Tucker Carlson Was Fired For Exposing The Corruption of Liars thumbnail

Tucker Carlson Was Fired For Exposing The Corruption of Liars

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

The below article was written by Patrick Delaney for LifeSiteNews. While much has already been written regarding the abrupt termination of Tucker Carlson, this article truly peers behind the media curtain and shares what is not politically correct, what the Uniparty and establishment elites do not want the public to know.

This wonderful article by Patrick Delaney is still another wake-up call to those who have eyes to see and ears to hear. The plan to collapse America into the global community and no longer have national sovereignty is not some “nut job conspiracy theory.” NO…it is well under way with efforts to speed the collapse up prior to the 2024 election.

Tucker Carlson knew this, reported on this, and was fired because of this fact.

Please take the time to read this well done article.

‘Hysterical and aggressive’: Tucker Carlson indicates he was fired for exposing corruption of ‘liars’

‘How is it going to end for me?’ Carlson asked with roaring laughter. ‘Well, you think I don’t know? I know! And it is going to end for all of us that way!’

By Patrick Delaney

Fri Apr 28, 2023 – 7:44 pm EDT

(LifeSiteNews) – Speaking publicly for the first time since his seismic firing by Fox News, Tucker Carlson indicated in a Wednesday night video release that he was indeed dismissed for presenting on “the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future,” which — through corporate collusion with both political parties and their donors — “are not permitted in the American media.”

When such important debates are presented, as on “war, civil liberties, emerging science, demographic change, corporate power, [and] natural resources,” these “people in charge” become “hysterical and aggressive,”

abandoning persuasion and “resorting to force,” said Carlson, who hosted the highest-rated cable news show in history.

In recent years, Carlson appears to have gained insight about how to identify the fundamental priorities of the establishment. In his March 14 broadcast, he said if the left “become completely hysterical when confronted with any facts that deviate from their lies,” media figures can know they have breached the owners’ permissible parameters of debate and should adjust accordingly, or else. As a guest on Glenn Beck’s March 8 podcast, Carlson said, “We talk about a lot of different topics on the show and some of them I think are really important and interesting, and they get no response and nobody cares.” He then went on to explain that if, for example, he proposed invading Belgium and putting their population “in camps … nobody would say a word.” But “if you say a word about Syria, holy smokes, they come to your house! I don’t know why Syria is so essential to the system but Belgium, a NATO ally in the middle of Europe, isn’t.”

What is clear is one can “know their priorities by their reaction,” he said.

Of course, facilitating an American-led regime change on Syria has been a priority of the Israel Lobby with the neoconservatives for many years as a means of serving the regional interests of Israel. Yet the question remains, what caused such a swift and aggressive reaction precipitating Carlson’s sudden firing, which seemed unanticipated by either the highly popular host or a management that appeared unprepared to adequately fill his time slot?

First, having previously worked in corporate media for 15 years, independent news analyst Kim Iversen confirmed during her Tuesday show that regardless of a host’s popularity or ratings, if he or she “deviates too far from the message the bosses want heard, they [simply] get canned.” She believes Carlson “was too far off the message establishment elites like [Fox chairman] Rupert Murdoch wanted shared,” and was thus terminated.

Did platforming Democratic hopeful RFK Jr., including his exposing Big Pharma and the Neocons, cause the aggressive silencing of Tucker?

As the shock waves of the firing were reverberating throughout the political media world on Monday, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK Jr.), who announced on April 19 his own challenge to Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination for president of the United States, speculated that his interview on Carson’s show that same evening may have been the last straw. Fox’s firing of their most successful host ever came just several days after he crossed “the red line by acknowledging that the TV networks pushed a deadly and ineffective vaccine to please their pharma advertisers,” Kennedy tweeted. “Carlson’s breathtakingly courageous April 19 monologue broke TV’s two

biggest rules: Tucker told the truth about how greedy pharma advertisers controlled TV news content and he lambasted obsequious newscasters for promoting jabs they knew to be lethal and worthless,” the nephew of

former president John F. Kennedy said. “For many years, Tucker has had the nation’s biggest audience averaging 3.5 million — 10 times the size of CNN. Fox just demonstrated the terrifying power of Big Pharma,” he concluded.

In his monologue that evening, Carlson castigated the “filthy and dishonest” news media, charging that it is “so corrupt” they are “willing to hurt you on behalf of [their] biggest advertisers.” Then comparing these outlets to a Colombian drug lord, he said, “anyone who’d do that is obviously Pablo Escobar-level corrupt and should not be trusted.” These media corporations “took hundreds of millions of dollars from Big Pharma companies and then they shilled for their sketchy products on the air, and as they did that, they maligned anyone who was skeptical of those products.”

Introducing his guest, Carlson continued, “Robert Kennedy knew early that the COVID vaccines were both ineffective and potentially dangerous and he said so in public to the extent he was allowed. Science has since proven Robert F. Kennedy Jr. right, unequivocally right.” Carlson went on quoting Kennedy, who in his campaign announcement speech said U.S. conduct in Ukraine indicates the aims of the Biden administration are “in prolonging the war rather than shortening it,” which is “completely antithetical to a humanitarian mission” as was initially sold to the public. Trump and Kennedy agree that the Neocon establishment must be neutralized. Continuing, he read one of Kennedy’s tweeted analyses of the Biden administration foreign policy, which focused on “the abject failure of the Neocon strategy of maintaining U.S. global hegemony with aggressive projections of military power.” “The Neocon projects in Iraq and Ukraine have cost $8.1 trillion, hollowed out our middle class, made a laughingstock of U.S. military power and moral authority, pushed China and Russia into an invincible alliance, destroyed the dollar as the global currency, cost millions of lives and done nothing to advance democracy or win friendships or influence,” Kennedy concluded.

With such piercing criticism of the Neocon establishment, Kennedy joins the sentiment of Republican frontrunner, former President Donald Trump, who in March expressed his “complete commitment to dismantling the entire globalist Neocon establishment that is perpetually dragging us into endless wars, pretending to fight for freedom and democracy abroad, while they turn us into a third-world country and a third-world dictatorship right here at home.” Kennedy, who at this early stage in the election season enjoys around 20% support among likely Democratic voters, told Iversen in an interview on Tuesday, “Tucker’s show is a loss because Tucker had the biggest Democratic audience on TV.” Due to Carlson’s much larger audience, “he had more Democrats watching him in most demographics than Rachel Maddow [of MSNBC],” the attorney and author continued. “A lot of people watch Tucker who are not Republicans.” Neocon-Deep State’s ‘ultimate fear’ is Kennedy vs. Trump in 2024, Tucker platforms both, establishment attempting to ‘vanish’ them in the mainstream media.

In offering his own opinion as to why Carlson was fired, Alex Christoforou of The Duran podcast agreed on Tuesday that Kennedy’s appearance on the show last week was critical to the ouster, but for a different reason.

Christoforou explained, “Here’s the [ultimate] fear that that the Deep State and permanent Washington faces: Robert F Kennedy versus [Donald] Trump [in the 2024 election].” “I believe that is why he was fired, because Tucker Carlson was willing to platform Trump and give him a voice. And he was willing to platform Kennedy and give him a voice,” he said. While the establishment “can stomach Trump versus Biden,” or even “Robert Kennedy versus DeSantis,” a Trump versus Kennedy race would already be a defeat for them and would thus be “unacceptable.” And so, the Deep State has to “make sure that Trump and Robert F.

Kennedy appear on zero, zero, mainstream media channels or outlets,” he said. “And I’m sure they’re going to do the same thing for big tech and they’re going to try to vanish these two candidates [from the minds of voters].”

Significant bipartisan backlash for January 6 exposé, Rupert Murdoch ‘particularly upset’ But given the criteria of identifying deep state priorities by the

“hysterical” responses of establishment figures in Washington when their narratives are confronted by facts, Carlson’s coverage in March of new Capitol surveillance footage from the January 6 riot caused a unified denunciation against him.

The show’s discoveries appeared to expose several significant “lies” by the Democrats’ previous January 6 Committee, serving to discredit, even further, the narrative they zealously put forward in conjunction with the deep state and legacy media outlets. In addition to Democrat Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer of New York calling for the Fox News host to be taken off the air at the time, other condemnations of the report came from prominent Republicans as well, including Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah. They also came from “Against Trump” publications like “conservative” National Review.

In response, Carlson simply called them out in a March 8 broadcast as “liars” who have “doubled down” telling “the same lies they’d been caught telling, but with even greater aggression.” “All we did was play the tape that they had been hiding for 26 months and show that there were American citizens, [such as QAnon Shamon] Jacob Chansley specifically, and others whose civil liberties were annihilated,” he said. “It just tells you everything about the way things actually work. They’re not loyal to their voters. They are loyal to each other, and they’re willing to lie, really lie and crush people.” “All of a sudden you’ve got Mitch McConnell and Chuck Schumer saying

exactly the same thing. Well, that tells you, through inductive reasoning, that this is the foundation of something that they’re colluding on,” Carlson told Beck. “That [January 6] story is at the center of what they’re doing and what they’re planning, obviously.”

In addition, Carlson’s reporting on this topic seems to have had a significant impact since March. An April Rasmussen Poll found that “65% of U.S. likely voters think it is likely that undercover agents provoked the Capitol Riot,” and “46% now say VERY LIKELY. That’s up 7 points in just six weeks.”

Mark Mitchell, head pollster of Rasmussen Reports, asserted that Carlson’s stories impacted these increased numbers. And, for him, the biggest headline as a result of their research is “Only one-quarter of U.S. voters think it’s not likely the feds provoked the Capitol riot.” According to Iversen, Murdoch was “really particularly upset” about the January 6 coverage accompanied by the significant bipartisan backlash coming from powerful figures in Washington against Carlson and Fox, especially with Schumer naming Murdoch publicly and asserting he “has a special obligation to stop Tucker Carlson” from going on the air.

Carlson responded on his show, saying, “That’s not an argument based on logic. It’s based on hysteria and the shame you feel as a weak and terrified person when your lies are exposed.” “We invited Schumer on, McConnell, anybody is always welcome to come on our show. If we got something wrong, tell us how. If you think we altered the tape in some way, tell us how. But they won’t,” he said. Instead, their response is, “Shut up. Pull that show off the air.” Carlson resolved to be as honest as possible and focus on ‘issues that actually matter’ knowing how ‘it is going to end’ for him.

In Iversen’s assessment of the firing, she observed, “Tucker was dangerous because Tucker sowed more doubt in our institutions than any other news broadcaster. He called out the military industrial complex, the World Economic Forum, Big Pharma, the CIA, and the FBI. “Finally, someone on the nightly news was doing their job and calling them out publicly and boldly,” she continued. “He resonated with audiences from across the political spectrum because we share something in common: We know we’re being lied to. And Tucker publicly pointed it out.” “It’s kind of shocking that they threw him off,” Kennedy conveyed. “He was saying things that nobody has ever said on TV before. He was talking about advertisers dictating content — pharmaceutical advertisers getting newscasters on the networks to say things about vaccines that weren’t true. And nobody’s ever talked like that.”

In reflecting with Beck on the establishment response to his January 6 coverage, and how it threatened his career, Carlson said, “I just feel like for the short time I’m on Earth and for however long I have my current job, I should be as honest as I can possibly be and focus on the issues that actually matter. That’s how I feel about it. And I really mean that. Well, obviously I mean that!” he said with roaring laughter. “How is it going to end for me? Well, you think I don’t know?? I know! And it is going to end for all of us that way!”

©2023 LifeSiteNews. All rights reserved.

New York State To Ban Gas Stoves thumbnail

New York State To Ban Gas Stoves

By The Geller Report

Democrats hate you. Natural gas is one of the cleanest forms of energy. This is a deliberate attack on our very way of life.

Where do these morons think the electrical energy comes from?

New York would ban gas stoves in new buildings under potential budget deal

By Tim Meads • Apr 29, 2023 • DailyWire.com:

Remember a few months ago when Legacy Media and their Democrat allies called conservatives a bunch of crazy conspiracy theorists for warning that the Left wanted to ban gas stoves? That Democrat-Media Complex episode occurred despite numerous bureaucrats and liberal politicians advocating the ban of fossil fuel power appliances and more.

Well, now, New York is one step closer to banning gas stoves in new buildings. On Thursday, Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY) announced that a budget deal had been reached that would prohibit gas hookups in new buildings. Existing buildings and gas stoves not be affected under this deal, it should be noted. According to Hohcul’s office, this would be an airtight ban as well.

Katy Zielinski, a spokeswoman for the governor’s office, said on Friday that no such measure was included in the deal.

“The new law will not have any loopholes that will undermine the intent of this measure,” Hochul’s spokeswoman Katy Zielinski told The New York Times. “There will not be any option for municipalities to opt out.”

The Democrats enthusiastically pummeling New York into the ground are about to pass a statewide ban of gas hookups on new construction. Such a terrible idea! Kathy Hochul and her cohorts are fast tracking the downward spiral of a once greatest state.

— Lee Zeldin (@leezeldin) April 27, 2023

This would obviously make future construction costs more expensive, as pointed out by New York Republican politician Lee Zeldin.

“The Democrats enthusiastically pummeling New York into the ground are about to pass a statewide ban of gas hookups on new construction,” he tweeted. “Such a terrible idea! Kathy Hochul and her cohorts are fast tracking the downward spiral of a once greatest state.”

