VIDEO: Marine Veteran, and USPS Whistleblower, Richard Hopkins Stands by his Original Account

UPDATE RAW AUDIO: USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins FULL COERCIVE INTERROGATION By Federal Agents.

Project Veritas released a new video today debunking Mainstream Media claims that Brave USPS Insider Richard Hopkins recanted his claim that his supervisors were backdating ballots in Pennsylvania.
Here are some of the highlights from today’s video:

  • USPS Whistleblower Richard Hopkins: “I don’t care who wins this election–I really don’t…the end goal is that it’s a fair and correctly done election.”
  • Richard Hopkins: I stand by my account.
  • Richard Hopkins: “I honestly made an oath when I joined the Marine Corps…military guys say, it’s a blank check. We never give up that check. We’re going to protect our country and our Constitution until the day we die.”
  • Post Office Inspector General Agent Russell Strasser: “The reason they called me in is to try to harness that storm, try to reel it back in before it gets really crazy.”

You can watch the full video here:

It’s a disgrace what USPS investigator Russell Strasser did to Marine combat veteran Richard Hopkins.
Hopkins is an American hero and he stands by the truth. There is no level of intimidation from Strasser that can change that.
I hope the Mainstream Media is paying close attention and correct themselves after lying about Hopkins on this matter.
EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. has the Actual Electoral Vote Count by State

There is a web site called “” We tried four search engines before we found this website.  The internet tech giants, the media and those wanting to keep you in the dark make this website hard to find.
The website states:

Millions of honest Americans voted in 2020’s elections. But their voice is in danger of being denied by criminals committing election fraud. Just as troubling, this anti-democratic crisis is being ignored by mainstream and social media. As a result, the American people are losing faith in our election system – and our future. This is wrong but, together, we can make it stop! has just been launched to help secure free, fair, and honest elections. It empowers us to expose, investigate, and eliminate election fraud. And it provides heat maps, news stories, videos, and testimonials so we can fight fraud like never before. Please join us! Click the Take Action Now button to help make every legal vote count.
And please visit us at to learn more. Thank you!

Here are the ACTUAL vote counts as of January 3, 2021!

Donald Trump


Joe Biden


270 to Win


9 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
55 Electoral Votes
9 Electoral Votes
7 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
District of Columbia
3 Electoral Votes
29 Electoral Votes
16 Electoral Votes
4 Electoral Votes
4 Electoral Votes
20 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
8 Electoral Votes
8 Electoral Votes
4 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
16 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
5 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
New Hampshire
4 Electoral Votes
New Jersey
14 Electoral Votes
New Mexico
5 Electoral Votes
New York
29 Electoral Votes
North Carolina
15 Electoral Votes
North Dakota
3 Electoral Votes
18 Electoral Votes
7 Electoral Votes
7 Electoral Votes
20 Electoral Votes
Rhode Island
4 Electoral Votes
South Carolina
9 Electoral Votes
South Dakota
3 Electoral Votes
11 Electoral Votes
38 Electoral Votes
6 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes
13 Electoral Votes
12 Electoral Votes
West Virginia
5 Electoral Votes
10 Electoral Votes
3 Electoral Votes

Note: In some cases the latest voting data may be delayed, and as more fraud is reported and analysed the fraud numbers may continue to increase. We have a significant amount of voting data and suspected fraud examples that we have received and have yet to process, so expect regular updates. This site is not able to legally certify specific allegations of fraud, but will share the information received with those who can.

© All rights reserved.

The Death of the American Republic – The American Spirit is Next

What you saw on the morning of November 7, 2020 were the convulsions of America the Beautiful before her death. A massive voter-fraud has been going on within our electoral system to make the U.S. into a Venezuela or USSR. The credibility of the entire electoral process was poisoned. On the afternoon of November 7, 2020, Joe Biden was declared 46th President by the media that abetted his candidacy. No one had understood nor been aware why Joe chose November 7, 2020, no one commented on the date. I got it the moment Joe proclaimed his winning. I knew the reason because I am a former Soviet attorney, writing about Russia and Putin’s KGB for the last thirty-five years. It was all a part of Putin’s vendetta against America for the collapse of the Soviet Union to make a demented Biden as President and a giggling twit as VP. Oh boy! Putin will play his puppet Biden like a Stradivarius!
Writing about Russia and her Intel for years, I warned you by my refrains: Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a MUST. I also warned Republicans to learn, because I saw the Democrat Party’s transformation from JFK’s to Lee Harvey Oswald’s and knew the result. Then in Russia, I worked within the legal community at the time of the KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov and had known his plan to subvert and take over America. Then in the 1960s I didn’t believe his design would succeed, and was stunned to see its gradual implementation when I immigrated to America. Before my eyes the CBS 60 minutes was transformed by Socialist propaganda, the Universities and Colleges are unrecognizable, Newsweek and Time lost their objective attitude to events, and Truman’s Party died. I knew why it happened: Vladimir Putin was a devoted disciple of both Stalin and Andropov and continued their legacy.
If you think that the Collapse in 1991 of the Soviet Union has changed Russia, you are wrong, you don’t know Russia and her Intel. As a matter of fact, it wasn’t a collapse of the USSR, it was a collapse of the Socialist economy that couldn’t produce and compete with capitalism. Yet, the collapse didn’t touch the security apparatus (the real power in the country)—the KGB. Using the instability and chaos in Russia during those days, Socialist KGB took over and catapulted Vladimir Putin to presidency—and the circle of authority was established. Today Russia is run by the KGB apparatus. The old socialist economy was replaced by a crony capitalism under the secured KGB’s total control… Considering the political setting worldwide, an awareness of the Russian leader’s shenanigans is imperative. Putin, armed with the legacy of Stalin’s postulates and Socialist modus operandi has achieved a great deal across the world. Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, XLIBRIS, 2016

 Vladimir Putin and the Political Setting of Socialism/Communism

Had you read my books and this column, you would be familiar with Putin and his career. Putin, a counter-intelligence officer of the KGB, had never changed his political view. As a lawyer with a major in the International Law, he has instilled Socialist mentality throughout the world since 1975. Socialism has its modus operandi: lies, deceit, and fraud combined with symbols and slogans. Socialism is a lawless system, a cult, a religion. The Soviet Socialist economy collapsed in 1991 because it was built on lies, deceit and fraud. Yet, Putin’s vendetta continues running the Socialist ideas. There is an axiom in political philosophy: peaceful coexistence between Capitalism and Socialism is a myth—they are absolute mortal enemies and one of them must be defeated. It is a law of survival hence, Russia and China will be together fighting capitalism. The major role in this fight for now belongs to the devoted disciple of Stalin and Andropov—Vladimir Putin.

Andropov’s Project: Operation Barbarossa

Andropov’s design was a simple and arrogant one: to infiltrate simultaneously the media and all American security apparatus. In my writings I called it—Operation Barbarossa, because I didn’t believe in its validity. I was wrong. Fixing America was begun with the first American Manchurian President elected in 1992. He created the Dems/apparatchiks and delegated George Stephanopoulos (in my opinion the KGB agent) to culminate the changes that had been occurring in America’s media. Bill Clinton has polluted the courts system and Socialist propaganda machine indoctrinated majority of Americans. The second American Manchurian President was elected in 2008 and continued to build up the process of transformation to Socialism. Barack Obama did it openly before your eyes. All of that was possible due to a massive infiltration of Putin’s KGB in the midst of our entire society. Read my book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Sanders, XLIBRIS, 2016.
History is the Mother of all sciences and I knew the Russian history of Socialist Revolution. It occurred hundred years ago November 7, 1917 at the time of the deadliest pandemic in history – the Spanish flu which infected an estimated 500 million people worldwide. It took the Socialist/Communist forces a hundred years to develop the similar conditions of the events in the world. And here we are. Don’t be surprised by the Chinese COVID-19 Pandemic launched by Socialist and Communist forces to inflict psychological desperation and fear to intimidate and paralyze you. We are dealing with the hundred-year agenda to transform the American Constitutional Republic to Socialism. Vladimir Putin is the major force to achieve the result.

