UK Government Report: Children up to 52 times more likely to die following a COVID shot thumbnail

UK Government Report: Children up to 52 times more likely to die following a COVID shot

By The Geller Report

Data from Britain’s Office for National Statistics show a stark increase in deaths among children both single- and double-jabbed compared to their un-jabbed counterparts……as the Democrat regime in America pushes for mandates for children and babies.

By: LifeSite News | Feb 2, 2022 | David McLoone

Data from Britain’s Office for National Statistics show a stark increase in deaths among children both single- and double-jabbed compared to their un-jabbed counterparts..

Britain’s Office for National Statistics (ONS) has released data indicating that children who received the COVID-19 jabs have suffered a death rate 54 times greater than that of their un-jabbed counterparts.

In December, the ONS published age-standardized data on the mortality rates of individuals in 5-year age sets in Britain, grouped by their “vaccination” status for the COVID-19 shots. The data accounts for the period from January 1 to October 31, 2021.

The ONS tabulated “Monthly age-standardised mortality rates by age-group and vaccination status for deaths involving COVID-19, per 100,000 person-years” but presented the data only for ages 18 and over. However, the jabs are available to children as young as 12, and those children are allowed to receive the shot against their parents’ wishes. In limited cases, children as young as 5 have been given a reduced dosage of the shots.

Nevertheless, as noted by The Exposé, a separate table outlining “deaths and person-years by vaccination status” includes 5-year age groups from 10-years-old and up. From the data provided, a calculation of the mortality rate per 100,000 person-years can be made.

The rate per 100,000 person-years delineation is used in preference over the simpler 100,000 population calculation to better represent the mortality rates over a specific period of time, as people in one “vaccination” group – such as un-jabbed, single-jabbed, and double-jabbed – soon move into the next group.

Table 9 of the ONS report shows the “deaths and person-years by vaccination status and five-year age group” for the entire ten-month period. According to the report, the un-jabbed 10–14-year-old group represents 2,094,711 person-years, and the 15–19 age set 1,587,072 person-years over the same time.

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From the above table the 100,000 person-years calculation can be made, with the younger group coming out at 20.9 un-jabbed per 100,000 person-years and the older group at 15.9. Following this, the mortality rate per 100,000 person-years is worked out by dividing the number of deaths within each group by the 100,000 person-years calculation.

The result is that for the 10–14 year group, the un-jabbed mortality per 100,000 person-years is 4.6 while the un-jabbed mortality rate per 100,000 person-years for the 15–19 group is 10.1.

Using the same data set and calculation, the mortality rate for 10­–14-year-olds who received one dose of the jabs suffered a 45.1 per 100,000 person-years death rate, while 15–19-year-olds with one jab suffered 18.3 deaths per 100,00 person-years.

… Among those who received two doses of the COVID jabs in both young age groups, the death rates were higher still, with 32.9 deaths per 100,000 person-years among the 15–19 age group and a staggering 238.4 deaths per 100,000 person-years among 10–14-year-olds in the U.K.

The data show a stark increase in deaths among children both single- and double-jabbed compared to their un-jabbed counterparts. For children aged 15–19, the risk of death increases by almost double if they take the first shot and by over three times if they take the second.

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10–14-year-olds, on the other hand, run the risk of dying almost by a factor of ten following the first dose while the second dose brings a 51.8 times greater risk of death than if they had remained un-jabbed.

On average, it means that children between 10 and 19 years of age who had received at least one shot of the COVID jabs had a 3.7 times greater chance of dying between January and October last year.

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Additionally, according to the ONS’ “five-year average weekly deaths by sex and age group” figures between 2015 and 2019 among children ages 10-14, recorded deaths have risen by 44 percent above the average in weekly figures provided by the ONS for 2021.

The JCVI, an independent adviser to the U.K. government on immunization programs, determined in a September 3 statement that the “available evidence indicates that the individual health benefits from COVID-19 vaccination are small in those aged 12 to 15 years.” They added that any benefit granted by the shots is only “marginally greater than the potential known harms,” while acknowledging that “there is considerable uncertainty regarding the magnitude of the potential harms.”

Given the uncertainty of risks involved with the COVID shots, the JCVI considered the benefits “too small to support advice on a universal programme of vaccination of otherwise healthy 12- to 15-year-old children at this time.”

Moreover, COVID shot trials have never produced evidence that the vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19 disease. Indeed, there is strong evidence that the “vaccinated” are just as likely to carry and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated.

Many Catholics and other Christians have rejected the currently available COVID inoculations because they were developed or tested using cell lines derived from aborted children.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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A Weekend Read: Why America Has Splintered into Identity Groups thumbnail

A Weekend Read: Why America Has Splintered into Identity Groups

By Craig J. Cantoni

The intellectual foundation of critical race theory, identity politics, hatred of whites, and the rejection of both reason and classical liberalism.

Many Americans are concerned about the splintering of America into identity groups and are bewildered by critical race theory, queer studies, the proliferation of genders, cancel culture, the claim that reason and logic are constructs of white culture, and the corresponding shift from classical liberalism to identity-based authoritarianism.

Other Americans believe that these are passing fads that will dissipate like former fads if they are ignored, humored, or accommodated until they run out of steam.

The scholarly book below can inform the first group and disabuse the second group.

Cynical Theories, by Helen Pluckrose & James Lindsay, Pitchstone Publishing, Durham, North Carolina, 2020, 351 pages.

The book is a very important treatise on how the new thinking came about, why it is not going away on its own, and why it is destroying the bonds that hold society together.

The authors are pedigreed liberals and scholars with inside knowledge of the academy. They rightly see the new thinking as a threat to classical liberalism, which they define as “political democracy, limitations on the powers of government, the development of universal human rights, legal equality for all adult citizens, freedom of expression, respect for the value of viewpoint diversity and honest debate, respect for evidence and reason, the separation of church and state, and freedom of religion.”

In this, the authors have a lot of common cause with conservatives, libertarians, and anyone of any party who still values such political principles.

The problem is that the book is a difficult read, not because it is badly written, but because, by necessity, it has to delve into academic jargon and philosophical abstractions and concepts.  Understandably, with the stresses of living in these troubled times, most people don’t have the time or interest to read a book that is about as relaxing as studying for a final exam.

As such, given the importance of the book’s message, this paper is less of a traditional book review and more of a formal exposition based on the book’s key points, for the benefit of those who won’t be reading the book.  Personal thoughts are included based on my career experience at the vanguard of equal opportunity, affirmative action, diversity, and racial sensitivity training.

The paper is divided into the following sections:

Postmodernism Roots of New Thinking

The Mutation of Postmodernism

Social Justice’s Version of Scholarship

Queer Theory

Critical Race Theory


The New Feminism

The New View of the Disabled and the Obese

Standpoint Theory

Social Justice Close-mindedness

The Rapidly Spreading Dogma

White Fragility


Due to the complexity of the foregoing topics, and due to the new illiberal thinking having its tentacles deep inside America’s major institution, this paper is necessarily long at nearly 6,900 words.  I believe it is one of my most important writings, more important than my published book, my seven years of authoring a newspaper column, and my many articles in leading newspapers and publications.  That shows how much I see the new thinking as a serious threat.

Postmodernism Roots of New Thinking

The roots of today’s voguish theories go back to the postmodernism of the late 1960s.  There’s not a universally-accepted definition of “postmodernism,” but a common one is “a belief that there is no objective knowledge or truth.”

Postmodernism rejected the reason and scientific method of the Enlightenment, embraced moral and cultural relativism, and saw power, cultural biases, and the language of political discourse as the guiding forces of society.

Because postmodernism deconstructed all large social and political systems into meaninglessness, it resulted in cynicism and nihilism and tore itself apart in the process.  But one aspect of postmodernism survives today:  a rejection of both individuality and common humanity.  In their place, postmodernism saw small groups as the only legitimate sources of knowledge, values, and discourses—groups that have the same experiences, perspectives and values, due to being of the same race, sex, or class.

The Mutation of Postmodernism

Originally, postmodernism was kind of an intellectual game without a political or social agenda.  Its modern mutation is the opposite.  It has morphed into what the book calls New Theories, which have the goal of reordering society, righting wrongs, achieving equal results instead of equality under the law, pursuing social justice for those groups seen as being treated unjustly, taking power from white men, stereotyping all whites as having conscious and unconscious biases, rejecting white ideas about reason and merit, replacing white literature and words with the literature and words of marginalized groups, and dismantling the white institutions and social norms that are seen as being built on colonialism, slavery, discrimination, and other injustices.

The book’s authors don’t say this, but revenge is one of the driving forces behind the New Theories; that is, the unspoken motive is to get even with white men and Western culture for demeaning and supplanting non-Western cultures and powerless minorities.  Of course, the vast majority of those who embrace the New Theories have been born and raised under Western values, are the progeny of generations of Americans who have lived under Western values, and only have an imagined or exaggerated sense of another cultural heritage.

Not only that, but many of the theorists are whiter than this Mediterranean.  One wonders if they realize what they have unleashed on their progeny and society.

Acolytes of the New Theories fail to acknowledge the self-correcting nature of classical liberalism and democracy, and they seem blind to the tremendous progress made in extending rights, political power, and economic progress to non-whites, women, gays, and the disabled.  Nor do they seem to realize that the reason they have not been sent to the gulag or reeducation camp for their revolutionary ideas is because they are citizens of a pluralistic, liberal democracy and a constitutional republic with a Bill of Rights.

At the same time, they don’t say what political and economic system they see as a replacement, they don’t admit the failings of other systems and cultures, and, for sure, they can’t imagine that things might get worse if they were to rise to power.  In their sanctimonious minds, they don’t have human foibles and are therefore incapable of governing out of self-interest and being corrupted by power.  In that sense, they are reminiscent of idealistic Bolsheviks in 1917.

As will be seen below, their methods reveal the opposite about them.

Social Justice’s Version of Scholarship

There used to be a barrier between scholarship and activism in academia, just as there used to be a barrier between the news and editorial pages of newspapers.  The barrier has been breached.  As the authors of Critical Theories write, “Teaching is now supposed to be a political act, and only one type of politics is acceptable—identity politics . . .”

In turn, identity politics has led to the concept of “research justice,” which demands that scholars maximize citations of women and minorities and minimize citations of white Western men, because empirical research rooted in evidence and reasoned argument is an unfair and privileged cultural construct of white Westerners.  Therefore, according to the authors, research justice establishes a moral obligation for scholars to include other forms of research, such as “superstition, spiritual beliefs, cultural traditions and beliefs, identity-based experiences, and emotional responses.”

The authors go on to say that this agenda is not hidden.  It has been open and explicit for many years.  No doubt, it was not open and explicit to parents who footed the college expenses for their kids.

The authors quote a postmodernist scholar on his theories about the role that language plays in constructing knowledge.  In a case of ironic comedy, the scholar’s writing was so incomprehensible that he won second place in a bad writing contest for this sentence:

If, for a while, the ruse of desire is calculable for the uses of discipline, soon the repetition of guilt, justification, pseudo-scientific theories, superstition, spurious authorities, and classifications can be seen as the desperate effort to “normalize” formally the disturbance of a discourse of splitting that violates the rational, enlightened claims of its enunciatory modality.

Much of the writing in the New Theories is just as incomprehensible, and even when it is comprehensible, it is often incoherent, inconsistent, illogical, and contradictory.  That’s certainly the case with queer theory.

Queer Theory

Queer theory is mostly about sex, gender and sexuality but can be applied to other subjects.  It is a belief that language causes oppression when it is used to establish and reinforce what society considers normal, especially in regards to the binary categories of male and female, masculine and feminine, straight and gay, and so on.  The goal of queer theory is to subvert or reject anything considered normal and to replace it with the queer.

Once again, the driving force is the belief that normative categories are social constructs developed intentionally or unintentionally by the dominant culture to discriminate against outliers.  Therefore, it’s self-defeating for minorities and the disadvantaged to judge themselves by the standards and mores of the dominant group.

As with a lot of the New Theories, an ounce of truth can be found in a gallon of hogwash.

Science does show that gender dysphoria is real, and for sure, humans have always engaged in sexual practices outside of what society at a given point in history has considered normal.  But it is not enough under queer theory to employ classical liberalism to extend equal rights to so-called queers.  It’s necessary to go beyond that to make queers the new normal, to change the language accordingly, and to even put them on a pedestal as a brave new victim group deserving of accolades.  A personal anecdote illustrates the difference in treatment.

Circa 1988, I was an executive with an old-line manufacturing and mining company dominated by macho, good ole boys. A male clerk in one of my departments began wearing female clothes as part of a gender transition.  I quickly stopped the snickering by his male and female coworkers by asking them to imagine how uncomfortable it was from his perspective to be so different, irrespective of whether the difference was due to hormones, genes, or a psychological problem.  Deciding what restroom he could use was a non-event, and the transitioning employee quickly returned to being treated as just another coworker.  (In some countries, he would have been fired or maybe even stoned to death.)

