Premiere Racist Scholar Ibram X. Kendi Under Investigation thumbnail

Premiere Racist Scholar Ibram X. Kendi Under Investigation

By Chrissy Clark

Editors’ Note: This investigation follows the July dismissal of Florida State University professor Eric Stewart, a criminology “scholar” who was found to have faked data and rigged research.

Boston University is investigating the head honcho of “anti-racism” studies, Ibram X. Kendi, according to a reporter from The Boston Globe.

Kendi, who I consider to be the Al Sharpton of the millennials, opened an “anti-racism” center at Boston University in 2020. There’s an investigation into the center following accusations that Kendi mismanaged grant funding, failed to deliver on key projects, and unleashed “employment violence” on staff.

This is the natural consequence of making race-baiting, and not merit, the guiding principle of an education center.

Former employees allege there is “employment violence,” even though no violence allegedly occurred. People are simply unwell and use the word “violence” flippantly. These former employees allege that layoffs are akin to “employment violence.”

This is going exactly as poorly as I expected it to go.


This article was published by The Daily Caller News Foundation and is reproduced with permission.

Image credit: Wikimedia Commons.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

To Whom Do America’s Children Belong?

By Elizabeth Grace Matthew

This week on the West Coast, the San Bernardino Superior Court blocked a policy requiring schools to notify students’ parents if their children change gender identities, names, and/or pronouns. According to California Attorney General Rob Bonta, this ruling “protects kids from harm” by “ensuring the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of inclusivity.”

According to this worldview, in which schools form an intimate attachment with students that by law excludes these minors’ parents, public schools and by extension, the state—not parents—are the best and most natural custodians of children’s well-being.

Meanwhile, in the Midwest, Chicago Teachers Union President Stacy Davis-Gates—who opposes school choice and has called private schools racist and fascist while maintaining that her own children attend Chicago public schools—was recently found to be sending her son to a Catholic high school. In defending this hypocrisy, Davis-Gates stated that youth in Chicago’s poorer, mostly minority neighborhoods have “unfair choices,” given that “in many of our schools on the South side and the West side, the course offerings are very marginal and limited.” Chicago Public Schools spend over $29,000 per student, yet in 2022 80% of students failed to meet reading standards and 85% failed to meet math standards.

According to this worldview, in which school choice is anathema for those without the resources to exercise it sans governmental assistance but perfectly acceptable for those with resources, public schools are the only appropriate place for poor and predominantly minority students. Parents with enough income, by contrast, are apparently permitted to buy parental rights, and then make the same sound educational decisions for their children that parents with fewer resources would make if those like Davis-Gates would only let them.

These phenomena—state-employed adults validated for keeping secrets with other people’s children, and low-income children stuck in failing schools while those that keep them there access better for their own children—reveal that progressive educational activists fundamentally see other people’s children as wards of the state.

This puts such activists profoundly out of step with the bipartisan majority of American parents, who want: (1) to know how their children are identifying in school, and (2) universal school choice.

Given America’s rapidly decreasing fertility rate, and the overwhelming concentration of unmarried non-mothers in the progressive wing of the Democratic party that advocates against these parental interests, one can be forgiven for wondering if we could solve several problems at once were such women to have kids after all.

Not only would the fertility rate tick up, but those invested in children’s “rights” to gender themselves as they see fit without parental knowledge and failing public schools’ “rights” to exert unearned dominion over America’s children would suddenly have an equal stake in the ramifications of these dreadful policies. At least then, they could act in accordance with their alleged beliefs without coopting only other people’s children.

They mostly wouldn’t, though, since parenthood introduces  a reality principle unlike any other. And some of them might even be honest about that.


This article was published by the Independent Women’s Forum and is reproduced with permission.

China’s Communist Party Infiltrates American K-12 Schools

By Robert Williams

The Chinese Communist Party has, or has had, ties to 143 school districts in the United States, including 20 near military bases, through its “Confucius Classrooms.” This means that Chinese state propaganda is probably now pretty much all over American K-12 classrooms.

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has or has had, ties to 143 school districts in the United States, including 20 near military bases, through its “Confucius Classrooms,” according to a recent report, “Little Red Classrooms: China’s Infiltration of American K-12 Schools” by Parents Defending Education (PDE), a grassroots organization.

Confucius Classrooms, are, purportedly, “centers that teach Chinese language and culture.”

According to the book Hidden Hand: Exposing How the Chinese Communist Party is Reshaping the World, by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg:

“Initiated in 2004 as an innocuous way to spread the Party narrative… ostensibly devoted to teaching Chinese language and promoting Chinese culture they are, as former propaganda chief Li Changchun put it, ‘an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up.’”

In 2020, the US Department of State and the US Department of Education warned about the Confucius programs at American colleges and universities, and designated them as foreign agents:

“There is increasing evidence that they are also tools of malign PRC influence and dissemination of CCP propaganda… with the Beijing-based funding that comes with it, [they] can provide an institution with financial and other incentives to abstain from criticizing PRC policies, and may pressure the institution’s faculty to censor themselves.”

Attention to Confucius Institutes has mainly been centered around colleges and universities, but less so on K -12 education. This means that Chinese state propaganda is probably now pretty much all over American K-12 classrooms.

Nicole Neily, president of Parents Defending Education, said recently:

“The alarming evidence uncovered by our investigation should concern parents, educators, and policymakers alike. Families deserve to know who is influencing the American education system so that they can make informed choices about what their children are learning behind closed doors.

“The Trump administration took steps to rein in Confucius Institutes at colleges and universities. It is frightening, however, that no such transparency mandate exists at the K-12 level. Accordingly, it is imperative that elected officials at both the federal and state levels take immediate action to gauge the extent of these programs in order to ensure that American schoolchildren receive a high-quality education free from undue foreign interference.”

PDE observed that more than $17 million had been spent by the CCP on Confucius classrooms in the US between the years 2009-2023. According to PDE:

“Three of the nation’s top science and technology high schools have ties to Chinese government affiliated programs including Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology has had ties to Tsinghua University High School—the high school affiliated with one of China’s top military schools, Tsinghua University…The CCP has had ties to school districts near 20 U.S. military bases. While the United States is not officially part of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, Chinese state media has touted the work done by Confucius Institutes and Confucius Classrooms to further the Chinese Communist Party’s global influence.”

According to Peter Wood, president of the National Association of Scholars, China’s propaganda in American K-12 schools works through omissions and praise of the Communist country that influences how children will see China as they grow up. Wood told the Daily Signal in a recent interview:

“Part of this is simply propagandizing the students so that they learn about China, but they don’t learn about the South China Sea, which is being heavily militarized by China. They don’t learn about the plight of the Uyghurs, the efforts to gauge in organ harvesting, the efforts to suppress Tibet.

“There are in China so many policies that violate human rights and which signal the aggressiveness of the regime there, which has its designs on becoming a worldwide hegemon, that need to be presented to Americans in a softer light.

“So what’s happening in these schools is that they learn that China is a benevolent institution, the heir of an ancient civilization that means nothing but goodwill to the rest of the world…

“And the notion that you can take children who have some aptitude for the hard sciences and math and get them to view China as a potential partner and friend, I think, is very disturbing as well.

“So we have, on one hand, the broad misleading imaging of China, but also the notion that China can be a partner to these students all through their educational careers. We’re creating an assembly line for talented young men and women who will be unable to distinguish the American national interest from the Chinese national interest. They’re getting blurred together at a young age and that’s very difficult to undo once it’s done.” [Emphasis added.]

Wood noted that CCP infiltration of American K-12 schools is “almost everywhere.”

“That is, in every state that we’ve looked at, we have found instances of it, but I would say it’s concentrated in the feeder schools to elite education, which means mostly West Coast and East Coast, but not exclusively those.

“The effort here is, China’s not just spreading around its resources promiscuously across the land. It’s looking for places where buying influence will yield results in the long term. So, it’s widespread, but much more prevalent here on the East Coast and California.”

China’s influence in New York schools, for example, is so prevalent that several Republican Members of Congress from New York sent a letter to New York Governor Kathy Hochul, asking her to take action:

“An alarming new report has exposed how millions of dollars of funding from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) have flowed into America’s K-12 classrooms. Programs vetted and managed by China’s government have infiltrated 34 states and Washington, D.C., which impacts approximately 170,000 students across 143 school districts. Unfortunately, this investigation discovered 12 school systems in our own state have received money from the CCP. This includes the New York City Department of Education, which received $375,575.00 in CCP-connected funding. Considering China’s adversarial relationship with the United States, this is deeply problematic and presents a national security concern for our constituents and state

“We are writing to not only share this dangerous situation, but to request that you address this concerning report and the underlying issue of CCP influence in New York K-12 education.” [Emphasis added.]

Hochul reportedly has close relations with CCP representatives in New York. She has repeatedly met with Huang Ping, China’s New York Consul General, who once described Hochul as “an old friend,” an honorific bestowed on those who have “rendered great services to China,” as Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg write in their book, Hidden Hand.

Huang has denied any Chinese wrongdoing on human rights, Taiwan or the Uyghur concentration camps, which he has said are mere “campuses” for reeducation. Most recently, Hochul sent Elaine Fan, a senior aide who is Director of Asian Affairs at the New York State Governor’s Executive Chamber, to participate in an annual Chinese propaganda event, known as “An Evening of Chinese Culture” jointly hosted by the New York Mets and the Sino-American Friendship Association, a CCP-linked outfit.

Perhaps it is time for a deep-dive investigation by the US House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party, chaired by Rep. Mike Gallagher.


This article was published by the Gatestone Institute and is reproduced with permission.

CANADA: Massive Anti-Woke/Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity March in Ottawa [Videos] thumbnail

CANADA: Massive Anti-Woke/Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity March in Ottawa [Videos]

By Vlad Tepes Blog

The story details can be read at at RAIR Foundation along with the full complement of videos and photos published so far.

Here are a few of the videos just to give a sense of what went on yesterday on Parliament Hill and the march around the Downtown core area.

This is the back of what could be called a teeming throng of people walking down Elgin St. I liked the guy with the Wokeism is Marxism sign. I think I did an interview with him. Will look and see if I can find it.

Like with all our Rumble videos, please click on the little gear on the bottom and select the highest quality bitrate offered to get the best look.

Here is the second interview with Kamel El-Chiekh we did after he noticed a few hundred union led, rabid leftists had arrived to counter-protest. The first one is available at the RAIR article linked above.

