California Entrepreneur Who Was Fined $1000 for Drawing Informal Maps without a License Takes Regulatory Board to Court thumbnail

California Entrepreneur Who Was Fined $1000 for Drawing Informal Maps without a License Takes Regulatory Board to Court

By Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

Ryan Crownholm’s story perfectly illustrates how occupational licensing laws stifle competition.

Ryan Crownholm is a self-described “serial entrepreneur” and the founder of a California-based business called Founded in 2013, the business creates unofficial “site plans” for various clients using publicly available imagery. Hotels and resorts will sometimes use the plans as maps for their guests. Homeowners and contractors often use the plans in their permit applications when they are preparing to make minor changes to a property, such as building a shed or removing a tree.

Over the years, has built a strong reputation for itself, and customers are consistently impressed with the quality of the work and the short turn-around times (often within 24 hours).

“I had the first draft within 8 hours and they made changes to accommodate what the city needed. Good service!” writes one recent reviewer. “Amazing service! So incredibly quick! I will recommend this company to anyone in need of a site plan,” writes another.

Crownholm and his customers are certainly happy the business has been successful, but it seems not everyone feels this way. In December 2021, Crownholm was given a citation from the California Board for Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists. The order demanded that he “cease and desist from violating” the law and pay a fine of $1,000.

What was Crownholm’s crime? According to the Board, Crownholm and his company were illegally practicing land surveying without a license. In the Board’s view, “preparing site plans which depict the location of property lines, fixed works, and the geographical relationship thereto falls within the definition of land surveying,” and thus requires a license.

It’s worth noting that never claimed to create official land surveys by licensed surveyors. In fact, a banner at the top of their website plainly states, “This is not a legal survey, nor is it intended to be or replace one.”

Now, it’s tempting to say Crownholm should just get a license and move on, but it’s not that simple. Obtaining a land surveying license is an arduous process. In the state of California it requires six years of higher education and practical experience, passing four exams, and earning references from four existing licensees.

So rather than getting a license or shutting down his business, Crownholm has chosen to take the Board to court. On September 29, Crownholm joined with the Institute for Justice to file a federal lawsuit against the Board, claiming that the regulation violates his First Amendment right to free speech.

“California regulators are strangling entrepreneurs, like me, with red tape even though customers are pleased with the valuable services we provide,” Crownholm said. “Prosecuting my company hurts homeowners, contractors, landscapers, farmers, wedding venues and others who depend on my service.”

“California’s regulations go far beyond what other surveying regulators think is appropriate,” said Institute for Justice Attorney Mike Greenberg. “This is yet another example of an established industry using the government to shut down popular, innovative competition. If read literally, California’s laws could harm services everyday people use such as Uber and Google Maps. It would even criminalize drawing a makeshift map on a napkin to help a lost tourist find the way to their destination.”

The question on everyone’s mind, of course, is why? Why would this regulatory board go after an entrepreneur when he’s clearly not in the business of official land surveying?

The simplest explanation is that they’re just really eager to enforce the law to the letter. That seems to be the argument they’re going with. But if that’s the case, why don’t they also crack down on the homeowners and contractors who regularly make identical site plan drawings? As the Institute for Justice press release notes, “California’s own building departments teach [unlicensed] homeowners and contractors how to make the exact same drawings Ryan makes.”

So if litigiousness is the goal, why single out

Perhaps they think he’s taking safety shortcuts, but that makes no sense. There’s nothing dangerous about what he’s doing. Maybe they’re concerned he’s a fraud, and that the quality of his product doesn’t match what he promises? It’s possible, but a quick glance at his glowing reviews ought to set the record straight on that. Maybe they think he’s misrepresenting himself, pretending to have a license when he really doesn’t? Again, that makes no sense. He’s very explicit on the website that he doesn’t do official land surveys.

Perhaps they just think it’s unfair that everyone else has to go through an arduous licensing process while he gets to avoid it despite doing very similar work. That would be understandable, but if it was really just about fairness, wouldn’t it make more sense to push for scrapping the burdens on everyone else rather than imposing those burdens on him?

None of these motives make much sense.

There’s another possible motive, however, and that’s the malicious one. Perhaps the regulators were simply looking to protect licensed surveyors from competition. After all, less competition means higher prices and more business for those who have jumped through the hoops. I’m sure many licensed surveyors weren’t particularly happy to see taking away potential clients.

Even assuming the absolute best of intentions, one must admit the decreased competition would be at the very least a convenient side-benefit for the established special-interests.

Oh, and did I mention that the the guy who issued the citation—Richard B. Moore, the Board’s Executive Officer—is himself a licensed land surveyor?

This isn’t the first time entrepreneurs have been impeded by these kinds of regulations. Occupational licensing requirements like this are ubiquitous, not just for doctors and engineers, but also for jobs that have little to do with safety like hair braiding.

Every industry has a similar story. Decades ago there was an accident, maybe a series of accidents, or some fraudulent practitioner. As a result, people pressured the government to “do something,” and the government responded by creating a licensing scheme.

The thinking is pretty straightforward. We make it illegal for someone to practice a trade unless they have a government-approved license, and the government only gives licenses to people who can prove they are trustworthy and capable. Ostensibly, the system protects consumers. But that’s just the official narrative.

Whether by design or by accident, licensing laws also have the effect of limiting competition, resulting in higher prices and fewer options for consumers.

I say “by design or by accident” because it isn’t always clear what the intentions were of the people who promoted these schemes. Though it’s nice to think they were all motivated by an altruistic desire to help consumers, it’s more realistic to see this as a classic “Bootlegger and Baptist” alliance—a phrase that was coined by economist Bruce Yandle in a 1983 paper in reference to the Prohibition era.

The “Baptists” are the true believers. They are motivated, in their desire for government regulation, by genuine—though often misguided—concern for consumers. The “Bootleggers” are the special-interest groups who stand to benefit should these laws pass. The strategy of the Bootlegger is simple and surprisingly effective: simply paint yourself as a Baptist and push for the regulations with altruistic arguments, even though your real goal is to hurt your competitors.

“A carefully constructed regulation can accomplish all kinds of anticompetitive goals,” Yandle wrote, “while giving the citizenry the impression that the only goal is to serve the public interest.”

In 2014, Yandle expanded on his theory in a book titled Bootleggers and Baptists that he co-authored with his grandson Adam Smith (not to be confused with the original Adam Smith). In a review of the book, economist Art Carden summarized the theory rather succinctly.

“Public policies…emerge because a moral constituency (the Baptists) and a financial constituency (the bootleggers) come together in support of the same policies,” Carden wrote.

Quoting the book, Carden notes that special interests looking to pass anti-competitive regulations often seek out “a respectable public-spirited group seeking the same result [in order to] wrap a self-interested lobbying effort in a cloak of respectability.”

Carden goes on to identify occupational licensing in particular as a good example of the Bootleggers and Baptists theory playing out in real life.

While the drawbacks of occupational licensing laws are difficult to deny, some may still have reservations about abolishing them. If we let just anyone practice these professions, wouldn’t there be a proliferation of fraudulent and dangerous practitioners? Isn’t that why these laws were needed in the first place, to protect us from the evidently disastrous results of free markets?

This is a common line of argumentation, but it’s missing some key nuances. First, it’s important to keep in mind that the mental picture many have of the pre-license market is likely distorted. The special-interest groups pushing for these laws have a strong incentive to exaggerate how bad things used to be; it would be naive to simply take them at their word.

Further, it’s important to remember that people were much poorer back when these laws were first introduced, so we shouldn’t be surprised that the general standard of living—including the quality and safety of services available on the market—was far lower than it is today. The fact that “things used to be bad” is much more a reflection of our ancestors’ relative poverty than an indictment of unregulated markets.

For another point, clearly it’s tragic when people get injured or killed because of incompetent workers, but there is always a trade-off between cost and safety. Sometimes people prefer slightly less safe options (such as workers with less training) because those options are cheaper. And if that’s a risk they want to take, we’re only making them worse-off by taking that option away.

The other thing to consider is that businesses that are downright dangerous or fraudulent get weeded out very quickly. As a business owner, if you don’t provide a reasonable level of quality and safety in your products, you’ll be out of business in no time. Since entrepreneurs know this, they have a strong incentive to avoid hiring dangerous and fraudulent workers. Economists call this the discipline of continuous dealings. This, not licensing, is the reason we can trust most of the businesses we patronize.

Besides, there are plenty of ways to ensure product safety and quality that don’t involve licensing laws. Workers can get voluntary certifications and consumers can look at reviews to help them decide who they can trust. Just think about and their reviews we saw earlier. Did you really need them to have a license to know they were a trustworthy business?

Though government licensing may seem like a good way to protect consumers, the reality is that these schemes unnecessarily restrict competition, with fewer options and higher prices being the inevitable result. In other words, they mostly end up hurting the very consumers they were supposed to help.

The best way to help consumers is to give them lots of choices and a rigorously competitive market. And the way to achieve that is not by protecting established special interests from new players. It’s by letting the Ryan Crownholms of the world compete.

This article was adapted from an issue of the FEE Daily email newsletter. Click here to sign up and get free-market news and analysis like this in your inbox every weekday.


Patrick Carroll

Patrick Carroll has a degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Waterloo and is an Editorial Fellow at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

California’s Economy Heading For Disaster As Companies Flee Socialist Insanity In Droves thumbnail

California’s Economy Heading For Disaster As Companies Flee Socialist Insanity In Droves

By The Geller Report

If you want to know what the left wants to do to the entire nation, look at California: unsustainably high taxes, soaring crime rates, filthy, dangerous cities full of insane and criminal homeless people — California is a leftist’s paradise. If Gavin Newsom is the Democrat nominee in 2024, as many are whispering now, and becomes the next president, that will be it for America. The companies that are fleeing California in droves now will flee all of America, and with good reason, as all they will be able to expect here will be robberies that go unprosecuted, confiscatory taxes, immense economic burdens due to climate fantasies, and worse.