November 7, 2020: Putin’s Vendetta

When Biden spoke as President-elect on November 7, 2020 I was the only person realizing that Joe Biden is Putin’s puppet. The date itself proved the fact. For the entire 2020, I was warning you in dozens of my columns about Putin’s Socialist Revolution in America. It is here today executed by the cartel of a Deep State-Biden-KGB in America. It is Putin’s symbolic vendetta to emphasize the significance of the Socialist ideology and the Russian Socialist Revolution November 7, 1917. It is Putin’s vendetta for the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. Do you grasp now Putin’s mentality and the crimes committed by him against America for years? Read my book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, XLIBRIS, 2012
The Socialist ideology has its modus operandi and I was stunned by finding that Biden has followed its exact modus operandi in his speeches: lies, deceit, and fraud. Biden by himself was a total fraud, a demented old political crime family boss (the Big Guy). Moreover, there was a main Stalin’s postulate. Never admit crime committed, instead accuse the opposition in this exact crime. It was incredible to watch Joe Biden exercise that precise Stalin legacy. Obama and Biden have released a cascade of accusations and witch hunts during last five years, trying to make Trump an enemy of the American people. Analyzing all charges against Trump you will find that exact crimes had been committed by the Democrats. Trump had never teamed up with Putin, dishonest Charlatan, Joe Biden did work for Vladimir Putin. Here are some evidence:
Obama delegated Joe Biden as a point man to Ukraine in 2013-2014. Biden traveled to Ukraine with his son Hunter. Neither Biden nor his son Hunter speaks Ukrainian or knows Ukrainian Law, which is completely different from American Case Law. Nevertheless, Hunter became connected to pro-Russian oligarch Zlochevsky-Burisma Holdings. Burisma Holding is the appendix of former Ukrainian President Yanukovych, a close friend of Vladimir Putin, who ran to Russia to escape the Ukrainian’s people wrath for destruction of the Ukrainian Republic…
Hunter Biden in 2014 was appointed to Burisma’s board, while at the same time his father was leading the Obama administration’s diplomatic dealings with Ukraine. Zlochevsky was a Minister of Energy in the Yanukovych government, which means he is the Russian asset, like Yanukovych himself.
How could this happen and how did Hunter Biden get an immediate connection to pro-Russian oligarch Zlochevsky? There is only one answer to the question: the Obama administration had cooperated with the previous pro-Russian administration in Ukraine; that way Hunter Biden had been tied with pro-Russian oligarch. But that also means that the American Embassy in Kiev had been working towards the same direction providing Aid and Comfort to Putin’s KGB…which is Treason against America… My conclusion: Joe Biden has worked for Putin, helping Putin to destroy and end the young Ukrainian democracy… Read A Global Spy Ring: Obama, Putin, and Biden, July 9, 2020
By the way, Joe Biden himself had emailed Vadim Pozharskyi, a top executive from Ukrainian gas firm Burisma (in my opinion a KGB agent). Secret Service logs include a travel entry for Biden on April 3-6, 2014.v. We the People Daily, The Secret Service Just Won The Election For Trump, 10.24.2020. Tony Babulinsky’s credibility and his testimony have confirmed Biden’s long-term help to Putin. Do you remember Biden’s Quid-pro-Quo? Biden’s threat to Ukrainian government about $1 billion to fire the Ukrainian prosecutor is also a vivid evidence of his work in Putin’s behave to cover-up Biden’s entire involvement.
Aware of that, let me give you my ideas of how it was done by Putin’s KGB in America. 20 years ago, I gave you the realization of WW III being waged by Socialist forces against Western civilization: Recruitment and Infiltrations, Drugs and Assassinations. All of that was successfully implemented by Putin and his Intel in America. We have the KGB agents on a powerful posts in all Dems states. In Minnesota we have AG Keith Ellison, in Texas we have Beto, in New Jersey Cory Booker, let alone the Squad in the Congress and seventy Socialists counted by Alan West. The election 2012 was a fraud committed by the Governor of Pennsylvania Ed Rendell and the KGB agent Rahm Emanuel. Kamala is Soros’s close friend!!! Add to that Obama’s weaponized Intel. Knowing Socialist’s modus operandi just imagine massive fraud committed by them against Trump to cover-up the Dems’ Treason! The coup against Trump is still underway in 2020…
Introducing the term Socialist Charlatans, I hoped to show you the enemy within. Listen to Sen. Schumer and Stacy Abrams to realize the meaning of the term Socialist Charlatans. The chaos in America is made by them in concert with Putin. The Socialist fraud in this election, implemented by the Dems/KGB cartel, has enormously undermined and weakened our country for decades. It must be stopped to expose the criminals. The remedy is knowledge of Russia, her Intel, and Socialist’s modus operandi. Authentication of the mail-in-ballots and certification of them is imperative. We must save the American Republic today! Tomorrow will be late!
To be continued and at
©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Trump and Supporters Wage Legal Battles Across U.S.


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues – including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform — as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies. His analysis and commentary have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Politico, Human Events, National Review Online and Townhall. Along with John Fund, he is the co-author of Who’s Counting? How Fraudsters and Bureaucrats Put Your Vote at Risk and Obama’s Enforcer: Eric Holder’s Justice Department
TOPIC: Trump and supporters wage legal battles across US!
Rev. Ben Johnson is a managing editor of the Acton Institute’s flagship publication, Religion & Liberty. He also work focuses on the principles necessary to create a free and virtuous society in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. His writings have appeared in The (UK) Guardian, Human Events, The Stream, Real Clear Policy,, Conservative Review, The Daily Caller, and have been cited by National Review, CBS News, and Fox News. He was managing editor of FrontPage Magazine and U.S. Bureau Chief at LifeSiteNews. He is the author of two books on tax-exempt foundations, as well as Party of Defeat (2008, Spence, with David Horowitz). Before turning to online journalism and editing, he spent more than a decade in all facets of radio broadcasting, including news and talk.
TOPIC: Kamala Harris’ ‘Equality vs. Equity’ video endorses injustice and discrimination.
Tracy Beanz is an investigative journalist and Editor-in-Chief at UncoverDC whose sole focus is the truth. While writing for UncoverDC, she has brought the intricate details of several major stories to light, including corruption at the highest levels of the government. Her tireless dedication has earned her a reputation for a dogged commitment to truth. A sought-after guest on major talk radio and television shows, She is also a social media phenom, in addition to her website, Tracy hosts a popular podcast and has amassed nearly 245,000 twitter followers, garnering retweets from other influential people including President Donald Trump, members of Congress and notable newsmakers.
TOPIC: A Republic, If You Can Keep It!

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

OKLAHOMA: Wedding Party Finds Trump Ballots Ripped Up in Garbage of Saint Anne’s Church, A Polling Location

It just gets worse. We have hundreds of reports of gross misconduct and violations. It’s now or never. Republicans will never again get elected to the White House. We are dealing with a widespread, criminal operation.

MIT Scientists: Data Analysis Of Election Fraud In MI Shows 69,000 Votes Were TRANSFERRED From Trump To Biden!
ONE WEEK LATER, President Trump WINS North Carolina, Rep. Sen. Thom Tillis Defeats Dem. Cal Cunningham for Senate
Oregon Elections Director Fired After He Details Problems With Election
Cuomo Says It’s ‘Bad News’ That Pfizer Coronavirus Vaccine Breakthrough Came Under Trump
10,000 Dead People Returned Mail-in Ballots in Michigan, Analysis Shows
Detroit Poll Watcher: At 4:30 AM on Nov. 4, Tens of Thousands of BIDEN ONLY Ballots Arrive From Rear of the Room
Newly appointed Biden coronavirus task force member accused of PROFITING OFF OF LOCKDOWNS HE ADVOCATED FOR
DEMOCRAT Michigan AG Nessel Sends Cease and Desist Order to Journalist Demanding He Destroy SHOCKING #DetroitLeaks Video Showing Video Fraud Training — OR FACE CRIMINAL PROSECUTION
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors ALL Pause Counting on Election Night?

How Was This Coordinated?

Never, in the history of U.S. Presidential elections, did states stop counting on election night.

Why Did Six Battleground States with Democrat Governors ALL Pause Counting on Election Night? And How Was This Coordinated?

There are several reports on Election night that five battleground states quit counting on Election night.
By Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, November 10, 2020:
NewsMax pointed out the coincidence of it happening in those five states with Democratic governors with Trump ahead before the “pauses.”
Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia and Nevada mysteriously quit counting after midnight.
We reported on this late at night on election night!
This never happens.
The liars at Far Left Politifact later came out and said the counting did not stop in these states.
As usual Politifact is only telling half the story.
It’s what they do.
Fact-check that!
n Georgia and several states on election night the officials announced they would resume counting in the morning.
It was a head fake.
In Fulton County Georgia elections officials told the media and our observers that they were shutting down the tabulation center at State Farm Arena at 10:30 p.m. on election night only to continue counting ballots in secret until 1:00 a.m.

