Sunni-Shi’a Jihad Comes to the University of Connecticut thumbnail

Sunni-Shi’a Jihad Comes to the University of Connecticut

By Jihad Watch

For all we are told about the prevalence of “Islamophobia,” some might have assumed that “Islamophobes” disposed of the turbahs, but no, the culprits were Sunnis. The Sunni MSA condemned the vandalism and claimed that it had nothing to do with the incident, but dodged a meeting with the Shi’a to discuss concerns, and the Shi’a claim that the MSA’s apology was “neither direct nor official.”

Meanwhile, the Shi’a want “more events and educational opportunities” for students, so as “to eliminate misconceptions regarding the Shia sect.” This mirrors the longstanding and widespread claim that “Islamophobia” can be stamped out by seminars and outreach events that “eliminate misconceptions.” Such efforts never actually stamp out “Islamophobia” understood as suspicion or distrust of Islam except among the credulous and ill-informed, because the suspicion and distrust of many people regarding Islam is not based on “misconceptions” at all, but on an actual awareness of Islamic texts and teachings. Likewise the Shi’ites at the University of Connecticut will realize eventually, if they don’t actually know already, that the Sunni hatred for them stems not from “misconceptions,” but on Sunni teachings regarding Shi’a Islam as a heretical, twisted form of Islam. No educational efforts will undo that conviction.

UConn should oppose anti-Shia hate

Editorial Board, The Daily Campus, February 24, 2022:

Recently, The Daily Campus reported on an incident that occurred in early February, where turbahs — small pieces of molded clay many Shia Muslims use during prayer — that had been donated for students to use at the Islamic Center of the University of Connecticut and the wellness and meditation space in Homer Babbidge Library had been vandalized and thrown out.

This is not the first anti-Shia incident to occur at UConn; according to members of the Ahlul Bayt Student Association, an organization for Shia Muslims at UConn, anti-Shia rhetoric has occurred for years. ABSA claims that ICUC has not been a welcoming environment for Shia Muslim students, with ICUC keeping anti-Shia books inside the mosque, and requiring approval for the placement of worshipping items such as turbahs in the space of worship.

In response to the incident, the Muslim Student Association released a statement condemning the vandalism, claiming that the ICUC executive board had no connection to the attackers. The MSA claimed the e-Board lacked any knowledge that turbahs would be placed in the mosque and reiterated that the placement of any religious items in the mosque requires ICUC approval. While MSA claims ICUC apologized to ABSA for the incident and offered to pay for turbahs and discuss concerns, ABSA claims they could not schedule a meeting and that an apology from ICUC was neither direct nor official….

As suggested by ABSA in the article, given the anti-Shia Muslim hate and the divide between Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims, more events and educational opportunities should be made available to students to eliminate misconceptions regarding the Shia sect.

Furthermore, this incident occurred on Feb. 8 and the UConn administration has yet to publicly condemn and oppose this hate. The UConn administration should address this incident, make it clear that such hate is unwelcome at the university and spare no resources investigating those responsible….


Canada: Ontario Leftists introduce bill allowing banning of ‘Islamophobic’ protests

India: Lawyer for students demanding to wear hijab in school says hijab is mandatory in Islam

Palestinian Authority issues stamp honoring jihad suicide bombers and other jihad terrorists

South Africa, Rwanda, Botswana, Lesotho, Angola, Zambia send troops to Mozambique to fight Islamic State jihadis

Al-Azhar Islamic law prof: beating is ‘suitable for a rebellious wife, who oversteps boundaries set by Allah’

Egypt: Journalist to be prosecuted for saying Muhammad didn’t fly to paradise on a winged horse

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Arizona House Passes Bill Banning School Mask Mandates thumbnail

Arizona House Passes Bill Banning School Mask Mandates

By Tom Joyce

If the Arizona Republicans get their way, the government and schools in the state will no longer have the power to require children to wear a face-covering without the express consent of their parent or guardian.

The Arizona House sent the state Senate legislation that would do just that: HB 2616. State Representative Joseph Chaplik, R-Scottsdale, sponsored the bill, which passed along partisan lines. All 31 Republicans supported it and all 29 Democrats opposed it; 28 Democrats voted against it and one Democrat did not vote.

Chaplik celebrated the bill’s passage in a press release on Feb. 18.

“This is a bill to return the right to make medical decisions for their children to the parents, which I expect to become the law in Arizona,” he said in the press release. “This is a win for parents, students, and schools who have been forced by their district leadership to mandate masks.”

The bill will now head to the Arizona Senate for consideration.

It would not ban students from wearing masks in schools but would allow families to decide whether or not they want their children to do so.

The bill comes when several Arizona school districts still have mask mandates in effect.

School districts that still had mask mandates in effect as of Feb. 15 include: Alhambra Elementary, Cartwright, Creighton, Flagstaff Unified, Isaac, Laveen, Litchfield Elementary, Madison Elementary, Osborn Elementary, Paradise Valley Unified, Phoenix Elementary, Phoenix Union High School, Roosevelt Elementary, and Tucson Unified.

However, most school districts in the state do not have mask mandates in place.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey does not support mask mandates in schools.


This article was published by The Center Square and is reproduced with permission

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Florida State Representatives to Teach Children the Truth about Communism! thumbnail

TAKE ACTION: Tell Your Florida State Representatives to Teach Children the Truth about Communism!

By Dr. Rich Swier

Over a quarter of Americans (26%) support the “gradual elimination of a capitalist system in favor of a more socialist system. Thirty percent of younger Americans (Gen Z) have a favorable view of Marxism. More than one-in-three members (38%) of Gen Z hope Joe Biden ‘pursues socialist policies over capitalist ones’ if elected.” Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation

The Christian Family Coalition Florida in an email titled “Teach the truth of communism!” wrote:

On Thursday, February 24th, the Florida House will debate and vote on HB-395. 

The bill requires the Governor to annually issue a proclamation designating November 7 as “Victims of Communism Day” and calls for public schools to suitably observe such day as a day honoring the 100 million people who have fallen victim to communist regimes across the world. The bill also calls for the observance of Victims of Communism Day by public exercise in the State Capitol and elsewhere as designated by the Governor.

Recent studies show that 28-33% of Millennials and Generation Z, support or have a favorable view of Communism and Marxism!

Contact your State Representative!

This should concern all freedom-loving Americans. If we don’t fight back now, government schools will continue to indoctrinate the next generation in this failed system.  Millions of immigrants have already fled this murderous ideology that’s failed every time it’s been practiced.

This legislation requires high school students enrolled in the U.S. Government course to receive at least 45 minutes of instruction on “Victims of Communism Day” on topics of communist dictators and how the victims of communism suffered under these regimes.

Please send a message to your state representative and tell them to vote YES on HB-395!

©Christian Family Coalition. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Annual Survey Shows Rise in Support for Socialism, Communism

Transgender Permanence Is A Myth thumbnail

Transgender Permanence Is A Myth

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

“The great enemy of truth is very often not the lie–deliberate, contrived and dishonest–but the myth–persistent, persuasive and unrealistic.” – John F. Kennedy, Commencement Address at Yale University, June 11 1962.

If you are new to the crazy world of gender, you’ve heard that trans is something you just know. So, if your kid comes out as “trans”, that’s who they are, who they’ve always been. You just somehow missed the obvious.

And now that you are aware you have a trans kid, your job is to help them “become” the sex that they are inside through social changes (pronouns, clothing choices), drugs (hormones) to halt their development and develop alternate secondary sex characteristics to the extent possible, restrictive garments that hide their secondary sex characteristics (binders), and cosmetic surgeries.


This is the Myth of Permanence. Similar to the Suicide Myth (affirm your child’s trans identity or they will kill themselves), which says you must affirm a trans-identified person or they will kill themselves, with the Myth of Permanence, you must instantly medicalise people who proclaim they are trans because if one says they are trans, it’s because it’s an irrefutable, immutable fact about you that cannot change.

Along with the Suicide Myth, the Myth of Permanence is used to bully parents into actions they feel are against the best long-term interests of their children.

If you believe in this ideological dogma, it is wrong to do anything except enable social and medical transition immediately and fully because, to do otherwise, would cause certain, immediate and extreme harm to the trans-identified person.