Treating transgendered people this way is far different from putting a transgender on a company’s board of directors as a token to appease queer activists and to demonstrate to employees who have a warped view of social justice that the company is hip.  It’s also far different from the radical idea that the majority should submerge its values or risk being called intolerant—and that children should be encouraged in public schools to be trendy and adopt a different gender identity or to change their identity at the first sign of normal gender confusion.

A similar shift to radicalism can be seen in critical race theory.

Critical Race Theory

Critical race theory is primarily about African Americans, who are also known as Blacks, with the “B” capitalized.  It isn’t really about other so-called “people of color.”  CRT began with the undeniable fact that whites (with the “w” not capitalized) engaged in the slave trade.  Actually, it was some white Anglo-Saxon Protestants, as well as some Portuguese and Spaniards (a k a Hispanics) who engaged in the slave trade.

Another undeniable fact is that many other whites benefited economically from slavery and that racism continued through Jim Crow and continues today, albeit at a much-reduced level.  Still, another is that Blacks continue to suffer socioeconomically as a group in spite of the Great Society, War on Poverty, voting rights legislation, equal opportunity laws, affirmative action, scores of welfare programs, and dramatically increased political power.

CRT’s basic premise is that race was a social construct designed to maintain white privilege and white supremacy.  A corollary is that racial stereotypes and racism have become so ingrained in the dominant white culture that all whites, regardless of their ethnicity and class, have economic, social, educational, and political advantages over Blacks—advantages that are reinforced by white concepts of reason, science, and merit.  Moreover, even the most enlightened and open-minded whites harbor unconscious prejudices.

Given that there is little genetic variation between different peoples, race is indeed mostly a social construct; but it is a construct that also applies to whites and other “races,” not just to Blacks.  Also, of course, all people, regardless of pigment, harbor conscious and unconscious stereotypes and prejudices about people who are different from them.  However, what’s unique about whites, according to CRT, is that they hold political, social, and economic power over Blacks and other non-whites.

The solution, therefore, is twofold:  first, to take political, social, and economic power away from whites; second, to get whites to admit their advantages and to confront their unconscious prejudices.

Efforts to achieve the first goal include diversity and inclusion initiatives that prioritize Blacks over whites in hiring and promotions, as well as the elimination of quantifiable admissions criteria for colleges and certain professions. Efforts to achieve the second goal include CRT training programs in corporations and government, in which whites are confronted with their privileges and unconscious racism, similar to how people accused of being capitalists during the Chinese Cultural Revolution were humiliated and forced to confess.  Much to the consternation of parents, CRT training has been adopted by many school districts.

CRT has established a Catch-22 to protect itself from counter-opinions and scholarly debate, namely that denials of racism and power by whites are proof of their racism and power. Such denials can result in whites being canceled, or seeing their career ruined, or, in academia, being denied tenure and grants.

On a personal note, if I mention my work on behalf of equal rights, I’m ipso facto a racist who uses that work as an excuse not to give up power and money.  Likewise, it is seen as totally irrelevant if I relate my experience as a teen and the only “white” on an otherwise all-Black janitorial and kitchen crew at an exclusive country club in St. Louis that denied membership to Blacks, Jews, Italians, and Catholics.  The fact that I would wash and wax the big Buick of the Black clubhouse manager, Bill Williams, for extra money, and the fact that my dad was a non-union tile setter and the son of a coal miner, does not keep me from being branded as coming from privilege.

Because I’m considered white and privileged by whoever decides such matters, my opinions are discounted by CRT. It’s unclear how this is good for whites, Blacks, and society at large.

In the same vein, in a glaring double standard, it’s not okay to negatively stereotype Blacks but is okay to negatively stereotype whites.  And in an awful and unmentioned development, white elites are now more paternalistic, more condescending, and more pandering towards Blacks than ever.  An example is the proliferation of TV commercials featuring Blacks, who, except for skin color, resemble the idealized WASPs in the fantastical TV shows of the late 1950s and early 1960s, such as “Father Knows Best” and “Leave It to Beaver”—shows that had little resemblance to my Italian family or the families of scores of other ethnic immigrant groups.  No doubt, the commercials are produced by ad agencies staffed by wealthy graduates of the Ivy League, on behalf of corporate clients who are wealthy graduates of the Ivy League.

To a large extent, the relationship between whites and Blacks remains parent-to-child instead of adult-to-adult.  The former relationship results in dependency and child-like behavior.  The latter, in independence and self-confidence.  At least Malcolm X and the Black Panthers didn’t want to depend on whites for anything.

The relationship can be seen in the reticence of whites to level with Blacks to the same degree that they level with fellow whites.  In discussing and debating current events, political philosophy, economics, racism, or whatever, they hold back for fear of triggering an emotional reaction and being seen as overbearing and insensitive.  In other words, they tiptoe around certain subjects with Blacks.

The authors make an excellent point that the hallmark of critical race theory is a “paranoid mind-set, which assumes racism is everywhere, always, just waiting to be found,” and which is “extremely unlikely to be helpful or healthy for those who adopt it.”  They go on to say:

In addition, interpreting everything as racist and saying so almost constantly in unlikely to produce the desired results in white people (or for minorities). It could even undermine antiracist activism by creating skepticism and indignation and thus producing a reluctance to cooperate with worthwhile initiatives to overcome racism . . . . It is bad psychology to tell people who do not believe that they are racist—who may even actively despise racism—that there is nothing they can do to stop themselves from being racist . . . . Worst of all is to set up double-binds, like telling them that if they notice race it is because they are racist, but if they don’t notice race, it’s because their privilege affords them the luxury of not noticing race, which is racist.

The same problems exist with a branch of critical race theory known at intersectionality.


Intersectionality is the idea that marginalized people can be victims of more than one prejudice.  It comes from the writing of Kimberlé Crenshaw, who used the analogy of someone standing in an intersection, where the person could be hit by a car coming from any direction or by more than one car at a time, just as a marginalized person can be a victim of more than one prejudice.  For example, a Black woman can be discriminated against because she is both Black and a woman.  And a Black woman who is overweight, on welfare, and a single parent faces five prejudices.

Of course, prejudices are almost endless.  They can spring from such differences as race, sex, class, gender, immigration status, religion, disability, body shape, occupation, political affiliation, dress, mannerisms, and so on.  But the focus of intersectionality is only on those prejudices that are deemed as stemming from power imbalances and that result in disparate outcomes.

There is a hierarchy, or caste, of intersectionality.  A black woman ranks higher than a Black man, because, as mentioned, she encounters prejudice as a woman and a Black, while the man only encounters prejudice as a Black.  In the same thinking, a gay white man ranks lower than a gay Black man, and upper-income Jews and Asians don’t make the list.  Likewise, an impoverished, poorly educated, disabled white male in the backwoods of Appalachia probably wouldn’t make the list, even though he lacks political power.

Such questions and all of the possible permutations and combinations keep the intersectional labelers busy and in disagreement over what groups to include and where to rank them.  But as the authors explain, this is all done in the service of uniting the so-called disadvantaged groups into a single meta-group of the oppressed, under an overarching metanarrative of social justice.

In the process, however, the labelers often end up in irreconcilable conflict about which oppressed group they should support.  The book gives the example of minority beauticians who refused to wax around the testicles of a person claiming to be transgendered, because the beauticians’ religion and customs prohibited contact with male genitalia.  In other words, a group that was characterized as oppressed was oppressing a transgender person, who was also characterized as oppressed.  Curiously, the issue wasn’t framed in another way:  that it was a form of oppression for beauticians to be pressured to shave someone’s privates.

Once again, the authors make an excellent point:  “From the outside, the intersectional approach seems grating, fractious, and incomprehensible.  It appears to operate like a kind of circular firing squad, continually undermining itself over petty differences and grievances.”

This is certainly true with respect to the current state of feminism.

The New Feminism

Feminism has gone through different stages over the decades.  It began as a push for equal rights and equal pay, grew into a strident attack against patriarchy, and changed again by adopting a neo-Marxist view that capitalism was to blame for the problems facing women.  It has now been hijacked by critical race theory, queer theory, and intersectional theory, so that the focus is on oppression, bigotry, power, and privilege—and on white women’s complicity in these injustices.

Women are no longer seen under these new theories as a sisterhood of shared experiences.  The theorists even question what it means to be a woman because what it means depends on their assigned identity group.  This dovetails with the notions coming out of gender studies.

Gender is defined by the studies as a social construct in which people have been taught to perform certain roles and behaviors.  While this traditional teaching can’t be completely done away with, the thinking goes, it can be questioned, disrupted, and replaced with new teaching.

Even the nouns “men” and “women” are seen as problematic, because people given those labels have varied so much over history and across different cultures.

Heterosexual white women in the new feminism movement are expected to defer to the perspectives and experiences of women of color, lesbians, bisexuals, and transgender people. But due to the specious claim of power imbalances, the other groups are not expected to defer to the perspectives and experiences of heterosexual white women.  As with so much today, dialogue only goes in one direction.

The authors say that gender studies are losing their credibility for rigorous scholarship, because in deference to CRT and intersectional and queer theories, they have discounted biological explanations for differences between men and women in traits, behaviors, and interests.

A similar radicalism has changed how disability is discussed.

The New View of the Disabled and the Obese

As with so much else, disability is increasingly seen as a social construct imposed by the majority.  Accordingly, the disabled are labeled as disabled only because they are compared with the non-disabled, or able-bodied.  In other words, the negative status of “disabled” is imposed on them by a prejudicial society—just as other marginalized groups suffer from prejudices.

Those who think this way acknowledge physical or mental impairments, but they contend that disability is imposed on top of the impairments. It is the role of society, then, to adjust to the perspective of the impaired, not vice versa.

A related concept is ableism, which is an accusation and stereotype that the able-bodied see themselves as superior to the disabled.  To that point, the self-described autistic, disabled, asexual, and genderqueer activist Lydia X. Y. Brown is quoted in the book as follows:

[A]bleism might escribe the value system of ablenormativity which privileges the supposedly neurotypical and able-bodied, while disableism might escribe the violent oppression targeting people whose body-minds are deemed deviant and thus disabled.  In other words, ableism is to heterosexism what disableism is to queerantagonism.

Then there is Dan Goodley, the like-minded author of the book, Disability Studies:  Theorising Disableism and Ableism.  He is quoted as follows:

I argue that modes of ableist cultural reproduction and disabling material conditions can never be divorced from hetero/sexism, racism, homophobia, colonialism, imperialism, patriarchy, and capitalism.

I argue that the foregoing quoted statements are gobbledygook.

Additional gobbledygook underlies the attempt to transform fat people into victims of the dominant culture and to redefine obesity as a social construct instead of a health problem.  This absurdity is an outgrowth of fat studies, which in turn are an outgrowth of the earlier body positivism movement, which focused on celebrating fat bodies.

According to current fat theory, the way that the majority speaks about obesity (discourses) reflects a hatred of fat people, or “fatphobia,” which is seen as similar to racism, sexism, homophobia, and other prejudices and injustices.  In the name of empowering obese people, the theory encourages them to reject medical advice and seek support from each other.

The book quotes a fat activist as claiming that “Fat hatred is fueled by capitalism because these companies create products that are all about making fat people skinny.”  The book’s authors respond, “If this sounds like a paranoid fantasy, it’s because it is.”

As an aside, the same capitalism has resulted in commercials that respond to the activism by featuring overweight women, including scantily-clad ones.

Another fat activist is quoted in Fat Studies Reader as saying that those who see their weight as a problem have been conditioned into accepting their oppression:

That fat and queer people would heartily embrace science and medicine as a solution to their socially constructed problems is redolent of Stockholm syndrome—after all, science and medicine have long been instrumental in oppressing fat and queer people, providing argument after argument that pathologize the homosexual or “obese” individual (whether the mind or the body).

Let’s move from this weighty topic to a theory that is a top cause of identity politics.

Standpoint Theory

Standpoint theory contends that people in groups of the same race, gender, sex and other identities will have the same experiences and see the world the same.  It also contends that marginalized groups will have a fuller and more authoritative picture than the dominant, privileged group.  Being marginalized, the theory goes, those in the first group understand both the dominant culture and what it is like to be oppressed by it.  Those in the second group, on the other hand, only know what it is like to dominate.

Proponents of the theory don’t say that if the marginalized groups were to dominate, they would have the same blind spots as the currently dominant group.  Nor do they say that there are plenty of situations today where the marginalized switch roles with those who dominate; that is, with whites.

Standpoint theory goes on to contend that the knowledge gained through experience by marginalized groups is better in many ways than the knowledge gained by dominant groups through science and reason.  Both ways of gaining knowledge depend on cultural traditions, but white cultural traditions are based on power and privilege, the theory says.  This spoils whites and makes them closeminded about other ways to gain knowledge.