In Michigan they dumped 138,000 votes for Biden in the middle of the night.
Not one vote went for Trump.
Wisconsin also dumped votes at 4 AM — ALL FOR BIDEN. [VIEW CHART HERE]
In Pennsylvania Joe Biden received OVER ONE MILLION VOTES after election day — over ONE-THIRD of his totals!
This happened over and over again.
Why? Why did this happen at 11 PM on Election night?
Democrats knew they were getting trounced.
Who organized the call?
Americans have a right to know this.
LAWSUIT FILED IN MICHIGAN OVER VOTER FRAUD: Democrat Whistleblower Comes Forward Regarding MASSIVE Voter Fraud, Giuliani Says There’s Enough Evidence to WIN Michigan
Mass Compilation of Voter Fraud
Sworn Affidavits From Nevada & Michigan Detail Massive Voter Fraud — Details
Tens of Thousands of Ballots Arrived Before Their Sent Date in Pennsylvania: Researcher
Pompeo Promises ‘Smooth Transition’ — To Second Trump Administration
BREAKING: Republicans Flip Nine Seats in California!
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump suspended entry of migrants from Syria, Somalia, and Yemen over terror risk, Biden could admit 125,000

What could possibly go wrong? Celebrate diversity, you greasy Islamophobe!
“US Cuts Refugee Admissions, Creating Doubt for Tens of Thousands of Applicants,” by Aline Barros, VOA, November 6, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

The United States will admit a maximum of 15,000 refugees for fiscal 2021, an all-time low, according to a notice the Trump administration published Friday in the Federal Register.
The administration also suspended entry of most refugees from Syria, Somalia and Yemen, citing terrorism risks….
Humanitarian organizations told VOA the number of Syrian, Somali and Yemeni refugees already referred for resettlement in the U.S. was almost double the number established by the cap.
As of October 27, nonprofit groups confirmed that 27,023 individuals were in the “pipeline” for resettlement in the United States, pending security checks.
The breakdown among the countries was 12,924 from Somalia, 14,084 from Syria and 15 people from Yemen, according to two humanitarian organizations….
Contacted by VOA, a State Department spokesman declined to comment on whether refugees from Somalia, Yemen and Syria already in the resettlement process would be rejected based on their nationality or the lowered refugee cap.
Friday’s notice specifies that exceptions can be made for refugees of the three restricted nations “who have been persecuted or have a well-founded fear of persecution on account of religion” or were referred by a U.S. embassy….
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to raise the refugee admissions ceiling to 125,000….


Biden plans sweeping reversal of Trump’s immigration agenda, from deportations to asylum policy

Now for the Next Step: Articles About What Happens if the President-Elect Dies Before Taking Office
UK: Muslim who plotted to behead soldier is likely to be freed next month, jihad bomb plotter is already free
Al Jazeera celebrates the end of US ‘Muslim ban’ on day one of Biden presidency
Iran’s Rouhani: ‘The next US administration should use the opportunity to make up for past mistakes’
Bangladesh: Muslims lynch man, burn his body, riot, assault police over rumor that he desecrated Qur’an
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Good news from the election: Americans are not racists — The United States has clearly overcome its ‘original sin’

It is not very easy to find good news in the American election. Or to announce whatever good news one has found in a tone that is not surly. But it seems to me there is very good news here on the perennial accursed topic of race, what Barack Obama rightly called America’s original sin.
As Kurt Mahlberg wrote recently on Mercatornet, perhaps the biggest surprise of all is that “at this year’s election, Trump gained ground with almost every demographic except — wait for it — white men.” He did better among blacks, Latinos, Jews, even LGBT voters. And as Mahlberg observed, this outcome seemed to displease and baffle many pundits; he acerbically quoted Paul Krugman’s characteristic tweet that: “The more I look at this election, the less I imagine I understand.”
Fair enough. Pundits get things wrong and occasionally even admit to being baffled. Honesty is good. But Krugman’s tone is not really one of self-examination or reconciliation; it reads more like a condescending snarl at dumbo minorities who don’t know what’s good for them.
Mahlberg finds two things to like in this outcome. First, he says “everyday Americans just don’t buy woke-think” including non-white, non-male, non-straight etc. And as a result: “Whatever the final outcome of this election, the future on the right hand side of politics is looking bright and energetic.”
I think he is right on both points. But horses before carts, people. The really good news is buried behind Krugman’s bafflement and Mahlberg’s consolation, is incredibly good news. It is that America is not a racist swamp. If it were, all these minorities including the one that’s not, which is women, and the one that soon won’t be, which is non-whites, would be huddling round the Democrats for protection and warmth. As many long did. And not without cause.
It will not do to deny the obvious. For a great many years the United States was the land of the free, provided you were not dark-skinned. Various pallid ethnic minorities encountered a certain degree of bigotry, from the Irish in the 19th century to southern and eastern Europeans into the early 20th, especially if they were Jewish. But they generally found that life was better the moment they set foot in America and it just kept improving. The bigotry was real, but not nearly as bad as, say, anti-Semitism in the Russian empire. And every day in every way it became less oppressive.
For blacks and others with dark skin, and for Native Americans, the situation was different. Dreadfully different. So appallingly different that one blanches at descriptions of it. It was true and there’s no denying it.
As a result, it was the Republican Party that got the overwhelming majority of the few votes blacks were able to cast even in the North from the end of the Civil War down through the Great Depression. But the black vote then swung massively to the Democrats, even though they were still the party of white supremacy in the south, because the New Deal included them with an unprecedented degree of fairness and they were hardest hit by hard times. The GOP remained formally committed to civil rights to a greater degree than the Democrats until the Johnson Administration in the mid-1960s. But after that the Democrats dropped the Confederate flag literally and figuratively and good for them doing so.
Now here the conventional story becomes disturbing. Supposedly, when the parties basically switched clothes around the time of Richard Nixon, trading electoral bases, it was because as the Democrats became enlightened on race the GOP started blowing nasty dog whistles to which tens of millions of Americans nastily responded.
If true it would confirm Hillary Clinton’s claim about the “basket of deplorables”. But it was not true. Because if there is no denying that America denied freedom to blacks, there is also no denying that the freedom in question was real, precious and ultimately extended to blacks and other minorities too.
I do not say that all Republicans voted from pure motives. I do not say that no Republicans were racist. (Of course I do not say all Democrats voted from pure motives either, or that none of them were racist, including a surprisingly large, vocal and loathsome fringe that hates white people.) But one of the things that has poisoned American politics, and here I do take on a surly tone briefly, is the torrent of abuse unleashed at conservatives for being unreconstructed haters.
If many supported Trump, and excused or even welcomed his belligerent tone, it is not because they were racist. It’s because they were sick of being unfairly called filthy names as a matter of course. And who would not be?
Of course if their reaction were driven by a guilty conscience it would be inexcusable. But it was not. It was driven by resentment at being abused relentlessly and without cause. And if Democrats want to know who lowered the tone of American politics, in addition to looking to their own unwavering support for Bill Clinton, they should examine carefully their own harsh rhetoric not just about Republicans but about systemic racism, pervasive bigotry, haters and so on.
I have found this “narrative” depressing as well as infuriating. Not so infuriating that I ever excused or backed Trump; I will not be dragged down into the boiling mud. But it was so unfair and so discouraging given the amazing progress Americans have made on race, to some extent pulling the rest of the world with them. Oh, we mock and jibe, but what other Western nation has had a non-white head of government?
It was only 40 years from the riots of the 1960s and the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr to the election of Barack Obama. What comparably inspiring story exists in the annals of human history? And yet in the face of it, those most ostensibly committed to racial harmony kept irresponsibly sowing the seeds of bitter division, telling black Americans their white neighbours despised them, that they could not get a break, that America stinks and always will and so on and so on in a foul torrent. But it wasn’t true and the intended audience increasingly knows it.
My silver lining thus is not that more blacks and other official victim groups voted Republican. I do think it’s a good thing. But my silver lining is why they did it. It’s because the whole story of America as unredeemable, deplorable, loathsome and structurally oppressive is just wrong. And I welcome the growing recognition of it because I welcome the thing being recognized.
What becomes of American partisan politics going forward? I don’t know. I don’t know whether Biden can heal, Trump will finally go away, the old bipartisan consensus on unaffordable spending will continue, America will fall as Rome fell. In any case I want good government not partisan victory, and know that those who put their faith in politics generally face disillusionment in short order. But it’s not the point.
The point is that America’s original sin really does seem to have been healed. Its lingering effects have not, and will not easily be erased. But the millions who voted for Trump, even those currently suffering a mental breakdown at his defeat, are not racists. Especially not those who are themselves not white and are not ashamed to be seen with those who are.
So there’s some very good news amid the wreckage and anxiety.

John Robson

John Robson is a documentary film-maker, columnist with the National Post, Executive Director of the Climate Discussion Nexus and a professor at Augustine College. He holds a PhD in American history from… 
EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Public School Enrollment Plummets as Private Schools See Gains

Ongoing and renewed shutdowns of public schools across the country due to the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in astonishing public school enrollment drops.
NPR recently reported that public school districts in at least 20 states have seen shrinking numbers of students this fall, with Orange County and Miami-Dade County in Florida down 8,000 and 16,000 public school students, respectively. Los Angeles public school enrollment has dropped by nearly 11,000 students.
Families are increasingly turning away from public schooling and toward private education options during the pandemic—a trend that is likely to continue even after the virus fades.
Since March, US parents have been put back in charge of their children’s education in unprecedented ways. Zoom schooling has given them a peek into what their children are actually learning (or not learning) in their classrooms, and ongoing school closures have encouraged families to pursue education options beyond their assigned district school. Many families have withdrawn their children from a district school in recent months in favor of independent homeschooling or private schooling, or have decided to delay their child’s kindergarten entry.