Hochul isn’t alone. At the federal level, the Biden administration is considering a proposed energy efficiency rule from the Department of Energy (DOE) that could remove up to 50% of current gas stoves from the U.S. market if it is enacted. That means if you have a gas hookup in your building, buying a new stove down the road could be significantly more expensive.

Read more.


Pamela Geller


National Grid proposes hefty 17% rate increase for NY customers, blaming climate change policies, inflation

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WHISTLEBLOWER: Joe Biden Engaged In ‘Bribery Scheme With a Foreign National’, ‘Money for Policy Decisions’ thumbnail

WHISTLEBLOWER: Joe Biden Engaged In ‘Bribery Scheme With a Foreign National’, ‘Money for Policy Decisions’

By The Geller Report

This is the moment of truth where the rubber meets the road, do we have a country, or don’t we? Is there rule of law or are the elites above the law?

The party of treason and their operatives in the intel agencies installed this criminal and covered for him for far too long. The Democrat media axis cannot ignore this.

We want our country back.

FBI file links Joe Biden to ‘criminal scheme’ per whistleblower — Comer subpoenas

By Steven Nelson, NY Post, May 3, 2023:

WASHINGTON — In a stunning development, the House Oversight Committee subpoenaed the FBI Wednesday for a file that a whistleblower said links President Biden to a “criminal scheme” featuring “money for policy decisions” during his vice presidency.

“We have received legally protected and highly credible unclassified whistleblower disclosures,” Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) and Senate Budget Committee ranking member Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray.

🚨🚨🚨@RepJamesComer & @ChuckGrassley reveal the existence of an FBI record alleging then-VP Biden engaged in a bribery scheme with a foreign national.

According to a whistleblower, this record details an alleged arrangement involving an exchange of money for policy decisions.… pic.twitter.com/6yLwPLi8Hw

— Oversight Committee (@GOPoversight) May 3, 2023

“Based on those disclosures, it has come to our attention that the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) possess an unclassified FD-1023 form that describes an alleged criminal scheme involving then-Vice President Biden and a foreign national relating to the exchange of money for policy decisions.”

The letter continues, “It has been alleged that the document includes a precise description of how the alleged criminal scheme was employed as well as its purpose. Based on the alleged specificity within the document, it would appear that the DOJ and the FBI have enough information to determine the truth and accuracy of the information contained within it. However, it remains unclear what steps, if any, were taken to investigate the matter.”

First son Hunter Biden and first brother James Biden reaped millions of dollars from business relationships in countries such as China and Ukraine while Joe Biden was vice president.

The then-VP interacted with his relatives’ foreign associates on multiple occasions.

“The significant public interest in assessing the FBI’s response to this information, as well as growing concern about the DOJ and the FBI’s track record of allowing political bias to infect their decision-making process, necessitate exacting congressional oversight,” Comer and Grassley wrote.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller

RELATED ARTICLE: Sen. Grassley, Rep. Comer Demand FBI Record Alleging Criminal Scheme Involving Then-VP Biden


BREAKING: James Comer and Chuck Grassley have just released a statement claiming the FBI has proof showing then-Vice President Joe Biden committed bribery in exchange for policy decisions with a foreign national.

“We have received legally protected and highly credible… pic.twitter.com/LlPDqZCbVh

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) May 3, 2023

BREAKING 🚨 New whistleblower alleges that then-VP Joe Biden engaged in a “bribery scheme with a foreign national” says House Oversight chairman James Comer. Subpoena just went to FBI director Chris Wray for an FBI FD-1023 form, allegedly detailing an “arrangement involving an…

— Miranda Devine (@mirandadevine) May 3, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Transgender Follies––More Madness from the Left thumbnail

The Transgender Follies––More Madness from the Left

By Joan Swirsky

Growing up in the 1950s, I remember distinctly that all of my high school classmates were obsessed with figuring out who they really were, males or females. Every conversation, the special clubs we formed to talk about this issue, the heated arguments we had with our parents who didn’t “get” that the children they thought were boys or girls were not at all what those dinosaurs imagined sex and gender to be, and the total lack of understanding we got from the powers-that-be, including teachers, counselors, coaches, doctors. It was truly a horrible time to be a girl or boy.

All that my girlfriends talked about, starting about the age of 11 or 12, was having their budding (or in some cases, formidable) breasts cut off, and the hormones coursing through their systems somehow, magically, eliminated altogether. The same with the boys. “How can we cover up our Adam Apples,” they lamented. “How can we hide our penises and put barrettes in our hair and be the girls we were really meant to be?”

After high school, I married and became a young mother at 18. And my son told me that when he was in high school in the 1970s, the same thing took place, although more intensely. “All we talked about,” he told me, was “who was a real boy and who was a real girl, and how the tomboys could become real boys and the guys who liked cooking could become real girls.”

“But at least things had progressed,” he said, “and there were teachers and guidance counselors willing to encourage the girls who were tomboys and the boys who liked cooking to stick to the genders “they were born to be and not to allow parents to interfere.”


Please re-read every word of the above four paragraphs and know that NOT ONE WORD of them is true! In the 1950s––and for centuries before and decades after––girls knew they were girls; boys knew they were boys and that was that.

And in the 1970s, the exact same thing. There was no such word as “transgender.” There was not one micro-syllable of a word that suggested girls with breasts and boys with penises weren’t, ahem, girls and boys!

There was not one case of a surgeon cutting off the breasts of 13-year-old and 14-year-old girls because these far-from-fully-developed females claimed they were “born into the wrong gender.” Nor were there medical doctors prescribing hormone blockers to teenage boys to stem the tide of their surging testosterone.

Same in the 1980s and the 1990s and the 2000s and the 2010s. In fact, right up until about 2015…. just eight years ago!


Of course. In the early 1950s, there was––at-that-time––the “strange” case of Christine Jorgenson who, after serving in the U.S. Army as George Jorgenson,  traveled to Denmark and underwent a series of operations that converted her from George to Christine, after which she enjoyed a successful career as an author, lecturer and entertainer until she died at age 62.

Christine Jorgenson

In the mid-1970s, former athlete Richard Raskind, who was recruited by the NY Yankees and attended Yale University (where he was the captain of the men’s tennis team), ultimately became a successful ophthalmologist, and an officer in the U.S. Navy. He then became Renée Richards (French for “reborn”), practiced medicine, and died at the age of 88.

Renée Richards

More recently, there was the case of Bruce Jenner, the macho former Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete.of 1976.

The handsome hunk married three times and had six children, but came out as a transwoman in April 2015 as Caitlin Marie Jenner.

According to Rachel Scheinerman, with a Master’s Degree from Harvard Divinity School, a Ph.D. in Rabbinic Literature from Yale University, and editor of My Jewish Learning, there were no fewer than eight genders recognized in the Talmud over 3,500-hundred years ago, including:

  1. Zachar, male.
  2. Nekevah, female.
  3. Androgynos, having both male and female characteristics.
  4. Tumtum, lacking sexual characteristics.
  5. Aylonit hamah, identified female at birth but later naturally developing male characteristics.
  6. Aylonit adam, identified female at birth but later developing male characteristics through human intervention.
  7. Saris hamah, identified male at birth but later naturally developing female characteristics.
  8. Saris adam, identified male at birth and later developing female characteristics through human intervention.

But leave it to that leftist bastion, the City University of New York (CUNY) to outdo the Talmud! This vast system, which includes 25 colleges and 243,000 students, lists 15 genders to choose from on one of their forms! As they say, can’t make it up!


Did the massive quantity of estrogens women started taking with the advent of the birth-control pill in 1960 produce future generations of boys who “feel” like girls? And did it produce girls with such an overload of estrogen that they somehow developed an autoimmune disease to their own hormones and now “feel” like boys?

Where, through sweat and urine, did this huge amount of estrogens go, which multimillions of women ingested not only with The Pill but with the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) they took to quell the unpleasant symptoms of menopause? Did all this estrogen go into the soil and plants and foods we eat or into the water we drink? And what about the tremendous amount of xenoestrogens that are found in plants and also introduced into the environment by industrial, agricultural, and chemical companies?

I think about these questions when I remember watching the first gay pride march in New York City in 1970 on TV, featuring several hundred protestors. I didn’t quite understand the march…. was their goal to be accepted or did they simply want me and millions of other Americans to know what they did in bed? Yet today, such marches feature literally hundreds of thousands. Is this numerical explosion the result of the Atlantic Ocean’s worth of estrogens their mothers and grandmothers ingested over the past almost-65 years that permeated our ecosystem and found its way into their bodies?

Notice that every expert and doctor and scientist––and even “woke” companies like Budweiser ––and many other major industries that support and even promote transgenderism––never ever cite even a micron of hard scientific research that either affirms or disproves that this burgeoning phenomenon has a scientific basis at all. Indeed, where are the studies? Where is the empirical evidence?

Spare yourself the search…. there are none!


Today, the Williams Institute – which says it conducts independent research on sexual orientation and gender identity law and public policy––asks: What Percentage of the Population is Transgender 2023 (worldpopulationreview.com)?

They state that transgender people are part of the LGBTQ+ community and there are 1.4 million adults who identify as transgender in the United States. About 0.5% of adults 18-24 identify as transgender, and 0.3% of adults 65 and older identify as transgender.

The Pew Research Center found that five percent of young adults claim that their gender is different from their sex and that “the share of U.S. adults who are transgender is particularly high among adults younger than 25,” then adds that “in this age group, 3.1% are a trans man or a trans woman, compared with just 0.5% of those ages 25 to 29.”

And a Reuters report found that diagnoses of youth with gender dysphoria have skyrocketed in the U.S. in recent years. While there were just over 15,000 cases in 2017, the number has shot up to more than 42,000 in 2021.

Nevertheless, those numbers––even if they add up to a million-and- a-half people––amount to a drop in the ocean when compared to our country’s overall population of over 330 million.

And yet, Transgenderism has become an industry!


Is this transgender shtick simply the Left’s newest fetish––the biggest one being the colossal hoax of global warming, er, climate change, as explained here by Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, here by the late John Eidson and here by Catherine Salgado. In short, today, according to over 1,540 respected experts, there is no scientific data to indicate that climate change is anything but political propaganda.

Or is the real goal of the transgender movement to separate children from their parents in order to achieve their rosy vision of a Communist America in which these same children look not to their parents but to BIG GOVERNMENT as their caretakers, protectors, providers.

As journalist and author Linda Goudsmit explains in her recent blockbuster article: “Such children raised by the state become adults who want the state to go on raising them. When they’re hungry, the state feeds them, when they’re cold, the state shelters them and when they’re unhappy, the state tells them whom to blame. When their relationships fall apart or when their feelings are hurt, they turn to the state to soothe them with a dose of revenge.”

Revenge––or at least justice––is what increasing numbers of phenomenal female athletes want, now that trans males have, in essence, destroyed women’s competitive sports.

Just recently, as reported by Pamela Geller, a trans biological male marathoner defeated 14,000 women in a race after competing as man months earlier.

And we all know the case of Riley Gaines, the 12-time All-American swimmer with five Southeastern Conference titles, who was forced to share a locker room with and compete against the biological male Lia Thomas–– who ranked #554 competing against men––at the 2022 NCAA Women’s Swimming Championship. When Gaines tied with Thomas––down to the hundredth of a second––she was told that the NCAA hadn’t planned for a tie and that Thomas had to have the trophy for photo purposes.

Gaines is fighting this travesty. “The Democrat ‘Party of Science’ doesn’t believe in biological differences.” she says. “The ‘Party of Women’ doesn’t support women. Democrats are erasing our dreams in the name of wokeness.”

Then there is Austin Killips, a biological man who was awarded first place in the women’s category in New Mexico’s Tour of the Gila cycling race.

Not to omit that before he began taking experimental hormones, Laurel Hubbard competed in men’s weightlifting for New Zealnd at the 2020 Olympics and finished dead last. Nevertheless,  Hubbard was named “sportswoman of the year” by New Zealand’s University of Otago.

No less an authority than Caitlin Jenner has recently launched the Fairness First PAC to keep men from competing in women’s sports. “Our advocacy, “Jenner said, “is to align athletes with sports that are at a chromosomal or DNA level — not birth certificate,” adding that the transgender movement “ boils down to parental rights,” and its true goal is “destroying the family unit.”

Recently, Republicans in the House have introduced a bill that would ensure that biological girls will have an equal playing field. But Joe Biden is threatening to do just the opposite – to cement into law the destruction of women’s sports.


Writer Larry Sand calls this extreme form of gender-bending a dangerous fad, but unlike the various eating disorders such as anorexia and bulimia of the 1970s, which “were treated as physical disorders and serious mental-health problems,” Sand writes. Today, “they have been replaced by gender dysphoria, which is being used as a political cudgel by many with a nefarious agenda.”

Sand quotes Dr. William Malone, a board-certified endocrinologist: “We are dealing with what may be the biggest medical and ethical scandal of modern times. Transgender medicine is big business, and youth who are transitioning today will be medical patients for life…for the next 60-plus years.”

“We know we are living in a psychotic world,” writes Jason D. Hill in FrontPage.com, “when professors are explicitly told that under no circumstances can they ever utter these words in class: Men cannot give birth to children. We know the psychosis is real when two men who look and act like linebackers, but who identify as women, claim they are in a lesbian relationship because they identify as women…”

A statue of a naked, bearded man breastfeeding a baby has been placed outside the former Women’s Museum in Denmark.

