Biden’s Blunders, From A to Z thumbnail

Biden’s Blunders, From A to Z

By Deroy Murdock

After reading my list of former President Donald Trump’s triumphs, from A to Z, nationally syndicated radio host Bill Martinez suggested during one of our weekly interviews that I give President Joe Biden’s blunders the same alphabetical treatment.

Here goes.

Afghanistan’s humiliating abandonment to the Taliban, amid America’s chaotic and deadly military withdrawal, may be Biden’s biggest failure.

Border security has collapsed. An estimated 6.3 million illegal aliens from at least 172 nations have invaded America under Biden. Hundreds of thousands have received free bus or plane tickets into the homeland. Others have scored free health care, education, and even Times Square hotel rooms.

Crime is plaguing America’s cities, chiefly those run by thug-hugging Democratoc mayors and left-wing, take-a-hoodlum-to-lunch “prosecutors.” Democrat-in-Chief Biden seems to approve.

Documents marked “classified” surfaced in the garage of Biden’s Wilmington, Delaware, mansion (alongside his 1967 Corvette) and at Washington, D.C.’s Penn-Biden Center, an alleged think tank. As senator and veep, Biden lacked presidential declassification authority. Thus, Biden illegally possessed some 20 classified papers.

Energy dominance under Trump has vanished. Biden now begs Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to boost petroleum production to compensate for his war on U.S. oil.

Fentanyl cascades across the US-Mexico “border.” It is killing some 70,000 Americans annually, mainly through unwitting ingestion of counterfeit pharmaceuticals polluted with this deadly drug. Fentanyl poisoning has become the No. 1 cause of death among Americans between ages 18 and 45.

Gas stoves are in Biden’s crosshairs, with neo-totalitarian federal scolds at the Energy Department and Consumer Product Safety Commission scheming to deprive Americans of the performance, comfort, and life-saving benefits of natural-gas appliances. Unlike electric equipment, gas-fueled gear functions during blackouts.

Hunter Biden, the president’s ne’er-do-well son and a confirmed deadbeat dad, is sinking into an ever-deepening quicksand of misdeeds, influence-peddling, and dodgy deals with foreign scalawags.

Inflation was 1.4% annually when Biden took office and triggered a tsunami of federal spending. The resulting consumer-price spike hit 9.1% before falling back to 4.9% today, still more than double the Federal Reserve’s 2% target.

Justice follows two tracks: Violent leftists (Antifa, Black Lives Matter) skate, while rightists (Jan. 6, Proud Boys) receive prison sentences or, even worse, rot in D.C.’s jail without charges.

Keystone XL pipeline: killed, along with 11,000 jobs.

Lynching is something “some people still want to do,” Biden declared on Feb. 17. Really? Where exactly are these white nationalists itching to hang blacks from trees?

Mandated COVID-19 vaccines forced 8,339 young, healthy GIs out of the armed forces for refusing this experimental inoculation, the Military Times reports.

News conferences are rare for Biden. Nov. 11 saw his last solo presser, 180 days ago on Saturday.

One-on-one interviews also are seldom seen under Biden. He granted 58 in his first two years, compared to Trump’s 205, Barack Obama’s 275, and George W. Bush’s 89, per the New York Post.

Pentagon priorities under Biden have devolved from national defense to pronouns to a frantic search for “white nationalists,” whoever they are—and the imposition of the Green New Deal in uniform.

Quotas are key to Biden’s “equity” agenda, including a $3.8 billion debt-relief program, exclusively for nonwhite farmers.

Russian cyberattackers seemingly sabotaged America’s Colonial Pipeline. Biden swiftly exonerated the Kremlin. He then greenlighted completion of the since-detonated Nord Stream II pipeline, which would have pumped Russian natural gas into Germany. Biden also approved a summit with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin. Those rewards for possible Russian subterfuge against U.S. property transmitted weakness and likely encouraged Putin to invade Ukraine.

Saudi Arabia and Iran now share a Beijing-brokered alliance. Trump’s strategy—to isolate the ayatollahs—is kaput.

Teachers union boss Randi Weingarten colluded with Biden’s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to lock down schools and trap kids in Zoom classes. Test scores tumbled.

Ukraine has received $76.8 billion in aid from Biden, with neither performance goals nor a timetable for victory or armistice.

Vice President Kamala Harris, Biden’s choice to be one aorta rush from the presidency, epitomizes overpromise and underdelivery.

White House “lids” have been called as early as 9 a.m. (on April 17). When Biden plans no further public appearances, journalists go home without fear of missing out.

Xi Jinping has yet to hear Biden even ask about COVID-19’s origins, according to official readouts. Such weakness surely fueled the Chinese communist dictator’s anti-dollar diplomacy, supremacy, spy balloons above U.S. military facilities, unprecedented harassment of Taiwan, and other efforts to torpedo America as the planet’s leading superpower.

Young Americans with college loans need not repay them, thanks to Biden’s student-debt bailout. Biden wants to squander $400 billion to nationalize up to $20,000 in obligations per borrower earning as much as $125,000 annually. Personal responsibility? Keeping promises? How quaint.

Zinc is a component part of electric vehicles, although graphite and lithium are more common components. Even as Biden mandates that 67% of new cars be electric by 2032, he padlocks mines whose copper and nickel also are essential EV ingredients. Biden’s EV policy is brain-dead.

Biden’s botches defy tabulation (e.g., abortionitis, race obsession, transgender-mania soaring federal spending, swelling national debt, sagging mental acuity, etc.). Too bad English has only 26 letters.


This article was published at The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Do Conservatives Want to Win? thumbnail

Do Conservatives Want to Win?

By Neland Nobel

It might seem the question posed is easy to answer.  Of course, we want to win you will say.

Well, maybe not.

Like the Left in this country, people on our side of the argument perform their own version of “virtue signaling.”

That term is often used by those of us on the center-right side of the political spectrum as a term of derision.  It usually is applied to corporations or institutions that deviate from their primary goal of serving the public needs or making a profit for shareholders to instead make vacuous political statements that appeal to a very narrow sliver of fanatical supporters, hip Leftists.   As a result, they fail in their primary mission but look good among the Hollywood set and readers of the New York Times.

Are conservatives doing the same thing, in a somewhat different context?

Ryan Girdusky writes an interesting Substack column called the National Populist Newsletter.

The interview Girdusky has with Buck Sexton below is worth your time.

In his May 10th letter titled “Why I Said Trump Can’t Win”, he outlines his argument.

Unlike critics of Trump who are just looking for excuses to dump him, Girdusky usually has few policy disagreements with the former President.  Therefore, he is not trying to derail the MAGA agenda, he is in fact trying to get it implemented.

Few of us may realize that Trump may now be the chief impediment to getting MAGA back in the Executive Branch of government.

It boils down to the map of the Electoral College.

Now it is true that a lot can change, both positive and negative, for our side between now and election day. But if we examine things as they sit right now, it is not looking so good.

To win Republicans must take Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania.  It is possible he says in a “great year” that we could take Nevada, Michigan, and New Hampshire.

Recent electoral losses in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania make this even more difficult, and in Arizona, weak Republicans and Independents elected a radical Democrat as governor.  Georgia may come our way if actual fraud during the recent election is uncovered but the party is also divided in Georgia with hostility between the Governor and Trump.

Arizona may come along easier if Kari Lake can prove the incompetence and/or perfidious actions of Republican officials in Maricopa County. Note in both Georgia and Arizona, anti-Trump Republicans played a role in the Trump defeat.

In short, unless Republicans can convince their more moderate (some might say treacherous) wing,  Independents, and urban women, we can’t really change the outcome from the last election.

Some will answer that this is not true, that Trump actually won,  and that the real problem was the election was “stolen”.  If that is true, who is to say those kinds of things won’t happen again in the states concerned?  One must win by a wider margin to overcome electoral dishonesty. It would seem Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Arizona may be worse off in that regard now than in the last election cycle given the result of recent elections.

Ironically,  the claim the election was “stolen” is a contributing factor in turning off Independents to our general MAGA message.  It may be irritating, but the reality is we need a greater portion of the independent vote to win in these key states.

The constant refrain of “stolen” obscures the real work Republicans must do to convince more voters. In fact, we need both effective outreach and election integrity. One without the other is not going to do the job.

We think a better case can be made that the election was “rigged.”

Recent revelations that past and present members of the FBI and CIA directly involved themselves in the domestic election are a case in point.  Between the Adminstrative State and the giant tech companies, negative stories were created out of whole cloth (Russian collusion and constant legal harassment) all the while giant tech companies suppressed information negative to Democrats  (the Biden Crime Family) and amplified stories negative to Republicans.

These governmental institutions and corporations clearly interfered in the electoral outcome, just like the infamous Time Magazine article stated shortly after the election.  Of course, the election was “rigged”.  This rigging was done sometimes within the law, and sometimes outside the law.  But a lack of concrete wins in court has not convinced the public the election was “stolen.”   The Fox News/Dominion case didn’t help.

We stand ready to accept documented information of outright fraud or incompetence that Kari Lake’s legal team might develop and we have never seen a good answer to the geopositioning argument made by Dinesh D’Souza in his documentary film, 2000 Mules.  Why did certain individuals hit remote drop boxes repeatedly and where did they get their bogus ballots, and why were not signatures properly verified?  Why haven’t these Mules been identified and arrested?

But readers of The Prickly Pear are not the people who need to be convinced.  It is the Trump-hating McCain/Romney Republicans and Independents that need convincing and it is likely that has not been done.

Anecdotal experience suggests that Trump supporters are dug in and Trump opponents likewise are pretty much stuck in intellectual concrete.  Those who love him or hate him are not likely to change their minds.  That leaves us pretty much where we were after the last election.

However, a candidate like DeSantis has already proven he can change minds in Florida.  That state was always an electoral cliffhanger as you might remember and DeSantis has proven he can convert Northeastern liberal transplants in his state to Republican conservatives.

Further, Democrats have poured so much hate into Trump, and invested six years in his demonization, it would be discombobulating to try to pivot their hate machine onto DeSantis and Ramaswamy.  They will try, but other candidates simply don’t have the burden of a multi-year effort to smear Trump.  Attempts at CNN to maul Ramaswamy didn’t go well for Don Lemon, did it?

Further, if Trump were to be elected, he starts as a lame duck because a second term is not possible.  Two terms would be minimal to try to root the Marxists out of our Federal bureaucracy and remake the EPA, the FBI, and the Department of Justice.

And don’t forget cleaning up the Department of Defense and expanding the Conservatives on the Supreme Court.

Further, it will take all of 8 years to fight off the lawsuits they launched that ham-strung his first term.

We must win the next election and get two terms.

So, conservatives need to ask themselves, do you really want to win and advance the MAGA agenda, or are you as hung up on the persona of Trump just as our Leftist adversaries are?

In conversations we have had, many simply don’t want to abandon Trump under ANY circumstances because it hands an unjust moral victory to the Left.

One can certainly understand why many feel that way.  The Durham Investigation showed what many of us long thought: Hillary Clinton paid for a lie, and the FBI and the press amplified it.  Two impeachment proceedings were based on lies. Likely, it is the dirtiest trick and the most dangerous political conspiracy in the history of the nation.  Federal agencies used their police powers to directly interfere in an election, and mislead the courts,  which is the opposite of “democracy.”  They even interfered with the operation of his Administration when he held office, engineering a silent coup.