According to a recent Gallup poll, the rate of homeschooling has doubled since last year to nearly 10 percent, while the rate of children enrolled in a district school declined seven percent to 76 percent of the overall US K-12 student population.
New state-level data offers more insight into this exodus from public schooling. In Connecticut, officials report that public school enrollment is down more than 15,000 students or about three percent, with much of that drop due to fewer children enrolled in public kindergarten and pre-kindergarten programs. At the same time, homeschooling numbers in Connecticut are more than six times higher than they were last year, with over 3,500 children opting out of public schooling for homeschooling this year alone.
Other states are seeing similar shifts away from public schooling this fall. In Utah, public school enrollment has dropped for the first time in 20 years, while homeschooling numbers in the state have tripled this year. In Arizona, public school enrollment is down 50,000 students, or about five percent of the school-age population, with an associated uptick in homeschooling. The state has also seen a 14 percent drop in kindergarten enrollment. In Montana, public school enrollment is down approximately 3,300 students over last year and homeschooling numbers are up. School officials there are worried about state funding cuts as public school enrollment falls.
Indeed, this is a prime moment to advocate for education choice policies, such as education savings accounts, that enable education funding to follow children wherever they learn, rather than funding the bureaucratic school systems that more families are rejecting. Critics argue that the flight from public schools toward private options during the pandemic deepens inequality, but expanding education choice mechanisms ensures that all parents have the opportunity to select the learning option that works best for their children.
The Reason Foundation’s Corey DeAngelis has written extensively about funding students, not systems. He explains: “This is exactly how we fund many other taxpayer-funded initiatives, including Pell Grants for higher education and prekindergarten programs. For these programs, funding goes to families who can then choose from a wide array of public or private providers of the service. The same goes for food stamps. In these scenarios, the power is rightly in the hands of families rather than institutions.”

It is clear that growing numbers of families are opting for private education options during the pandemic, and many more would likely leave their assigned district school now and in the future if they could access some of their education tax dollars that are currently ensnared in public school systems.
Some private schools are seeing enrollment jumps during the pandemic, even as public school numbers fall. According to a recent analysis by the Cato Institute, nearly one-quarter of private schools surveyed indicated that their enrollment has grown over last year. Catholic schools and independent private schools in some states have also seen enrollment boosts. These schools have been more responsive to parental demand for in-person learning while public schools remain closed, often due to teacher union pressure.
In Boston, interest in Catholic schools soared over the summer when Massachusetts teacher unions announced a push for remote learning only, while the state’s parochial schools committed to in-person learning. Thomas Carroll, the head of Boston’s Catholic schools, said the enrollment demand from parents was immediate. In an interview with Boston NPR, Carroll explained: “When it hit the evening news, our phone(s) started ringing off the hook all across all of our 100 schools…I joke that we should send a thank you note to the school districts, because of their tone deafness, in terms of what the parents were looking for.”
The reopening of in-person learning in these Catholic schools has not led to widespread coronavirus infections. Massachusetts governor, Charlie Baker, recently praised them as an example for public schools to follow. “The kids in schools are not spreaders of Covid,” the Wall Street Journal quoted Baker. “I mean, there’s no better example of that right now than the parochial schools in Massachusetts. They have 28,000 kids and 4,000 employees who have been back in-person learning since the middle of August, and they have a handful of cases.”

Parent demand for in-person learning during the pandemic is prompting an expansion of private education possibilities, including low-cost options that are more accessible to more families. Pandemic learning pods are widely popular, allowing small groups of children to gather together in private homes with a hired teacher, or with parents taking turns facilitating instruction. As these affordable, versatile pods take more children away from district schools, it’s perhaps not surprising that bureaucrats are declaring war on them with regulatory burdens. But parental demand for flexible, high-quality, low-cost learning options is unlikely to wane, particularly as parents gain a greater appreciation for private education during the pandemic.
Thales Academy, for example, is a North Carolina-based network of low-cost private schools that is expanding during the pandemic even as public school enrollment in the state plunges. Founded more than a decade ago by entrepreneur Bob Luddy who was frustrated with the bureaucracy and poor outcomes of North Carolina’s public schools, Thales Academy has grown to 11 campuses in three states, enrolling more than 3,600 students at an annual tuition cost of about $5,500 a year, plus generous scholarship programs to off-set the cost even further for many families.
The pandemic has disrupted families’ lives in countless ways, and the impact of school closures and remote learning has been particularly challenging. Many parents are embracing homeschooling and other private education options that are more flexible and responsive to their needs. With an assortment of innovative, low-cost, high-quality private education options attracting more families, plummeting public school enrollment during the pandemic may become permanent.

Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019). She is also an adjunct scholar at The Cato Institute and a regular Forbes contributor. Kerry has a B.A. in economics from Bowdoin College and an M.Ed. in education policy from Harvard University. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and four children. You can sign up for her weekly newsletter on parenting and education here.
RELATED ARTICLE: Should Blacks Support Destruction of Charter Schools?
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Authors Retract Study Showing Efficacy of Mask Mandates—as Biden Pushes Nationwide Requirement

One retracted study does not prove anything about the effectiveness of masks. Nevertheless, Americans should be wary of sweeping mandates that would use local police to enforce a federal initiative.

Astudy showing that more than a thousand counties in the US saw COVID-19 hospitalizations decrease after passing mask mandates has been withdrawn.
The study, published on October 23 on the medical site medRxiv, had alleged that hospitalizations for COVID-19 decreased in 1,083 US counties after lawmakers passed mask mandates.
The article was updated on November 4.
“The authors have withdrawn this manuscript because there are increased rates of SARS- CoV-2 cases in the areas that we originally analyzed in this study,” the updated abstract reads. “New analyses in the context of the third surge in the United States are therefore needed and will be undertaken directly in conjunction with the creators of the publicly-available databases on cases, hospitalizations, testing rates.”

The use of face masks has become an increasingly polarizing topic in the US.
The effectiveness of masks has been a subject of debate, at least in part because public health officials have sent mixed messages. Early in the coronavirus pandemic, the World Health Organization (WHO), the US Surgeon General, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading member of the Trump administration’s White House Coronavirus Task Force, all advised against using a mask in public if you were healthy.
While the WHO, the Surgeon General, and Fauci eventually modified their position, some of Europe’s top health officials have continued to resist calls to mandate or even recommend the use of masks to slow the spread of COVID-19, saying there is little empirical evidence to suggest they have a positive impact.
“The studies so far have not shown a dramatic effect, countries such as France and others, which have obligatory mask-wearing in place, have still experienced a big spread of the disease,” Dr. Anders Tegnell, Sweden’s top infectious disease expert, recently observed.
One retracted study is hardly enough to prove Tegnell and other European health officials are right. But it is likely to fuel debate surrounding the ethics of forcing individuals to wear masks, which some argue is a violation of the Principle of Effectiveness, which states public health agencies are only allowed to recommend interventions they know are effective.
It’s also worth pointing out that masks were not initially controversial. Many Americans began wearing masks in public at the onset of the pandemic. Masks did not become polarizing until governments began mandating their use, which has at times resulted in violent confrontations.
In May, for example, a 22-year-old mother who was not wearing a face covering was wrestled to the ground by New York City police in front of her child after allegedly refusing to comply with requests to cover her nose and mouth.
The encounter prompted the city to end the practice of arresting people for not wearing masks.
The woman, Kaleemah Rozier, announced in June she is suing the city for $10 million for excessive force.

The Perils of Force

Rozier’s case offers an example of the unintended consequences of mask mandates. While the obvious goal of mask mandates is more citizens wearing masks, which may slow the spread of the virus, an unintended consequence is increased interactions between citizens and police.
This is something Americans should keep in mind as we prepare for the possibility of a new presidency. Former Vice President Joe Biden, who is currently projected to win the White House, has said he will “go to every governor and urge them to mandate mask wearing in their states. And if they refuse I’ll go to the mayors and county executives and get local masking requirements in place nationwide.”
Putting aside the troubling thought of nationalizing local police to enforce a federal initiative, this policy would almost certainly lead to a national surge in confrontations between citizens and law enforcement officials.
This would be a mistake. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that even seemingly routine encounters between citizens and law enforcement can quickly turn deadly.
The possibility of unintended consequences is not mere conjecture. As economist Antony Davies and political scientist James Harrigan have pointed out, when it comes to sweeping federal policies, unintended consequences are not the exception, they are the rule.
“Unintended consequences arise every time an authority imposes its will on people. Seat belt and airbag laws make it less safe to be a pedestrian or cyclist by making it safer for drivers to be less cautious,” they wrote in an article on the Cobra Effect. “Payday lending laws, intended to protect low-income borrowers from high lending rates, make it more expensive for low-income borrowers to borrow by forcing them into even more expensive alternatives.”
This is one of the first lessons of economics. As famed French economist Frédéric Bastiat showed more than a century and a half ago, policymakers must go beyond the initial act or law to see the entire series of effects, to see not just the “small present good,” but the evil that may follow.
Public health researchers should continue to develop sound science that will help individuals make informed decisions on the use of masks. But Americans should be wary of sweeping mandates that would use local police to enforce a federal mask policy, especially when the science is not yet settled.
Such an approach is constitutionally dubious, and it may end up doing more harm than good.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has been the subject of articles in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, Fox News, and the Star Tribune. Bylines: Newsweek, The Washington Times,, The Washington Examiner, The Daily Caller, The Federalist, the Epoch Times.
RELATED ARTICLE: The wider implications of our response to Covid-19
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Joe Biden’s ‘Transition Agenda’ is Full of Big Government Power Grabs

Biden’s rhetoric focuses on restoring order and stability amid emergency, but the details of his transition agenda involve a radical upheaval of our economy.