Here is a look at the crowd of protestors coming back to the Hill from the South West up Wellington. Also the leftists on the South side of Wellington. Try and compare these videos with the Maoist narrative attack materials the MSM spews at us about this and all related events.

A woman dressed in the manner of a religious Muslim, suggested her two sons come and offer me an on camera statement. This is the older of the two boys. He was very impressive. You can see both at RAIR.

Over the next few days hopefully we will get a chance to see more video from the MSM and do a more in depth expose of the nature of media in the United Socialist Provinces of Canada. To be clear: At this point the media is not even just enemy propaganda anymore. It is in fact dialectical weaponry. Very sophisticated engines of political warfare. We see it in the way they report, lie, misrerpresent, but mostly in the language they use to frame an issue. They do this in such a way as to even be able to show a person they wish to discredit speaking their own truth to a degree, while framing it in language to make him look like a Nazi camp commandant. Sometimes subtle just to create or confirm a prejudice in the mind of the observer, and sometimes more bluntly, getting an interview to follow which does it for them.

There is more on this and it will be published as the need arrises. The Laura Lynn interview with CBC mentioned in another post as an example. Please do leave your own thoughts and observations in the comments. Both if you were at one of these events, but also if you have seen some or a lot of the MSM reporting on the events and what impression you got from it.


I’m excited to announce the launch of the official Women for Trump Coalition!

President Trump is a champion for the dignity of women and trusts the science: there are only TWO genders Male & Female.

He also believes women are exclusively FEMALE.


— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) September 21, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by  Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: How the Chinese Communist Party is Influencing U.S. Classrooms thumbnail

PODCAST: How the Chinese Communist Party is Influencing U.S. Classrooms

By The Daily Signal

A Republican congressman is speaking out about how the Chinese Communist Party is influencing U.S. classrooms.

“Well, they come in, and they sort of soft-pedal their propaganda, but yet, they also whitewash history by eliminating Taiwan,” says Rep. Aaron Bean, R-Fla., chairman of the House Education and the Workforce Committee’s early childhood, elementary, and secondary education subcommittee.

“You can’t talk about Taiwan. You can’t talk about Tiananmen Square. You can’t talk about the Uyghurs. You can’t talk about Tibet, the Dalai Lama—all these things that they are influencing and really trying to grasp the young minds of young students to say how great China is,” adds Bean, who was elected to Congress last November.

Bean joins today’s episode of “The Daily Signal Podcast” to discuss a hearing his subcommittee held Tuesday, “Academic Freedom Under Attack: Loosening the CCP’s Grip on America’s Classrooms”; the Confucius Classrooms located throughout the U.S.; and what’s at stake if the U.S. isn’t able to counter the communist regime’s influence in American classrooms.

Listen to the podcast below or read the lightly edited transcript:

Samantha Aschieris: Today I have the honor of welcoming Rep. Aaron Bean of Florida’s 4th Congressional District to “The Daily Signal Podcast.” Rep. Bean was elected to Congress in 2022 and is the chairman of the subcommittee on early childhood, elementary, and secondary education. Congressman, thanks so much for joining us.

Rep. Aaron Bean: Samantha, what an honor it is to be here in your studio.

Aschieris: Of course. Now, earlier this week on Tuesday, your subcommittee held a hearing titled “Academic Freedom Under Attack: Loosening the CCP’s Grip on America’s Classrooms.” In your opening remarks, you said that the influence of the Chinese Communist Party is rampant in America’s classrooms and that over 500 K-12 schools across the United States have allowed the CCP to establish itself in their halls under the guise of Confucius Classrooms. First and foremost, tell us a little bit more about Confucius Classrooms.

Bean: So, first of all, China has been aggressively maneuvering itself in the world for decades. And I like to tell everybody, I think America has first woken up to the aggressive nature of the Communist Chinese Party. The wake-up call came in the form of a Chinese spy balloon and now Americans are waking up.

So this conversation and study came from a report from a group called Parents Defending Education. They found 143 of what’s called Confucius Institutes, which some, it’s under the guise, the disguise is it’s a goodwill move by China to put a cultural center. They give money, they give volunteers to teach the language and the culture. But what we’ve discovered, it’s just a front to spread propaganda by the Communist Chinese Party.

Aschieris: Can you speak more to between this report and what we heard at the hearing on Tuesday, how the CCP is influencing our classrooms?

Bean: Well, they come in and they soft-pedal their propaganda, but yet, they also whitewash history by eliminating Taiwan. You can’t talk about Taiwan. You can’t talk about Tiananmen Square. You can’t talk about the Uyghurs. You can’t talk about Tibet, the Dalai Lama. All these things that they are influencing and really trying to grasp the young minds of young students to say how great China is.

So we are raising that alarm. We’re raising the red flag, really, to let everybody know this is happening and schools need to be aware of what’s going on.

Aschieris: Just regarding the conversation, we’ve had Nicole Neily, actually, who was a witness on Tuesday on the show before to talk about the report that you referenced, “Little Red Classrooms.” Why was it important for you to not only host this hearing but also bring attention to this issue?

Bean: Well, let’s call Nicole Neily what she is. She’s a fireball, a fireball for freedom. She stood courageously to say, “This is happening, America. Let’s wake up.” Because we just ignore it. So many people ignore it. It’s important to know.

She also has flagged—it’s a red flag, by the way, so let’s be clear what that is as well. A red flag on, they’re really focused on schools surrounding our military bases. So they’re focused on kids, the sons and daughters of our service men and women, at these bases. So they know exactly what they’re doing.

People like Nicole Neily and Parents Defending Education have, I guess, raised that flag and said, “This is happening America. We all need to be aware of it. Schools need to be aware of it.”

I’m going to tell you the biggest shocker. The biggest shocker for me—you were there. You were there, Samantha. You were there and you watched the hearing. I guess I’m a naive new congressman. I’ve been there nine months now. We came in and there is a lot of fighting between parties and I keep thinking, “What issue, what issue is going to bring us together?”

Whenever our committee was two days ago, I would’ve bet the farm that this issue, China invading America through our classrooms, you know what? This is going to be the issue that brings parties together. Shocker. They were on the other side. Democrats seem to excuse it or say it’s Asian American racism. They ignore the problem and how we want to welcome culture and how important it is to learn the language.

So this is not the issue that brought the parties together. So thank goodness there were a lot of folks like Dr. Virginia Foxx who stood up for freedom, Lisa McLean, Burgess Owens, so many other patriots. Mary Miller stood up and said that we need to call the Chinese what they are, propagandists trying to take the minds of American youth.

Aschieris: You just brought up the military bases with these Confucius Classrooms surrounding them. I think, if I’m remembering correctly, at least in the “Little Red Classrooms” report, there were 20 that they were able to identify around the military bases. In terms of what you were talking about in your opening statement with the 500 K-12 schools, where are some of those located throughout the country?

Bean: They’re in 34 states. So you think, if you’re listening in, there’s a great chance that your state has one or two in them.

To call attention to it—Oklahoma had a handful. We heard from Ryan Walker yesterday, who’s one of the senior leaders in education in Oklahoma, that they started having a requirement that if you’re accepting money from foreign influences, particularly China, then everyone needs to know it, and he’s had success with reporting requirements.

That’s something that we need to study going forward to make sure that maybe that’s an option to prevent, or at least let everybody know this is what’s happening.

Aschieris: Absolutely. Something I also wanted to highlight from the hearing that you talked about were the risks associated with Confucius Classrooms. You talked about how they’re threatening America’s national geopolitical and academic interests. First and foremost, let’s talk about national security. What are the risks associated with Confucius Classrooms in relation to national security?

Bean: Well, we’re allowing our enemy—and let’s be clear, China is moving as an adversary. They are making strategic moves around the globe to thwart American influence. They’re buying up mining rights in Africa and South America, these countries to dominate a lot of the rare earth minerals that are the future of our production. They know exactly what they’re doing, and so we need to wake up.

They’re promoting apps like TikTok that record and spy on our young people and everybody that is on those types of platforms. So all this information can and perhaps could be used against us and maneuvers going forward, as they’re getting aggressive and they’re maneuvering. So that is definitely a national concern for us.

Aschieris: Also, just to continue on with geopolitical interests, if you could speak more to that?

Bean: Well, we just need to be aware. They told us when this Chinese spy balloon, the administration said, “Oh, don’t be alarmed.” First of all, it was a weather balloon. Then it was just simply off course. Then it was just following the winds, but yet it always seemed to hover over our military bases and just long enough to take multiple pictures. In Montana for some of our missile sites, I think it circled more than three times to make sure it got the clear pictures. Only when it left airspace did we shoot it down.

We were told, Samantha, we were told, “Don’t worry. They’re not recording. They’re not taking pictures. They’re not doing anything.” They were. Oh, we were told, “Don’t worry. They’re not transmitting in real time.” They were.

So this administration, and that’s another discussion of why they didn’t shoot down the spy balloon immediately, are they compromised? That’s another conversation, too. It certainly has raised America’s attention that China is not a friend.

Aschieris: Then just finally, academic interests, if you could expand on this and just walk us through what you talked about on Tuesday’s hearing with regard to academic interests?

Bean: Well, they want to rewrite history. China wants to rewrite history and China wants to whitewash history. We want to be clear today, and so your listeners know, we are not trying to be at war with the Chinese people. We’re not trying to push back against the rich culture of China. But it’s the government. The government is the one that’s actively being aggressive and trying to, as all the things we mentioned that you can’t talk about Taiwan and Tiananmen Square.

We heard Rep. Brandon Williams from New York who was in China at the time Tiananmen Square went down and he also has a great story to tell of how that went down. Now, that’s erased from history if you’re in China, because we know they’re not about freedom. They’re about control. Our heart aches for the 1.4 billion people that are under the control of tyranny and repression.

So that’s something that we’re standing up to. That’s something that we’re raising the red flag to, and hopefully the hearing brought attention.

Samantha, I think we’re already at a success. If you and this podcast are spreading that message, we’re raising the flag that everybody needs to know that China needs to be watched. They’re an aggressor, they’re not our friend, they’re an agitator, and we need to put them in a corner.

Aschieris: What’s at stake if we aren’t able, in the United States, to counter this influence of the Chinese Communist Party in our own classrooms?

Bean: It’s only going to grow. Their influence is only going to grow. Another topic on another podcast, we can talk about their infiltration of higher ed, of the universities that have accepted money from the Communist Chinese Party. What happens there? They continue to spread their influence.