We know that the small identity alterations that trans people make are simply to change their names from Gordon to Gigi or from Jenny to Jasper. Much more extreme, according to urologist Maurice Garcia, MD, director of the Cedars-Sinai Transgender Surgery and Health Programs, males who claim to be females agree to the following:

And females who claim to be males agree to:

In fact, it’s gotten so depraved in the Golden State that a California School Board voted to uphold a “parental secrecy policy” that withholds the gender transition of its students from parents.

Significantly, the American College of Pediatricians has stated that there is no evidence that transgender interventions are safe for children. “There is not a single long-term study to demonstrate the safety or efficacy of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and surgeries for transgender-believing youth,” the ACPeds.org stated.

“This means that youth transition is experimental, and therefore, parents cannot provide informed consent, nor can minors provide assent for these interventions. Moreover, the best long-term evidence we have among adults shows that medical intervention fails to reduce suicide.”

In fact, puberty blockers may cause depression and other emotional disturbances related to suicide, and they may cause permanent physical harm.

To compound the horror, many of the treatments children are subject to can have catastrophic side effects. For instance, Lupron, the number one prescribed puberty blocker––an experimental drug used to chemically castrate violent sex offenders––lists mood disorders, seizures, and “emotional instability” as side effects and warns prescribers to “monitor for development or worsening of psychiatric symptoms during treatment. 

And studies indicate that females who receive testosterone can develop multiple psychiatric problems such as mania, major depression, and psychosis.

In The Left’s Disposable Transgender Children, Scott Hogenson writes: “Transgenderism was classified by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) as a mental disorder until 2012. But the behavior of transgenders mirrors the APA’s definition of delusions: “an often highly personal idea or belief system…that is maintained with conviction in spite of irrationality or evidence to the contrary.

“If a man maintains with conviction that he is a woman in spite of chromosomal, anatomical, endocrinological and other evidence to the contrary, it’s not unreasonable to conclude that man is delusional. This, according to a WebMD item reviewed by Dr. Smitha Bhandari, is “a type of serious mental illness called a psychotic disorder.”

Hogenson goes on to write that Leftists exploit these young and confused people because they are “politically useful.” Instead of dissuading them from obtaining the medical treatment they need, “they instead force them deeper into mental illness by promoting the lie that they can simply alter natural law on a whim.”

According to writer Laurel Duggan, adolescents with autism are over-represented in the youth transgender population, and some medical professionals attribute this to autism spectrum traits such as obsessive thinking, vulnerability to body image issues, and a sense of social rejection and isolation.

Dr. Susan Bradley, a Canadian psychiatrist, who began working with gender dysphoric children in the 1970s, said she believed most of the children who sought gender transitions had high-functioning autism and were being exploited by the medical industry.

As just one of many such victims, Chloe Cole, a young woman who underwent cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy between the ages of 13 and 17 and now regrets medically transitioning, said that doctors failed to meaningfully address her autism spectrum traits and the ways they had an impact on her gender identity.

“There is also unpublished evidence that after a year on [puberty blockers], children reported greater self-harm, and the girls also experienced more behavioral and emotional problems and expressed greater dissatisfaction with their body—so puberty blockers exacerbated gender dysphoria.”


So, why on earth do doctors participate in these drastic measures and why do hospitals allow it? Here is now it works. When the administration in power––in this case the Biden regime––sends out a mandate to hospitals and doctors, they must comply or be deprived of all federal funds that literally keep most medical institutions and doctors’ practices alive.

Simple as that, exactly what we witnessed with the highly dangerous Covid19 vaccines, which found pilots experiencing blood clots in mid-air, thousands of young athletes dropping dead on playing fields across the world, huge numbers of teenage boys contracting myocarditis, a mountain of miscarriages, the horrific list of casualties goes on and on. Here, Dr. Joseph Mercola describes exactly how this malevolent scheme worked and works to this day.

Writer David Strom sums it up nicely when he writes: “Insanity is being normalized.”

To prove it, here are some recent headlines:

Biden’s Pentagon Doctors Claim Seven-Year-Olds Can Consent to Puberty Blockers.

Biden’s DOJ challenges Tennessee’s ban on genital mutilation.

In Zeal for Transgenderism, 2 Blue States Poised to Muscle Parents Out, Get Control of Their Kids.

Washington Passes Bill Allowing Children to Legally Be Taken from Parents if Parents Don’t Consent to Gender Mutilation.

Children’s Hospital in Oregon Offers Consultations on Transgender Treatments to Kids Younger Than 10.

Bearded Man with Hairy Chest Featured on Cover of Bridal Magazine.

Planned Parenthood Now Sells Millions in Hormones to Mutilate Children— often while explicitly withholding this information from parents.

Dylan Mulvaney, the Bud Lite Spokesperson Wants to Jail Those Who ‘Misgender’ Him.

Convicted male rapist of children sent to woman’s prison after changing his pronouns to she and her.

70-Year-Old Bearded Man Wins Ladies’ World Poker Tour Event in Florida.

Emerson College to Provide Menstrual Products in Men’s Bathrooms.

18-Year-Old Male Showers with Terrified 14 Year Old Girls at Wisconsin High School.

Vermont Elementary School Will Use” Person Who Produces Sperm” or “Person Who Produces Eggs” Instead of Male and Female in Health Sciences Lessons.

Biden Regime Gives ‘International Women of Courage Award’ to a Man.

Pennsylvania child sex-change clinic helps teachers turn elementary classrooms into breeding grounds for transgenderism.


At 12 years old, Johnny starts each school day by downing two shot glasses of Scotch. When his mother dares to question him, he says that the liquor “gives me energy and makes me feel good. You know that Mom because you and Dad drink the same thing every night!” Of course, a sane mother would punish Johnny for transgressing house rules and take him to a psychiatrist. But a mother who worships the Feelings God would “respect” Johnny’s emotions and maybe even suggest that he substitute vodka to avoid detection.

Then there is 13-year-old Keisha, who has developed a habit of lighting fires because, she said, “it gets rid of my bad feelings and makes me feel good. Besides, Mom, you clapped and cheered when you and Dad watched Antifa and Black Lives Matter light cars on fire and smash windows and you even sent them money!” Of course, a sane mother would take the young girl to a psychiatrist, but the Feelings God worshipper would “understand” and let it go, maybe buy the young girl a portable fire extinguisher.

Let’s now take the case of 14-year-old Sebastian who has taken to wearing his sister’s skirts and his mother’s make-up. “I think I’m more girl than boy,” he tells his parents and I want to become a girl.

Of course, sane parents would tell their son––or daughter––that he or she is not old enough to make such a life-changing decision, that he can’t vote, and he can’t drive, and he can’t even get a paying job, so no! Wait until you’re 18 or 21 to see how you feel, and then explore your options.

But thousands of modern parents never say this to their preteen or teenage children. They simply accede to their feelings and their demands.

Why? Because they are afraid of their children! They don’t want to alienate them or make them angry. They want to be their pals, not their parents. They want to smoke pot with them, not discipline them and be the grown-ups in their lives who set boundaries, discourage blind conformity, exert authority.

All of  these parents should be compelled to watch Lindsay Graham, a mother from Arizona, dressed as a cat, speak to her local school board. As described by Sloan Oliver, she greeted them with “meow, meow” and then asked if they believed she was a real cat. Not one person did because––ta da–– they knew she was not a cat.

And yet, displaying both weakness of character and moral cowardice, they unquestioningly believe a son who says he’s a girl and a daughter who says she’s a boy.

Few sane people could disagree with Elon Musk, who recently tweeted, “Any parent or doctor who sterilizes a child before they are a consenting adult should go to prison for life.”


You would think that women who call themselves feminists would be at the forefront of fighting for the young girls who are genuine victims of incompetent parents and depraved doctors, but with very very few exceptions, all we’ve heard from this retro cult is a thunderous silence.

Only word limitations require that I include a very short list of those who are fighting this abomination:

  • Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, the Founder and CEO of The Center for American Liberty, has launched a landmark case against the hospitals and doctors who coerced Chloe Cole to transition to a “boy” at the age of 13.
  • Sharron Davies, a female Olympic swimmer, is leading a boycott against Nike after the brand partners with trans biological male to promote women’s sports bras.
  • The World Athletics Council has banned transgender track-and-field athletes from international competition.
  • 11 States Move to Ban Child Sex Changes as Surgery Demand Soars.
  • More than twenty bills aimed at criminalizing child sex changes have been introduced at the beginning of the 2023 state legislative sessions, reports the Associated Press.
  • Republican state lawmakers are seeking to ban so-called gender-affirming care for youth due to the complete lack of quality evidence to support it, the invasive and irreversible nature of the interventions, and the sharply rising rates of detransition and regret.
  • Eleven states––Kansas, Kentucky, Missouri, Montana, New Hampshire, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and Virginia––have proposed legislation to protect children and adolescents from what one pediatric neurosurgeon recently called “an extraordinary medical atrocity.”
  • Lawmakers in South Carolina and Kansas seek to ban doctors from performing experimental sex changes on anyone under 21, while similar legislation in Oklahoma would ban sex changes for all youth under age 26.

©2023 Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: INSANE: Biden Offers $500K to English Teachers in Pakistan That Focus on Transgender Youth

Watch: Florida Legislature Ignores Citizen’s Voices About Toxic Election Integrity Bill thumbnail

Watch: Florida Legislature Ignores Citizen’s Voices About Toxic Election Integrity Bill

By Defend Our Union

As you know SB 7050 passed the house and senate last week. It has not been signed by the Governor as of the publishing of this column.


Will you please post this update everywhere you can on Signal, MeWe, Telegram, CloutHub, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and all other social media platforms.

You can read the bills yourself here:

©2023 Defend Our Union. All rights reserved.

Leftist Freed After Double Murderer. He Converts to Islam, Commits Double Murder Again. thumbnail

Leftist Freed After Double Murderer. He Converts to Islam, Commits Double Murder Again.

By Jihad Watch

Who could have seen this coming?

Just think of leftist policies as fires and activists as arsonists who keep claiming that they’re trying to put out the fires by pouring more gasoline on them. Or think of them as human beings completely lacking in common sense and any concept of consequences. And that’s how you end up with the same old story told and retold again.

The Wednesday in January 2017 when Steven Hawthorne walked out of Stateville Correctional Center, criminal justice advocates hailed it as an ultimate triumph: He was a free man for the first time in 33 years after being sentenced as a teenager to life in prison for the double murder of an alleged neighborhood bully and a bystander.

This would not have been a triumph to any sane person.

At 16, Hawthorne shot and killed two men and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. He was released in 2017, after serving 33 years, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled such sentences for juveniles was unconstitutional.

That was Montgomery v. Louisiana, one of a string of unconstitutional nonsense decisions which wrongly claimed that certain kinds of imprisonment violated cruel and unusual punishment. The ‘Montgomery’ in question was a 17-year-old cop killer.

You can thank Roberts for that decision. It was partly rolled back by the new conservative court majority.

Back to Hawthorne though…

Over the next three years, Hawthorne was seen as a successful example of integrating former prisoners into society. He earned a certification for fixing heating and cooling systems. He volunteered at the Bluhm Legal Clinic at Northwestern University, where law students worked to help free him. He was also a big brother figure managing a transitional housing for formerly incarcerated men, a role featured in a Tribune article in 2019.

And you’ll never guess what the double murderer did next.

In February 2020, he was arrested for gun possession. In January, he was arrested after police found five firearms, including an AR-15 rifle, during a traffic stop, according to court records.

Now his run-ins with the law have taken a violent turn. Cook County prosecutors accuse Hawthorne — a former shining example of successful inmate reentry into society — of committing a grisly new double homicide of an ex-girlfriend and her new beau.

Part of the violent attack on April 16, that ended with the woman’s head being crushed with a large rock, was witnessed by the woman’s children, a 3-year-old girl and 5-year-old twins.

What the already politically incorrect story has to tread gently on because it would trip all the woke meters, is that Hawthorne converted to Islam and changed his name to Mustafa.

The imposing 6-foot-3 Hawthorne, who had taken the first name Mustafa, was well respected by the former inmates he helped reintegrate into society and the staff of the charity where he worked.

In fact, he’d made such an impression with his hard work and willingness to pitch in, officials at the Inner City Muslim Action Network, a charity and advocacy group, had begun shifting him toward more community organizing and policy work instead of the more grueling reentry work.

The allegations left his former boss, recently elected 5th Ward Ald. Desmon Yancy, who supervised Hawthorne last year as a former administrator with the Inner-City Muslim Action Network, “shocked and devastated.”

Shocking. Did he learn nothing from the peaceful teachings of the Koran?

Now at age 55, Hawthorne faces a possibility of returning to prison for the remainder of his life for an alleged attack so violent, he was covered in blood when a Chicago police officer tackled and arrested him.

Time to campaign to free him again. Think of what a role model he could be when he’s released after committing two double murders, turns his life around and then kills two other people.

Truly, it would be peak social justice.




Spain: Muslim who attacked priest with machete inside church said Christian faith ‘must be eliminated’

Nigeria: Muslims murder 18 Christians, wound others in predominantly Christian villages in Plateau state

Italy: Muslim migrant beats and rapes woman in train station elevator

Even Some On Germany’s Left Are Warning About Economic Migrants

UK: Only 82 people smugglers charged last year, despite 50,000 illegal migrant record

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Another Crisis in Spookdom thumbnail

Another Crisis in Spookdom

By Amir Taheri

Two weeks after a massive leak of supposedly secret US government documents, the Biden administration seems to be still unable to explain what happened let alone suggest ways of avoiding a remake of the tragi-comic incident. On closer examination, this may not be surprising, as there is still no credible account of what happened when WikiLeaks published 700,000 secret documents almost 13 years ago. However, focusing on the policing aspects of these incidents may divert attention from other more pertinent issues regarding the classification of secret documents and the use made of them by decision-makers.