Joe Biden plans to hit the ground running after Inauguration Day.
Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, have released a sweeping transition agenda they hope to implement after taking power. It focuses on several main issues: COVID-19, economic stimulus, racial equity, and climate change.
While Biden campaigned as a moderate Democrat, this transition agenda is very radical. It includes a whole host of policies that go far beyond the “return to normalcy” rhetoric that defined his campaign.

For example, Biden promises to respond to the continuing COVID-19 pandemic by further making use of the Defense Production Act. The emergency law allows the federal government to seize control of private industries and dictate their manufacturing. Biden says he would use this power to commandeer more private manufacturers and force them to build up the US’s supply of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
Biden also says he would use the COVID-19 crisis as cause to push for a massive expansion of government control of Americans’ healthcare.
Per his transition website, Biden will push for a government-run “public option” that “competes” with private health care companies.
As Pacific Research Institute healthcare analyst Sally Pipes has explained, this would lead to socialized healthcare in short order. Why?
Well, the government can force medical providers to accept lower rates and subsidize itself. Businesses can’t. No private company can “compete” with an institution that writes the rules of the game. They could eventually all go out of business, leaving just the government.
Biden says this plan is needed in the name of emergency pandemic response. But his public option would prove more than a short-term measure—it would almost certainly put the US on the path to permanent government-run healthcare for all.
On the economic front, Biden’s rhetoric focuses on restoring order and stability, but the details of his transition agenda involve a radical transformation of our economy toward more state control and intervention.
For example, Biden’s emergency economic recovery plan includes permanently implementing a federal $15 minimum wage. Slipped into his crisis response, this provision would put national price controls on the labor market and, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office, eliminate millions of jobs.
That’s right: Biden has snuck a highly-debated big-government economic policy into the fine print of his COVID-19 emergency plan. And this quiet economic overhaul extends beyond the minimum wage.
“This is no time to just build back to the way things were before, with the old economy’s structural weaknesses and inequalities still in place,” reads Biden’s transition website. “This is the moment to imagine and build a new American economy for our families and the next generation.”
This overhaul would include a federal bailout for bankrupt state and local governments and further expansion of what was supposed to be a short-term, ultra-generous augmentation of unemployment benefits. Indeed, remember the benefits that paid 70 percent of the unemployed more to stay home on welfare than to go back to work?
Biden wants to extend what was sold as an emergency measure. (And, I’m sure, extend it after that, and after that…)
The obvious labor disincentive created evidently does not concern Biden, or, he has decided it is a price worth paying for a massive expansion of the welfare state. So, too, Biden would seize upon the pandemic to inject the government further into the labor market through the creation of a “Public Health Jobs Corps.”
And, as part of his “emergency” economic response, Biden wants to pass the PRO Act, a law permanently destroying many gig economy jobs and erasing right-to-work laws nationwide.
Oh, and don’t forget about climate change, of course.
The Biden-Harris transition agenda also promises to immediately address climate change and “achieve a carbon-pollution-free power sector by 2035.” In pursuit of this drastic goal they would inject government resources into the upgrading of 4 million buildings and 2 million homes as well as promoting the construction of 1.5 million new “sustainable” housing units.
We should acknowledge that all of these policy overhauls are eminently debatable. While free-marketeers and fiscal conservatives will no doubt find many of them harmful, people of good faith may support the Biden agenda.
What’s really disheartening is the quiet manner in which clearly radical policy provisions have been slipped into the Biden transition agenda and emergency response. In this, we can observe one of the perennial dangers of government power—that it will seize on emergencies to expand, yet never fully recede.
This is the danger economist Robert Higgs identified in his seminal work Crisis and Leviathan as “the Ratchet Effect.” As I’ve written before:

Higgs showed how throughout history, crises have been used to excuse government power grabs. After each crisis, the government lets go of some of the power, but never all of it. As a result, the federal government’s power (the Leviathan) has ‘ratcheted up,’ crisis after crisis, throughout the last hundred years.

This is seemingly what the transition agenda is constructed to do.
Of course, Biden and Harris have every right to argue for their progressive, big-government agenda once in office. However, we should all demand that they be upfront with the American people about what they are doing.
Otherwise, millions may unknowingly acquiescence to permanent government power grabs—masquerading as short-term emergency measures—that we may never fully be able to reverse.

Brad Polumbo

Brad Polumbo (@Brad_Polumbo) is a libertarian-conservative journalist and Opinion Editor at the Foundation for Economic Education.
Biden Likely Would Issue Flurry of Executive Orders on Climate, Abortion, Immigration
Here’s the Latest on Litigation Over Election Results
EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

In Victory Speech, Biden Assures Americans Elections Were ‘Mostly Legitimate’

U.S.—Very legitimate President-elect Joe Biden assured all Americans in his victory speech last Saturday night that the elections held nationwide were “mostly legitimate.” His comments come as a rebuke to those who were saying totally baseless things about voter fraud, illegal ballots being counted, and poll workers counting ballots in a boarded-up building with no oversight.
“It’s time to put away the harsh rhetoric, to lower the temperature, to see each other, to listen to each other again,” Biden said. “Well, everyone who accepts this totally legit election—I mean, c’mon man. Everything was by the book.”
All election experts and hosts from CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NPR, and the AP immediately backed up every point of Joe Biden’s speech condemning the few scattered millions of people who still had some lingering doubts.
“You want to know how I know those stories about tabulation software glitches and dead people voting are part of a disinformation campaign?” asked CNN’s Brian Stelter on his program. “Facebook and Twitter are censoring them. That’s how you know what’s real and what’s not.”
“Just listen to the election experts and people censoring other points of view like me,” he added.
At publishing time, rumors about the Trump campaign filing several lawsuits disputing the election results were being censored by social media companies.
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Oregon Becomes First State To Standardize Common Core Meth
Oops! Tragedy Strikes As Kamala Throws Biden A Surprise Victory Party
Journalists Switch From Offense To Defense
Children’s Ministry Sign-In Sheet Includes Column For Listing Child’s Depravity Level
EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Democrats are ‘Playing with Fire’ an interview with Dr. Edwin Vieira

Devvy Kidd sent us the following comments and video in an email. 

I’ve known Edwin Vieira for nearly 30 years.  I actually spoke with him the first time around spring in 1993 via phone. 
I called to ask a question about something I was going to put in my newsletter; a dear friend recommended I call Edwin.  Hungry for truth and trying to be accurate, I called him and the first thing Edwin did was chew me out.  He said if you put that in your newsletter you’ll look like an idiot!
Yep.  So, I’m standing in my garage packing boxes to ship copies of my Bankrupt America booklet; my other friend (who recommended him and told me Edwin’s credentials) is standing here while I’m listening to Edwin.  What was my reaction? 
If I was a liberal I would have jumped up and down, had a hissy fit and slam down the phone.  I did not.  By the time I called him, I knew Edwin’s bio and respected him even though I didn’t know him.  Anyway, my response was, I asked him if he could take the time to explain to me where I was incorrect or inaccurate? 
He did and I’ve been very blessed to have him as my friend ever since then and someone who has patiently educated me over the decades.  A man who has never received the recognition he should have received for his tome, Pieces of Eight on the “Fed”.  He should have won a Pulitzer Prize in Economics.
If we had Edwin Vieira as Attorney General and Sidney Powell as Director of the FBI, it would shake Washington, D.C. into spasms.   
This interview needs to be heard far and wide.  20 minutes in he really reinforces this is a criminal conspiracy and what should have been done and what needs to get done.

Edwin Vieira, Jr., holds four degrees from Harvard: A.B. (Harvard College), A.M. and Ph.D. (Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences), and J.D. (Harvard Law School). For more than thirty years he has practiced law, with emphasis on constitutional issues. In the Supreme Court of the United States he successfully argued or briefed the cases leading to the landmark decisions Abood v. Detroit Board of Education, Chicago Teachers Union v. Hudson, and Communications Workers of America v. Beck, which established constitutional and statutory limitations on the uses to which labor unions, in both the private and the public sectors, may apply fees extracted from nonunion workers as a condition of their employment. He has written numerous monographs and articles in scholarly journals, and lectured throughout the county.
His most recent work on money and banking is the two-volume Pieces of Eight: The Monetary Powers and Disabilities of the United States Constitution (2002), the most comprehensive study in existence of American monetary law and history viewed from a constitutional perspective. He is also the co-author (under a nom de plume) of the political novel CRA$HMAKER: A Federal Affaire (2000), a not-so-fictional story of an engineered crash of the Federal Reserve System, and the political upheaval it causes. His latest book is: “How To Dethrone the Imperial Judiciary” and Constitutional “Homeland Security, Volume One, The Nation in Arms.”
©Devvy Kidd. All rights reserved

VIDEO: What Makes a Real Man? – Former Extremists Talk

Recruiters from all extremist groups play on men’s insecurities. They know that few things are more attractive to an insecure young man than power, and they offer it along with a weapon and a supremacist doctrine.
In our latest short, What Makes a Real Man, from our Former Extremists Talk series, we ask why so many young men are attracted to extremism.
Extremists’ promise of making a man out of a boy attracts thousands of young men every year. They are guaranteed girls, drink and fighting, everything a real man should want, right?
Former white supremacist Arno Michaelis understands the allure of extremism and explains how unhealthy it is for young men to blame the world, other cultures and religions for their situation. Rather, be a man, stand up and take responsibility.
Watch our video and learn more.