As a so-called white, my experiences over my life don’t match the theory.  Two examples from my teen years come to mind.  The first example was my first day of work at the country club mentioned earlier.  My Black boss Jewel told me to clean the employee restroom in the dark, grungy basement, a restroom that looked and smelled as if it hadn’t been cleaned in years.  Even at my young age, I understood what was going on and thus tackled the chore cheerfully and meticulously.  The second example was my high school years, where I was only one of two Italians in my graduating class, and, unlike the preponderance of students who were wealthy, I was the son of working-class, second-generation parents, who somehow had managed to scrimp and save enough money to send me to the college prep school, where I was immersed in science, logic, and reason.

Was I in a marginalized group or dominant group?

To answer, members of the white working-class get no standing as a marginalized group in any of the New Theories.  No wonder many feel alienated from the left and have abandoned the Democrat Party for the GOP or the Trump wing of the GOP.

Having explored the New Theories, let’s see how they come together under the banner of “Social Justice” and how close-minded social justice dogmatists are.

Social Justice Close-mindedness

Social justice dogmatists brook no disagreement, because they are certain of their rightness and righteousness; and, given that they are so certain, they see whites who dare to disagree with them as demonstrating their privilege and racism.

This explains speech codes and safe zones on college campuses and what is called cancel culture throughout American institutions.  Those who claim that they’ve been traumatized by racism and oppression all of their lives say that they are re-traumatized when whites try to assert their privilege and dominance by disagreeing with the irrefutable truth of the New Theories.

 Barbara Applebaum is the author of Being White, Being Good:  White Complicity, White Moral Responsibility, and Social Justice Pedagogy.  She equates disagreement over the New Theories by white students in a college class with resistance:

Resistance will not be allowed to derail the class discussions!  Of course, those who refuse to engage might mistakenly perceive this as a declaration that they will not be allowed to express their disagreement but that is only precisely because they are resisting engagement.

The most amazing aspect of the New Theories is that the theorists see themselves as super-intelligent, yet they overlook some of the most fundamental complicating factors.

First, they don’t define “white” or recognize that over 100 unique ethno-cultural groups have been force-fitted into the contrived category, that many of the groups come in various skin shades, that many members of the groups have been the victims of discrimination and oppression, and that many others have recently immigrated to the US and thus have no responsibility for historical racism in the nation.  Second, they don’t acknowledge that due to an increase in biracial marriages and to centuries of different peoples mixing their chromosomes together, the “white” category overlaps with other racial/ethnic categories and is not homogenous.

Equally amazing, due to what has been taught in K-12 schools and in colleges, and due to what has been reinforced by the media, Hollywood, corporations, and government, most of the public is unaware of these and other flaws in the New Theories.  This is especially true for Americans under the age of 30, who have taken what they learned in college into the workplace.  It’s sobering to realize that they will carry the notions with them as they rise through the hierarchy.

The rapid spreading of the dogma is troubling to behold, for it is reminiscent of the damage done throughout history when dogma of an authoritarian bent has spread just as quickly and gone unquestioned.

The Rapidly Spreading Dogma

In a latter chapter of Cynical Theories, the authors detail how the dogma of the New Theories quickly spread from academia to become entrenched in America’s major institutions, where it is enforced through intimidation, facilitated by powerful departments of diversity and inclusion, and applauded by idealistic and naïve employees.

The authors also give many examples of how minor infractions of the dogma or the use of an incorrect word have resulted in modern-day witch hunts, whereby miscreants are humiliated, shunned, canceled, fired, or attacked viciously on social media by enraged internet mobs.  You no doubt have heard such stories and remember some that especially upset you.

The speed of the dogma’s spreading can be seen in the popularity of Robin DiAngelo’s 2018 book, White Fragility: Why It Is So Hard to Talk to White People about Race.

White Fragility

 White Fragility is another example of an ounce of truth in a gallon of hogwash.  Its basic premise is that whites live in a social environment that protects and insulates them from race-based stress, thus leaving them with expectations for racial comfort while lowering their ability to tolerate racial stress.

DiAngelo is white, so maybe she is projecting her own anxieties on the entire population of whites, however “white” is defined by her.  Anyway, she goes on to write:

To challenge the ideologies of racism such as individualism and color blindness, we as white people must suspend our perception of ourselves as unique and/or outside race.  Exploring our collective racial identity interrupts a key privilege of dominance—the ability to see oneself only as an individual.

Judging by her name, DiAngelo might be Italian.  She shouldn’t be surprised, then, that my grandparent’s generation, my parent’s generation, and my generation to a much lesser extent, lived with such epithets as dago, wop, goombah, greaser, and mobster.  At least that wasn’t as bad as the 11 Italians who were lynched in New Orleans.  None of my family ever used the word “stress,” but the way we handled the insults was to use an Italian arm gesture that meant, Stick it up your culo!  The Italians of St. Louis also formed their own community in a hilly part of the city, which became known as Dago Hill.  It was a spotless, crime-free community of tiny bungalows and two flats.  Woe to any outsiders who tried to cause trouble in the community.

On another personal note, decades ago I participated in a three-day encounter session in the backwoods of Maine.  Blacks were in attendance, including a couple of Black consultants who advised corporations on racial issues. One night the consultants invited me to join them for some beer.  We drove in the big Mercedes of one of the consultants to buy a couple of six-packs to take back to our lodging.  As the night wore on, they and I began ridiculing corporate executives for falling for the latest management fads, including the work of the consultants.

DiAngelo claims that American society is permeated by white supremacy and that anyone who takes exception to her ideas has a weakness resulting from being socialized in white privilege.  She writes:

White fragility is a state in which even a minimum amount of racial stress becomes intolerable, triggering a range of defensive moves.  These moves include the outward display of emotions such as anger, fear, and guilt, and behaviors such as argumentation, silence, and leaving the stress-inducing situation.

There are other possible explanations.  Maybe they think that her ideas are hogwash, maybe they don’t like to be stereotyped as privileged and racist, maybe they’ve learned that it’s a lose-lose to discuss race in the workplace, or it could be as simple as believing that it’s impolite to discuss certain emotionally-loaded subjects with strangers, such as race, politics, bad breath, and body odor.  DiAngelo would probably say that politeness is a white thing.

Memo to Robin:  May I call you Robin?  I’d be happy to discuss race with you and anyone else you want to bring along.  Not only would I find it stress-free and enjoyable, but it might give me an insight into how in god’s name you sold so many books.  My guess is that the sales have nothing to do with white guilt but a lot to do with masochism.   


The authors of Critical Theories conclude the book with suggestions for countering the identity politics and authoritarian methods masquerading as social justice that are undermining classical liberalism.  Courage is a prerequisite, they say.

They also say that countermeasures should not call for the restriction of free speech but should call for the end of political indoctrination cum identity politics in public institutions.  Such orthodoxy should be just as prohibited in public institutions as religious orthodoxy.  Likewise, no one should be required to take a real or de facto oath in support of the orthodoxy or be pressured to attend CRT training or any training that portrays one group as racist, privileged, or otherwise inherently flawed.

I would add that both public and private institutions should be held accountable for violating longstanding equal rights laws that forbid discrimination on the basis of race, sex, and national origin.  Also, they should not be allowed to mask such discrimination behind the pretext of correcting disparate outcomes.

The authors go on to suggest that the fight should be taken to the marketplace of ideas by educating people on how classical liberalism has improved and will continue to improve, the lives and well-being of so-called minorities at a much faster rate and in a much fairer manner than coercion masquerading as social justice.

They continue by saying that opposition should be principled, and they give examples of what that looks like.  Here’s a snippet of one example:

We affirm that racism remains a problem in society and needs to be addressed.

We deny that critical race theory and intersectionality provide the most useful tools to do so since we believe that racial issues are best solved through the most rigorous analyses possible.

We deny that the best way to deal with racism is by restoring social significance to racial categories and radically heightening their salience.

We contend that each individual can choose not to hold racist views and should be expected to do so, that racism is declining over time and becoming rarer, that we can and should see one another as humans first and members of certain races second, that issues of race are best dealt with by being honest about racialized experiences while still working towards shared goals and a common vision, and that the principle of not discriminating by race should be universally upheld.

The foregoing is well and good, but I have additional suggestions.

Express your views whenever you see evidence of postmodernism, queer theory, CRT, standpoint theory, or any of the other identity-based theories in news stories, editorials, commentaries, or in government, collegiate or corporate pronouncements.

Obtain the author’s email address, if possible, to write a personal note.  Always be polite, respectful, and tactful.  Begin by complimenting the person’s professionalism and concern for social justice and equal rights.  Then suggest that there might be a better way of accomplishing these ends, a way that doesn’t violate anti-discrimination law, exacerbate social divisiveness, and embolden extremists.

Never make it a partisan issue and don’t identify yourself as a conservative or a Republican.  If you do, most believers in the new theories will immediately write you off as having a political ax to grind or worse.  If you believe in classical liberalism, then identify yourself as a classical liberal.

Support your comments with relevant facts, if you have them, preferably facts from nonpartisan sources, such as the Census Bureau or Department of Labor.  An example would be the fact that from 1965 to 2019, the poverty rate for blacks declined from 40% to 18.8%.  Another example is that 8.5 million Blacks are in poverty, versus 15.9 million whites.  Of course, Blacks have a much higher poverty rate and are only 14% of the population, but this certainly shows that not all whites come from privilege.

Use the Socratic Method, not to embarrass the person, but to reveal the contradictions in the individual’s beliefs.  Below are sample questions separated into five themes:

  1. Since you referred to white people, how do you define “white,” given that race is a social construct and not genetically deterministic? Is the classification based on skin color/shade, facial features, self-identification, or arbitrary placement in the government’s official category?
  2.  There are over 100 unique ethnocultural groups that are force-fitted into the official White category, as well as hundreds of others that are force-fitted into the other categories of Black, Hispanic, and Asian. Where do such peoples as Persians, Turks, Armenians, Greeks, Albanians, and Sicilians belong?  Should they be seen as the same as white Anglo-Saxon Protestants for purposes of diversity and inclusion?  Are they minorities or in the majority?  Or are they privileged or unprivileged?
  3. What about the offspring of biracial parents? How should they be classified?  By the classification of the mother or the father?
  4. What race is a Hispanic who hails from the Iberian Peninsula? Is the individual a person of color?  What about a Mexican American who comes from a long line of Spanish aristocrats at the upper-crust of Mexican society?  Is the person privileged or a minority?  Would the person count as adding diversity to an organization in a diversity and inclusion initiative?
  5. To achieve diversity goals, is it okay for organizations to violate Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits basing hiring and promotions on race, ethnicity and sex? If an East Indian or Han Chinese is put on a board of directors for the purpose of diversity, is the individual representative of all other people classified as Asian, including Filipinos, Japanese, Koreans, Cambodians, Vietnamese, and so on? Are Mongols considered Asian? What about Russians from eastern Siberia?  Do you find it hypocritical and contradictory for companies headquartered in such non-diverse countries as Japan, S. Korea, and China to run commercials spouting platitudes about diversity?

Don’t waste your time trying to change the minds of dogmatists and ideologues.  They have to be dealt with through the political system or by a personal decision not to do business with organizations that are dominated by them.

Alternatively, you can wait until the New Theories burn out on their own, as other utopian, illiberal movements have done in history.  But that could take generations to happen.

Dismantling American History … One Statue at a Time thumbnail

Dismantling American History … One Statue at a Time

By Jerry Newcombe

It would seem that in our day, American history is being dismantled one statue at a time.

Just the other week, New York City removed a statue of Theodore Roosevelt. NBC notes:

“The bronze sculpture of Roosevelt on horseback with Native American and African figures depicted subjugation and racial inferiority, the American Museum of Natural History said.”

A friend remarked,

“The idea of erasing Teddy Roosevelt from that specific museum in New York—my goodness, they just made a beloved movie about 15 years ago where Teddy Roosevelt (played by Robin Williams, no less) comes alive at that very museum—is utterly absurd and is the work of Stalinists and Maoists.”

Two months ago, NYC had removed from the City Hall a statue of Thomas Jefferson because our third president had owned slaves.

Jefferson and slavery is a complicated subject. While he owned slaves, he did much to try and uproot the evil practice. I think he felt it was too massive to uproot in his day, but he helped work toward its eventual removal.

Of course, he was the author of the first draft of the Declaration of Independence, which articulates a Biblical view of human equality—one incompatible with slavery.

As Jefferson put it,

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

While Thomas Jefferson personally didn’t live up to the Biblical notions that he articulated in the Declaration, what he wrote still provides a worthy ideal to strive for—that we are created equal and have God-given rights.

Meanwhile, in Jefferson’s home town, Charlottesville, Virginia, the city council last year removed the statues of American explorers Lewis and Clark because the depiction of their Indian guide, Sacagawea, triggered many on the left as allegedly making her look obsequious.

Of course, Charlottesville was the place where there was an awful melee one weekend in August 2017, which left two policemen and one protester dead and 38 injured. The fight was over the threatened removal of the Robert E. Lee statute there. That particular battle over history drew blood. The statue has since been dismantled.

Imagine going through all the hardship of a dangerous trek for hundreds and hundreds of miles into the American wilderness, friendly and unfriendly, to see what was there.

