Why Faith Matters thumbnail

Why Faith Matters

By The Catholic Thing

H.W. Crocker III: Catholics know that faith and reason support each other because faith asks us to conform ourselves to the truth, not to our own whims, material or sensual interests, or pride.

You know you’ve married well when you ask your wife what she thinks about the “archaic” 1864 Arizona abortion law and she says, “Most excellent.” (She’s from California.) To the law’s critics, the U.S. Constitution must be even more archaic, and the Ten Commandments positively primeval (or, as they might say, “handed down by a mythological ‘flying spaghetti monster’ even decades before”).

All of which raises a familiar question, evident to any observer of American politics today. Why is it that Christian people of faith are so much more rational and reasonable than the faithless. The faithful don’t deny biology (when it comes to sex). They don’t deny the laws of grammar (when it comes to gender). And they have a misguided but charming desire to reason with their opponents. Why is that?

Actually, let’s raise the stakes of the question. Why does God desire our assent through faith?

Consider: no religion is more firmly grounded in history – in documented historical events – or steeped in reason than Christianity, where the word, logos, is the beginning of everything. No religion has a deeper library of philosophy than the Catholic Church, the home of Saint Augustine, Saint Anselm, Saint Thomas Aquinas, Cardinal Newman, and countless others.

So, given its historical, reasonable, and philosophical proofs, why does Christianity insist on the importance of faith, which the Letter to the Hebrews (11:1) famously defined as “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” Well, maybe because it is our faith that determines our goodwill to assess evidence and assign hope as we should – instead of letting pride, or another deadly sin, guide us.

Pride, for many people, is a starting point. “My life is my own,” they say, which is only a partial truth. As a matter of biological fact, our lives are gifts from our parents. Hence, the Biblical commandment to honor one’s mother and father. In some traditional cultures, honoring one’s mother and father is not just a matter of gratitude, but of reverence, of ancestor worship, a recognition that “no man is an island, entire of himself.”

John Donne, the poet who wrote those lines, was an Anglican priest. He would have understood that ultimately his life was a gift from God. A person who believes that will almost certainly have a broader vision, higher aspirations, worthier ambitions, and deeper virtues than the person who believes his life is solely his own. He will more likely recognize the wisdom of the beatitudes; he will be much more willing to take up his cross and follow the path of duty; he will, in short, be a person of goodwill.

What we might call “liberalism,” however, works the other way, reducing the individual to himself (“my life is my own”), his wants and desires (his presumed “happiness”), and his transactions and interests (his material gain and comforts).

Such liberalism has, of course, brought us the “Nones” – the rising tide of young people who profess no religion because they accept no reference points outside themselves. To them, faith and reason, history and philosophy, tradition and gratitude, are all irrelevant. All that matters is “me.” The idea of an eternal soul (especially one facing a judgment outside oneself), of morality that goes beyond self-satisfaction (and self-congratulation: “I am a good person”) is summarily rejected.

The Church teaches that we honor God’s gift of life through seven capital virtues, which are the fruits of faith: humility, charity, chastity, gratitude, temperance, patience, and diligence. These are what distinguish men of goodwill. To the Nones, however, the seven capital virtues are nonsensical.

If our life is our own, why do we need humility, chastity, or gratitude? Charity, temperance, patience, and diligence sound suspiciously like shackles on ourselves. Truth be told, the Nones prefer the seven deadly sins – pride, sloth, greed, lust, gluttony, envy, and wrath – which they transform into positive goods.

Pride, to them – if it is not a flag – is simply self-esteem and self-affirmation, perhaps the highest virtues in their pantheon. Likewise, sloth (the computer gamer in the basement) can be a lifestyle choice. Greed is not a sin, if you’re a materialist. No one can call someone a glutton (that’s fat-shaming). Most of all, lust is not a sin (that’s outdated Christian morality). Lust is freedom to fornicate as one desires. And if our desires – any desires – are denied, we are perfectly justified in expressing envy (perhaps against white privilege) and wrath (against the patriarchy, conservatives, Christians, or anyone who would restrict, say, our desire for an abortion).

Actually, the entire decline and fall of Western Civilization can be seen in this simple shift from “Life is a gift from God” to “My life is my own”; from Christian faithfulness to nihilistic faithlessness; from belief in the Gospel to disbelief in anything but oneself and one’s presumed right to “define one’s own concept of existence, of meaning, of the universe, and of the mystery of human life,” as one robed figure once put it.

Catholics know that faith and reason support each other because it is faith that asks us to conform ourselves to the truth (natural law) and not to our own whims, material or sensual interests, or pride. It is faith that helps us to fully, and objectively, understand reality.

G.K. Chesterton, “in answer to the historical query of why [Christianity] was accepted, and is accepted,” said, “I answer for millions of others in my reply; because it fits the lock; because it is like life.” In faith, we live in accord with reason (and are willing to reason with others). In faith, we live with hope (and thus charity). In faith, we celebrate what is objectively good, and true, and beautiful. It is in faith, then, that we become not just men of goodwill, but men in full, the men God meant us to be.

And it is faith that we realize the value of human life and why “archaic” laws like the Ten Commandments and Arizona’s 1864 abortion law are indeed most excellent.

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H.W. Crocker III

H.W. Crocker III is a popular historian and novelist. His classic history of the Catholic Church, Triumph: The Power and the Glory of the Catholic Church – A 2,000 Year History, updated and expanded, has just been reissued in hardcover, and his classic history of America’s military, Don’t Tread on Me, updated and expanded, has been reissued in

EDITORS NOTE: This The Catholic Thing column is republished with permission. © 2024 The Catholic Thing. All rights reserved. For reprint rights, write to: info@frinstitute.org. The Catholic Thing is a forum for intelligent Catholic commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own.

August 15th, 2024: 928th Anniversary of the 1st Crusade to protect the Holy Land from Islamic rule — Time to do it Again? thumbnail

August 15th, 2024: 928th Anniversary of the 1st Crusade to protect the Holy Land from Islamic rule — Time to do it Again?

By Dr. Rich Swier

The First Crusade, 15 August 1096 – 12 August 1099, was the first of a series of religious wars, or Crusades, initiated, supported and at times directed by the Latin Church in the medieval period. The objective was the recovery of the Holy Land from Islamic rule. — Wikipedia

We have been writing about the Middle East for decades. It appears we are now at a tipping point where Jews, Christians, Muslims and the state of Israel are under siege. What we are facing is a global war against those who do not follow the teachings of Mohammed.

On August 10th, 2022 The Daily Caller’s Shelby Talcott reported,

Iranian operative Shahram Poursafi has been charged in an alleged plot to kill former National Security Adviser John Bolton, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced Wednesday.

The DOJ noted in a press release that Poursafi was a member of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps and an Iranian national. The 45-year-old is accused of attempting “to arrange the murder of” Bolton, “likely in retaliation for the January 2020 death of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps — Qods Force … commander Qasem Soleimani,” according to the department.

Read the full article.

In March 10th, 2022 related Daily Caller article Michael Ginsberg reported,

The Biden administration has forged ahead in negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program despite reports that the country’s top leaders have ordered the assassinations of John Bolton and Mike Pompeo.

Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khameni considers former national security adviser Bolton and ex-Secretary of State Pompeo responsible for the assassination of Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani, the Washington Examiner first reported. As a result, he reportedly ordered Soleimani’s successor, Esmail Qaani, to avenge the dead general.

Both Pompeo and Bolton have had their Secret Service protections extended by Congress over the threats, despite their returns to private life. Agents in marked vehicles were seen by neighbors outside of Bolton’s suburban Maryland home in late January. Prosecutors reportedly have enough evidence to bring charges against conspirators, but no arrests have been made.

Read the full article.

The Center for Security Policy (CFSP) believes Biden and Iran may be close to sealing new nuclear deal. On August 10th, 2022 CFSP’s Senior Editor Dalia Al-Aqidi wrote:

The escalation of global tensions as a result of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, China-Taiwan stand-off, the medical and economic crises, and the exchanges between the Israeli state and the militant Palestinian Islamic Jihad movement has overshadowed the Iran nuclear deal talks.

Is reviving the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action still on the table? Maybe it is no longer a breaking news story, but the Iranian regime and the US administration are definitely still trying to resurrect the 2015 agreement. On Thursday, a sudden call was made to all the international negotiating parties to resume the nuclear talks with Iran.

In fact, the indirect Vienna talks between Tehran and Washington had already begun, with a meeting between Iran’s top nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and the EU’s European External Action Service Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora. The latter returned to his shuttling between Bagheri Kani and US special envoy to Iran Robert Malley.

In an op-ed published by the Financial Times late last month, EU foreign affairs chief Josep Borrell revealed that he had presented a new framework to relaunch the JCPOA.

It may indeed be the happy ending that the leaders of Iran and the US wish for if what the BBC published is proven true. It reported that an anonymous European official stated that Tehran’s demand for Washington to remove the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps from its official blacklist of “foreign terrorist organizations” had been dropped from the discussions and would instead be dealt with “in the future.” The source also revealed to the BBC that Washington would guarantee that no future US president could withdraw from the new deal.

However, the government in Tehran must realize that the US is a democratic country whose president is elected by its citizens. Therefore, no law obliges any future president not to cancel any agreement reached by a former leader.

The Iranians are clever enough to be well aware of this fact, but it does not matter what happens in the future, as long as it receives billions of dollars once the sanctions against this rogue state are lifted. As long as the Democrats are in power, nothing terrible will ever happen to them.

In the meantime, Tehran would be able to equip the IRGC to become the most significant force in the region, which would destabilize the already fragile security of some of Washington’s major allies.

During a meeting in Tehran on Saturday, IRGC head Maj. Gen. Hossein Salami told Ziad Nakhaleh, the Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s general-secretary, that his country was committed to supporting the movement until the end. Salami said that “all the anti-Zionist” capabilities “are on the scene in a united formation working to liberate Jerusalem and uphold the rights of the Palestinian people.”

Read more.

It is time that the United States and its allies recognize the global red-green alliance threats and take proper action.

It is time for yet another Crusade to liberate the oppressed in the Middle Eastern dictatorships starting with Iran, free Europe of the Islamic scourge and stop the Islamization of America?

In 2024 many believe it is! Including 80% of Americans who stand with Israel.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Jewish Girl on UCLA Campus Beaten to the Ground – Sent to Hospital – Truth Press


Here it is! The full speech I gave at #CPACHungary that the establishment is losing its absolute mind about.

I spoke the forbidden truth: The Great Replacement is no longer a theory – it’s reality. White Europeans are being replaced in their own countries at an ever… pic.twitter.com/L33UE3P6tv

— Eva Vlaardingerbroek (@EvaVlaar) April 27, 2024

President Donald J. Trump: ‘This Is The Final Battle’ thumbnail

President Donald J. Trump: ‘This Is The Final Battle’

By Dr. Rich Swier

President Donald J. Trump has released a video titled “This is the final battle.”

TRUMP: This is the final battle


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 1, 2024

President Trump is right, this is the final battle against the deep state that stretches from the schoolhouse to the White House and from the school board to corporate boards across America.

The CIA has been neutered and is now weaponized.

The DOJ, the FBI and the IRS have been weaponized.

White President Trump is pro-America, pro-Life and pro-Freedom the current administration us just the opposite.

Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. and his regime are anti-American, pro-Abortion and pro-Bid Government Control of we the people.

The pro-Iran Biden Regime, and its helpers in the ICC, are anti-Israel, which has always been the land of the Jews and known to Christians as the Holy Land.

Watch and listen.