They also, Samantha, they steal our stuff. They steal our technology. We’ve had hearings on college campuses how they come in and they’ll have a donor that will give this college money, but they always want to focus it on the computer lab or on the quantum physics department or whatnot. They get their hooks into that technology, and whatever comes out, they steal it.

So we’re also telling universities that they need to be keenly aware that China’s on the move. We just don’t need to sell out for money. We need to be aware that this is going to have long-term impacts on our country if we’re not aware of it.

Aschieris: Absolutely. Congressman, just before we go, what are the next steps? We have this hearing on Tuesday. We had the witnesses come forward, with regard to the “Little Red Classrooms” report. What happens now?

Bean: I think we’re going to look at legislation just to have reporting requirements, that everybody that’s accepted money from foreign influence needs to report it. It needs to be widely known who’s doing what and what they’re up to, and then really examine China who’s been aggressively doing this. So we need to let everybody know that they’re out there, they’re on the prowl, and so we need to be aware.

So maybe, I don’t know, in the coming months, this is something that will be introduced. Dr. Foxx has talked about it, our committee has talked about it, and hopefully we’ll have a product. We’ve got work to do, because I’ve already mentioned there were people in our committee that refuse to acknowledge that this is even a problem.

Aschieris: With that, I just wanted to give you opportunity, final thoughts. If there’s anything, key takeaways that you want our audience members to know about Confucius Classrooms and the work that your subcommittee is doing.

Bean: You’ve got a lot of people that want to keep our country free and strong and to be aware that there are countries, bad actors that want to harm us as a country. And so I think you’ve got a lot of patriots in Congress that are working to do that.

I want to thank you. That committee, Samantha, you get credit for sticking around. That was a very long committee. We heard from a lot of people. For you to stick with us and then to talk about it on this podcast is certainly appreciated and to be commended.

Aschieris: Of course. Well, we appreciate you coming into the studio. It’s such an important topic that we will certainly be continuing to follow. Congressman Aaron Bean of Florida’s 4th congressional District, thanks so much for joining us.

Bean: Thanks, Samantha. Have a great day.


Samantha Aschieris

Samantha Aschieris is a senior news producer for The Daily Signal.

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona State University Releases Report Over Conservative Event Backlash

By Cameron Arcand

After Arizona State University released a report suggesting there was “no evidence” of a campaign to smear an event featuring conservative speakers, one Republican state senator is not satisfied with the outcome.

The T.W. Lewis Center at the school hosted an event in February with conservative media personalities Dennis Prager and Charlie Kirk, as well as financial author Robert Kiyosaki. The event sparked backlash from some faculty at Barrett, the Honors College, and some students. Following the intense backlash, Tom Lewis pulled funding for the center and its executive director, Ann Atkinson, lost her job, alleging she was fired.

“The university’s review found the kind of passionate discussion and debate that the First Amendment celebrates, followed by a successful event where the invited speakers reached tens of thousands of audience members,” the report states. “Answering the allegations brought by Ms. Atkinson, the university’s review did not find evidence that Barrett faculty ran a “national condemnation campaign.” A campaign is a systematic and coordinated effort to achieve a specific outcome.”

However, the university did acknowledge that there was a letter signed by faculty, along with other public opposition to the event.

“As Section 4 of this report indicates, while more than 30 Barrett faculty members signed a letter written to their dean to strongly oppose the event, our review revealed no evidence that Barrett faculty engaged in a coordinated national campaign of activities such as hiring a public relations firm, writing editorials in national publications, soliciting support from local or national media figures, soliciting news media coverage, soliciting support from political organizations, or communicating with donors,” the report continues.

Sen. Anthony Kern, R-Glendale, doesn’t buy their findings.

“We appear to have a case of the fox guarding the henhouse with ASU’s attempts to write off the seriousness of these claims,” Kern said in a statement Monday. “While it’s unfortunate ASU’s administrators chose to take this approach with their investigation, it’s not unexpected. I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt that they would in fact own up to some of the serious problems that stifled free speech for students on campus under their watch, however, their complicity calls for further action from state legislators.”

As there was a legislative hearing on the matter in July, Kern said he will be having another hearing soon to sift through the report.

I look forward to hosting a follow-up committee hearing in the coming weeks where lawmakers will review this report together, hear additional testimony, and discuss making policy changes to prevent similar situations from unfolding in the future. This issue is not unique to Arizona State University, as we’re hearing instances of free speech infringement on campuses around the nation. It is our obligation as lawmakers to take action now,” he added.

In response to the report, Atkinson posted a poll to X, formerly known as Twitter, asking users if they were surprised at the university’s conclusion.

“ASU completed its ‘investigation’ over its handling of the Barrett free speech crisis and Health, Wealth & Happiness,” she posted. “After investigating itself, ASU remains steadfast in its denial of wrongdoing.”


This article was published by The Center Square and is reproduced with permission.

Student Group Sues West Point Over Race-Based Admissions thumbnail

Student Group Sues West Point Over Race-Based Admissions

By The Daily Caller

Students for Fair Admissions (SFFA) filed a lawsuit against the military academy West Point Tuesday alleging that the school is violating the Fifth Amendment’s equal protection clause by using race-based admissions policies.

The Supreme Court ruled against Harvard and the University of North Carolina in June in a 6-3 decision, arguing that a “student must be treated based on his or her experiences as an individual—not on the basis of race.” SFFA, who represented the plaintiffs in the previous cases, sued the military academy, arguing that the Supreme Court’s decision should apply to all schools.

“Over the years, courts have been mindful of the military’s unique role in our nation’s life and the distinctive considerations that come with it,” Edward Blum, president of SFFA said in a press release. “However, no level of deference justifies these polarizing and disliked racial classifications and preferences in admissions to West Point or any of our service academies.”

The lawsuit argues that instead of basing admissions on “objective metrics and leadership potential” the academy’s administrators had instead opted for discriminating on the basis of race. It notes the school’s “benchmarks” for the amount of students in each class that should be made up of  “African Americans,” “Hispanics,” and “Asians.”

“Because skin color can be—and often is—a decisive factor for successful applicants who are chosen from those congressional nominee pools, it is equally dispositive for the other qualified nominees who are turned away,” SFFA argues. “Put differently, because race is a ‘positive’ factor for some West Point applicants, it is necessarily a ‘negative’ factor for others.”

SFFA criticized the military’s justification for the racial quotas, saying that these kinds of policies insinuate that all minorities think alike. The lawsuit also dismissed the academy’s claim that these policies were needed in order to gain legitimacy in a “diverse nation,” noting that a country’s military should not be considered trustworthy only because of its racial make up.

The lawsuit asks that the court issue a “declaratory judgment that West Point’s use of race in admissions is unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment” and that it grant a preliminary injunction barring the academy from enforcing the policy while the lawsuit goes through the court system.

“Because the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent opinion in the SFFA cases expressly forbids all institutions of higher education from using race in admissions decisions, it must follow that the U. S. military higher education institutions must end their race-based policies as well,” Blum said.

West Point did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





University Faces Civil Rights Complaint For Race-Base Scholarship Program

Former L.A. County Superintendent on Why America’s Education Is Tanking

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Teachers’ Unions vs. Teachers, Parents, and Children: The NEA and AFT thumbnail

Teachers’ Unions vs. Teachers, Parents, and Children: The NEA and AFT

By Aaron Withe

Summary: All government unions are profoundly harmful, but the most damaging are the teachers’ unions. Since 2020, they have lobbied and agitated successfully to keep kids out of schools—and keep their members receiving a paycheck despite not showing up at work. They have forced children to wear masks for eight hours a day despite the absence of scientific evidence in favor of this policy. They have inflicted sex education, often in graphic and offensively inappropriate detail, upon fourth graders. They have begun the implementation of Critical Race Theory (CRT), which teaches children to segregate themselves based on race or the color of their skin. But the shock of COVID-19 and the resulting overreaction of the education establishment so upset and disarranged the education landscape that things once thought impossible have now drifted into the range of possibility.

All government unions are profoundly harmful, but the most damaging are the teachers’ unions. Since 2020, they have lobbied and agitated successfully to keep kids out of schools—and keep their members receiving a paycheck despite not showing up at work. They have forced children to wear masks for eight hours a day despite the absence of scientific evidence in favor of this policy—and they have done so while their leader’s party and frolic, maskless, with the likes of Barack Obama. They have inflicted sex education, often in graphic and offensively inappropriate detail, upon fourth graders. They have begun the implementation of Critical Race Theory (CRT), which teaches children to segregate themselves based on race or the color of their skin. Martin Luther King, who dreamed of a world in which our children are measured by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin, must be rolling in his grave.

I’ve always said that a good measure of a society is how well it treats its most vulnerable citizens. When we started closing schools, we said that we care more about the perceived threat of COVID-19 to adults than we care about the mental health of children.

The NEA and AFT

Between them, the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers have nearly five million members. Their national associations report annual revenues of approximately $370 million and $200 million, respectively, which are drawn overwhelmingly from dues paid by those members, and that doesn’t include the hundreds of millions in revenue that their local affiliates collect.

The Bigfoot lobbyists of the NEA and AFT want more when it comes to spending, as lobbies invariably do, but they are frequently found in a negative posture, for no one hates the idea of reform quite as much as a teachers’ union.

Vouchers, charter schools, education savings accounts, merit pay for teachers…you name it, the teachers’ unions are against it. Anything that promises to empower parents and raise the quality of public education is like poison to these characters. AFT president Randi Weingarten & Co. fear reform the way that an unsightly wart fears the dermatologist.

The NEA’s office in Washington, DC is just up Sixteenth Street from the White House, an indication of how much proximity to power means to these “educators.” Although it once prided itself on being a “professional association,” by 1976 the increasingly politicized NEA was ready to make its first presidential endorsement. Despite his campaign pledge to streamline the federal government and sharply reduce the number of agencies, Jimmy Carter made a whopping exception for the Department of Education.

The establishment of the US Department of Education (DOE) in 1979 was largely a payoff to the National Education Association, which vigorously supported Carter in his successful 1976 campaign for the presidency. Curiously, the rival American Federation of Teachers opposed the creation of the DOE—not out of any high principle, but because the AFT feared it would be cut out of the NEA-dominated action.