To start with, the leaked documents include a large number of reports, the substance of which had already appeared in the regular media. For example, it was no surprise to learn that Ukraine does not have all the necessary weapons needed for its spring offensive against Russiai. Nor is it a scoop to learn that the US has been spying even on its allies who, we may safely assume, spy back on the US.

It is clear that too many documents are classified as secret or even top secret. This may be due to a desire by those who produce these documents to elevate their own status in the pecking order of spookdom. But it also raises the question of whether or not decision-makers would ever be able to read all these documents not to mention absorbing them. And that could create a situation in which the decision-making apparatus has all the information it needs but is unable to understand what is really going on.

Writing my book on Iran-US relations years ago I made use of more than 30 volumes of documents seized by Khomeini’s “students” from the occupied US Embassy in Tehran. The volumes published by the “students” were selective samples of the treasure-trove. They showed that the CIA had more than 5,000 “sources” or “informants” across Iran and received regular reports on virtually all aspects of Iranian political, social, and economic life. But one didn’t need much imagination to see that many of the so-called “top secret” documents echoed what one might have read in the Tehran newspapers or in a casual visit to the grand bazaar. The “secret” or “top secret” seals were used to raise the prestige of those who produced them. Even worse in those cases that one could trace a document’s trajectory from its source up the decision-making hierarchy, it was clear that breaks and zigzags in reporting upwards prevented top policymakers in Washington from using the information provided.

Those documents, like the ones just leaked, showed another thing: the supposedly secret reports echoed the ambient mood regarding the issues involved.

In other words, the overall effect of the secret reports was to confirm what everyone assumed to be true at the time. The intelligence analyst started from an already established assumption and then tried to confirm it.

Since then we have witnessed numerous examples of that bizarre method. Right to the end, Washington’s Kremlin-watchers couldn’t envisage the Soviet Empire falling like a house of cards. They focused on Mikhail Gorbachev’s perestroika and glasnost, in other words, repeated what they had read in the newspapers. An avalanche of “top secret” reports was produced on individuals who were to become embarrassingly irrelevant figures in the blink of history’s eye.

In the Iran-Iraq war, the “intelligence community” predicted a quick victory for Saddam Hussein’s army: The mullahs have decapitated the Iranian army, imprisoned virtually all pilots in the air force, and sent the conscripts home with the hope that the Hidden Imam would ensure Iran’s security. In the event, Saddam’s Blitzkrieg lasted eight years, ending in a blood-soaked draw.

In the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, the “intelligence community” overestimated the fighting capacities of the Taliban. The cliché of the Pushtun fighter as a “human war-machine” lasted long after Mullah Muhammad Omar had fled Kabul on his Japanese motorcycle. Years later, parroting shibboleths from the intelligence community, General Stanley McChrystal, commanding NATO forces in Afghanistan, told a press conference in London that the Pushtuns had defeated all foreign invaders from Alexander to the British.

Before the Gulf War that led to Kuwait’s liberation, the “intelligence community” overestimated the strength of the Iraqi army, sometimes calling it “the fourth military power in the world” and advised preparation for a long war. In the event, the whole thing was wrapped up in a few days.

President Joe Biden’s disastrous withdrawal was, at least in part, prompted by overestimating the solidity not to say the loyalty of the Afghan army under President Ashraf Ghani.

This was an army with the most modern weapons systems in the neighborhood and led by officers trained in prestigious US academies. What the spooks didn’t report was that for more than a year before the final collapse, a growing number of that army’s officers and NCOs were sending their money and their families abroad. Ghani did even better by launching a scheme under which even private Afghan citizens could leave the county with up to $10,000 in each trip. As the last American troops flew out of Kabul, there was no one to turn the lights off in all those posh barracks and arms depots built with billions of dollars from the American taxpayers’ pockets.

The same intelligence community reported Russia’s saber-rattling over the Crimean Peninsula as mere gesticulation by President Vladimir Putin in the context of the power struggle in Kyiv, presumably to endorse President Barack Obama’s decision not to enter a fight with the Russians. When Putin did invade and occupy the peninsula in 2014, Obama tried to weasel out of a tight corner by declaring that Russia was a “regional power” and that its actions on its own were not a US “national security concern”.

The intelligence community tailored its “top secret” reports to suit Obama’s naïve analysis, effusively giving Putin the green light for his second invasion of Ukrainian territory over a year ago. The same reports overestimated Russia’s military power, ignoring the fact that much of its weaponry consisted of antiquated hardware inherited from the Soviet era.

The intelligence community got it right when it predicted Putin’s invasion last year. But that prediction did not result in Washington decision-makers shaping policies to deal with the crisis.

Maybe decision-makers would have done better to read the newspapers, rather that the “top secret” memos they received and ignored.

This article was published by Gatestone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Lawsuit Against True the Vote Dropped as Election Fraud Evidence Published thumbnail

Lawsuit Against True the Vote Dropped as Election Fraud Evidence Published

By Catherine Salgado

Konnech, Inc. dropped its lawsuit against the brave whistleblowers of True the Vote this week. That came only a day after True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips, whose research provided the bombshell evidence for 2000 Mules, launched a website with key evidence relevant to their case, Open.Ink. True the Vote said Konnech knew it would lose, and so dismissed the lawsuit.

Why? The 2020 election was stolen, with the help of the genocidal Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and True the Vote has the evidence.

“[UncoverDC] Lawyers representing Konnech, Inc. contacted lawyers for True the Vote (TTV) saying the lawsuit and all claims against TTV would be dropped…All charges, including defamation and hacking claims, have been dropped, vindicating Engelbrecht and Phillips, who were both imprisoned in the fall for refusing to reveal their sources related to the Konnech lawsui…

[Phillips said:] ‘LA District Attorney and prosecutors have every single thing they need to put this guy in jail for the rest of his life—all of this election data and all of the private information [on American poll workers] are on Chinese servers. [Konnech] cannot get out of this. There is no way possible out of this.

As this begins to unfold and some of the things that we know become more public, and people recognize that all of the voter rolls were in China, all of them in places like Pennsylvania. It wasn’t just Allegheny County. Allegheny County had connected Konnech to the state’s voter rolls and so those were in China. And to make matters worse, there were several other high-profile companies, let’s say, that were connected directly to the Konnech database.’”

Meanwhile, Open.Ink says:

“This Special Collection is a complete and accurate account of how citizens worked together to expose Konnech, a company that provides elections systems software to many of the largest counties in our country; its incontrovertible creation of open-door systems that send massive amounts of confidential election data and information to China; and its leadership’s work with, and loyalty to, the Chinese Communist Party.”

There’s ever more evidence that the 2020 election was completely fraudulent, yet even the “conservative” establishment doesn’t want to know. We’re letting the Marxist Democrats and the CCP destroy us while we cover for them!

This article was published by Pro Deo et Libertate and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Israel at 75 thumbnail

Israel at 75

By Jerry Newcombe

May 2023 marks an important historical milestone. 75 years ago, in May 1948, the modern nation of Israel was born. After having been scattered virtually around the world, Jews from around the earth were able to return to their homeland and create the modern state of Israel.

Much of the land they came to was a wasteland, but through God’s help, and irrigation and advanced technology, they have been able to see “streams in the deserts.”

Susan Michael is the U.S. Director of the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem. She said of this important milestone: “Israel has not just survived for 75 years. She’s thriving. And there are so many things that we can celebrate at this time.”

I interviewed Susan Michael for a radio and a television segment recently. She told me, “When Israel was founded May 14th, 1948, the next day she was attacked by five Arab armies. Now, you have to understand, Israel had no army, no defense forces, very few weapons, ill-trained people…How they defeated five invading armies, there’s no other explanation for it, but a miracle of God.”

She added, “And then in 1967, another major moment, [Israel was] attacked by all the same countries again, and the victory was so resounding that she almost doubled in size. How can you explain this? Except that God was at work for her and defending her.”

75 years ago, the United States became the first nation to acknowledge the establishment of Israel.

Historically, Jews have done well overall in the United States. On August 14, 1790, Washington wrote the oldest synagogue in America (in Newport, R.I.), “May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other inhabitants, while everyone shall sit in safety under his own vine and fig-tree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.”

Washington was citing his favorite Bible verse, Micah 4:4. To Washington, this was a metaphor for what America could and should be: Everyone can enjoy peace and safety under their own “vine and fig tree” with none to “make them afraid.”

It is fitting, therefore, that the United States and Israel have enjoyed overall good relations. Dr. Richard Land, president emeritus of Southern Evangelical Seminary, observes, “America and Israel have a deep affinity because we’re the only two countries in the world that were founded on the Ten Commandments.”

Despite Israel’s astonishing achievement as a global high-tech leader, despite their success as the Middle East’s one-and-only democracy, we find today that many young Americans are not supportive of Israel.

In fact, 89% of American Jews say that anti-Semitism is a problem in the U.S. today,

There is a big push against Israel called BDS, which means, “Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions.” The BDS movement is trying to strangle Israel financially. This movement seems to be gaining traction on many college campuses, where the left has a virtual monopoly.

Dennis Prager makes an interesting observation about the push to destroy Israel. He said, “Nobody gives a hoot if you criticize Israel. If you support those who wish to destroy it, that’s different….There are a million hatreds in the world, but there’s only one exterminationist hatred, and that’s anti-Semitism. Anti-Semites don’t dislike Jews. I wish that was all they did, you could live with this. You can’t live with people who want to exterminate you.”

In light of America’s overall history of officially honoring religious freedom for the Jews, Susan Michael notes, “I cannot believe that my country has this rise of anti-Semitism that we see taking place. But it does. And so it’s very important that we let the Jewish people know that we are with them, that we support them, that we’re praying for them, and that we stand with Israel. It’s a great comfort to them at this time.”

One of the great benefits of the modern state of Israel is that Christians are able to go there and to walk in the footsteps of Jesus Christ Himself. It is terrific. It helps one to see firsthand the places where most of the great events took place in the Bible.

“The 75th anniversary of Israel as a state is a tremendous milestone,” notes Rev. Erwin Lutzer, Pastor Emeritus, Moody Church, in a recent television interview for D. James Kennedy Ministries.

He concludes, “And we should rejoice in the fact that there is, in the Middle East, a country that believes in democracy, and that, of course stands in contrast to all the countries around it. And so we congratulate them on this special time and hope that Israel continues to exist. We, of course, know that America is friends with Israel; and we pray for their continued blessing and existence.”

©2023 Dr. Jerry Newcombe, D.Minn. All rights reserved.

House GOP Introduces Border Security Bill To Address ‘Crisis’ Ahead Of Trump-Era Expulsion Order’s End thumbnail

House GOP Introduces Border Security Bill To Address ‘Crisis’ Ahead Of Trump-Era Expulsion Order’s End

By The Daily Caller

House Republicans introduced their border security bill Tuesday that seeks to restrict illegal immigration and increase law enforcement capabilities along the southern border.

The 213-page bill, known as the “Secure the Border Act of 2023,” includes construction of a wall along the southern border, additional personnel for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), and asylum reform. Republicans introduced the bill before an expected surge in illegal immigration at the southern border, when Title 42, the Trump-era public health order used to expel certain migrants, ends May 11.

The bill takes aim at the Biden administration’s program for migrants to apply for Title 42 exemption interviews for U.S. entry using the CBP One app and only authorizes its use solely for “inspection of perishable cargo.”

It also instructs the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary to present a report within 60 days of the bill’s passage that determines whether or not the Mexican drug cartels meet the criteria to have a terrorist designation.

“The crisis at our Southern border is among the gravest threats to U.S. national security in our history. For the last two years, President Biden and his Administration have entirely neglected the escalating crisis at our border, and their lack of action has ceded all control to narco-terrorist cartels, who are now among the most powerful in deciding who comes into our country and at what price,” Republican Florida Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, who is spearheading the bill with Republican California Rep. Tom McClintock, said in a statement Tuesday.

The bill would force more Border Patrol agents to perform law enforcement duties rather than spending their shifts working to process migrants by requiring CBP to have at least 22,000 agents.

“Not later than September 30, 2025, the Commissioner shall hire, train, and assign a sufficient number of Border Patrol agents to maintain an active duty presence of not fewer than 22,000 full-time equivalent Border Patrol agents, who may not perform the duties of processing coordinators,” the bill states.



Investigative reporter.


Doocy Confronts KJP For Saying Illegal Immigration Is Down 90%

‘Let’s Do Some Simple Math’: Sen. Cruz Torches Jean-Pierre For Claiming Illegal Immigration Is Down 90%

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Pathetically Weak’: Trump DHS Officials Come Down On Biden Sending 1,500 Troops To Border

Elite Team Of Border Patrol Agents Nabbed Texas Shooting Suspect

New GOP Border Security Bill Would Bar Migrants From Using Arrest Warrants As IDs At Airports

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Claims Texas Gov. Greg Abbott Is Using The Migrant Crisis To ‘Hurt Black-Run Cities’

‘He Would Still Be With Us’: Victims Sue Parole Board That Released Violent Criminals Who Allegedly Went On To Kill

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Callerr column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Armed Teachers thumbnail

Armed Teachers

By Dr. Thomas Patterson

Americans were outraged to learn of the Nashville school shooting, where a transgender female shot and killed three children and three adults at a Christian school.