Israel expects the leaders of the free world to stand firmly against the ICC outrageous assault on Israel’s inherent right of self-defense. We expect them to use all the means at their disposal to stop this dangerous move. pic.twitter.com/mZB85XbnSd

— Benjamin Netanyahu – בנימין נתניהו (@netanyahu) May 1, 2024

This is when we take back our justice system.


A group of MAGA supporters gathered in front of the courthouse in Manhattan during Trump’s trial, chanting “We Want Trump!” pic.twitter.com/KKESVNAYIY

— I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸 (@ImMeme0) April 30, 2024

This is when we take back our college and university campuses.

🚨 BREAKING: NYPD declares protest at Columbia University a riot and start to move onto campus


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 1, 2024

I stand with the college students who proudly put the American flag back up, not the radicals who tore it down! pic.twitter.com/6K6pGf5xqF

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) May 1, 2024

This is when we restore our Constitutional Republic.

America is a constitutional republic. We The People. pic.twitter.com/iErLvgcl5E

— (Jason) Stands For Truth (@TrueJMitchell) April 25, 2024

November 5, 2024 is the date that will go down in history as the day we the people take back control of our lives, our liberty, our families and our freedom.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

POLL: Vast Majority of Americans Back Israel over Hamas thumbnail

POLL: Vast Majority of Americans Back Israel over Hamas

By The Geller Report

Against almost unimaginable odds – the Democrat Jew hating media, Jew hating academia, massive dark money funding anti-Israel terrorism in the information battle-space, , Soros, et al — over 80% of American’s support Israel. Righteous. Divine.

Most  Americans support Israel over the terrorist organization Hamas in a poll released on Monday, with 80% of respondents saying they support Israel more in the conflict.

Vast majority of Americans back Israel over Hamas: Poll

By: Jared Gans, The Hill, April 29, 2024:

An overwhelming majority of Americans support Israel in its war against Hamas over the militant group running the Gaza Strip, according to a new poll.

The Harvard CAPS-Harris survey shared with The Hill showed 80 percent of registered voters said they support Israel more in the war, while 20 percent said they support Hamas more. That is about in line with the poll’s findings from last month, when 79 percent indicated they support Israel more.

In this month’s poll, older age groups were much more likely to be supportive of Israel than younger respondents, though a clear majority of each age group supported Israel more than Hamas. More than 90 percent of those 65 years old and older and of those 55 to 64 said they support Israel more, while 85 percent of those 45 to 54 and three-quarters of those 35 to 44 said the same.

Support for Israel was the lowest among the youngest age groups. Pollsters found 64 percent of those 25 to 34 and 57 percent of those 18 to 24 said they support Israel more, while the rest of those age groups said they support Hamas more.

The poll’s results come as numerous pro-Palestinian protests have popped up on college campuses throughout the country. Students have set up encampments to protest for days at schools including Columbia and New York University.

Universities have responded to the protests with a range of tactics including negotiations, suspensions and arrests to try to end the encampments taking place on school property. Protesters have called for their universities to end their business relationships with companies that they say are contributing to Israel’s war, which has resulted in the deaths of thousands of Palestinians.

Mark Penn, the co-director of the poll, said support for Israel “has not budged” despite the “campus unrest.” He said the student protests appear out of step with broader public attitudes on Israel and noted that the poll showed Americans largely want a cease-fire in the war but only after Hamas is removed from power and the hostages they seized during its Oct. 7 attack on Israel are returned.

The poll found 61 percent of respondents support a cease-fire only after those conditions are met, while 39 percent support an unconditional cease-fire. A stark divide exists based on age group in responses to this question.

An overwhelming majority of those 55 to 64 and those 65 and older support a cease-fire only after Hamas is gone and the hostages are returned. More narrow majorities of those 35 to 44 and those 45 to 54 also support that, while 59 percent of 25-to-34-year-olds and 67 percent of 18-to-24-year-olds support an unconditional ceasefire.

Continue reading.


Pamela Geller


Hamas Student Terrorists Take 3 Hostages After They Storm and Take Academic Building at Columbia University

Here’s The Inside Story of How Islamic Supremacist Jew Haters Took Over the World Narrative

Violent Anti-Jewish Riot at Columbia As Terrorists Smash, Take Over Academic Building, Barricade Doors

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Politicization of the CIA with John A. Gentry thumbnail

VIDEO: The Politicization of the CIA with John A. Gentry

By Judicial Watch

Dr. John A. Gentry served as an intelligence analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Dr. Gentry is currently an adjunct professor at Georgetown University.

Dr. Gentry received his Ph.D. in political science from the George Washington University.

About John A. Gentry

Dr. John A. Gentry is an adjunct professor at Georgetown University, where teaches an undergraduate course on the U.S. intelligence community. He writes regularly on intelligence topics and security issues more generally.

He was for 12 years an intelligence analyst at the Central Intelligence Agency, where he mainly worked economic issues associated with the Soviet Union and Warsaw Pact countries. For two of those years, he was senior analyst on the staff of the National Intelligence Officer for Warning. He is a retired U.S. Army Reserve officer, with most assignments in special operations and intelligence arenas. He was mobilized in 1996 and spent much of 1996 as a civil affairs officer in Bosnia. Dr. Gentry formerly taught at the College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, George Mason University, the National Intelligence University, and Columbia University. He is a member of the Editorial Committee of the International Journal of Intelligence and CounterIntelligence, a prominent academic journal that focuses on intelligence studies.

Dr. Gentry has an economics background and received a Ph.D. in political science from the George Washington University. His most recently published book is Neutering the CIA: Why US Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences (Armin Lear Press, 2023). He co-authored (with Joseph S. Gordon) Strategic Warning Intelligence: History, Challenges, and Prospects (Georgetown University Press, 2019). And, he has published about 35 articles on intelligence topics. He can be reached at jag411@georgetown.edu.


Neutering the CIA is an insider look at how political bias at the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has undermined its effectiveness both domestically and internationally. The central case study is the impact of the bias on the interaction between the CIA and the Trump Administration, although the origins of the problem link to Robert Gates becoming head of CIA’s analysis directorate in 1982, and then later, director of the CIA.

Holman Jenkins, Jr. praised the book in The Wall Street Journal: “A new book from Georgetown University scholar and former CIA analyst John Gentry, Neutering the CIA, is worth your time. His academic detachment makes all the more eye-opening his chapter on how James Clapper and John Brennan used diversity as a screen to fill the intelligence community with partisan Obama allies. Only a psychiatrist, though, can explain the media’s silence on the biggest resulting disaster, the fake Russian intelligence supplied by the CIA and used by the FBI to justify its unorthodox actions in the Hillary Clinton email case, now widely understood to have inadvertently delivered Mr. Trump to the White House in 2016.” Beginning in 2016, former and currently serving US intelligence officers, mainly from the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), conducted a major political campaign featuring public commentary and leaks designed to thwart the presidential candidacy, and then the presidency, of Donald Trump.

This “politicization” of intelligence, which traditionally is defined as the injection of personal or organizational perspectives into intelligence products to serve personal, ideological, or organizational interests of intelligence officers, reflected a remarkable change from the once-strong CIA ethos of apolitical public service. This book describes the startling political activism of intelligence officers in recent years, identifies its causes, and evaluates its many negative consequences. Most importantly, the activists damaged the credibility of US intelligence in the eyes of Trump Administration officials and undoubtedly many future senior national leaders, thereby eroding the trust in intelligence that decision-makers must have if they are to use intelligence effectively. Although the overt activism subsided in 2021, the Biden administration has not addressed its causes.

The evident success of activists in helping to defeat Trump in 2020 surely has emboldened some intelligence officers, who remain poised to attack presidential candidates whose political views they dislike. This book also identifies actions needed to address this significant threat to American democracy.

Order Dr. Gentry’s Book “Neutering the CIA”: https://www.amazon.com/Neutering-CIA-…

Follow Dr. Gentry on X: @gentry_johna


TRUMP: This is the final battle


— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) May 1, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Army, Marines Barreling Toward One Of The Deadliest And Costliest Years For Aviation Accidents thumbnail

Army, Marines Barreling Toward One Of The Deadliest And Costliest Years For Aviation Accidents

By The Daily Caller

Incidents of the costliest and most deadly aviation accidents among Army and Marine Corps surged in the past year, data reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation shows, as the Pentagon maintains it is making progress toward minimizing the most serious mishaps.

Both the Army, including Guard and Reserve units, and Marine Corps have experienced historically high rates of so-called “Class A mishaps” and are at risk of enduring the most expensive and fatal aviation year in recent history, the data shows. The military defines Class A mishaps as aviation accidents resulting in loss of airframe, loss of life or at least $2.5 million in damages.

The spike in accidents comes as the force has shrunk overall, putting increased strain on pilots and aircraft maintainers, while the average number of years of experience across the aviation community has also fallen, according to experts and media reports.

Army Accidents Skyrocket

The Army has already seen 11 Class A mishaps resulting in 9 fatalities through the second quarter of fiscal year 2024, which began in October, exceeding the total class A mishap number for all of fiscal year 2023, according to data reported in the April issue of FlightFax, an Army newsletter for aviators. That year, there were 10 Class A mishaps killing 14 aircrew.

Moreover, fiscal year 2023 had a Class A mishap rate of 1.08, significantly higher than the five-year average of 0.85, according to FlightFax. However, that number pales in comparison to the current fiscal year mishap rate of 2.95 per 100,000 flight hours.

“You have the worst record over the past 18 months,” Democratic California Rep. John Garamendi told Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. James Mingus at a Tuesday hearing in reference to the rash of flight accidents. “What are you doing about it?”

Two fatal Army National Guard AH-64 Apache crashes in February drove leaders to block all helicopter units from flying, a process known as a stand-down, according to a press release. Aviators could resume flight operations once they had completed required training, spokesperson Maj. Jennifer Staton explained to the DCNF.

Then, in March, a UH-72 Lakota helicopter crashed, killing two National Guard soldiers and a U.S. Border Patrol agent, and wounding another soldier.

As of Tuesday, 90% of the units had returned to flight, Gen. Mingus said Tuesday.

More than 12 Army aviators died in helicopter crashes in the first six months of fiscal year 2023, prompting a service-wide aviation stand down that was eventually lifted. But accidents kept happening, and the service ended the fiscal year with 14 dead soldiers in 10 Class A mishaps, more than double the average fatality numbers and the highest since the U.S. withdrew from Iraq in 2011, Defense News reported, citing data from the Army Combat Readiness Center.

A year later, the service is looking at a year with the most frequent Class A mishaps in recent history and quickly approaching the deadliest, according to FlightFax and an Army Combat Readiness Center annual report.

Most of the most serious accidents in 2023 happened with AH-64 Apache helicopters, according to the 2023 review.

Army budget documents show an increased allotment of funds for flying hours between fiscal year 2020 and fiscal year 2023, but the Army Combat Readiness Center’s annual assessment shows total flight hours dropped in 2020. Class A through Class C mishap rates also increased during that period.

The Army requested funds for flight hours in 2024 that are the same as 2021 levels, the documents show. The Army only requested funds to allow crews 8.7 hours of flight time for fiscal year 2025, the lowest in the previous five years.

The lower number probably stems from an overall limited budget forcing the Army to make difficult trade-offs, retired Lt. Gen. Thomas Spoehr, a senior adviser at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, told the DCNF.

“In order to execute flying hours, a lot of things have to come together: aircraft have to be available in sufficient quantities and readiness, crews and pilots have to be trained and available, and sufficient numbers of maintenance personnel must be present. Especially in the case of the National Guard, bringing all those factors together has proven to be hard,” Spoehr said.

Most of the mishaps in fiscal year 2023, just as in previous years, are attributable to “human error,” Army spokesperson Jason Waggoner told the DCNF.