The press amplified the lie and then awarded themselves Pulitzer Prizes.  They even hired many of the conspirators to be talking heads on their networks. It makes one want to vomit. Righteous anger pleads for re-electing Trump.  But electoral math may not be changed by your justified righteous anger.

The fact that these Democrat bad actors will not be held accountable, makes it doubly galling.  And the press will continue to ignore their own incompetence and bias.  They are not professionals capable of self-examination.  Many are revolutionaries who will commit any moral atrocity that advances their cause.  Others are just intellectual hacks.  The same can be said for the academia that produces them.

The best way to strike back is to win.  The problem Trump has with urban women is visceral.  Durham revelations are not really the factor. Much of this is because of Trump’s own behavior and that is not likely to change either. Trump Derangement Syndrome seems impervious to either logic or evidence. It is not rational.  Because of that, it is doubtful even recent revelations confirming his mistreatment will change many minds.

And if we don’t change the vote of at least some urban women and get more independent voters, we can’t win.  That is the Electoral College math.

That is why we pose the question: Do you want to win? Are we looking for cosmic justice, or are you aiming to win and change policies?

The mission should be to advance the MAGA agenda in the broadest political way feasible, gain power, change the Administrative State and crush “wokeness.”  That is the mission. It is to save the country, not to save any particular candidate, no matter how unfairly he may have been treated.

If running Trump is the best way to do that, we are all for it.  But what if that is not the best way to advance the MAGA agenda?  What is more important, the agenda and winning elections or our own version of virtue signaling that you will not be cowed by the Left?


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Sustainable Development: Sustainability thumbnail

Sustainable Development: Sustainability

By James Simpson

The World Economic Forum (WEF) held its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, on January 16–20 of this year. It is difficult to overestimate the WEF’s influence on the Western world. Attendees included political leaders such as Justin Trudeau, Emanuel Macron, Biden Administration “Climate Czar” John Kerry, Current U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde, Ukrainian First Lady Olena Zelenska and many others. Corporate leaders included BlackRock’s Larry Fink, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella, and some 1,400 more.

A WEF poll of 1,200 world business and political leaders conducted by Bloomberg prior to the event found that among their top concerns were “energy inflation, food and security crises,” with cost-of-living increases the top immediate concern. Over the next 10 years “climate change” will take precedence.

Despite all this hand-wringing, WEF Chairman Klaus Schwab announced last summer that fuel prices—a major driver of inflation—aren’t anywhere near high enough. He wants to see gasoline prices higher by multiples in order to “safeguard democracy.” Schwab claims the answer will require an unprecedented level of “public-private cooperation.”

We had our first big taste of that with President Barack Obama’s “green energy” program, where the only “green” from that list of multi-billion-dollar failures went to Obama’s political allies and supporters. Ironically, given the past two years of endless left-wing name-calling against “fascist” America, public-private “partnerships,” in which private companies are recruited to serve government interests, are the essence of Fascism. And seeded everywhere within the WEF agenda and statements by political and corporate leaders is the term “sustainability.”


Sustainability has become a household word. We see it on product labels and hear it discussed in relation to everything from electrical generation to financial investments. Most people remain unaware, however, of its origin, true nature, or the goals pursued under this seemingly innocuous word.

“Sustainable development” was first articulated in 1987 in Our Common Future a paper produced by the UN World Commission on Environment and Development.[5] What came to be called the Brundtland Commission was led by Gro Harlem Brundtland, Socialist International leader and former prime minister of Norway. As derived from the commission report, the UN defines “sustainable development” as “development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet its own needs.” To accomplish this, Brundtland stated that it constituted, “A global agenda for change.”

Other luminaries on the Brundtland Commission included UN heavyweight Maurice Strong (more about him later); William Ruckelshaus, first head of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (the only American), and luminaries from such enlightened states as Zimbabwe, Communist China, Russia, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and Cote D’Ivoire.

Sustainable development is found at the intersection of the three “Es” of economy, environment and (social) equity. It implies government restraint of economic growth to limit the depletion of natural resources over time and prevent anthropogenic climate change, while redistributing resources to achieve “equity”—i.e., socialism.

This socialist aspect of “sustainability” was emphasized throughout the Brundtland Report. For example, on page 22, point 70, it states, “Many essential human needs can be met only through goods and services provided by industry, and the shift to sustainable development must be powered by a continuing flow of wealth from industry.”

This article was published by Capital Research Center and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Reza Pahlavi: People’s Prince thumbnail

Reza Pahlavi: People’s Prince

By Amil Imani

The streets of Tehran were awash with people, their chants and slogans echoing across the city. “Reza Reza Pahlavi! Reza Reza Pahlavi!” they shouted, as they marched towards the parliament building.

Among the crowd were three friends, Payam, Zohreh, and Zubin. They had grown up together, gone to school together, and now, they were protesting together. As they walked, they discussed the events of the day, their hopes, and their fears.

“What do you think will happen?” asked Zohreh, a young woman with dark curly hair and piercing green eyes.

“I don’t know,” replied Zubin, a tall, lanky man with a beard. “But I do know that we can’t keep living like this. Something has to change.”

Payam, a stocky man with a bald head, nodded in agreement. “It’s time for a new leader, someone who can unite the people and bring real change to Iran.”

As they neared the parliament building, the crowd grew more intense. Suddenly, the sound of gunshots rang out, and chaos erupted. People began to scatter, running in all directions.

Payam, Zohreh, and Zubin ran for cover, but as they turned a corner, they came face to face with a group of Disciplinary Force of the Islamic Republic of Iran (FARAJA). They were trapped.

“Get down on the ground!” shouted one of the officers, pointing his gun at them.

Zohreh raised her hands, trying to look non-threatening. “Please, we’re just peaceful protesters,” she said, her voice shaking.

The officer sneered. “That’s what they all say. You’re all the same, trying to overthrow our government.”

Zubin stepped forward, trying to reason with the officer. “We don’t want to overthrow anyone. We just want a better future for our country.”

The officer laughed. “Better future? With who? That traitor Reza Pahlavi? He’s a poppet and a coward, hiding in America while his people suffer.”

Payam’s face turned red with anger. “You don’t know anything about him! He’s the only one who can save our country from this corrupt regime.”

The officer raised his gun, his finger on the trigger. “Enough talk. You’re all under arrest.”

Just then, a voice echoed across the street. “Stop! Leave them alone!”

The officer turned to see a figure emerging from the crowd. It was Prince Reza Pahlavi himself, dressed in a suit and tie, his hair neatly combed.

The officer hesitated for a moment, then lowered his gun. “Prince Pahlavi,” he stammered. “I’m sorry, I didn’t recognize you. In fact, we didn’t expect you here on the streets of Tehran”

Reza Pahlavi walked towards the three friends, his arms outstretched. “Are you all right?” he asked, his voice calm and reassuring.

Payam, Zohreh, and Zubin looked at each other in disbelief. They had never expected to meet the prince in person and that too in Iran.

“We’re okay,” said Zohreh, her voice still trembling. “Thank you for saving us. But Sir, what are you doing here in Iran?”

Reza Pahlavi smiled. “It’s my duty to protect the people of Iran, no matter where they are or what their beliefs may be and what they might do to me.”

As they walked away from the scene, Reza Pahlavi spoke to the three friends, asking them about their lives and their aspirations. They talked about their families, their jobs, and their dreams for a better future.

“I know it’s not easy,” said Reza Pahlavi. “But I promise you, I will do everything in my power to bring real change to Iran. To make it a country where everyone has the opportunity to succeed, no matter who they are or where they come from. That’s why I am here”

As they continued to walk and talk, the three friends began to feel a sense of hope that they hadn’t felt in a long time. They had heard rumors about Reza Pahlavi’s popularity in Iran, but seeing it in person was something entirely different.

“I can’t believe we just met the prince,” said Zubin, still in shock.

Payam nodded. “I always knew he was the right person to lead us, but now I’m even more convinced. He’s the only one who can bring real change to Iran.”

Zohreh looked at Reza Pahlavi, her eyes shining with admiration. “Thank you for coming here,” she said. “It means so much to us.”

Reza Pahlavi smiled. “The people of Iran are my top priority. I will do everything I can to help you achieve your dreams.”

The three friends walked with Reza Pahlavi for a while longer, until they came to a park. There, they sat on a bench, surrounded by greenery and the sounds of nature.

“You know,” said Reza Pahlavi, ” I’m also just a person like you. I understand what it’s like to struggle, to face challenges and obstacles. But I also know that with hard work and dedication, anything is possible.”

Zohreh looked at him, her eyes filled with emotion. “We need someone like you in Iran,” she said. “Someone who understands the struggles of the people and is willing to fight for them.”

Reza Pahlavi nodded. “I’m ready to take on that fight. But I can’t do it alone. I need the support of the people, of Iranians from all walks of life, to make real change happen.”

Look., I traveled to Israel because I want the people of Israel to know that the Islamic Republic does not represent the Iranian people. The ancient bond between our people can be rekindled for the benefit of both nation.

The three friends looked at each other, a silent understanding passing between them. They knew what they had to do.

“We’re with you, Prince Pahlavi,” said Zubin, his voice firm.

Prince Pahlavi said the Islamic regime is rooted in exporting an ideology. With this regime, you cannot, you cannot have a coexistence.

Payam nodded. “We’ll do whatever it takes to help you bring change to Iran.”

Zohreh smiled. “You can count on us.”

Reza Pahlavi looked at them, his eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you,” he said. “Together, we can make Iran a country we can all be proud of. The crown prince also said he will continue to advocate for the rights of the Iranian people and stand with them against their Islamist rulers. “Some people might have assumed that I have abandoned the fight. No, I have not,” he said. Now if you allow me to slip back into the shadows. We will meet again soon.”

Leaving the trio behind, Reza Pahlavi hurriedly made his way toward a sleek, black car parked at a distance. With a quick wave and a nod of his head, he disappeared into the vehicle, which effortlessly glided away, leaving the three friends to stand in awe of the man who they believed could change the course of their beloved country.

As they sat in the park, talking about their hopes and dreams for Iran, the three friends felt a sense of optimism they hadn’t felt in a long time. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with Reza Pahlavi leading the way, they were confident that real change was possible.

©2023 Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: A February 2023 Survey by a U.S.-Based Research Institute Shows Iranians Support Reza Pahlavi

Biden Admin Asks Agriculture, Interior Departments For Help Stemming Tide Of Migrants Crossing Border thumbnail

Biden Admin Asks Agriculture, Interior Departments For Help Stemming Tide Of Migrants Crossing Border

By The Daily Caller

The Biden administration asked several departments and federal agencies, including the the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Interior, to support border authorities ahead of the end of Title 42, the Trump-era migrant expulsion order, on May 11, according to an internal memo exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

In addition to deploying Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Defense Department (DOD) personnel to the southern border, the Biden administration also requested the deployment of Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Agriculture (USDA), Department of Commerce and Department of Interior personnel, according to the Friday memo, which Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) Acting Executive Associate Director Katrina Berger sent internally.

“Law enforcement partners throughout DHS are being called upon to assist, and CBP’s request for support is one that is being answered across the federal government. This includes support from ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations, the Federal Protective Service, the Transportation Security Administration, the United States Coast Guard, and the United States Secret Service,” the memo stated.

“Additionally, the following departments are expected to deploy resources to support these efforts: the U.S. Department of Justice, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Commerce, the U.S. Department of the Interior, and the U.S. Department of Defense,” the memo stated.

In the week leading up to Title 42’s end, DHS personnel saw a record surge of roughly 10,000 migrants crossing the southern border each day, according to Fox News.

