Senate report details ‘substantial evidence’ COVID-19 came from Wuhan lab thumbnail

Senate report details ‘substantial evidence’ COVID-19 came from Wuhan lab

By The Editors

The Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee Minority oversight staff on Thursday released an interim report asserting that the “Senate report details ‘substantial evidence’ supporting the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic originated as the result of a leak from the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).

“Experts have proposed two dominant theories on the origins of the virus: (1) the virus is the result of a natural zoonotic spillover or (2) the virus infected humans as a consequence of a research-related incident,” the report’s highlight section begins.

“While it remains possible that SARS-CoV-2 [COVID-19] emerged as a result of a natural zoonotic spillover, facts and evidence found in previous documented zoonotic spillover events have not, to date, been identified in relation to this pandemic,” it continues.

“Substantial evidence suggests that the COVID-19 pandemic was the result of a research-related incident associated with a laboratory in Wuhan, China,” it goes on to assert. “A research-related incident is consistent with the early epidemiology showing rapid spread of the virus exclusively in Wuhan with the earliest calls for assistance being located in the same district as the Wuhan Institute of Virology’s (WIV) original campus in central Wuhan. The WIV is an epicenter of advanced coronavirus research, where researchers have collected samples of and experimented on high-risk coronaviruses.”


Continue reading this article at Just the News.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots).The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8th..

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election. We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

Covid Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds thumbnail

Covid Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds

By The Geller Report

And still the Democrats are mandating this poison for our children.

mRNA Vaccines Injure the Heart of ALL Vaccine Recipients and Cause Myocarditis in Up to 1 in 27, Study Finds

By: Daily Sceptic, October 27, 2022:

New evidence has emerged that the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are routinely injuring the heart of all vaccine recipients, raising further questions about their safety and their role in the recent elevated levels of heart-related deaths.

The latest evidence comes in a study from Switzerland, which found elevated troponin levels – indicating heart injury – across all vaccinated people, with 2.8% showing levels associated with subclinical myocarditis.

The official line on elevated heart injuries and deaths, where they are acknowledged, is that they are most likely caused by the virus as a post-Covid condition rather than the vaccines.

However, expert group HART (Health Advisory and Recovery Team) has pointed to Australia as a “control group” on this question. HART notes that even though Australia had not had significant Covid (only 30,000 reported infections and 910 deaths) prior to mid-2021, it still saw a trend in excess non-Covid deaths beginning in June 2021 (see below). HART notes that Australia “did not have prior Covid as a reason for seeing this rise in mortality and hospital pressure from spring 2021”. Instead, “the results from this control group indicate that the cause of this rise in deaths, particularly in young people, must be something in common with Australia, Europe and the USA”.

Click here to view All deaths, COVID-19 infections, Australia, 31 May – 29 May 2022 vs baseline benchmarks.

In New Zealand, economist John Gibson found a temporal association between boosters and excess deaths, estimating “16 excess deaths per 100,000 booster doses” (see below). He noted that the age distribution of the deaths corroborated the hypothesis: “The age groups most likely to use boosters show large rises in excess mortality after boosters are rolled out.”

Click here to view B) Cumulative Excess Deaths and COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout: April 2021 to March 2022

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


VIDEO: COVID Jab Deadlier Than COVID for Anyone Under 80

Fourth Country Stops All Covid Vaccinations

Science Tests Positive For COVID

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Economic Disaster of the Pandemic Response thumbnail

The Economic Disaster of the Pandemic Response

By Imprimis Digest

The following is adapted from a talk delivered at Hillsdale College on October 20, 2022, sponsored by the student group Praxis.

On April 15, 2020—a full month after President Trump’s fateful news conference that greenlighted lockdowns to be enacted by the states for “15 Days to Flatten the Curve”—the President had a revealing White House conversation with Anthony Fauci, the head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. 

“I’m not going to preside over the funeral of the greatest country in the world,” Trump wisely said, as reported in Jared Kushner’s book Breaking History. The promised Easter reopening of the economy had not happened, and Trump was angry. He also suspected that he had been misled and was no longer speaking to coronavirus coordinator Deborah Birx. 

“I understand,” Fauci responded meekly. “I just do medical advice. I don’t think about things like the economy and the secondary impacts. I’m just an infectious diseases doctor. Your job as president is to take everything else into consideration.”

That conversation reflected the tone of the debate, then and later, over the lockdowns and vaccine mandates. The economy—viewed as mechanistic, money-centered, mostly about the stock market, and detached from anything truly important—was pitted against public health and the preservation of life. The assumption seemed to be that you had to choose one or the other—that you could not have both.

It also seemed to be widely believed in 2020 that the best approach to pandemics was to institute massive human coercion—a belief based on the novel theory that if you make humans behave like non-player characters in computer models, you can keep them from infecting one another until a vaccine arrives to wipe out the pathogen. 

The lockdown approach in 2020 stood in stark contrast to a century of public health experience in dealing with pandemics. During the great influenza crisis of 1918, only a few cities tried coercion and quarantine—mostly San Francisco, also the home at the time of the first Anti-Mask League—whereas most locations took a person-by-person therapeutic approach. Given the failure of quarantines in 1918, they were not employed again during the disease scares—some real, some exaggerated—of 1929, 1940-44, 1957-58, 1967-68, 2003, 2005, and 2009. In all of those years, even the national media acted responsibly in urging calm. 

But not in 2020, when policymakers—whether due to intellectual error, political calculations, or some combination of the two—launched an experiment without precedent. The sick and well alike were quarantined through the use of stay-at-home orders, domestic capacity limits, and business, school, and church shutdowns. This occurred not only in the U.S., but worldwide—with the notable exception of perhaps five nations and the state of South Dakota. 

Needless to say, the consequences were profound. Coercion can be used to turn off an economy. But given the resulting trauma, turning an economy back on is not so easy. That is why, 30 months later, we are experiencing the longest period of declining real income since the end of World War II, a health crisis, an education crisis, an exploding national debt, 40-year high inflation, continued and seemingly random shortages, dysfunction in labor markets, a breakdown of international trade, a dramatic collapse in consumer confidence, and a dangerous level of political division. 

Meanwhile, what happened to COVID? It came anyway, just as the best epidemiologists predicted it would. It had a highly stratified impact, consistent with the information we had from the very early days: the at-risk population was largely the elderly and infirm. To be sure, almost everyone eventually came down with COVID with varying degrees of severity: some people shook it off in a couple of days, others suffered for weeks, and many died—although, even now, there is grave uncertainty about the true number of COVID deaths, due both to faulty PCR testing and to financial incentives given to hospitals to attribute non-COVID deaths to COVID. 


Even if the lockdowns had saved lives over the long term—and the literature on this overwhelmingly suggests they did not—it would be proper to ask the question: at what cost? What are the tradeoffs? 

Because economic considerations were shelved for the emergency, policymakers failed to consider tradeoffs. Thus did the White House on March 16, 2020, send out the most dreaded imaginable directive from an economic point of view: “bars, restaurants, food courts, gyms, and other indoor and outdoor venues where groups of people congregate should be closed.” And the results were legion. 

For one thing, the lockdowns kicked off an epic bout of government spending. COVID-response spending amounted to at least $6 trillion above normal operations, running the national debt up to 121 percent of GDP. For comparison, our national debt in 1981 amounted to 35 percent of GDP—and Ronald Reagan correctly declared that a crisis.

The Federal Reserve purchased this new debt with newly created money nearly dollar for dollar. From February to May 2020, the total money supply (what economists call M2) increased by an average of $814.3 billion per month. The peak came early the following year: on February 22, 2021, the annual rate of increase of M2 reached a staggering 27.5 percent. 

At the same time, as one would expect in a crisis of this sort, spending plummeted. Since a severe decrease in spending puts deflationary pressure on prices regardless of what happens with the money supply, the bad effects of printing all this new money were pushed off into the future. 

That future is now. The explosion in M2 has resulted in the highest inflation in 40 years. And this inflation is accelerating, at least according to the October 12, 2022, Producer Price Index, which is more volatile than it has been in months and is running ahead of the Consumer Price Index—a reversal from earlier in the lockdown period. This new pressure on producers has heavily impacted the business environment and created recessionary conditions. 

Moreover, this has not just been a U.S. problem. Most nations in the world followed the same lockdown strategy while attempting to substitute government spending and printing money for real economic activity. The Federal Reserve is being called on daily to step up its lending to foreign central banks through the discount window for emergency loans. It is now at the highest level since spring 2020. The Fed lent $6.5 billion to two foreign central banks in just one week this October. The numbers are scary and foreshadow a possible international financial crisis. 

