How To Prepare For A Global Corruption Purge

Small secrets need to be protected. The large ones are kept secret by the public’s incredulity.”  – Marshall McLuhan.

I recently re-read an article from August 2019 and it still resonates with me. I wanted to repost it here on my blog so you all can read it. It was written by MARTIN GEDDES from “Bonnie Scotland” for his ‘Future of Communications’ newsletter. I will also provide a link at the bottom from an earlier blog he wrote on ‘wwg1wga’ relating to QAnon. Again great reading. (WWG1WGA stands for Where We Go One, We Go All. It relates to Q or QAnon. ).

Interesting he is from Scotland as I publish a weekly blog in the UK and it is far wider read by patriots there than here. There are many citizens in the United Kingdom awake and researching all the terrible events occurring here and Europe. They understand the very threat to their lives.

So enjoy! Share! Comprehend!

Great synopsis of Q’s “STORM” they’ve planned.

In the last few weeks my thoughts have drifted towards the events of this autumn that are going to shake our world. We have seen all the pieces being put in place for a mass justice event in the USA — the like of which has never been encountered before. I wish to share a few thoughts on how you might go about preparing for the “expected unexpected”.


It is not a novel insight to point out that major geopolitical change is an ongoing process. Key events in living memory would include:

  • 1970s — oil shock; Vietnam War
  • 1980s — deregulation; sudden end of the Soviet empire
  • 1990s — Gulf War; dotcom boom and bust
  • 2000s — 9/11 + Iraq War; financial collapse

Here in the late 2010s, it is arguable that we are seeing the decline and end of Globalism, together with many supporting institutions and doctrines. Whilst the counter-trend is labelled Nationalism by the media, it is better seen as anti-authoritarianism. The demand is for power be held closer to the people, rather than by an unaccountable political establishment.

Anti-globalism is the narrative that joins together otherwise seemingly disparate events — mass protests in Hong Kong, Brexit in the UK, a “cold” civil war in France, a new government in Brazil, and the Trump administration in the USA. Working people are tired of extreme wealth disparities, declining standards of living, and mass migration causing cultural upheaval.

Most of all, ordinary people demand an end to their exploitation through endemic corruption. Specifically, a two-tier justice system has evolved where a privileged class can easily evade consequences for their thieving behaviour. This powerful stateless mafia — which controls many important political, financial, media and industrial institutions — now faces removal and justice.


We have seen a number of corruption scandals break recently, including:

  • Pharma — illegal pushing of addictive opiates to the public
  • Banking — LIBOR scandal, US mortgage fraud, 1MDB in Malaysia that may take down Goldman Sachs by the time it’s done
  • Industrials — huge accounting fraud at GE
  • Google — involvement in espionage and treason on behalf of China
  • Hollywood — Weinstein is a foretaste of its (child) rape culture being exposed
  • Social Media — large-scale rigging of elections
  • Catholic Church — cover-up of child abuse

Now that the Mueller investigation has collapsed into nothing of consequence, there are at least six major scandals about to break in Washington DC:

  1. Pedogate — Epstein Island and the blackmail operations associated with it (NXIVM, SNCTM); UK royal family’s involvement plus MI6; Israel and Mossad’s dirty role; Hollywood’s elite (notably at Disney) are up to their necks in this filth.
  2. Spygate — Obama personally authorizing illegal FISA spying on the Trump administration, before and after the election. Draws FVYE spy network nations into the scandal, especially Britain.
  3. Russiagate failed coup attempt — Brennen, Clapper, Comey, Ohr, etc. — are all going to hang for treason. Italy has already cleaned house on this one, having been implicated in the set-up.
  4. Election fraud in 2016 and 2018 by Democratic party (and for many years before). May trigger the unseating of many in the House and special elections.
  5. Clinton Foundation — sale of state secrets to China; Haiti human trafficking (cf Epstein).
  6. Uranium One — illegal sale of US nuclear material to Russia (which draws Mueller into his own scandal…).

Corruption is a widespread phenomenon. Anti-corruption initiatives have a long history. Multinational business has been a thing for centuries. That there might be a coordinated multi-country corruption purge should not be a matter of great controversy.

It is the confluence of so many simultaneous major scandals that is what gives #TheStorm its moniker and “black swan” outlier status. It will sweep away some compromised institutions, and put many previously untouchable people in jail. This is a paradigm change in government and business, restoring trust and honour that have been missing for decades.


Whether it has been the East India Company, the Venetians, or the Spanish in South America, international trade has always allied to intelligence gathering — and trodden a fine line between legitimate commerce and organised crime (e.g. the opium wars, theft of gold).

To understand #TheStorm we need to recognise that the problem of a two-tier justice system itself comes from transnational crime cartels. Corruption has its own business model, strategies, and organisational design patterns. “Institutionalised crime” syndicates are often of a military-like nature, with power coming from spying, clandestine operations, subversion, esoteric science, and deception.

That power is tied to specific families and secret societies, many being in Europe and Asia. From its founding, the United States has been fighting against fifth columnists, who were often working on behalf of European banking, aristocratic, and religious powers. They have used their military intelligence networks to infiltrate American institutions and install their own people — who often become celebrated as quintessentially “American” in the process!

Three notable and well-documented events from the 1940s-1970s paint the contextual picture:

  • Operation Paperclip imported thousands of key members of the German Nazi regime into important scientific, academic and military posts after WW2.
  • Operation Northwoods showed the (corrupted) US Government was willing to use “false flag” attacks by its military against its own people for its geopolitical ends.
  • Operation Mockingbird weaponised the US mass media against its own population, using agents who were covertly under the control of the CIA, a rogue intelligence agency under criminal leadership.

An unconstitutional private central bank — the Federal Reserve — was able to print as much money as necessary to bribe whoever it saw fit. This funded the activities of allied crooked banks, media companies, and military-industrial corporations. Collectively these “Deep State” actors over time compromised the US judicial, legal, and political systems — and subverted the Constitution.


Once civilian institutions are too compromised, the only remaining way of peacefully reversing these changes is via the military. Trump is far more than a figurehead, but to focus on him alone is to miss the big picture. He is the most visible part of a multi-decade Patriot plan to retake the country from the bankster criminals, and give it back to its people.

The Trump administration explicitly advertises itself as not just another 4 year election cycle — “Our movement is about replacing a failed and corrupt political establishment with a new Government controlled by you the American people.” It would be wise to take Trump and his generals very literally when they state their intentions, as their lives are on the line.

You can see Trump’s closeness to the military with:

  • His inauguration — where he unusually and symbolically had soldiers appear behind him.
  • Choices of personnel, being surrounded by generals, especially from the Marines.
  • The famous “calm before the storm” remark, as he is often pictured with his senior military team on social occasions.
  • Focus on celebrating the military and its independence from foreign control for the 4th July celebrations this year.
  • His links to Admiral Rogers and General Flynn who know where the bodies are buried and have been involved in the resulting intrigue.

A deeply embedded crime network has had effective control over the US DoJ, FBI, and CIA — as illustrated by the Clintons’ magical escapes from justice. A similar purge of corruption and taming of the Federal Reserve was attempted under JFK, and failed. The protection that the President needs can only come from a loyal military.

The “Q” program of open source intelligence to bypass the compromised mass media is further evidence that this is a de facto military government with a civilian varnish. The legal and justice systems are being cleaned up, and the “pioneer public” primed for stunning revelations that will shake the foundations of society.


Sessions, Durham, Huber, Horowitz, Rosenstein, Barr — there are objective reasons to believe that large DoJ legal teams have been quietly working for a considerable period under these leaders. Their task is to indict those responsible for the scandals listed earlier. The job of some of these teams is complete, according to the DoJ website.

There has already been a record-breaking surge of indictments, arrests and convictions for human trafficking. There has also been extensive building work done at Guantanamo Bay, and a new senior judge has been appointed for military tribunals there. There is an enabling executive order on courts martial, and federal capital punishment has been reinstated. The President has made many proclamations on the treasonous nature of the offences, and that they must never recur.

What is going to happen in late 2019 and into early 2020 is that multiple connected scandals are all going to break in fast succession. They will involve crimes against humanity, and horrors we had hoped had ended with the Nazis, Chairman Mao, or Pol Pot. A recurring theme from insider leaks is that the trials are going to be televised as a kind of “Nuremberg 2.0”.

Trump is not a politician. #TheStorm is not politics. This is about fixing the framework in which politics happens. #TheStorm is a restoration of the American Republic under control of its citizens, and the Constitutional rule of law. The conspiracies against the people are very real, and their prosecution is now inevitable.


These events are going to be a shock to most of the public, who have been lulled into complacency by a media conspiracy of silence. They will be scared and confused, since they will not know whom to trust, how bad the situation has been, or whether it is sufficiently contained.

Now is the time that forward-looking leaders can begin to prepare, so you can honestly state that this is on your radar, and you are taking proactive steps to manage the situation. There is ample evidence of this being a very real and serious situation, and to ignore it is irresponsible.