By Friday, hours after the order ended, Border Patrol had more than 25,000 migrants in custody, putting several sectors along the U.S.-Mexico border over their holding capacity, according to data previously obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The Biden administration announced the deployment of 1,500 military personnel to the southern border ahead of Title 42’s end.

DHS, the USDA, the Department of Interior, the Department of Commerce and the DOJ didn’t respond to requests for comment.

The White House also didn’t respond to a request for comment.



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: How To Deal With The Millions Of Migrants Now In US? ‘You’re Gonna Have To Deport Them,’ GOP Reps Say

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Biden Ends Title 42 – Ramping Up The Immigration Delivery System thumbnail

Biden Ends Title 42 – Ramping Up The Immigration Delivery System

By Michael Cutler

The goal is obvious.

After several reprieves the Biden Administration finally ended Title 42 on My 11, 2023.

Just about a year ago as the end of Title 42 appeared imminent I wrote an article worth revisiting:  Title 42 and Chaos on the Border

In that article, among other issues I provided information that appeared in a Judicial Watch report about how NGO (Non Government Organizations) were reaping huge government contracts to provide services of unknown millions of illegal aliens, calling into question the notion of referring to NGOs as “Nonprofits.”

The actions and policies of the Biden administration that pertain to immigration are utterly impossible to comprehend.

Our immigration laws, contrary to the lies of the globalists and Radical Leftists, have nothing to do with race, religion, ethnicity or bigotry and xenophobia but about protecting public health, national security, public safety and the jobs and wages of American and lawful alien workers.

A review of  8 U.S. Code § 1182 (Inadmissible aliens).will make the purpose, importance and reasonableness of our nation’s immigration laws crystal clear.

The enforcement and administration of our nation’s immigration laws profoundly impacts nearly every challenge and threat America and Americans face in this especially dangerous era beginning with national security and public safety.

My recent article addressed my concerns about how the Biden administration’s immigration policies are great exacerbating the threats America faces from foreign terrorist organizations, particularly since the disastrous U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.  I urge you to read my article: Multiple Biden Calamities Make 9/11 Commission Report ‘Required Reading’

The primary shared mission of the military services of the united States is to keep America’s enemies as far from our shores as possible.  Up close and in persons, that vital mission falls to the Coastguard, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).

The 9/11 Commission, to which I provided testimony, was convened in the wake of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 to identify the vulnerabilities that the 19 hijacker/terrorist exploited in order to enter the united States to carry out their deadly attacks to make certain that those vulnerabilities were addressed to prevent future such attacks.

The 9/11 Commission looked back to the decade leading up to the 9/11 terror attacks to try to leave no stone unturned.

The Commission determined that in each case multiple failures of the immigration system enabled international terrorist to easily enter the united States on multiple occasions utilizing a number of ploys and were subsequently able to “hide in plain sight” by acquiring false or altered identity documents such s driver’s licenses and committing immigration fraud as they went about their deadly preparations.

The Executive Summary of the Final 9/11 Commission Report included this excerpt:

Permeable Borders and Immigration Controls

There were opportunities for intelligence and law enforcement to exploit al Qaeda’s travel vulnerabilities. Considered collectively, the 9/11 hijackers

• included known al Qaeda operatives who could have been watchlisted;

• presented passports manipulated in a fraudulent manner;

• presented passports with suspicious indicators of extremism;

• made detectable false statements on visa applications;

• made false statements to border officials to gain entry into the United States; and

• violated immigration laws while in the United States.

Neither the State Department’s consular officers nor the Immigration and Naturalization Service’s inspectors and agents were ever considered full partners in a national counterterrorism effort. Protecting borders was not a national security issue before 9/11.

The attorneys and federal agents who were assigned to the 9/11 Commission staff produced an official report, 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.

This report focused specifically on the ability of the terrorists to travel around the world, enter the United States and ultimately embed themselves in the United States as they went about their deadly preparations and carry out an attack.  The preface of this report begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

Page 61 contained this passage:

Exploring the Link between Human Smugglers and Terrorists 

In July 2001, the CIA warned of a possible link between human smugglers and terrorist groups, including Hamas, Hezbollah, and Egyptian Islamic Jihad.149   Indeed, there is evidence to suggest that since 1999 human smugglers have facilitated the travel of terrorists associated with more than a dozen extremist groups.150  With their global reach and connections to fraudulent document vendors and corrupt government officials, human smugglers clearly have the “credentials” necessary to aid terrorist travel. 

This paragraph is found on page 98 under the title “Immigration Benefits:”

Terrorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

Alejandro Mayorkas is the chief architect of the Biden Administration’s immigration policies and played a similarly major role when he served the Obama administration including the creation of DACA (Deferred Action, Childhood Arrivals).

In an earlier article, Providing Former Taliban Associates with Visas and Asylum: The Biden administration continues its assault on U.S. national security I stated:

Putting Mayorkas in charge of DHS is the equivalent of putting an arsonist in charge of the fire department!

Therefore it could be said that the termination of title 42 by the Biden administration is the metaphorical equivalent of pouring an accelerant onto a raging fire!

Aliens whose identities cannot be determined or verified are being released into the United States with no regard as their actual backgrounds or potential links to criminal or terrorist organizations.

Many of these aliens have not even been given any paperwork by DHS and those aliens who have hearing dates will not be required to show up in immigration court form many years.  At present, such aliens in New York City are getting hearing dates that are more than ten years from now.

As the human tsunami of aliens growing by the day, it is likely that it won’t be long before hearing dates will stretch even further into the future.

Now I as you to consider the quote I provided previously from the 9/11 Commission Staff Report on Terrorist Travel:

In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

Terrorists will have a decade or longer to hide in plain sight as they prepare deadly terror attacks.

In this deadly game of “Hide and Seek” those who seek our demise won’t have to make much of an effort to hide because without meaningful interior enforcement, exacerbated by insane “sanctuary” policies of Radical Leftist mayors and governors there are no resources to enforce our immigration laws.  (Not that Biden or Mayorkas would actually enforce our immigration laws.).

Furthermore, I have yet to hear leaders in the Republican Party call for ramping up interior enforcement- all they want to focus on is the Borer Patrol, whose mission ends when alien move from the borders of the United States to the interior of the United States.

Additionally, while the media focuses on the Southern Border, in reality, liens and contraband flow into the United States along our northern border, and along our nation’s 95,000 miles of coastline.  Aliens, including criminals and terrorists also enter through America’s international airports.  This was, in fact, one of the major findings of the 9/11 Commission.

This was the point to my article: Crisis On The Southern Border: Only The Tip of Biden’s Immigration Iceberg

Here is something for you to contemplate.  Law enforcement officers who are involved in a shooting, doctors who are accused of making serious or deadly mistakes, motorists who are involved in serious accidents, airline pilots who are involved in a crash or serious mishaps all face thorough investigations and the potential for serious- perhaps life-altering consequences.  They may lose their jobs, and or their licenses, they may be sued and they may even face criminal prosecutions and lengthy jail sentences.

Politicians, however are almost never held accountable for their decisions even when people, frequently, many people, lose their lives as a direct result of the decisions blithely made by our political elite with impunity and utter contempt for We the People.

This is hardly consistent with President Lincoln’s aspirational view of the government of the United States as being purportedly, “Of the People, by the People and for the People.”

©2023 Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

Is Black Lives Matter a Racist Fraud? thumbnail

Is Black Lives Matter a Racist Fraud?

By Alan Korwin and Tom Patterson

Black Lives Matter claims to be fighting for things it calls “social justice” or “black liberation” and “black sovereignty.” It’s conveniently unclear how anyone would know when those goals are met. Meanwhile, they do promise to “burn down the system” if they don’t achieve success. Some of these conflagrations are easily perceived.

Black Americans, no, Americans, already enjoy legal equality and civil rights protected by law. Polls reveal police are well regarded by 70% of minority community members, who lament weakening and defunding law enforcement. Charges of excessive black deaths at the hands of police have been debunked statistically time after time.

So what’s really going on here? Mass media certainly hasn’t illuminated the subject. BLM was founded by proud Marxists with the avowed intent of spreading Marxist ideology. In a 2015 interview, co-founder Patrice Cullors broke the code, stating “myself and Alicia [Garza, another co-founder] in particular are trained organizers. We are trained Marxists.” Nothing said or done since provides cause for doubt.

With media’s help, many well-intentioned Americans and the corporate class have bought into the notion that BLM is a populist movement dedicated to combatting police brutality against blacks, and promoting the welfare of a black underclass. But Marxism is nothing of the sort—it is an ideology devoted to the destruction of democratic capitalism and the eventual triumph of a group-think dictatorship. Corporations funneling buckets of guilt tribute to the organization are financing their own destruction, vainly hoping as Neville Chamberlain did to appease the beast’s maw.

Like other totalitarian movements throughout history, it has never been that concerned with the plight of minorities or the public, though it may expediently profess to be. In fact, the liberals of Marx’s time were a major source of irritation to him—liberals in this sense are those dedicated to Enlightenment values like reason, liberty and equality.

So now BLM starts to make sense. Totalitarians don’t tolerate criticism. Critics of BLM, as we have seen, have been attacked and lost their jobs, some for simply not showing adequate enthusiasm, or for departing from the party line.

If black lives mattered to BLM, they now have the funding to do enormous good (blindly supplied by terrified or misguided and extorted donors on bended knee, even members of Congress supplicating and prostrating themselves on national TV). BLM could establish community watch programs, create opportunities for black children with education initiatives like charter schools and provide rewards for the apprehension of the murderers of black children.

But that’s not their interest or style. Their street “protests“ inevitably degenerate into terrifying, demoralizing riots with looting and burning that couldn’t possibly benefit blacks. Erasing the nation’s past is in the Marxist playbook, flatly stated by communists and written into the Congressional Record on January 10, 1963. It was the heart and soul of the Cultural Revolution perpetrated by Mao in China, and now taking root here.

Death to religion, the family, art, culture, comfort and the rest. Promote ugliness as art. Statues reflecting our history and past are toppled, and American values are denigrated even though again they have nothing to do with helping today’s blacks or what matters. Manhattan is a boarded up wasteland hidden from you by the hopelessly corrupted “news” media.

Some of the BLM‘s stated goals are nominally concerned with actual black lives, but even these include such dated nonsense as “ending the war against black people.” That “war” put a black man in the White House—for two terms—made Oprah a multi billionaire, generated the Black Congressional Caucus which you better not decry as segregated, discriminatory, non-inclusive and racist, especially while daring to call for a white equivalent.

Now BLM explicitly demands the dissolution of police and prisons. That’s not even rational, and Congress is cowed into awkward silence. They want a “radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth through the tax code.” In America, you want money, you go out and earn it, like Oprah and all the other rich people of color and no color did.

Redistributing people’s wealth—which is done by force at the point of a gun—is the corrupt communist way. We don’t do that here, hear? Then there’s that left-wing totalitarian staple, the “disruption of the western-prescribed nuclear-family-structure requirement.” Now they’re treading on really dangerous ground. What’s next? Maoist style abortions or death to all female newborns? Eugenics to solve the fatherless birth problem destroying the “community”? And the latest—copy editing and objectivity as news standards are obnoxious tools of oppression and must be discarded (WSJ, 2/1/23, WaPo 1/30/23).

The BLM movement bears no resemblance to the Civil Rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. MLK’s followers believed their campaign was a moral witness that should be conducted with dignity. Protestors were non-violent, wouldn’t brook pillaging, arson and wanton destruction. They didn’t hate America like these malfeasants do.