The Great Head Fake 

Back in the spring and summer of 2020, we seemed to be experiencing a miracle. State governments around the country had crushed social activity and free enterprise, and yet real income was soaring. Between February 2020 and March 2021, a time of low inflation, real personal income was up by $4.2 trillion. It felt like magic. But it was actually the result of government stimulus checks.

Initially, people used their new-found riches to pay off credit card debt and boost savings. In the month after the first stimulus, the personal savings rate went from 9.6 to 33 percent. Also, since people were being coerced into living an all-digital existence, there was lots of spare time and a need for new equipment. So companies like Netflix and Amazon benefited enormously.

After the summer of 2020, people started to get the hang of having “free money” dropped into their bank accounts. So by November, the savings rate had dropped back down to 13.3 percent. When the Biden administration unleashed another round of stimulus in 2021, the savings rate at first nearly doubled. But fast forward to the present and people are saving only 3.5 percent—half the historical norm dating back to 1960—and credit card debt is soaring, even though interest rates are 17 percent and higher. 

In other words, all the curves inverted once inflation came along to eat out the value of the stimulus. In reality, all that “free money” turned out to be very expensive. The dollar of January 2020 is now worth only $0.87, which is to say that the stimulus spending covered by the Federal Reserve printing money stole $0.13 of every American dollar in the course of only 2.5 years. 

This was one of the biggest head fakes in the history of modern economics. The pandemic planners created paper prosperity to cover up the grim reality they had brought about. But paper prosperity is false prosperity. It could not and did not last. Between January 2021 and September 2022, prices increased 13.5 percent across the board, costing the average American family $728 in September alone. 

Even if inflation were to stop today, the inflation already in the bag will cost the average American family $8,739 over the next twelve months. 

Lingering Carnage

While Big Tech moguls and urban information workers thrived during the pandemic lockdowns, Main Street suffered. The look of most of America in those days was post-apocalyptic, with vast numbers of people huddled at home either alone or with immediate families, fully convinced that a universally deadly virus was lurking outdoors. Meanwhile, the CDC was recommending that “essential businesses” install countless Plexiglass barriers and place social distancing stickers everywhere people would walk.

This sounds ridiculous now, but for many it wasn’t then. I recall being yelled at for walking only a few feet into a grocery aisle that had been designated by stickers to be one-way in the other direction. There were reports of people using drones to identify and report neighbors who were holding prohibited parties, weddings, or funerals. Parents masked up their kids even though kids were at near-zero risk, and nearly all schools were closed. A friend of mine arrived home from a visit out of town and his mother demanded that he leave his “COVID-infested” bags on the porch for three days. 

Those were the days when people believed the virus was outdoors and we should stay in. Oddly, this changed over time to where people believed that the virus was indoors and we should go out. It eventually became clear that we had moved from government-mandated mania to a popular delusion for the ages. 

The resulting damage to small business has yet to be thoroughly documented. At least 100,000 restaurants and stores closed in Manhattan alone. Commercial real estate prices crashed, and big business moved in to scoop up bargains. Hotels, bars, restaurants, malls, theaters, and anyone without home delivery suffered terribly. The arts were devastated. During the deadly Hong Kong flu of 1968-69, we had Woodstock. This time around we had to settle for YouTube. 

It may seem odd, but the health care industry suffered as well. The CDC strongly urged the closing of hospitals to anyone not facing a non-elective surgery or suffering with COVID. This turned out to exclude nearly everyone who would routinely show up for diagnostics or other normal treatments. As a result, health care sector employment fell 1.6 million in early 2020. Even stranger is the fact that total health care spending fell off a cliff. From March to May 2020, health care spending collapsed by $500 billion or 16.5 percent. This created an enormous financial problem for hospitals in general.

This is not to mention dentistry. I know from personal experience that in Massachusetts, you couldn’t get a much-needed root canal. Why? Because a root canal required a preliminary cleaning and examination, and those were prohibited as “nonessential.” I looked into traveling to Texas for a root canal, but the dentists there were required by law to force out-of-state patients to quarantine in the state for two weeks. 

This virtual abolition of dentistry for a time was in keeping with the injunction of a headline in The New York Times on February 28, 2020: “To Take on the Coronavirus, Go Medieval on It.” What better way to describe the institution of a feudal system of dividing work and workers across the nation in terms of “essential” and “nonessential”? 

The New York Times wasn’t affected by the lockdowns, of course, because media centers were deemed essential. Thus for two years, it was able to keep its presses running and instruct its Manhattan readers to stay home and have their groceries delivered. Delivered by whom, The New York Times neither said nor cared. It was apparently unimportant if the working classes were exposed to COVID in service to the elites. And then afterwards, when the working classes had natural immunity that was superior to the immunity offered by the so-called COVID vaccines, they were subjected to vaccine mandates. 

Millions across the nation eventually quit or were fired due to those vaccine mandates. Highly qualified members of the U.S. military are still being discharged for noncompliance. 

We are told that unemployment today is very low and that many new jobs are being filled, but most of those are existing workers getting second and third jobs. Because families are struggling to pay the bills, moonlighting and side-gigging are now a way of life. The full truth about labor markets requires that we look at the labor-participation and worker-population rates, both of which are low. Millions have gone missing. Most are working women who still cannot find child care because that industry has yet to recover from the lockdowns. Labor participation among women is back at 1988 levels. There are also large numbers of 20-somethings who moved home and went on unemployment benefits. Many more have simply lost the will to achieve and build a future. 

The supply chain breakages we are seeing today are also a lingering result of the stoppage of economic activity in early 2020. By the time the lockdown regime was relaxed and manufacturers started reordering parts, they found that many factories overseas had already retooled for other kinds of demand. This particularly affected the semiconductor industry for automotive manufacturing. Overseas chip makers had turned their attention to personal computers, cellphones, and other devices. This was the beginning of the car shortage that sent prices through the roof. It also created a political demand for U.S.-based chip production, which has in turn resulted in another round of export and import controls. 

These sorts of problems have affected every industry without exception. Why, for example, do we have a paper shortage? Because so many of the paper factories shifted to plywood and cardboard after prices sky-rocketed in response to the housing and mail delivery demand created by the lockdowns and stimulus checks. 


We could write books listing all the economic calamities directly caused by the disastrous pandemic response. We will be suffering the results for years. Yet even today, too few people grasp the relationship between our current economic hardships—extending even to growing international tensions and the breakdown of trade and travel—and the brutality of the pandemic response.

Anthony Fauci said at the outset: “I don’t think about things like the economy and the secondary impacts.” Melinda Gates admitted in a December 4, 2020, interview with The New York Times: “What did surprise us is we hadn’t really thought through the economic impacts.”

There is no wall of separation between economics and public health. A healthy economy is indispensable for healthy people. Shutting down economic life was a singularly bad idea for taking on a pandemic. 

Economics is about people making choices and institutions enabling them to thrive. Public health is about the same thing. Driving a wedge between the two, as happened in 2020, ranks among the most catastrophic public policy decisions of our lifetimes. 

Health and economics both require the nonnegotiable called freedom. May we never again experiment with the near abolition of freedom in the cause of mitigating disease. 


Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker is founder and president of the Brownstone Institute and a daily columnist on economics for The Epoch Times. From 2017-2021, he served as editorial director of the American Institute for Economic Research. He has written for several publications, including The Wall Street JournalNational ReviewThe Freeman, and Chronicles. He is the author of 20 books, including Liberty or Lockdown.

EDITORS NOTE: This Imprimis Digest column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Government Funding Killer Covid Research—Again thumbnail

U.S. Government Funding Killer Covid Research—Again

By Center For Security Policy

Just in case you thought Covid wasn’t bad or dangerous enough, Boston University is working to increase its lethality. In its latest defense of gain of function research, the university claims it is not that dangerous.

Oh, really? The work is summarized in the research paper:

The recently identified, globally predominant SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant (BA.1) is highly transmissible, even in fully vaccinated individuals, and causes attenuated disease compared with other major viral variants recognized to date. The Omicron spike (S) protein, with an unusually large number of mutations, is considered the major driver of these phenotypes. We generated chimeric recombinant SARS-CoV-2 encoding the S gene of Omicron in the backbone of an ancestral SARS-CoV-2 isolate and compared this virus with the naturally circulating Omicron variant. The Omicron S-bearing virus robustly escapes vaccine-induced humoral immunity, mainly due to mutations in the receptor binding motif (RBM), yet unlike naturally occurring Omicron, efficiently replicates in cell lines and primary-like distal lung cells. In K18-hACE2 mice, while Omicron causes mild, non-fatal infection, the Omicron S-carrying virus inflicts severe disease with a mortality rate of 80%. This indicates that while the vaccine escape of Omicron is defined by mutations in S, major determinants of viral pathogenicity reside outside of S.