California’s Economy Could Be Heading For Disaster After Companies Fled In Droves

by Arjun Singh, Daily Caller News Foundation, October 20, 2022:

California officials are sounding the alarm after recent statistics showed that fewer corporate and start-up activity in the state was leading to a decline in tax revenue, according to a report by Bloomberg News.

This year, just nine companies based in the state had held initial public offerings (IPOs), which is when a company first lists shares for sale on the stock market – considered a milestone in its growth after strong activity and high valuation, the report revealed. In 2021, California – whose start-up ecosystem in ‘Silicon Valley’ is considered the most prodigious in the world – saw 81 companies conduct IPOs, making 2022 a year of a nine-fold decrease.

Moreover, the value of these IPOs was far lower than in the past, raising merely $177 million, or 2% of the total amount of money raised by U.S. companies that went public in 2022. By contrast, in 2021, California’s share of the revenue generated by IPOs was 39%, by far the largest of any state.

Over the last few years, many companies have departed from California for other states run by Republicans, with Texas being the top destination, gaining 44% of companies that left according to a report by BuildRemote, a business consultancy. These include high-profile departures such as that of electric carmaker Tesla, Inc., led by CEO Elon Musk, which moved its headquarters to Texas.

Musk and other entrepreneurs cite the state’s left-wing policies, enacted by a heavily Democratic state administration, of high taxes, permissive bail reform and drug-use laws, chronic homelessness and stringent COVID-19 regulations as reasons for leaving. Musk called the state the “land of overregulation, overlitigation and overtaxation” when describing his decision to leave….

California has some of the highest tax rates in the nation, with a 7.25% sales tax and a top income tax rate of 13.3%, both of which outrank all other states. The revenues it gathers far exceed the state’s regular expenditures, and it ran a budget surplus of $97.5 billion in 2021.

Read more.


Atlas Shrugs

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Screw Parental Interference’: Inside The Online Community Encouraging Kids To Transition thumbnail

‘Screw Parental Interference’: Inside The Online Community Encouraging Kids To Transition

By The Daily Caller

In sequestered parts of the internet — blacklisted from Google searches — parents are discussing the spread of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD), attributing their child’s newfound gender identity to online influence.

Reddit, a popular anonymous internet forum, harbors one such online community that promotes “affirming” a child’s gender confusion with or without adequate medical or psychological examination. The community, “r/trans,” allows self-identified minors to discuss cross-dressing, surgeries, and hormone replacement treatment with transgender individuals, most of whom identify online as adults.

Chloe Cole, an 18-year-old who detransitioned after undergoing cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy, told the Daily Caller that she likely would not have transitioned if it weren’t for social media.

“My first exposure to transgender content was [online],” Cole said. “I saw female adolescents ages 12 to 19 talking about their transition. I feel like I wouldn’t have transitioned if I wasn’t exposed to that.”

At the age of 12, Cole began socially transitioning to a boy identity and told the Daily Caller that she began browsing Reddit communities.

“I was fed a lot of medical misinformation on [Reddit],” Cole said. “I was sort of pigeonholing myself into this ideology or community.”

Users of r/trans opt for a vocabulary outside of the day-to-day vernacular of most Americans. Fourteen-year-olds use slang such as “T,” which stands for testosterone hormones, or “MtF,” which stands for male to female.

A common post on the r/trans thread is titled “Do I Pass?” which features self-described trans-identifying individuals posting photos of themselves asking for affirmation from community members on whether they pass for the opposite sex.

Other popular threads seek advice from other r/trans members. In one post, a user who identifies as a 14-year-old biological male solicited advice on how to come out as transgender now that the user is “forced to reintegrate back into society for high school.”

Another purported minor, who claims to be a middle schooler and biological female, sought advice on chest binding.

“This year I am going into a whole new school (I’m in middle school) and I’m trans [female to male], my mom won’t let me cut my hair and she won’t buy me a binder. I’ve tried the sports bra tricks, didn’t bind well, and I don’t own a beanie to do the beanie trick. I need some advice.”

Cole told the Daily Caller that she was caught in a similar online community that praised her for each step in her physical transition.

“Initially, I wasn’t really interacting with other transgender people online directly,” Cole said. “When I reached more milestones in my transition … with each milestone, as they got more and more extreme, I got more praise. Both from people who call themselves ‘allies’ and other transgender people.”

A self-described “minor,” who claims to be a 16-year-old, discussed starting testosterone soon. The biological female sought advice on how to easily procure the hormone treatment.

Click here to view Reddit r/trans screen shot

Several of the threads allegedly posted by minors included comments from older users encouraging kids to cut parents out of their lives. A self-described high school freshman, who appears to be a biological female, solicited advice on whether to get a male-styled haircut despite the student’s mother’s wishes.

“I would be surprised if the grounding lasted more than a couple weeks. 4 years of grounding for cutting your hair once is ‘I’m cutting you out of my life as soon as I turn 18’ territory,” one user responded.

Users on the board overwhelmingly supported the student, encouraging the teen to get a haircut.

“Cut it, and style it however you want in spite of that ridiculous ultimatum. Then just preemptively learn to pick a lock … and sneak out with friends,” another user suggested.

“Off with her head,” a self-described trans woman said. “In this instance, her head is your hair. Cut that stuff off and feel good about yourself. Screw parental interference. They only know so much about you.”

Other advice included cutting a portion of hair to “hide it” at home and “put it up in a bun at school.” Another user suggested “falling asleep” with a wad of chewed bubble gum to get a haircut.

The r/trans thread also applauds minors taking medical steps to transition physically. A self-described 14-year-old posted in all capitalized letters, “GUYS I DID MY FIRST [TESTOSTERONE] SHOT TODAY!” The biological female received cheers and congratulatory messages from fellow users.

One user asked what country the 14-year-old lives in. “America in California,” the user responded.

Click here to view Reddit r/trans conversation with 14-year old girl

Other purported minors posted about their discomfort dealing with gender dysphoria. A 14-year-old biological male questioned whether 6’1″ was too tall to pass as a female, and a young biological female questioned whether or not to use the men’s bathroom at school.

One thread, allegedly written by a minor, solicited advice on how to purchase female clothing when the biological male’s parents have access to their bank account.

Dr. Erica Anderson, a clinical psychologist with 30 years of experience and a transgender woman, told the Daily Caller that it’s undeniable that troubled adolescents are being influenced by social media communities.

“Many adolescents are spending a lot of time on these sites and they are influenced by them,” Anderson said. “It is influential in particular to kids who may be susceptible to others … or who are troubled and sincerely looking for answers.”

Cole described being “bombarded” with LGBT content at the age of 11, when she first obtained an Instagram account. She said she consistently saw content that downplayed femininity and motherhood in favor of content that was “super sexualized.” She credits Reddit and Instagram with promoting gender ideology.

Cole desisted from her transgender identity and said the same online communities that once love bombed her, now spew vile attacks at her character.

Cole’s experience appears common in anecdotal stories of parents with transgender teens worldwide. Dr. Lisa Litman, the scientist who coined the phrase “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria”, found that parents began reporting a correlation between children participating in online discussion groups and young adults who experience ROGD, despite having “no histories of childhood gender identity issues.”

A quick search of the words “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria,” shows only articles that discuss the controversy of ROGD and videos from activists on why the theory is false. Dr. Litman’s study on ROGD is not one of the primary results.

R/trans is only one of many online forums where children go to discuss their ever-changing gender identities.

Reddit did not respond to the Daily Caller’s multiple requests for comment.



Education reporter.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

NYC City Hall Official Declares ‘No Sympathy’ For Public Sector Employees Forced Out of Jobs Due to COVID Vaccine Mandate thumbnail

NYC City Hall Official Declares ‘No Sympathy’ For Public Sector Employees Forced Out of Jobs Due to COVID Vaccine Mandate

By Project Veritas


Project Veritas Action released a second video today exposing the staff and inner workings of New York City mayor Eric Adams.

Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • Chris Baugh, Advance Team Aide, NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “I have no sympathy for them. They made a choice [not to get vaccinated]. They chose not to do a very harmless thing that protects the rest of society. F**k ‘em. 1,400 people voluntarily quit their jobs rather than get vaccinated. They don’t deserve their jobs back. We have thousands and thousands of vacancies in city government right now. I’m worried about filling all of those jobs more than I’m worried about giving people who volunteered to leave their job back.”
  • Baugh: “I don’t give a sh*t. They are like, ‘This is unfair.’ F**king deal with it. We’re allowed to set the terms of employment. Period.”
  • Baugh: “I have no sympathy for those people. That was the rule. You had a very cushy government job…Again, no one was required to get vaccinated. You just had to get vaccinated if you had a job. So, you could have moved to Florida.”
  • NYC Mayor’s Press Secretary Fabien Levy RESPONDS: “Despite how many ‘parts’ Project Veritas releases, the fact remains that this is an enterprise run by a convicted criminal and one that admitted to lying in an effort to simply have a conversation.”

You can watch the video HERE.

The city official went on to dismiss concerns expressed by NYPD officers.

“The cops are mad at us though because we rolled back the private sector mandate, but we’re not rolling back the public sector mandate…COVID is over is the short answer. Why are we still doing it [vaccine mandate] for the public sector? I don’t know. We will probably stop that in a few months,” Baugh said.

“Being a cop is like the cushiest gig in the city. Like, you might get shot, but otherwise it’s very good,” he said.

“I’ve just always joked — New York is sort of like Hogwarts. Like, it’s a lot of fun, great opportunities, and people die.”


EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas exposé is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Joe O’Biden, Oil Production, Energy Prices & Politics thumbnail

PODCAST: Joe O’Biden, Oil Production, Energy Prices & Politics

By Conservative Commandos Radio Show



Dr. John R. Lott, Jr., is the founder of The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), an economist and a world-recognized expert on guns and crime. During the Trump administration, he served as the Senior Advisor for Research and Statistics in the Office of Justice Programs and then the Office of Legal Policy in the U.S. Department of Justice. Lott has held research or teaching positions at various academic institutions including the University of Chicago, Yale University, the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, Stanford University, UCLA, and Rice University, and was the chief economist at the United States Sentencing Commission during 1988-1989. His latest book is: Gun Control Myths: How politicians, the media, and botched “studies” have twisted the facts on gun control.