No, they sought to be part of the dream in a fully realized way. Unlike today’s radicals, they faced real racism embedded in the institutions and laws of the time. But they followed their dreams with high ideals, a just cause and in the end proved profoundly effective, joining America’s wealth-creating engine.

BLM followers are the diametric opposite—sharing a core belief that America is irredeemably racist and therefore deserves destruction. We are the greatest force the planet has ever seen, for eliminating poverty and improving the human convention, and BLM only sees horror! Shelby Steele, a veteran of the civil-rights movement, points out that they have to search hard for signs of actual racism, instead resorting to complaints of “micro-aggressions” and “cultural appropriation” as well as endless hoaxes and myths. Cultural appropriation is merely Newspeak for “the melting pot” that has made America wealthy and strong. America, a work in progress, is among the most tolerant nations on Earth. Would BLMers prefer Nigeria, or Cuba, Russia or Venezuela, perhaps communist China? Make it so, buy a ticket to ride. They won’t. America is the promised land.

The bright future promised by the civil-rights movement is materializing. Slowly but steadily, against consumption by the twin toxins of black victimhood and white guilt, aggressively exploited by BLM. It is perverse advancement of Marxism, socialism, communism, and destruction of the greatest system of governance ever devised.

BLM isn’t here to help and heal. Everything it does serves to divide us and pit Americans against each other, in classic Marxist class-warfare style. By their own words, they are here to destroy us unless we bend to their intolerant tyrannical will.

Stand firm America, let not the unholy forces of the dark side of human nature overtake the bright white light of all we have and will continue to accomplish in this, the greatest nation on God’s Earth.

The article is reproduced with permission from the author.

This article was published by Townhall and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Here Are Winners, Losers If House’s Debt Ceiling Plan Becomes Law thumbnail

Here Are Winners, Losers If House’s Debt Ceiling Plan Becomes Law

By Preston Brashers

The House of Representatives passed the Limit, Save, Grow Act on Wednesday [4/26/23] , marking a significant victory for House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.

McCarthy managed to corral just enough votes to secure a slim 217-215 majority in favor of the deficit-reducing bill.

The Congressional Budget Office estimated Monday that the legislation would reduce the budget deficit by $4.8 trillion over 10 years. Tuesday night, the House passed some modest amendments to the bill.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act would achieve deficit reduction by:

  • Returning most discretionary spending to 2022 levels and capping annual growth of that spending at 1%.
  • Preventing the executive branch from unilaterally canceling or freezing repayments of student loan debt.
  • Rescinding unspent supplemental IRS funding dedicated to enforcement and IRS operations that Congress provided the agency in last year’s reconciliation bill.
  • Rescinding unobligated federal funds for COVID-19 relief.
  • Clawing back subsidies for green energy, electric vehicles, and other newly enacted Green New Deal provisions.
  • Expanding domestic energy production through streamlined permitting and deregulation.
  • Strengthening work requirements for recipients of certain welfare benefits.

The GOP bill also includes what is commonly known as the REINS Act, which would subject rulemaking by regulatory agencies to a more rigorous congressional review and approval process if proposed rules would substantially increase costs to individuals or businesses.

The deficit reduction would be paired with up to a $1.5 trillion increase to the current $31.4 trillion statutory debt limit, to avoid any interruption in Treasury Department checks going out the door to federal employees, contractors, beneficiaries, and U.S. bondholders through March 2024.

Although the legislation is unlikely to pass the Democrat-controlled Senate in its current form, passage of the bill through the Republican-controlled House helps force President Joe Biden to the negotiating table to reach a compromise that would meaningfully address the nation’s crumbling finances.

If the House bill were to be enacted, however, here are some of the biggest winners and losers.

Winners: Taxpayers

The only thing that could be construed as a tax increase in the bill is its repeal or gradual reduction of certain tax credits for green energy and vehicles, which are more accurately described as federal spending done through the tax code.

Any way you slice it, a bill that would reduce the 10-year deficit by $4.8 trillion over 10 years without an actual tax increase would be a massive win for American taxpayers. All spending must be paid for eventually, and massive middle-class tax hikes eventually would be inevitable if we don’t move away from our current spending path.

The 10-year deficit reduction adds up to about $36,000 per household, a substantial future tax burden that would be avoided.

As an added benefit, under the House bill, American taxpayers would be subjected to millions fewer audits over the course of the next decade because of the reduction in the IRS enforcement budget.

Loser: The IRS

Americans are accustomed to the Internal Revenue Service taking away their money before they have a chance to spend it. The Limit, Save, Grow Act would turn the tables.

In 2022, Congress gave the IRS almost $80 billion of bonus funding to be spent over the next 10 years, in addition to the agency’s regular annual appropriations.

The House bill would give taxpayers back about $70 billion of the unspent portion of that bonus IRS funding.

Specifically, the bill would rescind the unobligated supplemental funding dedicated to enforcement—mostly audits and collections—and IRS operations support such as rent and shared services.

The bill wouldn’t rescind funding that had been appropriated for taxpayer services or technology modernization, though a vanishingly small portion of the funding that the IRS plans to spend after fiscal year 2023 is set aside for either of those functions.

Winners: Future Generations

On our current spending trajectory, within about 30 years Americans could carry an almost unimaginable federal debt burden of $1 million per household that ultimately would manifest in more taxes, higher interest rates, and more inflation.

The national decline that could cause would leave our children and grandchildren more susceptible to foreign threats and domestic turmoil.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act would be an important step toward ensuring that America’s best days are still ahead of us. However, even if the bill were to pass in its current form, there still would be a long road ahead to put the nation’s finances back on sound footing.

Losers: Federal Bureaucrats

The House bill would limit the growth of the federal bureaucracy while also limiting the bureaucracy’s ability to impose costly regulations without congressional approval.

By limiting growth of almost all discretionary spending to 1% per year, the bill would force constraint in federal hiring.

Unlike in the private sector, where unprofitable companies must lay off employees who aren’t helping the company’s bottom line, federal employees historically have enjoyed incredible job security no matter how poorly an agency performs. Tightening agency budgets would force agency heads to run leaner operations.

Also, the bill’s REINS Act provisions would ensure that unelected federal regulators aren’t allowed to promulgate unnecessary and burdensome regulations expected to cost more than $100 million, unless Congress is allowed to review and sign off on the new rules.

This change would act as a check and balance against overreaching regulators who would impose their own agenda instead of putting into effect the laws as written by the people’s representatives in Congress.

Winners: Consumers

The ongoing bout of inflation has sapped Americans’ wealth and eroded the value of workers’ paychecks. Consumers can expect to pay 14% more for an average item than they would have just two short years ago, and their paychecks aren’t growing nearly fast enough to keep up.

More than $5 trillion of extra deficit spending above the typical pre-COVID-19 deficit levels over the course of just three short years spurred the recent onslaught of price increases. The government pumped more freshly printed dollars into the economy, but there was no commensurate increase in the amount of goods and services being produced. As always, inflation is the result of too many dollars chasing too few goods.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act would reduce inflation significantly by doing the opposite. It would slow the rate at which Congress can spend and the Treasury Department can issue new debt. As a result, each dollar that the government circulates into the economy would be less watered down by the sheer volume of dollars being spent.

This would help stabilize consumer prices and allow Americans’ retirement accounts and paychecks to go further.

Losers: Untaxed Corporations

The Biden White House frequently repeats the claim that “in 2020, 55 of the most profitable corporations paid $0 in taxes.” The insinuation is that corporate tax breaks are driving the soaring debt, so spending cuts aren’t necessary.

But the math shows otherwise. Closing all the “corporate tax breaks” that existed as of 2022 would reduce the $1.4 trillion annual deficit by less than 5% and would be a drop in the bucket when talking about a $31.4 trillion national debt.

But Congress and the Biden administration did significantly expand corporate tax breaks last year when they passed the so-called Inflation Reduction Act.

That bill included green energy tax credits that the Congressional Budget Office now estimates will cost more than $550 billion over a 10-year period. The bill also included tax credits for electric vehicles, which could cost an additional $200 billion. Other outside estimates have pegged the combined cost of the EV credits and energy tax provisions at more than $1 trillion.

Even before Congress lavished these companies with such generous tax treatment, green energy companies were more heavily subsidized than any other type of for-profit corporations.

The same think tank that identified the 55 large corporations in Biden’s talking point also found that over the eight years from 2008 to 2015, a total of 18 big corporations paid no federal income tax. Of those, 15 were in the utilities, gas, and electricity sector.

The reason? Renewable energy tax credits such as the investment tax credit and the production tax credit.

And last year, Congress put those corporate tax preferences on steroids.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act would return most of the preexisting green tax credits to pre-2022 levels and eliminate or phase out most of the new energy tax breaks enacted by the previous Congress. This would scale back the most egregious corporate tax breaks and do more to level the playing field of corporate taxes than anything the Biden administration has done or proposed.

Investors and lobbyists for these corporations would take a hit, but even with the large reduction in tax breaks, they still would enjoy highly preferential tax treatment.

Winners: Small Businesses

Companies can avoid or absorb the costs of onerous new federal regulations in two main ways: having well-connected lobbyists and simply being big.

Small businesses bear the brunt of regulations because they lack well-connected lobbyists and because they can’t spread the cost of regulatory compliance across a large-scale operation.

The REINS Act provisions in the House bill would act as a check against overregulation and allow businesses to operate in a more stable and predictable regulatory environment. This would give small companies a better shot at competing with large corporations with compliance teams that can more easily navigate regulations.

Losers: Doctors, Lawyers, and Advanced Degree Holders Who Don’t Pay Their Bills

A temporary pause in student loan payments during COVID-19 evolved into a multiyear debt moratorium. This turned into the Biden administration’s circumventing Congress to push a legally disputed cancellation of $10,000 or $20,000 of most student loans.

The administration’s disputed rules also would alter the formulas for determining student loan payments, exempting 50% more of borrowers’ incomes when calculating loan payment amounts. Graduate students would receive about three times as much of the benefit from the latter change as undergraduates would.

The Limit, Save, Grow Act would put a stop to such constitutionally dubious actions by the executive branch, which unilaterally transfer borrowers’ debt to taxpayers.

The Biden White House framed such student loan amnesty as the fair thing to do, but one must remember that for the government to give to one group, it must take away from others.

The people who would be on the hook for Biden’s student debt amnesty are those that dutifully paid their student loans and those who never had the opportunity to go to college in the first place.

What’s Next

The Limit, Save, Grow Act is a serious plan that would finally begin to take the critical steps necessary to get the nation’s finances back on track.

It’s now incumbent upon Biden to do the right thing for the country and work with McCarthy to make a deal happen. To steal a phrase from the president, let’s hope he’s ready to get things done.

This article was published by The Daily Signal and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The GOP Is Clueless To The Dems’ Sinister Immigration Agenda — And It Has Nothing To Do With Elections thumbnail

The GOP Is Clueless To The Dems’ Sinister Immigration Agenda — And It Has Nothing To Do With Elections

By The Daily Caller

The GOP has been very good at diagnosing the problems we will face from the illegal migrant invasion following the end of Title 42. Americans will pay more taxes while seeing cartel activity, gang violence, and other crime skyrocket. Housing and healthcare will become scarcer and more expensive, and the labor market will worsen as a larger labor supply suppresses American wages.

