the movie Conspiracy Theory, the “nut jobs” got one conspiracy right. And its effect is devastating.

The only way out is to use a Patriot Missile against fear nukes. Take authoritarians out at the ballot box. Attend local town meetings. Demand that governmental officials provide full disclosure, and I mean FULL disclosure, on why they are doing what they are doing. Don’t let them take your freedom without a fight.

If you don’t, YOU will be the mythical generation that sits in your rocking chair when you are old telling stories to your grandchildren about a time when you lived in a free nation.

Just be prepared to explain and answer when those grandchildren ask you why you let freedom slip through your fingers.

Is that an explanation you are willing to give?

©Rod Eccles. All rights reserved. Please visit www.RodEccles.Net.

MARYLAND: Montgomery County Schools Teacher Training Records Show Lessons on ‘Restorative Justice’ and ‘Psychoeducation’ thumbnail

MARYLAND: Montgomery County Schools Teacher Training Records Show Lessons on ‘Restorative Justice’ and ‘Psychoeducation’

By Judicial Watch

Judicial Watch announced today that it received two sets of new records related to the teaching of critical race theory in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), Maryland’s largest school system. The new records include a training course with information about a book titled “Antiracist Baby” that introduces the youngest readers to “the concept and power of antiracism,” and says it’s the “perfect gift” for “ages baby to age 3.” 

The new documents also include information from a course titled, “Digital Literacy 3” at Thomas Pyle Middle School. The course’s curriculum includes activities where the children discuss the identification of their gender, religion, and sexual orientation.  The course also includes the children using “propaganda” to lead social justice movements. 

The documents were obtained in response to a Judicial Watch Maryland Public Information Act request for:

All records related to the development and implementation of a “Psychoeducational Lesson” related to a purported “dual pandemic” of Covid- 19/systemic racism in use by the Montgomery County Public Schools. Such records shall include, but not be limited to, email communications between MCPS officials responsible for formulating and implementing the lesson, including but not limited to those communications of Dr. Cheree Price, in addition to all other policy documents regarding its development. 

In a September 29, 2020, email from MCPS intern Benjamin Mourad in the “Student Well Being and Achievement” office of the Office of Student Support & Engagement, to Elizabeth Rathbone, Coordinator of Student Health and Wellness, Mourad provides a list of trainings offered in the summer of 2020 to MCPS staff. This training includes: 

  • REQ: Restorative Justice Training on Restorative Circles, Mindfulness & Other Restorative Practices
  • School-based Critical Staff Member Training
  • Counselors as Equity Literate Leaders
  • Implementing Culturally Responsive PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports)

In an August 26, 2020, email titled “COVID-19 Update” to MCPS principals, MCPS Associate Superintendent for the Office of Shared Accountability Janet S. Wilson, advises the principals that “Non-custodial parents” who request Zoom login information [for access to school and potential Zoom events, like Back-to School Night] should not be granted connection information:

Additionally, parents should not login to Zoom classrooms and observe class when the child is not with them. If teachers note a parent logging in separately from their student, they should notify their principal who can seek support from OGC (Office of General Counsel) or Compliance as needed.

To support students at the start of the year, all schools will be required to implement a student psychoeducational lesson during one of the school’s mandatory Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) block before September 18, 2020. This lesson will provide students crisis facts about the dual pandemic (COVID-19 and systemic racism) that is occurring around the country and here in Montgomery County.

Wilson then presents the principals with a “website for staff, students and families that highlights ongoing professional learning opportunities for the virtual opening of schools. For staff training opportunities are focused around these key areas:

  • Technology
  • Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
  • Pedagogy
  • Social-Emotional Well-Being and Coaching for Engagement/Success
  • Accessibility Tools for Instruction and Home
  • Equity
  • Health and Safety
  • Onboarding, Induction, Mentoring, Communication and Collaboration

She further notes: “The professional learning opportunities are grounded in equity and social-emotional learning to ensure that equitable environments are established in the virtual and traditional learning spaces. Professional learning opportunities will be updated throughout the year, so please check back frequently.”