Imagination vs reality

The Myth of Permanence has thrown a lot of good people into logical tailspins trying to do the correct thing, in the absence of physical/biological evidence that trans is an actual state of being, and not just a metaphysical or religious concept.

However, the Myth of Permanence has been clearly disproved both in long term studies, through parent experiences, and by detransitioners and desisters that felt certain they were “trans” and then later changed their minds.

If Trans-ness was permanent, none of this would be possible. But yet, it is.

Republished with permission from Parents with Inconvenient Truths about Trans (PITT).


Anonymous author

In exceptional circumstances, MercatorNet allows contributors to publish articles anonymously. Sometimes the author’s privacy or safety might be at risk. More by Anonymous author

RELATED ARTICLE: Binary [Science] or Non-Binary [Myth] – That is the Question!

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Meet The Sex Shop Founder Who Is Grooming Children Through Books In School Libraries thumbnail

Meet The Sex Shop Founder Who Is Grooming Children Through Books In School Libraries

By Spencer Lindquist

A book in schools that’s come under fire from parents was written by an author with a concerning – and previously unreported – resumé.

This article features obscene quoted material.

As parents across the nation wake up to the threat that the American educational system poses to children, many have taken note of the sexually explicit, politically motivated literature that has made its way into public and school libraries.

In Wyoming, community members notified the police department about explicit books in the local library’s youth section. “Sex is a Funny Word,” written by Cory Silverberg and illustrated by Fiona Smyth, is one such book. It was placed on the American Library Association Reading List for 2016.

Intended for those as young as 7-year-old second graders, the book has been featured in middle school libraries and discusses the “subjects of transgender identity, intersex conditions, and masturbation.” It also erroneously claims that “having a penis isn’t what makes you a boy. Having a vulva isn’t what makes you a girl. The truth is much more interesting than that!”

This type of propagandizing has become standard for the left-wing extremists embedded in our education system. But what makes it all the more astonishing is both the thoroughly unnerving — and previously unreported — history of this book’s author and the institutional support that’s propelled him to notoriety.

From Sex Shops To School Libraries

Cory Silverberg’s website links to the four books he’s written. Each one focuses on the same thing: sex. With the exception of “The Ultimate Guide to Sex and Disability,” which he coauthored with Miriam Kaufman and Fran Odette, the author’s work is aimed at children.

His latest book, “You Know, Sex,” another collaboration with Smyth, is available for pre-order and discusses “pornography,” “stigma,” and “gender.” He calls the book “essential for kids.” His website bio states, “Cory’s life is full of kids. All of them know where babies come from. Some know more.”

Who is this man so intent on informing your children not only about sex, but about pornography, transsexuality, and masturbation? On his website, which advertises children’s books, the author cites himself as a “founding member of Come As You Are Co-operative,” an anti-capitalist sex shop in Toronto, which he also links to.

As the Toronto Star noted years ago, this isn’t just any sex shop. This is a “beginner’s sex store.” The outlet noted that the store hoped “to hold an off-site sex-education workshop for parents of children aged 7 to 12, one that will focus on more than reproduction.” The Star went on to quote Silverberg as saying, “Our overall focus is pleasure-based rather than fear-based.”

The shop’s website includes a section that catalogs the owners’ media appearances. One edition of Fab magazine, published on February 7, 2007, includes an article titled “Come As You Are Celebrates 10 Years.” It spares no details, highlighting a “Japanese rope bondage” workshop, while also graphically describing a real life, in-person “workshop” that featured sexual demonstrations from two naked men.

The disturbing focus on children that is so clear on Silverberg’s personal website is just as apparent on the sex shop’s website. Right next to ads for the exact type of products you’d expect a sex shop to sell, is a “Kids, Parents, and Teens Books” section. The section boasts “sex-positive guides for younger folk.”

The kid’s section carries books like “Gender Creative Child,” a guide to masturbation, and “Woke Parenting,” which seeks to help readers “raise your kids to be feminist, anti-racist,” and “gender-inclusive.” Silverberg’s own books are also featured on the site.

Involvement In Curriculum Development

The author’s involvement in Ante Up reveals a conscious desire to embed his distorted worldview into schools. The organization advertises a “socio-emotional learning” curriculum that “focuses on supporting educators of color and working-class educators in unlearning the white supremacist abelist heteropatriarchal ways of writing and educating others.”

The sex shop co-founder is joined by such esteemed co-collaborators as Clarissa Francis, who cut squarely into the Babyon Bee’s marketshare when her bio explained that she “developed the Let Freedom C.U.M. Sexuality Workshop Series to equip Black sexuality professionals, and the aspiring sexually liberated, to recognize and utilize multi-disciplinary approaches to discussing Pleasure Activism as a tool for Black Sexual Liberation.”

The organization seems to have courted favor with various political bodies in New York. Ante Up’s founder Bianca Laureano “wrote the sexual and reproductive justice discussion guide for the NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene,” according to her bio. Silverberg spoke on “Sex Is a Funny Word” for the NYC Department of Education’s Office of Curriculum, Instruction, and Professional Learning.

It isn’t a fluke that a leftwing sex shop founder has been propped up as an authority on sexuality, with direct access to children. Media and education institutions, alongside several leftwing activists, have helped mainstream such fringe beliefs. The author is praised because of, not in spite of, the extremism of his sexual worldview.

That “Sex is a Funny Word” was lauded by Kristin Russo on behalf of BuzzFeed as “revolutionary” tells you everything you need to know, but the outlet was one of many institutions to lend its support.

The book won the American Library Association’s Stonewall Award and was celebrated by the School Library Journal, which called the book “exceptional” specifically because of “its introduction of the subjects of transgender identity, intersex conditions, and masturbation.” The organization publishes roughly 6,000 book reviews every year and bills itself as “the premier publication for librarians and information specialists who work with children and teens.”

Lambda Literary, which “nurtures and advocates for LGBTQ writers,” heaped praise on the book, noting that it took “his radical approach to sex education” featured in his first book even further. It goes on to discuss the role that the book can have in cementing cultural shifts.

During an interview with the organization, the author pointed out that some of his critics believe that he is “warping people’s ideas of gender.” He flatly responded, “Maybe I am.”

Various activists, each of whom is committed to overthrowing healthy conceptions of sex, lauded the book alongside these institutions in reviews posted on Amazon.

Andee Hochman is an accomplished leftwing activist who wrote a book all about upending traditional notions of family. It was named “one of the 100 most important feminist books of the 20th century by Sojourner magazine.” Hochman celebrated “Sex Is a Funny Word’s” “radical and urgent message – sexuality with a side of social justice,” also expressing glee that one of the children in the book was portrayed as non-binary. Her lone critique? The text was too small.

Transgender activist and author of “My New Gender Workbook” Kate Bornstein was similarly impressed, writing a review that proposed the book as a viable alternative to college, graduate school, and even “years of therapy.” This is high praise, especially from an activist who wrote the “Step by-Step Guide to Achieving World Peace Through Gender Anarchy and Sex Positivity.”

Aidan Key, who leads training in schools, remarked that the book enables readers to “step out of today’s binary gender paradigm,” while Slate’s Rachelle Hampton lauded the book because it “humorously tackles topics from gender to masturbation” and was “leaps and bounds ahead” of other books “in terms of how progressive it is.”

But Huffington Post outdid both Slate and BuzzFeed years ago when they offered the author a platform and even hosted a symposium on reshaping America’s sexual norms with him and more established leftwing activists. The author’s extreme views were given the patina of normalcy through the presence of more mainstream activists like notable author Esther Perel and the widely published Ian Kerner, who talk less of childhood masturbation and more of feminism and relationships.

They were also joined by academic Leonore Tiefer, who was involved in the leadership of an organization intent on keeping perversity like “Sex is a Funny Word” in school libraries. Tiefer won an award named after Alfred Kinsey, a hero of the pro-pedophile group NAMBLA.

What’s so telling isn’t the book itself, but that the beliefs behind it, undoubtedly considered reprehensible by massive swaths of the world, have been intentionally mainstreamed by both an activist base and an institutionally backed political movement that’s hostile to traditional notions of decency. No wonder parents are getting active.

Cory Silverberg did not respond to a request for comment.