Republicans have mostly attacked the Democrats’ plan to create a “permanent majority” or accused them of enabling crime. Ultimately, this short-sighted approach focuses on the short-term electoral game. As usual, the Democrats and their handlers hide their true intentions, and the GOP is none the wiser.

The final Democrat goal is to turn America into a communist state in which Washington and its mega-corporate partners control every aspect of life. But Americans increasingly realize they are better off controlling their own affairs. So what is Uncle Sam to do?

Enter a pair of 60s radicals from Columbia University. Professors Richard Cloward and Frances Piven taught at the Ivy League university during Lyndon Johnson’s War on Poverty and Great Society. In 1966, they argued that Johnson’s welfare program was not going far enough because most welfare was the purview of state and local authorities. In order to get everyone on the federal teat, a crisis had to be created to give the feds the excuse to step in. Their proposal was to have massive numbers of poor people overwhelm local and state governments that they would beg Uncle Sam for help.

This general idea is the long-term strategy behind mass immigration.

If the Democrats cannot get Americans to accept a neo-communist, technocratic, oligarchic state run by billionaires and their political marionettes, they will import those who will. And the masses of impoverished foreigners, who are already accustomed to socialism and heavy-handed government, are the perfect trojan horse.

AOC may be dumb, but the people behind her aren’t. They want to overwhelm their own cities – and then everywhere else. They know that if NYC and Chicago can’t handle migrants, then the rural counties these cities are shipping migrants to definitely won’t – let alone the 750 million people who want to come here. The only entity left to pick up the tab is the federal government (in practice, this means you), which will use demographic chaos, poverty, and declining standards of living as a pretext to “save” the day. Coincidentally, Eric Adams has called for just that.

So what do you do when people can’t afford to live as a result of both low wages and high taxes to pay for all these illegals (among other things)? Enact universal basic income, preferably with a trackable CBDC that will control what you can buy, and when and whether you can buy it at all. Can’t afford healthcare because the system is strained and clogged up? Roll out medicare for all, which of course gets to prioritize certain patients over others according to federal whims. No doubt diversity and inclusion will be criteria. Local and state police can’t handle the out of control crime anymore as a result of illegal immigration and soft-on-crime DAs? Create a national police force.

COVID-19 was a good try from the feds. They got tons of people to wear masks, take experimental shots, and hate their neighbors, but it didn’t result in the economic collapse and massive run to the welfare rolls that they had hoped for. So now, they’ve hit upon an all-too-commonly seen plan in history: when your own people hate you, bring in dependent outsiders.

Oh, and one more thing. When the millions of military-aged male migrants don’t get what they want from the Dems (who basically promised them the world), the Dems will blame you (Americans) and turn their newly imported constituency against you to save themselves.

And you won’t be able to defend yourself. All that violence that is happening thanks to cartels, sex/drug trafficking, and gang violence – all the product of letting in massive numbers of military-aged males? That’s your fault too, which means: get ready to surrender your guns. Uncle Sam doesn’t like competition.



Michele Gama Sosa is an opinion editor for the Daily Caller and a historian by training.

The views and opinions expressed in this commentary are those of the author and do not reflect the official position of the Daily Caller.

RELATED ARTICLE: More Than 200 Bodies Recovered, 600 Still Missing In Alleged Starvation Cult

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Drone Video of Illegal Aliens on Rio Grande Setting up Camps Before Biden Ended Title 42 thumbnail

Drone Video of Illegal Aliens on Rio Grande Setting up Camps Before Biden Ended Title 42

By Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D.

I wish to thank the Texas Department of Public Safety for the drone footage contained in the below article. May I further thank each and every law enforcement officer, National Guardsman and fireman/medic standing post along what use to be America’s southern Border. The southern Border of the United States which helps define the national sovereignty of this exceptional nation, has, by all accounts, collapsed. This has been the plan, written and spoken about by Obama when he declared that he would “forever change America.” The well-stated and written plan is to collapse the United States into the New-World Order, a global community where nations no longer have sovereign status but are part and parcel of the global community which is divided into ten regions world wide.

Not only are approximately 1 million illegals from 160 countries coming into America commencing with the abolishment of Title 42, but you need to add the approximate 6 million illegals already here. These numbers are law enforcement and threat assessment close working estimates, minus the “get aways” who could not be interdicted, recorded, checked or even detained. It is well known that hardened criminals and gang members along with military age Chinese males have made their way across the border already, NOT counting what is now crossing. The danger being allowed into America is beyond comprehension. May 6th at the Douglas, Arizona border crossing, US Customs discovered and IED (explosive device) being smuggled into our country. Cartels and Chinese military have been sending weapons and munitions for many months securing them in storage lockers at various locations across America.

Another dimension not even discussed is the medical crisis looming. My national show ARIZONA TODAY will have a presentation on this sobering and alarming dimension shortly. I already did two shows on this subject, but as I write this report one of my nationally recognized medical specialists contacted me with updated medical concerns of a serious nature now landing on our lands.

Joe Biden, Barack Obama, and each elected office holder who has not vigorously fought to protect and defend the sovereignty of the United States should be impeached or arrested for treason. Deliberately, publicly and consistently pushing to weaken our national sovereignty is a High Crime and Misdemeanor – Treason as outlined in our Constitution. Such acts are far and above political rhetoric or grandstanding. Very shortly, within days even, Americans will witness, firsthand, the effects of said treason as 1 million pour into America. Do your very best to get ready…an ugly human tidal wave is about to become reality, and quite possibly in your city or community as they are deliberately transported across America, especially into historically conservative communities and regions. That is the well thought out plan to bring disruption and even chaos to America.

Drone footage shows makeshift camps built along Rio Grande by migrants waiting for Title 42 to end

Drone footage taken along Rio Grande, the river that serves as the natural border between most of Mexico and the United States, shows sprawling tent encampments stretching out all over the border.

Hundreds of people reside in a massive camp made of tents and other dwellings with thin blue plastic sheets acting as roofs right outside of Brownsville, near the southern tip of Texas. (Related: Thousands of migrants set to flood the US once Title 42 expires this week.)

The drone footage also shows an “enormous line” of illegal immigrants who recently crossed into Brownsville. Fox News correspondent Bill Melugin, who shared the footage, noted that a large majority of the illegals are single adults.

Nonstop flow of illegal crossings here in Brownsville. Working on scripts in my car and look at the window and see another large group gathering for processing after crossing over,” wrote Melugin on his Twitter account. “Border Patrol buses have been coming and going constantly. It’s going to be a very busy week.”

Brownsville is one of the key spots along the border where officials have noted that the illegal immigrants are congregating in the thousands in order to cross, with the other notable crossing points being El Paso, Texas and Yuma, Arizona. But similar situations are developing and getting worse all along the nearly 2,000 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border.

“An endless stream… non stop” -Joe

— Lauren3ve (@Lauren3veMemes) May 8, 2023

[ … ]

Watch this clip of Texas Department of Public Safety spokesperson Lt. Chris Olivarez talking about the illegal crossings along the Rio Grande.

Read more.

©2023 Lyle J. Rapacki, Ph.D. All rights reserved.


DHS Colluding/Coordinating Illegal Immigration In-Flows with Mexico While Illegals Given Free Smartphones and Absurd Court Dates Years Away

BIDEN BORDER CRISIS: Migrants Storm The Border As Fears of Rioting Escalate

Critical Theory Consummation: 2023 Random Race Murder of Innocent Louisiana Caucasian Man thumbnail

Critical Theory Consummation: 2023 Random Race Murder of Innocent Louisiana Caucasian Man

By P. Brooks

Quote from The Historical Roots of “Political Correctness” by Raymond V. Raehn

“As a Marxist revolutionary alumnus of the Frankfurt School, Herbert Marcuse became a key practitioner of revolutionary theory in America. In 1947, he argued for a Soviet style republic and welcomed anarchy, disintegration & catastrophe, to bring about revolutionary change. Marcuse preached the “Great Refusal”, sexual liberation and the merits of feminist & black revolutions. His primary thesis was that revolutionaries like university students, ghetto blacks, the alienated, the asocial, and the Third World, could take the place of the Proletariat. In his book, “An Essay On Liberation”, Herbert Marcuse proclaimed his aims of a radical transvaluation of values; the relaxation of taboos; cultural subversion; critical theory and a linguistic rebellion amounting to a methodical reversal of meaning. As for racial conflict, Marcuse echoed, ‘it is true that the white man is guilty and that the black population appears the most natural force of rebellion’. The similarity to Leon Trotsky’s mindset should be noted.”

WATCH: Detective testifies to possible racial component in Kenner slaying of handyman Lawrence Herr

His Name Is Lawrence Herr: White Male Killed Because Two Black People Went Out To “Kill A White Guy”

It just keeps happening.

Kenner police testify to potential racial component in killing of handyman Lawrence, May 8, 2023

GRETNA, La. (WVUE) — Kenner police on Tuesday (May 9) revealed new details and a possible racial component in last month’s fatal shooting of Metairie handyman Lawrence Herr, who was killed while working outside a Kenner house.

Police said one of the two suspects has admitted to his role in the crime, explaining they just wanted to go out and “kill a white guy.”

Tahj Matthews, 23, and Maurice Holmes, 25, have been booked with first-degree murder in connection with the slaying of Herr. The 66-year-old handyman also known as “Peanut” was gunned down April 10, seemingly without warning, while repairing a mailbox on Kenner’s Georgetown Place.

“We have not found any relation between the victim and the suspects,” Kenner Police Chief Keith Conley said Tuesday (May 9). “In fact, the victim’s back was to the suspects when the shots were fired.”

At a preliminary hearing Tuesday in Jefferson Parish’s magistrate court, Kenner Police detective Nicolas Engler testified that Matthews and Holmes were captured on surveillance video taken at a Clemson Drive apartment complex just two hours before the killing.

In the video, the detective testified, Holmes can be seen passing a weapon to Matthews. The detective also testified that a box of 9mm bullets were found on the floor of the car used in the deadly drive-by shooting.

The detective also testified that Matthews confessed to hiding a 9mm pistol in his attic. Meanwhile, Holmes—who served six years in a Texas prison for domestic violence—has denied wrongdoing.

Both defendants worked at a nearby IHOP restaurant. The detective said Matthews went to work that morning to present a doctor’s note, saying he was sick. He was allowed to leave, two hours before Herr was killed.

His name is Lawrence Herr, a white male in the wrong place at the wrong time, all because two black people went out “kill a white guy.”

In a country where black people are taught all their problems are due to persistent, pervasive white privilege/racism/supremacy, it’s surprising more black individuals aren’t out there looking to “kill a white guy.”

©2023 P. Brooks. All rights reserved.


The Historical Roots of “Political Correctness”

What is the Frankfurt School?

‘Cannot Control The Movement Of People’: Mayorkas Refuses To Say Whether Border Crisis Could Have Been Avoided thumbnail

‘Cannot Control The Movement Of People’: Mayorkas Refuses To Say Whether Border Crisis Could Have Been Avoided

By The Daily Caller

Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas refused to say Friday whether the crisis on the border could have been prevented.

“We cannot control the movement of people before they reach our border,” Mayorkas told “Good Morning America” host George Stephanopoulos. “Our responsibility attaches once they are in our custody.”

Mayorkas predicted during testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee at an April 18 hearing that there would be a surge of migrants after Title 42 expired. The Trump-era border policy expired Thursday at 11:59 p.m.

Mayorkas has claimed that the border is not open on multiple occasions, including during a Wednesday press conference where he ignored questions from Daily Caller News Foundation investigative reporter Jennie Taer.