In an instructional video for teachers on “Teacher Tips for SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) on Covid19/Social Justice,” in which the presenter first instructs teachers how to set up Zoom classes for students and how to adjust a feature in the Zoom chat setting to “alleviate the possibility of students saving and sharing the chat for later.” At the 6:30 mark, the presenter, in a slide titled “Covid-19 and social justice surrounding racism,” directs teachers to use a “scripted response”:

We are currently living through a dual pandemic with COVID-19 and the Systemic and Structural racism occurring worldwide. A pandemic is defined by an outbreak of a disease that occurs over a wide geographic area and affects an exceptionally high proportion of the population. As you can see from this slide [featuring a Black Lives Matter protest poster], both are affecting lives of people in our community and around the world. Part of what we will discuss today will surround facts about COVID-19 and the Social Justice Movement in our country.

In an October 8, 2020, email to MCPS principals and others about “psychoeducational lessons and curriculum updates,” Wilson reveals that there is a “Social Justice Book club for Grades 4-8.”

In a September 11, 2020, email titled, “Psychoeducational Lesson Drop In support,” MCPS Director of Psychological Services, Dr. Christina Conolly tells MCPS faculty:

We have had a lot of staff members who have questions about the implementation of the social justice slides on the lesson. Please be available to coach and/or co-teach with a staff member that may not be at a place on their anti-racism journey to effectively teach that section of the lesson.

A PowerPoint presentation titled “Family Guidance to the Psychoeducational Lesson,” includes the following slides for parents:

In a PowerPoint presentation titled the “3rd through 5th Grade Psychoeducational Lesson” a slide labeled “COVID-19 and Social Justice” includes the claim that, “People in African American and Latinx communities have been more likely to get sick from COVID-19 because of how racism and unfairness impacts their lives.” [Emphasis in original]

In a presentation titled “High School Psychoeducational Lesson,” a link is provided to the “Educator and Caregiver Learning Guide from Disrupt Texts” for the book titled “Antiracist Baby.” In the book the authors note, “To White caregivers … Racism is a problem that was invented by White people, and it is the work of White people to dismantle it.” The authors add that it is the responsibility of White caregivers to “study Whiteness,” and advise that, “Indigenous, Black and People of Color are not ‘minorities’ but ‘People of the Global Majority’ (PGM).”

In a September 15, 2020, email exchange with the subject line “Message about SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) and Psychoeducational lesson,” Wilson and other officials discuss parents wanting their children to opt-out of Black Lives Matter lessons.

Wilson writes: “I want to put on your radar that this [opting out] may be related to the anti-racist curriculum initiatives.”

MCPS Area Associate Superintendent Cheryl Dyson, replies: “Agree, Janet and Diane. I’ve heard directly from principals and directors. Some principals have parents who want their child to opt-out from the Black Lives Matter lesson.”

Area Assoc. Superintendent Diane Morris then responds: “Yes, I think so.”

The next reply, from MCPS Chief of Engagement, Innovation, and Operations Derek Turner, is entirely redacted, as is a “high importance” reply by MCPS Admin. Services Manager Felicia Yorro.

The new records include a draft activity assignment titled “Personal Identity Character Sketch” in which students were told to “focus on the intersectionality of your culture and another way that you identify yourself (your race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, class or another identity factor not listed here).” The assignment was adapted from the book “Courageous Conversations.”

A slide titled, “Five Approaches to Social Justice Activism” includes the section “Food, Festivals & Fun:”

Activism at this stage is based on cultural events and “celebrating diversity,” usually through cross-cultural programs and activities. Events tend to focus on surface-level cultural awareness, and often actually contribute to the stereotypes they are meant to challenge. People at the Food, Folks, and Fun stage might host an International Fair, a Multicultural Night, or a Diversity Fashion Show. Although these events have the potential to bring people together across difference, they do not have the potential to address injustices such as racism, sexism, classism, or homophobia.