This article was published in The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

Government Tyrants Losing the War on Parents [For Now] thumbnail

Government Tyrants Losing the War on Parents [For Now]

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

The school board recall in San Francisco sent shockwaves through Progressive quarters throughout the country.  Three school board members were recalled for spending too much time renaming schools for Woke folk and putting progressive politics over the needs of children during COVID.  The recall effort was started by Democrats and passed by 78 percent of the voters in what is a very Progressive city.  Progressives around the country were shaken to the core, and deservedly so. Their policies stink and everybody knows it.  One petulant school board member who was thrown out said the vote was white supremacy.  This shows you just how bankrupt the Left’s propaganda on race is.  Everybody knows that, too.

San Francisco wasn’t the only recent battle in the war on parents.

A teacher admitted on video keeping a “transition closet” for students to change into clothing that “fits who they are”, inducing gender confusion into students without parental knowledge or consent.  A California public charter schools asks for and uses preferred gender pronouns, also without parental consent.  A California Democrat running for Congress helped bring a program run by the Chinese Communist Party into his community’s classrooms.  Parents were blocked from school board meetings and prevented from speaking in Virginia and Pennsylvania .  A county board chairman in Virginia scoffed at the elected legislature and Governor and said school boards and health officials should be the ones deciding mask mandates in schools.

Parents are fighting back.

A parent in Virginia confronted a school board member at a school board meeting with pictures of the member without a mask on in a crowd while advocating masks for children.  The member called security, pounded the gavel, yelled at the parent “you are done!”, and stormed out of the meeting.

California parents demanded answers after learning “nonbinary” male counselors slept in the same cabins as their daughters at school science camp.  The parents’ outrage made a difference.  The school district opened an investigation.

A biracial father in North Carolina attacked Critical Race Theory at a school board meeting, saying “I’m biracial, I’m bilingual, I’m multicultural. The fact is, in America, in North Carolina, I can do anything I want and I teach that to my children…. And the person who tells my pecan-color kids that they’re oppressed, based on the color of their skin, would be absolutely wrong and absolutely at war with me.”

Parents in two Virginia towns handed subpoenas to fleeing school board members who were illegally maintaining mask mandates.  A sportscaster resigned from NBC to be free to speak out against Critical Race Theory which she said separates kids and amounts to segregation.

Parents are winning, in some instances. The Virginia Senate passed a bill allowing parents to review sexually explicit materials schools want to give their kids.  A school board in Pennsylvania voted to shut off CNN in the classroom, recognizing that the network is biased.  A county commissioner in Wyoming compared parents to ignorant and hate-filled Nazis for objecting to obscene library books in schools.  The parents fought back, publicizing the remarks and continuing to show up at public meetings.  They kept the pressure on and the commissioner finally resigned.

But the war on parents is not over.  Progressives are calling in the heavy artillery.  The Biden Justice Department just established a new domestic terrorism office.  This comes after Attorney General Merrick Garland called parents domestic terrorists in a memo.  Critics worry the new office will be used to target parents who speak up at school board meetings.  Who knows, the feds might even try to arrest every parent who voted to throw the school board out in San Francisco.  I wouldn’t put anything past our government these days.  Stay tuned.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Communist Takeover of U.S. Schools and What You Can Do About It thumbnail

VIDEO: The Communist Takeover of U.S. Schools and What You Can Do About It

By SPIDER & THE FLY The False Allure of Communism

From ACAT – The Communist Takeover of U.S. Schools and What You Can Do About It

ACAT Webinar Recording – 1/25/22 with Alex Newman and Lilia Slavova.

From our friends at Stories of Communism – Survivor of Romanian communism discusses his book and his transition from Communism to living in the West

Nicaragua continues dismantling democracy; regime puts 7 opposition figures on trial, including presidential contenders

  • The revolution always devours its own – Ex-Sandanista commander sentenced to 8 years; former Foreign Minister found guilty following arrest for crimes against national sovereignty, 8-year sentence requested; ex-Sandanista guerilla fighter who led a raid to free Daniel Ortega dies in jail after being charged with “conspiracy to undermine national integrity”;  
    • Don’t you just love these vague ‘crimes against the state’ in socialist countries?  You could be jailed for anything, like looking at ‘El Commandante’ cross-eyed.

Nicaragua revokes licenses of 5 private universities, places them under government control; they were scenes of anti-government protests in 2018

Nicaragua, Cuba, and Venezuela deepen military cooperation with Russia

  • Venezuela militarizing Colombian border with help from Russia and China

Smears, stigmatization, and arbitrary arrests part of Maduro’s “systematic policy of repression” in Venezuela

  • Ain’t socialism grand?

Story illustrates two eternal truths about socialism – socialist economies are terrible and socialist regimes always lie – Is Venezuela Lying About Its Oil Output?

Venezuela shipping oil in defiance of U.S. sanctions by manipulating ships’ GPS coordinates

Newspaper turned over to Venezuelan regime’s number-two man after “irregular and clandestine” procedure in defamation case

Maduro Carries on Chavez’s Legacy As Venezuela Circles Drain in Downward Spiral

700 Cubans face charges for last year’s protests; 172 already convicted

Castro promised milk for kids, but it’s no longer happening

  • To see Castro’s other broken promises, watch ACAT’s video here

10 Cuban migrants rescued from sinking vessel off Florida

  • Castro said he was a democrat so, all you Democratic Socialists out there, you are now brought face-to-face with the fact that people flee your ‘democratic socialism’, preferring to risk their lives rather than spend one more minute with your boot on their neck.

Socialists hope new socialist president of Honduras will spark a “second pink tide”, a new Left-wing surge throughout Latin America

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Christian Student’s Private Text Message Gets Him Suspended thumbnail

PODCAST: Christian Student’s Private Text Message Gets Him Suspended

By Martin Mawyer

Watch as David and his attorney expose all the school’s hypocrisy in this episode of Shout Out Patriots.​

The only thing more upsetting than the suspension of David Stout Jr. at Plainwell High School for expressing his biblical views on homosexuality is how little attention this story has received!

Personally, I admire the courage of David and his legal team for fighting back against the Michigan school located just 30-minutes outside Grand Rapids. But I have so say, even the Christian community seems to be ignoring this important story.

David Stout Jr. was given a 3-day suspension after responding to a fellow student’s text message inquiring about his biblical views on homosexuality.

David wrote that the Bible teaches homosexual conduct is a sin.

That private text message (which was sent off school property) somehow ended up in the hands of school officials.

David was later cited with violating the school’s “Bullying/Cyberbullying/Harassment” policy.

David was also accused of “stealing other’s happiness” due to his Christian views.

With so little media attention given to this unquestionable violation of David’s free speech and religious freedom rights, I invited David and his lawyer to tell this story to our Shout Out Patriots’ audience.

I hope and pray you find the time to watch or listen.

You’ll probably learn about a few surprising school policies, such as “self-reporting.”

At one point, David heard a classmate tell an offensive homosexual joke. When he didn’t try to stop or prevent it, he should have “self-reported” himself to school officials. Not doing so, meant more trouble for him!

Apparently, students must now become Speech Monitors. If they hear something that would offend the LGBTQ community, for example, they should be proactive and stop it or else have that inaction be considered as an anti-gay.

David Jr. was reprimanded by the school’s vice-principal, Deb Beals, for failing to self-report and he was told “whatever you allow, is what your support.”

The school policy is meant to force students into becoming advocates for the LGBT movement and other progressive, woke ideologies…under the pain of suspension and being called a bully on your school record.

©Martin Mawyer and the Shout Out Patriots Show. All rights reserved.


Student who shared ‘Christian beliefs’ about LGBTQ community sues school after suspension

Finland’s Interior Minister Päivi Räsänen on trial for tweeting Bible verse

Arizona Bill Would Allow Families to Sue Teachers Over Parental Rights Violations thumbnail

Arizona Bill Would Allow Families to Sue Teachers Over Parental Rights Violations

By Tom Joyce

A bill in the Arizona legislature would create a sharper enforcement mechanism for the state’s parental bill of rights.

While Arizona has a parents bill of rights, it doesn’t have any recourse for parents who think their rights have been violated. Senate Bill 1049, filed by Sen. Kelly Townsend, R-Mesa, would change that.