Over 1.2 million illegal immigrants have been encountered at the U.S.-Mexico border during fiscal year 2023, according to data released by United States Customs and Border Protection (CBP), following 2,378,944 encounters in fiscal year 2022 and 1,734,686 in fiscal year 2021, while Fox News reported that 600,000 migrants evaded CBP in fiscal year 2022.

The Daily Caller News Foundation obtained documents detailing the Biden administration’s plans to allow illegal immigrants to be released on “parole with conditions” without any means to track them or giving them court dates. U.S. District Judge Kent Wetherell halted the Biden administration’s proposed “quick release” program Thursday, following a lawsuit by Republican officials in Florida.

Taer said during a Thursday appearance on Newsmax that word of mouth from migrants entering the United States was encouraging other illegal immigrants to come, despite Mayorkas’ statements to the public.

“Migrants are coming across, they’re getting released and they’re telling their families that are south of the border that that’s happening and that’s really the message, I think, that’s resonating with migrants,” Taer said.




RELATED ARTICLE: Progressive Do-Gooder: This Is Not Our Country


Biden nominee says she supports spending 150 million of US tax payer dollars to build a border wall for Jordan because walls are important in securing nations.

— Redneck Azn (@LMFireSystems1) May 12, 2023

RELATED VIDEO: “EL PASO HAS FALLEN” – Victor Avila, ICE Agent (Ret.). America Invaded.


Ted Cruz Practically Spitting With Rage After Reporter Suggests GOP Isn’t Doing Anything To Fix Border

CNN Analyst Claims Massive Surge Of Illegal Immigration Under Biden Has Nothing To Do With Him

‘Very Harmful Ruling’: Mayorkas Bashes Judge For Blocking DHS From Quickly Releasing Illegal Migrants Into The US

ROY MAYNARD: Yes, Migrants Believe Biden Has Rolled Out A Big Welcome Mat

‘What’s Democrats’ Answer?’: Scarborough Pushes Dem Rep To Explain How They’re Going To Secure Border

ACLU Sues To Block Biden Asylum Ban

Black Chicago Residents Furious That Migrants Are Being Dropped Off In Their Neighborhood, Taking City Resources

Border Patrol Migrant Processing Centers Filled After Trump-Era Policy’s End

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Weekend Read: Proof that the Vaccines Were a Military-Backed Countermeasure thumbnail

Weekend Read: Proof that the Vaccines Were a Military-Backed Countermeasure

By Sasha Latypova

Here is a high-level review of the manufacturing contracts between US DOD and Moderna.

Moderna’s injection, mRNA-1273 is co-owned with the US Government, as the company has been funded by the defense research grants for years and also received intellectual property transfers from the US Government, in addition to preclinical and clinical research work conducted for Moderna by the NIH Vaccine Research Center. The NIH and Moderna each have a separate Investigational New Drug number for this product.

Moderna entered 2 types of contracts with the US Government for Spikevax injection:

  • “Vaccine” contract and amendments that specifies R&D projects that the US Government ordered and paid for. Note that in Pfizer’s case no R&D activities were ordered or paid for by the US Government, as these were excluded from the scope of the contract.
  • “Manufacturing” contract(s) that ordered a large-scale manufacturing. This is different from Pfizer manufacturing contracts as the words “demonstration” and “prototype” are not used. I believe this is because OTA contracts must be for prototypes but FAR contracting doesn’t have to be.

Note on redactions. In both Moderna and Pfizer’s contracts many areas are redacted indicating a reason for redaction – the “redaction codes.” Redacted content has been given codes b (4) and b (6), standing for:

(b) (4) Disclosure of information that would affect the application of advanced technology in a U.S. weapons system,


(b) (6) Disclosure of information, including information of foreign governments, that would cause serious harm to relations between the United States and a foreign government or to ongoing diplomatic activities of the United States.

There are several versions of the contract available, plus amendments. The first version was signed on August 9, 2020 and the last available version is June 15, 2021. In one of them the name of the signatory on the Moderna side was redacted with (b)(6). In another version it’s unredacted – it was Hamilton Bennett, a senior director of vaccine access and partnerships.

This 35-year-old woman seems woefully underqualified, especially to “engineer the vaccine” as her role was described in the press. Moderna’s history is notable for high-profile departures of competent and experienced people. Based on press reports and accounts of insiders, Stephan Bancel’s toxic management culture led to departures of many qualified scientists including heads of R&D, Oncology, Cardiovascular, Chemistry, Rare Diseases, and even Vaccines (right around the time the company pivoted to vaccines in 2016). Terminal incompetence is a prerequisite for terminal fraud.

Unlike Pfizer’s and other covid countermeasures contracts, the Moderna contract is not under Other Transactions Authority (OTA) but FAR 43.103(a)(3) and “Mutual Agreement of the Parties.” This makes little difference with regard to the product liability and generally ignores pharmaceutical regulations, as described below.

The total initial amount of contract was $1.5 billion, and this was increased to exactly $8,145,591,662.60 in later amendments. Sixty cents – the criminals get points for style and attention to detail! Note that this is in addition to the $1 billion R&D contract for a handful of studies that didn’t matter which I discussed in Part 1.

The scope of the contract is “manufacturing of up to 500M doses”

The Department of Defense and Health and Human Services (HHS) require large-scale manufacturing of vaccine doses in support of the national emergency response to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for the United States Government (USG) and the US population.

Note this is for “manufacturing” and not demonstration or prototype.

The Objectives

This gets interesting. This paragraph includes feel-good sounding words which cover up the true intent: to declare an unrestricted bio-chemical-radiological and nuclear war on Americans, subvert consumer protections under the pretense of a “pandemic response.” Note the words “whole of nation effort:”

C.1.1.1 Under Operation Warp Speed (OWS), the Department of Defense and HHS are leading a whole of nation effort to ensure development of promising vaccine, diagnostic and therapeutic candidates and ensure that these medical countermeasures are available in the quantities required to reduce SARS-CoV-2 transmission, identify prior and/or current infection, and improve patient care, thereby mitigating the impact of COVID-19 on the nation and its people. The DoD Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defense (JPEO-CBRD) is providing expertise and contracting support to HHS, in compliance with PL 115-92 Authorization Letter for DoD Medical Priorities, through an Interagency Agreement, signed April 23, 2020. As OWS products progress to clinical trials to evaluate the safety and efficacy of vaccines and therapeutics, it is critical that, in parallel, the US supports large scale manufacturing so that vaccine doses or therapeutic treatment courses are immediately available for nationwide access as soon as a positive efficacy signal is obtained and the medical countermeasures are authorized for widespread use.

“Whole of nation” language can refer to the mobilization of a nation at the time of war. In that use, it is for an obvious declared war with a defined external enemy. However, in the new era of unrestricted 5th generation warfare this language seems to be being used to signal an overt takeover of the entire country by a rogue militarized force, typically by pretense of some sort of a manufactured crisis, and typically from the inside.

I found numerous references to this terminology in the press going back several years, in the US related to military things like cyber warfare, but also in the Chinese, Singaporean, and Australian press. One very interesting and thorough explanation of the “Whole of Nation Chimera” in a Philippine source describing the use of this approach by the militarized government regime that took over all government branches, and the entire civil society. In other words, it describes the installation of a fascist/totalitarian structure. I highly recommend readers to visit the link to the Philippine story published in March 2019 above, because remarkably, the language used is extremely similar to the US government pronouncements related to “covid pandemic response” and Operation Warp Speed. Did the US government writers plagiarize Duerte or do the globo-mafia captured cartels signal to each other and their superiors this way?

“Whole of nation” is closely associated with “whole of government” terminology. Both presented as feel-good ideas in plain text, but in fact these words signal a usurpation of power by the militarized executive branch of the government. Public-private partnerships – so beloved by sellouts in academia, pharma, medicine and defense – are another closely associated term.

PL 115-92 refers to Public Law and is discussed below. It’s a way to subvert FDA regulations by conscripting it to serve the DOD goals through the mentioned Interagency Agreement. They now have to follow the DOD orders and fake-approve the unapprovable on command and on schedule.

Finally, it is clear that the clinical trials are absolutely irrelevant to the approval of the injections by the FDA, as the large-scale manufacturing of these substances does not depend on them. It is performed in parallel with these fake exercises intended to fool the public.

Compliance with pharmaceutical regulations and Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMP)

The contract cites cGMP laws. However it is in a section “Applicable Documents” – referring to this as a document, not a law.

And further, in Amendment 1 the contract states: “cGMP manufacturing of 100 million doses, subject to any exceptions established by or the enforcement discretion of the FDA.” Therefore, if FDA decides that no cGMP is necessary, then it’s not necessary.

Product variations and undisclosed items ordered

The PO contains numerous items other than the mRNA-1273 (Spikevax) vaccine, and all of them are completely redacted with (b)(4)-i.e. “Reveal information that would impair the application of state-of-the-art technology within a U.S. weapon system.”

In one of the amendments, the following clause was added: H.19 Product Variations (Authority FAR 43.103(a)(3), Mutual Agreement of the Parties), and completely redacted with the “weapons” redaction, including the word “Variations.”

Public Law PL 115-92

Under “Regulatory” the only thing that’s defined is that Moderna is the sponsor of the product, IND and BLA. Then it says that the DOD will use this law for the product: “DoD Medical Product Priority. PL 115-92 allows the DoD to request, and FDA to provide, assistance to expedite development of products to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions facing American military personnel. The contractor recognizes that only the DoD can utilize PL 115-92.”

Clearly, the US military invokes pub law 115-92 (ostensibly a measure to fast track countermeasures against military attacks, but which in practice is the DoD directing med regulators [FDA]) in their multi-billion contract w/Pfizer to produce a biowepon.

Here’s the relevant text of the law, which quite directly subverts the FDA and it’s function in service of DOD ends. Highly problematic to say the least, particularly when applied (as was the case w/covid) beyond the laws remit (i.e., defending military personnel from attacks), but instead used to push secret, dual-use technologies, without proper consumer testing and safeguards on unsuspecting civilian population.

The PREP Act clause

This clause declares the contractor free of liability and also describes the items and technology as both civil and military applications, i.e. weapons.

Defense priority rating

The defense priority rating was added by amendment on September 11, 2020. Add a Health Resources Priorities and Allocations System (HRPAS) priority rating of DO-HR to this contract. Add a Defense Priorities and Allocation System (DPAS) priority rating of DO-C9 to this contract to act as the equivalent to the HRPAS priority rating of DO-HR. Add FAR 52.211-15, Defense Priority and Allocation Requirements This is a rated order certified for national defense, emergency preparedness, and energy program use, and the Contractor shall follow all the requirements of the Defense Priorities and Allocations System regulation (15 CFR 700).

This article was published by Brownstone Institute and is reproduced with permission.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

Border Flood: How Did We Get to This Point? thumbnail

Border Flood: How Did We Get to This Point?

By The Daily Skirmish – Liberato.US

The end of Title 42 COVID restrictions today is expected to bring a flood of illegal aliens trying to cross the southern border.  Illegal border crossings have been exceeding 10,000 a day in anticipation.  How did we get to this point?

To hear the Biden administration tell it, the border is secure and a new rule will make people crossing illegally at other than approved entry points ineligible for asylum.  This nod to border enforcement is just for show and completely meaningless, as I will demonstrate in a minute.