Such was the case of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark—in their historic expedition in 1804-1806. The Louisiana Purchase of 1803 during Jefferson’s presidency was America’s single-largest land acquisition. Suddenly, hundreds of square miles were instantly added to the United States of America.

Jefferson wanted to know what was on that land west of the Mississippi River, so his administration commissioned an expedition to report what was there. Hence, the Lewis and Clark expedition. Lewis and Clark, both of whom had ties to Charlottesville’s Albemarle County, Virginia, wisely chose Native American Sacagawea (among others) as a guide to help them.

In 1919, when Charlottesville celebrated the unveiling of the Lewis and Clark (and Sacagawea) monument, Edwin A. Alderman, the president of the University of Virginia (founded by Jefferson a hundred years before) remarked,

“They gave their youth to self-sacrifice, glory, and adventure…They were pioneers and pathfinders in a gigantic Odyssey beside which the wandering Greeks were timid and provincial.”

In 2018, Dr. James S. Robbins, a writer for USA Today, wrote the book, Erasing America: Losing Our Future by Destroying Our Past, warning us about our national historical revisionism.

In a radio segment in 2021, Robbins told me:

“The things I wrote about in 2018 when the book first came out—and I was kind of speculating about some things and some worst case scenarios. But today they are part of the news. The way that what has been acceptable in terms of the campaign to eras our history has become [commonplace] over the past few years—it’s phenomenal, and it’s scary.”

In his book, Robbins writes,

“The Founders were not fundamentally evil. Though flawed, they were great men who left a great legacy. We do not suffer the American nightmare; we live the American dream.”

And he adds,

“For all its faults, for all its past mistakes, for all its present foibles, our country is still worth all the devotion we can muster.”

Here. Here.

It seems like the followers of Marx are often succeeding in our day. He said,

“Take away a people’s roots, and they can easily be moved.”

Why does the battle over history matter? Because a nation that doesn’t know what it was yesterday doesn’t know what is today, nor does it know where it’s going tomorrow.

©Jerry Newcombe. All rights reserved.

What is Achievable is Repeatable with Black History thumbnail

What is Achievable is Repeatable with Black History

By Sandra K. Yocum

As educators, we must be committed to sharing leadership examples that enlighten students to discover that what is achievable is repeatable. Thousands of black leaders have embodied the most exemplary examples for children to emulate in every vocation imaginable. These leaders were successful despite segregation, Jim Crow Laws, and discrimination. Our children must know this history to understand who they are, what their ancestors have accomplished, and where they are going.

The public’s ignorance of the importance of black history is often the root cause of the lack of pressure on public schools to teach black history throughout the year in American history. Teaching black history in one single month of February is a travesty against all students. It denies the in-depth knowledge needed to inspire, and it leaves much history undiscovered.

Subsequently, many people are unaware of the significant contributions that black inventors made to America.  For example, simple everyday practical innovations such as the mop, dustpan, fountain pen, pencil sharpener, eggbeater, tricycle, ironing board, portable fire escape, the golf tee, potato chips, or the bread making machine made our daily lives better.

One of the earliest inventors was Benjamin Banneker (1731-1806), an astronomer and almanac creator responsible for recreating the city street plan in Washington D.C.  Banneker’s pioneer work in the agricultural economy helped with water irrigation and crop rotation techniques. He was also the scientist that discovered space and time. Other black pioneers secured patents for their inventions in diverse fields, like physics, biology, math, industry, and medical science. For example, Elijah McCoy (1843-1929) obtained fifty patents. However, the most well-known was the graphite lubricator cup that could drip oil when needed on moving parts of steam engines. Other inventors tried to copy his invention, but legend says customers said no, they wanted the “real McCoy.”

James Forten (1766-1842) made his fortune by revolutionizing the sail-making business and became an African American leader in the abolitionist movement. Two of his daughters married the Purvis brothers, Robert, and Joseph, also wealthy black abolitionist leaders in Philadelphia. Additionally, Lewis Latimer (1848-1928) perfected the lightbulb with the carbon filament while working with Thomas Edison; Garrett Morgan (1877-1963) created the traffic signal and the first effective gas mask. In the 20th and 21st centuries, black inventors such as Otis Boykin (1920-1982) created resistors for pacemakers; Dr. George Carruthers (1939-2020) measured and detected ultraviolet rays; Patricia Bath (1942-2019) created a laser surgical device, and Charles Drew (1904-1950) was the pioneer of the blood bank.

We make a more robust, enlightened American society by sharing black history with all students. We must be diligent that current agendas do not distort the understanding of the past. We must teach that black history is American history.

Dr. Lonnie Bunch, the Secretary of the Smithsonian, remarked,

It is very easy to be written out of history when you are not present…the erasure of our history and that erasure of that history creates the sense that for many African Americans that they have not done anything, they have not accomplished much, they have not transformed America.”

©Sandra K. Yocum. All rights reserved.

Kansas Schoolteacher Joins ISIS, Plots Jihad Massacres in U.S., Leads All-Female Terrorist Battalion thumbnail

Kansas Schoolteacher Joins ISIS, Plots Jihad Massacres in U.S., Leads All-Female Terrorist Battalion

By Jihad Watch

My latest in PJ Media:

Allison Fluke-Ekren, 42, a schoolteacher from Overbook, Kan., has been accused of organizing and leading an all-female battalion of jihadis for the Islamic State (ISIS). The Department of Justice announced Friday that Fluke-Ekren has been charged with “providing and conspiring to provide material support to ISIS, a designated foreign terrorist organization.” She was caught in Syria and was scheduled to appear Monday at the federal courthouse in Alexandria, Va.

It’s not your average career trajectory for a Kansas schoolteacher, but Fluke-Ekren, who also went by “Allison Elizabeth Brooks,” “Allison Ekren,” “Umm Mohammed al-Amriki” (that is, the mother of Muhammad the American), “Umm Mohammed,” and “Umm Jabril,” seems to have been a true believer. She “traveled to Syria several years ago for the purpose of committing or supporting terrorism.” While she was in Syria, Fluke-Ekren kept herself busy by putting together a battalion of female ISIS jihadis, known as the Khatiba Nusaybah. This wasn’t exactly a knitting circle: the women trained to fire AK-47s as well as use hand grenades and even suicide belts. In her spare time, Fluke-Ekren trained children in all this as well.

Nor were her jihad terror activities limited to Syria alone: Fluke-Ekren is also accused of plotting jihad massacres at a college campus and a shopping mall inside the United States. According to Heavy, for the campus plot, she and her accomplices would dress “like infidels (non-believers) and drop off a backpack with explosives.” The shopping mall plot was similar; Fluke-Ekren “allegedly explained that she could go to a shopping mall in the United States, park a vehicle full of explosives in the basement or parking garage level of the structure, and detonate the explosives in the vehicle with a cell phone triggering device.” She wanted this to be a mass casualty attack. “Fluke-Ekren allegedly considered any attack that did not kill a large number of individuals to be a waste of resources. As alleged by the same witness, Fluke-Ekren would hear about external attacks taking place in countries outside the United States and would comment that she wished the attack occurred on United States soil instead.”

Before all this, Fluke-Ekren was a teacher for New Vision International School in Overbrook. She “had more than one son, who was 5 or 6 years old at the time and one was observed holding a machine gun. She was also raising a child whose parents had participated in a suicide bombing together in Syria on behalf of ISIS.” One person who knew Fluke-Ekren said she was an “11 or 12” on a 1 to 10 scale of radicalization.

There is more. Read the rest here.


Biden’s handlers moving toward recognition of Taliban regime in Afghanistan

Croatia: Politician accused of ‘Islamophobia’ for giving scholarships to persecuted Christians

Kenya: Muslims approach vehicle convoy and open fire, injuring six people

EU Commission accused of giving $58,000,000 to groups linked to Muslim Brotherhood

Pakistan: Muslims open fire on car returning home from church, murder one priest, injure another

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Defiant Harvard Stubbornly Demands To Keep Shunning Asian Students thumbnail

Defiant Harvard Stubbornly Demands To Keep Shunning Asian Students

By Carrie Sheffield

Ivy League President Digs in Against Supreme Court Examining Race-Based Preferences

Remember how last summer’s horrifying Atlanta spa shooting deaths of eight people, including six Asian women, spurred a season of #StopAsianHate sentiment to empower and protect Asian Americans?

Harvard forgot all that very quickly. You see, Harvard doesn’t like too many Asian students getting accepted to their hallowed halls. Harvard is upset that on Monday, the U.S. Supreme Court accepted two cases challenging racial preferences in student admissions both at Harvard and the University of North Carolina.

These schools use race to suppress the number of Asian students (and white students, but to a lesser degree) on campus in order to give more spots to black and Latino students. Asians are just too bright in terms of GPAs and standardized tests — the universal, equalizing yardstick to measure student achievement.

As a graduate of the Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, I was saddened to receive this email in my inbox this afternoon from Harvard University president Larry Bacow:

Dear Members of the Harvard Community,

Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced a decision that could put forty years of legal precedent at risk. Colleges and universities could lose the freedom and flexibility to create diverse campus communities that enrich education for all. Our admissions process, in which race is considered as one factor among many, makes us stronger. It prompts learning in day-to-day exchanges in our classrooms and laboratories, in our residential houses, and on our playing fields and stages. Our students understand these truths and see them reflected in their interactions with their classmates. Diversity opens our eyes to the promise of a better future.

Harvard celebrates and nurtures individuality as intensely as this nation. Those who challenge our admissions policies would ask us to rely upon a process far more mechanistic, a process far more reliant on simple assessments of objective criteria. Each of us is, however, more than our numbers, more than our grades, more than our rankings or scores. Ask yourself, how much have you learned from other people at this University? How much have you grown from conversations across difference? Would these conversations have been as rich if you had shared the same interests, the same life experiences, and—yes—the same racial or ethnic background as your fellow community members? This is why applications of any kind routinely go beyond mere numbers to include interviews, samples of work product, recommendations, and references. Narrowly drawn measures of academic distinction are not the only indicators of individual promise.

As the Supreme Court has recognized many times, race matters in the United States. I long for the day when it does not, but we still have miles to go before our journey is complete. Harvard will continue to defend with vigor admissions policies that were endorsed in the thoughtful decisions of two federal courts that concluded that we do not discriminate; our practices are consistent with Supreme Court precedent; there is no persuasive, credible evidence warranting a different outcome. Though I wish yesterday had turned out differently, I remain confident that the rule of law—and the respect for precedent that perpetuates it—will prevail.



President Bacow, who is Jewish and discusses his faith in communications to students and alumni, should know better than to keep defending such bigotry. It wasn’t that long ago that Jews were suppressed from campus to make room for WASPs.

Brilliant, African-American economist Thomas Sowell showed in his book, Affirmative Action Around the World: An Empirical Study, that “race preference programs worldwide have not met expectations and have often produced the opposite of what was originally intended.”

Props to the Supreme Court for picking up these cases. They have a chance to support the Constitution’s guarantee of equal protection. This will make #StopAsianHate more than just a trendy hashtag.


This article was published by the Independent Women’s Forum and was reproduced with permission.

The Many Defects of Systemic Racism Theory thumbnail

The Many Defects of Systemic Racism Theory

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

Yesterday, I told you how schools are lowering educational standards in the name of fighting systemic racism.  Today, I delve more deeply into systemic racism as a theory.

As I wrote 11 years ago,

“The bootstrapping quotient in structural racism advocacy is very high.  The fewer overt racist acts there are, the more systemic and subtle racism exists.  Denying you are racist means you are racist. When you don’t see yourself as manifesting racial problems, you are.  You can have racism without racists.  Color-blind thinking is racist. Unequal outcomes are intrinsically racist.  Disparities are ipso facto proof of racism, even when no proof of motive can be shown.  Refusing to acknowledge the existence of structural racism means the problem is worse than ever.  The fact that many people of color have succeeded in this country proves nothing and is to be ignored.  People of color who disagree with the Liberal-Left line on race, or who are not fixated on racial justice issues like their civil rights masters, suffer from internalized oppression.  Structural racism advocates must think that, if they sprinkle enough fairy dust, people will start to believe them.”

Unfortunately, people did start to believe them.  But there are several more reasons why that belief is misplaced.

First, systemic racism theory breaches the principle of individual responsibility.  We are no longer talking about proving discrimination or seeking justice in individual civil rights cases.  It dispenses with the need to prove racism as the cause of an act or disparity.  Instead, systemic racism indicts society as a whole without any proof.  It is original sin that need never be proven and can never be removed and, thus, its demands are never-ending.  But great mischief begins when you breach the principle of individual responsibility.  Like a liberal friend of mine once put it, ‘you want reparations, OK, but just wait for the counterclaim against all blacks for making inner cities unlivable.’  You might protest most blacks have nothing to do with inner city conditions and I will answer: you reap what you sow.  That’s what happens when you breach the principle of individual responsibility and trade, instead, in guilt by association.  Whites alive today had nothing to do with slavery or the Jim Crow laws that followed yet, under systemic racism theory, they are guilty by association, anyway.  To which I say what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.  Careful what you wish for.  The counterclaims are coming.