“Human error is typically reduced when pilots and crews are able to fly more hours and get more repetitions in. Increasing the number of hours flown by crews is not as simple as just budgeting more money for operations,” Spoehr said.

“Spatial disorientation,” a condition when a pilot misjudges the distance between the aircraft and the ground or other objects, is the primary human error responsible for aviator fatalities, according to the March issue of FlightFax. Shortfalls in existing spatial disorientation prevention measures sparked an ongoing review of training.

When the Army investigated the cause of increasing aviation accidents during the 2023 stand-down, officials found that pilots and aviation warrant officers were significantly less experienced than they were during the period of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, according to Defense News. Mishaps tend to occur when a lower-ranking non-commissioned officer is in charge, compounded with changes to the training environment that rendered even regular training flights more risky.

Spatial disorientation got worse in 2023, with the major accidents in that year and early 2024 all taking place in the more challenging environments, such as flying at night using night-vision devices, flying in formation and over snow or water, Defense News reported. Pilots are getting fewer hours of practice time as well, the Army found. Units are unable to use up all the flight hours Congress has budgeted for due to other limitations, including not having enough crew members.

“Regular Army, Army National Guard, and Army Reserve aviation formations are suitably manned according to Army manning guidance to meet mission requirements for maintenance and support of Army aircraft,” Waggoner told the DCNF.

In April, the Army rolled out an aviation “stand-up” across the force, Gen. Mingus said Tuesday. The extra training was intended to boost crew member training and awareness without grounding them and further cutting into opportunities to get into the air.

A Bad Year For The Marine Corps

Flight incidents among Marine Corps aviators also appeared to take place at an alarming frequency in recent months.

In fiscal year 2024, Class A mishaps have already struck far above average, Naval Safety Command statistics show. As of April 9, the Marine Corps sustained a sharp increase in Class A mishaps for the first and second quarters of 2024 with a rate of 4.31 per 100,000 flight hours, compared to a 10-year average of 2.24.

Data provided to the DCNF from Naval Safety Command showed the V-22 was involved in 3 Class A mishaps, more than any other manned air platform. However, incidents involving the H-53 Super Stallion helicopter incurred the most fatalities during the same time period — five Marines died in February when a CH-53E went missing in California and was later discovered; the data was still inconclusive as to what went wrong to produce the accident.

In August 2023, three Marines died and 20 more were injured when an Osprey crashed during a multinational training exercise in Australia. Another pilot died after his FA/18 Hornet crashed amid a training flight near Air Station Miramar, California, that month.

The Marine Corps’ Ospreys have returned to flight again through a tiered approach, with modified procedures intended to prevent the same kind of accidents leading to Marine deaths, Capt. Alyssa Myers, a Marine Corps spokesperson, told the DCNF. After finishing emergency procedures training, pilots and crew members are conducting warm-up flights to regain familiarity with the craft, Myers explained. Then squadrons will work with their experienced instructor pilots and crew and conduct flights with copilots before delving into more mission-specific skills training.

Service leaders grounded MV-22 Osprey tiltrotor aircraft — a blend between a helicopter and a fixed-wing aircraft — across multiple services in December after one of the Air Force’s units crashed. The Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps each operate versions of the Osprey.

“Due to the size of the fleet and number of units, the Marine Corps implemented a tiered approach to deliberately return capability to squadrons,” Myers said. “This process ensures the Marine Corps is able to deploy fully capable units in support of all assigned global mission requirements, while simultaneously ensuring non-deploying units can regain currency and conduct the necessary training to overcome training delays incurred by the 90-day grounding.”

Stopping flights is not an option, however.

“​The MV-22’s unique capabilities, such as its long-range operational reach and air refueling capabilities, render it an indispensable asset for crisis response and force-projection and sustainment missions,” Myers said.

The Marine Corps was also hundreds of pilots short at the end of 2022, manning a force of less than half of what it needed to operate its F-35s and other aircraft, former Commandant Gen. David Berger told Congress in April 2023.

“The Marine Corps utilizes highly reliable maintainers and aircrew, conducts exhaustive maintenance, extensively trains pilots, and at every step puts in place safeguards and precautions to ensure a high degree of aviation safety. Marine Corps aviation support units are sized and manned at levels equivalent to historical levels with regard to the number of aircraft in each squadron,” Myers told the DCNF.

The Pentagon Says It’s Trying To Turn Things Around

The cycle of deterioration underlying aviation accidents has been ongoing for years.

A 2020 commission organized by Congress found that experience levels among aviators and maintainers had fallen. Pilots were spending too much time on outdated simulators instead of getting in the air, and they were forced to focus on administrative duties amid a relentless speed of operations.

“Junior pilots and maintainers are starting their careers a lap behind, and then never catching up, all while their units buckle under the initial stress of getting them up to speed,” the report stated. Then, the cycle repeats.

The final report contained 25 recommendations on ways to improve flight safety, including giving pilots more flight hours, finding ways to reduce strain on maintenance personnel and creating a Joint Safety Council to synchronize mitigating efforts across the services.

Efforts to implement most of the recommendations are ongoing, a Pentagon spokesperson told the DCNF. A Joint Safety Council first met in August 2022 and ” is already paying dividends in how the Department tracks and collaborates on joint mishaps,” the spokesperson added.

For example, after the Air Force Osprey crash in Japan that killed eight aviators in November 2023 and contributed to the decision to ground all V-22s, the council met to gain perspective, coordinate communication efforts and discuss what the services should do in the short term, the spokesperson told the DCNF.

Mingus, the Army vice chief, said the service plans to increase flight hours from 202,000 to 225,000 in the 2025 budget.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.



Investigative reporter, defense.


Biden’s Army Chief Can’t Explain Why Race Should Be A Factor In Recruiting

‘Mishap Ship’: Troubled Marine Corps Vessel Received Major Award For Battle Readiness

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FOURTH REICH: EU Says It May Recognize Islamic-Terror State Next Month thumbnail

FOURTH REICH: EU Says It May Recognize Islamic-Terror State Next Month

By The Geller Report

So the continent that rid itself of its Jews is going to reward savage terrorists for the worst slaughter of Jews since the Holocaust and give them a terror state to finish the job Hitler started.  Nazi bastards….

The Holocaust, while it was a German initiative, was carried out by every nation in Europe, save for the Danes. The New York Times reported the discovery of 42,500 Nazi ghettos and camps over 13 years of analysis. That number includes “killing centres,” forced labour camps, prisoner-of-war camps, brothels and “care” centres where pregnant women were forced to have abortions, the New York Times reported. 30,000 slave labour camps; 1,150 Jewish ghettos; 980 concentration camps; 1,000 prisoner-of-war camps; 500 brothels; and thousands of other camps for pregnant women and the elderly.

Europe took all the wrong lessons from World War II while ignoring the only lesson that’s really relevant,  which is that you have to choose good and defend good and fight with the intention of defeating evil.

They’ve had a state – Gaza – since Israel pulled out in 2005. There hasn’t been so much as a Jewish toe in Gaza. And look what they did with it, look at the unimaginable evil they wrought. It’s not about a state. It’s about wiping the Jews off the map according to Islamic texts and teachings.

Germany is the power behind the EU, I expect them to put a stop to this devouring.

EU foreign policy chief says some member states may recognize Palestinian state next month

By: Reuters Today, By: Times of Israel, April 29, 2024:

RIYADH — Several European member states are expected to recognize Palestinian statehood by the end of May, the EU’s foreign policy chief Josep Borrell says at the sidelines of a World Economic Forum special meeting in Riyadh.

Continue reading.


Pamela Geller


The Middle East Is a Trap for Joe Biden

Justice for Neha: Hindu Indians Protest Sexual Violence and Brutal Murders of Their Daughters By Muslim Supremacists

Harvard Terrorists Remove American Flags on Campus, Raise Terror Flag

Jew-Hating Terrorists Share Guide for Taking Over University Buildings

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Pentagon Says It Can’t Calculate Diversity Training Costs Because Congress Defunded DEI Offices thumbnail

Pentagon Says It Can’t Calculate Diversity Training Costs Because Congress Defunded DEI Offices

By The Daily Caller

The Pentagon told Congress it could not provide a required accounting of diversity training to Congress because it didn’t have enough people working in Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) positions, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

Congress mandated the Pentagon compile a report detailing how much the entire military spent on diversity training, salaries for DEI administrators and any impacts on recruiting and retention across the force that was due March 1, according to last year’s National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets defense policy for the next fiscal year. But the Pentagon is nearly two months behind the due date for the report after the same defense authorization act for fiscal year 2024 slashed the salaries of DEI personnel, effectively gutting the departments, the DCNF learned.

“This report is delayed due to lack of DEI manning. We do not have an estimated completion date at this time,” a legislative liaison representing the Department of Defense (DOD) to Congress said in correspondence shared with the DCNF.

Republican Indiana Rep. Jim Banks, who chairs the House Armed Services Military Personnel Subcommittee, told the DCNF the response shows the Pentagon is “simply covering up Joe Biden’s politicization of our military.”

The 2024 NDAA capped annual salaries for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) administrators at $70,000, which means most officials will have to find other jobs or accept difficult pay cuts, according to data the Pentagon’s personnel office provided to Republican Missouri Sen. Eric Schmidt. It also banned the Pentagon from hiring into DEI-focused roles until Congress received the results of an audit of all DOD offices and programming.

🚨FY24 NDAA is focused on ending wokeness in the military.🚨

✅Prohibits funding for CRT
✅Prohibits funding for politically biased counter extremism working group
✅Hiring freeze for DEI bureaucrats
✅Cuts & caps pay for DEI bureaucrats
✅Includes a Parents Bill of Rights pic.twitter.com/5nvvQEN5y2

— Armed Services GOP (@HASCRepublicans) December 13, 2023

“The Biden DOD spends over a hundred million dollars a year on DEI, but apparently they don’t have enough DEI staff to provide the House Armed Services Committee with a simple report about how they’re using all their money. It’s ridiculous,” Banks told the DCNF.

The military calculated the total cost in dollars and number of hours spent on the extremism stand down on Feb. 5, 2021 required after the Jan. 6 capitol riots and on training — $1 million and 5.8 million man-hours. Noting that, Congress asked the military to supply the total cost of training in DEI, the amount spent on salaries for civilian personnel working on DEI positions, and “how the objectives of the DEI and extremism training conducted in the last 5 fiscal years were satisfied by the training.”

Congress sought to probe how the DOD’s emphasis on diversity and inclusion influenced recruitment, promotions, discharges and courts-martial for violating the Pentagon’s extremism orders or regulations. Lawmakers asked for a description of the training materials for 2023, the year covered by the bill.

“House Republicans fought hard to gut Biden’s DEI bureaucracy at the Department of Defense,” House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers told the DCNF at the time. Rogers touted the House GOP’s efforts to restore the military’s focus “on capability and lethality instead of Biden’s far-left political priorities.”

The DOD did not immediately respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.



Investigative reporter, defense.

RELATED ARTICLE: Pentagon Won’t Respond To New Research Casting Doubt On Studies Supporting Military’s DEI Push

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Speaker Johnson’s Treasonous Betrayal thumbnail

Speaker Johnson’s Treasonous Betrayal

By Kelleigh Nelson

“Honesty is of God and dishonesty of the devil; the devil was a liar from the beginning.” —  Joseph B. Wirthlin

“When you’re a liar, a person of low moral fortitude, really any explanation you need to be true can be true. Especially if you’re smart enough. You can figure out a way to justify anything.” — Samuel Witwer

“Half a truth is often a great lie.” —  Benjamin Franklin

“By a lie, a man… annihilates his dignity as a man.” —  Immanuel Kant, philosopher

“America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day.” – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

By now, most Americans have figured out that our new Speaker of the House of Representatives lied to us, and not just once.