Substantial opposition to this new department existed among key advisers within the Carter administration, who regarded it as just another superfluous bureaucracy. Much of the liberal press was cool to the idea; the Washington Post and New York Times editorialized against it as “a cynical payoff to the NEA.” But Congress had warmed to the idea. As historian Gareth Davies noted in his account of education politics, the previously apolitical NEA had contributed to the campaigns of 350 congressional candidates in 1978, over 80 percent of whom had won.

The union paid good money to buy these politicians, and most of them stayed bought. The House of Representatives approved this bureaucratic monstrosity in 1979 by a tight vote of 215–201, and President Carter signed it with an embarrassing puppy-dog eagerness. A tough reelection loomed, and the Carter campaign was now “a wholly owned subsidiary of the NEA,” in the harsh verdict of Democratic New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan.

Not that the union disagreed with Senator Moynihan’s characterization. After the DOE was born, an NEA official bragged, “We’re the only union with our own Cabinet department.”

Teachers are paid based on the number of years they’ve worked at the job and the number of credits they’ve accumulated in continuing education classes. Their skill as teachers and the amount of learning the children in their care have done, have absolutely zero effect on their salary. Should the school district be forced to tighten its belt, the outstanding young teacher will get a pink slip while the lazy deadwood protected by tenure keeps collecting a paycheck.

In protecting their worst members, government unions such as the NEA punish the talented and push one and all toward the mediocre middle. Their goal is to keep everyone at the 50th percentile, which in practice means dragging down the best and shielding the poorest performers from suffering any consequences for their bad work.

Ideally, the worst government employees—say, the bottom 5 percent—would be fired, and the best would receive raises and other rewards. Unfortunately, the contracts negotiated under collective bargaining do not allow this. They operate on a one-size-fits-all principle that is always and everywhere the enemy of creativity and justice.

No wonder a public school principal in New York City acidly observed the AFT president: “Randi Weingarten would protect a dead body in the classroom. That’s her job.”

This is unfair to good teachers, and it is a crime against children. The ballyhooed education reform movements that have arisen for the last forty years, from a 1983 blue-ribbon panel’s A Nation at Risk report to President Barack Obama’s modest proposal to expand charter schools and teacher evaluation, have mostly run aground for one overriding reason: the power of teachers’ unions.


This article was published by Capital Research and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

ERASING GIRLS: Male crowned homecoming queen, beating out four other girls in Missouri school thumbnail

ERASING GIRLS: Male crowned homecoming queen, beating out four other girls in Missouri school

By Dr. Rich Swier

TERRIBLE. The left hates women.

BREAKING: Male crowned homecoming queen, beating out four other girls in Missouri school

By: Libs of TikTok, Sep 18, 2023:

Oak Park High School students in Kansas City, Missouri just got sent a message loud and clear: boys are just better at things than girls are. Even at being a girl. Tristan Young, a male student who identifies as a female, was crowned the homecoming queen this week. He beat out four lovely female candidates because actually identifying as the gender that you are is like, sooo 2010.

Believe it or not, this isn’t the first time a transgender student was named Homecoming Queen at Oak Park High School. Back in 2015, a different boy who identified as a girl snagged the title.

We spoke with a parent in the district who asked to remain anonymous and she was disgusted by the district’s actions. She told us, “I’m appalled by NKC Schools’ continued support of the LGBT agenda. NKC Schools says they are “Champions for All Students” yet by embracing radical political statements like this they not only indoctrinate children, but they are placing certain student populations over others. Having two homecoming “queens” that are boys is a disgrace to the NKC Schools community. I hope more parents, community members and district employees start speaking out and start protecting children.”

This insane gender rhetoric not only teaches women and girls that men do things better, but also that a man who identifies as a woman is somehow more deserving of recognition and accomplishments in women’s spaces.

Another parent told us, “As a woman, it breaks my heart to see these girls get passed over and a man stealing what is rightfully theirs. As a parent I’m enraged that the school district is celebrating this on all of their social media accounts (conveniently locking down comments). On the other hand I’m broken-hearted because I know the students voted for him. Although Kansas City is a liberal leaning area of Missouri it is still more conservative than most cities. I don’t know how we’ve reached this point or how to turn it around.“

Imagine a little girl who dreams of being crowned homecoming queen one day when she’s older. Fast forward to high school, she gets nominated. Yay! She knows that she might not win, but to lose to a guy? Seriously? What could be more insulting? And even worse, confusing.

Predictably, the district limited replies and hid comments. If they’re so proud of embracing this radical gender ideology, why are they trying to hide?

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


Wisconsin school district defends offering kids guides to anal sex and sex kinks

How A Democrat’s Porno Sexcapade Could Sink The Party In A Swing State

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Wisconsin School District Defends Offering Kid’s Guides to Anal Sex and Sex Kinks thumbnail

Wisconsin School District Defends Offering Kid’s Guides to Anal Sex and Sex Kinks

By The Geller Report

The district said the content passed the “selection guidelines.” It’s pedophilia, it’s predatory, it’s sick.

BREAKING: WI school district defends offering kids guides to anal sex and sex kinks, claims the content passed the “selection guidelines”

By: Libs of TikTok, September 3, 2023:Sep 3

Thanks to an email tip from a concerned parent, we did a deep dive into the books the Kenosha Unified School District is providing their students. What we found in their libraries and heard from their leaders is truly shocking.

So after sifting through their library, we reached out to the school with our findings: Our email to the district.

“This Book Is Gay” teaches students how to have gay sex and how to use a gay sex hookup app to meet up with others. It also includes a guide to sex kinks and fetishes such as peeing on each other and eating poop. It’s available as an eBook, students just need to login and can check it out digitally.

Sample pages from “This Book Is Gay” here.

Full guide to sex kinks, anal sex, sex toys, and more found in ‘This Book Is Gay”

“Let’s Talk About It” Is a guide to watching porn online and using sex toys with extremely graphic depictions of sex.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: ERASING GIRLS: Male crowned homecoming queen, beating out four other girls in Missouri school

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Canadian Muslims hold ‘Million Man March’ Against State-Sexualization of Children thumbnail

VIDEO: Canadian Muslims hold ‘Million Man March’ Against State-Sexualization of Children

By Vlad Tepes Blog

A planned, ‘Million Man March’ against state-sexualization of children with all its subcategories is planned for Wednesday morning across various Canadian cities. The planning was by a Muslim community leader, and is not without internal drama, although I don’t know the specifics. In any case, one of our readers posted this about (the state thugs with the illusion of a degree of separation such as) ANTIFA etc. who are planning a counter-protest. This is interesting as so far, whenever Muslims protest SOGI or any of the other hideous state programs to remind parents that the state has total control of children, right up to sexually mutilating them and sterilizing them without parents even having the right to argue privately to the children that maybe this is a bad idea, the media and leftists ignore it, figuring that in classic Marxist thinking, if no one knows the Muslims are protesting these policies, then the state-dialectic that Muslims are a victim group along with all the various sexual-deviations from the norm are a united front against classical Western thought.

The dialectic is that the revolutionaries refer to as, “racists, Islamophobes, bigots, haters, transphobes” and every other kind of rhetorical device used to silence and ideally, destroy, de-bank and so on, anyone with counter-revolutionary views using Repressive Tolerance and Discourse theory

To be clear, one must look at the entire issue as one of total Hegelian-Marxist revolution Vs. classical civilization including, and especially the method of thought deployed and how policies are created from that method of thought. We are Socratic. We believe there is an objective reality that can be determined through reason, evidence and logic, at least to a degree, and that policies can be created for the greater good as applied to the individual. Much in the sense that a pilot knows that if he can get down and off the aircraft safely, chances are so will his passengers. The new way, at least for North America, is the Hegelian standard. “And the state shall be unto like a God that bestrides the land”.

If ANTIFA and other revolutionaries under whatever rubric they claim, decide to show up and intimidate what is supposed to be mostly Muslims protesting SOGI, it means they have a strategy for regurgitating the event to the public in cooperation with the media. Either the media will not show it at all, or carefully tailer the footage to make sure that they show only non-Muslims as targets of the revolutionary thugs so they can present it in the manner in accordance with the usual dialectic. In any case, learning about it by CBC and comparing it to footage here or on Twitter or whatnot should be interesting. Twitter however buries a lot of posts it seems. In one post I did, I wrote as a 3 word part discussing solutions, “Grannies not Trannies” in terms of the program of transsexuals and transvestites reading to kids and it was suppressed for hate speech. One can be confident that any post suggesting Trump supporters not be allowed to do something, would not be treated this way. So be cautious with Twitter as well.

It is also quite likely that this is fake. The people are real, and their views, most likely are what is presented. But that they intentionally leaked this as disinformation (deliberate falsehoods intended to damage a target as opposed to naïve spreading of it by those who fall for it which is misinformation) as they include “Islamophobia” as one of the reasons they want to counter-protest when it is Muslims who are organizing the event.

There is simply NO WAY they would not know that this is in fact organized by a Muslim community leader.

If you go to around 21 minutes you can hear the tactic. She names the groups they want to protect. This means this video was likely created and released to maintain the illusion that there are two groups: Every possible victim of Western civ, including Muslims, Vs. evil white supremacist-colonialists. I add colonialists because of the excessive land claims statement at the beginning of the zoom, which clearly is meant to replace any form of national allegiance or pledge to the crown or nation-state. So there is the dialectic. The video itself is the weapon. They cannot show up and counter-protest and be seen to be against people who will be conspicuously Islamic in appearance and clothing. Instead, they leak a video which continues the narrative that Muslims are victims of counter-revolutionaries as much as ‘trans-kids’ are. This would be in keeping with Leftist thought and tactics. One imagines that we will know on Wednesday. For all we can know, there are more layers of disinformation and the tactical use of words involved. Perhaps that could explain some of the behind the scenes drama betwixt the organizers. No details on that have been provided though.

This is said to be a complete transcription of the video, although we have not checked it.

Here is an interesting paragraph demonstrating they are aware of the issue of who organized the march and are hiding it to preserve the dialectic of Islam and sexual deviant groups together Vs. who they have sculpted as the acceptable villains.

What is unique about this is that it’s now being under the guise of being led by parents, it’s being led by the guise of being led by religious faith, and it’s being led by religious faith and some sort of ethnic communities. And we need to be very sure that we make sure that our response is based on the hate and not on the people. And it’s a very easy way to divide many diverse communities by pitting us against each other.

The slide presentation in this video is also useful.