But to answer the question how we got to this point, the answer is the Biden administration’s open borders policies and unconstitutional refusal to enforce the nation’s immigration laws.  In previous commentaries, I’ve documented more than three dozen policy changes the Biden administration has made to open the border.  Today, I add a dozen more:

  • Joe Biden said he would veto the House Republican border security bill that would end catch-and-release and build the wall so, right off the bat, you know he isn’t serious about securing the border
  • a federal judge ruled Joe Biden’s ‘catch and release’ policy is unlawful and rebuked Biden for policies that have reduced the border into a “meaningless line in the sand” 
  • White House domestic policy advisor Susan Rice was aware the administration was releasing thousands of unaccompanied migrant children into the country, but deliberately failed to act despite calls to do so
  • Biden’s policy has been one of accommodation, not enforcement.  Biden’s DHS gave $332 million to left-wing nonprofits and Democrat-run cities to resettle illegal aliens
  • DHS released hundreds of illegal aliens from detention to accommodate the flood of new arrivals expected with the end of Title 42 COVID restrictions
  • the phony baloney sending of 1,500 troops to the border is not for enforcement, but to roll out the ‘welcome wagon’ and process new arrivals into the country more quickly
  • the flood of illegal aliens is now being accommodated further as the Biden administration is releasing illegal aliens into the interior without court dates or tracking
  • DHS ran out the clock on Trump’s border wall, leaving billions of dollars in construction money unspent
  • the administration undermined an enforcement action in El Paso by publicly announcing the raids, first
  • the administration restricted the use of surveillance balloons at the border
  • the annual ICE report shows significant cuts to immigration enforcement in the interior compared to the Trump years.  This is part of ICE’s ‘sanctuary country’ policy that protects illegal aliens from deportation.  Deportation numbers are way down.
  • and last, but not least, Joe Biden announced plans to expand Obamacare to accommodate DACA recipient DREAMERs. 

Now back to Joe Biden’s new asylum rules:  Excuse me, if I view Biden’s new asylum policy with a jaundiced eye, given the dozen new open borders policies I just mentioned.  First, illegal aliens have to be caught to lose their right to claim asylum, but everybody knows most illegal aliens get away and are never apprehended.  Second, the new rule is “riddled with exceptions”, 22 Republican state attorneys general have said.  One exception big enough to drive a truck through is the fact the rule does not apply to designated legal pathways for illegal aliens to enter the country.  So the rule won’t apply to illegal aliens coming through one of the more than 100 processing centers the Biden administration is building in other countries throughout the Western hemisphere.  So, many more will be flown in, asylum claims intact.  Same goes for approved border crossing points.  The rule also doesn’t apply to unaccompanied minors, claimed medical emergencies, illegal aliens scheduling an appointment through the mobile phone app, or those aliens arguing ‘other circumstances’ if they can talk fast enough.  Overall, the new policy is a shell game and the Biden administration’s orientation remains one of accommodation, not enforcement. 

Do not be deceived.

©2023 Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

House Passes Immigration Bill Restarting Border Wall Construction thumbnail

House Passes Immigration Bill Restarting Border Wall Construction

By The Daily Caller

The House of Representatives passed legislation along party lines Thursday that would restart construction of the border wall and reinstate the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP) asylum policy.

All voting Republicans except for two supported the Secure the Border Act, with all 211 voting Democrats opposing the legislation. GOP leadership negotiated with rank-and-file members over provisions dealing with seasonal labor and drug cartels up until passage. The legislation is not expected to pass the Senate, but it could jump-start negotiations in the upper chamber for a broader deal.

The Secure the Border Act directs the Biden administration to resume building parts of the border wall that were previously scheduled for building by the Trump administration. The Trump administration built 452 miles of wall along the southern border, while the Biden administration has been slow on its promise to fill some gaps. Biden overturned the emergency declaration that Trump relied on for border wall construction on his first day in office.

1) House approves bill to bolster border security

The vote: 219-213
The House hoped to pass this bill over the winter but the GOP struggled to find consensus. But they were able to pass the bill today to coincide with the end of Title 42.

— Chad Pergram (@ChadPergram) May 11, 2023

Biden also eliminated the MPP, which required asylum seekers to remain in Mexico while their legal proceedings were being adjudicated. MPP formally ended in 2022, after Republican-led states lost a legal challenge that would have forced the Biden administration to maintain it. The legislation reinstates the policy.

The Biden administration will allow Title 42 to expire Thursday night, making passage of the border bill more urgent, Republican representatives argued. Federal agents are being deployed at the southern border ahead of an expected migration surge, and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers are being instructed to release migrants already in custody to increase bed space in shelters.

“It’s the obvious advertisement shown to everybody around the world that it’s time to invade the southern border and come on across,” Georgia Rep. Mike Collins told the Daily Caller. “You can tell that by the tens of thousands of people lined up there and ready to go. We had 11,000 yesterday.”

GOP leadership made last-minute revisions to provisions dealing with E-Verify. Members representing agriculture-heavy districts worried the bill could cause worker shortages if the eligibility system were immediately made mandatory and applied to seasonal workers. Leadership promised members they would work to address the issue during negotiations with the Senate.

“What they committed to is that nothing would go to the president’s desk to be signed into law that didn’t have both the E-Verify provisions and reforms to the ag labor program,” Washington Rep. Dan Newhouse, a key moderate, said.



Congressional correspondent.


A Key Trump-Era Policy’s End Will Be The ‘Demise Of The US’ Immigration Courts, Experts Say

Federal Judge Halts Biden Plan To Release Migrants Into US As Title 42 Ends

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Los Angeles City Council votes to pay Hamas-linked CAIR to fight deportations thumbnail

Los Angeles City Council votes to pay Hamas-linked CAIR to fight deportations

By Jihad Watch

CAIR officials have refused to denounce Hamas and Hezbollah as terrorist groups. CAIR is an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas terror funding case — so named by the Justice Department. Several former CAIR officials have been convicted of various crimes related to jihad terror. CAIR’s cofounder and longtime Board chairman (Omar Ahmad), as well as its chief spokesman (Ibrahim Hooper), have made Islamic supremacist statements about how Islamic law should be imposed in the U.S. (Ahmad denies this, but the original reporter stands by her story.)

CAIR chapters frequently distribute pamphlets telling Muslims not to cooperate with law enforcement.

CAIR has opposed virtually every anti-terror measure that has been proposed or implemented and has been declared a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates.

A CAIR operative has called for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

LA City Council Set to Pay Terror-Linked Group to Fight Deportations

by Benjamin Baird, Focus On Western Islamism, May 8, 2023:

On April 17, the Los Angeles City Council voted unanimously to pay a dangerous Islamist organization to provide legal representation to immigrants facing deportation.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has a history of defending high-risk Muslim immigrants involved in terrorism-related offenses. With the mayor’s approval, CAIR’s LA chapter will soon receive portions of a $4 million grant to represent “detained and non-detained” migrants in removal proceedings.

CAIR-LA’s contractual services are part of a public-private partnership called RepresentLA, a citywide program that promises to provide due process for immigrants. CAIR is one of a handful of nonprofits tasked with supporting “affirmative immigration relief” with taxpayer and private foundation monies.

Los Angeles is a “City of Sanctuary,” and since state laws and city policies prohibit local police from questioning or detaining a person based on citizenship status, many of the “detained” deportees that CAIR is now tasked with defending may be incarcerated for more serious offenses. The city’s contract with CAIR comes as “interior deportations” under the Biden administration have reached record low numbers, according to Todd Bensman, National Security Fellow at the Center for Immigration Studies.

“If they’re facing deportation proceedings,” Bensman told Focus on Western Islamism, referring to detained immigrants, “there’s probably some highly derogatory national intelligence information on them, because the Biden administration does not deport.”

With help from CAIR, activist judges may find cause to block deportations and release more illegal immigrants into American cities. Still more alarming, CAIR’s history of activism and legal maneuvering on behalf of immigrants suggests that deportees suspected of serious terrorism-related offenses may soon benefit from a taxpayer-funded legal defense….

CAIR-LA, set to receive its portion of a $4 million grant to defend deportees, has its own history of advocating for criminal immigrants. In 2004, the LA branch held a townhall meeting to discuss the government’s alleged “targeting” of Muslim religious leaders, including Wagdy Ghoneim and Abdul Jabbar Hamdan….

Read more.




CNN Analyst Claims Massive Surge Of Illegal Immigration Under Biden Has Nothing To Do With Him

‘I’m Dreading Going Into Work’: Border Agents Express Worry Ahead Of Title 42’s End

‘Sad And Tragic’: Biden Admin Responds To Migrants Being Dropped Off In Front Of Kamala’s House

Pittsburgh International Airport: Iranian Muslim migrant tells gate agents his luggage has a bomb

US government religious freedom report ignores jihad atrocities against Christians, paints Fulani jihadis as victims

Islamic jihadis send nearly 400 rockets into Israel, hit apartment building, one dead, five injured

Israel: Netanyahu visits ‘David’s Sling Battalion’; US & EU acknowledging Israel’s right to self-defense

The ‘Nakba’ Since 1998, and the ‘Jewish Nakba’ Since 2020

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

House Homeland Security Committee Chair Reveals He Has Evidence Of Mayorkas’ ‘Potential Fraud’ thumbnail

House Homeland Security Committee Chair Reveals He Has Evidence Of Mayorkas’ ‘Potential Fraud’

By The Daily Caller

House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green revealed that he has evidence of “potential fraud” allegedly committed by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas that could be grounds to build an impeachment case, he said in an exclusive interview with the Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday.

Green told the DCNF that he has confidential sources sharing information with him that purportedly shows that Mayorkas may have committed fraud, but he refused to divulge further details at this time.  Several House Republicans, including Reps. Pat Fallon of Texas and Andy Biggs of Arizona, previously filed articles of impeachment against Mayorkas.

“We’ve got some people that are sharing some information with us that there’s potential fraud, so we’re going to look very hard at all of these things, prepare a packet, show it to the American people, and then if it warrants impeachment, we’ll hand it off to Chairman Jordan. I think it will, based on the information I know,” Green told the DCNF.

The situation at the southern border is expected to worsen with the lifting of Title 42, the Trump-era expulsion order, Thursday at 11:59 p.m. EST. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) have already encountered more than 1.2 million migrants at the southern border in fiscal year 2023.

“I think if he fails to enforce the laws written on the books that in and of itself is enough for him to be removed. He is in the executive branch. He doesn’t get to make the laws, we do,” Green said. “And if he can’t enforce and live by the Constitution of the United States, why is he a cabinet secretary,” Green added.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has yet to move forward with a formal push for Mayorkas’ impeachment. However, Green said he would be willing to build an impeachment case against the DHS secretary.

“I’m quite alright owning that responsibility and doing it, but, when we’re done with that, and my gut tells me it’s gonna be enough for him to not be in the job,” Green said.

In a statement to the DCNF, a DHS spokesperson said, “Secretary Mayorkas is proud to advance the noble mission of this Department, support its extraordinary workforce, and serve the American people.”

The spokesperson added: “The Department will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border, protect the nation from terrorism, improve our cybersecurity, all while building a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system. Instead of pointing fingers and pursuing a baseless impeachment, Congress should work with the Department and pass legislation to fix our broken immigration system, which has not been updated in over 40 years.”



Investigative reporter.