In plain language, they took the Omicron variant of Covid-19, which is highly transmissible and can infect even fully vaccinated individuals and modified one of the genes in the virus so that it became much more dangerous. The subjects of the experiment were mice. Mice infected with regular Omicron had nonfatal infections.

The paper worked with the Spike protein of Omicron and the key finding was that pathogenicity (the ability to kill) occurs outside of the S or Spike protein. The new variant infected targets that had been vaccinated against Omicron and it caused serious disease mortality at a rate of 80%.

Unlike other scientific research papers that depend on outside funding, the published Boston University paper never mentions how the work was financed. And the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which in fact funded the work, says it did not know that the research was aimed at modifying the coronavirus.

If you were hoping the scientific community had learned something about lab security from the coronavirus outbreak in 2019, it appears not. The paper, entitled “Role of spike in the pathogenic and antigenic behavior of SARS-CoV-2 BA.1 2 Omicron,” included participation from 23 senior scientists and, no doubt, countless lab assistants.

Some of the scientists are concentrated in the Boston areas (including at Harvard University), one is at the University Hospital in Erlangen, Germany, one at a branch of the Cleveland Clinic in Florida, one from the University of Wisconsin and one from a medical center in Mainz, Germany.

NIAID plus the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and two agencies in the Department of Defense are the same organizations that funded coronavirus research in China, primarily at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, an institute organized under China’s Academy of Sciences.

The Wuhan Institute previously collaborated with the Galveston National Laboratory in the United States, the Centre International de Recherche en Infectiologie in France, and the National Microbiology Laboratory in Canada.

In 2021, two Chinese scientists at the Microbiology Laboratory in Canada were fired. At least one of these scientists had visited the US Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), the government’s most sensitive biological laboratory which includes highly classified research work.

All these institutes, including Wuhan’s, carry out classified research on bioweapons. USAMRIID and Wuhan are known as Level 4 (BSL-4 or Biosafety Level 4) labs, the most secure for carrying out dangerous research, especially gain of function. The National Emerging Infectious Diseases Laboratories at Boston University is also a Level 4 (BSL-4) laboratory complex.

How dangerous is this work?  In the case of China, the US government was so concerned about the Wuhan Institute of Virology that it sent representatives there on two occasions in 2018 and interviewed the chief “bat” scientist, She Zhengli.

In 2019, the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC)  inspected and failed the USAMRIID laboratory in Fort Detrick, Maryland.  The lab there was closed for months so that a cleanup could take place and identified risks remediated.

Read more.

Originally published by Asia Times


Stephen Bryen and Shoshana Bryen

Senior Fellows

RELATED ARTICLE: Bodybuilder Doug Brignole died less than 1 week after he got the new bivalent booster shot

EDITORS NOTE: This Center for Security Policy column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Florida Votes To Ban Sex Change Procedures For Minors After Volatile Testimony thumbnail

Florida Votes To Ban Sex Change Procedures For Minors After Volatile Testimony

By The Daily Caller

The Florida Board of Medicine has voted to ban sex change surgeries and hormone therapy for children under the age of 18 after hours of deliberation and testimony Friday.

The guidelines, first released April 20, 2022, state that anyone under 18 cannot receive hormone therapy or puberty blockers. It also bans “gender reassignment” surgery for children and adolescents.

The state surgeon general endorsed the move in June and called on the medical board to, “review the Agency’s findings and the Department’s guidance to establish a standard of care for these complex and irreversible procedures.”

BREAKING: The Florida Board of Medicine has voted to ban sex change “treatments” for underage children.

— Sarah Weaver (@SarahHopeWeaver) October 28, 2022

The vote came after the board heard testimony from individuals who had detransitioned. One such individual, Chloe Cole, said she decided to transition after being “introduced to inappropriate content, and an echo chamber of far-Left ideology, such as that sex and gender are separate, women are inherently victims, men are inherently superior, and that dysphoric children need hormones and surgery in order to live.”

On full display at this hearing is the incredible danger in experts claiming that anything less than invasive and irreversible sex change surgeries and hormones will result in mass suicide of gender dysphoric teens.

— Sarah Weaver (@SarahHopeWeaver) October 28, 2022

“Over 2 years post-op…my nipples leak fluid and they stain my clothes. I have no breasts. I want to be a mother some day and yet I can never naturally feed my future children. My breasts were beautiful and now they have been incinerated for nothing.” – @ChoooCole

— Sarah Weaver (@SarahHopeWeaver) October 28, 2022

Chaos erupted as board members announced an end to speaker testimony, and gave attendees an email to submit testimony into the public record. As board members filed out before returning to vote, protestors screamed “Let them speak! Let them speak!”



Staff writer.

RELATED ARTICLE: Parents Mobilize as Culture War Rages

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Wants Kids to Be ‘Gender-Transitioned’ Whether Parents Like It or Not thumbnail

Biden Wants Kids to Be ‘Gender-Transitioned’ Whether Parents Like It or Not

By Royal A. Brown III

Medical experts tell us that a person’s brain is not fully developed until they reach age 25.

Yet these evil transgender proponents have no problem with mutilation/perversion of children and adults younger than 25 in order to change the gender given to them by God at birth. This “gender affirmation” as the left calls it, is lunacy yet the estimated $2.5 billion medical industry which has arisen around transgender transformation has no problem with it because it will make them billions more.

Watch this video report of the Florida Department of Health advising against gender transition surgery, puberty blockers for transgender youth.

What gender affirming procedures both surgical and other could be applied in order to be transformed to a different person even before their brains are fully formed including the ability to think and reason? Following is a list for those seeking gender transformation to choose from.

There is plenty of evidence that Transgenderism stems from untreated mental illness and treatment for these illnesses should be applied before the perversion of surgical and other procedures to transform and offer to mutilate (especially the young) people.

Please read: Transgenders, 4 Studies Say It’s Mental Disorders | Walt Heyer Ministries

One of the many major failures of the Obama 3/puppet Biden as Commander-in-Chief of our Armed Forces is to allow transgenders to enlist or be commissioned and then to even pay for their surgical transitions with taxpayer funds.

WATCH: Joseph Robinette Biden embraces this highly questionable lifestyle in this queer interview, no pun intended, with Dylan Mulvaney.

Have you ever wondered why when the LGBTQIE+ community represents only 2-3 % of registered voters they wield so much political power?   In addition to their supporters being deranged, follow the money trail.

Biden Wants Your Kids to Be Gender-Transitioned Whether You Like It or Not

By Jarrett Stepman @JarrettStepman

President Joe Biden wants your children to make life-changing gender transitions, and the only reason you want to stop him is bigotry and fear. At least, so he says.

In a NowThis media roundtable aired Sunday, Biden discussed issues of the day with progressive activists and social media personalities. Most notable was his interview with transgender TikTok celebrity Dylan Mulvaney, a biological male who is transitioning to “girlhood.”

In the interview, Biden said state attempts to restrict gender transitions are immoral and based on “fear.” He was asked if states had the right to place restrictions on “gender-affirming care,” as the Left likes to call hormone therapy and reconstructive surgeries.

“I don’t think any state or anybody should have the right to do that. As a moral question or as a legal question, I just think it’s wrong,” the president said in response.

Though Biden didn’t make a distinction in these procedures between adults and minors, his actions suggest he’s referring to both. Some states have placed limitations on gender treatments and surgeries for minors in the past few years. Biden made it a priority to stop them.

In April, the Biden administration issued guidance through the Department of Health and Human Services saying that the federal government will ensure that “transgender youth receive the care they need.”

What administration officials mean is that the federal government is committed to assuring that children will be gender transitioned, whether you like it or not.

The Justice Department released a memo alongside the HHS statement, saying in part:

Intentionally erecting discriminatory barriers to prevent individuals from receiving gender-affirming care implicates a number of federal legal guarantees. State laws and policies that prevent parents or guardians from following the advice of a health care professional regarding what may be medically necessary or otherwise appropriate care for transgender minors may infringe on rights protected by both the Equal Protection and the Due Process Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment.

Read the full article.

Vaginoplasty procedures, complications and aftercare

The most common vaginoplasty technique is some variation of the penile inversion procedure. In this technique, a vaginal vault is created between the rectum and the urethra, in the same location as a non-transgender female between the pelvic floor (Kegel) muscles, and the vaginal lining is created from penile skin. An orchiectomy is performed, the labia majora are created using scrotal skin, and the clitoris is created from a portion of the glans penis. The prostate is left in place to avoid complications such as incontinence and urethral strictures. Furthermore, the prostate has erogenous sensation and is the anatomic equivalent to the “g-spot.” Great care is taken to limit the external scars from a vaginoplasty by locating the incisions appropriately and with meticulous closure. Typical depth is 15 cm (6 inches), with a range of 12-16cm (5-6.5 inches); in comparison, typical vaginal depth in non-transgender females is between 9-12cm (3.5 to 5 inches).