The bill would allow parents to sue teachers and school districts who violate their rights as parents. Those found guilty under the law would face a class 2 misdemeanor charge. The law also would allow the state’s attorney general to take schools to court; penalties against schools could reach $5,000 under the proposal.

Townsend spoke in favor of the proposal at a February 10 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

“So this bill basically brings in the teeth, so it’s no longer a ‘so what’ statute, but is actually abided by,” she said. “The erosion of parental rights is clear and obvious, and we’re just trying to restore that.”

Dana Almond, a mother of four, testified against the bill.

She said that teachers have been working hard during the pandemic and that she thinks the bill would add stress to their lives.

“When I’m looking at this bill and I see legal jeopardy,” she said. “I’m worried about the health and welfare of my kids, which is going to take away from my kids’ education and focus on that. If they’ve got something over their head, I don’t understand what the motivation is, because I know we’re collaborative, parents and teachers. I’m just worried about the health of the teachers and how it will affect my children.”

The state’s parental bill of rights has many implications in public schools. Among other things, it requires parents to permit their children to take sex-ed classes, allows parents to opt their children out of learning material they find harmful to their student, lets parents see instructional materials, gives parents a chance to opt their children out of learning about acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) and prevents schools from showing R-rated movies without parental consent to students under 18 years old.

The Senate Judiciary Committee recommended 5-3 that the bill move forward. It has not yet come up for a formal vote.


This article was published in The Center Square and is reproduced with permission

The Arrogance of Authority in Covid and Climate thumbnail

The Arrogance of Authority in Covid and Climate

By Joe Bastardi

I can’t help but see the link. In fact, it is clearer than ever with the passing of my parents due to Covid. They passed together holding hands within 10 minutes of each other on Jan 19.  The evil , and that is what it is, whether well-intentioned or not, was revealed in the steadfast refusal of the hospital administrators to allow any kind of “non-approved” therapeutic into the mix to try to save them.

My prayers were not only for my parents but for the doctors on the front lines. For 2 years they have been hit with this thing. They have had to fight and like soldiers in trenches. I am sure some of them have grave doubts about what their commanders are ordering them to do.  It is easy for someone to sit here and say, well take a stand and do what you think is best.   Which of course would mean you would lose your medical license. So I had nothing but prayers and gratitude for them for doing what they could do,

But a conversation with one of the doctors was very telling, I asked him how did Trump get rid of Covid in 4 days? He is way overweight, stressed, tweeting at all hours of the night. How did he get rid of it so fast? What did he use? I suspect I know what he used as there was no vaccine available at the time. In any case, I said we had sent 73 peer-reviewed studies to the hospital administrators and they basically ghosted us and did not answer.

What recourse did I have? Sue them for the wrongful death of a 92 and 86 year old? They know they have you over a barrel.

But the question is,  who is pulling their strings?

The doctor’s answer exemplified exactly what my argument is not only on Climate but everything across the board. People think they know an answer and force their ideas on others without any regard for the idea things may change.

Paraphrasing, he said the strain was much less contagious in the fall of 2020.

Which of course contradicted what Dr. Fauci was preaching at the time.

So  I asked: Why did we shut down the country then?  (including turning the election into a donnybrook by outsourcing the responsibility of people to actually show up and vote on site)

His comment. WE DIDN’T KNOW THEN.

PRECISELY.  And You don’t know now. And with studies coming out now verifying a lot of what people who have been shut down and canceled have been saying,  you still don’t know. But someone has decided that no cheap therapeutics which might not work for everyone, work for some, are not even allowed to be tried.

This is not the fault of the medical workers on the front line, whom even after my mom and dad have passed I am now praying for all the time. I can’t even imagine being in their position. It is like the scene in Gettysburg.   The soldier cowering behind the fence and the southern commander reminding him that while he may live, the question is what would he think of himself in the morning.

It is similar for soldiers who were just obeying orders. I can’t even imagine the kind of torture someone with a conscience will have to face if these things that are coming out are true. Pray for all the medical people that are on the front lines.

The authorities didn’t know then, they don’t know now. Know means and absolute certainty, I know the sun rises in the east for instance. So if you don’t know something sure you use the best ideas, but you open your mind up and allow for outside options. They might think they know, but Covid is a novel and fluid virus, (like nature) and so what you think you know is likely to change. And yet you deny people the chance to use things that may save their lives.

Believing something and KNOWING something is not the same thing. And we interpret what we see based on what we believe. The bottom line to shut out the chance however remote of what could be the right solution is evil.

Think about this and what you are seeing across the board. What is the possible source of this? Again if you believe in God and truth is a trait of God, what is nontruth or hiding of truth a trait of? Tell you what, take God out of it. If truth is good, what is non-truth? It’s the opposite. Evil. What is shutting down the search for truth with an arrogant, nontransient position? That’s evil. The road to hell is paved with good intentions

But this is no different than what I see in climate. In fact, as the Covid worsened in my mom and dad, I could see the common thread of entrenched authority that would be threatened by any challenge.  These people believe they know the answer. They outsource their curiosity and their abilities to a model.

A group of people that claim they are doing what the science says. It is the same story over and over again. Some storm shows up and it’s climate change and man is the cause. Yet 99.9% of the planet has nothing out of the ordinary going on while any big storm is raging. Life has never been better on planet earth, the planet has never been this green in the satellite era. In fact, 90% of all Covid deaths have occurred in an age group that was 20 years or more beyond the average life expectancy a century ago. How is climate then leading to a worsening human condition? Yet the disaster is always lurking, and like Covid, these arrogant self-proclaimed authorities simply double down on their missive. And a willing media follows along.

If science is the search for truth then what happens when what you believed to be true changes. We know more about covid than we did in the fall of 2020  but why was it sold to all and accepted by many. If it was true then, how can it not be true now? We know more. That is precisely my point. So why do you shut down options that may prove to have merit? Same in climate. Same across the board.  What we knew before is different than what we know now, and what we will know in the future. If  God is infinite and majestic how can any human or group of them think they know the absolute truth. A person that believes they know the absolute truth and forces it on others is playing God. And a human playing God is evil.

I am a big John Mellencamp fan.   He probably would not be a fan of mine.  Somehow his song Minutes to Memories may have contained the answer to this whole situation.

..suck it up and tough it out

And be the best you can

Maybe that is the solution. We have to suck it up and tough it out, not hide and cower in fear.  Covid, climate, whatever.  But such ideas mean there has to be questioning of authority and the freedom to compete with ideas and actions.

Not marching lockstep to overlords that have decided they know best.


This article was published by CFACT, Committee for A Constructive Tomorrow and is reproduced with permission.

Killing Civilization: They’re Teaching Schoolkids ‘the Narrative’ thumbnail

Killing Civilization: They’re Teaching Schoolkids ‘the Narrative’

By Selwyn Duke

For quite some years now, the term “narrative” has been common in political circles. It generally has a negative connotation as it’s used to reference a story line — an often largely fictional one — advanced by some ideologically driven entity for political gain.

This is why I saw a red flag Friday when, while writing an article on how leftist indoctrination permeates even conservative states’ schools, I read a line about what a common modern pedagogy dictates was necessary to be a “culturally responsive educator” (read: an educator responsible for cultural revolution). Two prerequisites for it, related the Federalist, are “the rejection of colorblindness and replacing instruction about facts with narrative stories.”

Now, the narrative-story technique can be very powerful and is often used in journalism. For example, a writer may open a piece with a tale about some person whose experiences relate to the article’s topic. A variation on this is to detail and portray sympathetically an individual whose plight, or what you characterize as such, serves as an anecdote in support of a policy the author is advocating, either explicitly or implicitly.

I don’t tend toward this technique myself. Instinctively I’ve always been a straightforward person; if I believe something is true and should be embraced, my default is to say so and explain logically why (I’m very male, in other words!). Moreover, I’d certainly agree with the paraphrase of history scholar Henry Thomas Buckle that goes, “Great minds discuss ideas, average minds discuss events, small minds discuss people.” Tales are mainly about people and events.