TOPIC: Media Spin on Gun Control Doesn’t Match Voters!


George Landrith, President and CEO of Frontiers of Freedom – a public policy think tank devoted to promoting a strong national defense, free markets, individual liberty, and constitutionally limited government. In 1994 and 1996, Landrith was the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District. His work has been printed across the nation, including: Washington Times, Chicago Tribune, LA Daily News, National Review, Sacramento Bee, Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Providence Journal, Daily Caller, Washington Examiner, Townhall, and Human Events. George Landrith is also a co-host here on the Conservative Commandos Radio Show.

TOPIC: Joe Biden, Oil Production, Energy Prices & Politics!

TODAYS GUEST HOST: Rick Manning is a Conservative Commandos and AUN-TV alumnus and the President, Americans for Limited Government. Rick also served on President Trump’s transition team. And he is also the author of the new book with Starr Parker — “Necessary Noise: How Donald Trump Inflames the Culture War and Why this is good for America!”

©Conservative Commandos Radio and AUN-TV. All rights reserved.

Disney Park Charges Unvaccinated Guests More, Offers Discount to Vaccinated Guests thumbnail

Disney Park Charges Unvaccinated Guests More, Offers Discount to Vaccinated Guests

By The Geller Report

What next? Yellow stars? Disney has taken taken a spiked wrecking ball to close to a century of good will and heartfelt love from the American people.

By Jim Hoft, October 17, 2022:

As part of an effort to increase vaccination rates in the Land of the Rising Sun, Tokyo Disney Park is providing a special discount on theme park admission to guests who have received their COVID vaccinations.

The woke company now offers a “discount” for guests, both international and domestic, who can prove they are “fully boosted and vaccinated.”

Disney Fanatics reported:

It has been two years, but it appears that there is still a push by some to continue to push pandemic-era restrictions and policies and make life more difficult for those who choose not to comply.

One such example of this authoritarian endurance can be found at Tokyo Disney Resort.

According to its website, a new “discount” has been issued that is only available to “fully-vaccinated” Guests (both domestic and international) in order to boost of vaccinations in the Land of the Rising Sun. Called the “Event Wakuwari Discount” program, a special 20% discount will be available on 1-day ticked.

Vaccinated Guests can save 20% on one-day Passports valid from October 13, 2022, to January 31, 2023. Prices are as follows:

Adult: 6,320 yen / 6,720 yen / 7,120 yen / 7,520 yen

Junior: 5,280 yen / 5,600 yen / 5,920 yen / 6,240 yen

Child: 3,760 yen / 4,000 yen / 4,240 yen / 4,480 yen

Vaccinated Guests with disabilities and one accompanying person can purchase one-day Passports at the following rate:

Adult: 5,200 yen / 5,440 yen / 5,680 yen / 5,920 yen

Junior: 4,240 yen / 4,480 yen / 4,720 yen / 4,960 yen

Child: 3,040 yen / 3,200 yen / 3,360 yen / 3,520 yen

In order to access the special discount, Guests must provide the following:

    • Vaccination record (3rd vaccination completed)
    • PCR test negative certificate (using samples collected within 3 days before admission)
    • Antigen quantitative test negative certificate (collected within 3 days before admission) using the specimen)
    • Antigen qualitative test negative certificate (using a specimen collected within 1 day before admission)

Guests will be able to purchase the tickets online, but Cast Members will be checking credentials before Guests can claim the Passports to Tokyo Disneyland and Tokyo DisneySea. Guests under 12 will not need to show proof of vaccination so long as they are accompanied by a “fully vaccinated” adult.

Read the rest….

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FJB VIDEOS: Jill Biden Gets ‘LOUDLY Booed’ At Eagles Game In Her Hometown thumbnail

FJB VIDEOS: Jill Biden Gets ‘LOUDLY Booed’ At Eagles Game In Her Hometown

By The Geller Report

Even in deep blue Philadelphia the FLOTUS is booed. Fans chant “Let’s go Brandon” in the stands. The American people know. Watch below.

What does it mean when a heavily Democrat city like Philadelphia boos Jill Biden and chants “Let’s go Brandon” during an Eagles game?

— 🇺🇸 Just Some Lady 🤷‍♀️ (@JustSomeLady_) October 17, 2022

Jill Biden booed loudly by fans at an Eagles game in Philly.

Not only is Pennsylvania her home state, but Philadelphia is about as deep blue as it gets.

Yet we’re told Joe Biden got more votes than any other presidential candidate in history! 🤔

— Ben Kew 🐶 (@ben_kew) October 17, 2022

BOO BIDEN: FLOTUS Attends Eagles Game, Gets Booed By Her Hometown

By Sean Hannity, Oct 17, 2022

To be fair, it isn’t called the city of sisterly love.

FLOTUS Dr. Jill Biden got no love from her hometown of Philadelphia (raised just outside) on Sunday night, as she attended the opening coin toss as a special guest; the Philly crowd booed her “bad” according to reports.

From The New York Post:

The first lady was serving as the Eagles’ honorary captain for the game and was also present to promote the Biden administration’s Cancer Moonshot initiative.

Jill Biden received the traditional greeting from the Philly Phaithful as she took the field with cancer patients, survivors, and their families.

Watch the clip below:

Social Media Communists are Censoring Jill Biden getting mercilessly booed at the Eagles game.🦅🤣🤣🤣

Where is the video!!??

Somebody find it, and tag me!!!

— Joseph D. McBride, Esq. (@McBrideLawNYC) October 17, 2022

Booed hard af

— Tori Lahren (@Tori_Philly4) October 17, 2022

The Twitterverse had a few things to say about the very loud jeers.

Philly just BOO’d Jill Biden BAD. 😂 #FlyEaglesFly

— Clay Harbor (@clayharbs82) October 17, 2022

A stadium full of Eagles fans booed Jill Biden tonight, they must all be from the 5 surrounding counties.

— PhillyGodfather ® Sports Bettor (@phillygodfather) October 17, 2022

The fans at the Eagles game booed Jill Biden when they put her on the Jumbotron tonight 😂 Where’s Joe?

— TJ⚜QueenUniVSUNQ17💎🤍🕊 (@RVendettq) October 17, 2022


Geller Report Staff


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‘That Didn’t Answer Either Question’: Jean-Pierre Won’t Say Whether Biden Supports Any Abortion Restrictions

Biden Admin To Further Drain Strategic Oil Reserves Ahead Of The Midterms: REPORT

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEOS OF MASS PROTESTS ACROSS EUROPE: Against Food, Energy Prices, EU Green Edicts, Ukraine War thumbnail

VIDEOS OF MASS PROTESTS ACROSS EUROPE: Against Food, Energy Prices, EU Green Edicts, Ukraine War

By The Geller Report

Another major global news story censored and scrubbed. There is an ever widening disconnect between reality and media narratives. It’s not sustainable.





And many other countries in Europe…

Mass protests are happening across Europe against high food and energy prices and the sanctions on Russia that are crippling European economies. Yet the media continues to turn a blind eye to this.

— James Melville (@JamesMelville) October 17, 2022

Wow. Protests in Rome to demand an end to Italy’s involvement in

— sarah (@sahouraxo) October 17, 2022

Massive protest against Macron, soaring energy prices and the rising costs of living in Paris, France yesterday.

— sarah (@sahouraxo) October 17, 2022

Protests in Germany over inflation and home heating, or the lack there of.

I don’t know…ya think that’s excessive force??

This is what it looks like as any semblance of freedom dissappears.

— Bryan Gagnon (@Boost411) October 16, 2022

Protests are still going in Europe in France, Italy, Holland and

The home of the EU, Brussels, packed to the rafters with people protesting against EU green policies killing the farming industry, the WEF, amongst other things.

— Awake in Belfast (@AwakeinBelfast) October 16, 2022


Pamela Geller

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Election Software Firm Used by LA County – and by Counties in Swing States – Gave ‘Superadministrator’ Privileges to Contractors in CHINA thumbnail

Election Software Firm Used by LA County – and by Counties in Swing States – Gave ‘Superadministrator’ Privileges to Contractors in CHINA

By The Geller Report

CHYNA! Between COVID and the stolen election, the Communist Chinese party has brought down this nation without firing a shot. thanks to their American proxies — the fifth column Communist Democrat party.

By Jennifer Van Laar | Red State | October 14, 2022:

As we reported on October 4, Eugene Yu, a Chinese immigrant and CEO of Konnech, an election software company, was arrested “as part of an investigation into the possible theft of personal identifying information of [Los Angeles County election] workers,” which officials believed “was stored on servers in the People’s Republic of China.”

The other shocking part of the story was that LA County District Attorney George Gascon, who’s not known as being tough on crime, announced the arrest and extradition and that investigators from his office had been working on the case.

One of Konnech’s software offerings is a program called PollChief, which schedules election workers and assists elections officials with supply and logistics procedures. In 2019 LA County entered into a contract with Konnech, and a sole-source contract worth more than $2 million was finalized in 2020. As part of the contract, Konnech was to abide by state and federal law, and to various information security procedures, which an LA County District Attorney’s office investigator described in a complaint supporting the request for a warrant for Yu’s arrest:

  • “[C]ontractor shall screen and conduct background checks on all Contractor personnel contacting County’s Confidential Information, including Personally Identifiable Information, for potential security risks and require all employees and contractors to sign an appropriate written confidentiality non-disclosure agreement.
  • Personally Identifiable Information, and County’s Confidential Information: (i) may only be made available and accessible to those parties explicitly authorized under the Contract or otherwise expressly approved by County in writing.
  • Only Contractor’s staff who are based in the United States and are citizens or lawful permanent residents of the United States shall have access to any County data, including personally identifiable information, hosted in County’s instance of the System Software.