[ … ]

Because the penile inversion approach does not create a vaginal mucosa, the vagina does not self-lubricate and requires the use of an external lubricant for dilation or penetrative sex.

Read more

Phalloplasty and metoidioplasty – overview and postoperative considerations

Risks associated with phalloplasty

There are general risks associated with any surgery, including infection, bleeding, damage to surrounding tissues, and pain. Specific to phalloplasty in transgender men, there is risk of flap loss, urethral complications, wound breakdown, pelvic bleeding or pain, bladder or rectal injury, lack of sensation, prolonged need for drainage, or need for further procedures. Donor site risks include unsightly scarring, wound breakdown, granulation tissue formation, decreased mobility, hematoma, pain and decreased sensation. If patients are discharged from their surgeon’s care and are not local, they should see their primary care provider every three months during the first year.

Some of the most common complications are listed below. Different techniques and approaches can have varying levels of complexity. Different surgeons may also have different complications rates; understanding what procedures different surgeons perform, their experience, frequency with which they perform these procedures, and complication rates is helpful.


©Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.

Doctor Featured In Dem Campaign Ad Killed Woman In Botched Abortion, Was Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Minor thumbnail

Doctor Featured In Dem Campaign Ad Killed Woman In Botched Abortion, Was Accused Of Sexually Assaulting Minor

By The Daily Caller

A Las Vegas obstetrician-gynecologist who appeared in a campaign ad opposing a GOP congressional candidate killed a woman in a botched abortion and was charged in 1998 with sexually assaulting a minor, according to public records.

Dr. Adam Levy, Associate Professor at the University of Nevada-Las Vegas who practices at the Birth Control Care Center in the city, alleged in a House Majority PAC ad that Republican candidate April Becker “is a dangerous threat to the women of Nevada.” Becker is running for Congress in the state’s Third District against Democratic Rep. Susie Lee, and the race is considered a toss-up by several election analysts.

WATCH: @HouseMajPAC is launching a new TV ad detailing @VoteAprilBecker’s anti-abortion views, and her extreme backers wanting to ban all abortion, even in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother. #NV03

— CJ Warnke (@cjwarnke) October 4, 2022

“Before Roe v. Wade, doctors saw plenty of botched, back-alley abortions, and far too many women died. Never did I think we would be back here as a nation. But politicians like April Becker have led us to this moment. Becker is so anti-abortion, her extreme backers would ban all abortions, even in cases of rape, incest or to save the life of the mother,” Levy said in the ad.

Levy has already been responsible for at least one death following an abortion he performed, according to the Nevada State Board of Medical Examiners (NSBME). His insurance settled for $20,000 after a woman died in 2007 due to a perforation of her uterus. In another instance, Levy’s insurance settled for $7,500 after a woman “suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to her labia and perineum from a hot weighted speculum used in surgery,” according to NSBME records.

Levy was also charged in 1998 with sexually assaulting a minor under the age of 16 and performing lewd and lascivious acts with a child under the age of 14, according to documents obtained by The Nevada Globe. He submitted an Alford Plea in 1999 to child abuse and neglect, and was ordered to avoid contact with his victims, refrain from possessing pornography and child pornography and complete a sex offender treatment program. He also was sentenced to two years of probation.

House Majority PAC did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller’s request for comment on whether or not they are aware of Levy’s history of botched abortions or his criminal record.



Congressional correspondent.

RELATED ARTICLE: Abortion Won’t Save Democrats In The Midterms, Despite Their Newfound Hopes

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Dr. LTC Pete Chambers and LTC Allen West discuss rapidly declining morale in the U.S. Military due to Vaxx Mandates thumbnail

Dr. LTC Pete Chambers and LTC Allen West discuss rapidly declining morale in the U.S. Military due to Vaxx Mandates

By Vlad Tepes Blog

Dr. LTC Pete Chambers and LTC Allen West discuss rapidly declining morale in the U.S. Military due to Vaxx Mandates – Dr. Rich Swier

Copyright © 2021 LLC. A Florida Cooperation. All rights reserved. The is a not-for-profit news forum for intelligent Conservative commentary. Opinions expressed by writers are solely their own. Republishing of columns on this website requires the permission of both the author and editor. For more information contact:

Court Orders New York City To Reinstate Unvaccinated Employees, Give Backpay thumbnail

Court Orders New York City To Reinstate Unvaccinated Employees, Give Backpay

By The Daily Caller

The New York State Supreme Court ruled Tuesday that New York City cannot fire employees for not getting vaccinated against COVID-19, dealing a blow to Democratic Mayor Eric Adams’ pandemic policy.

The court ordered the city to reinstate all fired employees and grant them backpay, citing the fact that being vaccinated against COVID-19 does not stop an individual from catching or spreading the virus, and thus being vaccinated does not grant enough community-wide benefit to warrant a mandate. The health commissioner “acted beyond his authority” by issuing an indefinite vaccine mandate rather than a temporary one, according to the court.


NY State Supreme Court reinstates all fired unvaccinated employees, orders backpay, says the state violated rights, acted arbitrary & capricious, notes:“Being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting Covid-19.”

— Marina Medvin 🇺🇸 (@MarinaMedvin) October 25, 2022

Adams said earlier this year his administration would not bring back workers who had been fired due to being unvaccinated. Roughly 1,400 workers were ultimately let go, including a number of firefighters and police officers. Adams came under fire for not allowing an exception to the mandate for those workers after he granted one to celebrities who were competing in sports or putting on performances in the city.

“States of emergency are meant to be temporary,” the court said in its ruling. “The question presented is whether the health commissioner has the authority to enact a permanent condition of employment during a state of emergency.”

The court ultimately found that the commissioner did not have that right.

Many COVID-19 vaccine mandates were put in place based on the rationale that the vaccines could drastically reduce the chances of a person becoming infected or transmitting the virus if they were infected, so getting vaccinated was not only a benefit to the individual getting the shots, but everyone around them.

However, as more data emerged to indicate that the vaccines are only marginally effective at stopping spread, particularly against newer variants of the virus, that rationale became less convincing. The New York Supreme Court pointed this out in its decision, saying “being vaccinated does not prevent an individual from contracting or transmitting COVID-19… the Petitioners should not have been terminated for choosing not to protect themselves.”



Healthcare reporter. Follow Dylan on Twitter

RELATED ARTICLE: Vaccine Mandate Protests Explode Across New York City, With Some Chanting ‘F*ck Joe Biden’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

STANFORD Tells Doctors To Give False Information In Order to Overcome Vaccine Resistance thumbnail

STANFORD Tells Doctors To Give False Information In Order to Overcome Vaccine Resistance

By The Geller Report

This is a massive human rights crime. It’s evil.

Stanford tells doctors to give false information in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy

Stanford tells doctors to give false information in order to overcome vaccine hesitancy

I found a Stanford course used to train doctors worldwide on how to overcome vaccine hesitancy. Basically, they tell doctors to give false information. They truly believe the false narrative.

By: Steve Kirsch, Oct 22, 2022:

It’s a series of short YouTube videos. It’s free to watch all the videos.

Here is the outline of the cases covered.

I viewed a number of the lessons to save you the pain and agony.

Some takeaways:

  1. They don’t expect to turn people around to support the vaccine in a single session. They admit it can take many sessions.
  2. They clearly think that people who don’t take the vaccine are simply misinformed and need to be set on the right track.
  3. They recommend giving people false information (like saying the risk of myocarditis is higher for the virus than the vaccine) in order to deal with their objections. Of course, they don’t admit in the course that their advice is false.
  4. At no time should the doctor try to learn anything from the patient (like that the doctor is wrong). It’s all about getting the patient to conform to the narrative, not to discover truth. None of the interventions are designed to examine the data or find the truth or allow the patient to change the doctor’s mind. You are never supposed to do anything like look at the data!
  5. I really think they should do their therapy session on me as one of their case studies. If they can show people how they set me on the “correct path,” that would be astonishing. It would be so entertaining to watch them try to do that. People would pay money to see that. I can’t figure out where I can volunteer to do that.
  6. One of the references is to a paper on why people resisted making the HPV vaccine mandatory. I can tell you why people resisted the HPV vaccine… that vaccine is the second most dangerous vaccine in VAERS, that’s why. Only the COVID vaccines are more dangerous. It has 3 times the number of adverse events that all other vaccines combined at the time it was introduced. That’s why.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


Fauci To Be Deposed in Media Censorship Case

Poll: Nearly 8 in 10 Voters against Transgender Procedures for Minors

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

New Poll Smothers Dems’ Hopes That Abortion Can Thwart A Red Wave thumbnail

New Poll Smothers Dems’ Hopes That Abortion Can Thwart A Red Wave

By The Daily Caller

Abortion is not a top priority for female voters and most women support abortion limits that would have been considered unconstitutional under the Roe v. Wade precedent, a new poll found, dashing Democrats’ hopes of an electoral advantage over abortion.