This said, I have on occasion used the narrative-story method, and it can be a legitimate tool. After all, as I may lament as I inform people I’m an alien, the humans aren’t Mr. Spocks — Vulcans operating entirely on logic. They’re emotional beings, which is why the most effective arguments incorporate not just logos and ethos, but also pathos, an appeal to emotion. It’s as when wooing a woman: We speak of capturing her heart, not her head.

Yet the woman is blessed if the man winning her heart is a knight in shining armor, not a charming devil, and she may not well be able to tell the difference because her passions have been engaged; she’s almost assuredly not analyzing matters logically. Related to this, the narrative-story technique is only legitimate in one situation: When harnessing the emotions in service to that knight in shining armor of ideas — Truth.

Tragically, however, the method is perhaps more often used to seduce people into accepting that devil of ideas called a lie. It’s a favored trick of demagogues because, since lies (theirs included) can’t be backed up with reason, it’s virtually the only arrow in their quiver. But, my, is this anti-Cupid ever good at hitting the heart.

For example, ask the average person — and in particular, most any liberal — how many unarmed black suspects are killed by police yearly. He virtually always won’t know, but will also often think he has a pretty good idea: Hundreds and perhaps thousands.

The real number is approximately 12 to 23, depending on the year.

Of course, the more naive could ask why people are so deluded on this matter. The media report on the police shootings of blacks incessantly, and any honest examination of the topic would have to put that perspective-lending statistic front and center.

It’s the result of deceivers “replacing instruction about facts with narrative stories.” The facts here reveal that there is no story. So the media simply withhold the facts and lean on the narrative, which through repetition makes people believe the facts are what they aren’t. Thus do we ever hear about the latest police shooting of a black suspect while the more common killing of white suspects is ignored.

Another term for a narrative-story is “anecdote,” and anecdotes are by definition anecdotal. And it is precisely because they can be true yet deceptive, as they may be unrepresentative of general phenomena, that they’re used by propagandists to manipulate public opinion.

This is why a resolution to favor narratives over facts in education should enrage us. Implicit in this is the admission that the facts would refute the narrative, and this is why leftist educators hate them: Facts are pieces of the jigsaw puzzle of reality. And reality is demagogues’ mortal enemy.

What’s so tragic here is that while children are easily manipulated with lies, they’re also very receptive to Truth because they don’t yet have ingrained political biases that cause them to run information through an ideological filter. Facts really can hit home with them.

Any teacher who’d subordinate facts to narratives should immediately be ousted from education, no further questions asked. For the person is at best fatally corrupted, at worst a conscious corruptor and, either way, will be a child abuser in the classroom.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on MeWe or Parler, or log on to

©Selwyn Duke. All rights reserved.

Governor Ron DeSantis on Opposing Critical Race Theory: We Must Stop Teaching Kids to Hate Our Country thumbnail

Governor Ron DeSantis on Opposing Critical Race Theory: We Must Stop Teaching Kids to Hate Our Country

By Discover The Networks

At a roundtable discussion in Miami on the border crisis, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) explained briefly why he adamantly opposes the racist ideological indoctrination of Critical Race Theory (CRT), stating that his goal is to have every child in the state know that they are a “Floridian and an American.”

“One of the reasons we’re opposing CRT in schools: We want all the kids treated as individuals. We want them judged on the content of their character, on their talents,” he explained. “We don’t want them separated into racial groups and pitted against each other. Every single kid is a Floridian and an American. and that’s what we want to make sure.”

“And we’ve got to stop dividing people. We’ve got to stop teaching our kids to hate our country, so that’s our mission, and we’re going to make sure we get that done this legislative session,” he vowed.

DeSantis spoke about Florida’s stance against CRT during his State of the State address earlier this year, touting the Parents’ Bill of Rights, which “provides parental rights relating to a minor child’s education, upbringing, & health care.”

“We reject the notion that parents shouldn’t have a say in what their kids learn in school. Indeed, Florida law should provide parents with the right to review the curriculum used in their children’s schools,” he asserted. “We should provide parents with recourse so that state standards are enforced, such as Florida’s prohibition on infusing subjects with critical race theory in our classrooms… Our tax dollars should not be used to teach our kids to hate our country or to hate each other.”

Critical Race Theory

8 Known Connections

Critical race theory (CRT) holds that because racism is so deeply ingrained in the American character, classical liberal ideals such as meritocracy, equal opportunity, and colorblind justice are essentially nothing more than empty slogans that fail to properly combat—or to even acknowledge the existence of—the immense structural inequities that pervade American society and work against black people. Thus, according to critical race theorists, racial preferences (favoring blacks) in employment and higher education are not only permissible but necessary as a means of countering the permanent bigotry of white people who, as CRT’s founder Derrick Bell put it, seek to “achieve a measure of social stability through their unspoken pact to keep blacks on the bottom.”

To learn more about Critical Race Theory, click here.


World Economic Forum Blasted for Pro-CRT Propaganda Video

McCarthy: DHS Mayorkas is Threatening Americans’ Free Speech

This Is Not a Battle for Just Canada, It Is a Battle for the World

Carville to the Unvaccinated: ‘I Ought to Punch You Right in the G*dd*mned Face’

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Polk County Public Schools Reviewing ‘Offensive’ School Library Materials thumbnail

FLORIDA: Polk County Public Schools Reviewing ‘Offensive’ School Library Materials

By Royal A. Brown III

The Polk County School District has organized committees to review 16 library books whose “content has been challenged.”

According to a Polk County School District memo from Frederick Heid the Superintendent:

The claim of a legal violation is what led me to the decision to temporarily pause the distribution of the books in question until such time as we can conduct a review of each item.

I have been asked by others why did I decide to pause the distribution of these books and elevate their review to the district level. I believe it is important to share my reasons with you.

  1. The escalation from a “concern” that a book is offensive to an allegation that we are in violation of statute justifies the need to pause the distribution of these books and conduct a district-level review.
  2. As superintendent, I am obligated to investigate any allegation that we are in violation of the law.  We must conduct a thorough review that provides reassurance that we take these issues seriously. We must also proceed with transparency so the community can have confidence in this process and its final outcome.
  3. Placing this review at the school level would create an unnecessary burden on multiple schools to conduct separate reviews.  Their decisions might also be met with further challenges, which would ultimately result in a district-level review.
  4. The two statutes cited state that these allegations could result in a felony charge for each and every event. As such, I feel that I must protect my staff from the possibility of potential criminal charges. Pausing their distribution ensures that my staff is protected while this review process takes place.

We are now organizing committees that will serve as the review panel for these books. Polk County parents seeking to serve on these committees can submit an online application. High school students can also apply to serve as committee members, but a parent waiver will be required to access the content. Committee membership is limited and requires a significant commitment of personal time to participate. Click here for more information and to access the online application.

Committee meetings will be held openly. The meeting schedule will be advertised if members of the public wish to attend. Meetings will also be recorded and posted for the community to view.

I believe in transparency, and these steps we have taken will address this situation orderly and fairly.

You can watch today’s Polk County School Board work session for a detailed presentation and discussion about how this review process will unfold.

Here is the list of books being reviewed by district staff, students and parents.

  1. Almost Perfect by Brian Katcher
  2. Beloved by Toni Morrison
  3. The Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison
  4. Drama by Raina Telgemeier
  5. Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Foer
  6. George by Alex Gino
  7. I am Jazz by Jessica Herthel & Jazz Jennings
  8. It’s Perfectly Normal by Robbie Harris
  9. The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
  10. More Happy Than Not by Adam Silvera
  11. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult
  12. Real Live Boyfriends by E. Lockhart
  13. Thirteen Reasons Why by Jay Asher
  14. Tricks by Ellen Hopkins
  15. Two Boys Kissing by David Levithan
  16. The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Jewish Parents Again Acting Stupid thumbnail

Jewish Parents Again Acting Stupid

By Bruce Bialosky

If you have a conversation with Jewish parents of teenagers, typically their overwhelming focus is not just that their children attend college, but they must attend the “right” college. That college may have a history of educating children like theirs, but today it is more interested in two things: Extracting huge sums of money from parents and indoctrinating their children. When the college staff is espousing concepts inherently against you and your heritage, it is time to demand a change or to pull the plug.