In his two-hour interview with Sean Hannity after he was elected, Johnson told host Hannity that, “Someone asked me today in the media, ‘People are curious, what does Mike Johnson think about any issue under the sun?’ I said, ‘Well, go pick up a Bible off your shelf and read it. That’s my worldview.’”

Really Speaker Johnson?  The Lord said, “Choose life!” But in 2022, you told Louisiana legislators that it wasn’t a right time to pass the bill abolishing abortion in your state, and you did this while a US Congressman.

Better take a look at Ecclesiastes 5:5 Mr. Speaker.  You have broken every promise you vowed to keep.  Yes, we can look in the Bible to know you and you seem cuddled up with the Stalinist demons of darkness.

Where are the J6 tapes you promised to release?

What have you done about election integrity?

Where is the border security you promised?  Proverbs 6:16-17.

What happened to Chip Roy (R-TX) and Byron Donalds (R-FL) working on plans for Continuing Resolutions cutting spending by eight percent and securing the border and protecting our military and veterans?  That was your stated promise in the Sean Hannity interview.

You haven’t provided even one dime to protect the southern border from the swarms of people entering the country illegally.

But all three men want to open and change our US Constitution.  Birds of a feather.

You, Mr. Speaker, and the Stalinist democrats, approved a nearly $100 billion foreign aid package that provides funding for Israel and Taiwan – but the bulk of the money is going to corrupt Ukraine – some $61 billion.

Promises, promises…all lies.

Tucker Carlson previously interviewed Bret Weinstein who had been to the Darien Gap at the request of Michael Yon.  The Weinstein interviews and the latest interview with Michael Yon should be seen by every American.

Who is facilitating the invasion and destruction of our country? Our own government!

Obama’s “fundamental transformation of America” is taking place before our eyes.

Watch the 58 second trailer of this Tucker Carlson interview with Michael Yon.

Johnson’s Personal Life

Normally, I’d consider personal life off target, but similar to former VP Mike Pence, Speaker Johnson lauds the fact that he’s a Christian and carries his Bible out front. It seems apparent that both he and Pence carry a knife behind their backs.

Johnson claims Christianity as his faith, but he is 52 and has a 40-year-old “adopted” black son who has a lengthy criminal record, lives in Los Angeles and has fathered four children. Speaker Johnson and his wife took custody of Michael Tirrell James, but never formally adopted him.  He is not included in their family pictures, by his own choice.

In 2022, the speaker revealed to media that he had installed “accountability software” between himself and his then 15-year-old biological son.  The surveillance software is called Covenant Eyes and is on devices in order to abstain from internet porn and other unsavory websites.  It is spyware. Covenant Eyes developed important relationships with Promise Keepers, Focus on the Family, churches and many other organizations.  Their founder is Ron DeHaas, an elder in his Calvinist Presbyterian Church.

Mike Johnson and his biological son, who is now 17, receive weekly reports on sites they’ve been to on their phones and computers.  One wonders if this includes his father’s political correspondence.  And why would anyone use this unless there was a problem?

Promise Keepers has a radical charismatic connection and promotes strong overt ecumenicism of the movement. One variation of the charismatic movement is the Vineyard movement, which has strong links to the Kansas City Prophets — a controversial cult claiming visions and revelations from God. They believe that God is giving new revelation today and that the miraculous signs of the early church should be normative for today. These beliefs have led to much confusion and error.


Johnson must think surveillance is just fine if he’s doing it with his son and vice versa, as he was the tie breaker to pass the reauthorization of section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), without a requirement for warrants for surveillance on American citizens.  This was a massive betrayal of the fourth amendment.

In a highly unusual outcome, the amendment from Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) to the reauthorization of the FISA Act tied at 212 — thereby failing. More than 80 Democrats joined with 128 Republicans in backing the measure, while 86 Republicans and 126 Democrats opposed it.

Face it! The betrayal is massive, and it’s not just the Stalinist Democrat Party; it is the majority of Trotskyite Republicans as well.  Our own country comes last with the representatives in both houses of Congress. Gaetz got rid of McCarthy, and we ended up with someone equally deceptive.

There is $61 billion more for Ukraine in this bill, bringing the total with armaments to over $250 billion given to the corrupt nation of Ukraine. (Zelensky just purchased the former home of Prince Charles and Diana.)  Israel will get $26.4 billion in aid and Taiwan will get $8 billion.

Johnson also buried $9 billion in aid to Gaza – meaning that money will be confiscated by Hamas.

Not a single penny went to secure our southern border.

Instead, Speaker Johnson actually endorsed the open border by making sure that another $4 billion is allocated for “migration and refugee assistance,” which is used by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) for the border invasion and migrant freebies.

The divvying up is this: $481 million in the Ukraine bill and $3.5 billion in the Israel bill.

Oh, and there’s $300 million for the State Border Guard and police…in Ukraine, not America.

In Rep. Andy Biggs’ (R-AZ) Washington Times article, Speaker Johnson’s Foreign Aid Bill is a Disaster, Andy explains where the funds are really going.

Cindy Dyer is the U.S. Ambassador-at-Large to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons and appears to be highly qualified to lead that State Dept. office.  But it’s like pulling teeth to get this woman to talk about the mass human trafficking at our compromised southern border.

Tara Lee Rodas, who worked with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement to place unaccompanied migrant children with sponsors said, “Whether intentional or not, it can be argued that the US Government has become the middleman in a large scale, multi-billion-dollar, child trafficking operation run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.”

Chinese military, dangerous criminals, terrorists, and Mexican cartels are making tons of money in child trafficking and drugs as they pour across our southern border.

Our new Speaker spoke to Hakeem Jeffries, and said he would pray about the bill and how many Republicans he could deliver.  Apparently, Johnson believes the Lord told him to give billions of our tax dollars to Ukraine and Gaza and to ignore the invasion of our nation.

Democrats cheered this recent foreign aid bill and waved Ukrainian flags in the House.

Joe Biden lauded the Speaker and signed the bill.

Senator Schumer heaped praise on Johnson’s bi-partisan efforts.

Speaker Johnson has sided with the Stalinist Democrats who are decimating our country.

“Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson, has come under scrutiny following revelations that he received significant campaign contributions from a foreign lobby group, particularly known for its pro-foreign policy stance. According to analysis conducted by The Intercept based on Federal Election Commission records, this lobby group donated approximately $95,000 to Johnson’s campaign in November of last year.” Link

“In a shockingly short period of time, Speaker Johnson went from a MAGA hopeful to a Deep State stooge.”   Scott Adams explains in layman terms how the CIA ‘captures’ our lawmakers right under our nose.


Rep. Thomas Massie (R-KY) was threatened with a $500 fine for posting evidence of Congressional treason with the betrayal of lawmakers waving Ukrainian flags in celebration of them passing a $95 billion foreign aid package for Ukraine and Israel.

Dinesh D’Souza reposted it on X after Massie was told by Johnson to take it down.

Johnson had to walk back the fine as there was outrage from the GOP.  Instead of securing the border, Johnson caved to the Democrats.

Where in the Constitution is it legal to give tax dollars to foreign countries, and why is it that only Israel ever repays the funds and favors?

Our nation’s elected representatives are selling us down the river.  They’re all in on it, other than a small handful, and Matt Rosendale, one of the good guys, is leaving at the end of the year.

Our national debt is at the untenable amount of $35 trillion, yet they’re giving away borrowed money that is losing more value every day.  Inflation and shrinkflation are taxing the public into the poor house.

We’re looking at becoming the Weimar Republic in more ways than one, with hyper-inflation, Nazi rise and ultimate collapse.

Leo Hohmann writes, “Included in the package is $300 million to protect Ukraine’s border with Poland. This $300 million will be used to keep Ukrainians from fleeing into Poland to escape the military draft, which sends them into the meatgrinder and certain death at the front with a superior Russian military. No matter how hard they try to serve it up on a pretty platter, it doesn’t get any more evil than this.”

Leo ends his latest article with, “As the Bible says, woe to those who call good evil and evil good. Our politicians are on a mission to crash and burn what’s left of Western civilization.”

Johnson blew any border security leverage we had with his betrayal of the American people.

Johnson’s Advisors

Breitbart reports that Johnson’s top policy adviser is a former lobbyist who has corporate interests in the Ukraine War.  Dan Ziegler was previously executive director of the conservative Republican Study Committee that Johnson chaired from 2019 to 2021, and he left the Hill in December to join Williams and Jensen as a principal.

As a lobbyist with Williams and Jensen, Ziegler had a client list prone to support the Ukraine funding.  Here is a list of the groups and corporations who have retained them. Ziegler is a Heritage Action and American Energy Alliance alum, who lobbied for a range of health care clients, including Pfizer, Merck, Sanofi (the one Dr. Robert Malone loves), Owens & Minor, Eli Lilly, Novo Nordisk, PhRMA, Amgen and Elevance Health, in addition to companies like Visa, Vanguard GroupBloom Energy and W Diamond Corporation.  (Heritage Action is a sister organization of controlled-opposition Heritage Foundation.)

According to a recent Breitbart article, Ziegler also represented News Media Alliance which was lobbying congress back when Ziegler worked for Williams and Jensen, to promote a very dangerous proposal that would silence conservative media. The proposal is called the Journalism Competition & Preservation Act (JCPA).  It has failed, but keeps coming back.

Johnson has several neo-con backers in his party.  House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) attacked conservatives who were against this horrendous bill in order to achieve passage.  He even launched an “unhinged attack” on Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) over Ukraine aid.  McCaul endorsed the bill before even having seen it.

Dan Ziegler and Josh Hodges are the top aides to Johnson and influence how he votes.  Hodges is Johnson’s National Security Adviser but reports to Ziegler.  Breitbart states, “Hodges is the brain behind many of the most controversial Johnson policy decisions related to funding foreign wars, FISA, foreign affairs, and national security, a source familiar with the Speaker’s office’s inner workings told Breitbart News. According to Legistorm, Hodges handles Johnson’s armed forces and national security portfolios.”

Both Zeigler and Hodges advocate the votes we’ve seen Johnson make. Johnson’s Deputy Chief of Staff for communications, Raj Shah, has refused to answer any questions.  After Shah left Trump’s White House, he went to work for Fox News with Paul Ryan.  Shah called out Massie and Greene for their threats to oust Johnson. Knowing that Ryan and Mike Pence were good friends in Congress doesn’t make me feel all warm and cuddly about Shah, much less about Ziegler and Hodges.

In Rep. Greene’s (R-GA) interview with Tucker Carlson, she claimed that Mike Johnson often speaks with Biden’s National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan.  ABC reported that Sullivan “pushed” Johnson to put a bipartisan foreign aid bill to a vote.  He has been an adviser to Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden.  He clerked for former Associate Justice Stephen Breyer.  Sullivan is a Rhodes scholar and earned his law degree at Yale.  He was an editor of the Yale Law Journal and the Yale Daily News. He interned at the globalist Council on Foreign Relations, and often writes for their Foreign Affairs Magazine.

Sullivan was a State Department official under then-U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton when in 2012, four Americans were killed in the terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya.  In 2015, he was called to testify before the U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi.  Sullivan’s testimony became part of the Committee’s final report that concluded Clinton and Sullivan may have sent highly classified information using unsecured private emails rather than through secure government servers.

Jake speaks often at the Brookings Institute regarding the Biden administration’s international agenda.  Its largest contributors include the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Hutchins Family Foundation, JPMorgan Chase, the LEGO Foundation, David Rubenstein, State of Qatar, and John L. Thornton.