Inflation was about four times as likely to be listed as the most important issue for female respondents compared to abortion, with only 54% saying abortion was very important in determining their vote compared to 74% for inflation, according to the RMC Research/America First Policy Institute poll shared exclusively with the Daily Caller News Foundation. The polling cuts against a common Democratic talking point: that overturning Roe would be an electoral boon for Democrats as pro-abortion voters, and women in particular, flocked to the polls in November.

Democratic super PACs and campaigns have poured three times as much money into messaging on abortion than they did in 2018 midterms and have pushed the message that female voters in particular will rebel against new abortion restrictions by voting Democrat in droves, but polling doesn’t support those assumptions.

Inflation, crime and gun violence, health care, economic issues and education were the most likely issues to be considered “very important” among women for influencing their vote, the poll found. Abortion ranked behind all of these, but was more important to women than immigration, climate change, the war in Ukraine and the Jan. 6 hearings.

Women can and will decide the midterms.#Roevember is coming.

— Women’s March (@womensmarch) October 5, 2022

In addition to not viewing abortion as a top priority, most women support abortion restrictions that are opposed by most Democratic leaders and would have ben struck down under Roe, which generally did not allow abortion restrictions within the first six months of pregnancy. Most women (60%) supported a 15-week limit on abortions, and 45% would choose a candidate who said abortion should be allowed only when the life of the mother is at risk compared to 34% who believed it should be allowed at any time up to birth.

Don’t mess with women!

We will come for you at the ballot box!!!#RoeVWave #ROEVEMBER

— Amy Siskind 🏳️‍🌈 (@Amy_Siskind) September 1, 2022

The poll surveyed 1,200 registered voters between August and October with a 2.8% margin of error.



Social and culture reporter.


According to a new NBC poll, 71% of Americans say our country is on the “wrong track” — an all-time midterm high.

— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) October 23, 2022

RELATED VIDEO: Pollsters Tell Sean Hannity They See GOP Winning Every Battleground Senate Race


Biden Backs Spending Federal Dollars To Fund Abortion Leave

The COVID vaccines are adversely effecting women’s reproductive health

MURDOCK: Democrats Shrug Off Crime As Their Cities Implode

‘They’re Complicit In All This’: Ron Johnson Slams Media For ‘Covering Up For The Democrats’

MSNBC Host Claims Minority Republican Candidates Are Not ‘Voices Of Color’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

It’s Really About Just One Thing Isn’t It? The Truth or Censorship! thumbnail

It’s Really About Just One Thing Isn’t It? The Truth or Censorship!

By Vlad Tepes Blog

1. British doctor on the Made-in-Boston chimeric virus which killed 80% of the Chimeric mice. (I think Alex Berenson may be totally full of it on this one. This newest gain-of-function work may really be dangerous.)

Given that the news is basically nothing but leader material for what you are to think about what you are to experience, I wonder a couple of things about this story. Assuming it is true, and our stalwart British doctor explains it is, when did they really make it? And when did they release it, and who funded it? Because if they told us this much, what they didn’t tell us has to be that its already in the public and widely spread. And although the doctor explains that the vaxx cannot provide any protection from it, and even more bravely he explains that natural immunity will be better than the vaxx but still not very good, its still probably meant to frighten people into massive vaxx uptake this fall and winter. Halloween come early.

2. Dr. Theresa Tam does her part to scare the crap out of everyone to prepare us for the usual BS. Masks, vaccines, no socializing. The new WEF normal. Lots of lying about the effectiveness of the mRNA gene therapies and most comically, claiming what MANY doctors and scientists say are vaxx damage symptoms are actually from  Covid.

3. Let’s compare and contrast a communist Canada and its propaganda with what the elected leader of a democratic province of Canada (at the moment) of a free minded people say about Covid and covid measures imposed by authoritarian governments.

As an aside, not that it has anything to do with results, but for fun I looked up the method of counting the votes in Alberta, who got a fairly rational, Western thinking more or less libertarian leader, and it appears to still use human scrutineers to determine who voted for what, as opposed to a closed-source computer that consistently seems to select far left authoritarian candidates. No relation though, between the vote counting and the results I’m sure. Rather, I’m sure there is no way to verify the results of closed-source Dominion voting machines.)

4. Judge grants depositions of Fauci, Jen Psaki and other high ranking Biden officials in case over ‘collusive relationship’ between administration and social media companies to ‘censor free speech’

A federal judge has ordered Dr. Anthony Fauci and a slew of other high-ranking Biden officials to be deposed over the government’s alleged collusion with social media companies to ‘censor free speech.’

On Friday, the court granted the request brought by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry, both republicans. 

Both accused the Biden administration of having ‘worked hand-in-hand’ with social media giants to ‘censor’ news stories that reflect negatively on the White House and called it an ‘egregious attack on our First Amendment,’ a report said.

(We all must watch this closely. The results of this may show exactly how corrupt the judicial and executive branches might be)

5. Let me be as clear as I can about this. “Diagolon” is a joke. A meme. It was one Canadian veteran who came up with the idea for a new country where freedom minded classical Canadians from the West would form a new polity with Florida and other US Constitutionally minded people from the US. The resulting new polity on a map would have diagonal borders on both sides and as a joke, they called this new fictional place, “Diagolon.” It is as much a threat as is Lilliput. And as far as I know, (barring some other activity or charge about which I have no knowledge), the man they jailed for coming up with the meme is no more a threat than is Johnathan Swift. The groups he interacted with, also invented another nation called “Circulon”. It was to contain all the lefties who wanted to force everyone to take experimental and dangerous gene-therapies and force masks on people and forbid the sick from getting effective and safe therapeutics. I myself am looking at a map and connecting smaller communities hoping to make a new country without having to move anyone anywhere. I plan to call it, “Checkertopia”.

It’s was the Council for Govt of Canada that brought it up🙄🤦🏻‍♀️of course it was🤡

— heather (@howisthismylif) October 20, 2022

Thank you all for reading these pages and considering these ideas against the onslaught of enemy propaganda intended to obliterate all your concepts of reality as you have held them for your life so far.

In the video we posted yesterday of Dr. Chris Shoemaker, he gave some astonishing statistics in his speech. One of which, was that sperm counts dropped in men who had the mRNA gene-therapy shots, (allegedly for Covid19 although they seem to do nothing whatsoever to prevent it or lower the outcomes from having it), by a whopping 50% and for 6 months. So is it any surprise that the government wants us to take these shots every six months even though any protection you get from the shots lasts maybe 3 weeks?

This goes a long way towards the thesis of this site, that all policies from Covid measures, the forced vaxx, deifying homosexuality, making having children and marriage itself to be not worth the effort, and many many more policies and cultural shifts are really about one thing. Stopping people from having children. Watch his video again if you have already for more stunning statistics.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by  is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Covid Fraud: A Staggering $600 Billion thumbnail

Covid Fraud: A Staggering $600 Billion

By James Bovard

Editors’ Note: Looking back at the Covid lockdowns, the overall response looks even worse than before. At the time they were being imposed, The Prickly Pear opposed them on a variety of grounds; medical, economic, and because they violated human rights and freedom. Now in hindsight, it is clear lockdown, mask requirements, and forced immunizations, did not stop the spread of the virus but did succeed in trampling all over our liberties and dividing the public into warring camps. It obliterated what was left of medical ethics. It has touched off fearsome inflation and given us a vicious bear market that is mauling the retirement hopes of millions. It will also likely give us a severe recession. It wrecked our educational system which was already underperforming. Remember, this was not caused by Covid per se, but by the political and institutional response to Covid climaxing in lockdown. Increasingly, evidence shows the spending to supposedly repair the self-inflicted damage, was perhaps the biggest boondoggle in the history of the world, spawning fraud on a gargantuan scale. To be sure, much was done in a panic with insufficient information and financial controls.  But both political parties were involved and it would be nice to see at least some Republican leaders come forward and say it was a mistake. That would include former President Trump as well, although the press bullied him badly screaming listen to Fauci! Nevertheless, legislation was passed with much bipartisan support that now looks foolish. Can someone say it was a mistake and they are sorry?  And while we are at it, could we have a thorough investigation into the origins of the virus and the extent to which the US government itself subsidized the Chinese research? If we can’t learn the lessons from mistakes, then the pain of those mistakes goes for naught.