Second, systemic racism theory is coercive.  All disparities are racial at root, so public policy must be changed to coerce total equality of outcomes with respect to income, education, healthcare, and all other social indicators.  This is what the new-fangled word ‘equity’ really means.  Racial quotas for suburbs in the Obama administration.  Racial quotas for COVID treatments in the Biden administration.   Racial quotas so too many Asians don’t get into Harvard.  ‘Equity’ means forced equality of outcomes, not opportunity, and it’s pretty ugly.  Wrong direction.

Third, to the professional advocates, systemic racism is just a business.  A pretty good business, at that, if the net worth of race activist Ibram X. Kendi is any guide.  Start preaching the gospel of systemic racism, get some training gigs, and you, too, can become a millionaire.  Systemic racism theory pays and it pays very well.

Fourth, systemic racism theory is just a game; it’s not for real.  Eleven years ago I wrote, “The Left is misusing race under the banner of ‘systemic racism’ as a weapon to advance its collectivist, redistributionist agenda.”  I will add, today, that systemic racism theory is just club.  The Left will beat people over the head with it as long as the Left thinks it’s getting somewhere with it.  If it stops working, the Left will drop that club and pick up another club.  That’s what the Left does.  The issue is never the issue; the issue is always beating you over the head until you comply with their demands.

Finally, systemic racism theory is reductionist.  It purports to explain everything.  It explains disparities in housing, education, and healthcare.  It explains the tax code.  It explains the road system.  It even explains why blacks don’t enjoy the great outdoors.  It purports to explain everything, and therefore explains nothing.   It reduces all of life, the entire universe, and the totality of the human condition down to one narrow factor – race.  It’s just a model and, like every other model, it fails to capture large pieces of reality.  Like every other model, it ignores other important factors and considerations.  Maybe some people don’t do well in life because of the bad choices they make.  There’s that pesky individual responsibility thing, again.

I was taught mostly by Marxists in college.   Just about every course had great heapings of Marxist class analysis in it – the bourgeoisie this, the proletariat that.  It explained all disparities.  It divided the world into oppressors and oppressed.  It became ubiquitous and was applied across the board.  Class analysis explained everything, according to my Marxist professors.  Systemic racism is the modern-day American equivalent of Marxist class analysis.  It explains all disparities.  It divides the world into oppressors and oppressed.    It has become ubiquitous and is being applied across the board.  It is invoked to explain everything, and therefore explains nothing.

Systemic racism theory is just as myopic and limiting as Marxist class analysis was.  Lenin couldn’t figure out why workers were patriotic and would fight for their own countries instead of uniting across borders for world revolution.  Marxist class analysis fails to account for workers who own stock.  Systemic racism theorists can’t explain why so many black people succeed as professionals, paid athletes, CEOs of Fortune 500 corporations, musicians, entertainers, corporate empire builders, etc. in what is supposed to be such a horrible rotten racist country where all whites are supposed to be oppressors and all blacks are supposed to be victims.  This failure to explain most of reality is what will eventually toss systemic racism into the dustbin of history, just like Marxist class analysis before it.  Systemic racism theory has become predictable and by rote.

Therefore, just like Marxist class analysis before it, systemic racism theory has committed the ultimate sin: it’s boring.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Involved Parents Are America’s Most Wanted thumbnail

VIDEO: Involved Parents Are America’s Most Wanted

By Family Research Council

Round One in Virginia goes to Team Parents. On day one, Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) announced a hotline for parents to report divisive material in the schools. In no time, that hotline began to expose woke ideology. “There were reports of a school in Fairfax County teaching a high school level course that included a privilege bingo game,” said FRC Senior Fellow for Education Studies Meg Kilgannon, where, if you were white or male or were part of a military family, you had “privilege.” Talk about an unrealistic, unfair portrayal of how real life works!

Firm support from the governor is exactly what Virginia parents needed after hostile school boards cut them out of the process, dismissed their concerns and attacked them personally. The stonewalling went so far that the school board in Loudoun County abruptly ended a public meeting and arrested a father to conceal a sexual assault on his daughter enabled by their transgender bathroom policy. The Justice Department stepped in, not to investigate the criminal or the school board, but to threaten parents with a domestic terrorism investigation. No wonder Virginia parents voted for Youngkin. Said Kilgannon, “It’s a really gratifying case of an elected official who ran for office promising to respect and defend parents’ rights… and is actually doing that.”

Youngkin also let parents decide whether their children should wear masks to school, creating a carveout to school board mask mandates by executive order. The order is based on a lack of scientific evidence showing a need to mask children and the possibility that mask-wearing may actually hamper a child’s development and learning. While many parents are happy, some school boards are not. Seven DC-area school boards have sued to block the policy. “There’s nothing preventing the parents in those counties from sending their children to school masked,” noted Kilgannon. “The executive order simply… allows parents to decide what will happen.”

Parents are exposing CRT and LGBT indoctrination in schools in other states, too. States like Idaho and North Carolina have also created portals where parents can report divisive, un-American curriculum to which their children have been exposed. “These efforts are not just political gamesmanship, as the mainstream media would have people believe,” said Kilgannon. Parents are “responding to what’s happening in the classrooms, which they were able to see because of the virtual learning during the pandemic.”

“Parents all across the country are giving help, whether they’re asked or not,” said Kilgannon. When Minnesota initiated a review of their social studies curriculum in order to approve a K-12, California-style “ethnic studies” program, parents revealed that the school system in St. Paul, the state capital, had partnered with LGBT advocacy groups to indoctrinate toddlers about how to choose their own gender. At that age, kids can’t tell their left shoe from their right one.

The sad part is, radical school districts are pushing woke indoctrination to the neglect of real education. Only 33 percent of St. Paul students test proficient for reading at grade level, and only 21 percent test proficient in math. Kilgannon continued, “parents are aware that the education their children are getting is not the education that the parents got.”

Parents across the country are also getting involved, both by exposing divisive indoctrination or by becoming “the one [on the school board] who will listen.” Any parent can participate in an online school board boot camp. “If you’re a high school graduate,” said Kilgannon, “you’re qualified to determine what is appropriate for high schools.” The Left fears parents–not because they’re violent, but because they can expose and end the indoctrination.

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Deliberate Treachery of Lower Standards thumbnail

The Deliberate Treachery of Lower Standards

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

I have a niece who, when she was six, said, “Mommy, those people have low standards.”  If she were still six these days, she’d be really upset because, everywhere you turn, people are trying to lower standards.

A Minnesota middle school abolished failing grades.  No more “F’s” because they are systemically racist.  However, I submit to you that coddling students is not the best way to prepare for them the school of hard knocks.  But the idea is picking up steam, especially in California.

The Arlington County School Board in Virginia wants to abolish the grading of homework because minority students supposedly don’t have the resources to complete their assignments.  Which doesn’t make any sense, because Arlington hands out free laptops to students.  Moreover, it didn’t take a lot of resources for the math class to succeed in the movie ‘Stand and Deliver’ which was based on a true story.  All it took was a dedicated teacher with a vision and students willing to try.  Arlington’s move is based on “implicit bias” theory which, although it snookered Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, is a house of cards when you start looking into it.  It all started with a science experiment showing white people have infinitesimally delayed reaction times when shown pictures of black people in distress.  From that slender reed, the entire cottage industry of implicit bias theory was born.  How stupid is that.  It’s never been shown that association tests like this can predict real-world behavior.

Turning to higher education, accrediting bodies for medical schools have proclaimed that “individualism and meritocracy” are “malignant narratives” that “create harm” and, proclaimed further that race has “no genetic or scientific basis.”  The proclamations were made in the interest of “advancing health equity”.  Critics warn the new approach will turn doctors into unqualified quacks who will miss diagnoses and not order tests because they mistakenly believe racial differences play no role in susceptibility to certain diseases.

Classics majors at Princeton will no longer have to be proficient in Latin and Greek to graduate.  The argument is not that the languages have become superfluous.  Instead, the argument is that lowering the standard would undo systemic racism and promote equity.  Not to be left out, the English Department at Rutgers just emancipated students from traditional English grammar.  The Department made the move in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and out of the belief dumbing down grammar standards is the “way to contribute to the eradication of systemic inequities facing black, indigenous, and people of color.”

I can’t think of anything more racist than telling people they’re too stupid to succeed because they’re a certain color.

Moreover, I can’t take all this talk about how lowering education standards supposedly helps minorities seriously.  This is because I know there are government documents laying out a deliberate plan to dumb down America.  There are people who are trying to make Americans stupid compliant sheep and wards of the state run by wannabe masters of the universe.  It’s all laid out in a book by the woman who found the documents.  The book is entitled “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” and the author is Charlotte Iserbyt who worked in the federal Department of Education where she found the documents.

How are lower standards good for anybody?  Anyone with any sense can see they’re not.  If a six-year-old can see it, why can’t you?

I’ll have more to say about the phony systemic racism narrative tomorrow.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: REPORT: Student outcomes and earnings in higher education policy – American Enterprise Institute

TAKE ACTION AGAINST: U.S. Sec. Ed. Miguel Cardona Who’s Behind Labeling Parents as Domestic Terrorists thumbnail

TAKE ACTION AGAINST: U.S. Sec. Ed. Miguel Cardona Who’s Behind Labeling Parents as Domestic Terrorists

By Royal A. Brown III

Miguel Cardona, Secretary of Education solicited a National School Board Association letter comparing parents to domestic terrorists.

Conservatives must hold every level of government accountable.

We have a tip sheet for how Sentinels can submit FOIA requests to their local school boards and government.

The Sentinel’s Dave Trabert reported:

NSBA labels parents as domestic terrorists

This is the same organization that last year wrote to the Biden administration, urging them to treat concerned parents like domestic terrorists.  In response, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland directed the FBI to use its authority to identify threats and prosecute concerned parents.

It has since been disclosed that the Biden administration orchestrated the matter.  According to Fox News, NSBA Secretary-Treasurer Kristi Swett recounted that NSBA interim CEO Chip Slaven “told the officers he was writing a letter to provide information to the White House, from a request by Secretary Cardona.”

19 states school board associations have since taken action to withdraw membership, participation, or dues from NSBA according to Parents Defending Education.  Missouri is one of the states that withdrew participation but the Kansas Association of School Boards won’t say if they will follow Missouri’s lead.

KASB will likely continue to support NSBA efforts because former KASB executive director John Heim is now CEO of the NSBA.

WATCH: Virginia School Divides Students Into Masked And Unmasked

Also, please read this The Sentinel shocking article titled “NSBA wants schools to effectively have ‘one free rape’” by Dave Trabert.

Trabert reports:

The National Schools Boards Association (NSBA) and Fairfax County Public Schools want the U.S. Supreme to hear a case that an appeals court judge said amounted to schools asking to get “one free rape” before staff is responsible for inaction.  According to The Daily Wire, the NSBA’s amicus brief pits them against the National Women’s Law Center, the Human Rights Campaign, the National Black Women’s Reproductive Justice Agenda, and other feminist, liberal, or survivors-rights groups, all of whom filed an opposing friend-of-the-court brief.

Schools have a legal duty to investigate allegations of sexual abuse under federal Title IX law, but NSBA and FCPS claim that being told of an alleged assault doesn’t clear the legal bar of having ‘actual knowledge.’

Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge James Wynn described the background of the case:

“This case involves a sexual assault that a jury found took place on a school bus during a band trip. The plaintiff, “Jane Doe,” sat next to “Jack Smith,” an older student. Doe alleges that Smith repeatedly touched her breasts and genitals and penetrated her vagina with his fingers despite her efforts to physically block him, and that he also repeatedly put her hand on his penis even after she moved it away. She testified at trial during this incident, she felt so “confused,” “shocked,” and “scared” that she was “frozen in fear the whole time.”

“Doe, her friends, and her parents repeatedly reported the incident to the school. Yet a reasonable jury could conclude that these reports were met with deliberate indifference. To summarize just a few pieces of evidence the jury could view in Doe’s favor: school officials took no action to protect Doe or to offer emotional support to her during the five-day band trip; instead, the principal made an inappropriate joke about the incident in an email; after the band trip, the school’s Safety and Security Specialist asked victim-blaming questions such as what Doe was wearing and why she did not scream; and school officials discussed with Doe (but not with Smith!) the possibility of being disciplined for engaging in sexual activity on a school trip.”

The Daily Wire says Shatter the Silence, a group of survivors of sexual assault within Fairfax schools and their families, said in a statement: “The Fairfax County School Board has no shame. Board members plaster their equity commitments on Twitter and pass empty resolutions claiming that inclusion and civil rights guide their governance. In reality, they spend taxpayer money asking the Supreme Court to enshrine a ‘one free rape’ safe harbor for schools that fail to properly investigate allegations of student sexual abuse.”