Even Mike Pompeo and the Stalinist owned intel community impressed upon Johnson the urgent need to approve assistance for Ukraine in its fight against Russia’s invasion.

Edward Snowden says Johnson is a textbook case of Congressional captureRevolver News explains, “In short, ‘Congressional capture’ is when lawmakers or legislative bodies fall under the heavy influence of outside interests, like big corporations, special interest groups, or US intel. These influences ensure that their agendas take precedence over the public’s needs. In simple terms, this means certain policies or laws that favor these groups are advanced, while criticism or resistance is quietly suppressed. Suddenly, their most ferocious critics become their biggest cheerleaders.”

We’re $35 trillion in debt, but that doesn’t even stop them!  These are inflationary dollars they’re printing with no backing.

This is the Weimar Republic’s hyperinflation in America!

There is no accounting for any of the money given to Ukraine.

And no audits of the US funding.

This could be one of the greatest financial frauds in US history – Next to the Biden COVID assistance fraud.  Link

Plenty of Republicans are angry. Tennessee’s own Andy Ogles, (R-TN) believes Johnson is giving up a significant negotiation tool without addressing the border crisis in these bills.  Andy is part of the hardline Freedom Caucus and he believes that Ukraine should look for its money elsewhere.

The new “Christian Conservative Constitutional Attorney” is fulfilling the dreams of the Democrat Party while making Matt Gaetz’ removal of Kevin McCarthy look downright stupid.


President Trump said, “I stand with the Speaker,” and “Johnson is doing a very good job.”

Sorry President Trump, but Mike Johnson is being controlled by the very people stabbing you in the back.

Giving Biden’s political gestapo a brand-new FBI building bigger than the Pentagon, while not providing a dime to protect the southern border from the swarms of people entering the country illegally, is doing a “good job?

Meanwhile, Chinese military, dangerous criminals, terrorists, and Mexican cartels are making tons of money in child trafficking and drugs as they pour across our southern border.

This administration invited this invasion, and Speaker Johnson is complicit.

©2024. . All rights reserved.

Fraud of the Century: How Vladimir Putin Uses And Then Subverts America’s Democrats thumbnail

Fraud of the Century: How Vladimir Putin Uses And Then Subverts America’s Democrats

By Simona Pipko

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within… The traitor is the carrier of the plague. You have unbarred the gates of Rome to him.” — Cicero

If you still have illusions about Russia, you would never be able to understand a global war against Western civilization and American capitalism, waged by the Terrorist State of Russia since the 20th century. The economic wellbeing of America depends on our knowledge of the danger of global instability, because today, we are copying the Europe of 1939. Yes, the Europe of Hitler’s Germany began WWII to expand FASCISM globally. We won WWII, losing millions of young men and women.  We should prevent the next war by all possible ways. It is a Must!

Germany took the process of Denazification very seriously; Russia has missed it, though Stalin had been spreading his ideology of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism globally. Denazification is the term used to describe the process of removing Nazis and Nazism from public life in Germany and across occupied Europe following the fall of the Third Reich after WWII. The Russian KGB, which Russian people called the Soviet Gestapo, is alive, well, and flourishing in the Russian Federation under the name FSB with the same mission as a base of the current system today. Moreover, instead of Denazification of Stalin’s system of Soviet Socialism,  the KGB has grown under Stalin’s devoted disciple Putin into the KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer. That is the reason I have made it a major topic in my writings for the last forty-three years.

Look at Biden’s America in April 2024 and analyze the historical chain of events in the world. Isn’t it strange that Biden blocks oil drilling in Alaska and not sanctioned Iran? It is very un-American! Isn’t it snowing that Biden’s and Putin’s intent matches? Think about that, it is again Russia. Of course, TikTok is threatening our national security by propagandizing and influencing 75-80 million American youngsters every day (Russia did it in the 20th century). Now crime has gotten out of control in America, too. Anti-Semitic protests scourged 200 American Colleges and Universities and George Soros the KGB’s mole is paying those ignoramuses. Who are those ignorant students? They are chanting: “We are Hamas!  Death to America!” Do you know the term “Fifth Column”? We have it. Have you heard about a Secret Society of lawyers to help the agitators and protesters? Read my columns to know where it’s all coming from and learn about Soviet Fascism.

Human nature has not changed since Cicero. It is true—the traitor is the carrier of the plague…My beloved America is experiencing that exact plague today that was brought to us by Soviet Fascism and America has no idea about it… Seventy years later the COP is puzzled in the vicious circle of ignorance, talking about Marxism, as the American enemy #1 for decades. They won’t come out of this vicious circle of incompetence, until understanding that Marxism is dead, Stalin killed it. Marxist Theory has never been materialized in practice by any governments. We are dealing with Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism, writing and warning America and the world about it.

Republicans are fighting a non-existed enemy and ignoring the actual one. 

Under the name of Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism, Stalin has criminalized politics of the opposition and his devoted disciples have been fooling and deceiving the U.S.A and the world, for the last hundred years. Stalin was preaching Marxism, to defraud people, but implemented his Soviet Socialism in Russia and across the globe. As a matter of fact, the fraudulent ideology of Soviet Socialism can’t exist without the force of punitive agencies to sustain the agenda. That is the reason I was introducing to America the actual force: KGB’s Mafia/Army—the Evil Doer for the last forty-three years. To grasp what is going on in Biden’s America, and why parents are called “domestic terrorists” read my column: The Stalin/Andropov Legacy in America: Controlled Opposition.

The vicious circle of ignorance has done even more harm to the American mind, it diverted attention from the actual culprit—the KGB’s Mafia/Army. Look at the current debate within the COP, they are unable to connect simple things in front of them, because they don’t know Russian history, Stalin’s era of “a famous murderer of the 20th century.” Sean Hannity repeated a hundred times the foreign countries that had bribed Biden’s White House: Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Russia, China and Romania. He just doesn’t know that all former Soviet satellites and former Soviet Republics are still under the power of the KGB—its forever. Stalin had designed it that way—no foreign transaction would have escaped the KGB’s supervision. Without knowledge of Russia and its counterintelligence Apparatus we will never defeat the Dems infiltrated by that Apparatus and using disinformation, the Russian policy against the Republicans today. Without that we are unable to evaluate the impacts of the international events and can lose the presidency in the 2024 election…  We are at WWIII.  Here are some issues and history:

A Quick Crash of Afghanistan and The Man Who Wants to Run the World August 24, 2021 by Simona Pipko

When Vladimir Putin become President of the Russian Federation some twenty years ago, I had warned you about Putin’s desire to be President of the World. Knowing Putin, I also cautioned you that his war against Western civilization and American capitalism will intensify. Moreover, I predicted in 2018-2019 that the 2020 election will be the Rubicon for Putin to achieve his agenda. Trump’s presidency is an existential threat to Vladimir Putin, a leader of A Global Spy Ring. Read my column under this title. Today, I can report that several countries on different continents, including America are being run by Vladimir Putin. He has achieved his task by giving America a senile President and chaos in 2020. My warnings had not been heard and now we find ourselves in a human catastrophe globally with a crack in NATO Alliance as well.

For your information all members of NATO have evacuated their citizens during the summer from Afghanistan, while America has been dealing with Tajikistan. It is a double mistake—that means that you are dealing with Russia and the Afghan war will never end. Biden presented serious and misleading statements during the first days of crises. I was threatened when Biden said that there is no national interest in Afghanistan and “there is constant contact with the Taliban.” Kabul is a single point of treason that reflects twenty years of incompetent and erroneous policy. To save time, I’ll analyze only one issue to show you the real Russian operation in Afghanistan through Biden.

The cable from the American Embassy in Kabul has warned about rising Taliban presence throughout Afghanistan on July 13. That meant, they were getting the warning signals from May and possibly April. The Biden government had at least a couple of months to design an orderly withdrawal from Kabul and Afghanistan. The plan of orderly exit wasn’t designed in D.C. and actually didn’t exist. The plan of disorderly withdrawal was designed in Moscow’s Kremlin and sent to Biden’s staff, several members of which are the KGB agents. The other members of his staff belong to Obama’s holdovers and the Deep State, which is the same.

The demented Biden got an order on Putin’s disorderly withdrawal to implement it. He did. The Biden State Department or Military leadership had never constructed their own plan of orderly retreats. I am not sure they knew that Al-Qaeda and ISIS are still in Afghanistan. The next column with the historical foundation of reality and Russia’s fraud:

Abortion and Other Socialist Plans to Destroy America October 3, 2020 /in CommentaryElectionsHealthcarePolicyPoliticsScience/by Simona Pipko

We have been subjected to so many lies, deceptions, disinformation and fraud by agitators and provocateurs for years that most people are disoriented and puzzled. Who is doing that to us? The answer is America’s Socialist Party through its Socialist Charlatans. They are preaching hate to cover-up the crime they have committed for several decades. They are accusing Trump of all sorts of things to divert your attention from the crime they had committed. They have followed Stalin’s postulate: Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the adversary in that exact crime.

Abortions: Political Correctness and the Pro-Choice Fraud

It is painful to see how Stalinist Political Correctness continues deceiving and misleading the American public in the 21st century. Abortion is an issue that divides our country and a vivid example of the Dems’ work, armed with Stalinist PC. Their policy has a long history, going back to the 60s. The pro-choice/pro-life framework overlooked the many hidden ways in which the law impacts women’s reproductive freedom. What the abortion debate left out was logic: Yes, logic and the knowledge of Stalinist Political Correctness.

The issue has a long history which grew as a snowball to the gigantic cultural fraud due to Stalin’s Political Correctness. Abortion has been discussed in the wrong territory. All debate on abortion should start with a fraudulent definition of PRO-CHOICE in the last century. It was time when the Russian Intel began its infiltration into the Democrat party and you can see how abortion discussion has been influenced by Russia’s fraud. The first example is a misleading meaning to the term “pro-choice,” inculcated by the intimidating power of political correctness used by Con men–Socialist Charlatans. The premise of abortion is clear—prevention of pregnancy. Be attentive to the premise—prevention of pregnancy. Socialist Charlatans just moved the time span one bit further and the Republicans, as usual, swallowed the fraudulent hook.

The real pregnancy comes to life by the sexual act and the actual choice is a prevention of sexual act. The partners, especially a woman, have a choice before a sexual act. It is action taken before the sexual act that prevents pregnancy and not actions after the fact. Using Stalin’s PC, Democrat-Charlatans just reprogrammed the human mind, moving the time span and making the choice after the sexual act, which is a fraud. The abortion issue has become a tool for the Democrats to undermine our traditional culture, and our set of values. Just count the disproportional murder of black fetuses and fatherless black families to see the enormous cultural implications of this leftist fraud. Unfortunately, this fraud has affected all ethnic groups in America.

I am a former Soviet attorney, who knows Stalin’s Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. Here is my must-read column: Fraud Coming to Flower – The Roots of the Deep State. Read it to save America.

The planned chaos of American Capitalism had been designed by the Russian Communists a hundred years ago. Today, in April 2024 America has experienced that chaos—we are at three wars simultaneously. But, in fact, we have the same enemy—socialist/communist cabal of the Russian/Chinese Intel with a criminal mastermind, confronting Western civilization and American Capitalism. This is a result of the Democrat Party under Putin’s control. It is going on under the background of a manufactured criminal Show Trial (the Russian/Socialist invention) against former President Trump! Isn’t all of that a real Fraud of the Century???

My Fellow Americans!

Prevent Biden from implementing Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism in America! Don’t repeat a mistake Europe has made in 1930s!

Save the American Constitutional Republic for our children and great children!