This complaint, which is dated October 13, 2022, contains additional information about what investigators have found – information that does not lead to any type of confidence in the security of our election information.

Despite Eugene Yu’s insistence in a verified court pleading that “all of Konnech’s U.S. customer data is secured and stored exclusively on protected computers located within the United States,” the Los Angeles County DA’s office found that:

“On or about October 10, 2019, through October 4, 2022, Eugene Yu and other employees at Konnech, Inc. were providing these services to Los Angeles County using third-party contractors based in China.

“…Konnech employees known and unknown sent personal identifying information of Los Angeles County election workers to third-party software developers who assisted with creating and fixing Konnech’s internal ‘PollChief’ software.”

So, the personal identifying information of US election workers was intentionally sent not just out of the country, but to China. And to third-party contractors, which is potentially in complete violation of the state’s anti-independent contracting AB5 law.

And, just as many have suspected, Chinese “contractors” (code for CCP operatives; don’t kid yourself) have had full access to not just the personal identifying information of Los Angeles County election workers (emphasis mine):

“On or about August 18, 2022, Luis Nabergoi, project manager for Konnech’s contract with the County of Los Angeles, confirmed via the messaging app DingTalk that any employee for Chinese contractors working on PollChief software had ‘superadministration’ privileges for all PollChief clients. Mr. Nabergoi described the situation as a ‘huge security issue.’”

It’s more than just a “huge security issue.” Even if nothing nefarious has been done with that access, a possibility which requires the suspension of disbelief, this revelation validates every concern that has been expressed in the security of our elections since, well, long before 2020. But we know it was happening through August, 2022, at a minimum. And while the City of Minneapolis initially defended its contract with Konnech, saying there was no information that the personal identifying information of their poll workers was compromised, officials might want to revisit that statement in light of the above.

In addition, one function PollChief software provides is management of “election workers and voting

locations (including Vote Centers, drop boxes and check-in centers),” meaning that election officials can use the software to assign employees to retrieve ballots from drop boxes and deliver them to the elections office, and uses GPS and location data from the app on the employee’s phone to determine which employee is located closest to the drop box and continues to track their location for chain-of-custody purposes. However, as some have pointed out, it’s certainly possible that this app could be repurposed for ballot harvesting and delivery purposes.

Keep reading.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Disturbing Research Links COVID Vaccine to Parkinson’s thumbnail

Disturbing Research Links COVID Vaccine to Parkinson’s

By The Geller Report

And still the diabolical Democrats are mandating the controversial, failed shot.

Illinois Rep. Sean Casten revealed his teenage daughter Gwen suffered a cardiac arrhythmia in June when she died in her sleep

‘She had a big, beautiful, kind, loving heart. And it stopped, as all must,’ the family said in a statement

According to the CDC, about 2,000 young, healthy people under the age of 25 die of sudden cardiac arrest in the United States each year

Gwen was following in her father’s footsteps as a political activist prior to her sudden death

She served as a co-director of the March For Our Lives Illinois chapter, a youth-led movement aimed at tackling gun violence

Unsettling Research Links COVID Vaccine to Parkinson’s

Studies paint concerning chain of evidence suggesting COVID- and vaccine-produced spike proteins can affect brain health

The list of complications, conditions, and diseases resulting from the COVID shots is nearly endless and can affect any organ system in the body. Pfizer knew. Here’s their document.

Look at the last 8 pages, which lists more than 1100 serious side effects and life-threatening illnesses Pfizer knew would happen from the first shot. We posted an article on The Tenpenny Reports about it: They All Knew.

Neurologic Injury

This study published by Philip Oldfield in January 2022, is eye-opening. Here is the abstract, edited lightly for clarity:

“This mini-review focuses on the mechanisms of how SARS-CoV-2 affects the brain, with an emphasis on the role of the spike protein in patients with neurological symptoms.

“Following infection, patients with a history of neurological complications may be at a higher risk of developing long-term neurological conditions associated with the alpha-synuclein prion, such as Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia.

“Compelling evidence has been published to indicate that the spike protein, which is derived from SARS-CoV-2 and generated from the vaccines, is not only able to cross the blood–brain barrier but may cause inflammation and/or blood clots in the brain.

“Consequently, should vaccine-induced expression of spike proteins not be limited to the site of injection and draining lymph nodes there is the potential of long-term implications following inoculation [vaccination] that may be identical to neurological complications seen in patients who were infected with SARS-CoV-2.”

 It is important to mention, we now know the spike proteins do  not remain localized in the arm.

Let’s drill down on this article, starting with some definitions:

Alpha-Synuclein: These are the major component of Lewy bodies, which are characteristic of Parkinson’s disease and Lewy body dementia. There is much speculation on what the primary function of alpha-synuclein may be under healthy conditions. However, the accumulation of this protein when it has folded abnormally seems to be central to neurodegeneration. Since the culprit of chronic illness has been widely described as being the spike protein, a 2021 study of monkeys provided compelling evidence that the spike protein associated with SARS-CoV2 is responsible for Lewy body formation.

Parkinson’s disease: A long-term degenerative disease of the central nervous system, affecting the motor system. The most obvious early signs are resting tremor, rigidity, slowness of movement, and difficulty walking.


Pamela Geller


24-Year-Old Hawaiian Surfer Kalani David Suffers Seizure and Dies While Surfing

‘She was fine, and then her heart stopped’: Illinois Rep. Sean Casten reveals healthy daughter, 17, died from rare cardiac arrhythmia in her sleep in June – family has been left ‘grasping at the wrong end of a random chance’

20-Year-Old Nursing Student Dies of Cardiac Arrest One Day After Being Forced to Get Covid Shot


CDC: USA Suffered 338x Increase In AIDS-Associated Diseases & Cancers Following COVID Vaccine Roll-Out

‘One of the Greatest Taxpayer Heists Ever’: Hundreds of Billions Stolen From COVID Relief Funds

IRS Employees Steal Thousands In COVID Relief Funds

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Admin Promises Legal ‘Response’ After Court Declares DACA Illegal thumbnail

Biden Admin Promises Legal ‘Response’ After Court Declares DACA Illegal

By The Daily Caller

The Biden administration says it will take legal action after a court declared Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) illegal Wednesday.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ ruling “deeply disappointed” Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who said his department will work with the Department of Justice (DOJ) to devise an “appropriate legal response.” The case will go back to a lower court while nearly 600,000 DACA recipients currently in the U.S. will be able to remain in the program.

“The Department of Justice respectfully disagrees with the decision and will continue to vigorously defend the lawfulness of DACA as this case proceeds,” DOJ spokesperson Dena Iverson told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

I am deeply disappointed by today’s #DACA ruling and the ongoing uncertainty it creates for families and communities across the country.

We are currently reviewing the court’s decision and will work with @TheJusticeDept on an appropriate legal response. 


— Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas (@SecMayorkas) October 6, 2022

Wednesday’s decision is part of a 2018 lawsuit led by nine Republican states, contesting the legality of then-President Barack Obama’s 2012 program.

“DACA—part of Dems’ program to flood our country with aliens—is illegal & will stay enjoined. Huge victory for the Rule of Law in America!,” Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton wrote in a tweet Wednesday.

The Biden administration attempted in August to codify DACA as a federal regulation before the latest decision. A federal judge ruled in July 2021 that the Biden administration couldn’t process new DACA applications, which the administration appealed.

“Today, we are taking another step to do everything in our power to preserve and fortify DACA, an extraordinary program that has transformed the lives of so many Dreamers,” Mayorkas said at the time.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) says it will continue to accept DACA renewal requests and will accept new requests without processing them.

DHS didn’t respond to the DCNF’s request for comment.



Investigative reporter.


O’Rourke Says El Paso Is ‘One Of The Safest Cities In America,’ Federal Agents Warn It’s A Major Human Trafficking Destination

Biden Scolds ‘MAGA Republicans’ After 5th Circuit Court Strikes Down DACA, Orders No New Applicants

New Mexico Will Allow Illegal Migrants To Obtain Law Licenses

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Leftist Hit Pieces Showcase Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow’s Effectiveness thumbnail

Leftist Hit Pieces Showcase Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow’s Effectiveness

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

CFACT’s Marc Morano has been on fire lately.

Over the past few months, Morano has appeared on TV countless times to expose and debunk the radical climate agenda. Morano has been on Tucker Carlson, Newsmax TV, Fox and Friends, the Mark Steyn show, Unfiltered with Dan Bongino, One America News, and TBN. His reporting has also been referenced in the New York Sun, the Washington Times, the Epoch TimesEagle Forum, and more.

And now, he’s published a new book titled “The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown.” You can get your copy now on the CFACT store here.

No wonder the Left can’t stand him.

In fact, the Left is so riled up by Marc’s hard-hitting reporting that they’ve ran six hit pieces referencing Morano since July.

Media Matters called Morano a “notorious climate denier” and a “proponent of the Great Reset conspiracy theory.” Then later, they list Morano as one of the “high-profile climate skeptics” using “fearmongering” on ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance).

Daily Kos, another liberal outlet, seems to have a love-hate relationship with CFACT’s chief climate debunker.

They say Morano is someone who is pushing “climate lockdown conspiracies,” but Daily Kos can’t get enough of Morano, as they reference him in four articles over the last couple months.

As the Mariah Carey song goes, “Why you so obsessed with me?”

It seems that it’s not Morano that needs “conspiracy theories” to stay relevant – rather, its Daily Kos that needs Marc Morano!

For CFACT’s part, we’re proud of the incredible work Morano is doing in exposing the agendas of the radical Left.

That’s why we’ve added Marc’s new “Great Reset” book to the CFACT store. Make sure to grab your copy now before it’s sold out!

CFACT will continue to work to expose those assaulting freedom, sound science, and free markets.

As for the liberal media outlets, they can keep on hemming and hawing all they want. It just shows us we’re making an impact!

For nature and people too!