We can be reasonably certain that the following will experience major impacts from #TheStorm:

  • Political foundations that are used to launder bribes and payoffs (e.g. under the cover of “book deals”).
  • Charities that are nothing of the kind, being covers for illegal activities.
  • NGOs that have a covert purpose (e.g. Red Cross involvement in organ harvesting plus human trafficking).
  • Multi-national corporations who are using slave labour, or have operations in certain politically risky countries (e.g. Apple being forced to repatriate manufacturing from China).
  • Financial industry players, with many banks having large fraud liabilities. It is no secret that some like Bank of America, Citibank, HSBC, Wells Fargo, and Deutsche Bank face trouble, having over-indulged in nefarious business practices.
  • Media industry, which faces a cataclysmic loss of trust by the public as its past misdeeds and methods get exposed to the light.
  • Telecoms and IT, which is the foundation for a great deal of espionage. Amazon is tainted by its CIA associations; Google faces a total brand meltdown.
  • Energy, as a great deal of corruption is tied to oil and gas extraction and commodity trading, as well as the push for renewables driven by illegitimate concerns.

#TheStorm will reveal three scams that are each trillions of dollars in scope that will further damage the reputation of the media, academia, government, and religious bodies:

  • War-for-profit (drawing in banks, arms industry, and public and private intelligence agencies).
  • Carbon tax (there is no “climate emergency”).
  • Fraud through foreign aid.


This is a “trust apocalypse”: those who you were taught were most worthy of trust will repeatedly be proven to have betrayed it. Conversely, you will discover who the truly trustworthy are, as the lies and scams are exposed.

Confronting something of this magnitude in our own lifetimes can seem rather daunting. The MBA strategy books focus mainly on the positive creation of value in the legitimate economy. Where we touch on fraud and crime it comes clearly boundaried in topics like “revenue assurance” and “business continuity planning”.

The collapse of a longstanding massive network of organised crime that intersects with every sector has no precedent. There isn’t a chapter for this kind of scenario in the textbooks. We just know that the November 2020 election cycle is a forcing function: the “swamp” needs to be exposed before then — so that the public is clamoring for total drainage.

To deal with this situation, here are some initial suggestions as to how you can take action now:

  1. Get your own personal affairs in order as a hygiene factor. You can’t be sorting out other people’s problems if your own are a distraction. Clear the decks of anything optional or troublesome.
  2. Set your moral compass now. Those who thrive post-Storm will have different values to those who prospered before it. Be very clear with yourself what you and your organisation truly stand for, and what isn’t changing and is non-negotiable.
  3. Expand your information sources. The mass media has become compromised by decades of infiltration and corruption. They are complicit in serious crime, if only via a conspiracy of silence, and cannot tell you the whole story. You need to look to alternative sources of journalism and analysis for an accurate picture.
  4. Build your human network. Consider creating a temporary and informal organisation to track and make sense of these changes. Use a “who knows, who cares, who can” model to draw in those sufficiently informed, motivated and resourced to act voluntarily and on their own initiative.
  5. Manage your exposure. Start to manage your risk of exposure to Deep State aligned companies and sectors. Think about the most important business contracts you have and whether they are robust enough for this kind of outlier business event. Begin to plan contingencies for disruptions on both your supply and demand sides.
  6. Map the possible opportunities. This is going to be a one-off opportunity to acquire talent from tainted institutions, buy up businesses at distressed prices, and occupy vacated market roles whose previous holders have been razed by #TheStorm. Making good enough moves quickly is likely to beat waiting for perfect certainty. Start making your shopping list.

Post note from Fred Brownbill. Here are the links as promised to this mans site and the previous blog I alluded to at the beginning today.



©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

Will Biden’s Immigration Policies Speed Communization of America?

It is abundantly clear that radical members of the Democrat Party, aided and abetted by groups such as Black Lives Matter, are seeking a radical transformation of the United States.

Radical members of the Democrat Party have not called out Cuba’s communist regime as the reason for massive anti-government demonstration in that Island nation, just 90 miles off America’s coast, but insist that it is the embargo imposed on Cuba by the Trump administration, which remains in place, as the reason for massive discontent of Cuban citizens.

Clearly, these radical Democrats do not oppose Communism, but embrace it – likely seeing it as the form of government they would love to impose on our historically free nation!

Defunding police, the indoctrination of American students in “Critical Race Theory” and other such divisive and hostile tactics is sowing discord and discontent across our nation along racial lines that ignore the significant progress America made through the passage of civil rights laws and by other significant and consequential efforts.

My recent article, Iranian Goal Of ‘Death To America’ Aided and Abetted By Radical Dems was predicated on the June 7, 2021 Time Magazine report, Exclusive: Iran Steps up Efforts to Sow Discord Inside the U.S.

Simultaneously the Democrats seek to create unprecedented levels of national debt, leading to  accelerating inflation, thereby greatly diminishing the purchasing power of Americans. As a consequence most Americans will find it ever more difficult for them to keep their heads above the economic water without assistance from the government.

People who need money from the government become totally dependent on government and the price they pay is to become subservient to the government. This is the antithesis of the founding principles of the United States!

America’s borders and immigration laws are our nation’s first and last line of defense against threats to national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans.

However, for politicians on both sides of the political aisle, America’s borders have come to be seen an impediment to their quest for immense wealth and political power.

Labor is a commodity and, not unlike any other commodity, the traditional economic law of supply and demand impacts and, indeed, establishes the value of the commodity.

Under the Biden administration’s open borders policies, accompanied by a virtual shutdown of interior enforcement of our immigration laws, coupled with visa categories that permit the influx of massive numbers of foreign workers has had a devastating impact on the jobs and wages of Americans on nearly every level.

Several years ago I wrote an article, American Dream Being Sold at Auction – America’s Middle Class to Be Put on Endangered Species List, that included the link to the infuriating prepared testimony of Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank, when he testified before the Senate Immigration Subcommittee back on April 30, 2009.  At the time, New York Senator Chuck Schumer chaired that subcommittee.

Then topic of that hearing was, Comprehensive Immigration Reform in 2009, Can We Do It and How?

In his statement for that hearing, among other issues, Greenspan called for greatly expanding the number of H-1b visas issued to high-tech foreign workers as demanded by Bill Gates. His justification was to supposedly reduce “wage inequality” between highly-skilled American workers, and American workers who were far less skilled (and educated)!

Here is that excerpt from Greenspan’s testimony that “justifies” flooding America with huge numbers of foreign workers, thereby betraying highly educated and skilled American workers:

First, skilled workers and their families form new households. They will, of necessity, move into vacant housing units, the current glut of which is depressing prices of American homes. And, of course, house price declines are a major factor in mortgage foreclosures and the plunge in value of the vast quantity of U.S. mortgage-backed securities that has contributed substantially to the disabling of our banking system. The second bonus would address the increasing concentration of income in this country. Greatly expanding our quotas for the highly skilled would lower wage premiums of skilled over lesser skilled.

Skill shortages in America exist because we are shielding our skilled labor force from world competition. Quotas have been substituted for the wage pricing mechanism. In the process, we have created a privileged elite whose incomes are being supported at noncompetitively high levels by immigration quotas on skilled professionals. Eliminating such restrictions would reduce at least some of our income inequality.

In other words, Greenspan’s “solution” to wage inequality is not to improve wages for America’s working poor but make highly educated Americans compete with an army of Third World workers who will gladly work for substandard wages under substandard conditions. This would narrow the gap between American highly skilled Americans and less skilled American workers.  (Destroy the middle class and the working poor won’t have to feel badly about their struggles to support themselves and their families. All Americans will suffer that same dastardly fate!)

While the notion of flooding America with cheap and exploitable labor certainly did not begin with the Biden administration, the Biden administration has amped up what I have come to refer to as the “Immigration Delivery System” to new and unprecedented levels.

The Profiteers of Biden Administration’s Open Borders Policy are literally making out like bandits while the future of our nation and our citizens has arguable never been less secure..

Many years ago, when I was just a teenager, my dad sagely told me that the easiest way to turn capitalists into communists is to take away their money.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Joe Biden Enlists U.S. Air Force to Settle Illegal Immigrants in American Cities

“Biden“Admin: We’re ‘Flagging Problematic Posts’ For Social Media Platforms, Tracking ‘Misinformation’

In two words: Government censorship.

This is is treason.

Biden Admin: We’re ‘Flagging Problematic Posts’ For Social Media Platforms, Tracking Vaccine ‘Misinformation’

By  Daily Wire News • Jul 15, 2021:
White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted on Thursday that the administration is contacting Facebook and telling them what posts that it deems to be “problematic” based on what the administration claims is “misinformation.”

“This is a big issue of misinformation, specifically on the pandemic. In terms of actions, Alex, that we have taken or we’re working to take I should say from the federal government, we’ve increased disinformation research and tracking within the Surgeon General’s office,” Psaki said.

“We’re flagging problematic posts for Facebook that spread disinformation. We’re working with doctors and medical professionals to connect to connected medical experts … who are popular with their audiences with accurate information and boost trusted content. So we’re helping get trusted content out there.”


U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy issued an advisory earlier in the day and claimed at the press conference that “we live in a world where misinformation poses an imminent and insidious threat to our nation’s health.”