To be continued at www.simonapipko.com and www.drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

Trump Trial Prosecutors Face Big Problems thumbnail

Trump Trial Prosecutors Face Big Problems

By Judicial Watch

The Donald Trump business records trial opened yesterday in New York City with prosecutors signaling a wide-ranging case. Documents—business records—related to payments from the Trump Organization to an adult film star showed “election fraud” and a “criminal conspiracy and cover up” designed to prevent information about an alleged affair from emerging before the 2016 presidential election, prosecutor Matthew Colangelo said.

At the heart of the case are thirty-four counts of falsifying business records—generally misdemeanor charges that in this case Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg is attempting to elevate to felonies. Trump defense attorney Todd Blanche told the jury that the thirty-four Bragg charges signified no crimes—that Trump was just doing what a business leader does: sign papers prepared by his office.

“The thirty-four counts are really just thirty-four pieces of paper.” Blanche said. Regarding the paper trail offered up by the prosecution, Blanche said that Trump “had nothing to do with the invoice, with the check being generated or with the entry on the ledger.” Blanche also attacked the prosecution’s contention that the payments were attempts to influence the 2016 election. “I have a spoiler alert,” he said. “There’s nothing wrong with trying to influence an election. It’s called democracy.”

Prosecutors face two big problems with their case: a deeply flawed key witness and a largely untested legal ploy to leverage misdemeanor business-records charges into felony-level convictions.

The case centers around former Trump Organization executive turned Trump nemesis, Michael Cohen. A self-proclaimed former Trump “fixer,” Cohen has a long criminal record and well-known hatred for the forty-fifth president of the United States. In 2016, Cohen expected a position in the Trump Administration, which was not forthcoming. Cohen later became a frequent guest on MSNBC, railing against Trump, and in 2022 he published a three-hundred-page diatribe against Trump, “Revenge.”

In 2018, Cohen pleaded guilty in federal court to tax evasion, campaign finance violations related to the current New York case, and false statements. He was sentenced to a three-year prison term. Later that year, he was back in federal court to plead guilty to lying to Congress.

A month ago, a judge denied Cohen’s request for an early end to his supervised release from jail time, saying Cohen had likely “committed perjury” in past testimony—a finding brushed aside by the judges in Trump’s current civil and criminal cases in New York.

Much of the current case will hinge on Cohen’s credibility on the stand. It’s worth noting that both federal authorities and Bragg’s predecessor as Manhattan DA, Cy Vance, declined to bring the business-records case, uneasy with Cohen and a strategy for getting the misdemeanor charges to felony-level crimes. Mark Pomerantz, a senior Vance prosecutor who resigned after differences with Bragg on Trump prosecutions, noted in his book, “People vs. Donald Trump,” that while Cohen could be charming and credible, he also was “a somewhat feral creature.” Cohen, Pomerantz wrote, has a “penchant for publicity, exaggeration, and grandiose statements” that turns people off.

The second big problem for prosecutors are those thirty-four business records charges usually clocking in as misdemeanors. In opening statements, the prosecution indicated it could prove the charges were felonies by showing they were connected to “election fraud.” But the statute prosecutors rely on has nothing to do with election law. New York state law (Section 175.10 of the penal code) moves falsification of business records from misdemeanor to felony if the defendant’s “intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime.”

What precisely is that other crime? At the moment, prosecutors aren’t saying. But eventually they’ll have to come up with something specific.

With a jury drawn from deep blue Manhattan, it may not matter. Jurors may simply dislike Trump so much that they’ll look for any path to conviction. But juries are unpredictable. And the view from here is that Michael Cohen could emerge as a big liability. That sketchy ploy to elevate misdemeanors into felonies also gives the Trump team strong grounds for appeal.


Micah Morrison

Micah Morrison is chief investigative reporter for Judicial Watch. Tips: mmorrison@judicialwatch.org

RELATED ARTICLE: NPR’s New CEO Sits on Board of Soros-Funded Activist Group that Pushes for Censorship

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MUST WATCH: How Muslims are ‘Assimilating’ in Germany by Logan’s Warning thumbnail

MUST WATCH: How Muslims are ‘Assimilating’ in Germany by Logan’s Warning

By Dr. Rich Swier

A reader, JW, sent us a link to this Logan’s Warning commentary and video. Please read about the Islamic State in Germany and watch the short video of how Islamic State Muslims are “assimilating” in Europe, by going to the streets and calling for Germany to become an “Islamic caliphate.”

This is exactly what I predicted would happen over a decade ago. That once Muslims felt they have enough power they will rise up and call for Islamic rule across the West. Today we see an example of this infiltration in Germany.

‘Islamic State In Germany…’: Thousands Storm Streets In Hamburg Amid Israel-Hamas War

Massive protests erupted in Germany as thousands took to the streets, calling for an Islamic State. Over 1000 people hit the streets of Hamburg, calling for an end to “dictatorship values”, Muslim protesters were seen carrying signs in support of Islamic fundamentalism. The protest was reportedly organised by a group called ‘Muslim Interaktiv’. Watch full video for more.

Link to Article.

©2024. Logan’s Warning. All rights reserved.


The campus crucible of Islamic holy war

Not Just Colleges, but Mayors Abandoned Jewish Students to Hamas Rioters

Using the Anti-Klan Act to Address Campus Antisemitism

The Ivy League Radical Spring

‘Now is the time for choosing’ by Caroline Glick

RELATED VIDEO: Eva Vlaardingerbroek: On the State of Europe speaking at CPAC Hungary

Trump Expands Lead over Biden in Polls amid Outrage over the Economy thumbnail

Trump Expands Lead over Biden in Polls amid Outrage over the Economy

By Family Research Council

Over the past several months, most polls have consistently shown former President Donald Trump earning a slight lead over incumbent Joe Biden. Now, a new CNN/SSRS poll published on Sunday is showing Trump with a much wider lead over Biden. In a head-to-head contest, Trump would garner 49% of the vote and Biden only 43% — a six-point lead for Trump — with 4% of respondents voting for “someone else,” 3% not voting, and only 1% with no opinion on who to vote for.

When third-party candidates are added to the field, Trump’s lead over Biden expands to nine points: Trump would gain 42% of the vote, Biden 33%, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 16%, Cornel West 4%, and Jill Stein 3%, with a total of 3% responding “other,” “do not plan to vote,” or “no opinion.”

Additionally, of those polled, 52% said that there was “no chance” of their voting for Biden, up one point from October, compared to 47% who said that there was “no chance” of their voting for Trump, down one point from October. When asked to evaluate Trump’s presidency, 55% of respondents declared it a “success” and 44% declared it a “failure.” When asked that same question in January 2021, only 41% of respondents called Trump’s term in office a “success,” while 55% declared it a “failure.” By contrast, only 39% of voters said they consider Biden’s presidency to have been a “success,” while 61% called it a “failure.” Even in January 2022, one year in, only 41% considered the Biden presidency a “success,” compared to 57% who considered it a “failure.”

As in other polls, the economy has been rated the top issue for voters, with a net total of 92% declaring the issue “important,” including 65% who called it “extremely important.” Voters who rate the economy as their top issue break heavily for Trump over Biden, 62% to 30%. About 30% of voters polled rated the economy’s present state either “very good” (5%) or “somewhat good” (24%), while a total of 70% of voters said the economy was “somewhat poor” (36%) or “very poor” (34%). When asked what changes would improve the economy, 41% of voters responded “a change in political leadership in Washington,” 37% said “a lower rate of inflation,” 14% said a “positive change” in their personal financial situations, 3% said “a sustained rise in the stock market,” and 5% said “something else.”

As those answers indicate, voters are displeased with Biden’s management of the American economy. Sixty-six percent of voters disapprove of Biden’s handling of the economy and 71% disapprove of his handling of inflation. Overall, the poll awarded Biden a 40% approval rating. When broken down, only 12% said that they “strongly” approve of Biden’s job performance, 28% said they only “moderately” approve, 20% said they disapprove “moderately,” and a staggering 40% said that they “strongly” disapprove of Biden’s job performance.

Although the economy takes precedence for voters, immigration also makes a strong showing, with a total of 76% of voters rating it an “important” issue, although only 48% consider it to be “extremely” important. Crime follows close behind, with almost identical numbers. A recent Axios/Harris survey found that immigration has become such an important issue for Americans that over half (51%) now endorse the mass deportation of illegal immigrants. Additionally, 56% of voters see illegal immigration as linked to increasing violence and crime rates in the U.S. A recent Rasmussen Reports poll also found that almost 70% of Americans believe illegal immigration is linked to rising crime rates.


S.A. McCarthy

S.A. McCarthy serves as a news writer at The Washington Stand.


‘Extraordinary’: Jim Acosta Stunned By CNN Poll Showing Majority View Trump Presidency As ‘Success’

Nancy Pelosi Implodes After MSNBC Host Fact-Checks Her On Trump’s Economy

‘Economic Suicide’: Biden Admin Justifies Tax Hike Based On Racial Criteria

Bidenomics Is Literally Killing Puppies

More Americans Turning To Discount Grocer As Prices Skyrocket

Airlines Launch Effort Backing Green Jet Fuel Tax Credit That Could Raise Food Prices For Americans

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Campus Encampments Only a Warm-Up for Summer of Protests thumbnail

Campus Encampments Only a Warm-Up for Summer of Protests

By Family Research Council

Illegal campus occupations have entered their second week while hapless administrators at supposedly elite universities squirm like four-year-olds trying to gain control of a runaway tractor. The protests “don’t appear to be dying down at all,” Family Research Council Action President Jody Hice noted on “Washington Watch” Friday. As finals and then elections loom, “many people are asking and wondering if the violence is going to spill over into the summer months.”

“These protests are going to continue into the summer,” answered Rep. Ben Cline (R-Va.) in the same interview. “And, as it gets hotter, and tempers flare, the potential for more disruption is evident. And it’s going to be very unsettling as the summer goes on.” The campus encampments are “just uncovering the truth,” he added, “which is that the radical Left — supported by and endorsed by terrorist groups around the world — are doing what they can to stoke unrest across the country.”

The cause doesn’t matter to left-wing direct action. Sometimes, the activists don’t even know what the cause is. “I’ve seen interviews with students chanting, ‘From the river to the sea,’ and [they] don’t even know what river or what sea they’re talking about,” said Cline. A viral video clip showed two college students at an NYU protest last week who admitted they didn’t know what they were protesting. “Any student in late April is generally looking for any pretext to get out of class,” suggested Owen Strachan, senior fellow for Family Research Council’s Center for Biblical Worldview, on “Washington Watch.”

Whatever the cause, the Left has cultivated a culture of protest, where students and others gather simply for the excitement, the thrill of sticking it to the man, the rush of power from inhibiting other people’s lives, or the feeling of invincibility reinforced by the inexplicable reluctance of law enforcement agencies to enforce the laws these protestors break.

The protest counter-culture has been growing for some time. As early as 2011, protestors cut their teeth at illegal encampments during Occupy Wall Street. From April 2016 to February 2017, protestors camped out in the Dakotas to block construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline.

In 2020, left-wing activists inflated a single incident of bad policing into a nationwide summer of racial division. The BLM movement perpetrated more than 500 violent riots, causing $1 to $2 billion in damages. The well-organized and relentless rioters staged nearly-nightly standoffs with law enforcement at the Portland, Ore. federal courthouse, the White House, and in New York City — not to mention other cities.

Since late 2021, left-wing activists participating in “Stop Cop City” have camped out near Atlanta, seeking to prevent the construction of a police training facility. In March 2023, Atlanta police detained dozens of activists, including a lawyer for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) after more than 100 masked individuals in black clothing “entered the construction area and began to throw large rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, and fireworks at police officers,” ultimately vandalizing and destroying construction equipment. Later that year, local officials indicted 61 individuals on racketeering charges.