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

CEO of U.S. Election Software Firm Konnech Arrested for Storing Data on Servers in China thumbnail

CEO of U.S. Election Software Firm Konnech Arrested for Storing Data on Servers in China

By The Geller Report

Eugene Yu, the CEO of the software firm Konnech, has been arrested in connection to the storage of data on servers in China.

By: The Post Millennial, Oct 4, 2022:

Eugene Yu, the CEO of the software firm Konnech, has been arrested in connection to the storage of data on servers in China.

“Yu, 51, was arrested early Tuesday just outside of Lansing, Mich., after prosecutors alleged he improperly stored the information on servers in China, according to Los Angeles County Dist. Atty. George Gascón. Yu, who is the chief executive officer of a company named Konnech, is expected to be extradited to Los Angeles in the coming days, Gascón said,” according to the LA Times.

“Konnech allegedly violated its contract by storing critical information that the workers provided on servers in China. We intend to hold all those responsible for this breach accountable,” Gascón said.

“Prosecutors learned of the data breach this year through a ‘separate investigation’ undertaken by the district attorney’s office, according to Gascón. He would not say what the other investigation was or exactly when his office became aware of the breach,” the LA Times reported.

Konnech issued a statement that read, in part: “We are continuing to ascertain the details of what we believe to be Mr. Yu’s wrongful detention by LA County authorities. Any LA County poll worker data that Konnech may have possessed was provided to it by LA County, and therefore could not have been ‘stolen’ as suggested.”

It was on Monday that The New York Times ran an article claiming that “election deniers” had made Konnech the center of a “conspiracy theory.” The article claimed that these “election deniers” had used “threadbare evidence” to suggest that Konnech “had secret ties to the Chinese Communist Party and had given the Chinese government back door access to personal data about two million poll workers in the United States.”

The Times claimed that these allegations against Konnech “demonstrate how far-right election deniers are also giving more attention to new and more secondary companies and groups.”

Konnech, based in Michigan, had been contracted by Los Angeles County, and Allen County, Indiana, to work on “election logistics, such as scheduling poll workers.”

“Konnech,” the Times stated, “said none of the accusations were true. It said that all the data for its American customers were stored on services in the United States and that it had no ties to the Chinese government.”

The Times lameneted the damage done to Konnech’s reputation by these “election deniers” who claimed that the company had ties to the CCP.

On Tuesday, the Times had to write that Yu had been arrested, and that data collected by Konnech had indeed been stored on servers in China. True the Vote, an election integrity not-for-profit, stated that they were able to download the personal information of some 1.8 million poll workers from Konnech servers in China. True the Vote passed this information on to the FBI.

“Holding the data there would violate Konnech’s contract with the county,” the Times wrote.

The company itself appears to be standing by Yu, and continues to blame election deniers for harming the company’s reputation. A spokesman for Konnech told the Times that Konnech had handed over all poll worker data to the county, and that it “therefore could not have been ‘stolen’ as suggested.”

However, the Times reports that “The Los Angeles County district attorney’s office said in an emailed statement that it had cause to believe that personal information on election workers was ‘criminally mishandled.’”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

U.S. Air Force Academy holds seminar promoting ‘transgender visibility and awareness in our Air Force’ thumbnail

U.S. Air Force Academy holds seminar promoting ‘transgender visibility and awareness in our Air Force’

By Jihad Watch

Every second spent on this kind of thing is a second taken away from training cadets to fight and win wars. But get with it, man! The idea that the military should be devoted to winning wars is so 1945! This is 2022! We have other priorities now, and the Chinese, Russians, jihadis, North Koreans et al are laughing uproariously.

Air Force Academy Holds ‘Transgender Visibility’ Seminar

by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, September 26, 2022:

The United States Air Force Academy on Thursday held a seminar promoting “transgender visibility and awareness in our Air Force.”

The “discussion” session focused “on awareness for transgender communities in the military,” according to a copy of an invitation for the event obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Events of this nature are part of a wholesale push by the U.S. military to foster a more culturally inclusive environment. Critics say this type of training is part of a woke cultural agenda that is being mainstreamed by the Democratic Party’s far-left flank. The Army, for instance, mandates gender identity training and instructs its officers on the best time to offer subordinates gender-transition surgery….

The first 40 cadets to attend the seminar received a free lunch….

Read more.

There ain’t no such thing, my friends.




School ‘Gender And Sexuality Alliance’ Clubs Encourage Teen Girls To ‘Bind’ Their Breasts, Despite Health Risks

Meloni opposes UN’s Migration Compact, wants to preserve Italy’s national identity

Iran’s state-run Press TV tries to appeal to Leftists by denouncing freedom protests as ‘Islamophobic riots’

Iran: 12th night of protests, ex-president Rafsanjani’s daughter arrested

Australia: Islamic group demands Twitter institute procedure to remove ‘Islamophobic’ content automatically

France: Knife-wielding Muslim migrant screaming ‘Allahu akbar’ attacks man, threatens to kill him

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Whitmer Administration To Hire ‘Sexual Orientation’ And ‘Expression’ Consultant For Foster Kids thumbnail

Whitmer Administration To Hire ‘Sexual Orientation’ And ‘Expression’ Consultant For Foster Kids

By The Daily Caller

The administration of Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer proposed a contract for a child foster care consultant on gender identity and sexual orientation, according to documents made public by the Washington Free Beacon.

The Children’s Services Agency, which “oversees all child welfare services for children,” is seeking a “Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Consultant” as of Sept. 12, according to documents made public by the Washington Free Beacon. The consultant would be a part of the “Diversity Equity and Inclusion Unit” and would focus on determining the “needs and concerns of LGBTQ staff, families and children.”

The consultant would create resources such as handouts, books, trainings and videos based on the results of a survey given to the LGBTQ community, the proposed contract stated. Trainings may cover topics that affect the LGBTQ community such as “implicit bias” and “historical needs.”

Within in the five largest counties of the state, Wayne, Oakland, Macomb, Kent and Genesee, a transgender youth service must be provided, the proposal contract read. The consultant will also focus on trainings and resources specifically aimed at the LGBTQ youth.

At the six-month mark of the job, the consultant will provide an update on the “successes and opportunities for growth” of the LGBTQ community, the proposal contract read. The goal of the position is to heighten “sensitivity” toward the LGBTQ community and issues surrounding the community.

In January, Whitmer’s Children’s Services Agency was called “just devastating” by a federal judge after a report showed that children were living in unsanitary conditions and were not monitored even after making threats of self-harm, according to the Detroit News. As a part of a settlement from a 2006 lawsuit over the dangers of the foster care system, the Children’s Services Agency agreed to make reforms to the system.

The Department of Health and Human Services did not immediately respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comment.





Parent Group Challenges School District’s Planned ‘Transgender Awareness Week’

American Classrooms Face A ‘Pandemic Of Antisemitic Rhetoric,’ Experts Say

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Bald, Golden Eagle Deaths Permitted Under New U.S. Wind Energy, Power Line Rules thumbnail

Bald, Golden Eagle Deaths Permitted Under New U.S. Wind Energy, Power Line Rules

By The Geller Report

How many pipelines and energy projects were stopped dead in their tracks over some innocuous environmental concern or obscure fish “endangerment.”

By: The Oregonian, September 30, 2022:

Wind turbines operate at a wind farm along the Montana-Wyoming state line on June 13, 2022. The Biden administration is proposing a new permitting program for wind energy turbines, power lines and other projects that kill bald and golden eagles. (AP Photo/Emma H. Tobin, File)AP

The Biden administration has proposed a new permitting program for wind energy turbines, power lines and other projects that kill eagles, amid growing concern among scientists that the rapid expansion of renewable energy in the U.S. West could harm golden eagle populations now teetering on decline.

The Fish and Wildlife Service program announced Thursday is meant to encourage companies to work with officials to minimize harm to golden and bald eagles.

It’s also aimed at avoiding any slowdown in the growth of wind power as an alternative to carbon-emitting fossil fuels — a key piece of President Joe Biden’s climate agenda. It comes after several major utilities have been federally prosecuted in recent years for killing large numbers of eagles without permits.

The federal government already issues permits to kill eagles. But Thursday’s proposal calls for new permits tailored to wind-energy projects, power line networks and the disturbance of breeding bald eagles and bald eagle nests.

Fish and Wildlife Service Director Martha Williams said the new program would provide “multiple pathways to obtain a permit” while also helping conserve eagles, which she described as a key responsibility for the agency.

Bald eagle numbers have quadrupled since 2009 to about 350,000 birds. There are only about about 40,000 golden eagles, which need much larger areas to survive and are more inclined to have trouble with humans.

The number of wind turbines nationwide more than doubled over the past decade to almost 72,000, according to U.S. Geological Survey data, with development overlapping prime golden eagle territory in states including Wyoming, Montana, California, Washington and Oregon.

In April, a subsidiary of the Florida-based utility industry giant NextEra Energy pleaded guilty in federal court in Wyoming to criminal violations of wildlife protection laws after its wind turbines killed more than 100 golden eagles in eight states. It was the third conviction of a major wind company for killing eagles in a decade.

Federal officials won’t divulge how many eagles are reported killed by wind farms, saying it’s sensitive law enforcement information.

Nationwide, 34 permits in place last year authorized companies to “take” 170 golden eagles — meaning that many birds could be killed by turbines or lost through impacts on nests or habitat, according to permitting data obtained by The Associated Press. More than 200 permits were in place to allow the killing of 420 bald eagles, according to the data.

For each loss, companies are responsible for ensuring at least one eagle death is avoided somewhere else.

Illegal shootings are the biggest cause of death for golden eagles, killing about 700 annually, according to federal estimates. More than 600 die annually in collisions with cars, wind turbines and power lines; about 500 annually are electrocuted; and more than 400 are poisoned.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MADMAN: Newsom Signs Bill to Allow ‘Castration’ of Minors from Other States Without Parental Consent thumbnail

MADMAN: Newsom Signs Bill to Allow ‘Castration’ of Minors from Other States Without Parental Consent

By The Geller Report

The Democrats war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d. This is a deep state culture that is embracing degeneracy, depression and death.