The handout further notes that, “charitable giving” to such organizations as Amnesty International is a route people often choose “that will ease their own conscience, but don’t want to associate in any deeper way with a particular cause.” The handout also discusses volunteerism and is critical of “savior syndrome,” which it defines as when, “wealthy kids are sent into poor neighborhoods to do service-learning, but never discuss how their relative wealth is connected with the relative poverty of the people inhabiting those neighborhoods.” [Emphasis in original]

A draft presentation created by Montgomery County Public Schools Secondary Literacy Instruction is titled “Digital Literacy 3, Quarter 2: When Justice Isn’t Served” and features a “No Justice No Peace” logo, and features the following slides:

  • Scenarios of Injustice” describes a group activity where the students, “Work together with your group to determine how you would address your scenario of injustice,” and “Everyone must prepare to present your ideas to the class.”
  • This activity includes a section where Students are provided with a “Scenario of Injustice” to discuss and write down ideas about. In this scenario, students are told that they witnessed two men – one black and one white – fighting in a parking lot. Police arrive and separate the men -forcing the black man to the ground, handcuffing and putting him in the police car. The police question the white man who, “shakes hands with the policemen and walks away.”

The “Digital Literacy 3, Quarter 1” presentation features several “Graphic Organizers:”

  • Under the heading “Common Task, Gender Roles Reflection Graphic Organizer,” is a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Gender Roles in My Life,” in which students are asked to “Describe when and how you first recognized your gender as part of your identity. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” It further asks the children to “Briefly describe how you felt about being a member of your gender group(s) in different aspects and stages of your life.”  
  • Under the heading “Race Reflection Graphic Organizer” is draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Race In My Life” that asks students a to, “Describe when and how you first recognized race. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” Students are further asked about the race of their family members: “Are your parents the same race? Are your brothers and sisters? What about your extended family-uncles, aunts, etc?”  
  • The “Religion Reflection Graphic Organizer” features a draft slide titled, “Reflecting on Religion in My Life,” and asks students to “Describe when and how you first recognized your religion. It could have been in a positive, negative or neutral way.” It further asks “Did you feel threatened, minoritized or privileged in this moment? Why?” and “Where do you go to worship?” and “Did your belief become stronger as you became older?”
  • The “Sexual Orientation Reflection Graphic Organizer” slide titled “Reflecting on Sexual Orientation in My Life” asks the children to “Describe when and how you first recognized your sexual orientation.”

A presentation titled “Social Justice Movement: Making a Difference” includes:  

  • A set of slides that prompt students to “Create a timeline for your chosen social justice movement …” In this activity, the students are taught that a “catalyst” is “something that quickly causes change or action: such as “art, music, speeches, events, laws, movies, court cases, pop culture, propaganda, and literature.”  

A presentation titled: “Researching Important Leaders and Organizations” includes:

  • A slide titled “Social Justice Leaders” that includes a picture of a Black Lives Matter protester with upraised fist and long-time Communist Party USA member Angela Davis 

“This material details how extremist race politics and CRT are being used to target children for political ends,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Politics should immediately be removed from the curriculum of Montgomery County Schools. These CRT-laden teachings have no place in any American classroom.”

In May, Judicial Watch obtained other records related to today’s release from Montgomery County Public Schools, which include documents related to their “Anti-racist system audit” and critical race theory classes. Students of “Maryland’s Largest School District” who attended Thomas Pyle Middle School’s social justice class were taught that the phrase “Make America Great Again” was an example of “covert white supremacy.” The phrase is ranked on a pyramid just below “lynching,” “hate crimes,” “the N-word” and “racial slurs.” They were also taught that “white privilege” means being favored by school authorities and having a positive relationship with the police.

In June, Judicial Watch uncovered records from Wellesley Public Schools in Massachusetts which confirm the use of “affinity spaces” that segregate students and staff based on race as a priority and objective of the school district’s “diversity, equity and inclusion” plan. The school district also admitted that between September 1, 2020 and May 17, 2021, it created “five distinct” segregated spaces.

In October, Judicial Watch uncovered a training document from a whistleblower in the Westerly School District of Rhode Island, which details how Westerly Public Schools are using teachers to push critical race theory in classrooms. The training course was assembled by the left-leaning Highlander Institute and cites quotes from Bettina Love, from whom the Biden administration distanced itself publicly after her statements equating “whiteness” to oppression.