The violence continued in 2022, when left-wing activists resorted to violence and intimidation in support of abortion-on-demand. The militant leftists not only targeted the homes of Supreme Court justices but even churches, academic appearances by constitutional lawyers, and everything in between.

This lifestyle of protest has created a need to protest, which in turn creates a demand for overhyped controversies. “Whether it’s environmental rhetoric or whether it’s international support for Hamas,” Cline pointed out, “we’ve seen a liberal indoctrination of college students and young people.” The education system is “being abused by the Left to infiltrate and indoctrinate young minds.”

One of the key words there is “young.” Left-wing radicals have even created summer camps to indoctrinate 4th through 8th graders into their activist lifestyle, teaching them the sort of escalatory tactics that necessitates instruction about how to deal with tear gas.

Now, as other causes apparently lose their luster, college activists with far more zeal than knowledge have happily adopted the cause of anti-Semitism as their reason to get out of bed in the morning — or perhaps I should say, get out of their pup tents.

Commentators on both sides of the political aisle have drawn comparisons between the student protests taking place today and anti-war protests from the late-1960s. At Columbia University, students appear to be consciously reenacting a university occupation that took place there in 1968. Establishment Democrats, having selected Chicago for their 2024 convention, have expressed concerns that this summer could see a repeat of the Democratic National Convention in 1968, when young radicals clashed violently with police. The summer riots of 1968 prompted disturbed Americans to elect Republican Richard Nixon that fall on a platform of restoring law and order.

Conservatives have also drawn the connection. “This reminds us of 1968 and the anti-war protesters. They were violent, violent extremists. They called for the violent overthrow of the United States government,” Regent University Dean of Government Michele Bachmann said on “Washington Watch.” Once again, she said, “We’re seeing calls for the overthrow of the United States government when they call for ‘death to America,’ ‘death to Israel.’”

The parallels to riots of the 1960s are more than superficial, suggested Rabbi Yaakov Menken on “Washington Watch.” “These folks who were students with … the long haircuts and the bandanas are now professors, tenured professors, in some cases even deans of students.” In other words, the student rioters of the 1960s are now the ones teaching university students today. Is it any wonder that they taught their proteges to follow in their footsteps?

“Hopefully they go back to class,” Cline said about the protestors, “and then go get jobs for the summer because … it would avoid the kind of summer unrest that we saw across the country in 2020.” Cline added that he hopes “cooler heads prevail.” If they don’t, Americans could be in for a “long, hot summer” of protesting and riots.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a senior writer at The Washington Stand.


The campus crucible of Islamic holy war

Not Just Colleges, but Mayors Abandoned Jewish Students to Hamas Rioters

Using the Anti-Klan Act to Address Campus Antisemitism

The Ivy League Radical Spring

‘Now is the time for choosing’ by Caroline Glick

RELATED VIDEO: Eva Vlaardingerbroek: On the State of Europe speaking at CPAC Hungary


Sound on! @IndianaUniv demonstrates how easy it is to enforce rules. pic.twitter.com/9cWLnLp5OJ

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 30, 2024

Parents who called to complain about the wrist bands and access restrictions were told to tell their Jewish kids to find “another way in the building” and that “police can’t help today” and that “sorry yeah the protestors have taken over that area of the school.”

— Stephanie🕊 (@stephsvox) April 30, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Judge Fines Trump For Violating Gag Order, Warns Of Future Jail Time thumbnail

Judge Fines Trump For Violating Gag Order, Warns Of Future Jail Time

By The Daily Caller

Judge Juan Merchan fined former President Donald Trump $9,000 Tuesday and held him in contempt for violating his gag order, warning he may impose jail time for future violations.

Merchan ordered Trump to remove the offending posts by 2:15 pm Tuesday and to pay the fine by May 3. He rejected Trump’s defense that he was simply engaging in political speech by responding to attacks by witnesses like Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels, writing that the Court is “keenly aware of, and protective of, Defendant’s First Amendment rights, particularly given his candidacy for the office of President of the United States.”

“It is critically important that Defendant’s legitimate free speech rights not be curtailed, that he be able to fully campaign for the office which he seeks and that he be able to respond and defend himself against political attacks,” Merchan wrote. “For that reason, this Court exercised discretion when it crafted the Expanded Order and delayed issuing it until the eve of trial.”

However, Merchan warned Trump that he “will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment.”

Prosecutors argued in court filings that Trump violated the order in 10 instances, arguing for the judge to impose the maximum $1,000 fine for each alleged violation. The gag order prevents Trump from making statements about witnesses, prosecutors other than the district attorney, court staff and jurors, along with family members of the staff, district attorney or judge.

Last week, prosecutors brought up four new violations of the order, which Merchan will consider during a hearing Thursday.


Justice Merchan finds Trump in contempt on all but one of the first 10 alleged violations of the gag order.

Trump must pay $1,000 per violation, and he faces a hearing later this week on the last four.

— Adam Klasfeld (@KlasfeldReports) April 30, 2024

“He’s allowed to respond to political attacks, Your Honor,” Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche told the judge during a hearing last week considering the alleged violations, according to Politico. “There is no dispute that President Trump is facing a barrage of political attacks from all sides, including from the two witnesses referenced in the early post.”

Merchan imposed the gag order on Trump on March 26, but expanded it on April 1 after Trump attacked his daughter on social media.





Alvin Bragg’s Star Witness Hasn’t Even Taken The Stand Yet And His Credibility Has Already Been Majorly Questioned

Prosecutor Finally Reveals Key Details Of ‘Crime’ Alleged In Alvin Bragg’s Indictment Of Trump

Evidence Shows Adam Schiff Falsely Registered, Ineligibly Voted, and/or Committed Mortgage Fraud


🚨TRUMP: “The whole thing is a HOAX. They’re controlled by the White House. They’re controlled by Democrat judges and prosecutors.. they hate Trump.” pic.twitter.com/Ajgh8HKjnf

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) April 30, 2024

Here’s the evidence that the Mar-a-Lago raid was a setup orchestrated by the Biden DOJ to “Get Trump” pic.twitter.com/Bfb1giMgui

— Dinesh D’Souza (@DineshDSouza) April 29, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact licensing@dailycallernewsfoundation.org.

Not Just Colleges, but Mayors Abandoned Jewish Students to Hamas Rioters thumbnail

Not Just Colleges, but Mayors Abandoned Jewish Students to Hamas Rioters

By Jihad Watch

It’s not that the police can’t end the hate camps in NYC or LA, it’s that they’ve been told not to.

Yesterday at the Sabbath table, a young man who had been on the ground at UCLA told me of watching a Jewish student being attacked while the UC campus police did nothing.

The campus police said that they would have to call the actual police, but no police came. The campus cops then admitted that they didn’t actually call 911. When one of the people on the scene called 911, the LAPD stated that they had been told not to respond to calls from UCLA.

The student then had to go down to a police station to file a report which all but ensured that nothing would happen.

Today’s assaults by pro-Hamas occupiers make it clear that’s still the policy. UC’s Mary Osako stated that UCLA will not be “preemptively” requesting a police presence.

Shame on @UCLA. Today masked pro-Hamas vandals bludgeoned and bloodied a Jewish girl and fired chemical solution into the eyes of peaceful pro-Israel protestors, all while UCPD watched and took no action. These extremists have learned well from the Hamas terrorists they idolize. pic.twitter.com/JTau1NfGDs

— Sam Yebri (@samyebri) April 28, 2024

.@UCLA#Hamas supporters pepper spray and assault Jewish women at UCLA, while local authorities sit by and do NOTHING.

Where is the police? @LAPDHQ @JoeBiden pic.twitter.com/JzUqjaIWxf

— Eretz Israel (@EretzIsrael) April 29, 2024

By the time the LAPD finally arrived, there had been assaults and the situation was out of control.

The pattern seems to be that the LAPD won’t respond to anything short of an imminent riot or displays of weapons. Unless there’s actual violence in progress or credibly imminent, the occupation area is effectively a no-go zone.

But in other parts of the country, it’s even worse.

GWU @GWtweets administration asked D.C. metro police to help clean up the protest situation & restore order.@MayorBowser not only refused but insisted the metro police do nothing!
It’s chaos. Dangerous & getting worse.@nbcwashington@fox5dc @7NewsDC @StopAntisemitespic.twitter.com/3ydVUGNZbq

— Suzy Shofar (@suzylebo) April 29, 2024

Like Washington D.C.

Police in Washington, D.C., rejected requests from campus officials at George Washington University to clear anti-Israel protesters from their campus encampment this week, fearing that doing so could be bad publicity.

Although police were poised to disband the encampment at around 3 a.m. on Friday morning, city officials in the police chief’s and mayor’s office told police to stand down and said that it would look bad publicly for police to disrupt a “small number of peaceful protesters,” the Washington Post reported on Friday

So this is on Mayor Bowser.

While Mayor Eric Adams and the NYPD have been (comparatively) responsive to larger-scale violence at Columbia U, the calculus again there appears to be no police response unless there’s significant violence.

What that means is that student or individual calls for help, especially after an assault, are going unanswered, and that means that the policy of tolerating not only no-go zones, but the violence associated with them, has emboldened Hamas supporters to assault Jewish students and faculty.

That’s why there is a very clear difference between police responses in liberal and conservative areas.

It’s not that the police can’t end the hate camps in NYC or LA, it’s that they’ve been told not to.




Israel’s ambassador tried to warn Biden regime about UNRWA’s Hamas ties, but was denied a meeting

Jewish Activist on the Abandonment of the Jews

Outlaw Joe Biden Wants Us to Believe That He Has Been Arrested At Least Twice

UK: Birmingham paper runs story on thief who ransacked car but left Islamic booklets neatly on dashboard

Former ICJ President Clarifies: We Did Not Decide That There Was ‘A Plausible Case of Genocide’ In Gaza

Florida: Imam claims Talmud teaches that non-Jews are animals, says ‘Jews orchestrated everything against Muslims’

UK: Muslim rape gang members get collective 346 years in prison for rape, sex abuse, trafficking of girls 1999-2012

Australia: After jihadi stabs bishop, Muslims demand removal of ‘religiously motivated terrorism’ classification

After Stabbing Bishop, ‘Soldiers of Allah’ Wanted to Kill Jews


Sound on! @IndianaUniv demonstrates how easy it is to enforce rules. pic.twitter.com/9cWLnLp5OJ

— Aviva Klompas (@AvivaKlompas) April 30, 2024

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Economic Suicide’: Biden Admin Justifies Tax Hike Based On Racial Criteria thumbnail

‘Economic Suicide’: Biden Admin Justifies Tax Hike Based On Racial Criteria

By The Daily Caller

The Biden administration’s analysis of its revenue proposals for fiscal year 2025 argues targeted tax hikes that disproportionately affect white people would ease racial wealth inequality.

Increasing taxes on capital gains and income-based wealth would reduce racial wealth inequality for black and Hispanic families, the Treasury Department outlined in the analysis published in mid-March. The Treasury points out that white families disproportionately hold assets subject to capital gains tax or are in a higher tax bracket, meaning a hike in those taxes would benefit black and Hispanic families.

The Biden administration argues for taxing capital income for high-income earners at “ordinary rates,” increasing the top rate from 37% to 39.6% for those who earn more than $1 million a year. Taxes on net investment income would also be hiked by 1.2 percentage points to 5% for those who make over $400,000 per year, bringing the total top marginal rate to 44.6%.