Murthy’s advisory said that tech companies can:

  • Assess the benefits and harms of products and platforms and take responsibility for addressing the harms. In particular, make meaningful long-term investments to address misinformation, including product changes. Redesign recommendation algorithms to avoid amplifying misinformation, build in “frictions”— such as suggestions and warnings—to reduce the sharing of misinformation, and make it easier for users to report misinformation.
  • Give researchers access to useful data to properly analyze the spread and impact of misinformation. Researchers need data on what people see and hear, not just what they engage with, and what content is moderated (e.g., labeled, removed, downranked), including data on automated accounts that spread misinformation. To protect user privacy, data can be anonymized and provided with user consent.
  • Strengthen the monitoring of misinformation. Platforms should increase staffing of multilingual content moderation teams and improve the effectiveness of machine learning algorithms in languages other than English since non-English-language misinformation continues to proliferate. Platforms should also address misinformation in live streams, which are more difficult to moderate due to their temporary nature and use of audio and video.
  • Prioritize early detection of misinformation “super-spreaders” and repeat offenders. Impose clear consequences for accounts that repeatedly violate platform policies.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of internal policies and practices in addressing misinformation and be transparent with findings. Publish standardized measures of how often users are exposed to misinformation and through what channels, what kinds of misinformation are most prevalent, and what share of misinformation is addressed in a timely manner. Communicate why certain content is flagged, removed, downranked, or left alone. Work to understand potential unintended consequences of content moderation, such as migration of users to less-moderated platforms.
  • Proactively address information deficits. An information deficit occurs when there is high public interest in a topic but limited quality information available. Provide information from trusted and credible sources to prevent misconceptions from taking hold.
  • Amplify communications from trusted messengers and subject matter experts. For example, work with health and medical professionals to reach target audiences. Direct users to a broader range of credible sources, including community organizations. It can be particularly helpful to connect people to local trusted leaders who provide accurate information.
  • Prioritize protecting health professionals, journalists, and others from online harassment, including harassment resulting from people believing in misinformation.

RELATED ARTICLE: SICK ANTI-AMERICANISM: Sec. of State Blinken Invites United Nations to Probe Into ‘Systemic Racism’ In The United States

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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The Time for School Choice Is Past Due

An old story tells of a big, successful store with a plaque in the employees’ lounge which read:

“Rule #1. The customer’s always right. Rule #2. If you ever think the customer is wrong, reread Rule #1.”

I bring this up because the public school education establishment (to be distinguished from the rank and file teachers, many of whom are dedicated public servants), often treat their customers as if they’re wrong and as if the education elites know better than the dumb parents.

School choice is the ultimate answer to America’s education crisis, and there ought to be bipartisan agreement on it. School competition makes education better, and gives all parents more options for their children. But the Left opposes it adamantly, though even a liberal newspaper surprisingly spoke out recently in favor of school choice. reports (7/9/2021):

“The liberal Washington Post editorial board on Thursday broke rank with the left and pondered why Democrats are so opposed to giving poor children a choice in schooling.”

The Washington Post opined,

“For 17 years, a federally funded K-12 scholarship program has given thousands of poor children in D.C. the opportunity to attend private schools and the chance to go on to college. And for many of those 17 years, the program has been in the crosshairs of unions and other opponents of private school vouchers…Their relentless efforts unfortunately may now finally succeed with House Democrats and the Biden administration quietly laying the groundwork to kill off this worthy program.”

What a tragedy. And who will suffer the most? Inner-city families.

The Left is all about power. But true public service is always about empowerment—empowering others, regardless of their socio-economic background—so that people can fulfill their God-given destiny.

The pandemic over the past year-and-a-half showed how the teachers unions held hostage many schools from re-opening in person.

During the shutdown, many parents discovered the option of homeschooling. In an interview for Christian television, Mike Donnelly of the Home School Legal Defense Association told me, “The U. S. census bureau issued a report recently that showed that homeschooling households doubled from about five and a half percent, before the virus, to over almost 12%.”

Homeschooling is not as radical as it sounds. Many of our founding fathers and key American leaders, like Abraham Lincoln, were home-taught.

In August 2020, Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, observed, “If there was one positive outcome I could point to from the Coronavirus Pandemic…was the fact that public schools were shut down and kids were at home. Parents were to a larger degree, involved in what their kids were learning ….And I’ve heard from a number of parents, who are now rethinking education in terms of how they’re going to go about it post Coronavirus Pandemic.”

Fast forward to the present time and we see many parents revolting against some of what the education establishment is trying to cram down their throats, such as Critical Race Theory (CRT), a racist set of doctrines disguised in anti-racist garb.

CRT is a Marxist attempt to destroy America from within by teaching that white people always oppress minorities. Always.

When parents learn about CRT-type curricula in their schools, they have spoken out against it. Even many minority parents and parents in heavily-Democratic areas have opposed it. It certainly flies in the face of the goals of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., that America become color-blind and judge people according to the content of their character not the color of their skin.

But the major teachers’ unions have not backed down from the teaching of CRT. With the unions’ blessing, about 5000 teachers recently pledged to teach CRT, even if it’s illegal.

For example, President Randi Weingarten, the president of the American Federation of Teachers, promises to “legally defend” members of their union who teach CRT, even if in that particular school district it is illegal.

CRT has different manifestations in our schools. Gary Bauer notes in his End of Day (7/9/2021): “For example, at least 25 school districts around the country are using a book called ‘Not My Idea.’ Here’s how Amazon describes the book: ‘Not My Idea’ is the only children’s picture book that roots the problem of racism in whiteness and empowers white children and families to see and dismantle white supremacy.”

School choice seems to be the best answer to our education crisis, of which CRT is just the latest manifestation. And yet the Democrats are trying  to shut it down, as in the poor sections of the District of Columbia.

Ironically, those who claim to champion “choice,” by which they mean killing preborn babies, want a one-size-fits-all approach to education in a diverse country like America.

I think the teachers unions need to reread Rule #1.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

The ATF’s Latest Proposed Regulation Could Make 40 Million Gun Owners Felons Overnight

This is a conspicuous confiscation of power, and it’s precisely what America’s founding fathers strove to avoid through the establishment of checks and balances.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has published a notice outlining their plans to update regulations on stabilizing braces.

Originally developed to help those with disabilities shoot comfortably, stabilizing braces have become a popular firearm accessory used to legally adapt AR-style pistols into guns that can be shot from the shoulder, like the highly regulated short-barreled rifle.

According to the ATF, stabilizing braces will now have to conform to a set of stringent guidelines to be considered legal. If they don’t meet those standards, they—and the gun to which they’re attached—will automatically become regulated as a rifle under the National Firearms Act.

This isn’t the first time the ATF or the DOJ have attempted to regulate this popular accessory. A similar reclassification was proposed back in December, but it was shot down due to uproar from lawmakers and the firearm community. However, after pistol-braced firearms were used in two recent, high-profile mass shootings, the ATF has circled back to the issue and seems more motivated than ever.

After the ATF notice was published, more than 130 representatives penned a letter to the agency and called upon the bureau to withdraw the rule, stating that the “proposed guidance is alarming and jeopardizes the rights of law-abiding gun owners.”

Most importantly, the lawmakers reminded the ATF that for the last decade, it had asserted that there were legitimate uses for stabilizing braces, as the accessory was designed to aid disabled gun owners who enjoy recreational shooting.

“Should this guidance go into effect,” they wrote, “a disabled combat veteran who has chosen the best stabilizing brace for their disability is now a felon.”

In response, the ATF claimed that this new classification won’t impact braces designed to help those with disabilities. However, their proposed point-based worksheet of stabilizing brace criteria fails to make this clear for gun owners.

At 52 pages, the intricate proposal is so lengthy and establishes such specific requirements that law-abiding citizens will have no idea if their firearm is still legal.

“Certain prerequisites,” the proposal reads, such as weapon weight and the overall length, “will be applied to determine if the firearm will even be considered as a possible pistol or immediately determined to be a rifle.”

Furthermore, “design factors that are more likely to demonstrate a manufacturer’s … intent to produce a ‘short-barreled rifle’ and market it as a ‘braced pistol’ accrue more points than those that reveal less evidence.”

A stabilizing brace that has accumulated too many points based on these criteria will be deemed a rifle, and therefore unlawful. Not only is this formula complicated, but there seems to be another hitch.

“The new factoring system,” remarks the NRA-ILA, “seems designed to ensure that few, if any, firearms can meet the criteria.”

Therefore, by classifying these braced pistols as Short Barreled Rifles, one of the most highly regulated guns on the market, the federal government is forcing 10-40 million law-abiding gun owners to surrender, destroy, or register their legal firearms … or face felony charges.

Essentially, the ATF is able to add rules and reclassify weapons without holding a single vote in Congress. As a result, this significant assault on the Second Amendment will not receive its due process.

This is a conspicuous confiscation of power, and it’s precisely what America’s founding fathers strove to avoid through the establishment of checks and balances.

The Constitution’s authors designed the United States government as three separate branches: the legislative, judicial, and executive. The legislative creates laws, the judicial determines their constitutionality, and the executive implements them.

In certain scenarios, each branch has the power to override the others and ensure that no branch of government is able to hold too much centralized power.

Unfortunately, through its unilateral proposal that would impact tens of millions of US gun owners, the ATF is violating the Separation of Powers designed by the Constitution to limit government overreach and protect individual rights.

In Federalist No. 48, James Madison warned that “the accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”

This is exactly what is happening today.

This stealth power grab should concern all Americans, even if they are outside the immediately-impacted gun community.


Brett Cooper

Brett Cooper is a professional actress and a Libertarian-Conservative writer. She’s an ambassador for PragerU and TurningPoint USA and content manager at Unwoke Narrative.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘I’m from the Government, and I’m Here to Vaccinate’

Most people were shocked when the president wanted to go door-to-door with his vaccine campaign — but that’s only the half of it. According to a Pentagon spokesman, the White House is also planning to go barracks to barracks — requiring the men and women of our voluntary military to involuntarily surrender their freedom and take an unproven shot some of them don’t want.