As always, a fierce political debate broke out after the murders. Gun control advocates, mostly Democrats, again made impassioned and often vitriolic pleas for more stringent gun laws.

It would be a wonderful world if there were some laws we could pass, some clever strategy to keep criminals from having guns. The big problem is that gun control laws don’t work, much as we might wish otherwise. If they did, Chicago, Baltimore, and other big cities, with their strict gun laws on the books, wouldn’t be the murderous hell-holes that they are.

It’s been pointed out many times, but it’s still true: violent criminals don’t follow the law. The victims are the law-abiding citizens who bring knives to a gunfight.

Conservative commentator Matt Vespa recently wrote a thoughtful column advocating instead for posting “resource officers” in every school. He notes that it took 14 minutes for police to arrive at the Nashville shooting and that other killers have had even more time before facing significant deterrence.

On the other hand, there are many accounts of officers in schools who were able to prevent potential murders just by being present.

But there’s a problem.  There are approximately 115,000 K-12 schools in the US, according to Dun and Bradstreet. If we lowball an estimate of $50,000 yearly to support an FTE, that means placing an officer in every school would, according to my back-of-the-napkin calculator, cost at least $5 and $6 billion annually.

That would be a justifiable cost if we were facing an epidemic of school killings, but the numbers tell a different story. Although the especially traumatic nature of school killings and extensive media coverage make the shootings seem commonplace, for the last 35 years school shooting deaths have hovered around 20–30 per year, less than one for every two states.

From 2010 to 2019, there were 305 incidents involving guns and 207 deaths, or about 20 per year. Arizona, with about 2700 schools, has had one shooting death ever, in 1987, in addition to four suicides and one accidental death.

For American schools, this computes to an annual average of one shooting death for every 4000 schools. Full-time school resource officers would, over the course of a career, have an infinitesimal chance of preventing even one shooting.

Throwing money at a problem without a sober cost-benefit analysis, however passionately we may feel about it, seldom works out. A more practical solution would be to authorize one or more teachers per school to carry concealed weapons.

These teachers would be volunteers who are licensed carriers and would undergo additional training in the very focused area (confronting an armed criminal in a school setting) that their duty might entail. They would receive a modest stipend.

Would recruiting be a problem? I like to think there are enough teacher-heroes with a heart for their students who would be willing and up to the task if called upon. Remember, it has often been teachers who answered the call when peace officers cowered in emergency situations, as in Uvalde and Parkland.

Moreover, the deterrent effect of armed teachers would be inarguable. Schools would be changed from soft targets with idiotic “Gun Free Zone” signs into places where criminals with bad intentions would know they were risking their lives by entering.

Unfortunately, the teachers’ unions have pitched a fit. Their purported worries include the safety of their members, the qualifications of the volunteers, and the image of teachers involved with violence.

Their arguments are easily rebuffed, remembering that no solution is perfect and the point is to pick the best available. But the unions are powerful, tough competitors in public debate, even when the facts and arguments are against them, as when the schools were shut down during Covid on their demand.

Wasting a few more billion in a nation over $30 trillion in debt may not seem like much, but we have to start somewhere. Let’s believe in our educators and look to American resilience and resourcefulness to protect our children.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Epstein’s Private Calendar Shows Meetings With Obama Admin Officials, CIA Chief thumbnail

Epstein’s Private Calendar Shows Meetings With Obama Admin Officials, CIA Chief

By The Geller Report

The Biden regime is chasing grandmothers who went to the Capital on January 6th, but no one has been arrested in the Epstein mass child sex trafficking ring.

Jeffrey Epstein’s Appointment Calendar Shows Meetings with Current CIA Director, Other Prominent Government Officials

National Review: A review of the private calendar of Jeffrey Epstein has revealed that the convicted sex offender and financier had meetings not previously reported on with several prominent Americans, including the current CIA director. Epstein had meetings scheduled with now-director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Burns, President Barack Obama’s White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler, Bard College president Leon Botstein, and Professor Noam Chomsky. None of the names the new documents have revealed appear in Epstein’s now-public “black book” of contacts or in the flight logs of passengers who traveled on his private jet (National Review).

Townhall: Three scheduled meetings were slated to occur after Epstein was jailed in 2008 in Washington D.C. and Epstein’s townhome in Manhattan, New York. However, it is unclear if each scheduled meeting took place or the purpose of the sessions. A CIA spokesperson claimed Burns had met with Epstein because, in 2014, the director wanted to leave his current government position (Townhall).

Epstein’s private calendar reveals planned meetings with Obama admin official, CIA chief

Jeffrey Epstein died in 2019 in New York City jail cell

By Emma Colton | Fox News

Jeffrey Epstein calendar reveals meetings with prominent figures

Fox News contributor Bill McGurn argues the prominent figures named in Epstein’s private calendar were likely trying to ‘extract’ money.

Jeffrey Epstein’s newly-revealed private calendar showed scheduled meetings with the current CIA director, a college president and attorney who served in the Obama administration, according to a report published Sunday.

New documents, which belonged to the rich convicted pedophile and were obtained by The Wall Street Journal, showed planned meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.

All the scheduled meetings were slated to take place after Epstein was jailed in 2008 on charges of solicitation, including soliciting a minor. WSJ could not prove each scheduled meeting actually took place, and the documents did not reveal the purpose for the meetings.

A spokesperson for Burns, who has taken the CIA’s helm since 2021 under the Biden administration, said the nation’s spy chief met with Epstein a decade ago when he was trying to leave the government.

“Director Burns recalls being introduced by a mutual friend in Washington, DC, and then met with him once briefly in New York City, about a decade ago as the Director was preparing to leave government service,” CIA spokeswoman Tammy Kupperman Thorp said in comment provided to Fox News Digital.

“The Director did not know anything about him, other than he was introduced as an expert in the financial services sector and offered general advice on transition to the private sector. The Director does not recall any further contact, including receiving a ride to the airport. They had no relationship.

Ruemmler had dozens of meetings with Epstein following her work for the Obama administration and before taking the reins as Goldman Sachs’ top lawyer in 2020, according to WSJ. The documents show Epstein was planning on Ruemmler joining him for a trip to Paris in 2015 and another visit to his private island in the Caribbean in 2017.


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Trump To Participate In Upcoming CNN Presidential Town Hall In New Hampshire thumbnail

Trump To Participate In Upcoming CNN Presidential Town Hall In New Hampshire

By The Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump will participate in a presidential town hall hosted by CNN in New Hampshire, the network announced Monday.

“The event, hosted by ‘CNN This Morning’ anchor Kaitlan Collins and airing at 9 p.m. ET on May 10, will feature the former president taking questions from New Hampshire Republicans and undeclared voters who plan to vote in the 2024 GOP presidential primary,” CNN said in a statement.

A senior Trump adviser explained the move to the Daily Caller.

“President Trump is running to be President for all Americans. Going outside the traditional Republican ‘comfort zone’ was a key to President Trump’s success in 2016. Some other candidates are too afraid to take this step in their quest to defeat Joe Biden, and are afraid to do anything other than Fox News. CNN executives made a compelling pitch,” the adviser said.


NOW: Trump gets into motorcade from Trump Force One in New Hampshire. Headed to speak in Manchester. @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/Vs4VgkwSSL

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 27, 2023

Trump is in the building. This is where he will be speaking. Large crowd of supporters here in Manchester, NH. I am told there was a ton of people outside trying to make it in. @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/0ZAoWo8Od9

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 27, 2023

The crowd awaiting Trump to take the stage here in Manchester, NH:@DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/OrXKwDxEzg

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 27, 2023

Trump posing on stage with NH’s victory team. @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/BBWmwtcHfc

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 27, 2023

NOW: Trump greets supporters after his speech. Signs hats, shirts, etc. @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/eOOUjdzQGo

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 27, 2023

NOW: Trump boards Trump Force One after his Manchester, NH speech: @DailyCaller pic.twitter.com/zBjaJTTq6S

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) April 27, 2023

Trump made a stop in Manchester, New Hampshire, Thursday, where he announced his leadership team for the state, which includes 50 members of the legislature. The group makes up 25% of Republicans in the New Hampshire House of Representatives, the campaign says.

During his speech, Trump did not focus as much on Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, whom he has repeatedly criticized.

DeSantis spoke at an event in Manchester earlier in April, at the same venue Trump where held his speech Thursday night. DeSantis is seen as Trump’s main rival, though the governor has not yet announced a run for president.



Chief national correspondent. Follow Henry Rodgers On Twitter.


Trump Makes First New Hampshire Stop For 2024 Campaign, Announces Leadership Team

Trump Puts Aim On Biden In First New Hampshire Stop For 2024 Campaign

DOJ, federal agencies pour hundreds of millions into Soros-linked group accused of trying to ‘nullify the law’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE WEB OF DYSTOPIAN TYRANNY: Medical and Societal Perversion thumbnail

THE WEB OF DYSTOPIAN TYRANNY: Medical and Societal Perversion

By Kelleigh Nelson

“Science is but a perversion of itself unless it has as its ultimate goal the betterment of humanity.” Nikola Tesla

“We must not lie to ourselves that loving our neighbor means waving a Pride flag, putting pronouns in our bios, and doing nothing while children are psychologically traumatized, medically altered, physically mutilated, and rendered infertile and damaged for life.” — Reagan Scott

“Satan cannot create anything new, cannot create anything at all. He must steal what God has created. Thus, he twists love and God’s wonderful gift of sex into lust and sadism and myriad perversions. He disfigures the heart’s deep desire to worship God and persuades us to bow before lesser gods of lust or money or power.” — Catherine Marshall

“Schools serve the same social functions as prisons and mental institutions- to define, classify, control, and regulate people.” —  Michel Foucault

What happened to Biology 101? It was taught in high school in the early 1960s.  It is so simple, yet the latest Supreme Court Justice, Ketanji Brown Jackson, doesn’t know the simple definition of a female.

A man has an X and a Y chromosome.  A woman has two X chromosomes.  Chromosomes cannot be changed no matter what you cut off, add on, or how many hormones you take.  You are forever either male or female.

“So, God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.” (Genesis 1:27)  There are only two genders, not 40 as the National Institutes of Health claim.

The promotion of this perversion is not only part of the WOKE insanities, but it is also steeped in Marxism and the hatred of our Creator.

Remember the mantra from the media, “It’s for the children.”

How could this be “for the children?”  Perversion is being taught in America’s schools as early as kindergarten. America’s children are encouraged by their teachers to have themselves butchered in gender clinics.

Both the Old and New Testaments agree regarding how God’s people are to behave concerning sexual relationships.

Torah’s Book of Leviticus Chapters 18 to 20 tells us the standards of God’s people were not to be dictated by the practices of Egypt or Canaan, but by the Lord Himself.  The New Testament’s Romans 1:25-31 echoes Leviticus. Verse 28 states that the Lord gives them up to a reprobate mind.

Origins of Sex Ed

In 1930, the first sex reassignment surgery was performed in Germany by gynecologist Kurt Warnekros.  The patient died from complications of the fifth surgery.  (Timeline)

It was Alfred Charles Kinsey, an American sexologist, biologist, and professor of entomology and zoology who, in 1947, founded the Institute for Sex Research at Indiana University, now known as the Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction.   Kinsey conducted more than 17,000 face-to-face interviews with a broad set of people, college students, prostitutes, and prison inmates, to understand their sexual experiences. His most infamous research subject was the 1944 interview of a sexual omnivore, who had a history of having sexual encounters with men, women, boys, girls, animals and family members, and which took about 17 hours to be recorded.

While some hailed Kinsey’s research, others considered Kinsey a pedophile, a pornographic film maker and an addict whose sole objective was to “normalize and legitimize his many illegal fetishes.”

In the 1960s, “Gender identity” and “sexual orientation” terms were coined by a man named Dr. John Money, who was not a certified physician at all. Money’s experiments with a set of twin boys resulted in disfigurement, sexual torture and ultimately suicide. Dr. John Money Used Kinsey’s model of human experimentation to develop his concept of transgenderism and sex “re-assignment.”

Money was a renowned psychologist and sexologist at Johns Hopkins Hospital who built off of the work of Dr. Kinsey whose theories on the sexual lives of prepubescent children, it turned out, were actually based on the diaries of a prolific pedophile who had molested hundreds of children.

His “conclusions” later formed much of the sexual education curriculum that was implemented at public schools and continues to this day.

Judith Reisman held a Ph.D. in communications from Case Western Reserve University, and was a visiting professor of law at Liberty University.  She was a conservative author who set the record straight on Alfred Kinsey in her highly researched book, Sexual Sabotage: How One Mad Scientist Unleashed a Plague of Corruption and Contagion on America. The graphic content will disturb you, but it tells the story of how we arrived at where we are today.  In Dr. Reisman’s book, Kinsey: Crimes and Consequences, she revealed that Kinsey conducted human experiments in a soundproof laboratory built to his specifications at Indiana University, and that the sexual abuse of at least 317 infants and young boys was a scientific protocol for Kinsey’s 1948 report.

Kinsey and Money appear as two appendages of the same perverse and cruel creature.