COVID fraud is at this point a redundant phrase. Congress appropriated more than $5 trillion for COVID relief but almost $600 billion may have been lost to fraud — an astounding 12%. Washington’s pandemic pratfalls are the greatest federal boondoggle of this century.

Prosecutors are having a turkey shoot nailing COVID crooks: More than 1,500 have been indicted and almost 500 have been convicted. On September 14, the Justice Department announced the creation of three COVID-19 fraud strike force teams.

When President Biden recently signed a law to extend the time to prosecute COVID fraud, he declared, “My message to those cheats out there is this: You can’t hide. We’re going to find you.” But the sheer amount of fraud makes it unlikely that the vast majority of thieves will be charged.

Policymakers acted as if waiving standard federal fraud protections would somehow thwart the COVID virus. On September 22, the Labor Department inspector general estimated that COVID-19 unemployment fraud amounted to $45 billion and could exceed $163 billion.

“Overseas organized crime groups flooded state unemployment systems with bogus online claims, overwhelming antiquated computer software benefits in blunt-force attacks that siphoned out millions of dollars,” NBC News reported.

Prison inmates, drug gangs, and Nigerian racketeers easily plundered the program. One swindler collected unemployment benefits from 29 different states. In the first year of the pandemic, Maryland detected more than 1.3 million fraudulent unemployment claims — equal to 20% of the state’s population

Beginning in June 2020, the feds distributed $813 billion in Paycheck Protection Program loans to businesses. President Donald Trump’s Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin boasted that PPP is “supporting an estimated 50 million jobs.” But many of those jobs existed solely in the imagination of political appointees.

The Small Business Administration (SBA), which administered the program, effectively told people, “Apply and sign and tell us that you’re really entitled to the money,” according to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. The SBA camouflaged its “don’t ask, don’t tell” loan standard by claiming to perform economic miracles. The SBA ludicrously boasted that PPP loans saved more jobs than the total number of employees in at least 15 industries.

Yet CBS News found that PPP loans had gone to more than a thousand “ghost businesses” in Markham, Illinois — indicative of a nationwide problem of deluging nonexistent companies with federal cash. The feds gave “loans to 342 people who said their name was ‘N/A,’” the New York Times reported.

Fraud permeated relief programs of practically every federal agency that gushered money. On September 20, the feds charged 47 people in Minnesota with looting $250 million from the federal child nutrition programs’ COVID aid. Prosecutors denounced the “brazen scheme of staggering proportions,” but federal and state bureaucrats should have stopped the pilfering from the start. “Feeding Our Future,” a nonprofit organization, pocketed $300,000 in subsidies in 2018 and a windfall of almost $200 million in 2021. Fraud snowballed because the US Department of Agriculture issued waivers to “suspend all on-site monitoring of providers” of children’s meals.

Instead of feeding hungry kids, tax dollars were pilfered using a list of phony recipients generated by the website (No wonder Feeding Our Future wasn’t invited to attend Biden’s White House Summit on Hunger last week.) When the state of Minnesota sought to cut off funding, Feeding Our Future sued, claiming the action “discriminated against a nonprofit that worked with racial minorities,” the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Leftist firebrand Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Minn.) received thousands of dollars in donations from individuals indicted in the scandal.

Fighting fraud is tricky for federal investigators when some politicians openly used COVID stimulus money to bribe voters. In the January 2021 Georgia runoff race for US Senate, the campaign of Democratic candidate Raphael Warnock distributed fliers declaring, “Want a $2,000 Check? Vote Warnock.” That promise helped Warnock win, sealing Democratic control of the Senate and opening the floodgates for trillions of dollars of additional Biden administration spending.

The single biggest COVID fraud will never show up in triumphal press releases issued by federal prosecutors. On August 24, Biden invoked the COVID-19 emergency to justify canceling $400 billion in student loans. A few weeks ago, Biden told 60 Minutes that the pandemic was over — thus invalidating his justification for loan forgiveness.

But Team Biden signaled that it was entitled to spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars to purchase Democratic votes in the midterm congressional elections regardless of the president’s admission.

Plenty of scoundrels will be convicted in the coming months for stealing COVID money. But it was the politicians of both parties who unleashed the reckless spending that left us with the soaring national debt, roaring inflation, and a fading mirage of prosperity.

Americans should never permit politicians to absolve themselves by uncorking geysers of tax dollars.


This article was published by The Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


How Not to Vote in Arizona

The 2022 midterm election is fast approaching. The system for voting in Arizona is predominantly by mail-in ballots (around 80% of all ballots). The ballots will be mailed out to all voters registered for mail-in voting on October 12th. The actual ‘day’ of the election is Tuesday November 8, 27 days later.

Once upon a time when all voters went to the polls on the day of election, the tabulated results were announced the night of the election date. If the result of a specific race was razor thin and less than a legislated margin, a recount might prevent the naming of a winner. That was the exception for calling the results of the election.

It is still this way in most first world countries but not the United States and certainly not Arizona. Voting rules (some unconstitutional) were dramatically altered in many states in 2020 because of the Covid pandemic.

We at The Prickly Pear are very concerned about the flaws in Arizona’s predominant ‘mail-in’ voting system.

Please click on the red TAKE ACTION link below to learn How Not to Vote in Arizona as a mail-in ballot voter and to be certain your vote is included in the count the evening of November 8th.

One in Every 500 Small Children Who Get Vaccine are Hospitalized By It, Study Finds thumbnail

One in Every 500 Small Children Who Get Vaccine are Hospitalized By It, Study Finds

By The Geller Report

Democrats want to make the clot shot mandatory. It’s murder.

One in Every 500 Small Children Who Receive the Pfizer Vaccine are Hospitalized By It, Study Finds

By: Dr. Malone, October 20, 2022:

=One in every 500 children under five years who received the Pfizer mRNA Covid vaccine were hospitalized with a vaccine injury, and one in 200 had symptoms ongoing for weeks or months afterwards, a study has found.

The study published in JAMA included 7,806 children aged five or younger who were followed up of for an average of 91.4 days following their first Pfizer vaccination. It was a retrospective cohort study done as an authenticated online survey (response rate 41.1%) in spring 2022 which included parents or caregivers who registered children for SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in outpatient care facilities in Germany. It compared the adverse events to those of the same children with other vaccinations in order to control for over-reporting.

It concluded that the symptoms reported after Pfizer vaccination were “comparable overall” to those for other vaccines:

  • Any symptoms: 62% higher;
  • Musculoskeletal (muscles and bones) symptoms: 155% higher;
  • Dermatologic (skin) symptoms: 118% higher;
  • Otolaryngologic (ears, nose and throat) symptoms: 537% higher;
  • Cardiovascular (heart etc.): 36% higher;
  • Gastrointestinal (stomach etc.): 54% higher.

It calls these “modestly elevated.” (Not all are statistically significant and some confidence intervals are wide, see below.)

View Table 2.

In 0.5% of the children (40 of 7,806) symptoms were “currently ongoing and thus of unknown significance”. This is in a study with a 2-4 month follow-up period. That means 0.5% of children had an adverse effect that lasted for weeks or months. In two cases (0.03%), symptoms were confirmed to have lasted longer than 90 days.

Ten children were hospitalized with reported serious adverse events (SAEs), compared to zero with the other vaccines. This reported as 0.1%, as it is out of 7,806. However, the study also states that no hospitalizations were reported for children administered the low dosage of 3 μg. Since it also tells us that 6,033 children received at least one dose of over 3 μg (or unknown dosage), the rate in the relevant cohort is closer to 0.2%, or around one in 500.

Four of the hospitalizations were for cardiovascular injury; one child was hospitalized after both doses for this reason. Four were pulmonary (lung) related. Symptoms of the hospitalized children lasted an average of 12.2 days and a maximum of 60 days. None reported a myocarditis diagnosis. No deaths were reported in this relatively small sample.

The mortality rate in under-20s has been shown to be 0.0003%. The figure for under-fives will be even lower. But even if we unrealistically assume this is the mortality rate for under-fives and the vaccines reduce it to zero, this still means that at least 500 children are hospitalized for every life the vaccines save. In reality the ratio will be much worse than this. Yet the EU has just authorized the jab for this age group, and the US is adding it to its childhood vaccination schedule.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


96 doctors in Quebec call for an end to vaccinating children for COVID

Comparative Safety of the BNT162b2 Messenger RNA COVID-19 Vaccine vs Other Approved Vaccines in Children Younger Than 5 Years

What are EU thinking? European Union approves Covid jabs for BABIES amid growing fears of winter wave

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Stacey Abrams’ Plan to Fight Inflation: Abort Your Children thumbnail

Stacey Abrams’ Plan to Fight Inflation: Abort Your Children

By The Geller Report

Stacey Abrams and other Democrats are fighting for abortions at eight, nine months and post birth. And they think they have the moral high ground. Monsters.