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MAGA March for Trump Website Launched – Register to attend an event in your area on November 14th.

A MAGA March for Trump website has been launched. The MAGA March for Trump states:


WASHINGTON, D.C. | November 14 @ 12:00pm
Democrats are scheming to disenfranchise and nullify Republican votes. It’s up to the American people to stop it.
Along with President Trump, we will NOT back down to ensure the integrity of this election for the good of the nation. This is a coalition/team effort. We need boots on the ground to protect the integrity of the vote.

IF YOU CAN’T ATTEND: President Trump needs to hear from us, We The People, that we do not want him to concede. We will March for Trump to demand transparency and protect election integrity. Please add your support and receive important updates.


©Trump March. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Florida Senator Marco Rubio on the 2020 Post-Election Process

Washington, D.C. — U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a video message on the 2020 post-election process.

The legitimacy of our republic requires public confidence in our elections. The fact that 70% of Republicans don’t believe the 2020 election was free and fair — that should be of concern to everyone. That’s why both sides should support allowing the post-election process provided for in our laws to work, to move forward. Our election laws call for recounts in close elections. They provide candidates the right to contest votes cast in violation of the law. They allow the right to present evidence of fraud, if you have it, to present that evidence in court. And they require meeting specific deadlines for all this, so that a winner can be certified and take office.
Both Democrat and Republican candidates have used these laws themselves. They’ve availed themselves to these rights many times, including in this election. Joe Biden had hired an army of election lawyers to use this very process if he had fallen short in the preliminary results. And therefore, President Trump is well within his legal rights to pursue all these things under these laws now.
Now for those in the media who are angry that Republicans won’t just take their word for it that Biden won — I think you need some self-awareness. You spent four years claiming that Russians hacked the last election. You supported Democrats when they went to court to overturn the governor’s race in Georgia in 2018. And you say nothing when, to this day, they claim that they won that race. And you railed against how dangerous Trump rallies were, but now you seem to have no problem with Biden supporters celebrating in big crowds. So Republicans, I think, have good reason to believe that some of you are just a little biased.
The only way the outcome of this election is going to be widely accepted — which is what we need — is through the post-election process in our law.
©All rights reserved.

SUBVERSION FACTOR: Electoral Fraud by Socialist Democrats [Videos]

“We are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies primarily on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence — on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day.” –  President John F. Kennedy  (shocking isn’t it that this was a Democrat from 1960)
“Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels – men and women who dare to dissent from accepted doctrine. As their heirs, may we never confuse honest dissent with disloyal subversion.” – President Dwight D. Eisenhower
“We have seen the deep state organize itself, well in advance, to carry out the most colossal electoral fraud in history, in order to ensure the defeat of the man who has strenuously opposed the establishment of the New World Order that is wanted by the children of darkness.” – Archbishop Carlo Vigano November 4, 2020
“I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this – who will count the votes and how.” –  Joseph Stalin

Stop with the fear, the worry, and the anger because God has a plan. Trump knew, he’s got a plan, wait and see.  And if Trump is still illegally ousted, God’s plan is perfect… so chuck your pain, your anxiety, your dread…the Lord Almighty is always in control.  Meanwhile pray! And write your legislators about vote fraud!
Remember Mad Magazine?  What?  Me Worry?  What is the worst thing that can happen to us?  We die.  And if we die, we go home to the Lord and see our family and friends, so stick the worry in a box and close and lock it.  God has our future and all of His kids in His Hands.  Rest in the Lord.  Meanwhile…get to work!
President Trump has fought hard for America and her people; it’s time for us to scream bloody murder for him.  Where the hell is the Durham report that has been put off since summer and was promised after the election?  Where is that stinking report? Does it even exist or is it going to be buried?  It’s after the election, so where the hell is it?
We need a call to arms of all deplorables.  It’s time to rise up for our President.  Let our voices be heard loud and strong.  And where the hell is the investigation into Hunter and Joe Biden and their pay to play games?   What is being done with those rotten filthy loaded computers?  Is the FBI burying them too?
Deplorables, it’s time to fight…put on the full armor of God and get with it!   The game is on!

Subversion and Electoral Fraud

A courageous priest spoke the truth about Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.  Fr. Edward Meeks said the Democratic Party is the party of death and a vote for Biden is stepping off the cliff into the abyss.  That abyss is the destruction of the greatest nation in the world via communism.  And Archbishop Vigano has penned another letter about the “reset” and how election reality is denied, but truth shall prevail.
Yes, the devil and his minions have been busy for the last four years setting up a system across the country in democrat held states to steal an election and eliminate the valid votes for Donald J. Trump.
Remember hearing that Willie Brown told Kalamity Harris not to run for VP?  Perhaps she disregarded his warnings because she knew the fix was in and had been planned since 2016.  We rarely saw her campaigning and if we did, zero crowds.
Choosing mail-in voting for those who fell for the fear mongering of Covid-19, was truly the death knell of liberty.  Massive amounts of dead people voting, people who are no longer even in the state, signatures with no record, back-dated envelopes, ballots found dumped hither and yon.  Postal workers can use their own vehicles to transport mail, even those with Biden stickers on their bumpers.
Mail-in ballots guaranteed chaos. The enemies of freedom utilized the pandemic to create this nightmare and deprive Donald Trump of his victory.  And I believe Fauci was involved.
Eric Holder and his fellow comrades have been busy throughout the country for four years.  Remember in 2018 when Republicans in California went to bed believing they had their elections locked up only to lose in ensuing weeks of vote counting?!  Check out what happened to Young Kim and Mimi Walters!  They had strong leads and then lost to democrats.  The democrats in Sacramento passed laws aimed at greasing their voting machine.  That project started in 2015 with automatic voter registration, following Oregon…another bastion of communist democrat control.
Then in 2016, California passed the Voter’s Choice Act which allowed counties to mail every voter a ballot…sound familiar?  Used to be they had to request it, now it comes automatically…totally against the original intention of the founders of this country and how we would cast our votes.  Ahh yes, ballot harvesting, that’s the game.
Subversion is the undermining of the power and authority of an established system or institution…the ruthless subversion of our representative Republic.  A plutocracy is a government or society who rules by their wealth.  Check out the salaries of those in Congress who start out as middle-class Americans and end up as multi-millionaires.  It’s an atrocity not intended by our founders and is why so many remain for decades in Congress.
P.J. Media’s David Solway writes the truth when he says, “Everyone knows that Donald Trump has won the 2020 election. Everyone knows that electoral tampering has been massive and ubiquitous, and that a fair vote would have borne landslide numbers for the president. Everyone knows that ballot harvesting, mail-in voting, and extended vote tallying for an indefinite period after the polls close, when new ballots are miraculously found and illegible or absent postmarks are ignored, is the broad, well-trodden path to electoral fraud. And everyone knows that the fix was in from the start.”
The plot to eliminate the greatest president in over a century was started November 8th, 2016.  And Solway is right, the swamp is deep and wide and the entire mainstream media is part of it, and is characterized by endemic duplicity and suppression of countervailing truths, lying and censorship.  They’ve slandered and libeled this president from day one and yet he stood tall and continuously worked for the American people and our country.
Joe Biden and Kalamity Harris are threatening to eviscerate the principles of federalism and the Bill of Rights with special emphasis on getting the Second Amendment.
How many times have we heard “no one is above the law” about our President? Well, neither are any of these commie sell-outs!
This election may end up in the Supreme Court just as the Bush/Gore 2000 Florida hanging-chad debacle did.  Three of the attorneys who worked for George W. Bush are now on the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.