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Federal Judge Orders January 6 Political Prisoner Set Free After ‘Deplorable’ Conditions Found at D.C. Gulag thumbnail

Federal Judge Orders January 6 Political Prisoner Set Free After ‘Deplorable’ Conditions Found at D.C. Gulag

By Pamela Geller

Democrat fascism suffers setback …..

Related: DC jail moves 400 inmates after accused Capitol rioters complained about terrible conditions

“When we walked into that section of the jail that is completely separate from the rest of the inmates and the other pretrial defendants there – what I saw is what appeared to be men who were political prisoners of war,” Greene told Friday’s “Greg Kelly Reports.” “They had thought that they were forgotten. They had thought that everyone didn’t care about them. They felt hopeless.”

Despite being abandoned and abused by their country for Jan. 6, the inmates share a love of the country that does not love them back, singing the national anthem 9 p.m. every night in the “patriot wing,” Greene told host Greg Kelly.

“There’s people in this country that take a knee for our national anthem, people that make millions of dollars, but these men in jail, they sing, they stand for the national anthem, and they put their hand over their heart and they sing it more patriotically than I’ve ever heard in my life,” she added, saying Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, and their congressional staffers sang along with them.

Greene had been rejected on demands for months to visit the controversial D.C. jail – which has been scrutinized for inhumane treatment of inmates – and was only permitted to visit the “patriot wing” after being initially denied access. She said she refused to leave and it required phone calls on her three-hour tour to get access to the “political prisoners of war.”

“It should never happen to anyone, and here’s what everyone can do: Stop being complacent, stop sitting on the sidelines, because complacency and sitting on the sidelines and refusing to speak out is why we are where we are in America,” Greene continued.

“You know this is the greatest country in the world, and we are not a country where people should just languish and rot away in jail simply because they didn’t like the outcome of an election.”

Federal Judge orders January 6 political prisoner set free after ‘deplorable’ conditions found at DC jail…

By: Kane,  Citizen Free Press, November 8, 2021:

A federal judge on Thursday ordered that a Jan. 6 defendant diagnosed with cancer be transferred to another prison after an inspection at a D.C jail found that prisoners were living in “deplorable” conditions.

Judge Royce Lamberth ordered that Christopher Worrell be immediately transferred to another jail and then released to home detention for chemotherapy as soon as possible, CNN reported. He stated that the “court has zero confidence” that the D.C. jail would provide proper treatment and not retaliate against Worrell.

Last month, Lamberth called on the Department of Justice (DOJ) to conduct a civil rights investigation into the alleged civil rights violations that Jan. 6 defendants suffered under D.C. Jail Warden Wanda Patten and the director of the D.C. Department of Corrections, Quincy Booth.

“I don’t know if it’s because he’s a January 6th defendant or not, but I find this matter should be referred to the attorney general of the United States for a civil rights investigation into whether the D.C. Department of Corrections is violating the civil rights of January 6th defendants … in this and maybe other cases,” Lamberth said at the time.

Lamberth held the two officials in contempt following a long delay in paperwork needed to approve a surgery Worrell reportedly needed after a fall earlier this year.

The U.S. Marshals Service is currently moving 400 prisoners out of a section of the D.C. jail – Worrell being the first of them – after an inspection discovered poor conditions, including water being shut off for days, toilets being clogged and one inmate developed an infection when he was unable to wash himself.

Worrell has been indicted on six federal charges and has pleaded not guilty.

Since being incarcerated, Worrell has contracted COVID-19 and has been diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Last month, prosecutors argued that Worrell was making false claims about his health, writing in court filings that they have “repeatedly been unable to sort fact from fiction.”

An attorney representing Worrell, Alex Stavrou, shot back at prosecutors’ characterization and asserted that his client’s medical issues were real. “Mr. Worrell also suffers from Non-Hodkins Lymphoma. To date he has not received chemotherapy. He has never caused any delay in seeking treatment for his cancer,” Stavrou said.

When reached by The Hill regarding Lamberth’s order, Stavrou said in a statement, “We are pleased with the Court’s Order allowing Mr. Worrell to obtain the life-saving cancer treatments he needs. We are also pleased that over 400 inmates will be transferred to facilities where they will receive proper treatment and care, and not be subjected to the deplorable conditions noted by the United States Marshall’s investigation.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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