“Taxing capital gains at 44.6% at the federal level — not to mention state taxes — would be economic suicide,” Preston Brashers, research fellow for tax policy in the Heritage Foundation’s Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Before the tax ever took effect, investors would rush to pull their money out of equities subject to such exorbitant tax rates. U.S. businesses would be starved for capital, and business activity would slow to a crawl. Ultimately, corporate income and capital gains income would fall off a cliff, so the net result would be less tax revenue, not more. The middle class and working class would be slammed with mass layoffs and lower real wages.”

The Treasury estimates that white families are the recipients of 92% of the benefits of preferential rates on capital gains and qualified dividends, compared to 2% and 3% for Hispanic families. Only 0.4% of white families, less than 0.05% of black families and 0.1% of Hispanic families will be affected by the proposed rule change on capital gains.

“So, if President Biden’s goal of redistribution is to make the rich poorer, his proposal would be successful,” Brashers told the DCNF. “But if the goal is to lift up the middle class, the plan would fail spectacularly. Note, even the Urban-Brooking Tax Policy Center use estimates that imply that the revenue-maximizing long-term capital gains rate is about 28%, so it’s clear that Biden’s proposal is on the wrong side of the Laffer curve.”

The proposal also calls for establishing a minimum 25% income tax that includes unrealized capital gains for those with wealth over $100 million. The Biden administration argues that the wealthiest taxpayers utilize their stake in unrealized gains to lower their total income and reduce their tax liability, but taxing unrealized gains may force many business owners to sell stakes in their company if they are not liquid enough to pay the burden.

“The wealthy already pay far more than their fair share, while the tax burden on large corporations ends up landing on individuals across the economy, including low-income individuals,” Chris Edwards, the Kilts Family Chair in Fiscal Studies at the Cato Institute, told the DCNF.

GOING STAGhttps://t.co/O1240CSl51

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) April 28, 2024

The Biden administration also calls for ending a “loophole” that allows families to postpone their estate tax burden by creating trust assets that benefit multiple future generations and are not taxed on the death of the beneficiary. Around 30% of white families receive an inheritance that would qualify as of 2019, compared to 10% for black families and 7% for Hispanic families.

“Left-wing Biden economists seem unable to appreciate that raising taxes on capital hurts labor. Capital and labor work together to produce economic growth,” Edwards told the DCNF. “They are complements. The Biden economists seem to hold the Marxist view that capital and labor are bitter enemies, and that the only way that labor can win is for the government to crush capital.”

The Biden administration is also proposing to expand the child tax credit, temporarily increasing the amount given per child and permanently restoring the full refundability provision. The Treasury argues that it will ease racial disparities since a disproportionate number of black and Hispanic kids have benefited from it in the past.

“These proposals would also increase the fairness of the tax system by addressing some of the features that have historically reinforced racial disparities,” the proposal reads. “Over time, these proposals are expected to increase wealth accumulation by low- and middle-income families and reduce racial wealth gaps.”

The proposal was released in conjunction with calls from the Biden administration to drastically increase spending for fiscal year 2025, adding at least $14.8 trillion to the national debt by the end of a presumptive second term for the president.

The national debt has continued to grow rapidly under President Joe Biden, totaling more than $34.55 trillion as of April 26, up from $34 trillion at the beginning of the year, according to the Treasury Department.

Huge government spending is also putting the U.S. economy at risk of stagflation, with first quarter growth only totaling 1.6% while inflation remains high at 3.5% in March year-over-year.

“This hints at the false view that sadly underlies much of the Biden administration’s economic policy: high-earners only achieve success through luck, and low-earners can only achieve success through government handouts,” Edwards told the DCNF. “That is an appalling, un-American view.”

The White House did not immediately respond to a request to comment from the DCNF.





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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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17 State AGs Refuse to Allow Biden to Insert Abortion into Pregnant Workers Fairness Act thumbnail

17 State AGs Refuse to Allow Biden to Insert Abortion into Pregnant Workers Fairness Act

By Family Research Council

As the Biden campaign continues to push abortion as its primary focus ahead of the November elections, the administration made yet another move to ensure that abortion remains front and center by moving to insert the issue into the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act earlier this month — a move that earned a strong rebuke and lawsuit from a group of 17 Republican state attorneys general.

In mid-April, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) announced that it was controversially adding abortion into its draft rules for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act, allowing workers to “ask for time off to obtain an abortion and recover from the procedure.” But critics say the legislation was never intended to address abortion and was merely meant to give pregnant women commonsense accommodations in the workplace, including time off for medical appointments, options to sit down and stand up while working, exemptions from heavy lifting, time off for postpartum recovery, bathroom, breastfeeding, food, and water breaks, considerations for morning sickness, and more.

In response, a coalition of 17 state attorneys general filed a lawsuit last week against the EEOC, claiming that the abortion rule is unconstitutional, among other concerns. “[U]nelected commissioners at the EEOC seek to hijack these new protections for pregnancies by requiring employers to accommodate elective abortions — something the Act clearly did not authorize,” said the AG coalition in a statement. “The EEOC’s rule constitutes an unconstitutional federal overreach that infringes on existing state laws and exceeds the scope of the agency’s authority.”

State attorneys general who signed onto the lawsuit include Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia.

Last week, Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall (R) joined “Washington Watch” to discuss why he joined the lawsuit against the EEOC’s actions.

The original text “is a wonderful, bipartisan supported [bill] — and we don’t say that very often with things that come out of Washington — to make sure that we accommodate pregnant women in the workplace because we want to have healthy pregnancies and children that come to birth,” he noted. “[L]et’s make sure that we fill a gap in federal law to ensure that pregnant women have those accommodations. … And now, the EEOC that was tasked by Congress to come out with some very specific aspects of what that looks like, now want to make sure that states like Alabama would have to violate state law to somehow or another accommodate a woman who wants an abortion. Alabama is not going to stand for that, along with the [16] other states that are a part of this coalition.”

Marshall went on to point out that even pro-abortion Democrats explicitly stated that the bill had nothing to do with abortion when it was passed, which still hasn’t stopped the Biden administration’s actions.

“One of the Democratic sponsors of this bill made it very clear on the floor of the Senate that this bill had nothing to do with abortion [and] assured his colleagues on both sides of the aisle the intention of this bill,” he observed. “And yet, despite its clear language, what we see is [the] Biden administration co-opting a valid, appropriate law to be able to enforce this pro-abortion agenda. I know we shouldn’t be surprised, but it’s one of the reasons why I’m so proud of my colleagues across the country on many pro-life issues, because we’re standing in that gap that we need in this country to make sure that we can push back on an administration that’s just simply gone too far.”

Marshall further made it clear that state attorneys general have a particularly important role to play in pushing back against the Biden administration’s tendency to try unconstitutional tactics to get its policies into place.

“This is an unelected, unaccountable group,” he underscored. “… [W]e’ve seen this on multiple fronts with this administration, whether it be attacking pro-life states like Alabama. We’ve seen it with this radical gender ideology that’s being pushed through multiple federal programs. It’s why, uniquely, attorneys general in this important time in our nation have the opportunity to be able to hold [the administration] in check.”

The Alabama attorney general additionally pointed to how state law will have strong legal footing against the measure in court.

“[W]hat we see also with this particular rule is an effort to impose a federal policy of this administration on a state like Alabama, whose law is abundantly clear that we are a pro-life state in our Constitution,” Marshall explained. “… [T]o somehow or another use an unaccountable body like the EEOC to circumvent valid state law and constitutional provisions, we think we’re on solid legal footing to be able to push back and to win. … The key right now is attempting to get that initial injunctive relief, to be able to hold this rule in abeyance before its full implementation. But we feel very confident about the work of our colleagues, grateful for the efforts of Tennessee and Oklahoma to lead this charge, but do feel strongly that we’re going to prevail.”


Dan Hart

Dan Hart is senior editor at The Washington Stand.


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RELATED POSCAST:  The Economy and Fertility Rates: Are They Connected?

EDITOR NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

WATCH VIDEO: Prominent Japanese medical professor warns against taking ‘Self Replication Replicon’ jab this fall or winter thumbnail

WATCH VIDEO: Prominent Japanese medical professor warns against taking ‘Self Replication Replicon’ jab this fall or winter

By Leo Hohmann

The eminent Professor Masayasu Inoue at Osaka City University Medical School in Japan recently warned that the Japanese government became the first in the world to approve a new type of jab called the “self replication replicon vaccine” that is being rushed to market as we speak. The goal is to have it ready by this fall or winter.

In the video below, the professor, who specializes in molecular pathology, condemns the COVID “pandemic” as propagated by the U.N. World Health Organization, for the purpose of driving genetically modifying COVID jabs into the bodies of all peoples worldwide. He also condemned the U.S. “Warp Speed” project under then-President Donald Trump, which rushed mRNA toxic injections to market that were used to cover up problems with the gene-based shots. The false pretext of Warp Speed was “saving time.” The professor then states that the Japanese government’s rush to market of its new injection will be similar and must be avoided at all costs. We are seeing deception magnified in the world today like perhaps never before. Jesus warned this would be the case in Matthew 24 of the New Testament.

It’s not often such a prominent scientist goes public with a warning of this magnitude. Please share this important 8-minute video with all your loved ones.

2024. Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.

It’s coal to the rescue as wind and solar fail to keep German lights on thumbnail

It’s coal to the rescue as wind and solar fail to keep German lights on

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

In Germany they call it the “Energiewende,” meaning energy transition, and it doesn’t work.

Germans have been forced to come to grips with sober energy reality after binging on more than half a trillion Euros of so-called “alternative” energy, such as wind turbines and solar panels.  This dramatically increased the price of electricity and created a serious risk of blackouts.

Germany actually just announced plans to reactivate coal plants to provide reserve power and lower the risk of blackouts during the coming winter and years to come.

Bloomberg reports that:

Germany’s coal phase-out plans face a potential setback after the energy regulator predicted the country will need a lot more fossil-fuel power plants on standby to help keep the lights on in the coming years.

The need for so-called reserve capacity to cover shortfalls in wind and solar generation during the 2026/27 winter period is set to reach 9.2 gigawatts, double the amount put aside for the last heating season, the regulator said Tuesday. That’s even more than the 8.3 gigawatts of mainly coal-fired backup deployed in 2022, when Russia curbed pipelined natural gas supplies to Europe.

The solution the German government is pursuing is no solution at all — offsets!

Reuters reports that German  “coal-fired power plans will be reactivated and the government will make proposals by summer next year on how to offset increased carbon dioxide these plants will generate this winter.”

Germany will purchase some kind of offset certificates that will have no meaningful impact on the fact that German coal plants burn brown lignite, which is the dirtiest and least efficient variety of coal.  It is far inferior to the cleaner-burning hard black anthracite mined in America.

The German energy economy has fallen victim to conflicting Green ideologies.

As Germany invested a fortune in wind and solar which are unable to meet its energy needs, it simultaneously shut down clean, safe, functioning nuclear plants that were already paid for.

Germany provides a powerful energy lesson in what not to do.

Will America learn in time?


Craig Rucker

Craig Rucker is a co-founder of CFACT and currently serves as its president. Widely heralded as a leader in the free market environmental, think tank community in Washington, D.C., Rucker is a frequent guest on radio talk shows, written extensively in numerous publications, and has appeared in such media outlets as Fox News, OANN, Washington Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Hill, among many others. Rucker is also the co-producer of the award-winning film “Climate Hustle,” which was the #1 box-office film in America during its one night showing in 2016, as well as the acclaimed “Climate Hustle 2” staring Hollywood actor Kevin Sorbo released in 2020. As an accredited observer to the United Nations, Rucker has also led CFACT delegations to some 30 major UN conferences, including those in Copenhagen, Istanbul, Kyoto, Bonn, Marrakesh, Rio de Janeiro, and Warsaw, to name a few.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.