A recent study was done of the personnel on college campuses. The study did not involve nebulous poll questions; it relied on the words expressed by the college personnel on twitter. Some will try to argue against the results of the study because it was done by a right-of-center think tank – The Heritage Foundation. That would be a classic case of attacking the messenger instead of disputing the findings.

DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) is the issue. Since most Jewish parents are liberals or even further left, their initial thoughts are it is a good thing for colleges to address this subject. When you find out the average university has 45 staff people working on this issue, one might wonder what they all are doing. That is a lot of money to pay for positions that did not even exist five years ago. When you find out that those 45 people don’t consider you part of DEI despite being an interest group that has borne the burden of more oppression than any in recorded history, you might question what they are doing.

Heritage did a search of the twitter feeds from 741 DEI staff at 65 universities. The twitter feeds were the personal accounts of the subjects in the study versus the DEI staffers’ university accounts. They compared the nature and number of tweets regarding Israel to those by the same people about China.

First, let’s address the two countries. Israel is a democracy that has rights for women, gays, and Arabs. The one million Arab Israelis have the same rights as non-Arab Israelis. It has freedom of the press and an independent judicial system. China has none of these things. Women are often oppressed and forget about gays having any semblance of acceptance. China’s press is part of the ruling party’s operation. Don’t even discuss the courts in China – no freedom or rights there. Then there is the slave labor that is condoned by many and the ruling government. China just broke a treaty and is turning Hong Kong into a totalitarian island. Otherwise, there should be no comparison between the two countries at enlightened universities. In other words, kind comments about Israel and derogatory comments about China. As New Yorkers say, fuhgeddaboudit.

There were three times as many tweets about Israel as there were about China by the 741 DEI staffers with 96 percent of Israel tweets critical and/or negative. The smaller China tweet count produced 62 percent that was positive about China. As has been stated many times in this column, a disproportionate emphasis on Israel particularly in a negative manner is inherently anti-Semitic.

As was stated by the people who performed the study, “The evidence demonstrates that university DEI staff are better understood as political activists with a narrow and often radical agenda rather than promoters of welcoming and inclusive environments. Many DEI staff are particularly unwelcoming toward Jewish students who, like the vast majority of Jews worldwide, feel a strong connection to the state of Israel. The political activism of DEI staff may help explain the rising frequency of anti-Semitic incidents on college campuses.”

If you don’t think this is a problem, consider the amount anti-Semitic incidents occurring on these campuses. How exactly are the immense amount of DEI staff addressing these incidents? In the 2020-2021 school year, Hillel reported there were 244 incidents despite the education experience being almost entirely virtual. That is a significant increase from the 181 in the prior year when there was on-campus instruction.

The findings are the findings, and they need to be confronted. Do not wait for anyone such as the ACLU or ADL to do something. Those organizations are lost. Organizations like Stand With Us are confronting this situation as well as some of the on-campus Hillel’s. This is something every parent of a college-age student needs to address before their children are harassed at the very campus for which their parents paid a fortune to attend.

To read further on this, click here, Inclusion Delusion: The Anti-Semitism of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion staff at Universities.

Families Are Fed up with Big Labor-Dominated Schools thumbnail

Families Are Fed up with Big Labor-Dominated Schools

By Stan Greer

American parents of school-aged children have long understood it’s a bad idea for politicians to grant government union bosses monopoly-bargaining power over how teachers and other school employees are compensated and managed. Over the years, millions of mothers and fathers have expressed their considered views on this question by voting with their feet.

The fact that foot-voting against Big Labor-dominated schools has occurred on a massive scale is evident from statistics on government union prevalence and age-segregated population data for the 50 states, respectively reported by labor economists Barry Hirsch and David MacPherson in their Union Membership and Coverage Database and by the U.S. Census Bureau.

The Union Membership and Coverage Database shows that, as of 2020, Big Labor wielded so-called “exclusive representation” control over 55 percent of all teachers and other public employees in the 25 states where government union bosses are the most powerful. The average share of unionized public servants for the other 25 states is 21 percent.

And Census Bureau data plainly show that parents, when they have a choice, prefer not to have their kids educated in states where government union officials wield the most clout.

From 2010 to 2020, the aggregate school-aged population (ages 5-17) for the 25 highest government-union-density states plummeted by 1.4 million, or 5 percent. Meanwhile, the total school-aged population of the 25 lowest government-union-density states rose by 987,000, or 4 percent. The nine states with the steepest percentage declines in their school-aged populations from 2010 to 2020 are all high government-union-density states.

And the most recently released Census population data for the 50 states indicate the stream of families fleeing Big Labor strongholds like California, Illinois, and New York has turned into a flood. Over the course of just one year, from July 1, 2020 to July 1, 2021, a net total of 864,000 Americans moved out of the 25 states where government union monopolists are most entrenched and into states where they wield relatively little clout.  California’s latest annual domestic outmigration was 75 percent higher than it had been from July 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019.  New York’s outmigration doubled!

While age-bracketed 2021 state population data won’t be available until a few months from now, there is no reasonable doubt that families with children in elementary and secondary schools continued to constitute a disproportionately large share of Big Labor’s domestic outmigration, as they did from 2010 to 2020.

Why are a large and growing number of parents opting to get their kids as far away from government union boss-controlled schools as they can?  Some education ills associated with union monopoly bargaining, such as rules making it extremely difficult to fire derelict teachers, are longstanding.

But since 2020, millions of additional parents have turned against teacher union officials as Big Labor fought tooth and nail to keep schools shuttered at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic from reopening, despite ample evidence that they could do so safely and that prolonged school shutdowns were harming schoolchildren academically and psychologically.

The disdain for the welfare of children displayed by government union bosses and state and local politicians who are beholden to them in connection to the politicization of COVID-19 is undoubtedly a key reason why the school-aged population losses of Big Labor bastion states from 2020 to 2030 could potentially be twice as great as they were from 2010 to 2020.

New York Post journalist Karol Markowitz, who recently moved with her husband from the Big Apple to right to work Florida to protect their three school-aged children from “feckless” union-label politicians, undoubtedly expressed the outrage and frustration of many parents in an article she wrote for the Post at the end of last year regarding her family’s relocation:

“I have fought for the children of this city the entire length of the pandemic.  I fought for every child who did not have parents at home working over their laptops, every child with a disability who was not getting the help they needed over Zoom.  I fought for all the children who would never regain what they had lost while their city stepped over them, trying to ignore their existence.

“But now I have to think of my own children and get them to sanity.  We can no longer wait for our city to return to it.”


This article was published by AIER, American Institute for Economic Research, and is reprinted with permission.

University of Michigan Professor Claims ‘Islamophobia’ Bigger Threat Than Islamic Terrorism thumbnail

University of Michigan Professor Claims ‘Islamophobia’ Bigger Threat Than Islamic Terrorism

By Jihad Watch

My latest in PJ Media:

Juan Cole, a professor at the University of Michigan, proved once again Thursday something that everyone who has been paying attention knows by now: you don’t go to an American university to get an education but to be indoctrinated into Leftist dogma and recruited for Antifa. Cole, who has written a hagiographical and whitewashed biography of Muhammad and is a Leftist go-to authority on Islamic issues, published an article in Foreign Policy In Focus entitled “Islam Wasn’t the Threat — Islamophobia Was.” If this sounds like nonsense, that’s only because it is, but that’s what sells on the Left these days.

Concern for Islamic terrorism, in Cole’s view, has been greatly exaggerated, in part for “racist” reasons (of course), while the rampant terror threat of “white supremacy” has been downplayed or ignored outright. Those who have suffered the most from this lack of focus, he insists, have been Muslims in America, who have borne the brunt of “Islamophobia” in America’s misguided quest to protect itself from a largely nonexistent threat of jihad terrorism.

All this is designed to inculcate the hatred and contempt for the United States that the Left is working to instill everywhere these days, and of course, Cole’s chief targets are conservatives. He begins his ridiculous piece by whining that “Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson excused one of the leaders of the extremist Oath Keepers organization implicated in the January 6th insurrection by describing him as ‘a devout Christian.’ It’s safe to surmise that he wouldn’t have offered a similar defense for a Muslim American.” Aside from denigrating Tucker Carlson, Cole’s point here is that the Jan. 6 “insurrection” was a manifestation of “Christian terrorism,” equivalent to the Islamic terrorism we saw on 9/11.