Frankly, Obama Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told CNN, “I think the president ought to issue an order requiring everybody in the military to get a COVID-19 shot — period. That’s an issue involving our national security,” he argued. “The last d— thing you need is to have those in the military that are our warriors unable to respond to a mission because they’ve gotten COVID-19. There’s no excuse for that.” Interesting, considering that the same military leadership has been cheerleading the troops’ gender reassignment surgery, which renders patients completely undeployable for months. Apparently, it’s no problem if you skip out on your job for the extreme LGBT cause. But if you have a personal objection to the vaccine, well then, a handful of potential sick days is unacceptable.

Republicans, who’ve been absolutely outraged at the government’s heavy-handedness, introduced a bill to stop the Pentagon from forcing the shots, which have not yet received final FDA approval, on our troops. Although the vaccination rates are high across every branch, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) says he’s been contacted by members of the military who vow to quit if the COVID shots are forced on them. And it’s no wonder, Congressman Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) explains. “Keep in mind,” he told listeners on “Washington Watch,” “it’s not received final approval from anybody.” And there are enough new red flags with the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to make young people think twice.

As deadly as the virus has been, Brooks points out, certain age groups are in more danger than others. “That’s not to say there’s no risk, but it is substantially lesser [for] the people who are serving in our military. So right now, I very much prefer that our military personnel have the right to choose for themselves, exercise their free will, exercise their liberty to decide for themselves which risk they want to accept” — whether that’s the risk of the virus or the vaccine. “I hope that they’ll make the right decision,” Brooks added, “but it ought to be their decision. Because it is a life and death one.”

In the Marines, where I got more immunizations than I could count, no one was ever ordered to get a flu shot. And essentially, that’s what this is. It’s not a vaccine in the traditional sense, because it won’t protect people from the virus forever. That’s not to say it doesn’t have value — it offers protections to people, especially in the high-risk categories. But the fact that the Defense Department has its fingers on the trigger of a mandate, as they alluded in the last few days, ought to be concerning to everyone. Brooks says he finds it “disconcerting” that the military would have this kind of order “already drafted and ready to unleash, particularly insofar as it relates to a vaccine that has not been thoroughly vetted and tested.” When the FDA gives its blessing, that’s one thing. But there’s still the issue, he points out, of “taking the vaccine versus the risk associated with the youth catching COVID. And I much prefer that we defer that to the liberty and freedom and good judgment of our military personnel, all of whom are adults. And I believe that they are mature enough to be able to make that decision for themselves.”

Regardless, this idea that the government feels entitled to dictate what’s best for us ought to sound all kinds of alarm bells. Just this week, the White House doubled down on the idea of vaccine mandates, arguing that it’s the “right” of local officials and employers to demand it. As for Biden’s widely panned door-to-door intimidation campaign, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) warned over the weekend where it could lead. “Think about what those mechanisms could be used for. They could go door-to-door to take your guns. They could go door-to-door and take your Bibles.”

That’s also crossed the mind of former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (and FRC Board Chairman), who told Fox News on Saturday that every American should go out and buy a “No Trespassing” sign at their local hardware store “because the government has zero business to do this. Zero. And what they’re wanting all of us to do is to check our Bill of Rights, our civil liberties, at the door.” The whole point of this country, she argued, “is based upon the fact that we have rights against the government. And they want us, just as a matter of idea, [to] give up all of our [freedoms].” Don’t be deceived, she warned. “There will be a database — and everybody will be in that database. And it’s not just vaccine status, it will be your entire medical history. It will be connected to your finances. This is going to get bigger, bigger, bigger, so stop it now, and don’t give any information to the government official at your door.”

And yet, Dr. Anthony Fauci insists that Americans should have less personal choice. “… I do believe, at the local level, there should be more mandates,” he insisted. “… We have got to put aside this ideological difference thinking that somebody is forcing you to do something… Vaccinations have nothing to do with politics.” Tell that to 2020’s Democrats, who spent months sowing doubts about the shots, just because they were created while Donald Trump was president. At one point Biden openly questioned whether a vaccine approved by Trump’s agencies would be safe. They are the ones who stoked fears and undermined the scientific progress. Now, suddenly, they want to flip a switch, undo that damage, and blame all of the hesitancy on conservatives. You can’t have it both ways. It was their politicking that put people’s lives at risk. And now, their heavy-handedness threatens to do the same — to our freedoms.


Tony Perkins

Tony Perkins is Family Research Council’s fourth and longest-serving president, joining the organization in August of 2003. Described as a legislative pioneer by the national media, Tony has established himself as an innovative pro-life and pro-family policy and political leader since first being elected to office in 1996.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Ohio GOP Attorney General WINS Lawsuit Against “Biden Relief” Bill UNCONSTITUTIONALLY Bars Tax Cuts

Democrat communist fiat averted.

Obscene legal plunder impeded …. for the moment.

Ohio GOP attorney general prevails in lawsuit alleging Biden relief bill unconstitutionally bars tax cuts

By: Zachary Halaschak | Washington Examiner | July 02, 2021:

A federal judge has ruled that a provision in President Joe Biden’s COVID-19 relief bill limiting state tax cuts is unconstitutional, handing a victory to Republicans.

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost had filed a federal lawsuit against the Treasury Department and its secretary, Janet Yellen, alleging that a provision in the $1.9 trillion Democratic spending package that prohibits states from using relief funds to offset tax cuts or credits “directly or indirectly” is unconstitutional.

U.S. District Judge Douglas Cole issued the permanent injunction against what Yost dubbed the “tax mandate” on Thursday, ruling that the provision exceeds the federal government’s power over states.

“The federal government has to stay in their lane, and if they don’t, we’re prepared to bump them up against the guardrail and keep them where they belong,” Yost told the Washington Examiner in a Friday morning phone call.

Cole ruled that the tax mandate “falls short of the clarity” that Supreme Court precedent requires for the Constitution’s spending clause as it relates to conditional grants to states. The judge also rejected Yellen’s argument that Treasury Department regulations clear up the ambiguity of the provision.

“Accordingly, the Court finds that the Tax Mandate exceeds Congress’s power under the Constitution,” Cole concluded. “The Court further finds that Ohio has met the conditions for injunctive relief to prevent the ongoing harm that this constitutional violation is causing.”

It is likely that the federal government will appeal the ruling. A spokesperson with the Treasury Department told the Washington Examiner after the decision that the department disagrees with Cole’s opinion and is exploring options regarding the next steps.

“We are confident that the act is constitutional and Treasury is committed to implementing it in a manner consistent with Congress’s direction so we can continue to promote a robust and equitable recovery,” the spokesperson said in a statement.

Yost touted the ruling as “a huge win for our federalist system” and pointed out that while Democrats might be disappointed with the decision, they might see it differently in the future. He said he sees the judgment as having broader implications than just this one provision.

“The progressives are going to be howling right now because they don’t like the idea that the federal government can’t tell Ohio what to do with its tax policy, but they’ll be quoting this decision soon enough to a Republican president who might want to tell a blue state how to run their state,” Yost said.

While Ohio was the first to sue the Biden administration over the tax mandate, it is not alone in its litigation on the matter.

Several other states have joined another federal lawsuit contending that the mandate violates the 10th Amendment, the conditional spending doctrine, and the anti-commandeering doctrine. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich also filed a lawsuit attacking the provision.

Yost said that while the ruling in his case won’t directly affect the other lawsuits, he thinks that Cole’s ruling will be closely examined by judges across the country.

“It’s a really well-reasoned opinion by Judge Cole, and I think other federal judges will read it and find it well reasoned,” he said. “So, it doesn’t have any direct power, but it is very persuasive.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden Says July 4th Just Got Cheaper!

I begin today with two wise old African proverbs from the country of my birth, Rhodesia.

Shona Proverb:- “ The innocent looking people are often the guilty.” In Shona that would read “Imbwa nyoro ndidzo tsengi dzamatovo.”

An old Shangaan proverb: “Don’t replace a puff adder with a black mamba.” Or in their language “Huma Mheri kunghena mamba.”

The Biden WH just tweeted that the cost of a July 4th Bar B Q just got cheaper for his American proletariat! How much cheaper? Great question. Let me tell you here! Hold your breath. Here it is! $0.16!

Apparently they worked out that the average cook out went down that huge amount and it is therefore a sign that prices are coming down and the rumors about hyperinflation or just inflation is just that. Rumors. Sent out by white supremists. Conservatives. You know? The evil Trump supporters. In other words you and me!

Biden is trying to say that his economic plan is working and things are just hunky dory!

Hmmmmm…….I for one am not feeling that.

I understand that Biden probably has not been to a gas station lately, or if by chance he had, he probably forgot! After all, his mental capacity is very diminished! The average price across the country for a gallon of regular gas is now $3.15, the highest price since 2014 and an increase of a massive 42% from just last year under the Trump administration.

Home prices have gone up 24% this year moving more and more average Americans away from the dream of home ownership. That, Sniffer Joe, is $0.16 every 1.3 seconds! Takes care of that $0.16 saving on our cookout!! Yay!!

By the way according to the US Department of Agriculture’s Economic Research Service there is not one product or price category that has gone down in 2021 over 2020!

This is the tweet sent out by the lunatics in the WH press office supposedly from Biden! “Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news. According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from last year. It’s a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan is working. And that’s something we can all relish.”

What comic! They should all be on stage! I suggest the first one outa town!

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: How Many Healthy Teenage Boys Must Die to Satisfy Fauci?

The CDC and Team Fauci are on the verge of recommending the COVID shot and/or masks for school children this fall. Liberty is under attack by this bunch with a helping hand from Bill Gates and his immoral “Daily Pass” which forces school children to input sacred and personal health information into a phone app! 700,000 adverse side effects are estimated from the so-called vaccines in the age group 12-17, mostly affecting young males.