NSBA and Fairfax County Public Schools are asking the U.S. Supreme Court to block the case against the school system from going to trial.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Free Enterprise Club Responds to ASU Cancelling Event Featuring Congressman Andy Biggs and Jason Chaffetz thumbnail

Free Enterprise Club Responds to ASU Cancelling Event Featuring Congressman Andy Biggs and Jason Chaffetz

By The Editors

The Arizona Free Enterprise Club has released the following statement in response to the decision by ASU and Michael Crow to cancel a fundraising event featuring Congressman Andy Biggs and former Congressman Jason Chaffetz to benefit the Political History and Leadership (PHL) program at ASU:

It is outrageous that Michael Crow and ASU would cancel an ASU Foundation Fundraiser because they oppose the views and philosophy of the featured speakers attending the event. It is becoming clear that woke cancel culture has taken over every office at the University,” said Scot Mussi, President of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club.

The purpose of the event, scheduled for February 17th at the Desert Botanical Garden, was to raise money for the ASU Foundation in support of PHL, a very successful program within ASU’s history department. Approximately 20% of in-person students in the history program at ASU are attending classes through PHL.

“ASU doesn’t have a problem with liberal activists and public officials appearing at the school for various events. It is well known that Democrat politicians, including US Senator Kyrsten Sinema, have in the past or currently work for the University at taxpayer expense. It only becomes a problem when the speaker is a conservative,” Scot Mussi continued. “If Michael Crow is going to surrender to the ‘cancel culture’ mob, then he is no longer fit to be ASU President and should resign.”


This article was published by the Arizona Free Enterprise Club and is reproduced with permission.

CFACT Collegians Make The Grade For Liberty, Mid-Term Grade A+ thumbnail

CFACT Collegians Make The Grade For Liberty, Mid-Term Grade A+

By Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow

It’s winter break for many of CFACT’s Collegians activists, and so it is time to take a peek at their “mid-term grade” for the year.

We’re happy to report that CFACT’s student leaders have earned an A+ for their great efforts! Of course, at CFACT, we do not lightly award such grades – our standards are high for activism and making an impact. So, what warranted such stellar marks for our Collegians? Here’s a few examples:

To jump start efforts in the fall, Collegians organized informative speaking events so that students could hear the facts they aren’t hearing in their classrooms.

At the University of Central Florida, CFACT Collegians co-sponsored a talk given by the former press secretary to President Trump, Kayleigh McEnany, to a crowd of several hundred students. She discussed her experiences in the White House and took questions from students regarding Biden’s climate and energy policies. In Minnesota, students at UM-Twin Cities heard from CFACT president Craig Rucker about the genesis of the modern environmental movement and the troubling agendas at work within leftist Green circles today. Meanwhile, University of Texas, San Antonio students brought in Gabriella Hoffman, host of CFACT’s District of Conservation podcast and Conservation Nation YouTube series, to learn how hunting contributes to conservation efforts.

Collegians then followed up these educational forums with unique campus activism.

In November, CFACT activists organized a campus activism campaign called “Build Back Bankrupt” to push back against President Biden’s “Build Back Better” agenda. As part of the joint effort with other student groups, CFACT students at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee, Grand Canyon University in Arizona, the Catholic University of America in Washington DC, and the University of Central Florida distributed fake monopoly money with flyers. The point of this effort was to show students that the dollar will essentially be worth nothing more than fake play money if Biden were to get his expensive Build Back Better agenda enacted.

“As inflation rises from huge government spending it’s like a hidden tax on all of us,” said Ned Sheehan, a graduate student at Vanderbilt University who organized efforts at his school. “Less purchasing power impacts all students, and it is important for them to learn about that.”

“This was an important event to do on campus, because young people need to realize what is happening to the value of the dollar,” said Farrell Sessler, a sophomore at Grand Canyon University. “If government keeps spending money recklessly on all sorts of climate change and expanded welfare programs, inflation will keep getting worse and it will be harder for all of us to succeed both during and after college.”

Yet despite the success of these events, Collegians realized the dire need to deliver facts directly to those deciding public policy. So, in December, four CFACT student leaders from Pennsylvania, Arizona, Texas, and Washington DC, delivered testimony to the Environmental Protection Agency during its virtual public hearing on new methane rules. The CFACT students all objected to the new Biden rules, saying they were unnecessary, would further heighten energy costs, and ignore environmental gains already achieved in the United States.

“Methane that is leaked is just natural gas that isn’t sold by companies. The industry already has a strong incentive then, to limit these leaks to limit profit loss, and has clearly taken steps already. Methane emissions from U.S. oil and gas have dropped 12% since 2005, while oil and gas production increased by 80% and 51%, respectively, according to the Wall Street Journal,” testified Mikel Moore from the University of Houston.

Shakira Jackson from the University of Pittsburgh voiced concern with how the new rule would hurt federalism, saying: “This rule erodes [our] system of federalism by changing the way we regulate existing sources of emissions. That is supposed to be regulated by states under the Clean Air Act, but this regulation takes that authority away from states and forces a one-size-fits-all approach on states. It is saying that the same regulations for California should match those for Pennsylvania – states with different populations, different industries, and different priorities.”

As the semester wrapped up and 2021 came to a close, students from Trenton High School in Michigan and Liberty University in Virginia organized two environmental clean-up and community service events. These efforts were organized to show the public that CFACT Collegians not only work to impact public policy and change minds, but also care deeply about the environment and seek ways to keep our communities clean.

In this spirit Michigan students led an event called “Raking a Difference” that organized lawn clean-up efforts for the elderly and disabled. Liberty University students in Virginia performed a litter clean up around Lynchburg to clear trash from paths and brush.

Through CFACT’s recruiting and organizing efforts this past semester, new CFACT Collegians chapters and networks were established at Indiana University Bloomington, Dartmouth College, the University of Houston, and Grand Canyon University.

These new student networks helped build upon CFACT’s already extensive presence on colleges and universities across America. Expect their new members to make a big splash for liberty and sound science on their campuses in 2022!

For their commitment to the truth, impressive organizing abilities, and tenacious courage in the face of relentless leftist censorship from campus authorities, CFACT Collegians undoubtedly earned their A+ grade.

Look for them to keep up the momentum this spring!


Adam Houser

Adam Houser coordinates student leaders as National Director of CFACT’s collegians program and writes on issues of climate and energy.


Listing nuclear and natural gas as Green has Europe divided

Overcoming ideology to keep the lights on

EDITORS NOTE: This CFACT column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Wokeness has captured universities, says Jordan Peterson as he resigns thumbnail

Wokeness has captured universities, says Jordan Peterson as he resigns

By MercatorNet – Navigating Modern Complexities

Sick of intellectual corruption, the world’s best-known psychologist abandons academia.

“I recently resigned from my position as full tenured professor at the University of Toronto,” Jordan Peterson wrote in a bombshell op-ed for the National Post last week.

The Rockstar psychologist’s fame long ago outgrew the halls of Canada’s oldest college, where he has researched and lectured since the late 1990s in spite of every slur and scandal.

“I had envisioned teaching and researching at the U of T, full time, until they had to haul my skeleton out of my office,” he writes. “I loved my job.” Nevertheless, Peterson’s title will soon be downgraded to professor emeritus — and how long he lasts in that role is uncertain, judging from his rationale for stepping down.

If the legacy press has been your main lens on Jordan Peterson, you might assume that he’s quitting after one too many pranks or personal attacks. But if you’ve followed the man more closely, you’ll know he has thought in great depth about the decision.

“The appalling ideology of Diversity, Inclusion and Equity is demolishing education and business,” he opens. And yes, Peterson deliberately jumbles the acronym to achieve his preferred spelling: DIE. These three words, now heard in classrooms and boardrooms across North America, have quickly become the Holy Trinity of wokeness.

Put simply, this is what DIE has done to academia, in the words of Peterson:

We are now at the point where race, ethnicity, “gender,” or sexual preference is first, accepted as the fundamental characteristic defining each person … and second, is now treated as the most important qualification for study, research and employment.

How have they driven Peterson from his post? First, he says, DIE is killing the career prospects of some of his brightest students. The students who excel and have the correct sex, skin colour and sexual predilections are fine. But those who deserve to be hired and are white, straight and male mostly graduate to a dead-end road.

“I am academic persona non grata,” Peterson adds, “because of my unacceptable [read: anti-woke] philosophical positions.” For all these reasons, he feels that his job has been rendered morally untenable. “How can I accept prospective researchers and train them in good conscience knowing their employment prospects to be minimal?”

Beyond the practical consequences for his students, Peterson is labouring under the weight of DIE’s deception. While he doesn’t mention Solzhenitsyn, Peterson’s philosophical father clearly haunts the decision he has made. Especially this famous quote: “The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie.” Writes Peterson,

All my craven colleagues must craft DIE statements to obtain a research grant. They all lie (excepting the minority of true believers) and they teach their students to do the same. And they do it constantly, with various rationalisations and justifications, further corrupting what is already a stunningly corrupt enterprise.

The problem is greater still for Peterson, since woke ideology has also stretched its tentacles into the accreditation boards of Canada’s graduate clinical psychology training programs. Henceforth, these gatekeepers of the profession will refuse to accredit any program that doesn’t have a “social justice” (read: woke) orientation.

Moreover, Canada has just outlawed so-called “conversion therapy”. Peterson warns that it will therefore become “exceedingly risky for clinicians to do anything ever but agree always and about everything with their clients”. It may even have “doomed the practice of clinical psychology,” he mourns, “which always depended entirely on trust and privacy”.

Rounding off his explanation, Peterson posts an extensive quote from Russian President Vladimir Putin, who curiously weighed in on wokeness late last year. Putin’s words are worth reading in full:

The advocates of so-called ‘social progress’ believe they are introducing humanity to some kind of a new and better consciousness. Godspeed, hoist the flags, as we say, go right ahead. The only thing that I want to say now is that their prescriptions are not new at all. It may come as a surprise to some people, but Russia has been there already.

After the 1917 revolution, the Bolsheviks, relying on the dogmas of Marx and Engels, also said that they would change existing ways and customs, and not just political and economic ones, but the very notion of human morality and the foundations of a healthy society. The destruction of age-old values, religion, and relations between people, up to and including the total rejection of family (we had that, too), encouragement to inform on loved ones — all this was proclaimed progress and, by the way, was widely supported around the world back then and was quite fashionable, same as today. By the way, the Bolsheviks were absolutely intolerant of opinions other than theirs.

This, I believe, should call to mind some of what we are witnessing now. Looking at what is happening in a number of Western countries, we are amazed to see the domestic practices — which we, fortunately, have left, I hope — in the distant past. The fight for equality and against discrimination has turned into aggressive dogmatism bordering on absurdity, when the works of the great authors of the past — such as Shakespeare — are no longer taught at schools or universities, because their ideas are believed to be backward. The classics are declared backward and ignorant of the importance of gender or race.

In Hollywood, memos are distributed about proper storytelling and how many characters of what color or gender should be in a movie. This is even worse than the agitprop department of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union.

Western institutions collapsing in on themselves by embracing a toxic ideology we fought a 45-year Cold War to defeat? No thanks, says JBP — I’ll be pouring more of my time and talent elsewhere.

He has a lot to give. Academia has a lot to lose. And the world has a lot to gain from the resignation of Jordan Peterson.


Kurt Mahlburg

Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

MSNBC commentator says ‘All Your Kids Belong To Us’ thumbnail

MSNBC commentator says ‘All Your Kids Belong To Us’

By The Geller Report

The Left is trying to destroy traditional America. Rational Americans must come out in droves in 2022 and 2024 to take down the Left or we will lose this country forever.

The American way of life depends on us stopping this effort to destroy the family. Parents are at the center of raising the next generation to maintain our Republic.

— Mike Pompeo (@mikepompeo) January 20, 2022

The Left: ‘All Your Kids Are Belong To Us’

By The American Conservative, January 20th, 2022

Whoa, whoa, whoa. Progressive commentator Melissa Harris-Perry, in an MSNBC ad:

“We have to break through this idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families”.

— Aimee Terese (@aimeeterese) January 20, 2022

There’s your bright red line, people. Terry McAuliffe said that parents have no business passing judgment on what their kids are taught at school. This is what so many on the Left believe: that it is their role to liberate children from the troglodytic beliefs of their parents.

They want our kids for themselves. Don’t you get it?

I think this fall, Republican candidates should just run this MSNBC clip over and over, and at the end, just add the slogan: “Had enough? Vote Republican.”

UPDATE: Hello all, I had to spend all the afternoon and evening traveling, and I only just got Internet. I have learned that this Melissa Harris-Perry spot is from 2013. Obviously it might not represent what she thinks today, so I apologize to her if by quoting it, I falsely represented her views today. The clip was massively shared on Twitter yesterday, and it’s worth considering why it sounded plausible and current: because we are watching right now, in real time, in suburban Virginia and elsewhere, the educational establishment — the progressive wing at least, but perhaps I’m being redundant — behave as if they believe that MHP spoke the truth.