To drive this point home, Cole has to ignore numerous inconvenient facts, including these: that no one has been charged with insurrection in connection with Jan. 6, the protestors were unarmed, the police opened the doors of the Capitol and invited them in, and no one was killed except one of the protestors, by a rogue cop who has faced no punishment, since he is safely anti-Trump.

Cole also has to ignore the fact that nearly 3,000 people were murdered by Islamic jihad terrorists on 9/11 and that those attacks were just one day’s worth, with 40,000 more jihad attacks coming worldwide since then. He sees 9/11 solely as the impetus for the victimization of Muslims in the United States: “Since September 11th, and even before that ominous date, Muslim Americans have suffered bitterly from discrimination and hate crimes in this country, while their religion has been demonized. During the first year of the Trump administration, about half of Muslim Americans polled said that they had personally experienced some type of discrimination.”

There is more. Read the rest here.




Palestinians in Nablus violently attack a taxi driver, along with screaming and cursing, because they thought he was Jewish.

— Emily Schrader – אמילי שריידר (@emilykschrader) February 9, 2022


Islamic Movement calls ‘resistance’ a ‘religious war’ and vows ‘all of the Jews will be evicted from Palestine’

‘Spencer’s The Palestinian Delusion counters the sham Amnesty Report with truth’

Colorado: Muslim sets fire to his house because ‘Allah told him to,’ to destroy his sister’s ‘idols’ (dolls)

Germany: Muslim migrant arrested with gun at train station, said he ‘wanted to kill as many people as possible’

Germany: Muslim enters church during service, throws himself on the ground while screaming about Allah

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Over Half Of Americans Don’t Think Schools Need To Teach About The Ongoing Impact Of Slavery And Racism thumbnail

Over Half Of Americans Don’t Think Schools Need To Teach About The Ongoing Impact Of Slavery And Racism

By The Daily Caller

This is what’s happening in public schools!

  • Over half of Americans don’t think schools have a responsibility to teach students about the ongoing impact of slavery and racism, according to according to a poll released Monday by the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State University in partnership with APM Research Lab.
  • Two-thirds of Republican respondents and almost half of Independents said educators should only teach the history of slavery, according to the “Mood of the Nation” poll. Only one-fifth of Democratic respondents said exclusively the history of slavery should be taught.
  • Most respondents said they didn’t think governors and state legislators should have a “great deal of influence” over how concepts such as racism, slavery, creationism and sex education are taught in public schools and responded in favor of parents having the greatest influence on those topics.

Over half of Americans don’t think schools have a responsibility to teach students about the ongoing impact of slavery and racism, according to according to a poll released Monday by the McCourtney Institute for Democracy at Penn State University in partnership with APM Research Lab.

Two-thirds of Republican respondents and almost half of Independents said educators should only teach the history of slavery, according to the “Mood of the Nation” poll. Only one-fifth of Democratic respondents said exclusively the history of slavery should be taught.

The survey polled 1,200 people over the age of 18 starting in late November 2021, and the results generally varied depending on political affiliation. That said, the poll showed that 90% of respondents believed schools have a responsibility to teach about the history of slavery and scientific evolution.



By @egawthrop & @c_helmstetter

A collaboration between @McCourtneyInst & @APMResearch

— APM Research Lab (@APMResearch) February 7, 2022

Most respondents said they didn’t think governors and state legislators should have a “great deal of influence” over how concepts such as racism, slavery, creationism and sex education are taught in public schools and responded in favor of parents having the greatest influence on those topics.

Almost half of respondents said that the biblical stance on creation should be taught alongside scientific evidence of evolution, according to the poll. Respondents with a bachelor’s degree, higher incomes and Democrats were the most likely to take the position that exclusively the scientific evidence of creation should be taught.

Respondents 45 and older were the most supportive of parents having the greatest influence in how evolution is taught.

“It depends on a person’s religious belief,” a 61-year-old Black Democratic woman from Florida who identifies as a born-again Christian said in the survey. “If they believe, as I do, that man was created by God, then I think they should decide what and how their children should be taught concerning evolution.”

Of those polled, 51% of respondents said parents should have “a great deal of influence” over the subject of sex education, the poll showed. Three-fourths of respondents said students should learn about contraception and the dangers of diseases during sex education, while nearly one-fourth said the dangers of diseases and abstinence until marriage should be taught.

Republicans, born-again Christians and respondents 65 and older were the most likely to say parents should have the greatest influence on their children’s sex education, according to the poll results. Additionally, forty percent of respondents said health teachers should also have “a great deal of influence” in sex education.

“Because government departments of education don’t care about students. Parents should be teaching them about safety along with health teachers and professionals,” a 28-year-old Democratic Hispanic man from New York said, according to survey.

Over the course of the pandemic, as school boards have fielded complaints from parents over topics like COVID-19 policies and Critical Race Theory (CRT), multiple state legislatures and governors have proposed legislation and put forth executive orders that would give parents more say and provide more transparency about what their children are taught in public schools. Critics, including many educators and progressives, argue that GOP-proposed legislation censors teachers and restricts how they teach.

The maximum margin of error for the “Mood of the Nation” survey is 3.7 points.



Education reporter.


University ‘Sex Week’ Encourages Students To ‘Thank Abortion Providers’

New York Reportedly Dropping Mask Mandates For Businesses, But Not Yet Schoolchildren

CNN Medical Analyst Says Mask Mandate Should End Because ‘Science Has Changed.’ But Has It?

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is available without charge to any eligible news publisher that can provide a large audience. For licensing opportunities of our original content, please contact

All The Institutions Failed thumbnail

All The Institutions Failed

By Jason Garshfield

The next pandemic might be more serious. But if the “experts” try to sound the alarm, the public will have no faith in them.

As the continued coronavirus lockdowns come to be gradually recognized as the grave error that they were, we must acknowledge the discomfiting fact that every single elite institution in the world got the pandemic response spectacularly wrong.

Governments were wrong. Virtually every nation, to varying degrees, went along with the CCP-inspired radical new lockdown model, as did most subnational governmental bodies.

Academics and experts were wrong. Leading scientists went far beyond their expertise in calling for sweeping policy changes, while the universities themselves scammed their students by switching to virtual learning but demanding full tuition.

The media was wrong. Most mainstream outlets fell in line as enthusiastic propagandists for the lockdown-and-mandate regime, mocking and censoring dissenting voices.

The entertainment industry was wrong. Actors, musicians, athletes, and other prominent cultural influencers used their considerable public sway to promote a “new normal” from whose worst impacts they were shielded.

International organizations were wrong. The World Health Organization misled the public again and again, while the United Nations, International Monetary Fund, and others saw the crisis as a springboard from which to implement a set of long-desired social changes.

Billionaires and major corporations were wrong. These institutions, which one would ostensibly expect to be the most libertarian, went above and beyond in acting as enforcers for mask and vaccine mandates. Indeed, some (no names need be said here) had a financial interest in perpetuating lockdowns.

The legal system was wrong. While the Supreme Court may have overturned the Biden vaccine mandate, the same federal court system—including many conservative judges—were frequently happy to allow “public health” to serve as a constitutional workaround. So, for that matter, were many once-respectable civil libertarians.

There were a few exceptions, mainstream figures who were willing to go against the grain and speak out against lockdowns. But they were just that: exceptions. The overwhelming majority of these institutions were clearly and unequivocally wrong.

Never before has anything like this happened; it is a historical first. The 2003 invasion of Iraq is now widely considered to be a mistake, but even that did not receive unanimous institutional support. It was denounced by prominent celebrities, and several major allies, including France and Germany, refused to fight. Imagine if there had been such high-level dissent from the lockdown regime.

The simple truth is that everyone to whom we would look for guidance during a time of crisis completely bungled this one. The economic and social damage done by lockdowns will take decades to repair, and it has come about thanks to a group of leaders who confidently, self-assuredly, and condescendingly led us all in the wrong direction.

The damage to public trust, however, maybe the worst of all.