And now Abrams has made the abortion issue not just about women and reproductive rights, but about inflation. The Biden regime has wreaked havoc on the economy. Inflation is skyrocketing because of the regime’s corrupt tendency to throw money to all its cronies, including Zelensky, and because of the regime’s war against the domestic oil industry. And now, instead of returning to responsible fiscal policies, Stacey Abrams is arguing that the solution is simply to abort your babies. Again: monstrous.

.@staceyabrams says abortion can help address inflation issues: “Having children is why you’re worried about your price for gas, it’s why you’re concerned about how much food costs. For women, this is not a reductive issue.”

— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) October 19, 2022


Atlas Shrugs


WATCH: Joe Biden Insults Reporter, Confirms He Supports No Limits on Abortion

Biden Admin Announces Military Will Fund Abortion Travel to Kill Babies

Joe Biden Says Killing Babies in Abortions is Just as Important as Stopping Inflation

Leftists Vandalize Church and Pregnancy Center on the Same Night

Joe Biden Wants Federal Abortion Fund Forcing Americans to Pay for Abortions

Vatican Defends Pope Francis Appointing Abortion Activist to Pontifical Academy for Life

Tyson Foods next big company to leave Chicago during leftist mayor’s crime wave

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PHILADELPHIA: Gender Clinic Trained Employees At Schools To Hide Students’ Gender Identities From Parents thumbnail

PHILADELPHIA: Gender Clinic Trained Employees At Schools To Hide Students’ Gender Identities From Parents

By The Geller Report

This is pure evil. The country has lost its way.

The left’s war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d. This is a culture that is embracing degeneracy, depression and death.

Eliminating parental authority paves their way to absolute control and autocracy.

The case against this horrendous surgery is a whole other matter. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

EXCLUSIVE: Philadelphia Gender Clinic Trained Employees At School That Hides Students’ Gender Identities From Parents

by Chrissy Clark, Daily Caller, October 19, 2022:

A Philadelphia gender clinic provided training materials to public school employees in a Pennsylvania district that asks educators to use students’ preferred names and pronouns without informing parents, according to training slides and emails obtained exclusively by the Daily Caller.

A Southern Lehigh School District guidance counselor emailed the training materials from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) to several educators on Sept. 15, 2021. Several district employees attended the CHOP training off-site, and one disseminated the information to colleagues.

Approximately three weeks later, the district’s intermediate school principal sent an email to educators stating that they should not inform parents about a child’s perceived gender identity. The intermediate school’s vice principal was a direct recipient of the CHOP training materials.

The presentation obtained by the Caller called for schools to be “affirming” of a children’s perceived gender identities. Educators are encouraged to use the word “students” instead of “boys and girls” when referring to the classroom. CHOP also urged educators to include “examples of LGBTQ people in lessons,” beginning in elementary school.

CHOP recommends that elementary schoolers read books about pronouns, such as “They, She, He Easy As ABC,” and books about young boys dressing in drag, such as “Julian Is A Mermaid.” The materials also call on middle and high school classrooms to “critically examine roles and messages (now and throughout history)” and to “build allies and advocacy.”

The training goes on to encourage educators to “follow [a] child’s lead” and to “allow room for exploration” of his or her gender.

In separate training sessions provided by CHOP to school districts throughout Pennsylvania in 2020, the gender clinic told educators to keep students’ gender identities secret from parents.

“If we disclose this information without someone’s involvement, without them giving us permission, we are setting them up for a negative, potentially harmful, unsafe experience,” the training video says. “So when we get this information, we keep it private from other students, from other staff members and from parents.”…


Atlas Shrugs


As long as I am Governor, in Florida there will not be a COVID-19 vaccine mandate for children in our schools.

— Ron DeSantis (@GovRonDeSantis) October 20, 2022


‘Only Two F*cking Genders’: Ocasio-Cortez Townhall Goes Completely Haywire As Protesters Shout Her Down

RINO Former RNC Chief Michael Steele Calls MAGA Republicans ‘Lice,’ ‘Fleas’ and ‘Blood-Sucking Ticks’

Democrat El Paso mayor LIES, denies he was pressured by Biden regime to avoid declaring migrant crisis an emergency

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Only Two F*cking Genders’: Ocasio-Cortez Townhall Goes Completely Haywire As Protesters Shout Her Down thumbnail

‘Only Two F*cking Genders’: Ocasio-Cortez Townhall Goes Completely Haywire As Protesters Shout Her Down

By The Daily Caller

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s town hall went downhill Wednesday night after protesters shouted her down.

Ocasio-Cortez was hosting a Listening Forum Event in Astoria, Queens, when a large group of protesters began chanting “AOC has got to go.” Several of the protesters held up signs, with some reading, “Fuck Joe Biden,” “Wake up New York” and “Agenda 2030 U.N. Is Dirty.”

“So if I don’t have butt sex, I don’t have a place to live” one protester said to AOC as she spoke about special LGBTQ centers, she responded “Sir your sexual orientation has nothing to do with it”.

— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) October 20, 2022

As Protesters chant “AOC has got to go” AOC starts dancing as she drank water, as more people shouted she said “very classy, thank you Sir”

— Oliya Scootercaster (@ScooterCasterNY) October 20, 2022

As Ocasio-Cortez spoke about LGBTQ centers, one protester asked, “So if I don’t have butt sex, I can’t have a place to live?”

“Sir, your sexual orientation has nothing to do with it,” Ocasio-Cortez responded. The man then said the centers were “racist against straight people.”

Another man then stood up, and though his speech was inaudible, the rest of the crowd broke out into a “let her speak” chant.

Eventually Ocasio-Cortez, addressing a woman in the crowd, said, “Ma’am, you are saying you ask us why, you’ve been talking for twenty minutes, we know why, we know why you’re mad, let’s talk about it.”

“I am not mad. There are only two fucking genders,” the woman shouted back in response.

This wasn’t the first time Ocasio-Cortez’s town hall was interrupted by protesters. The congresswoman was shouted down by a pair of protesters one week prior at a town hall in the Bronx. One protester slammed Ocasio-Cortez for voting to send weaponry to Ukraine, with one protester saying she should really focus her efforts on calling for peace.



News and commentary writer. Follow Brianna on Twitter


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MSNBC’s Matthew Dowd Implies Republicans Are Like Hitler Because They Care About Inflation

Biden Backs Spending Federal Dollars To Fund Abortion Leave

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Screw Parental Interference’: Inside The Online Community Encouraging Kids To Transition thumbnail

‘Screw Parental Interference’: Inside The Online Community Encouraging Kids To Transition

By The Daily Caller

In sequestered parts of the internet — blacklisted from Google searches — parents are discussing the spread of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), attributing their child’s newfound gender identity to online influence.

Reddit, a popular anonymous internet forum, harbors one such online community that promotes “affirming” a child’s gender confusion with or without adequate medical or psychological examination. The community, “r/trans,” allows self-identified minors to discuss cross-dressing, surgeries, and hormone replacement treatment with transgender individuals, most of whom identify online as adults.

Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old who detransitioned after undergoing cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy, told the Daily Caller that she likely would not have transitioned if it weren’t for social media.

“My first exposure to transgender content was [online],” Cole said. “I saw female adolescents ages 12 to 19 talking about their transition. I feel like I wouldn’t have transitioned if I wasn’t exposed to that.”

At the age of 12, Cole began socially transitioning to a boy identity and told the Daily Caller that she began browsing Reddit communities.

“I was fed a lot of medical misinformation on [Reddit],” Cole said. “I was sort of pigeonholing myself into this ideology or community.”

Users of r/trans opt for a vocabulary outside of the day-to-day vernacular of most Americans. Fourteen-year-olds use slang such as “T,” which stands for testosterone hormones, or “MtF,” which stands for male to female.

A common post on the r/trans thread is titled “Do I Pass?” which features self-described trans-identifying individuals posting photos of themselves asking for affirmation from community members on whether they pass for the opposite sex.

Other popular threads seek advice from other r/trans members. In one post, a user who identifies as a 14-year-old biological male solicited advice on how to come out as transgender now that the user is “forced to reintegrate back into society for high school.”

Another purported minor, who claims to be a middle schooler and biological female, sought advice on chest binding.

“This year I am going into a whole new school (I’m in middle school) and I’m trans [female to male], my mom won’t let me cut my hair and she won’t buy me a binder. I’ve tried the sports bra tricks, didn’t bind well, and I don’t own a beanie to do the beanie trick. I need some advice.”

Cole told the Daily Caller that she was caught in a similar online community that praised her for each step in her physical transition.