This must stop!

Graham Ledger speaks with attorney Robert Tyler who is suing the one of the largest school districts in the nation to prevent forcing children to get the shot, wear a mask, and share private information with Microsoft!

©The Ledger Report. All rights reserved.

Watch: COVID Lockdowns Morphing Into Climate Lockdowns

Climate Depot’s Marc Morano reacts to climate activist fantasy for keeping emissions down.


“Chuck Schumer is urging Biden to declare a national climate emergency. Just like a blue-state governor, he could have emergency powers,” Marc Morano of Climate Depot said on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News show last night. Morano continued: “The World Health Organization employees are now recommending these climate lockdowns. …In the UK they’ve proposed CO2 ration cards that the government or employers would monitor your CO2 levels, your energy use. This is the world…A CO2 budget for every man, woman, and child on the planet has been proposed by a German climate advisor. This is what we’re looking at.”

“We have the major UK report that came out; we have an International Energy Agency report that came out… calling for essentially the same type of lockdowns — everything from restrictions on your thermostat to restrictions of moving. You can only fly in a climate emergency when it’s ‘morally justifiable.'”

Morano warned: “They’re going after freedom of movement; they’re going after private car ownership, they’re going after everything it means to be a free person and turning it over to the administrative state.”

©Marc Morano. All rights reserved.

We Just Got Even More Proof that Stay-At-Home Orders Lethally Backfired

A new study finds that lockdown orders didn’t reduce overall mortality, and may have even increased it.

WATCH: SENATE TESTIMONY: Child Suicide & Lethal Lockdown Consequences

Life under lockdown was hard for all of us. From economic destruction to social isolation, the costs of restrictive government policies intended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 have been steep. But now, yet another study suggests that the benefits wrought by our collective sacrifice were negligible at best—and that stay-at-home orders may even have increased overall mortality.

In a new paper, economists from the University of Southern California and the RAND Corporation examined the effectiveness of “shelter-in-place” (SIP) mandates, aka stay-at-home orders, using data from 43 countries and all 50 US states. The experts analyze not just deaths from COVID-19, but “excess deaths,” a measure that compares overall deaths from all causes to a historical baseline.

The authors explain that lockdown orders may have had lethal unintended consequences in their own right, such as increased drug overdoses, worsened mental health problems, increased child abuse, deadly delays in non-COVID medical care, and more. So, to find out whether stay-at-home orders truly helped more than they hurt, examining excess deaths, not just pandemic outcomes, is key.

The results aren’t pretty.

“We fail to find that shelter-in-place policies saved lives,” the authors report. Indeed, they conclude that in the weeks following the implementation of these policies, excess mortality actually increases—even though it had typically been declining before the orders took effect. And across all countries, the study finds that a one-week increase in the length of stay-at-home policies corresponds with 2.7 more excess deaths per 100,000 people.

The lockdowns simply didn’t work.

“We failed to find that countries or U.S. states that implemented SIP policies earlier, and in which SIP policies had longer to operate, had lower excess deaths than countries/U.S. states that were slower to implement SIP policies,” the authors explain.

And their finding is no outlier. A number of other credible studies have similarly concluded that lockdowns were ineffective at slowing the spread of COVID-19. Plus, other research now shows that most COVID-19 spread occurred at home, not out in the world, making stay-at-home orders all the more absurd in hindsight.

Of course, there is tremendous resistance to acknowledging the fact that the sacrifice we all, to varying extents, endured evidently accomplished nothing—and may have even left us worse off.  But we must acknowledge and grapple with this painful truth to ward off similar mistakes in the future.

The takeaway here is not just that stay-at-home orders are an ineffective public policy. It’s that politicians will always claim they can solve our problems if just given enough centralized power. But we must not fall for their rhetoric and focus only on the seen, tangible benefits of government action—like potentially slowing the spread of COVID-19—we must also consider the unseen and unexpected second-order effects and consequences.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BlackRock, GiaxoSmithKline and the Great Reset

“If we define an American fascist as one who in case of conflict puts money and power ahead of human beings, then there are undoubtedly several million fascists in the United States.” – Henry A. Wallace, 33rd Vice President of the United States

“All who wish to hand down to their children that happy republican system bequeathed to them by their revolutionary fathers, must now take their stand against this consolidating, corrupting money power, and put it down, or their children will become hewers of wood and drawers of water to this aristocratic ragocracy.” – President Andrew Jackson

“The system shaves the dice on the side of those with money and power, and anyone who believes otherwise deserves anything that happens to him.” – James Lee Burke, author

“The control of information is something the elite always does, particularly in a despotic form of government. Information, knowledge, is power. If you can control information, you can control people.” – Tom Clancy

In a previous article, I mentioned BlackRock, Inc.  Not many took notice or mentioned it, but now, BlackRock is finally hitting the news big time.  And they have influence, unbelievable influence with world leaders. In less than 30 years, this American financial firm has grown from nothing to becoming the world’s largest and most trusted manager of other people’s money.

Created in 1988, BlackRock gained its current power in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis. With the fall of Lehman Brothers, Wall Street was in the throes of free-fall: no one knew what thousands of their financial portfolios contained, what was hidden behind the derivatives, what was toxic and what was not, what was dangerous and what wasn’t.  They are the financial leviathan that bears down on Europe’s decisions and America’s.  The assets left in their care are more than $8.7 trillion American dollars.

BlackRock, Tom Donilon and Biden

In a recent article by The Conservative Tree House (CTH), i.e., The Last Refuge website, they exposed BlackRock’s connections to the illegitimate Biden administration.  The CTH author, Sundance, summarized the article, The Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute, the guy who tells the $8.7 trillion investment firm BlackRock where to put their money, has a brother who is the Senior Advisor to Joe Biden; has a wife who is the White House Personnel Director; and has a daughter who is now on the National Security Council.

BlackRock’s Chairman is none other than Tom Donilon whose literal job description for BlackRock is to: “leverage the firm’s expertise and generate proprietary research to provide insights on the global economy, markets, geopolitics and long-term asset allocation.”

Conflicts of interest and insider information.

Thomas Donilon is a member of the globalist Council on Foreign Relations and is Chairman of the BlackRock Investment Institute and Senior of Counsel at the international law firm of O’Melveny & Myers.  Like BlackRock’s owner, Donilon is a Democrat who has supported and advised every democrat president and candidate from Jimmy Carter to Hillary Clinton.

The connections are extremely telling.  However, what few people know is that BlackRock, among others, is buying every single-family house they can find, paying 20-50% above asking price and outbidding normal home buyers, especially in Florida, but other Red States as well. Corporations, pension funds and property investment groups are snapping up single-family houses, and even entire neighborhoods, to rent out or flip and are competing with American families –accounting for 25% of the sales in some cities.  Raw control by big money is the wholesale takeover of the housing market.

BlackRock is the world’s largest asset manager and the leading proponent of The Great Reset. They’re looking to redistribute $120 Trillion in housing wealth. Why does this matter?  Because for the lower and middle class, owning a home is the most major part of any financial success, and ensures their future upward mobility. This is wealth redistribution from the American middle class. Salt of the earth wealth heading into the hands of the world’s most powerful entities and individuals. The traditional financial vehicle called home ownership gone forever.

Permanent capital is now competing with young couples trying to buy a home. That’s going to make U.S. housing permanently more expensive and likely impossible.

GSK and BlackRock, Inc.

BlackRock, Inc is based in New York City and owned by Democrat Larry Fink.

They have filed an SC 13G/A form with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) disclosing ownership of 377,284,263 shares of GlaxoSmithKline plc (US: GSK). This represents 7.5 percent ownership of the company. In their previous filing dated 2020-02-05, BlackRock Inc. had reported owning 376,159,235 shares, indicating an increase of 0.30 percent.

With stock in GSK, BlackRock is now in the development and manufacture of mRNA first generation Covid-19 “vaccines.”

GlaxoSmithKline plc (LSE/NYSE: GSK) and CureVac N.V. (Nasdaq: CVAC) announced a new $179 million collaboration, building on their existing relationship, to jointly develop next generation mRNA “vaccines” for Covid-19 with the potential for a multi-valent approach to address multiple emerging variants in one vaccine.

Emma Walmsley, Chief Executive Officer, GSK, said: “We believe that next generation vaccines will be crucial in the continued fight against COVID-19. This new collaboration builds on our existing relationship with CureVac and means that together, we will combine our scientific expertise in mRNA and vaccine development to advance and accelerate the development of new COVID-19 vaccine candidates.


GSK will also support the manufacture of up to 100 million doses of CureVac’s first generation Covid-19 vaccine candidate CVnCoV in 2021.

In 2018, Soros Fund Management also dramatically boosted its shares in BlackRock Inc., overseeing $6 trillion by nearly 60 percent to 12,983 total shares in the second quarter of 2018.  How lovely!

BlackRock, Inc. also manages the French AXA, a French multinational insurance firm who strongly backs climate control.  Axa has called for the creation of a “net zero underwriting alliance” that would see member companies from across the insurance sector align their business activities with the 1.5 Celsius (carbon dioxide removal) warming pathway required under the Paris Agreement, fundamentally reshaping the global economy.  In late 2019, BlackRock, Inc. named Sebastien Herzog, a senior official at French insurer Axa’s investment management arm, as its operations director for France, Belgium and Luxembourg.