Still, I wish I had known this was a 2013 clip. I still would have cited it, because I believe it shows what many on the Left really do believe about kids and parents, but I would have specified its date.

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Florida House Committee Passes Bill Banning Gender Ideology Discussions In Schools thumbnail

Florida House Committee Passes Bill Banning Gender Ideology Discussions In Schools

By The Daily Caller

A Florida House committee passed a bill banning discussions about gender ideology and sexual orientation in primary level classrooms on Thursday.

The House Education and Employment Committee overwhelmingly passed the ”Parental Rights in Education Bill,” also known as the “Don’t Say Gay” bill, to prohibit teachers from discussing LGBTQ-related issues with primary level students. The legislation intends to protect the “fundamental rights of parents” to choose what their children are taught.

“A school district may not encourage classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in primary grade levels or in a manner that is not age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students,” the bill states.

The legislation allows for a parent to pursue “declaratory or injunctive relief” against a school district that violates the new rules. The court may award parents attorney fees and court costs in the midst of the legal action.

It is not the job of school administrators, teachers or counselors to replace the role of a parent. HB 1557 protects every parent’s right to a role in their child’s education, health and well-being. Thank you, Representatives @josephbharding & @ChrisLatvala for your leadership.

— FL House Republicans (@FLGOPMajority) January 21, 2022

The bill also requires school administrators to notify parents if there are any changes to a student’s “mental, emotional, or physical health or well being.” School personnel will be required to encourage students to openly talk with an adult about their wellbeing and are prohibited from withholding any information regarding their child’s physical and mental wellbeing from the parents.

The bill was introduced by Republican Florida state Sen. Dennis Baxley, who said the legislation “defends” a parent’s responsibility, according to The Hill.

“This bill is about defending the most awesome responsibility a person can have: being a parent,” Baxley said. “That job can only be given to you by above.”

Chasten Buttigieg, husband of transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg, called out Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for allegedly making his state a difficult place for LGBTQ children to “survive in.”

“This will kill kids, @RonDeSantisFL. You are purposefully making your state a harder place for LGBTQ kids to survive in,” Buttigieg said. “In a national survey (@TrevorProject), 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide last year. Now they can’t talk to their teachers?”

This will kill kids, @RonDeSantisFL. You are purposefully making your state a harder place for LGBTQ kids to survive in. In a national survey (@TrevorProject), 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide last year. Now they can’t talk to their teachers?

— Chasten Buttigieg (@Chasten) January 20, 2022

A separate Trevor Project study found that LGBTQ students learning about the issue resulted in a 23% drop in suicide attempts last year. The Trevor Project’s director of advocacy and government affairs, Sam Ames, said the bill will harm LGBTQ students.

“This bill will erase young LGBTQ students across Florida, forcing many back into the closet by policing their identity and silencing important discussions about the issues they face,” Ames said. “LGBTQ students deserve their history and experiences to be reflected in their education, just like their peers.”

Jon Harris Maurer said teachings about sexuality and gender identity is “prejudicial” and insults LGBTQ students or those with LGBTQ parents. He argued that those that support the bill cannot call themselves “allies of the LGBTQ community.”

The bill requires the Department of Education to review and update school counseling, professional conduct principles and other guidelines to ensure they are in accordance with the new regulations by June 30, 2022.





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Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest in Phoenix, December 2021 thumbnail

Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest in Phoenix, December 2021

By Ellie Fromm

Editors’ Note: The Prickly Pear welcomes this review by Ellie Fromm, a new citizen journalist and young patriot committed to the values we share as America-loving citizens: faith, family, a strong work ethic and devotion to liberty and individual sovereignty. Ellie represents the best in her generation who will lead this nation forward in the years and decades ahead and away from the progressive darkness and divisiveness that, for many, shrouds our political and cultural understanding of America.

Turning Point USA’s AmericaFest was was held in Phoenix, Arizona 12/18/21 – 12/21/21. AmericaFest is an event bent on inspiring and empowering young conservatives, especially those in Gen Z (born 1997-2012), to take back both our country and our culture. Turning Point USA spared no expense to create a truly inspiring event for attendees. Each day I looked forward to hearing the leaders of our movement speak and meeting other like-minded individuals. Seeing so many young conservatives there gave me hope. “U.S.A” chants were prominent, and being among so many patriots who stand for the flag at a time when kneeling for the flag is praised reminded me that many others my age are also extremely proud of our wonderful nation. At times I feel as if I am one of the few young conservatives fed up with the road our country is on. However, AmericaFest showed me that I am not fighting alone.

Hosted by Turning Point USA in Phoenix, Arizona, AmericaFest was an event for patriotic Americans, both young and old, from all over the States. 10,000 people from all 50 states attended this 4-day event. Speakers of the event include prominent conservative figures such as Kayleigh McEnany, Tucker Carlson, Donald Trump Jr., Charlie Kirk, Congressman Madison Cawthorn, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert, Senator Ted Cruz, Kyle Rittenhouse, and Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene. There were also concert performances by Lee Greenwood, Adam Doleac, Russell Dickerson, Dustin Lynch, RaeLynn, Brantley Gilbert, and DEEJAY SILVER.

I was not expecting the show Turning Point USA put on. I was expecting everyone to be sitting in a big hall listening to these speakers but certainly not 10,000 people to be in attendance. In reality, there were lights, confetti, fireworks, and audio and visual displays introducing each speaker all held in a concert hall. AmericaFest is the largest conservative multi-day event in history. Also, every morning we sang the national anthem and a speech by Ronald Reagan played with images highlighting America’s history showing on the screens. It was amazing and blew everyone away. Outside the exhibit hall where the speeches took place was ‘media row’, with live media such as Fox News and TPUSA LIVE. The liberals are typically making false claims against this event, but one undisputed fact is that Turing Point USA knows how to impress their attendees and put on a show.

Although Donald Trump did not speak at AmericaFest, Donald Trump Jr. did. It has been rumored within conservative circles that, someday, Don Jr. will run for President. With how he presents himself in the political sphere, I certainly think he will. However, he is not the only potential future presidential candidate who spoke. Congressman Madison Cawthorn came on stage with passion and integrity. He believes in America first, not China first, and genuinely cares about his fellow Americans. The fact that he works for the People, not the government, was repeated and made clear throughout his speech. Congressman Cawthorn may not know this yet, but he sounded and acted as a presidential candidate.

Being a 4-day event, many “counter-radical” statements, which are just plain common sense, were made, such as “only woman can become pregnant” and “boys and girls are different”. Are you absolutely and completely offended yet by conservatives preaching this basic biology? I’m not. Ask any girl who plays high school sports – the boys are always faster and stronger than a girl who puts in the same amount of effort and hours. This is because men and women are different and are created with different purposes in mind. The fact that these are controversial statements is ridiculous. This shows how out of touch the left is with reality. While the right wants to empower young people to stand for their country and their flag, the left seeks to turn them into a fearful mob who will destroy out of fear. Young conservatives are proud of their flag, display it proudly, and never apologize for it. The conservative party is now the party of “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. We refuse to be governed by fear.

Esther 4:14 says “Perhaps you were born for such a time as this” and this message was shared multiple times throughout the conference. Generally, when God is trying to send a message, He shares the same verse through many different materials and people to get his point across. For example, Kayleigh McEnany’s book on sale at the meeting is titled ‘For Such a Time as This’. Apparel was being sold with ‘born for such a time as this’ printed on them, and many speeches revolved around this verse. I believe God was sending a message to Gen Z about their role in the world and in finding purpose. It has not been easy for us having school canceled, losing friends over the COVID nonsense, sports being canceled, forced muzzling, and the fear the media has been shoving down our throats. I believe God is telling us He put us here for a reason, that we were born for such a time as this in America. The fact that we are all on this earth, at the same time, in the same country, and the same generation is a miracle in itself. This is no coincidence. I also think God put George Washington, William Bradford, and Abraham Lincoln on earth at their specific times for such times as they were facing. They were not a stroke of luck – they were a stroke of God. As written in the Bible, perhaps we were born for such a time as this.

A sense of community was present at AmericaFest, a sense that we will fight this regime together because no one fights alone. Yes, the speakers were the faces, but we are the movement to take back America. True American patriotism is alive. Gen Z will continue to defend not only American freedom but traditional American culture. We will fight to make this country even better for our future children than it has been for us. The greatest generation has set the bar high, but we will, and must, become the next greatest generation and save this country from self-destruction. The baton of liberty will be passed on, but only if we fight and NEVER LET UP. As the great Dr. Suess wrote, “Unless someone like you cares an awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”. We care, and AmericaFest showed us that we cannot and should not wait any longer to take a stand.

Biden Admin Threatens COVID Funds over Arizona’s School Mask Mandate Ban thumbnail

Biden Admin Threatens COVID Funds over Arizona’s School Mask Mandate Ban

By Cole Lauterbach

Arizona has two months to let schools force mask mandates or risk losing its share of COVID-19 aid from the federal government.

In a letter from the U.S. Treasury Department sent to Gov. Doug Ducey’s office Friday, the Treasury reiterated its position stated in October 2021, warning that the state is using federal COVID-19 relief funds improperly and risks forfeiting part of the $4.2 billion the state received last year.

At issue is a $163 million Education Plus-Up Grant program Ducey announced on Aug. 17, 2021. These funds would be available to district and charter schools but only if they followed all state laws and remained open for in-person instruction for the remainder of the school year. Schools that return to remote learning would be disqualified.

“The Education Plus-Up Grant Program requires grantees to distribute funds to schools that do not require the use of face coverings. The COVID-19 Educational Recovery Benefit Program is available only to families if the student’s current or prior school requires the use of face coverings during instructional hours and on school property,” the letter said.

Ducey’s office said Friday morning that none of the $163 million had been spent, as it would only be distributed after the school completed the entire year in person.

The governor, fresh off of announcing his final budget proposal, responded to Friday’s warning from Washington DC.

“This letter is the latest example of a President that is completely out of touch with the American people,” Ducey said. “First, a failed attempt to mandate vaccines. Then, a complete disregard for the public safety and humanitarian crisis at the southern border. Now, attempting to rewrite rules around public dollars that will result in LESS funding to schools and kids – particularly in low-income communities.

“When it comes to education, President Biden wants to continue focusing on masks. In Arizona, we’re going to focus on math and getting kids caught up after a year of learning loss. We will respond to this letter, and we will continue to focus on things that matter to Arizonans. President Biden should do the same, and he can start by addressing the crisis at the border.”

U.S. Rep. Greg Stanton, D-Arizona, initially brought the matter to the administration’s attention in August.

“The state should be giving schools every possible resource to get children back in the classroom safely, not punishing them for following the science,” Stanton said in an Oct. 14 statement.

Fellow Rep. Reuben Gallego, a Phoenix Democrat rumored to be considering a challenge to U.S. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema over her refusal to end the filibuster, reacted to the letter Friday afternoon.

“Throughout this pandemic, [Ducey] has misused COVID-19 relief funds to further his own partisan agenda rather than help AZ families in need,” he tweeted. “I applaud [Treasury] for holding him accountable and urge our governor to finally put AZ families, students, and public health first.”

If Ducey doesn’t change the programs in 60 days, the letter said Treasury officials will begin to recoup funds they deem are being misused. The department said it would also withhold any funds that Arizona has yet to receive until the state is compliant.

According to the New York Times, Arizona has received nearly $1.2 billion of the total $4.2 billion it’s slated to receive in the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan Act.


This article was published by The Center Square and is reproduced with permission.

California District Pays Nearly $170k For Curricula Teaching Children To Become Leftist ‘Co-Conspirators’ thumbnail

California District Pays Nearly $170k For Curricula Teaching Children To Become Leftist ‘Co-Conspirators’

By Spencer Lindquist

This California school district isn’t just indoctrinating children, it’s teaching them how to be leftwing revolutionaries.

California’s Jefferson Elementary School District will be the first district in the United States to implement ethnic studies courses in all of their elementary and middle schools, and their new curriculum for this includes teaching children to become leftwing “co-conspirators.” The district’s curriculum that brings new state requirements for high school into the earliest grade levels was created by Community Responsive Education, a leftwing organization run by critical race theorists at San Francisco State University.

The district, which is located in Daly City, California, and serves roughly 6,000 students across ten elementary schools and four middle schools, has agreed to pay the organization nearly $170k in taxpayer money.

Public Dollars to Make Leftist ‘Co-Conspirators’

District documents note that the radical curriculum will be piloted in the 2021-2022 school year. It was presented by Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, a professor at San Francisco State University and the co-director of Community Responsive Education. The presentation was given during a school board meeting in July 2021 and began with a land acknowledgment that described the Ohlone people, not the United States, as the rightful stewards of the land that JESD is on.

Tintiangco-Cubales, who uses the pronouns “she/her” in addition to “siya,” a Filipino word that means both male and female, explained that she is “a settler, an uninvited visitor” on Ohlone land before going on to note that JESD is America’s first district that “is committed to rolling out Ethnic Studies in all of their middle and elementary schools.” In late 2021, California passed a state mandate that “ethnic studies” be taught in all public high schools.