Eliminating parental authority, paves their way to absolute control and autocracy. The Democrats war on the family, the basic building block of civilization, is part of their war on G-d.

The case against this horrendous surgery is a whole other matter. Ten to 15 years after surgical reassignment, the suicide rate of those who had undergone sex-reassignment surgery rose to 20 times that of comparable peers.

BREAKING: Newsom signs bill to allow minors from other states to receive medical gender transitions without parental consent

Newsom’s signature on the the bill, SB 107, comes nearly a month after the California legislature passed State Senator Scott Wiener’s bill, which was introduced in 2021.

By: Hannah Nightingale, Post Millennial, Sep 30, 2022:

On Thursday, California Governor Gavin Newsom signed into law a piece of legislation that will designate the state as a sanctuary for children and teens seeking medicalized gender transitions.

Newsom’s signature on the bill, SB 107, comes nearly a month after the California legislature passed State Senator Scott Wiener’s bill, which was introduced in 2021.

The bill allows families or individual minors who traveled to the state for the purpose of these medical procedures to be safe from out-of-state authorities acting on subpoenas, warrants, and child custody issues if the minor was brought into the state for procedures like surgical gender reassignments or the prescribing of cross-sex hormones.

The bill would also “prohibit law enforcement agencies from making, or intentionally participating in, the arrest of an individual pursuant to an out-of-state arrest warrant based on another state’s law against receiving or allowing a child to receive gender-affirming health care.”

If a child comes into the state by themselves, the bill states that “A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child is present in this state and the child has been abandoned or it is necessary for an emergency to protect the child because the child, or a sibling or parent of the child, is subjected to, or threatened with, mistreatment or abuse, or because the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care.”

In addition, the bill that the state will not honor or enforce “A law of another state that authorizes a state agency to remove a child from their parent or guardian based on the parent or guardian allowing their child to receive gender-affirming health care” if a case is pending in California courts.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Newsom commended the bill during its signing.

“In California, we believe in equality and acceptance. We believe that no one should be prosecuted or persecuted for getting the care they need — including gender-affirming care,” Newsom said. “Parents know what’s best for their kids, and they should be able to make decisions around the health of their children without fear. We must take a stand for parental choice.”


Pamela Geller


University Of Virginia Youth Gender Clinic Offers Puberty Blockers, Chemical Castration, And Referrals For Minors To Undergo Breast Removal

Parental Authority Is the Basis of Civilization

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Republicans Request Gov’t Watchdog Investigate Foreign Investments In American Farmland thumbnail

House Republicans Request Gov’t Watchdog Investigate Foreign Investments In American Farmland

By The Daily Caller

More than 100 House Republicans are asking a government watchdog to probe foreign investments in U.S. farmland, including those by China, which they say may present national and food security concerns.

Led by Reps. Glenn Thompson of Pennsylvania and James Comer of Kentucky, the lawmakers on Saturday called on the Government Accountability Office (GAO) to study foreign farmland ownership and how the U.S. government is monitoring acquisitions, a letter shows. There has been an uptick in foreign investments and ownership, which may be “underreported” due to the U.S. Agriculture Department’s (USDA) unreliable data, the Republicans say.

The Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act of 1978 requires foreigners with U.S. land to disclose holdings with USDA’s Farm Service Agency. USDA’s data has beenfound in the last several years to not fully cover foreign investments.

Foreign investment and ownership of U.S. agricultural land has roughly doubled between 2010 and 2020, the Republicans noted in their letter. Foreign investors were also found in a December 2020 USDA report to hold about 37.6 million acres of agricultural land in the U.S.

Canadian investors were found in the 2020 USDA report to own the largest share of U.S. land — at 32% or 12.4 million acres. The Netherlands accounted for 13%, Italy at 7%, and the United Kingdom at 6%, while China held 352,140 acres, or under 1% of foreign investments.

“China’s ownership of U.S. farmland is a threat to our food security and national security,” Comer, the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “An affordable, reliable food supply is critical to our nation’s well-being and prosperity and we must ensure America maintains control of our nation’s resources.

Lawmakers have previously sounded the alarm over Chinese investments in U.S. land. The Republicans in their letter specifically cite one Chinese company’s purchase of North Dakota farmland located near a U.S. Air Force base “that is home to top-secret drone technology.”

General Atomics, a top defense contractor, said Sept. 20 its confidentiality of weapons at the facility could be breached should it “conduct significant test and evaluation efforts related to unmanned aircraft, radar systems, and other advanced military technologies.”

“Concerns have also been expressed that foreign investment in U.S. farmland could result in foreign control of available U.S. farmland, especially prime agricultural lands, and possibly lead to foreign control over food production and food prices,” the letter said.

The Republicans are looking for GOA to provide information on how its Farm Service Agency collects data and ensures data reliability — as well as how its data collection methods have changed since reporting requirements began in 1978 with the passage of The Agricultural Foreign Investment Disclosure Act.

A GAO spokesman told the DCNF that the watchdog “received” the Republicans’ request and will decide within roughly two weeks whether it will probe the investments.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE:Woke Nonsense’: Biden Admin To Shell Out Millions In Grants To Recruit ‘Diverse’ Farmers, Ranchers And Forest Land Owners

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

Proof Gmail Is Censoring Your Inbox thumbnail

Proof Gmail Is Censoring Your Inbox

By MERCOLA Take Control of Your Health

Google isn’t just censoring information via its search engine – while about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate is HALF of email providers like this one.


  • Many understand that Google is filtering and massively censoring information through its search engine, but it also has the power to censor in other areas, including your personal email if you’re using Gmail
  • The technocratic cabal is pushing the world toward global tyranny, and Google is one of the primary supporters, aiders and abettors, of this scheme
  • Google catches every single move you make online if you’re using a Google-based product. All Google products are interconnected, and the data from all their different products and services are collected to build your personality profile, which is both used to manipulate you, and sold to third parties to be used in whatever way they like
  • Google poses several unique threats to society. It’s a surveillance agency with military connections and covert surveillance powers, it’s a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet, and it has the power to manipulate public opinion
  • Without Google, the technocrats’ dream of a One World Government would likely never happen, as it relies on social engineering and artificial intelligence. Google is a frontrunner and expert in both, and has the ability to control entire populations

The fact that half of all people in the U.S. and around the world are still using Gmail as their primary email service is a testament to the fact that many still do not understand just how dangerous Google actually is, not just to their immediate privacy but also to their future freedom.

Many understand that Google is filtering and massively censoring information through its search engine. As you may recall, in June 2019, Google buried in its search engine update (see video above). They changed the algorithm such that whenever you entered a health-related search word into Google, our articles were filtered out.

But Google also has the power to censor in other areas, including your personal email if you’re using Gmail. As previously reported by Gawker,1 “Every word of every email sent through Gmail and every click made on a Chrome browser is permanently recorded by the company.”

Google Censors Your Gmail Inbox

Google’s interference in your life is only going to increase, and if you’re still using Gmail, why? You’re exchanging convenience and cost for your privacy and you are getting the short end of the stick. Just imagine how your emails might be used to rank you in a Google-run social credit system, for example. Few of us are “pure as snow,” but that isn’t even the issue. The issue is that ANY view or opinion can and will be used against you. The last three years have certainly taught us that.

Equally concerning is the fact that Google can censor your email, and we have evidence that this is happening. While about 50% of our subscribers are using Gmail accounts, the delivery rate for Gmail accounts is HALF of all the email providers like ProtonMail — far lower than any other email service.

So, if you are using Gmail to receive our newsletter please change immediately. If you’re using Gmail, understand that they’re censoring your inbox, and you might not even realize it. I am certain that at some point in the not too distant future they will censor delivering ANY of our emails to Gmail accounts. It is just another clever censoring strategy they have.

Why would you want to use a service that censors information that you specifically opted into and want to receive? Aside from this newsletter, what else are they preventing you from receiving? If you’re a subscriber, I strongly urge you to re-sign up with another email account — and cancel your Gmail altogether.

ProtonMail is an excellent alternative. It provides end-to-end encryption to protect your content and other user data. Proton also provides an encrypted calendar, encrypted cloud storage and free VPN.

Google — The Largest, Most Dangerous Monopoly in the World

Goopocalypse Now from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

The technocratic cabal is pushing the world toward global tyranny, and Google is one of the primary supporters, aiders and abettors, of this scheme. Indeed, without Google, the dream of a One World Government would likely never happen, as it relies on social engineering and artificial intelligence. Google is a frontrunner and expert in both, and controls entire populations in ways we don’t even fully understand.

Over time, Google has positioned itself in such a way that it’s become deeply embedded in your day-to-day life. Every minute of every day, it’s collecting data on everything you do, everywhere you go, everything you share, question and believe.

Google catches every single move you make online if you’re using a Google-based product, be it their search engine, Google Docs, Google Wallet, Gmail, Chrome browser, Google Photos, Android Auto, Android TV, Gboard, Google Alerts, Connected Home, Chromebook, YouTube — the list goes on.2

All Google products are interconnected, and the data from all their different products and services are collected to build your personality profile. That profile is then sold to third parties. It’s also used by Google to influence your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors using AI analytics.

Google is actually the world’s leading AI company, having purchased Deep Mind for $500 million in 2014.3 The Deep Mind AI defeated the human Go champion in 2019,4 a game far more complex than chess. With this level of AI, it is not hard for them to sort through all your data with their deep learning algorithms and find patterns to exploit.

The 2013 article, “What Surveillance Valley Knows About You,”5 is an eye-opening read that describes just how grossly invasive this data collection and distribution is, and how dangerous it can be if you end up on certain lists sold to third parties. Make no mistake, capturing user data is Google’s primary business.6 YOU are the real product being sold.