Hammer and Scorecard

Mary Fanning and Alan Jones reported that in February 2009, the Obama administration commandeered and used a powerful supercomputer known as the Hammer.  The Hammer is Brennan and Clapper’s secret surveillance system and I wrote about it in November of 2019.  Fanning and Jones write that the Hammer utilizes an exploit application known as Scorecard.  Hammer’s designer, former CIA contractor and whistleblower Dennis Montgomery, says Scorecard is capable of hacking into elections and stealing the vote.  In late 2015, Montgomery revealed that Scorecard was used by Obama on Florida election computers to win the 2012 election.
Fanning and Jones write that Scorecard has been activated once again; this time to steal the election for Joe Biden in Florida, Georgia, Texas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Nevada and Arizona.
The research in by Fanning and Jones has always been impeccable.  And I’m not the only one saying this.  Attorney Sidney Powell and Lt. General Thomas McInerny have exposed what Fanning and Jones have reported on Steve Bannon’s program.  Powell says, “And the likelihood that three percent of the vote total was changed in the pre-election ballot voting that were collected digitally by using the Hammer program and the software program called Scorecard would have amounted to a massive change in the vote that would have gone across the country and explained a lot of what we’re seeing.”
“In addition, an algorithm was run to calculate votes they might need to come up with for Biden in specific areas.  That explains what happened in Michigan where a computer glitch resulted in the change of votes of about 5,500 for Trump in just one of 47 districts.  All those districts need to be checked for that same “software glitch” that would change the result in Michigan dramatically.  The same thing is happening in other states.  We’ve had hundreds of thousands of ballots mysteriously appear solely for Mr. Biden which is statistically impossible as a matter of mathematics.  It can all be documented; we are putting it into materials that we will file in federal court and no down-ballot selections made.”
Powell suggests that this number of single vote ballots is suspect, and indicative in part of “abject fraud” that she says flipped the election to Biden.  Powell claims her team has found 450,000 fraudulent ballots for Biden only and they are set to file new lawsuits.  Powell said, “We have got to fight tooth and nail in federal court to expose this abject fraud and the conspiracy behind it, and get a recount and audits in every place its’ needed, which is frankly most of the country.”
“Hammer” and “Scorecard” are a pair of programs initially designed for the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration. The CIA is not allowed to operate in the USA, so presumably they were privatized to allow them to be used in the US.

Dominion Software
The election software system in Michigan that switched 6,000 votes from Trump to Biden is called Dominion.  It is used in 33 states including Nevada, Arizona, Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia and Pennsylvania, every single major swing state.  Every single one!
Dominion Voting Systems, which commands more than a third of the voting-machine market without having Washington lobbyists, has hired its first, a high-powered firm, Brownstein Farber Hyatt and Schreck, that includes a longtime aide to Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Nadeam Elshami, Pelosi’s former chief of staff, is one of the lobbyists on the account.
Democrat Diane Feinstein’s husband, Richard Blum has a major stake in Dominion, he owns 60 percent of the software company used to steal Trump votes in swing states.
Chairman of the Board of Smartmatic’s (Dominion Voting Systems) manufactured voting machines used in Michigan, Georgia and 33 U.S. states is Mark Malloch Brown, and he serves on the Open Societies Foundation Board (founded by George Soros, Malloch Brown’s ties to Soros are strong and many.)
We also know that Dominion has ties to the Clinton Foundation. The philanthropy group that worked with Dominion from 2014 – 2017 to provide “access to Voting Technology” for “emerging democracies” was The Clinton Foundation.  This voting technology may now be the largest automated system to steal an election in U.S. history.

Coup Underway

James O’Keefe of Project Veritas has exposed Pennsylvania, Nevada and Michigan voter fraud.  A Pennsylvania-based USPS Richard Hopkins came forward and agreed to testify. He told that late ballots were back-dated for November 3rd, and other postal workers know this as well. Link, Link
John Solomon of Just the News reports backdating of ballots were also ordered in Detroit.  A city worker stepped forward and claimed election workers were asked to backdate ballots that had come in after the election deadline had passed.
At the Canadian border a USPS worker was arrested with 800 pieces of mail, including absentee ballots.
An attorney filmed ballot boxes arriving at a counting center in Detroit, Michigan at 5 a.m., eight hours after closing.  The truck was not from the postal service and whoever lowered the polls did not have identification or the proper uniform.  People were bringing ballots in coolers.  They were supposed to have stopped counting.
In Clark County, Nevada a whistleblower exposed intentional criminal conduct.
In Maricopa County, Arizona Sharpie markers and felt tip pens were handed out for voting and every vote was discarded.  The Arizona Attorney General is investigating.
Pam Bondi and Corey Lewandowski are fighting the fraud in Pennsylvania regarding the court’s refusal to grant access to voting process.
There are thousands of reports of vote fraud especially in the swing states.

Fox News

Fox News has made it clear that it is no longer fair and balanced.  Lachlan Murdoch now runs the show with help from board member, Paul Ryan.  Their Decision Desk Director, Arnon Mishkin, a registered democrat, called Arizona prematurely for Biden and potentially suppressed Trump votes in Nevada.  He previously voted for Hillary.
We saw Judge Jeanine’s show cancelled last Saturday for supporting President Trump’s battle against the election corruption, and we watched as so many guests were removed for saying anything negative about George Soros.
There are new and rising networks available.  Newsmax and One America News Network are truly conservative.  Most cable networks carry them, as well as ROKU.


Too many Americans didn’t believe the 2020 election would be legitimate and that was before the vote was taken. They were proven correct.  The Democrat Party created a constitutional crisis with their redefinition of voting law authority and there are huge problems and discrepancies with mail-in ballots throughout the USA.
The Gateway Pundit reported that retired intelligence operative and Trump adviser, Tony Shaffer says President Trump has a great case and will win this election based on the US Constitution. “The courts will decide this election and the Constitution is on the side of the President.  Any illegal votes should not be counted and when this is addressed the President will win the election.”
Shawn Meehan’s short article gives us another panacea, Election Is Not Over Until Electoral College Votes December 14th | Several Ways Remain To Correct Democrat Corruption.  There are constitutional remedies to the fraud and corruption.
Don’t you just love it when people tell you to accept the results when they just spent four years refusing to accept the results?!  We cannot step into the abyss with Biden/Harris, refuse the criminal results!
©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.

The Real Reason Regressives Are Pretending Biden Won

“The ‘journalists’ of the news media have begun the relentless drumbeat of proclaiming ‘President-elect Biden.’ This is make-believe.” – Writer Chris Farrell

Shortly before the November 3rd election for President of the United States, the proprietors of storefronts, buildings, restaurants, dealerships, and businesses of all types across our entire vast country boarded up their facades in anticipation of widespread rioting, arson, looting, massive destruction and violent assaults by Republicans if Joe Biden won the contest.
Just kidding. In fact, these measures were taken to avoid the by-now familiar acting-out violence that Democrats and the thugs they support in Black Lives Matter and Antifa have been demonstrating for the world to witness for the past six months—in at least 15 once-peaceful Democrat-run cities—when they object to this or that policy, statue, police department, et al.


It goes without saying that those proprietors—who spent multi-thousands of dollars to protect the businesses that support their families, and that help them pay taxes to our government, boarded up their properties knowing that if President Trump won reelection, they would be the merciless targets of the bought-and-paid-for Democrat anarchists who unfortunately symbolize today’s Ugly Americans.
Interestingly, several days after the election and in eager anticipation of the Biden-Kalamity [premature and erroneous] announcement of their victory, a large crowd of Tolerant Democrats rallied outside the White House, as always spewing vulgarities and displaying placards expressing nastiness and filth. Who can draw a conclusion other than the Democrats are both sore losers and sore winners?
We have still to learn the outcome of the election, thanks to the new and unprecedented Covid-dictated “rules” about mail-in ballots, late voting, delayed returns, strange rulings by Democrat-appointed judges, and chilling reports of such rampant voter fraud by Democrats that it defies what any American—living or dead—has ever seen.
Why? Because the Never-Trumpers and, again, the bought-and-paid for corrupt media, were beyond desperate, having failed thunderously for the previous four years to take the president down and to bring about the coup d’état they have dreamed about since 2016.
What to do? Why, rig the election, of course!
Below is just a tiny sampling of the massive voting irregularities and fraud that were discovered both before and after Joe Biden and Kalamity Harris declared victory through their media lackeys, in clear defiance of the U.S. Constitution and 243-years of American tradition:

  • On Election night at approximately 4 a.m., 138,000 ballots were “instantaneously” counted in Wisconsin and, magically, every single ballot was for Joe Biden (Mmmm).
  • The next day, Rudy Giuliani, in Philly, PA, spelled out massive fraud re mail-in ballots that Republican observers were illegally stopped from overseeing the vote—the same illegalities happening in Arizona, Detroit, Nevada, and Milwaukee.
  • In Michigan, a U.S. Postal Service whistleblower reported that his superiors told him to backdate late mail-in ballots so they would be accepted. They also recorded the vote of a man born in 1850 and another who died in 1984.
  • Also in Michigan a software error (Mmmm) switched 6,000 Republican votes to Democrat. The same software is used in 47 Michigan counties!
  • A lawsuit filed by the Public Interest Legal Foundation (PILF) alleged there were at least 21,000 dead people on PA’s voter rolls. As of October 2020, at least 9,212 registrants had been dead for at least five years, at least 1,990 registrants dead for at least 10 years, and at least 197 registrants have been dead for at least 20 years.”
  • In a county in Georgia, poll watchers took ballots home with them.
  • In VA, Trump held roughly a 300,000-vote lead, but then—again, magically—a huge trove of approximately 400,000 votes came in for Joe Biden—but not one for Donald Trump. “Amazing, writes blogger Fred Miller, “how one can suddenly discover huge batches of votes 100% for Biden, 0% for Trump, when and wherever one chances to need them.”
  • Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney explained that a pair of computer software programs—Hammer and Scorecard—initially designed for the CIA before being privatized by Deep State players from the Obama administration, were used to change votes from Trump to Biden in multiple voting locations…possibly in all the swing states. Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, on his death bed (in Nov. 2019), reportedly told his longtime friend McInerney: “The Hammer is key to the coup.”
  • Another computer system, Dominion, although known to be defective, was used in 30 states, including every swing state. And whaddaya know? Nancy Pelosi’s Chief of Staff and Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s husband are both shareholders in Dominion!
  • Author Michael Charles Master reported (read the entire riveting article) that at midnight, “Trump led in all the battleground states by large margins…but for some unexplainable reason, WI, MI, PA, NC and NV all stopped counting votes simultaneously… and none of those states counted any additional votes for the next three hours….and NOT ONE TV commentator—including on now-leftist Fox—asked why! Master pointed out that all five of those states have Democrat governors. Mmmm.
  • A self-described Democrat Party Worker from Detroit bragged on Facebook: “I threw out every Trump ballot I saw. Tens of thousands of them and so did all of my co-workers”

But don’t take my word for it. Here, in his own words, is Hunter Biden’s father boasting of having participated in developing “the most extensive voter fraud organization in history.”