Kinsey partnered with Planned Parenthood Medical Director Mary Calderone to create sex education curricula. Link

The Claremont Institute’s report shows that Planned Parenthood carefully controls and coordinates the entire policymaking process to promote its goal of sexual revolution. In Congress, it seeks riders and findings to make the funding of abstinence-only sex education more difficult; it has spearheaded the effort to favor programs that reduce sexual risk as opposed to avoiding sexual risk.

This process results from concerted action at the highest levels of government, led by an iron triangle of activist pressure groups, legislative allies, and aligned administrative activists. We know who they are.  Planned Parenthood is grooming children to be the vanguard of sexual perversity and degeneracy in a new, sexually liberated America.

Not only does the influence of Planned Parenthood spearhead the sexual revolution in America’s schools and beyond, but its activity also illustrates how Big Government funds and supports leftist political activity. The left depends on funneling national tax dollars toward its favored causes and so-called conservatives have all but abandoned the field to such efforts. In fact, the majority of Republicans, including Charlie Kirk’s Turning Point USA, disdain speaking about social and moral issues.

Gender Clinics

Don’t let people tell you Big Pharma isn’t raking in the dough on puberty blockers, hormone therapy medications and sexual surgeries.

Puberty blockers and sex hormones do not have U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approval for children’s gender care. No clinical trials have established their safety for such off-label use. The drugs’ long-term effects on fertility and sexual function remain unclear. In 2016, the FDA ordered makers of puberty blockers to add a warning about psychiatric problems to the drugs’ label after the agency received several reports of suicidal thoughts in children who were taking them.

Across the United States, thousands of youths are lining up for gender-affirming care. But when families decide to take the medical route, they must make decisions about life-altering treatments that have little scientific evidence of their long-term safety and efficacy.

No large-scale studies have tracked people who received gender-related medical care as children to determine how many remained satisfied with their treatment as they aged and how many eventually regretted transitioning. The same lack of clarity holds true for the contentious issue of de-transitioning when a patient stops or reverses the transition process.

Dr. Chrystal Cole, founder of the Akron Children’s Hospital’s Center for gender affirming medicine tells parents of her patients that, “Suicide in young men and women who are wanting to transition is as high as 40%.”

Not everyone agrees with Dr. Chrystal Cole.

An article on Cureus’ website entitled, Suicide-Related Outcomes Following Gender-Affirming Treatment: A Review, tells us the odds of suicide were higher in transgenders who underwent surgery.

According to journalist, Brandon Showalter, most people are unaware of just how insidious the transgender movement truly is or how much it is fueled by the greed of pharmaceutical companies. Terms like “gender-affirming” care and politically correct euphemisms popularized by many in the media, he said, are both dangerous and misleading. He slammed the idea that children experiencing gender dysphoria frequently die by suicide as “manipulative,” adding: “Suicide is a very complicated phenomenon. You cannot reduce it down to just one cause.”

Showalter detailed how, after a prepubescent child is diagnosed with gender dysphoria, they are prescribed puberty blockers such as Lupron, a drug that has been used to treat prostate cancer in men and endometriosis and women and has been used to chemically castrate sex offenders.

“There’s never been an FDA stamp of approval for that use,” he said. “Even the FDA just last year slapped a warning label that this drug causes vision loss and brain swelling. There are disastrous side effects. It impedes brain development. It basically freezes your endocrine system from allowing the pubertal signaling in the brain to happen.”

Even if a male has surgery to transition to a female, he can still get prostate cancer, which just proves he was born a male and he’s still a male, but sadly has become a eunuch.

Gender Dysphoria Surgery

In 15 years, pediatric gender clinics have gone from two to over 100 across America.

Gender-affirming care, as defined by the World Health Organization, encompasses a range of social, psychological, behavioral, and medical interventions “designed to support and affirm an individual’s gender identity” when it conflicts with the gender they were assigned at birth.

Treatments for gender dysphoria, besides male or female hormones, may include surgery, such as feminizing surgery or masculinizing surgery to change the chest, external genitalia, internal genitalia, facial features and body contour.  Medications are required throughout one’s life after transition.

Encouraging Gender Dysphoria

Today’s academic education is non-existent, but the promotion of sexual activity and the encouragement of gender dysphoria is an absolutely despicable act occurring daily upon America’s youngest school children. Every parent should realize that when their children enter public schools, they are put in a perilous and chilling position.

Propaganda has reached new heights which spreads throughout schools like a virus that chokes truth, mutilates, and kills our youngest generation.

Biden has stated that parents give up control of children once they enter the classrooms, that they belong to the teachers and the administration inside the classroom.

Schools are in charge and if a child shows gender dysphoria tendencies, the parents end up in a battle with the government over their child’s health care. California actually began paying for “gender transitions” for minors who are not in their parents’ custody.

Daily Signal, a Heritage Foundation media organization, wrote about a child who ended up committing suicide because of mental health issues.  The article stated that school officials told social services that Abigail’s daughter would be “better off out of the house.”  She was put into foster care, and despite her mother’s persistent attempts to get mental health treatment for her daughter, the system stonewalled her.

Promoting Perversion

One article I skimmed stated, “While leftists continue to deny ulterior motives in their mission to allow hyper-sexualized and pornographic materials in schools along with the promotion of Drag Queen Story Hour, evidence only further suggests a concerted effort toward normalizing pedophilia.”

The infamous Bill and Melinda Gates organization donated millions into a radical nongovernmental organization (NGO) promoting education of “commercial sex work” and “sexual rights, regardless of age.” The U.S. abortion advocacy nonprofit is listed as one of International Planned Parenthood Federation member associates.  This insanity was originally created in the 1950s by a eugenicist, Margaret Sanger, who founded the pro-abortion population-control group, Planned Parenthood.

In Washington state, a new bill was passed which seeks to undermine parental rights by allowing “shelters” to provide gender transition medical services to minors without parental consent.  Children can be legally taken from parents by the state if they don’t consent to gender transition.

The State of Texas has continued their efforts to restrict the assaults on young bodies in gender affirming care clinics.  Biden has signed an executive order to protect transgender children.  (Biden is making new laws through EOs without the consent of congress.)

An 18-year-old transgender “female” walked into a high school freshman locker room and showered with four 14-year-olds in Wisconsin.  The biological male exposed his genitals to the shocked freshman girls.  This is the idiocy promoted by our government, public education, media and even some religious denominations.  These people are mentally ill, some of them are simply voyeurs who get their jollies looking at pubescent females.

An LGBT activist recently took to Tiktok to threaten anyone who would bar him or other male transvestites from entering women’s washrooms, daring concerned parents to try to protect their children.

Despite these and other threats made both before and after the Nashville massacre, when six Christians were murdered by transgender, Audrey Hale, Thomas Jay White‘s account remains active on the platform.

Fox News reports that the CDC is linked to pervasive curriculum sweeping public schools nationwide.

“Educators at over 120 districts across the country are implementing a pervasive school curriculum that has been denounced by opponents as an effort to manipulate children’s values and beliefs and replace parents as the primary moral authority in their child’s lives, with many critics specifically pointing to similarities with programs from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a major point of contention.

“Instead of academic education, the CDC’s “Whole Child” approach places its focus on psychological counseling and social services for students and teachers to further the “collaboration between education leaders and health sectors to improve each child’s cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development,” which is often referred to as social emotional learning (SEL).” It’s the central pillar of a nefarious attempt to remake and control society.

And where is the National Organization of Women (NOW) whose mouthpieces screamed about their equal rights for decades.  Women’s sports and competition are now destroyed because of the foolishness of these directors who believe males can become females and dare not speak the truth.  Men can wear dresses and clomp around in high heels, but if they are born with a penis, they are still biological men and they don’t belong competing in women’s sports.

Mental Illness

The Tennessee Star featured an article on Dr. Mark McDonald, a psychiatrist who treats both children and adults.

Dr. Mark McDonald wrote that the deaths at a Nashville Christian school at the hands of a transgender former student are a “logical end point of transgenderism,” since “the response to it reveals an embrace of the denial of reality and inversion of morality that can produce only more of the same atrocities.”

Transgenderism is a mental illness,” the Los Angeles-based psychiatrist observed in his Dissident MD Substack column.

“It stems from a social contagion rampant in American urban centers, spread by social media and the support of corrupt schoolteachers and administrators who have chosen to pursue child sacrifice rather than the education and protection of young people,” he explained. “It feeds on narcissism and victim culture, two toxic wells we have been digging for a number of years.”


This is child abuse that ends in mutilation and often times, suicide.

©2023 Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

REP. BYRON DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America thumbnail

REP. BYRON DONALDS: There Is No Doubt Trump Is The Right Choice For America

By The Daily Caller

A recent visit to a pizza parlor in Ft. Myers reminded me why endorsing Donald Trump for president was one of the easiest decisions I’ve ever had to make.

The crowd there went wild, chanting “Trump, Trump, Trump!” This is what Paul McCartney must have felt traveling the world during Beatlemania. Americans don’t just love President Trump because he can be funny and entertaining. They have a bond with President Trump because of the results he delivered in the White House.

Voters miss low gas prices, global stability and a commander-in-chief that cared about their problems. The country is desperate for a change in leadership.

The choice will be clear and simple for voters come November 2024. Who did the job better as president of the United States, Donald J. Trump or Joseph R. Biden? Who do you trust to turn this country around? Voters will head to the polls with inflation, crime, the indoctrination of their kids, instability across the globe and the economy on their minds.

There is no doubt Trump is the right choice for America.

Not only is Trump the right choice over Biden, but his experience enables him to hit the ground running on day one. This is why I endorsed President Trump over Gov. Ron DeSantis. I’m looking for somebody who can come in on day one and get America back on track.

I know many other Republican voters want the same. Experience matters and no other Republican has the experience President Trump has.

Polling consistently shows that over seventy percent of Americans think our nation is on the wrong track and for good reason. Biden reversed all the successes of the Trump administration.

Our border has been opened to millions of unknown people. Roughly five times more illegal immigrants have been documented crossing our southern border under Biden than under President Trump. This includes a massive spike in terror watch list members entering our nation.

The open border is being taken advantage of by Mexican drug cartels that flood our nation with poison. The amount of fentanyl entering into our country has increased 900%. These deadly drugs are causing a historic amount of overdose deaths. Biden has blood on his hands.

Biden has demonized and targeted the energy industry. Under President Trump, America became a net exporter of oil for the first time, now we’re begging tyrants like Nicholas Maduro for oil.

President Trump brought stability to the world stage. Under Biden’s leadership, we’re now on the precipice of World War 3 in Ukraine. Meanwhile, China is negotiating with Brazil and other countries to subvert the dollar.

They’re becoming way more aggressive with Taiwan. China is doing this because they see weakness with the current commander in chief — Joe Biden.

It’s not just about the past. President Trump is looking ahead to the future with a series of bold policy proposals.

He’s already released a series of policy proposals under his Agenda47. These policies will rebuild the greatest economy in history, unleash energy dominance, secure our border, combat the war on drugs impacting countless families, restore safety, renew American strength and leadership, and defend law and liberty.

President Trump made America great once. He will make America great again. He has a proven record of doing it.

Byron Donalds represents Florida’s 19th Congressional District.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller News Foundation.





DEBRA SAUNDERS: Does Anybody Really Think E. Jean Carroll’s Decades-Old Rape Allegation Against Trump Is Legit?

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Biden’s CIA Director Met With Jeffrey Epstein Multiple Times After Child Sex Crimes Conviction, Docs Show

REPORT: Epstein’s Private Calendar Shows Meetings With International Business, Political Power Players

DEROY MURDOCK: Democrats Have A ‘Big Lie’ Of Their Own

How Democrats’ Push For Electric Cars Endangers National Security

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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ABC Censors RFK, Jr. thumbnail

ABC Censors RFK, Jr.

By The Geller Report

ABC heavily edited its interview with Democrat presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Thursday because it didn’t like what he said about vaccines. In doing this, ABC demonstrated that it thinks the people who are unfortunate enough to watch the network are too stupid to think for themselves or evaluate truth claims on their own. It also showed that it thinks Leftist “news” outlets properly have the authority to determine what the American people see and hear and what they do not. The Left is growing increasingly censorious and authoritarian; RFK Jr. is a lone voice on the Left standing against this trend, and so it’s no surprise that he would fall victim to it along with an increasing number of patriots.

ABC’s Linsey Davis poisoned the well from the start, introducing Kennedy as “one of the biggest voices pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric, regularly distributing misinformation and disinformation about vaccines, which scientific and medical experts overwhelmingly say are safe and effective based on rigorous scientific studies.” Then ABC cut Kennedy’s own words about the vaccines, not allowing him to make his case. The network did, however, did show a part of the interview where Kennedy was discussing opposition among his own family to his views on vaccines.

Davis was upfront about the network’s censorship of the video, explaining:

We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines. Data shows that the Covid-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease. He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism. Research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used in the vaccines do not cause autism, including multiple studies involving more than a million children and major medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the advocacy group Autism Speaks.

Davis also said: “We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview.” Yet Davis’ own claims were unproven. Kennedy’s own website, The Defender, features an April 14 article with the headline: “45 Times as Many Deaths After COVID Shots in Just 2 Years Compared With All Flu Vaccine-Related Deaths Since 1990, Data Show.” The subtitle: “The authors of a peer-reviewed meta-analysis of national and international COVID-19 vaccine adverse events during the first two years of the rollout said their findings highlight the importance of reevaluating public health policies that promote universal mass injection and multiple boosters for all demographic groups.” Did Davis offer any specific refutation of these claims? Of course not. ABC just did its best to ensure that the public didn’t hear about them at all.