And here is the recording. It’s boring in the beginning but gets better RE:
“Breaking News- I have just been given a super private/secret recording of a joint union meeting held Sept 16, 2023 to organize strategic attacks & counter-protests against those parents, grandparents…

— Odessa Orlewicz (@OdessaOrlewicz) September 16, 2023

To be clear on who the people created as targets of acceptable, even mandatory hate, watch this short clip from the Trans-march in Ottawa from this summer:

CUPE Ontario appears to be recruiting for the counter-protests which is data suggesting the organization of the counter-protest is real and the video may in fact be a real leak. So hard to tell these days.

The ultra-conservative right has organized nationwide events under the pretext of protecting children, while their true aim is to protest the teaching of 2SLGBTQIA+ content in schools.

Our mission is clear: to counter these protests and demonstrate unequivocally that there is no…

— CUPE Ontario (@CUPEOntario) September 16, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Academic Whose Work Was Cited As Proof Of ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Fired For Falsifying Research thumbnail

Academic Whose Work Was Cited As Proof Of ‘Systemic Racism’ Is Fired For Falsifying Research

By Shawn Fleetwood

‘The narrative of police genocide of African Americans turned out … to be complete nonsense,’ said Wilfred Reilly.

Florida State University professor whose work was foundational to perpetuating the false narrative that there is widespread “systemic racism” infecting American society has been fired for falsifying data in his academic research on the subject.

In a recently resurfaced report from last month, the New York Post revealed that Eric Stewart, an FSU criminology professor, had been fired by the university “on account of ‘extreme negligence’ in his research,” as well as “incompetence” and producing “false results” in his nearly 20 years of work.

“I do not see how you can teach our students to be ethical researchers or how the results of future research projects conducted by you could be deemed as trustworthy,” FSU Provost James Clark wrote in a July 13 letter formally notifying Stewart of his firing.

According to the Post, Stewart has had six studies published in major academic journals between 2003 and 2019 that were “fully retracted,” including a 2019 study claiming the historical legacy of lynchings “made whites perceive blacks as criminals, and that the problem was worse among conservatives.”

Stewart’s retracted research also included claims that racial disparities in criminal sentencing are racially motivated. In a 2015 study, for instance, Stewart suggested Americans supported tougher sentencing for Hispanics because they feared an increase in the U.S. Latino population and Latinos’ potential economic success.

Other retracted studies include a 2018 analysis which “suggested that white Americans view black and Latino people as ‘criminal threats,’ and suggested that perceived threat could lead to ‘state-sponsored social control,’” the Post added.

Clark indicated in his letter that Stewart’s other published works are “in doubt.”

Rather than own up to his actions, Stewart has since attempted to play the victim card and attacked Justin Pickett, a former FSU graduate student who reported Stewart for his unethical conduct. Following the launch of the investigation into his work in 2020, Stewart, who is black, claimed that by raising concerns about his faulty research, Pickett had “essentially lynched [him] and [his] academic character.”

In addition to his $190,000 annual salary at FSU, Stewart’s projects received millions in research grants from major groups and government agencies. According to the Post, the National Institute of Mental Health — which falls under the National Institute of Health — reportedly gave Stewart $3.2 million to research “how African Americans transition into adulthood.”

Stewart also reportedly received funds from the National Science Foundation, the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice, and the National Institute of Justice, a subsidiary of the Department of Justice.

The discovery of Stewart’s falsified research and his subsequent firing is significant to understanding the left’s ongoing war on American police officers. As noted by Wilfred Reilly, an associate professor at Kentucky State University, Stewart is “[p]robably THE academic [figure] responsible” for the debunked narrative that so-called “systemic racism” plagues U.S. police departments throughout the country.

According to Google Scholar, for instance, Stewart’s questionable — and in several cases, categorically false — works have garnered more than 8,500 citations by other researchers. Stewart’s “research” has been used as a pretext by other academics, regime-approved media, and Democrat politicians to smear America’s on-the-ground law enforcement officers as inherently “racist” towards non-white Americans.

“The point [of this story] is that one of the [main] guys who built up the entire narrative of ‘wokeness’ just made it up,” Reilly told The Federalist. “Throughout the entire kind of racial reckoning, one of the things that I and others … have noticed is that these stories [about police brutality against black Americans] keep collapsing. The narrative of police genocide of African Americans turned out … to be complete nonsense.”

Reilly also referenced research conducted by the Manhattan Institute’s Heather Mac Donald, whose analyses of publicly available data have debunked leftists’ narrative that there is an epidemic of police killing unarmed black Americans. In a USA Today article published a few months after George Floyd’s death, for instance, Mac Donald noted how even data from The Washington Post’s database of fatal police shootings dispels such claims and predicted that “[r]educing police resources will ultimately result in poorer service to the law-abiding residents of high-crime areas.”

Mac Donald’s forecast ultimately came true. While the rise of Black Lives Matter and Democrat-generated attacks on police began under the Obama administration, it was Floyd’s death that ushered in a new era of the left’s war on America’s police. Democrat politicos and their legacy media allies quickly hijacked Floyd’s death to normalize street violence committed by their communist foot soldiers.

The left’s perpetuation of the false “systemic racism in policing” narrative and their subsequent actions not only killed people such as David Dorn, but countless others who suffered because their Democrat-run cities defunded local law enforcement.

Following Floyd’s death and the anti-police back it launched, there was a significant spike in overall murders, especially affecting black victims. According to Reilly, such statistics don’t interest groups like Black Lives Matter because “a focus on things that might actually correlate with a high loss of black life … [is] not what the movement was about.”

BLM “was about using outlier conflict between blacks and whites to get money,” Reilly said. “The whole idea was to take these very isolated, white cop or white vigilantes on black male cases and present them as normal. They did that for a while. It turned out not to be real and they’ve pulled back from the scene, now as the owners of some nice properties. And now we’re left to clean up the mess.”


This article was published at The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The Unconscionable Surge At The Border Must End thumbnail

The Unconscionable Surge At The Border Must End

By Dr. Thomas Patterson

The immigration crisis is crushing New York City. According to ABC7 news, last week alone 2900 new “asylum seekers” entered one of the city’s 200 new emergency shelters.

Mayor Eric Adams says the city spends $383 per day per family on food, shelter and other expenses, which are deemed the migrants’ right to receive for no charge or obligation because well…just because.

The formerly elegant Roosevelt Hotel has been designated the nerve center for services to accommodate the 120,000 illegal immigrants now in the city. Mayor Adams estimates the city will incur a $12 billion deficit as a result of the influx, meaning that “every service in the city is going to be impacted”.  Fifteen percent across-the-board budget cuts are seriously looming.

Yet the expenditures are not adequate to address the surge. Immigrants are occupying the sidewalks in front of the Roosevelt, locals are fuming over the takeover of schools, parks, and other public facilities while reports of subway crime are beginning to pop up. Maybe the sanctuary status the Mayor pressed for, when the costs were borne elsewhere, isn’t such a great idea after all.

Mayor Adams correctly points out that since border law is a federal matter, the feds should help alleviate the distress they are causing. What we’re getting instead is outrageous gaslighting.  White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre insists that President Biden has actually done a great job of protecting the border “and you have seen him do that.”

We have? This is the president who unilaterally eliminated policies like Remain in Mexico and Title 42, which effectively reduced the number of illegal border crossings. The result has been a surge of approximately 2.7 million people on Biden’s watch, 260,00 this August alone.  That doesn’t include the “getaways”, who are uncountable, but estimated to number at least 1.5 million during the Biden administration.

It’s no wonder Americans are starting to feel the strains in social services, healthcare, schools, and prisons. Their advocates claim illegal immigrants are an economic boon, but if that were so, why do leftist enclaves complain bitterly about receiving them instead of requesting more?

Truth check: immigrants cost taxpayers $150 billion annually and growing. Even worse is the humanitarian crisis caused by cartels victimizing women and children vulnerable to “human trafficking“.

Illegal immigrants are often erroneously referred to in the popular press as “asylum seekers“. That’s a lie.  Imaginary asylum-seeking is the (very successful) strategy used to circumvent lawful border enforcement. Immigrants not otherwise eligible for entry are coached to say “I feel unsafe” to border agents. That automatically entitles them to an asylum hearing, which, because of the crowding at the border, is scheduled years in the future.

It’s a farce. They pretend to be seeking asylum and we pretend to believe them. Fewer than 10 percent are eligible for legitimate asylum.  Most never show up for their hearing.

Democrats also like to pretend there is nothing they can do about the ongoing border invasion because Republicans once voted against a bill that included additional border funding. But if Republicans were willing to discuss comprehensive immigration reform, maybe we could talk…

That gives away their game. “Comprehensive” reform is a euphemism for citizenship. The Biden administration willingly pays a high price politically for their devastating border policies.  The hardships caused by unlimited immigration are causing widespread resentment. An election looms.

Yet they soldier on, refusing to consider even the most reasonable measures to reduce the ongoing surge. There’s only one possible explanation: they are playing the long game, taking hits now to achieve future political domination.

They see the 20 million or so foreign nationals now living here as future Democrats, who they will relentlessly portray as victims if not eventually granted citizenship. The gambit  will work again. The American political landscape will be changed forever.

There is a way out. It’s not more money. It’s not more laws.  It’s not even a wall.  We must simply follow the example of decent self-respecting nations throughout history and employ the lawful force of government to maintain our sovereign borders.

Follow the Law.  It’s doable, it’s moral and it’s necessary to protect legal immigrants, American citizens, and America’s future.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Here’s Why the Left Is So Determined to Destroy the New College of Florida thumbnail

Here’s Why the Left Is So Determined to Destroy the New College of Florida

By The Daily Signal

The Biden administration is attempting to crush a small Florida liberal arts school for not being left-wing.

The Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights recently announced that it would launch an investigation into the New College of Florida.

The school, which previously had been known for its liberal politics, is being transformed by Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and a notable trustee, Christopher Rufo.

Rufo is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and author of the recently released “America’s Cultural Revolution: How the Radical Left Conquered Everything.”

Rufo explained in City Journal what the investigation is about.

He said it began with a complaint from ACLU attorney Jennifer Granick. She said that the school’s board and trustees violated civil rights law by “removing ‘gender neutral’ signage from bathrooms, defunding the [diversity, equity, and inclusion] and gender studies programs, and ‘misgendering’ the former DEI director and a former student, who use ‘ze/zir’ and ‘they/them’ pseudo-pronouns, respectively.”