How Google Threatens Society

Google poses several unique threats to society, including but not limited to the following:

  • Google is a surveillance agency with military connections7 and covert surveillance powers — All Google products are surveillance platforms, and from Google’s perspective, the value of these platforms is their ability to glean very precise data about you as an individual, such as your habits, thoughts, beliefs, likes and dislikes, health problems, and much more. One covert surveillance function is Google Analytics, which websites can use for free. You, however, pay for it with your personal data, which is what Google sells to third parties. Collectively, sites that use Google Analytics — and most are — steal an enormous amount of your private information, as it tracks everything you do on a website equipped with it. You have no way of knowing whether a website uses Google Analytics, though, so the surveillance occurs “in the dark,” as it were.
  • Google is a censoring agency with the ability to restrict or block access to websites across the internet — The most crushing problem with this kind of internet censorship is that you don’t know what you don’t know. If a certain type of information is removed from search, and you don’t know it should exist somewhere, you’ll never go looking for it. And, when searching for information online, how would you know that certain websites or pages have been removed from the search results in the first place? The answer is, you don’t. Google has also taken it upon itself to be an arbiter of “fake news,” censoring information according to its own criteria of what is true or false. Needless to say, this also makes it really easy for Google to censor information that isn’t in its own best interest.8As just one example, in 2017, Julian Assange revealed how YouTube was censoring former congressman Ron Paul — for promoting peace!9 As noted by Activist Post:10

    “What we are witnessing … is a move to silence the peaceful opposition … [T]his crackdown is also coinciding with a massive push by the mainstream media to stoke divide among the people … to create an atmosphere so divided that people never look up at who’s controlling them.”

  • Google has the power to manipulate public opinion — Simply by tweaking the search rankings, Google can manipulate people’s opinions on a given topic.According to Robert Epstein, Ph.D., who has spent years exposing Google’s manipulative and deceptive practices as a senior research psychologist for the American Institute of Behavioral Research and Technology, Google has the ability to shift voting preferences among undecided voters by as much as 63%, and the power to determine 25% of global elections — all without leaving a trace. This power to manipulate public opinion and an individual’s behavior is what makes it such an effective social engineering tool.

Google Is a Key Player in the Coming Social Credit System

All of these powers combined — the ability to surveil and track every conceivable metric, censor and block access to information, and the ability to manipulate opinions — also makes Google an invaluable resource for the planned social credit system.

As reported by Fast Company,11 China’s social credit system is not unique. “A parallel system is developing in the United States, in part as the result of Silicon Valley and technology-industry user policies, and in part by surveillance of social media activity by private companies,” Fast Company writes.

For example, life insurance companies are already using content shared on social media to determine your premium. PatronScan is another example. These devices are used by restaurants to identify fake IDs and undesirable customers, people who have previously been kicked out of an establishment for one reason or another.

The list is shared among PatronScan customers, so getting banned in one bar or restaurant effectively bans you from all bars and restaurants in the U.S., Canada and U.K. for up to one year. Additional examples of the creeping social credit system can be found in the original Fast Company article.12

Google Is Everywhere

Another reason to assume that Google’s continued success is crucial in the technocrats’ quest to control the world population and impose global totalitarianism is the fact that it has already infiltrated most areas of daily life. For example, Google is involved in the following areas, and this is far from a complete list. Needless to say, personal data is also harvested from each and every one of these areas.

  • Childhood education — Many schools no longer use print books. Instead, all classwork is done on tablets or computers equipped with Google-based software such as Google Classroom, Google Docs and Gmail.13 Google Chromebooks (Google-powered laptops) became even more prevalent during the COVID lockdowns. Basically, no child could continue their education without one. As reported by Wired,14 high school students are now being spied upon by GoGuardian, yet another Google surveillance tool that allows teachers to see each student’s screen and use AI to scan student emails and other documents. An alert is sent out to teachers and police if signs of violence or mental health problems are detected. Once the children are out of school, they’re then encouraged to convert their school accounts to personal accounts, a move that allows Google to build incredibly powerful personality and marketing profiles of each individual from a very early age.
  • Health care — Google Health is involved in medical research and the expansion of AI in medicine,15 while its Google Cloud Healthcare Data Engine allows “health care and life sciences leaders to make decisions from disjointed health care data.”16 Google also owns Fitbit, which gives it access to all of your physical fitness data. They’re also working on portable medical diagnostics.17

Drug promotion — For example, in 2017, Google partnered with the National Alliance on Mental Illness and launched a depression self-assessment quiz — a test that funneled all respondents toward a drug solution.18 19Since then, Google and other tech companies have only gotten deeper and wider access to people’s personal medical information, and Google sells this data to third parties, which can result in higher insurance premiums or denial of employment.

OGLE HOME from Goopocalypse Now! on Vimeo.

  • Genomics — Google is also a leader in the collecting of genetic data (which they’re adding to their user profiles) and the development of genetic technologies. As reported on the Google Blog:20

    “At Google Health, we’re applying our technology and expertise to the field of genomics. Here are recent research and industry developments we’ve made to help quickly identify genetic disease and foster the equity of genomic tests across ancestries. This includes an exciting new partnership with Pacific Biosciences to further advance genomic technologies in research and the clinic.”

    On that list of developments are: “Helping identify life-threatening disease,” “applying machine learning to maximize the potential in sequencing data,” and “supporting more equitable genomics resources and methods.”

  • The food industry — Google is also deeply embedded in the food industry with data management and AI services, and is ubiquitous in the restaurant space.21
  • Home security — Google recently bought part of ADT and is partnering with the home security giant for a variety of services.22 So, your ADT service will no longer be about home security, but rather more home surveillance.
  • Artificial intelligence — According to Google’s dedicated AI site,23 “Our mission is to organize the world’s information and … [solve] problems for our users, our customers and the world … AI … [is] providing us with new ways of looking at old problems and helping transform how we work and live, and we think the biggest impact will come when everyone can access it.” Ultimately, the goal is to create self-learning AIs capable of imitating human thought processes. There are even proposals suggesting AI-enabled analytics systems could be used for “predictive policing” as illustrated in the 2002 movie “Minority Report,” where suspected perpetrators are arrested before a crime is actually committed. A January 2020 article24 in The Intercept cited a 2018 document25 by the data storage firm Western Digital and the consulting company Accenture, “Value of Data: Seeing What Matters — A New Paradigm for Public Safety Powered by Responsible AI,” which predicts smart surveillance networks may be deployed “across three tiers of maturity. “The first tier is where we’re at now, where law enforcement uses CCTV networks to investigate crimes after they’ve already occurred. At the second-tier level, predicted to be in place by 2025, municipalities will be transformed into fully connected smart cities where the cameras of businesses and public institutions are all plugged into a government-run AI-enabled analytics system. The third tier, predicted by 2035, will have predictive capabilities. As reported by The Intercept:26

    “A ‘public safety ecosystem’ will centralize data ‘pulled from disparate databases such as social media, driver’s licenses, police databases, and dark data.’ An AI-enabled analytics unit will let police assess ‘anomalies in real time and interrupt a crime before it is committed.’ That is to say, to catch pre-crime.”

    Mind you, Google claimed to have the ability to read your thoughts an entire decade ago. In 2010, Google CEO Eric Schmidt boasted, “We know where you are. We know where you’ve been. We can more or less know what you’re thinking about.”27

    Fast-forward 10 years, and Google’s mind-reading capabilities have exponentially grown and been perfected to the point that their AI can predict the exact moment when a teenager is feeling insecure, lonely or vulnerable, so an advertisement for an image-boosting product can be placed in front of them on the screen in that moment.

    This and many other terrifying capabilities are detailed in the book, “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: The Fight for a Human Future at the New Frontier of Power,” written by social psychologist and Harvard professor Shoshana Zuboff.

Monopolies Threaten Democracy and Basic Liberties

Unfortunately, many still fail to see the problem Google presents. Its services are useful and practical, making life easier in many ways and more fun in others. That’s the bait, and many have swallowed it hook, line and sinker, not giving any thought to the ultimate price paid for such conveniences, or simply underestimating the threat that all of this personal data collection poses.

If you fall into this category, I ask you to give this issue some serious thought, because monopolies threaten our very way of life, and in more ways than one. As explained by business journalist and former director of Open Markets, Barry Lynn:28

“[M]onopolies are a threat to our democracy and to our basic liberties and to our communities. Monopolization, this concentration of wealth and power, is a threat to everything that is America …

America today has a monopoly problem. We’re seeing basically a second wave of consolidation and monopolization because of the digital revolution … The first issue is consumer protection and potential consumer harm. We created antitrust laws originally to protect our liberties, often as producers of stuff … My liberty to bring my wheat, my ideas, the product of my labor to market. That’s liberty.

The second purpose was to protect our democracy against huge concentrations of wealth and power. To protect our democratic institutions. And the third purpose [was] to protect your community. If I’m living out in Peoria, do I want the city of Peoria to be run by a couple corporations based on Wall Street, or do I want it to be run by the citizens of Peoria?”

Google Is Paving the Way to Hell on Earth

Alphabet, the rebranded parent company that houses Google and its various divisions, has turned into an octopus-like super entity with tentacles reaching into government, food production, health care, education, military applications and the creation of AIs that may run more or less independently.

A key component of many of these enterprises is data — your personal usage data; the tracking of every webpage you’ve ever visited and every single thought you’ve ever written on a Google-enabled device, along with geo tracking tracing your every move.

“Today, being a conscious consumer includes making wise, informed decisions about technology. Google is by far the greatest personal data leak in your life, so boycotting all things Google can go a long way toward safeguarding your privacy and thwarting the technocrats’ wicked plans for our digital imprisonment. It’s time to realize that privacy equals freedom. In today’s technology-driven landscape, you cannot be free unless you have privacy.”

Ultimately, what can be done with that kind of information, besides personalized advertising? How might it be used in combination with military AI-equipped robots? How might it be used to influence your health care decisions? How might it be used to influence your lifestyle decisions? How might (or is) it used to shape politics and society at large?