“Initially, I wasn’t really interacting with other transgender people online directly,” Cole said. “When I reached more milestones in my transition … with each milestone, as they got more and more extreme, I got more praise. Both from people who call themselves ‘allies’ and other transgender people.”

A self-described “minor,” who claims to be a 16-year-old, discussed starting testosterone soon. The biological female sought advice on how to easily procure the hormone treatment.

Click here to view Reddit r/trans screen shot

Several of the threads allegedly posted by minors included comments from older users encouraging kids to cut parents out of their lives. A self-described high school freshman, who appears to be a biological female, solicited advice on whether to get a male-styled haircut despite the student’s mother’s wishes.

“I would be surprised if the grounding lasted more than a couple weeks. 4 years of grounding for cutting your hair once is ‘I’m cutting you out of my life as soon as I turn 18’ territory,” one user responded.

Users on the board overwhelmingly supported the student, encouraging the teen to get a haircut.

“Cut it, and style it however you want in spite of that ridiculous ultimatum. Then just preemptively learn to pick a lock … and sneak out with friends,” another user suggested.

“Off with her head,” a self-described trans woman said. “In this instance, her head is your hair. Cut that stuff off and feel good about yourself. Screw parental interference. They only know so much about you.”

Other advice included cutting a portion of hair to “hide it” at home and “put it up in a bun at school.” Another user suggested “falling asleep” with a wad of chewed bubble gum to get a haircut.

The r/trans thread also applauds minors taking medical steps to transition physically. A self-described 14-year-old posted in all capitalized letters, “GUYS I DID MY FIRST [TESTOSTERONE] SHOT TODAY!” The biological female received cheers and congratulatory messages from fellow users.

One user asked what country the 14-year-old lives in. “America in California,” the user responded.

Click here to view Reddit r/trans conversation with 14-year old girl

Other purported minors posted about their discomfort dealing with gender dysphoria. A 14-year-old biological male questioned whether 6’1″ was too tall to pass as a female, and a young biological female questioned whether or not to use the men’s bathroom at school.

One thread, allegedly written by a minor, solicited advice on how to purchase female clothing when the biological male’s parents have access to their bank account.

Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience and a transgender woman, told the Daily Caller that it’s undeniable that troubled adolescents are being influenced by social media communities.

“Many adolescents are spending a lot of time on these sites and they are influenced by them,” Anderson said. “It is influential in particular to kids who may be susceptible to others … or who are troubled and sincerely looking for answers.”

Cole described being “bombarded” with LGBT content at the age of 11, when she first obtained an Instagram account. She said she consistently saw content that downplayed femininity and motherhood in favor of content that was “super sexualized.” She credits Reddit and Instagram with promoting gender ideology.

Cole desisted from her transgender identity and said the same online communities that once love bombed her, now spew vile attacks at her character.

Cole’s experience appears common in anecdotal stories of parents with transgender teens worldwide. Dr. Lisa Litman, the scientist who coined the phrase “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”, found that parents began reporting a correlation between children participating in online discussion groups and young adults who experience ROGD, despite having “no histories of childhood gender identity issues.”

A quick search of the words “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” shows only articles that discuss the controversy of ROGD and videos from activists on why the theory is false. Dr. Litman’s study on ROGD is not one of the primary results.

R/trans is only one of many online forums where children go to discuss their ever-changing gender identities.

Reddit did not respond to the Daily Caller’s multiple requests for comment.



Education reporter.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NYC City Hall Official Declares ‘No Sympathy’ For Public Sector Employees Forced Out of Jobs Due to COVID Vaccine Mandate thumbnail

NYC City Hall Official Declares ‘No Sympathy’ For Public Sector Employees Forced Out of Jobs Due to COVID Vaccine Mandate

By Project Veritas


Project Veritas Action released a second video today exposing the staff and inner workings of New York City mayor Eric Adams.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Chris Baugh, Advance Team Aide, NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “I have no sympathy for them. They made a choice [not to get vaccinated]. They chose not to do a very harmless thing that protects the rest of society. F**k ‘em. 1,400 people voluntarily quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated. They don’t deserve their jobs back. We have thousands and thousands of vacancies in city government right now. I’m worried about filling all of those jobs more than I’m worried about giving people who volunteered to leave their job back.”
  • Baugh: “I don’t give a sh*t. They are like, ‘This is unfair.’ F**king deal with it. We’re allowed to set the terms of employment. Period.”
  • Baugh: “I have no sympathy for those people. That was the rule. You had a very cushy government job…Again, no one was required to get vaccinated. You just had to get vaccinated if you had a job. So, you could have moved to Florida.”
  • NYC Mayor’s Press Secretary Fabien Levy RESPONDS: “Despite how many ‘parts’ Project Veritas releases, the fact remains that this is an enterprise run by a convicted criminal and one that admitted to lying in an effort to simply have a conversation.”

You can watch the video HERE.

The city official went on to dismiss concerns expressed by NYPD officers.

“The cops are mad at us though because we rolled back the private sector mandate, but we’re not rolling back the public sector mandate…COVID is over is the short answer. Why are we still doing it [vaccine mandate] for the public sector? I don’t know. We will probably stop that in a few months,” Baugh said.

“Being a cop is like the cushiest gig in the city. Like, you might get shot, but otherwise it’s very good,” he said.

“I’ve just always joked — New York is sort of like Hogwarts. Like, it’s a lot of fun, great opportunities, and people die.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

What kind of doctor amputates the breasts of a 12-year-old girl? thumbnail

What kind of doctor amputates the breasts of a 12-year-old girl?

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

Statistics published in JAMA Pediatrics are horrifying

The deeper you dig in the dark warrens of adolescent transgender medicine, the more convinced you become that the doctors who operate on young girls are criminal or insane or both.

I know that sounds extreme. But how can a decent person read the bare statistics in a recent article in one of the world’s leading paediatrics journals without feeling rage?

A brief report from four doctors at Vanderbilt University, “Gender-Affirming Chest Reconstruction Among Transgender and Gender-Diverse Adolescents in the US From 2016 to 2019” appeared in JAMA Pediatrics earlier this week. It is “the largest investigation to date of gender-affirming chest reconstruction in a pediatric population” to date.

The researchers found that the incidence of “gender-affirming chest reconstruction” surgery for children under 18 – better known as double mastectomies or “top jobs” — increased by 389 percent between 2016 and 2019. (These “chest reconstructions” included some boys who presumably wanted breast implants – but these were only 1.4 percent.)

An estimated 1,130 “top jobs” were performed during those four years on girls as young as 12. What kind of doctor amputates the healthy breasts of a 12-year-old girl?

According to the data, based on the Nationwide Ambulatory Surgery Sample, the Vanderbilt doctors calculated that 5.5 percent of the children were under 14, 21.5 percent under 15, and 56 percent under 16.

It gets worse.

Through the distorted lens of the billion-dollar sex-reassignment surgery industry, “top jobs” might make sense as the last step in a gender-affirmation journey. After a gender-dysphoric girl has experimented with living in a male body for months or years, she wants her chest to look masculine. She proceeds through the following steps:

  • I know I’m a boy in a girl’s body.
  • I need social affirmation.
  • I need puberty blockers.
  • I need cross-sex hormones.
  • I need a double mastectomy.

But according to the figures compiled by the Vanderbilt doctors, only 19.9 percent of these girls had hormone therapy before surgery. That means that the overwhelming majority of these young girls – 80.1 percent – had their breasts amputated without attempting to masculinise their bodies.

One of the leading American hospitals for transgender surgery, Boston Children’s Hospital, recommends that patients have hormone therapy first:

Surgery is never the first step in a gender transition. It is something that happens after you have already explored social and medical transition options. People who choose to undergo surgery usually do so after taking other steps in the gender affirmation process, such as taking supplemental hormones.

And the recently-released standards for transgender medicine specify that an adolescent should have had “at least 12 months of gender-affirming hormone therapy or longer, if required, to achieve the desired surgical result for gender-affirming procedures” (WPATH, section 6.12).

Amputation without hormone therapy makes no sense even in the Alice in Wonderland universe of transgender medicine. It is sheer mutilation. How will it solve girls’ gender dysphoria? It is worse than prescribing liposuction for a 12-year-old suffering from anorexia nervosa. Or amputating limbs or severing spinal cords for people suffering from Body Integrity Identity Disorder.

Furthermore, more than a third of the girls had been diagnosed with anxiety or depression. (The study fails to mention autism, which is often implicated in gender dysphoria.) What kind of surgeon amputates the breasts of a mentally-ill teenager?

The data in this study are already nearly three years old. How many more girls will be maimed for life before American doctors wake up to this grotesque violation of human rights?


Michael Cook