As Heritage Foundation scholar Mike Gonzalez wrote for the Washington Examiner, neither “ze” nor “zir” are words in the English language—or any other language. They are an invention of far-left ideologues who have come up with “‘neo-pronouns’ that must now be used in place of the third-person singular ‘he’ or ‘she’ for people who say they are of unspecified sex.” (The Daily Signal is the news outlet of The Heritage Foundation.)

The complaint against the school included that Rufo “mocked” the contrived pronouns. He didn’t deny it.

“You know what? I did mock her,” Rufo said in a conversation with Gonzalez. “Her pronouns are ridiculous. They are trying to make mockery illegal.”

Is mocking the ridiculous a federal crime now?

My colleague Fred Lucas reported that several members of Congress in the House Anti-Woke Caucus wrote a letter to the assistant education secretary for civil rights, Catherine Lhamon, questioning the investigation.

The three Republican legislators, Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana, Harriet Hageman of Wyoming, and Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, wrote:

The original complaint alleges that opposition to ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ programming is a violation of federal law. In effect, it argues that conservative political beliefs are illegal. [The Office of Civil Rights’] decision to investigate the New College of Florida based on a clearly politically motivated complaint calls into question its commitment to impartially enforcing civil rights law.

The New College of Florida is bucking every trend that’s poisoned modern academia. The board of trustees is abandoning the diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives. It is also seeking professors with an actual diversity of views and backgrounds, and it’s ending overtly ideological programs like “gender studies” on campus.

Those ideas will instead be discussed in traditional programs like “history, biology, and psychology,” according to another board member, Matthew Spalding, a professor and dean at Hillsdale College.

I imagine that, to most taxpaying Americans, that sounds entirely reasonable. Given that the New College of Florida is a publicly funded school, why should it serve as an sinkhole of left-wing indoctrination?

If you thought that the Left would see what happened there and just move on, I’d say you don’t understand how the Left operates.

The New College of Florida takeover triggered not only a deluge of media coverage immediately declaring the school “broken” and a “failure,” but it has drawn out a hostile federal regime looking to squash it.

This is an example of why it is impossible to escape the culture war. The Left simply won’t abide an institution, anywhere, rejecting its view of the world. Any institution the Left doesn’t control it immediately seek to destroy, whether it’s the Supreme Court or a small school in Florida.

The transformation of the New College of Florida from an extremely left-wing liberal arts school into an institution that embraces classical learning, a “Hillsdale of the South” as DeSantis called it, represents a total defeat for the Left.

Never mind the fact that New College will be an extreme outlier in the liberal-dominated sea of higher education. For the Left, what’s happening at the New College of Florida amounts to heresy from the secular faith. Higher education is the gatekeeping institution of the American elite, and losing their near-monopoly on that power is perceived as an existential threat.

And that gets to the biggest reason why Democrats are desperate to destroy the New College of Florida. If the project succeeds, even just a little bit, other states may soon copy its model. After decades of complaining about the radicalism of our colleges and universities, Republican governors and legislators might now actually attempt other school takeovers.

That will be especially the case if the experiment is successful.

It wouldn’t just be a victory for the Right; it would be a victory for free thought and higher education in general. Our college campuses have gone from bastions of liberalism, to hotbeds of radicalism, to monolithic enforcers DEI ideology.

The growth of schools that reject that model would mean that there are serious alternatives.

Despite accusations of “chaos” at the New College of Florida from grumbling opponents of the school’s rightward turn, things seem to be working out just fine. Enrollment is up, with 2022 setting a record for the school.

As ridiculous as the Biden investigation is, it isn’t surprising. The Left is highly invested in seeing the New College of Florida fail, and lawfare is one of its favorite tactics. Stopping the changes by traditional political means isn’t working out for Democrats right now. DeSantis won his reelection bid for governor by a wide margin, and the state is getting redder.

So, when we have political power, we don’t have to cede every single institution to far Left radicals? What a crazy idea. It just might work.

It turns out that governing as a conservative isn’t just effective; it can be popular to boot. That’s what scares the Left, which will use every tool in its arsenal to ensure that this green shoot of liberty fails.


Jarrett Stepman

Jarrett Stepman is a columnist for The Daily Signal. He is also the author of the book “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.” Send an email to Jarrett. @JarrettStepman

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Weekend Read: How Abortion Hurts Women thumbnail

Weekend Read: How Abortion Hurts Women

By Terri Marcroft

Each year, almost three million American women face an unplanned pregnancy. When a pregnancy is unwanted and those involved are not ready, willing or able to parent, that is a dilemma for which there is no ideal solution.

The obvious options for one facing an unplanned pregnancy are abortion, parenting and adoption, but few among us know much about the pro’s and con’s of those three options. Let’s explore.

How Abortion Hurts Women

Abortion is presented as a safe, quick, painless answer. And we dupe women into believing that by withholding the rest of the story. During the last fifty years of unfettered abortion access in this country, we’ve learned what abortion does to the female body. We’ve been able to observe and study the side effects over time among large groups. Those findings reveal significant risks to women’s health.

Yet we don’t hear about the side effects of abortion from those who are selling them. Society tells us that there’s no downside to abortion. That is simply not true.

Elective abortions can exact an immense physical and emotional toll on women. Most women who undergo abortion procedures are not made aware of the long-term effects, but numerous studies have documented them in three categories—compromised mental health, preterm births, and increased risk of breast cancer.

Compromised Mental Health

Hundreds of US studies have examined the association between abortion and mental health. The most comprehensive source is the research done by Dr. David C Reardon, Dr. Priscilla Coleman, and the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, known as AAPLOG.

AAPLOG, the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists. AAPLOG ‘s mission is to encourage and equip its members and other concerned medical practitioners to defend the lives of both the pregnant mother and her pre-born child.

Both pro-life and pro-choice researchers agree that “the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems.” Large studies done with nationally representative samples and a variety of controls for personal and situational factors indicate abortion significantly increases risk for the following mental health problems:

• Depression
• Anxiety
• Substance abuse
• Suicide ideation and behavior

Suicide, specifically, is a serious risk, based on the much-studied correlation. Young women, under 18 years old, account for 15–30% of abortions and have a significantly higher suicide rate than their peers: compared with women who delivered, women were 6.5 times more likely to die by suicide during the year after an induced abortion. AAPLOG says that another large study found a 155% increase in suicidal behavior post-abortion.

“Literally every large scale study of the abortion and mental health link has revealed higher rates of mental illness among women.”

For many women who’ve chosen abortion, reconciling with the decision is a life-long endeavor. Dr. Coleman notes in a 2015 interview that about 50% of women who have abortions do believe that they are “terminating the life of a human being,” and that belief tends to make the aftermath more traumatic. As ultrasound technology improves, we’re able to clearly see the human formation even earlier.

About 80% of Americans view biologists as the group most qualified to determine when a human’s life begins. A recent survey of 5577 biologists from 1,058 academic institutions around the world showed a consensus: 96% of those experts in biology agree that human life begins at fertilization. That makes it increasingly difficult for a pregnant women to deny that she is carrying a human life, a dissonance which can lead to compromised mental health issues and even PTSD-like trauma.

The trauma is undeniable.

I saw this firsthand at a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat: it was attended by 19 women, ranging in age from their 20s to their 80s. It made a lasting impression on me that women in their 70s and 80s sobbed as they shared their stories. They were still grieving their abortions, many decades later. These care programs and support groups give women a place to talk with others and share their experience, process their grief and forgive themselves. With this assistance, post-abortive women can finally get closure, heal and move on with their lives.

Preterm Births

Abortion increases the risk of very preterm births—that is babies born between 22 and 26 weeks, at the edge of life—for any future pregnancy.

As of November 2021, 168 studies have been published on the association between abortion and preterm birth (PTB). These tiny babies require neonatal intensive care support to survive, and many of the 22–24 week-old babies don’t survive. Very premature births of post-abortive women result in over three million infant deaths worldwide each year.

AAPLOG writes on their findings :

  • First trimester induced abortion is one of the top three risk factors for preterm births.
  • Surgical abortions are associated with a “dose effect,” meaning an increased number of abortions confer increasing risk of PTB (because the cervix is weakened with each subsequent procedure).
  • Two or more abortions increase a woman’s risk of future preterm birth by up to 93%, and her risk of VERY preterm birth by more than 200%.
  • Preterm births can have health risks for a baby. Vital organs have not had enough time to fully develop.
  • Also, preterm birth leads to an increased risk for short and long term complications such as cerebral palsy, impaired vision and/or hearing and impaired cognitive development.

The Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (RCOG) acknowledges the association of surgical abortion and PTB, as does the AAPLOG. Despite the evidence presented in these 168 peer-reviewed science-based studies, the largest providers of abortions in the US do not inform patients of the association between surgical abortion and later preterm births. AAPLOG recommends that information about the increased risk of preterm births after surgical abortion should be included in informed consent practices prior to surgical abortion.

Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

In their Committee Opinion 8: Abortion and Breast Cancer, AAPLOG states:

“The protective effect of a full-term pregnancy on breast cancer risk has been known since the Middle Ages when it was noted that nuns had a higher risk of breast cancer than women with children. Medical authorities agree that a full-term pregnancy lowers a woman’s risk of breast cancer. . . . These facts are not controversial and are acknowledged by all medical organizations.”

An abortion-breast cancer link passes every one of the standard criteria which determine if causation can be deduced. These same criteria were used in 1964 by the U.S. Surgeon General to determine causality of cigarettes in lung cancer promotion. Today they prove causation of the link between abortion and breast cancer.

America was not content to blindly follow when the tobacco industry denied a link between tobacco and lung cancer, based on its own studies. AAPLOG suggests applying the same wisdom here.
There is a scientific, biologically plausible mechanism for breast cancer promotion caused by electively terminating a normal pregnancy. Here’s that explanation in a nutshell:

Over the course of a woman’s life, her breast tissue will develop into four different types of lobules. All women are born with Type 1 lobules, which mature into Type 2 lobules at puberty. The lobules type is important to note because 99% of all breast cancers arise in Types 1 & 2 lobules. Types 3 & 4 lobules are resistant to breast cancer.

During the first half of pregnancy, she will see a sharp increase in Type 2 lobules. Beginning at 20 weeks, her Type 2 lobules will begin to mature into Type 4 lobules. As pregnancy continues beyond 32 weeks, 70-90% of her breast tissue has matured into Type 4 lobules by week 40, and the risk of future breast cancer is reduced. There is a 90% risk reduction when she carries a pregnancy to term compared to if she remained childless.