Larry Fink is in agreement with the French AXA. He even wrote a letter to the CEOs “highlighting issues that are pivotal to creating durable value” issues such as capital managementlong-term strategy, purpose, and climate change. We have long believed that our clients, as shareholders in your company, will benefit if you can create enduring, sustainable value for all of your stakeholders.”

Realize all of this nonsense is about money and taxes…not about global warming or climate change, all of which is normal and cyclical. Link  The climate change comrades, the spiderwebs of big pharma control and the Great Reset are all wrapped up in one putrescent and treasonous package with BlackRock at the head of the pack.


Top dogs, stakeholders at the top of the communist revolutionary heap, those who committed treason to steal the election and destroy America from within…those whose gain-of-function and connection to Wuhan brought us the controlling and devastating destruction of small businesses in America…you think they weren’t culpable?  Think again…big money is in control.  The American people are being destroyed.  The American dream is being slaughtered in front of our eyes.

Wake up now and fight, or wake up later in a gulag when all is lost.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

DOJ Warns States About Second Amendment Sanctuaries

Meanwhile immigration sanctuary policies are lauded and emulated.

On June 17, 2021 AOL published an Associated Press report under the title, Justice Dept.: Missouri governor can’t void federal gun laws.  This report began with this excerpt:

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Justice Department is warning Missouri officials that the state cant ignore federal law, after the governor signed a bill last week that bans police from enforcing federal gun rules.

In a letter sent Wednesday night and obtained by The Associated Press, Justice officials said the U.S. Constitution’s Supremacy Clause outweighs the measure that Gov. Mike Parson signed into law Saturday. The new rules penalize local police departments if their officers enforce federal gun laws.

Acting Assistant Attorney General Brian Boynton said the law threatens to disrupt the working relationship between federal and local authorities, they said in the letter, noting that Missouri receives federal grants and technical assistance.

The public safety of the people of the United States and citizens of Missouri is paramount,” Boynton wrote in the letter.

The DOJ did not have to wait long for a response.  Just hours later, as reported by ABC News, Missouri responds defiantly to Justice Dept. over gun law, which noted, in part:

Similar bills were introduced in more than a dozen other states this year, including Alabama, Arkansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Wyoming, New Hampshire, North Dakota, South Dakota, West Virginia and Iowa. In Texas, the governor has called for the state to become a so-called Second Amendment sanctuary.

Wow!  A new form of “Sanctuary policies” enacted by state governments and the federal government under Mr. Biden’s “leadership” is upset!

Having uttered the magic word “Sanctuary”, we cannot ignore that over the past several decades a growing number of cities and states, almost invariably led by radical leftists, have implemented so-called “sanctuary policies” that, to varying degrees, hamper cooperation between local and state police and federal immigration law enforcement authorities.

Certainly, our nation’s immigration laws are serious laws that were enacted to protect national security, public safety, public health and the jobs and wages of Americans.

Frequently these sanctuary policies have increased to the point where detainees lodged by ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) personnel have been blatantly ignored so that aliens who have serious criminal histories were released from custody rather than be turned over to ICE so that could be deported from the United States.

A few of these cases received attention from the media, but in reality a huge number of such criminal aliens who should have been removed (deported) from the United States were permitted to roam freely in towns and cities across the United States, all too frequently, with tragic results.

Consider the horrific case of 32 year old Kate Steinle who was shot to death by Jose Ines Garcia-Zarate, a citizen of Mexico who was illegally present in the United States and had and extensive criminal history in the United States.  He had been previously deported from the United States five times, so that his mere presence in the United States constituted a felony under a provision of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA): 8 U.S. Code § 1326.

On December 1, 2017 Business Insider published a report about this case, Kate Steinle’s death at the hands of a Mexican national became a flashpoint in the immigration debate — here’s the story behind her killing.  Here is an excerpt from this report:

At the time of Steinle’s death, Garcia Zarate had been convicted of nonviolent drug crimes and deported five times since the early 1990s.

He faced a sixth deportation in 2015, and was in Justice Department (DOJ) custody that March after serving 46 months in prison for a felony re-entry into the US, but instead of transferring him into the custody of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation, the department transferred him to the San Francisco County Jail for prosecution of a 1995 marijuana charge.

San Francisco prosecutors, who had long ago deprioritized marijuana charges, dismissed the decades-old charge and released Garcia Zarate on April 15, 2015. Due to San Francisco’s policy of limiting cooperation with federal immigration authorities — which some refer to as a “sanctuary” policy — the city did not inform ICE when they released Garcia Zarate.

There is a huge number of similar cases around the United States, where “sanctuary policies” that contradict federal immigration law has resulted in the death and injury of thousands of victims at the hands of aliens who were illegal in the United States, subject to deportation but were shielded, aided and abetted by the jurisdictions who declared themselves to be “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens, in apparent violations of a number of laws, beginning with 8 U.S. Code § 1324 that begins with the following:

(a) Criminal penalties


(A) Any person who—

(i) knowing that a person is an alien, brings to or attempts to bring to the United States in any manner whatsoever such person at a place other than a designated port of entry or place other than as designated by the Commissioner, regardless of whether such alien has received prior official authorization to come to, enter, or reside in the United States and regardless of any future official action which may be taken with respect to such alien;

(ii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, transports, or moves or attempts to transport or move such alien within the United States by means of transportation or otherwise, in furtherance of such violation of law;

(iii) knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that an alien has come to, entered, or remains in the United States in violation of law, conceals, harbors, or shields from detection, or attempts to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;

(iv) encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law; or


(I) engages in any conspiracy to commit any of the preceding acts, or

(II) aids or abets the commission of any of the preceding acts,

When President Trump acted to end sanctuary policies that harbor and shield illegal aliens, out of his well-founded concerns about public safety and national security, he was rebuffed in the courts and by globalists who complained that his efforts were based on xenophobia” and God knows what else!

Did the bi-partisan 9/11 Commission that we keep so much about by Nancy Pelosi suffer from racism and xenophobia?  Pelosi has repeatedly called for a “9/11-style commission” to investigate the events at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

Back on December 21, 2004, the Congressional Research Service issued a wide-ranging report that must be made mandatory reading for every political leader of the United States.  The title of the report was: 9/11 Commission: Legislative Action Concerning U.S. Immigration Law and Policy in the 108th Congress Updated December 21, 2004.

Here is the summary of this report began:


Reforming the enforcement of immigration law is a core component of the recommendations made by the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the 9/11 Commission). The 19 hijackers responsible for the 9/11 attacks were foreign nationals, many of whom were able to obtain visas to enter the United States through the use of forged documents. Incomplete intelligence and screening enabled many of the hijackers to enter the United States despite flaws in their entry documents or suspicions regarding their past associations. According to the Commission, up to 15 of the hijackers could have been intercepted or deported through more diligent enforcement of immigration laws.

The 9/11 Commissions immigration-related recommendations focused primarily on targeting terrorist travel through an intelligence and security strategy based on reliable identification systems and effective, integrated information-sharing. As Congress has considered these recommendations, however, possible legislative responses have broadened to include significant and possibly far-reaching changes in the substantive law governing immigration and how that law is enforced, both at the border and in the interior of the United States.

The next time Nancy or her disciples invoke the 9/11 Commission, they need to be pointedly asked if they read the 9/11 Commission Report and how they and the Biden administration can blithely ignore the clear and present danger the Biden administration’s immigration policies (actions and lack of action) create for America and Americans.

Our nation’s Constitution and laws are not a menu from which picky eaters can decide what to order or not order.  It is hypercritical and beyond outrageous that the DOJ would attack Sanctuary policies regarding the Second Amendment while not only sanctioning immigration sanctuary policies, but actually emulating those extremely dangerous policies in clear violation of standing federal law and in direct opposition to the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

“Biden’s” Crushing Tax Proposal Means That 60% of Americans Will Pay More

Here are the dire numbers:

Biden’s tax proposal means that 60% of Americans could pay more: Here’s how much

Under Biden’s tax proposals, a small burden would be borne by some middle-income families

By Megan Henney, FOX Business, June 21, 2021:

President Biden repeatedly pledged during the 2020 campaign to not raise taxes for Americans earning less than $400,000, but a new analysis suggests that nearly 60% of taxpayers would pay more under his proposals.

Findings from the Tax Policy Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, show that while most of Biden’s proposed tax increases would be paid by those earning more than $800,000 annually, a small burden would also be borne by some middle-income families.

Three-quarters of households earning between $75,000 and $100,000 annually would face pay an additional $440 per year in taxes under Biden’s tax hikes, according to the data.

At the same time, about 69% of those earning between $100,000 and $200,000 would see their tax bill rise by $830 on average, while 83.7% of those earning between $200,000 and $500,000 would see an increase of $2,040 on average.

Still, that pales in comparison to the tax bite that the richest Americans would pay: The analysis shows that about 99.8% of those earning between $500,000 and $1 million would pay $8,810 more each year in taxes. Americans earning more than $1 million would have a tax bill that’s on average about $265,939 higher.

Biden has called for a slew of tax hikes, including raising the corporate tax rate to 28% from 21%, nearly doubling the capital gains tax rate to 39.6% from 21%, restoring the top individual income tax rate to 39.6% from 37% and taxing capital gains at death.

That new top rate – which reverses part of the Trump-era Tax Cuts and Jobs Act – would apply to single individuals with taxable income of more than $452,700 and married couples with joint taxable income of $509,300, according to the president’s $6 trillion budget proposal released in May.