In the portion of the interview that aired, according to a report in the Daily Caller Friday, Davis challenged Kennedy “over his claims that there is a correlation between vaccinations and autism.” Davis asserted that what Kennedy was saying had been “debunked.” Kennedy asked: “Wait a minute, who debunked it?” Davis replied: “We have not seen any kind of scientific connections from the CDC, the World Health Organization…” Kennedy said: “They’re captured agencies.” Indeed. They reflect the establishment line rather than letting the truth lead them where it may. For her part, Davis doesn’t seem to have bothered to refute that, either. Censorship is so much easier.

Kennedy charged that what ABC did was actually illegal:

47 USC 315 makes it illegal for TV networks to censor Presidential candidates but Thursday, ABC showed its contempt for the law, democracy, and its audience by cutting most of the content of my interview with host Linsey Davis leaving only cherry-picked snippets and a defamatory disclaimer. Offering no evidence, @ABC justified this act of censorship by falsely asserting that I made “false claims.” In truth, Davis engaged me in a lively, informative, and mutually respectful debate on the government’s Covid countermeasures. I’m happy to supply citations to support every statement I made during that exchange. I’m certain that ABC’s decision to censor came as a shock to Linsey as well. Instead of journalism, the public saw a hatchet job. Instead of information, they got defamation and unsheathed Pharma propaganda. Americans deserve to hear the full interview so they can make up their own minds. How can democracy function without a free and unbiased press? As President, I will free FCC from its corporate captors and force the agency to follow the law by revoking the licenses of networks that put the mercantile ambitions of advertisers ahead of the public interest. #Kennedy24

RFK’s confidence that Linsey Davis was herself shocked by the censorship was a trifle naïve. Censorship is the hallmark of the contemporary Left. But he is standing against it: “I don’t believe that we should be the party of war. I don’t believe that we should be the party of Wall Street. I don’t believe that we should let neocons dictate our foreign policy and I don’t believe in censorship, for starters.”

Sounds great. But will the Leftist media establishment let the American people hear him saying it?


Robert Spencer

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Convicted MAN Who Raped Children To Be Sent to Woman’s Prison After Changing Pronouns to ‘She/Her’ During Sentencing thumbnail

Convicted MAN Who Raped Children To Be Sent to Woman’s Prison After Changing Pronouns to ‘She/Her’ During Sentencing

By The Geller Report

A man convicted of the horrific sexual abuse of a 7-year-old girl abruptly changed his pronouns to “she/her” while being sentenced to life in federal prison for the crime.

Every convicted rapists will be declaring themselves ‘women.’

America is sick to its very soul.

Convicted Pedophile Changes Pronouns To “She/Her” During Sentencing For Abuse Of 7-Year-Old Child

By Anna Slatz, Redux News, April 28, 2023:

Content Warning: This article contains graphic descriptions of child sexual abuse as reported in court testimony. Reader discretion is appreciated.

A convicted pedophile appears to have declared a transgender identity while being sentenced for the horrific sexual abuse of a young girl.

On February 23, Robert William Perry II was sentenced to life in federal prison following a conviction for the aggravated sexual abuse of a minor. The victim, a 7-year-old girl for whom Perry was responsible, was abused over the course of one year while in Perry’s care.

According to the U.S. Department of Justice, Perry would coerce the girl into performing sex acts in exchange for candy, toys, and the opportunity to play video games in what Perry termed as a “man cave,” a closet where he regularly played video games and watched pornography. The abuses took place from 2017 to 2018 on the Muscogee Nation reserve in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The child eventually divulged some of the details of her ordeal to a school friend, and the conversation was overheard by another student who immediately went to a teacher and reported what she had heard. The Oklahoma Department of Human Services was contacted, and the victim was interviewed by a Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner. The girl was hesitant to speak about what had happened because Perry had told her to “keep secrets,” but she would go on to draw pictures of what had happened to her.

Perry was initially arrested and charged in 2018 and he was convicted in an Oklahoma state court in 2020, but the conviction was later dismissed because the state lacked the jurisdiction to prosecute the case. In the United States, only the federal government or tribal councils have jurisdiction to prosecute cases that occur in Indian Country that involve Native American defendants. Because Perry is Indigenous and the crime had been committed on Muscogee land, the case was turned over to the federal government.

During a hearing in May of 2022, his victim testified in federal court as to what had happened to her.

Reduxx has reviewed a transcription of the child’s testimony and is withholding identifying details out of respect for her privacy.

While in court, the girl explained that Perry had a closet where he played video games and smoked. Perry would take her into the closet when there was no one else in the home.

The child detailed that Perry would tell her to strip naked and kneel on the floor, and she would be instructed to take his genitals into her mouth. The girl, who was 11 when she gave her testimony, said Perry would force his penis into her throat and it cause her to choke, among other abuses which included Perry touching and licking her genitals. After sexually abusing the girl, Perry would give her Jolly Ranchers or Starburst. The abuses happened regularly after school.

Perry was found guilty on counts of aggravated sexual abuse of a minor in Indian Country and for abusive sexual contact of a minor in Indian Country.

Perry was sentenced in February of 2023, and, shortly after, the U.S. Department of Justice amended their press release, noting that Perry now went by “she/her” pronouns. Previous releases had described Perry as a “man.”

Court documents reveal that Perry’s change in gender identity appears to have been declared around the same time he was being sentenced to life in prison for his crimes. A sentencing outcome signed by the judge in the case requested Perry be sent to a medium security facility in the Tulsa area with explicit provisions for “gender-care treatment programs.”

Other than the sentencing document, Perry’s gender identity was never mentioned during the trial.

Keep reading.


Pamela Geller


The Powerful Story Behind Florida Bill HB1297 to Protect Children

Senators Respond To UN Report They Say Decriminalizes Underage Sex

Special Report: Boston Children’s Hospital Gender Clinic – Here’s what’s really happening to children and teenagers!

KISS’s Paul Stanley Says Gender Reassignment Surgery For Children is Wrong and a Dangerous Trend


We couldn’t even really get into all of the stuff we saw in that court transcript. It was just too horrific.

That child is going to have lifelong trauma and I can only hope she is getting continuous care for her mental health.

— pagliacci the hater 🌞 (@Slatzism) April 28, 2023

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps to Topple a Nation Matches Perfectly Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda thumbnail

Saul Alinsky’s Eight Steps to Topple a Nation Matches Perfectly Biden’s Build Back Better Agenda

By Dr. Rich Swier

A reader sent us a link to Vassar Bushmills website that listed Alinsky’s eight steps to topple a nation. We realized after seeing them that they match the policies of the current administration and the Democrat Party.

According to Discover the Networks Alinsky:

  • Identified a set of very specific rules that ordinary citizens could follow, and tactics that ordinary citizens could employ, as a means of gaining public power
  • Created a blueprint for revolution under the banner of “social change”
  • Two of his most notable modern-day disciples are Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama.

Discover the Networks reports,

In the Alinsky model, “organizing” is a euphemism for “revolution” — a wholesale revolution whose ultimate objective is the systematic acquisition of power by a purportedly oppressed segment of the population, and the radical transformation of America’s social and economic structure. The goal is to foment enough public discontent, moral confusion, and outright chaos to spark the social upheaval that Marx, Engels, and Lenin predicted — a revolution whose foot soldiers view the status quo as fatally flawed and wholly unworthy of salvation. Thus, the theory goes, the people will settle for nothing less than that status quo’s complete collapse — to be followed by the erection of an entirely new system upon its ruins. Toward that end, they will be apt to follow the lead of charismatic radical organizers who project an aura of confidence and vision, and who profess to clearly understand what types of societal “changes” are needed.

Read more.

Remember that Barrack Hussein Obama began as a “community organizer” before becoming a politician.

According to Vassar Bushmills,

Think of these [eight steps] as “fronts” in a war; Western front, Eastern front.  These are all the fronts the Enemies of the United States have set up and been fighting for at least the past 50 yearsall on your front steps and at your front door.

You simply don’t have time to sit and complain about how the elected officials you trusted have let you down.

There are hundreds of way you can send them all a message every day that you have taken these issues in hand and will be doing something about daily, and not just the next election day. [Emphasis added]

Here’s Vassar Bushmills’ list of Alinsky’s eight steps to topple a nation:

  1. Healthcare — Control healthcare and you control the people
  2. Poverty — Increase the Poverty level as high as possible, poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.
  3. Debt — Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes, and this will produce more poverty.
  4. Gun Control — Remove the ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.
  5. Welfare — Take control of every aspect of their lives (Food, Housing, and Income).
  6. Education — Take control of what people read and listen to — take control of what children learn in school.
  7. Religion — Remove the belief in the God from the Government and schools.
  8. Class Warfare — Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

Alinsky’s Political Theory Becomes Public Policy

Ayn Rand famously said, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow.”

Today the uncontested absurdities of Alinsky have now become in 2023 the laws, policies and politics of the land.

Here’s how these eight steps have gone from political theory to public policy:

  1. Healthcare — Government control of healthcare began with the passage of the Affordable Care Act (a.k.a. Obamacare) enacted by the 111th United States Congress and signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. This government control of healthcare was greatly expanded during the Covid pandemic via government mandates.
  2. Poverty — The cost of living has increased under the Biden administration. Click here for a Cost of Living Calculator. Put in a city run by Democrats and one run by Republicans, e.g. San Jose, CA and Sarasota, FL, and see what you get.
  3. Debt — According to USGovernmentSpending.com the federal debt is $31.46 trillion. In 2019 the federal deficit was $984 billion and has grown steadily ever since to the present deficit of $31.46 trillion.
  4. Gun Control — Biden, his administration, the Democrat Party and various supporters want not just gun control, like in Chicago, but a repeal of the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
  5. WelfareUSGovernmentSpending.com reports welfare spending for “FY 2023 total US government spending on welfare — federal, state, and local — is “guesstimated” to be $141 billion, including $536 billion for Medicaid, and $677 billion in other welfare. Total US government estimated spending for 2023 is $9.70 trillion, including a budgeted $6.37 trillion federal, a “guesstimated” $2.19 trillion state, and a “guesstimated” $2.17 trillion local. TOTAL: $10.73 trillion in 2023.
  6. Education — The public school system has been taken over by proponents of the most radical and egregious policies including: teaching child what to think, not how to think; promoting Critical Race Theory; promoting the LGBTQIE+ agenda including grooming of underaged children for perverts pedophiles and pederasts and causing for the first time a drop in the national IQ in history. This does not include the indoctrination of our children K-20 in the tenants off Marx, Lenin and Alinsky doctrines. Parents who speak out about what is taught to their children are labeled “domestic terrorists. Finally, Minnesota just gave the state power to take kids away if parents don’t approve of gender mutilation surgery.
  7. Religion — In 1962 Engel v. Vitale, 370 U.S. 421 (1962), was a landmark United States Supreme Court case in which the Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for state officials to compose an official school prayer and encourage its recitation in public schools, due to violation of the First Amendment. This also led to governments banning prayer in the public square.
  8. Class Warfare — Using the Biden administration’s diversity, inclusion and equity guidelines individuals, corporations, non-profits and all levels of government must determine race and gender in all aspects of their lives, businesses, lending and hiring practices.

©2023 Vassar Bushmills. All rights reserved.


Democrats Now Part Of Socialists, Communists & Marxists!

Minnesota Just Gave State Power To Take Kids Away If Parents Don’t Approve Gender Mutilation Surgery

Proof: The FDA knew on September 17, 2021 that people who got the COVID vaccine were 2X more likely to be infected

Politics and Its Coming Destruction thumbnail

Politics and Its Coming Destruction

By Bud Hancock

The forming of the United States government introduced what has been called ‘representative government’, wherein citizens may seek, and be elected to, positions in a Congress where they are to represent the thoughts and wishes of those citizens living in a certain district of a state.

I believe the Founders, nearly all of whom were descended from England, where only a monarchical system had existed for centuries, and representation of the people was absolutely NOT allowed, had dreamed of establishing a new form of government that eliminated any undue influence or control by a very small segment of the citizens, mostly the aristocratic and moneyed class. However, they soon learned that the old would not easily give way to the new.

Politics as a Means to Virtuous Living and Happiness?

From the article, “Aristotle: Politics” in the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, the author of said article stated,

In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.) describes the happy life intended for man by nature as one lived in accordance with virtue, and, in his “Politics”, he describes the role that politics and the political community must play in bringing about the virtuous life in the citizenry. (emphasis mine)

Aristotle’s “Politics” also provides analysis of the kinds of political community that existed in his time and shows where and how these cities fall short of the ideal community of virtuous citizens. (emphasis mine)

It is apparent that Aristotle, 350 years before Christ, understood that politics was intended to be a system of governance that provided the means of living a happy and virtuous life. The deception about politics as a system of governance was obviously present in the time of Aristotle.

The second president of the US, John Adams, stated that “Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

Despite the beauty and soundness of our Constitution, those who were present when it was written realized its potential shortcomings, in that it was written as, and intended to be, a basis upon which to create an atmosphere allowing for, and promoting, a virtuous life, the only atmosphere needed to find true happiness (Honesty demands that one consider whether true happiness can ever be found in a wholly non-virtuous atmosphere). Our Constitution has little to no positive influence in the lives of immoral, non-virtuous persons; in fact it would seem that its very existence enrages them and encourages the immoral and non-virtuous people in their attempts to destroy that magnificent document.