After lactation ceases, the breast forms Type 3 lobules. After menopause, these Type 3 lobules regress to Type 1 lobules, but the protection gained from earlier term pregnancies is permanent and provides lifelong protection to these Type 1 lobules.

What’s the Risk?

Ending a pregnancy before 32 weeks stops the Type 2 lobules from developing into Type 4 lobules. That is, ending a pregnancy early stops breast development at a time when there is an increased amount of cancer-vulnerable Type 2 lobules. The longer a woman maintains Types 1 and/or 2 lobules, the higher her risk of breast cancer.

Ethical medical practice obligates a physician to counsel a woman considering abortion that this decision may increase the risk of breast cancer later in life

Chemical abortion

In 2000 the FDA approved the two-drug “abortion pill,” and women have been able to perform their own early abortions—up to 10 weeks of gestation—without leaving their homes.

First, the woman takes the mifepristone pill, or RU-486. Then, 24 to 48 hours later, the woman takes misoprostol or Cytotec. Together, these drugs induce delivery.

In 2021, the FDA made it easier to get a chemical abortions by phone: the “in-person dispensing requirement” — stating that mifepristone be given only in health-care settings such as clinics, medical offices, and hospitals — was removed.

Verifying that a pharmacy is certified does not replace in-person medical care. If the procedure is done at home, without a medical exam and without an ultrasound, then:

• The viability of her pregnancy cannot be confirmed. If the pregnancy is ectopic (in the fallopian tube), she’ll need specialized medical care.
• The stage of her pregnancy is not confirmed. In practice, women are often unsure how far along they are. If she’s past that ten-week maximum, attempting a chemical abortion at home can be dangerous.
• Taking these pills alone at home, she may be far from emergency medical care when it’s needed, which is often.

Intense pain, bleeding, and contractions may last for days and necessitate intervention: “Seventeen states maintain records of state Medicaid reimbursements for abortions and subsequent emergency room (“ER”) treatment within 30 days of the abortion. Based on this data, in 2015, the rate of ER visits per 1,000 women who underwent a chemical abortion in the past 30 days was an astonishing 354.8.” Thirty-five percent go to the ER after attempting an abortion at home. Women taking these drugs at home alone, without medical supervision or access to a doctor, may be risking their health. And at-home, chemical abortions are growing quickly as requests for mail-order abortion pills surged after the Roe reversal. They now account for over half of the abortions in the US.

Summary: Let’s Be Honest about Abortion

The short-term and long-term effects on women from induced abortion—compromised mental health, increased risk of preterm births, and increased risk of breast cancer—are not well known. The dangers of at-home chemical abortions are also not well known. But they should be. Medical professionals are obligated to provide relevant information about the effects of abortion on women prior to any procedure as a matter of “informed consent.” In the area of abortion, they simply don’t.

We don’t do women any favors by suggesting that abortion is a quick, easy solution without negative, lasting effects on the women we love.


Terri Marcroft is an adoptive Mom to her 24-year old daughter, Founder and Executive Director of Unplanned Good, an organization dedicated to promoting the idea of open adoption for women facing unplanned pregnancy. For more information, please see

Supporting References

National Library of Medicine, National Center for Biotechnology Information.
Article: The abortion and mental health controversy: A comprehensive literature review of common ground agreements, disagreements, actionable recommendations, and research opportunities by David C Reardon

AAPLOG Practice Bulletin No. 7, Abortion and Mental Health, December 30, 2019. FINAL-Abortion-Mental-Health-PB7.pdf (

Reardon, David C., et al. “Deaths associated with pregnancy outcome: a record linkage study of low income women.” Southern Medical Journal, vol. 95, no. 8, Aug. 2002, pp. 834+. Gale Academic OneFile. Accessed 26 Oct. 2022.

Reardon DC, Craver C. Effects of Pregnancy Loss on Subsequent Postpartum Mental Health: A Prospective Longitudinal Cohort Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2021; 18(4):2179.

Jacobs, Steven and Jacobs, Steven, The Scientific Consensus on When a Human’s Life Begins (November 29, 2021). Jacobs, S.A., The Scientific Consensus on When a Human’s Life Begins, Issues in Law & Medicine, Volume 36, Number 2, 2021., Available at SSRN:


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Is Governor Ron DeSantis a Hypocrite? Has he cleansed our public schools of the gay agenda? NOT! thumbnail

Is Governor Ron DeSantis a Hypocrite? Has he cleansed our public schools of the gay agenda? NOT!

By Dr. Rich Swier

On May 17th, 2023 Governor Ron DeSantis signed the Let Kids Be Kids bill package to protect Florida’s children from permanent mutilating surgical procedures, gender identity politics in schools, and attending sexually explicit adult performances.

HB 1069 protects students from having to declare their pronouns in school and expands parental rights in education by prohibiting classroom instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in Pre-K through 8th grade.

Laura Loomer in the following tweet exposes the hypocrisy of “absentee” Governor DeSantis.

In a tweet with photos of a public school classrooms in Florida Laura Loomer wrote:


These photos were taken TODAY inside a PUBLIC middle school history classroom in Palm Beach County, Florida at Polo Park Middle School in Wellington, Florida. I’m told this is Mr. Rizzo’s class. The photos were sent to me by a parent whose child is being subjected to this sexual grooming. I thought @RonDeSantis  said he made it ILLEGAL in Florida for public schools to be indoctrinating minors with LGBTQ grooming materials? Looks like another lie by @RonDeSantis

Please call his office and ask why he is allowing for history teachers in Florida to groom children.


Why is there a need to have multiple LGBTQ flags in a public school classroom? And why does @RonDeSantis  lie so much? I thought Florida is where “woke goes to die”? I thought @RonDeSantis  was a parental rights advocate? This is what my tax payer dollars are paying for?

Are you kidding me?

We have an #AbsenteeGovernor.

Here’s the tweet with photos:


These photos were taken TODAY inside a PUBLIC middle school history classroom in Palm Beach County, Florida at Polo Park Middle School in Wellington, Florida. I’m told this is Mr. Rizzo’s class. The photos were sent to me by a parent whose child is being…

— Laura Loomer (@LauraLoomer) September 15, 2023

For more information about SB 254, HB 1069, HB 1438, and HB 1521 click here.

We warned that Governor DeSantis’ would fail to implement the policies he signed because he is too busy running in the GOP primary election. He has given up on protecting our children in Florida’s public schools.

Loomer is right. DeSantis needs to be the Governor, not a candidate.

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D. All rights reserved.

Harvard University Ranked Worst School for Free Speech in America thumbnail

Harvard University Ranked Worst School for Free Speech in America

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

The oldest institution of higher learning in the United States has been named the worst for free speech in the nation.

Harvard University, originally founded by Puritans fleeing England in search of tolerance, scored 0.0 out of a possible 100 points on this year’s College Free Speech Rankings.

Published by the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE), the report aggregated the responses of over 55,000 students from more than 250 colleges and universities nationwide.

Harvard, also the wealthiest academic institution in the world, earned FIRE’s first-ever zero rating, and in fact attained a negative 10.69 score until the research outfit decided on 0.0 as its lowest allowable rating.


Among the main reasons for Harvard’s dismal placing this year was how the Ivy League School treated its faculty who hold insufficiently woke opinions: nine professors or researchers faced calls to be punished or fired for what they had said or written. Seven of the nine were ultimately disciplined for their speech.

The almost four-century-old Cambridge, Massachusetts University trailed the next-worst school on the list by a full 11 points.

Coming in second-last place was the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, followed by the University of South Carolina in Columbia, Georgetown University in Washington, DC, and New York’s Fordham University.

FIRE called Harvard’s record “abysmal”, though the result did not surprise Sean Stevens, FIRE’s director of polling and analytics.

“We’ve done these rankings for years now, and Harvard is consistently near the bottom,” Stevens told the New York Post. He said that while he thought it was impossible for a school to earn a negative score, Harvard managed the feat because “they’ve had so many scholar sanctions”.

FIRE’s polling, conducted in partnership with research firm College Pulse, uncovered a number of alarming statistics.

Of the more than 55,000 college students surveyed, 56 percent said they were worried about their reputation being damaged by what they say or do.

When asked if certain conservative speakers should be banned from campus, 57 percent to 72 percent of respondents agreed, depending on who the speaker was.

More than a quarter of students — 27 percent — believe that using violence to stop a campus speech is acceptable to some degree.

At the five least-free colleges on FIRE’s 2023 list, attempts to de-platform speakers were successful 81 percent of the time.


While Harvard’s horizon looks especially dim, there is a remnant that has not bowed the knee to Baal: this year, more than 120 Harvard professors banded together to form the Council of Academic Freedom at Harvard to promote “free inquiry, intellectual diversity, and civil discourse”.

The initiative was not enough to move the needle on Harvard’s free speech rankings, but it has carved out a safe haven for those still committed to unfettered intellectual expression.

Writing for the Boston Globe in April, Harvard Professors Steven Pinker and Bertha Madras, founding members of the new council both, began with a sobering snapshot of America’s academic landscape:

Confidence in American higher education is sinking faster than for any other institution, with barely half of Americans believing it has a positive effect on the country.

No small part in this disenchantment is the impression that universities are repressing differences of opinion, like the inquisitions and purges of centuries past. It has been stoked by viral videos of professors being mobbed, cursed, heckled into silence, and sometimes assaulted, and it is vindicated by some alarming numbers.

Then they laid out their game plan:

Naturally, since we are professors, we plan to sponsor workshops, lectures, and courses on the topic of academic freedom. We also intend to inform new faculty about Harvard’s commitments to free speech and the resources available to them when it is threatened. We will encourage the adoption and enforcement of policies that protect academic freedom.

When an individual is threatened or slandered for a scholarly opinion, which can be emotionally devastating, we will lend our personal and professional support. When activists are shouting into an administrator’s ear, we will speak calmly but vigorously into the other one, which will require them to take the reasoned rather than the easy way out. And we will support parallel efforts led by undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral students.

Whether or not this noble endeavour is too little, too late — or whether a stultifying woke groupthink will have the last laugh — only time will tell.

One thing is sure: a 387-year pledge to Veritas is at least worth trying to revive.



Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate architect, a primary school teacher, a missionary, and a young adult pastor.