Contrary to some popular sentiment, it is not a bad thing that we have experts or elite institutions. None of us, no matter how bright or diligent, are able to solve every complex problem for ourselves. Reliance on expertise is a heuristic and on the whole a useful one. The same goes for talented artists, news organizations that keep us aware of important information, and businesses that provide valuable consumer products. None of these are bad in their conception.

Citizenship in a free society requires a certain healthy skepticism of these institutions, but it also requires some base level of trust. Institutional trust was badly battered in the Trump years, but it was still strong enough in March 2020 that when President Trump and Dr. Fauci stood side-by-side and told us that we would have to serve our nation by social distancing for two weeks, most of us went along.

That trust has now been lost. It is highly likely that a large section of the public will never do what elite institutions tell them to again—and will in fact do the exact opposite. They will reflexively see a group of power holders who are at best incompetent and at worst malicious.

The problem with crying wolf, though, is that sometimes there is a real wolf. The next pandemic might be more serious. But if the “experts” try to sound the alarm, the public will have no faith in them—and justifiably so.

The only hope we now have is to so thoroughly and transparently reform these institutions that they might regain some measure of public trust. It is not enough to move on from this purgatorial era of lockdowns, as we are (hopefully) now starting to do. After World War II, we did not merely bask in the victory. We also took steps to hold the direct perpetrators responsible and ensure that the lessons learned in the war would not be forgotten.

The same must be done here. We must have a full, exhaustive public audit that exposes exactly how and where it all went so badly wrong, how the most powerful people in the world could have come to implement a policy so massively misguided as planetwide lockdown, and to hold the globe in thrall to that self-evidently insane policy for two full years. Bad actors must be removed from these institutions whenever possible, and reforms must be put in place to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again.

If we can have a commission to investigate the riot at the Capitol on January 6, we can certainly have one dedicated to plumbing the depths of this great error.

It seems highly unlikely at this point that the major institutions will do anything other than stubbornly double down on their mistakes. But they must change. In the face of such massive failure, the only alternative to institutional reform would be institutional destruction, an outcome for which none of us should hope.


This article appeared in The American Conservative and is reproduced with permission.

WATCH! Schools across America implement BLM Week of Action, calls for ‘disruption of Western nuclear family’ thumbnail

WATCH! Schools across America implement BLM Week of Action, calls for ‘disruption of Western nuclear family’

By The Geller Report

Sending your children to government schools is child abuse.

A school in DC forced kindergarteners to march around with BLM signs and chant “Black Lives Matter”

— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) February 4, 2022

Schools across America implement BLM Week of Action that calls for ‘disruption of Western nuclear family’

Week of action curriculum centers itself around 13 ‘Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles’

By Houston Keene | Fox News February 2, 2022:

Schools across America are implementing the Black Lives Matter at School Week of Action curriculum that calls for the “disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics.”

The week of action started on Monday in several schools from Washington state to Massachusetts, bringing to classrooms the activist-based curriculum that preaches controversial ideas.

According to the week of action “starter kit” published on the Black Lives Matter at School website, the group has a list of four “national demands” that include funding “counselors not cops” and mandating “Black History and Ethnic Studies” in classrooms.

Additionally, the week of action curriculum centers itself on the 13 “Black Lives Matter Guiding Principles,” which include concepts such as “Black Villages” and “Globalism.”

“Black Villages is the disruption of Western nuclear family dynamics and a return to the ‘collective village’ that takes care of each other,” the starter kit reads. “Globalism is our ability to see how we are impacted or privileged within the Black global family that exists across the world in different regions.”

“Most rational thinkers agree that public schools should not be home to political activism, from any side of the political divide, but public schools across America, from Boston to Seattle, have opened their doors for activist teachings from the divisive Black Lives Matter political organization,” Parents Defending Education vice president of investigations Asra Nomani said in a statement.

“Under the cover of a week of action, called ‘Black Lives Matter at School,’ children as young as five years old are being trained how to be political activists,” Nomani continued. “What we are witnessing is state-sponsored political indoctrination, using coloring books, downloadable slide shows and contests to teach a next generation ‘social justice activism,’ in the program’s own words.”

“We need radicalization out of schools, especially as children struggle with learning loss from the pandemic, and reading, writing and arithmetic back in schools,” Nomani added.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All  rights reserved.

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The Evidence Is Clear: When Parents Are Engaged, Politicians Respond thumbnail

The Evidence Is Clear: When Parents Are Engaged, Politicians Respond

By Family Research Council

In a review of all the political news in 2021, it would be hard to deny the impact of parents engaging the system. Politicians are responding to the undeniable force of concerned parents advocating for and protecting children. With state legislatures in full swing, we see many examples of legislation that reflect this much-needed pressure from parents: bills opposing the teaching of critical race theory (CRT), protecting students from gender identity ideology, providing oversight of libraries, and encouraging school curricula transparency.

Critical Theory

Post-modernism’s impact on K-12 education can be clearly seen in the introduction of teaching “critical theories” like CRT and queer theory. Organizations like the highly-partisan and left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center have pushed ideologies such as these in schools for decades, virtually unopposed. When parents finally stood up against this divisive material, politicians responded. In just the past month, 56 state-level bills opposing CRT have been proposed across the country. Virginia’s newly-elected governor, Glenn Youngkin (R), issued an executive order regarding “divisive concepts” as part of his Day One Agenda, fulfilling a campaign promise. He also set up a hotline for parents to report curricula that are harmful to children and compromise learning. Left-wing organizations that dominate public institutions will predictably decry these efforts. And the legislative process is complex, producing bills that are less than perfect in some cases. But the important achievement is that public officials are responding to the voices of parents who demand intellectual protections for children, in some cases for the first time.

Gender Identity Ideology

Parents are fighting back against efforts to indoctrinate children in gender identity ideology. Whether it’s activist teachers overstepping their authority to encourage children to “transition” or school systems promoting dangerous policies that can lead to medical procedures that harm children, thanks to parental engagement, political leaders are finally stepping in to offer legislation to protect children and families from harmful agendas. From bills regulating medical treatment of minors to bills protecting opportunities for girls to compete on a level playing field in sports, the very real concerns of parents are finally being addressed.

Sexually-Explicit Content

Virtual learning during the pandemic was the ultimate in curricula transparency. When parents got a long look at what their children were learning, the great awakening of parents began. Now that in-person classes are resuming in schools across the country, parents want to maintain their oversight of a system that has taken too many ideological liberties with children’s minds. Proposed legislation to mandate that schools post information about curriculum on their websites will go a long way toward keeping parents informed about the content of their children’s education — and keeping politics out of the classroom.

An example of a parent who was tireless in her efforts to protect children comes recently from Virginia. When this mom heard from her son about the disturbing sexual content in his class reading assignments, she became an advocate for parental notification. After discussing the situation with her son’s teachers and the school administration, she decided to meet with her school board member and other school officials about establishing a county-wide policy notifying parents that a class assignment contained sexually-explicit reading material and offering parents the chance to select an alternative assignment for their child. These protections already existed in other classes, like Biology, where students with religious objections are not required to dissect insects or animals and are provided an alternative assignment.

With a county policy for parental notification in place, this mom focused her efforts on the state legislature so that every family in Virginia would enjoy the same protections she had worked for in her school system. This effort came to both statewide and national attention in the 2021 Virginia gubernatorial race. On the debate stage, the former governor who had twice vetoed bipartisan legislation allowing parental notification of sexually-explicit or sexually-violent content in class assignments proudly proclaimed that parents should not have a say in their children’s education. Parental rights in education became a major theme of his opponent Glenn Youngkin’s campaign and propelled him to victory.

Now, even a few Democratic Party legislators have gotten the message. A version of this parental notification legislation passed out of committee with bipartisan support. It’s expected to pass through the Democrat-controlled state senate. Other pro-parent measures have failed, but it’s great to see at least one signature campaign issue gaining hard-earned and much-deserved support. Please pray for this effort and efforts like it across the country that benefit families and children.

Whether it’s lobbying state legislators, engaging with local governing bodies, deciding to run for office, or simply talking to your children or grandchildren about what’s happening in their school day, parental engagement is the key to protecting faith, family, and freedom.


Meg Kilgannon

Senior Fellow for Education Studies.

RELATED VIDEO: ‘Our Schools Are Being Turned Into Indoctrination Camps’:

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.