Today, being a conscious consumer includes making wise, informed decisions about technology. Anyone who has spent even a small amount of time pondering the ramifications of Google’s ever-growing monopoly over our day-to-day lives is likely to shudder at the possibilities and agree that we cannot allow this to continue. Google is by far the greatest personal data leak in your life, so boycotting all things Google can go a long way toward safeguarding your privacy.

Additionally, remember, the technocratic elite NEED your data in order to create a digital open-air prison. AI can’t operate without it, and without AI, the social engineering attempt falls apart. Google is the primary data harvester out there, so, the easiest way to thwart their wicked plans is to STOP feeding them data.

How to Oust Google From Your Life

Truly, it’s time to realize that privacy equals freedom. In today’s technology-driven landscape, you cannot be free unless you have privacy. The two go hand in hand. So, don’t delay. Start taking back your privacy and your freedom today by ditching any and all Google products, starting with Gmail.

Several of the most commonly-used Google traps are listed in the graphic below. In addition to those suggestions, here are a few more:

  • If you’re a high school student, do not convert the Google accounts you created as a student into personal accounts.
  • Switch to a secure document sharing service — Ditch Google Docs and use another alternative such as Zoho Office, Etherpad, CryptPad, OnlyOffice or Nuclino, all of which are recommended by NordVPN.29 Digital Trends has also published a number of alternatives.30
  • Delete all Google apps from your phone and purge Google hardware.
  • Avoid websites that use Google Analytics — To do that, you’ll need to check the website’s privacy policy and search for “Google.” Websites are required to disclose if they use a third-party surveillance tool. If they use Google Analytics, ask them to switch!
  • Don’t use Google Home devices in your house or apartment — These devices record everything that occurs in your home, both speech and sounds such as brushing your teeth and boiling water, even when they appear to be inactive, and send that information back to Google. The same goes for Google’s home thermostat Nest and Amazon’s Alexa.
  • Don’t use an Android cellphone, as it’s owned by Google.
  • Ditch Siri, which draws all its answers from Google.
  • Don’t use Fitbit, as it was recently purchased by Google and will provide them with all your physiological information and activity levels, in addition to everything else that Google already has on you.
  • Stop using Gmail — Use a privacy based encryption service like Proton Mail.
  • Stop using the Chrome browser and Google Search, Brave is the overwhelming browser of choice and while you are there you can use the new Brave search engine.

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.


The On-Going Plot to Reduce Global Population thumbnail

The On-Going Plot to Reduce Global Population

By J.W. Bryan

According to Kelleigh Nelson’s News with Views article of March 22, 2022, “The Homicidal Killing Fields of America’s Medical System,” her extensive research  confirms that what we are currently experiencing has been in the planning stage for at least two decades.

Its purpose was to establish a crisis, through fear, by which the public mindset would accept the existence of a pandemic that would completely endanger our health globally, and provide the excuse for destroying all current law. However, there is much evidence that what was chosen (a virus – COVID-19) to initiate the outset of the “pandemic,” very possibly doesn’t even exist.

The reason I use the word, “possibly” is because I can’t positively confirm all existing intelligence.  However, the best I have found is contained in an article by Jon Rappoport, published in the, on January 29, 2021.

According to Rappoport, “There is no Covid pandemic.” He points out that the whole notion that Covid-19 is one health condition is a lie. COVID is not one thing.

He states that this the most difficult and yet the simplest point to accept and understand and that we shouldn’t reject the existence of the virus and then say, “So what is the cause of people dying?” His response to that is, there is no ONE CAUSE. There is no one illness. There is no “it.”

The article continues…Rappoport states that none of the “COVID deaths” in the entire world require the existence of a new virus. For instance, in Wuhan, where the whole business began, the first COVID cases of pneumonia occurred in a city whose air is heavily polluted. In China, every year, roughly 300,000 people die from pneumonia. That means millions of cases. None of these deaths need to be explained by invoking a new virus.

He continues, “Add to this the fact that the PCR test for the virus is irreparably flawed and useless.” (For a variety of reasons, I have explained in other articles.) The test spits out false positives like a fire hose. Thus, the high case numbers. The authorities have to go to such extremes to paint a picture of a spreading viral epidemic…in order to plant fear and thus compliance in the citizenry. However, there is no evidence that an actual germ is traveling around the world felling people. The ‘evidence’ is invented.

The” pandemic” is invented.

The fraud is promoted.

And, if you think there are other major reasons to explain “why all these people are dying,” keep in mind that “lung” conditions are an expanded category worldwide. For instance, there are about one billion cases of flu-like illnesses every year on planet earth. Repackaging/relabeling just a small percentage of those cases alone would account for all official COVID death numbers.

But we have known for some time that the “Agenda” for world government has been planning, for three or four decades, something comparable to what we are experiencing currently.  The so-called “pandemic,” which is fueled by something called COVID-19, very probably doesn’t exist except in propaganda and in the minds of the people.

According to Kelleigh Nelson’s News with Views article of February 8, 2020, “Mass Murder by a medical System that has Lost its Direction and Soul” she states that the AMA, CDC, FDA, NIH protocols for treatment of patients with COVID have saved no patients; they have purposely murdered hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions, who could have been saved. She makes a point, “That the dissident doctors, scientists and healthcare workers know that there are repurposed drugs (inexpensive and available) that could have saved up to 86% of those who perished.”

Following is a list of comments relative to the above.

“People were dying, (yet) all my ideas were getting shouted down. My superiors were showing up (to my clinical meetings) and getting me to stand down, because I was entertaining the idea that we should do this, that and the other thing, and they didn’t want anything to be done.” – Dr. Pierre Kory

“This is a war on cheap repurposed drugs.” – Dr. Paul Marik before testifying on NH bill that would make ivermectin available OTC in NH.

“I never thought I’d see the day where doctors are censored, and patients are kept from care.” – Dr. Peter McCullough.

As we have observed, practically all hospitals are in lockstep with everything that is being carried out by the forces behind this so-called pandemic. We know this is true because of the evidence given by dissident doctors, scientists, healthcare workers and parents or families of patients who failed to survive their hospital stay. The hospital protocols were used to further their goal of diminishing the global population.

Also, the hospitals are given monetary incentives by the government to label all illnesses as Covid. This, of course, results in the enhancement of the number of C-19 cases reported daily across the country and figures into the national mind set of the acceptance of existence of a “pandemic.”

Additionally, the hospitals are given bonuses for deaths from “COVID” or listed as COVID, but nothing for those who survive. So, we can imagine what the incentive leads to, hundreds of thousands of dollars.

A Case in Point

This brings me to an ordeal experienced by Beth, my wife’s niece, whose son Jonathon, was in a hospital with “COVID.” She kept a daily journal of her son’s progress, which to all appearances, even though he was on an ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation) Machine, was daily improving.  He was able to participate in physical therapy and occupational therapy.  She had videos confirming this.

All this transpired over a period of about three months.  Toward the end, she was told that they might have to remove the ECMO machine to be used with patients who had been vaccinated, which her son had not. Later, when this came about, it resulted in him having trouble breathing, in fact, he was gasping for breath. For this they began giving him shots to stop the gasping.

She was informed by the staff that this was why the shots were being administered, to which she replied that “she didn’t want him to be gasping for breath,” because she wanted him to at least have the opportunity to try to live. In the response, the doctor said, “If he gets this miracle, it doesn’t matter what I do.” But when the gasping stopped – after the 4th injection he was dead.

So, now comes the aftermath.

Beth is tough, both mentally and emotionally. But she’s been through a lot recently. She lost both parents in a short period of time, then came the loss of her son. It’s been a lot of heartbreak and stress. At the very outset, upon arriving at the hospital she requested that he be given ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine (HCQ), or other repurposed drugs, but of course, that didn’t happen. Since the repurposed drugs were denied, what do you think he was given instead? It very well could have been Paxlovid which is worthless, or Remdesivir, which, according to reports, is very expensive as well as deadly.

I’ve talked with her three times to prepare to give an account of all this in order to present to others. She is convinced that her son was murdered, even though the hospital staff was only obeying the protocols handed down by the insiders at the top, you know who they are…the AMA, CDC, NIH, FDA etc.

We could say that the hospital staff only takes on the alter ego of the hospital, which also takes on the alter ego of all the powers at the top. They follow what they’re told to do in order to keep their jobs, even if they know what they’re doing is not normal or right.  Never mind the fact that the ECMO machine was taken from her son and given to a vaxed patient and would not help the vaxxed patient to survive. It is probable that the reason the other patient was in the hospital was due to the COVID injections. In this case, as in others, the hospital wouldn’t help them survive, even if it was possible, as they receive no monetary benefits for those who survive.

The amount of evidence is endless that the vaccine was designed purposely to either kill or seriously injure. The obvious outcome is the depopulation of America and the entire world.

All this plays into the agenda of the great reset by the invisible government which is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  All the components of it, the United Nations, the Democratic Party, The World Economic Forum (WEF), and the socialist sleepers who have infiltrated the Republican Party, and many others are having their day, but it will be short lived. Just when they believe they have everything under complete control and everything nailed down so that nothing can stop them, something is going to play into the Lord’s time-table which will result in their total destruction.

A few years prior to that something will have played into His plans that brought about that blessed day when the Lord himself, will have descended from heaven and with a shout, “With the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God, and the dead in Christ shall rise first.”

“Then, we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and so shall we ever be with the Lord.”

And this is the day that Beth will be looking forward to with total assurance that a joyful occasion will transpire when she is reunited with her son, Jonathon.


Beth isn’t the only one who is experiencing this; we know that there are many thousands, maybe even millions, who are going through much heartbreak as a result of the protocols being ordered by the medical authorities and the federal government to continue this façade of a pandemic using fear to control the masses.

And it will get worse. So, we need to prepare for whatever comes, and the only way I know that we can do it is to grow stronger in our faith and dependance upon God to see us through all the travails that are forthcoming.

Please, share this article with as many as possible.  The time is close at hand.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.