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘The Whipping Did Not Occur’: Mayorkas Corrects Reporter On Debunked Border Patrol Whipping Allegations

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

All content created by the Daily Caller News Foundation, an independent and nonpartisan newswire service, is available without charge to any legitimate news publisher that can provide a large audience. All republished articles must include our logo, our reporter’s byline and their DCNF affiliation. For any questions about our guidelines or partnering with us, please contact

Heavy Gunfire at U.S. — Mexico border as Biden’s Crisis Explodes — THE BORDER HAS FALLEN! thumbnail

Heavy Gunfire at U.S. — Mexico border as Biden’s Crisis Explodes — THE BORDER HAS FALLEN!

By The Geller Report

It’s war. But no news coverage because if the Democrat media axis doesn’t cover it, then it’s not happening.

Heavy gunfire at the Pharr-Reynosa International Bridge on the U.S.-Mexico border, , a key border cross-linking Texas and Mexico.

WATCH: Heavy gunfire at U.S.-Mexico border as Biden’s crisis explodes

EXCLUSIVE: Here Are The Docs Instructing Border Patrol To Release Waves Of Migrants Into The Country

Border Patrol agents have been instructed to begin releasing illegal migrants into the country without a notice to appear in court as officials prepare for the expected surge in immigrants crossing the southern border, according to documents exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz sent the instructions Wednesday, asking senior officials in the agency to begin the mass parole of illegal migrants ahead of the end of Title 42, a Trump-era expulsion policy, on May 11. The illegal immigrants will be “parole[d] with conditions,” meaning they are required to schedule a court date with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) or request service of a Notice to Appear (NTA), according to the instructions.

However, the paroled illegal migrants will be released without any tracking technology, meaning there is no way to supervise them after their release, according to NBC News.

Those paroled into the country will be screened by Border Patrol for their criminal and immigration history, and will be assessed by agents on a case-by-case basis.

Border sectors should request to use parole with conditions if either holding capacity is over 125%, agents across the southern border have apprehended 7,000 migrants per day for more than 72 hours or migrants are spending an average of over 60 hours in custody, according to the instructions.

Although paroling illegal immigrants into the country is inevitable with the expected surge, it nevertheless poses a risk to national security, a Department of Homeland Security official, who requested anonymity because they weren’t authorized to speak publicly, told the DCNF.

“There is no other option than to parole. It will make it easier for the processing agent and for the facility to get people out. Of course that will be the route that will be taken. There is no way you can do vetting when you have 4,000 in custody. You just have to parole them,” the official said.

Border agents have recorded an average of 8,750 encounters per day for the last week, which is double the average daily encounters during the height of a surge in May 2019, according to the instructions.

“This memorandum describes a policy concerning when CBP (Customs and Border Protection) may exercise its discretionary parole authority for urgent humanitarian reasons or a significant public benefit, including where there are conditions requiring the expeditious processing of noncitizens in exigent circumstances in order to ensure (1) appropriate and safe conditions for the health and safety of individual noncitizens in custody and (2) USBP’s continued ability to carry out its critical border security and enforcement mission,” the instructions state.

Jennie Taer//Daily Caller N… by Daily Caller News Foundation

Border agents are not permitted to parole illegal migrants that are determined to be “unmitigable” flight risks, national security risks, public safety threats or unaccompanied children, according to the instructions.

DHS didn’t respond to a request for comment.


Pamela Geller




The utter scale of human trafficking should shock every single American.

Reinstate Trump-era border policies to end this chaos!

— Senator Mike Braun (@SenatorBraun) May 11, 2023


As Border Surge Continues, Biden Resurrects Trump-Era Rule He Previously Denounced

Northern, Coastal Border Agents Asked To Deploy South Ahead Of Title 42’s End, Memo Shows

Florida Governor DeSantis Signs Nation’s Toughest Illegal Immigration Bill, Attacks Biden Border Policy

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rampell Strikes Again thumbnail

Rampell Strikes Again

By Bruce Bialosky

As a rule, columnists generally do not like to riff on other people’s products but rather create one’s own. Sometimes one is just forced to do so because of the message put out by others that have a significant position in the journalistic world. Those people do a disservice by providing misleading information on a subject with which you are well versed, and they must be countered.

Catherine Rampell is a staff opinion writer for the Washington Post who is syndicated. She has the same economic background as Jared Bernstein who has been a spokesperson for President Biden and now is the nominee for Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers – that is none. Her degree from Princeton was in Anthropology.

I don’t know why she is considered an economics “expert.” I don’t know whether she has read The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith or Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman. Yet she regularly opines on financial subjects and this time she has hit on the IRS and whether we are overtaxed.

In her column, Sorry Democrats You Cannot Pay for Everything by Soaking the Rich, she starts by stating “You probably don’t want to hear this, but your taxes are probably too low.”

She then lurches into a chart that shows most Americans disagree. How can that be since 57.1% of Americans paid no income tax in 2021 according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center? Since at the time of the poll most Americans had paid zero federal taxes, how could a majority think they are overtaxed? What significance can the poll provide to us? Since the Biden Administration has been instrumental in accelerating the rate of people who are untaxed and Rampell is a declared liberal, who exactly is she pointing her arrows at?

Then she lurches into attacking her favorite subjects, Trump and the rich. She does what the aggrieved ignorant always do; she confuses tax rates with taxes paid. Certainly, Trump cut the tax rates as Reagan and Kennedy had before him. Each time the federal revenues increased significantly. Four years after the Trump tax rate adjustments federal revenues increased 20% and that is at the heart of the pandemic.

Then Rampell in knee-jerk liberal fashion attacks the Republicans and the rich for the idea that taxes are too high. She fully endorses more taxes on a “small sliver” of the population – three percent making over $400,000. Uncle Joe says they are only paying 8% of their income as taxes. It could not be further from the truth.

William McBride of the Tax Foundation wrote the following: “High-income taxpayers… pay the highest tax rates, according to the IRS. The average income tax rate in 2020 was 13.6 percent. The top 5 percent of taxpayers paid a 22.4 percent average rate while the top 1 percent of taxpayers paid a 26.0 percent average rate—more than eight times higher than the 3.1 percent average rate paid by the bottom half of taxpayers. The top 0.001 percent, or the richest 1,575 tax returns filed in 2020, paid nearly $71 billion in income taxes and had an average tax rate of 23.7 percent.”

Rampell dives into a regular canard of liberals; other countries pay more taxes than we do. First: your point is? Second: who cares? More importantly, she ignores the fact many Americans are paying state taxes on top of the federal taxes, a feature in few if any of those “other countries.” Add in property taxes, which can be quite high for most people in America.

Interestingly, the Winston-Salem Journal picked up the column and titled it more correctly, Sorry My Fellow Americans your taxes are probably too low.

To Rampell’s credit in the penultimate paragraph, she states a rare commonsense comment from a liberal. She states: “Alas, there’s not remotely enough money on those would-be money trees to pay for all the things that Democrats want. Or even the things that past Congresses have already committed to.” Hallelujah, a WAPO columnist and liberal have reached the promised land. It is not a revenue problem; it is an expenditure problem, and our elected officials must have a come to Moses moment and get some reality.

In the meantime, her paper and the rest of the Left are harpooning Speaker McCarthy for saying and advocating the exact policy she proposed above. At least, amongst her mess of a column, there is hope. Now, Ms. Rampell, go sell that one salient thought to your comrades.


This article was published by Flash Report and is reproduced with permission granted by the author.


As we move through 2023 and into the next election cycle, The Prickly Pear will resume Take Action recommendations and information.

The Chinese Farmland Nearest You thumbnail

The Chinese Farmland Nearest You

By Family Research Council

Grand Forks, North Dakota is, as they might say out west, a far piece from Beijing, China. Yet the Chinese communist government has an unusual interest in one of the more obscure regions of North America.

Last year, the Fufeng Group of Shandong, China bought 300 acres of farmland near Grand Forks and planned to develop a corn milling plant there. Some North Dakotans appeared delighted by their new Chinese neighbors. One estimate is that the new $700 million facility would have created 200 new jobs in itself plus more in “spin-off” businesses (restaurants, retail merchants, etc.). But after the Air Force contacted North Dakota Senator John Hoeven (R) expressing concerns over the new plant, the Grand Forks city council voted 5-0 to cancel its development.

So, why would analysts in the U.S. Air Force care about a “bio-fermentation company” that processes food for animal consumption? The answer is pretty simple: the proposed Fufeng plant would have been a roughly 20-minute drive from Grand Forks Air Force Base, which is “believed to be the home of some of the country’s most sophisticated military drone technology.”

According to USAF Major Jeremy Fox, the Grand Forks base is home to highly sensitive “digital uplinks and downlinks inherent with unmanned air systems and their interaction with space-based assets.” Were the Fufeng plant to gain electronic access to these systems, Fox notes that this “would present a costly national security risk causing grave damage to United States’ strategic advantages” and that the information could be collected by “ordinary antennas tuned to the right collecting frequencies.”

Is Fox unduly concerned? Well, considering that Fufeng is tied closely to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the answer is a resounding “no.” In September 2022, U.S. Reps. Carlos Gimenez and Michael Waltz (both Florida Republicans) were joined by more than 50 Members of Congress in sending a letter to Cabinet secretaries Lloyd Austin, Janet Yellen, and Tom Vilsack arguing that “the presence of a CCP affiliated corporation near a military installation potentially undermines the integrity of our high capability military bases, jeopardizing our strategic interests.”

As of 2021, China owned about 384,000 acres of American farmland. Forbes journalist Emily Washburn reports that of this amount, “195,000 acres, worth almost $2 billion when purchased, are owned by 85 Chinese investors, which could be individuals, companies or the government.” The remainder “are owned by 62 U.S. corporations with Chinese shareholders.”

The effort to curtail Chinese intrusion into the American heartland is gaining bipartisan support. Andrew Hunter, an assistant secretary of the Department of the Air Force, wrote to Senator Hoeven in January that the Defense Department’s “view is unambiguous: the proposed [Grand Forks] project presents a significant threat to national security with both near- and long-term risks of significant impacts to our operations in the area.”

Similarly, Senator Mark Warner (D-Va.) argues, “We have never had a potential adversary like China. They have $500 billion in intellectual property theft, and we are in a competition not just on a national security basis but on a technology basis. That’s why national security now includes telecommunications, satellites, artificial intelligence, quantum computing.”

Governors and state legislators are also taking action, ranging from Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) to the California legislature. In Virginia, Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-Va.) “has moved to ban TikTok from state devices, called for a prohibition on Chinese companies purchasing farmland and blocked plans to attract an electric battery plant.”

Additionally, U.S. officials are now acknowledging that the Chinese spy balloon “that flew across the U.S. was able to gather intelligence from several sensitive American military sites, despite the Biden administration’s efforts to block it from doing so.” We now know that “China was able to control the balloon so it could make multiple passes over some of the sites (at times flying figure-eight formations) and transmit the information it collected back to Beijing in real time.”

U.S. Rep. Mike Turner (R-Ohio), chairman on the House Intelligence Committee, recently wrote that according to a Defense Department review, “The Chinese Communist Party will likely have a stockpile of nearly 1,500 warheads by 2035 if it continues with its current nuclear buildout and now has more ICBM launchers than the United States. China is also developing a land-attack cruise missile designed to be fired from a launcher disguised as a commercial shipping container.”

We are faced with numerous and grave social and cultural challenges. They occupy much of our attention and concern, as they should. But we dismiss China’s growing threat to our peril, even to our eventual collapse.


Rob Schwarzwalder

Rob Schwarzwalder is Senior Lecturer in Regent University’s Honors College.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2023 Family Research Council.

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