An onion, as everyone knows, has many many layers. Just try peeling an onion to see why it is the perfect metaphor for complicated subjects that require many levels of exploration to plumb their depths and understand their meaning.
But the Trump onion phenomenon has only two layers, both of them psychological.
The first layer is jealousy, which I have always believed is the strongest human emotion, going back to the Bible. Stronger than hatred. Stronger than anger—responsible, in fact, for most criminal acts, from theft to conspiracy to violence to murder. This is the stuff of tragedy… and also, sometimes, redemption.
In our metaphorical onion, the human emotion that competes most ferociously with jealously is fear. One has only to look at the international dread of the Covid-19 virus to see the power of fear to destroy economies, isolate human beings for months on end, and inspire Democrats to defy the U.S. Constitution and the rule of law in order to try to rig the most important election of our lifetimes in their favor.


But what do the Regressives among us have to be afraid of?
You could speculate that what fuels the hostility of the Left is not fear, that it’s resentment because of the mountain of bruised egos the Democrats have experienced after working mightily for over four years to depose, sabotage, impeach, and topple the Trump presidency—all crashing failures—and that a Biden victory would allow all of them to save face. After all, even the passage of time rarely calms this kind of narcissistic injury. While this theory may be plausible, it’s not very compelling.
Then what? It’s so obvious. The reason why Democrats have spent billions of dollars to defeat President Trump is not because of their Marxist ideology and not because of their massive investments in the global economy, but rather because they are rightly terrified that when President Trump is announced the winner, an avalanche of indictments, trials, and lengthy prison terms will rain down on them—on all of them, including the very top of the top echelon.
As one small example, reported by Brannon Howse: In 2003, CIA contractor Dennis Montgomery built the Hammer (discussed above) as a foreign surveillance tool, but it was subsequently commandeered in 2009 by the Obama regime (including CIA Director John Brennan and Director of National Intelligence James Clapper), which turned Montgomery into a whistleblower who testified that among 600-million pages of documents stored on the program’s 47 hard drives—which were turned over to the FBI—were 10,000 pages of documents regarding Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, including videos and images.
Get the motive for voter fraud now?
Get the fear factor?
Don’t look for any other reason. Trump knows firsthand the depth of their corrupt, seditious and even treasonous acts…and they themselves know it too!
Stay tuned.
©Joan Swirsky. All rights reserved.

AG Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue ‘substantial allegations’ of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified

Breaking! Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified.

AP: Attorney General William Barr has authorized federal prosecutors across the U.S. to pursue “substantial allegations” of voting irregularities before the 2020 presidential election is certified, despite little evidence of fraud.
Barr’s action comes days after Democrat Joe Biden defeated President Donald Trump and raises the prospect that Trump will use the Justice Department to try to challenge the outcome. It gives prosecutors the ability to go around longstanding Justice Department policy that normally would prohibit such overt actions before the election is formally certified.

Trump has not conceded the election and is instead claiming without evidence that there has been a widespread, multi-state conspiracy by Democrats to skew the vote tally in Biden’s favor.


UPDATE: Real Clear Politics has not called NC, GA, AZ, AK and never called PA
AOC says she might quit politics as Dems pin losses on progressives and top black lawmaker James Clyburn says defund the police was a disaster
Fox News’s Neil Cavuto Abruptly CUTS OFF White House Press Secretary, CNN, Media Lavish Praise
AOC: I’m Doing ‘Everything’ To Win Georgia For Democrats So We Don’t Have To ‘Negotiate’ With Republicans
Fox News Ratings CRASH, Ends Week In THIRD PLACE
10 GOP State AGs Announce Brief to SCOTUS on Pennsylvania Mail-in Ballots Case
Report: In 353 U.S. Counties, 1.8 Million More Voters Registered Than Eligible Citizens
MARCH FOR TRUMP: Washington DC, 12 PM, November 14th, Saturday, Freedom Plaza
EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Dear Democrats: Welcome To The Whirlwind

Democrats here are angry and astonished — astonished I tell you! — that President Trump and Republicans are accusing Biden and Democrats of cheating. This is rich beyond measure. Let me help Democrat friends understand an important concept, it’s in the Bible so you might now know it: You sow to the wind, you reap the whirlwind.
Welcome to the whirlwind.
Democrats perpetrated a four-year fraud on the American people centered on the illegitimacy of Donald Trump. No sense denying it. We were all there. Million woman marches, endless demonstrations, fake scandals claiming that Trump was not legitimate because Russia helped him. He was Putin’s pawn.
Democrats refused to even call him by his name. He was 45. Remember how about 20 Democrat members of Congress boycotted his inauguration. Remember #notmypresident trended for years and remained at least until Nov. 3. Remember for four years there was the #resistance to an illegitimate president.
The desperation to remove the duly elected president resulted in an empty impeachment after the Russia collusion hoax collapsed but only 10 months before the election. Then came Covid and the ongoing claims that Trump is personally responsible for 230,000 Americans’ deaths. This is too insipid to even respond to. Finally came the last final gasp with pre-staged BLM race riots, burning and destruction.
Always chaos and distrust. Always blamed on Trump. Four years of undermining every American norm. Trump tweets and language did not do it. Democrats and the allied American left did it — from the media to academia to Hollywood to BLM and Antifa — sowing to the wind with utter abandon, as though there would be no consequences for such abhorrent behavior. Calling all Trump supporters racists  (I personally got that many times. It was the norm.) Or deplorables. Or Nazis and fascists. Etc.
The media was wholly culpable in sowing to the wind as baseless anti-Trump stories ran daily for years, creating distrust not just in Trump, but in the institutions of government and actions of the  elected president. The mainstream media was the mouth of the resistance, of truly fake stories and of the election campaign of Joe Biden.
And now, NOW, Democrats want civility? They want respect? They want unity!? They claim shock that we might question the veracity of the election, that we would dare launch legal challenges despite substantial evidence of actual fraud — not the fake fraud they hoisted on us for four years. They want us to pretend like their actions of the past four years never happened. Can’t we just get along?
Those years did happen. They changed the American norm going forward. No one on the right will forget. We had four years to witness the left busting American norms, and now an election with an enormous amount of corruption — some illegal, some unethical and some immoral. This is no old general that will quietly fade away. Democrats made a hash of the bed we all have to sleep in. And there is no changing that. It looks like they got what they wanted: Trump out of office. (I’ll wait for certified results after legal challenges.)
This is a tragedy for our nation. I’m not sure at all this Genie can be re-bottled. For one, every one of us on the right knows that if Trump had squeaked out the win — or does still — Democrats will immediately flip back to illegitimate president and resistance mode. They know it. And we know it.
In fact, there are even leading members of the media and the left that are not content with the “win.” They want Trump supporters punished and the GOP destroyed.
Washington Post columnist in good standing Jennifer Rubin told MSNBC Sunday: “It’s not only that Trump has to lose, his enablers have to lose. We have to, in essence, burn down the Republican party. Because if there are survivors, if there are people who weather this storm, they will do it again.” Survivors!
It’s not just Rubin — who isn’t exactly nobody. MSNBC’s Chris Hayes wants to make lists of the “thousands” who are “complicit” in Donald Trump. And then what? Slate magazine called for imprisoning Trump advisor Stephen Miller for “crimes against humanity.” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) called for recriminations beyond just White House officials. These are all after Biden’s declared victory.
Own it, Democrats. This terrible new dynamic, possibly new norm, is on you. And you alone. But we will all pay for it.
The Most Consequential Election Since 1860
Our Institutions Are Failing Us Again — Hunter Edition
A Single Explanation Squares Conflicting Polls
EDITORS NOTE: This The Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like The Revolutionary Act on Facebook. Like Rod’s new Youtube channel.