The presentation explains that the curriculum is designed to “eliminate racism and other forms of oppression” by “creating, learning, listening, uncovering, and sharing of the his/herstories, experiences, and current conditions of those who have been racially marginalized, underrepresented, and/or silenced.”

The curriculum is divided into four different units, labeled “self,” “systems,” “social movements,” and “solidarity.” Each unit is accompanied by a corresponding set of “essential questions” and “enduring understandings.”

One such “enduring understanding” under the “self” unit reads: “Learning about our own identities and those of others allows us to become more empathetic and builds our capacity to go from being allies to co-conspirators/accomplices in the elimination of oppression.”

Teaching Kids America Is Inherently Evil

The second unit condemns America as institutionally racist and teaches children that white supremacy is entrenched in American systems such as education. The unit also indicts white people as the beneficiaries of racism, claiming that they use the system of white supremacy to maintain their “wealth, power, and privilege.” Additionally, students learn that “institutional racism is the way in which white supremacy continues to oppress non-white people.”

Children are then turned into ambassadors for critical race theory at the end of the unit when they are tasked with creating a public service announcement that “denounces systems that are oppressive,” which could, according to the curriculum, include American education systems if not America itself.

Directly after accusing America’s systems of being fundamentally racist and condemning white people as beneficiaries of racism who maintain white supremacy, teachers tell children how to mobilize and engage in “transformational resistance” in the third unit.

The unit focuses on social movements and blatantly aims to turn students into racially motivated leftist revolutionaries. Tintiangco-Cubales notes that special emphasis is placed on “the notion of transformational resistance.” Students are asked, “How do we build social movements to create change and impact society?”

The final unit teaches children how they can “pursue true liberation” through an understanding of “solidarity, liberation, collective action, intersectionality, and dismantling systemic oppression.” Children are also taught that “To achieve true liberation, we must actively and collectively work together to dismantle various systems of oppression (ie: institutional racism, white supremacy, etc.).”

Making Children Into Political Agitators

Students’ transformations into leftist activists are completed with their “solidarity praxis project,” where students create a campaign to address a problem in their community. Even the presentation’s imagery leaves no doubt regarding the curriculum’s intent. Each unit is introduced by a cartoon-esque flat art character holding a protest sign.

District Pays Nearly $170k For CRT Courses

Tintiangco-Cubales presented the curriculum on behalf of Community Responsive Education, an organization that offers “professional and curriculum development services for community organizations and educational institutions to begin or sustain the journey of becoming community responsive.”

At a meeting in February 2020, the district agreed to pay Community Responsive Education $40,000 in taxpayer dollars to facilitate the development of Ethnic Studies units and lessons to be piloted in Jefferson Elementary School District,” according to the meeting’s public records.

Then in August 2020, Jefferson Elementary School District unanimously approved a motion to pay the organization $28,502 for “services during the 2020-21 school year to facilitate the development of Ethnic Studies units and lessons to be piloted in Jefferson Elementary School District,” according to the school board meeting’s minutes.

The district also voted to pay Community Responsive Education an additional $100,000 “for Ethnic Studies Curriculum and Teacher Development for both Middle and Elementary school teachers beginning on July 1, 2021, until June 30, 2023” for a total of $168,502.

The concept of “community-responsive education” from which the organization draws its name, just like “culturally responsive education,” is effectively a rebranding of critical race theory. The curriculum from Community Responsive Education is predicated on a belief that U.S. institutions are defined by racism and that collective action must be taken to dismantle them, a core tenet of critical race theory.

Furthermore, CRE, just like CRT, takes the traditional Marxist dichotomy that pits the oppressed proletariat against the oppressive middle class and reapplies it to race, thereby designating moral value, victimhood, and collective guilt on people as a result of immutable characteristics.

A Dangerous Model for Extremists In Education

As America’s first school district to implement ethnic studies curriculum in all of its elementary and middle schools, Jefferson Elementary School District could have a significant influence on other ethnic studies curricula across California and America.

Without sacrificing any of the usual extremism inherent to CRT, this curriculum may mark a shift towards a more strategically oriented method of instruction. Rather than simply indoctrinating children with the beliefs of systemic racism, privilege, and oppression, this course is blatantly designed to create the next generation of extreme leftwing activists operating from these false premises.

This model will not be specific to Jefferson Elementary School District. In fact, a report from Parents Defending Education found that Community Responsive Education has a foothold in a variety of other school districts, including six others in California and one each in New York, Texas, South Carolina, and Pennsylvania.

A number of other California districts have also taken steps to indoctrinate children with CRT. One Bay Area school district promoted materials that told children to use witchcraft against people who say “all lives matter.” The Los Angeles Unified School District lied in claiming that CRT is not taught in its K-12 institutions despite hosting a critical race theorist who taught staff to “challenge whiteness” and inviting the director of UCLA’s Center for Critical Race Studies to give input on their ethnic studies curriculum.

This overt leftwing takeover of government schools has led some California parents to support a bipartisan campaign that would enshrine school choice and tether taxpayer dollars to students. Should it receive the required number of signatures and pass a vote, the initiative would allow parents to take their children — and their money — out of schools that prioritize indoctrination over education.

Neither school board President Clayton Koo nor Tintiangco-Cubales responded to requests for comment.


This article first appeared in The Federalist and is reproduced with permission.

The Forgotten 15.9 Million People thumbnail

The Forgotten 15.9 Million People

By Craig J. Cantoni

The rest of the story about race and poverty

You probably won’t be surprised by the following poverty rates by race/ethnicity:

Asians:  8.1%

Non-Hispanic Whites:  8.1%

Hispanics:  17.0%

Blacks:  19.5%

U.S. Average:  11.4%

Year:  2021


You might be surprised, however, by the following absolute numbers of Americans in poverty, especially the last number:

Asians:  1.6 million

Blacks:  8.5 million

Hispanics:  10.4 million

Non-Hispanic Whites:  15.9 million

If the last number surprises you, perhaps the reason is that it is rarely cited by the media or social-justice activists. The number reveals the falsity of the popular refrain that all whites come from privilege.

A cautionary note: Statistics by race are always squishy, because the racial categories are ill-defined, because the categories overlap, because a large percentage of Americans have biracial parents, because the “Hispanic” category is a catchall and not a single race or single ethnicity, and because the “White” and “Asian” categories are also catchall categories, encompassing hundreds of ethnic groups and an array of skin shades and socioeconomic classes. Moreover, there is variation in the numbers depending on the source and the reporting period, a problem compounded by the COVID pandemic’s negative impact on income.

Except for whites, the poverty rates for all four groups have declined significantly over recent decades. To wit:

From 1970 to 2019, the poverty rate for blacks declined from 31.8% to 18.8%. (The decrease in poverty for blacks is even more significant if one goes back to 1965, when the poverty rate for blacks was 40%.)

From 1970 to 2019, the poverty rate for Hispanics declined from 22% to 15.7%, even though a lot of poor and unskilled Hispanics immigrated to the US during this period.

From 1985 to 2019, the poverty rate for Asians declined from 19% to 7.3% (numbers aren’t reliable prior to 1985 for Asians).

From 1970 to 2019, the poverty rate for whites increased slightly from 7.0% to 7.3%.

Note:  The above numbers were interpolated from a graph, so they may not exactly match published statistics.


In any event, regardless of someone’s race, ethnicity or pigment, it stinks to be in poverty.

It should go without saying that poverty varies considerably by locale, but it has to be said because that’s another complexity generally overlooked by the media and social-justice activists. Several examples are below.

The poverty rate as of 2019 was:

32.3% for blacks in Wayne County, Michigan (Detroit),

35.7% for whites in Harlan County, Kentucky,

34.0% for Hispanics in Erie County, New York,

22.0% for Hispanics in my home county of Pima County, Arizona (the county reports a rate of 23.6% for 2021),

32.9% for Asians in Calhoun County, Texas,

8.3% for Asians in Palo Alto, California,

4.2% for whites in Palo Alto, California, and

0.86% for whites in Chevy Chase, Maryland.


The last two locales above (Palo Alto and Chevy Chase) are populated by progressives who bemoan white privilege and virtue-signal about diversity and inclusion. Whites in Harlan County probably have a different perspective on those topics.

Poverty also varies considerably by the ethnic groups and nationalities within each catchall category. For example, within the Asian category, Hmong Americans and Cambodian Americans have poverty rates of 37.8% and 29.3%, respectively.

For some sick reason, many of America’s intelligentsia and media want Americans to believe that poverty isn’t lowered in two-parent families. They point out the fact that black children with two parents in the household are mired in poverty at double or triple the rates of white children with two parents in the household. But what they don’t point out is that the poverty rate of black children decreases significantly if both parents are in the household. Not only that, but crime decreases and test scores increase. 

Also left unsaid is that it takes generations of stable family life to build social and financial capital. For example, my working-class parents had more income and education than their poor and poorly educated immigrant parents, I have more education and income than my parents did, my son has more income and education than I did at his age, and his kids might have a chance of getting into a prestigious university and joining America’s elites, although having elite status would be anathema to my son and his delightful wife, who, by the way, has a Filipino mother and a Mediterranean father. (What race does that make her?)

A related subject for another day is income inequality, which is indeed a growing problem in the U.S. but not as serious a problem as reported, after all forms of income are included in comparisons; that is, not just wage income but also income from transfer payments (welfare and entitlements), earned income tax credits, and the value of such non-cash benefits as public education and free or subsidized medical care. Incidentally, metro San Francisco, which is one of the most liberal parts of the country, has the highest income inequality of all major U.S. metro areas.

A very serious problem for a fuller discussion on another day is the middle class being under siege, especially the lower half of the middle class. This is an important issue because a thriving middle class keeps the nation, and any nation, from bifurcating into a two-class society of a powerless poor and the powerful wealthy, as is common in Latin America.

In the last 37 years, college tuition has increased 129 percent in constant dollars—this by institutions that profess to care about inequality and social justice while reaping the benefits of sticking students with $1.6 trillion in student loans. Housing costs have seen a similar increase, resulting in a decrease in homeownership, so that nearly three in eight homes today are rentals. As author and commentator Victor David Hanson says, “The result is a new American peasantry, of millions of Americans who own little or no property.” In that sense, they are similar to property-less medieval peasants dependent on property-owning overlords.

The bourgeoisie and petit-bourgeoisie have been hated by the intelligentsia throughout history. America is no exception. After bearing the above costs and the brunt of the downsides of globalization and immigration, America’s lower middle class has been insulted as clingers, deplorables and irredeemables. 

At the same time, as seen at the beginning of this commentary, the nearly 16 million whites in poverty have been largely ignored or demeaned.

This doesn’t make for racial and class harmony but does make for political extremism and demagoguery.

VIRGINIA: Youngkin Signs Executive Orders Banning Critical Race Theory And Mask Mandates On First Day As Governor thumbnail

VIRGINIA: Youngkin Signs Executive Orders Banning Critical Race Theory And Mask Mandates On First Day As Governor

By The Geller Report

It’s why he was elected. He made good on it.

Executive orders banning critical race theory and mask mandates on first day as governor

By Ryan King | Washington Examiner | January 15, 2022:

Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin started his term with a slew of executive orders Saturday to address key campaign issues.

After being sworn in as the 74th governor of Virginia, Youngkin signed 11 executive orders, a handful of which were aimed at allowing parents to exert control over their children’s education by ordering schools to stop teaching critical race theory and implementing mask mandates in public schools.

“Parents should have a say in what is taught in school because, in Virginia, parents have a fundamental right to make decisions with regards to their child’s upbringing, education, and care,” Youngkin said in his inauguration speech Saturday. “To parents, I say we respect you. And we will empower you in the education of your children.”

Youngkin, who made education a focal point of his campaign, also issued an executive order directing officials to “investigate wrongdoing in Loudoun County.” This alluded to the scandal in which the school board was accused of covering up or failing to address multiple sexual assault allegations, one of which resulted in the conviction of a male student who identified as gender fluid.

The governor also signed two executive directives, which differ from executive orders in how the legal language is styled, aiming “to jumpstart our economy by cutting job-killing regulations by 25 percent” and “to restore individual freedoms and personal privacy by rescinding the vaccine mandate for all state employees.”

Youngkin’s predecessor, former Gov. Ralph Northam, imposed several restrictions aimed at curbing the transmission of COVID-19. Last year, for example, he signed executive orders mandating state workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 and requiring students to wear masks in schools, WRIC reported.

Youngkin was inaugurated as Virginia’s first Republican governor since 2010. He was joined by fellow Republicans Winsome Sears, who became the first female black lieutenant governor, and Jason Miyares, who was elected the first Hispanic attorney general in the state’s history.

Youngkin won the election after a contentious race with Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat who previously served as governor of Virginia. The election was a significant victory for Republicans in a state that had been previously dominated by Democrats.

RELATED ARTICLE: Virginia’s New Attorney General Fired Entire Civil Rights Division In AG office

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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