EDITORS NOTE: This Mercator column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Goodbye, Mr. Anderson thumbnail

Goodbye, Mr. Anderson

By Conlan Salgado

In August of 2020, Israeli scholar Yoram Hazony published an essay on the website Quillete, entitled “The Challenge of Marxism”. Setting aside the fact that the major challenge of Marxism is the inherent stupidity and vice of human beings, and their infernal urge to systematize it, Mr. Hazony set out to explain how Marxism has largely taken over once great liberal institutions and excommunicated not only conservatism, but now, increasingly, the very liberalism which welcomed them. I have the feeling that his “once great” is a little less distant than my own. Nevertheless, the primary insight of Hazony’s essay is brilliant, and I quote it at length:

But legitimacy is one of those traditional political concepts that Marxist criticism is now on the verge of destroying. From the Marxist point of view, our inherited concept of legitimacy is nothing more than an instrument the ruling classes use to perpetuate injustice and oppression. The word legitimacy takes on its true meaning only with reference to the oppressed classes or groups that the Marxist sees as the sole legitimate rulers of the nation. In other words, Marxist political theory confers legitimacy on only one political party—the party of the oppressed, whose aim is the revolutionary reconstitution of society. And this means that the Marxist political framework cannot co-exist with democratic government. Indeed, the entire purpose of democratic government, with its plurality of legitimate parties, is to avoid the violent reconstitution of society that Marxist political theory regards as the only reasonable aim of politics.

Mr. Hazony concludes that Marxism is incompatible with a two-party state, and therefore incompatible with democracy. I think he is correct, but along the way to the insight, he says, or suggests, some things I squirm at, and wish to mention not so much as a critique of the essay, but as a stimulation of my own thoughts on these important topics.

As regards politics per se, Mr. Hazony writes this: “Marx is right to see that every society consists of cohesive classes or groups, and that political life everywhere is primarily about the power relations among different groups.” Insofar as this is a comment on contemporary America (and other western democracies today), he is correct. Insofar as it is a comment on most of modern political history (and probably pre-modern political history) he is also correct.

This would seem to leave little for me to take issue with, but I mention it because politics, as a way of organizing a community, depends on certain preconditions. One of those preconditions is a common culture. The less two groups have in common culturally, the more it will seem that politics is simply a jostling for power over others. If two groups of people (or three, or any number of groups you want) have a common culture, then politics becomes a different sort of enterprise, not one of navigating power, but one of guiding the community to ends which tend to preserve the culture, the symbols, the traditions, the rituals, and the values of what is held in common. It may be that within modern nation-states, culture has never been common in the sense I describe here. It may be that modern politics has always been about navigating power dynamics.

This is useful in understanding the current political divide, which isn’t a political divide at all but a cultural divide. If you see yourself as part of a common culture, culture which is shared across political divides, there are several reasonable positions to hold on almost any issue; immigration for instance. But should you start believing in open borders and the idea that anyone has the right to come to, say, America without any restrictions, you have stopped believing in common culture and started believing in multi-culturalism.

Multi-culturalism is the enshrinement of cultural division as the ultimate standard of the success of tolerance. Multi-culturalism is also a fiction; it can be entertained for some time, but not indefinitely. Eventually you get Modern America, where different groups with different cultures are vying to take control of political organs in order to safeguard what inevitably rises out of those different cultures: fundamentally different values, beliefs, principles, etc. The very fact that a country’s political system has evolved into a navigation of power dynamics is a good indication of the presence of multi-culturalism (that is: various groups with various cultures).

Culture, in another sense, means community and how a community understands itself, defines and limits itself, and experiences itself. It is, so to speak, the collective self-consciousness of a group of people. Another function of common culture is to, if I may so put it, provide shared, fundamental premises. To continue the image, if culture lays premises (or better yet, axioms), politics draws conclusions. If Hubert Harry shares the same premise and accepts the same axioms as Harry Hubert, they may reach different conclusions, but they oughtn’t to reach conclusions which are incomprehensible to one another. This is what I meant when I wrote earlier, ‘there are several reasonable positions to hold on most issues.’

When, however, Hubert Harry comes to the conclusion that a man can become a woman simply by incanting the phrase “I am a woman”, and further concludes that Harry Hubert is a bigot and therefore worthy of censure and social ostracization for reaching a different conclusion, it is very unlikely that they both started from the same premises and abided by the same fundamental axioms. It is important to bear this in mind: the destruction of symbols, the delegitimization of Western thought, the obliterating of Western canons, necessarily preceded the political divisiveness we are now witnessing.

And while we’re on the topic of canons and traditions, premises and conclusions, Mr. Hazony has this to say about Liberal Enlightenment reason, again quoting at length:

Enlightenment liberalism is a rationalist system built on the premise that human beings are, by nature, free and equal. It is further asserted that this truth is “self-evident,” meaning that all of us can recognize it through the exercise of reason alone, without reference to the particular national or religious traditions of our time and place . . . If all men are free and equal, how can you justify preventing a man who feels he is a woman from competing in a women’s track and field competition in a public school?

By reason alone, it can be said that since all are free and equal, a man who feels he is a woman should be equally free to compete in a women’s track and field competition. Any argument to the contrary will have to depend on traditional concepts of such as man, woman, women’s rights, athletic competition, competition class, fairness, and so on, none of which is accessible to reason alone.

Mr. Hazony makes the point that reason alone, unconditioned by tradition, cannot establish a satisfying understanding or practice of liberty and equality. He is right. He seems to chase his own tail though when he writes that “By reason alone, it can be said. . . .a man who feels he is a woman should be equally free to compete in a women’s track and field competition.” This is good, new-fashioned nonsense. Reason alone cannot establish this; Mr. Hazony is using an understanding of freedom that reduces to ‘being able to do whatever you want.’ That is not an understanding constructed by reason alone, but by a particular tradition of thought on the matter of freedom and equality which is relatively new, and almost entirely postmodern.

“Reason alone” means nothing, insofar as the phrase is used to denote ‘reason’ as abstracted away from an embodied human being, with feelings, sensations, and a particular life experience. Reason can transcend, but human reason cannot transcend the human being. Reason is always situated within a particular body, and that body is always situated within a particular life-experience, and that life-experience is always situated within a particular community (or lack thereof). The Founding Fathers, excepting maybe Jefferson, were not Enlightenment liberals; they were deeply read into and profound contributors to a particular tradition: the Judeo-Christian-Greco-Roman-English-Common-Law tradition. Although the phrase “self-evident” is a beautiful one, Mr. Hazony is perhaps right that self-evident is not really—well, self-evident.

Moreover, Mr. Hazony makes the point that both Liberalism and Marxism reject inherited tradition: [Marxists are] a revolutionary group. . . combining critical reasoning with a willingness to jettison all inherited constraints to overthrow these traditions. . . Indeed, liberals frequently disparage tradition, telling their children and students that all they need is to reason freely and “draw your own conclusions.”

In both cases, Mr. Hazony is right to criticize liberalism and declare war on Marxism. They are, in many ways, both the enemies of a free people. Next time you hear the liberal press, or your liberal professor, or your liberal friend, defending a Marxist doctrine, say to yourself: that is the sound of inevitability. That is the sound of our death. Goodbye, Miss America.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

SICK: Transgender Coach Strips in Front of Teen Girls in School Locker Room thumbnail

SICK: Transgender Coach Strips in Front of Teen Girls in School Locker Room

By The Geller Report

Jail for this pedo pervert. Look what the left did to education, culture, morality….

Transgender Coach Strips to Undies in Front of Teen Girls in School Locker Room

By: Todd Starnes, September 13, 2023:

The girls’ tennis coach at Gettysburg High School is a man who dresses like a woman.

Sasha Yates is at the center of a controversy after female students complained that the coach was undressing in their locker room and bathroom.

The Epoch Times reports “in the fall of 2022 Yates changed his clothes in the girls’ locker room — ‘stripping down to bra and panties’ — where the (girls) soccer team also was changing. Members of the team had reported ‘it was clear from what they saw that Mr. Yates was still fully a man.’”

There had also been concerns over conversations the coach had with some of the girls – talking about undergarment preferences and menstruation.

Parents complained and demanded the coach be removed.

Steve Carbaugh, a parent of a student in the school district told CBS News, “My daughter was in the bathroom across from the gymnasium in the senior high school, going to the restroom before one of her sporting events. While she exited the bathroom stall, she ran into Mr. David Yates in the female bathroom. Imagine that, a 16-year-old female running into a full grown adult in the restroom of her high school.”

But the coach had major support among members of the media as well as others who said the biological females were just homophobic.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: Gettysburg Area School Board pulls recommendation to rehire tennis coach

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NYC School Kids KICKED OUT to Make Room for Illegal Migrants, ‘No More Room’ For American Students thumbnail

NYC School Kids KICKED OUT to Make Room for Illegal Migrants, ‘No More Room’ For American Students

By The Geller Report

A government by the people? Hardly.

By: Blaze, September 11, 2023

New York City is not handling the influx of illegal immigrants well — and it’s American children who are paying for it.

When the children of NYC went back to school, 21,000 of them were turned away due to the arrival of migrant children.

At a high school in Long Island City, a line to enter stretched around the block.

“But don’t worry, a 15-year-old illegal immigrant from Venezuela said he’s excited for his first day of high school,” Sara Gonzales comments.

“Not so great, though, if you’re a child, an American child, in New York City being displaced by illegals,” she adds.

Eric July notes that most people who believe immigration won’t affect the country don’t realize that yes, America does have a finite amount of space.

“Folks act like this isn’t even a thing, right?” July says. “It’s just, ‘It’s okay, America’s big, has all this land, just bring each and every individual over here. These folks are seeking better lives and that’s it.’”

“But they don’t ever look at the short-term and especially the long-term issues, even cultural issues, cultural conflict, that can and has stemmed from this,” he adds.

John Doyle agrees.

“We don’t need this many people,” Doyle says. “They’re clogging up the housing markets, the highway system.”

“That’s not why we built this country. We didn’t build it for Venezuelans, we built it for Americans. I’m sorry, but like, that just happens to be the case,” he adds.

Gonzales notes that while those who disagree might believe it’s not a compassionate way to look at the situation, they are overlooking those who actually need that compassion who were born and raised in America.

“We’ve got all of these homeless people who are being displaced again in New York City,” she says.

“We’re choosing as a nation to not be compassionate to our own in exchange for being compassionate for citizens of other countries.”

Keep reading.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.