Heads of households earning more than $481,000 and married individuals filing separate tax returns with income over $254,650 would also pay the higher rate.

As a result, while Biden is not directly raising taxes on those earning less than $400,000, some low- and middle-income Americans would see their tax bill rise indirectly due to the higher rates imposed on corporations.

So while workers making $75,000 annually would not pay a higher individual income tax rate under Biden’s proposal, they would see a share of their income shrink due to lower investment earnings and compensation – a byproduct of the higher corporate tax rate, according to the Tax Policy Center analysis.

“For those looking to see if Biden kept his promise to not raise taxes for those making $400,000 or less, the answer is: Mostly, but not entirely,” Howard Gleckman, a senior fellow at the think tank, wrote. “Including corporate tax increases, most households would pay more in 2022. About three-quarters of middle-income households would face a tax increase averaging about $300. But nearly all would be a result of those higher corporate taxes.”

That’s also not to mention the tax credits included in Biden’s tax and spending proposals: While most Americans would see their tax bill incrementally rise, many would also benefit from the expanded child tax credit and the earned income tax credit.

Factoring in the tax credits and the tax hikes, those earning between $100,000 and $200,000 a year would on average pay about $110 less to the government. Americans earning between $75,000 and $100,000 would pay about $240 less on average, while those earning between $50,000 and $75,000 would pay about $540 less.




EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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New Harvard Data [Accidentally] Reveal How Lockdowns Crushed the Working Class While Leaving Elites Unscathed

Founding father and the second president of the United States John Adams once said that “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.” What he meant was that objective, raw numbers don’t lie—and this remains true hundreds of years later.

We just got yet another example. A new data analysis from Harvard University, Brown University, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation crunches the numbers on how different levels of employment have been impacted during the pandemic to date. The findings reveal that government lockdown orders devastated workers at the bottom of the financial food chain but left the upper tier actually better off.

The analysis examined employment levels in January 2020, before the coronavirus spread widely and before lockdown orders and other restrictions on the economy were implemented. It compared them to employment figures from March 31, 2021.

The picture painted by this comparison is one of working class destruction.

Employment for lower-wage workers, defined as earning less than $27,000 annually, declined by a whopping 23.6 percent over the time period. Employment for middle-wage workers, defined as earning from $27,000 to $60,000, declined by a modest 4.5 percent. However, employment for high-wage workers, defined as earning more than $60,000, actually increased 2.4 percent over the measured time period despite the country’s economic turmoil.

The data are damning. They offer yet another reminder that government lockdowns hurt most those who could least afford it.

Some critics argue that the pandemic, not government lockdowns, are the true source of this economic duress. While there’s no doubt the virus itself played some role, government lockdowns were undoubtedly the single biggest factor. It’s pretty intuitive that ordering people not to patronize businesses and criminalizing peoples’ livelihoods would hurt the economy. This intuition is confirmed by data and studies showing as much. And don’t forget the fact that heavy lockdown states have consistently had much higher unemployment rates than states that took a more laissez-faire approach.

Others might insist that the mitigation of the spread of COVID-19 accomplished by lockdowns justifies this economic fallout. But this argument fails to account for the many peer-reviewed studies showing lockdown orders did not effectively slow the pandemic’s spread, or the painfully inconvenient fact that most COVID-19 spread occurred not in workplaces, restaurants, or gyms but at home. (Making “stay-at-home orders” seem like an astonishing mistake in hindsight.)

So, all lockdowns really seem to have accomplished is at best a mild delay in the pandemic’s trajectory in exchange for a host of lethal unintended consequences such as a mental health crisis and skyrocketing drug overdoses. And, as we now know, a highly regressive economic fallout for the working class.

Of course, Ivy League researchers almost certainly did not intend to expose the failings of big government pandemic policies when they set out to catalogue employment data. But, as Adams said, facts are stubborn things.


Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Policy Correspondent at the Foundation for Economic Education.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Marriage works. Why won’t politicians back it?

Among parents in the top socio-economic groupings three quarters are married by the time their children are born.

Marriage Foundation, a UK charity, recently surveyed 2,000 young adults for Marriage Week 2021 and found that over 80 percent of 18-30s want to marry.

So why won’t our politicians back marriage?

I am the Research Director of Marriage Foundation. For at least two decades, I have been a strong advocate for marriage, not out of some sense of loyalty to outdated traditions, but because the psychology of marriage and the evidence about the effects of marriage go so strongly with the grain of human nature.

Study after study suggests that marriage works more than it doesn’t for most people, despite what many people assume about divorce rates.

The better-off know this.

Among parents in the top socio-economic groupings, for example, three quarters are married by the time their children are born. Among cabinet members in the UK, 85 percent (23 out of 27) are married for the first time. The Prime Minister is unusual in being the only person on his second or more marriage, in his case about to begin his third.

So why are our politicians and policy-makers such fans of marriage in their private lives and yet so reticent to back marriage in public policy?

If you doubt me, when did you hear a cabinet member give a speech on the importance of marriage? When did a cabinet member say that the £250 married couples allowance was not nearly incentive or reward enough? Or when did any of them comment, assuming they are even aware, that couples stand to lose up to £10,000 a year in universal credit if they marry their partner?

Maybe they won’t back marriage in public because they don’t think the public are interested.

Surveys suggest otherwise. In 2018, the Centre for Social Justice found that 93 percent of teenage young men said they expected to marry at some point. In 2008, a survey of young adults under 30 by Anastasia de Waal at Civitas found much the same.

But clearly there’s a need for an update. So we commissioned our own survey of 2,000 adults under 30, the Tik Tok generation.

What we found is that the vast majority of young adults still want to marry:

  • More than eight out of 10 young unmarried women and men want to get married. 86 percent of unmarried women and 80 percent of unmarried men under 30 in a relationship say they would “like to get married at some point” in their life, while 76 percent of women and 77 percent of men under 30 say they “expect to get married at some point”.
  • Nor does age dull the desire to marry appreciably, with slightly fewer women wanting to marry, falling from 89 percent of 18-24s to 83 percent of 25-30s, whereas slightly more men want to marry, rising from 78 percent of 18-24s to 81 percent of 25-30s.
  • Nor does social class, with 91 percent of women and 83 percent of men in the top tercile wanting to marry compared to 81 percent of women and 82 percent of men in the bottom tercile.

You can download our paper here. The verdict is clear.

Young adults overwhelmingly want to marry.

We invite government to affirm this strong desire to marry by backing the annual celebration of Marriage Week, and to motivate development of a fearless policy that promotes and distinguishes marriage in line with the evidence.


Harry Benson

Harry Benson is Research Director of the Marriage Foundation, a UK charity championing marriage for the good of society. More by Harry Benson

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

President Trump to Visit Southern Border With Texas Gov. Greg Abbott


Trump to Visit Southern Border With Texas Gov. Greg Abbott

By US News, June 16, 2021

Former President Donald Trump will accompany Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on a trip to the southern border at the end of the month, he announced Tuesday evening in a statement that criticized the Biden administration’s handling of immigration.

The trip is the latest in a series of high-profile moves by Abbott putting immigration in the spotlight, and it will put Trump on familiar ground – both literally and figuratively. Trump’s pledge to build a border wall helped propel him to the presidency in 2016 and immigration remained one of Trump’s signature issues during his term.

Abbott, a Republican, has focused intensely on immigration in recent months and has put himself and the state of Texas squarely in opposition to the Biden administration on the issue. Most recently, Abbott ordered the state to yank the licenses of shelters that care for unaccompanied migrant children in the custody of the federal government. He also last week announced that Texas would build its own border wall after Biden halted construction on Trump’s structure – though Abbott has not provided any details on when or how this wall will be built.

Abbott is up for reelection in 2022 and nabbed Trump’s endorsement at the start of the month.

Trump, who has begun making appearances and holding rallies after months out of the public eye, said in a statement Tuesday that Abbott invited him on an official trip to the border on June 30 and he accepted. He railed against the Biden administration, repeating familiar conservative talking points on the issue and calling the border region an “unmitigated disaster zone.”

President Joe Biden has kept largely in place a restrictive Trump-era public health order that allows border agents to immediately expel migrants caught crossing the border – though Biden formally exempted unaccompanied children from the policy. Border encounters rose in 2020 under Trump and have climbed more sharply under Biden this year, though recidivism has skyrocketed because of the border order, making it difficult to estimate the actual number of migrants who have attempted to cross into the country.


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Companies Nationwide are Leading the Way to Ending Mask Mandates

RELATED VIDEO: Fauci, China and the W.H.O…Trish Demands to Know: What is Everyone HIDING?!

At long last, some of the nation’s largest companies are easing mask mandates at their store locations. As COVID-19 cases continue to decline, more and more people feel ready to return to normal life – and these companies are leading the corporate charge to support the reopening of America.

Companies like Walmart (1.33), Costco (2.33), Publix (2.33), and Trader Joe’s (2.67) were some of the first to stop requiring customers to wear masks. Since then, others like Chipotle (2.33), Target (1.50), Starbucks (1.17), and CVS (3.72) followed suit, dropping the mask requirement for customers who have been vaccinated.

None of these companies have announced any plans to check their customers’ vaccination status. We’re grateful they won’t be acting like the COVID police, but are instead allowing people to use their best judgment. After all, getting back to normal means not having to constantly think about pandemic measures. After a year of restrictions, letting people make their own decisions is the right move.