I base my opinion above on the fact that our current group of politicians who ALL swear an oath to uphold and defend the United States Constitution, almost immediately, and usually covertly,  search for any way possible to skirt around it and even to do away with it entirely.

Political Delusion Leads to God’s Wrath

My definition of ‘politics’, based on info found in The Free Dictionary, is “The use of underhanded crafty schemes, plots, intrigues and deceitful plans, methods, or series of maneuvers (machinations and intrigue) in obtaining any position enabling one to do or act (with power), providing the capability of control, domination or command.

The political actions provided in this definition are most certainly NOT limited to governmental politics, although there is likely no government on earth that has managed to remain unscathed from the damage caused by these actions. No, politics has found its way into nearly every sector of life that involves human interaction. Once introduced and accepted as ‘normal’, it becomes as ingrained in all human interactions as it has in the government(s).

Based on what I perceive to be the dismal lack of a true understanding of politics on the part of most Americans, coupled with the danger that political tactics, and the politicians who employ them, brings to the citizens of the United States, especially among most of the Christian population, I feel it is critical to try to explain, from a layman’s point of view, that the ‘practice’ of politics is a whole lot more than campaigns and races for public offices in city, state and federal governments.

Several prominent people from the past have stated something which I truly believe:  “voters and their votes do NOT determine the outcome of elections, MONEY determines the outcome of elections”. From that truth, a serious question  must then be asked: “What is the source of the money, the hundreds of millions, perhaps billions, of US dollars that are poured into political campaigns that 1) determine the candidates, and 2) determine the eventual winners of the elections?”

Once you have the answer to that important question, you must then ask, “what is the end  goal of those who provide the MONEY?”

American politics has become a system based on lies and deception that is being used to create, or transform, a government or institution, formerly based on TRUTH, into one that accepts and uses lies and deceptions as though they WERE truth. The very foundation of the American political system is deception and MONEY, lots and lots of MONEY!

The purpose of these lies and deceptions is to produce a state of delusion in the minds and hearts of men so that they will no longer be able to separate truth from a lie. Once people are deluded, those who produce the delusion seem to believe they are quite safe from any resistance to the lies produced. In many cases, they are right. The system, and its participants, work hard to protect themselves against truth-seekers.

The end result of the political process fro those who adhere to it is described in Romans chapter one: “a reprobate mind, a state wherein one becomes morally depraved, unprincipled, and predestined for damnation”.

The Politics of the “Trump Era”

A short discussion of the Trump presidency seems to be in order here.

It appears (to me) that Donald J Trump, when running for POTUS in 2016 made several critical missteps. First, he seems to have believed that he was being welcomed into a camp of approximately 260 ‘friendly’ politicians in Congress who identified as “Republican”, and was being opposed by a camp of approximately 275 ‘Unfriendly’ Congressional politicians who identified as Democrat. If that had been the case, he might have had a somewhat fair chance to succeed in his proclaimed agenda to “Make America Great Again”.

But alas, the odds were much worse than the numbers indicated and he was far outnumbered since most of those who identified as Republican were in fact RINO who were actually closely aligned with the Democratic Party and its principles (or lack thereof). That made the numbers more like 500 to 1, at least at first appearance.

However, Trump, though an accomplished and very successful businessman, was a rookie politician suffering from serious ‘political naiveté. His naiveté, coupled with his glaring narcissism, the most evident flaws he exhibited as a man, allowed his critical decisions as POTUS to be swayed by those who played to his ego and narcissism, caused him to designate, as his cabinet members, those who were thought to be competent and loyal to conservative, republican principles, as well as loyal to him, but were actually card-carrying members of the DC swamp, that quagmire wherein dwell those whom Trump swore to remove by draining that swamp. He failed to realize that even had he drained that swamp, either partially or completely, it is owned, lock, stock and barrel, by the REAL money powers of the world: the globalists, big pharma drug dealers and industrial military complex, heads of giant worldwide corporations, and wealthy banking families who, along with the Democrats, were as solidly against Trump as were those congressional RINOs who so easily fooled DJT. I imagine that Trump thought his entry into the political world would be as easy as was his entry, as a much younger man, into business that led to his many successes in that realm.

Trump obviously placed the bulk of his trust in men, one of which was himself. Believing the urgings to trust family members with their somewhat covert individual agendas, he surrendered his own MAGA agenda to forces over whom he had little to no control. The total count of friendly vs unfriendly combatants may never be known, but with so many poor choices as advisers, it is likely closer to 600 to 1.

Before going to war, one should always endeavor to know his enemy and that seems to have been another of Trump’s biggest flaws. Not only did he NOT know who his enemy was, he accepted the advice of those very close to him who convinced him that his choices were consistent with his agenda. As a consequence, when the political bullets started flying, he was constantly being bombarded with what many might consider “friendly fire’, which in politics is a misleading term: There are no friends in politics.

Throughout his presidency, he again and again named more DC swamp critters to advise him and every one selected only added to the “friendly fire” he was receiving. By the time his presidency ended in January 2021, the endless friendly fire left Trump resembling the iconic Al Capp cartoon character, “Fearless Fosdick”, who was consistently being hit by (sometimes) friendly fire, leaving him with large round holes in many parts of his body https://duckduckgo.com/?q=fearless+fosdick+cartoon&t=ffab&iax=images&ia=images.

Fosdick seemed to be truly confused as to who were his friends and who were his enemies due to a failure to understand who his enemies were.

Ronald Reagan often used the phrase “Trust but verify” and seemingly tried to stick to it, but unlike Reagan, DJT, with little to  NO verification, unwisely trusted many who offered no basis for why they should be, or even could be, considered worthy of his trust.

Trump’s failure to understand and recognize the true nature of those who he considered ‘loyal friends’ does not excuse those sleezy politicians, both Republican and Democrat, who utterly betrayed his trust and that of the American people who elected Trump.

The Coming Wrath of God

Paul wrote a very detailed letter to the believers in Rome that provides a look at how God views the foolish positions men take in direct contradiction to His word, and GOD’S WORD IS TRUTH. So the positions taken by many of the political leaders of the world in these perilous times are ‘lie-oriented ‘ and directly against TRUTH. The words of Romans 1:18 say this: For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold (suppress) the truth in unrighteousness”.

No one in this present period of time has ever experienced “the Wrath of God”. But it is plain that the time wherein the truth is completely suppressed by the unrighteous WILL see His wrath revealed to all who oppose God and His word. The revealing of His wrath will not be simply toward the politicians who are elected or appointed political leaders, but to ALL who use politics to further an evil agenda that mocks and resists God. The “invisible politicians”, the corporate heads and the global bankers whose institutions control large segments of the financial systems in every nation will NOT escape the wrath of a righteous God.

The adoption of a system governed by lies has changed our nation into one that trains and encourages its citizens to accept as true, whatever they are fed by government officials, academics and the media, even in the face of incontrovertible evidence that it is completely UNTRUE. This is the perfect dictionary definition of delusion: “A belief held in the face of incontrovertible evidence to the contrary, that is resistant to all reason” (The Free Dictionary).

Unfortunately, the current ‘encouragement’  to accept the lies and deception is likely to evolve into physical ‘force’ as more and more people who are becoming aware of the lies that have led to the diminishing and eventual loss of our freedoms and liberties, decide to push back against the tyranny that uses deceptions and lies to push their agenda.

When encouragement becomes force, the political system then is, or will become, one that denies truth and attempts to replace ALL truth with lies; when such a system succeeds in doing so, any liberties that were thought to have been ‘endowed’ by a creator are easily removed by those who perpetuate the false political system.

You might think that those living under such a system would rebel against it and demand the return of those stolen liberties, but by the time the system is entrenched using lies that lead to a state of delusion, and truth is banished, those who should have rebelled and demanded a return of liberty are living under such delusion that they cannot easily be reached by truth, if they can be reached at all. They have succumbed to the lies and deception and have rejected the very existence of truth. This is the very nature of deception and with the assistance of a corrupted, wholly-owned, mainstream media that has become a communication/propaganda arm of the system, the ability to resist the deception decreases with  the passing of time as more and more people allow themselves to become comfortable with the deception.


God, who created the earth and mankind who inhabits it, STILL has the plan that was in His mind from the very beginning: to have a family of people, whom He will love as sons and daughters, who will return His love, and reverence  Him as Father. However, His love does not mean that any human who has rejected His love and His truth will be able to take part in that plan.

The perilous times in which we now live were mentioned by Paul in his second letter to Timothy (2 Timothy 3:1-9) and in that letter Paul spoke of the characteristics of the people he described as “lovers of their own selves”. In verse nine, he states, But they shall proceed no further: for their folly shall be manifest unto all men….”.

The folly God speaks of is that of subverting the word of God, replacing HIS truth with a lie. Paul offered the perfect description of such people and their fate in Romans 1:18 – 2:9. That fate is sure and likely will be sudden.

God is STILL God and He will have the final say. And His wrath is coming on the corrupt world political system and all who live by it.

He will soon shake all in heaven and on earth; everything that can be shaken will be shaken. Anything that remains will stand in awe and reverence of God. All that falls will have experienced the wrath of God toward all unrighteousness, leading to utter destruction.


©2023 Bud Hancock. All rights reserved.

Feds Admit Offshore Wind Turbines Can Kill Whales! thumbnail

Feds Admit Offshore Wind Turbines Can Kill Whales!

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

Despite public proclamations of innocence, it turns out BOEM and NOAA clearly acknowledge the deadly threat of offshore wind development to marine mammals. Not surprisingly they do it in documents that are subject to judicial review, lest they be caught fibbing.

Of course these admissions are well hidden, buried in the depths of thousand page documents, but they are there to be found. These are the Draft Environmental Impact Statements (DEIS) that precede each offshore wind project. They are jointly prepared by BOEM and NOAA.

The key is that the overall project EIS includes the EIS for NOAA’s harassment authorizations for the construction of that project. In fact you can find this language by searching the DEIS for the word “harassment”. I am told that this is standard language which varies little from project to project.

The standard language says just what we have been saying! Harassment is likely to lead to dangerous behavior, including increased likelihood of deadly ship strikes and entanglements. It also says, as we have, that having multiple projects increases these risks.

Here is a good example of admitting that harassment is can cause harm. I could not have said it better.

“It is possible that pile driving could displace animals into areas with lower habitat quality or higher risk of vessel collision or fisheries interaction. Multiple construction activities within the same calendar year could potentially affect migration, foraging, calving, and individual fitness. The magnitude of impacts would depend upon the locations, duration, and timing of concurrent construction. Such impacts could be long term, of high intensity, and of high exposure level. Generally, the more frequently an individual’s normal behaviors are disrupted or the longer the duration of the disruption, the greater the potential for biologically significant consequences to individual fitness. The potential for biologically significant effects is expected to increase with the number of pile-driving events to which an individual is exposed.”

Empire Wind DEIS v.1, Page 3.15-14, PDF page 372

This warning is about risks created by pile driving but all forms of acoustic harassment fit this description. NOAA harassment authorizations are based on the estimated number of critters that will be exposed to unsafe sound levels. The source of the dangerous sounds is irrelevant. What matters most is the volume. Sound is a pressure wave; the louder the sound the greater the physical pressure on the hearing system. Pain and physical damage are possible.

In fact the infamous sonar surveying sounds, implicated in the whale deaths to date, can be much louder that the incredibly loud pile driving. Driving the enormous piles for the proposed wind projects is estimated to create sounds around 190 decibels, which is painfully loud in humans.

But some sonar equipment deliberately emits sounds over 200 decibels. Decibels is a log scale so this is not just 5% greater than 190; it is much greater.

Thus it makes no sense that NOAA claims sonar surveys have no significant impact and so do not fall under NEPA, while pile driving does. This is especially true when, as just happened, a dozen different projects are given simultaneous authorization to acoustically harass large numbers of whales.

What is important is that NOAA and a BOEM are clearly stating that the acoustic threats we have been warning about and suspecting are real. The telling correlations between sonar blasting and increased whale deaths cannot be waived away.

Correlation is not causation, but correlation between cause and predicted effect is very strong evidence that the cause is effective. NOAA and BOEM’s repeated insistence that there is no evidence offshore wind development is killing whales is clearly contradicted by their own Environmental Impact Statements.

Harassment kills.


David Wojick

David Wojick, Ph.D. is an independent analyst working at the intersection of science, technology and policy. For origins see here. For over 100 prior articles for CFACT see here. Available for confidential research and consulting.

UPDATE: The Biden Administration is preparing to rush approval for the Atlantic Shores offshore wind project, which is located approximately 10-20 miles off the coast of New Jersey between Atlantic City and Barnegat Light, despite the risk it poses to marine mammals — particularly the severely endangered right whale.

They are poised to allow NOAA (the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) to grant Atlantic Shores Offshore Wind the right to harass, and potentially kill through a generous IHA (Incidental Harassment Authorization) permit, the following numbers of marine mammals:

42 Whales
2,534 Dolphins
142 Porpoises
1,472 Seals
Total = 4,190 adversely impacted marine mammals

CFACT just submitted a detailed comment to NOAA opposing this authorization and urging them to pay attention to the potential harm that could be wrought on the natural world.

Read CFACT’s full submission at CFACT.org.

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.