Of course, all of the above companies must defer to state and local law. Twenty-two states have not yet lifted their mask requirements for businesses. And some companies, like Home Depot (3.47) and Gap (2.00), continue to require masks regardless of local regulations. As cases continue to drop nationwide, these states and companies should be encouraged to ease their mask mandates to help send the message that pre-pandemic life is on the way.

When it comes to employees at these companies, the picture is more complicated – but still encouraging. Target, for example, no longer requires fully vaccinated employees to wear masks, but CVS and Chipotle still require masks for their staff no matter what. Employers should end mask mandates for their employees as soon as reasonably possible so that their employees can also return to normal life.

Companies nationwide are making good progress on ending mask requirements. They should keep it up and be leaders in helping America return to normal.

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

DeSantis Signs Law Allowing Users to Sue Big Tech for Censorship

CATHOLIC VOTE NEWS FEED // Gov. Ron DeSantis, R-FL, signed legislation Monday that will allow Florida residents to sue Big Tech platforms for unfair censorship.

The new legislation, set to take effect in July, will create new fines of up to $250,000 per day to be imposed on social media companies that “deplatform” political candidates.

It will also require social media companies to publish clear standards for users and to apply them equally — an effort to curb what DeSantis called Big Tech’s tendency to use “vague” rules which they enforce in order to “discriminate” against those who don’t conform to the progressive ideology that predominates in Silicon Valley.

With this bill, Florida showed itself to be “once again” a “trailblazer” on an issue that matters to millions of Americans, DeSantis said.

America’s founding fathers were “smart” to take measures to protect against “concentrations of power” which always threaten to curtail ordinary people’s freedoms, DeSantis said. Big Tech holds more monopolistic power today than the monopolies of the early 20th Century did, he added, and those monopolies “led to a lot of trust busting” legislation.

DeSantis said the bill is meant for “everyday Floridians.”

“Florida’s Big Tech Bill gives every Floridian the power to fight back against deplatforming and allows any person to sue Big Tech companies for up to $100,000 in damages,” DeSantis tweeted. “Today, we level the playing field between celebrity and citizen on social media.”

At the end of a Monday press briefing about the bill, a reporter asked DeSantis a pointed question which some saw as an attempted “gotcha” meant to frame the legislation as partisan politicking rather than a defense of ordinary Americans’ free speech.

“You’re a loyal supporter of former President Donald Trump,” the reporter said. “Of course Donald Trump is now a resident in Florida. And he was deplatformed. Is this bill for him?”

“The bill is for everyday Floridians, which is what we said,” DeSantis replied. “But I think that is another issue…. When you deplatform the President of the United States but you let Ayatollah Khomeini talk about killing Jews, that is wrong.”

Readers can watch that exchange below.

©Catholic Vote. All rights reserved.

Biden Administration Ramps Up IRS Enforcement — While encouraging massive immigration law violations.

It is hardly a secret that I have been critical of the efforts by a succession of administrations to fairly but effectively enforce our nation’s immigration laws and secure our borders against the un-inspected entry of huge numbers of aliens into the United States.

My testimony at numerous congressional hearings conducted in the House and Senate provides incontrovertible  evidence of my grave concerns about multiple failures of a succession of administrations, from both political parties, to secure our nation’s borders, enforce our immigration laws from within the interior of the United States and, in general, imbue our immigration system with true integrity to protect America and Americans while honoring America’s proud tradition of being a nation built by immigrants.

I have been equally vocal in expressing my concerns about so-called “Sanctuary” policies of numerous cities and even some states that are in apparent violation of Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324.

Several years ago, when I was a guest on the Fox News program, Your World With Neil Cavuto, Neil asked me what it would take for me to be satisfied that our immigration laws were being enforced adequately.

Neil’s question caught me by surprise but I quickly reflected on his question and then said that I would be happy with immigration law enforcement efforts if aliens in the United States were as concerned about receiving correspondence from the DHS, as Americans are about receiving correspondence from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).

Neil quickly agreed, saying that my answer was profound and very fair and reasonable.

Therefore it was with a bit of bemusement and frustration that I noticed that on May 16, 2021 The Hill reported, Lawmakers bicker over how to go after tax cheats.

This report begins with the following statement:

Lawmakers are debating President Bidens pitches to strengthen tax enforcement against high-income individuals and businesses as Congress considers different ways to pay for infrastructure legislation.

Democrats and Republicans both say they want to narrow the gap between taxes paid and the amount owed, suggesting that going after tax cheats could garner bipartisan support as a potential revenue stream.

The Hill article went on to report:

Biden has called for providing the IRS with an additional $80 billion over the next decade to ramp up enforcement, update technology and improve customer service at the agency. He has also proposed requiring banks to include new info on account activity in annual reports to the IRS so that the agency can better target its audits.

The administration estimated that its proposals would lead to a net gain of $700 billion over 10 years.

A robust and sustained investment in the IRS is necessary to ensure it can do its job of administering a fair and effective tax system,” the Treasury Department said in a fact sheet about Bidens proposal late last month.

Biden said that he wants to beef up tax enforcement as a way to offset the cost of his $4.1 trillion infrastructure and social spending proposals, with other funding coming from higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations.

So, the same Biden administration now seeks $80 billion to ramp up the enforcement of our nation’s tax laws against Americans continues to make an abject mockery of border security and the enforcement of our immigration laws.  Biden’s succession of Executive Orders that have hamstrung both the Border Patrol and ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) from securing our borders and enforcing our immigration laws, has induced and encouraged the largest influx of “undocumented” aliens in history!

Let me be clear, anyone who violates any of our nation’s laws, including our tax laws, should be found and prosecuted.  But the dangerous message that is currently being sent around the world when it is clear that the federal government is determined to enforce one set of laws while aiding and abetting the violations of other laws- particularly the laws that foreign nationals are most likely to encounter when they seek to enter the United States?

The Oaths of Office that are administered to members of our armed forces, to our law enforcement officers and our elected politicians call for all to defend the Constitution in its entirety and enforce all of our laws, not just the provision of the Constitution we like or the laws we agree with.

Nevertheless, far too many politicians, on all levels of government, have come to treat our Constitution and our laws like items on a restaurant’s menu, arbitrarily and capriciously deciding which laws should be enforced and which laws they will blatantly ignore and perhaps. even obstruct, not unlike the way that patrons of a restaurant decide which items on the menu they want to order and which items they will not order, ordering the salad while rejecting the soup of the day.

Our immigration laws are the prime example of laws that are being rejected by increasing numbers of cities and states around the United States and, most disturbingly, by the Biden administration, in apparent violation of a section of law I noted previously, Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324 which begins with the following paragraph:

Title 8, U.S.C. § 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).

Additionally it would appear that these actions also violate Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution of the United States which states:

“The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.”

My concerns have only increased and, indeed increased exponentially, in the wake of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 and following a succession of other terror attacks by other international terrorists.

My concerns about the nexus between immigration failures and national security and the threat of terror attacks launched by radical Islamic terror organizations have increased drastically since Biden selected Alejandro Mayorkas (pictured above) to head up the DHS, as I noted in my article, Biden’s DHS: Department of Homeland Surrender.  As I noted in excerpt from my earlier article about Mr. Mayorkas:

On March 24, 2015 ABC News reported, Top Homeland Official Alejandro Mayorkas Accused of Political Favoritism Alejandro Mayorkas oversaw controversial $500,000 visa program.”

The above-noted report was preceded by two ABC News reports that were published on February 3, 2015 which illustrate a clear nexus between these visas and national security:

Whistleblowers: US Gave Visas to Suspected Forgers, Fraudsters, Criminals Internal documents show feds ignored warnings from FBI.”  This report began with this excerpt:

Officials overseeing a federal program that offers an immigration short-cut to wealthy foreign investors have ignored pointed warnings from federal agents and approved visas for some immigrants suspected of having committed fraud, money laundering, and even one applicant with alleged ties to a child porn website, an ABC News investigation has found. The shortcomings prompted concerns within the Department of Homeland Security that the boutique immigration program would be exploited by terrorists, according to internal documents obtained by ABC News.

It is shocking,” said Sen. Charles Grassley, an Iowa Republican. Particularly when you have F.B.I. and other law enforcement agencies that are saying national security could be compromised or is being compromised — that’s enough for us to be concerned.”

Feds Investigating Iran Ties to Firm Involved in US Visa Program Documents: Iranian operatives may be abusing program to “infiltrate” U.S.”  This report began with these excerpt:

Federal agents in Los Angeles are investigating an L.A. shipping firm and its Iranian-born owner who for years have participated in and promoted an obscure U.S. immigration program — allowing the company to recruit wealthy foreign investors to receive visas and potentially Green Cards, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

The companys name surfaced in a confidential Department of Homeland Security government document, which raised concerns that this particular visa program may be abused by Iranian operatives to infiltrate the United States.”

Whistleblowers inside the federal agency that oversees the immigration program told ABC News they have been deeply frustrated by an inability to de-certify the company, even after they became aware of the investigation and saw the companys name surface in an alarming internal Department Homeland Security memo. The memo, shared with ABC News, outlines concerns that Irans Revolutionary Guards have attempted to exploit the visa program to infiltrate the United States.”

It would appear that cheating on immigration applications by committing immigration fraud, a major vulnerability that was identified by the 9/11 Commission as the key method of entry and embedding for international terrorists, is not an issue for Mayorkas, while tax cheats, on the other hand, had better watch out!

The fact that Mayorkas is the head of Biden’s DHS reminds me of an apt Yiddish saying that when translated states, “When the fish goes bad, it smells from the head”

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.